Personality Test and Suggestions For Future Career (Web Application)

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Personality Test And Suggestions For Future Career

(Web Application)
Software Requirements Specification

Version 1.0

Group ID and Name: Roll No Name

172301 Balqees Bibi
172305 Sania Kiran
172318 Hafiza Sumaira Irshad

Supervisor Name:
Revision History
Date Version Description Author
07/07/2019 1.0 Personality Test 172301
Table of Contents
1. Project Scope ........................................................................................................................................ 3
2. Requirements ........................................................................................................................................ 3
2.1 Functional Requirements .............................................................................................................. 3
2.2 Non-Functional Requirements ...................................................................................................... 3
3. Use Case Diagram................................................................................................................................. 4
3.1 Usage Scenarios: ........................................................................................................................... 5
4. Adopted Methodology: ....................................................................................................................... 11
4.1 Waterfall models: ........................................................................................................................ 11
5. Work Plan: .......................................................................................................................................... 12

1. Project Scope
This project provide the platform to the user to test her/his personality. The main aim of this project
development is to check the personality and intellectual behavior of users. This Web application
is basically for those users whose age lies between 12 to 18 Years. This application is basically
developed to help the users by providing the suggestions in choosing the profession or future career
according to their mental abilities and capabilities. The system has simple, reliable and user
friendly components to facilitate the users.

Different traits about personality such as mental capabilities, aggressive behavior and the self-
consciousness are presented in this test. The test consist of three parts. In the first part we will
check the mental capabilities, in the second part we will check the aggression and in the third part
we will check the personality factor self-conscientiousness. The whole application tell about the
personality of the user. Each part deal with the specific trait. All the parts of test will based on
graphical representation of questionnaire. After performing the test the result will be shown and
the suggestion for the future profession or career will also be provided according to the test result.

2. Requirements
2.1 Functional Requirements
Any requirement which specify what the system should do. A functional requirement will describe
a particular behavior of the system when certain conditions are met.
The following requirements are raised during the analysis of the needs of the users:
 The Administrator can add users as per requirement.
 A general user will login and have access to tests.
 All the information about Test will be provided to the users.
 The administrator can add, delete and update user, test and result record.

2.2 Non-Functional Requirements

Any requirement which specify look and how of the system are called non-functional
requirements. It describes how a system should behave and what limits there are on its
The following requirements are raised during the analysis of the needs of the users:
 The interface should be an attractive GUI.
 The user should be able to use the GUI with minimum guidance. That is, the Interface
should be self-understandable.
 The GUI must provide an easy way to create, edit and delete contents of the document.
 The system should consume minimum hardware resources.

3. Use Case Diagram

Use Cases

Add user

Delete user

Select Test

Perform Test

Update Test

Show Result and


View Result and


3.1 Usage Scenarios:
A usage scenario describes that how one or more people or the organization interacts with the
system. It defines the action, steps and events occur during the interaction with the system, but
don’t indicate that how they will perform.
Use Case Title Add User
Use Case Id 1
Requirement Id 3
Description: This use case is about adding a new user to existing system with the privileges
defined at time of user account creation.
1. All must-required information about the new user should be available.
2. Database should be available in online mode.
Task Sequence Exceptions
1. Administrator opts to add a new user account.
2. System asks for necessary information.
3. Administrator provides all the required information and opts to
complete the operation.
4. There is a problem in the data provided; some data needs to be
 Administrator checks the available information and
corrects the error.
 Administrator continues from the step 1.
5. System after confirmation adds the new account.
6. System sends the account creation email to the administrator’s
email id and user’s email address.
Post Conditions:
1. A new user account is successfully created.
Unresolved issues:
Authority: Administrator
Modification history: 1.0
Author: 172301

Use Case Title Delete User
Use Case Id 2
Requirement Id 3
Description: This use case is about deleting an existing user from the system.
1. The user would have perform his/her task completely.
2. Database should be available in online mode.
Task Sequence Exceptions
1. Administrator opts to delete an existing user account.
2. System asks for necessary information.
3. Administrator provides all the required information and opts to
complete the operation.
4. There is a problem in the data provided; some data needs to be
 Administrator checks the available information and
corrects the error.
 Administrator continues from the step 3.
5. System after confirmation delete the existing user account.
6. System sends the account deletion email to the administrator’s
email id and user’s email address.
Post Conditions:
1. An existing user account is successfully deleted.
Unresolved issues:
Authority: Administrator
Modification history: 1.0
Author: 172301

