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Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation

Sustainability Report 2018

Easy-to-understand brochure on Brochure on the compact overview Brochure on the overall businesses

environmental initiatives of the company and management for investors

Sustainability Report
Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation

Sustainability Report
— In Step with Progress toward SDGs 2018
Sustainability Report 2018
(April 2017–March 2018)

eco eco eco

Sustainability Report 2018 Company Brochure Annual Report 2018 — In Step with Progress toward SDGs
(Book form and PDF file)1, 2 (Book form and PDF file)1 (Book form and PDF file)1, 2

Sustainability Report 2018

Details on environmental initiatives Details on the following subjects Details on business and
• Products
• Research &

• About NSSMC
• Recruiting

(April 2017–March 2018)

Environment & CSR Investor Relations

Various reports Various reports for shareholders1

• PR brochures “Quarterly Magazine: NSSMC”2 • Fact Book
• Picture book “A New Story About Iron”2 • Financial Results
• Technical articles and technical reports1 • Securities Reports
Other publications

• Corporate Governance Reports

Picture book “A New Story About Iron” • Reports for Shareholders
(only in Japanese)

PR brochures
“Quarterly Magazine: NSSMC”
(only in Japanese) Fact Book 2018

1 PDF files are available for downloading from the website.

2 Printed copies are available upon request from the website.

Corporate profile

Company name Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation Capital ¥419.524 billion
Head office 2-6-1, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8071, Japan (Total number of shareholders: 436,620)
Phone: +81-3-6867-4111 Stock listings Tokyo, Nagoya, Fukuoka, and Sapporo
Date of March 31, 1970 Number of
93,557 (consolidated basis)
Establishment employees
President Kosei Shindo Group companies 377 consolidated subsidiaries and Cover photo
114 equity-method affiliates Kashima Works and
Hometown Forest

Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation will change its name to “Nippon Steel Corporation” effective April 1, 2019.


Printed in environmentally-friendly
ink that does not contain petroleum Printed in Japan
CONTENTS Corporate Philosophy

A Message from Top Management 02 Environmental Report

Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation

NSSMC Group’s Long-Term History of Innovations 04
NSSMC’s Environmental Management 16
NSSMC Group’s Businesses 06
Global Warming Countermeasures 18
NSSMC Group’s Value Chain 08
NSSMC Group’s Contribution to SDGs
Advantages of Steel that Contribute to
Group will pursue world-leading technologies and
Sustainable Society 12
manufacturing capabilities, and contribute to society
Development of Innovative Technologies 26
Technologies of Steel that Support
Contributing to Creation of a
Sustainable Society 14
Recycling-oriented Society 28
Promotion of Environmental Risk Management
Initiatives on Conservation of Biodiversity
by providing excellent products and services.
Promotion of Environmental Management 36

Social Report Management Principles

Corporate Governance Structure 39 1. We continue to emphasize the importance of integrity and reliability in our actions.
Stakeholder Engagement 40
2. We provide products and services that benefit society, and grow in partnership with our customers.
3. We pursue world-leading technologies and manufacturing capabilities.
Third-party Opinion 44
Awards received in FY2017, Editorial policy 45 4. We continually anticipate and address future changes, innovate from within, and pursue unending progress.
5. We develop and bring out the best in our people to make our Group rich with energy and enthusiasm.

A Message from Top Management

Toward achieving the Sustainable

Development Goals (SDGs)

Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal (NSSMC) announced in March of a society oriented toward environmental preservation and Society. Moreover, from a longer perspective, we have been partici- technologies and manufacturing capabilities, and to contribute to

A Message from Top Management

2018 the 2020 Mid-Term Management Plan for the three years lower environmental impact. Steel, having high recyclability, is an pating in the innovative steelmaking process (COURSE50), as well society by providing excellent products and services.”
from fiscal 2018 to fiscal 2020. Aiming at becoming the best steel- eco-friendly material that can be reborn many times in whatever as doing basic research on the technology to transform CO2 into This Sustainability Report contains details of our progress in
maker with world-leading capabilities, we will “forge manufactur- form is required and from the perspective life cycle assessment usable materials and “Blue Carbon” to absorb and sequester CO2 environmental management, ongoing initiatives, and commitment
ing capability, address megatrends, and create the value of steel, has extremely low environmental impact compared to other via ocean and coastal eco systems. to keep contributing to the realization of a sustainable society
while continuing to strengthen our superiority in technology, cost, materials. Under the plan, by utilizing such advantages of steel We keep reminding ourselves that environmental risk manage- through environment matters.
and being global. Great waves of long-term, structural changes as a material and by responding to continual growth in global ment, including prevention of unexpected events and accidents,
are washing over society and industries today. Examples include steel demand, we adhere to our commitment to help realize a is one of our overriding concerns for our sustainable operations,
increasing needs for lightweight, high-strength automobiles, devel- sustainable society and to remain actively tackling various envi- along with safety and disaster prevention. We comply with laws
opment of electric vehicles, realization of a hydrogen-oriented soci- ronmental issues, including some at a local community level and and regulations, adapt to ordinances, bylaws, and standards, and
ety, diffusion of renewable energy, establishment of safe, resilient others of global scale. These efforts include efforts on behalf of carry out measures to reduce environmental burden with due con-
urban infrastructure, and IT innovations, including AI, IoT, and big the maintenance and improvement of good living environments, sideration to the situation at each point of operation. We will keep
data. We aim to capture such megatrends and create the value of the promotion of reduction and recycling of waste, measures that addressing the issues of environmental preservation in terms of Kosei Shindo
steel, while contributing to society by providing steel for a myriad address global warming, and the maintenance and improvement hard and soft aspects. Representative Director and President
of uses. of biological diversity. In April 2019, we will change our name to Nippon Steel
Contributing to the achievement of a sustainable society (by Concerning global climate change, following accession to the Corporation, opening a new chapter in our history. As a steel com-
attaining sustainable development goals [SDGs]) is one of the Paris Agreement in November 2016, Japan has been working on pany that originated in Japan, we will strive to keep our position
initiatives of the new plan. Consistent with this, we believe it a plan to cut national greenhouse gas emissions 26% from 2013 as the “best steelmaker with world-leading capabilities.” In the
is important that we engage in our business activities in accor- levels by 2030, and going forward, a long-term strategy toward environmental and social area, we intend to continue to further
dance with the SDGs adopted by the United Nations. The 17 2050 is being developed. In accordance with these goals, NSSMC enhance the quality of our environmental management by devel-
SDGs include many environmental items. Having identified envi- is promoting “three ecos,” namely, Eco Process (The way we manu- oping two-way communication with all stakeholders. Desiring to
ronmental management as a critical task for corporate manage- facture is eco-friendly), Eco Products (What we produce is eco- be ever more trusted and relied upon by society, we will fulfill our
ment, based on its Environmental Management Policy, NSSMC friendly) and Eco Solution (Sharing our eco-solutions). The company corporate social responsibility (CSR) to contribute to society by
has been fulfilling its commitment to contribute to the creation also is steadily advancing the Action Plans for a Low-Carbon carrying out our corporate philosophy to “pursue world-leading

02 03
NSSMC Group’s Long-Term History of Innovations
Toward becoming the world-
leading steelmaker with
Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation (NSSMC) has strived to introduce new comprehensive strengths

products to society, by always appropriately adjusting to the changing times and making
advances in steelmaking technology so as to better satisfy the needs of customers.
We are committed to contribute to the development of society by further improving our
advanced technology.
Support for customer’s
global expansion

Support in the era of concern Expanded usage of biomass resources, such as
used wood palettes, thinned forest wood, and
for the global environment other resources even including coffee grounds,

as coal alternative fuel for power generation.

Respond to the yen’s sharp Began production and sale of SuperDyma®,
a highly corrosion-resistant hot-dip zinc-
appreciation coated steel sheet that lasts four times

longer than conventional products.
Participated in the Kita-Kyushu Smart
Community Creation Project which aimed
at town planning with the harmonious
Energy saving challenge coexistence of communities and factories. [2014]

Completed construction of the first commercial model
[1984] Exterior material of the new Kobe plant of of an energy-efficient CO2 separation and recovery
Began production and sales of corrosion- Rock Field, Co., Ltd. facility for a non-steelmaking area, at Muroran Works.
resistance, lightweight, and high-strength CO2 contained in the stack gas from blast furnaces or
Steel supported high titanium. [2000] thermal power stations is separated and collected by
economic growth Developed a waste plastics full-recycling use of a chemical absorption solution.

process using existing coke ovens and
began operation.
Developed the world’s first continual anneal- [1996]
ing furnace, integrating five annealing pro-
cesses for automotive steel sheets into one Began production and sales of steel

NSSMC Group’s Long-Term History of Innovations

continual process, and reducing manufactur- house with balanced features of seismic
ing time from 10 days to 10 minutes. resistance, fire resistance, durability, and
thermal retention.
The Tokaido Shinkansen adopted NSSMC’s [1988]
railway wheels and axles, and drive system. [2009]
Developed steel wires for high-strength [2014]
cables, contributing to the construction Developed CLEANWELL™ DRY1, an eco-friendly
premium connecter for oil country tubular Established the production and shipment system
of the Akashi Kaikyo (Strait) Bridge and
goods, not requiring use of a grease called or the world’s longest 150-meter-long rails.
other long bridges.
dope, which contains a substance of concern.
Developed the Coke [1996]
Dry Quenching Developed HIAREST steel that is resistant
The Zero Series trains (CDQ), enabled to cracking at the time of collision of a
Courtesy of Railway Technical Research Institute exhaust heat to be ship in order to prevent oil leakage and
collected and used pollution of the ocean.
[1969] for power genera-
Supplied a massive quantity of foundation piles, tion, and contained [2000s]
dust generation. [2015]
materials for bridges, and other steel products Developed ultra-high-tensile steel sheets
p. 25 [1980s] Developed HRX19™ stainless steel,
in the construction of the Tomei Expressway. for automobiles, that contribute to both
Developed high-tensile steel sheets for automobiles, reduction in weight of automobiles and enabling high-pressure hydrogen to be used
contributing to reduction in weight of automobiles enhancement of collision safety. p. 14 for hydrogen stations and fuel cell vehicles.
and to resultant improvement in fuel efficiency. p. 15

[1970s] [1980s] [2016]

Developed the power generation technol- Installed activated coke-type dry desul- [1999] Conducted a verification test of an experi-
ogy to turn a turbine by blast furnace top furizing and denitrification equipment Developed lead-free bars and wire rods mental blast furnace of the COURSE50
Opening ceremony of the whole line gas pressure, with no use of fuel. to significantly reduce emissions of SOx with ensured workability. project, aimed at reducing CO2 emission by
Courtesy of Central Nippon Expressway and NOx. hydrogen reduction. p. 26

Major events

[1963] O pening of the Meishin Expressway [1970] Japan World Exposition (Osaka Expo’70) [1982] Opening of the Tohoku and Joetsu Shinkansen Lines [1992] The United Nations Conference on Environment and [2002] FIFA World Cup Korea/Japan [2011] The Great East-Japan Earthquake and Tsunami
[1964] O pening of the Tokaido Shinkansen Line [1972] Sapporo Winter Olympics [1985] The Plaza Accord Development (UN Earth Summit) [2005] The 2005 World Exposition, Aichi, Japan [2011] Opening of the entire line of the Kyushu Shinkansen Line
[1964] Tokyo Summer Olympics [1973] S hift to the floating exchange rate regime [1985] The International Exposition, Tsukuba, Japan [1995] The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake [2008] Lehman Shock (Global Financial Crisis) [2012] Opening of the Tokyo Skytree
[1973] The first oil crisis [1988] Opening of the Seikan Submarine Tunnel [1997] Consumption rate hike to 5% [2014] Consumption rate hike to 8%
[1978] The second oil crisis [1989] Introduction of 3% consumption tax [1998] Nagano Winter Olympics [2015] Opening of the Hokuriku Shinkansen Line
[2016] Opening of the Hokkaido Shinkansen Line

04 05
NSSMC Group’s Businesses

Based on the long accumulation of technology through steelmaking, the Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation The NSSMC Group is steadily progressing in establishing a global business structure that enables it to capture
(NSSMC) Group operates businesses in five areas: steelmaking, engineering, chemicals, new materials, and system overseas growth markets and to readily respond to customers’ overseas expansion.
solutions, with the core business being steelmaking.

New materials business System solutions business

37.0 billion yen 244.2 billion yen
Nippon Steel Sumikin Materials Co., Ltd., etc. NS Solutions Corporation, etc.

Based on materials expertise gained from In keeping with the advent of widespread
steelmaking, Nippon Steel & Sumikin Materials provides original materials and use of digital innovations in IT for business, 1 JCAPCPL (India) 2 NS-SUS (Thailand) 3 BNA (China) 
4 Nippon Steel & Sumikin Crankshaft
components that are indispensable to leading-edge technology fields, with NS Solutions provides IT business solutions, A joint venture formed with Tata Steel in A subsidiary to manufacture and sell steel A joint venture formed with Baosteel, which (USA)
primary focus on the three areas of semiconductor and electronics industry including uses of the cloud, IoT, and AI, to a 2014 to manufacture and sell cold-rolled sheet products for automobiles, electric began operation in 2005 to manufacture Received the 2017 Diamond Supplier Award
materials and components, basic industrial materials and components and envi- wide range of sectors by applying its extensive steel sheets for automobiles. appliances, and construction. NS-SUS and sell high-grade galvanized steel sheets from Navistar International, the largest
ronmental and energy-related materials and components. insight and advanced practical IT capabilities received the 2017 Advanced Special Award for automobiles. NSSMC and Baosteel cel- manufacturer of trucks in the U.S.
acquired in the steel manufacturing business. for Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) ebrated 40 years of an amical relationship
Achievement from the Japan Institute of with a ceremony in 2017 (see photo above).
Plant Maintenance (JIPM).

Sales composition by region

FY2017 1

Chemicals business Sales composition
200.7 billion yen by business segment
Steelmaking and steel
6 Japan Overseas Regional composition:

65% 35%
Asia 65%

Nippon Steel & Sumikin Chemical Co., Ltd.,1 etc. 5
fabrication business North America 13%

5,017.2 billion yen

South America 8%

NSSMC Group’s Businesses

Nippon Steel & Sumikin Chemicals is developing Sales and manufacturing of automotive steel sheet
Middle East 6%
demand for functional materials for electronic billion yen Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal
Sales and manufacturing of non-automotive steel sheet
Sales and manufacturing of pipe & tube, and construction materials
Europe 5%
materials such as for displays, epoxy resins, Africa 2%
Corporation, etc. Sales and manufacturing of railway, automotive & machinery parts
circuit boards, and organic electroluminescence Processing and services of bar & wire rod Pacific 1%
(OEL), on top of a variety of original coal-based
Enhancing technological superiority, NSSMC
products, including needle coke and various
provides a variety of high-grade steel products
aromatic products.
(Adjustment: Elimination 124.8 billion yen)
(i.e., steel plates; flat products; bar & wire rod;
construction products; pipe & tube; railway,
Engineering and construction business automotive & machinery parts; and titanium &

294.2 billion yen specialty stainless steel) to many customers in

Japan and overseas.
Nippon Steel & Sumikin Engineering Co., Ltd., etc.
5 KNSS (Indonesia) VAM
6 ®BRN (Brunei) 7 AM/NS Calvert (USA) 8 Usiminas (Brazil)
Based on long-accumulated steelmaking and other technologies, Nippon Steel & A joint venture with PT Krakatau Steel, an A subsidiary that provides threading services Acquired this plant, formerly operated by An integrated steelworks with a blast
1 On October 1, 2018, Nippon Steel & Sumikin
Sumikin Engineering undertakes many projects worldwide in six fields: steelmak- Chemical and Nippon Steel & Sumikin Materials Indonesian government-owned steelmaker, for connections of the oil country tubular ThyssenKrupp, with ArcelorMittal in 2014. furnace that began operation in 1962.
scheduled to merge to form newly named Nippon that began production and sales of steel goods (OCTG) pipes. Began operation in It can now provide ultra-high-tensile steel Established UNIGAL, a joint venture with
ing plants; environment; energy; offshore steel structures; building construction
Steel Chemical & Material. sheets for automobiles in July 2017. November 2016. sheets and other high-performance products. Usiminas to manufacture galvanized steel
and steel structures; and pipelines.
sheets for automobiles in 1999.

Net sales (consolidated basis) Ordinary profit (consolidated basis) Net income (consolidated basis) Crude steel production volume (non-consolidated basis) Number of employees (consolidated basis) R&D expenditures (consolidated basis)
(¥ billion) (¥ billion) (¥ billion) (million tons) (¥ billion)
6,000 5,516.1 5,610.0 500 451.7 250 50 45.67 44.96 100,000 92,309 93,557 80 73.0
214.2 42.17 42.62 84,361 84,447 84,837 68.4 69.1
4,907.4 40.67 64.4
4,632.8 195.0 62.9
400 361.0 200 40 80,000
4,500 60
297.5 145.4
300 150 130.9 30 60,000

3,000 200.9 40
200 100 20 40,000

1,500 20
100 50 10 20,000

0 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 (FY) 0 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 (FY) 0 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 (FY) 0 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 (FY) 0 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 (FY) 0 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 (FY)

06 07
NSSMC Group’s Value Chain

The NSSMC Group conducts business activities making use of its strengths in
each stage of the value chain in steelmaking, and is also engaged in initiatives in
each of these stages, responding to expectations and requests from society.
Having established a business model in which environmental and social
initiatives are integrated with business activities, NSSMC is thus contributing to
sustainable growth of society. Recycling

Mining and transportation of raw materials; Transportation and processing of steel

Value chain purchasing of materials and equipment
products; manufacturing of products
Sales and usage Disposal and recycling

All NSSMC’s main steelmaking materi- NSSMC manufactures steel plates, steel sheets, bars and wire rods, construction prod- NSSMC delivers products of high quality to NSSMC’s steel products have advanced functions, NSSMC collects steel scrap generated during steel-
als, iron ore and coal, are imported from ucts, pipes & tubes, railway, automotive & machinery parts, titanium, stainless steel, many customers in Japan and abroad in a safe, such as safety enhancement by improving durabil- making and processing or after the end of the life
countries including Australia and Brazil. and other high-grade products for many customers in Japan and abroad. efficient manner. ity and strength, and cost reduction by prolonged of steel products. They are re-used as raw materi-
Business About one million items of equipment Safety, environment, and disaster prevention come first in steelmaking, and quality, We strive to accurately understand customers’ product life. They are ultimately transformed to a als together with iron ore, to make steel.
materials, from gigantic steelmaking delivery, and costs are thoroughly managed. Identifying 12 domestic works as mother needs and respond to them by being dedicated in wide range of end products to help improve the
equipment to electric and mechanical mills, we enhance technologies, expand business overseas, and manage as an inte- monozukuri (manufacturing). quality of life of people.
components and office supplies, are grated entity.
purchased from about 3,000 companies.

