Barack Obama's Pauses and Gestures in Humorous Speeches

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Proceedings of the 4th European and 7th Nordic Symposium on Multimodal Communication (MMSYM 2016)

Barack Obama’s pauses and gestures in humorous speeches

Costanza Navarretta
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 136, Copenhagen
[email protected]


The main aim of this paper is to investigate speech pauses and gestures as means to engage the audience
and present the humorous message in an effective way. The data consist of two speeches by the USA
president Barack Obama at the 2011 and 2016 Annual White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner.
The success of the message is measured in terms of the immediate audience response. The analysis of
the multimodally annotated data indicates that silent speech pauses structure and emphasise the discourse,
and often precede the audience response. Only few filled pauses occur in these speeches and they em-
phasise the speech segment which they follow or precede. We also found a highly significant correlation
between Obama’s speech pauses and audience response. Obama produces numerous head movements, fa-
cial expressions and hand gestures and their functions are related to both discourse content and structure.
Characteristics for these speeches is that Obama points to individuals in the audience and often smiles and
laughs. Audience response is equally frequent in the two events, and there are no significant changes in
speech rate and frequency of head movements and facial expressions in the two speeches while Obama
produced significantly more hand gestures in 2016 than in 2011. An analysis of the hand gestures pro-
duced by Barack Obama in two political speeches held at the United Nations in 2011 and 2016 confirms
that the president produced significantly less communicative co-speech hand gestures during his speeches
in 2011 than in 2016.

1 Introduction

This paper investigates Barack Obama’s use of speech pauses and co-occurring gestures as means to engage the
audience and present humorous message in an effective way. Gestures are in what follows non obstructive com-
municative body behaviours. Speech and gestures are closely related temporally and semantically in face-to-face
communication (Kendon, 2004; McNeill, 2005), and they have multiple and sometimes co-occurring functions. In
particular, gestures are important signals in interaction management (Allwood et al., 1992) and they contribute to
the expression of the message’s content (Kendon, 2004). Similarly, speech pauses are frequent in oral communica-
tion, and they have functions which are both related to the content and the structure of the discourse (Maclay and
Osgood, 1959; Goldman-Eisler, 1968; Duncan and Fiske, 1977; Shriberg, 1994; Navarretta, 2016). The speech
pauses, which we include in this study are silent pauses and filled pauses, the most common being um, ah, and uh.
The gestures we address are head movements, facial expressions and hand gestures.
The data of the study consist of two speeches by the American president Barack Obama at the Annual White
House Correspondents’ Association Dinner. Obama has been recognised to be a capable and elegant speaker by the
press and researchers. They have especially praised the lyrical content of his discourses and the ability with which
he delivers them, inter alia (Cooper, 2011). The speeches at the Annual White House Correspondents’ Association
Dinners are different from other presidential speeches because the president, according to the tradition, mocks
himself, his collaborators, political adversaries, and the press corps.
We address speech pauses and gestures as means to engage the audience and present humorous content in an
effective way and measure the success of Obama’s messages in terms of the immediate audience response in the
form of cheers, laughter and/or applause. We have transcribed Obama’s speech, annotated his gestures and marked
audience’s response, and performed qualitative and quantitative analyses on these annotations.
The paper is organised as follows. In section 2, we present background literature, then in section 3 we describe
the data and the annotations. Section 4 contains an analysis of the annotated data followed by a discussion in
sections 5. Finally, in section 6, we conclude and present future work.

Proceedings of the 4th European and 7th Nordic Symposium on Multimodal Communication (MMSYM 2016)

