Guidance To Operation of Water Quality Laboratories

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UN/ECE Task Force on

Laboratory Quality Management &



September 2002

The “Guidance to Operation of Water Quality Laboratories” was drawn up as part of the
activity of the UN/ECE Task Force on Laboratory Quality Management & Accreditation
(UN/ECE TF-LQM&A) under the Convention on the Protection and Use of
Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (Helsinki, 1992) by taking into
account the requirements of the Guidelines on Water-Quality Monitoring and
Assessment of Transboundary Rivers (prepared by RIZA, the Netherlands as lead
country of the UN-ECE Task Force on Monitoring and Assessment).

Before drawing-up the guidance the UN/ECE TF-LQM&A completed a survey on the
present practices in the laboratories implementing water quality monitoring in the
countries signatory to the Convention. The survey included: (a) information on the
sampling and analytical methods used, (b) inventory on the laboratory facilities including
instrumentation, and (c) the quality control measures and status of accreditation. 27 out
of 46 countries responded to a Questionnaire, which had been distributed in English and
Russian languages. In addition to the information from this survey, requirements of
laboratory accreditation, guidelines for good laboratory practices, laboratory practices in
developed countries and related documents (e.g., Handbook for Analytical Quality
Control in Water and Wastewater Laboratories, US-EPA) have been taken into account
during drawing-up the guidelines.

The guidance was revised by the members of the Task Force Core Group in December
1999, during the first half of 2000 and in the year 2001. It was discussed during the first
and second meeting of Monitoring and Assessment Working Group too.

The guidance is addressed to laboratory managers, leaders of field investigations, and

other personnel who bear responsibility for generation of water and wastewater data.
Information is offered to assist the reader in establishment of water (environmental)
laboratories, particularly taking into account the quality control measures needed for
prevention and correction of factors leading to breakdowns in the validity of data.
Table of Content


1 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................1
1.1 Objectives and Character of the Guidance........................................................... 1
1.2 Monitoring Cycle and Activities Dealt with in this Guidance................................. 1
1.3 Laboratory Quality Management .......................................................................... 2
1.3.1 Methodologies................................................................................................ 4
1.3.2 Laboratory Facilities and Personnel............................................................... 8
2.1 Quality Assurance, Quality Control in Water Laboratories................................... 9
2.2 Requirements for Accreditation .......................................................................... 10
3.1 Sample Collection from Sediments..................................................................... 16
3.1.1 Sampling Equipment .................................................................................... 16
3.1.2 Storage, Transport and Preservation of Sediment Samples ........................ 19
3.1.3 Selection of Particle Size ............................................................................. 21
3.1.4 Drying of Sediment....................................................................................... 21
4 PREREQUISITES OF QUALITY WORK IN LABORATORIES ................................22
4.1 Laboratory Services............................................................................................ 22
4.1.1 Distilled-Deionised Water ............................................................................ 22
4.1.2 Compressed Air............................................................................................ 25
4.1.3 Electrical Supplies........................................................................................ 25
4.2 Instrumentation................................................................................................... 26
4.3 Laboratory Glassware ........................................................................................ 27
4.3.1 Types of Glassware...................................................................................... 28
4.3.2 Glassware for Volumetric Analyses.............................................................. 29
4.3.3 Cleaning of Glass and Porcelain.................................................................. 30
4.3.4 Disposable Glassware ................................................................................. 31
4.3.5 Specialized Glassware................................................................................. 32
4.4 Reagents, Solvents and Gases .......................................................................... 32
4.4.1 Reagent Quality ........................................................................................... 32
4.4.2 General lnorganic Analyses ......................................................................... 33
4.4.3 Radiological Analyses .................................................................................. 34
4.4.4 Analyses of Organic Compounds................................................................. 34
4.4.5 Storing and Maintaining Quality of Reagents and Solvents ......................... 35
4.5 Elimination of Determinate Errors....................................................................... 36
4.5.1 Reagent Blank.............................................................................................. 36
4.5.2 Method Blank ............................................................................................... 36
4.5.3 Elimination of Interferences.......................................................................... 36
4.6 Laboratory supplies ............................................................................................ 38
5.1 Collection of the Samples................................................................................... 39
5.1.1 Discrete BottIed Samples............................................................................. 39
5.1.2 Carbon Adsorption Samples ........................................................................ 40
5.2 Glassware........................................................................................................... 40
5.3 Reagents and Chemicals ................................................................................... 40
5.4 Common Analytical Operations .......................................................................... 41
6 CONTROL OF ANALYTICAL PERFORMANCE ......................................................43
6.1 Precision and Accuracy ...................................................................................... 43
6.2 Evaluation of Daily Performance ........................................................................ 46
6.2.1 Quality Control Charts.................................................................................. 47
7 DATA HANDLING AND REPORTING .....................................................................49
7.1 The Analytical Result Value ............................................................................... 49
7.1.1 Significant Figures ....................................................................................... 49
7.1.2 Rounding-Off Numbers ................................................................................ 50
7.1.3 Glossary of Terms ........................................................................................ 51
7.2 Report Forms...................................................................................................... 52
7.2.1 Loose Sheets ............................................................................................... 52
7.2.2 Bound Books ................................................................................................ 52
7.2.3 Pre-Printed Report Forms ............................................................................ 53
7.2.4 Digital Read-out ........................................................................................... 54
8 SKILLS.....................................................................................................................55
8.1 Skills ................................................................................................................... 56
8.2 Training .............................................................................................................. 56
References, literature......................................................................................................57
Annex 1. ..........................................................................................................................58
Annex 2. ..........................................................................................................................61
Annex 3. ..........................................................................................................................83
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Technical report: Guidance to operation of water quality laboratories



1.1 Objectives and Character of the Guidance

This guidance is intended to assist ECE Governments and joint bodies (e.g. bilateral or
multilateral river commissions) in understanding laboratory quality management and
providing guidance to laboratory managers to design or upgrade water laboratories and
to strive for accreditation.

The target group comprises decision-makers in ministries with competence on

environment, water management and human health; environmental, water, health and
other competent agencies, and all those who are responsible for managing the
monitoring and assessment of transboundary rivers.

The character of this guidance is technical rather than strategic as the latter aspects are
being dealth with in the relevant chapters of the Guidelines on monitoring and
assessment of transboundary rivers and transboundary groundwaters (see the
documents for the forthcoming second meeting of the Parties to the Convention issued
under symbol MP.WAT/2000/9 and 10).

1.2 Monitoring Cycle and Activities Dealt with in this Guidance

The process of monitoring and assessment should principally be seen as a sequence of

related activities that starts with the definition of information needs, and ends with the
use of the information product. This cycle of activities is shown in Figure 1.

Water management

Information needs Information utilisation

Assessment and reporting

Assessment strategies

Data analysis

Monitoring programmes
Data handling

Data collection

Figure 1. The monitoring cycle

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Successive activities in this monitoring cycle should be specified and designed based
on the required information product as well as the preceding part of the chain. In
drawing up programmes for the monitoring and assessment of river basins, riparian
countries should jointly consider all stages of the monitoring process.

The guidelines on monitoring and assessment are supported with five background
reports, which are as follows:

♦ Transboundary rivers and international lakes

♦ Current practices in monitoring and assessment of rivers and lakes
♦ Biological assessment methods for watercourses
♦ Quality assurance
♦ State of the art on monitoring and assessment of rivers

Although the guidelines and the background reports deals with some aspects of the
laboratory work, particular the major quality assurance approaches, there is a need for
guidance in establishment and upgrading laboratory work in water/environmental

The evaluation of the obtained information may lead to new or redefined information
needs, thus starting a new sequence of activities. In this way, the monitoring process
will be improved.

The present guidance on laboratory quality management exclusively deals with the
activity designated in the above figure by “Data collection”. This activity in the
monitoring cycle is composed of a number of sub-activities such as collecting samples,
ensuring quality work in laboratories and reporting analytical results.

The guidance summarised in the present document will address to laboratory managers
designing or upgrading water laboratories and will help these laboratories in the
countries in transition to be prepared for accreditation.

1.3 Laboratory Quality Management

Water quality targets, objectives and standards are set to evaluate the quality of the
water resources, both surface and subsurface water bodies, to characterise ecological
status (for surface waters) and to establish satisfactory condition for intended uses of
the aquifer(s). The laboratory data define whether that condition is being met, and
whether the water is at acceptable quality to fit for the purpose. If the laboratory results
indicate a violation of the standard, action is required by the pollution control authorities.
The analyst must be aware that his professional competence, the procedures he has
used, and the reported values are reliable and may be used with confidence.

Similarly to the monitoring cycle in water management we can draw a measurement

cycle for the implementation of the monitoring, starting with the collection of samples
and closing with reporting the analytical results. As the place of the measurement cycle
in the monitoring cycle is indicated in Figure 1 as “Data collection”, Figure 2 shows the
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elements of the measurement cycle. It starts with the sampling and closes with reporting
the measurement results.

Information needs Information utilization

Monitoring programmes Data handling

Quality Assurance
Quality Control

Sampling plan Measurement results

Sample Collection Laboratory

Field measurements measurements

Figure 2. The measurement cycle ensuring the quality of the monitoring results.

Water quality monitoring rests upon a firm base of laboratory data. The role of the
analytical laboratory is to provide the qualitative and quantitative data to be used for
different purposes. The data must accurately describe the characteristics or the sample,
or the type and concentration of constituents in the sample analysed in the laboratory. In
many cases, an approximation or invalidated (incorrect) result is worse than no answer
at all, because it will lead to miss interpretations.

The progress of research, effectiveness of pollution control will depend upon the validity
of the results reported by the laboratory. Therefore, the laboratory data must be backed
up by an adequate programme to document the proper control and application of all of
the factors, which effect the final result.

Depending on the information needs of the water management, monitoring data

collection relate to physical, chemical, radiological, hydrobiological, ecotoxicological and
microbiological measurements. Generation of these data requires representative
sampling followed by analytical work in specialised laboratories.
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The design of the monitoring programme should describe the targeted water quality
variables (characteristics, parameters, determinands), the matrices in the aquatic
environment from where samples should be taken, analytical accuracy targets, including
detection limits, application ranges and acceptable tolerances. The specialised
laboratories should apply the appropriate sampling and analytical methods, should have
the necessary rooms, should be properly equipped, having the necessary
instrumentation. Skills of laboratory personnel must ensure the quality of the work during
the sampling and the analyses.

Compilation of the guidance on laboratory quality management has been based on the
expectation that sampling and laboratory work consider all kinds of measurements,
which might be required during implementation of the water quality monitoring, detailed
in the monitoring design. The guidance target considerations, which should taken during
design and operation of the laboratories to generate reliable, comparable monitoring

The laboratory management should plan the work in the laboratory before starting with
the sampling. Sampling and analytical methodologies must be defined as the first step of
the implementation of the monitoring.

1.3.1 Methodologies

In general, the widespread use of a sampling or analytical method, its appearance in

international/national methodological standard indicates that it is a reliable means of
sampling or analysis. This fact tends to support the reliability of the results reported. The
use of an individual method, or a little-known technique forces the data user to question
the appropriateness and validity of the results.

The need for standardisation of methods or using standardised methods within a

laboratory is readily apparent. Uniform methods among co-operating laboratories, e.g.,
implementing monitoring in international river basins, are also important in order to
remove the methodology as a variable in comparison, or joint use of data. Uniformity of
methods is particularly important when laboratories are providing data to a common data
bank, or when several laboratories are co-operating in joint field surveys. The lack of
standardisation of methods raises doubts as to the validity of the results reported. If the
same constituent is measured by different analytical procedures within a single
laboratory, or in several laboratories, the question is raised as to which procedure is
superior, and why the superior method is not used.

Selection of an analytical method should be made by careful considerations. For

example, physical and chemical methods for monitoring should be selected by the
following criteria:

♦ The method should measure the desired constituent with precision and accuracy
sufficient to meet the data needs even in the presence of interferences, which
might be encountered in the samples. Box 1 and Table 1 show the approach
used in the Danube river basin transnational monitoring network.
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♦ The procedure should utilise the equipment and skills available in the laboratory.

♦ The selected methods should be in use that the methods are properly validated.

♦ The method should be sufficient to produce the measurement results within the
required time-frame.

Box 1. Determinands: basis for selection of appropriate analytical method

in the Danube river basin Tans-National Monitoring Network (TNMN)

The resulting lists of determinands for water and sediments as agreed for the Danube
TNMN are presented in Table 1, together with the levels of interest and analytical
accuracy targets, which are defined as follows:

• The minimum likely level of interest is the lowest concentration considered likely to be
encountered or important in the TNMN.
• The principal level of interest is the concentration at which it is anticipated that most
monitoring will be carried out.
• The required limit of detection is the target limit of detection (LOD), which
laboratories are asked to achieve. This has been set, wherever practicable, at one
third of the minimum level of interest. This is intended to ensure that the best
possible precision is achieved at the principal level of interest and that relatively few
"less than results" will be reported for samples at or near the lowest level of interest.
Where the performance of current analyses is not likely to meet the criterion of a
LOD of one third, if the lowest level of interest, the LOD has been revised to reflect
best practice. In these cases, the targets have been entered in italics.
• The tolerance indicates the largest allowable analytical error which is consistent with
the correct interpretation of the data and with current analytical practice. The target is
expressed as “x concentration units or P%“. The larger of the two values applies for
any given concentration. For example, if the target is 5 mg/l or 20% - at a
concentration of 20 mg/l the maximum tolerable error is 5 mg/l (20% is 4 mg/l); at a
concentration of 100 mg/l, the tolerable error is 20 mg/l (i.e. 20%) because this value
exceeds the fixed target of 5 mg/l.
• Analytical accuracy targets for sediments are defined for <63 µm grain-size fraction.

Sediments comprise suspended solids and bottom sediments.

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Table 1/a. Determinand list and accuracy targets for water in the Danube TNMN

Determinands in Unit Minimum Principal Target Tolerance

Water likely level level of Limit of
of interest interest Detection
Flow m /s - - - -
Temperature °C - 0-25 - 0.1
Suspended Solids mg/l 1 10 1 1 or 20%
Dissolved Oxygen mg/l 0.5 5 0.2 0.2 or 10%
pH - - 7.5 - 0.1
Conductivity @ 20 °C µS/cm 30 300 5 5 or 10%
Alkalinity mmol/l 1 10 0.1 0.1
Ammonium (NH4+ -N) mg/l 0.05 0.5 0.02 0.02 or 20%
Nitrite (NO2- -N) mg/l 0.005 0.02 0.005 0.005 or 20%
Nitrate (NO3- -N) mg/l 0.2 1 0.1 0.1 or 20%
Organic Nitrogen mg/l 0.2 2 0.1 0.1 or 20%
Orthophosphate (PO4 -P) mg/l 0.02 0.2 0.005 0.005 or 20%
Total Phosphorus mg/l 0.05 0.5 0.01 0.01 or 20%
Sodium (Na ) mg/l 1 10 0.1 0.1 or 10%
Potassium (K ) mg/l 0.5 5 0.1 0.1 or 10%
Calcium (Ca ) mg/l 2 20 0.2 0.1 or 10%
Magnesium (Mg ) mg/l 0.5 5 0.1 0.2 or 10%
Chloride (Cl ) mg/l 5 50 1 1 or 10%
Sulphate (SO42-) mg/l 5 50 5 5 or 20%
Iron (Fe) mg/l 0.05 0.5 0.02 0.02 or 20%
Manganese (Mn) mg/l 0.05 0.5 0.01 0.01 or 20%
Zinc (Zn) µg/l 10 100 3 3 or 20%
Copper (Cu) µg/l 10 100 3 3 or 20%
Chromium (Cr) - total µg/l 10 100 3 3 or 20%
Lead (Pb) µg/l 10 100 3 3 or 20%
Cadmium (Cd) µg/l 1 10 0.5 0.5 or 20%
Mercury (Hg) µg/l 0.2 2 0.1 0.1 or 20%
Nickel (Ni) µg/l 10 100 3 3 or 20%
Arsenic (As) µg/l 10 100 3 3 or 20%
Aluminium (Al) µg/l 10 100 10 10 or 20%
BOD5 mg/l 0.5 5 0.5 0.5 or 20%
CODCr mg/l 10 50 10 10 or 20%
CODMn mg/l 1 10 0.3 0.3 or 20%
DOC mg/l 0.3 1 0.3 0.3 or 20%
Phenol index mg/l 0.005 0.05 0.005 0.005 or 30%
Anionic active surfactants mg/l 0.1 1 0.03 0.03 or 30%
Petroleum hydrocarbons mg/l 0.05 0.2 0.05 0.05 or 30%
AOX µg/l 10 100 10 10 or 20%
Lindane µg/l 0.05 0.5 0.01 0.01 or 30%
pp’DDT µg/l 0.05 0.5 0.01 0.01 or 30%
Atrazine µg/l 0.1 1 0.02 0.02 or 30%
Chloroform µg/l 0.1 1 0.02 0.02 or 30%
Carbon tetrachloride µg/l 0.1 1 0.02 0.02 or 30%
Trichloroethylene µg/l 0.1 1 0.02 0.02 or 30%
Tetrachloroethylene µg/l 0.1 1 0.02 0.02 or 30%
Total Coliforms (37 C) 10 CFU/100 ml - - - -
Faecal Coliforms (44 C) 10 CFU/100 ml - - - -
Faecal Streptococci 10 CFU/100 ml - - - -
Salmonella sp. in 1 litre - - - -
Macrozoobenthos no. of taxa - - - -
Macrozoobenthos Sapr. index - - - -
Chlorophyll – a µg/l - - - -
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Table 1/b. Determinand list and accuracy targets for sediments

in the Danube TNMN

Determinands in Unit Minimum Principal Target Tolerance

sediments likely level level of Limit of
(dry matter) of interest interest Detection
Organic Nitrogen mg/kg 50 500 10 10 or 20%
Total Phosphorus mg/kg 50 500 10 10 or 20%
Calcium (Ca2+) mg/kg 1000 10000 300 300 or 20%
Magnesium (Mg ) mg/kg 1000 10000 300 300 or 20%
Iron (Fe) mg/kg 50 500 20 20 or 20%
Manganese (Mn) mg/kg 50 500 20 20 or 20%
Zinc (Zn) mg/kg 250 500 50 50 or 20%
Copper (Cu) mg/kg 2 20 1 1 or 20%
Chromium (Cr) – total mg/kg 2 20 1 1 or 20 %
Lead (Pb) mg/kg 2 20 1 1 or 20 %
Cadmium (Cd) mg/kg 0.05 0.5 0.05 0.05 or 20%
Mercury (Hg) mg/kg 0.05 0.5 0.01 0.01 or 20%
Nickel (Ni) mg/kg 2 20 1 1 or 20 %
Arsenic (As) mg/kg 2 20 1 1 or 20 %
Aluminium (Al) mg/kg 50 500 50 50 or 20%
TOC mg/kg 500 5000 100 100 or 20%
Petroleum hydrocarbons mg/kg 10 100 1 1 or 30 %
Total solvent-extractable matter mg/kg 100 1000 10 10 or 20 %
PAH – 61 (each) mg/kg 0.01 0.1 0.003 0.003 or 30%
Lindane mg/kg 0.01 0.1 0.003 0.003 or 30%
pp’DDT mg/kg 0.01 0.1 0.003 0.003 or 30%
PCB – 72 (each) mg/kg 0.01 0.1 0.003 0.003 or 30%

In harmonised monitoring programmes (national or international, e.g., for river basins),

the use of agreed methods in all participating laboratories provides a common base for
collecting comparable monitoring data.

Regardless of the analytical method used in the laboratory, the specific methodology
should be carefully documented. In some water pollution reports it is customary to state
that “Standard Methods” have been used throughout. Close examination may indicate,
however, that this is not strictly true. In many laboratories, the “Standard Method” has
been modified because of personal preferences of the laboratory staff, etc. In other
cases the “Standard Method” has been replaced with a better one. Statements
concerning the methods used in arriving at laboratory data should be clearly and
honestly stated, if any deviation from the standard procedure occurs, proper validation
of the analytical method is an absolute need. The methods used should be adequately
referenced and the procedures applied exactly as directed. The recommended methods
to be used in water laboratories are listed in Annex 1.

fluoranthene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, benzo(a)pyrene,
benzo(ghi)perylene and benzo(1,2,3-cd)pyrene
PCB-28, PCB-52, PCB-101, PCB-118, PCB-138, PCB-153 and PCB-180
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Knowing the specific method, which has been used, the reviewer can apply the
associated precision and accuracy of the method when interpreting the results. If the
analytical methodology is in doubt, the data user may inquire the reliability of the result.

The advantages of strict adherence to accepted methods should not reduce efforts,
investigations leading to improvements in analytical procedures. In spite of the value of
accepted and documented methods, occasions do arise when a procedure must be
modified to eliminate unusual interference, or to yield increased sensitivity. When
modification is necessary, the revision should be carefully worked out and the revised
method should be validated to accomplish the desired result. It is advisable to assemble
data using both the regular and the modified procedure to show the superiority of the
latter. Responsibility for the use of a non-standard procedure rests with the analyst and
his supervisor, since such use represents a deviation from accepted practice.

In field surveys, the problem of transport of samples to the laboratory, or the need to
analyse a large number of samples to arrive at gross values may require the use of
rapid field (screening) methods. Such methods should be used with caution, and with a
clear understanding that the results obtained do not compare in reliability with those
obtained using standard laboratory methods. The fact that such screening methods
have been used should be noted. The data user is entitled to know that approximate
values have been obtained for screening purposes only, and that the results do not
represent the precision and accuracy, which might be obtained in the laboratory.

1.3.2 Laboratory Facilities and Personnel

The quality of the laboratory work should be ensured by appropriate facilities including
instrumentation, as well as by skilled personnel. Related issues will be discussed in
more details in the following chapters of the guidance.

Depending on the size of the laboratory, e.g., more than 15-20 staff member, a quality
manager should be appointed. The responsibility of this person includes: (a) supervision
of the internal quality control measures in the laboratories, (b) ensure regular provision
of spiked samples which are unknown for the analyst before the evaluation of the
results, and (c) co-ordinate participation of the laboratories in performance testing

The appointment of quality manager is obligatory in laboratories having accreditation.

