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Ph.D. Dissertation
December, 2016
Dissertation submitted: December 13, 2016
Published by:
Aalborg University Press
Skjernvej 4A, 2nd floor
DK – 9220 Aalborg Ø
Phone: +45 99407140
[email protected]
Nelson L. Díaz
Received the B.S degree in Electronic Engineering from the Universidad Dis-
trital F.J.C in 2008, and the M.S. degree in Industrial Automation from the
Universidad Nacional de Colombia in 2011, Bogotá, Colombia. He is cur-
rently pursuing the Ph.D. degree from the Department of Energy Techno-
logy, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark. He is member of the Research
Laboratory of Alternative Energy Sources, Universidad Distrital F.J.C. and
Microgrid Research Group, Aalborg University. His current research inter-
ests include microgrids and power converters control.
Curriculum Vitae
within a finite number of operation modes, that ensure the appropriate charg-
ing/discharging profiles for energy storage systems based on batteries. Here,
centralized and decentralized architectures are explored and implemented by
means of deterministic automaton systems, which coordinate the changes of
the operation modes at the microgrid derived from the proper stages for
charging the storage devices.
The centralized architectures determine the coordinated actions relying
on a global perception of the whole microgrid. Because of that, grid-interactive
approaches can be easily deployed, in which the distributed units can be
operated as dispatchable sources based on simple equilibrium or optimiza-
tion functions. Alternatively, the coordination of roles among distributed
units can be determined by a centralized decision-making unit, emulating
the role of a coach in a soccer team. This approach has been widely used
for coordinating multi-robot systems such as robot soccer teams. From a
metaphoric point of view, this project has addressed the coordination pro-
blem of distributed resources in a microgrid like the coordination of a robot
soccer team. On the other hand, the proposed decentralized approaches are
purely distributed without the use of additional communication infrastruc-
ture. In this case, bus signalling strategies are used for coordinating the
operation of autonomous distributed generators. Additionally, the proposed
architectures allow cooperative operations between the distributed units, in
order to achieve appropriate active power sharing and ensure equalization of
the state of charge for distributed energy storage systems. This fact, allows
among other advantages, managing the distributed energy storage system
like a single aggregate system.
The performance of the proposed coordination architectures have been
verified experimentally and by means of hardware-in-the-loop simulation in
lab-scale prototypes of islanded microgrids, either in dc or ac configurations.
Coordination architecture, Distributed Storage and Generation, Decision-Making,
Energy Storage Equalization, Finite State Machine, Islanded Microgrids.
Koordinering arkitektur, Distributed Opbevaring og Generation, beslutning-
sprocesser, energilagring Udligning, Finite State Machine, Islanded Micro-
Thesis Details and
• Díaz, N. L., Guarnizo, J., Mellado, M., Vasquez, J. C., & Guerrero, J. M.
(2016). A Robot-Soccer-Coordination Inspired Control Architecture Ap-
plied to Islanded Microgrids. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics.
DOI: 10.1109/TPEL.2016.2572262.
• Díaz, N. L., Luna, A. C., Vasquez, J. C., & Guerrero, J. M. (2016). Cen-
tralized Control Architecture for Coordination of Distributed Renew-
able Generation and Energy Storage in Islanded AC Microgrids. IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics. DOI: 10.1109/TPEL.2016.2606653.
Thesis Details and Publications
• Luna, A. C., Díaz, N. L., Graells, M., Vasquez, J. C., & Guerrero, J. M.
(2016). Cooperative Energy Management for a Cluster of Households
Prosumers. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics.
• Luna, A. C., Díaz, N. L., Graells, M., Vasquez, J. C., & Guerrero, J. M.
(2016). Mixed-Integer-Linear-Programming Based Energy Management
System for Hybrid PV-wind-battery Microgrids: Modelling, Design and
Experimental Verification. I E E E Transactions on Power Electronics.
DOI: 10.1109/TPEL.2016.2581021.
• Díaz, N. L., Wu, D., Dragičević, T., Vasquez, J. C., & Guerrero, J. M.
(2015). Fuzzy droop control loops adjustment for stored energy balance
in distributed energy storage system. In Proceedings of the 2015 9th
International Conference on Power Electronics and ECCE Asia (ICPE-
ECCE Asia). (pp. 728 - 735 ). IEEE Press.
• Díaz, N. L., Wu, D., Dragičević, T., Vasquez, J. C., & Guerrero, J. M.
(2015). Stored Energy Balance for Distributed PV-Based Active Gener-
ators in an AC Microgrid. In Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE Power &
Energy Society General Meeting. (pp. 1-5). IEEE Press.
• Díaz, N. L., Luna, A. C., Vasquez, J. C., & Guerrero, J. M. (2015). Energy
Management System with Equalization Algorithm for Distributed Energy
Storage Systems in PV-Active Generator Based Low Voltage DC Micro-
grids. In Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE First International Conference
on DC Microgrids (ICDCM). (pp. 293-298 ). IEEE Press.
• Díaz, N. L., Luna, A. C., Vasquez, J. C., & Guerrero, J. M. (2015). Equa-
lization Algorithm for Distributed Energy Storage Systems in Islanded
Thesis Details and Publications
This present report combined with some of the above listed scientific pa-
pers has been submitted for assessment in partial fulfilment of the PhD de-
gree. The thesis is based on the submitted or published scientific papers
which are listed above. Parts of the papers are used directly or indirectly in
the extended summary of the thesis.
