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Masum Howlader Webinfo

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Faculty Brief Profile:

Full Name: Md. Masum Howlader

Designation: Assistant Professor
Educational Qualifications:
(a) M.Sc. Engineering Smart Electrical Network and Systems , KTH -
Sweden & Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
-KIT, Germany
(b) B.Sc. Engineering IUT , EEE , 2009
Email (official): [email protected]
Official Phone Number: 9664953, 8629368 Ext-512
Personal Mobile Number:
Office Room Number: 5th Floor , Faculty corner
UAP Profile URL: http://eee.uap-bd.edu/masumhowlader.html

Introducing myself

Md. Masum Howlader obtained his Dual M.Sc. degree in Smart Electrical Networks
and Systems (SENSE) for Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH) – Sweden and
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)-Germany in 2014, funded by KIC –
InnoEnergy ,organ of European union. His master’s thesis tittle was “Development and
Evaluation of Fault Detection Schemes on HVDC Lines”.

He obtained B.Sc. degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) from Islamic
University of Technology (IUT) in 2009. His undergraduate thesis title was “Design
and development of a low cost bone densitometer based on existing X-ray facility in the
Third World”.
He started his teaching career in January, 2010 in Department of Electrical and
Electronic Engineering (EEE) of University of Asia Pacific where he served as
Lecturer till November, 2012.Then he went abroad for pursuing higher education on
study leave from UAP. After coming back from abroad he resumed his position and
later he became “ Assistant Professor” in the same department. During this period
he also worked as Guest faculty in East West University (EWU) and part time faculty
in World University of Bangladesh (WUB).

Research Work
 Modeling a prototype of three terminal HVDC connection in PSCAD to study
the wave propagation of potential gradient through transmission line during
fault. (On going)
 Development of an algorithm based on time frequency based signal analysis
wavelet transform for fault detection.
 Analysis of best control strategy using Control Lypunov function in the case of
Static Var Compensator (SVC), Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) devices
for damping power oscillation and reactive power control to maintain the
stability of a power system network.
 GIS- Based Solar Irradiation Forecasting Using Support Vector Regression and
Investigations of Technical Constraints for PV Deployment in Bangladesh
 Study of transient stability behaviour upon a three phase fault in single
machine interconnected power system network
 Design of a PSS (power system stabiliser ) and study the impact of it in a
power system network

Thesis / Research / Publication


 Jubaid Abdul Qayyum, Md. Masum Howlader, Md. Tamzeed-Al-Alam, Md.

Saiful Islam, TahmidLatif, Prof. K. Siddique-e-Rabbani, “An innovative low
cost bone densitometer based on conventional X-Ray Facility”, Journal
of Medical Physics, Vol.4, No.1, 2011, serial no.13 page. 95-100.
http://bmpaweb.org/?p=239 .

 Aziz Un Nur Ibn Saif, Md. Masum Howlader, Md. Tareq Ul Islam, “Impact
assessment of FACTS and VSC-HVDC for damping power oscillations
based on location and control strategy”, International Journal of Scientific
& Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 12, December-2014 ISSN 2229-

 Taskin Jamal, Weerakorn Ongsakul, Molla Shahadat Hossain Lipu,

Md.Masum Howlader, Aziz-Un-Nur Ibn Saif, “Development of Smart Grid
in Bangladesh: Challenges and Opportunities”,Proceedings in Power and
Energy Systems ( AsiaPES), April, 2012, Phuket, Thailand DOI:
10.2316/P.2012.768-047, Page: 275-282.


 Md. Masum Howlader , Aziz Un Nur Ibn Saif , Shoaib Shahriar , “Synergy
between control strategies of SVC damping controller and Transient Stability,
Power Oscillation Damping” The 2nd International Conference on Electrical
Engineering and Information Communication Technology (ICEEICT 2015)
 Md. Saifur Rahman, Md. Masum Howlader A K M Kamrul Hasan Chowdhury,
Md. Rasel Ferdaus “Distinctive study of UPFC and fault analysis under
simulated environment” Proceedings of The Third International IEEE
Conference on Technological Advances in Electrical, Electronics and Computer
Engineering, Beirut, Lebanon 2015.

 Mohammad Shoaib Shahriar, Md. Juel Rana , Md. Masum Howlader

“Optimization of unit Commitment problem for Wind-Thermal generation using
Fuzzy optimization technique” The 2nd International Conference on Electrical
Engineering and Information Communication Technology (ICEEICT 2015)

 Md. MasumHowlader, Md. Rokonuzzaman, MD Shahrukh Adnan Khan, Aziz

Un Nur, Abdullah Al Amin, GIS- Based Solar Irradiation Forecasting Using
Support Vector Regression and Investigations of Technical Constraints for PV
Deployment in Bangladesh, IEEE 4 th International Conference on Advances in
Electrical Engineering, p-7448, September 2017.

 Dr .Md Shahrukh Adnan Khan , Masum Howlader “Instantaneous Charging &

Discharging Cycle Analysis of a Novel Supercapacitor based Energy Harvesting
Circuit” 3rd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and
Automation Science (ICMEAS 2017).

 Mohammad Rokonuzzaman, Abdullah Al Amin, MD. Masum Howlader

“Automatic Vehicle Identification System using Machine Learning and Robot
Operating System (ROS)” in Proceedings of the 2017 4th International
Conference on Advances in Electrical Engineering (ICAEE), 28-30 September,
Dhaka, Bangladesh

 Sharsad Kara Kuni, MD Shahrukh Adnan Khan, Mahmudul Alam, M. Abdullah

Al-Amin and Md. Masum Howlader, A Comparative Simulation Analysis of
RZ & NRZ Modulation in Wavelength Division Multiplexing for Long
Haul Single Mode Fibre, International Conference on Mechanical Engineering
and Applied Science, Dhaka, Bangladesh, p-209, February, 2017.

 MD Shahrukh Adnan Khan, Sharsad Kara Kuni, Masum Howlader, Md.

Moshiur Rahman, CV Aravind, Performance Evaluation for High Transmission
Rate of 40GB/S with Intensity Modulation in WDM based Long Haul SMF, 9 th
Eureca, International Research Conference, Taylor’s University, Malaysia,
December 6, 2017.
 MD Shahrukh Adnan Khan, Md Masum Howlader, Muhammad Ahad Rahman
Miah, Sakhawat Hossen Rakib, Abdullah Al Amin, Sharsad Kara Kuni,
Performance Analysis of Receiver Power Sensitivity of Advanced Modulation
Formats In WDM Based Standard Mode Fibre For Next Generation Data Rate,
IEEE 4 th International Conference on Advances in Electrical Engineering, p-
7466, Dhaka, Bangladesh, September 2017.

 “Champion” and “1st Runner up” with an prize money of “50,000TK” in Power in Energy
Hackathon 2017, Organized by Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources (MPEMR).
 KIC Inno Energy (organ of European Union) scholarship for masters in Smart Electrical
Network and Systems (SENSE) (2012) in KIT, Germany and KTH, Sweden
 OIC Full Free Studentship for 3 years during undergraduate studies (2007 -2009)
 Merit Scholarship from Bangladesh Government for HSC result (2005 -2009)
 Merit Scholarship from Bangladesh Government for SSC result (2003-2005).

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