Iez 061
Iez 061
Iez 061
doi: 10.1093/jisesa/iez061
In recent years, we found that Hishimonus lamellatus Cai et Kuoh is a potential vector of jujube witches’-broom
phytoplasma. However, little is known about the anatomy and histology of this leafhopper. Here, we examined
histology and ultrastructure of the digestive system of H. lamellatus, both by dissecting and by semi- and ultrathin
sectioning techniques. We found that the H. lamellatus digestive tract consists of an esophagus, a filter chamber, a
conical midgut and midgut loop, Malpighian tubules, an ileum, and a rectum. Furthermore, both the basal region
of the filter chamber epithelium and the apical surface of the midgut epithelium have developed microvilli. We also
identify the perimicrovillar membrane, which ensheaths the microvilli of midgut loop enterocyte, and the flame-
like luminal membrane, which covers the microvilli of the conical midgut epithelium. In addition, H. lamellatus
has the principal and accessory salivary glands. Our observations also showed that the endoplasmic reticulum,
mitochondria, and secretory granules were all highly abundant in the secretory cells of the principal salivary glands,
while the accessory glands consist of only one ovate or elbow-like acinus. We also briefly contrast the structure
of the gut of H. lamellatus with those of other leafhopper species. These results intend to offer help for the future
study on the histological and subcellular levels of phytopathogen–leafhopper relationships, including transmission
barriers and the binding sites of pathogens and other microorganisms within their leafhopper vectors.
Leafhoppers are herbivorous insects belong to the family to the old losses that reach hundreds of millions of dollars annually (Liu et al.
suborder Auchenorrhyncha. More than 25,000 species of leafhoppers 2010). Early studies suggested that the transmission of the JWB
are known worldwide (Dietrich 1997), of which over 1,200 are present phytoplasma occurred mainly by insect vectors such as H. sellatus
in China (Li et al. 2012). Some of the leafhoppers must be mesophyll (La and Woo 1980, Sun et al. 1988). Hishimonus lamellatus was first
feeders and hence do not tap into plant vasculature to suck plant sap, reported in Huolu County, Hebei Province, China (Cai et al. 1995).
thereby directly harming plants. Moreover, many leafhoppers are re- Both leafhopper species were found to be carrying JWB phytoplasma
sponsible for the transmission of plant pathogens—including viruses in vivo, but vector competence of H. lamellatus was not empirically
and bacteria—thus causing serious losses of production in the agricul- tested. (Hao et al. 2015).
ture and forestry industries (Nault and Ammar 1989, Bové et al. 2003). Phytoplasmas, the single-celled prokaryotes, are parasitic on
To date, 118 species of leafhopper are known vectors (Weintraub and the phloem of plants. Insects that feed on phloem can acquire and
Wilson 2010). In East Asia, the pathogen of rice dwarf disease is spread transmit phytoplasmas (Lee et al. 2000, Weintraub and Beanland
by leafhoppers, which is the reason for the sharp decline in rice produc- 2006), and it is generally believed that phytoplasmas circulating in
tion every year (Ruan et al. 1985, Sivamani et al. 1999). Furthermore, insects need to pass through the midgut and salivary glands before
mulberry dwarf disease phytoplasma, which is transmitted by transmission to healthy plants via interface and salivary secretions
Hishimonus sellatus (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), has caused a severe de- during feeding (Weintraub et al. 2004, Weintraub and Beanland 2006,
cline of mulberry tree (Kawakita et al. 2000, Mitsuhashi et al. 2002). Ammar et al. 2011).
Jujube witches’-broom (JWB) phytoplasma is known to be trans- To date, few researchers have conducted detailed analyses of the
mitted by leafhoppers, and the resulting disease results in economic digestive systems of leafhopper vectors. Gil-Fernandez and Black
© The Author(s) 2019. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Entomological Society of America.
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2 Journal of Insect Science, 2019, Vol. 19, No. 4
(1965) observed the general structure of the digestive tract of Agallia Semi-Thin Section Sample Preparation for Light
constricta Van Duzee (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) (Gil-Fernandez Microscopy
and Black 1965). In addition, Lindsay and Marshall (1980) de- The selected adult H. lamellatus individuals, anesthetized with
scribed the morphology and ultrastructure of the Eurymela distincta ether, were placed on single concave slides. We then added 2.5%
Signoret (Hemiptera: Eurymelidae) filter chamber (Lindsay and glutaraldehyde fixative and quickly dissected the digestive tract of the
Marshall 1980), Cheung and Purcell (1993) revealed the ultrastruc- leafhopper using tweezers. Next, the digestive tract was then placed
ture of the digestive system of Euscelidius variegatus (Kirschbaum) in a centrifuge tube containing 1.5 ml of glutaraldehyde fixative. The
(Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) (Cheung and Purcell 1993), and Wayadande digestive tract was fixed for 48 h in the dark at room temperature.
et al. (1997) compared the general morphology of the digestive tracts Next, fixed tracts were washed with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS)
of Circulifer tenellus (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) and Dalbulus maidis for 3 h. Afterward, we added 1% osmium tetroxide to the digestive
(Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) (Wayadande et al. 1997). More recently, tracts for 90 min before rinsing with phosphate buffer. Then, the sam-
Zhang et al. (2012) observed the ultrastructure of the digestive tract ples were washed with PBS for 30 min. The samples were dehydrated
with low electron density were scattered around the nuclei (Fig. 6A).