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The background reports, particularly on the Quality Assurance, prepared by the UN/ECE
Task Force on Monitoring and Assessment provide general guidance on the quality
requirements and quality assurance needed for water quality monitoring. The present
guidance gives more practical details on these subjects particularly to help laboratories
in their ways for accreditation.

2.1 Quality Assurance, Quality Control in Water Laboratories

Because of the importance of monitoring data (analytical results) and the resulting
actions, a programme to assure the reliability of the data is essential. It is recognised
that most analysts practice analytical quality control to varying degrees, depending
partly upon their training, professional ambitions, and partly upon the importance of the
work they are doing. However, under the pressure of daily workload, analytical quality
control may be easily neglected. Therefore, an established, routine internal quality
control programme, applied to each analytical test, is important in assuring the reliability
of the measurement results. When the implementation of the monitoring programme
requires participation of several national, or international laboratories, there is a need
for external quality control measures such as organisation and participation in
performance testing schemes (intercalibration programmes) organised by dedicated
The quality control programme in the laboratory has two primary functions. First, the
programme should monitor the reliability of the reported results. It should provide an
answer to "How good (true) are the results submitted". This phase may be termed as
"measurement of quality." The second function is the control of quality in order to meet
the programme requirements. For example, the processing of spiked samples is the
measurement of quality, while the use of analytical grade reagents is a control measure.
As each analytical method has an analytical protocol (e.g., in international/national
standards, or in Standard Operational Procedures compiled in the frame of most large
international river basin management programme), so the quality control associated with
that test must also involve definite steps to monitor and assure the correctness of the
results. The steps in quality control vary with the type of analysis. For example, in the
titrimetric measurements, standardisation of the titrant on a frequent basis is an element
of qualify control. In an instrumental method, the check-out of instrument response and
the calibration of the instrument in concentration units is also a quality control function.
The variables, which can affect the final results should be considered and evaluated.

The guidance considers and provides recommendations for the control of the factors,
which go into generating an analytical result, in order to ensure that the best possible
result is obtained. A programme based upon these recommendations will give the
analyst and the laboratory confidence in the reliability of the measurement results
characterising the collected sample.
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2.2 Requirements for Accreditation

Preparedness of water laboratories should be achieved before applying for

accreditation. Part II. of the present guidance will help the laboratories with highlighting
practical approaches (mainly technical requirements), however, it is strongly
recommended to the candidate laboratories to follow the guidance in the ISO/IEC Guide

The present chapter focuses on some management requirements of ISO/IEC 17025.

The laboratory – which intends to be accredited – shall

• have managerial and technical personnel with the authority and resources needed
to carry out their duties and to identify the occurrence of departures from the quality
system or from the procedures for performing tests and/or calibrations, and to
initiate actions to prevent or minimize such departures;
• have arrangements to ensure that its management and personnel are free from any
undue internal and external commercial, financial and other pressures and
influences that may adversely affect the quality of their work;
• have policies and procedures to ensure the protection of its clients' confidential
information and proprietary rights, including procedures for protecting the electronic
storage and transmission of results;
• have policies and procedures to avoid involvement in any activities that would
diminish confidence in its competence, impartiality, judgment or operational integrity;
• define the organization and management structure of the laboratory, its place in any
parent organization, and the relationships between quality management, technical
operations and support services;
• specify the responsibility, authority and interrelationships of all personnel who
manage, perform or verify work affecting the quality of the tests and/or calibrations;
• provide adequate supervision of testing and calibration staff, including trainees, by
persons familiar with methods and procedures, purpose of each test and/or
calibration, and with the assessment of the test or calibration results;
• have technical management which has overall responsibility for the technical
operations and the provision of the resources needed to ensure the required quality
of laboratory operations;
• appoint a member of staff as quality manager who, irrespective of other duties and
responsibilities, shall have defined responsibility and authority for ensuring that the
quality system is implemented and followed at all times, the quality manager shall
have direct access to the highest level of management at which decisions are made
on laboratory policy or resources;
• appoint deputies for key managerial personnel

The laboratory shall establish, implement and maintain a quality system appropriate to
the scope of its activities. The laboratory shall document its policies, systems,
programmes, procedures and instructions to the extent necessary to assure the quality
of the test and/or calibration results. The system's documentation shall be
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communicated to, understood by, available to, and implemented by the appropriate

The laboratory’s quality system policies and objectives shall be defined in a quality
manual. The overall objectives shall be documented in a quality policy statement. The
quality policy statement shall be issued under the authority of the chief executive. It shall
include at least the following:

• the laboratory management's commitment to good professional practice and to the

quality of its testing and calibration in servicing its clients;
• the management's statement of the laboratory's standard of service;
• the objectives of the quality system,
• a requirement that all personnel concerned with testing and calibration activities
within the laboratory familiarize themselves with the quality documentation and
implement the policies and procedures in their work;
• the laboratory management’s commitment to compliance with ISO/IEC 17025

The quality manual shall include or make reference to the supporting procedures
including technical procedures. It shall outline the structure of the documentation used
in the quality system. The quality manual should include:

- documents of the critical procedures within the laboratory;

- Standard Operating Procedures for the analytical methods;
- Standard Operating Procedures for the use of instruments;
- Performance characteristics of each method/matrix combination.

The roles and responsibilities of technical management and the quality manager,
including their responsibility for ensuring compliance with this International Standard,
shall be defined in the quality manual.

The laboratory shall established and maintain procedures to control all documents that
form part of its quality system (internally generated or from external sources), such as
regulations, standards, other normative documents, test and/or calibration methods, as
well as drawings, software, specifications, instructions and manuals.

The laboratory shall establish and maintain procedures for the review of requests,
tenders and contracts. The policies and procedures fro these reviews leading to a
contract for testing and/or calibration shall ensure that:

- the requirements, including the methods to be used, are adequately defined,

documented and understood;
- the laboratory has the capability and resources to meet the requirements;
- the appropriate test and/or calibration method is selected and capable of meeting
the clients’ requirements.

The laboratory shall afford clients or their representatives cooperation to clarify the
client’s request and to monitor the laboratory’s performance in relation to the work
performed, provided that the laboratory ensures confidentiality to other clients.
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The laboratory shall periodically, and in accordance with a predetermined schedule and
procedure, conduct internal audits of its activities to verify that its operations continue to
comply with the requirements of the quality system. The internal audit programme shall
address all elements of the quality system, including the testing and/or calibration
activities. It is the responsibility of the quality manager to plan and organize audits as
required by the schedule and requested by management. Such audits shall be carried
out by trained and qualified personnel who are, wherever resources permit, independent
of the activity to be audited.

In accordance with a predetermined schedule and procedure, the laboratory’s executive

management shall periodically conduct a review of the laboratory’s quality system and
testing and/or calibration activities to ensure their continuing suitability and
effectiveness, and to introduce necessary changes or improvements. The review shall
take account of:

- the suitability of policies and procedures;

- reports from managerial and supervisory personnel;
- the outcome of recent internal audits;
- corrective and preventive actions;
- assessments by external bodies;
- the results of interlaboratory comparisons or proficiency tests;
- changes in the volume and type of the work;
- client feedback;
- complaints;
- other relevant factors, such as quality control activities, resources and staff
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The design of the sampling plan is part of the monitoring cycle, whereas the
implementation of the sampling belongs to the measurement cycle. Collection of the
representative samples should be the responsibility of the laboratory staff. Because
collection of samples from different environmental matrices can be considered as the
first step in the measurement cycle and very much dependent on the analytical work it is
desirable to collect the samples by laboratory personnel.

Objective of the sampling activities in analytical procedures is to obtain a representative

quantity of material small enough to be handled and transported to a laboratory.
Sampling and sample pretreatment often seem to be a quite easy thing to do and thus in
many cases young and less experienced personnel is in charge of the sampling
procedure. Considering that the sampling procedure is the first step of the analysis it
should be pointed out that any mistakes which were made in taking the sample will
cause an error in the final data regardless of the qualification of the analyst in the
laboratory and the superior quality of instruments used. Thus it is necessary to consider
the sampling step as one of the most important steps in the whole measurement cycle
and the sampling staff should be conscious of this.

There are standard sampling procedures described in different international and

national standards, included in operational protocols. ISO 5667-1-17 series deals with
the design of sampling programmes; sampling techniques; preservation and handling of
samples; sampling from lakes, rivers and streams; sampling of waste waters, bottom
sediments, sludges; quality assurance of environmental water sampling and handling;
preservation and handling of sludge and sediment samples; biotesting of samples;
sampling of suspended sediments. Therefore, in this guidance some general sampling
considerations are reviewed and a separate chapter (3.1.) is dedicated to sample
collection from sediments because of the special requirements.

The objective of sampling is to collect a portion of material small enough in volume to be

transported conveniently and yet large enough for analytical purposes while still
accurately representing the material being sampled. This objective implies that the
relative proportions or concentrations of all pertinent components will be the same in the
samples as in the material being sampled, and that the sample will be handled in such a
way that no significant changes in composition occur before the tests are made (APHA,
AWWA, WEF 1998).

Grab samples are single samples collected at a specific spot at a site over a short
period of time (typically seconds or minutes). Thus, they represent a "snapshot" in both
space and time of a sampling area. Discrete grab samples are taken at a selected
location, depth, and time. Depth-integrated grab samples are collected over a
predetermined part or the entire depth of a water column, at a selected location and time
in a given body of water.
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Composite samples should provide a more representative sampling of heterogeneous

matrices in which the concentration of the analytes of interest may vary over short
periods of time and/or space. Composite samples can be obtained by combining
portions of multiple grab samples or by using specially designed automatic sampling
devices. Sequential (time) composite samples are collected by using continuous,
constant sample pumping or by mixing equal water volumes collected at regular time
intervals. Flow-proportional composites are collected by continuous pumping at a rate
proportional to the flow, by mixing equal volumes of water collected at time intervals that
are inversely proportional to the volume of flow, or by mixing volumes of water
proportional to the flow collected during or at regular time intervals.

Because of the inherent instability of certain properties and compounds, composite

sampling for some analytes is not recommended where quantitative values are desired.

When samples are collected from a river or stream, observed results may vary with
depth, stream flow, and distance from each shore. Selection of the number and
distribution of sites at which samples should be collected depends on study objectives,
stream characteristics, available equipment, and other factors. If equipment is available,
take an integrated sample from top to bottom in the middle of the main channel of the
stream or from side to side at mid-depth. If only grab or catch samples can be collected,
preferably take them at various points of equal distance across the stream; if only one
sample can be collected, take it in the middle of the main channel of the stream and at

Rivers, streams, lakes, and reservoirs are subject to considerable variations from normal
causes such as seasonal stratification, diurnal variations, rainfall, runoff, and wind.
Choose location, depth, and frequency of sampling depending on local conditions and
the purpose of the investigation.

Although well pumping protocols depend on the objectives of an investigation and other
factors such as well characteristics and available equipment, a general rule is to collect
samples from wells only after the well has been purged sufficiently to ensure that the
sample represents the groundwater. It will be necessary to pump at a specified rate to
achieve a characteristic drawdown, if this determines the zones from which the well is
supplied; record purging rate and drawdown, if necessary. By using methods with
minimal drawdown, purging volumes can be reduced significantly.

Sample carefully to ensure that analytical results represent the actual sample
composition. Important factors affecting results are the presence of suspended matter or
turbidity, the method chosen for removing a sample from its container, and the physical
and chemical changes brought about by storage or aeration. Detailed procedures are
essential when processing (blending, sieving, filtering) samples to be analyzed for trace
constituents, especially metals and organic compounds. Carefully consider the
technique for collecting a representative sample and define it in the sampling plan.

The type of sample container used is of utmost importance. Test sample containers and
document that they are free of analytes of interest, especially when sampling and
analyzing for very low analyte levels. Containers typically are made of plastic or glass,
but one material may be preferred over the other. For example, silica, sodium, and
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boron may be leached from soft glass but not plastic, and trace levels of some
pesticides and metals may sorb onto the walls of glass containers. Thus, hard glass
containers are preferred. For samples containing organic compounds, do not use plastic
containers except those made of fluorinated polymers such as polytetrafluoroethylene

Some sample analytes may dissolve (be absorbed) into the walls of plastic containers;
similarly, contaminants from plastic containers may leach into samples. Avoid plastics
wherever possible because of potential contamination from phthalate esters. Container
failure due to breakdown of the plastic is possible. Therefore, use glass containers for
all organics analyses such as volatile organics, semivolatile organics, pesticides, PCBs,
and oil and grease. Some analytes (e.g., bromine-containing compounds and some
pesticides, polynuclear aromatic compounds, etc.) are light-sensitive; collect them in
amber-colored glass containers to minimize photodegradation.

Because of variability from analytical and sampling procedures (i.e., population

variability), a single sample is insufficient to reach any reasonable desired level of
confidence. If an overall standard deviation (i.e., the standard deviation of combined
sampling and analysis) is known, the required number of samples for a mobile matrix
such as water may be estimated as follows:

(ts )


N = number of samples,
t = Student-t statistic for a given confidence level,
s = overall standard deviation, and
U = acceptable level of uncertainty.

Complete and unequivocal preservation of samples, is a practical impossibility because

complete stability for every constituent never can be achieved. At best, preservation
techniques only retard chemical and biological changes that inevitably continue after
sample collection.

To minimize the potential for volatilization or biodegradation between sampling and

analysis, keep samples as cool as possible without freezing. No single method of
preservation is entirely satisfactory; choose the preservative with due regard to the
determinations to be made. Use chemical preservatives only when they do not interfere
with the analysis being made.

Methods of preservation are relatively limited and are intended generally to retard
biological action, retard hydrolysis of chemical compounds and complexes, and reduce
volatility of constituents. Preservation methods are limited to pH control, chemical
addition, the use of amber and opaque bottles, refrigeration, filtration, and freezing.
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3.1 Sample Collection from Sediments

Three major types of solid particles (particulate matter) can be distinguished in rivers and
lakes, even though this classification is not absolute. One type can be converted into
another by the changes in water velocity. Those types are:

Suspended matter - particles maintained by water turbulence in suspension above

the river bed or lake bottom. In rivers the total amount and particle size vary greatly with
stream flow. In lakes the amount is usually small, less than 10mg/l, and consists mostly of
organic lacustrine detritus and very fine soil material;

Bedload - that part of the particulate matter which remains in almost constant contact
with the river bed and is moved by rolling, sliding or hopping much more slowly than the
water velocity;

Deposited matter - results from a decrease in water energy. This leads to settling, the
rate of which depends on the particle size.

Guidance for sediment sampling can be obtained from the ISO Guide 5667-12: Guidance on
sampling bottom sediment and ISO Guide 5667-17: Guidance on sampling of suspended

3.1.1 Sampling Equipment

The procedures and apparatus applied for sediment sampling depend on the type of
sediment required for analysis. The procedures and the equipment used for sampling
suspended sediments are different from those required for bottom sediment. In general, care
must be taken not to lose fine fractions since the association (adsorption) of analytes is
largest on small particles. During bottom sediment sampling the sampler must be usually
able to maintain the integrity of the layers, but it is very difficult particularly in the case of
sampling fast-flowing river bottom sediment. Suspended sediment samplers

Samplers used for suspended sediments must allow the collection of a sample
representative of the water-sediment mixture at the sampling point or sampling zone at the
time of sampling and in amount enough to carry out all of the required analysis. Samplers
are of four general types:

* Integrating samplers
* Grab samplers
* Pumping (centrifuging) samplers
* Sedimentation traps

The integrating samplers are designed in a way that the intake nozzle is oriented into, and
parallel to the flow. As a result, the water-sediment mixture moves from the stream into the
intake with minimum acceleration, thus providing the most accurately the representative
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In smaller rivers, direct hand sampling can be performed by wading, using a simple grab
sampler, such as a bucket if that is all that is available. If the suspended sediment load is
sufficiently high, grab or depth-integrating samplers may be used followed by pressure, or
vacuum filtration through a 0.45 µm filtration system.

Pumped centrifugation can provide relatively large amount of sediment sample, which might
be required for trace organic analysis, but it needs a special portable centrifuge designed for
such type of sample collection.

In lakes, the first two types are unlikely to provide enough material after filtration for even the
most basic analyses. Most of the published work on the suspended matter in lakes has used
sedimentation traps, although microbial processes continuing within them during the lengthy
residence times required to obtain even small samples, and the complex physics of trap
entry raise doubts about how representative the analyses may be. Sedimentation traps for
use in lakes and reservoirs are cylinders of plastic for metallic determinands, and glass or
metal for organic compounds. The cylinder should have a height-to-width ratio larger than
five, with nothing above the opening such as lattices, lids or collars. It is necessary to
prevent the mooring system from moving by using an appropriate sub-surface float. Traps
should be retrieved after no more than one month to reduce mineralization and microbial
degradation of suspended organic matter. Bottom sediment samplers

Because the topmost layer of the sediment is the most recent and is the site of the most
intensive microbiological activity, it is usually important that the sampler does not stir the
sediment surface and/or cause change in the sediment layers. Thus, the sampler must be
lowered so as not to create a pressure wave that might displace the softest surface
sediments. The sampler must penetrate far enough into the sediments to include the desired
layers, but not so far that the sediment spills over the top.

For different sediment types the recommended samplers are summarized in Table 2.

Grab samplers

Grab samplers are more commonly used than core samplers for collecting deposited
sediments as they are often much lighter and in some circumstances much easier to use.
There is a large number of variations of bed grabbers. They consist of one or more hinged
buckets which close whilst being raised. During scissors-like closing of the buckets,
sediment is enclosed by them, providing disturbed samples. Probe depths vary from 5 cm to
50 cm, depending upon the size and mass of the sampler and the structure of the bed
material. Due to the grab construction, there is a large chance of losing part of the finer
fraction and/or the top layer. Grabs are available in a variety of designs.

In general the scissor grab is most suited for sampling sediment beds consisting of silt
and/or sand. It is not suitable for sampling peat or clays. A sample taken with a scissor grab
will always be disturbed. Inaccuracies arise because of washing away of the fine fractions.
Depth of the penetration is unknown and dependent on the nature of the bed for any
particular instrument.
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Table 2. Sediment types and recommended samplers.

Type of sediment Sampler

Gravel Grab systems

Sand Both grab and corer systems can be used. A sand bed can be
very hard and thus prove difficult for light weight grabs and
manually operated corer systems

Clay It may be necessary to use a corer because grab systems

often can not penetrate easily into the clay

Peat A difficult medium to sample but it is sometimes possible to

use a corer system or a special peat borer

Consolidated silt Both grab and corer can be used. If a grab is used, it is not
possible to determine the sample penetration depth

Unconsolidated silt Grab systems are not suitable as they are prone to sinking
through the soft layer. Corer systems are better but when a
frame is used at great depth care is essential to prevent the
frame from sinking through the soft layer. More support can
usually be given to prevent this by adding large plates to the
feet of the frame.

Core samplers

Sampling using a core sampler is based on a principle of driving a hollow tube into the bed
so that the sediment is pushed into it. A sample is obtained by pulling the tube out of the
bed. The tube can be inserted into a bed by means of its weight, vibration device or

In manually operated corers (e.g., piston drill, Beeker sampler, sealed core sampler, Vrijwit
drill, etc.) the tube is pushed into the bed by means of rods. Penetration is generally up to
maximum 2 meters, depending on the nature of bed materials. Gravels are unlikely to be
suited to this sampling method. Because extension rods are used, there can be problems in
obtaining samples when working from the bank where a distance of more than 4 m must be
bridged by rods. Due to the movement of the vessel, it is often difficult to obtain good
samples from a boat. However, it is possible to obtain reliable samples in a river depth of
approximately 2 m; beyond this, a diver may need to be employed.
Mechanically operated sampling devices employ usually their weight for penetrating into the
bed. In the gravity corer ("Falling bomb" sampler) the core tube is mounted in a weighted
holder, which is dropped freely from a vessel and penetrates the sediment. The method is
fast and efficient because it is not necessary for the vessel to be anchored. This sampler is
not suitable for use in unconsolidated sediments.
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In the "Jenkins mud sampler", the corer is mounted in a frame and due to its large mass
sinks into bed. Once the suspension cable is slackened sufficiently, a closing mechanism is
activated which shuts off the sample tube by the means of hinged arms. This sampler is
suitable for investigation of very soft beds, it is not suitable for hard sediment beds.

The Craib corer consists of a core tube mounted in a frame. When it is lifted out of the
sediment layer, the core tube is first closed off at the top by a valve. As soon as the bottom
is free of the bed, it is closed off by a ball.

The Easy All corer's mass can be increased to approx. 110kg. After the sample has been
taken, the core tube is shut off at the top and the bottom by means of valves. The filled core
tube can be removed from the holder completely once it is aboard.

3.1.2 Storage, Transport and Preservation of Sediment Samples Sample Containers

Polyethylene, polypropylene, polycarbonate and glass containers are recommended for

most sampling situations, although glass jars have the advantage that the condition of their
internal surface is more readily apparent, and they can be sterilised more easily than most
plastic materials prior to use in microbiological sampling situations.

Glass containers should also be used when organic constituents are to be determined,
whereas polyethylene containers are preferable for sampling those determinands that are
major constituents of glass (e.g., sodium, potassium, boron and silicon) and for sampling of
trace metallic moieties (e.g., mercury). These containers should only be used if preliminary
tests indicate acceptable levels of contamination. If glass containers are used for storing
sediments with pore waters, which are weakly buffered, then borosilicate rather than soda
glass containers should be chosen. Handling of Sediment Samples

Suspended sediment

As soon as possible after collection, the sample should be filtered. The filtrate can then be
used for measuring the dissolved constituents. The following sample containers and
preservation procedures are recommended:
• Samples for analysis of carbon, heavy metals, nitrogen and phosphorus can be
stored in polyethylene or polypropylene bag or jar frozen to -20oC for the period of
max. 6 months.
• Samples for analysis of chlorinated hydrocarbons, pesticides and oil pollution can be
stored in glass jar or aluminum canister extracted immediately, or frozen to -20oC and
extracted as soon as possible.
The analysis of a suspended sediment sample is often limited on account of the difficulty in
obtaining sufficient material for the several sub-samples required for the different analyses.
A composite of a large number of representative samples may be necessary.
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Bottom sediment

In practice it has become apparent that every project or investigation sets its own particular
demands in the field of sample treatment. The investigation plan prepared for the field
sampling should include a section on the treatment of the samples. This plan should take
into account the particular aim of the project and the requirements for the sample treatment
given by the receiving analyst.

