Our Experience With Bicytopenia in Patients Treated at The Ankara Hospital Pediatric Clinic

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Original Investigation 23

Our Experience with Bicytopenia in Patients

Treated at the Ankara Hospital Pediatric Clinic
Zahide Yalaki1, Semra İçöz1, Fatma İnci Arıkan1, Bülent Alioğlu2, Yıldız Bilge Dallar1
1Clinic of Pediactric Infections Disease, Ankara Training and Research Hospital, Ankara, Turkey
of Pediatric Hematology, Ankara Training and Research Hospital, Ankara, Turkey

Objective: Bicytopenia is a potentially life-threatening or a temporary situation that can be seen in patients. It
may develop as a result of benign or malign reasons. This study performed a clinical and hematological evalu-
ation of children with bicytopenia and determined the etiologic reasons.
Material and Methods: From 1606 patients, between 6 months and 17 years of age, hospitalized in the Ankara
Research and Treatment Hospital Pediatric Clinic and intensive care unit between February 2012 and February
2013, 28 of them had bicytopenia, and they were considered in this study. The physical examination findings,
total blood count findings, peripheral smear findings, viral infection findings, diagnostic findings, KI aspiration/
biopsy results, and cure time of bicytopenia for each patient were recorded.
Results: We found that 57.1% of the patients were male, and the medium age was 9.2±6.9 (6 months-17
years). The etiologic causes of bicytopenia included 64.2% infection, 7.1% idiopathic thrombocytopenic pur-
pura, 7.1% medicine use, 3.5% megaloblastic anemia, 3.5% chronic illness anemia (celiac disease), and 14.2%
acute leukemia.
Conclusion: We think that in patients with bicytopenia, all viral causes should be investigated, and peripheral
smears should certainly be evaluated; in case of suspicion, bone marrow aspiration/biopsy should be per-
formed, and malignity should be considered. (J Pediatr Inf 2014; 8: 23-7)
Keywords: Bicytopenia, infection, malignity

Introduction Neutropenia is the factor responsible for the

Received: 14.01.2014 clinical statuses that proceed sometimes asymp-
Accepted: 03.03.2014
Peripheral cytopenia is defined as the reduc- tomatically, sometimes mildly and sometimes
Correspondence tion of blood cells (erythrocyte, leukocyte or fatally from the period of newborn all the way to
Address: thrombosis). Bicytopenia is defined as the reduc- the childhood (3, 5). Neutropenia is the state of
Zahide Yalaki
Ankara Eğitim ve tion of 2 cell series; pancytopenia as the reduc- absolute neutrophil count being (ANC) <1500/
Araştırma Hastanesi, tion of 3 cell series. Etiology of bicytopenia and mm3. This may be congenital or acquired.
Çocuk Sağlığı ve
Hastalıkları Kliniği, pancytopenia has a broad distribution in chil- Acquired (secondary) neutropenia may develop
Ankara, Türkiye dren. As it may be related to bone marrow (BM) as a result of infections, malignity and drugs (3,
Phone: +90 506 407 98 66
E-mail: suppression-associated viral infection, it may 6, 7). Weight of neutropenia is related to ANC.
[email protected] also develop as a result of malignity-associated Neutropenias have been defined as follow: Mild
©Copyright 2014 by BM suppression. This particular situation may neutropenia is 1000-1500/mm3; medium neutro-
Pediatric Infectious Diseases
Society - Available online at arise as a result of drugs, chemotherapy or penia is: ANC 500-1000/mm3; serious neutrope-
DOI:10.5152/ced.2014.1688 radiotherapy (1-3). nia is: ANC <500/mm3. Especially serious neu-
Leukocytes composed of peripheral blood tropenia may cause substantial morbidity and
cells are the cells that are originated from plu- mortality (3, 7, 8). The second decreasing cell
ripotent stem cells in the BM and play an impor- series may be hemoglobin (Hb) or thrombosis.
tant role in host defense against acute inflamma- Clinical symptoms may develop in these patients
tion response and infection agents (4). depending on the function of blood cell series.
Yalaki et al.
24 Bicytopenia in Pediatric Patients J Pediatr Inf 2014; 8: 23-7

The decrease in the number of thrombosis (<150000/ Analyses of the data was performed by the SPSS
mm3) or their function getting defected are the most (Statistical Package For the Social Sciences) for Windows
important reasons for rashes, petechia-purpura develop- 15.0. Whether the distribution of continuous and discrete
ment and bleeding tendency. Patients may have anemia- numeric variables was close to normal was analyzed by
driven exhaustion, fatigue, loss of appetite; and neutrope- the Kolmogorov Smirnov test. The variables (age, ESR)
nia-caused fever and infections (9, 10). confirming to normal distribution were shown as
The aim of this study is to examine children with bicy- average±standard deviation; non-normal distribution
topemia clinically and hematologically and identify their (CRP) medium in the form of (1st quarter-3rd quarter);
etiologic reasons. categorical variables, number of cases and “%”.