NSSMC Group’s Value Chain

Environment Environment Society Environment Environment Environment
• E co-friendly purchasing of raw • R eduction in greenhouse gas • E stablishment of safe, pleasant • R eduction in greenhouse gas emissions • R eduction in greenhouse gas emissions by use • Reduction in waste
materials emissions in steelmaking workplaces in transportation and processing of steel of products • Recycling to full extent
• R eduction in greenhouse gas • Thorough cyclical use of resources • Prevention of accidents and disasters products, and product manufacturing
Expectations emissions in material purchasing • Global expansion of customers
• P rovision of reliable high-quality
and requests • E nhanced management of products
Society Society Society
from society substances of concern • Creation of jobs
• E nhanced alliances with customers in the value • Fair competition • Promoting recycling activities
• Workstyle innovation
Society chain
•  aterial purchasing in consideration
of human rights

Environment Environment Society Environment Environment Environment

• Thorough confirmation of no use of •  evelopment and installation of
D • F ostering of workplace culture that • R eduction in CO2 emissions in transportation • R eduction in CO2 emissions in use of products • R ecycling back of all steel scrap collected to
conflict materials environmental preservation and prioritizes safety, environment, and due to improved efficiency in logistics and of more lightweight materials, enabled by the steelmaking process to become new steel
• E nhanced efficiency in energy efficient equipment disaster prevention reduction in weight of steel products enhanced strength products.
transportation of raw materials for • E ffective use of by-product gas and • Scheduled equipment maintenance • Reduction in CO2 emissions due to a lower
reduction of CO2 emissions waste heat for reduction in CO2 • P romotion of environmental risk number of processes at customers and
•  anagement system of substance
M emissions management improvement in processing, weldability, and
of concern in purchased materials • Transfer of world-leading technology workability by customers
• Thorough quality management
and products for environmental preservation
NSSMC’s and energy efficiency to overseas
• Continuous steady hiring Society Society Society
initiatives Society steelmakers • Promotion of work-life balance • S table supply of steel materials to customers’ •  ompliance education concerning the Anti-
C • P romoting public understanding that steel
P revention of forced labor and child Improved healthcare counseling overseas manufacturing bases Monopoly Act, prevention of bribery, etc. supports a future recycling-oriented society
• • 9 9% recycling of internally-generated •
labor P rovision of information to customers’ P romoting public understanding on selection due to its superior recycling properties (i.e.,
by-products • •
surveying of value chain of materials from a life cycle perspective, that being easily sorted due to its magnetic
• S haring of value through the • 9 0% reuse and recycling of industrial
encompasses not merely use of product but property; resistance to being degraded as
Material/Equipment Partners water
from material manufacturing to disposal and impurities are easily removed)
Meeting •  se of steel manufacturing equipment
U recycling
for recycling of discarded plastics and
motor vehicle tires

08 09
NSSMC Group’s Contribution to SDGs

“Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,” was adopted at the United Nations Summit Steel supports society and simultaneously achieves multiple SDGs.
in 2015. This contains 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets.
The NSSMC Group’s values are to “Pursue world-leading technologies and manufacturing capabilities, and SDGs are interlinked. Many of the NSSMC Group’s initiatives that address the issues are contributing to
contribute to society by providing excellent products and services.” We have been striving to cope with various simultaneously achieving multiple SDGs, as shown below.
initiatives so that we can play an important role in supporting social infrastructure through steelmaking.
We believe our contribution to developing a sustainable society through our initiatives also contributes to
achieving the United Nation’s SDGs, which are scheduled to be globally resolved by 2030.
Steel is an indicator of affluence

Steel is indispensable in social infrastructure, such as buildings, vehicles, railway, an increase in steel products that help provide the social infrastructure needed
ships, bridges, and power stations. It is also used everywhere in our everyday life to make people’s lives to be more convenient and pleasant. Steel therefore is an
from TV sets, refrigerator, washing machines and other home appliances to eat- indicator of affluence.
ing utensils such as forks and spoons, and cooking utensils such as microwave NSSMC exports outstanding steel materials for social infrastructure and for
ovens, helping us to have a pleasant, convenient life. Steel also plays a crucial people’s lives to Southeast Asia, India, Africa, and emerging countries elsewhere
Examples of specific initiatives role in making our infrastructure resilient to natural disasters caused by earth- in keeping with the growth and development of society and improvement in
quakes or abnormal weather associated with climate change. living standards. We have also established companies in these countries, jointly
• P ursuit of Eco Processes to help raise resource/energy efficiency and reduce The amount of steel stock in Japan, which, in the form of social capital, with local partners, and have created local jobs.
environmental impacts pp. 20, 21
is supporting our lives, exceeds 1.3 billion tons, or 10.7 tons per capita. The As such, we will contribute to achieving SDGs by providing steel, a mate-
• Introduction of advanced technologies through bilateral cooperation (India,
ASEAN, etc.) pp. 24, 25 amount of steel stock in the world is estimated at around 30 billion tons (in rial, which is abundant as a resource and is highly recyclable and which sup-
•U  se of steel slag in road materials and materials for civil engineering pp. 28, 29 2015) but about merely 4 tons per capita. An increase in steel stock means that ports sustainable society, in Japan and in the world.
• J ob creation through establishment of operating companies in emerging • Thorough compliance training, such as for the Anti-Monopoly Act p. 39
countries p. 7
• Eliminating unfair discrimination, based on the respect on human rights
• Reduction of vulnerability to disaster based on use of Nonframe method
p. 42
(construction method to stabilize slopes without damaging the natural
• Expanded hiring of women and non-Japanese p. 42
Steel is a champion in recycling

NSSMC Group’s Contribution to SDGs

•  se of converter slag fertilizer, a by-product of steelmaking, to improve farm-
U • P rovision of various indispensable Eco Products for daily lives pp. 22, 23 The length of steel life differs by its end product: dozens of years for infrastruc- 99% of steel slag, a by-product of steelmaking, is recycled and used in a wide
ing productivity and salt damage in farmland p. 35 • Provision of earthquake-resistance steel products
ture, such as buildings and bridges; 5-10 years for consumer durables, such as range of applications, mainly as materials in cement and road materials but
• Provision of titanium and stainless steel, which have excellent seawater cor- • Development of Nonframe method, which protects houses from disaster
rosion resistance, for seawater desalination plants, securing agriculture water while maintaining views of nature automobiles and refrigerators; and up two years for steel cans. However, after also as slag fertilizer, contributing to improve farming productivity and, when
the end of a product life, steel stock almost anywhere in the world can be col- placed in desertified places in the sea, as a source of iron for kelp and other
• P romotion of air, water, soil risk management and chemical substance man- • P romotion of air, water, soil risk management and chemical substance man- lected as steel scrap and be reborn many times in whatever form is needed. Steel seaweeds, as well as fish living in such habitats, contributing to restoration of
agement pp. 30–33 agement pp. 30–33 is therefore a sustainable material, which is abundant and easy to recycle. marine resources.
• Development and provision of steel products that contain no substances of • Full recycling of by-products, including slag, dust, and sludge pp. 28, 29
concern, such as lead and hexavalent chromium • Promotion of recycling of waste plastics and waste tires p. 29 Steel production requires considerable energy, but all by-product gas gen- Concerning waste generated in society, discarded plastics and motor vehi-
erated in steelmaking process is collected and used as an energy source within cle tires are not burned but thermally decomposed and recycled, contributing to
• Pursuit of Eco Processes at the world’s highest-level energy efficiency a steelworks , and 90% of precious water resources used are recycled and reduction in CO2 emissions.
• P romotion of employee training to raise skills (i.e., OJT, Off-JT, sending trainees to pp. 18–21
Junior College for Industrial Technology), hosting technology triathlon p. 42 • Development and provision of Eco Products, such as high-tensile, light-
reused . We are thus engaged in recycling even in our manufacturing process. In short, steelmaking can be said to be a sustainable industry that does not
• Study sessions for teachers, internship for students p. 43 weighted, energy-efficient steel sheets and light-weight railway wheels and We are also engaged in recycling of by-products and waste generated in waste resources.
axles for high-speed railways pp. 22, 23
and out of the NSSMC Group, by utilizing the iron-making process. For example,
•  ore hiring of women in production and other workplaces
M p. 42 • R egeneration of seaweed beds with the use of steel slag pp. 34, 35
• Establishment of infrastructure in manufacturing worksites for women to •P  romotion of sea area environmental improvement with the use of steel slag p. 28
work comfortably • Voluntary clean-up activities at seashore nearby steelworks
• Awareness raising to prevent power harassment and sexual harassment in
the workplace
• Collaboration with an NPO, “Mori wa Umi no Koibito” (participation in tree- Vigorously engaged in steelmaking
planting, etc.) p. 43

• R ecycling and reuse of limited water resources p. 30 • P romotion of air, water, soil risk management and chemical substance man- We have been hiring more women in production and other workplaces, and support. We also support employees’ voluntary work improvement activities
• Promotion of water quality risk management pp. 30, 31, 33 agement pp. 30–33
• Provision of titanium and stainless steel for seawater desalination plants • “Creation of Hometown Forests” to promote greenery within steelworks establishing infrastructure in manufacturing worksites for women to work com- and have introduced an award system, so as to create workplaces that moti-
• Provision of lining steel pipes for delivery of clean water pp. 34, 35 fortably. For example, we have in-house 24-hour nurseries in some workplaces. vate employees.
From a soft aspect, thorough-going compliance education, including raising In steelworks in various locations, we play a role in vitalizing the commu-
• E fficient use of energy, such as 100% use of by-product gas pp. 20, 21 • R aising awareness of and compliance with anti-bribery guidelines awareness to prevent power harassment and sexual harassment in the work- nity by conducting science classes, sending lecturers, hosting Tatara steelmaking
• Provision of materials for fuel cells that produce energy from hydrogen • Elimination of antisocial forces

• Development and provision of steel materials for high-pressure hydrogen to • Thorough confirmation of no use of conflict material s p. 41
place, is provided to employees. experiments to promoting interest in manufacturing, and other activities. We
support a hydrogen-oriented society pp. 15, 22 • Thorough management of security export control Heeding NSSMC’s values that “Safety and health are the foremost precious also support community-based sport teams, especially for volleyball, rugby, judo,
value that supports business development,” we strive to ensure safety and health of and baseball. In various parts of Japan, we hold sports classes for children and
• E co solutions to transfer and spread environmental, energy-saving technolo-
• TaikanProgram (an experience-based safety education program) p. 43 gies to emerging markets pp. 24, 25 employees. For example, we are promoting health management programs for employ- make our sport facilities available for them.
• Promotion of health management programs for employees p. 43 • Japan-India and Japan-ASEAN regular exchanges among public and private
ees and the Taikan Program (an experience-based safety education program). We are thus vigorously engaged in steelmaking, together with employees
• Enhanced measures to support the work-life balance, such as for the leave steel-related parties p. 24
system and life support p. 43 • Support for human resources development to build an energy management In terms of workstyle, we are enhancing measures to support work-life and communities.
system in emerging countries
balance, such as workplace-based support, the personal leave system, and life
10 11
Advantages of Steel that Contribute to Sustainable Society

Steel is an abundant, easy to procure, and sustainable material Steel is an outstanding material from the perspective of the Life Cycle Assessment
Iron is believed to be one-third of the Steel is an affordable material and is Steel represents over 90% of metal products, as The Life Cycle Assessment method (LCA) is a way to evaluate environmental impact of a product over its entire life cycle. While
Earth’s weight. cheaper than water in a plastic bottle steel, being abundant, cheap, and having good
many aspects of environmental impact cannot be seen, the LCA is an attempt to visualize the impact over the life cycle of a
(in comparing price per unit weight). workability, has a wide range of applications.
product, from production of its raw material to disposal and recycling of the end product. From the LCA perspective, steel can be
1 Other
regarded as a sustainable material with very low environmental impact relative to other materials.

Steel Let’s consider the overall life cycle
1kg Metal
1kg products Environmental Environmental LCA-based
impact that is often
impact that is impact that is often environmental Some materials have low environ-
overlooked overlooked impact

Price Steel highlighted mental burden in use but may have
over 90%
high environmental burden in the

Environmental impact
overall life cycle.

Lighter weight materials than steel

Steel is a sustainable material to be reborn in new steel products endlessly
One of distinctive features of steel is to be recyclable many times in

materials than steel

Steel can be easily sorted out from among other The Life Cycle Assessment

Lighter weight
whatever form.


metals and materials (by use of a magnet).

Steel does not end its life even after the end of a life of a product Recycling
(LCA) is therefore important.
Steel degrades little when recycled. effects
made of steel.
Impact in Impact in being LCA overall
Steel can be recycled into various products. Impact in use
It becomes steel scrap to be recycled back to the steelmaking process, manufacturing disposed impact

and is reused as a new product many times.

Advantages of Steel that Contribute to Sustainable Society

What about materials of products?
Steel therefore is an optimal material
for recycling. Comparison of CO2 emissions in manufacturing for same vehicle component
851 990
While some materials are lighter
223 169 than steel, steel has an extremely
Iron ore
lower environmental burden in
Conventional steel Carbon fiber rein-
High-tensile steel Aluminum
materials forced plastics manufacturing.
Functional equivalent
Coal Materials other than steel 100 75 67 45 Note: High-tensile steel is about 25% lighter than conventional
weight (kg)
steel and has a lower environmental burden.
CO2 emissions per unit
Blast furnace 2.2 2.3 12.7 22.0
Resources (kg, CO2/kg)
product life Recycling by burning the material Based on the public data of WorldAutoSteel
for energy

Electric power VOICE

and steam

Processing and We once estimated how many cycles steel products produced in Japan would be circulated through in the future. We used
Converter production Burn at the waste CO2
Iron scrap Product
incineration plant Incinerated ash the stochastic process theory based on the flow of steel products in this case. As steel is used in various products, the num-
End of ber of years until products end their life and are recovered as scrap varies. We found that steel would be recycled at least
life of the five times on average in the future. This shows that compared with other materials, steel will be recycled many times. Steel
Used as various types of will still continue to be used in 100 years without being disposed of.
products by people Recycling associated with degradation
I would like to find a way to use sustainable materials so that our descendants in many hundred years from now can
of the product
enjoy a better life. That is the goal. What resources should this be based on? What materials should we use? How should
Electric furnace we use them? How should we recycle them? I would like to design a society with sustainable materials.
Degradation Degradation Degradation
Infinite recycling of steel Steel has many advantages, including abundance as a resource, high production efficiency, diversity in material fea-
Product1 Product Product Waste Ichiro Daigo tures, and good recyclability. I think it is important to recognize that due to these advantages steel has been a basic mate-
Research Associate, Graduate
Repeatable recycling process School of Engineering, rial used in diverse applications. There is no doubt that steel will continue to be an essential structural material used as a
1 Paper, plastic, glass, etc. University of Tokyo basic material in society.

