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Electro-discharge Grinding: Energy Consumption and Internal Stresses in the

Surface Layer

Conference Paper · April 2010


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2 authors:

Andrzej Golabczak Robert Święcik

Lodz University of Technology Lodz University of Technology


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AEDG grinding of hard machinable materials i.e. Hastelloy, Inconel, Magnesium alloys used in aircraft industry. View project

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16th International Symposium on Electromachining (ISEM XVI)

Electro-discharge Grinding: Energy Consumption

and Internal Stresses in the Surface Layer

A.Golabczak, R.Swiecik
Technical University of Lodz, Department of Production Engineering, Stefanowskiego Str. 1/15,
90-924 Lodz, Poland
*Email: [email protected]

In this work the results has been presented related with influence of the selected electrical parameters of the
AEDG process on the energy consumption and state of the internal stresses in the outer layer at this stage
of process, in comparison to the conventional grinding. The basis of this work has been resembled by
investigations of the deep grinding of surfaces of the titanium alloy Ti6Al4V with using CBM grinding wheel
and sintered carbide S20S with using diamond grinding wheel with metallic binding agent. For the
comparative evaluation of the conventional grinding and AEDG, measurements of the specific grinding
energy, energy of the spark discharge and internal stresses in the surface layer have been used.

Abrasive Electro-discharge Grinding, Grinding Force, Energy Consumption, Internal Stresses


In the latest manufacturing processes the permanent CONDITIONS
tendency has been observed due to the gain of the AEDG grinding tests have been conducted at the
energetic efficiency and shortening of the processing time experimental site equipped with the surface-grinding
with parallel preservation of the dimensions tolerance, machine ECBT8 and impulse discharge generator of the
shape tolerance and outer layer quality of the processed GMP75 type. Test site, presented in our earlier papers
piece. Although, the abilities of efficiency gaining by [12, 13], is equipped with control and measurement
uprising criteria for process parameters are limited. It is circuits for grinding parameters, three-axial piezoelectric
mainly observed in processing of the hardly machinable force gauge 9257B made by KISTLER and computerized
materials akin of titanium alloys or sintered carbide. system for the experimental data logging. For the
Problems related with poor machinability revealed out recording of the working current intensity and voltage
particularly during processes of final manufacturing with drop during discharge the measurement kit has been
using abrasive grinding [1,2]. established, exhibited on Fig. 1.
The one of effective grinding methods of machinery
elements is concurrent use of different forms of energy
during removal of processing allowance, often of different
means of physicochemical impact on processed material
[3-5]. Thanks to them, usability indices of the shape
processing could be improved with parallel diminishing of
the negative results of individual using of the constituent
In the electro-erosive grinding (AEDG) removal of
processing allowance is the result of synergy between
spark discharge between grinding wheel and processed
material surface and simultaneous cutting with the
abrasive grit of the working surface of the grinding wheel
(CPS) [6-10]. The simultaneous activity of mechanical
energy and energy of the spark discharge leads to the
rise up of the processing efficiency, gain of the Fig. 1 : Scheme of meter circuit courses of electric
processing precision and overall surface quality of the discharge in AEDG process
processed surface.
In this work the investigations have been presented
related with the influence of current impulses generator The scope of investigations include tests of the deep
(tension and intensity of the working current) in the grinding AEDG of the planar samples made of titanium
process of AEDG on the energy consumption due to the alloy Ti6Al4V (dimensions 55x20x5) with using grinding
classical grinding. wheel made of the regular boron azide with metallic
binding agent (CBN 125/100 M75) and samples made of
For the evaluation of the grinding process specific energy sintered carbide S20S (dimensions 60x20x5) with
and energy of spark discharge have been used and diamond grinding wheel also with metallic binding agent
additionally internal stresses distribution in the outer layer (SD 125/100 M75). AEDG process has been conducted in
has been determined. distilled water as a dielectric medium.
In the experiments carried out the input variables of the

