The Evolution of Health and Fitness Masterclass by Eric Edmeades Workbook PDF
The Evolution of Health and Fitness Masterclass by Eric Edmeades Workbook PDF
The Evolution of Health and Fitness Masterclass by Eric Edmeades Workbook PDF
5 Tips to Get the Most Out of This Masterclass
1. Print this guide before the Masterclass so you can take notes as you listen.
You can also download and type directly in the guide to save paper.
2. Review the contents of this guide before the Masterclass so you know what
to expect, and you can best set aside private time before, during, and after the
Masterclass to complete the activities.
3. You can pause the Masterclass video to take notes or fill in the blanks by
clicking on the video screen.
4. Think of how you can quickly implement the secrets revealed in this session
to increase abundance in your life.
5. During the Masterclass, use the dedicated space on the right column to
write down ALL interesting new ideas and inspirations you get while listening -
that way you won’t lose the most relevant information to you.
Table of Contents
• Assess your current health and fitness levels before the Masterclass.
• Take Eric’s key lessons and create an action plan for yourself.
• The right question can spur your unconscious mind to feed you the right
Start with Intention
Write down and set your positive intentions here. What are your intentions for
joining this Masterclass? What do you hope to leave with?
Before the Masterclass begins, assess your current health and fitness levels with
this self-assessment. How true are these statements to you?
Reflect on the results of your self-assessment and see what areas you could
improve. Pay attention to those areas of improvement during the Masterclass, so
you can learn more about them in Eric’s teachings.
Follow along the Masterclass and fill in the blanks.
1. Dieting goes beyond _______________.
3. The big issue is that our lifestyle does not match our ____________.
4. When we live in the _____________ that our bodies were designed to live
8. The great myth: older generation think ___________ is the ONLY way to
lose weight.
9. Remember: it's not about the __________; it's about your relationship with
Five Key Ideas to Change Your Relationship With Food
• You are 7x more likely to die from __________ than from smoking cigarettes.
2. Beware of _____________
• Artificial vanilla flavoring comes from the secretion of anal juices of this
animal: ___________.
• You must fill yourself up with the right amount of ________ and _________
nutrients to live a healthy lifestyle.
b. #2: ___________
c. #3: ___________
After the Masterclass, think about how you can use the lessons learned from Eric
to create actionable steps for yourself. Use the notes from previous pages to
help guide you. Make sure your plan follows the SMART-rule.
1. I still stop …
2. I will start …
3. By when…
The right questions can spur your unconscious mind to feed you the right
answers. So ask yourself… (Use an extra piece of paper if you need to).
1. Imagine – what will losing 5-20kg do for your life?
2. Why is losing weight or being healthy important to you?
3. What is the one thing you can do right now to demonstrate you are dedicated to
improving your relationship with food?
My earliest memory of starting to 'diet' or having issues with my eating was 7 years old.
Over the course of the next 20+ years I completed every diet, pill, product, program, that you
could imagine, and each time thought I was doing the right thing, or what was 'healthy' for
my body ... until I learned the truth from WildFit.
I was immediately attracted to the program on the basis that it was more than a ‘diet’
program but a how to get back to the basics of what the 'human' diet is supposed to be. It
went in depth to explain the food choices that are best for our bodies from an evolutionary
perspective, how the food industry has influenced us so greatly, how to break old habits and
beliefs, and how to take small steps to reach massive results in just 13 weeks.
My goal was to become a Mom, and to have a healthy family I needed to start with myself.
In 90 days I released 46 lbs., 89 inches, and 4 dress sizes! The groups, the coaching, the
camaraderie, the support, all were bonuses in helping us to reach success.
Now I am proud to say that WildFit is a guiding principle in our lifestyle now ... and we had
the very first WildFit baby!!! (Now 18 months and loves her WildFit smoothies! :) )
~ Jacqueline Giurleo
“The WildFit program changed my life”
“It’s 3 months of your life that will change your life forever”
My partner, Mike, my 16 year old son, River, and I decided to take the WildFit Challenge after we
heard Eric speak. Eric’s passion for the food revolution he is creating spoke to each of our hearts.
Interestingly, the reason we each committed to the program was different. Mike is an athlete that no
matter what eating program or exercise program he followed, he could never reach his goal in terms
of muscle mass. River was a high performing athlete that ate as he was instructed. When he
succumbed to an injury, he gained a lot of weight which was hard on his emotional psyche. For
myself, I have felt for years that I didn’t know what to eat as I’ve had digestive issues for most of my
life. Food was my enemy.
“Today I am more flexible than I have been in years”
~ Sabine Rosen
~ Paul Scheele
Founder of Learning Strategies and CEO of
Scheele Learning Systems
“I have released 21 lbs. so far”
I was introduced to Eric Edmeades and the WildFit Challenge in June, 2016 and after just 8 weeks of
this program, all I can say is WOW! I have released 21 lbs. so far and have no doubt in my mind that
this journey will continue over the coming months until I achieve my optimum weight of 205 (I’m
6'4" and weighed in on June 7th at 261).
This is NOT a diet... but rather a complete health and lifestyle change. My attitude towards food has
radically changed and it is so wonderful to be feeling healthier day by day.
I would strongly encourage anyone who is struggling with weight control or simply wants to break
free from the bondage of unhealthy eating habits to check out WildFit.
~ Norman Lihaven
~ Veronica de Andres, Dame of Grace of the Order of St John, international speaker and bestselling
author of Confianza Total
I continue to have remarkable success even after the WildFit program has ended. That for me was
the true test of the effectiveness of this program. Eric Edmeades and his dedicated team have
created an easy and very thorough journey to sustainable healthy eating and living practices. Not
only did I lose and keep off unwanted weight, I have experienced an amazing increase in energy and
aliveness. This is not just a program, it is a welcome and satisfying approach to living.
I cannot say enough about this program. I've been struggling with weight gain for 8 years, since
weaning myself off if 10 high dose medications. I've done so many diets and programs, taken
supplements, done detoxes and cleanses all with varied results. Nothing has come clean we to this.
I've finally gotten off of dairy, I've released 20 lbs in the past 3 weeks, have absolutely no cravings
for chips, ice cream or chocolate ( all of which I used to binge on regularly ). I finally understand why
I've struggled so much, and I have developed a more natural and healthy relationship with food. I
feel no desire to overeat or to have snacks. It's shocking how much my psychology around food has
changed. I look at junk food items and think, yeah I doubt I'll ever want that gain. I think this should
be taught in schools. My level of gratitude is so high that my eyes are tearing up as I type this. Take
this program, it is the most comprehensive way of getting rid of unhealthy eating habits. Period.
~ Dawn Carson