12 13
Technologies of Steel that Support Sustainable Society

Advanced IT technologies, fostered in steelmaking and steel products Stainless steel for high-pressure hydrogen environments, HRX19™—a revolutionary product for a Hydrogen-Based Society
NSSMC has been manufacturing steel products with outstanding properties while refining its IT technologies. We For eco-friendly fuel-cell vehicles to become used in significant num- walls even for high-pressure hydrogen environments, and for pipes to
will continue to provide advanced IT technologies, fostered in steelmaking, and steel products to society and to bers requires certain infrastructure, including hydrogen stations, to be be made with greater inside diameters, resulting in larger capacity and
support sustainable society. established. NSSMC and Nippon Steel & Sumikin Stainless Steel Pipe shorter hydrogen filling times. Furthermore, it is lightweight and pro-
Co., Ltd. (NSSMC’s fully-owned subsidiary), have jointly developed a vides the additional merit of reducing CO2 emission while transported.
stainless steel for high-pressure hydrogen environments, HRX19™, Moreover, welding can be done to HRX19™, without requiring
that has already been used for pipes, joints, and valves in the high- joints, whereby a contribution is
Advanced IT technologies, including AI and IoT, fostered in steelmaking
pressure hydrogen environments of hydrogen stations. made to reduction of construction
In 1968 NSSMC pioneered in adopting a 24-hour, 365-day online 2) Arrangement to automatically prepare a production plan (when As hydrogen is a small molecule, it can be introduced into the and maintenance costs.
system in steelmaking process. Since then, along with IT advancement, to put which order to be executed by which manufacturing facility), metal but there it can cause brittleness and a tendency for fracture to Besides materials, Nippon
we have been working on advanced use of data, including collection replacing manual preparation by veteran workers, and efficiently giving occur. By blending additives to stainless steel and developing a new Steel & Sumikin Pipeline &
and analysis of the massive volume of data generated in manufactur- instruction on production to a plant, based on the plan heat treatment method during manufacturing, HRX19™ overcomes Engineering in the NSSMC Group
ing workplaces, and their utilization with the intention of reducing cost 3) Arrangement to use smartphones and the Internet of Things (IoT) the problem of embrittlement and both made a longer product life is engaged in construction of
and enhancing quality. At the same time, we are making use of AI to so as to promptly and accurately give work instruction to workers, possible and improved the safety of pipes for hydrogen stations. hydrogen stations that use
convey skills of veteran engineers to younger generation, and to make enable managers to remotely obtain safety-related information on Moreover, HRX19™ is approximately twice as strong as conven- HRX19™ as material. Left: Conventional SUS316L stainless steel pipe
Middle and right: HRX19™ stainless steel pipe
manufacturing and production facilities of steel products more opti- subjects such as the location and health conditions of workers, and tional SUS316L stainless steel, enabling the design of thinner pipe (All pipes have the same strength)
mally and more efficiently sustained and maintained. monitor the safety of workers.
In April 2016, a unit specialized in studying and promoting use of 4) Arrangements to maintain equipment in good condition by antici-
advanced IT was established within the Information System Division of pating malfunction or problems of the equipment, based on opera-
NSSMC’s steel products support diffusion of renewable energy
the Head Office. Further in April 2018, another unit for big data analy- tional information and the many sensors that have been installed. SuperDyma™, suitable for the supporting mount for solar power panels Geothermal power stations and seamless pipes for geothermal power generation
sis and AI research was formed within the research laboratories. Our We believe that such arrangements will allow us to deliver higher- SuperDyma™ is an eco-friendly building material that is highly corrosion- Geothermal power generation is promising as renewable energy use of which
organization has therefore become better engaged from conducting quality products to customers more efficiently in a shorter time span resistant and lasts four times longer than conventional products. In particular it results in low CO2 emissions. Nippon Steel & Sumikin Engineering in the

Technologies of Steel that Support Sustainable Society

basic research up to use of advanced IT. and to provide safer, more pleasant workplace to employees. has recently been adopted for the supporting mount of solar power panels in NSSMC Group has been responsible for the construction of production equip-
At present, these units are playing a key role in making arrange- In cooperation with internal relevant divisions in charge of research, various parts of Japan. ment and pipelines on nine of 17 large-scale geothermal power plants in Japan.
ments for total optimization of manufacturing workplaces by use of manufacturing, and equipment as well as NS Solutions and outside The company thus has abundant construction achievements and knowhow.
advanced IT, as follows: system vendors, we will make more sophisticated use of advanced IT in KATAMA™ SP use for solar power generation sites Leveraging the technology accumulated in manufacturing OCTGs for
1) Arrangement to use the latest big data analysis method to sustain steelmaking and contribute to society by providing advanced IT tech- KATAMA™ SP is a simple pavement material that makes use of steel slag’s deep-sea underwater oilfields where the steel is exposed to a highly-corrosive
high-quality, stable manufacturing nologies we have internally fostered, through group companies. characteristics of compacting in reaction to water. Due to its weed control environment, NSSMC also provides seamless pipes, suitable to be used in
effect, KATAMA™ SP is used for pavement at mega-solar panel power sta- geothermal power generation, which also involves a similar high-temperature,
tions, to help maintain power generation efficiency and reduce mowing. high-pressure, highly-corrosive environment.
High-tensile steel1
sheets for automobiles that contribute to both reduction in weight and
assurance of safety of the driver and passengers Steel materials (floating platforms, mooring chains) for offshore Steel pipes, contributing to boost efficiency in pumped-storage
wind power generation hydroelectric power generation
Steel sheets for automobiles are required to be light for better fuel Unlike onshore wind farms, which cause wind noise and emit low frequency This is a power generation method to make upper and lower reservoirs and
economy and reduction of CO2 emission, and at the same time to be wavelength sound, offshore wind farms are drawing attention as Japan, an release the pumped-storage water in the upper reservoir to the lower reservoir
strong enough to ensure the safety of passengers in case of a colli- Tensile strength island country, has a long coast line and strong offshore wind tends to be through turbines to produce electric power. In order to raise generation efficiency,
(unit: Gigapascal)
sion. The materials also need to be superior in workability, such as to steady. The NSSMC Group is developing high-strength, corrosion-resistant steel high-strength, high-grade steel pipes were required to withstand increased water
Soft steel
be rolled out or pressed, in keeping with the design of the car body. In 0.34–0.37 material with good workability, as well as the construction technology, contrib- pressure due to greater elevation of water. NSSMC has successfully developed and
order to control the temperature-caused differences in steel’s crystal- 0.44–0.59 uting to improvement of offshore wind farms. commercialized Japan’s first 100kg-class steel used for a pressurized water pipe.
line structure, temperature control in the heat treatment process of
steelmaking must be precise. By blending soft crystalline texture and
hard crystalline texture in a balanced manner, we have developed Conventional material: 1.2 GPa Newly developed material: 1.2 GPa ultrahigh-tensile
high-tensile-strength steel sheet strength high-formability steel sheet (Example)
strong high-tensile steel with high formability.
Image of structure Image of structure
Further, we have a plan to start operating a manufacturing facility
for ultra-high-strength (1.5 Gigapascal-class) steel sheets in 2020.

1 High-tensile-strength steel refers to the steel sheet which has tensile strength of 1.0 Gigapascal 5 micron 5 micron
or more.
Graph legends Hard texture A Soft texture Hard texture B
Hydrogen Station Solar power generation Offshore wind power generation Geothermal power generation Pumped-storage hydroelectric power generation

14 15
NSSMC’s Environmental Management

Environmental management is a corporate mission 2020 Mid-Term Environmental Management Plan

Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal (NSSMC) is a corporation whose business activities exert a large influence on the environment. This is Under the Basic Environmental Policy, we have developed a mid-term environmental management plan for three years
borne out by the fact that we consume approximately 5% of the total energy used throughout Japan. For this reason, we see comprehensive from fiscal 2018 to fiscal 2020 and are tackling many environmental challenges accordingly.
“environmental management” throughout the group companies as an integral part of our mission. We are dedicated to managing the
company so as to reduce and minimize impact on the environment at all stages, from technological development work to the purchase of raw
Environmental management system Measures against climate change problems
materials and equipment, manufacturing processes, transportation of products, and onward to their use, recycling and disposal.
• Enhance the environmental administrative system (i.e., environmental audits, • Promote the Initiatives for Achieving a Low Carbon Society
plant audits) • Promote next-generation technology development
Basic Environmental Policy • Conduct environmental management in coordination with group companies • Promote international alliances based on the policies and activities of the
• Promote standardization in manufacturing Japan Iron and Steel Federation
Under the principle of “Ecological Management,” NSSMC is committed to contributing to the creation of an environmental-preservation oriented • Promote environmental education for employees (i.e., improved environmen- • Consider to set up long-term targets
tal education tools)
society with lower environmental impact. For this purpose, the company will conduct business activities based on the viewpoint of environmental
preservation in local communities, which includes the maintenance and improvement of good living environments and the promotion of reduction
and recycling of waste. The company will also address challenges on a global scale including response to issues of global warming as well as the Creation of a recycling-based society Environmental risk management
maintenance and improvement of biological diversity. • Expand effective use of in-house generated resources; promote zero emission • Promote companywide discussion on environmental risk issues

Environmental Report
• Promote recycling of outside waste (waste plastics and waste tires) • Respond to new environmental regulations
Reducing environmental impacts at every stage of operations (Eco Process)
Offering of environment-oriented products (Eco Products) Environmental relationship activities
Proposing environmental preservation solutions from a global perspective (Eco Solution) • Communicate actively with stakeholders on environmental issues
Development of innovative technologies • Appropriate, timely disclosure of environmental information, so as to be con-
tinually trusted by society
Development of a rich environment
• Secure bio-diversity and work for harmony with nature
Promotion of environmental relations activities
• Provide opportunities to study the environment to people outside the com-
pany (i.e., sending lecturers)

NSSMC’s Environmental Management

Three ecos and innovative technology development
NSSMC is promoting environmental management centered around four pillars of the three ecos and the company’s innovative technology
development, as stipulated in the Basic Environmental Policy. We have developed the 2020 Mid-Term Environmental Management Plan
for the three years from fiscal 2018 and have been working on responses to diverse environmental challenges in five main areas. We
believe promotion of these initiatives also contributes to achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Going forward, from the
perspective of SDGs, we will keep identifying and working on issues for which we can contribute through our business. 2020 Mid-Term Environmental
Management Plan

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

eco ECO PROCESS The way we manufacture is “eco-friendly” eco ECO SOLUTION Sharing our “eco-solutions” Environmental
NSSMC uses world-leading resources and world-leading We contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions and other management
energy efficiency to manufacture steel products and aims environmental burdens on a global scale by diffusing our system
to develop eco-friendly steelmaking processes by further Group’s world-class environmental and energy-saving tech-
Creation of a
improving efficiency. nologies in Japan and overseas. Global warming

eco ECO PRODUCTS What we produce is “eco-friendly” Development of Innovative Technologies

We produce and offer eco-friendly “products” using our INNOVATION Based on the objective of offering to society technologies
world-leading technological capabilities, thus conserving and products that contribute to the saving of resources Environmental
resources and energy and thereby contributing towards build- and energy and the reduction in environmental burden, we relationship
risk management
ing a sustainable society. are developing innovative advanced technologies from a activities
medium- to long-term perspective.

16 17
Global Warming Countermeasures

CO2 emissions reduction through three ecos and innovative technology development NSSMC’s current energy-conservation initiatives Work to achieve further CO2 emission
reduction by raising efficiency in logistics
Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation (NSSMC) promotes energy conservation and CO2 emissions reduction NSSMC has been working on energy conservation from diverse starting
throughout the entire supply chain: manufacturing, transportation, and final use of products. We also actively work points: improving efficient use of energy generated in steelmaking Maintain and further improve NSSMC’s high modal shift ratio7 of
at innovative technology development and transfer of established technology to our overseas operations, helping process; making operational improvements in each process; renovation 94.2%; improve transportation efficiency by using larger vessels (chang-
them to contribute to CO2 reduction over the medium- and long-term. of aged coke ovens and other equipment; introduction of high-efficiency ing from 700 tons to 1,500 ton vessels) in domestic coastal transport
power generation facilities and oxygen plants; conversion to regenerative and taking other measures; and improve fuel economy by introducing
burners in heating furnace; and use of waste plastics and waste tires. As a energy-saving timetable management, lightweight vehicles, etc.
Continue CO2 emission reduction by Realizing the world’s top-class energy efficiency result of these continual efforts, the NSSMC Group (NSSMC and affiliated
implementing the three ecos electric furnace companies3) consumed 1,018 PJ of energy and emitted Logistics sector’s ton-kilometer achievements for FY20178
Since the first oil crisis in 1973, NSSMC and Japan’s steel industry have inten- (Reference)
88 million tons (preliminary)4 of CO2 in fiscal 2017, which represented
Based on the 32.3 billion metric tons of CO2 emissions from worldwide sively invested in technology for better energy conservation in production Transportation quantity: Million g-CO2/
reduction of 15% and 14% respectively compared to fiscal 1990. 10,000 tons/year ton-kilometers/year ton-kilometers
fossil fuel combustion in 2015, Japan’s product emissions represent processing, and in technology to collect energy. Specifically, we promoted innova- Ship 1,907   (54%) 12,970   (88%) 39
3 Affiliated electric furnace and other companies: Osaka Steel Co., Ltd., Godo Steel, Ltd., Nippon
3.5% of global CO2 emissions from combustion of fossil fuels. Japan tion in processing, by introducing continuous casting machines and continuous Steel & Sumikin Stainless Steel Corporation, Nippon Coke & Engineering Co., Ltd, 5 cooperative Railway 8   (0%) 53   (0%) 25
thermal power companies, and 2 sanso centers, and others.
also accounts for 2.5% of worldwide greenhouse gas emission, annealing furnaces, and improvement in processing such as by direct hot charg- Truck and trailer 1,605   (46%) 1,700   (12%) 211

Environmental Report
4 A provisional value based on the assumption that the CO2 level in a unit of purchased electricity
ing and automatic burning control. Regarding energy collection, by-product gas in fiscal 2017 is the same as in fiscal 2016.
according to estimates by the International Energy Agency in 2014. Total 3,520 (100%) 14,723 (100%)

According to the latest data available, Japan’s CO2 emissions from generated in processing of coke ovens, blast furnaces, converters, and other areas
NSSMC’s energy consumption 7 Modal shift rate: A modal shift indicates the domestic freight transport shift from truck carrier to
fossil fuel combustion amounted to 1.13 billion metric tons in 2016 have been collected and reused highly efficiently; exhaust heat and exhaust pres- (PJ5) (GJ6/t) coastal shipping and railroad carrier as a countermeasure against global warming. A modal shift
sure from Coke Dry Quenching (CDQ), regenerative burners, and Top Pressure rate is a percentage of cargo volume transported over a distance of 500 km and more by rail or
and the industrial segment accounted for roughly one-third of that. As 1,300 25.5 26
sea (including ferry) (as defined by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism).
a member of the Japan Iron and Steel Federation, NSSMC has been Recovery Turbines (TRT) have also been collected; and use of waste plastics and 1,200 25
8 ton-kilometer: Total sum of the weight of load (ton) transported multiplied by transport distance
1,115 (km). The reference amounts (in grams) of CO2 emissions per ton-kilometer travelled are the
playing a part in CO2 emission reduction of the industrial segment other waste substances have been promoted. Starting in 2010, the Super Coke 1,101
average for all industries (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism)
1,100 1,049 1,045 24
through implementing “Eco Process,” and introducing “Eco Products” Oven for Productivity and Environmental Enhancement toward the 21st Century 22.8
23.1 1,018
1,000 22.9 23.0 23
and “Eco Solution” in Japan and overseas. (SCOPE21) was developed, and high-efficiency by-product burning power genera- 22.7
Promote energy saving efforts in offices and at home

Global Warming Countermeasures

From fiscal 2013 on, NSSMC has been participating in the Action tion facilities were introduced as a part of unrelenting efforts in energy conserva- 900 22

Plans for the Realization of a Low-Carbon Society for further CO2 tion. These steady efforts have led to Japan’s steel industry achieving significant 0 1990 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 (FY) 0
A policy of lights-out during lunch breaks, a business-casual dress code
reduction by means of the three ecos. The Phase I of the Action Plans energy conservation and the world’s top-class energy efficiency. Energy consumption (left scale)
during summer, eco-no-working days, etc. has been implemented in
Energy consumption per ton of crude steel (right scale)
for a Low-Carbon Society targets a 5 million ton reduction in CO2 offices. So as to encourage employees make energy-saving efforts at
Energy efficiency in steelmaking by country (2015) 5 PJ indicates peta-joules (1015 joules). A joule is a unit of energy, or amount of heat.
emissions by fiscal 2020. The Japan Iron and Steel Federation is focus- 6 GJ indicates giga-joules (109 joules) home and actually reduce emissions, keeping records in a Household
Energy efficiency in steelmaking (Japan = 100)

ing on a 3 million ton reduction in CO2 emissions at the steelmakers’ Energy Diary has been promoted.
own initiatives for maximum adoption of advanced technologies based 130
NSSMC’s energy-derived CO2 emissions
122 123
on its production assumption. The additional 2 million ton reduction is 119 (Million tons of CO2) (t–CO2/t) CO2 emissions of households using the Household Energy Diary
120 116 117
to be achieved by an increase in the collected volume of waste plastics 110 2.30 (kg-CO2/person)
109 2.18 2,000
compared to fiscal 2005, as the amount of reduction in emissions. 110 105 2.20
103 1,923 1,922
100 102.7
100 97.0 2.10
95.7 1,835
Breakdown of CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion 2.00 1.98 1.99 1,813 1,815
95 2.00
90 1.97 1.98 90.7 90.6 1,800 1,771 13%
Global: 32.3 billion tons Japan: 1.13 billion tons Japan South Germany China
UK France Brazil India Russia USA
90 88.3 1.90 1,724 reduction
(2015) (FY2016) Source: International Comparisons of Energy Efficiency (Sectors of Electricity Generation, Iron 1,700 1,676
and steel, Cement), RITE, 2010 (The Japanese translation and numerical values were 0 1990 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 (FY) 0
Canada 1.7% Energy conversion provided by the Japan Iron and Steel Federation.) (Preliminary)4
8.2% Industries 37.0% Crude steel 1,600
Other 26.9% Residential 16.7% production
4,677 4,922 4,825 4,531 4,572 4,431 (10,000
Iran tons/year)
1.7% Japan Iron and Steel Federation’s Action Plans for a Low-Carbon Society
CO2 emissions related to energy sources (left scale)
South China 28.1% (“Three ecos and innovative technology development”) CO2 emissions per ton of crude steel (right scale)
1,500 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 (FY)
1.8% Eco Process Eco Products Eco Solution Note: Using the same amount of CO2 emission factor for all years
Global Japan’s
CO2 emission CO2 emission CO2 emission Aim at improving energy Contribute to emission reduc- Contribute to worldwide
by country
by sector
reduction plans efficiency
tion when steel materials are energy reduction by technol-
used in final products ogy transfer and diffusion Promoting innovative technology development
USA 15.5% Phase I
Japan 3 million tons + α1, 2 34 million tons 70 million tons
3.5% FY2020 Along with the three ecos, we have been working on the CO2 Ultimate Reduction
Phase II
9 million tons1 42 million tons 80 million tons in Steelmaking Process by Innovative Technology for Cool Earth 50 (COURSE50)
EU 9.9% Commercial/other Transportation
Russia 4.5%
India 6.4%
19.0% 19.1% “CO2 Ultimate Reduction in Steelmaking Process by Innovative Technology for Cool Earth 50” (COURSE50) p. 26 Project, from the perspective of CO2 emission reduction over the mid- to long-
Source: Prepared by NSSMC based on the Source: Ministry of the Environment 1 The target reductions in CO2 emission volume are based on a certain crude steel production assumption. term. Further, we are undertaking R&D, aimed at developing dramatically new
data from the IEA 2 The primary focus is on a 3 million ton reduction in CO2 emissions by steelmakers’ own initiatives
for efficient use of energy and other ways. Concerning collection of waste plastics and other ways,
CO2 reduction technology, including reuse or sequestering of CO2. p. 26
only an increase in the collected volume compared to fiscal 2005 is counted as the amount of
reduction in emissions.
18 19
Global Warming Countermeasures

ECO PROCESS The way we manufacture is “eco-friendly” As its main raw materials for steel production, NSSMC uses iron ore
mined overseas, coal as for reduction1 of iron ore, and scrap generated
utilizing energy generated within the steelworks, we do our part to
reduce CO2 emissions. 90% of water used for cooling and cleaning
by society. products and manufacturing equipment is repeatedly re-used. p. 30
By-product gases, such as coke oven gas generated when coal is We are also engaged in the recycling of various types of by-products
Not wasting any energy thermally cracked in an oxygen-free environment in the coke manufac- generated by society or other industries by utilizing our steelmaking
turing process and blast furnace gas generated from blast furnaces, are processes that are carried out at high temperature and high pressure. In
Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation (NSSMC) is committed to reduction of the environmental burden fully utilized as fuel gas for steel heating furnaces or energy sources for recent years, we have been actively recycling waste plastics, waste tires,
created by production activities and manufacturing processes. We make continuous efforts in all processes to not power generation plants on the premises of steelworks. and other waste materials. Reuse of these waste, which are traditionally
waste limited resources and energy. In addition, NSSMC itself generates 88% of the electricity it uses landfilled or incinerated, as raw materials or energy in steelmaking pro-
at steelworks, 78% of which is from internally generated energy cessing is another way that we reduce CO2 emissions. p. 29
sources such as waste heat and by-product gases. By not wasting but 1 Reduction: Chemical reaction to remove oxygen from an oxide.