F't [N/mm]

grinding process were parameters of the electric impulses grinding pass

sparking pass
generator i.e. working current voltage and intensity. 2,0
Constant parameters comprised of impulses time ti,
repetition time tp and kinematic parameters of the AEDG
process, set up accordingly previous investigations made 1,5

by authors [12,13].
For the quantitative evaluation of the compared here 1,0
grinding processes the specific energy of grinding and
energy of spark discharge has been used. Consumption
of energy of the AEDG process (limited to the
participation of conventional grinding in the whole
process) has been evaluated from the tangential 0,0
1 2 3
component of force and speed of grinding:
1- Conventional grinding and sparking out a)
es  VCGm J / mm 3 (1) 2- AEDG (+) process and conventional sparking out
3- AEDG (-) process and conventional sparking out

F't [N/mm]
The energy of spark discharge has been determined grinding pass
basing on runs recorded during AEDG grinding. Signals sparking pass
of current intensity ie and voltage drop ue has been 2,0

recorded with digital oscilloscope HM407 (made by

HAMEG) equipped with voltage probe and current shunt 1,5
ISM 5P/50 (made by LEM). Signals recorded in the
oscilloscope have been transmitted to the computer and
energy computations have been carried out with using 1,0

HAMEG firmware SP107 allowing digital integration of the

mean discharge energy EEDM : 0,5

  u (t )i(t )dt J  (2)
1 2 3
Measurements of the internal stresses in the outer layer 1- Conventional grinding and sparking out b)
have been done with x-ray diffractometry sin ψ, which 2- AEDG (-) process and conventional sparking out
3- AEDG (+) process and conventional sparking out
relay upon determining real elastic distortions of the
crystallic lattice of the grinded samples [11]. The scope of Fig. 2: Comparison of specific tangential grinding force
tests include determination of the specific internal after conventional grinding and AEDG process: a)
stresses WW samples of sintered carbide and titanium sintered carbide S20S, b) titanium alloy Ti6Al4V:
alloy after AEDG grinding and after conventional grinding. vs=30 m/s, vf=0.5 m/min, a=20 µm, ti=32 µs, tp=63 µs,
dielectric– distilled water

The results found of the sintered carbide grinding (Fig.
Experimental investigations comprise of grinding tests of 2a) exhibits that AEDG grinding with positive polarization
the sintered carbide S20S and titanium alloy Ti6Al4V with (+) is ineffective because of lack of the significant
using AEDG and with conventional grinding for changes of the tangential component of the specific
comparison. The span of investigations cover grinding force during AEDG process (sample 1) in
determination of influence of the: comparison with conventional grinding (sample 2).
 electrodes polarization on the specific grinding force Substantial reduction of the tangential component of the
during AEDG grinding, specific grinding force during AEDG process has been
 working current intensity and voltage drop on the observed during negative polarization (-) of the machined
specific energy of grinding, element (sample 3). Relative decrease of the specific
grinding force during AEDG with negative polarization has
 working current intensity and voltage drop on the
been at 40% during grinding passes and about 10%
energy of spark discharge,
during finishing passes.
 working current intensity and voltage drop on the
distribution of the internal stresses in the outer layer. Similar tendency one can find during titanium alloy
grinding with this difference that most profitable decrease
Presented results are related with estimation of the of the tangential force has been obtained with positive
grinding conditions on allowance removal efficiency and polarization (+), not negative (-).
energy consumption in AEDG process and distribution of
stresses in WW. In subsequent stages of investigations performed with
titanium alloy Ti6Al4V only negative polarization (-) has
been used and similarly – only positive polarization (+)
3.1 Influence of the electrodes polarization in AEDG has been used for grinding sintered carbide. Such a
process on the specific force of grinding polarization assures greater efficiency of the allowance
Investigation results related with influence of electrodes removal in AEDG process. Should be stressed that
polarization on tangential component of the specific force polarization related phenomena during AEDG process
of grinding are presented on Fig. 2. Tests has been are not sufficiently recognized so far and is the subject of
carried out for positive element polarization (+) when further investigations of the authors.
positive pole has been joined with the vice holding
sample and negative element polarization (-) when 3.2 Influence of the working current intensity and
negative pole has been joined with the vice holding voltage drop on specific energy of the AEDG
sample. The results presented here are related with influence of
the generator electrical parameters i.e. working current
intensity and voltage drop, on the specific energy of
electro-erosive grinding of sintered carbide and titanium
alloy. Specific energy of the AEDG process has been
determined accordingly equation (1) limited to the
participation of conventional grinding in the whole
process. Test results exhibiting influence of the current
intensity and voltage on the specific grinding energy in 100