2 Gestures and Speech Pauses

The communicative functions of co-speech gestures and speech pauses are several, and both gestures and pauses
are multifunctional. Co-speech gestures contribute to the content and the structure of discourse (McNeill, 1992;
Kendon, 2004), and they regulate the interaction as feedback and turn management signals (Allwood et al., 1992;
Sacks et al., 1974; Allwood et al., 2007). Finally, they can show the attitudinal state of the speakers and their
Speech pauses are voluntary or involuntary signals, which help regulating the interaction (Duncan and Fiske,
1977; Clark and Fox-Tree, 2002) and can signal that the speakers are planning and structuring their message
(Maclay and Osgood, 1959; Goldman-Eisler, 1968; Shriberg, 1994; Chafe, 1987). The presence of numerous
speech pauses can also indicate that the speakers are talking about difficult concepts (Reynolds and Paivio, 1968;
Rochester, 1973) or are looking for the appropriate word (lexical retrieval) (Krauss et al., 2000). Hirschberg and
Nakatani (1998) investigate speech pauses in read and spontaneous English speech and conclude that pauses are
often used as markers of discourse structure.
Studies of the relation between speech pauses and gestures point out that they are not only temporally but also
functionally related (Boomer and Dittman, 1964; Butterworth and Hadar, 1989; McNeill, 1992; Kendon, 2004;
Esposito et al., 2001). In particular, Esposito and Esposito (2011) find that speech pauses often co-occur with
gesture holds in English and Italian spoken data and suggest that speech pauses and gesture holds have the same
function of introducing new information. More specifically, speech pauses introduce new information in the verbal
modality while gestural holds introduce new information in the non-verbal one. The presence of speech pauses
and gestures has also been found to contribute to the perception of naturalness of software talking agents (Cassell
et al., 1994; Cassell, 2000; Maatman et al., 2005; Rehm et al., 2008).
Some studies have focused specifically on the function of speech pauses in humorous contexts. Examples are
the analysis of ungrammatical silent pauses and rate of articulation in the sitcom Friends by Quaglio (2009) and
Bilá (2014). According to them, sitcoms exhibit features of both spoken and written discourse because they are
based on written texts but are acted as spontaneous speech. Speech pauses and their timing in comedy have also
been addressed by both researchers and comedians. Many of these studies propose that changes in speech rate
and pauses preceding punch lines are common means in humorous discourse. However, corpus-based studies by
Attardo and Pickering (2011) and Attardo et al. (2011) do not confirm these assumptions. In their data, pauses
do not precede punch lines and the speech rate does not change in the humorous and non-humorous parts of the
conversations. Attardo et al. (2011) find though that during humorous conversations, speakers smile and laugh
more often than in non-humorous conversations.
Sankey (1998) and Oliver (2013) point out that pauses in comedy are not only means to structure and emphasise
the discourse, but they also give the audience time to reflect on and appreciate the conveyed message. Finally,
although the importance of gestures in comedy and film is recognised, gestures in humorous discourse are often
analysed independently of speech (Clayton, 2007; Weitz, 2012).
The role of speech pauses and non-verbal behaviour as communicative means in both political speeches and in
humorous discourse has also been addressed by various studies. For example, Duez (1982) analyses silent and non
silent pauses in French casual interviews, political interviews and televised political speeches and she reports that
the total time of silent pauses is 50% longer in political speeches than in interviews, and that the longer pauses often
have a stylistic function. Salvati and Pettorini (2013) analyse different Italian speeches held by Silvio Berlusconi
and conclude that he uses more emphatic pauses in political speeches than in other types of discourse. Guerini
et al. (2013) collect a corpus of transcriptions of American political speeches and add to the transcriptions of
the speeches occurrences of audience reaction in the form of Laughter and Applause in order to find prominent
discourse segments in them. In the present work, we also annotate audience reaction, but differing from Guerini et
al. (Guerini et al., 2013), we also annotate Obama’s speech pauses and his gestures and investigate their relation
to the audience’s reaction.

3 The Speeches and the Annotations

The two speeches by the U.S. president Barack Obama at the White House Correspondents’ Association Annual
Dinner were held in 2011 and 2016, respectively. In the rest of the paper, we refer to the speech from 2011 as
talk2011 while we refer to the the speech from 2016 as talk2016. The videos which we have used are the official
recordings by the White House which were available at http:\\ while Obama was the president.
In the two videos, the president is recorded frontally while he speaks as it can be seen in the two snapshots in
Figure 1 and 2.
We converted the recordings from mp4 to avi format and extracted audio wav files. Silent pauses were tran-
scribed automatically from the audio applying a PRAAT built-in script (Boersma and Weenink, 2009). We found
that the best silent threshold for delimiting silent pauses in these data is -35.0 dB with the minimum silent interval

