The Overunity and FreeEnergy Catalog

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Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018


It has always been a myth that a system can not produce more work than we have to put into it.
Skeptics claim this violates the laws of physics and this is a phony perpetual motion claim. Little do
they know that in 1977, a Nobel Prize was given to a chemist and thermodynamicist named Ilya
Prigogine for his work on Open Dissipative Systems. It was said that this extended the field of
thermodynamics, but in reality, it corrected it.

As long as a system is open to free environmental, external input, it can produce more work than we
have to pay for at the input. Every refrigerator already does this as the total heat moved can be
hundreds of percents more than the electrical equivalent that we pay for in electricity to run the
compressor. However, as soon as the same principle is applied in electrical or mechanical circuits, it
suddenly becomes a big taboo.

The principle is very simple - if a child inputs 1 unit of energy to fly a kite for a certain period of time
and the wind inputs 9 units of work, that is 10 units of work going into this system. If half of all this
input is wasted in bad kite design, friction, etc. this kite flying system is only 50% efficient and is
nothing to brag about. However, 5 parts of flying work were accomplished, which is 500% more than
the child had to input so the child did indeed get a 5 times net gain in work accomplished compared
to what he input. This is a completely valid and legitimate free energy system that is open to
environmental input.

This is the principle at work in many legitimate free energy machines such as the Bedini SG, Veljko 2
Stage Oscillator, Paul Babcock’s electric motor and others - and of course, this principle does not
violate any laws of physics. In fact, the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics doesn’t even apply to anything in
the entire universe because there is no such thing as a closed system. Get a copy of The Quantum
Key by Aaron Murakami and Open System Thermodynamics by Peter Lindemann. Between these
two, you will have an understanding of the real thermodynamic principles that describe the natural
universe, which have been left out of the textbooks for the last 40 years. &

Down below you'll find the most up to date collection of alternate energy information and technologies
available with a description beside each one. These are some of the best eBooks and video
presentations ever written by what is considered to be the leading top authorities on the subject of
overunity and free energy designs and concepts. Some of the technologies have been suppressed
from the general public and it is our commitment to develop and distribute this information and
technology. This is not your everyday average knowledge and is the most informative out of all the
available information out there on the internet or otherwise. So take a look and find exactly what
interests you the most and good reading! Have a wonderful one!
Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Evolution of the Zero Vacuum Engine – A Replication of John Bedini’s Zero Force Motor FULL
DISCLOSURE by Yaro Stanchak – One of John Bedini’s most coveted technologies, the Zero Force
Motor is revealed in full detail. Yaro shares some of John Bedini’s lab notes relating to the ZFM that
have never been released before showing the genesis of some of John’s magnetic model concepts.
The ZFM is an ironless motor that runs a rotor at high speed with minimal current draw. It is extremely
efficient, exhibits some anomalous behavior, and still has some secrets yet to be revealed. It is
thought that this motor coupled with a low drag or drag free generator that this could possibly run
itself. This motor is the key to high speed for lower power.

Release date – July 20, 2017. Learn more: Zero Force Motor
Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

The Gold Magnet – Attracting Non-Ferrous Metals by Jeff Moe is a simple presentation that
shows you how to pick up metals without iron with an easily built electromagnet.

This is not a new concept, but goes back to the early 1900’s and apparently Jeff’s uncle is the
originator of the concept. Although others have replicated it and even written about it, there are very
few replications!

You will see the history of its invention, theory of its operation and the know-how so that you can
replicate your own magnet that picks up gold, silver, aluminum or other non-ferrous metals!

Release date – July 21, 2017. Learn more: The Gold Magnet
Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Newman Motor Disclosure by Geoffrey Miller is the presentation that everyone has been waiting
for. Finally, the details to replicate Joseph Newman’s motor has been released!

Geoffrey Miller worked with Joseph Newman for about 10 years and was one of the few that earned
Newman’s trust enough to be let in on his most coveted secrets.

Geoffrey is the one that actually helped Newman increase the quality of his own builds and this took it
to a whole new level. There are lots of conspiracy claims for energy technologies, and Joseph
Newman’s motor was one of the most suppressed in history with more documentation that you can
believe! Even the court’s own special master (expert) agreed that Newman’s motor worked as
claimed but they still threw it out, which was beyond corrupt.

Release date – July 25, 2017. Learn more: Newman Motor Disclosure
Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Two Overunity Technologies and a Theory to Explain Them by Dr. Paul LaViolette is a powerful
presentation where he presents two of the most profound overunity technologies.

Besides going into the fallacies of much of conventional beliefs in terms of the foundation of physics,
he reports on two profound technologies.

One of the technologies is a high overunity hydrogen technologies that produces heat and the the
other is a thruster that produces unidirectional force 1000 times more than a NASA designed thruster
per input – actually, this thruster requires ZERO energy expenditure to produce the thrust!

Release date – July 28, 2017. Learn more: Two Overunity Technologies
Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Hacking the Aether by Aaron Murakami presents quite possibly the simplest unified field model that
has ever been proposed that even those with non-technical backgrounds can understand. A unified
field model ties together gravity, inertia, time, electricity and many other natural principles in a
seamless way that they all collectively form one cohesive picture of how the Universe is put together.

Beyond this, Hacking the Aether essentially debunks all the basic and fundamental laws of physics –
one of the most outrageous claims anyone could make, but it is done in a simple and eloquent way
that is nearly impossible to argue with because it uses conventional claims themselves to point out
the inadequacies.

Conservation of Energy, Conservation of Momentum, and other principles are debunked using
elementary logic. The first and third Laws of Motion are rewritten so that they reflect reality and a
simple formula to show that inertia is actually a form of dielectric induction of space into mass is
presented. Again, this is all done so simply that the layman can understand the concepts.

Einstein’s biggest blunder is that space can be curved – this is one of the most ludicrous ideas ever
put forth in science and is easily debunked based on the simple facts that a mass cannot curve space
if space is supposedly made of nothing and the curvature of space violate the necessity for an equal
and opposite reaction, which does not happen! You will see how gravity operates in a manner so
simple that even a child can understand the natural laws.

This presentation should be at the very foundation of anyone studying the energy sciences because it
lays the groundwork based on common sense, historical facts, and basic logic. It is the birthright of
every human being to understand their relationship with the natural universe and Hacking the Aether
fulfills that role.

Release date – August 8, 2017. Learn more: Hacking the Aether

Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

The Universal Medium – The Great 20th Century Prophets by Paul Babcock. For the first time
publicly, Paul Babcock shares intimate details about his own life story, background and path that he
followed that has led him to the understanding that he shared with the audience.

