Attendance Managemnent System

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Proforma for the approval of M.

Sc CS Project proposal

Name of Student Register Number

Project Proposal No:
(for office use only)

Title of the Project:

Name and Address of the guide:

Ph.D M.Tech M.Sc MCA

Educational Qualification of the guide:

(put a tick mark)

Net Qualified :

Working/Teaching Experience of the Guide :

(in years)

Signature of Student Signature of Guide

(For office use only)


Approved Not approved

Signature of Coordinator:
The mobile computing and mobile based application processing
are being popular in all environments and it is not exceptional to academic institution too .
The conventional and traditional mode of attendance management system (AMS) leads lot of
paper work and it is hard to maintain for a long period of time. Due to the nature of manual
work, it is hard to perform the activities related to the management of attendance, when there is
a need in taking reports of specific interest and there is a chance of committing error in
recording the data and information on the records.

This system manages to the analysis of the report creation and develops manual entry of the
student attendance. First design the students entry form , staff allocation and time table
allocation forms. This project will helps the attendance system for the department calculate
percentage and reports for eligibility criteria of examination .The application attendance entry
system will provide flexible report for all students.

The Existing system is a manual entry for the students. Here the attendance will be
carried out in the hand written registers. It will be a tedious job to maintain the record for the
user. The human effort is more here. The retrieval of the information is not as easy as the
records are maintained in the hand written registers.
This application requires correct feed on input into the respective field. Suppose the wrong
inputs are entered, the application resist to work. so the user find it difficult to use.

To overcome the drawbacks of the existing system, the proposed system has been evolved.
This project aims to reduce the paper work and saving time to generate accurate results from
the student‟s attendance. The system provides with the best user interface. The efficient reports
can be generated by using this proposed system.
Advantages of Proposed System
It is trouble-free to use.

It is a relatively fast approach to enter attendance

Is highly reliable, approximate result from user

Best user Interface

Efficient reports

“Attendance Management System” is software developed for maintaining the
attendance of the student on the daily basis in the collage. Here the staffs, who are handling the
subjects, will be responsible to mark the attendance of the students. Each staff will be given
with a separate username and password based on the subject they handle. An accurate report
based on the student attendance is generated here. This system will also help in evaluating
attendance eligibility criteria of a student. Report of the student‟s attendance on weekly and
monthly basis is generated.
In accurate input data is the most common cause of error in processing data. Errors entered
by the data entry operators can be controlled by the input design. The arrangement of
messages as well as placement of data, headings and titles on display screens or source
document is also a part of input design. The design of input also includes specifying the means
by which end user and system operators direct the system what action to take. System refers to
the results and information that are generated by the system. When designing output,
system analyst must accomplish the following.

 Determine what information to present.

 Decide whether to display, print the information and select the

output medium.

 Arrange the presentation of information in an acceptable format.



Processor :Intel i3 or above

RAM :2GB or more

Hard Disk Drive :20GB or more

Keyboard :Standard

Monitor :64 bit color monitor

Mouse : Serial mouse

Mouse port :PS/2 Compatible




IDE :Eclipse IDE with ADT plug-in installed

Android SDK :Android 22.0.4


Database :MYSQL

Operating System :Windows 7 ultimate(Pc),windows 8.1 and

higher, Android Lolipop or above (smart phone) and required



 Android

Android is a Linux-based operating system designed primarily for touch screen mobile
devices such as smart phones and tablet computers. Initially developed by Android, Inc.
Android consist of a kernel based on Linux kernel version 2.6 and, from Android 4.0 Ice
Cream Sandwich onwards, version 3.x, with middleware, libraries and ASPs written in C, and
application software running on an application framework which includes Java-compatible
libraries based on Apache Harmony. Android uses the Dalvik virtual machine with just-in-time
compilation to run Dalvik „dex-code‟ (Dalvik Executable), which is usually translated from
Java byte code. The main hardware platform for Android is the ARM architecture. Android
application package file (APK) is the file format used to distribute and install application
software and middleware onto Google‟s Android operating system. To make an APK file, a
program for Android is first compiled, and then all of its parts are packaged into one file.

Android is a mobile operating system (OS) based on the Linux kernel that is currently
developed by Google. With a user interface based on direct manipulation, Android is designed
primarily for touchscreen mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers, with
specialized user interfaces for televisions (Android TV), cars (Android Auto), and wrist
watches (Android Wear). The OS uses touch inputs that loosely correspond to real-world
actions, like swiping, tapping, pinching, and reverse pinching to manipulate on-screen objects,
and a virtual keyboard. Despite being primarily designed for touchscreen input, it also has been
used in game consoles, digital cameras, and other electronics.



