Defradar - GDPR Competence Development Questionnaire

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GDPR Competence Questionnaire Rating Scheme

Please rate your current competence level on a scale of 0 to 4 using the following descriptions as guidance:

Skill Summary Description

0 None The individual has no knowledge or experience in this area and it is not part of their role.

1 Low The area of competence is used infrequently and is largely based upon observation of how others do it, with
little understanding of why specific tasks are performed. Perhaps the competence has only been practised
for a relatively short period of time and is not seen as part of the individual's job role. No formal training has
been given. A general awareness.
2 Medium The area of competence is regularly practiced as part of the job role and this has probably been the case for
a long enough period for the individual to feel comfortable doing it (more than a year). Informal and in some
cases formal training may have been received and there is an understanding of the principles behind the
skill. The individual feels competent in this area.
3 High The area of competence is seen as a particular strength and is backed by significant training, qualifications
and experience over a lengthy period of time (probably more than 3 years). The principles are fully
understood and the individual keeps up to date with developments in this area. They may have trained
others and been responsible for developing processes and procedures and been involved in several projects
which have made use of the skill.
The individual is externally recognised as a subject matter expert who contributes to developments in this
4 Expert area and may be involved in industry events such as presenting at conferences and seminars. Held in high
esteem by suppliers and customers alike, the individual may assist in developing and testing new products
or services.

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GDPR Competence Development Questionnaire

The purpose of this questionnaire is to understand your level of competence in various data protection-related areas. This will
help us to assess whether we have the skills we need as an organization to comply with the GDPR and to identify training
opportunities and other actions that may need to be taken.

Business area:
Job title:
Date questionnaire completed:

Levels: 0=None, 1=Low, 2=Medium, 3=High, 4=Expert (see tab for definitions)
Competence Area Level Comments

Other (please specify)

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