He covers some of the greats such as Tesla, Lakhovsky and a few others and how their work is
directly related to The Univeral Medium – otherwise known as the Aether.

Because of his extensive background in electrical engineering and personally having held may
technical and non-technical duties in many companies, he has amassed a uniquely qualified skillset
that has allowed him to unlock the true nature of the Lakhovsky Multiwave Oscillator.

It wasn’t until several years ago that the real circuit was even known since Lakhovsky and his son
never revealed it to anyone. Fortunately, some engineers came across some original units still crated
up after all these decades. They reverse engineered it so that the actual circuit is known.

However, the deeper understanding of the nature of the machine and it’s interaction with The
Universal Medium is still missing from the literature and this is where Paul’s profound and
empowering presentation comes in. He also covers how the machine and the Aether interact with our
physical bodies to boost the Life Force energy, which allows it to operate at an optimum level.

When you hear Paul’s personal story, which I have been a personal witness to most of it, it will shatter
a few paradigms of what is thought to be possible!

Release date – August 10, 2017. Learn more: The Universal Medium
Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Subtle Energy Protocols, Experiments, Baseline Results by Professor Robert M. Haralick.

Subtle energy, for a lack of a better term, refers to the energy and/or the change of the structure of
space that occurs when influences such as conscious intention affects material reality.

An example of this kind of influence is when healers use Qi or Parana to effect a healing either close
by or remotely.

Other instances include mental telepathy, remote viewing and the programming of quartz crystals by
conscious intention.

Tiller uses the quantum mechanics phrase Raising the Gauge.

There are other situations where a subtle energy can develop: These include being exposed to
certain kinds of magnetic fields or electric fields, being exposed to quartz crystals, and being exposed
to sacred geometric forms.

This talk discusses the difficulty of doing subtle energy experiments, gives the protocols for a few
different kinds of subtle energy experiments involving water, describes a number of kinds of
measurements that can be made of water, and shares the results of those experiments.

Release date – August 15, 2017. Learn more: Mind Over Matter
Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Musical Seismograph – Demonstration of the Tesla Converter by Eric Dollard. The advanced
seismic warning system that was built by Eric Dollard in Landers, California was the most advanced
earthquake forecasting system ever developed or probably even imagined.

It could predict earthquakes 6.0 and above 24-72 hours ahead of time, which is far beyond anything
our own government or military has ever achieved (publicly that is.)

After it was closed, Eric has been working to rebuild the basic system, but this time on protected land
where nobody can stop the progress.

He has been accomplishing this with a low budget based on donations and “glom”, which is free stuff
found around the desert, junkyards or electrical surplus places. This has been ongoing for a few
years now and the progress has been incredible including have an entire mine dedicated with three
seismic transducers (seismographs) at the disposal of EPD Laboratories, Inc!

The signals are very low strength and it is an amazing challenge to amplify these – especially if the
goal is to do it all with analog components. Of course being that Eric Dollard is the modern-day Tesla,
he is doing it Tesla style.

This presentation walks you through the concepts of converting the seismograph signals into musical
signals using a Tesla Converter. Most Tesla fans have never heard of or even know what a Tesla
Convert is, but Eric teaches what it is and even shows one working. It amplifies signals with
resonance instead of electrically. That along is beyond the scope of most Electrical Engineers and
Eric Dollard is using this to have each Seismograph output tones that will eventually be tuned to the
Pythagorean scale.

Continued below...
Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

If you thought 432 Hz was the musical note of A that would be in resonance with the natural world,
well, the truth is you’ve been misled. The truth is that the Pythaogrean scale is the one that is truly in
harmony with natural ratios and you will learn all about that in this presentation.

Besides the Tesla Converter presentation and demo (with us in the actual mine!!!), you’re going to
learn about some audio amplifier circuits that you have never seen and the design concept that Eric
shares may very well be the most highest fidelity audio amplifier ever conceived. This has never been
publicly shared so you’ll be the first to see what he has been working on.

You’re going to learn quite a bit about multiplexing, which is like playing a chord on the piano, but it is
more than that. On phone lines, being able to send multiple signals once and having them be split
apart again at the end.

You’re going to see Eric on a piano keyboard showing a lot about chords and multiplexing. He has
quite a bit of this in the presentation and is necessary to prove the point.

This is one jam-packed presentation and just so you know, the transmission lines for the Advanced
Seismic Warning System will be complete in about a month!

Thank you for supporting EPD Laboratories, Inc. and Eric Dollard’s work.

Release date – August 17, 2017. Learn more: Musical Seismograph

Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Multiple Order Harmonics – Tuning the QEG by James Robitaille – Ronald Brandt was a brilliant
experimenter who was successful in developing many Tesla and related technologies. He associated
with many of the legends of the “Free Energy” and Tesla Sciences field including the late John Bedini
who he shared his well-known “Tesla Switch” plans with that ran an electrical motor in a unique way
that allowed the batteries to stay charged up while producing an abundance of mechanical work.

With a different methodology, he developed a generator technology that had high energy gains based
on synchronizing various resonances in the system and this serves as the foundation for the
Quantum Energy Generator or QEG project, which became an internationally known phenomena by
Hope Girl and the Fix the World Organization.

Release date – August 23, 2017. Learn more: Multiple Order Harmonics
Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

H2Global – Clean Fuel for a Clean Future by Walt Jenkins – Most water fuel researchers and
developers are focused on methods to separate hydrogen and oxygen from water with electrolysis
(running electrical current through the water). However, there are other ways that are much more
efficient and effective. With only hundreds of miliamps, Walt Jenkins can run an engine with 95%+

He isn’t using electrolysis, but he was heavily involved with that years ago and he is actually the
original developer of the popular dry cell that most experimenters are using.

Moray King considers Walt Jenkins to be the modern-day Stan Meyer and that is a very strong
statement coming from a leading authority on water fuel technologies. Help us bring more awareness
to the work of Walt Jenkins so we can have clean fuel for a clean future!

Release date – August 25, 2017. Learn more: H2Global

Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Electricity, Magnetism, Gravity & Singularity by Al Francoeur – This is the premise of much of
the model that Al Francoeur has been working on in relation to explaining how he believes the Ed
Gray power supply works. The Gray Motor was verified in the past to operate at over 300 COP, which
means 300 times more work was demonstrated compared to the net loss in the batteries that were
powering the motor.