When transferring samples from the collection equipment to the storage container, care
should be taken to ensure the continuance of anaerobic conditions if appropriate to the
planned analysis. The maintenance of anaerobic conditions will to a large extent depend on
the equipment being used. A practice run may be found useful to refine any techniques
developed. In addition, if trace organics are to be studied, use of some plastic implements
during sub-sampling may contribute to interference. Similarly, the use of a metal spatular
should be avoided if trace metals are of interest. The type and composition of sample
transfer tools should be noted in the field report.

Sediment samples should generally be kept in glass containers and stored and transported
cool. If it is necessary to keep them longer than one month, then this should be done in a
deep freezer, giving due regard to the physicochemical changes that can occur to colloids
on freezing. For example, changes in de-watering characteristics may be observed when
specific laboratory sample preparations are used. In all cases sample containers should be
delivered to the laboratory tightly sealed and protected from light and excessive heat,
because the sample may change rapidly due to gas exchange, chemical reactions and the
metabolism of organisms. The build up of gas pressures in the sample container, due to
anaerobic digestion, should not be overlooked, and it may therefore be necessary
periodically to release pressure from the container. This may become necessary if
temperature regulation cannot be provided in warm climates.

If freezing the sample is chosen as the preferred method of preservation as defined by the
sampling programme and specified analytical method, the notice should be taken of

• It is essential for the sample to be completely thawed before use, as the freezing
process may have the effect of concentrating some components in the pore water of
the inner part of the sample, which substantially freezes last. The freezing of samples
can lead to a loss of analytes from pore-water solution by absorption/adsorption on
the precipitating compounds. When the sample thaws, dissolution may be
incomplete, and thus erroneous results for pore water parameters may be produced.
• Chemical preservation techniques should only be used after careful assessment of
the project needs, the requirements of the analytical method and with the specific
guidance of the receiving laboratory about the techniques required for
homogenisation of the sample with the preservative. For example, mineral acid may
be added in an attempt to arrest or inhibit anaerobic digestion of organic matter if a
study of organic acids is being made. Separate sub-samples, therefore, may be
required prior to freezing.
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All preservation steps should be recorded in a site report and the temperature measured
and recorded on site. If appropriate, other physical and chemical parameters should be
determined on site or as soon as possible after sample collection.

3.1.3 Selection of Particle Size

In the literature are still very differing proposals for the choice of the grain size fraction
for analyses. It is a fact that the organic micropollutants are mainly adsorbed on the
organic part of the sediment, which can be found with increasing amount in the small
grain-size fractions but it is also valid for the inorganic micropollutants. The larger
particles, mainly quartz (sand), are considered as diluting material.

The sediment sample has to be fractionated prior to sample processing and analysis.
Selection of the fraction for the analysis depends, similarly to the sampling type, on the
general aim of the sediment analysis, and it should reflect the distribution of the particular
analyte as a function of the sediment particle size. Thus, any sediment analysis program
should be preceded by an agreement on the fraction to be analyzed (e.g., 4 - 200 µm or <
63 µm). Because of the tedious sieving process for grain-size smaller than about 50 µm,
grain- size fractions around this value are chosen in many cases for practical reasons.
The clay-silt fraction, smaller than 63 µm, is widespread in different monitoring
programmes. Sieving of the sediment should be done in the wet state at the sampling
site through appropriate sieves. Sieves used for fractionation have to be made from
material that will not interfere with the analytes.

3.1.4 Drying of Sediment

Drying is performed mainly with four methods

• air drying at room temperature or slightly elevated temperatures (50 °C). This drying
procedure takes up to several days and a relative high amount of water remains in
the sample depending on its nature
• drying in air at 105 °C in drying oven and cooling in a desiccator. This procedure is
only recommend for determination of non-volatile organic compounds and used for
determination of the dry residue (moisture content) of the air-dried sample.
• freeze-drying, which seems to be a very gentle drying method, but loss of organic
material cannot be excluded.
• grinding of sediment with anhydrous sodium sulphate in the case of trace organic
analysis seems to be a fast and gentle method, but the high water content sometimes
makes troubles during the extraction procedure.

In any cases the dry weight of the sediment has to be determined with a part of the
sample because the concentration of analytes should be related to dry sediment mass,
expressed as mg/kg of dry sediment.
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Architectural design of environmental (water) laboratories not subject of this guideline,

however, it is important to note that good, high quality laboratory work requires
appropriate planning, design and construction of the laboratory complex. Depending on
the planned use of the laboratory, i.e., for research and/or monitoring; chemical,
radiochemical, biological or microbiological analyses, etc., appropriate space and basic
laboratory facilities should be available.

This chapter provides guidance for laboratory managers and staff concerning the
laboratory services, instrumentation, etc., needed to support and ensure the quality of
the work in the laboratory.

4.1 Laboratory Services

The quality of the work laboratory analyses involves consideration and control of several
factors, which affect the production of reliable data. The quality of the laboratory
services available to the analyst must be included among these variables. An abundant
supply of distilled water, free from interferences and other undesirable contaminants, is
an absolute necessity. An adequate source of clean, dry, compressed air is needed.
Electrical power for routine laboratory use and voltage-regulated sources for delicate
electronic instrumentation must be provided.

The ways of maintaining the quality of these services in the laboratory are provided in
the following.

4.1.1 Distilled-Deionised Water

Distilled or deionised (demineralised) water is used in the laboratory for dilution,

preparation of reagent solutions, and final rinsing of glassware. Ordinary distilled water
is usually not pure. It may be contaminated by dissolved gases and by materials leached
from the container in which it has been stored. Volatile organics distilled over from the
feed water may be present, and non-volatile impurities may occasionally be carried over
by the steam, in the form of a spray. The concentration of these contaminants is usually
quite small and distilled water can be used for many analyses without further
purification. However, it is highly important that the still, storage tank, and any
associated piping be carefully selected, installed, and maintained in such a way as to
assure minimum contamination.

Water purity has been defined in different ways, but one generally accepted definition
states that high purity water is water that has been distilled and/or deionised so that it
will have a conductivity of 2 µS/cm, or smaller. This definition is satisfactory as a base to
work from, but for more critical requirements, Table 3 shows the degrees of purity.
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Table 3. Water purity on the basis of dissolved salts.

Maximum Conductivity Approximate Concentration

Degree of Purity
(µS/cm) of Dissolved Salts (mg/l)
Pure 10 2-5
Very Pure 1 0.2-0.5
Ultrapure 0.1 0.01-0.02

For special purposes, all-glass distillation unit may be preferable to the metal still. The
all-glass distillation units are usually smaller, and of more limited capacity than the metal
stills. The all-glass still produced a product, which had substantially lower contamination
from zinc, copper, and lead. Other analyses have indicated the same general
relationship, except that a boron concentration of 100 µg/litre was found in water from
the all-glass still on one occasion. This was probably related to the length of time the
distillate had remained in the glass storage reservoir.
All distillation units require periodic cleaning to remove solids, which have been
deposited from the feed water. Hard water and high dissolved solids content promote
scale formation in the evaporator, and cleaning frequency will thus depend on the
quality of the feed water. The boiler of an all-glass unit should be drained daily and
refilled with clean water. Build-up of scale is easily detected, and the boiler and
condenser coils should be cleaned at frequent intervals. Metal stills should be
dismantled and cleaned at regular intervals. Cleaning should always be in accordance
with the manufacturer’s instructions.

Pre-treatment of the incoming feed water will often improve distillation performance and
raise the quality of the distillate. For example, preliminary softening of hard water
removes calcium and magnesium prior to distillation. This reduces scale formation in the
boiler and condenser, thereby reducing maintenance service. These softeners employ
the ion exchange principle using a sodium chloride cycle, and are relatively inexpensive
to operate. A carbon filtration system, installed at the feed water intake, will remove
organic materials, which might subsequently be carried over in the distillate. If trace
concentrations of ions, organic substances are of major concern, the distillate may be
further treated as described later.

A piping system for delivering distilled/deionized water to the area of use within the
laboratory is a convenient feature. In this case, special care should be taken that the
quality of the water is not degraded between the still/deionizer and the point of use.
Piping may be of tin, tin-lined brass, stainless steel, plastic, or chemically resistant
glass, depending on the quality of the water desired and on available funds. Tin is best,
but is also very expensive. As a compromise, plastic pipe, or (Teflon) glass pipe with
Teflon O-rings at all connecting joints is satisfactory for most purposes. The glass pipe
has an obvious advantage when freedom from trace amounts of organic materials is
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When there is no piped-in supply, distilled water will be transported to the laboratory
and stored in polyethylene or glass bottles. If stored in glass containers, distilled water
will gradually leach the more soluble materials from the glass and cause an increase in
dissolved solids. Therefore, only borosilicate-free glass containers should be used.
Polyethylene bottles contain organic plasticizers, and traces of these materials may be
leached from the container walls. These are of little consequence, except in some
organic analyses. Rubber stoppers often used in storage containers contain leachable
materials, including significant quantities of zinc. This is usually no problem, since the
water is not in direct contact with the stopper. However, the analyst should be aware of
the potential for contamination, especially when the supply is not replenished by
frequent use.

The delivery tube may consist of a piece of glass tubing, which extends almost to the
bottom of the bottle, and which is bent downward above the bottle neck, with flexible
tubing attached for mobility. Vinyl tubing is preferable to rubber, because it is less
leachable. The vent tube in the stopper should be protected against the entrance of

Ordinary distilled water is quite adequate for many analyses, including the determination
of major cations and anions. Certain needs may require the use of double- or even
triple-distilled water. Re-distillation from an alkaline permanganate solution can be used
to obtain a water with low organic background. Certain analyses require special
treatment or conditioning of the distilled water.

The quality of the distilled water should be checked according to the given
determinands, however, it is always include in the method blank determinations when it
is part of the analytical procedures (e.g., trace organic analysis). Ammonia-Free Water

Removal of ammonia can be accomplished by shaking ordinary distilled water with a

strong cation exchanger, or by passing distilled water through a column of such
material. The ion-free water described below is also suitable for use in the determination
of ammonia.

The ammonia content of this water should be below the detection limit, as measured in
the blank solution. Carbon-Dioxide-Free Water

Carbon-dioxide-free water may be prepared by boiling distilled water for 15 minutes and
cooling to room temperature. As an alternative, distilled water may be vigorously
aerated with a stream of inert gas for a period sufficient to achieve saturation and CO2
removal. Nitrogen is most frequently used. The final pH of the water should lie between
6.2 and 7.2. It is not advisable to store CO2-free water for extended periods. Ion-Free Water

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A multi-purpose high purity water, free from trace amounts of the common ions, may be
conveniently prepared by slowly passing distilled water through an ion-exchange column
containing strongly acidic cation-exchange resin in the hydroxyl form. Resins of a quality
suitable for analytical work must be used. By using a fresh column and high quality
distilled water, the water corresponding to designation for referee reagent water
(maximum 0.1 mg/l total matter and maximum conductivity of 0.1 µS/cm) can be
obtained. This water is suitable for use in the determination of ammonia, trace metals,
and low concentrations of most cations and anions. It is not suited to some organic
analyses, however, because this treatment may add organic contaminants to the water
by contact with the ion-exchange materials. Organic-Free Water

When determining trace organics by solvent extraction and gas chromatography,

distilled water with sufficiently low background may be extremely difficult to obtain. In
this case, pre-extraction of the water with the solvent used in the respective analysis
may be helpful in eliminating undesirable peaks in the blank, or use the more expensive
water purification units manufactured by several companies and available on the market.

4.1.2 Compressed Air

The quality of compressed air required in the laboratory is usually very high, and special
attention should be given to producing and maintaining clean air until it reaches the
outlet. Oil, water, and dirt are undesirable contaminants in compressed air, and it is
important to install equipment, which generates dry, oil-free air. When pressures of less
than 50 psi are required, a rotary-type compressor, using a water seal and no oil,
eliminates any addition of oil, which would subsequently have to be removed from the
system. Large, horizontal, water-cooled compressors will usually be used when higher
pressures are required.
When the compressed air entering the laboratory is of low quality, an efficient filter
should be installed between the outlet and the point of use to trap oil, moisture, and
other contaminants. As an alternative, high quality compressed air of the dry grade is
commercially available in cylinders when no other source exists.

4.1.3 Electrical Supplies

An adequate electrical system is indispensable to the modern laboratory. This involves

having appropriate voltage (110-220-240-380 V) sources in sufficient capacity for the
type of work that must be done. Requirements for satisfactory lighting, proper
functioning of sensitive instruments, and operation of high current devices must be
considered. Any specialized equipment may present unusual demands on the electrical

Due to the special type of work, requirements for a laboratory lighting system are quite
different from those in other areas. Accurate readings of glassware graduations and
other measuring lines must be made. Titration endpoints, sometimes involving subtle
changes in colour or shading, must be observed. Levels of illumination, brightness, and
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location of light sources should be controlled to facilitate ease in making these

measurements and to provide maximum comfort for the employees.

Spectrophotometers, flame photometers, atomic absorption equipment, gas

chromatographs, etc. have complicated electronic circuits, which require relatively
constant voltage to maintain stable, drift-free instrument operation. If the voltage to
these circuits varies, there is a resulting change in resistance, temperature, current,
efficiency, light output, and component life. These characteristics are interrelated, and
one can not be changed without affecting the others. Voltage regulation is therefore
necessary to eliminate these conditions. Many instruments have built-in voltage
stabilizers, which perform this function satisfactorily. In the absence of these, a small,
portable, constant-voltage transformer should be placed in the circuit between the
electrical outlet and the instrument. When requirements are more stringent, special
transformer-regulated circuits can be used to supply constant voltage.

Electrical heating devices (hot plates, muffle furnaces, water baths and laboratory
ovens) provide desirable heat sources. Care must be taken to ground all equipment,
which could constitute a shock hazard.

Special attention should be paid in laboratories where electric supply shuts down
temporarily time-to-time, for different time periods. Several instruments can be
damaged, or data lost from sudden stop of electricity. Therefore, it is important to
establish power cut-off free units, which provide electricity continuously when central
electric power-supply stops.

4.2 Instrumentation

The modem analytical laboratory depends very heavily upon instrumentation. Analytical
instrumentation, to a certain extent, is always in the development stage, with
manufacturers continually redesigning and upgrading their products, striving for better
durability and sensitivity, and improved automation, particularly due to computerization.
The laboratory supervisors and stuff members should consider the competing markets, a
stream of advertising brochures, announcements, and catalogues of newly available
equipment. Consequently, the selection and purchase of analytical equipment is should
be based on careful considerations. Table 4. lists the instruments most commonly used
in aquatic environmental analysis.
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Table 4. List of instruments used in aquatic environmental analysis

Balances with different sensitivity: analytical, etc.,

pH meter, ion-selective electrodes, conductivity meter
a. Visual and Ultraviolet
b. Infrared
c. Fluorescence
d. Atomic absorption (AAS) with flame atomization or electrothermic atomization
Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) with
a. Atomic Emission Spectrophotometer
b. Mass Spectrometer
Total and Dissolved Organic Carbon Analyzer (TOC/DOC)
Adsorbable/Extractable Organic Halogen Analyzer (AOX/EOX)
Gas Chromatographs (GC) with different detectors:
a. FID
b. ECD
c. N & PD
d. PID
f. MS (MS-MS)
Ion-chromatograph (for anions and/or cations)
High Pressure Liquid Chromatograph (HPLC) with:
a. DAD
b. Fluorescence Detector
c. MS (MS-MS)

These represent basic equipment used in routine work and more sophisticated
instruments for special research and monitoring purposes. Further, operation and
maintenance of these instruments ought to be a primary consideration in production of
satisfactory data. Obviously, a fundamental understanding of instrument design will
assist the analyst in the correct use of the instrument and in some cases aid in detecting
instrumental failures.

More details on the different instruments are given in Annex 3.

4.3 Laboratory Glassware

The measurement of trace constituents in water demands methods capable of maximum

sensitivity. This is especially true for metals and trace organics such as pesticides, as
well as for the determination of ammonia and phosphorus. Depending on the parameter
specific glassware is needed. In addition to sensitive methods, however, there are other
areas that require special consideration. One such area is that of the cleanliness of
laboratory glassware. Obviously, the very sensitive analytical systems are more
sensitive to errors resulting from the improper use or choice of apparatus, as well as to
contamination effects due to an improper method of cleaning the apparatus. The
purpose of this chapter is to discuss the kinds of glassware available, the use of
volumetric ware, and various cleaning requirements.
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4.3.1 Types of Glassware

Laboratory vessels serve three functions: storage of reagents, measurement of solution

volumes and confinement of reactions. For special purposes, vessels made from
materials such as porcelain, nickel, iron, aluminum, platinum, stainless steel, and plastic
may be employed to advantage. Glass, however, is the most widely used material of
construction. There are many grades and types of glassware from which to choose,
ranging from normal glass to others possessing specific properties such as resistance to
thermal shock, alkali, low boron content, and super strength. Soft-glass containers are
usually relatively soluble, and therefore are not recommended for general use,
especially for storage of reagents. The best glassware of the modern analytical
laboratory is made of highly resistant borosilicate glass, such as that manufactured
under the name "Pyrex" or others. This glassware is satisfactory for all basic analytical
work in the laboratory.

Depending on the particular manufacturer, various trade names are used for specific
brands possessing special properties such as resistance to heat, shock, alkalies, etc.
Examples of some of these follow:

a. Kimax- or Pyrex-brand glass is a relatively inert all-purpose borosilicate glass.

b. Vycor-brand glass is a silica glass (96%) made to withstand continuous temperatures
up to 900°C and can be down-shocked in ice water without breakage.
c. Corning brand glass is claimed to be 50 times more resistant to alkalies than
conventional ware and practically boron free (max. 0.2%).
d. Ray~Sorb- or Low-Actinic-brand glass is for use with light-sensitive material.
e. Corex-brand labware is harder than conventional borosilicates, better able to resist
clouding and scratching.

The use of plastic vessels, containers and other apparatus made of Teflon,
polyethylene, polystyrene and polypropylene has increased markedly over recent years.
Some of these materials, such as Teflon, are quite expensive; however, Teflon stopcock
plugs have practically replaced glass plugs in burets, separatory funnels, etc. because
lubrication to avoid sticking or "freezing” is not required. Polypropylene, a
methylpentene polymer, is available as laboratory bottles, graduates, beakers and even
volumetric flasks. It is crystal clear, shatter-proof, autoclavable and chemically resistant.
Some points to consider in choosing glassware and/or plastic-ware are:

• Unless instructed otherwise, borosilicate or polyethylene bottles are to be used

for the storage of reagents and standard solutions.
• Certain dilute metal solutions may absorb on glass container walls over long
periods of storage. Thus, dilute metal standard solutions are prepared fresh at
the time of analysis.
• For some operations, disposable glassware is used. One example is the use of
disposable test tubes as sample containers.
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• Plastic bottles of polyethylene and/or Teflon have been found satisfactory for the
shipment of water samples. Strong mineral acids (such as sulphuric acid) and
organic solvents will readily attack polyethylene and are to be avoided.
• Borosilicate glassware is not completely inert, particularly to alkalies, therefore,
standard solutions of silica, boron and the alkali metals are usually stored in
polyethylene bottles.

4.3.2 Glassware for Volumetric Analyses

By common usage, accurately calibrated glassware for precise measurements of volume
has become known as volumetric glassware. This group includes volumetric flasks,
volumetric pipets and accurately calibrated burets. Less accurate types of glassware
including graduated cylinders, serological and measuring pipets also have specific uses
in the analytical laboratory, when exact volumes are unnecessary.

The precision of volumetric work depends in part upon the accuracy with which volumes
of solutions can be measured and there are certain sources of error, which must be
carefully considered. The volumetric apparatus must be read correctly; that is, the
bottom of the meniscus should be tangent to the calibration mark. There are other
sources of error, however, such as changes in temperature, which result in changes in
the actual capacity of glass apparatus and in the volume of the solutions. The capacity
of an ordinary glass flask of 1000 ml volume increases 0.025 ml per 1°C rise in
temperature, but if made of borosilicate glass the increase is much less. 1000 ml of
water or of most 0.1 N solutions increases in volume by approximately 0.20 ml per 1°C
increase at room temperature. Thus solutions must be measured at the temperature at
which the apparatus was calibrated. This temperature (usually 20°C) will be indicated on
all volumetric ware.
Volumetric apparatus is calibrated "to contain" or "to deliver" a definite volume of liquid.
This will be indicated on the apparatus with the letters "TC" (to contain) or "TD" (to
deliver). Volumetric flasks are calibrated to contain a given volume. They are available
in various shapes and sizes ranging from 1 to 2000 ml capacity.
Volumetric pipets are calibrated to deliver a fixed volume. The usual capacities are 1 to
100 ml although micro-pipets are also available. In emptying volumetric pipets, they
should be held in a vertical position and the outflow should be unrestricted. The tip of
the pipet is kept in contact with the wall of the receiving vessel for a second or two after
the free flow has stopped. The liquid remaining in the tip is not removed, this is most
Measuring and serological pipets should also be held in a vertical position for
dispensing liquids; however, the tip of the pipet is only touched to the wet surface of the
receiving vessel after the outflow has ceased. For those pipets where the small amount
of liquid remaining in the tip is to be blown out and added, indication is made by a
frosted band near the top. The band is usually located far enough down so that it will not
touch the technician's lips when liquid is being drawn up or blown out.
Burets are used to deliver definite volumes. The more common types are usually of 25-
or 50-ml capacity, graduated to tenths of a milliliter, and are provided with stopcocks.
For precise analytical methods in microchemistry, micro-burets are also used. Micro-
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burets generally are of 5- or 10-ml capacity, graduated in hundredths of a milliliter

division. Automatic burets with reservoirs are also available ranging in capacity from 10
to 100 ml. Reservoir capacity ranges from 100 to 4000 ml.
General rules in regard to the manipulation of a buret are as follows:

• Do not attempt to dry a buret which has been cleaned for use, but rinse it two or
three times with a small volume of the solution with which it is to be filled.
• Do not allow alkaline solutions to stand in a buret, because the glass will be
attacked, and the stopcock, unless made of Teflon, will tend to freeze.
• A 50-ml buret should not be emptied faster than 0.7 ml per second, otherwise too
much liquid will adhere to the walls and as the solution drains down, the
meniscus will gradually rise, giving a high false reading.
• It should be emphasized that improper use of and/or reading of burets can result
in serious calculation errors.

