Technology in The Learning Environment

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Technology in the Learning



This course is designed to enrich the students’ experiences in developing and utilizing technology
to facilitate learning. It shall also provide hands-on opportunities in the exploring, using and evaluating
technology-based materials. It deepens one’s understanding of technology frameworks such as the
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) and the Technology Integration Matrix (TIM), and
relatively new modes of technology-based course delivery such as the MOOCs.

Field Study 3 can be anchored on the following Professional Education Subjects:

 Educational Technology 1 Educational Technology 2

1. Select the teaching materials that are most appropriate for the learners
2. Apply principles of technology integration in the tecahng0learning process
3. Develop and utilize and evaluate technology-based instructional materials
4. Utilize ICT as a tool for lifelong learning


Intended Learning Assessment Content Teaching-Learning Learning References

Outcome Task Activity Resources

Episode 1
An The School’s 1. Visit a school’s Resource Corpuz, B. and
In this Episode, I inventory Learning Learning Resource School Lucido P.
must be able to: and Resources Center. Look Learning Educational
 describe the classificatio around and see Resource Technology 1
goals of a n of what resource and Center (2012)
learning Learning facilities are Observation
resource/ multi- Resources available inside. Guide
media center. 2. Ask the Learning Lucido, P.
 identify and Resource Center Matrix for Educational
classify in-charge about Available Technology 2
resources that how some Learning (2012)
facilitate the equipment or Resources
teaching- facilities are used.
learning 3. Make an inventory
processes. of its available
 explain the resource and
services of the classify them
center that according to their
support learning characteristics and
4. Write down a brief
reflection of your
Intended Assessment Content Teaching-Learning Learning References
Learning Task Activity Resources
Episode 2 An Evaluation Bulletin 1. Look around a Board Corpuz, B. and
Report on Board school for bulletin Displays Lucido P.
In this Episode, I Viewed Displays board displays. Observation Educational
must be able to: Bulletin Board Guide Technology 1

 Evaluate Displays 2. Pick one and (2012)
bulletin board evaluate the Board
displays using a A Proposed display. Displays
set of criteria Bulletin Board Evaluation Lucido, P.
for quality. Design 3. Propose Form Educational
 Apply Enhancement enhancements to Technology 2
principles in make the display (2012)
designing in more effective.
bulletin board
Episode 3 On a selected Slideshow 1. Select a topic or Slide Corpuz, B. and
topic Biz subject matter. Presentation Lucido P.
In this Episode, I 2. Develop a slide Activity Educational
will be able to A Narrative on presentation to Form Technology 1
apply the the Strengths support a (2012)
principles in and learning
creating effective Weaknesses of activity on the
audio-visual the Materials topic. Lucido, P.
presentations. Developed 3. Try out your Educational
presentation to Technology 2
a group of (2012
An evaluation learners.
report 4. Let the learners
evaluate your
5. Write a
pointing out the
strengths and
weaknesses of
Episode 4
Teaching AidsTools of the Step 1. Decide on a Learning TPACK Model
In this Trade specific content are Resources
Episode, I must (Teaching and the level of Survey Guide
be able to use my A compilation Aids Bank) learners technology. Corpuz, B. and
technology of teaching Lucido P.
pedagogical resources Step 2. Find out the Educational
content learning resources Technology 1
knowledge in relevant to topics that (2012)
choosing are available.
appropriate Step 3. Develop a pile
teacher resources of teaching aids Lucido, P.
to use for a (flashcards, pictures, Educational
particular unit of cut-outs Technology 2
study transparencies) (2012
Step 4. Organize them
in a box.
Episode 5
A List of Technology Step 1. Observe a class Resource Technology
In this Episode Teaching Integration for three meetings. School Integration
, I must able Aids that were in the Video-tape , if Matrix
to: utilized Classroom allowed Resource
 Describe ways Comments on Step 2. Describe how teacher
in which the technology was
technology is appropriateness integrated in the Class
integrated in of the Teaching lessons and how the Observation
the classroom. Aids students Guide
 Analyze the Step 3. Use the
level of technology integration

technology matrix to analyze the Utilization of
integration A Bank of technology integration Teaching
used by the Varied done by the teacher Aids Form
Step 4. Reflect on
what you learned

Intended Learning Assessment Content Teaching-Learning Learning References

Outcome Task Activity Resources
An Evaluation On-Line 1. Observe a Board Various
Episode 6 on Visited Learning class and take note of Displays Internet
Websites the topic being Observation Sources
In this Report presented. Guide
Episode, I must be 2. Surf the net to
able to evaluate find sites that provide
electronic resources support materials Board
for appropriate and/or interactive Displays
instructional use programs (web Evaluation
quests/games) on the Form
3. List and
describe at least 5
sites/ interactive
4. Evaluate the
materials or
5. Reflect o your
FS experience
Analysis of Step 1 MOOC MOOC
Episode 7 and Reflection Online Review the Seven Providers listings in the
on MOOcs learning domains of NCBTS Internet
In this through and identify
Episode, I must be Massive competencies I like
able to: Open Online to develop more.
 Identify Courses
MOOCs (MOOCs) Visit sites of
that align MOOC providers
with the and explore the
NCBTS. courses offered that
 Choose are relevant to
MOOCs NCBTS domains I
that will want to work on
contribute Reflect on how I
to one’s can continue
own developing your
professiona skills through
 Explain
can be a
tool for

Note: The Field Study Teacher may decide:

1. To choose all or any of the suggested activities. However,” The School’s Learning Resources” Activity is
required as preparatory task of the course.

2. On the mode of implementing the tasks (i.e., individually, dyad, or by group).
3. On the time allotment for each activity to sufficiently cover the 18-hour requirement of the course.

Learning Episode

My Learning Episode Overview

Episode I provide an opportunity for students to examine a Learning Resource Center

or Multi Media Center and learn about its collection, services, equipment and reflect on
how it supports the teaching learning process.

My Intended Learning Outcomes

In this Episode, I must be able to:
 Describe the goals of a learning Resource/ Multi- Media Center.
 Identify and classify resources that facilitate the teaching- learning processes.
 Explain the services of the center that support learning.

My Performance Criteria
I will be rated along the following:
 Quality of my observations and documentation,
 Completeness and depth of analysis,
 Depth and clarity of classroom observation- based reflection,
 Completeness, organization, clarity of portfolio and
 Time of submission of portfolio.

My Learning Essentials
1. A school usually sets up a center which will provide valuable support to the teaching- learning
process. Over the years the name of this center has evolved. Some of the names are Audio- Visual
Center, Media and Technology Resource Center, Teaching- Learning Technology Department, or
simply Learning Resource center.
2. With the very fast development and communications technology (ICT), the natural outcome
library and ICT both in terms of hardware and software systems and applications.
3. Schools may have different set-ups when it comes to a Learning Resource Center (LRC). Some
have replaced the term library with LRC. Some have a separate library, LRC and Audio Visual or
Media Center. Some just have the LRC both for teachers and students..
4. The common purpose among these centers is to provide print, audio- visual and ICT resources to
support the teaching- learning process.
5. The goals of the Center may include, orienting and training teachers in the use of audio visual and
ICT resources, working with teachers and administrators in producing instructional materials,
making available useful resources to the students, teachers and the school community.
6. In order to support the philosophy and aims of the school, the Center must fulfill the following
 Center of resources

 Laboratory of learning
 Agent of teaching
 Service agency
 Coordinating agency
 Recreational reading center
 A link to other community resources
7. With the very fast development and communications technology (ICT), the natural outcome
library and ICT both in terms of hardware and software systems and applications.
8. Schools may have different set-ups when it comes to a Learning Resource Center (LRC). Some
have replaced the term library with LRC. Some have a separate library, LRC and Audio Visual or
Media Center. Some just have the LRC both for teachers and students..
9. The common purpose among these centers is to provide print, audio- visual and ICT resources to
support the teaching- learning process.
10. The goals of the Center may include, orienting and training teachers in the use of audio visual and
ICT resources, working with teachers and administrators in producing instructional materials,
making available useful resources to the students, teachers and the school community.
11. In order to support the philosophy and aims of the school, the Center must fulfill the following
 Center of resources
 Laboratory of learning
 Agent of teaching
 Service agency
 Coordinating agency
 Recreational reading center
 A link to other community resources
My Map

To realize my intended Learning Outcomes, I will work my ways through these steps:

4. Write down a brief reflection of

3. Make an 1. Visit a school’s

inventory of its Learning
available and Resource Center.
resources and Look
classify them around and see what
according to their resources and
characteristics and facilities
functions. are available inside.

2.Ask the Learning Resource

Center in-charge about how some
equipment or facilities are used.

My Tools

As you visit and observe the learning Resource Center, use activity forms
provided for you to document your observations. Ask the assistance of the one manning the
center courteously.

An Observation Guide for a


Read the following statements carefully before you observe.

1.Go around the Learning Resource Center.

2.Find out what learning resources are present.
3.Examine and describe how the materials are arranged and how they are
classified. Are they free from dust and moisture? Are they arranged for easy
4.Read the guidelines/procedures posted or available for the users to refer to?
5.Familiarize yourself with the guidelines and procedures. You may choose to
take photos of the center (if allowed).

After you have observed, classify the resources available that you believe are most
useful. Please use the activity form provided for you.

Name of Center Observed: _________________________________________________

Date of Observation: _______________________________________________

Name of Observer: _____________________________________________

Course / Year / School: _______________________________________________

List of Available Learning Resources

Available Learning Resources Characteristics and Unique Teaching Approaches where the
(Enumerate in bullet form) Capabilities Resource is Most Useful

1.Print Resources
 Books
 Encyclopedia
 Newspapers & Magazine
 Researches

2.Audio Resources
 Speakers
 Headphones from their
Speech Laboratory

3.Non-electronic Visual
 Globe
 Map
 Graph & Charts

4. ICT Resources
 Computers
 Widescreen TV
 Laptops
 Radio

Impression about the LRC:

Name and Signature of Observer:

Name and Signature of the Learning Resource Center In-charge:

My Analysis

Write your
Were the learning resources/materials arranged
properly according to their functions and observation
characteristics? here:
Do the guidelines and procedures facilitate easy
access to the materials by the teachers? Why?
Why not?

What are the strengths of this Learning

Resource Center?
What are its weaknesses?

What suggestions can you make?

My Reflection/Insights

1. Which of the materials in the Learning

Resource Center caught your interest the
most? Why?

2. Which gadgets/materials are you already

confident to use/ operate?

3. Which ones do you feel you need to learn more about?

1. All are responsibilities of the Learning Resource/ Audio- Visual/Educational

Technology Center of a school EXCEPT________.

A. Make available technology equipment for use of teachers and students

B. Conduct training for teachers on how to use technology tools
C. Work with teachers in producing instructional materials
D. Accomplish the students technology project for them
2. The Learning Resource/ Audio- visual/ Educational Technology Center
regularly provides the teachers a list of websites, apps and instructional
materials available in the city which are relevant to the different subjects
they teach. This fulfills which function?