The scientific papers are not included in this version due to copyright
issues. Detailed publication information is provided above and the interested
reader is referred to the original published papers. As part of the assessment,
co-author statements have been made available to the assessment committee
and are also available at the Faculty of Engineering and Science, Aalborg
Thesis Details and Publications
Abstract v
Resumé vii
Acknowledgement xiii
I Introduction 1
Introduction 3
1 Energy Storage Systems in Microgrids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.1 Grid-Connected and Islanded Operation . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2 Energy Storage Systems in Islanded Microgrids . . . . . 7
1.3 Charge/Discharge Characteristic of Batteries . . . . . . . 11
1.4 Aggregated or Distributed ESSs-Motivation . . . . . . . 15
2 Coordination of Islanded Microgrids Based on Distributed RESs
and ESSs-Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.1 Operation of an Islanded Microgrid Based on RESs and
ESSs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.2 Coordination Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.3 Cooperative Behaviours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3 Thesis Contribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
4 Thesis Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
5 Thesis Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
II Paper 1 37
III Paper 2 41
IV Paper 3 45
V Paper 4 49
VI Paper 5 53
VII Paper 6 57
Literature List 67
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
List of Figures
List of Figures
1 Microgrid scheme with one point of common coupling with
the utility grid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2 Equivalent circuital scheme of MGs: (a) Grid-Connected, (b)
Islanded Single Master, (c) Islanded Multi Master. . . . . . . . . 6
3 Charge/Discharge curve of a Cell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4 Charging/Discharging Characteristic of Lead-acid batteries. . . 13
5 Charging/Discharging Characteristic of Lithium-ion batteries. . 15
6 Microgrid with aggregated ESSs an loads. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
7 Microgrid based on distributed active generators. . . . . . . . . 17
8 Microgrid based on distributed resources with coordinated ope-
ration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
9 MG based on ESSs and RESs: (a) Basic scheme, (b) Equivalent
circuit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
10 Transition between operation modes for proper charge of Lead-
acid batteries in a MG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
11 Active Power curtailment of generation from RES for avoiding
overcharge of the ESS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
12 Islanded MG control schemes: (a) Centralized, (b) Distributed. 26
13 Comparative curve between SoC profiles with and without
equalization [1]. Dashed lines show the SoC profiles without
equalization and the continuous lines shows the SoC profile by
performing the SoC equalization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
14 SoC profiles for an islanded MG with: (a) aggregated ESS with
a capacity of 15 Ah, (b) distributed ESSs with capacities of 10
Ah and 5 Ah and SoC equalization. The figures were obtained
from the work presented in [2]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
15 Comparison of cycle depth for an islanded MG: (a) without
SoC equalization (b) with SoC equalization. The figures were
obtained from the work presented in [2]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
List of Figures
Part I
Local Load Wind
Microgrid PCC
Central Switch
Generation Batteries Power
Electronics Photovoltaic
Interface Generation Main
Utility Grid
Energy Flywheel Electric Transmission Power Line
Storage Vehicle AC Distribution Line
DC Distribution Line
Energy Communication Link
Fig. 1: Microgrid scheme with one point of common coupling with the utility grid.
ning [11].
The local power system composed of loads and distributed energy re-
sources (DER) such as generators and energy storage systems, can be mana-
ged and coordinated as a single entity in order to ensure on-site generation
and consumption. Here the microgrid (MG) concept emerges to define small-
scale power systems based on local resources.
A MG can operate completely in grid-connected or islanded mode and
as well as in dual mode by means of seamless transition between them [5].
Typically, the MG is integrated to the main grid by a common coupling point
(PCC) connected throughout a static switch, therefore, it can be seen as a
unified entity from the point of view of the distribution system as shown in
Fig. 1 [12]. Also, a MG can operate, either in ac or dc configurations based
on specific requirements of the DERs and loads, or it can be configured as
hybrid ac/dc system by means of proper power electronic interfaces [13, 14].
1. Energy Storage Systems in Microgrids
Main Grid
Grid-Following Grid-Following LOAD Grid-Following Grid-Following
YLine1 PCC Microgrid
Grid-Following LOAD Grid-Following Grid-Following
Grid-Following LOAD Grid-Following
Fig. 2: Equivalent circuital scheme of MGs: (a) Grid-Connected, (b) Islanded Single Master, (c)
Islanded Multi Master.
1. Energy Storage Systems in Microgrids
directly to de dc-link of the variable RESs operating as an energy buffer
for smoothing and filtering the generation from variable RESs. How-
ever, supercapacitors have larger cost per kW than many others electric
energy storage technologies [11], [21], [33].
• Batteries: They are devices that convert chemical energy into electrical
energy by means of an internal chemical reaction. Batteries are catego-
rized between primary and secondary batteries. The primary batteries
can be used only once and they can not be recharged. Meanwhile, in
secondary batteries, the electrochemical reaction can be reversed and
the batteries can be recharged [35]. Therefore, secondary batteries are
ideal for applications with variable RESs since they can be charged and
discharged for smoothing the uncertain generation profiles of RESs. In
general, secondary or rechargeable batteries are characterized by high
energy density -compared with the devices previously introduced- and
good capability in terms of fast power injection [21], [33]. Therefore,
batteries can be considered for medium to long-term applications, ca-
pable of supporting a load from minutes to hours [32], [36], which
makes them desirable for Uninterruptible Power Supply systems or for
islanded MGs. One of the main drawbacks of batteries is that they
have relatively low durability in terms of cycle life, compared with the
storage technologies aforementioned [37]. A wide range of recharge-
1. Energy Storage Systems in Microgrids
and non-toxic materials [36]. Their main drawback is that the
should be operated at high temperatures (300 to 350 degrees Cel-
sius) which imply additional costs [11]. Therefore, this technology
is more suitable for large-scale stationary applications and not for
small-scale power systems such as microgrids [33], [36].
