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2012-Eichornia Crasiper-Culex

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Parasitol Res (2012) 111:2129–2135

DOI 10.1007/s00436-012-3061-0


Larvicidal and pupicidal activity of extracts and fractionates

of Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms against the filarial
vector Culex quinquefasciatus Say
P. Jayanthi & P. Lalitha & N. Aarthi

Received: 2 July 2012 / Accepted: 19 July 2012 / Published online: 2 August 2012
# Springer-Verlag 2012

Abstract Petroleum ether, acetone, ethyl acetate, aqueous Introduction

extract, methanol and ethanol fractionate of Eichhornia
crassipes (Mart.) Solms was tested for their larvicidal effi- Mosquitoes are the oldest human enemy (Kovendan et al.
cacy against the different instars (I, II, III and IV) and pupae 2012) and control of mosquitoes is of prime importance in
of Culex quinquefasciatus Say. The larval mortality was recent years because of the numerous diseases caused by
observed after 24 h of the treatment. The extracts showed them. Among the many diseases, malaria and filariasis are
a dose-dependent toxicity to larvae. The toxicity of the the most serious parasite-borne diseases of tropical regions
extracts decreased with increase in larval stage. Ethanol (Pandey et al. 2007). Lymphatic filariasis caused by
fractionate of E. crassipes showed the highest larvicidal Wuchereria bancrofti is transmitted by Culex quinquefas-
and pupicidal activity against C. quinquefasciatus compared ciatus which infects more than 100 million individuals
to other solvent extracts and fractionates with LC50 71.43, worldwide annually (Govindarajan et al. 2008). For several
94.68,120.42, 152.15 and 173.35 ppm for I, II, III, IV and decades, chemical insecticides were preferred for the control
pupae, respectively. Presence of metabolites like flavonoids, of sudden outbreak of the vectors. The repeated use of the
alkaloids, anthroquinones and anthocyanins in the tested chemical insecticides fosters many environmental hazards
extracts might be the reason for the larvicidal and pupicidal including development of resistance in the vectors to these
activity of the plant extracts and fractionates of waterhya- chemicals, disruption of natural biological control systems,
cinth. Mosquito-repellent activity was not exhibited by these disurgencies in mosquito populations (Pushpanathan et al.
extracts at the tested concentrations. The results demonstrat- 2008). Moreover, these chemicals persist in the environment
ed the potential of the aquatic plant E. crassipes in the for unpredictable period of time; hence, the need for plant-
successful control of the filarial vector C. quinquefasciatus. derived insecticides which are target specific, eco-friendly,
readily biodegradable and cost-effective (Rajkumar and
Jebanesan 2009). Furthermore, unlike conventional com-
mercial insecticides that are based on single active ingredi-
ent, plant-derived insecticides comprise botanical blends of
secondary metabolites which act concertedly on both behav-
P. Jayanthi (*) : P. Lalitha ioural and physiological processes of the target pests. Thus,
Department of Chemistry, Avinashilingam Institute for Home the chances of pests developing resistance to such substan-
Science and Higher Education for Women University (Estd. u/s 3
of UGC Act 1956), ces are meagre (Rawani et al. 2009). Phytochemicals de-
Coimbatore 641043 Tamil Nadu, India rived from plant sources can act as larvicides, insect growth
e-mail: [email protected] regulators, repellents and oviposition attractants and can
P. Lalitha play an important role in the interruption of the transmission
e-mail: [email protected] of mosquito-borne diseases at the individual as well as at the
community level (Mathew et al. 2009).
N. Aarthi
Department of Zoology, School of Life Sciences, Considering the foresaid prospects of the use of biolog-
Bharathiar University, ical insecticide, Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms (water-
Coimbatore 641046, India hyacinth), which is an aquatic weed distributed throughout
2130 Parasitol Res (2012) 111:2129–2135