MySQL(pronounced "My ess cue el") is an open source Relational Database

Management System that uses Structured Query Language. Information is stored in "Tables"
which can be thought of as the equivalent of Excel spreadsheets. A single MySQL database
can contain many tables at once and store thousands of individual records. It's fast, reliable and
flexible. We can copy MySQL to our PCs and Laptops.
MYSQL tables are of type called MyISAM. The new version of the MYSQL created new
types of transaction safe table InnoDB and BDB. They impose little over head and slower in
action. MySQL allows you to grant quite fine-grained permission to different users from
different client locations .There are four descending levels of privileges global, database ,table
and column.
The major problem available with MySQL. Is does not make MySQL „s security any easier to
understand. The most common method of enhancing security is to use PHP MyAdmins‟s http
or cookie auth schemes. This requires creation of new PHP MyAdmin user who can read
MySQL grant tables as well as your normal database administrator user. You can create
databases with MYSQL by using the create table command. There are a number of data type
and functions available with MYSQL. .PHP‟s MYSQL and MYSQL improved versions are
easy to use , interaction should have a connection ,a database select and query or command that
returns a result identifier.
MySQL Server features include

 High performance.
 Portable.
 Enterprise-level Database features.
 Designed to be fully multi-threaded.
 Supports for graphical programs.
 Ease of installation, deployment and usage.
 It also has the scalability, availability and security features required to operate as
the data storage component of the largest web sites.
 MySQL Server has built-in support for SQL statements to check, optimize, and
repair tables.



• Understand the problem before you begin to create the analysis model.

• Develop prototypes that enable a user to understand how human machine

interaction will occur.

• Record the origin of and the reason for every requirement.

• Use multiple views of requirements like building data, function and behavioural

DFD level 0:

Figure 5.1-DataFlowDiagram Level0

DFD level 1:

Figure 5.2-DataFlowDiagram Level1

DFD level 2:


Figure 5.3.1-DataFlowDiagram Level2


Figure 5.3.2-DataFlowDiagram Level2

Entity Relationship Diagram:

Figure 5.4 Entity Relationship Diagram


Modules – This project consists of different interfaces. Different modules

that makeup this system is briefly described below:


Attendance Management System basically has two main modules for proper functioning

Admin module is has rights for creating any new entry of faculty and student details.

User has a rights of making daily attendance, generating report. Attendance report can be

taken by given details of student details, date, class.



1. Student Details: In this module deals with the allocation of roll no and personal
details for new batch.It will generate of personal details of student and academic
details of the students with the photos.
2. Staff Details: It helps to allot the subject and the subject code to the particular staffs.
It provides the facility to have a user name and password to the staffs .
3. Time table details: It will retrieve the subject information from the subject database
and assign time table to the staffs. It will help the admin, staff to make the entry of
attendance based of the subject and period allotted to the respective staff.
4. Attendance details: It will be makes to the attendance database all students. Entered
attendance to stored in the database subject ,period wise into the particular date. It
will help s to the get report of weekly and consolidate of the attendance.
5. Report details: Report can be taken by daily,weekly and consolidate: weekly report
get all hour details of attendance starting date to ending date and display the status
Consolidate report get all student attendance details starting date to ending date status
help for the eligibility criteria of the student to attend the examination.


1. Attendance details: It assists the staff to mark attendance to the students for their
subject. This will authenticate the staff before making the entry.
2. Report details: weekly report get particular hour details of attendance from starting
date to ending date and display the status . Consolidate report get all student attendance
details from starting date to ending date status help for the eligibility criteria of the
student to attend the examination.

To create a login details for the table.

Table:8.1 -Login Table

Staffs Table:

To create username and password for the staff details.

Table:8.2 –Student details Table

Student table:

To create table for Student personal details for our department.

Table:8.3 –Staff Details Table

Time table:
To create the subject time table for a particular class.

Table:8.4 -Time Table

Attendance table:

To create attendance details for particular class .

Table:8.5 -Time Table

In this project we have used following validation

While entering the data into the form it will check for the nullity
of the fields in both of client machine and server.

While entering the data the validation will be checking the

existing records, if the records found a message will be fired to
the end user as “The record already exists”.
The project has a very vast scope in future. The project can be implemented on
intranet in future. Project can be updated in near future as and when requirement for the same
arises, as it is very flexible in terms of expansion. With the proposed software of database
Space Manager ready and fully functional the client is now able to manage and hence run the
entire work in a much better, accurate and error free manner. The following are the future
scope for the project.

 Discontinue of particular student eliminate potential attendance.

 Bar code Reader based attendance system.
 Individual Attendance system With photo using Student login.

The Attendance Management System is developed using android fully meets the
objectives of the system which it has been developed , The system has reached a steady state
where all bugs have been eliminated. The system is operated at a high level of efficiency and
all the teachers and user associated with the system understands its advantage. The system
solves the problem. It was intended to solve as requirement specification. Project Data Grid
works like a component which can access all the databases and picks up different functions. It
overcomes the many limitations incorporated in the attendance.
 Easy implementation Environment
 Generate report Flexibly



1) System Analysis and Design – Alias M. Awad

2) Software Engineering – Roger Pressman

3) Base classes for writing input methods (such as software keyboards).

4) Contains classes for accessing information about an application
package, including information about its activities, permissions,
services, signatures, and providers.
5) Professional Android Application Development by Reto Meier. Learning
Android by Marko Gargenta

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