A. Recreational reading center

B. A link to other community resources
C. Laboratory of learning
D. Center of resources
3. The Learning Resource/ Audio- visual/ Educational Technology Center
sponsor a seminar- workshop for teachers and administrators on the use of
the latest presenter applications. This fulfills which function?
A. Center of resources
B. Agent of teaching
C. Coordinating agency
D. Recreational reading center

Integrating Theory and Practice

Directions: Read the items given and encircle the correct answer.

My Learning Portfolio
Paste an article about an example of technology gadget/material that you
want to learn more about. How can this gadget/material be useful in


My Learning Rubric (How did I perform in this episode?)

Field study 3, Episode 1 – The School’s Learning Resource Center
Focused on:
 describing the goals of a learning resource/ multi-media center
 identifying and classify resources that facilitate the teaching-learning processes
 explaining the services of the Center that support learning

Name of Student _________________ Date Submitted: _________________________

Year & Section: ___________________________________________Course ____BSED- Filipino______
Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Needs Improvement
Learning 4 3 2 1
All episodes were done All or nearly all Nearly all episodes Fewer than half of
with outstanding episodes were done were done with episodes were done; or
Learning quality; work exceeds with high quality. acceptable quality. most objectives were met
Activities expectations. but need improvement.
3 2 1
All questions/episodes Analysis questions Analysis questions Analysis questions were
were answered were answered were not answered not answered.
completely; in depth completely. completely.
Analysis of the answers; thoroughly Grammar and spelling
Learning Episode grounded on theories. Clear connection Vaguely related to are unsatisfactory
Exemplary grammar with theories the theories
and spelling
Grammar and Grammar and
spelling are superior. spelling are 1
4 3 acceptable.
Reflection statements Reflection statements Reflections Reflection statements are
are profound and clear; are clear, but not statements are unclear and shallow and
Reflections/ supported by clearly supported by shallow; supported are not supported by
Insights experience from the experiences from the by experiences from experiences from the
learning episodes learning episodes the learning episodes learning episodes
4 2 1
Portfolio is complete, Portfolio is complete, Portfolio is Analysis questions were
clear, well-organized clear, well-organized; incomplete; not answered
and all supporting; most supporting supporting Grammar and spelling
Learning Portfolio documentations are documentations are documentations are unsatisfactory
located in sections available and logical organized but are
clearly designated and clearly marked lacking
locations 1
4 3

Submitted before the Submitted on the Submitted a day Submitted two days or
Submission of deadline deadline after the deadline more after the deadline
Learning Episode 4 3 2 1
Over-all Score (Based on


Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-below

Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00

99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-below

_______________________________ _________________________
Signature of FS Teacher Date
above Printed Name



My Learning Episode Overview
Episode 2 provides me with an opportunity to give a more intent look at
bulletin board displays and determine the effectiveness of these displays in delivering
in purpose and message.
My Intended Learning Outcomes
In this Episode, I must be able to:
 Identify MOOCs that align with the NCBTS.
10 | P a g e
 Choose MOOCs that will contribute to one’s own professional
 Explain how MOOCs can be a tool for lifelong learning.
My Performance Criteria

I will be rated along, the following:

 quality of my observation and documentation
 completeness and depth of analysis,
 depth and clarity of classroom observation-based reflection
 completeness, organization, clarity of portfolio and
 time of submission of portfolio

My Learning Essentials

1. Bulletin Boards have four general purposes:

 Decorative- They offer visual stimulation and appeal to the aesthetics. They set the social
and psychological atmosphere of the school
 Motivational- They encourage students to perform better and have greater confidence.
An example would be the display of students’ outputs that show that each output is
recognized and valued.
 Informational – They are used as a strategy to disseminate information.
 Instructional- They invite students to respond and participate
through interactive displays.
2. The set of criteria for evaluating bulletin board displays includes
effective communication, attractiveness, balance, unity,
interactivity, legibility, correctness and durability.

My Map

Display board, or what we more commonly refer to as bulletin board,

is one of the most readily available and versatile learning resources.
To realize my Intended Learning Outcomes, I will work my way
through these steps:

As you look around and examine board displays, use the activity forms provided for you
to document your observations.

An Observation Guide for BOARD DISPLAYS

Read the following statements carefully before you observe.

1. Go around the school and examine the board displays. How many board displays
do you see?
2. Where are the display boards found? Are they in places where target viewers can
see them?

11 | P a g e
3. What are the displays about? What images and colours do you see? How are
pieces of information arranged?
4. What materials were used in making the displays? Are borders used?
5. Do you notice some errors? (misspelled words, grammar inconsistencies and the
6. Are the messages clear and easily understood?
7. You may choose to take a photo of the display board (if allowed)


Name of School: __________________________________________________

Observed: __________________________________________________
Location of the School: _________________________________________________
Date of visit: ________________________________________

From among the board displays that you saw, pick the one that you got
most interested in. Evaluate it using evaluation from below.


Topic of the Board Display _________________

Location of the Board Display in School __ _________

Check the column that indicates your ratings. Write comments to

back up your ratings.

4 – Outstanding 3 – Very Satisfactory

2 – Satisfactory 1 – Needs Improvement

Criteria NI S VS O Comments
1 2 3 4
Effective Communication: It The board was located
conveys the messages quickly and where everyone can see
Attractiveness: Colours and It complements and eye
arrangement. catching
Balance: Objects are arranged so The post on the board
stability is perceived. were categorized
Unity: Repeated shapes or Colours Less shapes
or use of borders holds display
Interactivity: The style and The display is
approach entice learners to be informative
Legibility: Letters and illustrations The heading and font
can be seen for good distance. were very visible from a
Correctness: It is free grammar No typo error
errors, misspelled words,

12 | P a g e
Durability: It is well-constructed, Items are securely
items are securely attached. attached and it is well
constructed but it will be
detached if intended.

An Evaluation Report of a Bulletin Board

(Option 2)

Bulletin Board Evaluated by:


Brief Description of the Bulletin Board:


Strengths Weaknesses

Description of
the Bulletin
Board lay-out

of educational
content and other

Recommendations or
Suggestions for

Signature of Evaluator over Printed Name:

My Analysis

13 | P a g e
Did the board display design reflect the likes/interests of its target audience?
Why? Why not?

Was the language used clear and simple for the target audience to understand?
Why? Why not?

What do you think was the purpose of the board display? Was it effective? Why?
Why not?

What suggestions can you make?

Based on your suggestions, propose an enhanced version of the display board. Use the form
My Proposed Board Display


Board Title:_______________________________


14 | P a g e


Best features of my proposed bulletin enhancement:

Content Resources (Name each needed resource and give each a brief description):

Materials for aesthetic enhancement:

My Reflections/Insights
1. Name at least 5 skills that a teacher should have to
be able to come up with effective board displays.
Elaborate on why each skill is needed.
2. Which of the skills you named in #1 do you already
have? Recall your past experiences in making board
displays. How do you practice these skills?

3. Which skills do you still need to develop? What concrete

steps will you take on how you can improve on or acquire
these skills

15 | P a g e

My Learning Rubric (How did I perform in this episode?)

Field Study 3, Episode 2 – Bulletin Board Displays

Focused on:
 evaluating bulletin board displays using a set of criteria for quality
 applying principles in designing an effective bulletin board display

Name of FS Student __________ Date submitted ____________________

Year & Section __________________________________ Course __BSED FILIPINO_______

Exemplary Superior Satisfactory
Learning Episodes Improvement
4 3 2
All episodes were All or nearly all Nearly all episodes Fewer than half of
done with outstanding episodes were done were done with episodes were
quality; work exceeds with high quality acceptable quality. done; or most
Learning Activities expectations objectives were
2 met but need
4 3 improvement.
All questions/episodes Analysis questions Analysis questions Analysis questions
were answered were answered were not answered were not answered.
completely; in depth completely. completely.
answers; thoroughly Grammar and
grounded on theories. Clear connections Vaguely related to spelling are
Analysis of the Learning
Exemplary grammar with theories. the theories. unsatisfactory.
and spelling
Grammar and Grammar and
4 spelling are spelling are
superior. acceptable.
3 2 1
Reflection statements Reflection Reflection Reflection
are profound and statements are statements are
statements are
clear; supported by clear, but not shallow; supported
unclear and
experiences from the clearly supported by experiences
shallow and are not
Reflections/Insights learning episodes. by experiences from the learning
supported by
4 from the learning episodes. experiences from
episodes. the learning
3 2 episodes.
Learning Portfolio Portfolio is complete, Portfolio is Portfolio is Analysis questions
clear, well organized complete, clear, incomplete; were not answered.
and all supporting; well organized; documentations are
documentations are most supporting organized but are Grammar and
located in sections documentations are lacking. spelling are
clearly designated available and unsatisfactory.
logical and clearly
4 marked locations. 1

16 | P a g e
3 2
Submitted before the Submitted on the Submitted a day Submitted two
deadline deadline after the deadline. days or more after
Submission of Learning
the deadline.
4 3 2
COMMENT/S (Based on
Over-all Score Transmutation)


Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-below

Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00

99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71- Below

________________________________________ _______________________________
Signature of FS Teacher Date
above Printed Name

17 | P a g e
FS 3

(Slide Presentations)

My Learning Episode Overview

Episode 3 provides an opportunity for me to develop a teaching-learning

resource for a particular unit of study or lesson.

My Intended Learning Outcomes

In this Episode, I will be able to apply the principles in creating effective

audio-visual presentations.

My Performance Criteria

I will be rated among the following:

 quality of my observations and documentation,

 completeness and depth of analysis,
 depth and clarity of classroom observation-based reflection,
 completeness, organization, clarity of portfolio and
 time of submission of portfolio.

My Learning Essentials

Presentation softwares are useful in organizing your lesson with a series of

text and graphics, often with audio and video to capture the interest of your
learners. The most popular one is Powerpoint but you can also explore so
many other softwares or apps like, Prezi, Powtoon, Keynote, Prezentit and

When creating audio-visual presentations, remember the following:

1. Plan your presentation by drafting an outline. Ensure that information is organized in

proper headings and sub-headings based on how pieces of information relate with each
2. 2. Abide by the Rule of Six. Each slide should have a maximum of six lines and each line
with six words.
3. 3. Ensure that your font size is large enough to be seen by the learners at the back. Font
size for titles should not be less than 36-40 and 32 for the rest.

18 | P a g e
4. 4. Include more of keywords or phrases and less of whole sentence.
5. 5. Animation should have a clear purpose. It should only be used if it will help highlight
important points, strongly communicate an idea, and not at all distract the learners.
6. 6. Pictures speak a thousand words. Add pictures and even video clips to enrich your
7. 7. Follow the 3 C’s for information. All information included should be correct, current
and complete.
8. 8. Proper citation should also be observed. Include a list of references at the end of the
My Map

An effective teacher makes it her/his business to create slide presentations that really
enhance instruction.

To realize my Intended Learning Outcomes, I will work my way through these steps.

My Tools

As you prepare your slide presentations, use the activity form below.