Al happens to own the largest collection of the remnants of Ed Gray’s technology and he has been
diligently working to reverse engineer the power supply to see what if any components or how it is
built is operating in some unusual way. There appears to possibly be a transformer winding method
that on the surface would appear to not work and it deals with counter-turned windings that oppose
each other. Conventionally, the thought would be that it would cancel out the ability to generate a
magnetic field, but there are other instances where this kind of winding method has been
implemented and it actually gives very unusual performance such as is seen in the famous Kromrey

Release date – August 29, 2017. Learn more: Electricity, Magnetism, Gravity & Singularity
Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Poor Man’s Split the Positive Battery Swapper by RS Stafford – John Bedini came up with this
method years ago after studying the concepts in the famous Ed Gray motor, which had a similar
process, but with much higher voltages. The above example has been known as Bedini’s 3 Battery
system and very few people have ever understood the profound implications of it.

Now when you combine this concept with a highly efficient Bedini Energizer where you can recover a
high percentage of what goes into the system in addition to getting some extra electricity from some
generator coils that have very low drag, you have the keys to be able to produce mechanical or
electrical work while making up for virtually all its own losses. That means you have a simple system
that keeps itself charged up and you can create the battery swapping part of the system with parts
from your local hardware store!

Release date – August 31, 2017. Learn more: Poor Man’s Split the Positive Battery Swapper
Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

High Voltage N- Machine, Advancing the Homopolar Generator by Aaron Murakami – At the
2017 Energy Science & Technology Conference, I review the basic history and the most notable
names who have been involved with this kind of generator and then I show a working model that I
have used to charge some capacitors up to 150-160 volts! If you consider the fact that for the size of
magnets I was rotating, I would be lucky to wind up with 0.5 volts! I have a neon bulb connected to
the capacitor and the bulb blinks every time the capacitors are up to the trigger voltage of these
neons, which is about 95-105 volts.

What this shows is that I’m able to get 200 TIMES THE VOLTAGE than is expected from this kind of
generator, which could very well take the entire experimental world of homopolar generators to a
whole other level of practicality unlike anything has ever been demonstrated. It appears that at the
conference, the small demonstration model achieved a worlds record by showing that I have wound
up with more voltage from a Homopolar Generator that anyone has achieved in the last two centuries!

Release date – September 5, 2017. Learn more:

High Voltage N- Machine, Advancing the Homopolar Generator
Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Babcock External Field Interaction Motor by Paul Babcock – In this presentation from the 2016
Energy Science & Technology Conference, Paul Babcock discloses for the first time how this motor
actually works. It is based on the foundation that he taught in Magnetic Energy Secrets Parts 1, 2 & 3.
What you will learn is that it is indisputable that magnets really are a source of energy contrary to
what the physicists claim and engineers claim.

Release date – July 25, 2016. Learn more: Babcock DC Motor

Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Cold Electricity by Aaron Murakami – This presentation reveals and unknown patent application that
spells out the clearest description and list of benefits of Cold Electricity out of any public document. It
has been hiding in plain sight for years and is the subject of a replication attempt. There are enough
details in this presentation to demonstrate the basic switching method and two proposed methods of
operation. Proceeds from this video will be used to further the replication attempt and we hope that
others will be able to follow suit.

Release date – July 27, 2016. Learn more: Cold Electricity

Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Fundamentals of the Transforming Generator by Jim Murray – This astounding machine

demonstrates many principles that are not understood by conventional science. It rotates but creates
a square wave output, with positive feedback – it speeds up to self-destruct speeds, which you
normally only see in science fiction movies but this is the real thing, it can light mercury vapor lamps
at 200-300% more lumens per watt among other mind-bending feats! For the first time ever, Jim
Murray discloses the inner workings of this machine to the public and even describes how someone
can replicate it by modifying an off the shelf motor.

Release date – August 1, 2016. Learn more: Fundamentals of the Transforming Generator
Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Magnetic Implosion Transformer by Graham Gunderson – This presentation shows a solid state
transformer invented by Graham that measured out at 570% more output than the input he had to
pay for at a live demonstration. He can even dial the input down so the input goes negative, which
means the COP (coefficient of performance) is infinite (ratio between intended work compared to
input we paid for. These measurements were validated by multiple methods that all corroborated with
each other.

Release date – August 3, 2016. Learn more: Magnetic Implosion Transformer

Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Open System Physics & Thermodynamics by Mike Waters – If you want to learn an argument that
wins 100% of the time against conventional physicists who deny “overunity”, this is for you. You’ll also
learn how Michael produced 12,000% MORE electricity from the wind compared to a conventional
turbine – it’s so simple, you can build your own test units to see what they produce! He also goes into
graphene, cavitation and many other concepts including sharing his vision of a personal transport
vehicle that could eventually have an unlimited range.

Release date – August 5, 2016. Learn more: Open System Physics & Thermodynamics
Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Open System Thermodynamics by Peter Lindemann, DSc – “We’ve all heard that the laws of
thermodynamics say that a machine cannot produce more energy than it runs on. But that is only true
using closed system thermodynamics. In 1977 a Nobel Prize was awarded for the discoveries of
Open-System Thermodynamics, where environmental inputs can add to user inputs to produce super
efficient systems. Therefore, we CAN and DO have machines that can produce more energy than we
have to supply and no laws of physics are broken.”

Visit Homepage: Open System Thermodynamics

Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Bedini SG – The Complete Beginner’s Handbook by Peter Lindemann & Aaron Murakami –
Building a Bedini SG is a Right Of Passage For Anyone Seeking REAL Free Energy! Save
Thousands Of Hours Of Research, and Eliminate Trial & Error! For The First Time Ever, The Entire
Bedini SG Schematic, Parts List, Detailed Building Instructions and Circuit Operation Theory are
Revealed All In One Place.

Learn more: Bedini SG

Learn more: Bedini SG - The Complete Handbook Series TRILOGY
Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Bedini SG – The Complete Intermediate Handbook by Peter Lindemann & Aaron Murakami – This
takes everything you learned in the beginner’s handbook to the next level. Building upon the original
Bedini SG, you’ll learn how to critically balance the circuit and charge and discharge capacitors so
you can get more output for less input. You’ll also learn a bunch of John Bedini’s personal tricks to
enhance efficiency even more.

Learn more: Bedini SG

Learn more: Bedini SG - The Complete Handbook Series TRILOGY
Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Bedini SG – The Complete Advanced Handbook by Peter Lindemann – The third book reveals the
final secrets of John Bedini’s self-running machines. One of the main revelations of this advanced
book is a complete disclosure and analysis of John’s low-drag generator designs. This shows you
how to convert the mechanical energy of the wheel into excess electrical energy.