Fuels Electricity Industrial water Iron ore Coal Waste plastics

Energy inputs Electricity consumed within the NSSMC Group
Fossil fuels Purchased power Raw water 59.42 million 26.54 million 210,000 tons
NSSMC’s share in Japan’s total energy input (FY2016)
915 thousand kl 4.2 billion kWh 0.63 billion m3 tons tons Waste tires
88% 12%

Environmental Report
70,000 tons NSSMC 5%
Waste materials et al. generated in society Steel industry 10% Purchased
Electricity generated by the Group
INPUT Numbers represent fiscal 2017 performance
Total 40% 60%
energy input Fiscal 2017 performance

Coke oven Sintering facilities (21,087 PJ) Electricity supplied

Coke oven gas Rate of use of in-house P: Peta = 1015 to the local community
Recycling rate of
by-product gas
(By-product gas)
generated energy in NSSMC internally generates 88% of the electricity it uses.
power generation
NSSMC supplies 40% of internally-generated electricity to the local community.

100% 78%
Source: “General Energy Statistics” by the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy JISF (Japan

Global Warming Countermeasures: ECO PROCESS

Iron and Steel Federation)

Blast furnace gas

Blast furnace
(By-product gas)
All by-product gases generated
in the steelworks are used as in-
In-house generated energy, such
as exhaust heat and by-product Blast furnaces are huge reactors, using coal COLUMN
house energy source. gas, is used for 78% of in-house
power generation.
Iron ore and coal are the main raw materials fed into a blast furnace. Iron ore
Converter gas
Converter is melted in a huge furnace (height, about 100 meters) and steel is reduced
(By-product gas)
and extracted, but what kind of role does coal play? The main ingredient of
Rate of use of Rate of reuse coal is carbon, but before it is fed into a blast furnace, it is thermally decom-
exhaust heat in and recycling of posed in the absence of oxygen (carbonized), effective ingredients such as
generation of steam water hydrocarbon oil and gas are separately extracted, and it is turned into coke
Bloom with high strength and high carbon purity. However, the iron included in iron

76% of steam used as various
Continuous casting facilities
Slabs Billet

90% of water used in the steel-
ore is present as iron oxides. In the blast furnace, a chemical reaction called
reduction, which removes oxygen from these iron oxides, occurs, and the car-
bon in the coke functions as a reducing agent. Coal is not burned as a fuel but
rather is the ingredient used to cause a chemical reaction.
heat sources within steelworks is works is recycled and reused.
generated by exhaust heat, with
Hot rolling, cold rolling
At present, as there is no reducing agent to replace coal in the industrial
no use of fuel.
production of steel, the generation of CO2 resulting from the reduction reaction caused by carbon cannot be avoided (iron oxide + carbon g
iron + CO2).
Nevertheless, as the Japanese steel industry, including NSSMC, has promoted energy-saving measures such as making effective use of the
by-product gases and heat generated in the steelmaking process, it has realized the highest energy efficiency in the global steel industry and
Steel Steel Steel products (crude steel) Construction Pipe &
Railway, auto- at the same time is controlling the CO2 emissions. We may therefore conclude that making steel in Japan is ecologically wise.
Bar, wire rod motive, and
plate sheet
40.67 million tons materials tube
machinery parts
Furthermore, for the above-mentioned COURSE50, we are engaged in R&D activities aimed at using hydrogen as a reducing agent par-
tially replacing coal in industrial production (iron oxide + hydrogen g iron + water). p. 26

20 21
Global Warming Countermeasures

ECO PRODUCTS What we produce is “eco-friendly” NSSMC’s eco-friendly products help reduce environmental burden
Our Group’s products have advanced functions and reliability, which are based on our superior technological High-strength wires for suspension Roofs made of titanium sheets SuperDyma™ Electrolytic zinc-coated steel sheet
bridges NSSMC’s titanium building materials contribute to SuperDyma™ is highly corrosion-resistant Featuring corrosion resistance and aesthetic
capabilities, and are used in diverse areas including energy, transportation and construction equipment, and High-strength wires are widely adopted safety and security (i.e., through their contribution and lasts four times longer than conven- appeal, the electrolytic zinc-coated steel sheet
household products. They typically help our customers become more efficient while making their products lighter or in long-span suspension bridges across to enhanced safety of work in high places; seismic tional products. As coating and painting on is used in the back covers of flat screen TVs
major straits in Japan and abroad. By real- resistance enhancement by mitigating loads on cut-end surfaces are unnecessary, all such and other electric appliances. Reduction of CO2
lengthening product life. That translates into the saving of resources and energy, and into a reduction in CO2 emissions izing compact bridge designs and shorter roofs; and less impact on surroundings as a result costs are eliminated. The sheets weigh less, emissions has been achieved by eliminating
at the point of use at our customers, thereby contributing to lessening the environmental burden. construction periods, these wires help curb of being environmentally friendly). In addition, and are an eco-friendly building material some coating processes, enabling thinner coat-
CO2 emissions and contribute to the pre- these NSSMC products enable advanced design, well suited for various applications. ing, and adopting a special lowtemperature
vention of global warming. provide superior discoloration resistance, have a drying coating.
long product life, and reduce maintenance cost.
NSafe™-Hull, a highly ductile steel ABREX™ Series abrasion-resistant
plate for shipbuilding steel plate
NSafe™-Hull has excellent ductility and substantially The ABREX™ Series abrasion-resistant steel
improves a ship’s collision safety by absorbing more plate is 3–6 times harder than ordinary steel
energy and having a higher anti-rupturing perfor- and wears out less. It is eco-friendly and
mance than conventional steel. It contributes to pro- enables extension of the maintenance cycle
tecting cargo and preventing oil leakage that could of machinery and weight reduction of the ZINKOTE™ Black being used in the back cover

Environmental Report
otherwise result in severe environmental pollution. product for which it is used. ©Volvo Air-conditioner outdoor unit (bottom plate) of a flat screen TV

Global Warming Countermeasures: ECO PRODUCTS

Wheelsets (wheels and axles) for Hat-type steel sheet piles The world’s longest 150-meter Seamless pipe for steel Permanent magnet-type retarder Steel tire cord Stainless steel clad sheets Tinplate for beverage and food cans
high-speed railways Hat-type steel sheet piles are adopted in vari- railway rails accumulators NSSMC’s permanent magnet-type retarder is installed Radial tires for automobiles use wires Use of a material combined of stainless steel and alu- Tinplate for beverage and food cans can
NSSMC manufactures almost all wheels ous applications, including earth-retaining walls Rails for railways are ordinarily cut into 25-meter This seamless pipe has the strength and tough- as the auxiliary brake system on many heavy-duty made with steel cords that are as thin as minum for the induction-heating pots of rice cookers be recycled many times. Moreover, it helps
and axles used by railways in Japan. We are for rivers, quay walls, and cut-off walls. The piles standard lengths for shipment to customers. ness needed for high-capacity accumulators trucks and buses. Once the retarder is installed, the three human hairs. Use of NSSMC’s steel enables a reduction of electricity consumption due protect food safety due to its strength, and
pursuing weight reduction by developing weigh 7–11% less than conventional U-shaped The 150-meter rails reduce the number of joints used in hydrogen stations. Together with frequency of accelerating or decelerating of the speed tire cords enables to reduce weight of to higher heat efficiency than the conventional rice its thinness minimizes container weight,
hollow axles, for example, and contributing steel sheet piles and help reduce the number of between rails, which are one of the causes of HRX19™ stainless steel for high-pressure hydro- decreases, which results in better fuel efficiency, while tires. This is another way to help preserve cookers that apply heat at the bottom of pots mainly thereby contributing to improving transpor-
to energy conservation in railway transport. piles to knock in the earth. They thus help curb noise and vibration that affect the comfort of pas- gen environments, this pipe is contributing to the frequency of applying the foot brake decreases, the global environment through improved made of aluminum. This is because outer stainless tation energy and efficiency.
CO2 emissions and prevent global warming. sengers. It also reduces requirements for welding. the realization of a hydrogen-oriented society. reducing brake dust caused by abrasion. fuel efficiency. steel produces heat while the inner aluminum has
excellent thermal conductivity for conveying heat.

NSSMC’s 150-meter railway rails are adopted

for the Hokkaido Shinkansen (bullet train) Photo: The Japan Steel Works, Ltd. Image: Bridgestone Corporation
Courtesy of Hokkaido Railway Company
22 23
Global Warming Countermeasures

ECO SOLUTION Sharing our “eco-solutions” Japanese steel industry’s energy-saving technologies are spreading globally (units installed in numbers)

Technical cooperation and technology transfer promoted on a worldwide scale Netherlands

South Korea
With the understanding that the transfer of Japan’s advanced energy-saving technologies overseas can be one of Ukraine
the most effective ways to globally reduce CO2 emissions, Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation (NSSMC) is GTCC4

participating in many energy-saving and environmental initiatives in Japan and overseas. For example, we work with Germany
the World Steel Association and directly with countries such as China and India. CDQ1
Taiwan Brazil
India TRT6 (FY2016) TRT6
J oint meetings of public and TRT4 Number of units CO2 emission reduction
Contribute to reduction of CO2 emission private steel-related parties Heat recovery 6 88

on a worldwide scale In the bilateral meetings of public Indonesia

CDQ2 96 1,816
and private steel-related parties of an

Environmental Report
TRT3 62 1,102
Japan’s steel industry, including NSSMC, plays a leading role in the Global emerging county and JISF, informa- Oxygen Converter Gas
21 792
tion, ideas, and comments on various collection
2 All 96 CDQ units were installed by the NSSMC Group (such
Sectoral Approach1, a worldwide initiative to preserve the environment and conditions of the country and Japan are ASEAN (from 2014) as Nippon Steel & Sumikin Engineering). Australia
Oxygen Converter Gas
waste heat collection
7 85
conserve energy based on technologies accumulated in the steelworking shared. Based on the results of prepa- ASEAN-Japan Steel Initiative 3 TRT: Top Pressure Recovery Turbine GTCC4 52 2,118

industry. Japan’s steel industry can contribute to reduction of CO2 emission ration of the list of technologies and on 4 GTCC: Highly-efficient GTCC power generation Total 244 6,001
the assessment of steelworks, activities have been undertaken to facilitate transfer 10,000 t-CO2/year
on a worldwide scale by transferring its advanced energy-saving technolo- of Japan’s energy-efficient technologies to the country at an early stage. The JISF
gies to emerging countries where there is the potential to improve energy also provides detailed technical information and financial aspects of steelmaking.
efficiency. The reduction effects of CO2 emission by transfer of Japanese By fiscal 2017, joint meetings have been held eight Coke Dry Quenching (CDQ): system and features
times in India and 10 times in six ASEAN countries.
steelmakers’ energy-saving technologies have amounted to 54.58 million Crane
Hot coke made in the coke oven is transported in a bucket to the CDQ

Global Warming Countermeasures: ECO SOLUTION

ton reduction in CO2 emissions per year in total. This is equivalent to about Customized list of technologies equipment where it is injected from its top part down to the chamber.
one-third of CO2 emissions of Japan’s entire steel industry. The customized list of technologies is a list of device The coke is quenched with inert gas, while the hot gas (approx. 950°C)
energy-efficient technologies, which are identified
from the exhaust heat is collected, and transferred to the boiler where
1 Global Sectoral Approach is a method to help solve global warming problems by seeking CO2 as appropriate for the target country or region,
reduction potential based on sector-specific technologies and adopting the world’s best energy- and the provided information included a technol- Pre- it generates steam for power generation. The hot gas can be fully
saving technologies. chamber
ogy outline and supplier information. The list was recycled by being quenched and circulated back to the chamber. By not
prepared for the purpose of promoting Japan’s generation
Cooling using water as a cooling medium, the CDQ method raises the strength
energy-efficient technology transfer and is used as chamber
Japan’s steel industry’s international reference in doing assessment of steelworks.
First dust catcher of the coke and contributes to stable operation of the blast furnace,
cooperation in energy conservation Assessment of steelworks
(Heat exchanger)
an increase in tapping quantity, and reduction in consumption of the
reducing agent.
As a core member of the Japan Iron and Steel Federation (JISF), NSSMC In the assessment of steelworks specifically regarding their energy saving status, experts device
in this field in Japan’s steel industry visit the foreign steelworks in order to make pro- Second dust catcher
is involved in multinational projects such as those for the Environment posals on technology based on the list and to give advice on operational improvement Gas circulation blower

Committee of the World Steel Association. In addition, the JISF is pro- according to the utilization status of facilities. The experts also analyze the status of
moting joint meetings of public and private steel-related parties, energy usage by using an international standard, ISO14404, which specifies calculation
methods for the CO2 intensity of steelworks. Up to fiscal 2017, the JISF has conducted
preparation of customized list of technologies, and assessment assessment of 10 steelworks in India and 13 steelworks in six ASEAN countries. VOICE
of steelworks as to energy-saving status. These are the three pillars of
Analysis conducted by the research institute I belong to has demonstrated that Japan’s steel industry has the world’s top-class energy
collaboration for bilateral energy-saving and environmental cooperation
efficiency. p. 18 Such outstanding energy efficiency has led to significant contribution in controlling the amount of CO2 emis-
with India, Southeast Asia, and other countries and regions.
sions. In contrast, the steel industries in China, representing about a half of the global steel output, as well as industries in India,
Southeast Asia, and Latin America have relatively low energy efficiency and hence have significant room to reduce CO2 emissions.
The three pillars of international cooperation
in energy conservation Steel products being indispensable in establishing social infrastructure, they are being used in a wide range of applications in soci-
NSSMC also participates in the ety. Global steel demand is therefore anticipated to keep increasing. Against such a background, transfer of outstanding environ-
Joint meetings of Climate Action Program of the World mental and energy conservation technology of Japan’s steel industry to the steel industry in emerging countries greatly contributes
public and private steel- Steel Association, which uses universal
to reduction in CO2 emissions in these countries and is extremely important as a measure against climate change. NSSMC and
related parties methods to calculate and report on the
CO2 emitted by steelworks. We have other member companies of the Japan Iron and Steel Federation have played a leading role in standardizing a method of calculat-
Keigo Akimoto ing CO2 emissions. They are also engaged in preparation of the customized list of technologies for each country and in the assess-
been selected as a Climate Action mem-
Group Leader/Chief Researcher
Customized list of Assessment of ber. Recently, quite a few customers have Research Institute of Innovative ment of steelworks bilaterally with India and ASEAN countries. I expect that NSSMC, to be conscious of being an environmental
technologies steelworks sought confirmation that their steelmak- Technology for the Earth leader in the world steel industry, will further enhance these initiatives and contribute to worldwide reduction in CO2 emissions.
ers are Climate Action members.
Climate Action member certificate

24 25
Global Warming Countermeasures

Development of Innovative Technologies Technology development to sequester CO2 as useful substance

Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU) has recently been highlighted
as a way to recycle CO2 as a useful carbon resource. Through joint CO2 H3C O

Research & development for global warming prevention research with Tohoku University, we are developing a process to CH3OH H3C O

produce dimethyl carbonate (DMC) from CO2. DMC is widely used as CeO2 H2O
With the aim of preventing global warming, Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation (NSSMC) is taking on a raw material for high-performance plastics and as electrolytic solution CN C NH2
challenge in the form of the “CO2 Ultimate Reduction in Steelmaking Process by Innovative Technology Project,”

for lithium batteries. Recently, we have developed a dehydration agent O
in addition to making efforts to reduce CO2 by further improving its world’s highest energy efficiency. We are also called 2-cyanopyridine, which enables low-pressure, low-temperature,
2-cyanopyridine Hydration 2-picolinamido

involved in medium- to long-term R&D activities, on use of CO2 as raw material; production of hydrogen from
high-efficiency reaction, resulting in an effective use of CO2. While the Reaction formula to synthesize DMC from CO2
renewable energy; and sequestering of CO2 in the oceans and coastal ecosystems.
conventional production method requires phosgene, a toxic gas, a new
method is safer with no use of phosgene. Our future target is to make
an alliance between a steel plant and a plastic plant.
The COURSE50 Project (Technological Development and Innovative Steelmaking Process)