Subject Matter/Topic:


Title of my Presentation:

19 | P a g e
Enhancement (Check appropriate box):

Graphics Music Hyperlink

Animation Voice Narration Embedded video

Sound effects Stylish fonts Others,

please specify

Description of Appropriate Use:

Presentation Storyboard:

Surf the net. Just key in the

words like
My Analysis
 Slide
 Presentations
 PowerPoint
After working on your slide presentation, answer the
following questions:
 Clip arts
 Fonts What are the good features of a slide
 PowerPoint tutorial presentation?

and enjoy choosing

slide backgrounds,
20 | P a gfonts
e to

Just be sure, you


Which of these features are present in the slide

presentation you made?

Which features are not present in the slide

presentation you made?

My Learning Rubric (How did I perform in this episode?)

Field Study 3 Slideshow (Slide Presentations)

Focused on: Applying the principles in creating effective audio-visual


Name of FS student: Date Submitted:_______________

Year & Section:___________________________Course:_______BSED FILIPINO__________

Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Needs

4 3 2 Improvement
All episodes All or nearly Nearly all Fewer than half of
were done all episodes episodes were episodes were
Learning with were done done with done; or most
Activities outstanding with high acceptable objectives were
quality; work quality quality met but need
exceeds improvement
4 3 1
All Analysis Analysis Analysis questions
questions/epis questions were questions were were not answered
odes were answered not answered
answered completely completely Grammar and
completely; in spelling are
Analysis of the depth Clear Vaguely unsatisfactory
Learning Episode answers; connections related to the
thoroughly with theories theories
grounded on
the theories. Grammar and Grammar and
Exemplary spelling are spelling are

21 | P a g e
grammar and superior. acceptable

3 1
4 2
Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection
statements are statements are statements are statements are
profound and clearly shallow; unclear and
Reflections/ clear; supported by supported by shallow and are
Insights supported by experiences experiences not supported by
experiences from the from the experiences from
from the learning learning the learning
learning episodes episodes episodes

3 2 1
Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is Analysis questions
complete, complete, incomplete; were not answered
clear, well- clear, well- supporting
organized and organized; documentatio Grammar and
all supporting; most ns are spelling
documentatio supporting organized but unsatisfactory
Learning n documentatio are lacking
Portfolio S are all ns are
located in available and
sections logical and
clearly clearly marked
designated locations
4 3
Submitted Submitted on Submitted Submitted two
Submissions of before the the deadline after the days or more after
Learning deadline deadline the deadline
Episodes 4 3 1
Over-all Score (Based on
COMMENT/S transmutation)


Score 20 19- 17 16 15 14 13- 11 10 8-8 7-below

18 12

Grade 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.2 2.5 2.75 3.0 3.5 5.00
5 5 0 0

99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-Bellow

22 | P a g e
Signature of FS Teacher Date
above Printed Name

FS 3

My Learning Episode Overview
Tools of the Trade
(Teaching Aids Bank)

Episode 4 provides an opportunity for me to examine my own

knowledge about how use technology in teaching through the
TPACK framework.
My Intended Learning Outcomes
In this Episode, I must be able to use my technology pedagogical
content knowledge in choosing appropriate teacher resources to
use fora particular unit of study.
My Performance Criteria
I will be rated along the following:
quality of my observations and documentation,
completeness and depth of analysis,
depth and clarity of classroom observation‐based reflection,
completeness, organization, clarity of portfolio and
time of submission of portfolio.
My Learning Essentials
The TPACK Framework
The TPACK Framework is a framework that shows the types of
knowledge involved in the teacher’s capacity to integrate
technology in the teaching‐learning process. This was propsed by
Mishira and Koehler in2007. These three types or bodies of
knowledge can be described separately but they work together,
each time you (as the future teacher) use technology for
instruction. Reflect on yourself asyou read about the three:
23 | P a g e
2. Pedagogical Knowledge. This refers to the principles and strategies of teaching. It
includes your knowledge of the learners, and in formulating objectives, designing
activities and assessing your learners.
3. Content Knowledge. This refers to how well you know the subject area or topic that you
will teach. It includes how wide and how deep you know about what you will teach.
You can see from the diagram that the two circles overlap with each other, while
all three of them overlap as well. Each two‐circle overlap indicates the interaction or
interfacing of technological and content knowledge (TCK), content and pedagogical
knowledge (CPK), and pedagogical and technological knowledge.
The middle most part of the diagram shows the interaction or interfacing of the
three, which is the technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK). This is what
is very important for you to be able to use technology effectively in teaching. You need
to be aware of your strengths and weakness in the three and reflect how you can grow in
each one and use them together as best as you can.
Have this framework in mind as you analyze and reflect in this episode about your
own knowledge in using technology in teaching.

Pedagogical Content
Knowledge (TPACK)

Pedagogical Knowledge
(TPK) Technological Technological Content
Knowledge Knowledge (TCK)

Pedagogical Content
Knowledge Knowledge
(PK) (CK)

My Map
Reproduced with permission of the
To realize Pedagogical Content
my Intended Learning Outcomes, I will
publisher, c. 2012work my way
Knowledge (PCK)
through these steps.

Step 1. Decide on a specific content area and

the level of learners’ technology.

Step 2. Find out the learning resources

relevant to topics that are available.

Step 3. Develop a pile of teaching aids

(flashcards, pictures, cut‐outs transparencies).

Step 4. Organize them in a box.

24 | P a g e
My Tools

I should remember:
The Bank of varied An Observation/Survey Guide
Teaching AidsArea/
Subject that Topic:
I ͟ Before preparing
will create must Level:
Grade/Year 1. Are there learning resources useful learning
for your materials,
topic a
containBigwell‐ of the School
Ideas about the topic: resourceful teacher:
in the resource center you visited?
organized____ _____________________________________________
Teaching First, checks the
2. Are the available materials appropriate for your
Aid materials, each available learning
I. Objectives: target grade/year level?
Visited ___________
with a written resources from
3. List down those that can be useful for your topic.
varied sources.
description of the 4. What other materials can you make? (likedetermines
Location of the School Second,
following: cards, posters, cut‐outs, transparencies, etc.)?
_____________________________________________ which will be most
appropriate for her
subjectII.area and Activity
Motivating OBSERVATION NOTES learning goals.
subject Date
matterof Visited
for ___________________________________ Third, makes
which the teaching adaptations for more
aid is used. effective use of
Procedures in using materials.
the teaching aid. Fourth, creates own
Teaching Approach materials.
where the teaching
aid could be used

My Analysis
What skills did you have which helped you prepare the materials? What skills
did you lack that made it difficult for you? (Technological Knowledge)
Discuss some strategies on how you will use the materials you included here in
this episode. (Pedagogical Knowledge)
How well do you know the topic you have chosen? (Content Knowledge) Discuss
the big ideas of this topic that you would want to focus on.

25 | P a g e
My Reflections/Insights
1. Reflect on the technological knowledge (TK), pedagogical knowledge (PK) and content
knowledge (CK) worked together in fulfilling the tasks in this episode.

2. What are some of the things you can do to enhance an enrich your technological, pedagogical
content knowledge (TPACK) to be able to facilitate an active, interesting, learning and fun‐
filled learning environment in the future?

Integrating Theory and Practice

Directions: Read the items given below and encircle the correct

1. Miss Anyayahan is planning technology integration in her science lesson on states of

matter. She is applying her pedagogical knowledge when she __________.
a. Looks into the characteristics and interests of the learners in order to choose
activities that would match them
b. Studies how to attach a video to her audio-visual presentation
c. Researches further on plasma as another state of matter
d. Learns how to scan pictures to include in her presentation
2. Mr. Taqueban is planning technology integration in his social studies lesson on the EDSA
Revolution. He is applying his content knowledge when he ________.
a. Considers the learners’ multiple intelligence before preparing his technology
integration lesson plan
b. Includes information from EDSA revolution video documentaries
c. Uses Prezi as an option to using PowerPoint in his presentation
d. Sets up a workspaces account for his students to blog about the EDSA Revolution
3. Mrs. Gorres is implementing technology‐activity for4th graders to work on multiplication
of two digit numbers. Which of the following illustrates the interaction of the teacher’s
technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge?
a. The teacher checks the math standards for 4th graders and based on these standards,
lets her students answer multiplication exercises on the blackboard.
b. The teacher makes the children watch a video that she downloaded from You tube
and asks the children to summarize it.
c. The teacher evaluates math apps on multiplication, matches them with her students’
skill level, demonstrates how the apps are used, and allow her students to explore
26 | P a g e
and work on the apps.
d. The teacher makes the children play whatever math apps they find in the internet
My Learning Portfolio

Learning Resources on a Specific Content Area

Use this graphic organizer to present the learning resources relevant to the topic
chosen. On the line inside the box, indicate if the resource is already AVAILABLE, MAY BE
PURCHASED, OR WILL BE MADE 9by you, of course!)


Grade/year level

Available May be purchased

Will be made
Specific Content

27 | P a g e
My Learning Rubric (How did I perform in this episode?)
Field Study 3, Episode 4 – Tools of the Trade (Teaching Aids Bank)
Focused on:
 Identifying MOOCs that align with the NCBTS
 Choosing MOOCs that will contribute to one’s own professional
 Explaining how MOOCs can be a tool for lifelong learning
Name of FS Student ___________ Date Submitted_____________
Year & Section________________________________________ Course_____BSED FILIPINO______

Learning Episodes Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Needs Improvement

4 3 2 1
All episodes were done All or nearly all episodes Nearly all episodes Fewer than half of
with outstanding quality; were done with high were done with episodes were done;
Learning Activities work exceeds expectations quality. high quality. or most objectives
were met but need
4 3 2 1
All questions/episodes Analysis questions were Analysis questions Analysis questions
were answered completely; answered completely. were not answered were not answered.
Analysis of the in depth answers; completely.
Learning Episodes thoroughly grounded on Clear connection with Grammar and
theories. Exemplary theories. Vaguely related to spelling are
grammar and spelling. the theories. unsatisfactory.
Grammar and spelling
are superior. Grammar and
spelling are
4 3 2
Reflection statements are Reflection statements are Reflection Reflection statement
profound and clear; clear, but not clearly statements are are unclear and
Reflection/Insights supported by experiences supported by experiences shallow; shallow and are not
from the learning episodes. from the learning supported by supported by
episodes. experiences from experiences from the
the learning learning episodes
4 episodes 1
Portfolio is complete, clear, Portfolio is complete, Portfolio is Analysis questions
well-organized and all clear, well-organized; incomplete; were not answered.
Learning Portfolio supporting; most supporting supporting
documentations are documentations are documentations Grammar and
located in sections clearly available and logical and are organized but spelling
designated. clearly marked locations are lacking. unsatisfactory.
4 3 2
Submitted before the Submitted on the Submitted a day Submitted two days
Submission of deadline deadline after the deadline or more after the
Learning Episode deadline
4 2 1
Over-all Score (Based on


20 19- 17 16 15 14 13- 11 10 9-8 7-below
18 12
1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.5 2.75 3.0 3.5 5.00

99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-Below

_________________________________________________ _____________________

Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date

28 | P a g e
FS 3

5 Technology Integration
in the Classroom

My Learning Episode Overview

Episode 5 provides an opportunity for me to observe how a
teacher utilizes technology for instruction.

