Urea Reactor

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UreaKnowHow Revamp Guide

Part 1: Urea Reactor High Efficiency trays

V0, June 2018

Urea Reactor High Efficiency trays target to increase the urea conversion in the reactor. A
higher urea conversion can be translated into a higher plant capacity (in case there are no
other bottlenecks) and/or a lower energy consumption.

In a urea reactor the relatively slow and endothermic equilibrium reaction ammonium-
carbamate ó urea and water takes place. The required reaction heat is created by the
condensation of gas forming ammonium-carbamate, which reaction creates a lot of heat.
Ideally the reactor is a bubbling liquid column operating at its boiling point. In that case is
the temperature at a certain location depending on the composition of the liquid, the total
pressure in the reactor and the inert pressure. More urea and water will increase the boiling
temperature and the delta-temperature over the reactor is a good indication for the urea
Most urea reactors are a cylindrical vertical vessel operating at a pressure in the range of
typically 140-200 bars, in which upwards liquid and gas flows in a co-current manner. The
vessel is divided into compartments by perforated plates.
The purpose of this configuration is to avoid the excessive mixing of the entire liquid phase
contained in the reactor, which would tend to turn it into a complete mixing reactor, thus
reducing the urea yield. By dividing the reactor into several stages by means of plates the
amount of mixing of the total liquid volume is reduced, and the behavior of the liquid phase
is brought closer to the behavior of a plug flow reactor, which is notoriously the most favorable
for keeping the urea yield relatively high. This is based on the chemical engineering principle
that a plug flow reactor can be modeled as infinitely many Continuous Stirred Tank Reactors
(CSTR) in series. In practice a urea reactors has some 10-14 trays.
By dividing the reactor into stages by means of perforated trays, it is also possible to
redistribute the gas, flowing upwards along the column, intermittently in smaller bubbles
which are more suitable for increasing heat and mass exchange between the two phases. In
effect, the rising showers of bubbles are subjected to coalescence phenomena which
progressively increase the size of the bubbles, thus reducing the exchange surface between
phases: this negative phenomenon is partly compensated by the redistribution brought about
by the perforated trays. As going from the bottom to the top the amount of gas decreases
one will see less gas holes in the trays going from bottom to the top.

High Efficiency trays typically create a continuous mixing of gas and liquid streams. CASALE
is the urea licensor, which first introduced High Efficiency trays in the market. CASALE’s
design is based on an invention from Mr. Mario Dente2).
Currently nearly all urea licensors have developed their own patented designs. Refer to Figure


Casale Stamicarbon Siphon Jet Pumps

Figure 1: Various types of High Efficiency Trays

Urea Synthesis Reaction System: Chemical and Physical Aspects1)

The urea synthesis reactor is a vapor-liquid heterogeneous reaction system. All along the
reactor, both the vapor and the liquid phases are present. The vapor phase contains free CO2,
NH3, some water, and inerts. The liquid phase mainly contains NH3, ammonium carbamate,
bicarbonate, urea, and water. The reactants are progressively transferred from the vapor to
the liquid phase, where CO2 reacts with NH3, producing carbamate, urea and water.
In the once through processes the gaseous CO2 feed is introduced into the reactor together
with pure liquid NH3 (in excess over the stoichiometric ratio). No recycle is present. In the
so-called NH3 stripping or conventional total recycle processes, CO2 feed is present at reactor
inlet in the vapor phase, while all the NH3 (recycled and stoichiometric), as well as the
recycled CO2 and H2O, are introduced by the liquid phase. In the CO2 stripping process, the
CO2 and NH3 feeds, after mixing with the recycle stream, are partially transformed into

carbamate before entering the reactor. Therefore, at the reactor inlet the vapor phase is
already containing CO2, NH3 (and some H2O).
As soon as urea and H2O are formed, the amount of liquid phase increases, and by
consequence, that of the vapor phase decreases; CO2, NH3, (and H2O) are continuously
exchanged between the two phases. Urea is produced into the liquid phase according to the
following reversible chemical reactions scheme:

CO2,Liq + 2 NH3,Liq ó NH4+ + NH2CO2- (1)

