Esg Data

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ESG Data

Category/Item Domestic Overseas FY2016 FY2017 FY2018
group group

Environmental Management
Coverage of environmental management system (ISO14001) ● ● Head office acquired “Eco Stage 2” (equivalent to ISO14001) and implemented it in domestic group companies
(percentage of certification acquisition) ● ー 3.8% 3.8%
Number of non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations
● 0 0 0
(environmental compliance)
Attendance rate of environmental e-learning courses ● ● 99.4% 99.8% 99.8%
 Reduction of Environmental Load by Products and Services
Eco-friendly vehicle ownership ratio ● ● 100% 100% 100%
 Greenhouse Gas (GHG)
Reduction target for CO2 emission intensity (increase vehicle fuel efficiency) ● ● Compared to FY2014: -2% Compared to FY2014: -3% Compared to FY2014: -4%

Results of reduction in CO2 emission intensity (increase vehicle fuel efficiency) ● ● Compared to FY2014: +1.1% Compared to FY2014: +2.5% Compared to FY2014: +3.2%

Modal shift to railway transport for Modal shift to sea transport for
Modal shift to railway transport for
precision instruments recycled resources waste
CO2 reduction by modal shift (t-CO2) household medicine
● ● from Aichi Prefecture to other areas in Japan from Kanto area to Hokkaido and Kyushu
※Specific case from Toyama area to other areas in Japan
25.4t (Comparison with truck transport: -86%) 320t (Comparison with truck transport: -50%)
45.8t (Comparison with truck transport: -79%)
※Please refer to page 26 of Annual Report 2017 for details. ※Please refer to page 28 of Annual Report 2018 for details.
CO2 emissions suppressed with LED lighting fixtures (t-CO2) ● ● 227 1,300 2,730
Total GHG emissions (Scope 1) (t-CO2) ● ● 46,891 44,290 43,906
Total GHG emissions (Scope 1&2)(t-CO2) ● ● 135,690 132,122 129,261
Please refer to page 31 of
Total GHG emissions (Scope 3)(t-CO2) ● ● ● 563,622 (partial tally) Currently tallying
Annual Rrport 2018 for details.
Emissions of NOx, SOx and other significant air emissions ● ● Since 1992, we purchased only the vehicles equipped with measures against NOx and SOx to comply with emission regulations
Target related to energy (reduce “electricity consumption per floor space” of
● ● Compared to FY2014: -2% Compared to FY2014: -3% Compared to FY2014: -4%
Results related to energy (reduce “electricity consumption per floor space” of
● ● Compared to FY2014: -0.7% Compared to FY2014: -1.0% Compared to FY2014: +0.9%
Total energy input/consumption (amount used) (GJ) ● ● 2,417,036 2,454,703 2,462,590
Total waste emissions (t) ● ● 34,564 33,304 30,527
Waste emission reduction target (reduce copying paper consumption) ● ● YoY: -1% YoY: -1% YoY: -1%
Results of waste emission reduction (reduce copying paper consumption) ● ● YoY: -2.9% YoY: -2.9% YoY: -2.4%
Although we do not keep track of the exact amount of PCB, other waste oil and polluted mud
Emissions of hazardous waste (total volume) (t) ● ●
because their amount is low, we manage them properly in accordance with laws.
Amount of non-recycled waste (t) ● ● 206 133 121
Amount of recycled waste (recycled amount: total) (t) ● ● 34,358 33,171 30,406
 Green Purchasing
Green purchasing rate ● ● 88.3% 90.0% 88.3%
Input of water resources (m3) ● ● 337,765 333,803 340,129
 Employee Basic Data
Number of employees ● 1,886 1,781 1,571
Male ● 1,602 1,498 1,309
Female ● 284 283 262
Total personnel/senior employees, part-time or temporary employees 47,939 47,784 46,295
● ● ●
※Excluding employees of associates accounted for using the equity method /22,665 /22,710 /22,156
Domestic ● ● 29,513 29,669 29,440
Overseas ● 18,426 18,115 16,855
Average age (years) ● 40.5 41.1 41.6
Service years (average service years per full-time employee) (years) ● 16.9 17.3 17.6
Number of employee turnover (full-time employee only, excluding those
● 43 32 41
retired or transferred to group companies) (persons)
Number of female new graduates hired (persons) ● Joined on April 1, 2017: 9 Joined on April 1, 2018: 10 Joined on April 1, 2019: 11
Ratio of female new graduates hired ● Joined on April 1, 2017: 33.3% Joined on April 1, 2018: 33.3% Joined on April 1, 2019: 47.8%
Number of female experienced worker hired (persons) ● 5 9 9
Number of female managers (persons) ● 19 19 26
Number of foreign employees (persons) ● 31 38 48
Number of foreign managers (persons) ● 1 1 3
Ratio of persons with disabilities hired (as of June each year) ● ● 2.30% 2.35% 2.46%
Re-employment of the elderly ※Only those who requested ● 100% 100% 100%
 Job Creation
Number of new graduates hired (persons) ● Joined on April 1, 2017: 29 Joined on April 1, 2018: 34 Joined on April 1, 2019: 24
Joined on April 1, 2014: 56 Joined on April 1, 2015: 51 Joined on April 1, 2016: 38
Retention status of new graduates hired (persons) ●
Remained as of April 1, 2017: 51 Remained as of April 1 2018: 47 Remained as of April 1 2019: 35
Retention rate of new graduates hired ● 91.1% 92.2% 92.1%
Number of experienced workers hired (persons) ● 10 19 20
 Work-life Balance
Number of those who took maternity leave (persons) ● 4 12 11
Number of those who took childcare leave (persons) ● 9 16 14
 Of those, number of male employees ● 4 3 4
Ratio of those who returned to work after childcare leave ● 100% 94.4% 100%
Number of those who took nursing care leave (persons) ● 1 0 2
Number of paid leave taken (days) ● 17.4 17.4 18.5
Rate of paid leave taken ● 72.5% 72.5% 78.0%
Employees’ overtime hours (hours/months) ● 32.8 32.2 30.2
 Occupational Health and Safety
Frequency rate of workplace accidents ● 0.0 0.0 0.0
Severity rate of workplace accidents ● 0.0 0.0 0.0
Number of traffic accidents defined in Article 2 of the Transportation Safety
Management Regulation (incidents)
※Covers 8 group companies (excluding VANTEC Group): Hitachi Transport System East
Japan Co., Ltd., Hitachi Transport System Kanto Co., Ltd., Hitachi Transport System
● ● 1 1 0
Metropolitan Co., Ltd., Hitachi Transport System South Kanto Co., Ltd.,
Hitachi Transport System Central Japan Co., Ltd., Hitachi Transport System West Japan Co., Ltd.,
  Hitachi Transport System Kyushu Co., Ltd., and Hitachi Transport Direx Co., Ltd.
 Social Contribution
Total expenditure for social contributiom (millions of yen)
● 12.0 9.0 18.0
 ※Includes donation and matching gifts
 Open Innovation
Number of visitors to R&D Center (persons) ● 1,336 573
※From July 2016 to March 2017