Material and Methods Results

Twenty-eight patients with bicytopenia out of 1776 1 Bicytopenia was found in 1.57% of the patients who
month to 17 year-old, hospitalized and followed up in the were hospitalized at the pediatric ward and intensive care
intensive care unit of Pediatric Department of Ankara unit and monitored at our hospital between February 2012
Hospital were included in this study between February and February 2013. Sixteen (57.1%) patients were male
2012 to February 2013. Physical examination findings of and 12 (42.9%) were female; the average age of male
the patients on admission, complete blood count, periph- and female patients were 9.2±6.9 year (6 month-17 year
eral smear findings, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) of age).
and C-reactive protein (CRP), acute phase reactants as Nineteen (67.8%) had fever on admission, 4 (14.2%)
cultures, viral tests (HSV, CMV, EBV, Parvo virus), diagno- weakness, 4 (14.2%) rashes and 1 (3.5%) admitted for
sis of the patients, the therapies they received, BM aspira- short stature (Table 1). Five patients had the history of
tion/biopsy results and recovery duration of bicytopenia drug use prior to admission. On their physical examina-
were all recorded. tion, 4 (14.2%) had petechia, 3 (10.7%) hepatomegaly
Cancer patients, congenital or acquired aplastic ane- and 1 (3.5%) short stature; no lymphadenopathy was
mia, congenital and cyclical neutropenia cases, chronic found in the patients.
idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) patients were As a result of laboratory analyses, 24 (85.7%) patients
excluded from the study. had neutropenia, 7 (30.7%) mild neutropenia, 4 (30.7%)
Complete blood count was assessed by Beckman moderate neutropenia and 2 (15.3%) severe neutropenia.
Coulter LH 780 hemogram device was used by getting 16 (57.1%) patients had anemia and 20 patients (71.4%)
EDTA-blood. Cytopenia was defined as; Hb <11 g/dL, thrombocytopenia. In the evaluation of peripheral smear,
leukocyte count <4000/mm3 and platelet count <150 000/ 3 (10.7%) patients had blast (Table 2). Sedimentation rate
mm3. Bone morrow aspiration and biopsy was performed on average was 12.5±10.7 (2-41) mm/sa and it was high
to the patients if there was a clinical indication. Acute in 7 (25%) patients. C-reactive protein median was 9.5
phase reactants of ESR>20 mm/sa and CRP>0.8 mg/dL (1st quarter: 0.3-3rd quarter: 0.65) and it was high 6
were defined as meaningful. (21.4%) patients.
Results of bicytopenia etiology were (-) Salmonella,
Informed consent was taken from the parents before
Brusella, TORCH, EBV and Hepatitis A, B, C, Mumps IgG.
the study and the study was approved by the ethical com-
Parvo virus was found in 2 (11.1%) patients.
mittee of our hospital at the 454-numbered meeting in
Among the etiologic factors in patients, 18 (64.2%) had
February 2012.
an infection focus. The infections in question were respec-
Table 1. Symptomatic and physical therapy findings of the tively: 10 (55.5%) had upper respiratory infection (URTI),
patients (n=28)
3 (16.6%) pneumonia, 2 (11.1%) acute gastroenteritis, 2
n % (11.1%) Parvo virus and 1 (5.5%) urinary tract infection. It
Fever 19 67.8 was observed that 2 patient had (7.1%) ITP, 2 (7.1%) drug
Exhaustion 4 14.2 use, 1 (3.5%) megaloblastic anemia, 1 (3.5%) chronic
Petechial rashes 4 14.2 disease anemia and neutropenia. In the further examina-
Short stature 1 3.5 tions of this patient, coeliac disease emerged. The 7
patients (25%) with bicytopenia were given BM aspiration/
Hepatomegaly 3 10.7
biopsy and 4 (14.2%) patients were diagnosed with acute
Splenomegaly 1 3.5
leukemia (Table 3).
Yalaki et al.
J Pediatr Inf 2014; 8: 23-7 Bicytopenia in Pediatric Patients 25

Table 2. Results of the complete blood cell count of the patients Table 3. Etiologic reasons in patients with bicytopenia (n=28)
n % n %
Leukocyte count (<4000/mm3) 24 85.7 Infection 18 64.2
ANC Mild (1001-1500) 7 25 URTI 10 35.7
Moderate (501-1000) 4 14.2 Pneumonia 3 10.7
Severe (0-500) 2 7.1 Acute gastroenteritis 2 7.1
Hb (<11 g/dL) 16 57.1 Parvo virus 2 7.1
Thrombosis count (<150 000/mm3) 20 71.4 Urinary Tract Infection 1 3.5
ANC: Absolute neutrophil count ALL 4 14.2
ITP 2 7.1
Twenty-two (78.5%) patients were given antibiotic
Drug use 2 7.1
therapy. Recovery period of bicytopenia was on average
Megaloblastic anemia 1 3.5
6.5±2.1 day (4-11).
Coeliac disease 1 3.5
Discussion ITP: idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura; URTI; upper respiratory

