02 - Food-Guideline-for-WildFit-Week-2

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Food Guideline for WildFit Week 2

Your Assignment This Week
➢ Keep eating the way you eat
➢ Add 6-8 glasses of water daily
➢ Observe your dialogue
➢ Have 2-3 pieces of fruit on empty stomach - first thing in the morning, 30 minutes
before any other meal
➢ Increase the amount of vegetables with each meal
➢ Start the Alkagizer Mild daily

1. Have the fruits in one sitting or over a longer period of time, whichever suits your
taste and schedule.
2. Have the Alkagizer Mild in the morning before any other meal. It contains fruits.
3. Remember to keep observing how you feel before, during, after and 30 minutes after
any meal or snack
4. If you want to stop having a certain food, don’t! Keep having it until we ask you to
remove it! This is very important!

This Week Available In Abundance

➢ Everything that you have been eating before the program
➢ Below is a list of fruits and vegetables - Try something new!

Copyright © 2016 by Eric Edmeades | WildFit All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or
transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior
written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other no ncom me r cia l
uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissio n s C oo r di n ato r ,” at
[email protected]

List of Fruits
➢ Acai Berry ➢ Dragonfruit ➢ Mamey Sapote ➢ Prunes
➢ Apple ➢ Durian ➢ Mandarin- ➢ Purple
➢ Apricot ➢ Elderberry Clementine, mangosteen
➢ Asian Pear ➢ Feijoa Satsuma ➢ Quince
➢ Avocado ➢ Fig ➢ Mandarine ➢ Raisin
➢ Banana ➢ Galia ➢ Mango ➢ Rambutan
➢ Barberry ➢ Ginger ➢ Mangosteen ➢ Raspberry
➢ Berries ➢ Goji berry ➢ Marionberry ➢ Raspberry
➢ Bilberry ➢ Gooseberry ➢ Melon (Black/
➢ Blackberry ➢ Grape ➢ Miracle fruit Golden/Red)
➢ Blackcurrant ➢ Grapefruit ➢ Mulberry ➢ Redcurrant
➢ Blood Orange ➢ Grapes ➢ Nance ➢ Redcurrant
➢ Blueberry ➢ Guava ➢ Navel ➢ Rhubarb
➢ Boysenberry ➢ Honeydew ➢ Nectarine ➢ Salak
➢ Breadfruit ➢ Huckleberry ➢ Noni ➢ Salal berry
➢ Canary/Juan ➢ Jabuticaba ➢ Ogen ➢ Salmonberry
Canary Melon ➢ Jackfruit ➢ Olive ➢ Santa Claus/
➢ Cantaloupe ➢ Jambul ➢ Oranges Christmas
➢ Cantaloupe/ ➢ Jujube ➢ Papaya Melon
Muskmelon ➢ Juniper berry ➢ Passion Fruit ➢ Satsuma
➢ Carob ➢ Kiwano/ ➢ Peach ➢ Sea buckthorn
➢ Casaba Melon Horned ➢ Pear Berry
➢ Charentais Melon/ ➢ Persian ➢ Serviceberry
➢ Cherimoya African ➢ Persimmon ➢ Seville
➢ Cherry Horned ➢ Physalis ➢ Sharlyn
➢ Citron Cucumber ➢ Pineapple ➢ Starfruit
➢ Clementine ➢ Kiwifruit ➢ Plantain ➢ Strawberry
➢ Cloudberry ➢ Kumquat ➢ Plum ➢ Tamarillo
➢ Coconut ➢ Lemon ➢ Pluot ➢ Tamarind
➢ Cranberry ➢ Lime ➢ Pomegranate ➢ Tangelo
➢ Crenshaw ➢ Lingonberry ➢ Pomelo ➢ Tangerine
➢ Currant ➢ Loganberry ➢ Prickly Pear/ ➢ Tomato
➢ Damson ➢ Longan Cactus Pear ➢ Ugli fruit
➢ Date ➢ Loquat ➢ Prune (dried ➢ Valencia
➢ Dragon Fruit/ ➢ Lucuma plum) ➢ Watermelon
Pitaya ➢ Lychee

Copyright © 2016 by Eric Edmeades | WildFit All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or
transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior
written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other no ncom me r cia l
uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissio n s C oo r di n ato r ,” at
[email protected]

Copyright © 2016 by Eric Edmeades | WildFit All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or
transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior
written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other no ncom me r cia l
uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissio n s C oo r di n ato r ,” at
[email protected]

List of Vegetables

Copyright © 2016 by Eric Edmeades | WildFit All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or
transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior
written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other no ncom me r cia l
uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissio n s C oo r di n ato r ,” at
[email protected]

