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School Baguio City High School Grade Level Grade 8


Teaching Dates and Time March 8,2019 Quarter Fourth
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
I. Objectives
The learner demonstrates understanding of: South and West literature as an expression of philosophical and religious beliefs; information flow in
A. Content Standards various text types; reality, fantasy and opinion in listening and viewing materials; word decoding strategies; and use of information sources,
active/passive constructions, direct/reported speech, perfect tenses, and logical connectors in journalistic writing.
The learner transfers learning by composing a variety of journalistic texts, the content of which may be used in composing and delivering a memorized
B. Performance
oral speech featuring use of properly acknowledged information sources, grammatical signals for opinion-making, persuasion, and emphasis, and
appropriate prosodic features, stance and behavior.
C. Learning * Define unfamiliar words found in the selection.
Competencies/ * Arrange the sequence of events in the story.
Objectives *Infer the character traits portrayed in the fable.
* Relate text content to particular concerns in real life.
*Relate facts about rats in the text content.
*Participate enthusiastically in classroom discussion and activities.

(Write the LC Code for ENLT-IVh-3

Teaching Strategy Direct instruction (Cooperative Discussion)
Interactive Interaction ( Cell group, Socratic Method, Pick Think Share, Transfer and Apply)
Vanity of the Rat by Y.T. Pyun
II. Content
III. Learning Resources
A. References Grade 8 Learning Module

1. Teacher’s Guide TG NOT AVAILABLE

2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource(LR) portal
B. Other Learning Copy of the text
Resources 4H Form
Power point
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Still Pictures

These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration
of learning by the students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with
multiple ways to learn new things, practice their learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to
their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step.
A. Reviewing previous A. Conduct daily routine.
lesson or presenting the  Greetings
new lesson  Classroom Management (Ask students to arrange chairs properly, and pick up any small piece of paper under their seats.)
B. Establishing a  Check attendance ask if anyone is absent)
purpose for the lesson B. Show image of rats to students. Encourage them to say something they like and dislike about the them.
C. Presenting examples/ C. Facilitate FACTORATS activity for motivation.
instances of the new D. Flash facts about rats, applying knowledge content within and across curriculum teaching areas.
lesson E. Let the students identify if the statement is true or false. Instruct them to rise and yell the word FACT if the statement is True, and to remain
D. Discussing new seated and yell RAT if false.
concepts & practicing
new skills #1 Statements:
E. Discussing new  Rats are very clean animals. They work very hard to rid themselves of dirt, just like cats, Rats and mice spend hours of grooming.
concepts & practicing  Rats enjoy the companionship of other animals.
new skills #2  Mother rats will go to great lengths to save their babies. They will even go through great danger and pain to save the babies of other rats.
F. Developing mastery
 Rats are more active at daytime.
(leads to Formative
 Rats have excellent eyesight and have excellent senses of smell, taste and touch.
Assessment 3)
G. Finding practical  Rats are smart, curious and friendly.
applications of concepts  Rats and mice have complex language system. They can communicate by touch, by smell, and by sound of frequencies that we can’t hear.
& skills in daily living
H. Making F. Present objectives of the day.
generalizations & G. Group the class into six according to gender. (three groups for males and three groups for females.)
abstractions about the H. Give each group a copy of the 4H form, for them to fill up.
lesson I. Instruct them to write the names of each member beside the role /function they wish to assume.
I. Evaluating learning 4H Form:
J. Additional activities HEADS-Lead the group
for application or HEART- share ideas/concepts
remediation HANDS- Record notes for team’s output
HEALTH- Monitor team’s discipline
J. Remind each group on their assumed task/ responsibility during the activity.
K. To unlock difficulty, Flash sentences using unfamiliar words taken from the text, and let the students choose the meaning from the given
1. The company was very anxious of getting the partnerships from the high leveled company.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
2. Her parents were pleased by her decision.
3. All students are eager to watch the performance of the SPA students.
4. She immediately refused his boyfriend’s wedding proposal.
5. After winning the championship, he developed too much vanity that people do not like.

L. Distribute copy of the text, Vanity of the Rat.

M. Ask each group to read silently while listening to the readers. (Readers were assigned ahead of time.)

N. To check comprehension, Facilitate PICK…THINK…SHARE task.

 Each group will work as a team and must perform their assumed role or function indicated in the 4H form.
 Each group will send their representative to get pick an item from the box.
 The group will discuss and relate the item with the text content in a limited time.
 Each group must share their ideas as soon as the timer rings.
O. Instruct each group to post on the board the items they picked.
P. Call volunteers to arrange them according to sequence of events in the story.
Q. Based on the activity, Have the students pick Process Questions for further discussion:
1. What does the story want to show?
2. Why do you think the story was entitled “Vanity of the Rat”?
3. What characteristics of potential husband does Mr. Rat want for his daughter?
4. Was Mr. Rat’s choice of husband for Rena really the best? Why or Why not?
5. How did the story end?
6. Do you think the ending of the story is funny? Why or why not?
7. Can we blame Mr. and Mrs. Rat for choosing the husband for their daughter?
8. Who do you think are the RATS in your life? Why do you consider them Rats?
9. In real life situation, How do your parents act like Mr. and Mrs. Rat ?
10. How do you deal with them?

R. Generalize Activity through Transfer and Apply by asking each group to give 2 concepts learned in the activity and 2 ways on how would they
apply these concepts in their daily undertakings.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


A. No of learners who earned

75% in the evaluation

B. No. of learners who require

additional activities for

D. No. of learners who .

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?

Why did these work?

Prepared by: Noted by:


Teacher III Master Teacher II Head Teacher VI
Date Submitted: March 8,2019 E Date Checked: ______________ Date Checked:_____________

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