In the case of all apparatus for delivering liquids, the glass must be absolutely clean so
that the film of liquid never breaks at any point. Careful attention must be paid to this
fact or the required amount of solution will not be delivered. The various cleaning agents
and their use are described later. Specifications for Volumetric Glassware

Several standards, such as DIN, NBS, etc., describe the specifications for volumetric
glassware. In general, volumetric glass apparatus, which meet standard specifications
are designated as Class A and all such glassware is permanently marked with a large
"A". In addition to the "A" marking found on calibrated glassware and the temperature at
which the calibration was made, other markings also appear. These include the type of
glass, such as Pyrex, etc., the stock number of the particular item, and the capacity of
the vessel. According to the DIN standard, the tolerance is also marked, such as 25 ml ±
0.030 ml.

4.3.3 Cleaning of Glass and Porcelain

The method of cleaning should be adapted to both the substances that are to be
removed, and the determination to be performed. Water-soluble substances are simply
washed out with hot or cold water, and the vessel is finally rinsed with successive small
amounts of distilled water. Other substances more difficult to remove may require the
use of a detergent, organic solvent, dichromate cleaning solution, nitric acid or aqua
regia (25 percent v/v conc. HN03 in conc. HCI). In all cases it is good practice to rinse a
vessel with tap water as soon as possible after use. Material allowed to dry on
glassware is much more difficult to remove.
Volumetric glassware, especially burets, may be thoroughly cleaned by a mixture
containing the following: 30 g sodium hydroxide, 4 g sodium hexametaphosphate (trade
name, Calgon), 8 g trisodium-phosphate, and 1 litre water. A gram or two of sodium
laurylsulphate or other surfactant will improve its action in some cases. This solution
should be used with a buret brush.
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__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Special Cleaning Requirements

Absorption cells, used in spectrophotometers, should be kept scrupulously clean, free of

scratches, fingerprints, smudges and evaporated film residues. The cells may be
cleaned with detergent solutions for removal of organic residues, but should not be
soaked for prolonged periods in caustic solutions because of the possibility of etching.
Organic solvents may be used to rinse cells in which organic materials have been used.
Nitric acid rinses are permissible, but dichromate solutions are not recommended
because of the adsorptive properties of dichromate on glass. Rinsing and drying of cells
with alcohol or acetone before storage is a preferred practice. Matched cells should be
checked to see that they are equivalent by placing portions of the same solution in both
cells and taking several readings of the transmittance (%T or optical density (OD)
values. If a cell is mismatched it should be discarded or reserved for rough work.

For certain determinations, especially trace metals, the glassware should also be rinsed
with a 1:1 nitric acid-water mixture. This operation is followed by thoroughly rinsing with
tap water and successive portions of distilled water. This may require as many as 12-15
rinses, especially if chromium is being determined. The nitric acid rinse is also
especially important if lead is being determined.
Glassware to be used for phosphate determinations should not be washed with
detergents containing phosphates. This glassware must be thoroughly rinsed with tap
water and distilled water. For ammonia and Kjeldahl nitrogen, the glassware must be
rinsed with ammonia-free water.
Glassware to be used in the determination of trace organic constituents in water, such
as chlorinated pesticides, should be as free as possible of organic contaminants. A
chromic acid wash of at least 15 minutes is necessary to destroy these organic residues.
Rinse thoroughly with tap water, and finally with distilled water. Glassware may be dried
for immediate use by rinsing with redistilled acetone. Otherwise glassware may be oven
dried or drip-dried. Glassware should be stored immediately after drying to prevent any
accumulation of dust. Store inverted or with mouth of glassware covered with foil.
Bottles to be used for the collection of samples for organic analyses should be rinsed
successively with chromic acid cleaning solution, tap water, distilled water, and finally
several times with redistilled solvent (e.g., acetone, hexane, petroleum ether,

Caps are washed with detergent, rinsed with tap water, distilled water and solvent.
Liners are treated in the same way as the bottles and are stored in a sealed container.

4.3.4 Disposable Glassware

When the risk of washing a pipet for reuse becomes too great, as in the case of use with
toxic materials, or when the cost of washing glassware becomes prohibitive, disposable
pipets may be the answer, provided they meet the necessary specification. Various
types are available including bacteriological, serological and micro-dilution pipets.
Disposable glassware generally is made of soft glass.
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4.3.5 Specialized Glassware

The use of vessels and glassware fitted with standard-taper, ground-glass, and ball-
and-socket joints has increased because of certain advantages such as less leakage,
etc. Standard-taper, interchangeable ground joints save time and trouble in assembling
apparatus. They are tested precision-ground to insure an accurate fit and freedom from
leakage. Ball and socket joints increase flexibility of operation and eliminate the need for
exact alignments of apparatus.

4.4 Reagents, Solvents and Gases

The objective of this chapter is to provide general information and suggestions that will
serve to keep the analyst conscious of his responsibilities in analytical quality control, as
they relate to reagents, solvents and gases. While the material presented here will
assist the analyst in producing high quality data, it is by no means complete. It is
incumbent on the analyst to obtain details of special precautions required to insure
proper selection, preparation, and storage of reagents, solvents and gases from the
descriptions of individual methods. It is required that the date of preparation and expiery
be shown on the storage bottle. Each bottle should be labeled showing its content, date
of preparation and the name of the analyst.

4.4.1 Reagent Quality

Chemical reagents, solvents, and gases are available in a wide variety of grades of
purity, ranging from technical grade to various "ultra pure" grades. The purity of these
materials required in analytical chemistry varies with the type of analysis. The parameter
being measured and the sensitivity and specificity of the detection system are important
factors in determining the purity of the reagents required. For many analyses, e.g., most
inorganic analyses, analytical reagent grade is satisfactory. Other analyses, e.g., trace
organic and radiological, frequently require special "ultra pure" reagents, solvents, and
gases. In methods where the purity of reagents is not specified it is intended that
analytical reagent grade be used. Reagents of lesser purity than that specified by the
method should not be used. The labels on the container should be checked and the
contents examined to verify that the purity of the reagents meets the needs of the
particular method involved. The quality of reagents, solvents, and gases required for the
various classes of analyses: inorganic, metals, radiological, and organic, are discussed

Reagents must always be prepared and standardised with care and appropriate
technique against reliable primary standards. They must be re-standardised or prepared
fresh as often as required by their stability. Stock and working standard solutions must
be checked regularly for signs of deterioration, e.g., discoloration, formation of
precipitates, and concentration. Standard solutions should be properly labeled as to
compound, concentration, solvent, date and prepared.

Primary standards must be obtained from a reliable source, pretreated, e.g., dried,
under specified conditions, accurately prepared in calibrated volumetric glassware, and
stored in containers that will not alter the reagent. A large number of primary standards,
certified reference materials (CRM) are available from the different suppliers (NBS, etc.).
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Primary standards may also be obtained from many chemical supply companies.
Suppliers for special quality reagents, solvents, and gases are noted in later discussions
of the various classes of analyses. Reagents and solvents of all grades are available
from many chemical suppliers.
There is some confusion among chemists as to the definition of the terms ANALYTICAL
this document, the term ANALYTICAL REAGENT GRADE (AR) will be used. It is
intended that AR chemicals and solvents shall conform to the current specifications set
up by competent committees, advisory groups.
The type of volumetric glassware to be used, the effect of certain reagents on
glassware, the effect of temperature on volumetric measurements, purity of reagents,
absorption of gases and water vapour from the air, standardization of solutions,
instability, and need for frequent standardisation of certain reagents are among the
factors to be considered and described in the literature. It is recommended that the
analyst become thoroughly familiar with the relevant publications.

4.4.2 General lnorganic Analyses

In general, AR-grade reagents and solvents are satisfactory for inorganic analyses.
Primary standard reagents must, of course, be used for standardizing all volumetric
solutions. Commercially prepared reagents and standard solutions are very convenient
and may be used when it is demonstrated that they meet the method requirements. All
prepared reagents must be checked for accuracy.
The individual methods specify the reagents that require frequent standardization, or
other special treatment, and the analyst must follow through with these essential
operations. To avoid waste, the analyst should prepare a limited volume of such
reagents, depending on the quantity required over a given period of time.
As far as possible, distilled water used for preparation of reagent solutions must be free
of measurable amounts of the constituent to be determined. Special requirements for
distilled water are given in Section 3.1.1 of this guidance and in individual method
Compressed gases, such as oxygen and nitrogen, used for total organic carbon
determination may be of commercial grade. Analyses of MetaIs

All standards used for atomic absorption and emission spectroscopy should be of
spectroquality. It is recommended that other reagents and solvents also be of
spectroqualiiy, although AR grade is sometimes satisfactory. Standards may be
prepared by the analyst in the laboratory or prepared, spectrographically standardised
materials may be purchased commercially. Multielement standard solutions are also
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Analytical reagent grade nitric and hydrochloric acids must be specially prepared by
distillation in borosilicate glass and diluted with deionised distilled water. All other
reagents and standards are also prepared in deionised water.
In general, fuel and oxidant gases used for atomic absorption can be of commercial
grade. Air supplied by an ordinary laboratory compressor is quite satisfactory, if
adequate pressure is maintained and necessary precautions are taken to filter oil, water,
and possible trace metals from the line. For certain determinations, e.g., aluminum,
reagent-grade nitrous oxide is required; for analysis of mercury suprapure acid is

4.4.3 Radiological Analyses

The great sensitivity of radioactive counting instruments requires that scintillation grade
reagents and solvents, or equivalent, be used for all radioactivity determinations. Some
of the reagents, for example, strontium carbonate and yttrium oxide carriers used for the
determination of strontium 90 and yttrium 90, must be stable, that is free of radioactivity.
Barium sulphate, used for co-precipitation of radium must be free from all traces of
radium. These reagents and solvents are commercially available from chemical supply
houses. Calibrated standard sources of specific radioactive materials with known count
and date of counting are available from various suppliers. No single company supplies
all standards.

Gases used for radioactive counting must be of high purity and extra dry. Gases such as
helium and air are aged for about 30 days to allow radioactive background to decay. All
gases are checked for background before use. Some cylinders contain inherent
radioactivity which is imparted to the gas. When this background is above normal, the
gas should not be used for radioactivity determinations.

4.4.4 Analyses of Organic Compounds

The minimum purity of reagents and solvents that can be used for organic analyses is
AR grade. Reference grade standards should be used whenever available. Special note
should be taken of the assay of standard materials. Owing to the great sensitivity
(nanogram and sub-nanogram quantities) of gas chromatography (GC), which is often
used to quantitate organic results, much greater purify is frequently required. The
specificity of some GC detectors requires that reagents and solvents be free of certain
classes of compounds. For example, analyses by electron capture require that reagents
and solvents be free of electronegative materials that would interfere with the
determination of specific compounds in the sample. Similarly, use of the flame
photometric detector requires that reagents and solvents be free from sulphur and/or
phosphorus interference. Pesticide quality solvents are available from several sources.
These are often satisfactory for many organic GC determinations. However, the contents
of each container must be checked to assure its suitability for the analyses. Similarly, all
analytical reagents and other chemicals must also be checked routinely.

The quality of gases required for GC determinations varies somewhat with the type of
detector. In general, the compressed gases are a pre-purified dry grade. The nitrogen-
detection system requires the use of ultra-pure hydrogen for satisfactory results. The
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use of molecular-sieve, carrier-gas filters and drying tubes is required on combustion

gases. They are recommended for use on all other gases.
Adsorbents most commonly used for column chromatographic clean-up of sample
extracts are Florisil, silica gel, and alumina. These must be pre-activated according to
the method specifications and checked for interfering constituents.

4.4.5 Storing and Maintaining Quality of Reagents and Solvents

Having carried out the tasks of selecting, preparing, and verifying the suitability of
reagents, solvents, and gases, the analyst must properly store them to prevent
contamination and deterioration prior to their use. Borosilicate glass bottles with ground
glass stoppers are recommended for most standard solutions and solvents. Plastic
containers, e.g., polyethylene, are recommended for alkaline solutions. Plastic
containers must not be used for reagents or solvents intended for organic analyses.
However, plastic containers may be used for reagents not involved with organic
analyses if they maintain a constant volume, and it is demonstrated that they do not
produce interferences and do not absorb constituents of interest. It is important that all
containers be properly cleaned and stored prior to use.

Standard reagents and solvents must always be stored according to the manufacturer's
directions. Reagents or solvents that are sensitive to the light should be stored in dark
bottles and/or stored in a cool, dark place. It is particularly important to store materials
used for radiological determinations in dark bottles, since photoluminescence will
produce high background if light sensitive detectors are used for counting. Some
reagents require refrigeration.

Adsorbents for column chromatography are stored in the containers that they are
supplied in, or according to the requirements of individual methods. Activated carbon,
used for collection of samples for organic analyses, must be stored and processed in
areas protected from atmospheric and other sources of contamination.

The analyst should pay particular attention to the stability of the standard reagents.
Standards should not be kept longer than recommended by the manufacturer, or in the
method. Some standards are susceptible to changes in normality due to absorption of
gases or water vapour from the air.

The concentration of the standards will change as a result of evaporation of solvent.

This is especially true of standards prepared in volatile organic solvents. Therefore, the
reagent bottles should be kept stoppered, except when actually in use. The amount of
evaporated solvent can be checked by weighing the closed bottle after and before
using. The amount of the evaporated solvent should be added to the solution before its
use. The chemical composition of certain standards may change on standing. Certain
pesticides, for instance, will degrade if prepared in acetone that contains small
quantities of water. Thus, it is essential that working standards be frequently checked to
determine changes in concentration or composition. Stock solutions should be checked
before preparing new working standards from them.
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4.5 Elimination of Determinate Errors

In order to produce high quality analytical data, determinate errors must be eliminated or
at least minimised. For this purposes, we assume that a competent analyst and reliable
equipment, in optimum operating condition, are available. Thus, determinate errors that
might result from an inexperienced or careless analyst and poor equipment are
eliminated. The remaining sources of error are the reagents, solvents, and gases that
are used throughout the analyses. The quality of these materials, even though they are
AR grade or better, may vary from one source to another, from one lot to another, and
even within the same lot. Therefore, the analyst must predetermine that all of these
materials are free of interfering substances under the conditions of the analyses. To do
this she/he must have a regular check program. Materials that do not meet requirements
should be replaced or purified so that they can be used.

4.5.1 Reagent Blank

The first step the analyst must take is to determine the background or blank of each of
the reagents and solvents used in a given method of analysis. The conditions for
determining the blank must be identical to those used throughout the analysis, including
the detection system. If the reagents and solvents contain substances that interfere with
a particular determination, satisfactory reagents and solvents must be found. Where
possible and practical, they should be treated so that they can be used.

4.5.2 Method Blank

After determining the individual reagent or solvent blanks, the analyst must determine
the method blank to see if the cumulative blank interferes with the analyses. The method
blank is determined by following the procedure step by step, including all of the reagents
and solvents, in the quantity required by the method. If the cumulative blank interferes
with the determination, steps must be taken to eliminate or reduce the interference to a
level that will permit this combination of solvents and reagents to be used. If the blank
cannot be eliminated, the magnitude of the interference must be considered when
calculating the concentration of specific constituents in the samples being analysed.
A method blank should be determined whenever an analysis is made. The number of
blanks to be run is determined by the method of analysis and the number of samples
being analysed at a given time. In some methods, the method blank is automatically and
continuously compensated for since a continuous flow of the reagents passes through
the detector. In other procedures, such as the gas chromatographic determination of
pesticides, a method blank is run with each series of samples analysed. Usually this is
one blank for every nine samples.

4.5.3 Elimination of Interferences

Procedures for eliminating or at least minimising impurities that produce specific

interferences or high general background, vary with the reagent and method involved.
These procedures may include: re-crystallization, precipitation, distillation, washing with
an appropriate solvent, or a combination of these. Examples of procedures used for
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various types of analyses are given below. For complete information, the analyst should
consult the individual methods. General lnorganic Analysis

Analytical reagent grade chemicals and solvents usually present no interference

problems in inorganic analyses. However, some reagents do not always meet methods
requirements. An example is potassium persulfate used in phosphorus and nitrogen
determinations. This reagent is frequently contaminated with ammonia. Therefore, it is
routinely purified by passing air through a heated water solution of the reagent. The
purified potassium persulfate is recovered by re-crystallization.

A problem more commonly encountered in inorganic analyses is the rapid deterioration

of the standard reagents and other ingredients. To minimize or eliminate this problem
some reagents, for example, ferrous ammonium sulphate, must be standardized daily.
Others, such as sodium thiosulphate used for dissolved oxygen determination, may
require a substitute reagent, e.g., phenyl-arsenic-oxide. Solid phenol, which readily
oxidizes and acquires a reddish colour can be purified by distillation. Starch indicator
used for idiometric titrations may be prepared for each use or preserved by refrigeration,
or by addition of zinc chloride or other suitable compounds. Metal Analysis

In general, spectrograde chemicals, solvents, and gases present no interference

problems in atomic absorption or emission spectrographic determinations. However,
standards, which do not meet the requirements of the method are sometimes obtained.
Ordinarily, no effort is made to purify them. They are simply replaced by new reagents of
sufficient purity. Some reagents may form precipitates on standing. Such reagents will
reduce the accuracy of quantitative analyses and should not be used. Radiological Analysis

In general, reagents that do not meet the purity requirements for radiological
determinations are replaced with reagents that are satisfactory. However, in some
instances (for example, barium sulphate used for co-precipitation of radium), it may be
necessary to carry out repeated re-crystallization to remove all forms of radium, and
reduce the background count to a useable level. In some instances, solvents that do not
meet requirements may be distilled to produce adequate purity. In some cases, gases
having background counts may be useable after aging as described earlier. If not, they
should be replaced with gases that are satisfactory. Organic Analysis

Many AR-grade chemicals and solvents, and at times pesticide quality solvents, do not
meet the specifications required for the determination of specific organic compounds.
Impurities that are considered trace, or insignificant, for many analytical uses are often
present in greater quantities than the organic constituents being measured. Coupled
with the several-hundred-fold concentration of the sample extract that is usually
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Technical report: Guidance to operation of water quality laboratories

required, such impurities can cause very significant interferences in trace organic
Reagents and solvents found to be unsatisfactory, under the conditions of the analyses,
must be replaced or cleaned up so that they are useable. Some useful clean-up
procedures are:

• Washing the inorganic reagents with each solvent that the reagent contacts
during the analysis,
• Washing the adsorbents, such as silica gel G and Florisil, with the solvents that
are used for a specified column or thin-layer chromatographic procedure,
• Pre-extracting distilled water with solvents used for the particular analysis
• Pre-extracting aqueous reagent solutions with the solvents involved,
• Redistilling solvents in all-glass systems using an efficient fractlonating column,
• Re-crystallizing reagents and dyes used in colorimetric or thin-layer
If the reagents and solvents thus produced are not of sufficient purity, they should be
Dirty gases (quality less than specified) are particularly troublesome in gas
chromatographic analyses. They may reduce the sensitivity of the detector, and produce
a high or noisy baseline. If this occurs, the cylinder should be replaced immediately.
Similarly, if cylinders of compressed gases are completely emptied in use, the end
volumes of the gas may produce a similar and often more severe effect. Oils and water
may get into the system and foul the defector. When this occurs the system must be
dismantled and cleaned. Overhaul of the detector may be required. To reduce chances
of this, it is recommended that all gas cylinders be replaced when the pressure falls to
100-200 psi. Filter driers are of little help in coping with this type of contamination.

4.6 Laboratory supplies

To provide some orientation for the user of this guidance, laboratory supplies needed for
a general water chemical laboratory, for trace inorganic and trace organic laboratory are
summarised in Annex 3.
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The high sensitivity of the instrumentation used in trace organic chemical analysis, and
the low concentration of compounds being investigated, dictate that special attention be
given this field of analytical endeavor. Contamination of the sample from any possible
source must be diligently guarded against, and interferences in the sample must be
carefully controlled. Finally, strict attention to method and highly refined technique are
required to produce valid quantitative results.

5.1 Collection of the Samples

5.1.1 Discrete BottIed Samples

Sample collection should be done with wide-mouth glass bottles, equipped with screw
caps fitted with Teflon liners. The use of a screw cap without a Teflon liner may cause
contamination of the sample by the liner or adhesive used in sealing the liner to the cap.
Plastic bottles (polyethylene) are not used because traces of plasticizer may be leached
from the plastic by the water, and can be a source of analytical interference. Moreover,
organics from the sample may be adsorbed on the plastic. It has been suggested that
high grade Teflon bottles may be satisfactory for this use, however, the cost is
prohibitive at present.

To insure freedom from organic contaminants, bottles are rinsed successively with
chromate cleaning solution, running tap water, distilled water, and finally several times
with redistilled solvent (e.g., acetone, hexane, petroleum ether, chloroform). Caps are
washed with detergent, rinsed with tap water, distilled water, and solvent. Liners are
treated in the same way as the bottles and are stored in a sealed container.
Each method designates a recommended sample size for surface water analysis.
Duplicate samples are recommended. If analysis by more than one method is to be
requested on the same sample, sufficient sample must be simultaneously obtained to
supply the needs of each analysis.
It is also recommended that when requesting a non-specific analysis, any information
that could help direct the analytical approach, or aid in interpretation of results, be
supplied. Such information could include industrial or agricultural activities in the area
from which the sample was obtained, spills, or other accidents that may have occurred
in the area. Also mention of similar upstream activity could provide valuable assistance.
Samples should be stored in a cool, dark place, and analysed as soon as possible. If the
sample cannot be analysed immediately, reporting the holding time can help in
interpreting results where die-off rates are known.
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5.1.2 Carbon Adsorption Samples

The affinity of the activated carbon for organic substances requires that supplies of
carbon be protected from extraneous sources of contamination. For example, carbon
can adsorb organic substances from the air. Therefore, the activated carbon is stored
and processed in an area adequately protected from such sources of contamination. As
an additional precaution, the ventilating, heating, and air conditioning systems for the
laboratories in which carbon adsorption samples are processed should be completely
isolated from all other laboratories.