Environmental Report
Since fiscal 2008, four blast furnace steelmakers including us, and in reduction of CO2 emissions from a blast furnace by combining the
Nippon Steel & Sumikin Engineering, have been working on the “CO2 technology to control blowing that offsets the endothermic reaction of
Development of a new hydrogen production process, which contributes to reduction in CO2 emissions
Ultimate Reduction in Steelmaking Process by Innovative Technology hydrogen with the control of raw materials. Concerning development Many CCU processes require hydrogen in sequestering CO2 as useful sub- to enhance stability in photocatalyst and to refine the water electrolysis
for Cool Earth 50 (COURSE50) Project” which is aimed at develop- of high-efficiency processes to separate and collect CO2, we were able stance. Through a joint research undertaking with the National Institute equipment so that we can go to the stage of a verification test.
ing dramatically new CO2 reduction technology. Its goal is to develop to achieve the world top-class amount of heat per unit. We are now of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, NSSMC has developed
technology to reduce CO2 emissions in the steelmaking process by undertaking Step 1 of Phase II, mainly targeting scale expansion, and the technology of artificial photosynthesis to produce hydrogen through O2 Outside bias
30% through technology that reduces iron ore using hydrogen ampli- are leading R&D efforts of the COURSE50. Main areas of concentration electrolyzing water. This technology converts Fe3+ to Fe2+ when oxygen is Fe2+ H2
fied coke oven gas to curb CO2 emissions from blast furnaces as well include pursuit of potential use of hydrogen by using the test blast fur- photocatalytically generated by solar energy. Fe2+ then enables produc-

Global Warming Countermeasures: Development of Innovative Technologies

as technology that uses hitherto-unused exhaust heat to separate and nace; preparation for raising the scale of blowing; further enhancement tion of hydrogen by using only about one-half of the electricity needed by Fe3+ H2O
recover CO2 from blast furnace gas. Following the Step 1 of Phase I in efficiency of CO2 separation ordinary processes. We have developed a new type of photocatalyst and Photocatalyst pool Low-pressure electrolysis (1V or less)
(i.e., tests of the hydrogen reduction process at a test blast furnace and recovery processes; and have achieved the world’s top-level efficiency. Looking ahead, we plan Energy-saving hydrogen production process that uses sunlight (conceptual rendering)
in Sweden) which greatly contributed in the development of element development of highly-efficient
technology, our main focus in the Step 2 of Phase I (fiscal 2013–2017), heat exchanges.
was to verify technology to reduce CO2 emissions from a blast furnace From “Creation of Sea Forests” to “Blue Carbon”
in a comprehensive manner. By using a 12 m3 test blast furnace con-
structed at the Kimitsu Works, in 2017 we achieved the 10% target COURSE50 test blast furnace NSSMC has been working on scientific interpretation of the effective- as a measure to ameliorate the effects of climate change. As the first
ness and safety of using steel slag for the creation of sea forests. p. 34 step, we began by accumulating basic data by using our own large-
As an extension of such technology, we have launched a basic research sized water tank (Sea Lab), in which steel slag was used to form a
Environmentally Harmonized Steelmaking Process Technology Development “COURSE50”: Structure and Features project on blue carbon (the carbon captured and sequestered by shallow bottom, a tideland, seaweed beds, etc. to simulate the coastal
oceans and coastal ecosystems), which has started to attract attention environment and to see how much CO2 will be sequestered.
Present steelmaking process
Blast furnace gas without CO2 CO2
Sintering ore 2

Sintering plant


Blast furnace gas (BFG)

Coke oven gas (COG) CO2
Blast separation
furnace equipment Calcia modified soil
Tideland Hydrated form
Coke plant Hot metal Slag Other Calcia modified soil
Shallow bottom
Unused waste heat Seaweed beds
Technology to support COURSE50
Hydrated form &
Iron supply unit
Improvement of coke
Use of steel slag to improve coastal environment and to fix CO2 Sea Lab. (Marine environment simulator)
Technology to support COURSE50
Technology to support COURSE50 New technology 2
Increase of hydrogen concentration
Utilization of unused CO2 capture, separation,
waste heat and recovery
New technology 1 [For reference] NSSMC’s R&D capacity 
Hydrogen reduction

Technology to reduce CO2 Technology to separate and recover CO2 Approximately 800 researchers in the R&D group; Approximately 29,500 patents, issued in about 70 countries
26 27
Contributing to Creation of a Recycling-oriented Society

By-products and recycling

Recycling of in-house by-products and waste generated by society
Amount generated Recycling rate
(wet weight – million tons)
By-product Process of generation Recycling application
Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation (NSSMC) not only works for the realization of zero emissions and low FY2016 FY2017 FY2016 FY2017
12.29 11.90 100% 100%
environmental impacts, and recycling of in-house by-products, but also is actively engaged in recycling of waste Blast furnace slag Components other than iron melted in blast furnace Blast furnace cement, fine aggregate, road base, etc.
Steelmaking slag Substances other than steel generated in the steelmaking process 5.33 5.14 Road base, civil engineering materials, fertilizer, etc. 99% 99%
generated by society or other industries, by utilizing its iron-making process. Dust Fine dust collected with a dust collector 3.30 3.10 Raw materials for use in-house and also zinc refining 100% 100%
Sludge Water treatment sludge, residue from plating solution, road cleaning sludge 0.41 0.40 Raw materials for in-house use 89% 85%
Coal ash Ash from coaled-fired power plants 0.48 0.47 Cement raw materials 100% 100%
mega-solar panel installations and Geo-Tizer™ is in the granular form Waste furnace materials Refractories from steelmaking facilities and furnace facilities 0.27 0.34 Reuse, road base, etc. 66% 76%
Promotion of in-house zero emissions other locations. pp. 15, 35 and easy to handle with less dust.
Others Scale, etc. 1.71 1.94 In-house use, others 97% 99%
Geo-Tizer™ made of steel slag can be Total 23.80 23.29 Total recycling rate 99% 99%
By-products generated and the amount finally disposed
mixed with soft soil (mud, such as surplus
In the iron-making process, over 600 kg of by-products, such as steel
excavated soil from construction sites or
slag, dust, and sludge, are generated for every ton of iron produced. Recycling of waste generated by society
farmland soil) to reform the soil to make it
In fiscal 2017, NSSMC produced 40.67 million tons of crude steel and Conventional modified materials
usable. Unlike conventional soil-improve-
generated 23.29 million tons of by-products. The majority of these by- Recycling of waste plastics and waste tires
ment materials (i.e., cement and lime), this
products were recycled inside and outside the company. NSSMC’s final NSSMC collects plastic containers and packaging collected used at gen- tons, equivalent to 9.25 million tons in terms of reduction in CO2 emis-

Environmental Report
soil produces less dust, significantly con-
disposal of industrial wastes amounted to approximately 230,000 tons eral households and treats them at the coke ovens at seven steelworks sions. Recently, we have begun to recycle chemical fibers and food trays
trols CO2 emissions, and is less expensive,
and maintained a very high recycling rate of 99%. to be recycled 100%, complying with the Act for Promotion of Use of mainly into plastic products under the same Recycling Act.
enabling reduction of construction cost. The Geo-Tizer™ Recycled Resources. Discarded tires are fully recycled in the Hirohata Works as raw mate-
NSSMC’s final disposal amounts remediated soil is outstanding in compact-
NSSMC has established a system to receive waste plastics from rial in the Scrap Melting Process and through thermal decomposition in
(Wet 10,000 tons/y) Recycling ing and can also be easy to be dug again, without being excessively solidified.
rate municipalities nationwide and is handling about 200,000 tons per year, the gasification recycling facility. The treated amount is 120,000 tons per
99% Calcia modified soil, a mixture of steelmaking slag and dredged soil, has
85.9 equivalent to roughly 30% of waste plastics collected all over Japan. The year, meaning recycling of roughly 10% of discarded tires in Japan.
the beneficial effects of improving the strength and inhibiting the elution of
80 cumulative amount for fiscal 2000–2017 is approximately 2.89 million
National phosphorus, the generation of hydrogen sulfide, etc. in dredged soil. It has
target of a
70% decline also been used to improve the marine environment, including restoration of

Contributing to Creation of a Recycling-oriented Society

in FY2020 vs.
FY2000 seaweed beds and creation of wetlands and tideland. In addition, NSSMC’s < Recycling of waste plastics > Thermal decomposition enables 100% effective re-use of plastics
35.8 36.0
40 31.1 26.0 Beverly™ iron supply units, which are composed of steel slag and humus
22.7 22.5 24.4 23.3
made from waste wood, provides
Use plastic products Recycle as plastic products Oil 40% Light oil
iron needed for seaweeds to flourish,
0 2000 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 (FY) promoting regeneration of an area of Used as plastic and other chemical raw
Note: Including waste (97,000 tons) generated due to a large-scale construction work in FY2015
NSSMC materials in a chemical plant and supplied
the sea bed that had lost much of its Dredged soil Calcia modified Calcia
material modified soil to manufacturers of the following products
living organisms. p. 34 Pre-treatment process Thermal decomposition
Effective use of steel slag Plastic bags, plastic wrap process (coke oven)
Moreover, as steel slag contains nutrition that helps plants grow, Bottles, tubes
Steel slag is almost entirely utilized. Approximately 70% of blast furnace
it is also widely used as fertilizer, contributing to improving farming Trays, packages, cups Remove metals and other Coal is put into a coke
slag is used for cement, while steelmaking slag is used for materials for extraneous materials from oven chamber and car-
productivity. p. 35 Sort, and discard Container packages Plastic pellets
road bases, civil engineering work, fertilizer, soil improvement, etc. unusable materials plastic transported from bonized in a superheated
municipalities, crush plastic atmosphere free of oxygen
“Blast furnace cement,” a mixture of pulverized blast furnace slag and
ordinary Portland cement, contrib-
and used in entirety to Coke 20%
produce tar and light oil,
utes to a 40% reduction of CO2 coke, and coke oven gas.
emissions during manufacturing,
Collect and Coke Blast furnace
since the cement-making process
store plastic
Granulated blast Steelmaking slag After being cooled, the
can be omitted. It also exhibits supe- furnace slag products Secondary crushed plastic, coke is put in a blast
rior long-term strength and is registered as an Eco Mark product. Due to the Collect and sort plastic
after being sorted and with furnace and is used as an
Recycling of dust and sludge non-plastic materials removed
iron ore reducing material.
effects of reduction in mining of natural crushed stone and less energy con- products collected from Iron ore
To recycle the dust and sludge generated in the iron manufacturing households
sumption in the cement making process, steel slug products are designated
as a “designated procurement item” under the Green Purchasing Law, and
process to be used as raw materials, NSSMC operates a dust reduction
kiln (RC: Resource circulating oven) at Kashima Works and a rotary
Coke oven gas 40%
Fuel gas which mainly contains hydrogen and methane
included in the Common Specifications for Civil Engineering Work compiled
hearth reduction furnace (RHF) at Kimitsu Works, Hirohata Works, and Coke oven The coke oven gas is used
by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
Hikari Works1. This enables us to recycle all internally-generated dust. as energy at a thermal
NSSMC’s pavement materials, KATAMA™ SP, taking advantage power plant within a
In March 2009, we obtained special approval for RHF under the Waste Agglomerated plastic solidi-
of characteristics of steel slag, are used for forest roads and farm fied and formed with heat steelworks. Power plant
Disposal Act to carry out recycling of externally-generated dust as well. Compress and package plastic generated by friction
roads, as well as for weed preventive pavement to be installed near
1 Hikari Works: Transferred to Nippon Steel & Sumikin Stainless Steel Corporation.

28 29
Promotion of Environmental Risk Management

Spraying of water and chemical in coal yards Sprinkler trucks Road cleaning trucks
Promotion of environmental risk management
NSSMC is promoting management of environmental risk with the aim of continually enhancing preservation of the
environment in various regions, with due consideration of environmental risks, which differ by each steelworks and

Prevention of scattering of
factory, and with due consideration to compliance with Japan’s Air Pollution Control Act and other regulations. We

materials and dust

also are engaged in reducing environmental risk throughout the Group.
Water and chemical are sprayed on piles of iron ore These trucks spray water on the road and empty lots or clean the road within works to restrict the secondary
and coal to restrain the scattering of raw materials. scattering of dust.

Activities for reducing environmental risks Windbreak net at yards Electric dust collectors Dust collectors with bag filters

Atmospheric risk management Water risk management

In order to reduce emissions of sulfur oxides (SOx) and nitrogen oxides NSSMC uses approximately 6 billion m3 of freshwater a year at all of
(NOx), NSSMC is taking measures such as using low-sulfur fuel, adopt- our steelworks and factories combined. Approximately 90% of this is
ing low NOx generating burners and installing effective equipment, re-circulated or reused. We try not to waste precious water resources,
including equipment that reduces SOx and NOx emissions. To curb

Environmental Report
and to control wastewater discharge. To achieve this, we make daily A windbreak net is installed to reduce the strength Dust generated in the burning process is collected by two types of dust collectors (electric or with bag filter),
of wind and restrain the scattering of raw materials. depending on the characteristics of the dust (i.e., particle size distribution, emission gas concentration.)
emissions of soot and dust generated from factories and raw material efforts to maintain and improve the performance of wastewater treat-
yard, we try to enhance their collection by installing dust collectors and ment equipment, and the inspection and control of wastewater quality. Wet type desulfurization equipment Active coke dry type desulfurization equipment Low NOx regenerative burners
prevent scattering of particles by installing windscreens and sprinklers,

against air pollution

In consideration of the importance of preventing water pollu-

Environmental measures at steelworks
based on air pollution risk analysis through scientific simulation. We tion, we have installed devices such as detectors, control valves, and
also conduct constant monitoring and regular patrols to ensure that no emergency water storage pits. We also strive to check, repair, and
abnormal emissions are released outside. maintain equipment in order to prevent water pollution, and to train
With regard to mercury, it is contained in waste gas is effectively our personnel in methods of checking of operations and controlling
captured by dust collectors or is absorbed by activated coke or acti- work procedures. The wet desulfurization method enables SOx in The dry desulfurization and denitrification methods, Burners featuring reduced levels of NOx generation

Promotion of Environmental Risk Management

vated charcoal so as to reduce mercury emission in the air. In April Moreover, our steelworks have taken measures, such as to install emission gas to be eliminated. using active coke, enables SOx and NOx in emission and outstanding fuel savings have been installed.
gas to be eliminated.

2018, the Revised Air Pollution Control Act became effective and has a large storage tank so that water tainted with iron ore powder would
regulated the mercury concentration in emission gas for waste incin- not directly be released into the sea even if our steelworks were struck Waste water coagulating sedimentation treatment equipment Pressurized flotation system Activated sludge treatment equipment
erators. Our facilities conform to the regulations. by a local torrential rain caused by weather abnormality.
For sintering furnace and electric furnace for steelmaking, the If there is a crack in an embankment facing the sea, there is a risk
Revised Air Pollution Control Act specifies companies to promote of a leakage of groundwater with unknown contaminants. In order to
voluntary initiatives to control emission of mercury. NSSMC’s sinter- prevent this, the embankment is regularly inspected from the sea side
ing furnaces and electric furnaces have already installed emission gas to maintain and manage it in a sound condition. In areas with poten-
treatment systems that are effective in capturing mercury. In April 2018

prevention of abnormal waste water

tial risk of leakage of water which may exceed permissible levels of Fine undissolved matter is coagulated into bigger Floating oil is removed by tiny bubbles formed Organic matter is decomposed and eliminated by
the Japan Iron and Steel Federation established a voluntary manage- contaminants, a board or sheet water barrier may be installed so as to masses by chemical treatment, permitted to settle, by released air. bacteria.
and is removed.
ment standard concerning mercury concentration and decided to regu- prevent leakage even if a crack develops on the embankment.
Filtration equipment (secondary treatment) Waste water automatic monitoring equipment Waste water closing gate
larly measure the amount of emission, and evaluate as well as disclose

Water purification;
the status of achievement of the voluntary standard. Through such
efforts, we strive to prevent emission of mercury into the air.

(excluding power
Emission of SOx and NOx NSSMC’s water consumption generation facilities)
(106Nm3) (billion m3) Undissolved residues in the treated waste water are The water quality of waste water is automatically Waste water flow is shut in case of trouble.
100 10 filtered by a sand layer and removed. monitored.
82 8.1 7.9 7.8
7.6 7.5
80 8 Rainwater effluent treatment facility Checking of embankments Repair of the damaged area of embankment
2.1 1.8 1.8
1.7 1.6
60 6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6

41 100 Freshwater
40 4
28 26 27 26 24 5.4 5.5 5.4 5.3 5.3 90
20 11 12 13 12 12 2
SOx emission Raw water Undissolved residue from rainwater is coagulated The embankments are regularly inspected from the Damaged areas found by inspection are promptly repaired to
0 1973 1975 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 (FY) NOx emission 0 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 (FY) Recycled water and eliminated. sea side to find potential issues. maintain and manage the embankment in a sound condition.