Sparse MV were observed on the outside of the intima (Fig. 6D).
Fig. 3. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) photographs of the filter
chamber and conical midgut of H. lamellatus. (A) Cross-section of the filter Morphology of Salivary Glands
chamber (partial). (B) Secretory vesicles in the cells are amplified. (C) Basement
The salivary glands of H. lamellatus are located in the head cavity.
membrane infolding in the filter chamber cells. (D) Microvilli developing in
The salivary gland complex consists of pairs of principal glands
the basement membrane. (E) Cross-section of the conical segment (partial).
(F) Conical midgut cells are attached to a flame-like luminal membrane (black (PGs) and accessory glands (AGs) (Fig. 7).
arrow). CMU, circular muscle; FLM, flame-like luminal membrane; IF, infolding;
L, lumen; LMU, longitudinal muscles; MIT, mitochondria; MV, microvilli; N, Principal Gland
nucleus; PM, peritoneal membrane; RER, rough endoplasmic reticulum; SD,
The vesicular PG is a major part of the salivary glands (Fig. 7A).
septate desmosomes; SV, secretory vesicle.
The PG includes both an anterior lobe (AL) and posterior lobe (PL)
(Fig. 7B). The distal and proximal regions of the AL consist of small,
many lysosomes (LY) were observed in the cytoplasm of ML cells.
closely packed acini that have a smooth surface. In addition, we
These cells also show internal organelle fragments (Fig. 4C).
identified five larger acini in the middle region that are loosely ar-
ranged. The PL consists of about 10 acini that are divided into two
Ileum types: the first type is a group of about five relatively small acini
The nucleus of ileal cells is relatively large. N1 has a distinct hetero- that are closely arranged in a petal shape and have a rough surface.
chromatin, whereas N2 is not obvious (Fig. 5A). The ileum PM is The second type refers to about five larger acini present in a loose
thin, and is adjacent to the developed circular muscle (Fig. 5B and pattern around the periphery of the petal-like acinus (Fig. 7B). The
C). The cytoplasm of the cells of the ileum PM is filled with SVs acini of the PL are slightly larger than the acini of the middle region
and mitochondria that are circular, oval, or clavate. We also identi- of the AL. Finally, the PGs are connected via the lateral salivary
fied a developed RER around mitochondria (Fig. 5C). An elliptical ducts which converge to form the common salivary duct (Fig. 7B).
bacterial-like structure is present in the ileum cytoplasm of 50%
leafhopper individuals (Fig. 5C).
Accessory Glands
The AGs (Fig. 7A) found in the salivary gland complex were rod- or
Malpighian Tubule elliptically-shaped. These are connected to the PG by a short acces-
The cells of the MT contained many SVs (Fig. 6A) in which a large sory duct. AGs are simply constructed and have only one acinus,
number of brochosomes (BRs) were found. The cell showed the wide- which is similar in structure to the acini of the PL. AGs are free on
spread RER (Fig. 6B). Mitochondria were located near SVs (Fig. 6C). both sides of PG.
The outer wall of each BR was honeycomb-shaped. BRs were ob-
served: Somes had high central electron density and appeared dark
(Fig. 6C; white arrow); while other BRs were centrally transparent Ultrastructure of the PG
(BR2), embedded (BR1), or showed multiple small cavities (BR3) (Fig. The nucleus of secretory cells contained a variety of heterochromatin
6C). This may be mitochondria at different developmental stages. SVs (Fig. 8A), and was generally located in the basement membrane
Journal of Insect Science, 2019, Vol. 19, No. 4 5
Fig. 5. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) photographs of the ileum of H. lamellatus. (A) Ileum cross-section. (B) A section of panel A is enlarged to
show an abundance of mitochondria. (C) Microorganisms (black arrows) are present in ileum cells. N1 and N2, nucleus; CMU, circular muscle; L, lumen; MIT,
mitochondria; RER, rough endoplasmic reticulum; SV, secretory vesicle.
The Ultrastructure and Function of the Tubular
Midgut in H. lamellatus
The ML of H. lamellatus is divided into two parts. In the front is
the cone, which is connected to the FC. The tubular midgut is also
connected to the FC, thus forming the ‘midgut ring’. The presence of
this structure is consistent with previous reports of other leafhoppers
(Tsai and Perrier 1996, Zhong et al. 2014). Our results also con-
firmed that the epithelial cells of the tubular midgut of the digestive
tract of H. lamellatus were present in the shape of a column, and
that the endoplasmic reticulum and SVs were abundant in the cells.
