Sample DLL in Math 7

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Teacher JACQUELINE B. MALDIS Learning Area math
Teaching Dates and Time Quarter Week 1
Describes well-defined sets, subsets, universal sets, and the null set and cardinality of sets.
A. Content Standards demonstrates understanding of key concepts of sets and the real number system.

B. Performance Standards The learner is able to explore set concepts and set operations.

C. Learning Describe and illustrate well- defined sets, subsets, universal sets, and the null set and cardinality of sets.
Competencies/Objective M7NS-1a -1

Indigenized Competency Describes and illustrates well-defined sets by grouping fotok to iting, iting to la-om, etc.


Sub IKSP with description “fotok” and “Iting”
During harvest time the pinango bundle the palay with chanog and each bundle is called fotok
Sin-Iting – a set containing 6 fotok
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Material’s Pages LM P. 1-3
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from Pictures
Learning Resources (LR portal) Other Real objects found in the classroom

B. Other Learning Resources Pictures of different objects

Video clips
A. Reviewing previous lesson or -Asking questions using real objects found inside and outside the classroom.
presenting the new lesson
B. Establishing a purpose for a lesson - Ask the students if they experience to manapilat.
How do you form sets of iting of pakoy which is already nisapilat?

C. Presenting examples/instances of Present video clips/ pictures of sinapilat

the new lesson Ask questions about the video clips/ pictures

D Discussing new concepts and -Present a picture or video clips like fotok which are spread on the ground for the students to group as one set (sin-iting)
practicing new skills #1
a. Call some students to count the number of fotok in one iting, iting to la-om.
b. Have students count the number of iting which they gather after the sinapilat.

F. Developing mastery Group the students into 3 groups and let them answer activity 1:
(Leads to formative assessment 3) The teacher will present a pictures of objects which is found in page 1 of the Learning Material and let each group answer
the following questions.
a. How many groups are there?

b. Does each object belong to a group?

c. Is there an object that belongs to more than one group? Which one?

G. Finding practical applications of a.) Have students put the palay in the granary by iting and la-om.
concepts and skills in daily living

b) Ask: If you are ask by your mother to help in gathering iting of palay after drying or sinapilat , how many iting in one la-om do you put?
H. Making generalizations and -How many fotok are there in one iting?
abstractions about the lesson -How many iting are there in one la-om?
Show pictures of sets. Ask the students to count the groups which the objects belong.
I. Evaluating Learning Let us answer the questions post in the first activity.
a. How many groups are there?
b. Does each object belong to a group?
c. Is there an object that belongs to more than one group? Which one?
J. Additional activities for application Do the following exercises.
or remediation 1. Give 3 examples of well-defined sets.
2. Name two subsets of the set of whole numbers using both the listing method and the rule method.
3. Let B = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9}. List all the possible subsets of B.
4. Answer this question: How many subsets does a set of n elements have?

Prepared by:

Teacher 111

Validated by elders:


Teacher JACQUELINE B. MALDIS Learning Area math
Teaching Dates and Time Quarter Week 1
1. OBJECTIVES Solve problems involving sets
A. Content Standards demonstrates understanding of key concepts of sets and the real number system.

B. Performance Standards The learner is able to explore set concepts and set operations.

C. Learning Solve problems involving sets

Competencies/Objective M7NS-1b-2

Indigenized Competency -Solve problems involving sets like iting/ la-om/charan of palay piled in the granary (arang)


Sub IKSP with description “Iting” and la-om
During harvest time the pinango bundle the palay with chanog and each bundle is called fotok
Sin-Iting – a set containing 6 fotok
La-om – a set containing 2 iting
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Material’s Pages LM P. 14-16
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from Pictures
Learning Resources (LR portal) Other Real objects found in the classroom

B. Other Learning Resources Pictures of fotok/ iting/la-om

Video clips
A. Reviewing previous lesson or -let the students recall their past lessons on how to identify group of sets. How to illustrate sets in a venn diagram?
presenting the new lesson

B. Establishing a purpose for a lesson How do we form a set of la-om?

Let the students tell the importance of grouping iting to la-om and la-om to charan/
C. Presenting examples/instances of Present a picture of a person who is carrying a set of dried palay ready to be piled (Maponpon) inside the granary (arang)
the new lesson How many iting of dried palay are there in the fatawin which the boy is carrying?