– Lithium-ion Batteries: This is an outstanding technology compared
with the others technologies in terms of many of its different fea-
tures such as higher energy and power density than Nickel-based
and Lead-acid batteries, higher efficiency than Nickel-based, and
higher cycle life than Lead-acid batteries. Additionally, Li-Ion bat-
teries do not have the problems with the memory effect, have low
self-discharge and are less toxic than Lead-acid and NiCd. The
main drawback of Li-Ion batteries is their high cost and the lim-
ited reserves of lithium-ion [11]. Additionally, Li-Ion batteries are
very strict on their limit of charge, they cannot be overcharged
because safety will be seriously compromised.
– Flow Batteries: This technology is characterized for storing at least
one of its liquid electrolytes on external tanks, from where the elec-
trolytes is pumped to a reactor in order to obtain electric current
from a reversible chemical reaction. The most popular technolo-
gies are the Zinc-Bromine (ZBR) batteries and the Vanadium redox
batteries (VRB). One of the main advantages of this kind of batter-
ies is that the stored energy is decoupled from the rated power
capacity, since the rated power depends on the size of the reactor
while the energy density depends on of the size of the auxiliary
tanks [33]. This fact makes the flow batteries more flexible and
easy to fit and customize for a wide range of applications. One of
the main problems with this technology is its low energy density,
therefore, it is required a large amount of space for applications
that require long-term support.
For small power systems where the ESSs play an important role, the key
element is the autonomy level provided by the ESSs. Based only on technical
reasons Lithium-ion batteries have the best performance in terms of lifetime,
energy density, power density, self-discharge, efficiency and become the best
candidate for small to medium power applications such as islanded MGs
based on variable RESs. However, whether the cost is a sensitive issue to
consider (for instance in remote villages in developing countries) Lead-acid
batteries and particularly VRLA batteries have the best compromise between
performance and cost [15], [37]. Because of that, Lead-acid batteries still
dominate the market for applications in islanded power systems and remote
villages, since in addition to reduced costs they also offer good availability
and easy transportation [26], [29], [38].
1. Energy Storage Systems in Microgrids
Given the above points, ESSs based on batteries, and more specifically
Lead-acid and Lithium-ion batteries will be considered in this work for ap-
plications in islanded MGs by considering specific limitations for charging
within a safe operating window.
27-11-2016 - 04-12-2016 27-11-2016 - 04-12-2016 27-11-2016 - 04-12-2016
Battery Voltage
90 20
Charge SoC (% ) Discharge
SoC (%)
Fig. 3: Charge/Discharge curve of a Cell.
battery is being charged the current flow causes an increment in the voltage
and when the battery is being discharged the current causes a drop in the
voltage. Additionally, the temperature affects the internal resistance of the
cell [39].
Particularly, Lead-acid and Lithium-ion batteries are voltage-limiting de-
vices whose threshold values are determined specifically by the manufactur-
ers. Table 1 summarizes typical values defined by the manufacturers for the
charge and discharge cut-off values for both Li-Ion and Lead-acid cells. The
maximum value that a cell is allowed to reach is commonly known as the
regulation voltage (Vr ) and the minimum value is known as the end of dis-
charge value (EOD) or low-voltage disconnect (LVD), since beyond this point
the load has to be disconnected from the battery in order to avoid further dis-
charge [38]. Despite the similarities between Lead-acid and LI-Ion batteries,
there are some particular requirements that should be taken into account in
the process of charge, in order to enhance the performance and lifespan of
the batteries.
Charging Lead-acid
Lead acid batteries require a process of charge of at least two stages (com-
monly three), since either overcharge and undercharge may compromise the
lifespan and performance of the battery [41]. As stated in [38] “Appropri-
1. Energy Storage Systems in Microgrids
SoC (% )
Battery 100
Current 80
Battery Voltage
Battery Current
0 Time 1 Time2 Time 3
• It is important to fully charge the battery between discharge cycles in
order to maximize the capacity and avoid fast degradation.
Charging Lithium-ion
Lithium ion batteries are also voltage-limiting devices but unlike the Lead-
acid batteries, the voltage per cell is higher as can be seen in Table 1. On
top of that, Lithium-ion batteries are less tolerant to accept overcharge than
Lead-acid batteries, since they are very strict in their maximum voltage limits.
Any operation beyond the limit compromises seriously their safety [41]. In
counterpart, Lithium-ion batteries do not need to be fully charged. In fact, a
partial charge is more recommended that full charge, and as a consequence,
the saturation stage can be discarded. Furthermore, any reduction in the peak
charge voltage can be reflected in a larger cycle-life. However, this decision
is always a trade-off, because the voltage reduction reduces the capacity.
Since the saturation stage is not required, the controller for the charger can
be simpler in comparison with the charge control of Lead-acid batteries. Ac-
tually, it is recommended to cut-off the battery current and keep the battery
voltage in the regulation value as short time as possible. This fact causes that
the battery voltage begins to droop, and the voltage stress is reduced [41].
Fig. 5 shows the charging curve that can be applied to Lithium-ion batteries,
by taking into account the aforementioned considerations.
In Fig. 5, at Time 1 the battery voltage reaches its maximum limit (Vr )
and the battery current is cut-off. The following list summarizes some of the
main features to take into account for charging Li-Ion batteries.
1. Energy Storage Systems in Microgrids
SoC (% )
Battery Voltage
Battery Battery
Current Voltage 80
Battery Current
EOD 50
0 Time 1 Time2 Time 3
• A smaller regulation voltage means less stress and longer life but is
reflected in the battery capacity.
In addition to a proper charge procedure, over-discharge should be avoided
for preventing degradation of the storage unit. For both Lead-acid or Li-
ion, deep discharge wears the battery down. Because of that, the depth of
discharge (DoD) of a battery should be limited to safe valued (DoD(%)=100-
SoC(%)). For Li-Ion and Lead-acid batteries, it is acceptable a maximum DoD
of 80 %, beyond that limit the operation of the battery is not recommended
because of wear. Similarly, the SOC or the DoD values are not the best indica-
tions to end up the discharge of the batteries. As aforementioned, the voltage
signature can also be affected by other parameters such as the current and
temperature. Therefore, the EOD should be the value to be taken into ac-
count to cut-off the battery discharge current. The EOD should be decided
based on the manufacturer’s guidance and the battery control should also
incorporate proper actions to avoid deeper discharge [38]. To illustrate, Figs.