Learn more: Bedini SG

Learn more: Bedini SG - The Complete Handbook Series TRILOGY
Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Bedini SG – Beyond the Advanced Handbook by Peter Lindemann – This is the first time John
Bedini’s 1984 Kromrey Generator has been publicly demonstrated ever and the meters showed that
the output was 200% compared to the input. The Bedini SG that was demonstrated had a self-
rotating battery system based on Bedini’s Splitting the Positive diagram and it recycled virtually all of
the energy is used to run the energizer back through batteries to charge them up. The amp hours of
running time that this energizer demonstrated was way more than the battery capacity can account
for. A diode method was also shown that elicited way more radiant energy than the circuit and
batteries could even handle, which teaches you that generating the radiant is not the issue because it
has always been in the machine from the beginning – the real issue is how to safely capture it! The
bottom line is that this presentation demonstrates that everything we have said in the Bedini SG
books are true.

Release date – August 9, 2016. Learn more: Bedini SG – Beyond the Advanced Handbook
Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

John Bedini's Missing 1984 Presentation Surfaces! by John Bedini – "One Of The Most Important
Presentations John Bedini Has Ever Given Disappeared For 34 Years And It Just Surfaced - Finally
Disclosed The Missing 1984 Video!" REVEALED: The secret to the T. Henry Moray crystal is revealed
and so is the timing method for John Bedini's 1984 Free Energy Generator.

T. Henry Moray was known as having one of the most profound free energy devices that produced
massive amounts of "overunity." The key to making his system work was a crystal that Moray worked
with that was referred to as a "Swedish Stone." This crystal is actually the secret behind Bedini's
"Ionic Line Amps". John did a famous demo with these at an audio show in the early 1980's - he
would play a record or cd into his pre-amp, which fed a larger high power amp that powered some
high end speakers with high volume.

He then disconnected the large speaker cables and put one of these amps at the output of the amp
and another at the input of the speakers. He then connected both of those ionic line amps with tiny 30
gauge wire. Now anyone that knows even the smallest bit about stereos knows that if you crank up
the stereo with this small fine wire that it will probably disintegrate them with that much wattage.
However, as John was often doing the "impossible", it worked perfectly!

How? John said that the wires were of course too small to carry that signal and the wires acted more
as a guide - while the real power was moving through "hyperspace" or what is also known as
"counterspace" from transmitter to receiver. This is in theory identical to what Eric Dollard has taught
about extraluminal transmission systems and how longitudinal waves propagate.

Then, John goes into his 1984 Free Energy Generator and why people have had trouble replicating it
and it is primarily the timing, which most people have not been able to perfect. John then introduces
Peter Lindemann as the developer of a low drag generator methodology.

It ends with John giving a demonstration of a pocket size 1984 Free Energy Generator that runs itself
and keeps it batteries topped up. Learn more: John Bedini's Missing 1984 Presentation
Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Electrical Transmission in Multiple Coordinate Systems by Eric Dollard – This is the sequel to
The Extraluminal Transmission Systems of Tesla and Alexanderson. This is the deepest Eric Dollard
has ever gone to develop the theoretical basis for longitudinal propagation, which is not subject to the
inverse square law. There is also no velocity to its propagation and therefore no association to light
speed. If you ever saw the classic Borderland videos on Tesla’s Longitudinal Waves, this presents
diagrams, math and more information that you can ever hope for if you want to experiment with the
analog Longitudinal networks on your own!

Release date – August 15, 2016. Learn more:

Electrical Transmission in Multiple Coordinate Systems

Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Crystal Radio Initiative by Eric Dollard – Can you get free electricity from your local am radio
station? What if you could light a 100 Watt bulb from the ground? Learn the basics that puts Tesla's
resonant transformer technology right into your hands!

This includes 2 hours and 45 minutes of video plus a 303 page book.

Learn more: Crystal Radio Initiative

Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

On the Art of Natural VLF Recording by Stephen P McGreevy – This “Natural Radio” includes
audio-frequency radio signals of Earth in the approximately 200 Hz to beyond 10,000 Hz (10 kHz)
spectrum which are not man-made but occur naturally. The most-spectacular phenomena are heard
between 400 Hz and 5 kHz. Interest in naturally-occurring ELF/VLF (Extremely Low Frequency / Very
Low Frequency) radio phenomena such as “whistlers” and “chorus” has enjoyed a rapid resurgence
among all kinds of people – from hobbyists, musicians, nature lovers, amateur and professional
scientists, and so on. Let’s all get involved and listen to what the Earth is telling us and get back in
alignment with the natural cycles, sounds and frequencies that are all around us tapping on our
shoulders to pay attention to. It’s all been hiding right there in plain sight!

Visit Homepage: Natural VLF Recording

Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

From Nanobubbles to Ball Lightning by Moray B. King – In an internal combustion engine the big
anomalous energy manifests from microscopic ball lightning – not hydrogen combustion. This
presentation shows many resources and academic paper references that are involved with the latest
research in this field. You will also learn how you may be able to make your own nanobubbles using
various methods of cavitation to create what just may be microscopic ball lightning in your engine.

Release date – August 18, 2016. Learn more: From Nanobubbles to Ball Lightning
Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Paramagnetic & Diamagnetic Field Experiments by Professor Robert Haralick, Guy Obolensky &
Loren Zanier – In this talk, we describe experiments by which the diamagnetic field by the bloch
region and by the poles of a magnet may be measured using 3-axis Hall effect milligaussmeters,
magnetoresistive milligaussmeters and sensitive differential electrometers. Our experiments provide
evidence for the existence of a diamagnetic field and the vortex of the paramagnetic field.
Experiments also reveal longer spinning times with a load than without and a loss of weight.

Release date – August 23, 2016. Learn more: Paramagnetic & Diamagnetic Field Experiments
Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Scotch Yoke Solenoid Motor by Aaron Murakami, Bob Teal’s Magnipulsion motor ran on a car
battery and generated enough mechanical work to run a 20 ton conveyor belt for 6 months and the
battery never went dead!

His motor used solenoid coils that when charged, they would pull an iron rod into them and these
rods turned a conventional crankshaft. When the coils were turned off, he recaptured almost all the
electricity and used it over and over and over. Despite the poor mechanical performance of the
crankshaft that is just like the ones in most of our automobiles, he still had those profound results.

When I first learned about the Bourke Engine about 8 years ago, the most efficient gasoline engine
ever developed, the reciprocating motion was turned into rotary motion with a very intriguing
mechanism called a Scotch Yoke. While that yoke is not new and was not even new when Russell
Bourke used it in his opposing piston engine, it helped to take his efficiency to levels that are claimed
to be impossible. Instantly, I knew that marrying the Scotch Yoke mechanism to a Bob Teal type
electromagnetic motor would be the ultimate combination and this presentation shows the concepts,
timing mechanism and a masterfully built Scotch Yoke with iron rods going into solenoid coils with
only a couple thousand’s inch gap!