30 31
19731975 2012 2013 2014 2015
Promotion of Environmental Risk Management

Soil risk management Voluntary priority control of select chemical substances

We are taking appropriate measures in compliance with the Soil
Contamination Countermeasures Act, guidelines issued by the Ministry
• Dioxin
Some of our facilities, such as sintering facilities and incineration facili-
Examples of environmental initiatives at steelworks COLUMN
of the Environment, local government ordinances, and so on. We report ties, are a source of emissions of dioxin into the atmosphere. All these
to the local government when performing landform modification work facilities have satisfied the emission concentration standard and have Electronic Manifest Flow of e-Manifest
such as excavation which is required to be reported. We conduct pollu- achieved the voluntary reduction target, based on the JISF guidelines,
tion surveys when needed. relative to fiscal 1997 by a large margin. Since then low emission lev- Manifest system
Industrial Collectors and Industrial Disposal
This is a system for waste generators to track the flow of hazardous industrial Waste generators waste waste
Starting in fiscal 2018, the Revised Soil Contamination els have been maintained. transporters contractors
waste shipments to collectors, transporters, and disposal contractors, so as to
Countermeasures Act is being enforced in stages will be expanded. We
ensure appropriate handling and to prevent illegal dumping.
will continue to comply with relevant ordinances. • Benzene, tetrachloroethylene, dichloromethane
The waste generators are required to use the manifest system and to
We developed a voluntary reduction plan of hazardous air pollutants Transmit and receive electronic information
confirm that the industrial waste is appropriately handled up to final disposal The Minister of the Environment designates one
specified in the environmental standard, with the exception of trichlo- by contractors. •  otification on completion of transporta-
operator nationwide, according to the Article 13-2
of the Wastes Disposal and Public Cleansing Act
tion and disposal
Management of discharged chemical substances roethylene which we did not handle. As a result of our undertaking, •N  otification on expiration of reporting period
• Storage and management of Manifest
Information Processing Center

we have already reached the targets for all three pollutants and have Benefit of the e-Manifest system information
(Japan Industrial Waste Information Center)

Comprehensive management of discharge maintained the target levels. The e-Manifest system is a scheme in which the three parties, namely, waste gen-

Environmental Report
NSSMC appropriately manages and tries to improve the production, erators, collectors and transporters, and disposal contractors, exchange e-Manifest Ratio of adoption of e-Manifest
handling, and discharge or disposal of chemical substances in accordance Emission of VOC Benzene information on the network via the government’s information processing center. (%)
(t/year) (t/year) As the items required by law are systematically controlled, inappropriate
with the PRTR Act1, Chemical Substance Control Law2, and other laws 2,000 360 336
concerning the management of chemical substances as well as the proce- treatment, such as consigned treatment without a contract or treatment of unau-
thorized items, can be prevented.
dures employed. According to the targets of the PRTR Act, we thoroughly 1,500 270
Target: National average
In addition, as the three parties can browse and monitor the status of 60
manage the material balance, which includes the amount of chemical 1,098
Target: Manifest registration and reporting online, the Manifest is reliably managed in a
substances handled, the amount discharged to the environment, and dis- 1,000 180 168 proper way and inappropriate treatment of industrial waste can be prevented, con- 40
posable amount. Similarly, we take care in managing the Volatile Organic 730 728 125
619 613
561 102 99 tributing to enhanced compliance.
Compounds (VOC3), which are said to cause photochemical oxidants and 88 20

Promotion of Environmental Risk Management

500 90
suspended particulate matter. In complying with the Chemical Substance As a waste generator, all NSSMC steelworks and offices have adopted the 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 (FY)
Control Law, we identify and provide notification of the amounts of pro- e-Manifest system and fully utilize it for waste management. NSSMC National average
0 2000 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 (FY) 0 1999 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 (FY)
duction and sales of the targeted chemical substances.
1 PRTR Act: An abbreviated name of the Act on Confirmation, etc., of Release Amounts of Specific
NSSMC also took the lead to promote use of alternatives to Chemical Substances in the Environment and Promotion of Improvements to the Management
Thereof. PRTR stands for Pollutant Release and Transfer Register.
steelmaking materials and equipment that contain hazardous materi- 2 Chemical Substance Control Law: An abbreviation of the Law Concerning the Examination and Addressing water risks: Measures against local torrential rain and water leakage of embankments
als such polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) and mercury. We have been Regulation of Manufacture of Chemical Substances.
3 Volatile organic compounds (VOC): Organic chemical compounds emitted into the atmosphere in the
replacing or disposing of possibly risky parts and materials, according form of gases, which are considered to be the source of undesirable airborne particles and photochemical Measures against local torrential rain
oxidants, which became subject to control under the Air Pollution Control Act of 2004, as amended. In recent years, the frequency of local torrential rainfalls, due to weather abnormality, has
to safe handling standards.
been increasing. Once the amount exceeds the limit of run-off and wastewater treatment
capacity, a huge amount of rainwater that has fallen in the vast premises of a steelworks
Management of discharged based on the PRTR Act
Appropriate treatment of industrial waste could directly flow to the sea. In a storage area of raw materials in particular, there was
In 1999, two years before the enforcement of the PRTR Act, NSSMC
a risk that water tainted with iron ore powder or coal dust could flow into the sea. We
began surveying chemical substances according to the voluntary con- Appropriate treatment of industrial waste
have therefore identified such risk areas within the steelworks and have installed large-
trol manual developed by the Japan Iron and Steel Federation (JISF). In order to appropriately handle industrial waste generated in our
sized storage tanks to collect and store the rainwater, as a measure to prevent abnormal
At present, in compliance with the PRTR Act, we monitor 462 chemical business activities, we thoroughly carry out (1) management by sort- water discharge in case of a local torrential rain or other abnormal conditions.
substances and try to control their emission and improve the way we ing industrial waste depending on the status of its occurrence, (2)
Rainwater storage tank
manage it. In fiscal 2017, there were 52 target substances for notifica- appropriate selection and continuous management of collectors, trans- Measures against water leakage of embankments
tion and the emission amount was 429 tons into the atmosphere and porters, and disposal contractors, and (3) appropriate management of Steelworks are located facing the sea and have extremely long embankments. If
there is a crack in the embankment, there is a risk of a leakage of groundwater of
29 tons to public water areas, while the disposal amount of mostly Manifests (industrial waste management documentation).
unknown water quality. In order to prevent this, we use a boat to regularly inspect
manganese, chrome, other metals, and their compounds to outside of In order to enhance compliance in waste treatment by appropriately
the embankment. When a damaged area is found through the inspection, it is
the steelworks was 6,317 tons in aggregate. managing the Manifests, all NSSMC steelworks and offices have adopted
promptly repaired to maintain and manage the embankment in a sound condition.
Every year, data is compiled by each steelworks and experience the e-Manifest system and fully utilize it for waste management.
A water barrier will be installed on the land side of embankments having potential
in carrying out reduction measures is shared with other steelworks. In We also evaluate collectors, transporters, and disposal contractors risk of leakage of water which may exceed permissible levels. When deemed impor-
addition, the compiled results are disclosed on our website. based on our internal rules and conduct on-site inspections at pre- tant, we also will install a well and pump out groundwater so as to lower its level
We have similarly been working at reducing VOCs. In fiscal 2009, determined frequency, so as to continuously and appropriately ensure on the land side. These are examples of measures taken to prevent water leakage
the 30% reduction target relative to fiscal 2000 was achieved but we proper management. even if a crack develops in the embankment. Inspection of the embankment

have since then continued efforts for further reduction.

32 33
Initiatives on Conservation of Biodiversity

“Creation of Hometown Forests” and “Creation of Sea Forests” Participating in Wakayama Prefecture’s “Company Forest” “Creation of Sea Forests” began in Mashike Town
As a member of Nippon Keidanren (Japan Business Federation), NSSMC participated in preparing the “Declaration NSSMC is participating in the “Company A decline in kelp seabed due to lack of iron on the coast of the Sea of Japan in
on Biodiversity by Nippon Keidanren,” published in March 2009, and has taken initiatives according to its Forest” program for preservation of forest Hokkaido had been identified long ago. As a countermeasure, NSSMC has devel-
declaration and action policy. Among them, interesting programs thus far are “Creation of Hometown Forests” and environments in Wakayama Prefecture. This oped the Beverly™ Unit, an iron supply material, through joint research with the
“Creation of Sea Forests,” the world-leading pioneer projects. program involves tree-planting and other University of Tokyo.
volunteer work with the aim of preserv- We began experimental use of the product in Mashike Town, Hokkaido in
ing Wakayama’s natural environment by 2004, continued observing development for more than 10 years, and confirmed
Creation of Hometown Forests Some animal inhabitants of the Hometown Forests maintaining local forests. At a 2.52-hectare restoration of a kelp seabed and its subsequent preservation. In 2014 the project
privately-owned forest we have rented was expanded to a 300-meter-long coastline. We have confirmed growth of the
Creation of Sea Forests Hokkaido (Mashike) Muroran Ezo deer, Ezo red fox, Ezo squirrel, Eagle, buzzard, magpie
in Nakahechi-cho, Tanabe City, a project named “Nippon Steel & Sumitomo kelp seabed every year as well as an increase in concentration of iron, expansion
Hokkaido (Yoichi) Kamaishi Moon bear, Japanese serow, deer, hare, black-tailed gull
Metal Forest” calls for planting and cultivating approximately 5,000 broad- of seaweed area, and an increase in the harvest of sea urchin. If we can contrib-
Hokkaido (Suttu, Shakotan) Muroran Works Naoetsu Japanese dace, carp
leaf trees. Daily maintenance is entrusted to the Nakahechi-cho Forest ute to sustainable recovery of fishery not only by a restoration of the sea bed but
Kashima Pheasant, shrike, duck
Hokkaido (Muroran) Cooperative, while our employees participate in works such as tree planting also by returning of but also herring for spawning in the restored kelp seabed
Tokyo Raccoon, spot-billed duck
Hokkaido (Hakodate) and underbrush cutting. in addition to sea urchins, and if the desertified sea bottom areas can be thus
Kimitsu Bulbul, pheasant, little tern, swallow, egret
Aomori (Ooma, Kazamaura) Further, NSSMC’s pavement materials, KATAMA™ SP made of steel restored, the effect to steadily support bio-diversity can also be anticipated.
Nagoya Raccoon, Pheasant, bulbul, shrike, swallow, great tit
slag, a by-product in the Wakayama Works, are used for forest roads in

Environmental Report
Yawata Works
Osaka Weasel, starling, bulbul
(Kokura Area, Tobata Kamaishi Works Wakayama Raccoon, marten, bulbul, tiger keelbuck Wakayama Prefecture.
Area, Yawata Area)
Sakai Duck Installing iron supply units
(Kitakyushu, Fukutsu, Fukuoka) Amagasaki Heron, bulbul, lizard, killifish, white-tailed skimmer
Toyama (Nyuzen) Hirohata Buzzard, shrike, Oriental turtle dove, bulbul, starling, Bunting
Oita Works
Naoetsu Works Hikari 51 species of birds including black-tailed gull and herring gull
(Hikari Area)
Deserted sea bed
Kyoto Kokura Gull, Japanese wagtail, Graphium sarpedon
(Miyazu, Maizuru) Kimitsu Works Kashima Works
Yawata Weasel, pheasant, gray heron, Japanese cormorant
(Tokyo Area)
Kimitsu Works
Hirohata Works Oita Whooper swan, kingfisher, killifish, mayfly, firefly
Chiba (Hota, Tateyama) By mixing with humus, the iron eluted
Hyogo (Himeji) from steel slug is prone to be absorbed by
Tokyo (Miyakejima) Before installation of KATAMA™ SP After installation of KATAMA™ SP plants without becoming oxidized.

Initiatives on Conservation of Biodiversity

Oita Works Nagoya Works After one year, kelp is flourishing at
Wakayama (Tanabe, Mashike Town in Hokkaido
Nagasaki Mie (Shima)
Kushimoto, Yura)
(Seihi, Segawa,
Amagasaki Works Gray heron Buzzard Japanese dace Bulbul
Matsuura, Iki, Kochi
Isahaya, Sasebo, (Susaki, Muroto)
Osaka Steel Works
Oita (Himeshima, Saiki, Kunisaki) “Creation of Hometown Forests” in the area of each steelworks Steel slag being used for rice cultivation
Wakayama Works (Sakai Area)
Miyazaki (Nobeoka)
Wakayama Works
Tree-planting by new employees Steel slag, a by-product of steelmaking, contains nutritional matter that helps
Kagoshima (Tanegashima, Kirishima) (Wakayama Area, Kainan Area)
White-tailed skimmer Little tern Duck Raccoon In the Kimitsu Works in Chiba Prefecture, new grow plants. It is therefore used as a fertilizer for rice cultivation, dry-field farming,
employees plant trees every year as a part of and pasture grass.
their environmental education. Several spe- Silica contained in steel slag promotes photosynthesis by keeping leaves
“Creation of Hometown Forests” “Creation of Sea Forests” cies of evergreen broadleaf trees are planted. upright and improving their light receiving orientation, while iron is effective in
preventing root rot and leaf blight. The steel slag also contains phosphoric acid,
Promoting greenery within a plant in manganese, boron, and various other components of fertilizer.
Reproducing “the grove of a village shrine” and nurture biodiversity Implemented in 37 spots in Japan to improve sea desertification
an urban-type steelworks NSSMC donated converter slag fertilizers to cooperate for research by
We have carried out the “Creation of Hometown Forests” projects at our steel- Sea desertification, a problem of the sea bed losing ability to support The Osaka Steel Works in Osaka Prefecture Tokyo University of Agriculture for salt removal in farmland in the Soma area of
works and factories in Japan under the guidance of Dr. Akira Miyawaki (professor life due, in the case of Japan, to a decline in kelp, brown seaweed, and is promoting “wall surface greenery” and Fukushima Prefecture, which was devasted by the earthquakes and tsunami of
emeritus of Yokohama National University), with the aim of facilitating harmoni- other varieties of seaweed, is happening along about 5,000 km of the “roof greenery” in order to contribute to March 2011. The slag fertilizers has proved effective in rapid and efficient salt
ous coexistence between nature and humans. This project comprises research on coast in various parts of Japan. To offset a part of the decline in the easing the urban heat island phenomenon removal. The restoration of rice fields also means to restore habitats for birds,
there and to preserve energy by reducing frogs, and various other living things.
the natural vegetation inherent to a certain area in a nearby grove associated supply of iron from nature, which is said to be one of the causes for
rises in temperature inside the building.
with a historical shrine (Chinju-no-mori), careful selection of suitable trees, sea desertification, NSSMC has developed and uses the Beverly™ Unit
growth of their saplings in pots, and planting them in designated places by local to promote regeneration of seaweed beds. The Beverly™ Unit provides Participating in environmental
residents and our employees. This was the first project by a private company in iron ions, which are required for growing seaweeds, in the form of preservation activities in communities
having steelworks
Japan to create a forest that harmonizes with the local scene and is based on humic acid iron. Humic acid iron is the combination of iron ions and
Employees of the Muroran Works in
an ecological approach. This is one way we try to raise the awareness of our humic acid in the soil of a land forest. By using steel slag and humic
Hokkaido participate in a townspeople’s
employees regarding the environment. At present, our forests in aggregate have substance originated from waste wood, we artificially generate the tree-planting festival hosted by Muroran
grown to total around 900 ha (about the size of 190 Yankee Stadiums). humic acid iron and provide it to help develop a seaweed bed. City, with children, in the city every year.
Wild birds and animals visit the forests we make and maintain at our steel works Safety of the Beverly™ Unit has been certified by the Safety They are also involved in mowing of weeds
and planting of saplings in a 400-meter-long
sites across Japan. Wild birds and animals inherent to the land return to the forests. Thus, Check and Certification System of steel slag products, stipulated by the
flowerbed within the city.
the “Creation of Hometown Forests” helps conserve biodiversity, and sequester CO2. National Federation of Fisheries Cooperative Associations. Well-grown rice paddy with steel slag fertilizers

34 35
Promotion of Environmental Management

Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation (NSSMC) has built an environmental management system that includes In fiscal 2017, the environmental preservation costs totaled 85.3
not only its own steelworks and factories, but also its group companies in Japan and abroad. Activities to reduce Environmental accounting billion yen, including 41.6 billion yen in atmospheric pollution preven-
environmental risks are promoted by combining internal and external audits and following the plan-do-check-act Philosophy of environmental accounting tion costs, 11.5 billion yen in water pollution prevention costs, and
(PDCA) cycle. NSSMC has adopted environmental accounting to be used as guidelines 10.6 billion yen in environmental R&D costs.
for corporate activities, and to accurately track the environmental costs Among the environmental preservation costs, atmospheric preven-
and effects. The iron and steel industry is an equipment-intensive industry. tion costs including measures to prevent scattering of dust generated
We have achieved environmental preservation and energy conservation at steelworks accounted for the largest share. We also promote in-
Environmental management system
by installing environmental-friendly equipment such as dust collectors and house recycling to reduce expenses on waste disposal.
Board of Directors (Reporting) improving the efficiency of production equipment. Costs of environmental
Group Companies
Management Committee Environmental conference preservation are quantified by adding the costs of capital investment Effects of environmental preservation
(Deliberation on important issues) participated in by affiliates
(twice per year) associated with environmental measures, energy-saving measures, and It is difficult to quantify environmental preservation effects in monetary
Environmental Affairs From the group companies in
Head Office (as of April 2018) Steelworks + Head Office
Division recycling measures to expenses incurred to preserve the environment. terms, since such calculation would require many assumptions. Therefore,
Collaboration Japan, NSSMC has identified
Steelworks liaison meeting (4 times per year) companies (59 companies) environmental preservation performance is reported as effects vs. costs of
with certain environmental
burdens and holds meetings Environmental preservation costs taking environmental measures in this report and on our website.

