Waffen-Gebirgs (Karst) Jäger-Division Der SS

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24. Waffen-Gebirgs(karst)jäger-Division der SS https://archive.is/mJpKQ

The Rock-Climbers:
The SS-Karstwehr Batallion and the Karstjäger Division
by Jason Long

In the summer of '42 (wasn't that a movie? (sorry, couldn't resist)) Himmler ordered the formation of an anti-partisan unit that could operate in the alpine and
cisalpine areas of the Austrian Tyrol. This was exceedingly rugged terrain and was characterized by limestone columns known as karst; hence the name.

The SS-Karstwehr-Kompanie began formation at Dachau with two platoons in the late summer of '42. It received its title on 10 August. It was expanded into
a battalion during the fall and had three companies by November. By the beginning of the summer of '43 it had been transferred to Arnoldstein, south of
Villach, in Austrian Carinthia for field training.

It remained there training until the Italian surrender on 8 September 43. Karstwehr had been included in plans to disarm the Italian Army and excecuted them
against little resistance when the Italians defected. It was then transferred to Istria to operate against the partisans in the Isonzo Valley and in the eastern
Julian Alps. It remained there for most of the rest of the war.

Himmler was concerned about the increasing level of partisan activity along the Italian-Yugoslav border area and thought that enlarging Karstwehr to
division strength might be part of the solution. He ordered this on 18 July 44, but expansion proved to be more difficult than anticipated despite vigorous
recruiting efforts in the area. It was intended to form the 59. and 60. Karstjäger Regiments for the new division, but this proved to be infeasible and only the
59. was formed. This difficulty was formally recognized in late 44 when Himmler ordered the division downgraded to a brigade on 5 December 44.

Little is known about the history of the Karstjäger Brigade in 1945, even its general location. One source claims that it was commited to delaying the British
advance in Italy for a brief period and then withdrawn back to Istria by March '45. By late April it had retreated into Austria between Villach and Klagenfurt
where it surrendered to the British 6th Armored Division.

Staf. Dr. Hans Brand (Summer 42-June? 44)
Stubaf. Josef Berschneider (June-July 44)
Stubaf. Werner Hahn (July-August? 44)
Ostubaf. Carl Marx (late summer 44-late 44)
Ostubaf. Wagner (late 44-April 45)
Brigf. Heinz Harmel (April 45-May 45)

11/42 480
31/12/43 8/117/821
30/6/44 12/132/813
18/7/44 12/132/730
20/9/44 27/163/1799
12/44 approx. 3000


SF: Jul I 43: Southeast: 1-8 High Mtn II KW (SS)

Jan I 45: Southeast: Convert: 1-8 High Mtn II KW (SS) to:
2-8* Mtn Cdr (5-8) 24 KJ (SS)


Nov I 42: WK XVIII, Forming: 1x 1-8 High Mtn II Kw (SS)

Sep I 43: WK XVIII, Full: 1x 1-8 High Mtn II Kw (SS) and transfer to South
Oct I 44: Convert: 1-8 High Mtn II KW (SS) to:
2-8* Mtn Cdr (5-8) 24 KJ (SS)
[It's very difficult to determine if this unit wandered into what Europa considers the Southeast theater. It spent most of its career operating in the area where
the borders of Italy, Yugoslavia, and Austria met and may well have crossed into Slovenia on occasion. I've chosen not to sweat that issue as it seems to have
spent most of its time in Istrian Peninsula and the area around Gorizia.


Munoz, Antonio J. Forgotten Legions: Obscure Combat Formations of the Waffen-SS

Tessin, Georg. Verbände und Truppen der deutschen Wehrmacht und Waffen SS im Zweiten Weltkrieg 1939-1945

Return to Obscure Combat Formations of the SS.

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24. Waffen-Gebirgs(karst)jäger-Division der SS https://archive.is/mJpKQ

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24. Waffen-Gebirgs(karst)jäger-Division der SS https://archive.is/mJpKQ

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