5.2 Glassware

Proper calibration of volumetric glassware is essential to valid analytical results,

because quantitation is performed by comparison to measured amounts of standard
compounds, and by accurate measurement of sample volume.
Individual concentrator tubes, used to measure final concentrate volumes, must first be
calibrated at the working volume. This is particularly important for volumes less than 1
ml. Calibration should be made by noting the number of microliters of solvent required to
bring the liquid Ievel (lower meniscus) up to a particular graduation mark. A precision
100 µl syringe should be used to measure calibration volume. Volumes can also be
determined by weighing.
It is also very important in trace organic analysis that glassware be as free as possible
of any organic contaminants. A strong acid cleaning solution is required for removing all
traces of organic material from glassware. Heating of the glassware (200 oC, > 2h) can
be an option, but volumetric glassware is not reliable after that.

5.3 Reagents and Chemicals

The minimum purity of reagents and chemicals should be certified (analytical reagent)
grade. Analytical standards should be reference grade, when available. The analyst
should take special note of the assay of less pure materials (most often pesticides). All
reagents and chemicals should be stored according to manufacturer's instructions to
prevent degradation. Proper storage is especially important if the chemical is to be used
in preparing an analytical standard. Refrigerated chemicals should be allowed to come
to room temperature before exposing them to the atmosphere.
When preparing stock solutions, it is recommended that at least 10 mg of material be
used for greater accuracy in weighing. Solutions should be carefully stored so as to
preserve their concentration, and to protect them from ultraviolet radiation. Usually
storage in ground-glass stoppered bottles, either amber-glass or out of the line of direct
lighting, is sufficient.
Standard solutions should be prepared using precision syringes to measure the volume
of stock solution to be diluted. The syringe barrel should be pre-wetted with solvent and
air bubbles expelled. Dilution should be done in a Class A volumetric flask to insure
accurate measurement. If these solutions are to be used frequently, they are best stored
in a screw-cap, septum, sealed vial. These vials allow instant access to the solution and
offer good protection against concentration changes of the standard solution.
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Evaporation of the solvent caused by repeated removal of the cap is a serious problem
with other containers. If septum vials are not available it is advisable to prepare
standard solutions in a volumetric container of 100 ml or more and transfer a small
portion to a separate container for daily use, then discard that portion at the end of the

All stock or standard solutions should be carefully watched fox signs of changes in
concentration or deterioration. As an aid to monitoring these solutions, it is wise to label
them as to compound, concentration, solvent used, date and prepared. Also, in the case
of GC solutions, it is necessary to retain some evidence of its chromatographic behavior
as a fresh solution for comparison at a later date.

Distilled water used as dosed, control samples must be free of organic interferences. A
very effective way of removing organic interferences from distilled water is to pre-extract
the water with the solvent that is to be used in the analysis, then boil the water to
remove the residual solvent.

Organic solvents used in pesticide analysis should be pesticide quality, and

demonstrated to be free of interferences in a manner compatible with whatever
analytical operation is to be performed. Solvents can be checked by analysing a volume
equivalent to that used in the analysis and concentrated to the minimum final volume.
Possible interferences are noted in terms of factors such as relative retention times,
peak geometry, peak intensity, and width of solvent response. Interferences noted under
these conditions can be considered maximum. If necessary, a solvent must be redistilled
in glass using a 60-cm column packed with 1/8" glass helices, or an equivalent system.

Hexane-ethyl ether and benzene are commonly used in the extraction of water and
wastewater in conjunction with analysis by electron-capture gas-liquid chromatography.
Because electron-capture detection methods are extremely sensitive to interferences
normally found in these solvents, the cleanest possible reagent grade or pesticide
quality solvents must be used. Redistillation in the lab in an all-glass system might be
necessary. Solvents in the same lot may also vary and therefore each container should
be checked.

5.4 Common Analytical Operations

Adequate steps must be taken to eliminate or minimize interferences from solvents and
other materials. A blank should be run simultaneously under the same analytical
conditions as any block of samples analysed. A block of samples is defined as any
group of one or more samples analysed using a common batch of analytical supplies.
Should any one of the supplies be changed (i.e., solvent, silica gel, Florisil, etc.) a new
blank is required.

Quantitation of micro amounts of organic materials requires extremely careful technique

to avoid loss of sample. Quantitative transfers are essential to obtain accurate and
precise results. Practice in these manipulations is recommended for the inexperienced
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Concentration of sample extracts to very small volumes for trace analysis requires great
care to avoid loss of constituents. A Kuderna-Danish evaporator is a very useful
apparatus to accomplish this operation. Instructions in the use of this evaporator must
be strictly followed to avoid loss of desired sample. Final concentration in an ampoule or
calibrated tube is accomplished in a warm water bath with a gentle stream of clean, dry
air, if air oxidation is not a problem; otherwise, nitrogen should be used. During the final
concentration, the inside walls should be rinsed repeatedly with the working solvent to
insure the total sample is contained in the bottom of the tube. Complete evaporation of
solvent must be avoided to prevent loss of sample constituents. The step should be
accomplished within 10 or 12 minutes for best results.
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It is assumed that a valid sample has been properly taken, preserved, and delivered to
the laboratory for analyses; that the laboratory analyses were done according to
recognised, standardised methods; and that the recording and reporting of subsequent
laboratory results were done in a systematic and uniform way. It must be recognised and
practiced, however, that quality control begins with the sample collection and does not
end until the resulting data are reported. The laboratory control of analytical
performance is one vital link in obtaining valid data, however, use of quality control
between field sampling, laboratory analyses and management decisions are necessary
to insure this validity.

Earlier we have discussed such key elements as laboratory services, instrumentation,

glassware, reagents, solvents, and gases, therefore, we should refer to these sections
to determine the necessary specifications and requirements required for quality control.
On the assumption that these variables are under control, that a single method is being
used, and that the complete system is initially under control, what should be done in the
evaluation of daily performance to document that valid data are being produced? First,
valid precision and accuracy data should be available on the method. Thereafter,
systematic daily checks (e.g., analysing blanks, calibration standards, quality control
check samples, reference materials) are required to show that reproducible results are
being obtained and that the methodology is actually measuring what is in the sample.
These items are discussed in detail in the following sections.

6.1 Precision and Accuracy

Precision refers to the reproducibility among replicate observations. In an AQC

programme it is determined by the use of actual water samples, which cover a range of
concentrations and a variety of interfering materials usually encountered by the analyst.
Obviously, such data should not be collected until the analyst is thoroughly familiar with
the method, and has obtained a reproducible standard curve. For colorimetric analyses,
the initial standard curve should include a blank and a series of at preferably eight
standards encompassing the full concentration range to be used for routine sample
analyses. Subsequently, at Ieast two standards (a high and a low) should be analysed
to verify the original standard curve. For other measurements, such as pH, conductivity,
etc., instruments should be standardised according to manufacturer's instructions and
sound, scientific practice.

There are a number of different methods available for the determination of precision.
One method that can be successfully employed, and can be adapted to several
analytical instrumentation and chemical procedures, is described as follows:

• Four separate concentration levels should be studied, including a low

concentration near the sensitivity level of the method, two intermediate
concentrations, and a concentration near the upper limit of application of the
• Seven replicate determinations should be made at each of the concentrations
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• To allow for changes in instrument conditions, the precision study should cover at
least two hours of normal laboratory operation.
• In order to permit the maximum interferences in sequential operation, it is
suggested that the samples be run in the following order: high, low, intermediate,
intermediate. This series is then repeated seven times to obtain the desired
• The precision statement should include a range of standard deviations over the
tested range of concentration. Thus, four standard deviations will be obtained
over a range of four concentrations, but the statement should contain only the
extremes of standard deviations and concentrations studied.

An example of data generated from such an approach is shown in Table 15.

Table 15. Precision data on river water samples for PO4-P, in mg P/l.

Sample Danube Tisa Sio Sajo

1 0.05 0.10 0.48 0.62
2 0.06 0.10 0.48 0.62
3 0.06 0.10 0.49 0.62
4 0.06 0.11 0.48 0.63
5 0.06 0.11 0.48 0.62
6 0.06 0.11 0.48 0.62
7 0.06 - - 0.62
Average 0.059 0.105 0.482 0.621
s 0.004 0.005 0.004 0.004

The resulting precision statement would read as follows:

"In a single laboratory, using surface water samples at concentrations of 0.06, and
0.62 mg P/l, the standard deviation was ±0.004”
Thus, the statement contains the number of laboratories involved, the type of samples,
the concentrations used and the resulting standard deviation (s).

Accuracy refers to a degree of difference between observed and known, or actual,

values. Again, accuracy should be determined on actual water samples routinely
analyzed, and preferably, on the same series as those used in the precision
determinations. The method employed consists of the following key steps:

• Known amounts of the particular constituent should be added to actual samples

at concentrations where the precision of the method is satisfactory. It is
suggested that amounts be added to the low-concentration sample, sufficient to
double that concentration, and that an amount be added to one of the
intermediate concentrations, sufficient to bring the final concentration in the
sample to approximately 75% of the upper limit of application of the method.
• Seven replicate determinations at each concentration should be made.
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• Accuracy should be reported as the percent recovery at the final concentration of

the spiked sample. Percent recovery at each concentration should be the mean of
the seven replicate results.
• Data were obtained with this approach by using two of the water samples
previously used in the precision study reported in Table 15. (Danube and Sio
rivers). They are reported in Table 16.

Table 16. Accuracy data on river water samples for PO4-P, in mg P/l.

Sample Danube Sio

(Added 0.06 mg P/l) (Added 0.3 mg P/l)
1 0.105 0.74
2 0.105 0.75
3 0.105 0.75
4 0.110 0.73
5 0.110 0.74
6 0.110 0.75
7 0.105 0.75
Average 0.107 0.74

Again, in order to contain the key elements, the accuracy statement would read as

"In a single laboratory, using surface water samples at concentrations of 0.11 and 0.74
mg P/l, recoveries were 90% and 95%, respectively".
Once collected and documented, these precision and accuracy data may be used in a
number of ways. Two important examples are:
(2) They present evidence that the analyst in question is indeed capable of
analysing the water samples for that particular parameter. That is, he has the
standard method under control, and is capable of generating valid data, and
(3) The data can be used in the evaluation of daily performance in reference to
replicate samples, spiked standards and samples, and in the preparation of
quality control charts.
The above methods can be adapted to other chemical procedures and analytical
instruments. They can be used on manual titration methods for such parameters as
alkalinity, chloride, and hardness; on general inorganic instruments such as pH,
conductivity; on TOC and AOX instruments, etc. Other instruments, such as atomic
absorption and flame emission spectrophotometers could also be evaluated by these
methods, however, radiological instrumentation and gas chromatography systems
require special techniques.
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6.2 Evaluation of Daily Performance

Once valid precision and accuracy data are available on the method, systematic daily
checks are necessary to insure that valid data are being generated. First of all,
verification of the originally-constructed standard curve is mandatory. As previously
noted, at least two standards (a high and a low) should be analysed routinely along with
a blank to determine that comparable operating conditions exist. If the data do not
substantiate such control, the analyst must systematically trouble-shoot his system until
the problem is corrected.
In order to document that reproducible results are being obtained (i.e., precision of the
method), it is necessary to run replicate samples. Although frequency of such replicate
analyses is, by nature, dependent on such factors as the original precision of the
method, the reliability of the instrumentation involved, and the experience of the analyst,
good laboratory technique is to run duplicate analyses at least ten percent of the time.
The resulting data should agree favorably with the known precision of the method. If
they do not, the system is not under control, and results are subject to question.
Concurrently, quality control should include assurance that the daily system is actually
measuring what is in the sample (i.e., accuracy of the method). Although it is far
preferable to have obtained values check with known or actual values, it should be
recognized that inaccuracy does not destroy the value of data if the degree and
precision of the error is known and taken into account. In order to account for
background contamination and/or sample interferences, and as a matter of routine
practice, spiked samples should be used in addition to standards. As in the case of
duplicate sample analyses, good laboratory technique dictates that spiked samples be
run at least ten percent of the time.
Thus, daily control of analytical performance in the laboratory requires approximately 5-
20 percent of the analyst's time. Considering the elapsed time and combined efforts of
skilled personnel that are represented in a final laboratory result, this is a comparatively
small price to pay for, not a ”number", but a valid concentration value.

A most convenient way of recording the obtained precision and accuracy data is through
the preparation of quality control charts. Plotting of said data systematically answers the
question as to whether the laboratory analyses are under control, and is useful in
observing developing trends of positive or negative bias. Because of its importance in
documenting the quality control being practiced daily in the laboratory, the construction
and uses of quality control charts are treated as a separate topic in the next section.

A broader and somewhat different form of evaluation of daily performance may be made
through routine participation in interlaboratory round-robin studies. Samples analysed in
such a cooperative program should be treated as part of the routine sample load. In so
doing, the analyst is able to compare his individual performance against other laboratory
personnel, and to have a reliable measure of the particular method's capabilities. In
many respects such samples can be regarded as reputable "blind samples"; a
necessary ingredient in the quality control of laboratory results.
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6.2.1 Quality Control Charts

Quality control charts were originally developed for the control of production processes
where large numbers of items were being manufactured and inspected on an essentially
continuous basis. As shown in Fig. 3., a control chart consists of a graphical chart with
the vertical scale plotted in units of the test result, or recovery, and the horizontal scale
in units of time or sequence of results. The upper and lower warning and control limits
shown on the chart are used as criteria for action, or for judging the significance of
variations between duplicate samples. The central line represents the average or the
standard value of the statistical measure being plotted.

Upper Control Levels

Upper Warning Levels

Test Result Values


Lower Warning Levels

Lower Control Levels

Time or Order of Results

Fig. 3. Essentials of the accuracy chart

As observed in the previous section on the evaluation of daily performance, daily

precision and accuracy data can be plotted by means of these quality control charts to
determine if valid, questionable, or invalid data are being generated from day to day.
There are several techniques available for actually constructing quality control charts
and plotting subsequent data. Two types of control charts are commonly used in
laboratories: (1) accuracy or means charts for QC samples are constructed from
reagents blanks, laboratory control standards, calibration check standards, laboratory
fortified blanks, laboratory fortified matrices and surrogates, and (2) precision or range
charts are % relative standard deviation (RSD) or relative percent difference (RPD) for
replicate or duplicate analyses. These charts are essential tools for quality control.

The accuracy chart for QC samples is from the average and standard deviation of a
specified number of measurements of the analyte of interest. The accuracy
chartincludes upper and lower warning (WL) and control levels (CL). Common practice
is to use ± 2s and ± 3s limits for the WL and CL, respectively. These values are derived
from results from analysis of reference materials. The number of measurements to
calculate standard deviation should be relevant to the statistical confidence limits of
95% for the WLs and 99% for the CLs. Percent recovery can be used in the case of
samples if the concentration varies.
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The precision chart is also constructed from the average and standard deviation of a
specified number of measurements of the analyte of interest. If teh standard deviation of
the method is known the factors given in the following can be used to constuct the
central line and the warning and control limits:

Number of Observations Factor for Central Line Factor for Control Lines
n D2 D4
2 1.128 3.267
3 1.693 2.575
4 2.059 2.282
5 2.326 2.115

In the precision chart, only upper warning and control limits are meaningful. The
standard deviation is converted to the range so that the analyst need only subtract the
two results to plot the value on the precision chart. The mean range is computed as:
R = D2 s
the control limit as
_ _
CL = R ± 3s ( R) = D4 R
and the warning limit as
_ _ _ _
WL = R ± 2s ( R ) = R ± 2 / 3( D4 R − R )
D2 = factor to convert s to the range (1.128 for duplicates, as above),
s(R) = standard deviation of the range,
D4 = factor to convert mean range to 3s(R) (3.267 for duplicates, as above).

A precision chart is very simple when duplicate analyses of a standard are used.

To start with a quality control chart it is a practical way to measure seven times a check
solution with a concentration level between 40 to 60% of the range. Calculate the mean
and the standard deviation, and follow the preparation of the control chart as mentioned
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To obtain meaningful data on water quality, the laboratory must first collect a
representative sample and deliver it unchanged for analysis. The analyst must then
complete the proper analysis in the prescribed fashion. Having accomplished these
steps, one other important step must be completed before the data are of use. This step
includes the permanent recording of the analytical data in meaningful exact terms, and
reporting it in proper form to some storage facility for future interpretation and use.

It is very important that starting from the sampling through the laboratory work until
reporting the results, the name of the responsible person(s) be included in the records,
reporting sheets.
The brief sections that follow discuss the data value itself, recording and reporting the
value in the proper way, means of quality control of data handling.

7.1 The Analytical Result Value

7.1.1 Significant Figures

The term significant figure is used rather loosely to describe some judgment of the
number of reportable digits in a result. Often the judgment is not soundly based and
meaningful digits are lost or meaningless digits are accepted.

Proper use of significant figures given an indication of the reliability of the analytical
method used. Reported values should contain only significant figures. A value is made
up of significant figures when it contains all digits known to be true and one last digit in
doubt. For example, if a value is reported as 18.8 mg/l, the "18" must be firm values
while the "0.8" is somewhat uncertain and may be "7" or "9".
The number zero may or may not be a significant figure:

• Final zeros after a decimal point are always significant figures. For example, 9.8
grams to the nearest mg is reported as 9.800 grams.

• Zeros before a decimal point with other preceding digits are significant. With no
other preceding digit, a zero before the decimal point is not significant.

• If there are no digits preceding a decimal point, the zeros after the decimal point
but preceding other digits are not significant. These zeros only indicate the
position of the decimal point.

• Final zeros in a whole number may or may not be significant. In a conductivity

measurement of 1000 µS/cm, there is no implication that the conductivity is
1000 ± 1 µS/cm. Rather, the zeros only indicate the magnitude of the number.

Significant figures reflect the limits of the particular method of analysis. It must be
decided beforehand whether the number of significant digits is sufficient for
interpretation purposes. If not, there is little that can be done within the limits of normal
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laboratory operations to improve these values. If more significant figures are needed, a
further improvement in method or selection of another method will be required to
produce an increase in significant figures.
Once the number of significant figures is established for a type of analysis, data
resulting from such analyses are reduced according to set rules for rounding off.

7.1.2 Rounding-Off Numbers

Rounding off of numbers is a necessary operation in all analytical areas. It is

automatically applied by the limits of measurement of every instrument and all
glassware. However, it is often applied in chemical calculations incorrectly by blind rule
or prematurely, and in these instances, can seriously affect the final results. Rounding
off should normally be applied only as follows: Rounding-Off Rules

If the figure following those to be retained is less than 5, the figure is dropped, and the
retained figures are kept unchanged. As an example: 11.43 is rounded off to 11.4.
If the figure following those to be retained is greater than 5, the figure is dropped, and
the last retained figure is raised by 1. As an example: 11.46 is rounded off to 11.5.
When the figure following those to be retained is 5, and there are no figures other than
zeros beyond the 5, the figure is dropped, and the last place figure retained is increased
by 1 if it is an odd number, or it is kept unchanged if an even number. As an example:
11.35 is rounded off to 11.4, while 11.25 is rounded off to 11.2. Rounding-Off SingIe Arithmetic Operations

Addition: When adding a series of numbers, the sum should be rounded oft to the same
numbers of decimal places as the addend with the smallest number of places. However,
the operation is completed with all decimal places intact and rounding off is done
afterward. As an example:
33.35 The sum is rounded-off to 33.4.

Subtraction: When subtracting one number from another, rounding off should be
completed before the subtraction operation, to avoid invalidation of the whole operation.
Multiplication: When two numbers of unequal digits are to be multiplied, all digits are
carried through the operation, then the product is rounded off to the number of
significant digits of the less accurate number.
Division: When two numbers of unequal digits are to be divided, the division is carried
out on the two numbers using all digits. Then the quotient is rounded off to the number
of digits of the less accurate of the divisor or dividend.
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Powers and Roots: When a number contains n significant digits, its root can be relied on
for n digits, but its power can rarely be relied on for n digits.

7.1.3 Glossary of Terms

To clarify the meanings of reports and evaluations of data, the following terms are
defined. Accuracy Data

Measurements which relate to the difference between the average test results and the
true result when the latter is known or assumed. The following measures apply:

• Bias is defined as error in a method, which systematically distorts results.

The term is used interchangeably with accuracy in that bias is a measure
of inaccuracy.
• Relative error is the mean error of a series of test results as a percentage
of the true result. Average
In ordinary usage, the arithmetic mean. The arithmetic mean of a set on n values is the
sum of the values divided by n. Characteristic
A property that can serve to differentiate between items. The differentiation may be
either quantitative (by variables), or qualitative (by attributes). Error
The difference between an observed value and its true value. Mean
The sum of a series of test results divided by the number in the series. Arithmetic mean
is understood (X). Precision
Degree of mutual agreement among individual measurements. Relative to a method of
test, precision is the degree of mutual agreement among individual measurements made
under prescribed, like conditions. Precision Data

Measurements, which relate to the variation among the test results themselves, i.e., the
scatter or dispersion of a series of test results, without assumption of any prior
information. The following measures apply:
• Standard Deviation (σ). The square root of the variance.
• Standard Deviation, estimate of universe (s)
• Coefficient of Variance (V). The ratio of the standard deviation (s) of a set of
numbers, n, to their average, X, expressed as a percentage:
• Range. The difference between the largest and smallest values in a set.
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Technical report: Guidance to operation of water quality laboratories

• 95% Confidence Limits. The interval within which one estimates a given
population parameter to lie, 95% of the time. Sample
A group of units, or portion of material, taken from a larger collection of units, or quantity
of material, which serves to provide information that can be used as a basis for judging
the quality of the larger quantity as a basis for action on the larger quantity or on the
production process. Also used in the sense of a "sample of observations." Series
A number of test results which possess common properties that identify them uniquely. Unit
An object on which a measurement or observation may be made. Variable
A term used to designate a method of testing, whereby units are measured to determine,
and to record for each unit, the numerical magnitude of the characteristic under
consideration. This involves reading a scale of some kind.