Proceedings of the 4th European and 7th Nordic Symposium on Multimodal Communication (MMSYM 2016)

Figure 1: Snapshot from Obama’s 2011 Speech

Figure 2: Snapshot from Obama’s 2016 Speech

set at 0.2 seconds. Successively, Obama’ s speech and audience reaction were added to the TextGrid file produced
by PRAAT and the automatic transcriptions of silent pauses were corrected. The resulting speech transcriptions
comprise speech segments (one or more speech tokens), silent and filled pauses, and, finally, audience responses
(cheers, laughter and/or applause). The PRAAT transcriptions were imported in the ANVIL tool (Kipp, 2004) and
Obama’s gestures were annotated in it.
We only annotated the video parts in which Obama speaks and ignored the video segments which Obama shows
to the audience. The duration of the annotated talk2011 video segments is 13 minutes and 22 seconds while the
duration of the annotated talk2016 video segments is 30 minutes.
The shape and semiotic type of the gestures were annotated following the MUMIN annotation framework (All-
wood et al., 2007). Table 1 shows the shape features of head movements, facial expressions and hand gestures.

Head movements are described by the form of the movement and information about whether the movement is
single or repeated. The face is described by a general face attribute and three attributes describing the shape of
eyebrows, the openness of the mouth and the position of the lips. Finally, hand gestures are characterised by the
following information: a) the hand(s) involved in the gesture, b) whether the gesture is single or repeated, c) the
trajectory of the hand(s), d) the extension of the fingers e) the orientation of the palm at the stroke. The semiotic
types of the gestures which we annotated were inspired by Peirce (1931) and comprise indexical deictic, indexical
non-deictic, iconic, iconic metaphoric and symbolic (Allwood et al., 2007).

4 The Analysis
Table 2 contains the absolute and relative frequency (occurrence per second) of speech tokens, pauses and gestures
in talk2011, talk2016, and in total. When calculating the ratio speech token per second, we excluded the time
during which Obama does not speak because the audience is laughing and/or applauding. The resulting speech
duration is 8 minutes for talk2011 and 19 minutes for talk2016.

Proceedings of the 4th European and 7th Nordic Symposium on Multimodal Communication (MMSYM 2016)

Table 1: Shape Features

Attribute Value
HeadMovement Nod, Jerk, HeadForward, HeadBackward, Shake, Waggle, HeadOther, Tilt, SideTurn
HeadRepetition HeadSimple, HeadRepeated
General face Smile, Laugh, Scowl, FaceOther
Eyebrows Raise, EyebrowsOther
MouthOpen OpenMouth, CloseMouth
MouthLips CornersUp, CornersDown, Protruded, Retracted, LipsOther
Handedness BothHandsSym, BothHandsAsym, RightSingleHand, LeftSingleHand
HandRepetition Single, Repeated
Fingers IndexExtended, ThumbExtended, AllFingersExtended, FingersOther
TrajectoryLeftHand LeftHandForward, LeftHandBackward, LeftHandSide, LeftHandUp, LeftHandDown,
LeftHandComplex, LeftHandOther
TrajectoryRightHand RightHandForward, RightHandBackward, RightHandSide, RightHandUp,
RightHandDown, RightHandComplex, RightHandOther
PalmOrientation PalmUp, PalmDown, PalmSide, PalmVertical, PalmOther

Table 2: Absolute and Relative Frequency of Speech, Pauses and Gestures

token talk2011 # talk2011 #/sec talk2016 # talk2016 #/sec Total Total/sec

speech 1059 2.21 2531 2.22 3590 2.22
silent 225 0.47 243 0.21 468 0.29
filled 10 0.02 10 0.009 20 0.01
head 357 0.74 831 0.72 1188 0.73
face 66 0.14 117 0.16 183 0.15
hand 51 0.11 237 0.21 289 0.18