My Intended Learning Outcomes

In this Episode, I must be able to:

 Describe ways in which technology is integrated in the

 Analyze the level of technology integration used by the
My Performance Criteria
I will be rated along the following:

 Quality of my observations and documentation,

 Completeness and depth analysis,
 Depth and clarity of classroom observation-based
 Completeness, organization, clarity of portfolio and
 Time of submission of portfolio.

My Learning Essentials
The Technology Integration Matrix provides a
comprehensive framework for you to define and evaluate
technology integration. It will provide you direction and guide you
on the process of achieving effective teaching with technology.
The teacher’s integration of technology in instruction can be
described as progressing in 5 levels: entry, adoption, adaptation,
infusion and finally transformation. To make you understand
how integration is done in each of the levels and environment,
explore the TIM website and learn from the many interesting
videos showing technology integration. Go to :

The teacher also works at creating a learning environment that

encourages and enables quality technology integration. The
interdependent characteristics of the learning environment are being
active, collaborative, constructive, authentic, and goal-directed.

The Technology Integration Matrix connects the Levels of

Technology Integration and the Characteristics of the Learning
Environment. Examine the matrix below. To

29 | P a g e
You will use this matrix to analyze and reflect in this
Levels of Technology Integration into the Curriculum
Entry: The teacher Adoption: The Adaptation: The Infusion: The Transformation: The
Integration uses technology to teacher directs teacher encourages teacher creates teacher creates a rich
Matrix deliver curriculum
content to
students in the
conventional use
adaptation of tool-
based software by
a learning
learning environment
in which students
students. of tool-based allowing students to that infuses the regularly engage in
software. If such select a tool and power of activities that would
software is modify its use to technology tools have been impossible
available, this level accomplish the task throughout the to achieve without
is the at hand. day and across technology.
recommended subject areas.
Active: Students Students use Students begin to Students have Throughout the Given ongoing access
Characteristics of the Learning Environment

are actively technology for drill utilize technology opportunities to school day, to online resources,
engaged in using and practice and to create products, select and modify students are students actively
technology as a computer based
for example using technology tools to empowered to select and pursue
tool rather than training.
passively receiving a word processor accomplish specific select topics beyond the
information from to create a report. purposes, or appropriate limitations of even
the technology. example using technology tools the best school
colored cells on a and actively library.
spreadsheet to plan apply them to
a garden. the tasks at
Collaborative: Students primarily Students have Students have Throughout the Technology enables
Students use work alone when opportunities to opportunities select day and across students to
technology tools to using technology. utilize and modify subject areas, collaborate with
collaborate with
collaborative tools, technology tools to students utilize peers and experts
others rather than
working such as email, in facilitate technology tools irrespective of time
individually at all conventional ways. collaborative work. to facilitate zone or physical
times. collaborative distances.
Constructive: Technology is used Students begin to Students have Students utilize Students use
Students use to deliver utilize constructive opportunities to technology to technology to
technology tools to information to tools such as select and modify make construct, share, and
build students.
graphic organizers technology tools to connections and publish knowledge to
rather than simply to build upon prior facilitate construct a worldwide
receive knowledge and collaborative work. understanding audience.
information. construct across
meaning. disciplines and
throughout the
Authentic: Students use Students have Students have Students select By means of
Students use technology to opportunities to opportunities to appropriate technology tools,
technology tools to complete assigned apply technology select and modify the technology tools students participate
solve real world activities that are
tools to some technology tools to to complete in outside-of-school
problems generally
meaningful to unrelated to real- content-specific solve problems based authentic tasks projects and
them rather than world problems. activities that are on real-world issues. across problem-solving
working on based on real disciplines. activities that have
artificial world problems. meaning for the
assignments. students and the
Goal Directed: Students receive From time to time, Students have Students use Students engage in
Students use directions, students have the opportunities to technology to ongoing
technology tools to guidance, and opportunity to use select and modify the set goals, plan metacognitive
set goals, plan feedback from
technology to plan, use of technology activities, activities at a level
activities, monitor technology tools to
progress, and set goals, plan monitor, or tools to facilitate monitor that would be
evaluate results activities, monitor evaluate an goal-setting, progress, and unattainable without
rather than simply progress, or self- activity. planning, evaluate results the support of
completing evaluate monitoring, and throughout the technology tools.
assignments evaluating specific curriculum.
without reflection activities.

Reproduced with permission of the Florida Center for Instructional Technology

College of Education, University of South Florida,

30 | P a g e
My Map

To realize my Intended Learning Outcomes, I will work my way

Through these steps:

Step 1.Observe a class for three meetings. Videotape, if allowed.

Step 2. Describe how technology was integrated in the lessons

and how the students were involved.

Step 3. Use the technology Integration Matrix to analyze the

technology integration done by the teacher.

Step 4. Reflect on what you learned.

My Tools
As you observe the class, use the activity forms provided for you to document
your observation.

Class Observation

Read the following statements carefully before you observe.

1. What is the lesson all about?

2. What visual aids/material/learning resources is the teacher using?
3. Observe and take notes on how the teacher presents/uses the learning resources.
4. Closely observe the learners response to the teacher’s use of learning resources.
Listen to their verbal responses. What do their responses indicate? Do their responses
show alternativeness, eagerness and understanding?
5. Focus on their non-verbal responses. Are they learning forward showing their
interest in the lesson and in the materials? Are they looking towards the direction of
the teacher and materials? Do their actions show attentiveness, eagerness, and


Date of Observation ____________________________________________________________________

School _____________________________________________________

Subject ___________Topic________________________________________________

Grade/Year Level ____



31 | P a g e
Grade or Year level of class observed:

Date of observation:

Subject Matter:


Brief description of teaching approach used by the teacher:


Teaching Aids used

(enumerate in bullet Strength Weaknesses Appropriateness of the
form) Teaching Aid used

 Visual aid The teacher knows It will only weak of It assists the teacher in
how efficiently how the teacher do not delivering her lesson,
to utilize the know how to so it is appropriate to
materials. efficiently utilize the use this material for
material and if the large number of
content is not clear students inside the
enough to students. classroom and it is
necessary for the
teacher to use it
because most of the
students were visual
 Chalkboard It will be effective if It will only be weak I
it used in a proper the teacher does not
way such as writing know how efficiently
on the board must to utilize it.
start in the left side
going to the right
side and writing on
the board must be
legible enough in
order for students to
understand quickly
and clearly.

32 | P a g e
My Analysis

Analysis can facilitate Use the technology Integration Matrix to analyze the
the evaluative process class you observed. In what level of technology integration
by focusing teacher’s do you think the teacher operated? Why?
attention on the
efficiency, and/or
appeal of instructional
materials and events.

Based on the Technology Integration Matrix, what is the characteristic of the learning
environment in the class that you observed? Point your observation that justifies your answer.
Over-all, were the learning resources used effectively? Why ?Why not? Give your suggestions.
______________________________________ On Reflection

Effective teachers
who are
My Reflections/Insights competent in self-
reflection are able
to adjust
1. Put yourself in the place of the teacher. What would you do their
similarly plans to match
the changing
And what would you do differently if you would teach the same lesson
interests and
To the same group of students? Why? needs of their
learners. As an
________________________________________________________________ important part of
________________________________________________________________ your own
________________________________________________________________ development as a
________________________________________________________________ pre-service
________________________________________________________________ teacher, reflection
________________________________________________________________ will help you,
________________________________________________________________ both in yourself-
________________________________________________________________ evaluation and in
________________________________________________________________ your self-
33 | P a g e

Go ahead… Make
Reflection a

Integrating Theory and Practice

Directions: Read the items given below and encircle the correct answer.

1. A Science teacher uses a PowerPoint presentation to show the classification in

kingdom Animalia. The teacher then teaches them how to use software in making
graphic organizers. Students then use this to create their own graphic organizers to
classify animals. This shows technology integration which is ____________.

a. entry‐constructive
b. adoption‐constructive
c. infusion‐constructive
d. transformation‐constructive

2. Teacher A demonstrates how to work with a math app that provides practice in
adding mixed fractions. The students then work independently with the app to
provide in adding mixed fraction. This shows technology integration which is

a. entry‐active
b. adoption‐active
c. infusion‐active
d. transformation‐active

3. A Grade 7 Social Studies teacher gave a project where her class in Manila will work
together with other Grade 7 classes in their school campuses in Visayas and
Mindanao. They will create posters and a video clip to communicate a message about
peace. This project involves technology integration which is _______.

a. entry‐active
b. adoption‐constructive
c. transformation‐constructive
d. adaption‐collaborative

34 | P a g e
My Learning Portfolio

Include here pictures/illustration of the materials used by the teacher.

Put your comments/annotations about what you observed.

35 | P a g e
My Learning Rubric (How did I perform in this episode?)

Field Study 3, Episode 5 – Technology Integration in the Classroom

Focused on:
 Identifying MOOCs that align with the NCBTS
 Choosing MOOCs that will contribute to one’s own professional
 Explaining how MOOCs can be a tool for lifelong learning
Name of FS Student ___________ Date Submitted_____________
Year & Section________________________________________ Course____BSED FILIPINO___________

Learning Episodes Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Needs Improvement

4 3 2 1
All episodes were done All or nearly all episodes Nearly all episodes Fewer than half of
with outstanding quality; were done with high were done with episodes were done;
Learning Activities work exceeds expectations quality. high quality. or most objectives
were met but need
4 3 2 1
All questions/episodes Analysis questions were Analysis questions Analysis questions
were answered completely; answered completely. were not answered were not answered.
Analysis of the in depth answers; completely.
Learning Episodes thoroughly grounded on Clear connection with Grammar and
theories. Exemplary theories. Vaguely related to spelling are
grammar and spelling. the theories. unsatisfactory.
Grammar and spelling
are superior. Grammar and
spelling are
4 3 2
Reflection statements are Reflection statements are Reflection Reflection statement
profound and clear; clear, but not clearly statements are are unclear and
Reflection/Insights supported by experiences supported by experiences shallow; shallow and are not
from the learning episodes. from the learning supported by supported by
episodes. experiences from experiences from the
the learning learning episodes
4 episodes 1
Portfolio is complete, clear, Portfolio is complete, Portfolio is Analysis questions
well-organized and all clear, well-organized; incomplete; were not answered.
Learning Portfolio supporting; most supporting supporting
documentations are documentations are documentations Grammar and
located in sections clearly available and logical and are organized but spelling
designated. clearly marked locations are lacking. unsatisfactory.
4 3 2
Submitted before the Submitted on the Submitted a day Submitted two days
Submission of deadline deadline after the deadline or more after the
Learning Episode deadline
4 2 1
Over-all Score (Based on


20 19- 17 16 15 14 13- 11 10 9-8 7-below
18 12
1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.5 2.75 3.0 3.5 5.00

99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-Below

___________________________________________________ ___________________________
Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date

36 | P a g e


Learning OUT:

My Learning Episode Overview
Episode 6 provides opportunities for me to
explore the electronic resources for
instructional use.
My Intended Learning Outcomes
In this Episode, I must be able to evaluate
resources for appropriate instructional use.
My Performance Criteria
I will be rated along the following:
 Quality of my observations and documentation,
 Completeness and depth of analysis,
 Depth and clarity of classroom observation-based
 Completeness, organization, clarity of portfolio and
 Time of submission of portfolio.
My Learning Essentials

The World Wide Web is like an endless network of

information, ever expanding and almost limitless. Electronic
resources come in different forms like websites, web quests,
blogs, social network sites, on-line courses, a wide range of
tools, and so many forms of apps.