7.2 Report Forms

The analytical information reported should include the parameter, the details of the
analysis such as burette readings, absorbance, wavelength, normalities of reagents,
correction factors, blanks, and finally, the reported value.

To reduce errors in manipulation of numbers, a good general rule is to keep data

transposition to an absolute minimum. If this were pursued, the ideal report form would
include all preliminary information of the analysis, yet it would be possible to use the
same form through to the final reporting of data into a computer or other storage device.
However, the ideal report form is not usually in use. Rather, a variety of methods are
used to record data.

7.2.1 Loose Sheets

Reporting of data onto loose or ring-binder forms is an older, but much used means of
recording data. It does allow easy addition of new sheets, removal of older data, or
collection of specific data segments. However, the easy facility for addition or removal
also permits easy loss or misplacement of sheets, mix-ups as to date sequence, and
questionable status in formal display, or for presentation as evidence.

7.2.2 Bound Books

An improvement in data recording is use of bound books, which force the sequence of
data insertion. Modification beyond a simple lined book improves its effectiveness with
little additional effort. Numbering of pages encourages use in sequence and aids also in
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Technical report: Guidance to operation of water quality laboratories

referencing data, through a table of contents, according to time, type of analysis, kind of
sample, analyst, etc.
Validation can be easily accomplished by requiring the analyst to date and sign each
analysis on the day completed. This validation can be strengthened further by providing
space for the laboratory supervisor to sign off as to the date and acceptability of the
A further development of the bound notebook is the commercially available version
designed for research-type work. These note books are preprinted with book and page
numbers and spaces for title of project, project number, analyst signature, witness
signature and dates. Each report sheet has its detachable duplicate sheet which allows
for up-to-date review by management without disruption of the book in the laboratory.
The cost is about four times that of ordinary notebooks.
Use of bound notebooks is essentially limited to research and development work where
an analysis is part of a relatively long project, and where the recording in the notebook
is the prime disposition of the data until a status or final report is written.

7.2.3 Pre-Printed Report Forms

Most field laboratories or other installations doing repetitive analyses for many
parameters day in and day out, develop their own system of recording and tabulating
laboratory data. This may include bound notebooks, but a vehicle for forwarding data is
also required. In many instances, laboratory units tailor a form to fit a specific group of
analyses, or to report a single type of analysis for series of samples, with as much
information as possible pre-printed to simplify use of the form. With loose-sheet
multicopy forms information can be forwarded daily, weekly, or on whatever schedule is
necessary, while allowing retention of all data in the laboratory. Still, the most common
record is an internal bench sheet, or bound book, for recording of all data in rough form.
The bench sheet or book never leaves the laboratory but serves as the source of
information for all subsequent report forms.

In most instances the supervisor and analyst wish to look at the data from a sample
point in relation to other sample points on the river or lake. This review of data by the
supervisor, prior to release, is a very important part of the laboratory's quality control
program; however, it is not easily accomplished with bench sheets. For this purpose, a
summary sheet can be prepared which compares a related group of analyses from a
number of stations. An example is shown in Figure 7-2. Since the form contains all of
the information necessary for reporting data it is used also to complete the data forms
forwarded to the storage and retrieval system.

The forms used to report data to data storage systems require a clear identification of
the sample point, the parameter code, the type of analysis used, and the reporting
terminology. Failure to provide the correct information can result in rejection of the data,
or insertion in an incorrect parameter. As a group of analyses is completed on one or
more samples, the values are reported in floating decimal form, along with true code
numbers, for identifying the parameter and the sampling point (station).
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7.2.4 Digital Read-out

Instrumental analyses, including automated, atomic absorption spectrophotometer, pH
meter, etc., now can provide direct digital readout of concentration, which can be
recorded directly onto report sheets without further calculation. Computers will construct
best fit curves, integrate curves, and/or perform a pre-set series of calculations required
to obtain the final reported value for recording by the analyst.
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Analytical operations in the laboratory can be graded according to the degree of

complexity. Some analyses require no sample treatment, with the measurement
performed in minutes on a simple instrument. Other determinations require extensive
sample preparation prior to complex instrumental examination. Consequently, work
assignments in the laboratory should be clearly defined. Each analyst should be
completely trained and fully understand all the assignments of his job before being given
new responsibilities. In this regard, all analysts, sub-professional or professional, should
be thoroughly instructed in basic laboratory operations, according to the degree of
professional maturity. Some of the basic operations that should be reviewed periodically
with laboratory personnel follow:

• Sample Logging. Emphasize the routine procedure for recording of samples

entering the laboratory, and assign primary responsibility. Establish what
information is required, and how sample is routed to analyst. Discuss stability of
samples, and how they should be stored prior to analysis.

• Sample Handling. The analyst should understand thoroughly when the sample is
to be settled, agitated, poured, pipetted, etc., before removal from the container.

• Measuring. The analysts, especially new employees and sub-professionals,

should be instructed in the use of volumetric glassware. The correct use of
pipettes and graduates should be emphasized as discussed earlier.

• Weighing. Because almost every measuring operation in the analytical laboratory

is ultimately related to a weighing operation, the proper use of the analytical
balance should be strongly emphasized. Maintenance of the balance, including
periodic standardization, should be reiterated to all personnel.

• Glassware. All glassware should be washed and rinsed following the

requirements of the analysis to be performed. Not only must the personnel
assigned to this task be instructed, but all lab personnel should know the routine
for washing glassware, and also special requirements for particular uses. In
addition, the precision tools of the laboratory such as pipets, burets, graduates,
Nessler tubes, etc., should be inspected before use for cleanliness, broken
delivery tips, and clarity of marking. Defective glassware should be discarded or

In summary, quality control begins with basic laboratory techniques. Individual operator
error and laboratory error can be minimized if approved techniques are consistently
practiced. To insure the continued use of good technique, laboratory supervisors should
periodically review the basic techniques with each analyst and point out, when
necessary, areas of needed improvement.

Continuing improvement of technical competence for all laboratory personnel is, of

course, the final responsibility of the laboratory supervisor. In a well-organized
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Technical report: Guidance to operation of water quality laboratories

laboratory, however, a big brother attitude of higher ranking to lower grade personnel
should be encouraged; each person should be eager to share experience, tricks-of-the-
trade, special skills, and special knowledge with subordinates. Obviously, improved
efficiency and improved data quality will result.

8.1 Skills

The cost of data production in the analytical laboratory is based largely upon two
factors-the pay scale of the analyst, and the number of data units produced per unit of
time. However, estimates of the number of measurements that can be made per unit of
time are difficult, because of the variety of factors involved. If the analyse is pushed to
produce data at a rate beyond his capabilities, unreliable results may be produced. On
the other hand, the analyst should be under some compulsion to produce a minimum
number of measurements per unit of time, lest the cost of data production become
prohibitive. In the following table, estimates are given for the number of determinations
that an analyst should be expected to perform on a routine basis. The degree of skill
required for reliable performance is also indicated. The arbitrary rating numbers for the
degree of skill required are footnoted in the tables, but are explained more fully below:

• Rating 1-indicates an operation that can be performed by a semi-skilled sub-

professional with limited background;
• Rating 2-operation requires an experienced aide (sub-professional) with
background in general laboratory technique and some knowledge of chemistry, or
a professional with modest training and experience;
• Rating 3-indicates a complex procedure requiring a good background in
analytical techniques;
• Rating 4-a highly involved procedure requiring experience on complex
instruments; determination requires specialization by analyst who interprets

A tacit assumption has been made that multiple analytical units are available for
measurements requiring special equipment, as for cyanides, phenols, ammonia,
nitrogen and COD. For some of the simple instrumental or simple volumetric
measurements, it is assumed that other operations such as filtration, dilution or
duplicate readings are required; in such cases the number of measurements performed
per day may appear to be fewer than one would normally anticipate.

8.2 Training

For more experienced, higher grade personnel, formal training in special fields, possibly
leading to specialization, should be almost mandatory. Such training can be fostered
through local institutions and through the training courses.
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References, literature

Analytical Methods Committee of Royal Society of Chemistry: Principles of data quality

control in chemical analysis. Analyst, Vol. 114, 1497-1503, 1989.

APHA, AWWA, WEF (American Public Health Association, American Water Works
Association, Water Environment Federation): Standard Methods for the Examination of
Water and Wastewater, 20th Edition 1998. American Public Health Association.

European Standard EN 45001: General criteria for the operation of testing laboratories.

D.T.E. Hunt and A.L. Wilson: “The Chemical analysis of Water”, General Principles and
Techniques. The Royal Society of chemistry, London, 1986.

E. Mullins: Introduction to control charts in the analytical laboratory. Analyst, Vol. 119,
369-375, 1994.

M. G. Schultz, and W. L. Brown: Quality management (QA/QC) in the analytical

laboratory. J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. Vol. 74, No. 5, 863-868, 1991.

RIZA: Quality Assurance. RIZA report no.: 95.067. Authors: J.G. Timmerman (RIZA),
M.J. Gardner (WRc), J.E. Ravenscroft (WRc). RIZA, Lelystad 1996.
Page 58
Technical report: Guidance to operation of water quality laboratories

Annex 1.


ISO 5667-1:1980 Sampling.

Part 1: Guidance on the design of sampling programmes

ISO 5667-1:1991 Part 2: Guidance on sampling techniques

ISO 5667-3:1994 Part 3: Guidance on the preservation and handling of samples

ISO 5667-4:1987 Part 4: Guidance on sampling from lakes, natural and man-made

ISO 5667-6:1990 Part 6: Guidance on sampling of rivers and streams

ISO 5667-10:1992 Part 10: Guidance on sampling of waste waters

ISO 5667-12:1995 Part 12: Guidance on sampling of bottom sediments

ISO 5667-13:1997 Part 13: Guidance on sampling of sludges from sewage and water
treatment works

ISO 5667-14:1998 Part 14: Guidance on quality assurance of environmental water

sampling and handling

ISO 5667-15:1999 Part 15: Guidance on preservation and handling of sludge and
sediment samples

ISO 5667-16:1998 Part 16: Guidance on biotesting of samples

ISO 5667-17:2000 Part 17: Guidance on sampling of suspended sediments

ISO 6341:1990 Water quality. Determination of the inhibition of the mobility of

Daphnia, magna. Straus (Claducera, Crustacea). Acute toxicity test.

ISO 10 712:1995 Water quality. Pseudomonas putida growth inhibition test.

(Pseudomonas cell multiplication inhibition test)

ISO 7828:1985 Water quality. Methods of biological sampling. Guidance on handnet

sampling of aquatic benthic macro-invertebrates

ISO 8265:1988 Water quality. Design and use of quantitative samplers for benthic
macro-invertebrates on stony substrate in shallow freshwaters
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Technical report: Guidance to operation of water quality laboratories

ISO 8692:1989 Water quality. Freshwater algal growth inhibition test with
Scenedesmus subspicatus and Selmastrum capricornutum

ISO 1189:1996 Water quality. Determination of phosphorus. Ammonium molybdate

spectrometric methods.

ISO 1483:1997 Water quality. Determination of mercury.

ISO 1484:1997 Water analysis. Guidelines for teh determination of total organic
carbon (TOC) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC).

ISO 7027:1990 Water quality. Determination of turbidity.

ISO 10260:1992 Water quality. Measurement of biochemical parameters.

Spectrometric determination of chlorophyll-a concentration

ISO 10301:1997 Water quality. Determination of highly volatile halogenated

hydrocarbons. Gas-chromatographic methods.

ISO 5813:1983 Water quality. Determination of dissolved oxygen. Iodometric


ISO 5814:1990 Water quality. Determination of dissolved oxygen. Electrochemical

probe method.

ISO 5815:1989 Water quality. Determination of biochemical oxygen demand after 5

days (BOD5). Dilution and seeding method.

ISO 5861:1994 Water quality. Determination of cadmium by atomic absorption


ISO 6058:1984 Water quality. Determination of calcium content. EDTA titrimetric


ISO 6060:1989 Water quality. Determination of chemical oxygen demand.

ISO 6332:1988 Water quality. Determination of iron. Spectrometric method using


ISO 6333:1986 Water quality. Determination of manganese. Formaldoxime

spectrometric method.

ISO 6439:1990 Water quality. Determination of phenol index-4-Aminoantipyrine

spectrometric method after distillation.

ISO 6468:1996 Water quality. Determination of certain organochlorine insecticides,

polychlorinated biphenyls and chlorobenzenes. Gas
chromatographic method after liquid-liquid extraction.
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Technical report: Guidance to operation of water quality laboratories

ISO 6777:1984 Water quality. Determination of nitrite. Molecular absorption

spectrometric method.

ISO 7150-1:1984 Water quality. Determination of ammonium.

Part 1: Manual spectrometric method.

ISO 7888:1985 Determination of electrical conductivity.

ISO 7890-3:1988 Water quality. Determination of nitrate.

Part 3: Spectrometric method using sulfosalicylic acid.

ISO 7980:1986 Water quality. Determination of calcium and magnesium. Atomic

absorption spectrometric method.

ISO 9174:1990 Water quality. Determination of total chromium. Atomic absorption

spectrometric method.

ISO 9297:1989 Water quality. Determination of chloride. Silver nitrate titration with
chromate indicator (Mohr’s method)

ISO 9562:1989 Water quality. Determination of absorbable organic halogens (AOX).

ISO 9963-1:1994 Water quality. Determination of alkalinity.

Part 1: Determination of total and composite alkalinity.

ISO 9963-2:1994 Water quality. Determination of alkalinity.

Part 2: Determination of carbonate alkalinity.

ISO 9964-3:1993 Water quality. Determination of sodium and potassium.

Part 2: Determination of sodium and potassium by flame emission

ISO 10523:1994 Determination of pH.

ISO 11969:1996 Determination of arsenic. Atomic absorption spectrometric method

(hydride technique).
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Technical report: Guidance to operation of water quality laboratories

Annex 2.


1. Analytical Balances

The analytical balance is an important piece of equipment in any analytical laboratory. It

bears the same relationship to accuracy of measurements produced by a laboratory as
the Greenwich standard clock has to international time-keeping. If the balance is not
accurate all data related to weight-prepared standards will contain the same degree of
error. The balance, therefore, should be the most protected cared-for instrument in the
laboratory. Unfortunately, care of the balance is frequently overlooked.

There are many fine balances on the market designed to meet a variety of needs such
as sensitivity, speed weighing, batch weighing, etc. Types of balances include general
purpose, micro-, electro-, semi-analytical, analytical and other special purpose
instruments. The analytical balance is one of the most important equipment in the
production of reliable data.

Most analytical balances in use today in well-equipped laboratories are of the "single
pan" variety. Single-pan capacities range from 80 grams to the 200-gram models with
sensitivities from 0.01 to 0.1 mg. Features of single-pan balances include mechanical
lifting and substitution of weights, digital readout of weights, and mechanical zeroing of
the empty balance. The advantage of the single-pan balance over the old "two-pan"
balance is in greatly increased weighing speed and improved weighing accuracy
because of mechanical weight handling. With all the design improvements, however, the
modern analytical balance is still a fragile instrument, subject to shock, temperature and
humidity changes, mishandling and various other insults. Some of the precautions to be
observed are as follows:

• Analytical balances should be mounted on a heavy shock-proof table, preferably

one with adequate working surface; balance level should be checked frequently
and adjusted when necessary.
• Balances should be located in separate room, protected from sudden drafts and
humidify changes.
• Balance temperatures should be at room temperature; this is especially important
if building heat is shut off or reduced during non-working hours.
• When not in use, the balance should be properly switched off, objects such as
weighing dish removed from the pan and the slide door closed.
• Special precautions should be taken to avoid spillage of corrosive chemicals on
the pan or inside the balance case; the interior of the balance housing should be
kept clean.
• Balances should be checked and calibrated periodically by a company service
man or follow the relevant manufacturer's instructions as closely as possible.
• The balance should be operated at all times according to the manufacturer's
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Standardized weights to be used in checking balance accuracy, which may be

purchased from various suppliers.
Since all analytical balances of the 200-gram capacity have about the same
specifications with reference to sensitivity, precision, convenience, and price, and since
these specifications are suitable for normal weighing requirements in water
(environmental) laboratories, it is safe to assume that there is no clear preference for a
certain model, and selection is best made on the basis of service availability.

2. pH Meters and Ion-selective Electrodes

A basic pH meter consists of a voltage source, amplifier, and readout device, either
scale or digital. Certain additional refinements produce varying performance
characteristics between models. Some models incorporate expanded scales for
increased readability, operating stability and extreme accuracy. All instruments of recent
design also include temperature adjustment and slope adjustment to correct for
asymmetric potential of glass electrodes. Other features are scales that facilitate use of
selective ion electrodes, recorder output, and interfacing with complex data handling
In routine analytical work, the glass electrode is used as the indicator and the calomel
electrode as the reference. Glass electrodes have a very fast response time in highly
buffered solutions. However, accurate readings are obtained slowly in poorly buffered
samples, and particularly when changing from buffered to un-buffered samples.
Electrodes, both glass and calomel, should be well rinsed with distilled water after each
reading, and should be rinsed or dipped several times into the next test sample before
the final reading is taken. Weakly buffered samples should be stirred during
measurement. Glass electrodes should not be allowed to become dry. When not in use
they should be immersed in distilled water.

The first step in standardization of the instrument is done by immersing the glass and
calomel electrodes into a buffer of known pH, setting the meter scale or needle to the pH
of the buffer and adjusting the proper controls. The temperature compensating dial
should be set at the sample temperature. The pH of the standard buffer should be within
about two pH units of the sample. For best accuracy, the instrument should be
calibrated against two buffers that bracket the pH of the samples.

The presence of a faulty electrode is indicated by failure to obtain a reasonably correct

value for the pH of the second reference buffer solution after the meter has been
standardized with the first. A cracked glass electrode will often yield pH readings that
are essentially the same for both standards. The response of electrodes may also be
impaired by failure to maintain the KCI level in the calomel electrode, or by certain
specific materials such as oily substances and precipitates that may coat the surfaces. A
faulty condition can be recognized from the check with the two buffer solutions. If either
of these conditions should occur the electrode can probably be restored to normal by an
appropriate cleaning procedure.
Because of the asymmetric potential of the glass electrode most pH meters are built with
a "slope adjustment" which enables the analyst to correct for slight electrode errors that
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Technical report: Guidance to operation of water quality laboratories

occur when standardization is performed at two different pH levels. Details of slope

adjustment and slope check may vary with different models of instruments. The slope
adjustment must be made whenever electrodes are changed, subjected to vigorous
cleaning, or refilled with fresh electrolyte.
Most pH meters are designed with a switching circuit so that the conventional 0-14 scale
may be used to read a single pH unit. The "expanded-scale" feature allows for more
accurate reading of the pH value and may be of value when the instrument is used for
potentiometric titrations.
Solid state circuitry has led compact instruments suitable for field-work. Field-type
instruments are generally battery-powered, and require more maintenance and more
frequent standardization than laboratory instruments.

Standard buffer solutions, covering a range of pH, may be purchased from several
chemical suppliers and are satisfactory for routine use. Table 5. gives a list of buffers
(easily made in the laboratory) and the resulting pH at different temperatures. The effect
of temperature on pH may be obtained by observing temperature as pH of various
butters shown in the table. A rough rule is that: temperature compensation is about 0.05
pH units per 5 degree increase in temperature.

Table 5. pH values of buffers, in the range of 0 – 30 oC

Potassium O.O5 M 0.025 M Potassium

O.O5M Acid Potassium Dihydrogen 0.01 M
Temp. Potassium Tartarate Acid Phosphate+ 0.025 M Sodium
°C Tetroxalate (Saturated Phthalate Sodium Dihydrogen Tetraborate
at 25oC) Phosphate

0 1.67 - 4.00 6.98 9.46

10 1.67 - 4.00 6.92 9.33
15 1 67 - 4.00 6.90 9.27
20 1.68 - 4.01 6.88 9.22
25 1.68 3.56 4.01 6.86 9.18
30 1.69 3.55 4.01 6.85 9.14

Typical performance data of a conventional scale pH meter is shown in Table 6.

Table 6. Performance characteristics of a typical pH meter.

Normal Scale Expanded Scale

Range 0 to 14 pH 1 pH
±1400 mv ±100 mv
Smallest scale division 0.1 pH 0.005 pH
10 mv 0.5 mv
Accuracy ±0.05 pH ±0.002 pH
±5 mv 2% of reading
Reproducibility ±0.02 pH ±0.002 pH
±2 mv ±0.2 mv
Temperature compensation 0 to l00°C (manual or automatic)
Input impedance >1014 >1013
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Technical report: Guidance to operation of water quality laboratories

2.1. Ion-selective Electrodes

In recent years a variety of ion-selective electrodes have been commercially available,

and show great promise as fast and efficient tools for in situ monitoring and for
laboratory analysis of all types of samples. A list of ions susceptible to analysis is
indicative of the interest and progress being made in this field. Electrodes, or "probes"
as they are popularly called, are available for measurement of monovalent cations,
fluoride, sulphide, sulphate, nitrate, perchlorate, and a number of others. Dissolved
oxygen probes should also be included in this list, although they are not technically ion-
selective probes.
Ion-selective probes generally measure what they claim to measure, specific ion activity.
They do not measure concentrations of un-ionised materials. For example, the probe
designed to measure divalent cations promises to measure total hardness as a function
of calcium and magnesium. However, since the probe does not respond to un-ionised
calcium and magnesium, it does not accurately measure total hardness. As a
consequence of this deficiency, much investigation is being carried out to devise means
of determining total concentration of the constituent sought.
Standardised methods outlined procedures for use of two probes, fluoride and dissolved
oxygen (DO). The chloride probe is also used on the automatic monitoring devices and
considered as an approved procedure, together with the ion-selective electrodes for
cyanide, ammonium and sulphide ions.
Personnel in water pollution laboratories are encouraged to investigate the use of ion-
selective probes as a means of reducing analytical work and improving data quality. At
the present time, however, only the fluoride, DO, and chloride probes are recommended
for routine use in data collection.
A basic question relating to the use of ion-selective electrodes is the number of
standards required to prepare a standard curve. It is generally agreed that the more
standards used for the preparation of a colorimetric curve, the more reliable the data
resulting from use of the curve. On the other hand, only one or two points are normally
used in calibration of an instrument for measuring pH. conductivity or DO. In the
conversion of a colorimetric procedure such as fluoride to a probe-type measurement,
the tendency is to prepare a millivolt versus concentration curve using the usual six to
10 standards. Probe manufacturers insist that only one or two points are needed since
the linearity of response has been established and only the slope of the line must be
known. The alternatives are:

♦ Take readings in distilled water at 0 and at some concentration approximating

concentration of sample: establish slope of line.