Environmental Information Foundation

Environmental Environmental RE (Research and
general group leader
for those companies twice
Capital expenditures for environmental preservation amounted 19.8 For example, reduction in energy consumption is shown on page

Environmental Report
Engineering Center)

(Utilization of IT technologies)
Environmental Management Committee manager meeting meeting a year. In the meetings, the
(twice per year) (twice per year) (twice per year) latest trends of environmental billion yen in total for FY2017: 17.8 billion yen for investment in equip- 19; water consumption volume, on page 30; and various resources
Chairperson: Environmental Executive Vice President laws and regulations are
Committee members: Executive vice presidents, studied, cases of environmen- ment for environmental measures and 2 billion yen for investment spent, on page 20. For atmospheric substances, SOx and NOx emis-
managing directors, directors, general managers As a part of the enhancement of gover-
nance, NSSMC ensures to reduce risks
Steelworks tal initiatives are reported,
in energy-saving equipment. The aggregate amount accounted for sions are shown; for water quality and soil, individual performance
and other information is
related to fall dust, wastewater, and waste shared with the goal of approximately 5% of the total cost of equipment investment. indicators are used; for hazardous chemical substances, actual
by establishing a conference attended by reducing environmental risks.
experts for each of these areas As environmental measures, we invested in preventive measures reduction volume of substances such as dioxins, benzene, and VOCs
NSSMC effectively follows the manage- Technical Administration
& Planning Division for dust emissions, visible smoke emitted from steelworks stacks, are stated; and for waste products, reduction in final disposal vol-
ment cycle of PDCA, primarily through the EU/ South Korea/
work of the Environmental Management ArcelorMittal POSCO abnormal water discharge from drain outlets, and leakage of water ume is stated.
Committee, which meets twice a year, to
promote improvement. from the revetments and quay walls at steelworks. NSSMC will continue efforts to improve accuracy in environmental
Japan Iron

Promotion of Environmental Management

Sales Divisions accounting and use it as a management benchmark to effectively
Worldsteel and Steel For saving of energy, measures were taken to improve the effi-
ciency of heating furnaces as well as overall energy-saving measures in invest in equipment and attempt to further preserve the environment
each manufacturing process. and conserve energy.

Annual environmental management cycle Environmental preservation costs

(billion yen)
Once a year: ISO14001 audit Item Definition
In accordance with the international standard ISO 14001, NSSMC has built Capital investment Expense
Once a year: In-house environmental audit
Feb. through Mar.: Operational audit an environmental management system, with each steelwork general man- Dust collection equipment running costs, maintenance costs, exhaust gas desulfurization and denitration
Countermeasures against air pollution
treatment, raw materials yard dust preventive measures costs, etc. 16.4 41.6
Feb. and Aug.: Environmental Management ager serving as the responsible person. Each year, in addition to an internal Pollution Prevention Costs
Committee 17.8
Jul.: Publication of the Sustainability
auditing of each steelworks and a management review by its general man- Countermeasures against water Electricity charges incurred for treatment of waste water discharged from steelworks, chemical costs,
1.4 11.5
pollution maintenance costs, working expenses (excluding expenses required for treatment of circulated water)
Report ager, each steelworks is audited by the Head Office Environment Department.
Conducted hearings on internal control of related com- Environment officers of other steelworks and facilities also participate Global Warming Prevention Costs Energy saving measures Running costs and maintenance costs of energy-saving facilities 2.0 3.0
Execution of environmental risk management panies at each group company once every three years
activities by each steelworks and each group in these audits to cross-check. In addition, periodical reviews are con- Treatment of by-products and industrial Expenses incurred in landfill work, incineration, and treatment of by-products and industrial waste
company ducted by the ISO certification agency. waste commissioned to third parties − 7.4
Costs of Recycling Resources
DO CHECK For the group companies including those overseas, a direct interview Treatment of general waste from
Expenses incurred in the treatment of general waste from business activities − 0.6
(Implementation) is conducted by a member of the Head Office Environment Department business activities
to improve management levels. This is part of the corporate governance Construction of EMS and acquisition of
ISO14001 certification
Expenses required for the construction and maintenance of EMS − 0.03
conducted by the Head Office Internal Control/Audit Department.
In addition, we ask each company to perform voluntary checking of its Environmental Management Monitoring and measurement of
Activities Cost environmental loads
Expenses required for monitoring air, water, etc., at steelworks − 1.2
status in responding to environmental regulations and laws based on the
checklist and we check the results. Personnel expenditures related to
environmental measures
Personnel expenditures for employees in charge of environmental matters − 2.5
PLAN ACTION Development of Eco Products R&D costs (including personnel costs) for environment-friendly steel products − 3.6
(Planning) (Improvement NSSMC regards environmental management as an important basis for our Research and Development Total
activities) Development of products which have
business and continuously provides environmental education to each rank of Costs Development costs (including personnel costs) required for measures for by-products and energy conservation 10.6
Feb. and Aug.: Environmental
Feb. and Aug.: Environmental Management
low environmental impact during
technology during manufacture − 7.0
Management Committee
new employees, mid-career employees, and managers on the subject of basic manufacture
Mar.: Drawing up plans environmental policies, medium-term environmental management plans,
Mar. and Sep.: Group Companies Mar. and Sep.: Group Companies Greening, supporting environmental
Environmental Conference environmental compliance, etc. In addition, seminars on the environment led
Social Activity Costs organizations, and advertising
Expenses required for creating green areas at steelworks, environmental publicity, and participation in exhibition − 2.7
Environmental Conference
by the general manager of the Head Office Environment Department are held Payments to health damage prevention businesses specified by the Law Concerning Pollution-Related Health
at all steelworks every year. We encourage our employees to acquire national
Other Environmental Costs SOx levy
Damage Compensation and Other Measures − 4.2
qualifications, such as those of pollution prevention managers and energy Total 19.8 85.3
managers, as well as to take ISO 14001 internal auditor training.
Reference: Net income (consolidated basis) 195.0

36 37
Targets and Achievements in FY2017 Corporate Governance Structure

Concerning global warming countermeasures, NSSMC is concentrating on four major efforts, namely, the three ecos The NSSMC Group aims to respond to confidence and trust extended by shareholders, business partners, and all other
and the innovative technology development, in order to achieve the targets of the Initiatives for Achieving a Low stakeholders, and to achieve healthy sustainable growth and medium- to long-term improvement in corporate value.
Carbon Society. For that purposes, the Group has established a corporate governance structure appropriate for its businesses.
With the aim of creating a recycling-oriented society, we maintained a high recycling ratio of 99% by
reducing the volume of final disposal through increased recycling of by-products. With regard to environmental risk
management, the management cycle is efficiently implemented with the Environmental Management Committee at
the core of its efforts, raising the level of environment management of the entire group. Eco Products and Eco Solution
Corporate governance structure and internal control system
were successfully developed and offered to the market in an active manner.
[Evaluation legend] : Largely achieved, : Not achieved General Meeting of Shareholders
Medium-Term Environmental Management Plan Pages or
Achievements in FY2017 (by NSSMC and some group companies) Evaluation
and Priority Targets website
Enhance and promote an environmental management • T horoughly implemented the NSSMC Group Guidelines on atmospheric air, water, and waste materials
Board of Directors Audit & Supervisory Board

Nomination and Compensation Advisory

Promotion of envi-

agement system
ronmental man-

system • Regularly held meetings of groupwide issue-based working groups Outside Directors1 and Audit & Supervisory Board Members NSSMC has adopted the company system form of organization with
Conduct environmental management in coordination • Regularly held the environmental conference of group companies to enhance their ability to respond to environmental risks
(non-executive officers), who perform oversight and super- an audit and supervisory board. In this system, Audit and Supervisory
with group companies 36
• S equentially conducted hearings on environmental issues to group companies in Japan and overseas
visory functions, account for roughly one half (10 out of 21) Board Members, who are given strong legal authority, oversee, from

Renew ISO 14001 certification • Muroran, Kamaishi, Osaka Steel, and Oita Works had respective certifications renewed 36
of the Board of Directors, and outside officers represent one- independent positions, the execution of duties by Directors.
Environmental Report

1) Eco Process: enhance efficiency of natural resources • ¥2 billion invested in energy saving 37 third (7 out of 21, including one woman) to ensure adequate Three full-time Audit & Supervisory Board Members, each hav-
Promotion of global warming

and energy • E xpansion of biomass-mixed combustion in coal-fired thermal power generation WEB
multilateral discussions and objective decision making. ing a thorough understanding of NSSMC’s business, and four

2) E co Products: Develop products that help preserve • Use of NSSMC’s high tensile strength steel and solution technology for Honda’s new model N-BOX
14 Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members1 with deep insight
natural resources and energy
oversee the execution of duties by Directors and the status of the

Social Report
3) Eco Solution: Internationally contribute through over- • Participated
in a national research project for transfer of energy conservation technology to India and
seas transfer of CO2 reduction technologies ASEAN countries and contributed to the development of a master plan for feasible technology transfer 24 company’s assets on a daily basis, in cooperation with accounting
and the assessment of energy conservation
auditors and the Internal Control & Audit Division.
4) Advance development of innovative technologies for • Comprehensive
verification of technology to reduce CO2 emissions from a blast furnace during the
CO2 reduction on a longer-term basis development period, up to FY2017 26

Reduce the final disposal volume of by-products by • Recycled 99% of the 23.29 million tons of the by-products generated
creating a recycling-

oriented society
Participation in

260,000 tons by 2020

• T he final disposal volume continued to decrease to 230,000 tons/y in FY2017. 28
Corporate Policy Committee Representative Director and Chairman Representative Director and President
Promote the effective use of waste plastics and discarded tires • A bout 210,000 tons of waste plastics were recycled (corresponding to about 30% of the nationwide recycling level)
from the viewpoints of recycling and CO2 emission reduction 20, 29
Targets and Achievements in FY2017

Corporate Governance Structure

• A bout 70,000 tons of discarded tires were recycled (corresponding to about 10% of the nationwide recycling level)

Reduce environmental risks of the air, water, soil, etc. • ¥17.8 billion capital expenditures as environmental measures 37 Directors, Executive Officers, and

Accounting Auditors (Auditing Company)

Responsible divisions Companywide Committees
Maintain and enhance preservation of the local environment • Each steelworks cooperates with local governments and the Maritime Safety Agency. 31
General Managers in Charge
20 Companywide Committees, each with its own objective,
Initiatives for environmental risk

Benzene: Voluntary reduction based on national voluntary • Achieved the self-management target for emissions (88 tons/y) are established as deliberative body to hash out designated
management plan (168 tons/y) themes before the Corporate Policy Committee and the Board of
Compliance education Directors embark on deci-

Dioxins: Voluntary reduction based on Japan Iron and • Achieved the voluntary target (2.7 g-TEQ/y) set by the Japan Iron and Steel Federation Risk Management Committee
WEB “We continue to emphasize the importance of integ- sion-oriented discussions.
Steel Federation guidelines (16.1 g-TEQ/y)
rity and reliability in our actions.” This is the first
Promote control of specified chemical substances in • T he
amounts discharged were 429 tons/y to the atmosphere and 29 tons/y to public waters; the amount
accordance with the PRTR Act transferred outside the worksites was 6,317 tons/y 32 principle we stated in the Management Principles.
Through messages from top management, periodic Internal Control & Audit Division
VOC: Voluntary reduction (1,098 tons/y) • Continuously achieved the voluntary emission target (561 tons/y) 32 legal training programs, and other activities, we
Environment management jointly with group companies • S equentially conducted hearings on environmental issues to group companies in Japan and overseas 36 make certain that all employees fully understand
Understand the trend of law revision and appropriately • Responded to the Revised Air Pollution Control Act (to be enforced in 2018) NSSMC’s basic policy of ensuring fair management.
30 Whistleblower system
deal with it We have prepared original written materials
Environmental Engineering and construction • Received an order for a waste treatment facility in Japan (including a temporary storage facility in Futaba for our employees to conduct fair and appropriate <Structure of internal consulting and internal report systems>
contribution business Town, Fukushima Prefecture) WEB business. We also conduct educational programs and
through business • Start of provision of services to an on-site energy project in Thailand e-Learning programs for each rank of employees to Consulters and Informers2 (whistleblowers)
in each sector cultivate their strong awareness on compliance.
Chemical business • D eveloped
zero-halogen, flame-retardant recycled resin with superior environmental performance.
Environmental and energy solution

Adopted for multi-function printers of a major OA equipment manufacturer WEB

Requests for Requests for
System solutions business • T he super computer supplied to the National Institute for Environmental Studies ranked the eighth in energy efficiency WEB
Internal controls and risk management system
advice or report advice or report

and responses

and responses

business operation

The status of internal controls and the risk man-

New materials business • Adoption of Strand Sheet™, a sheet woven with carbon fiber strands for construction repair and e-mail, posting e-mail, telephone
reinforcement applications, for repair work by the Yokohama Municipal Subway agement system are regularly confirmed through
WEB the Risk Management Committee, chaired by
• Adoption of the carbon fiber sheet reinforcement method for bridges in restoration following the
Kumamoto Earthquake (received the Tanaka Award of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers) the Executive Vice President in charge of Internal Compliance
Consulting Room
Control & Audit. Consulting Room
Contribute to national resilience and infrastructure development • First adoption of the non-frame method in the Philippines Communicating (Outside consulting desk)
Each division and Group company is encour- (Internal consulting desk)
with consideration to the natural environment and the scenery • Enhanced line-up of products to prevent collapse of a surface. Launch of “Geo Belt” WEB External specialized
aged to take initiatives and share information NSSMC’s Head Office
• First adoption of screwed steel pile NS Eco-Pile™ for construction projects in the railway sector institutions
about risk management among NSSMC and its 2 
Employees of group companies, temporary workers, employees of contractors, suppliers, and their families
Accelerate contribution to the environment and energy sav- • O verseas cumulative orders for Coke Dry Quenching (CDQ) reached 102 units Group companies through regular meetings and
ing overseas by using the Group’s advanced technologies
other means.
Contribute to recycling of resources by expanding use of • Use
of calcia modified soil in the Toyo Port land reclamation project (under the direct control of the
steel slag and other steel by-products Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism) 28 Employees
Appropriately and timely disclose environmental informa- • Further improved the Environment & CSR section of NSSMC’s corporate website
Promotion of environmental

tion and actively communicate to be trusted in society
relation activities

Steadily enhance environmental relation activities • Participated

in the Eco Products 2017 and presented “Attractiveness of steel from the perspective of Life
through exchanges and dialogues with stakeholders Cycle Assessment (LCA)” Group companies (Autonomous Internal Control) Employees
Create hometown forests by planting trees and sea forests by • Each steelworks continued to work on its “Creation of a Homeland Forest” initiative.
restoring seaweed beds as for contributing to local communities 34, 35 1 All Outside Directors and all Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members are registered as independent directors at financial instruments exchanges in Japan.
• In the “Creation of Sea Forests,” spread efforts to restore seaweed beds across the country (37 locations)

Enhance training of environmental staff and thorough • Conducted environmental education tailored to the local community’s conditions at respective steel works and other plants
awareness of environmental compliance for each career • Produced
a sequel of the e-learning program based on the booklet of easy-to-understand case examples WEB
level, from workers in steelworks to managers on what should not be done

38 39
Stakeholder Engagement

The NSSMC Group treasures its partnership with all its stakeholders and aims to improve its corporate value by
enhancing its relationships with them through better exchanges and communication. Together with customers and suppliers
We hope to help all stakeholders understand the importance of “monozukuri (product manufacturing)” and
We endeavor to closely communicate with our customers in automobiles, electric, shipbuilding, construction, civil
our various initiatives on environmental issues and through that understanding to be a company trusted by them
engineering, and other sectors as well as suppliers of raw materials and equipment, ensuring that environmental and
all the time. For those objectives, we seek to offer sufficient opportunities for constructive communication, ensure
social concerns are addressed at all levels of our supply chain.
timely disclosure of information, and continue to make social contribution activities that are closely tied to local
communities. We also strive to create workplaces in which employees can work with pride and enthusiasm, and fulfill
our corporate social responsibilities as a member of society. Quality management
Quality management is one of the most important aspects in obtaining the trust and satisfaction of customers in the provision of products and services. All of our relevant
employees are engaged in thorough quality management.
In coordination with product units and steelworks, the Company’s Quality Assurance Department promotes measures to cope with Groupwide quality control and
assurance issues. We also make efforts to standardize or systemize ways to enhance and assure quality, and carry out capital spending. The quality management structure
for all Group companies including overseas ones is based on the autonomous quality enhancement activities of the relevant section of each product unit and steelworks,
which are then internally monitored and checked. Furthermore, NSSMC has received certifications from external institutions such as for ISO 9001 and Japanese Industrial
Standards (JIS), boosting our credibility.


