1st Periodical Test Eng 8

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Tanauan City
Tanauan City South District

First Periodical Test

English Grade 8

Name: __________________________________________ Score: _____________

Grade and Section: ________________________________ Date:_______________

A. Directions: Determine the meaning of the word using context clues. Write the Letter of the correct answer.

1. exuberant: Janice loved the fast paced, exuberant feeling of the market during the holiday season.
a. Energetic b. sullen c. low-spirited d. dull
2. indiscriminate: You must not be indiscriminate when you are shopping for shoes. Carefully consider which shoes
will be best for you before making your purchase.
a. not careful in making choices c. discrimination
b. Reading habits d. Choosy
3. spontaneous: Brenda was trying to study for her chemistry final when she was overcome by the spontaneous
urge to go on a bike ride, but the urge passed as suddenly as it came.
a. Unsuccessful b. denial c. automatic d. impulsive
4. lofty: He wanted to climb the lofty coconut tree to retrieve the nourishing fruit, but he was too afraid of
a. low-lying b. tall C. rough d. soft
5. arduous: John tried to catch his breath for a minute before he attempted the arduous climb up the peak of the
a. Challenging B. Tall c. easy d. effortless

B. Directions: Unscramble the jumbled letters to form an appropriate word that will complete the sentence.

6. ( o c a s h ) – complete disorder and confusion

7. ( t x a y n i e ) – a painful or apprehensive uneasiness of mind
8. ( s a g r i n h ) – to decorate a dish or a food
9. ( p n t o p e n o ) - a person you are playing or fighting against in a game or a competition
10. ( g f l e a r i )- easily broken or damaged


Directions: Scan and answer the given questions below. Circle the letter of the correct answer.

11. The purpose of the text is to ...

A) give information about phobias
B) give instructions for people with phobias
C) persuade people with phobias to seek help
12. A phobia ...
A) happens to everyone when they are frightened
B) happens only in certain situations
C) only happens to people who are anxious
13. Phobias ...
A) are logical B) are not logical C) can be logical or not logical
14. The number of people who have phobias is ...
A) five out of ten people B) ten people C) 10 percent of the population
15. Peladophobia is ...
A) fear of bald people B) fear of dust C) fear of fog
16. The writer advises people with phobias to ...
A) consult a psychotherapist
B) avoid situations that make them anxious
C) confront the fear rather than avoid it
17. Which of these phobias is not mentioned in the text?
A) Arachibutyrophobia B) Arachnophobia C) Amathophobia
18. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is ...
A) a recommended treatment for phobias
B) not a recommended treatment for phobias
C) is a recommended treatment for some phobias
19. This text might be found under which heading on the BBC website?
A) Physical health B) Mental health C) You and your therapist
20. What is the main message of this article?
A) Some people have phobias and live in fear of certain things.
B) If you have a phobia you should see a therapist.
C) What a phobia is and how to treat it.


A. Direction: Write the letter of the word that correctly identifies the appropriate transition word or phrase.

21. The big cat jumped over his bed. _____________He got really nervous.
a. Nevertheless b. Because c. As a result
22. If you’re having company for dinner, try to get as much done in advance as possible. _________, set the table
the day before.
a. For instance b. In contrast c. Similarly
23. ___________ I’m very allergic to flowers, my boyfriend bought a bouquet of roses.
a. Until b. Because c. Even though
24. He caressed her daughter so much to make her feel loved. ____________, my mother does that when I was a
a. Specifically b. In the same way c. Even though
25. I could see Manny’s lips moving, but I had no idea of what he was saying. _____________we just let our walk.
a. Moreover b. In the end c. In fact

B. Direction: Complete each sentence using the correct conjunction from the parenthesis:

26. Carol wanted to drive to Colorado, _________ Bill insisted that they fly. (and, or, but)
27. I’m afraid of heights, _________ I appreciate the view from the top of this building. (and, yet, nor)
28. I have to be on time, _________ my boss will be annoyed if I’m late. (and, nor, for)
29. I have to go to work at six, _________ I’m waking up at four. (but, so, yet)
30. Nadia doesn’t like to drive, _________ she takes the bus everywhere. (but, yet, so)

C. Direction: Identify the underlined word as to NOUN or VERB. Write your answer on the blank.
31. ________________Marianne‟s parents are looking for their daughter‟s escort for her birthday.
32. ________________ The boat‟s sail needed mending.
33. ________________ My friends and I play soccer in the vacant lot.
34. ________________Charles drew three large circles on his paper.
35. ________________We will sail away in the morning.
36. ________________Sam watched the cowboy rope a steer at the rodeo.