♦ Take readings in distilled water at 0 and two concentrations bracketing expected

concentration of unknowns to establish curve or slope.

♦ Take readings at 0 and at decade concentrations as 1, 10, 100, etc., for

standard curve.

♦ Take reading of sample, add known increment of measured constituent and

read again; establish proportionality factor.
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The method for the use of the fluoride electrode specifies use of multiple standards in
the range between 0 to 2 mg/liter, because this system has supplied very precise data
when compared to the colorimetric methods using the same set of standards. The
system of incremental addition appears to have considerable merit since the electrode
response is established in the presence of possible interference.
When an ion-selective electrode appears to be malfunctioning, the same check system
may be used as for a faulty glass pH electrode. It is unlikely, however, that the electrode
will be cracked, it will probably be dry, or insufficiently filled with the necessary solution.
The probe assembly and instructions for refilling customarily accompany the item when
shipped by the manufacturer and said instructions should be followed by the user.

Selective ion probes are available from several manufacturers.

3. Conductivity Meters

Solutions of electrolytes conduct an electric current by the migration of ions under the
influence of an electric field. The current flowing between opposing electrodes immersed
in the electrolyte will vary inversely with the resistance of the solution. The reciprocal of
the resistance is called conductance and is expressed in reciprocal ohms or mhos. For
natural water samples where the resistance is high, the usual reporting unit is in
micromhos (µS/cm).

Practically all conductivity meters on the present market use direct read-out meter for
indicating solution conductivity, and include a stepping switch for varying resistance in
steps of 10X. The instruments are therefore capable of reading conductivity from about
0.1 µS/cm to about 250,000 µS/cm.

The sensing element for a conductivity measurement is the conductivity cell, which
normally consists of two thin plates of platinized metal, rigidly supported with a very
precise parallel spacing. For protection, the plates are mounted inside a glass tube, with
openings in the side walls and submersible end for access of sample. Variations in
designs have included use of hard rubber and plastics for protection of the cell plates.
Glass may be preferable, in that the plates may be visually observed for cleanliness and
possible damage.

In routine use, cells should be frequently examined to insure that (a) platinized coating
of plates is intact, (b) plates are not coated with suspended matter, (c) plates are not
bent, distorted, or misalign.

Temperature has a pronounced effect on the conductance of solutions, and must be

corrected when results are reported. The specified temperature for reporting data used
by most analytical groups is 25°C. Data correction may be accomplished by adjusting
sample temperatures to 25 °C, or by use of mathematical or electronic adjustment.
Adjustment of sample temperature is the preferred system, because of the empirical
nature of the mathematical correction.
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Instrumental troubles are seldom encountered with conductivity meters because of the
design simplicity. When troubles occur they are usually in the cell, and for most
accurate work the following procedures should be used:
• Standardize the cell and establish a cell factor by measuring the conductivity of a
standard potassium chloride solution. Because the cell constants are subject to
slow change, even under ideal conditions, and sometimes to more rapid change
under adverse conditions, it is recommended that the cell constant be periodically
established. Table 7. can be used for this operation,

• Rinse the cell by repeated immersion in distilled water,

• Again, immerse the cell in the sample several times before obtaining a reading.

Table 7. Electrical conductivity of potassium chloride reference solutions

Solution Normality Method of Temp. Conductivity

Preparation (oC) (µS/cm)
A 0.1 7.4365 g KCl/l 0 7,138
at 20 oC 18 11,167
25 12,856
B 0.01 0.7440 g KCl/l 0 773
at 20 oC 18 1,220
25 1,408
C 0.001 Dilute 100 ml of B to
1 litre at 20 C 25 147

For instruments reading in µS/cm, calculate the cell constant as follows:

K1 + K2
1,000,000 x Kx
L = cell constant
K1 = conductivity, in µS/cm, of the KCl solution at the temperature of measurement
K2 = conductivity, in µS/cm, at the same temperature, of the distilled water
used to prepare the reference solution
Kx = measured conductance, in µS/cm

4. Spectrophotometers

The spectrophotometer is an instrument for measuring an amount of light or radiant

energy transmitted through a solution, as a function of wavelength. The different
spectrophotometers uses different light radiations, which are summarised in Table 8. A
spectrophotometer differs from a filter photometer, which uses continuously variable and
more nearly monochromatic bands of light. Filter photometers are usually to enough
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Technical report: Guidance to operation of water quality laboratories

sensitive, and lack the versatility of spectrophotometers. They are used most profitably
where a single method can be designed to fit the instrument.

Since a large portion of routine chemical analyses of water are performed

colorimetrically, the spectrophotometer is usually a key instrument of the laboratory. The
versatility of the instrument and the number of demands imposed upon it, have resulted
in a large variety of designs and price ranges. As a matter of practicality,
spectrophotometers are discussed separately as visible and ultraviolet, infrared,
fluorescence and atomic absorption instruments.

The essential parts of a spectrophotometer are:

♦ A source of radiant energy, usually a tungsten filament bulb,

♦ The monochromator, a device for isolating narrow bands of light,
♦ Cells (cuvettes), for holding the coloured solution under investigation, and
♦ The photo-detector, a device to detect and measure the radiant energy passing
through the sample.

Each of the essential features listed, especially the monochromator and the photo-
detector system, vary in design principles from one instrument to another.

Table 8. Different radiations and approximate sizes of quanta

λ Wave- Size of Size of Absorption or

RADIATION (cm) number quantum einstein emission of
(µm-1 ) (electron (kilogram radiation involved
[typical volts) calories)
Gamma rays 10-10 106 1.2x106 2.9x107 Nuclear reactions
X-rays 10 104 1.2x104 2.9x105 Transitions of
inner atomic electrons
-5 2
Ultraviolet 10 10 12 2.9x10 Transitions of
4x10-5 2.5 3.1 71 outer atomic electrons
Visible 8x10-5 1.25 1.6 36
Infrared 10 10-1 1.2x10-1 2.9 vibrations

Far infrared 10-2 10-2 1.2x10-2 2.9x10-1 Molecular

Radar 10 10-5 1.2x10-5 2.9x10-4 Oscillation of mobile
or free electrons
Long radio
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λ Wave- Size of Size of Absorption or

RADIATION (cm) number quantum einstein emission of
(µm-1 ) (electron (kilogram radiation involved
[typical volts) calories)
waves 10
10-9 1.2x10-9 2.9x10-8

4.1. Visible and Ultraviolet Spectrophotometers

Desirable features on a visible-range spectrophotometer are determined by the

anticipated use of the instrument. Simple, limited measurement programme requires the
analyses of only a few parameters at gross concentrations, which can be supported by
an inexpensive, but reliable instrument. On the other hand, if a laboratory programme
requires a wide variety of measurements on diverse samples at very low concentrations
a more versatile instrument may be needed. One of the prime considerations would be
adaptability to various cell sizes, at least from 1.0 to 5.0 cm. Many spectrophotometers
now available are satisfactory for water quality analyses.

An ultraviolet spectrophotometer is similar in design to a visual range instrument,

differences being in the light source and the optics. The light source is a hydrogen or
deuterium discharge lamp, or xenon lamp, which emits radiation in the UV portion of the
spectrum, generally from about 200 mµ to the low visible region. The optical system, the
prism type, must be constructed of UV-transparent material, usually quartz. Sample cells
must also be made of quartz or other UV-transparent material, if a grating system is
used in an UV system, the grating may be specially cut (blazed) in the UV region for
greater sensitivity. A number of spectrophotometers are available for use in both visible
and ultraviolet wavelength range, called Vis-UV spectrophotometer.

4.2. Infrared Spectrophotometers

A number of instrumental changes are required in the construction of

spectrophotometers for measurements in the infrared (IR) region. Modifications are
needed, because optical materials such as glass and quartz, absorb radiant energy in
the IR region and ordinary photocells do not respond.

Most IR spectrophotometers use front-surfaced mirrors to eliminate the necessity for

radiant energy to pass through quartz, glass, or other lens materials. The mirrors are
usually parabolic to facilitate gathering the diffuse IR energy. Instruments must be
protected from high humidifies and water vapour to avoid deterioration of the optical
system, and also to avoid extraneous absorption bands in the IR.
The energy or light source for an IR instrument may be a Nernst glower or a Globar. The
detection unit may be a thermocouple, a bolometer, thermistor, or a photoconductor cell.
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4.3. Fluorescence Spectrophotometers

The ultraviolet and visible regions of the spectrum are of most interest in fluorimetry and
absorption in these regions causes the excitation of the outermost electrons of the
molecule. The energy associated with radiation of this frequency is quite high, around
100 kilogram calories per einstein, and is sometimes sufficient to break down the
absorbing molecules, as for instance with the fading of dyes by the action of sunlight.
The absorption of light results in the formation of excited molecules which can in turn
dissipate their energy by decomposition, reaction, or re-emission.

Since the emission of fluorescence always takes place from the lowest vibrational level
of the first excited state, the shape of the emission spectrum is always the same, despite
changing the wavelength of exciting light. A plot of emission against wavelength for any
given excitation wavelength is known as the emission spectrum. If the wavelength of the
exciting light is changed and the emission from the sample plotted against the
wavelength of exciting light, the result is known as the excitation spectrum.

Since the amount of energy abstracted is always constant, Raman bands appear
separated from the incident radiation by the same frequency difference, irrespective of
the wavelength of the exciting light. If the Raman band of the solvent coincides with the
fluorescence emission of the solute, separation can be achieved by changing the
excitation wavelength to a lower value, hence the Raman band will also be lowered.
Since the wavelength of fluorescence emission is independant of exciting wavelength
the fluorescence will be separated from the Raman scatter. Raman scatter is only
important at high sensitivity since the phenomenon is weak but must always be born in
mind. The Raman emission of some solvents is quite complex and an emission
spectrum of the solvent blank should always be run prior to the analysis. The
wavelength of the Raman scatter in different solvents compared to selected excitation
wavelengths is shown in Table 9.

Table 9. Positions of the most prominent Raman bands

corresponding to various mercury lines

Solvent Excitation wavelength (nm)

248 313 366 405 436

Water 271 350 418 469 511

Ethanol 267 344 410 459 500
Cyclohexane 267 344 409 458 499
Carbontetrachloride - 320 376 418 450
Chloroform - 346 411 461 502

All solvents containing hydrogen atoms linked to either carbon or oxygen show a Raman
band shifted approximately 3000 cm-1 from the exciting radiation. If interference is
observed, carbon tetrachloride or chloroform should be considered, since the main
Raman bands of these solvents are much closer to the excitation wavelength.
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All fluorescence instruments contain three basic items, a source of light, a sample
holder and a detector. In addition, to be of analytical use, the wavelength of incident
radiation needs to be selectable and the detector signal capable of precise manipulation
and presentation. In simple filter fluorimeters, the wavelengths of excited and emitted
light are selected by filters, which allow measurements to be made at any pair of fixed
wavelengths. Simple spectrofluorimeters have a means of analysing the spectral
distribution of the light emitted from the sample, the fluorescence emission spectrum,
which may be by means of either a continuously variable interference filter or a
monochromator. In more sophisticated instruments monochromators are provided for
both the selection of exciting light and the analysis of sample emission and such
instruments are also capable of measuring the variation of emission intensity with
exciting wavelength, the fluorescence excitation spectrum. In addition, synchronous
scanning of both excitation and emission spectra might be usuful.

In principle the greatest sensitivity can be achieved by the use of filters, which allow the
total range of wavelengths emitted by the sample to be collected, together with the
highest intensity source possible. In practice, to realise the full potential of the
technique, only a small band of emitted wavelengths are examined and the incident light
intensity is not made excensive, to minimise the possible photodecomposition of the
sample and to increase selectivity.

The majority of fluorescence assays are carried out in solution, the final measurment
being made upon the sample contained in a cuvette. Cuvettes may be either circular,
square or rectangular, and must be constructed of a material, e.g., silica, that will
transmit both the incident and emitted light. Square cuvettes, or cells will be found most
precise since the parameters of pathlength and parallelism are easier to maintain during

The cuvette is placed normal to the incident beam, the resulting fluorescence is given
off equally in all directions, and may be collected from either the front surface of the cell,
at right angles to the incident beam, or in-line with the incident beam. Some instruments
will provide the option of choosing which collecting method should be employed, a
choice based upon the characteristics of the sample. A very dilute solution will produce
fluorescence equally from any point along the path taken by the incident beam through
the sample. Under these conditions the right angled collection method should be used
since it has the benefit of minimising the effect of light scattering by the solution and
cell. This is the usual measuring condition in analytical procedures. Although
fluorescence takes place from every point along the light path, only a small fraction of
this emission is actually collected by the instrument and transmitted to the detector.

The result is that much of the solution does not contribute to the fluorescence emission
and the same intensity will be observed from a much smaller volume of solution
contained in a microcell whose dimensions more closely match the optical
considerations of the instrument.
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As the absorbance of the solution increases the fluorescence emission becomes

progressively distorted until a point is reached where little actually penetrates the main
bulk of the solution and the fluorescence will be confined to the front surface of the
cuvette. Front surface collection will still allow measurements to be made although the
contribution due to light scattered from the cuvette wall will be large. Front surface
collection will at least always show emission, possibly distorted, from a fluorescent
sample whereas the fluorescence obtained from 90o collection falls rapidly as the
absorbance of the solution increases. It is possible to dismiss a potential sample as
non-fluorescent simply because the concentration is too high. Wherever possible the
absorbance of a completely unknown solution should be measured before attempting a
fluorescence check and the concentration adjusted to provide a solution of absorbance
less than 0.1 A.

Other types of cuvette include flowcells, e.g., used in the monitoring of continuous flow
systems, cells with thermostatted water jackets and micro or semi-micro cells.
Fluorescence measurements can also be carried out on solid samples by means of the
front surface collection technique.

Problems of High Blank Values


One of the advantages of fluorescence procedures compared to equivalent absorption

techniques is that routine measurements may be carried out in inexpensive test-tubes

rather than precision cuvettes without appreciable loss in precision. This benefit is
derived from the geometrical layout of simple fluorimeters where only a small central
area of the cuvette is actually viewed by the detector so that the overall dimensions of
the cell are less important. However, this statement needs careful qualification since the
use of laboratory grade test-tubes will result in deviation arising from other sources.
Variations in cell wall width can give rise to errors by distorting the lens action of the
round cell wall from one cell to another and the native fluorescence of the material used
to manufacture the cell will often produce large blank values. Obviously the cell must be
fabricated from a material which will transmit both the excitation and emission
wavelengths of interest and if these are both in the visible region, savings can be made
by the use of glass or even plastic sample containers. Only those cells recommended by
the manufacturer of the instrument should be employed and every new batch should be
carefully checked to make quite sure that their native fluorescence at the analytical
wavelength chosen is minimal. Even the highest grades of silica and glass have some
fluorescence although it should not contribute appreciably to routine measurements.
Cells and other glassware used for fluorimetric analysis should be carefully cleaned,
preferably by boiling in 50% nitric acid followed by thorough rinsing in distilled water.
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Solvents and Reagents

The usable wavelength range of some common solvents is above their light absorption,
and in most cases analytical reagent grade will be sufficiently pure. However, it is
essential to examine the quality of solvents periodically since small traces of
contaminants may be enough to produce high black values, particularly in some part of
the féuorescence spectra. If the solvent blank is appreciable it can usually be reduced to
a reasonable value by distillation or washing with acid, base or water. Water is the most
common solvent and deionised-distilled water should always be employed. Solvents
should not be stored in plastic containers since leaking of organic additives and
plasticizers will produce high blank values. Fluorescence derived from contaminants
should not be confused with the Raman scatter from the solvent itself. All other reagents
used in the assay should be carefully controlled and high quality grades are to be
recommended. Reagent blanks should always be carried through the analytical
procedure and the actual value of the blank determined before the instrument is re-
zeroed. High or changed blank values should immediately cast suspicion upon the
solvents and reagents employed.

Inner-filter Effects

Fluorescence intensity will be reduced by the presence of any compound which is

capable of absorbing a portion of either the excitation or emission energy. At high
concentrations this can be caused by absorption due to the fluorophore itself. More
commonly, particularly when working with tissue or urine extracts, it is the presence of
relatively large quantities of other absorbing species that is troublesome. The purpose
of extraction procedures is usually to eliminate such species so that the final
measurement is made upon a solution essentially similar to the standard.

Application of Fluorescence Spectroscopy in Characterisation of Petroleum Pollutants.

A major element in several oil spill identification analytical methodology is fluorescence

spectroscopy used in conjunction with gas-liquid chromatography, thin layer
chromatography and infrared spectroscopy. Luminescence techniques are particularly
attractive for the analysis of oil pills, or oil pollutants in water/sediment samples for the
following reasons:

♦ Luminescence emanates mainly from the aromatic components of the

hydrocarbon mixture. Not only are such components less subject to
weathering than the aliphatic compounds, but they are generally more toxic
than aliphatic compounds and hence of greater environmental importance.
♦ Fluorescence is generally more sensitive than conventional spectroscopic
techniques and may therefore be applied to small quantities of sample.
♦ As a result of this sensitivity, direct application to aqueous samples - thus
avoiding tedious purification procedures - and remote sensing, are feasible.

The application of luminescence phenomena to the identification of the source of an oil

spill may be conveniently discussed in terms of (1) conventional fluorescence, (2)
synchronous excitation fluorescence, and (3) total fluorescence techniques.
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4.4. Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometers

There are a number of differences in the basic design and accessories for atomic
absorption equipment that require consideration before purchase and during
subsequent use. These choices concern the light source, the burners, optical systems,
readout devices, and mode of conversion. Some of these choices are not readily
obvious, and require that the purchaser or user be familiar with the types and numbers
of samples to be analysed and the specific elements to be measured before a choice is
made. For a programme analysing a wide variety of samples for a number of elements
at varying concentrations, an instrument of maximum versatility would be required.

Lamp Mounts

A basic design feature of atomic absorption spectrometers is the convenience of the

hollow cathode (HC) lamp changeover system. Some instruments provide for as many
as six lamps in a rotating turret, all electronically stabilized and ready for use by simply
rotating the lamp turret. Other instruments provide for use of only one lamp at a time in
the lamp housing, and require manual removal and replacement whenever more than
one element is to be measured. A quick changeover system is desirable, especially if a
number of lamp changes are needed during a period of operation. Conversely, if lamp
changes are infrequent, multi-lamp mounts do not represent a great convenience.

Fox optimal use of the instrument, certain precautions should be observed. After the
proper lamp has been selected the hollow cathode current should be adjusted according
to the manufacturer's recommendations and allowed to electronically stabilize (warm up)
before use. This requires approximately 15 minutes. During this period, the
monochromator may be positioned at the correct wavelength and the proper slit width
selected. For those instruments employing a multi-lamp turret, a warm-up current is
provided to those lamps not in use, thereby minimizing the warn-up period when the
turret is rotated. In a single-lamp instrument, the instability exhibited during warm-up is
minimized by the use of a double-beam optical system.

Single Element and Multi-Element Lamps

As an adjunct to single-lamp mounts, HC lamps using from two to as many as six

elements in combination are available, thereby increasing the versatility of the atomic
absorption spectrometer.

Multi-element lamps are considerably cheaper per element than single element lamps,
but the savings may not realized if the lamps are not used strategically, because all the
elements in the cathode deteriorate when the lamp is used, regardless of which element
is measured. The deterioration phenomena results from the different volatilities of
metals used in the cathode. One metal volatilises more rapidly than the others and re-
deposits upon the cathode causing an increase in surface area of that metal, and
decreasing the exposed area of the other cathode metals. Thus, with continual use, a
drift in signal will be noted with at least one metal increasing and the other (or others)
decreasing. The use of single-element lamps result in more precise and accurate data.
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The individual line intensities of an element in a multi-element HC lamp will usually be

less than that of a lamp containing a pure cathode of the same element. This is because
each element must now share the discharge energy with all other elements present.
However, this reduction should not affect the output by a factor of more than 1/2 to 1/6,
depending on the combination and number of elements combined. The output can be
even greater in multi-element lamps because alloying may permit a higher operating
current than the cathode itself. All HC lamps have life expectancies, which are related to
the volatility of the cathode metal. For this reason, the manufacturer's recommendations
for amperage at which the lamp is operated should be closely followed.

A recent advance in HC lamp design, the high-intensity lamp, promises increased

sensitivity for some elements. It is also predicted that the newly designed lamps will be
used in atomic fluorescence techniques with significant gains in sensitivity.

Recent improvements in design and manufacture of hollow cathode lamps have resulted
in lamps with more constant output and a longer life. Under normal conditions a HC
lamp may be expected to operate satisfactorily for several years. Operating current and
voltage will be indicated on the lamp and should not be exceeded during use. An
increase in background noise and/or a loss of sensitivity are signs of lamp deterioration.

Burner Types

The most difficult and inefficient step in the AA process is converting the metal in the
sample from an ion or a molecule to the neutral atomic state. It is the function of the
atomizer and the burner to produce the desired neutral atomic condition of the elements.
With minor modifications burners are the same as those used for flame photometry.

Basically there are two different types of burners. They are the total-consumption or
surface-mix burner, and the laminar-flow or pre-mix burner. There are many variations of
these two basic types, such as the Boling, the high-solids, the turbulent-flow, the tri-
flame, nitrous-oxide burner and many others. As one might expect, there are many
similarities among the various burners, the different names resulting from the different
manufacturers. The element being determined and the type of sample solution dictate
the type of burner to be used.

Generally, all types and makes of burners can be adjusted laterally, rotationally and
vertically for selection of the most sensitive absorbing area of the flame for the specific
element sought. The vertical adjustment is probably the most important since the
position of greatest sensitivity varies from element to element.

Single- and Double-Beam Instruments

There is a great deal of existing uncertainty among instrument users about the relative
merits of single-beam and double-beam instruments. Neither system is the final answer.