the world, was studied for its insecticidal properties. The Higher Education for Women University for future refer-
waterhyacinth is considered to be a nuisance to the aquatic ence. The root portion was cut off and the plant was washed
environment as it disrupts the ecology of the aquatic eco- thoroughly to free it from debris. The leaves and shoot
system. It forms a dense mat on the surface of the water portion were shade dried for 20 days (Fig. 1). The dried
preventing the penetration of the sunrays through the water plant material was sliced and ground.
causing imbalance in the environment. The dense mat of Waterhyacinth (1.5 kg) was extracted with petroleum
waterhyacinth adds to the advantage of vectors making it a ether (17 L) twice for 6 h giving petroleum ether extract
breeding place. Normally, the waterbodies are rid of water- (PE); 100 g was then extracted successively with ethyl
hyacinth to make it fit for public use. The plant material thus acetate (2,000 mL) and water (1,000 mL) twice for 6 h.
removed is generally dumped as solid waste. In an attempt The extracts were desolvetised to give ethyl acetate extract
to make use of this plant, studies were conducted in our (EA) and aqueous extract (AQE). The aqueous extract was
laboratory which resulted in the isolation of secondary fractionated with ethanol and methanol to yield the ethanol
metabolites like flavonoids, alkaloids, terpenoids and ster- fractionate (EFA) and methanol fractionate (MFA),
ols, like stigmasterol, sitosterol and campesterol. Analysis respectively.
of the importance of these metabolites revealed their utility
in pharmaceutical arena. The plant, albeit the problem it Mosquito culture
causes, can be exploited commercially based on its constit-
uents, producing cost-effective insecticides thereby boosting The eggs of C. quinquefasciatus were collected in and
its economical importance. around Coimbatore districts (sewage water bodies) with
Most mosquito control strategies target larval stage at the help of ‘O’ type brush. The eggs were transferred to
breeding sites because larvae cannot escape until the adult 18×13×4-cm-size enamel trays containing 500 ml of water
stage (Al-Doghairi and Elhag 2008) and adulticides may for larval hatching. The mosquito larval and pupal culture
only reduce the adult population temporarily allowing for was maintained in the laboratory. Pupae were transferred to
rapid upsurge in the population within a few days necessi- plastic jars containing tap water which was placed in wood-
tating the continual application of adulticidal chemicals en mosquito cage (90×90×90 cm) where adults emerged.
(Rajkumar and Jebanesan 2009). Also, they breed in water, Adults were continuously provided with 10 % sugar solu-
and thus, it is easy to deal with them in this habitat (Zhu and tion for 3 days before they were provided with animal blood
Tian 2011). Thus, many researchers focus mainly on the for feeding. The adult female mosquitoes were allowed to
larvicidal activity of the plant extracts against the vectors feed on the blood of a rabbit (exposed on the dorsal side) for
rather than on mosquitoes. Insect repellents protect humans 2 days to ensure adequate blood feeding for 5 days. After
and animals from haemotophagous insects such as mosqui- blood feeding, enamel trays with water from the culture
toes, ticks, fleas, cockroaches by acting on the olfactory trays were placed in the cage for oviposition.
chemoreceptor or gustatory senses of insects to cause avoid-
ance moments. Thus, the contact between the man and Preparation of stock solution of plant extract
insects gets hindered preventing the transmission of diseases
(Jeyabalan et al. 2003). Hence, the present study aimed at Extracts and fractionates of waterhyacinth (1 g) was dis-
the evaluation of the larvicidal, pupicidal and repellent solved in 100 ml of the respective solvents. From the stock
activity of the extracts and fractionates of waterhyacinth solution, different concentrations were prepared ranging
against C. quinquefasciatus.

Materials and methods

Plant collection and extraction

The waterhyacinth is an easily accessible plant and was

collected from Singanallur boat house, Coimbatore, Tamil
Nadu in March, 2010. The plant sample was identified by
Dr. G.V.S. Murthy, Scientist F & Head of Office, Botanical
Survey of India, Southern Regional Centre, Coimbatore-641
002 with the number BSI/SRC/5/23/2011-12/Tech. The
voucher specimen of the plant is kept in the Department of
Chemistry, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Fig. 1 Dried leaves and shoot of waterhyacinth used for the study
Parasitol Res (2012) 111:2129–2135 2131

from 50, 100, 150, 200 and 250 ppm for MFA and AQE; 75, experimental set-up was as described by Vahitha et al.
150, 225, 300 and 375 for PE and EA; 50, 75, 100, 125 and (2002). Twenty-five larvae of first, second, third and fourth
150 ppm for EFA, respectively. instars were introduced into the 500-ml glass beaker contain-
ing 249 ml of dechlorinated water and 1 ml of desired con-
Larval toxicity test centrations of plant extracts was added separately. The control
was set-up by mixing 1 ml of acetone with 249 ml of dech-
Laboratory-reared larvae were used in this study. The colo- lorinated water. The larvae exposed to dechlorinated water
nies were maintained at 27±2 °C, 75–85 % relative humid- without acetone served as control. The control mortalities
ity under a 14:10 light/dark photo period cycle. The were corrected by using Abbott’s formula (Abbott 1925).

