Pastore Drycleaners Has Capacity To Clean Up
Pastore Drycleaners Has Capacity To Clean Up
Pastore Drycleaners Has Capacity To Clean Up
The average cost per garment changes as volume changes, due to the fixed component of the dry
cleaner’s costs. The fixed cost per unit decreases as volume increases, while the variable cost per unit
remains constant.
The Owner, erroneously uses the average cost per unit at full capacity to predict total costs at a volume
Would he over or underestimate his total cost? By how much?
The difference between the predicted cost of $ 14,000 and the actual cost at 5,000 is
5,000 garments
$ 19,850 is $ 5,850
Princeton Drycleaners has capacity to clean up to 5,000 garments per month.
The Owner, erroneously uses the average cost per unit at full capacity to predict total costs at a vol 2,000
Would he over or underestimate his total cost? By how much?
The difference from the amount above and the total operating costs calculated in the schedule at the volume of
Would he over or underestimate his total cost? By how much?
The difference between the predicted cost of $ 4,000 and the actual cost at 2,000 is $ 8,200
Underestimated or Overestimated
is $ 4,200