SESSION GUIDE FOR I.T: Media and Information Literacy
SESSION GUIDE FOR I.T: Media and Information Literacy
SESSION GUIDE FOR I.T: Media and Information Literacy
Participants’ Profile : Subject Supervisor, LRMDS Division Coordinator, Head Teachers and Subject Teachers
Duration: 6 Hours
I. Objectives:
At the end of the training, the SHS teachers will be able to teach the different subjects under “Media and Information Literacy” competently
during the teaching demonstration and return demonstration. Specifically, the teachers will be able to:
1. Explain the relationship between curriculum, pedagogy and assessment in 1st Quarter of Media and Information Literacy (day1)
2. Exhibit the pedagogical approaches applicable in teaching the Media and Information Literacy;
3. Identify the appropriate assessment tools that are suited to the subject content.
Orient Teacher-participants Assessing oneself in preparing Prepare training venue/room for the
regarding Curriculum Guide lessons regarding Media and workshop and other instructions.
(CG) Information Literacy.
Prepare a simple energizer/motivation Video Zumba Dance 10 minutes
Objectives of the session: before the opening the session (Father Abraham.mp4)
Analyze the different types Objective of the session: Prepare a simple energizer/motivation Video Zumba Dance 5 minutes
of Media to set the mood (Zumba Final.mp4)
(CONTENT) 1. Identify the different
Types of Media Interactive Discussion CG page 2 5minutes
a. Print (Books, Newsletter, DO: Conduct a group discussion See PPT entitled Mass Media in
Magazines, Journals and about the different types of media the Resource Folder
Exhibit the pedagogical other printed materials
approaches applicable in b. Broadcast (Radio, SAY: What is your idea about the See PPT entitled 30 minutes
teaching the Media and Television, and Film) different types of media? Types of Media
Information Literacy c. New Media (Internet)
(PEDAGOGY) -You will going to conduct a
2. Construct a portfolio- collaborative discussion about the
based assessment using different types of media
the different types of
computer application Application:
Prepared by:
MT1 – [email protected]
Sindalan National High School