4 and 5 show the expected behaviours for a deep discharge cycle (from Time
2 to Time 3). At Time 3, the batteries reach their corresponding EOD value
and the battery current is cut-off for avoiding further discharge.
1. Energy Storage Systems in Microgrids
2. Coordination of Islanded Microgrids Based on Distributed RESs and
Power LC LC Power
Converter Converter
Fig. 9: MG based on ESSs and RESs: (a) Basic scheme, (b) Equivalent circuit.
full charge cycles (saturation), for avoiding the degradation of the Lead-acid
batteries. Apart from the cost, the saturation of the battery by itself is not
a problem, but this procedure implies that the battery should be put out of
service for at least 12 hours and up to 48 hours depending on the capacity of
the battery. What is more, in remote villages is not possible to ensure that the
amount of energy required for fully charge a large battery is available [41].
One alternative for avoiding a periodic fully saturated charge is the use of
Lithium-Ion batteries, which can be operated with partial charge without
any problem, but the cost of the battery becomes a bigger problem in cost
sensitive application such as remote villages, by considering that the prices
of Lithium-ion batteries is more than double the cost of Lead-acid batteries.
Even for an optimally sized MGs, the PSoC operation mode cannot al-
ways be ensured due to the unpredictable nature of variable RESs [56]. It
is possible to have the case in which the storage unit gets fully charged and
the generation is bigger than consumption, or conversely, the case in which
the amount of power generation is not able to satisfy the load requirements
and then the ESSs could be fully discharged. The appropriate use of the
energy storage system takes a significant relevance for islanded MGs with
ESSs based on batteries, since the well-being and lifespan of batteries rely on
specific and precise constraints for charging and discharging as was exposed
before. This is not a minor issue by regarding the cost associated with early
replacement and maintenance of batteries [57, 58]. In light of the above, a
basic set of rules can be defined to summarize the main aims to be taken into
account for a reliable operation of an islanded MG based on batteries and
1. The power balance and regulation of the local power system should be
ensured under all the operating conditions.
3. The RESs are more likely to operate under MPPT algorithms in order
to obtain from them their maximum energy.
With respect the aforementioned goals, the first two are of strictly en-
forced, while the last two are more flexible and could be sacrificed at the
expense of accomplishing the first two. In other words, actions as active
power curtailment of the generation from RESs and load-shedding can be
considered within a coordination strategy in order to ensure a reliable and
safe operation of the power system [59–61].
2. Coordination of Islanded Microgrids Based on Distributed RESs and
Grid-Following Grid-Forming Grid-Forming Grid-Following
Fig. 10: Transition between operation modes for proper charge of Lead-acid batteries in a MG.
Maximum Power Point
Load Power comsumption Power
Equilibrium point
Grid-Following Grid-Forming
Fig. 11: Active Power curtailment of generation from RES for avoiding overcharge of the ESS.
2. Coordination of Islanded Microgrids Based on Distributed RESs and
charge or over-discharge and keep the power balance in the MG. The MG
can continue operating at this stage until there is a change in its operating
conditions. In this sense, finite state machines can provide a simple and in-
tuitive mechanism for the deployment of the coordination architecture based
on DM units, since the operation mode of the DERs and the whole micro-
grid can be bounded within a finite number of operation modes, which are
mainly determined by the different stages for a proper charge of ESSs based
on batteries [65], [3].
The use of finite state machines allows to keep the operation of the MG
within a known set of states, and the transitions between operation modes
for a proper coordination can be defined in accordance with a simple and
intuitive rule base, which considers the different stages for charging battery-
based ESSs. This fact allows to addressing the coordination problem of the
islanded MG from a higher level of abstraction by means of simple rules as an
expert does and in this way hide details that are not important for coordina-
tion purposes. For instance, by assuming that the distributed resources oper-
ate properly in accordance with their roles and control operation modes, and
the coordinated actions can be managed properly at each unit. Nevertheless,
it is important to understand how the controllers at the levels of abstraction
immediately above and below operate in order to ensure a proper integration
of the coordination strategy [66]. In the particular case of a MG composed
by distributed generators, it is important to be acquainted about the control
loops and the whole control structures involved in the MG in order to ensure
a proper matching between coordination commands and control signals.
2. Coordination of Islanded Microgrids Based on Distributed RESs and
Microgrid Central Controller
Coordination (DM)
Communication Channel
Primary &
DM LC DM LC and DM LC DM LC Inner-control
Fig. 12: Islanded MG control schemes: (a) Centralized, (b) Distributed.
2. Coordination of Islanded Microgrids Based on Distributed RESs and
sitions between PCM and VCM based on SoC threshold values. In [83, 84],
there are not changes in control modes, since the ESS will always operate in
VCM as grid-forming units. Once the threshold values are reached, the ESS
generates a change in the pattern of frequency, which is recognized by the
RESs and it is used as information for adjusting the power generation bellow
the maximum power point. Similar approaches but adjusting the voltage in
the common bus have been proposed for dc MGs such as in [85].
The coordination problem in islanded microgrids based on variable RESs
and ESS based on batteries is still open to research, since the coordination
methods which consider complete charge profiles for ESS has been seldom
discussed. On top of that, little work so far has been found for the coordi-
nation of distributed ESSs in islanded microgrids. The proposal in this work
tries to consider the limitations and charging requirements for ESSs based
on batteries and how the charging process can harmonize with a reliable
operation of the microgrid even for microgrids with distributed ESSs.