Observed mortality in treatment  Observed mortality in control

Corrected mortality ¼  100
100  Controlmortality

Percentage mortality of larvae kept in a 500-ml glass beaker containing 249 ml of dech-
lorinated water and 1 ml of desired plant extract concen-
Number of dead larvae
¼  100 trations. Five replicates were set-up for each concentration
Number of larvae introduced
and control was set-up by mixing 1 ml of acetone with
249 ml of dechlorinated water. The control mortality was
Pupal toxicity test corrected by Abbott’s formula

A laboratory colony of C. quinquefasciatus pupae were used

for pupicidal activity. Twenty freshly emerged pupae were

Observed mortality in treatment  Observed mortality in control

Corrected mortality ¼  100
100  Control mortality

Percentage mortality of pupae exposed skin on each arm in 3 min was recorded at 30 min
intervals between 18.00 h and 06.00 h. Each dose of extract
Number of dead pupae
¼  100 and fractionates of waterhyacinth was tested for repellency
Number of pupae introduced
five times. The effectiveness of the extract was assessed by
determining the percent protection against mosquito landing
that it provided on the treated arm compared with the
Repellent activity untreated arm.

Repellent bioassay Statistical analysis

The repellent dose–protection time response method was Larvicidal and pupicidal bioassay data were analysed by
used (World Health Organization 1981). Approximately probit analysis (Finney 1971). The regression equation ðy ¼ a
1 h prior to the start of a test, 100, 3–4-day-old blood- þbxÞ; lethal concentration that killed 50 % and 90 % of larval
starved female C. quinquefasciatus were placed into a net population (LC50, LC90) and other statistics at 95 % fiducidal
cage (45 cm W×45 cm H×45 cm L). Then, both arms of a limits of upper confidence limit and lower confidence limit
human test subject were washed with ethanol and allowed to and chi-square values were calculated by Stigmastat 4.1.
air dry. Three doses of extract and fractionates of water-
hyacinth were tested (1, 2.5 and 5 mg/cm2). A single dose
was applied to the forearm skin of a test subject in each test Results and discussion
(Venkatachalam and Jebanesan 2001). The other forearm
was used as a negative control. At the beginning of a test, The percentage mortality of the larvae and pupae of C.
the control and treated arms were introduced simultaneously quinquefasciatus on treatment with the petroleum ether,
into the cage. The number of mosquitoes that landed on the acetone, ethyl acetate, aqueous extract, methanol and
2132 Parasitol Res (2012) 111:2129–2135

ethanol fractionate of waterhyacinth was determined 60

(Figs. 2 and 3, respectively, and Table 1) and the statistical 50

% mortality ±SD
data regarding the LC50, LC90, regression equation, chi-
square and 95 % fiducidal limits of the larvae and pupae 40
of C. quinquefasciatus were calculated. The data are pre- 30
sented in Table 2.
Concentration of extracts and fractionates of waterhyacinth
(in parts per million)
Among the extracts, ethanol fractionate of waterhyacinth Concentration of extracts and fractionates of waterhyacinth
showed highest larvicidal activity (LC50 071.43, 94.68,
120.42 and 152.15 ppm) followed by methanol fractionate
(LC50 084.64, 138.36, 192.53 and 252.41 ppm) for I–IV Fig. 3 Percentage mortality of Culex quinquefasciatus pupae on treat-
instar larvae. Larval toxicity values of waterhyacinth ment with extracts and fractionates of waterhyacinth
extracts and fractionates based on LC50 and LC90 were
arranged in decreasing order as EFA>MFA>AQE>EA> extract of waterhyacinth has been reported (Jayanthi et al.
PE. The results showed that the waterhyacinth extracts and 2011). Methanol fractionate of waterhyacinth contains fla-
fractionates tested for larvicidal activity exhibited better vonoids, anthroquinones, anthocyanins, carbohydrates.
activity at higher concentrations. A positive correlation Ethanol fractionate possess alkaloids, flavonoids, anthroqui-
was seen between the larvicidal activity and the extract nones, anthocyanins and quinones (Jayanthi and Lalitha
concentration (50 to 375 ppm), the rate of mortality being 2011). The column chromatography of acetone extract of
proportional to the concentration indicating a dose- waterhyacinth resulted in the isolation of sterol mixture
dependent effect on mortality. Mortality was not observed which was identified by gas liquid chromatography as stig-
in the control for four different instar larvae and pupae. masterol, campesterol, β-sitosterol (Goswami et al. 1983).
The present study showed that the toxicity of the water- Sterols, in particular β-sitosterol, have been reported to
hyacinth extracts and fractionates tested when extended to possess larvicidal activity (Rahuman et al. 2008). Except
the pupae, showed appreciable pupal mortality. The decreas- PE, all the extracts and fractionates of waterhyacinth tested
ing order of pupal mortality based on the comparison of for its larvicidal and pupicidal toxicity against C. quinque-
LC50 and LC90 values are EFA>AQE>MFA>EA>PE. fasciatus contains anthroquinones. Anthroquinone class of
The larvicidal and pupicidal activity of the extracts might compounds has been reported to exhibit larvicidal and pupi-
be due to the synergistic or additive effect of the phytochem- cidal activity (Cheng et al. 2008).
icals present in the extract. Presence of flavonoids in petro- The higher larvicidal and pupicidal efficacy of EFA of
leum ether extract, anthroquinone and phenolics in ethyl waterhyacinth compared to aqueous extract might be attrib-
acetate extract, alkaloids, flavonoids, sterols, anthroqui- uted to the separation of phytochemicals during fraction-
nones, anthocyanins, proteins and quinones in aqueous ation which might have rendered those phytochemicals the