In order to verify whether Obama behaves differently in the two events in terms of speech rate and frequency of
gestures, we tested the χ square of the observed and expected behaviour, the expected behaviour being that Obama
speaks or produces a type of gesture with the same relative frequency in the two events. The difference between
observed and expected behaviour is considered to be significant if the χ square p value is less than 0.001.
There is no difference in speech rate (words and fillers) in the two speeches, and this could be related to the fact
that the two speeches are read an they belong to a particular genre. In talk2011, silent and filled pauses occur more
frequently than in talk2016, but the difference is not statistically significant (χ square = 2.77 with 1 degrees of
freedom and the 2-tailed p = 0.096). Silent pauses have shorter duration in talk2011 than in talk2016, but also in
this case the difference is not significant.
The low frequency of fillers in the two speeches was expected because Obama is reading from a manuscript.
The qualitative analysis of the fillers’ occurrences shows that Obama uses them consciously to give importance to
what he has said or what he is going to say. In a case in talk2016, after having made a joke on the journalists’
exaggerate coverage of Trump’s campaign, Obama repeats three times the filler hm, and then after a longer silent
pauses utters a strong hm in order to emphasise his point giving rise to the audience laughter.
Obama moves his head with approximately the same frequency in talk2011 and talk2016 (χ square equals 0.101
with 1 degrees of freedom and the 2-tailed p = 0.751). He moves his head continuously turning it to the right
or to the left in order to address the whole audience. Sometimes, he also turns his body and talks or refers to
the organisers and/or his wife who sit at the right of his podium. During speech pauses, or while the audience
is laughing, Obama often moves his head forward to look at his manuscript. The latter head movements are not
communicative. It must be noted that the co-occurring upper body movements were not annotated.
Also the relative frequency of facial expressions in talk2011 and talk2016 is approximately the same
(χsquare = 0.71 with 1 degrees of freedom, and the 2-tailed p = 0.4).
The most common facial expressions in these data are smiles, laughs and expressions in which Obama retracts
his lips while listening at the audience’s response or looking at his manuscript. Frowns and raised eyebrows also
occur frequently in these data.
While the frequency of Obama’s head movements and facial expressions does not change in the two talks, we
found that he produces significantly more hand gestures in talk2016 than in talk2011 (χ square equals 19.295 with

Proceedings of the 4th European and 7th Nordic Symposium on Multimodal Communication (MMSYM 2016)

1 df, and 2-tailed p < 0.0001). All types of co-speech hand gesture are produced in the two speeches, and the must
frequent gesture types are beats and deictics. Hand gestures are also used to structure and emphasise the discourse.
There are relatively more symbolic gestures in talk2011 than in talk2016, and Obama produces relatively more
iconic and deictic gestures in talk2016 than in talk2011.
The temporal ratio of audience reaction and Obama’s speech is approximately the same in the two events. More
specifically, the audience applauds and/or laughs 37% of the speech duration in talk2011 and 40% of the speech
duration in talk2016. The relative frequency of response per second in talk2011 is 0.18 while in talk2016 is 0.15.
Thus, the audience laughed/applauded more often, but for shorter time in talk2011 than they did in talk2016, but the
difference in response frequency is not statistically significant (χ square equals 2.686 with 1 degrees of freedom,
and 2-tailed p = 0.1012).
In some cases, Obama repeats words in order to emphasise them or prolong the audience reaction. An example
of this is in talk2011 in which he makes fun of his wife’s engagement in health food and children. It is illustrated
in Table 3 in which three columns we report speech segments and pauses, co-occurring gestures and audience

Table 3: An Example from Talk2011

Obama’s speech Co-speech gestures Audience

We made a terrific team Turns right and points at Michelle
at the Easter Egg Roll this week [Pause] Turns to the front
I’d give out [Pause]
bags of candy to the kids and [Pause] Performs handing gesture with
right hand
(Figure 3a)
and she’d snatch them right back
out of their little hands [Pause] Both hands illustrate the snatching
(Figure 3b) Audience laughter
laughs [Pause] Turns to the right and looks at
Michelle Audience laughter
laughs Turns to the front Audience laughter
Snatched them! [Pause] Smiles Audience laughter