NH4+ + NH2CO2- ó (NH4NH2CO2) + H2OLiq ó Urea (2)

An important side reaction completes the system of main reactions, taking place in the liquid

H2OLiq + NH2CO2- ó NH3,Liq + HCO3- (3)

Reaction 1 is strongly exothermic, while Reactions 2 and 3 are both endothermic. Reactions
1 and 3 involve ions: therefore, they are so fast in both the directions that may be considered
at the equilibrium. Reaction 2 constitutes the chemical rate determining step.
At the vapor-liquid interface, phase equilibria are established:

CO2,Gas ó CO2,Liq; NH3,Gas ó NH3,Liq; H2OGas ó H2OLiq

It means that at the interface chemical activities of the local liquid phase free components
CO2, NH3, and H2O are equal to those of the local gas phase.
Moreover, as the free liquid CO2 concentration in the liquid phase is extremely low, the
formation of carbamate can be practically considered as directly occurring at the interface
between gaseous CO2 and liquid free NH3. The overall rate of evolution for a gas-liquid
reaction system, like the one described above, is complicated due to the interactions between
chemical and physical processes.
It can be useful to introduce some schematic fluid dynamic aspects of the vapor and liquid
streams, co-currently flowing between two subsequent reactor trays (like those typical of
present most known technologies). Of course, the vapor phase contains bubbles. Their
average size and spatial distribution (after the reactor entrance devices) mainly depends on
the configuration of the trays. The size of the bubbles can depend also on the vapor holdup
that also controls their coalescence rates. The interfacial surface among the population of
bubbles and the surrounding liquid phase governs the first step of the transport between the
two phases.
The vapor phase flow produces columns or intermittent swarms of bubbles (depending on the
specific trays configuration). The liquid contained in the bubbles region, wherein the vapor is
moving, can be referred to as the "liquid emulsion". Outside of the emulsion, there is a clean
liquid phase. An ideal boundary separates the emulsion from the clean liquid (Figure 2).

Figure 2. An ideal boundary separates the emulsion from the clean liquid.
It is extremely complex to characterize the detailed fluid-dynamic behavior of mass bubbling.
Nevertheless, at least a macroscopic important aspect of the dispersed vapor-phase
movement is constituted by the generation of specific motions into the continuous liquid
phase. The predominant mechanisms are essentially two. The first one depends on the lifting
of liquid volumes adherent (particularly in their rear zone) to the rising bubbles. In the case
of permanent emulsion columns, a further mechanism takes place.
In fact, the difference of the effective specific gravity between the clean liquid and the gas-
liquid columns generates a draught that moves the former towards the latter. Both the
mechanisms (when simultaneously operating) collect liquid from the down part of the stage
over each tray, and progressively release it in approaching the next one where the bubbles
coalesce. For the continuity of fluid flow, the released liquid turns back towards the down part
of the stage.
Therefore, these liquid displacements provide a place to the eddies, the stream lines of which
cross the columns of emulsion determining the convective mass and heat transport among
the different fluid regions. This extra mechanism is absent in the case of intermittent swarms.
As a consequence, the global rate of exchange is dictated by several factors: average length
of the streamlined path into the emulsion columns, extension of its boundary surfaces, total
recirculated flow rates, and so on.
Due to the interaction among physical and chemical processes, the overall rate of
transformation is controlled by factors that affect both the physical and chemical elementary
processes, that is:
• Fluid dynamics and flow patterns of the two phases
• Mass- and heat-transfer coefficients.
• Surface areas of the interface and of the emulsion to clean liquid bounds.
• Geometry of reactor vessel and its internals (that is, trays).