As a future teacher, one of the skills that will be most

useful for you is the ability not only to search for information
but to make decisions, as to which ones you will take and use
and which ones you will put aside. Aim to develop your kills
in evaluating internet resources. You will be able to choose.

37 | P a g e
The best resources that will help you attain your teaching learning objectives.

Below is a set of criteria which you can use to evaluate resources:

 Accuracy. The resource comes from a reliable source and is accurate, free from
error and is up-to-date.
 Appropriateness. The resource of grade/level-appropriate. The content
matches what is needed by the teacher.
 Clarity. The resource clearly addresses the instructional goals is mind
 Completeness. The content is complete. It has all the information needed to be
able to use them.
 Motivation. The resource is engaging and rewarding to learners. It will
encourage active participation of the learners.
 Organization. The resource is logically sequenced. It clearly indicate what steps
should be taken. The procedures or processes flow smoothly.

(Based on the work of Fitzgerald, Mary Ann, Lovin, Vicki, & Branch, Robert
Maribe (2003). A Gateway to Educational Materials: An Evaluation of an Online
Resource for Teacher and an Exploration Of User Behaviors. Journal of
Technology and Teacher Education. 11(1),21-51).
Write your personal
My Map notes here:
For this process, explore the world through these steps:

5. Reflect on your FS experience

Observe a class and

take note of the topic
being presented

4. Evaluate the
Material or

2. Surf the net to find sites

that provide support
materials and/or
interactive programs (Web
quests/ games) on the
3. List and describe at least topic.
5 sites/ interactive

38 | P a g e

Please use the Class Observation Guide provided for you.

Class Observation Guide

Read the following Statements carefully before you observe.

1. What is the lesson about? What are the teacher’s objectives?

2. Note the important concept that the teacher is emphasizing.

3. Note the skills that the teacher is developing in the learners.

39 | P a g e

Using the information you got from observing the class, surf the
internet for electronic resources that will be useful in
teaching the same lesson. Evaluate the resources you found.
Fill out the form below.

Electronic Resources Evaluation Form

Grade/year ______________________
Subject Filipino___________________
matter/ Topic
(based on the
class you
objectives _________________________________________________________________

Name and Describe Describe

type of the Put a check if the resource satisfies the criterion. how you
electronic can use it if
resources (include you were to
author/publ teach in the
isher/source class you
). observed.
Accurate Appropriate Clear Complete Motivating Organized

Presentations Slideshare
about_____ ___________
__________ ___________
__________ ___________
__________ ___________
_ ___________
E-dictionaries Filipino ___________
Dictionary ___________
Tools Laptop/Spe ___________
aker/Overh ___________
ead ___________
projector ___________

40 | P a g e
1 .Describe your experience in surfing the internet for appropriate electronic resources
for the class? Did you find it difficult or easy?

2. How did you choose which electronic resources to include here? What did you
consider? Explain.

3. Reflect on your technology skills. What skills do you already have and what skills
would you continue to work onto be better at utilizing electronic resources?


Directions; Read the items given below and encircle the correct word
1. Mrs. Inton is evaluating a website for her literature class. She is making sure that
factual pieces of information found on the site are well documented and pictures and
diagrams are properly labeled. She is also checking that there are no misspelled words
nor grammar errors. Which criterion is she focusing?
A. Appropriateness
B. Clarity
C. Motivation
D. Accuracy
2. Miss Castro is evaluating an early literacy app for her kindergartens. She is making
sure the app is uncluttered in appearance, is arranged in some order of difficulty, and
that icons represent what they were intended to represent. Which criterion is she
focusing on?
A. Organization
B. Accuracy
C. Motivation
D. Appropriateness
3. Miss Tanada is evaluating an app for her Grade Science class. She is finding out
whether the app taps the skills found in the grade standards to ensure that this app
will be helpful in meeting her objectives. She wants to make sure it is not too easy nor
too difficult for her students. Which criterion is she focusing on?
A. Organization
B. Accuracy
C. Currency
D. Appropriateness

41 | P a g e
My Learning Portfolio
Enjoy exploring these… For your portfolio, do at least one of the three
suggested activities below.
Power of Social Media
Edmodo –Grockit-
Edublogs – Skype-
Wikispaces – Pinterest- 1. Visit or other
Schoology – Quora –
teacher resource websites. Print useful
Ning – Open Study-
EPals- My Big Campus- instructional materials (worksheets,
visual aids, flash cards, rubrics, etc.)
Make Lesson Fun and include them here. Indicate how
Khan Academy- they might be useful considering your
Manga High- Fun Brain- major or area of specialization.
Educations- Animoto –
Socrative – Knewton –
Kerproof – Study Sync-
Carrotsticks - E-turo – 2. Visit
Lesson Planning Tools
Teachers Pay Teachers-
Plan board-Timetoast –
Capzles – Prezi –
Explore and enjoy the fantastic education
Wordle – QR codes –
Quizlet – Matery Connect – tools. Try them out. Describe what you
Google Docs – You tube – discovered and share hoe these tools can be
Teacher tube – Ted-Ed – helpful to you as a teacher.
Glogster – Creaza –
Mentor Mob –  EDMODO – it is social tool for
learning which is similar to
Useful Tools Facebook. This kind of educational
Evernote – tool connects teachers and students
Twitter – Google –
and saves and download files.
Educreations – Dropbox –
Diigo – Aviary –  EDUBLOGS – some teachers require
Jing – Popplet - their students to have their own blogs
Google Earth – Slideshare – and this one tool would be very
Live binders – Audio Boo - affective and useful because it offers
a safe and secure place to set up
blogs for one self or for classroom
 PREZI – this tool is like a power point
presentation on a higher level. It
simple to do all kind of cool things
with your lessons, even allowing
collaboration between teachers.
 SLIDESHARE – with this tool, you
can upload and download
presentations documents and videos
and share them with students or
colleagues. You can also take
advantage of it through using other
presentations as reference to your
certain topic.

Field Study 3- Technology in the EnvironmentPage 64

3. Visit This is a treasure box for you. Explore and share what
you learned.

My Learning Rubric (How did I perform in this episode?)

Field study 3, Episode 6 – My E-word

Focused on:
 describing the goals of a learning resource/ multi-media center
 identifying and classify resources that facilitate the teaching-learning
 explaining the services of the Center that support learning

Name of Studen: _____________Date Submitted: ____________________

Year & Section: ___________________________________________Course ____BSED FILIPINO____
Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Needs Improvement
Learning 4 3 2 1
All episodes were done All or nearly all Nearly all episodes Fewer than half of
with outstanding episodes were done were done with episodes were done; or
Learning quality; work exceeds with high quality. acceptable quality. most objectives were
expectations. met but need
3 2 improvement.
4 1
All questions/episodes Analysis questions Analysis questions Analysis questions
were answered were answered were not answered were not answered.
completely; in depth completely. completely.
Analysis of the answers; thoroughly Grammar and spelling
Learning grounded on theories. Clear connection with Vaguely related to the are unsatisfactory
Episode Exemplary grammar and theories theories
Grammar and spelling Grammar and
are superior. spelling are 1
4 3 acceptable.
Reflection statements Reflection statements Reflections Reflection statements
are profound and clear; are clear, but not statements are are unclear and
Reflections/ supported by experience clearly supported by shallow; supported shallow and are not
Insights from the learning experiences from the by experiences from supported by
episodes learning episodes the learning episodes experiences from the
3 learning episodes
4 2
Portfolio is complete, Portfolio is complete, Portfolio is Analysis questions
clear, well-organized and clear, well-organized; incomplete; were not answered
all supporting; most supporting supporting Grammar and spelling
Learning documentations are documentations are documentations are unsatisfactory
Portfolio located in sections available and logical organized but are
clearly designated and clearly marked lacking 1
4 locations
3 2
Submitted before the Submitted on the Submitted a day after Submitted two days or
Submission of deadline deadline the deadline more after the
Learning 4 3 2 deadline
Episode 1
Over-all Score (Based on


Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-below

Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00

Field Study 3- Technology in the EnvironmentPage 65

99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-below

_________________________________________ _________________________
Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date

Check this out:

FS 3


My Learning Episode Overview

Episode 7 provides an opportunity for me to use my computer

skills to explore online learning through MOOCs.

My Intended Learning Outcomes

In this Episode, I must be able to:

 Identify MOOCs that align with the NCBTS.
 Choose MOOCs that will contribute to one’s own
professional development.
 Explain how MOOCs can be a tool for lifelong learning.

My Performance Criteria

I will be rated along, the following:

 quality of my observation and documentation

 completeness and depth of analysis,
 depth and clarity of classroom observation-based reflection
 completeness, organization, clarity of portfolio and
 time of submission of portfolio
My Learning Essentials

Massive Open On-line Course (MOOCs) are online courses

open to big group of people. Below are the basic information about
MOOCS. Let us focus on each word:


 MOOCs are on-line courses designed for large number of

participants, usually larger than the number of students that
can fit a regular classroom. There can be hundreds or even be
thousand students or more.

Field Study 3- Technology in the EnvironmentPage 66


 There is mostly freedom of place, pace, time.

 Courses can be accessed by anyone anywhere as
long as they have internet connection.
 Courses are open to everyone without entry
 Some courses are for free.


All aspects of the course are delivered online.


The MOOC course offers a full course experience


 Educational content. May include video, audio,

text, games, simulations, social media and
 Facilitation interaction among peers. Builds a
learning community through opportunities to
 Some interaction with the teacher or academic
 Activities/task, tests, including feedback.
Participants are provided with some feedback
mechanism. Can be automatically generated like
quizzes, feedback from peers or teacher.
 Some kind of (non-formal) recognition like badges
or certificate of completion. A formal certificate is
optional and most likely has to be paid for.
 A study guide/syllabus. This includes
instructions as to how you may learn from the
materials and interactions presented.

- Based on Definition Massive Open Online Courses

v1.1 licensed under Creative Commons Attribution4.0

There are many MOOC providers like Edx, Coursera,

Udacity, Udemy, Iversity. You will have a chance to
explore them as you go through this episode.

Field Study 3- Technology in the EnvironmentPage 67

My Map

To realize my Intended Learning Outcomes, I will work my way through

these steps.

Step 1

Review the seven

domains of NCBTS and

identify competencies I

like to develop more.

Visit sites of MOOC

provider and explore the

courses offer that are

are relevant to NCBTS domains

I want to work on.

Reflect on how I can

continue developing my

skills through MOOCS.