es [J/mm3]
the AEDG process with positive polarization of the object
has been presented on Fig. 3.
40 100
U [V]
20 150

0 4 8 12 25
25 I [A]
es [J/mm3]

Fig. 4: Effect of working current voltage and intensity on
15 specific energy for conventional grinding (CG) and AEDG
CG process of sintered carbides S20S: vs=30 m/s, vf=0.5
10 100
U [V]
m/min, a=20 µm, ti=32 µs, tp=63 µs, dielectric – distilled
5 150 water
0 4 8 12 25 An advantageous reduction of the energy consumption
I [A] has been observed also when applied working current of
the 12 A intensity at the voltage drop in the range
Fig. 3: Effect of working current voltage and intensity on 150-200 V giving energy reduction of about 3.5 times for
specific energy for conventional grinding (CG) and AEDG the whole voltage range in comparison with conventional
process of titanium alloy Ti6Al4V: vs=30 m/s, grinding process.
vf=0.5 m/min, a=20 µm, ti=32 µs, tp=63 µs, dielectric – Obtained results acknowledged previous observations of
distilled water authors, presented in paper [12], where has been proved
that the increase of intensity and voltage of the working
current cause intensive decrease of the tangential
Presented results of investigations have confirmed component of the specific grinding force, which in turn
substantial influence of the electro-erosive process on exhibits increase of the electro-erosive process efficiency.
reduction of the specific grinding energy in comparison
with conventional grinding (SK). The lowest specific
grinding energy of the AEDG process has been obtained 3.3 Evaluation of the spark discharge energy in the
with application of the relatively big current intensity at he AEDG process
level of 25 A and voltage drop at the level of 200 V. At
these conditions of AEDG grinding, specific grinding Measurements of the discharge energy have been carried
energy has been about 62% lower in comparison with out at the test site presented on Fig. 1. Measurement set
conventional grinding process. This confirms substantial allowed recording of the working current intensity and
participation of the electro-erosive process in the voltage drop during spark discharges which energy has
processing allowance removal. been determined accordingly to the formula (2).
An advantageous reduction of the grinding energy has Investigations have been made for three ranges of
been observed also when applied working current of the electrical parameters marked as P1, P2, P3, which have
12 A intensity at the voltage drop about 150-200 V giving been set up basing on results presented in papers [12,
energy reduction of about 40÷50% in comparison with 13]. These ranges are as follows:
conventional grinding process.  P1: U=100V, I=8A,
Obtained results acknowledged previous observations of  P2: U=150V, I=12A,
authors, presented in paper [13], where has been proved  P3: U=200V, I=25A.
that the increase of intensity and voltage of the working
current cause intensive decrease of the tangential Sample results of the current impulses recorded during
component of the specific grinding force, which in turn AEDG grinding have the titanium alloy and sintered
exhibits increase of the electro-erosive process efficiency. carbide are presented on Fig. 5. They have established
The influence of working current intensity and voltage basis for evaluation of the energy of the spark discharge
drop on AEDG grinding of the sintered carbide S20S, during AEDG process. The influence of the electric
carried out with negative object polarization during generator parameters choice on the energy of spark
grinding passes has been presented on Fig. 4. discharges has been depicted on the Fig. 6.
Results presented on Fig. 6. exhibits that along with the
Presented results of investigations have confirmed
increase of the current intensity and voltage drop grouped
substantial influence of electro-erosive process on
from P1 to P3, increase also the energy of spark
reduction of the specific grinding energy in comparison
discharge. The greatest value of the spark discharge
with the conventional grinding (CG). The lowest specific
energy has been obtained when applied current
energy of the AEDG process has been obtained with
parameters from the set P3. They are respectively greater
application relatively big working current intensity (25 A)
by 64% for the titanium alloy Ti6Al4V and by 58% for
and voltage drop (200 V). At this conditions specific
sintered carbide S20S in comparison with the results
grinding energy has been about five times lower in
obtained after application of the set P 1 in the AEDG
comparison with conventional grinding. This confirms
grinding process. Substantially lower growth of energy, at
substantial participation of the electro-erosive process in
the level 49%÷46%, has been observed when applying
the processing allowance removal.
sets P2 for grinding both samples.
grinding process. Substantially lower growth of energy, at
the level 49%÷46%, has been observed when applying
sets P2 for grinding both samples.
The increase of discharge energy in the AEDG process
exhibits clearly greater share of electro-erosion in
removal of the processing allowance and lower share of
the machining energy of the abrasive grit CPS. Further
confirmation of this fact are numerous craters, which have
arisen on the grinded surface of the samples of sintered
carbide (SEM pictures are presented in the paper [12]),
which subsequently leads to deterioration of the surface
roughness and substantial decrease of the grinding
When applying lower current intensities and voltage
drops, lower energies of the spark discharge are gained
which in turn exhibits greater share of the machining
energy with abrasive grit in removal of the processing
allowance. Microscopic examination of the surface after
ADEG grinding in this range of electrical parameters
uncovered only a few craters.