• Chemical kinetics, and, of course, temperature and pressure.
The global rates of mass and heat transfer involve the following series of steps, each one
characterized by its own surface area: from the bulk of the bubbles to the interfacial surface
through the diffusional penetration layer to the bulk of the emulsion and across the bulk of
the emulsion regions; finally, through their limiting boundaries to the clean liquid phase. (Of
course, the reaction to urea takes place both in the emulsion and the clean liquid-phase
Moreover, the temperature of the gas-liquid interface compared with those of the surrounding
regions can be quite higher because of the "instantaneous" carbamate formation,
consequently reducing the local equilibrium concentration of the carbamate itself. The net
result of all these physical phenomena that are in competition with the chemical reaction rate
is to increase the resistance against the CO2 conversion to urea. The following main steps
can be distinguished for urea formation:
• CO2 and NH3 are transported from the vapor into the liquid
• At the vapor-liquid interface, gaseous CO2 reacts with liquid free NH3 to form carbamate
(and bicarbonate, the relative amount depending on interfacial water concentration). At
the vapor-liquid interface, local equilibrium between the two phases is maintained.
Reaction heat is generated and then the interface temperature increases.
• The carbamate (and the produced heat) is transported into the bulk of the liquid emulsion,
and from there into the clean liquid-phase bulk. In these two, the slower carbamate to
urea reaction takes place.
In this way a significant part of the total residence time into the reactor is justified by the
necessity to reach the maximum amount, compatible with the operating conditions of vapors
transported into the liquid phase. The optimum conversion to urea, in fact, could be obtained
only on the basis of that condition.

Casale High Efficiency trays (see Figure 3)
are made up of several inverted U beams
with large perforations for liquid passage
on the bottom wings, and small
perforations for gas passage on the
sloping and top sections. With this unique
design, very small bubbles are generated,
and, by consequence, a very high surface
for the mass and heat transfer is obtained.
This advantage is combined with a very
high efficiency in the mixing between
vapors and liquid.
The new trays are in fact designed so that:
• Separate and distributed paths
through the tray are provided. They
guarantee a steady-state flow of the
two phases and a better approach of
an even uniform flow of the two
phases throughout the whole reactor.
Figure 3: Principe of Casale High Efficiency trays

• These separated paths through the
tray are chosen so that a very high
mixing efficiency between vapor
and liquid is obtained.
Consequently, a very high mass
and heat transport within the liquid
phase is realized.
• With an appropriate design, the
diameter of the generated vapor
bubbles is smaller than in any
previous design. Consequently, the
interfacial surface for mass and
heat transfer is increased (see
Figure 4).
Figure 4: Specific surface per reactor stage

• A very much larger surface of exchange between emulsion and clean liquid is created.
• The much shorter length of recirculation streamlined paths into the emulsion phase
significantly decreases the transport resistances.
Being the first urea licensor with High Efficiency trays has resulted in numerous references
starting from 1993. Casale claims CO2 conversion improvements up to 64.%, steam
consumption reduction figures up to 300 kg/mt and capacity increase figures up to 17%
(although additional modifications in the urea plant were required).

While revamping a Stamicarbon Urea plant, in most of the cases, the specific reaction volume
is decreased with the revamp. As a result the residence time of the urea solution in the reactor
will decrease and thus the efficiency of the reactor will go down. However, by changing the
internals of the reactor (using a different type of trays) the efficiency in the reactor can be
improved. In the past two types of trays were used in Stamicarbon Urea plants: the
conventional trays and the high efficiency trays. Since 2001 a new type of trays has been
introduced, which improves the efficiency of the reactor and thus results in savings of the
high-pressure steam consumption. These trays are called the Siphon Jet Pumps.
The principle of the siphon effect is not unknown to Stamicarbon. The flow deflector plates in
the pool condenser operate at the same principle. Inside the flow deflector plates the gas
sparger releases the gas and a circulation flow is induced by the difference in density. The
Siphon Jet Pump consists of several parts. The tray itself is a normal tray and in the center
gas holes are drilled. Around this hole area a support brim is located to lead the gas inside
the skirt. Above the tray a skirt is installed which assures the rise of gas in the center of the
compartment. A circulation will be aroused and the mixture is coming back through the space
between the tray and the skirt.
The first Siphon Jet Pump trays have been installed in the three urea plants of SKW Piesteritz
in the years 2001, 2002 and 2003. Stamicarbon claims that installation of the three Siphon
Jet Pumps at SKW Piesteritz resulted in: A capacity increase of 10 – 15 % together with a
high pressure steam consumption of around 60 kg/ton urea.

