Fortify Rights Terrorists

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by Rick Heizman, March 13, 2020

Who is Matthew Smith - founder and CEO of a controversial, and notorious ‘so called’ Human
Rights group - meeting with? …and why?

left to right:
1. Tun Khin - born and also know as Ziaul Ghaffar, from Buthidaung, Rakhine State,
Myanmar. Founder and President of the Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK (BRO-UK).
Frontman for Harakan al-Yaqin / ARSA / Mujahid groups in UK. (More about who he
meets with below)

2. Wan Muhammad Noor Matha - Thai Muslim, former Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand.
Allegations of close and secretive ties with Islamic militants in southern Thailand who are
fighting a Jihad for separation from Buddhist Thailand. (Sounds like Rakhine State

3. Matthew Smith

4. Muhammad Anwar Ruwagoom Munir Ahamed, aka Muhammad Anwar Akhtar, or simply
Anwar, born in Buthidaung, Rakhine State, Myanmar. Lives and travels often between
Bangkok, Thailand, and Saudi Arabia. Mujahid frontman allegedly involved in weapons
buying, financing, bribing Thai officials, ordering assassinations.
(More about who he meets with below)

It was not a one-

time meeting.

‘A man is known by the company he keeps’

can be expanded to,
‘A man may also be known by the company his friends keep.’

1. Anwar (see above) Also is the founder and leader of

Rohingya Society of Thailand - despite its innocuous name
it is a Muslim mafia-type group engaged in various nefarious
activities to finance the ARSA / Mujahid armed struggle.

2. Tun Khin (see above)

3. Muhammad Noor, Bengali Muslim living in Thailand/

Malaysia, founded R-Vision (a ‘Rohingya’ Media Network),
allegedly an active ARSA / Mujahid planner.

1. Anwar (see above)

2. Unknown

3. Alam, Bengali Muslim living in Hat Yai, Thailand. Many

allegations of being a human trafficker, and a fake passport
and visa maker. A relative of Anwar.

1.Faruq Shah, from Saudi Arabia, a top person of Arakan

Rohingya Union (ARU), Jarliya (Arabic = a community of people
fleeing persecution and seeking protection) group, and Global
Rohingya Center (GRC).

2. Anwar, (see above), in Saudi Arabia, tried to buy a huge

amount of weapons from Thailand’s weapons black market to
ship through Bangladesh to ARSA / Mujahid terrorists.

1. Anwar, in Saudi Arabia

2. (I will post his name after verification) A Pattani Muslim man from
Ubon Thani, Thailand. Alleged to be a top person in a Thai Muslim

3. A Saudi Arabian officer

4. Wan Muhammad Noor Matha, Thai Muslim, former Deputy PM of

Thailand. Allegations of close and secretive ties with Islamic
militants in southern Thailand who are fighting a Jihad for
separation from Buddhist Thailand. (Sounds like Rakhine State)

1, 2, 5, Unknown

3. Anwar, in Saudi Arabia

4. (seated) Sheikh Saleh Al-Fawzan, in Saudi Arabia.

A leading Salafi, with very extremist views. Upholds

slavery, declared that taking photos is ‘un-Islamic’,
issued fatwas for assassinations of infidels, preaches
that Shiites and other sects in Islam are heretical.

1. Tun Khin (see above)

2. Habib Ullah, from Pakistan, lives in USA, supports

Rohingya Salvation Organization, doesn’t like Atta
Ullah, Commander-in Chief of ARSA and therefore
ARSA, a hardline Jihadist.

3. Unknown

1. Tun Khin (see above)

2. Unknown

3. Sheikh Abu Anas, from Saudi Arabia, planned

and organized Rohingya Mujahidin to fight.


Matthew Smith was one of the very first people that ARSA tweeted when ARSA opened its
Twitter accounts in March, 2017 (Phil Robertson / Human Rights Watch was similarly
contacted). Very strange and suspicious. That was AFTER the emergence of ARSA following
its attacks in Oct and Nov 2016.

Why would a militant terrorist group contact Human Rights organizations?