Fig. 2 Percentage mortality of 90

Culex quinquefasciatus larvae
on treatment with extracts and 80
fractionates of waterhyacinth 70
% Mortality ± SD

20 IV










Concentration of extracts and fractionates of waterhyacinth (ppm)

Parasitol Res (2012) 111:2129–2135 2133


higher efficacy. Though MFA contained almost all the phy-
tochemicals as in EFA except alkaloids and quinones, it


showed lesser toxicity to larvae and pupae than EFA which
might be due to the alterations that these phytochemicals

underwent. The mode of action of the phytochemicals on
the mosquito larvae are not certain whereas it has been

reported that one or all of the phytochemicals interfere with
proper functioning of the mitochondria of mosquito larvae


18 more specifically at the proton transferring sites. Also these
phytochemicals affect the midgut epithelium and secondar-

34 ily affect the gastric area and the malphigian tubules in the
larvae (Rajkumar and Jebanesan 2009).


The toxicity of the waterhyacinth extracts and fraction-

Table 1 Toxicity of extracts and fractionates of waterhyacinth on larvae (I, II, III and IV) and pupae of Culex quinquefasciatus at 24 h of exposure

ates to C. quinquefasciatus was found to decrease (50 ppm



to 375 ppm) with increase in the larval stage (I to IV) and

pupal stage. This has been attributed to a number of factors





(1) Alterations in the thickness and composition with in-

creasing size which reduces the permeability of the


chemicals in larger larvae.

(2) The higher detoxification potential in more developed


insect larvae possibly resulting in increased biotrans-

formation of absorbed chemicals.


(3) The conjunction with enhanced detoxification ability,

increased elimination potential may be higher in larger



(4) The larger instars present a smaller surface area to



volume ratio, and at the same water concentration,

would absorb less chemicals than smaller ones


(Waliwitiya et al. 2009).



Several plant extracts have been tested against C. quin-

quefasciatus and a survey of literature on the use of plant


extracts for the control of different instars of C. quinquefas-

ciatus revealed that this vector is susceptible to almost all


the tested extracts. Leaf extract of Vitex negundo showed an


LC50 of 212.57 ppm against the fourth instar larvae of C.



quinquefasciatus (Kannathasan et al. 2007). Appreciable

larvicidal activity has been noted against the third instar


larvae of C. quinquefasciatus with an LC50 of 118.74 ppm

(Mullai and Jebanesan 2007). Methanol extract of Jatropha


curcas and Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis when tested

against I, II, III and IV instar larvae of filarial vector showed


notable larvicidal activity (Kovendan et al. 2011).

Larvae and pupae mortality (%)

The petroleum ether extract of waterhyacinth has been



shown to exhibit anti-juvenile hormone-like activity against




laboratory colonised late fourth instar larvae and adult fe-

male mosquitoes of C. quinquefasciatus (Saxena et al.