Enhancing customer satisfaction

In general, it is customers who do the final processing of steel products. NSSMC thus contributes to quality enhancement of customers’ products by providing them with

Social Report
We closely communicate with customers
comprehensive solutions including proposals on process technologies, in addition to improving the quality of materials.
and refine our advanced technologies to
fulfill customers’ needs while appropri- As an example, high-tensile steel sheets for automobiles are required to satisfy needs for weight reduction to lessen environmental impact and for vehicle body
ately capturing changes of the times. stability. They are thin, strong, and hence difficult to process. Based on our long relationships of trust with customers, we are engaged from the design and development
Suppliers stage of automobile bodies, use our forming, joining, and analysis technologies, and develop easy-to-process steel materials with high performance. At the same time, we
and investors
propose a wide range of solutions, including methods of processing, which utilize steel materials’ properties, shapes, and structures.
In addition to activities “before service,” we provide “after service,” in which our engineers visit customers’ manufacturing sites on a regular basis, bring back the
“voices of customers” to their own worksites, and thus ensure further improvement in developing steel materials.
We endeavor to closely communicate with In our Investor Relations (IR) activities we

Stakeholder Engagement
our customers and our suppliers of raw strive for timely disclosure of information,
materials and equipment, and ensure that to improve our IR briefings, dialogues, and
environmental and social concerns are other opportunities to interact with our
addressed from the procurement stage. shareholders and investors. Communicating with customers through exhibitions
As a place for dialogue with customers, we participate in the Highly-functional METAL EXPO, the New
Environmental Exposition, the Eco-Pro Exhibition, and numerous other exhibitions. We strive to make our
NSSMC Group existing and potential customers better understand that NSSMC’s products’ outstanding features such as
high strength, durability, and corrosion resistance, as well as eco-friendliness in reduction of environmental
Contribute to building a sustainable impact through preservation of resources and energy, and lower CO2 emissions. pp. 22, 23 Steel
External society with its three ecos and innovative being an outstanding material from the perspective of Life Cycle Assessment pp. 12, 13 is another
organizations Employees
technological development point we want to emphasize to customers.
and NGOs

We work jointly with various organizations We pursue various personnel policies and NSSMC’s booth at the Eco Products 2017
and NGOs in Japan and abroad on envi- health and safety measures, based on fair
ronmental activities. treatment of personnel, to ensure that our
employees work consistently with pride,
motivation and vitality. Together with suppliers
As stipulated in the Charter of Corporate Behavior by Keidanren, we have set up internal rules, including an appropriate purchasing policy, which put us on record as
fully considering resource protection and environmental preservation. In order to promote purchasing activities toward achieving SDGs by the entire supply chain, we
are enhancing cooperation with each supplier. In fiscal 2018, we hosted the first Material/Equipment
Students and Local
Procurement Partners Meeting and shared our purchasing policy that emphasizes the following: thorough
teachers communities
compliance; product safety, ensuring of quality, cost, and delivery (QCD) and advancement of technology
development capability; consideration of human rights, labor environment, safety, and health; environment
conservation; and thorough information management.
We participate in person-to person We carry out environmental protection
exchanges and collaborate with young activities which match the needs and
Based on the Life Cycle Assessment concept, NSSMC is taking initiatives in reducing environmental
people and their teachers with regard to characteristics of local communities, impacts at various points along the supply chain. In keeping with rising demand for tighter management
our monozukuri (manufacturing) and envi- and engage in environmental activities of chemical substances, we have created management standards for 16 toxic chemical substances, includ-
ronmental initiatives. with various stakeholders in our local
ing cadmium, jointly with customers and suppliers. We then established a system to manage substances of
concern contained in purchasing materials.

Material/Equipment Procurement Partners Meeting

40 41
Stakeholder Engagement

Efforts toward labor safety and health management

Together with shareholders and investors
In keeping with the corporate philosophy that “safety and health are the most valuable factors that take precedence
over all other things and they are the basis that supports business development,” we have firmly kept our manu-
In our Investor Relations (IR) activities we strive for timely disclosure of information, to improve our IR briefings,
facturing priorities (such as that safety, environment, and disaster prevention comes first) in all of our activities. We
dialogues, and other opportunities to interact with our shareholders and investors. have been improving our Occupational Safety and Health Management System (OSHMS) and strive to make safe
and secure workplace. The Basic Policy on Safety and Health is applied to NSSMC as well as to related or subcon-
tracting companies. Under the OSHMS, we make a policy, targets, and a plan on the safety and health policy, imple-
Measures to enhance dialogues ment a PDCA cycle, and drive continuous improvement.
For shareholders, NSSMC strives to proactively provide information and cooperatively respond to questions raised Regarding health management, besides improving healthcare counseling for employees, we make efforts for
by them at the General Meeting of Shareholders. In addition, we regularly hold corporate briefings and plant tours, early detection and appropriate actions in the area of mental health.
Taikan Program (an experience-based safety education program)
and publish information brochures to promote shareholders’ understanding and enhance communication with them.
For institutional investors we host briefings on quarterly results briefings and a mid-term management plan, visits
to steelworks and research centers, and other events, to discuss our strategies, businesses, operating performance,
Promotion of balanced work-life
and other issues. Small meetings with investors, various conferences, and visits to overseas institutional investors are
other means for enhancing communication. NSSMC complies with labor laws and regulations of each country and strives to create the work environment that allows each and every employee to do his/her best. We
Visit to steelworks promote balanced work-life by encouraging employees to fully use their paid holidays and to reduce long working hours under an appropriate working hour manage-
ment, in cooperation with labor unions. We also provide diverse welfare programs to support employees’ personal life and numerous measures for individual departments
depending on their business conditions, such as to setting a no-overwork day.

Together with employees

Social Report
We pursue various personnel policies, based on fair treatment of personnel, to ensure that our employees work
consistently with pride, motivation and vitality. We are implementing various health and safety measures so that Together with local communities
employees can do their jobs in safe and secure workplaces.
We carry out environmental protection activities which match the needs and characteristics of local communities,
and engage in environmental activities with various stakeholders in our local communities, including outside groups,
NGOs, students, and teachers.
Respect for human rights

Stakeholder Engagement
In compliance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international norms on human rights, NSSMC conducts business ethically, while paying full heed Providing Education on Manufacturing and the Environment
to human rights issues arising with the increasing globalization of the economy. We give due attention to the rights of workers, and staunchly oppose the use of forced or
NSSMC finds it important to be involved in educating young people and their teachers, who are helping prepare
child labor. These are prerequisites of our corporate activities. We have also prohibited as unjust the discriminatory treatment of workers based on nationality, race, belief,
our future generations. We try to help them better understand the appeal of “monozukuri (product-manufacturing)”
creed, gender, age, sexual orientation, and disability. In addition, we give careful consideration to the traditions and culture, business practice, and labor practice of each
and our various initiatives concerning environmental issues. With the aim of showing children the joy of product
country or region as we accelerate overseas business development.
manufacturing, NSSMC has been holding demonstrations on “tatara ironmaking1” — Japan’s indigenous ironmak-
ing technique — and science experiment classes at our steelworks and nearby schools in Japan every year. For many
Ensuring diversity in human resources years, we have been offering internship opportunities to students to help them learn our business and gain some
work experience. In fiscal 2017, a total of 1,171 students from universities and technical colleges participated in the
NSSMC is proactively hiring women and non-Japanese. We are promoting diverse measures so as to build work-
intern program at our steelworks and research centers throughout Japan, and the program was favorably received.
places in which a diversity of people, including seniors and women, are empowered. As a part of such approach, we
opened a 24-hour childcare center for use by shift work employees who are in a childbearing or child raising period. 1 T atara ironmaking is a traditional Japanese method of making iron that uses iron sand as the source material. A bellows is used to help burn Demonstrations on “tatara ironmaking”
charcoal to make iron.
This was in the Oita Works, Kimitsu Works, and Yawata Works; we are planning to open another childcare center in
the Nagoya Works in October 2018.
Contributing to the community (Collaboration with an NPO, “Mori wa Umi no Koibito”)
Childcare center (Kimitsu Works) Since1989, Mr. Shigeatsu Hatakeyama, a fisherman cultivating oysters and scallops in Kesennuma City, Miyagi
Prefecture, and the Chairman of the NPO, “Mori wa Umi no Koibito” (which literally means “The forest is longing
for the sea, the sea is longing for the forest”) who received the United Nations Forest Heroes Award in 2012,
Fostering personnel and skill transfer along with his fellow fishermen, commenced “Mori wa Umi no Koibito” campaign to plant trees in the vicinity of the
Based on the belief that the development of excellent personnel is a prerequisite for the production of excellent products, NSSMC is actively rolling out programs to upper reaches of the Okawa River, which flows into Kesennuma Bay. In June 2018, approximately 1,600 students
strengthen the overall capabilities of each employee. In addition to the on-the-job training as a base, various types of off-the-job training sessions are conducted. Veteran and others, including employees of our Group, joined their tree-planting festival. “Mori wa Umi no Koibito” tree-planting festival
employees are relaying their accumulated skills and know-how to young workers
in manufacturing worksites. On top of steady hiring of employees, the method of
transferring skills has been evolved into systemized teaching methods, which include Support for the arts
visualized work procedures and comprehension tests. The Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Arts Foundation operates the Kioi Hall (in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo) and holds clas-
Leveraging its world top-class technological prowess, we also aggressively sical concerts by Kioi Sinfonietta Tokyo, the resident orchestra of the hall. The foundation also makes the hall avail-
expand overseas growth markets, such as Southeast Asian countries, such as able for traditional Japanese music performances; there are few places where such performances are common. The
Vietnam, Thailand, and Indonesia, as well as the Middle East, and North and South objective is to help popularize traditional Japanese music. In 2017, in order to familiarize children and their parents
Americas. Many of our employees are working together with local employees and with the fascination of such music, we held a participative program named “Welcome to the world of traditional
employees of our joint venture partners. In order to develop employees who promote Japanese music. Enjoy Japanese musical instruments!” in which people who were not musicians joined in Japanese
our overseas business expansion, we put efforts into international education, such as musical instrument workshops with professional musicians.
intercultural learning programs and study abroad programs. Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal School (name for education targeted young employees) Kioi Hall Chamber Orchestra Tokyo © Tomoko Hidaki

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Third-party Opinion Awards received in FY2017 (in chronological order)
Award name Sponsor Detail

Awards from customers

Excellent Supplier Award 2016 TTX Company (U.S.A.) Supply of high-end railway wheels for high-load-bearing freight cars with a long service life and excellent
(11th time) performance in load bearing and resistance to wear (NSSMC, Standard Steel)
Yuko Sakita
Procurement Partners Forum 2017 Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd. Delivery of eco-friendly, high-performance, low-carbon, non-lead free-cutting steel and surface-treatment
Journalist and environmental counsellor
Premier Partner Award steel sheets. Highly evaluated in terms of technology, quality, stable supply and the management attitude
(6th consecutive year) concerning environmental management (NSSMC)

Excellent Partners Meeting 2017 Panasonic Corporation Development of highly-corrosion-resistant coated sheets, adopted in outdoor units of air conditioners
ECO-VC Gold Award (8th consecutive year) (NSSMC)
Overall environmental management Specific environmental management measures Diamond Supplier Award 2017 Navistar International Outstanding contribution of high-grade precision-machined crankshafts in quality, delivery, technology and cost
Corporation (U.S.A.) (Nippon Steel and Sumikin Crankshaft)
I was struck by a subtitle “Together with SDGs” on the cover of this NSSMC adopts a mid-term management plan every three years and effec-
Awards from governments and institutions
Sustainability Report 2018, and took it as a clear indication of NSSMC’s tively follows the plan-do-check-act (PDCA) management cycle. It also
commitment to contributing to a sustainable future. contributes to the world by promoting three ecos, namely, Eco Process, The Seventh Monodzukuri Nippon Grand Award Ministry of Economy, Trade and Development of permanent magnet-type retarder as the auxiliary brake system on commercial-use trucks
The global population has exceeded 7 billion and is expected to reach Eco Products, and Eco Solution, and innovative technology development. “Special Prize” Industry and buses (NSSMC)

9.8 billion by 2050. Increased activities of people have significant impacts, I would like to see this stable approach to be continued for many years The Second Award for Enterprises and Ministry of Health, Labour and Achievement of high goals by team by visualizing happiness of individual workers, and understanding and
such as climate change, depletion of natural resources, crises of bio- to come. Workplaces with Pleasant Working Enviroments Welfare helping each other, and improvement in productivity by manufacturing high-value-added products
and High Productivity “Award of Excellence” (Nittetsu Sumikin Kozai)
diversity, and other environmental problems as well as serious problems Under the Paris Agreement, a global agreement on alleviating climate
concerning food, education, human rights, labor, and other issues. change, Japan has pledged to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 26% from 2017 ENAA Engineering Commendation Award Engineering Advancement Development of spherical sliding bearing (NS-SSR™) and its adoption in large-sized distribution ware-
Moreover, as mentioned in “A Message from Top Management,” great the fiscal 2013 level by fiscal 2030. This is not a final goal and the next tar- Association of Japan houses (Nippon Steel & Sumikin Engineering)
waves of long-term, structural changes are now washing over society and get of 80% reduction by fiscal 2050 has also been planned. I believe that The 43rd Outstanding Environmental The Japan Society of Industrial High-efficiency industrial waste power generation boiler with shot cleaning equipment
industries. IoT and other IT innovations are realizing Society 5.0 while par- NSSMC’s initiatives begun up to now could enable it to reach the 2030 Equipment Award “Chairman’s Award” Machinery Manufacturers (Nippon Steel & Sumikin Engineering)
ticularly in Japan, regional revitalization is much desired to solve problems target, but the 2050 target might be difficult to achieve.
2017 Awards for Resources Recirculation Japan Environmental Management Establishment of a resource recycling system by alloy iron melting furnaces, enabling recyling of the entire
of the aging of the population and declining birthrate, as well as weaken- I am anticipating NSSMC, as a company consuming about 5% of Technologies and Systems “METI Minister’s Award” Association for Industry chrome resources (NSSMC)
ing of depopulated regions. Against such a background, I complement Japan’s total energy consumption, takes up further challenges with
The 35th IT Encouragement Award Japan Institute of Information Use of advanced IT to visualize moving vessels in the domestic integrated optimization project of allocation
NSSMC’s declaration to “Create the value of steel, while contributing to COURSE50, which promotes technology development for drastic CO2 emis-
Technology of ships (NSSMC)
society by providing steel.” sion reduction in steel production. I sincerely hope that NSSMC will show a
In the 2020 Mid-Term Management Plan announced in March 2018, problem-solving model in the world steel industry by using the technology The 64th Okochi Memorial Production Grand Prize Okochi Memorial Foundation Development of eco-friendly high-productivity stainless steelmaking process (NSSMC)

NSSMC stated it will particularly focus on environmental management by to reduce iron ore using hydrogen amplified coke oven gas to curb CO2 2017 Advanced Special Award for TPM Japan Institute of Plant All-participating initiatives to promote voluntary maintenance and enhance planned maintenance and man-
“aggressively addressing to environmental issues from a local level up to a emissions in steelmaking process from blast furnaces, raising efficiency Achievement Maintenance agement levels (NS-Siam United Steel)
global level and contributing to the achievement of a sustainable society.” I in the CO2 separation and collection processes, pursuing potential use of
Top 100 Global Innovator 2016 Clarivate Analytics (U.S.A.) Selected as one of the top 100 innovative companies in the world based on the number of patents, global nature, etc.
highly regard the accuracy of its viewpoint as a company being in key basic hydrogen, and other developments. (6th consecutive year) (NSSMC)
industries supporting Japan and as an energy-consuming company that has Toward the realization of a recycling-oriented society, NSSMC has pro-
always pursued the best available environmental measures. moted in-house zero emissions by recycling 99% of internally-generated
Specifically, looking at “NSSMC Group’s Long-Term History of by-products. This is very impressive. Nowadays, elimination of plastic waste Editorial policy Scope of report
Innovation through Steelmaking,” I became aware that NSSMC has a his- is becoming a global issue. It is important to collect and recycle waste plas-
This Sustainability Report is the 21st since the former Nippon Steel • Environmental and social aspects: Activities of NSSMC and its group
tory of technological development in response to requests from user com- tics of not only container packages but also various products. In promoting
Corporation issued what is the first sustainability report by a Japanese companies in Japan and overseas
panies on matters of environmental performance and enhanced safety the 3R campaign (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle), recycling of plastic materials
measures since the 1960’s when steel supported high economic growth through chemical recycling plays an important role in society. steel manufacturer, in 1998. The report presents NSSMC’s progress in • Economic aspects: The Annual Report 2018 (issued in June 2018) also
in Japan. In response to the Revised Air Pollution Control Act, NSSMC, as a ecological management and details of our various initiatives. covers the contents of the economic report.
Along with market growth and user companies’ overseas expansion, member of the Japan Iron and Steel Federation, helped establish a scheme
NSSMC too has established overseas production bases. Today overseas to evaluate and disclose the status of achievement of voluntary manage- Period covered Reference for guideline
business represents 35% of NSSMC’s total sales in its main steelmaking ment standard concerning mercury concentration by regularly measuring
The period covered in the report is fiscal year 2017 (from April 2017 to • GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) “Sustainability Reporting Standards”
business and four other areas, and domestic business represents 65%. This the amount. I praise this response to chemical substance risks.
means that NSSMC has firmly established a management base for contrib- In the areas of biodiversity, NSSMC has for many years been undertak- March 2018). For some activities, the period from April 2018 to June • “Environmental Reporting Guidelines,” by the Ministry of the
uting to the sustainability of the world through steel. ing the creation of hometown forests based on natural, native vegetation 2018 is included. Environment
From the perspective of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the vicinity of a steelworks, restoring nature, including animals and
(SDGs) adopted by the United Nations in 2015, NSSMC’s measures are plants. In recent years, NSSMC has launched new initiatives, such as the
well balanced from economic, environmental, and social aspects. Going Creation of Sea Forests, to further social contribution. I would like to NSSMC’s Logotype
forward, if similar checking on idiosyncratic and harmonious manage- encourage continuation of these great efforts. The central triangle in the logo represents a blast furnace and the people who create steel. It symbolizes steel, indispensable to the advancement of civilization,
brightening all corners of the world. The center point can be viewed as a summit, reflecting our strong will to become the world’s leading steelmaker. It can also be
ment is conducted within each country or by each steelwork and office in
viewed as depth, with the vanishing point representing the unlimited future potential of steel as a material. The cobalt blue and sky blue color palette represents
Japan, I foresee that NSSMC will get a clearer picture on contribution to
Social reporting innovation and reliability.
local communities.
This Sustainability Report emphasizes that steel is an optimal recy- Last but not least, engagement with stakeholders, or cooperation with all Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation
clable material to be reborn many times in whatever form is needed during types of stakeholders, is important to be trusted in society. I understand that Sustainability Report 2018
an era focused on efficiency in resources. I would like to encourage NSSMC NSSMC has prohibited as unjust the discriminatory treatment of workers Environmental Affairs Division
to further pursue both aspects of the significance of steel: namely the recy- based on nationality, race, belief, creed, gender, and disability. I would like Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation
clability and the development of advanced steel products, such as stainless NSSMC to incorporate an international perspective, by reflecting the United 2-6-1, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8071, Japan
Phone: +81-3-6867-2566 Fax: +81-3-6867-4999
steel to be used for high-pressure hydrogen stations. Nations’ Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, for example. ©2018 NIPPON STEEL & SUMITOMO METAL CORPORATION.
All rights reserved.

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