Direction: Write the letter that shows proper parallel structure.

37. A) Exercising regularly and eating well are two things that I have trouble doing.
B)To exercise regularly and eating well are two things that I have trouble doing.
38. A) He is happiest at the chessboard, behind the wheel of a car, and on his boat.
B) He is happiest at the chessboard, when he is behind the wheel of a car, and on his boat.
39. A) Carlos has imagination, patience, and is perceptive.
B) Carlos is imaginative, patient, and perceptive.
40. A) Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt both had talent and compassionate.
B) Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt both had talent and compassion.
41. A) The referee warned the team to play fair and acting competitively
B) The referee warned the team to play fair and to act competitively
42. A) The relay team had an early lead but then was lagging behind.
B) The relay team had an early lead but then lagged behind.
43. A) The explorer lost neither his confidence nor his enthusiasm.
B) The explorer lost neither his confident nor his enthusiasm.
44. A) Chevrolet's new design is admired more for its appearance than for its performance.
B) Chevrolet's new design is admired more for its appearance than for how it performs.
45. A) On the safari Eve took pictures of a tiger and rhinoceros.
B) On the safari Eve took pictures of a tiger and a rhinoceros.
46. A) Whether drunk or sober, he liked to pick a fight.
B) Whether drunk or sobering, he liked to pick a fight.

V. SYLLABICATION. Direction: Choose the correct syllabication of the following words then write the number of
syllable on your answer sheet.
47. Rabbit 48. Opposite 49. Sunset 50. sensor
A) rab/bi/t A.) o/ppo/site A.) sun/set A.) sen/sor
B) rabb/ it B.) op/po/site B.) su/nset B.) sens/or
C) rab / bit C.)oppo/site C.) suns/et C.) se/ns/or
D) ra/bbit D.) opp/o/site D. s/uns/et D. sen/so/r
Number of syllables
51. 52. 53 54

VI. OUTLINING. Directions: Read the paragraph. Then, complete the outline given.

I. The Busy Children participating in the Clean and Green project.

A. Keeping the surroundings clean and orderly
55. _______________________________
56. _______________________________
57. _______________________________
B. Tending the school garden
58. _______________________________
59. _______________________________
60. _______________________________

Prepared By:

Aira Monica S. Planco

Teacher in English
Checked and Verified By: Noted by:

Paul Ignacious Labsan Gladys R. Biscocho

English Coordinator Teacher-In-Charge
Porfiria Vivas______ CRESENCIA A. CASTILLO, Ed. D.
Teacher in English Education Program Supervisor, English
First Periodical Test
Key to correction:

1. A 50. A
2. A 51. 2
3. C 52. 3
4. B 53. 2
5. A 54. 2
6. Chaos 55. Children picked up pieces of paper scattered
7. Anxiety around the classroom, corridors and playground
8. Garnish 56. Put all the chairs in the classroom straight lines
9. Opponent 57. Swept the floors, dusted the book shelves,
10. Fragile tables, cabinets and the chalkboard
11. A 58. Some made plots for vegetables
12. C 59. Some planted seeds in pots and cans
13. C 60. Others watered the plants
14. C
15. A
16. C
17. B
18. A
19. B
20. C
21. C
22. A
23. C
24. B
25. B
26. But
27. Yet
28. For
29. So
30. So
31. Noun
32. Noun
33. Verb
34. Noun
35. Verb
36. Verb
37. A
38. A
39. B
40. B
41. B
42. B
43. A
44. A
45. B
46. A
47. C
48. B
49. A

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