Rubrics For Evaluation A Panel Discussion

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Communication Beginning Developing Good Skills Excellent Skills

Correct sentence Coherence of Still requires a lot of Errors do not Few grammatical
construction. arguments suffers from work on the part of interfere with the errors and no stress on
many grammatical the listener to meaning listening the part of the listener.
errors. understand. stress is less.

Pronunciation Errors interfere strongly Errors stills requires Errors do not Pronunciation is good
with meaning. Very a lot of work on the interfere with the with few or no errors.
difficult to follow. part of the listener meaning listening Easy to listen to.
to understand. stress is less.

Appropriate Speaker is unable to Speakers is still Speakers has enough Speaker is able to find
Vocabulary find appropriate words grasping at use of word attack to appropriate vocabulary
to convey clear appropriate convey general with ease.
meanings. vocabulary. meanings.

Well organized oral Arguments not staged- Arguments Arguments staged Arguments well staged
text with staging no logical development. partiallystaged,but well and most and developed
sequencing is still developed logically. logically.

Gives information Rarely supports Sometimes supports Usually supports Always supports
with supporting arguments with arguments with argument with arguments with
evidence. evidence. evidence. evidence. evidence.

Demonstrate Never ask other panelist Makes short simple Attempts more Can formulate precise
understanding of for clarification or comments on other detailed clarification comments and
other panelist makes a comments on panelist arguments. or comments on clarification of other
views/able to their argument. other panelist panelist arguments.
clarify. arguments.


Our Observation

Name of the group who critiqued: Group 1

Name of the group being critiqued: Group 2
Strong Points: The strong points of the group 2 is their member
participated actively, they are ready for each discussion that they are
going to deliver.

Weak Points: The weak points of the group 2 is that their they
generalize their side or the topic. There are some points which has not
been discussed.

Suggestions for improvements: We would suggest that next time

when we have a panel discussion they should not make a shortcut of
the topic because it may misconfuse the listener. The topic should be
clear and well delivered.

Correct Sentence /

Pronunciation /
Appropriate Vocabulary /

Well organized oral text /

with staging.

Gives information with /

supporting evidences.

Demonstrates /
understanding of other
panelist/views able to

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