My Tools

1. Get a copy of the NCBTS and go over the competencies.

2. On the second column, write the competencies you like to work on.
3. Search for MOOCS in the internet which are relevant to the competencies you
identified. You may try these sites:


Field Study 3- Technology in the EnvironmentPage 68

4. Indicate the MOOC provider. You might need to create an account in the different
MOOC providers to explore their MOOCs.
NCBTS Domain Competencies MOOC’s related to the MOOC
I want to competency/ies (include a short Provider
work on description)
1. Social Regard for ______________ ____________________________________ Coursera
Learning ______________ ____________________________________
______________ ____________________________________
______________ ____________________________________
__________ ___________________________________.
2. The Learning ______________ ____________________________________ Coursera
Environment ______________ ____________________________________
______________ ____________________________________
______________ ____________________________________
______________ ____________________________________
______________. _____________________________.
3. Diversity of ______________ ____________________________________
Learners ______________ ____________________________________
______________ ____________________________________
______________ ____________________________________
______________ ____________________________________
______________ ____________________________________
______________ ____________________________________
_____________. ___________________________________.
4. Curriculum ______________ ____________________________________
______________ ____________________________________
______________ ____________________________________
______________ ____________________________________
______________ ____________________________________
____________. _________________________.
5. Planning, ______________ ____________________________________
Assessing and ______________ ____________________________________
Reporting _____________. ____________________________________
6. Community ______________ ____________________________________ Coursera
Linkages ______________ ____________________________________
______________ ____________________________________
______________ ____________________________________
______________ ____________________________________
____________. _________________________.
7. Personal Growth ______________ ____________________________________ Coursera
and Professional ______________ ____________________________________
Development ______________ ____________________________________
______________ ____________________________________
______________ ____________________________________
______________ ____________________________________
______________ ____________________________________
______________ ____________________________________
___________. __________________________________.

Field Study 3- Technology in the EnvironmentPage 69

My Analysis
From among the MOOCs you explored, pick at least three which you
believe are the most appropriate for you. Describe the MOOCs below.

1. MOOC Title:

Provider: Coursera

Objectives of the
____________ _________________________________________
Content Outline
Week 1: What it means to be professionals
Week 2: Ethics, codes pf conduct and standards for teachers
Week 3: Legal and administrative responsibilities of a teacher
Week 4: Developing a personal philosophy of teaching
Week 5: Being part of a professional learning community
Week 6: Continuing to develop as professional

Why did you pick this MOOC?

2. MOOC Title:

Provider: Coursera

Objectives of the MOOC:

Content Outline:
Week 1: The importance of relationships for educational settings.
Week 2: Developing positive teacher-student relationships.
Week 3: Working with your colleagues and school leaders
Week 4: The importance of parent involvement for student success
Week 5: It takes a whole village to educate a child: Working with your
Week 6: Recognizing diversity: Social, Cultural and Values differences in
the school.

Why did you pick this MOOC?

3. MOOC Title:

Field Study 3- Technology in the EnvironmentPage 70

Provider: Cousera

Objectives of the MOOC:

Content Outline:
Week 1: The lives of children
Week 2: How children learn
Week 3: Engaging with students
Week 4: The power of the peer group
Week 5: Learning that travels

Why did you pick this MOOC?

My Learning Portfolio
Make a listing of MOOC providers (like Coursera, Edx, Udemy, Udacity, etc).
Under each one, include the most relevant MOOCs they offer for teachers. You may
print their icons and course listings. Highlight the ones you want to enroll in the
future. Or if it is already possible, enroll in one MOOC and document here what you
learned and maybe paste your certificate of completion here.

Field Study 3- Technology in the EnvironmentPage 71

My Learning Rubric (How did I perform in this episode?)

Field Study 3, Episode 7 – On-line Learning through MOOCs

Focused on:
 Identifying MOOCs that align with the NCBTS
 Choosing MOOCs that will contribute to one’s own professional
 Explaining how MOOCs can be a tool for lifelong learning
Name of FS Student _____________________________ Date Submitted_____________
Year & Section________________________________________ Course___BSED FILIPINO__________

Learning Episodes Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Needs Improvement

4 3 2 1
All episodes were done All or nearly all episodes Nearly all episodes Fewer than half of
with outstanding quality; were done with high were done with episodes were done;
Learning Activities work exceeds expectations quality. high quality. or most objectives
were met but need
4 3 2 1
All questions/episodes Analysis questions were Analysis questions Analysis questions
were answered completely; answered completely. were not answered were not answered.
Analysis of the in depth answers; completely.
Learning Episodes thoroughly grounded on Clear connection with Grammar and
theories. Exemplary theories. Vaguely related to spelling are
grammar and spelling. the theories. unsatisfactory.
Grammar and spelling
are superior. Grammar and
spelling are
4 3 2
Reflection statements are Reflection statements are Reflection Reflection statement
profound and clear; clear, but not clearly statements are are unclear and
Reflection/Insights supported by experiences supported by experiences shallow; shallow and are not
from the learning episodes. from the learning supported by supported by
episodes. experiences from experiences from the
the learning learning episodes
4 episodes 1
Portfolio is complete, clear, Portfolio is complete, Portfolio is Analysis questions
well-organized and all clear, well-organized; incomplete; were not answered.
Learning Portfolio supporting; most supporting supporting
documentations are documentations are documentations Grammar and
located in sections clearly available and logical and are organized but spelling
designated. clearly marked locations are lacking. unsatisfactory.
4 3 2
Submitted before the Submitted on the Submitted a day Submitted two days
Submission of deadline deadline after the deadline or more after the
Learning Episode deadline
4 2 1
Over-all Score (Based on


20 19- 17 16 15 14 13- 11 10 9-8 7-below
18 12

Field Study 3- Technology in the EnvironmentPage 72

1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.5 2.75 3.0 3.5 5.00

99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-Below

___________________________________________________ ___________________________
Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date


CHED (2004). Commission on Higher Ed. Memorandum Order 30, series 2004.

Corpuz, B. amd Lucido P. (2012) Educational Technology 1, 2nd ed.

Philippines: Lorimar Publishing

DepEd Order No. 73, s ,(2012). Guidelines on Assessments and Ratings of

Assessment Outcomes under the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum

Lucido, P. (2012) Educational Technology 2. Philippines; Lorimar Publishing

Steinaker, N. W. & Bell, M. R. (1979). The Experiential Taxonomy: a new

approach to teaching and learning, London: Academic Press

SEAMEO INNOTECH (2010). Teaching Competency Standards in Southeast

Asian Countries, Philippines: SEAMEO INNOTECH

Teacher Education Council, DepEd (2009). Experiential Learning Handbook.

TEC, DepEd , Manila

Evaluating MOOCs. University of South Africa. Retrieved from

Fifty Educational Technology Tools That Every Teacher Should Know. Retrieved

Florida Center for Instructional Technology.The Technology Integration Matrix.

Retrieved from

Four Ways to Evaluate Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Retrieved

massive-open-online-courses moocs/

MOOC List Teacher Education. Retrieved from https://www.mooc-

MOOCs for Teachers : Coursera Offers Online Teacher Training Program.

Retrieved form
teacher-training-program-joins- mooc-madness/

MOOCs For Teachers: They’re Learbers, Too. Retrieved from

R.A. 10533, “The Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013”

Field Study 3- Technology in the EnvironmentPage 73

Tech Tools by Subject and Skills. Retrieved from

The TPACK Framework. Retrieved from http://www.tpac

Field Study 3- Technology in the EnvironmentPage 74


Field Study 3- Technology in the EnvironmentPage 75

Appendix A

Orientation Notes for

Field Study and this Workbook Series

Legal and Historical Foundation

CHED Memorandum Order No. 30 (CMO 30) was promulgated on
September 13, 2004 for the purpose of rationalize the undergraduate teacher
education in the country to keep pace with the demands of global
competitiveness. It is in accordance with the pertinent provisions of Republic
Act No. 7722, the Higher Education Act of 1994. CMO 30 embodies the policies
and standards for the undergraduate teacher education curriculum.

Article 5, Sec. 13 of CHED Memorandum Order No. 30 states that, “ Field

Study courses are intended to provide students with practical learning
experiences in which they can observed, verify, reflect on in actual school
settings. The experiences will begin with field observation and gradually
intensify until students undertake practice teaching. “In the teacher education
curriculum before the issuance of CMO 30 s. 2004, field observation came in
the senior year long after learning all the theories were learned. In the present
curriculum, the learning of theories takes place side by side with field
observation. This is to enable students to connect theories learned with
practice immediately.

The Field Study courses are composed of six field study subjects and
practice teaching. This workbook addresses Field Study 3.

The intended learning outcomes of the FS courses are derived primarily

from the National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS), the
standards of effective teaching developed by the Teacher Education Council,
the Department of Education and the Commission on Higher Education. To
alignment, the NCBTS were seen vis-à-vis the competencies in the Table of
Specifications of the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) and also side by
side with the Competency Framework for Southeast Asian for Teachers in the
21st century researched by SEAMEO INNOTECH. (See matrix below).

Table 1. A Comparison of Teacher Competencies from 3 Sources

Competency Framework for Southeast National Competency-Based LET Table of Specifications

Asian Teachers for the 21st Century Teacher Standards
1. Facilitating the development of Domain 2- The Learning 3. Facilitating Learning, Child
learner’s life and career skills Environment and Adolescent Development
A.1 Equip oneself with knowledge, skills, 2.1 Creates an environment that 3.1 Analyze the cognitive,
attitudes and values of the 21st century promotes fairness metacognitive, motivational
A.2 Facilitate development of students’ 2.2 Makes the physical socio-cultural factors that affect
learning to Know knowledge, skills, environment safe and conducive learning
attitudes and values to learning 3.2 Apple theories of learning
A.3 Facilitate development of students’ 2.3 Communicates higher and development to the
Learning to Do knowledge, skills, attitudes learning expectations to each teaching- learning process
and values learner 3.3 Draw educational
A.4 Facilitate development of students’ 2.4 Establishes and maintains implications of research
Learning to Be knowledge, skills, attitudes consistent standards of learner’s findings related to child and
and values (e.g. emotional intelligence) behavior adolescent learning and
A.5 Facilitate development of students’ Domain 3- Diversity of Learners development along with the
Learning to Live Together knowledge, skills, 3.1 – Is familiar with learner’s biological, linguistic, cognitive,
attitudes and values background knowledge and social and psychological
A. 6 Assess students’ knowledge, skills, experiences dimensions
attitudes and values on the 4 pillars of 3.2 Demonstrates concern for 3.4 Organize a learning
education holistic development of learners environment that is responsive
to learner’s needs and that
promotes fairness among
learners of various cultures,
family, background and gender
Competency Framework for National Competency-Based LET Table of Specifications
Southeast Asian Teachers Teacher Standards
For the 21st Century
2. Creating a conducive learning Domain 2- The Learning 3. Facilitating Learning,
environment Environment Child and Adolescent
D.1. Foster a safe, clean and 1. Creates an Development
orderly learning environment environment that 1. Analyze the
D.2. Promote a caring and learning promotes fairness cognitive,
friendly environment 2. Makes the metacognitive,
D.3. Motivate active learning physical motivational
D.4. Foster an understanding to environment safe socio-cultural
maintain a high standard of and conducive to factors that
learning performance learning affect learning
D.5. Respect diversity of learners 3. Communicates 2. Apply theories
D.6. Maintain a collaborative higher learning of learning and
learning environment expectations to development to
each learner the teaching
4. Establishes and learning
maintains process
consistent 3. Draw
standards of educational
learner’s behavior implications of
2. research
findings related
Domain 3- Diversity of to child and
Learners adolescent
1. Is familiar with learning and
learner’s development
background along with the
knowledge and biological,
experiences linguistic,
2. Demonstrates cognitive, social
concern for and
holistic psychological
development of dimensions
learners 4. Organize a
that is
responsive to
learner’s needs
and that
fairness among