SoC equalization
Within a battery string, it is impossible to ensure that all the cells behave
identically due to differences in the manufacturing process. Because of that,
some cells can be overcharged while others can be uncharged during the
charging process. As a consequence, some cells in a battery array may operate
out of the safe operation window shown in Fig. 3. This fact causes uneven
degradation of the cells what in turn is reflected in a faster degradation of
the whole battery array [87]. In order to overcome this problem, the battery
manufacturers offer some kind of cell balancing or circuits which perform
the SoC equalization process [38], [41].
The same principle of SoC equalization between cells in a battery array
can be applied for distributed energy storage systems based on batteries. In
this case, advantages such as avoiding the uneven degradation of the battery
arrays can be extrapolated for a distributed battery-based ESSs.
The SOC equalization problem between distributed energy storage sys-
tems has been widely addressed recently in the literature by means of ad-
justments in the power-sharing control loops. Some strategies are based on
purely distributed approaches which use adaptive curves such as in [77, 88,
89], others rely on centralized approaches such as in [90, 91], and some oth-
ers approaches rely on decentralized software agents which achieve the SoC
equalization based on average consensus algorithms such as in [92–95]. The
vast majority of the aforementioned approaches fall into the error of consider-
ing the SoC equalization as an independent issue, without any contextualiza-
tion for their applicability in a real MG. This issue has rarely been considered
as part of a complete coordination strategy for MGs.
When the SoC equalization is integrated as a cooperative behaviour into
a coordination strategy, some additional advantages become evident, which
enhanced the overall behaviour of a coordinated MG as is proposed in [1–3,
30, 76, 86, 96]. Among others, Fig. 13 illustrates some of the main advantages
of performing the SoC equalization as part of a coordination strategy. The
following list summarizes the main advantages.
2. Coordination of Islanded Microgrids Based on Distributed RESs and
Fig. 13: Comparative curve between SoC profiles with and without equalization [1]. Dashed
lines show the SoC profiles without equalization and the continuous lines shows the SoC profile
by performing the SoC equalization.
SoCBat (C=5Ah)
(C=15Ah) SoCBat1
(a) (b)
Fig. 14: SoC profiles for an islanded MG with: (a) aggregated ESS with a capacity of 15 Ah,
(b) distributed ESSs with capacities of 10 Ah and 5 Ah and SoC equalization. The figures were
obtained from the work presented in [2].
Cycle Depth=39%
Cycle Depth=56%
Cycle Depth=27%
SoCBat1 SoCBat1
(a) (b)
Fig. 15: Comparison of cycle depth for an islanded MG: (a) without SoC equalization (b) with
SoC equalization. The figures were obtained from the work presented in [2].
Current (A)
Current (A)
0 (a)Time
Current (A)Current (A)
Fig. 16: Comparison between charging current behaviours in distributed ESSs: (a) without SoC
equalization (b) with SoC equalization. The figures wer obtained from the work presented in [3].
3. Thesis Contribution
Time (sec)
Adjusted Output Power
Fig. 17: Operation of RESs as gird-interactive units (off-MPPT mode). Here, the power genera-
tion is adjusted to match the power consumption.
power point. That is, the power generator with more power available will
contribute with more power than the others and so on [2, 3, 76, 96].
Another possibility is to determine the sharing proportion of each unit
based on improving the overall system efficiency in the energy conversion
process. It is well known that the efficiency of the power conversion stage
is reduced when it operates at low power rates [97]. Therefore, the sharing
proportion can be determined by optimal overall system efficiency as is pro-
posed in [98]. This strategy has not been considered in this thesis but can be
considered as a part of future work.
3 Thesis Contribution
This thesis addresses the coordination of distributed generation units for
small-scale islanded microgrids based on variable renewable energy sources
and battery-based energy storage systems. The coordination strategies look
for ensuring the reliable and safe operation of the islanded power system by
assigning specific responsibilities and actions to the distributed resources in
accordance with their particular limitations and capabilities.
The coordination strategies proposed in this thesis are based on specific
requirements and characteristics for charging and discharging battery-based
energy storage systems. In this sense, three basic stages for the operation
of the ESSs are considered as the base for the definition of coordinated ac-
tions within the islanded microgrid: (i) The ESS is operating under a partial
SoC, therefore, it is able to be charged or discharged in accordance with
the requirement of the microgrid. (ii) The ESS reaches its maximum limit
for storing energy, therefore, the generation should be adjusted for ensur-
ing the power balance in the microgrid. Meanwhile, proper charge profiles
are ensured based on particular requirements of the battery-based ESS. (iii)
The ESS reaches its limit for delivering energy to the microgrid, therefore,
the load consumption of the microgrid should be adjusted in order to avoid
further discharge of the storage unit beyond safe operating limits.
Given the above points, the operation of the microgrid can be conside-
red within a finite number of operation modes or states in a system level,
which are determined by specific combinations of operation modes of the
distributed resource [3]. As a consequence, the coordination strategies are
deployed by means of decision-making units based on finite state machines,
which can easily synthesize the required charge profiles for battery- based
Finite state machines are probably the most used tool for coordinating
multi-robot systems, since they provide a simple way of managing the com-
plexity of the system. This thesis adopts concepts used for coordination ar-
chitecture of multi-robot systems such as robot soccer teams. The terms of
roles and behaviours have been adopted for specifying the control modes,
and level of interaction of each distributed unit in the operation of the micro-
grid respectively. In fact, a coordination architecture based on a metaphoric
adaptation of coordination strategies previously proposed for robot-soccer
scenarios has been proposed in this thesis.
For ensuring a stable operation of the islanded microgrid under the dif-
ferent stages or operation modes considered within the coordination archi-
tecture, a small-signal stability analysis has been performed for islanded ac
microgrids by considering different combinations of operation modes at the
distributed energy resources. The proposed analysis considers the effect of
constant power loads and constant power sources in the dynamic perfor-
mance of a microgrid and allows to determine the values of the droop coef-
ficients for enabling the power sharing between grid-forming units based on
stability constraints.