Figure 3: Snapshots of Iconic Gestures: a) Handing a Bag b) Snatching Bags

In Table 4, an example of uses of silent pauses as emphasising signals and means to get the audience react to
the speech content is given. The example is from talk2016 at a point where Obama makes fun of Hillary Clinton’s
clumsiness in using the social media. Table 4 is organised as the preceding Table 3.
Finally, we measured the Pearson correlation coefficient between pause occurrences and audience response in
order to confirm that pauses are related to audience reaction in these data. The correlation is positive and is highest
when only silent pauses were considered (Pearson 2-tailed correlation r = 0.465). The correlation level is also
highly significant (r(1541) < 0.0001).

Proceedings of the 4th European and 7th Nordic Symposium on Multimodal Communication (MMSYM 2016)

Table 4: Example from Talk2016

Obama’s speech Co-speech gestures Audience

You’ve got to admit though [Pause]
Hillary trying to appeal to young voters [Pause]
is a little bit like your relative [Pause]
who just signed for Facebook [Pause] Audience laughter
Dear America [Pause]
did you get my poke? [Pause] Smiles Audience laughter
Is it appearing on your wall? [Pause] Repeatedly moves both hands
one up and one down
(Figure 4) Audience laughter

Figure 4: Snapshots of Iconic Gesture Co-occurring with Speech Segment ”appearing on your wall” from talk2016

5 Discussion
The analysis of the multimodally annotated Obama’s speeches at the Annual White House Correspondents’ As-
sociation Dinner in 2011 and 2016 shows that Obama produces slightly more silent pauses in talk2011 than in
talk2016. The audience applauds more often in talk2011 than in talk2016 while they applaud/laugh for a longer
time during the latter event. However, these differences are not statistically significant.
The analysis of silent pauses in the two speeches indicates that pauses, in most cases, delimit grammatical
phrases, that is nominal, adjectival, verbal, adverbial and clausal phrases. Obama also delimits topic shifts with
silent pauses, thus these data confirm what Hirschberg and Nakatani (1998) found in various types of read and
spoken English data. We also found a number of pauses which preceded single words. Since Obama is mostly
reading from a manuscript, these pauses cannot signal lexical retrieval as it would be the case in spontaneous
speech (Krauss et al., 2000). Furthermore, they are not used to fake spontaneous speech as it is the case in sitcoms
(Quaglio, 2009; Bilá, 2014). Instead, they are so-called emphatic pauses and emphasise the following speech
segment. Finally, a number of pauses that follow a word or a phrase are used by Obama to let the audience get the
point, and in numerous cases after these pauses the audience react by laughing and/or applauding the president.
These emphasising use of pauses in humorous speech are described inter alia by Sankey (1998) and Oliver (2013).
The correlation between pauses and audience response is positive as we expected, and therefore information about
pauses should be tested as a feature for predicting audience reaction to humorous speech.
Filled pauses are few in these data, and Obama uses them consciously to emphasise what he has just said as in
the case in which he repeats the same filler several times making the audience laugh. Finally, a number of short
pauses follow the audience response, indicating that Obama adapts his speech to the audience’s reaction. In some
cases, he controls the duration of the audience’s response by e.g. signalling with his hands that they should stop
laughing/applauding or in other ways indicating that he wants to talk. In other cases, Obama makes the audience
continue laughing by laughing with them or repeating parts of his preceding words as in the example illustrated in
Table 3.
We did not compare Obama’s speech rate in humorous and not humorous speech and therefore cannot confirm
Attardo and Pickering (2011)’s observations, but our data confirms the findings by Attardo et al. (2011) that noticed
that people often laugh and smile when they deliver jokes. This was also the case for Obama who often laughs and

Proceedings of the 4th European and 7th Nordic Symposium on Multimodal Communication (MMSYM 2016)

smiles in these speeches.