Field Study 3- Technology in the EnvironmentPage 77

learners of
cultures, family,
background and

4. Facilitating learning Domain 2- The Learning 3. Facilitating Learning,

3.1. Acquire mastery of subject Environment Child and Adolescent
matter 2.1. Creates an Development
3.2. Employ strategies that cater to environment that 3.1. Analyze the
students’ learning styles and to promotes fairness cognitive,
elicit active learning 2.2. Makes the physical metacognitive,
3.3. Communicate at learner’s level environment safe and motivational socio-
3.4. Promote student’s participation conducive to learning cultural factors that
and collaboration 2.3. Communicates affect learning
3.5. Apply questioning and higher learning 3.2. Apply theories of
reaching skills expectations to each learning and
3.6. Integrate HOTS in the lesson learner development to the
3.7. Contextualize teaching to local 2.4. Establishes and teaching learning
situations maintains consistent process
3.8. Manage classroom activities standards of learner’s 3.3. Draw educational
behavior implications of
3. research findings
related to child and
Domain 3- Diversity of adolescent learning
Learners and development
3.1. Is familiar with along with the
learner’s background biological,
knowledge and linguistic, cognitive,
experiences social and
3.2. Demonstrates psychological
concern for holistic dimensions
development of 3.4. Organize a
learners learning
environment that is
responsive to
learner’s needs
and that promotes
fairness among
learners of various
cultures, family,
background and

4. Preparing appropriate lesson plans Domain 4- Curriculum 2. Principles of Teaching

in line with the school vision and 4.2. Communicates clear 2.3 Apply principles in
mission learning goals for the lessons the preparation and
C.1. Assess existing learning needs that are appropriate for utilization of the
C.2. Formulate specific learning learners conventional and non-
objectives incorporating conventional technology as
knowledge, skills, attitudes and well as traditional and
values, if applicable alternative teaching
C.3. Prepare lesson plan based on strategies
syllabus and time frame
C.4. Consider diversity of learners
in preparing lesson plans
C.5. Select the right methodologies
according to subject and

Field Study 3- Technology in the EnvironmentPage 78

learner’s level
C.6. Determine appropriate learning
resources available for
teaching and learning
C.7. Construct appropriate
assessment measures
C.8. Utilize results of the learner
assessment and teacher’s
reflection in developing lesson
Competency Framework for
National Competency-
Southeast Asian Teachers for the LET Table of
21st Century Specifications
Teacher Standards

5. Developing higher order thinking Domain 4- Curriculum 2. Principles of Teaching

skills (HOTS) 4.1.6 Demonstrates mastery 2.6 Use activities that
of the subject enhance critical, creative
F.1- Equip oneself with HOTS concepts and metacognitive reading
and strategies skills
F.2- Develop HOTS in learners
F.2.1 Develop creativity
F.2.2 Develop critical thinking skills
F.2.3 Develop problem solving &
decision making skills
F.3 Strengthen HOTS in learners
F.4 Assess HOTS of learner

6. Developing and utilizing teaching Domain 4- Curriculum 2. Principles of Attacks

and learning resources 4.4.2 Communicates clear 2.1 Employ activites,
learning goals for the lessons teaching methods,
E.1 Acquire knowledge and skills in the that are appropriate for the instructional materials and
use of teaching and learning resources learners technology, classroom
E.2 Develop teaching and learning 4.4.3 Select teaching management techniques
resources appropriate for the lesson methods, learning activities, appropriate for a chosen
E.3 Utilize appropriate teaching and and instructional materials or subject area
learning resources for the lesson resources appropriate to the 2.3 Apply principles in the
E.4 Integrate use of ICT in teaching learners and aligned to the preparation and utilization
and learning objectives of the lesson of the conventional and
E.5 Monitor and evaluate the use of non-conventional
teaching and learning resources technology as well as
traditional and alternative
teaching strategies

7. Enhancing ethical and moral values Domain 1- Social Regard for 1. Teaching Profession
Learning 1.1 Determine ways and
G.1. Internalize tearchers; professional 1.1 Acts as a porsitive role means to ensure high
code of ethics as specified in one’s model for students standards of the teacher’s
country personal and
G.2. Uphold and model teachers’ unprofessional
professional code of ethics Domain 7 Personal Growth development
G.3. Educate learners and co-teachers and Professional 1.2 Describe the roles and
with ethics and moral values Development responsibilities of the
7.1.1 Takes pride in the teacher in the local and
nobility of teaching as a global community
profession 1.6. Apply ethical
7.1.2 Builds professional links principles in the teacher’s
with colleagues to enrich personal life and in his/her
teaching practice relationship with other
7.1.3 Reflects on the extent of people
the attainment of learning 1.7 Reflect on the
goals professional teacher’s
accountability to learners’
performance and to the
teacher’s total involvement

Field Study 3- Technology in the EnvironmentPage 79

in the teaching profession.

8. Assessing and evaluating learner Domain 5- Planning, 4. Assessmen of Leaning,

performance Assessing and Reporting Field Study, Practice
H.1 Acquire knowledge and skills on 5.1 Communicates, promptly Teaching
testing, assessment and evaluation and cleanrly to learners, 4.1 Apply principles in
(e.g., authentic and portfolio parents, and superiors about constructing traditional and
assessment) the progress of learners alternative/authentic forms
H.2. Develop formative and summative 5.2 Develops and uses a of high quality assessment
and assessment fools variety pf appropriate 4.2 Interpret assessment
H.3 Ass students’ learning using assessment strategies to results
different and appropriate assesment monitor and evaluate learning 4.3 Utilize processed data
tools 5.3 Monitors regularly and and assessment results in
H.4 Utilize assessment results provides feedback in leanrers reporting learners’
understanding of content performance t o improve
teaching and learning
4.4 Demonstrate skills in
the use of techniques and
tools in assessing affective
4.5 Assign students’
Competency Framework for Southeast
Asian Teachers for the 21st Century National Competency-Based LET Table of Specifications
(SEAMEO INNOTECH Study) Teacher Standards
9. Engaging in professional Domain 7 – Personal Growth 1. Teaching Profession
development and Professional 1.1 Determine ways
Development and means to
I.1 Conduct development needs 7.1.1 Takes pride in ensure high
analysis the nobility of teaching standards of the
I.2 Prepare one’s professional as a profession teacher’s personal
development plan 7.1.2 Builds and professional
I.3 Engage in professional professional links with development
development colleagues to enrich
I.4 Reflect on the relevance of teaching practice 1.5 Apply the four pillars of
professional development 7.1.3 Reflects on learning – learning to
undertaken the extent of the know, learning to do,
I.5 Apply, share and disseminate attainment of learning learning to live
new knowledge and skills goals together,
gained from professional learning to be – in
development activities, study responding to the
visits and exchange programs aspirations of the
I.6 Mentor/coach/novice/student learner
teachers and the community
I.7 Assess the impact of
professional development

10. Networking with stakeholders Domain 6 – Community 2. Principles of Teaching

especially with parents Linkages
2.5 Distinguish the roles
J.1 Enhance public relation skills 6.1 Establishes learning of
J.2 Develop partnership with environments that stakeholders
parents and other stakeholders respond to the (students;
J.3 Share the responsibility of aspirations of the teachers;
educating students with the community employers;
community parents; and
J.4 Participate actively in socio- community)
civic events of the community in the delivery of

Field Study 3- Technology in the EnvironmentPage 80

11. Managing students’ welfare and Domain 2 – The Learning 3. Facilitating Learning
other Environment 3.3 Draw educational
tasks 2.4 Establishes and implications of
maintains research
J.1 Enhance public relation skills consistent findings related
J.2 Develop partnership with standards of to child
parents and other stakeholders learners’ and adolescent
J.3 Share the responsibility of behavior learning
educating students with the Domain 3 – Diversity of and development
community Learners along
J.4 Participate actively in socio- 3.1 Is familiar with with the
civic events of the community learner’s biological,
background linguistic,
knowledge cognitive, social
and experiences and
3.2 Demonstrates dimensions
concern 3.4 Organize a
for holistic learning
development of environment that
learners is
responsive to
needs and that
fairness among
of various
cultures, family
background, and

The authors were also mindful of the qualification standards set for Level 6 of the Philippine
Qualifications Framework (PQF) and the ASEAN Qualifications Framework (AQRF) in their choice of
learning tasks in the FS courses for quality assurance and goal competitiveness.

What is PQF? The PQF is a national policy issued by the Office of the President of the Philippines
in 2012 through Executive Order No. 82. The PQF describes the levels of educational qualifications and
sets the standards for qualification outcomes per level in the country. The qualifications per level are based
on standards of knowledge, skills and values acquired by the learners, the application of these knowledge,
skills and values and the degree of independence in which these knowledge, skills and values are applied.
The bachelor’s degree (BEEd/BSEd), pursued by the FS students and any bachelor’s degree for that
matter, is in Level 6. (Refer to Figure 1 and Tables 1 and 2). Take note of the description of the standards
of knowledge, skills and values and the degree of independence in which these are applied.

Field Study 3- Technology in the EnvironmentPage 81


Philippine Qualifications Framework

8 _____________________________________ DOCTORAL &
7 _____________________________________ POST

6 ____________________________________ BACCALAUREATE

5 _____________ DIPLOMA

4 _____________ NC IV ----------------

3 _____________ NC III ----------------


Figure 1. The Philippine Qualification Framework

Table 2 – Descriptions for level PQF—Baccalaureate Degree (BEEd and BSEd)

Knowledge, Skills and Application Degree of Independence

Graduates at this level will Application in professional Independent or in teams of
have a broad and coherent work in a broad range of related field.
knowledge and skills in discipline and or further
their field of study study.
(elementary or secondary
teacher education) for
professional work and

Field Study 3- Technology in the EnvironmentPage 82

lifelong learning.

The ASEAN Qualifications Reference Framework is the “PQF” for the ASEAN member
nations. It is a common reference framework that will function as a translation device to enable
comparisons of qualifications across participating ASEAN countries. The recognition of
qualifications of professionals or credit transfer for students from one ASEAN member country
to another is facilitated by way of the AQRF. Like the PQF, the AQRF has 8 levels of
qualifications. It also describes the knowledge and skills, he application of these knowledge and
skills and the degree of responsibility and accountability in which these knowledge and skills are

Appendix C

Philosophical and Psychological Foundations

This workbook adheres to the Vygotskian principle of social construction of

knowledge., i.e., meaningful learning and construction of knowledge will occur if
learners work hands-on in relevant settings with the proper guidance. Complementary
to Vygotsky’s theory is Albert Bandura’s social learning theory. Bandura asserted that
learning takes place not only through imitation but also through observation.
Recantly, the situated learning theory reiterates Vygotsky’s and Bandura’s view. The
situated learning theory asserts that knowledge needs to be presented and applied in
an authentic context or setting that involves social interaction and collaboration. The
Field Study Experience is geared towards this, to give pre-service teachers the
opportunity to learn through meaningful and systematic exposure in actual settings.