1992). The water extract of waterhyacinth tested against

IV instar larvae
III instar larvae
II instar larvae
I instar larvae

the II instar larvae of Culex pipiens and the resulting pupae

Conc. (ppm)

and adults at 2 % concentration revealed drastic effect on


larval midgut, integument, fats and muscles (Assar and El-

Sobky 2003).
2134 Parasitol Res (2012) 111:2129–2135

Table 2 Larvicidal and pupicidal activity of extracts and fractionates of waterhyacinth against Culex quinquefasciatus

Larval instar LC50 LC90 Reg. equation 95 % Confidence limit Chi-square value*


LC50 LC90 LC50 LC90

I 71.43 176.12 y ¼ 0:372x þ 24:6 87.29 251.52 109.41 284.94 5.302
II 94.68 213.56 y ¼ 0:352x þ 16:8 123.36 312.11 148.52 349.69 1.532
III 120.42 234.96 y ¼ 0:368x þ 5:4 161.17 389.71 186.35 424.13 3.674
IV 152.15 277.82 y ¼ 0:324x þ 0:8 187.45 393.55 214.85 433.28 3.419
Pupae 173.35 198.57 y ¼ 0:312x  3:2 250.26 485.64 275.10 526.31 6.396
I 84.64 301.49 y ¼ 0:186x þ 33:9 76.17 281.34 89.10 321.63 1.926
II 138.36 366.18 y ¼ 0:176x þ 25:6 128.52 343.56 147.19 382.79 5.801
III 192.53 407.26 y ¼ 0:184x þ 14:6 177.28 376.53 205.78 432.98 3.080
IV 252.41 499.24 y ¼ 0:162x þ 8:9 237.16 469.31 267.65 532.16 3.419
Pupae 292.75 548.51 y ¼ 0:156x þ 4:6 272.47 518.65 312.02 583.36 4.099
I 99.40 269.23 y ¼ 0:238x þ 26:9 87.29 251.52 109.41 284.94 5.25
II 135.51 331.62 y ¼ 0:206x þ 22:5 123.36 312.11 148.52 349.69 1.805
III 172.38 405.21 y ¼ 0:172x þ 20:4 161.17 389.71 186.35 424.13 1.664
IV 200.56 412.27 y ¼ 0:188x þ 12:4 187.45 393.55 214.85 433.28 6.621
Pupae 262.75 505.32 y ¼ 0:08x  0:4 250.26 485.64 275.10 526.31 5.225
I 224.17 537.46 y ¼ 0:1253x þ 22:2 206.75 504.46 231.58 568.20 2.392
II 275.68 636.54 y ¼ 0:1107x þ 19:5 259.11 598.78 297.24 691.18 3.358
III 333.67 696.25 y ¼ 0:1093x þ 13:2 309.20 654.52 357.03 736.97 1.547
IV 376.82 722.37 y ¼ 0:116x þ 5:9 357.13 678.26 404.50 754.60 1.988
Pupae 577.14 1,051.32 y ¼ 0:084x þ 1:3 549.42 996.18 60.4.18 1,096.45 1.803
I 278.16 681.64 y ¼ 0:1x þ 21:5 252.94 647.47 293.34 709.80 3.847
II 348.26 770.68 y ¼ 0:0947x þ 17:3 326.41 741.84 362.52 798.26 2.556
III 385.41 782.59 y ¼ 0:1027x þ 10:3 359.16 763.42 405.36 814.59 1.872
IV 440.34 831.79 y ¼ 0:104x þ 4 427.62 80.5.74 463.84 859.51 5.229
Pupae 628.42 1,135.18 y ¼ 0:08x  0:4 604.38 1,106.13 646.23 1,162.59 1.285


In Bangladesh, the dried whole plant of waterhyacinth has it has shown an attractant property towards the test insects
been used to ward off insects in animal sheds (Rahmatullah (Chakradhar et al. 2010).
et al. 2010). Hence, repellent activity for the plant against
C. quinquefasciatus was studied. Waterhyacinth extracts and
fractionates tested at the particular concentration did not exert Conclusion
repellent activity towards the filarial vector. The use of any
plant as an efficient insect repellent depends on the concen- The waterhyacinth extracts and fractionates shows apprecia-
tration of the extract used. Testing of the extracts and frac- ble larvicidal and pupicidal activity against C. quinquefas-
tionates at higher concentration may reveal the repellent ciatus. Mosquito biting poses a big threat as it causes a
activity of the plant. Similar result was reported where the number of diseases in the urban population. The synthetic
acetone extract of waterhyacinth has not exerted repellent chemical used for the control of these vectors also becomes
activity towards maize weevil Sitophilus zeamais (M) whereas a nuisance due to the obnoxious odour it produces. The
Parasitol Res (2012) 111:2129–2135 2135

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houses a large number of these vectors could be exploited. (Lamiaceae) and bacterial insecticide, Bacillus sphaericus,
Devastation of the plant itself disrupts the breeding sites and against malarial vector, Anopheles stephensi Liston. (Diptera:
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