Figure 5: Principle and picture of a Stamicarbon Siphon Jet Pumps

The urea synthesis reactor can be divided into three operating
zones (see Figure 6):
1. mixing zone;
2. carbamate formation zone;
3. urea formation zone.
For each zone NIIK has developed a set of highly efficient internal

Figure 6: Principle and pictures of the NIIK high efficiency reactor internals

Mixing zone.
In the mixing zone the gas is dispersed into the liquid resulting in the formation of a liquid-
gas mixture. The area comprises the existing feeding nozzles and a mixing device, which is
designed by the process licensor. The design of the mixing
device is very important as the conversion rate of the
original feedstock into ammonium carbamate directly
depends on its efficiency. A mixer should have the following
features: 1) it must fill up the volume of the reactor with a
gas-liquid mixture as much as possible; 2) it must ensure
the largest possible specific surface of media contact of
components supplied to the reactor.
During its research into reactor design, NIIK carried out
model trials of all types of conventional mixers applied in
urea reactors in a specially designed scale-down laboratory
urea reactor. Based on the tests it was concluded that no
conventional mixers ensure the necessary mixing of the
components. Gas in the form of large bubbles rises up
reducing the specific surface of the media contact of gas
and liquid. In this case the fill factor of the bottom part is
low. This process results in an extension of the ammonium
carbamate formation zone and further reduces the
efficiency of the entire synthesis process. To ensure
efficient mixing of feedstock in the reactor inlet NIIK offers
a high efficiency vortex mixer (Figure 7). The working
principle of the mixer is based on the effect of intensive
dispersion of gas resulting from the breaking of a swirling
gas-liquid jet with liquid at the nozzle outlet. Due to the
unique design of the vortex mixer, the dispersion of the gas
into the liquid is carried out more efficiently – the bubbles
are much smaller than the ones produced in conventional
mixers. In this case the specific surface of the media
contact generated by the vortex mixer is two times higher.
Figure 7: Principle sketch of vortex
The location of the vortex mixer in the reactor and a special design of its outlet nozzle provide
the largest mixing area in the same volume – up to 90% (compared to 30% for conventional
mixers). In addition, installation of the vortex mixer eliminates dead zones in the bottom of
the reactor which increases the useful volume for reaction. These two factors result in an
increase of the CO2 conversion rate in the synthesis reactor and reduce the energy
consumption in the distillation sections. NIIK’s patented vortex mixer technology has been
used since 2005. To date, many urea plants using Stamicarbon total liquid recycle, Saipem
and Tecnimont technologies have been equipped with the vortex mixer. NIIK claims that in
each case the installation of the vortex mixer has resulted in enhanced performance of the
urea synthesis section. In some cases it has resulted in both an increase in unit capacity and
a reduction of energy consumption. Installation of the vortex mixer gives: 0.5-1.0% increase
of CO2 conversion rate in the urea synthesis reactor depending on the process technology;
steam saving from 15 to 40 kg/t depending on the process technology.
In several plants also the Conversion Booster and trays have been installed. NIIK claims an
increase of CO2 conversion figures up to 2.5%.

The fluid-dynamics of a urea reactor can be significantly improved by the introduction of the
latest generation of internals recently invented and patented by Saipem. The proprietary
Snamprogetti™ SuperCups drastically increase the mixing of the reactants phases,
respectively ammonia / ammonium carbamate and carbon dioxide, thus optimizing the
product conversion rate in the reactor.
The innovative concept of the Snamprogetti™ SuperCups lies in the realization of a confined
reaction space within the reactor tray geometry, namely the cups. They perform as a number
of mixing units where ammonia is contacted with the gaseous CO2 in small bubbles. Once the
reactants have swirled inside the cups, the mixed solution of product and non-reacted
components is uniformly distributed on the upper part of the tray by means of the upper cup
distributor. The outlet flow pattern ensures a further mixing of the solution coming from all
the cups. The peculiar behavior of the
SuperCups is characterized by a triple
fluid-dynamic effect – Gas Equalizer, Mixer
Reactor and Gas Distributor – which are
described here below.
Gas Equalizer: The first effect of SuperCups
is to uniformly distribute the concentration
of the light phase reagent on the entire
section of the tray. In this way, the gas-like
bubbles moving upward “lose the memory”
of the nonuniformity of the previous
reaction stage and the non-reacted CO2
can be evenly fed to each cup of the tray.
Figure 8: CFD showing CO2 volume fraction
Mixer Reactor: The cups behave as a number of confined reaction
volumes in which the multi-phase reagents – carbon dioxide and
ammonia/carbamate – heavily swirl inside, thus reaching a high
mixing degree. Each cup performs as a static mixer where the
phases are strongly contacted (see Figure 9).