Thanks to the stability analysis, it is possible to determine safe ranges
for adjusting the values in the droop coefficients, which enables the imple-
mentation of adaptive power sharing functions. The adaptive functions allow
differentiating the amount of power shared by each unit in accordance with
its capacity or based on the level of cooperation determined by the cooper-
ative strategy. This fact enables the definition of cooperative behaviours by
means of adaptive functions within the coordination strategy such as: (i) SoC
equalization. (ii) uniformity in the SoC profiles between distributed battery-
based ESSs. (iii) proportional power contribution from variable RESs.
The use of cooperative behaviours for achieving SoC equalization and the
uniformity in the SoC profiles allow treating distributed storage systems like
a single aggregated storage system, from the point of view of coordination
4. Thesis Objectives
strategy. This because the processes of charging and discharging are car-
ried out almost simultaneously. This fact allows an easy definition of unified
actions for coordination in the microgrid and is reflected in uniform degra-
dation and stress for the distributed ESSs.
Expert systems have been used not only for defining the rules and condi-
tions for the finite state machines in the decision-making mechanisms. Ad-
ditionally, knowledge-based fuzzy inference systems have been proposed for
obtaining the adaptive functions which allow the SoC equalization in dis-
tributed coordination strategies. The fuzzy system provides an intuitive and
qualitative way of defining the adaptive curves for cooperative behaviour,
for instance, the adjustment of the droop control loops in accordance to par-
ticular operating conditions in each unit. Since the fuzzy system is based
on qualitative knowledge, it can be easily adapted for ac or dc microgrids.
What is more, a fuzzy inference system is able to manage different control
objectives simultaneously as is shown in [86].
In this thesis different centralized and distributed strategies have been
proposed for a proper coordination of islanded microgrids based on variable
RESs and distributed battery-based ESSs. The proposed architectures can be
easily adapted for ac and dc microgrids since the principle of the architecture
is based on qualitative knowledge.
The proposed coordination architectures have been validated by either:
simulations or experiments. A hardware-in-the-loop (HiL) platform based
on Simulink models and dSPACE are chosen as the simulation environment
for dc MGs. Experimental setups in the microgrid laboratory are used to
verify the coordination architectures in islanded ac microgrids.
4 Thesis Objectives
The research objectives of this project are listed below:
• To define suitable power conversion stages and inner control loops for
integrating battery-based distributed energy storage devices to islanded
among distributed energy storage units.
• To develop different scalable and expandable coordination strategies
for islanded microgrids based on distributed energy storage systems
and variable renewable energy sources, taking into consideration both
the storage and the grid side (energy storage limitation and microgrid
• To integrate the coordination strategies to the hierarchical control struc-
ture for microgrids.
• To develop coordination and management algorithms according to the
power limitation of each power electronics converter and capacity of
charge of each energy storage unit. The proposed strategies will con-
sider the particular characteristics of each ESS and their requirements
for the proper process of charge/discharge.
5 Thesis Outline
This thesis is organized as follows:
Chapter III: contains the second paper, presented in IEEE Energy Con-
version Congress and Exposition (ECCE) 2015. This paper proposes a small-
signal stability analysis for the use of adaptive droop control loops in is-
landed ac microgrid composed of distributed energy storage systems and
variable renewable energy sources. The performed analysis considers dif-
ferent stages and topological circuit operation modes of the microgrid, for
providing the appropriate charge profiles to distributed energy storage sys-
tems based on lead-acid batteries in ac microgrids. The proposed analysis
5. Thesis Outline
allows the adequate selection of values and range for adjusting the droop co-
efficients based on adaptive functions, in order to ensure the stability of the
microgrid under different topological operation modes.
Chapter IV: presents the third paper, which has been submitted to IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics. This paper proposes a distributed ar-
chitecture for assigning roles to distributed units in islanded ac microgrids.
The distributed units are self-controlled and coordinated by means of dis-
tributed decision-making units which rely only on limited information about
the global state of the microgrid, provided by a bus-signalling method with-
out the use of additional communication channels. The proposed strategy
considers different stages for charging properly storage units based on lead-
acid batteries and includes a distributed method based on a fuzzy infer-
ence system for equalization of the state of charge (SoC) between distributed
energy storage systems. The SoC equalization allows a smooth and uniform
transition between charging stages for the distributed ESSs. The proposed
control strategy is tested experimentally in the microgrid laboratory.
Chapter V: presents the fourth paper, accepted for publication in the IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics. This paper proposes a centralized con-
trol architecture based on tactics, roles, and behaviours for a coordinated
operation of islanded ac microgrids. The architecture is inspired by a robot-
soccer coordination strategy, which is used from a metaphoric point of view
in order to structure the coordination of the distributed energy resources for
ensuring a reliable operation of the islanded system and appropriate charge
profiles for distributed energy storage systems based on lead-acid batteries.
The proposed architecture takes advantages of the global perception pro-
vided by the centralized control agent to allow greater flexibility in operating
modes and transitions between different operating conditions. The proposed
control strategy is tested experimentally in the microgrid laboratory.
Chapter VI: presents the fifth paper, presented at the IEEE First Interna-
tional Conference on DC Microgrids (ICDCM) 2015. This paper presents a
centralized strategy for equalizing the state of charge of distributed energy
storage systems in an islanded dc microgrid. On top of that, the proposed
strategy allows uniform SoC profiles between distributed battery-based ESSs
based on a proportional power sharing in accordance with the capacity of
each storage system. The proposed strategy is based on a simple algorithm
denoted as equalization algorithm, which modifies the charge or discharge
rate by weighting the virtual resistor of local droop control loops at each dis-
tributed energy storage system. The proposed strategy can be used as an
additional function within a coordination strategy Hardware in the loop re-
sults show the feasibility of the proposed method. The proposed coordination
strategy is tested in the microgrid laboratory with dSPACE based HiL setups.