Use Case Title Select Test
Use Case Id 3
Requirement Id
Description: This use case is about selecting a part of test to be performed.
Pre-Conditions: The user must have complete information about all parts of the test.
Task Sequence Exceptions
1. The user first read all instruction carefully.
2. Select a part of test to be performed.
Post Conditions:
1. A part of test will be selected successfully.
Unresolved issues:
Authority: Administrator
Modification history: 1.0
Author: 172301

Use Case Title Perform Test

Use Case Id 4
Requirement Id
Description: This use case is about performing test which is selected.
Pre-Conditions: The user must have a complete knowledge about test that how it will be
Task Sequence Exceptions
1. The user first read all instruction carefully.
2. Attempt test carefully.
Post Conditions:

1. A test will be performed successfully.
Unresolved issues:
Authority: Administrator
Modification history: 1.0
Author: 172301

Use Case Title Update Test

Use Case Id 5
Requirement Id
Description: This use case is about updating test by administrative. Test will be updated by
adding or deleting questions.
1. Select questions which should be deleted.
2. Choose questions which should be added.
Task Sequence Exceptions
1. Add questions in the test.
2. Delete questions from the test.
Post Conditions:
1. New questions will be added successfully.
2. Existing questions will be deleted successfully.
Unresolved issues:
Authority: Administrator
Modification history: 1.0
Author: 172301


Use Case Title Show Result and Suggestions

Use Case Id 6
Requirement Id
Description: This use case is about presenting the test results and displaying the
suggestions about future career of users according to their test results.
1. The user must complete all the parts of the test successfully.
2. Database should be available in online mode.
Task Sequence Exceptions
1. The test will be checked.
2. Marks of all the questions of test will be calculated.
3. Results about the personality of the users will be showed.
4. Suggestions about future career of users will also displayed
according to their personality factor.
Post Conditions:
1. Results and suggestions will be showed successfully.
Unresolved issues:
Authority: Administrator
Modification history: 1.0
Author: 172301

Use Case Title View Result and Suggestions
Use Case Id 7
Requirement Id
Description: This use case is about view or checking the test results and suggestions by
1. The user must complete all the parts of the test successfully.
2. Results should be make.
3. Database should be available in online mode.
Task Sequence: Exceptions
1. The user view the results and suggestions.
Post Conditions:
1. Results and suggestions will be viewed successfully.
Unresolved issues:
Authority: Administrator
Modification history: 1.0
Author: 172301

4. Adopted Methodology:
4.1 Waterfall models:

The Waterfall Model was the first Process Model to be introduced. It is also referred to as a linear-
sequential life cycle model. It is very simple to understand and use. In a waterfall model, each
phase must be completed fully before the next phase can begin. This type of software development
model is basically used for the project which is small and there are no uncertain requirements. At
the end of each phase, a review takes place to determine if the project is on the right path and
whether or not to continue or discard the project. In this model software testing starts only after
the development is complete. In waterfall model phases do not overlap.

5. Work Plan:
We will plan our project work in different time cycles. For describing our work plan, we have used
Gantt chart to describe the probably usage of time to accomplish the software Development life
Gantt chart is given below:

There are 10 phases described in the above chart as following:

1) Requirement Gathering:
In this phase of work plan we will complete our work for gathering requirements from end
users and the system requirements.
2) Analysis the Existing System:
We will analyze the existing system in the decided days and complete the work.
3) Feasibility study:
The feasibility study will be done according to the days as mentioned above in the Gantt
4) Requirement Elicitation:
In this phase of work plan the requirements for the desired system from the end users will
be gathered between the decided days in the Gantt chart.
5) System Modeling:
The modeling of system will be designed in the decided days according to the Gantt chart.
6) System Architecture:
System architecture is the design model of working of the system in different layers.
7) Coding:
The back-end working in this phase will be done in the decided days according to the above
8) Testing:
In the phase of testing, the team will test the working of system either correct working or
not. This phase will be completed in the decided days.
9) Final viva:
Final viva will be done in the decided days.
10) Display Project


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