We found many well-organized and developed brush-like borders of
Fig. 6. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) photograph of a Malpighian MV, which have a specialized function during digestion (Silva et al.
tubule of H. lamellatus. (A) Cross-section of the cell tip region. (B) A developed 1995). As observed in the midguts of other leafhoppers (Zhong et al.
rough endoplasmic reticulum near the secretory vesicles. (C) A section of
2014), these MV play an important role in the absorption of digested
panel A is enlarged to show different forms of brochosomes. Also visible
nutrients including carbohydrates, amino acids, and water.
is an inclusion in the central cavity of BR1, the fact that the cavity of BR2
is transparent, and that the center of BR3 is a plurality of small cavities. The midguts of most insects have a peritrophic matrix, which is
Brochosomes in the opaque center (white arrow). (D) Sparse microvilli. BR, mainly used to protect midgut cells from pathogens and food par-
brochosomes; BV, brochosomes vesicles; MIT, mitochondria; MV, microvilli; ticles, and has a compartmentalization effect on the midgut (Terra
RER, rough endoplasmic reticulum; SV, secretory vesicle. 1990). However, there is no peritrophic membrane in the midgut of
Hemiptera insects. Instead, a layer of lipoprotein membranes covered
with MV tips is present, termed the PMM (Terra 1988). This mem-
brane is derived from the inner membrane of a double-membrane ves-
icle, which are produced by budding from the Golgi region (Werner
et al. 1991, Silva et al. 1995). Here, we identified an obvious PMM
in the tubular midgut of H. lamellatus. Its morphology is similar to
that found in the midgut cells of Dysdercus peruvianus (Hemiptera:
Pyrrhocoridae), Mahanarva posticata (Hemiptera: Cercopidae), and
Cicadella viridis (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) (Fonseca et al. 2010,
Zhong et al. 2014). The PMM and MV form a closed space, i.e., the
perimicrovillar space that mediates the digestion and absorption of
Fig. 7. Light microscopy photograph of the salivary glands of H. lamellatus.
nutrients in the midgut (Terra 1990).
(A) Overall morphology of the salivary gland. (B) Unilateral salivary gland
morphology. AD, accessory duct; AG, accessory gland; AL, anterior lobe; PD, Doi et al. (1967) first discovered phytoplasmas in plants infected
principal duct; PG, principal gland; PL, posterior lobe. with yellow-type diseases (e.g., aster yellows disease), and similar
pathogens were found to be present in the insect digestive tract (Doi
region, as were the TRs (Fig. 8B). Unknown inclusions were also et al. 1967, Maramorosch et al. 1968, Granados 1969). Later, Raine
present in the salivary duct (Fig. 8C, see asterisk [*]). The atrium is and Forbes (1969) also found that phytoplasmas were present in
lined with a cuticle, which is surrounded by IFs of the apical plasma salivary sheaths (i.e., in saliva) secreted by leafhoppers (Raine and
membrane (Fig. 8C). Forbes 1969). Wayadande et al. (1997) showed that the pathogen
We observed the presence of many secretory granules (SGs) must pass through the basal layer, the basal plasma membrane,
within the cells (Fig. 9A). There are differences between the SGs, and the apical plasma membrane before they can be ejected with
SG1 has a transparent core and filaments are attached to its inner the saliva (Wayadande et al. 1997). In general, when phytoplasma
6 Journal of Insect Science, 2019, Vol. 19, No. 4
Fig. 8. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) photograph of the principal gland of H. lamellatus. (A) Salivary gland cells are highly enlarged to show the
multicellular nucleus. (B) The tracheole, present near the basement membrane. (C) A cross-section of the salivary duct. AMP, apical plasma membrane; CU,
cuticle; MIT, mitochondria; N, nucleus; RER, rough endoplasmic reticulum; SD, salivary duct; SG, secretory granule; SV, secretory vesicle; TR, tracheole; *The
contents of the lumen.
microorganisms. This is thought to be due to the fact that there is a with mitochondria and openings of the basal lamina. In addition,
lot of RER, mitochondria, and numerous SGs within leafhopper PG the RER around the mitochondria is clearly visible, as is the apical
cells (Kwaik 1996). Here, we found rod-shaped or oval microorgan- membrane of the epithelial cells, which is tightly arranged into MV.
isms in the PGs of the leafhoppers, although these glands are known The mitochondria at the base of the MV of enterocytes provide a
to contain phytopathogens in other leafhopper species (Gonzalez large amount of energy for transport, and we also identified a large
2016). Although to date there has been no detailed investigation of number of SVs in the cells, which play an important role in the ab-
the saliva of H. lamellatus, our histological and ultrastructure results sorption, storage, and secretion of metabolites (Silva et al. 2004).
suggest that the salivary glands of H. lamellatus play an important Thus, the absorption of nutrients and ions occurs in the CM and
role in the transmission of plant pathogens (Reis et al. 2003). the anterior midgut (Cheung and Marshall 1973). In addition, the
MV are covered with a filamentous membrane complex similar to
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