Role Play Rubric and Description

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ASSIGNMENT: __________________________
STUDENT: ______________________________
Criteria Level of achievement
Excellent (2) Proficient (1.5) Average (1) Poor (0)
Fluency Perfect fluency of Generally fluent Some Frequent,
the acting flow of the occasional awkward pauses
performance, performance; pauses during the
including the existence of a occurring course of
pace and speech. few pauses did during the performance,
not largely performance, significantly
disturb the flow. somewhat disturbing
affecting its the flow.
Accuracy Produce Very little Few Make many
grammatically grammatical grammatical grammatical and
and pragmatically and pragmatic and pragmatic pragmatic
correct speech. errors, the errors, slightly errors. The
meaning of the affecting the speech is
speech is not meaning of the difficult to
disturbed. speech. understand.
Relatedness Most of the Satisfactorily The link Chaotic
performance is relate the between the presentation;
well-organized, performance to performance to difficult to
related to the the topic and the topic and understand
theme of the learning learning the performance
topic, and also to objectives; the objectives is in relation to the
the learning story is a weak and not topic and
objectives of the complete one. clear. learning
activity. objectives.
Achievement Purpose is clearly Purpose is Purpose is Purpose is
of established. All clearly Established. vaguely
Purpose the information established. Some of the established.
conveyed serves Most of the information Very little or
the purpose. information conveyed serves none of the
conveyed serves the purpose. information
the purpose. conveyed serves
the purpose.
Imagination Content and Content and Content and Content and
and language choices language language language
Creativity demonstrate choices choices choices
insight and demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate
powerfully thoughtfulness awareness and little awareness
enhance role and completely developing and do little to
play. enhance role acceptably enhance role
play. enhance role play.
(Adapted from and
What to be assessed
The assignments assessed students’ language skills in producing conversation. In details,
students’ fluency and accuracy when constructing speeches relating to experiences, people
and navigating. Moreover, content relatedness, communication purposes and creativity are
also assessed. In other words, the assignments aim at assessing students’ ability to imagine
and create conversation about certain topics as well as their creativity in language choices.
Why it is assessed
The students who are assessed with this assignment are supposed to achieve certain
conversational goals to meet with the learning outcomes of the course. At the level of pre-
intermediate, students should be able possess a medium range of less similar themes and to
collaborate grammatical structures effectively in order to produce conversations, descriptions
and dialogues about the topics within pre-intermediate level. Hence, the assessment of a role-
play speaking assignment shall be efficient to evaluate students’ ability for oral production in
pre-intermediate level, which is creating relevant, contextual, interactive dialogue with
enough communicative value.
The assignments are designed in order to help students achieve certain Learning outcomes. In
other words, when the criteria are assessed, students are obliged to
- apply certain grammatical structures at the pre-intermediate level
- apply pre-intermediate level vocabulary words from less similar themes
- produce pre-intermediate level sentences with the correct stress, rhythm, pronunciation, and
- produce conversations and descriptions of people, places, situations and experiences at pre-
intermediate level
- create dialogues about certain topics at pre-intermediate level
- develop teamwork skills
How it is scored
Students’ achievement of the assignment is assessed based on the ROLE-PLAY MARKING
RUBRIC. For each level of achievement, students get the assigned score. The maximum
score for each assignment is 10. The students are assessed individually.

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