The concept of putting these two things together is mine, Peter Lindemann who has studied the Bob
Teal technology for years and is actually the inspiration for his variable reluctance motor that Eric
Dollard tested at 108% back in the 1980’s came up with the timing mechanism, Ken Flanigan did all
of the machining and Graham Gunderson is helping to design the driver circuit.

For any of you that have wanted to see a collaboration between some of the presenters at the
conference, this is it. What is presented is the history of the Bob Teal motor and how it relates to this
project, where we are at with the project at the moment and where we’re going with it. Proceeds from
this presentation will go to funding the rest of the project so we can open source it all and bring it
straight to the people! Also, it’s only $7 so make sure to get a copy so you can learn about the most
efficient way to turn reciprocating motion into rotary, which can pump water, drive you around town
(scaled up) or other mechanical applications with the minimum amount of electricity.. Release date –
August 25, 2016. Learn more: Scotch Yoke Solenoid Motor
Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Bourke Engine Documentary by Lois Bourke – This special Bourke Cycle Edition is an exclusive
release only available here. This PDF is 202 pages jam-packed with the most COMPREHENSIVE
package of information on Russell Bourke's Engine that has ever been released!

"The Bourke Engine Ran With A 50:1 Air/Fuel Ratio And Produced More Horsepower & Torque Per
Pound Than Any Other Engine In History. It Had Only 2 Moving Parts, The Oil Never Had To Be
Changed, It Was Very Quiet, And It Ran Very Cool. At OVER 70% thermal efficiency, it's the most
efficient gasoline engine ever made!"

REVEALED: The most important gasoline engine ever made, where it came from, how it works and
how to build one. Learn more: Bourke Cycle
Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Plasma Impulse Motor by Aaron Murakami, presents a novel way to power an inductor that appears
to possibly have a reduced resistance/impedance effect in the entire circuit. This may prove out to
show how to get a stronger magnetic punch on a coil thereby increasing its power so we can have
stronger motors for the same or less electricity. It is also a 100% mirror image of the Gray Tube
circuit, which is thought by many to be THE Holy Grail of Free Energy since the output is astoundingly
high compared to the input. If the inductor’s impedance is being reduced, even a little, this is a very
important discovery in electromagnetic science.

Release date – August 27, 2016. Learn more: Plasma Impulse Motor
Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

The Quantum Key by Aaron Murakami, 5th Edition, is recommended for anyone that wants to learn
about the basic principles that permits systems to freely output more than what we have to put into
them. The Quantum Key could easily be called Free Energy 101. None of this violates any laws of
physics contrary to what conventionally trained skeptics claims and it is backed by Nobel-Prize
winning work in thermodynamics. This is a unified field model for the layman, which seamlessly
connects aether, mass, gravity, inertia, electricity, time and extraluminal travel. Using elementary math
and simple equations with easy to understand analogies, anyone can understand the science of free
energy and the thermodynamics that actually describes these systems.

Learn more: The Quantum Key

Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Ignition Secrets by Aaron Murakami is the definitive book and video collection, which teaches all
about plasma ignition systems. This is the first significant improvement to ignition systems in the last
100 years that almost anyone can build with simple off the shelf parts. This includes theory, pictures,
diagrams and many hours of videos. Hundreds to thousands of people around the world have
replicated this plasma ignition method.

Learn more: Ignition Secrets

Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Plasma Ignition for Wasted Spark Systems by Aaron Murakami – The Ignition Secrets book and
supporting videos and documents are all about the theory, science and application of the Plasma
Ignition system itself. Many people have been able to successfully build bench models and even put it
on their automobiles as long as they aren’t using wasted spark ignition systems. The problem with
wasted spark ignition systems is that half the plugs run on the opposite high voltage polarity as the
other. That makes it more difficult to install the plasma on these cars. This presentation shows what
the wasted spark ignition system is all about and how I personally overcame this issue on my own
1998 Subaru Legacy GT with a boxer engine.

Learn more: Plasma Ignition for Wasted Spark Ignitions

Learn more: Plasma Ignition (Ignition Secrets) Full Combo
Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Water Fuel Secrets by Aaron Murakami reveals what Stan Meyer was really creating with his water
fuel technology and that was a synthetic fuel on demand based on NITROGEN modification of the
water fuel (HHO). Nitrogen is responsible for slowing the burn rate and lowering the temperature of
hydrogen so that is can burn more like gasoline. This is all demonstrated with Meyer’s own
documents, which many self-proclaimed Meyer experts deny exist, but here they are all spelled out in
Water Fuel Secrets.

Learn more: Water Fuel Secrets

Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

A Course in Mind Power by Aaron Murakami covers many rare pieces of information that are left out
of much of the western literature when it comes to enhancing mind power. That even includes
teachings in English of Eastern philosophies. You will understand the secrets of the ideomotor effect
and who was really behind the science. You will also learn some little known facts about Zi Fa Dong
Gong as well as Kundalini that you won’t find elsewhere. Make sure to read the testimonials on this

Learn More: A Course in Mind Power

Learn more: A Course in Mind Power Advanced Methods

Learn more: A Course in Mind Power Combo

Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

How to Build a Jet Engine by Aaron Murakami teaches how to do it with a turbocharger along with
some efficiency modifications that nobody else is showing, which were designed by the inventor of
the world’s most efficient heat exchanger.

Learn More: How to Build a Jet Engine

Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Battery Secrets by Peter Lindemann – Learn to understand the chemistry of what a battery actually
is, it is easy to see the parameters of what the battery charger needs to do in order to treat it right so
that when it is charged and discharged, they can have a theoretical infinite number of
charge/discharge cycles. That’s right – infinite – because the chemistry of a lead acid battery is 100%

Learn more: Battery Secrets

Learn more: Battery Rejuvenation
Learn more: Battery Secrets & Battery Rejuvenation Combo
Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Battery Rejuvenation by Peter Lindemann – This video goes deeper into the chemical changes that
happen during repeated, incomplete charge cycles. This is one of the main reasons why batteries fail.
It also goes into the chemical changes that happen when a battery sits for a long period of time
without use.

Learn more: Battery Secrets

Learn more: Battery Rejuvenation
Learn more: Battery Secrets & Battery Rejuvenation Combo
Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

The Dynaflux Concept and Lenz’s Law by Jim Murray – At the 2015 Energy Science & Technology
Conference, Jim gave a presentation called The Dynaflux Concept and Lenz’s Law. For the first time
ever, many of the secrets to the Dynaflux Alternator are revealed including details that were
intentionally left out of the patent! If you want a disclosure on an electrical generator that has been
tested to output over 2.5 times the amount of electricity compared to a normal generator turned by
the same motor – here it is!