Gas distributor: The CO2 phase forming the gas-cushion below the
tray can be partially streamed inside the cups to create a mixer-
reactor and partially distributed on the upper stage by means of
dedicated holes. This split range is one of the most critical design
parameters since it allows to customize the residence time
distribution (RTD) curve of each reactor stage and to increase (or
decrease) the CSTR (perfect mixing) or PFR (plug flow) behavior
according to the composition of each stage.

Figure 9: Principle sketch of mixer reactor

In 2014 the first SuperCups have been applied in two revamp cases, adding in one case two
and in the other case replacing two trays by SuperCup trays in the existing reactors. Saipem
claims that the CO2 conversion increases with some 0.5% and the steam consumption reduces
with some 1-2%.

Performance evaluation
Important is how to evaluate the performance of High Efficiency trays. High Efficiency trays
claim to increase the urea conversion in the reactor. But to measure the effect of High
Efficiency trays on the CO2 conversion is not so easy as CO2 conversion depends also on
several other factors. For example N/C and H/C ratio and total and inert pressure all also
influence the urea conversion. Thus, when evaluating the performance of High Efficiency
trays, one should target to keep all these parameters constant.
One can imagine that the more time is available to reach equilibrium of the urea formation
reaction, the less impact High Efficiency trays will be able to have. Thus one can expect more
benefits of High Efficiency trays in plants which operate at higher plant loads than these were
designed for. Refer to Figure 5 which shows that more efficiency can be gained when the
retention time in the urea reactor is low (high plant loads compared to design) than at high
retention times.


a. No trays
b. Conventional trays
c. High efficiency trays

Retention Time

F.A.E means Fraction Approach to Equilibrium

Figure 10: CO2 conversion versus retention time for three situations (a. No trays, b. Conventional
trays and c. High efficiency trays)

What can one expect from installing High Efficiency trays?

Depending on the retention time, one may expect an increase in CO2 conversion from
negligible up to a few percent translating into an increase of the potential plant load from
negligible to some 5-10% and/or a reduction figures of the steam consumption on the
High Pressure stripper from again negligible up to some 50-100 kg/mt. There are some
positive exceptions described in the public literature, but we believe the above figures are
realistic as what one can expect as typical figures.

Mechanical aspects
Like any other stainless steel applied in the high pressure synthesis section of a urea plant,
also high efficiency trays will face several failure modes. One obvious one will be passive
corrosion, which rates are for a significant part determined by the temperature. As the
temperatures increase from bottom to top, also the corrosion rates of the trays increase
from the bottom to the top, the corrosion rates of the top trays are some two times higher
than of the bottom trays. Also note that trays corrode from two sides, so two times faster
than for example a loose liner.
Also crevice corrosion could be an issue in case crevices are formed between the tray and
the protective layer of the shell or between parts of the tray.
In time cross cut end attack can occur enlarging the hole diameter and reducing the
process performance.
A critical failure modes are weld defects (e.g. pinholes) in the welds of the tray clip to the
protective layer of the reactor vessel. Important is that the design of the clips allow an
easy welding procedure and a proper corrosion inspection during turnarounds. Also the a
proper quality of the clip welds should be assured and it is recommended to use higher
alloy materials as welding material.
The process design of the trays should be such that no crevice corrosion, erosion corrosion
or dead volumes will exist. These are further attention points during a regular corrosion

1) 1997, Zardi, Dente & Bozzano, Urea Reactor Trays to Increase Plant Capacity and


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