Chapter VII: contains the sixth paper, accepted for publication in the
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. This paper adapts the equalization
method presented in the previous section to be implemented in an islanded
ac microgrid. The equalization method is incorporated within a complete
coordination strategy, which relies on a central control unit which works as
a supervisory stage for avoiding overcharge or over-discharge on battery-
based ESSs. The proposed strategy provides a more suitable charge profile
for Li-Ion batteries. Experimental results validate the proposed coordination
Chapter VIII: contains the conclusion and summarizes the main contribu-
tions. Additionally, this part presents perspectives for future research.
Part II
Paper 1
Intelligent Distributed Generation and Storage
Units for DC Microgrids - A New Concept on
Cooperative Control without Communications
Beyond Droop Control
Low voltage dc microgrids have been widely used for supplying critical loads, such
as data centers and remote communication stations. Consequently, it is important
to ensure redundancy and enough energy capacity in order to support possible incre-
ments in load consumption. This is achieved by means of expansion of the energy
storage system by adding extra distributed energy storage units. However, using
distributed energy storage units adds more challenges in microgrids control, since
stored energy should be balanced in order to avoid deep discharge or over-charge in
one of the energy storage units. Typically, voltage droop loops are used for inter-
connecting several different units in parallel to a microgrid. This paper proposes a
new decentralized strategy based on fuzzy logic that ensures stored energy balance,
for a low voltage dc microgrid with distributed battery energy storage systems, by
modifying the virtual resistances of the droop controllers in accordance with the state
of charge of each energy storage unit. Additionally, the virtual resistance is adjusted
in order to reduce the voltage deviation at the common dc bus. The units are self-
controlled by using local variables only, hence, the microgrid can operate without
relying on communication systems. Hardware in the loop results show the feasibility
of the proposed method.
Part III
Paper 2
Stability Analysis for Isolated AC Microgrids
Based on PV-Active Generators
The current trend in isolated microgrids is oriented to distributed renewable energy
generators, such as photovoltaic (PV) generators and their corresponding distributed
energy storage systems (ESS) as an unit denoted as active generator (PV+ESS).
In an isolated microgrid, every distributed generator (ESS or PV) may operate in
two operation modes (grid-forming or grid-following) in accordance to specific op-
erational conditions. Nevertheless, at least one distributed generator should assume
the regulation of the common bus, and seamless transition between operation modes
should be ensured for all the distributed generators. In particular, ESS’s based on
batteries require at least two different mode of charge. As consequence, the topologi-
cal operation mode of the microgrid is affected by the changes of the operation mode
of each distributed generator. Typically, droop control loops are used for intercon-
necting several different distributed generators in parallel to a common bus, whose
parameters determine the stability and damping of the microgrid operation. In this
paper, a small-signal stability analysis is applied to an isolated AC microgrid com-
posed of (PV+ESS) active generators, regarding three different operation modes of
the microgrid. The proposed analysis allows the designers an adequate selection of
the droop coefficient in order to ensure the stability of the microgrid under different
topological operation modes.
Part IV
Paper 3
A Communication-less Distributed Control
Architecture for Islanded Microgrids with
Renewable Generation and Storage
For reliable operation of an islanded microgrid, at least one of its distributed re-
sources should assume the responsibility of forming the off-grid power system. This
responsibility is usually assumed by energy storage systems based on their capability
of compensating the unbalance between generation and consumption. However, the
storage units may lose their capability of regulating the power grid when maximum
and minimum limits of charge are reached. Under these conditions, the regulation of
the power grid may be assumed by another unit with enough capability or the power
balance should be adjusted coordinately. This paper proposes a coordination archi-
tecture for islanded ac microgrids, which considers the appropriate charge profiles
for battery-based energy storage systems. The architecture is based on distributed
decision-making mechanisms, which use only local measurements for determining
the operation mode of each unit independently. The coordination relies on a bus-
signalling method, which enables the distributed units to have a global perception
about the operation of the microgrid, without any communication infrastructure.
The proposed architecture includes cooperative operation between distributed energy
storage systems for equalization of charge, which allows a uniform transition between
appropriate charging stages. Experimental results validate the proposed strategy un-
der different operational conditions in the microgrid.
Part V
Paper 4
A Robot-Soccer-Coordination Inspired Control
Architecture Applied to Islanded Microgrids
Nowadays islanded microgrids present a high interest due to the increasing penetra-
tion of renewable energy resources, especially in remote areas, or for improving the
local energy reliability. A microgrid can operate in grid-connected or islanded mode,
being necessary the use of energy storage systems under islanded operation, in or-
der to ensure the generation/consumption power balance and smooth uncertainties in
the dynamics of the renewable energy sources. Particularly, in islanded operation at
least one of the distributed energy resources should assume the regulation of the com-
mon bus. In a microgrid, every distributed energy resource may be able to cooperate
with the grid regulation in accordance to its particular operational conditions. In
this sense, a centralized unit with a global perception of the load demand, the power
provided by the renewable energy sources, and the storage capacity of the energy
storage systems, may ensure proper and reliable operation of the microgrid. This
paper proposes a structured architecture based on tactics, roles and behaviors for a
coordinated operation of islanded microgrids. The architecture is inspired on a robot
soccer strategy with global perception and centralized control, which determines the
changes among operation modes for the distributed energy resources in an islanded
ac microgrid.