Learn more: Dynaflux Alternator – Dynaflux Alternator Full Package

Learn more: Dynaflux Alternator – Serps & Transforming Generator Demo
Learn more: Dynaflux Alternator – Jim Murray Patent Collection
Learn more: Dynaflux Alternator – Private Lab Tour & Demostrations
Learn more: Dynaflux Alternator – Concept & Lenz's Law
Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

The Power of the Aether as Related to Music and Electricity by Eric Dollard – In this presentation,
we demystify the aether and give it tangible form and substance while attempting to demonstrate how
it is the medium of creation. Below is a synopsis of each section of this presentation that is nearly 4
hours long!

Learn more: Power of the Aether

Learn more:

History, Theory & Practice of Electrical Transmission Notebooks 4 & 5 Thomson-Steinmetz

Learn more: Power of Aether Combo + Notebooks 4 & 5

Learn more: Notebooks 4-5

Learn more: Notebooks 1-3

Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

The Lord’s Pump Project by Al Throckmorton – The Lord’s Pump Project was started to help a small
isolated village of 2500 people in northern Uganda without potable water. This presentation presents
the inspired answer: A plastic pump operating at 260 psi using the water pumped as the fuel. The
plasma ignition system ignites this water gas pushing the water out and up to heights thought to be
impossible by conventional thinking. This presentation also includes techniques for liberating
explosive gas from water as well the creation of other elements in the plasma and the impact on our
present model of the cosmos.

Learn more: Lord’s Pump Project

Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Overunity Disclosure & Floyd Sweet’s VTA by Graham Gunderson – Out of all of the technologies
built by other people that I have been tasked to verify, there was only one that was verifiably
overunity, which was a system similar to the famous Floyd Sweet “VTA” but in this device, it charged
up the battery bank of an electric car using ambient energy. It took a week to charge its batteries, but
it worked. Since there is so much complexity in this quest for overunity and it isn’t attainable by most
people, I wanted to present something that the average tinkerer can actually build and verify and that
is exactly what I presented at the 2015 Energy Science & Technology Conference. It is a simple
transformer with simple off-the-shelf parts configured in a specific way so that there is a “motional” or
moving magnetic field and it is that moving field that allows this transformer to demonstrate overunity
performance – and how it does this as if it is alive and breathing.

Learn more: Overunity Disclosure

Learn more: Floyd Sweet's VTA
Learn more: OU Disclosure and VTA combo
Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

ECE Unified Theory of Physics by Douglas Lindstrom, PhD – As revealed in this lecture, the
currently accepted model of the physical universe has outlived its usefulness to the point that new
experiments such as CERN cost tens of billions of dollars, investment that could be much more
wisely utilized elsewhere. The electromagnetic theory of Maxwell of the 1860’s is still the
electromagnetic theory used by mainstream engineers and scientists. The electromagnetic portion of
the ECE theory, a theory which in total couples electromagnetism, gravity, quantum theory, and the
rest of physics, together as a unified field, is presented in a manner that can by understood by
anyone with a slight knowledge of the mathematics of vectors. This theory is used to explain LENR,
the homopolar generator, and parametric over-unity devices, all of which have eluded satisfactory
explanation using the standard model.

Learn more: ECE Unified Theory of Physics

Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Advanced Motor Secrets by David Squires, E.E. – Designing an electric motor that produces one
horsepower for about 200 watts of input electricity is not that difficult in principle. The physics and the
mechanics are fairly straight forward. You do have to understand the math and the theory, however.
The end result is an electric motor that produces a lot of mechanical energy while dissipating very
little electrical energy. This advantageous energy transformation is possible in well engineered
designs and becomes the “Power Gain” in the system. But let me make one thing perfectly clear. No
electrical laws are being broken here. These Advanced Motor Secrets use the same math and
magnetic theory as ordinary electric motors. You just have to know what you are looking for to find it!

Visit Homepage: Advanced Motor Secrets

Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Perpetual Motion Reality by Peter Lindemann – In my presentation, you will learn the real history of
perpetual motion and how our ancestors learned to power their machines by the Forces of Nature.
You will also learn that the first, undisputed Perpetual Motion Machine was built in 1605 and given as
a gift to the King of England! But that is not all! You will also learn that there are over 500,000 of this
type of machine on the planet today, and there is one in New Zealand that has been running
continuously since 1864! You see, Real Perpetual Motion Machines run from an energy source that is
available everywhere, all of the time. Even Nikola Tesla described this as “the ideal source of energy”
to power our industrial society! The machine he designed to run on this energy is called the “Self-
acting Engine”.

Visit Homepage: Perpetual Motion Reality

Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

The Secret of Tesla’s Power Magnification by Jim Murray & Paul Babcock- At the recent 2014
Energy Science & Technology Conference, the S.E.R.P.S. machine was demonstrated publicly for the
first time in history. S.E.R.P.S. is a Switched Energy Resonant Power Supply, which operates on the
same power magnification principles that Nikola Tesla used to amplify the power in his generators. In
layman’s terms, energy is supplied by a power transformer to run the lights and then is stored in a
capacitor. The capacitor is then discharged back through the lights again to the power supply in a way
that neutralizes the load seen by the power supply. The consequences of this energy oscillation is
that the load (bulbs) can be powered twice while the net energy supplied by the power supply is
reduced to a very small value. The implications of this technology for energy use in the future is
absolutely astonishing!

Visit Homepage: Secret of Tesla’s Power Magnification

Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

On the Parallel Propulsion Researches of Tesla and J.J. Thomson by William Lyne – In this new
presentation the comparison between the works of these two important men are reviewed in detail.
We’ll be covering material going back to the late 1880’s. This presentation includes a discussion of
the Theory of Electromagnetic Momentum developed by J.J. Thompson and is crucial to the
understanding the foundations of aether physics.