3.4 Evaluation of the internal stresses after AEDG

Comparison has been made between the internal
stresses state in the outer layer of the titanium alloy and
sintered carbide, which has arisen after conventional
grinding and AEDG process. Internal stresses of the outer
layer have been examined. Internal stresses in the outer
layer have been determined with using x-ray diffraction
method sin Ψ. The internal stresses calculations have
been performed upon the diffraction diagrams obtained at
the constant angle of the x-ray beam incidence on the
investigated sample. An example of the diffraction pattern
for sintered carbides is presented on Fig. 3.

Fig. 5: Sample record of electrical impulses: voltage drop

of electrical discharge ue and current intensity ie during
AEDG process: a) titanium alloy Ti6Al4V (+), b) sintered
carbide S20S (-); U=150 V, I=12 A, a=20 µm, vs=30 m/s,
vf =0.5 m/min, dielectric – distilled water

500 sintered carbides S20S


450 titanium alloy Ti6Al4V

150 Fig. 7: Diffraction pattern of sintered carbide S20S (AEDG
100 U = 150V, I = 12A) obtained at the constant angle of the
50 incident beam.
P1 P2 P3
The measurements of the internal stresses have been
P1: U=100V, I=8A, P2: U=150V, I=12A, P3: U=200V, I=25A conducted for three samples after AEDG at the conditions
mentioned in the point 3.3. These measurements have
Fig. 6: Influence of the selected electric parameters of been performed for five different values of the x-ray beam
generator on energy of the spark electric discharges: incidence angle, which correspond to the following depths
ti=32 µs, tp=63 µs, a=20 µm, vs=30 m/s, vf=0.5m/min, of the internal stresses deposition: 0.2, 0.3, 0.7, 1.5, 2.5
dielectric – distilled water µm. The results of the internal stresses measurements of
the sintered carbides are presented on Fig. 8.
Results presented on Fig. 6. exhibits that along with the The analysis of the investigations exhibits that in the very
increase of the current intensity and voltage drop grouped thin surface layer (< 0,3 µm) positive, stretching internal
from P1 to P3, increase also the energy of spark stresses are deposited in all of the samples. The values
discharge. The greatest value of the spark discharge of this stresses ale differentiated, however, because in
energy has been obtained when applied current the samples grinded at the presence of middle electrical
parameters from the set P3. They are respectively greater voltages (100÷150V) and current intensities (8÷12A) the
by 64% for the titanium alloy Ti6Al4V and by 58% for values of the internal stresses were lower in comparison
sintered carbide S20S in comparison with the results with the conventional grinding at the level of about
obtained after application of the set P 1 in the AEDG 100÷200%.
depends upon the specific parameters of the AEDG
The measured internal stresses of the surface layer of the
titanium alloy samples after electro-erosive grinding at low
and middle current voltage and intensity (P1, P2) are of
compression type but after applying big current voltage
and intensity (P3) these stresses became stretching.
The growth of the current voltage and intensity up to the
level of 200V and 25A in the AEDG processing of the
titanium alloy can lead to the growth of the thermal
influence of the spark discharges as well as in the case of
sintered carbide processing. The most probable cause of