Part VI
Paper 5
Energy Management System with Equalization
Algorithm for Distributed Energy Storage Systems
in PV-Active Generator Based Low Voltage DC
This paper presents a centralized strategy for equalizing the state of charge of dis-
tributed energy storage systems in an islanded DC microgrid. The proposed strat-
egy is based on a simple algorithm called equalization algorithm, which modifies the
charge or discharge rate by weighting the virtual resistor of local droop control loops
at each distributed energy storage system. The proposed strategy, can be used as an
additional function of the microgrid energy management system where the state of
charge of distributed ESS is equalized within a determined window of time. Finally,
real-time simulation results of a low voltage DC microgrid are presented in order to
verify the performance of the proposed approach.
Part VII
Paper 6
Centralized Control Architecture for Coordination
of Distributed Renewable Generation and Energy
Storage in Islanded AC Microgrids
The coordinated operation of distributed energy resources such as storage and gen-
eration units and also loads is required for the reliable operation of an islanded mi-
crogrid. Since in islanded microgrids the storage units are commonly responsible for
regulating the voltage amplitude and frequency in the local power system, the coordi-
nation should consider safe operating limits for the stored energy, which prevents fast
degradation or damage to the storage units. This paper proposes a centralized control
architecture, applicable for local area power systems such as a small-scale microgrid.
The centralized architecture is based on three supervisory control tasks which con-
sider: active power curtailment of generation for avoiding overcharge of the storage
units, load shedding actions for preventing deep discharge of the storage units, and
equalization of the state of charge among distributed storage systems for avoiding
uneven degradation. The proposed equalization method has proved to be effective for
equalizing the state of charge of distributed energy storage systems and for ensuring
uniform charge/discharge ratios regardless of differences in the capacity of the storage
units. Additionally, the strategy is complemented with an optimal scheduling of load
connection, which minimizes the connection and disconnection cycles of the loads
within a time horizon of 24 hours. The proposed architecture is verified experimen-
tally in a lab-scale prototype of a microgrid, which has real communication between
the microgrid and the central controller.
Concluding remarks
1 Summary
This thesis proposes different coordination architectures for small-scale is-
landed microgrids based variable renewable energy sources and energy stor-
age systems based on batteries. These kinds of microgrids are highly used
for the electrification of non-interconnected and remote villages or commu-
nication stations. Due to the variability and unpredictable behaviour of the
primary energy resources, the islanded power system relies on energy stor-
age systems for ensuring a reliable operation. The Energy storage systems
can provide the required energy backup and energy buffer for supporting the
variations on the primary energy resources and provides enough autonomy
to the islanded power system. Particularly, battery-based energy storage sys-
tems continue dominating the applications in islanded systems, thanks they
offer the best compromise between lifetime, energy density, power density,
availability, and cost.
The proposed coordination architectures enable an appropriate interac-
tion of the energy storage systems based on batteries with other distributed
generators within an islanded power system, by considering the limitations,
particular requirements, and appropriate charging stages of the storage units.
As a matter of fact, the coordination strategies are based on charging profiles,
which ensures a proper charging process of the energy storage system.
The proposed coordination architectures can be easily deployed and adap-
ted for either ac or dc microgrids, since are based on expert systems which
manage the complexity derived from the interaction of different kinds of dis-
tributed units from a higher level of abstraction. The distributed units in the
microgrid are able to operate independently and without any coordination
by means of a proper definition of inner and primary controllers. Therefore,
the coordination strategies are properly dimensioned and integrated to the
hierarchical control structure defined for microgrids. In this sense, by acting
over the first level (inner control loops, in the hierarchical control structure),
it is possible to modify the role (control mode) of the distributed units in
order to achieve different stages for charging the energy storage system and
assigning the responsibility of forming the local power grid to a distributed
unit with enough capability. Meanwhile, adjustments in the primary con-
trollers (second level) allow the definition of cooperative behaviours between
distributed units.
Conventional droop control loops have been considered for the primary
controllers. Therefore, the adjustment derived from cooperative functions
defined within the coordination strategy are properly scaled by considering
the stability issues and constraints. To do that, small-signal models of the
islanded microgrid have been obtained and studied, which consider differ-
ent configurations and interactions between grid-forming units operating in
voltage control mode, and grid-following units operating as constant power
sources or loads.
One of the cooperative operations explored within this project is the equa-
lization of the state of charge of distributed energy storage systems. The SoC
equalization allows the operation of distributed energy storage systems as an
aggregated one by unifying the SoC profiles. This fact allows simultaneous
transitions between charging stages by facilitating the definition of coordina-
tion actions. Additionally, the Soc equalization avoids uneven degradation of
the distributed storage units, by exposing them to similar levels of stress, or
proportional to their capacity, during their operation.
Both. distributed and centralized strategies have been explored. The dis-
tributed approaches take advantages of their inherent modularity and ex-
pandability making them more suitable for applications which require a pro-
gressive expansion or where the use of dedicated communications channels
are not possible. Meanwhile, centralized approaches take advantages of the
global vision provided by the central controller in order to perform more ac-
curate and multi-objective tasks. Therefore, centralized strategies add more
flexibility to the operation of the distributed units, since it makes possible the
definition of additional collaborative behaviours.
The coordination problem of multi-units systems has been widely ex-
plored in different fields. For instance, the coordination of multi-robot in
automation systems. In this sense, similar principles and approaches can be
adopted for the coordination of islanded microgrids as was proposed in this
work by defining a structured architecture based on tactics, roles behaviours
previously used for teams of robot soccer.
2 Contributions
This sections summarizes the main contributions from the point of view of
the Author:
• The definition knowledge-based fuzzy functions for enabling an adap-
tive operation of droop control loops, which allows the equalization of
3. Future Work
3 Future Work
The strategies and contributions developed in this thesis show the following
promising aspects to be investigated in the future:
variation in generation and consumption and also providing support
for enhancing the dynamic response and smoothing the operation of
the microgrid under the transitions in operation modes.
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ISSN (online): 2246-1248
ISBN (online): 978-87-7112-846-8