Learn more: Tesla & JJ Thompson

Learn more: William Lyne combo - Flying Machine and Parallel Propulsion
Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Tesla’s Ideal Flying Machine by William Lyne – Almost everything believed about “space aliens” are
nothing more than a complex web of lies within lies to cover up the real truth that the U.S.
Government has had fully operational electric propulsion craft capable of interstellar travel for over 70
years. I rarely have presented such a complete expose of this material in a live presentation – Tesla’s
Ideal Flying Machine. This presentation also covers my work with the Atomic Hydrogen Furnace
technology that I developed many years ago, which is partially inspired from Irving Langmuir’s work
with his Atomic Hydrogen Torch. Hydrogen molecules require a smaller amount of energy to split
them into atomic hydrogen than the energy released when they are recombined back into molecular

Learn more: Tesla & JJ Thompson

Learn more: William Lyne combo - Flying Machine and Parallel Propulsion
Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Tesla’s Hidden Discoveries by Jim Murray – Most people believe that Nikola Tesla made his primary
contributions to the field of electrical science. In this presentation, Jim Murray retraces his decades of
research into Tesla’s discoveries concerning mechanical power. This 90 minute lecture includes over
90 Power Point slides, showing the results of dozens of original experiments and their startling

Learn More: Tesla’s Hidden Discoveries

Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Tesla’s Radiant Energy by Peter Lindemann – What is Radiant Energy? How is it produced? What
is its relationship to “ordinary” electricity? How can it be harnessed to power our industrial machines?
Why is it important to understand the answers to these questions? Finally, with Tesla’s Radiant
Energy, you can understand exactly what Nikola Tesla discovered, all those years ago, as described
in Tesla’s own words! This lecture is the definitive communication on Tesla’s model of electricity and
its relationship to the production and use of Radiant Energy as a freely available energy source from

Visit Homepage: Tesla’s Radiant Energy

Visit Homepage: Tesla's Radiant Energy PDF of Powerpoint
Visit Homepage: Tesla's Radiant Energy Video & PDF combo pack
Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Cosmic Induction Generator by John Polakowski – The Cosmic Induction Generator is a very
important technology with many applications, but the first goal was to demonstrate the manifestation
of visible evidence of the intrinsic formative forces of the universe, which is done in the spirit of Tesla
technology. The back to back Tesla Transmitters are designed to replicate the ideas expressed in
Wilhelm Reich’s “Cosmic Superimposition” of formative fields. When two living energy fields mutually
interact, they can stimulate each others’ excitation to the point of illumination – in other words,
CREATE LIGHT! Another one of the applications of the Cosmic Induction Generator is that it can
create an electrical flame between the two coils, which when modulated with audio frequencies can
emit music with the most impressive, hi-fidelity sound that you will ever hear!

Visit Homepage: Cosmic Induction Generator

Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

The Extraluminal Transmission Systems of Tesla & Alexanderson by Eric Dollard – There are
two different ways of looking at electricity when it comes to wireless signal distribution. One is based
on the “electro-motive-force” associated with magnetism, and the other is the “displacement current”
associated with dielectricity. Today’s methods focus mostly on the e-m-f’s of magnetism and ignore
the displacement currents of dielectricity. This creates an unbalanced system with significant
limitations. I move beyond the theory of how to do this and present actual working models and data
with numerical values for given currents, voltages, and power flows through the transmission
networks. No one has ever done this before!! I finish by showing the complete electrical
characteristics of the various transmissions systems used in the last 100 years. This includes the later
Marconi systems, the Tesla system, and the later Alexanderson systems used at New Jersey,
California, and Hawaii. This is the first time in history that this complete method of analysis has ever
been revealed.

Visit Homepage: Extraluminal Transmission

Learn more: Eric Dollard's Telluric Research
Learn more: Extraluminal Transmission + Telluric Research Video
Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

The Real History of the Ed Gray Motor by Mark McKay, E.E. – E.V. Gray’s Motor is One of the
Most Sought After Technologies in the History of Exotic Energy Science. What You are About to Learn
is the Real Story of Ed Gray and the Astonishing Path He Travelled to Develope, Prove, and
Eventually Lose Control of This Incredible Technology.

Learn More: The Real History of the Ed Gray Motor

Visit Homepage: The Real History of the Ed Gray Motor Part 2
Learn More: The Real History of the Ed Gray Motor Combo 1 & 2
Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Real History of the Ed Gray Motor Part 2 by Mark McKay, E.E. – In February of 2014, I received a
call from one of the primary, early supporters and personal friend of Ed Gray. He told me that he had
found some recently uncovered audio tapes from his attic, where he was interviewing Gray’s Chief
Engineer, Richard Hackenberger, about the technology’s secret power supply method. He sent me a
transcript of these recordings and they revealed a lot of new information that has never been
released before! This is the REAL background and history of WHERE this technology came from. And
I can tell you one outrageous detail …. ED GRAY is NOT the inventor! Told for the first time in public,
this is the REAL story of Ed Gray and his fantastic self-running machine.

Learn More: The Real History of the Ed Gray Motor

Visit Homepage: The Real History of the Ed Gray Motor Part 2
Learn More: The Real History of the Ed Gray Motor Combo 1 & 2
Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Four Quadrant Representation of Electricity Video by Eric Dollard – What is not understood by
most engineers and motor specialists is the fact that the “rotating magnetic field” is inherent in the
electricity itself, and not just an artifact of the stator coil arrangements! Tesla’s invention of “poly-
phase, Alternating Current” electricity is actually much more complex and interesting than most
people think, and I have spent the better part of my adult life experimenting with and developing an
understanding of it. This is, by far, the most comprehensive discussion of the history, philosophy, and
development of the understanding of electricity that I have ever produced. I’m sure you’ll enjoy
making it a valued part of your study library! The Complete, 3 HOUR, unedited presentation made by
Eric at the 2013 Bedini-Lindemann Science and Technology Conference, talking through a Power
Point Presentation with 131 Slides.

Learn more: Four Quadrant Representation of Electricity Video

Learn more: Four Quadrant Representation of Electricity Book
Learn more: Four Quadrant Representation of Electricity Video Book Combo
Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Wireless Giant of the Pacific by Eric Dollard – “Conventional Radio Technology Based On
Transverse Electromagnetic Waves Propagated In The Air Was Always A Diversion! Now, After 100
Years of Suppression, You Can Find Out How The Original Longitudinal Electrostatic ‘Wireless’
Communication System Really Worked. Using The Historic Backdrop Of The Marconi-Transoceanic
Station At Bolinas, California, Engineer Eric P. Dollard Tells The Uncensored Details Of How The
Technology Actually Worked AND The Methods Of Denial And Sabotage Used Against Him In His
Efforts To Protect And Document The Site While Reconstructing The Technologies Used There.”

Visit Homepage: Wireless Giant of the Pacific

Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Lone Pine Writings Part 1 – A Common Language for Electrical Engineering by Eric Dollard – It
covers the definitions of terms and the relationships between the various operators of electrical
engineering. Eric Dollard starts at the very beginning. What is a “dimension?” What is the difference
between a dimension and a coordinate? What is Time? What is Space? What is electric induction?
What words and measuring units are formally used to express these concepts in electrical
engineering terms? Remarkably, most people don’t know.