Obama often moves his head to look at his manuscript while he holds speech pauses. These gestures are not
communicative, but they are typical of people who are used to present read material in a lively way. Communicative
gestures only seldom co-occur with speech pauses, and this confirms the findings by Esposito and Esposito (2011)
who report that gestural holds often co-occur with silent pauses and have parallel functions of introducing new
gestural and verbal content, respectively.
Obama interacts continuously with his audience, talking directly and pointing to individuals in the room. Some-
times, he laughs while talking and this is often the case when he presents jokes involving his wife, Michelle, his
collaborators or political adversaries. Therefore, even if many of the head movements and hand gestures produced
by Obama are typical of read speeches, the many occurrences of laughter, smiles and deictics (hand gestures and
head movements) pointing to people in the room, are behaviours which are not typical of political speeches. Inter-
estingly, Obama varies the way in which he presents his jokes. Sometimes, he laughs while talking, other times he
is extremely serious and therefore surprises his audience who starts laughing when they find out that he was ironic
or said a joke. In these cases, Obama stops talking in order to allow the audience to understand the point. This
effect of surprise in the presentation of humorous speech has been discussed inter alia by Beeman (1999).
Concluding, Obama uses both speech pauses and gestures to present his humorous speech and combines be-
haviours from normal political speeches with behaviours typical of humorous discourse. We did not find differ-
ences in speech rate and frequency of head movements and facial expressions in the two speeches, but we found
significant differences in the relative frequency of hand gestures. In fact Obama moves his hands significantly
more often in talk2016 than in talk2011. In order to determine whether this difference in hand gesturing is a spe-
cial case or reflects a development in the way Obama’s presents his speeches, we annotated the communicative
hand gestures in the first five minutes of two political speeches, which Obama held at the United Nations in 2011
and in 2016.1 In the 2011 speech Obama produced 26 hand gestures (0.08 hand gestures per second) while in the
2016 he produced 68 hand gestures (0.23 hand gestures per second). The difference in occurrence frequency is
statistically significant (χ square equals 18.766 with 1 df, and two tailed p < 0.0001) and confirms the difference
in the frequency of hand gestures which we have discovered in talk2011 talk2016. Concluding, the two sets of
Obama’s speeches, which we have analysed, show clearly that Obama uses more frequently co-speech gestures in
2016 than in 2011. This indicates that Obama improves his presentation technique during his presidential term.

6 Conclusions
In this paper, we have presented a study of pauses and communicative gestures in annotated audio- and video-
recordings of two humorous speeches by the American president Obama at the Annual White House Correspon-
dents’ Association Dinners in 2011 and 2016 with the aim of determining to what extent pauses and gestures
contribute to the successful presentation of humorous discourse. Success of presentation was measured in terms
of direct audience response. Silent pauses were automatically extracted from the audio files in PRAAT, Obama’s
speech and the audience reaction were transcribed and Obama’s head movements, facial expressions and hand
gestures were annotated.
The analysis of the data shows that Obama’s speech rate and the relative frequency of head movements and
facial expressions is the same in 2011 and 2016, while Obama produces significantly more hand gestures in 2016
than in 2011. An analysis of the hand gestures produced by Obama in the first part of two political speeches held
at the United Nations in the same years confirms that Obama uses more frequently co-speech hand gestures in the
last year of his presidency than five years earlier. Since hand gestures contribute to the presentation of the content
and structure of discourse, it is evident that Obama improves his presentation technique during his two presidential
Obama uses all kinds of pauses and gestures, and especially facial expressions, as means for emphasising and
presenting effectively his discourse.
We found that audience responses are related to silent pauses in these data and that the correlation is significant.
Therefore, we are currently testing to what extent information about silent pauses contributes to the prediction of
audience response in the speeches.
Finally, it must be noted that we have not included speech content and intonation features in our analysis. These
are central aspects of humorous speech, and should therefore be accounted for in the future. The type of audience,
and the communicative situation are also relevant with respect to the audience reaction to jokes. These aspects
should also be included in future investigations of humorous discourse.

The two speeches are available at and https://www., respectively. We analysed 306 seconds of the 2011 talk and 300 seconds of
the 2016 talk excluding sequences of video frames in which the audience reaction is recorded and Obama’s hand gestures are
therefore not visible.

Proceedings of the 4th European and 7th Nordic Symposium on Multimodal Communication (MMSYM 2016)

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