 Corporate Governance
Number of directors/female (persons) ● 8/1 8/2 8/2
 Outside Director ● 6/1 6/2 6/2
 Independent Officer ● 4/1 4/2 4/2
Number of executive officers/female (persons) ● 18/0 16/0 15/0
Number of compliance training conducted
 ※Includes e-learning for all employees of domestic group companies: ● ● 39(1) 25(3) 24(9)
number shown in ( )
Number of compliance meeting held ● ● ● 4 4 8
Number of whistle-blowing reports/consultations (cases) ● ● ● 19 17 42
 Risk Management
Total of Tokyo, Kansai, Chugoku,
Areas which conducted BCP simulation trainings Kyushu area: 22
● ● Kyushu area: 55 Kansai area: 31
and number of attendees (persons) Saitama area: 20
※Includes attendees via video conference system
China area: 6
Overseas sites which conducted BCP Caravan and number of attendees Indonesia area: 23
● ー Thailand area: 8
(persons) ※Includes attendees via video conference system
※Started from FY2017
 Information Security
Number of participants of information security education program (persons) ● ● ● 35,581 36,508 37,497
Rate of targeted threat emails for simulation trainings opened ● ● 4.3% 8.0% 0.7%
Number of sites which obtained third-party certifications for information ISO27001: 34 departments and locations ISMS: 35 departments and locations ISMS: 36 departments and locations
● ●
security Privacy mark: 13 group companies Privacy mark: 13 group companies Privacy mark: 13 group companies
Number of sites which conducted information security audit ● ● 798 767 782
 Intellectual Properties
Number of patent applications ● ● ● 19 15 17
Number of patents held ● ● ● 28 27 31

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