Another important theoretical basis of this Field study experience is reflective

education. John Dewey stressed the vital role that reflection plays in the growth and
development of teachers. Reflection allows the learner to explore his/her experiences
in order to arrive at new understanding or insights. It may be done individually or
through sharing and discussion with others.

In 1979, Steinaker and Bell proposed an experiential learning model which

included five steps: (1) Exposure, where you are exposed to the topic, (2) participation,
where you become physically a part of a school experience, (3) identification, when you
connect with the experience and analyze it, (4) Internalization, where you begin to be
affected of influenced by the experiene, and (5) dissemination, where you express and
share your learnings and insights. These five also function as a taxonomy to classify
the nature of specific learner responses as one goes through experiential learning

This field study workbook will help your journey through these five steps as you
study the episode map (exposure), visit the field study sites (participation0, document
and analyze your observations and data (identification), reflect (internalization), and
prepare and share your portfolio (dissemination)

In 1984, Kolb described an experiential learning cycle model (1984) which consisted of
1) concrete experience0, 2) reflection (on the experience), 30 formation of abstract
concepts and 4) testing in new situation. (See Figure below).

Effective learning is seen when a person progresses through a cycle of four

stages: of (1) having a concrete experience follwed by (2) observation of and reflection
on that experience which leads to (3) the formation of abstract concepts (analysis) and
generalizations (conclusions) which are then (4) used to test hypothesis in future

Field Study 3- Technology in the EnvironmentPage 83

situations, resulting in new experiences. For Kolb, learning is an integrated process
where a new experience of situation is encountered, this experience is reflected upon
where one may discover any inconsistencies between experiene and understanding.
The reflection process gives rise to a new idea (abstraction) or a modification of an
existing abstract concept which the FS student applies and experiments on and again
observes what results.

Applied in the FS courses, this means for example, that first the FS students
observes a teacher in a class; second he/she analyzes and reflects on his/her
observation; third, he/she comes up with an abstraction of his experience and
reflection; fourth, tests his/her abstraction in new situation. Experience without
reflection does not lead to learning.

According to Buod et al (1997) “just having an experience does not necessarily

mean that learning has occurred. The important factor which can turn raw experience
into learning is the process of reflection” (p. 129) Brown and McCartney (1999) point
out that reflection on both the content and the process of learning help learners ‘move
towards and stay within’ deep approach to learning” As Immanuel Kant put it
“Experience without theory is blind, but theory without experience is mere intellectual

Through the FS Workbooks, reflection is an integral component which leads to

My Portfolio authentic evidence of reflective learning.

Field Study 3- Technology in the EnvironmentPage 84


Approach to Field Study

In 2006, an approach used in this Workbook was derived from all the
theoretical underpinnings previously discussed. This is OAR approach. Living in an
archipelago, Filipinos would likely have in our collective unconscious the ancestral
memory of the boat and the oar. The oar is a tool that helps the boat move into its
intended direction. We use acronym OAR to represent the general cycle pattern of the
task that pre-service teachers are expected to do in the different learning episodes.
After the intended learning outcome and the map are given per episode, the per
episode, the pre-service teachers will basically, Observe in actual setting or
Orchestrate a plan, or Organize an output. They will Analyze/Synthesize the
experience, and Reflect on the experience.

Observation in actual setting is meant for the FS students to train their senses
to really focus on important details of the learning situation and perceive them with
clarity and objectivity. It entails FS students’ ability to differentiate making an
observation and interpreting observation.

Analysis involves the use of critical thinking to break down the components of
what was observed, orchestrated or organized. Further on it leads also to the ability to
synthesize, i.e,to organize into a coherent pattern the salient points of what one has
been observed, analyzed and learned.

Reflection involves the past, the present and the future of the Field Study
students. In the light of each field experience episode, the Field Study students reflect
on relevant past experience that ight have affected their beliefs, values and attitudes
about the learning. The students also reflect on how each episode affects their present
thinking and finally, how their learnings will impact on their future as teachers. This
allows for the integration of the future teacher as first and foremost a person with
beliefs, values and attitudes.

The fruits of reflection then affect subsequent observation and analysis, thus
making the model cyclical.

This approach responds in part to the challenge of “developing effective

mechanism for the Experiential Learning Component of Pre-Service Teacher
Education”. It moves away from the old view that, “Teacher for teachers”. It adheres to
the NCBTS paradigm that “Teacher development is transformational, experiential. And
contextual; it involves engaging teachers to critically reflect on old and new technical
knowledge as these facilitate student learning in actual contexts”.

Field Study 3- Technology in the EnvironmentPage 85

Through the six Field Study coursed, the FS students have repeated exposure
and practice in reflective teaching. The end goal is for them to imbibe reflective
teaching that it becomes second nature to them.

The OAR Approach

Involves training of the

senses. Make FSs more
Provide keenly aware and sensitive
Integration of to learner and the learning
FS’ Past, present environment.
And future. Observation/organize/
Reflect Reflectiv Orchestrate
(Dewey) e (Bandura and Vygotsky)



Trains FSs to become

critical thinker.

Appendix E

Table of Specification of General Education of the

Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET)*

Cluster/ Subject/ Competency *Weigh Cluster/ Subject/ Competency *Weight

ENGLISH 20% 4.2 Solve, evaluate, manipulate symbolic and
1. English i- Study and Thinking Skills 6% numerical problems in statistics and probability 2%
by applying fundamental rules, principles and processes
1.1 Use English language correctly and appropriately 3% SCIENCE 20%
1.2 Comprehend written text 3% Biological Science (General Biology)
2. English 2- Writing in the Discipline 5% Physical Science (Earth Science)
2.1 Use accurate, meaningful and 1. Identity scientific traits and attitudes exhibited in

5% 3%
appropriate language in written discourse various situations
3. English 3- Speech and Oral Communication 3% 2. Use scientific inquiry to investigate materials,
3.1 Use accurate, meaningful, and appropriate Events and phenomena in the natural world
Language in oral discourse
3% 5%
4. Literature I- Philippine Literature 4% (designing experiments, collecting organizing,
4.1 Apply knowledge gained from local 1% Analyzing and interpreting, data, making
Literary pieces Conclusions, and communicating results)
4.2 Manifest comprehension to extract elements 1% 3. Use scientific knowledge to explain natural
in major literary genres Phenomena and protect earth’s resources

4.3 Relate insights to given situations 2% 4. Analyze advantages and disadvantages of
5. Literature 2- Master Works of the World 2% Different solutions to particular problems 4%
5.1 Evaluate master works of the world 2% 5. Analyze the impact of technology on
FILIPINO 15% Living and non-living things
1. Filipino I- Komunikasyon sa Akademikong Filipino 6% SOCIAL SCIENCES 20%
1.1 Nagagamit nang may lalong mataas na 6% 1. Philippine Government New Constitution with Human Rights 3%
antas ng kasanayan at kahusayan ang 1.1 Demonstrate understanding of the various
Filipino sa akademikong larangan forms of government from the barangay 1%
2. Filipino 2- Pagbasa at pagsulat tungo sa Pananaliksik 5% to the present system

Field Study 3- Technology in the EnvironmentPage 86

2.1 Nababasa nang may wastong pag-unawa 5% 1.2 Explain the nature and provisions of the present
ang mga teksto sa iba’t-ibang disiplina Constitution, its advantages and disadvantages
3. Filipino 3- Masining na Pagpapahayag 4% over the others in the past and its function as 2%
3.1 Nagagamit nang may husay ang Filipino 2% fundamental law of the state
Sa pagbuo ng isang sulating pananaliksik 2. Philippine History 4%
3.2 Nagagamit ang angkop na repertwal 2% 2.1 Trace the history pf the Philippines from 2%
(repertoire) ng wika sa pagpapahayag ng Pre-colonial to contemporary periods
Kaalaman, karanasan at saloobin 2.2 Draw the implications of the historical evolution 2%
MATHEMATICS 20% of the Philippines to its present socio-political condition
I. Math I- Fundamentals of Math 7% 3.Economics, Taxation, Land Reform and Cooperative 3%
1. Use of four fundamental operations in problem 3.1 Manifest understanding of the Philippine
Solving involving: economic condition with respect to taxation
1.1 operations with whole numbers, decimals, land reform and cooperative as well as to the 2%
Fractions & integers growth of its Gross National Product
1.2 prime, composite, denominate numbers 3.2 Apply the fundamental economic principles to the 1%
1.3 prime factorization 4% current economic condition of the Philippines
1.4 LCM, GCF 4. Society and Culture with Family Planning 2%
1.5 Divisibility rules 4.1 Apply basic concepts, theories and perspectives
1.6 Ratio and Proportion which relate to society, culture and family 1%
1.7 Percentage, Rate and Base planning in life
1.8 Measurement and unit of measure 4.2 Recognize cultural elements that are distinctly Filipino 1%
1.8.1 Perimeter 5. Rizal and other Heroes 2%
1.8.2 Area 2% 5.1 Analyze how Rizal’s life and works have 1%
1.8.3 Volume contributed to the country’s development
1.8.4 Capacity 5.2 Evaluate the contribution of other Philippine 1%
1.8.5 Weight heroes and heroines to the development of the country
1.9 Convert units in the metric system 1% 6. Philosophy 2%
2. Plane Geometry 5% 6.1 Analyze the nature of the Filipino, the Filipino 1%
2.1 Show mastery of basic terms and concepts society and the emerging Filipino philosophy
in Plane Geometry 6.2 Manifest a critical and analytical attitude toward 1%
2.1.1 lines and curves, perpendicular and parallel lines 3% specific issues and problems in daily life
2.1.2 angles, angle properties 7. Art Appreciation/ Humanities 2%
2.1.3 special triangles and quadrilaterals 7.1 Demonstrate understanding of the totality of human
2.1.4 polygons experience by formulating a human perspective that 1%
2.2 Solve problems involving basic terms and concepts 2% integrates all areas of knowledge
in plane geometry 7.2 Manifest appreciation of art as a result of an 1%
3. Elementary Algebra 5% integrative and wholistic view of ife
3.1 Show mastery of basic terms and concepts in 8. Psychology 2%
3.1.2 Polynomials 3% 8.1 Apply the basic concepts an theories of human
3.1.3 Linear equations behavior 2%
3.14 Linear inequalities

3.2 Solve, evaluate, and manipulate symbolic and INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY 5%
numerical problems in elementary algebra by applying Introduction to Computer
fundamental rules, principles and processes 2% 1. Manifest mastery of fundamental concepts,
4. Statistics and Probability 3% principles and operations of information and 3%
4.1 Show mastery and knowledge of basic communication technology (ICT)
terms and concepts in statistics and probability 1% 2. Identify varied and appropriate use of technology 1%
4.1.1 counting techniques 3. Analyze the effect/ impact of ICT on the environment 1%
4.1.2 probability of an event
4.1.3 measure of central tendency
4.1.4 measure of variability

*Promulgated by the board for professional Teachers, Resolution No. 10, s. 2009

Appendix G



Learning 1 2 3

1 D B A
2 A C C
3 D C B
4 A B C
5 B A C
6 D A D
7 B B A

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