With a single-beam instrument the light beam from the source passes directly through
the flame to the detector. In a double-beam system the light from the source is divided
by a beam splitter into two paths. One path, the reference beam, goes directly to the
detector. The second path, the sample beam, goes through the flame to the detector.
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The chopper alternately reflects and passes each beam, creating two equal beams
falling alternately upon the detector. lf the beams are equal they cancel the alternate
impulses reaching the detector and no signal is generated. If the beams are different,
the resulting imbalance causes the detector to generate a signal, which is amplified and
measured. Any difference between the reference and sample beam is measured as a
direct function of absorbed light. The advantage of the double-beam design, therefore,
is that any variations in the source are of reduced importance, and smaller dependence
is placed upon the stability of the power supply. However, stabilization of the power
supply can eliminate the apparent need for the split-beam system. Further, a beam
splitter requires use of additional mirrors or optical accessories that cause some loss of
radiant energy. Neither system, however, compensates for variation in flame intensity.

A single-beam system does not monitor source variations but offers certain other
advantages. It allows use of low-intensity lamps, smaller slit settings and smaller gain.
As a consequence, the single-beam instrument, properly designed, is capable of
operating with lower noise, better signal-to-noise ratio and therefore better precision and
improved sensitivity. Because the simplified optical system conserves radiant energy,
especially in the shorter wavelengths, it facilitates operation in the low wavelength
range. With this advantage, it should be possible to obtain better sensitivity for those
elements with strong resonance lines below 350 nm, even those slightly below 300 nm.

Readout Devices

Early models of the AAS instrument offered only a meter, calibrated in percentage
absorption. In the surge of competitive design, more sophisticated readout devices were
built into or offered as accessories to various models. At the present time any desired
readout method may be obtained with almost any instrument. Most of the instruments
offer any combination of built-in digital scalers, calibrated in concentration, external
digital printout in concentration, etc. Even inexpensive instruments are built with
recorder interfacing.

Choice of a readout system is predicated largely upon laboratory needs and availability
of budget. In general, any step toward complete automation is desirable but the degree
of automation should be compatible with the laboratory programme.

Miscellaneous Accessories

Automatic sample changers are offered for almost all instruments on the market, and as
has been previously stated, any automation feature is desirable. However, unless a
laboratory programme performs a large number of repetitious measurements daily, an
automatic sample changer would not be required.

4.5. Proper Use of Spectrophotometers

The manufacturer's instructions for proper use should be followed in all cases. Several
safeguards against misuse of the instruments, however, are mandatory.

Instruments should be checked for wavelength alignment. If a particular coloured

solution is to be used at a closely specified wavelength, considerable loss of sensitivity
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can be encountered if the wavelength control is misaligned. In visual instruments, an

excellent reference point is the maximum absorption for a dilute solution of potassium
permanganate, which has a dual peak at 526 nm and 546 nm. On inexpensive grating
instruments, which possess less resolution than the prism instruments, the
permanganate peak appears at 525 to 550 nm as a single flat-topped spike.

For both UV and IR instruments, standard absorption curves for many organic materials
have been published so that reference material for standard peaks is easily available.
Standard films of styrene and other transparent plastics are available for IR wavelength

Although most instruments contain built-in transformers for stabilization of the electronic
circuits, an exterior, high capacity, constant-voltage transformer is recommended for
general laboratory control.

Concerning the absorption cells, all cells should be kept clean, free of scratches,
fingerprints, smudges and evaporated film residues. Matched cells should be checked to
see that they are equivalent by placing portions of the same solution in both cells and
taking several readings of the %T or absorbance values. If a cell is mismatched it should
be discarded or reserved for rough work.
Generally speaking, trained technicians may operate any of the spectrophotometers
successfully. However, interpretation of data from the sophisticated instruments
becomes increasingly complex, and requires more training and specialization. IR and
fluorescence interpretation requires special training, and because of the special
techniques of sample preparation, instrument operation, and interpretation of absorption
curves and spectra, mere compliance with the operations manual is not sufficient.

5. Total/Dissolved Organic Carbon Analyzer

Total organic carbon (TOC) as a measure of the carbon content of dissolved and
undissolved organic matter present in the water is one of the principal parameters of
water quality. In routine water analysis the organic pollution is generally described in
terms of so called "non-specific" group parameters, such as biological oxygen demand
(BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), total oxygen demand (TOD), total organic
carbon (TOC) and UV absorption. Of these parameters, TOC is considered most
relevant, since this parameter not only reflects the quantitative aspects of the organic
pollution best, but accurate and rapid instrumental techniques are available for its
measurement. TOC like the other "non-specific" parameters does not give information
on the nature of the organic substance.

In addition to organic carbon the water sample may contain carbon dioxide or ions of
carbonic acid. Prior to the TOC determination, it is essential that this inorganic carbon is
removed by purging the acidified sample with a gas which is free from CO2 and organic
compounds. Alternatively, both total carbon (TC) and total inorganic carbon may be
determined and the organic carbon content (TOC) may be calculated by subtracting the
total inorganic carbon from the TC. This method is particularly suitable for samples in
which the total inorganic carbon is less than the TOC.
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Purgeable organic substances, such as benzene, toluene, cyclohexene, and chloroform

may partly escape upon stripping. The TOC of these substances is therefore determined
separately, or the differential method (TC - TIC = TOC) may be applied. By using the
differential method, the value of the TOC needs to be higher than the TIC, or at least of
similar size.

Cyanide, cyanate, and particles of elemental carbon (soot) when present in the sample,
will be determined together with the organic carbon.

In the field of TOC determination the following definitions are used:

Total carbon (TC): The sum of organically bound and inorganically bound carbon
present in water, including elemental carbon.

Total inorganic carbon (TIC): The sum of carbon present in water, consisting of
elemental carbon, total carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, cyanide, cyanate, and
thiocyanate. TOC instruments mostly register as TIC only the CO2 originating from
hydrocarbonates and carbonates.

Total organic carbon (TOC): The sum of organically bound carbon present in
water in dissolved form and/or associated with the suspended matter. Cyanate,
elemental carbon and thiocyanate will also be measured.

Dissolved organic carbon (DOC): The sum of organically bound carbon present in
water originating from compounds which will pass an 0.45 µm pore size membrane
filter. Cyanate and thiocyanate are also measured.

Volatile organic carbon (VOC), (POC): Under the conditions of TOC measurement
purgeable organic carbon.

Non volatile organic carbon (NVOC): Under the conditions of TOC measurement
non-purgeable organic carbon.

The sample handling and processes considered during the TOC measurement are as

• Inorganic carbon could be removed by acidification and purging or is determined

• Oxidation of organic carbon in water to carbon dioxide by combustion, by the
addition of an appropriate oxidant, by UV radiation or any other high-energy
• The application of the ultraviolet method with only oxygen as an oxidant is
restricted to low polluted waters. Systems based on oxidation using UV energy
are not suitable for the determination of microcellulose as an example for
samples containing suspended matter (See Annex A, results from the
interlaboratory test, sample a and 2 b).
• The carbon dioxide formed by oxidation is determined either directly or after
reduction, for example, to methane (CH4).
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• The final determination of CO2 is carried out by a number of different procedures,

for example: Infrared spectrometry, titration (preferably in non-aqueous solution),
thermal conductivity, conductometry, coulometry, CO2-sensitive sensors and
flame ionization detection. The later one is used after reduction of the CO2 to

A number of devices designed to measure the organic content of aqueous samples have
appeared on the market within the last decades. The oldest, or first of these instruments,
is the Beckman Carbonaceous Analyzer. The apparatus measures organic carbon as
carbon, by oxidizing a very small sample at a temperature of 900o, in a stream of
oxygen, converting all organically bound carbon to carbon dioxide, which is then
measured by a Golay-type thermal detector. The instrument is able to detect about 20
mg of carbon. A modification of the original Beckman Carbonaceous Analyzer employs a
dual-combustion-tube system operating at different temperatures to distinguish between
total carbon and inorganic carbon. Organic carbon is found by difference.

Because there are several new instruments - even using different principles for
digestion, combustion of the organic matter -, on the market, the determination of TOC
concentrations of the samples in accordance with the instrument manufacturer's
instructions. Some important considerations are asfollows:

• In the case of direct determination of the TOC, the total inorganic carbon (ensure
that the pH is below 2) should be removed prior to analysis. Loss of volatile
organic substances should be carefully minimised.
• The TOC concentration should be within the working rage of the calibration. This
can be achieved by diluting the sample.
• Prior to each batch of TOC determinations (for example 10 determinations) carry
out control experiments at the intervals recommended by the manufacturer,
but at least daily.
• After acidification, blow a stream of pure inert gas free from CO2 and organic
impurities through the system (for approx. 5 min) in order to remove CO2.

6. Adsorbable/Extractable Organic Halogens (AOX/EOX) Analyzer

Only a few natural substances contain halogens in their molecules, and chlorinated
organic compounds are usually synthetically produced. Because of their favourable
qualities, such as non-inflammability, great dissolving power and high reactivity, they
have found widespread use in households and industry throughout the world. They are
used in degreasing solvents, cooling liquids, insecticides, hydraulic and transformer
fluids, dry cleaning and bleaching processes.

Unfortunately their environmental risk is also considerable. Most of them are resistant to
biodegradation, they are lipophilic and concentrate in fatty tissue. As a consequence
they remain in the biosphere for long periods, causing damage in many different ways.
Although generalisation is not possible, it can be stated that, in addition to being acutely
toxic to human beings, many organohalides are proven or suspected carcinogens. For
example, discussions about dioxins and fluorochloro-hydrocarbons have raised much
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Technical report: Guidance to operation of water quality laboratories

public concern. Ever since the discovery that drinking water contains haloforms being
formed by the reaction of the disinfectant chlorine with organic material, an intensive
investigation of the sources and possible consequences has been in progress.

The extremely large number of organohalides that are of environmental concern has
created a need for a method for their detection in effluents and drinking water. In order
to avoid complicated and time-consuming analysis of single species within this category
of compounds and for convenience, a general method for organohalogens was sought.
The analysis of organohalogens in water itself is not possible, due to their low
concentration and the considerably higher amount of inorganic chlorides. Thus a
pretreatment for the isolation and concentration of the organic compounds and the
separation of interfering inorganic compounds had to be developed.

In the early 1970s Kuhn and Sontheimer in Germany developed the AOX method for the
analysis of organohalogens, consisting of adsorption on activated carbon, rinsing off the
inorganic chlorides, pyrolysis of the organohalogens and microcoulometry. A variation of
this method by Dressman led to the American EPA method 450.1. In Sweden, where the
pulp industry produces large amounts of bleaching effluents, the TOCl method was
developed, comprising adsorption on XAD resin and Schöniger combustion. The AOX
method was standardised in Germany first (DIN 38409H14) and incorporated in official
Iegislation. Having the highest recovery rates and being the most practicable, this
method of determination has meanwhile come into worldwide use. In Sweden it has
superseded the total organic chlorine (TOCl) method.

A criticism often raised is that the AOX method does not differentiate between
hazardous and non-hazardous substances. Unfortunately there is no quick screening
method available to identify hazardous compounds. Moreover, the multitude of organic
materials in industrial effluents that can react in many different ways would render such
methods ultimately unsatisfactory.


AOX is the determination of the amount of organic halogen that adsorbs on activated
carbon. After combustion with oxygen at 900 oC, halide is detected by microcoulometric
titration with silver.

Using the AOX method, organic chlorides, bromides and iodides can be quantitatively
determined. The result is expressed in milligrams of chlorine per litre, regardless of the
actual composition, because usually the chlorinated compounds constitute the
overwhelming majority.

In the determination of the organohalides the organic micropollutants must be enriched

and separated from interfering inorganic substances. The enriched organo-halides are
converted to hydrogen halogens which are detected quantitatively. In the AOX method
enrichment of the organic trace substances and displacement of the interfering inorganic
substances are reached by means of adsorption onto activated carbon. After termination
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Technical report: Guidance to operation of water quality laboratories

of the enrichment procedure the loaded activated carbon is combusted in an oxygen

atmosphere at a temperature of above 950 oC. The formed hydrogen halogens

The analysis can be divided into four different stages:

(a) Enrichment of the organic contaminants by adsorption on charcoal

(b) Removal of the inorganic halogens
(c) Formation of the hydrohalides by combustion in an oxygen stream
(d) Detection of halides.

German DIN method

Prior to adsorption, the water sample is acidified with nitric acid to enhance its affinity for
charcoal. Then it is shaken with activated carbon; within one hour the organic
compounds are adsorbed. A second method, also in common use, employs small
columns filled with charcoal and connected in series, through which the water sample is
pumped. After filtration with a membrane filter and rinsing with nitrate solution to remove
the inorganic halogens, the filter with the carbon is transferred to a furnace. There it is
pyrolysed in an oxygen flow at 1000 oC and the resulting hydrohalides are passed to a
vessel containing sulphuric acid for drying. They then proceed to a microcoulometric
titration cell where the halides react with silver ion, the concentration of which is
maintained electrochemically, and are precipitated. The ion concentration drops and
additional silver ion is generated. The charge required to generate that amount of silver
ion is measured by an integration circuit and expressed in terms of micrograms of
chlorine, which may be read from a digital meter on the instrument or calculated from a
plotter diagram. The analysis of organic fluorides by this method is not possible because
silver fluoride dissolves easily in the electrolyte.

This method was originally developed for drinking water and the detection limit is 10 µg.
When analysing effluents some additional points have to be taken into account. First of
all some samples may need to be homogenised using a magnetic stirrer, which is often
the case with textile effluents. Also the DOC value (dissolved organic carbon) is very
important. The DOC of an AOX sample must not exceed 10 mg/I, otherwise the charcoal
would be overloaded and the adsorption would be incomplete. If the DOC values of
samples exceed the 10 mg/l, the samples have to be diluted accordingly. The contents
of inorganic chloride also have to be checked because more than 1 mg/l could interfere
with the analysis. These conditions prove problematic on samples with high DOC values
and low AOX values (< 0.5 mg/l).

If the sample is not to be analysed immediately after sampling, the liquor is acidified to
pH 2 to prevent hydrolysis of the organic halides. To samples that may contain residual
chlorine, sodium sulphite is added, to prevent further reaction and because free chlorine
would lead to an incorrect AOX value. However, a reduction in AOX levels is observed
by dechlorination with sulphite under neutral and basic conditions. This may be
explained by hydrolysis or reaction of sulphite with the chlorinated compounds. Addition
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Technical report: Guidance to operation of water quality laboratories

of sulphite to acidic liquors, as recommended in the DIN standard, has negligible

effects. Any form of sample pretreatment can influence the results, hence immediate
analysis is recommendable.

This method detects hydrophilic and lipophilic or polar and non-polar compounds. The
recovery varies with different substances, e.g., chlorophenols and other aromatic
compounds range from 90 to 95%. Worst are the highly volatile compounds that adsorb
very poorly and are better determined as purgable organic halogen compounds
(POX). For POX analysis the sample is purged with oxygen in a vessel attached to the
analyser and the purgable compounds are passed directly to the combustion unit.
Afterwards the residual aqueous sample is used for AOX analysis.

A third possibility is the determination of extractable organic halogen compounds

(EOX), which can also be used for sludges and soils. The lipophilic substances are
extracted in hexane or pentane and injected directly into the furnace.


There is still much discussion about the use of AOX as a meaningful environmental
parameter. Environmental scientists urgently need a fast measurement of the degree of
pollution in water, wastewater, soil, etc. Biological tests have proven that the
compounds measured with AOX are really very harmful for all life on earth.

Among the increasing number of environmental tests to be specified, it is expected that

AOX will be an important environmental parameter for many years to come.
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Annex 3.



A. Conventional water chemistry laboratory


Item Size Quantity

Bottles (PE or PP) 1000 ml 100
250 ml 50
Bottles (brown glass) 1000 ml 100
Bottles (glass) 500 ml 100
Dropping bottles (glass) 50 ml 10

2. Sample preparation

Item Size Quantity

Membrane filters unit with cellulose nitrate/acetate 0.45µm 250
Bottles for prepared samples 50 ml 50
100 ml 100
250 ml 50
500 ml 10
1000 ml 10
Graduated cylinders 10 ml 20
25 ml 20
50 ml 20
100 ml 20
250 ml 5
500 ml 5
1000 ml 5
Erlenmeyer flasks 50 ml 20
100 ml 100
250 ml 50
Stirrers 10
Dispensers 1000 ml 6
500 ml 6
Automatic pipettes with tips 1-5 ml 2
0.2-1 ml 2
Test-tubes ∅ 15 mm 100
Porcelain melting pots ∅ 50 mm 20
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Item Size Quantity

Crucible tongs 2
Wash-bottle PE 1000ml 5
Pipettes 1 ml 5
(graduated, and with two signs) 2 ml 5
5 ml 5
10 ml 5
25 ml 5
50 ml 5
Funnels 50 mm 10
150 mm 10
Burettes with stands 10 ml 10
25 ml 2
Air-coolers 10
Soxlhett distilling apparatus 250 ml 10
Separating funnels 500 ml 5
1000 ml 5
Exiccator ∅ 30 cm 1
Chemical spoons 5
Tweezers 2


Instruments and accessories Features Quantity

Analytical balance 0.1 mg 1
Top-loading balance 0.1g 1
Magnetic stirrer 1
pH meter 1
Conductivity meter 1
Drying oven 1
Furnace 1
UV-VIS spectrophotometer with cuvettes (glass and quartz) 1
Sand-bath 6 plates 1
Heating plate 1
Refrigerator 2

4. Chemicals

pH paper
Distilled water
Reagents and measure solutions for methods
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B. Trace inorganic water laboratory

(100-150 samples/month)

1. Sampling

Item Size
100, 250,
Bottles (PE or PP) 100-100
500 ml
Membrane filter unit with
-cellulose nitrate/acetate membranes 0.45 µm 250
Dropping bottles (PE) 50 ml 10

2. Sample preparation

Item Size
Membrane filter unit with
-cellulose nitrate/acetate membranes 0.45 µm 250
100, 250,
Bottles for prepared samples (PE or PP) 100-100
500 ml
10, 25, 50,
Graduated cylinders PMP (TPX) 100, 250, 500, 5-5
1000 ml
10, 25, 50,
Beakers PMP (TPX) 100, 250, 500, 10-10
1000 ml
10, 25, 25-25
Volumetric flasks PMP (TPX) 50, 100, 250, 50-50
500, 1000 ml 5-5
50, 100,
Erlenmeyer flasks PMP (TPX) and glass 50-50
250 ml
Stirrers PP 10
0.4-2 ml 1
Dispensers 2-10 ml 1
5-30 ml 1
Pipettes with tips 10 µl…10 ml 1-1
Funnels 50…150 mm 5-10
Wash-bottles PE 500 ml 5
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Instruments and accessories Features
Analytical balance 0.1 mg 1
Top-loading balance 0.1 g 1
Hot plate & stirrer 1
Refrigerator for sample and reagent storage 2
a) Microwave system with -a rotor 1
-medium and high pressure vessels (TFM) 12-12
-water cooler 1
-exhausting unit 1
b) Stainless steel coated TFM bombs, 25
-drying oven 1
c) Multi-unit extraction heater with 6-plate
-glass extraction apparatus 15

3. Analysis

Instruments and accessories Features
UV-VIS spectrophotometer with
-cuvettes (glass and/or quartz) different
Flame photometer
AAS (flame, graphite furnace, hydride and cold vapour
technique) with
-hollow cathode lamps,
-EDL power supply,
-sample changer with vessels,
-gas cylinders and regulators,
-graphite tubes
ICP-OES with
-sample charger with vessels,
-gas cylinders and regulators

4. Chemicals

pH papers
Acids (HCl, HNO3, H2O2, H2SO4) Suprapur
High purity water
Reagents for AAS hydride and cold vapour technique
Matrix modifiers for AAS graphite furnace technique
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C. Trace organic analytical water laboratory

1. Facilities

Item Size Quantity

Air conditioning
Chemical hood 5

2. Sample preparation

Item Size
Dropping bottles 5
SPE cartridges 250 mg C18 500
SPE cartridges 500 mg SiOH 500
ENVI C18 disk 47 mm 10 pk
Pipettes mL 50
Beakers (glass)
1000 mL
Volumetric Flasks ( glass) 200
500 mL
Petri dishes 50
Evaporating dishes 200
Funnels 10
Graduated cylinders 15
1000 mL
Sampler bottles 150 mL 150
1000 mL 50
5000 mL 100
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____________________ ______________________________

Instruments and accessories Features Quantity

Analytical balance 0.1 mg 1
Top-loading balance 0.1 gr 1
Semi-microanalytical balance
Hot plate & stirrer 1
Drying oven
Analytical mill
Centrifuge + tubes
Refrigerator for sample storage 3
Freezer for storage of standards and derivatization 3
pH meter + electrodes 1
Freeze-dryer 1

Instruments and accessories Features Quantity

a./ Microwave system 1
b./ Ultrasonic bath 1
c./ Soxhlett-glass apparatus with sand bath 6 places 3
d./ Solid Phase Extraction equipment
- vacuum manifold (12 or 24 port 2
- ENVI disk apparatus 10
Rotary vacuum pump 1
Water purification system
Exiccator 2
Mortar and pestle 2
Sampling spoon 5
Spatulas 5
Tweezers 10
Pincers 1
Pliers 1
Wrench 6-31 15
Syringes + needles 5µL-250µL 50
Special tools for GC/MS instrument
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3. Analysis

Instruments and accessories Features Quantity

Gaschromatograph with auto-sampler 3
- gas cylinders and regulator
- floow-meter
- column Apolar, polar 2,1
- septa
- spli/splitless insert 5
- auto-sampler syringe 6
- ferrules 3 pk.
EC detector
FI detector
GC/MS instrument with spare parts
- accessories same at GC
HPLC with auto-sampler
- gas cylinders and regulator
- HPLC syringes
- membrane filter
- glass filter
- syringe filter unit 3
- pre-filter 3 pk
- column 2
- guard-column 5
- eluent filtering and degassing assembly 2

4. Chemicals

pH papers
Acids ( HCl, HNO3, H2O2, H2SO4) Suprapure
Organic solvents ( Suprapure for org. Trace analysis)
Deuterated standards for GC/MS
High purity water
Derivatization agents

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