Fortify Rights positions itself as self-appointed arbiter regarding human rights, democracy and
the rule of law at the heart of the sovereign internal political affairs of nations like Myanmar
Thailand, Bangladesh and Malaysia.



Recently, Fortify Rights' founder American Matthew Smith announced a new and "exciting"
partnership with Doha Debates. Doha Debates is a project of the Qatar Foundation which in
turn was founded by the Al Thani family, the unelected rulers of Qatar. This may signal a new
level of interference in Asia's sovereign affairs and even constitute a threat to regional
security. Qatar is a notorious Middle Eastern dictatorship, abuser of human rights and a global
sponsor of terrorism. Intelligence agencies now rank Qatar as the number 1 financier of
Islamic terrorist groups worldwide, surpassing Saudi Arabia. Qatar has bought its way into
controlling major media, and universities where huge donations to finance ‘Islamic Studies’
types of departments are laced with stipulations.

Why would anyone partner with Qatar in any sort of matter, given the many examples of
Qatar acting with noble intentions while secretly using the gullibility of Westerners and
Western institutions to achieve its long term goals of strangling real freedoms and tolerance,
and spreading Islam worldwide?

Despite the relatively benign stated nature of this partnership, it is troubling because it signals
a possible vector through which money, training and even weapons can pass, behind a
‘human rights' façade, inflaming already tense ethnic troubles in Myanmar's western Rakhine

At the very least, operations by Fortify Rights and Qatar's "Doha Debates" could be used to
further divide communities along ethnic lines while mounting pressure on Myanmar's
government and military by exploiting the resulting chaos. Fortify Rights is known for its
extremely one-sidedness, and anti-Buddhist hate-mongering. The group has never even
acknowledged the extremely brutal executions of 100 Hindu villagers in Kha Maung Seik,
Rakhine State, let alone even investigate it or write a report about it. The group also NEVER
has anything positive to say about the indigenous peoples - the Rakhine Buddhists and ethnic
minorities (Mro, Thet, Diagnet, Khami) - who are the victims of a Saudi backed Islamic Jihad.
Fortify Rights founder Matthew Smith refused to respond to questions of how his supposed
cause of advancing human rights is served by partnering with Doha Debates funded by a
dictatorship and notorious state sponsor of terrorism. Smith regularly blocks critics on social
media concerned with the nature of his organization's activities, including many in Myanmar
whom he claims he's "helping."


Saudi Arabia is also involved, hosting the self-proclaimed leadership of a Saudi-backed and
armed Rohingya militant group that has launched deadly attacks against Myanmar's security

The Wall Street Journal in a 2016 article titled, “Asia’s New Insurgency Burma’s abuse of the
Rohingya Muslims creates violent backlash.” would claim: “Now this immoral policy has
created a violent backlash. The world’s newest Muslim insurgency pits Saudi-backed
Rohingya militants against Burmese security forces. As government troops take revenge on
civilians, they risk inspiring more Rohingya to join the fight.”
The article also admits: “Called Harakah al-Yaqin, Arabic for “the Faith Movement,” [later
renamed ARSA] the group answers to a committee of Rohingya emigres in Mecca and a
cadre of local commanders with experience fighting as guerrillas overseas. Its recent
campaign—which continued into November with IED attacks and raids that killed several
more security agents—has been endorsed by fatwas from clerics in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan,
the Emirates and elsewhere.” 

Seeing past Fortify Rights’ façade and examining their funding from convicted financial
criminal George Soros' Open Society Foundations, their troubling and indefensible ties to
foreign dictatorships and state sponsors of terrorism, and alerting the public to the danger
they pose to national security, helps strip away the protective status of legitimate NGOs they
hide behind, allowing them to be held accountable and purged from the region.

Fortify Rights is in violation of US Terrorism Laws - it’s time to deal with this.

I, Rick Heizman, challenge Matthew Smith, to debate in public media anytime.

By Rick Heizman, March 13, 2020 [email protected]

twitter: @RickHarmony facebook: Rick Harmony

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