this effect is relatively big speed of heating and cooling of
the surface layer in the zone of object grinding wheel
contact. This can lead to the growth of thermal stresses
and bring about disadvantageous distribution of the
internal stresses. Damage of the abrasive grits (CPS) in
Fig. 8: Comparison of the internal stress in the surface the AEDG process is also possible following thermal
layer of the sintered carbide after conventional grinding effects of the spark discharge as well as dropping out of
and AEDG. the abrasive grits from CPS, which is depicted on Fig. 9b.

This advantageous tendency of the internal stresses a) b)

distribution has been observed also at the greatest depth
level of the surface layer i.e. 2.5 µm, at which negative,
compressing internal stresses has been occurring after
conventional grinding and AEDG with share of middle
current voltage and intensity. Although, should be
stressed that greatest negative stresses have been
founded for AEDG with share of the middle current
voltage and intensity (150V-12A).
The investigations have proved, that conducting AEDG
with relatively big current voltage and intensity (U=200V, Fig. 9: SEM analysis of diamond grinding wheel for
I=25A) cause stretching stresses in the WW. sintered carbide: a) after conventional grinding, b) after
Machining conditions and the following mechanism of the AEDG process at middle voltage/current settings.
processing allowance removal plays principal role on the
surface layer features. The results of the internal stresses
in the surface layer of the titanium alloy, made with the 4 SUMMARY
sin Ψ x-ray diffraction method at the depth of about
20 µm, have been presented in the Tab. 1. The conducted investigations have revealed substantial
influence of the electrical parameters (current voltage and
intensity) of the AEDG process on the specific energy of
Internal stress value grinding. It has been proved that conducting AEDG
Process type
 [MPa] process with relatively big values of current voltage and
intensity (U=200V, I=25A) cause the specific energy of
-284.7 ± 19.5 grinding to be 4÷5 times lower in comparison with
Conventional grinding conventional grinding.
AEDG process The presented results of experiments confirm that
-208.5 ± 25 following the growth of working current voltage and
P1: (U=100V, I=8A)
intensity, the spark discharge energy is also growing,
AEDG process which assures high efficiency of the processing allowance
-50.4 ± 7.6
P2: U=150V, I=12A) during AEDG process.
AEDG process The conducted investigations have revealed also
181.6 ± 4.5 influence of the electrical parameters (current voltage and
P3: (U=200V, I=25A)
intensity) of the AEDG process on the internal stresses of
a = 20 µm, vs = 30 m/s, vf = 0.5 m/min, the surface layer. It has been proved that conducting
dielectric – distilled water AEDG with relatively big values of the current voltage and
intensity (U=200V, I=25A) causing disadvantageous
distribution of the stretching stresses in the surface layer.
Tab. 1: The results of the internal stress in surface layer
of Ti6Al4V titanium alloy after conventional and AEDG The optimal electrical parameters (current voltage and
process grinding. intensity) have been determined assuring advantageous
distribution of the internal stresses during AEDG process.
The results of investigations presented in the Tab. 1.
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