Bicytopenia can be a life threatening or temporary

viral infections; RSV, CMV, EBV, Parvo virus and Influenza
condition. Especially viral infections, malignity, drugs, che-
viruses (3, 6-8).
motherapy, radiotherapy administrations may cause bicy-
Viruses generally cause neutropenia attacks in the first
topenia (2).
24-48 hours (viremia) lasting for 3 to 6 days (5, 12). While
When the relevant English literature regarding bicyto-
Tantawy et al. (8) reported in their study that recovery
penia is reviewed, it is clearly seen that there is no any
period from neutropenia was 7 days, it was reported in
pediatric study (2). In their study where 347 children with
many other studies that temporary neutropenias might
bicytopenia were included, Naseem et al. (2) found that
last as far as 16 days to 2 months (6-8, 13, 14). The
while the most common complaint on admission was
period of recovery in our study was in line with the period
fever, fever and hepatomegaly were the most frequent in
as stated in Tantawy et al.’s study. Mild and moderate
the physical examination. While other complaint on
admission were weakness, rashes on the body, bleeding neutropenia is encountered in temporary neutropenia (8,
and bone pain, splenomegaly, petechial rashes and 12, 14). Mild and moderate neutropenia emerged in our
lymphadenopathy were the common complaint in the study as well in line with the literature.
physical examination. In our study, fever was on top of Alexandropoulou et al. (7) reported that in 32 (19.9%)
the list of complaints (67.8%) as well. Among the exam- of the 161 patients in whom infection-caused neutropenia
ination findings, fever and petechial rashes were the developed had anemia at the same time and 29 (18%)
most common ones and this result is in line with the had bicytopenia accompanied by thrombocytopenia.
relevant literature. Accompanying anemia was found in 8 (44.4%) infection-
It was stated in Naseem et al.’s (2) study that in driven bicytopenia patients and accompanying thrombo-
patients with bicytopenia, benign causes were detected in cytopenia in 6 (33.3%) patients in our study.
their etiology and ITP, megaloblastic anemia and aplastic Neutropenia/bicytopenia caused by drug use may
anemia were the most common causes of bicytopenia (2). develop due to causes such as idiosyncratic suppression
In a study done in Pakistan, on the other hand, megalo- caused by drugs (antibiotics, sulfonamides, antihistamin-
blastic anemia was the most common causes in the ics) and destruction due to dose-dependence in cytotoxic
patients with bicytopenia and pancytopenia (11). In our drugs and drug-heptane relationship (5, 13). In 2 patients
study, on the other hand, while the most common benign in our study, bicytopenia developed due to the use of
causes were found in the etiology, infections were on top analgesic-antipyretic (ibuprofen) and antibiotic (ampicillin-
of the list. sulbactam).
The most common cause for infection in patients in While ITP, chronic disease anemia (Coeliac disease)
their etiology was viral URTI and neutropenia was also and megaloblastic anemia were among the causes of
found in these patients. The reasons for temporary neu- bicytopenia, ALL was found in 4 (14.2%) patients. It was
tropenia/leukopenia in childhood are infections and the thought that erythroid and myeloid suppression developed
drugs. On the top of the list of infections are especially as a result of the infiltration of leukemic cells into the bone
Yalaki et al.
26 Bicytopenia in Pediatric Patients J Pediatr Inf 2014; 8: 23-7

marrows and accompanying anemia or thrombocytopenia Peer-review: Externally peer-reviewed.

developed as result of leukemic cells suppressing mega- Author Contributions: Concept - Y.B.D.; Design -
karyocytic series. Z.Y.; Supervision - B.A.; Funding - Z.Y.; Materials - F.İ.A.;
Early diagnosis of malignity is crucial in the prevention Data Collection and/or Processing - S.İ., Z.Y.; Analysis
of mortality and morbidity likely to develop in pediatric and/or Interpretation - Z.Y.; Literature Review - Z.Y.;
patients. Naseem et al. (2) reported that the rate of acute Writing - Z.Y.; Critical Review - B.A.
leukemia in children with bicytopeniasia was 69.5% and
26.6% in pancytopenia patients. They also reported that Conflict of Interest: No conflict of interest was dec-
blast rate of peripheral smear, splenomegaly and lymph- lared by the authors.
adenopathy in bicytopeniasia patients with leukemia was
more prevalent than pancytopenia patients. In their study, Financial Disclosure: The authors declared that this
where 230 children with pancytopenia, Memon et al. (15) study has received no financial support.
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