Lone Pine Writings, Part 2 Collected Essays by Eric Dollard – This second book, Lone Pine
Writings, Part 2, consists of five more essays written by Eric Dollard over the 9 months, from the Fall
of 2011 to the Summer of 2012. Part 2 includes the following essays:

● The Theory of Anti-Relativity

● Metrical Dimensional Relations of the Aether
● The Camp David Antenna
● Symbolic Operators – Backward in Time From Steinmetz to Pythagoras
● Law of Electro-Magnetic Induction

Visit Homepage: Lone Pine Writings

Visit Homepage: Lone Pine Writings Part 2
Visit Homepage: Lone Pine Writings Part 1 and 2 Combo
Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Magnetic Energy Secrets (Part 1) by Paul Babcock – Physicists Have Always Said That
Magnetism Isn’t a Source of Energy. Well, They’re Wrong! What You’re About To Learn is Something
That Has Been Kept Secret From The Public For Over 170 Years! These Really Are The Magnetic
Energy Secrets That You’ve Never Seen Before!

Visit Homepage: Magnetic Energy Secrets Part 1

Learn more: Magnetic Energy Secrets Part 2
Learn more: Magnetic Energy Secrets Part 3
Learn more: Magnetic Energy Secrets Part 1, 2 & 3 COMBO
Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Magnetic Energy Secrets – Part 2 by Paul Babcock – Paul picks up where he left off from Magnetic
Energy Secrets Part 1. This time he presents all the math necessary to calculate how much radiant
energy is contributing to the production of new energy in the system. He also shows a demo of his
highly efficient motor running.

Visit Homepage: Magnetic Energy Secrets Part 1

Learn more: Magnetic Energy Secrets Part 2
Learn more: Magnetic Energy Secrets Part 3
Learn more: Magnetic Energy Secrets Part 1, 2 & 3 COMBO
Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Magnetic Energy Secrets – Part 3 by Paul Babcock – In this presentation from the 2015 Energy
Science & Technology Conference, many different devices are discussed, which all have one thing in
common – Back EMF or Lenz’s Law has either been partially or fully negated. The implications of this
are priceless, because it allows you to get more mechanical work from a motor for less energy than
conventionally built motors.

Visit Homepage: Magnetic Energy Secrets Part 1

Learn more: Magnetic Energy Secrets Part 2
Learn more: Magnetic Energy Secrets Part 3
Learn more: Magnetic Energy Secrets Part 1, 2 & 3 COMBO
Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Electric Motor Secrets Part 1 & 2 by Peter Lindemann, DSc shows patents, diagrams, schematics,
working models, and table-top demonstrations with meters, so you can understand all of the
principles he discusses. Electric Motor Secrets was and still is the most comprehensive tutorial on
electric motor history and function available on the Internet. It also opens the eyes of the student to
possibilities not taught in school.In Electric Motor Secrets Part 2, Peter covers the history of the “self-
running” power system known as the “Lockridge Device”, as well as its construction and theory of
operation. In it, he looks deeply into the torque characteristics of electric motors operated on
capacitor discharges and how this can radically reduce their energy losses caused by “back EMF.”

Visit Homepage: Electric Motor Secrets 1

Visit Homepage: Electric Motor Secrets 2
Visit Homepage: Electric Motor Secrets - 3 Video Set
Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Magnet Secrets by Peter Lindemann, DSc – Many companies make claims about their magnetic
products, but this is the only manual that gives you all of the documentation on the one, single
method actually proven to work.This method is used by all of the following organizations, government
departments and companies: * US Treasury
* US Air Force
* Panasonic
* Walt Disney World
* Hilton Hotels
* too many to list…“WOW…Awesome Information… Super Valuable… Surprised this stuff is not
Banned… Thanks for the Excellent Product and Super Price….”
– Todd T.

Visit Homepage: Magnet Secrets

Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Classic Energy Videos Presented by Peter Lindemann, DSc – “These videos from the 1980’s
highlight a handful of researchers who are greatly responsible for laying the firm, scientific foundation
for the “free energy” movement of today.”
– Peter Lindemann, D.Sc. Main package includes 5 films, representing almost 8 hours of information
on paradigm shattering physics and electrical demonstrations. Major presentations by Bruce
DePalma, John Bedini, Eric Dollard, and Peter Lindemann. Package includes 8 more bonus features
including Bob Teal, Adam Trombly, Jim Murray, Chris Carson, and Parmahamsa Tewari.

Visit Homepage: Classic Energy Videos

Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Save on Home Energy by Peter Lindemann & Aaron Murakami – How to cut your power bills by
50% or more!#1 Home Energy Savings Manual! We were the first to publish a legitimate book on how
to save money on home energy bills, using these methods. Several other “authors” have copied our
information and have tried unsuccessfully to repackage it. Unfortunately, Clickbank is loaded with
SCAM PRODUCTS in this genre that tell people they can install a solar system for $200 or build a
magnetic power plant to run their home. We show you how to make the biggest savings on your utility
bills for the smallest investment, using products available today.

Visit Homepage: Save on Home Energy

Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Lessons in Advanced Perception by Harold S. Schroeppel – “If you have no thought, emotion,
effort, pain or confusion stored in your own body, then any thought, emotion, effort, pain, or confusion
of which you are aware is someone else’s.” – Harold S. SchroeppelRevealed – closely guarded
manuscripts from the 1960’s shows how to develop superhuman mind powers.

Visit Homepage: Lessons in Advanced Perception

Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Real Rain Making by Trevor Constable – While Meteorologists catalog weather events AFTER they
happen, I have been interested in discovering WHY they happen in the first place. After all, it is in the
deeper study of “true causes” where the mysteries of life are revealed. Regardless of how unusual
any weather event may be, there is a real reason for it and a real set of laws governing the
appearance of that event. I believe I have discovered the real energy source that drives the weather,
and with this new theoretical basis, have developed a comprehensive set of methods for modifying its
appearance. So if you have never heard about this before, now you know why. The documentation
has just never been widely available. But I’m getting older, the situation on this planet is getting more
desperate, and I want YOU to know that there IS a solution available to tackle the problems
presented by extreme weather conditions and Climate Change.

Visit Homepage: Real Rain Making

Eternal Motor Catalog #1 Copyright 2012-2018

Versor Algebra Volume II by Eric Dollard – In Versor Algebra Vol. II, Special Theories of
Sequence Operators as Applied to Power Engineering, the general theory presented in the first
volume is actually applied to any number of phases. The second volume covers a plurality of phases
including eight phases, which is necessary for the proper mathematical analysis of polyphase music.
It also covers the very usual true single or monopolar phase developed by Nikola Tesla for his telluric
ground transmission systems. We also review the more common three and four phase power

Visit Homepage: Versor Algebra

Visit Homepage: Versor Algebra Volume II
Visit Homepage: Versor Algebra Volumes I & II

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