➢ Acorn squash ➢ Black-eyed ➢ Chinese ➢ Green beans

➢ Alfalfa sprouts peas Broccoli/ Kai- ➢ Green Onions
➢ Amaranth ➢ Bok Choy lan ➢ Green peas
➢ Amaranth ➢ Borlotti bean ➢ Chives ➢ Green, Red,
Leaves/ ➢ Broad beans ➢ Cilantro seeds Savoy
Chinese ➢ Broccoflower are Coriander ➢ Greens
Spinach (a hybrid) ➢ Collard greens ➢ Habanero
➢ Anise ➢ Broccoli ➢ Corn ➢ Hearts of Palm
➢ Artichoke ➢ Brussels ➢ Corn salad ➢ Herbs and
➢ Arugula Sprouts ➢ Corn/Maize spices
➢ Asparagus ➢ Burdock ➢ Courgette ➢ Horseradish
➢ Aubergine Root/Gobo (UK) = ➢ Hubbard
(UK) = ➢ Butter Beans Zucchini (US) squash
Eggplant (US) ➢ Butterhead- ➢ Cucumber ➢ Iceberg
➢ Avocado Bibb, Boston ➢ Curly ➢ Jalapeño
➢ Baby Corn/ ➢ Butternut ➢ Daikon ➢ Jerusalem
Candle Corn squash ➢ Daikon Radish artichoke
➢ Bamboo ➢ Cabbage - ➢ Dandelion ➢ Jícama
Shoots Green Greens ➢ Kale
➢ Banana squash ➢ Cabbage - ➢ Delicata ➢ Kidney beans
➢ Basil Purple ➢ Dill ➢ Kohlrabi
➢ Bean sprouts ➢ Calabash ➢ Edamame ➢ Kohlrabi
➢ Beet ➢ Calabrese ➢ Eggplant/ Greens
➢ Beet Greens ➢ Capers Aubergine ➢ Lacinato
➢ Beetroot (UK) ➢ Caraway ➢ Elephant ➢ Lavender
= Beet (US) ➢ Carrot Garlic ➢ Leaf- Green,
➢ Belgian ➢ Cassava/Yuca ➢ Endive Red
Endive ➢ Cauliflower ➢ English ➢ Leeks
➢ Bell Peppers - ➢ Cayenne Cucumber ➢ Lemongrass
Green pepper ➢ Escarole ➢ Lentils
➢ Bell Peppers - ➢ Celeriac ➢ Fennel ➢ Lettuce
Orange ➢ Celery ➢ Fiddlehead ➢ Lima Beans
➢ Bell Peppers - ➢ Celtuce ➢ Frisee ➢ Lotus Seed
Red ➢ Chamomile ➢ Galangal ➢ Maize
➢ Bell Peppers - ➢ Chard ➢ Garlic ➢ Mangetout or
Yellow ➢ Chayote ➢ Gem squash Snap peas
➢ Bitter Melon / ➢ Chili pepper = ➢ Gherkin ➢ Marjoram
Bitter Gourd Capsicum ➢ Ginger ➢ Marrow (UK)
➢ Grape Leaves ➢ Mung beans

Copyright © 2016 by Eric Edmeades | WildFit All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or
transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior
written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other no ncom me r cia l
uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissio n s C oo r di n ato r ,” at
[email protected]

Vegetables Cont’d
➢ Mushrooms ➢ Root ➢ Thyme ➢ Peppers - New
➢ Mustard vegetables ➢ Tomatillo Mexico
greens ➢ Rosemary ➢ Tomato ➢ Peppers -
➢ Napa Cabbage ➢ Runner beans ➢ Topinambur Poblano
➢ Navy beans ➢ Rutabaga ➢ Tubers ➢ Peppers -
➢ Nettles ➢ Rutabaga ➢ Turnip Serrano
➢ New Zealand ➢ Sage ➢ Turnip Greens ➢ Peppers -
spinach ➢ Salsify ➢ Wasabi Sport
➢ Nopales (usually ➢ Water chestnut ➢ Peppers - Thai
➢ Okra Purple Salsify ➢ Water Spinach ➢ Peppers - Bell
➢ Olive or Oyster ➢ Watercress ➢ Peppers -
➢ Onion Plant) ➢ Wax Beans Cubanella
➢ Onion - Red ➢ Scallions ➢ White radish ➢ Peppers -
➢ Onion - ➢ Sea ➢ Winter Melon Pimento
Yellow Vegetables ➢ Yams ➢ Peppers -
➢ Oregano ➢ Shallots ➢ Yams Sweet Banana
➢ Ornamental ➢ Skirret ➢ Yuca ➢ Squash -
➢ Paprika ➢ Snap Beans ➢ Zucchini Acorn
➢ Parsley ➢ Snow peas ➢ Peppers - ➢ Squash -
➢ Parsley Root ➢ Soy beans Anahaim Banana
➢ Parsnip ➢ Spaghetti ➢ Peppers - ➢ Squash -
➢ Patty pans squash Banana Buttercup
➢ Peas ➢ Spinach ➢ Peppers - ➢ Squash -
➢ Pickling ➢ Split peas Cayene Butternut
Cucumbers ➢ Squash ➢ Peppers - ➢ Squash -
➢ Pimento ➢ String Beans Cherry Cushaw
Pepper ➢ Sugar snap ➢ Peppers - ➢ Squash -
➢ Pinto beans peas Chipotle Delicata
➢ Plantain ➢ Sunchokes ➢ Peppers - ➢ Squash -
➢ Potato ➢ Swede (UK) Fresno Hubbard
➢ Pumpkin ➢ Sweet Peas ➢ Peppers - ➢ Squash -
➢ Purslane ➢ Sweet Potato Habanero Kobacha
➢ Radicchio ➢ Swiss Chard ➢ Peppers - ➢ Squash -
➢ Radish ➢ Tabasco Hungarian Pumpkin
➢ Rapini pepper ➢ Pappers - ➢ Squash -
➢ Rhubarb ➢ Taro Jalepeno Spaghetti
➢ Romaine ➢ Tat soi ➢ Squash -

Copyright © 2016 by Eric Edmeades | WildFit All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or
transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior
written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other no ncom me r cia l
uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissio n s C oo r di n ato r ,” at
[email protected]

Copyright © 2016 by Eric Edmeades | WildFit All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or
transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior
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