D Discussing new concepts and Present a problem to the students:

practicing new skills #1 One Saturday,Kinnuwan helps his father in carrying the dried palay to be stored in the granary using fatawin. His
father told him to arrange the palay according to their kinds. If Kinnuwan carry 20 iting of diket, 10 iting of unoy and
piled or ponpon it according to their kinds. How many la-om of diket and la-om of unoy did Kinnuwan piled in the
granary if Kinnuwan carried 40 itings of diket and 50 iting of unoy? How many palay was piled in the arang?

F. Developing mastery Let the students analyze the simple problem and let them illustrate in a table.
(Leads to formative assessment 3) Diket unoy
iting 10 20 30 40 iting 10 20 30 40 50
La-om 5 10 15 20 La- 5 10 15 20 25
How do we find the number of la-om of diket and unoy?
How do we find the number of pakoy piled in the arang?

G. Finding practical applications of Try solving the following problem: Group the students into 3 .
concepts and skills in daily living In a class of 40 students, 17 have eaten a banana, 28 have eaten a guava. 10 have eaten papaya, 12 have eaten both a
banana and guava. 3 have eaten papaya only and 4 have eaten banana only. Some students in the class have not eaten
any of the three kind of fruits and an equal number have taken all three.
a. How many students have eaten the three kinds of fruits?
b. How many students have eaten only the guava?

H. Making generalizations and -How many iting are there in la-om?

abstractions about the lesson -How many la-om are there in charan?
Show pictures of sets of iting, la-om and charan of pakoy.
I. Evaluating Learning Let us answer the problem presented using Venn Diagram
a. How many students have eaten the three kinds of fruits?
b. How many students have eaten only the guava?
J. Additional activities for application Solve the given problem. Illustrate in a venn diagram.
or remediation Among 70 kids in barangay Luplupa, 53 like eating patupat while 42 like eating hot cake.
a. How many kids like eating both patupat and hotcake?
b. How many kids like eating patupat only?
c. How many kids like eating hot cake only?

Prepared by:

Teacher 111

Verified by the Elders:


School TINGLAYAN NHS Grade Level 8
Teacher JACQUELINE B. MALDIS Learning Area Math
Teaching Dates and Time Quarter 1
A. Content Standards - demonstrates understanding of key concepts of factors of polynomials, rational algebraic expressions, linear equations
and inequalities in two variables, systems of linear equations and inequalities in two variables and linear functions.
B. Performance - is able to formulate real-life problems involving factors of polynomials, rational algebraic expressions, linear equations and
Standards inequalities in two variables, systems of linear equations and inequalities in two variables and linear functions, and solve these
problems accurately using a variety of strategies.
C. Learning Illustrate the rectangular coordinate system and its uses. M8AL-1e-1

Illustrates the rectangular coordinate system and its uses during the orag system.
Sub IKSP with Pajaw, Pachug, Man-orag
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Material’s LM P 119-127
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials Pictures taken in the rice field during planting season.
from Learning Resources
(LR portal)
B. Other Learning Video clips
A. Reviewing previous Introduce an indigenized song with the tune “Planting Rice”
lesson or presenting the
new lesson
B. Establishing a purpose Ask the students who among them experience “man-orag”.
for a lesson What is formed from the pachug that were planted in the pajaw?

C. Presenting Presents pictures/ video clips of pajaw, pachug and a rice field which was already planted.
examples/instances of the
new lesson Ask questions about the video clips
D Discussing new Discuss the important terms related to rectangular coordinate system and its uses.
concepts and practicing
new skills #1
F. Developing mastery -Present a picture or video clips of pajaw that were already planted and let the students identify points, lines and plane.
(Leads to formative
G. Finding practical -Present real-life problems involving coordinate planes and let the students do the prepared activity in PowerPoint
applications of concepts presentation.
and skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations -The pajaw/ rice fields represent plane.
and abstractions about the -The pachugs that were being planted in the pajaw represents points.
lesson -The pachugs when conneted to each other represent lines.
I. Evaluating Learning -Let the students plot given points in the plane and let them connects the plotted points to form line.
J. Additional activities for Group the students into 3 and let them answer activity 7 on p.126- 127which is found in the learner’s module.
application or remediation

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