Guidelines in Implementing The ECAN
Guidelines in Implementing The ECAN
Guidelines in Implementing The ECAN
The Palawan Council For Sustainable Development, virtue of the powers vested in it by Republic
Act 7611 and other pertinent laws, rules and regulations, RESOLVED to adopt, as it hereby
adopts, the following guidelines in implementing the Environmentally Critical Areas Network
(ECAN), the main strategy of the Strategic Environmental Plan SEP for Palawan.
Section 1. Title. These guidelines shall be known and cited as The Guidelines in Implementing
the Environmentally Critical Areas Network (ECAN). The Main Strategy of the SEP.
Section 2. Purpose. Pursuant to Republic Act 7611 and with reference to Rule III of The Rules
and Regulations Implementing the SEP for Palawan Act, these guidelines shall prescribe the
processes, criteria and methodologies in implementing the ECAN. Further, these guidelines
shall set the functional relationships between and among the Council, the Palawan Council For
Sustainable Development Staff, to be known as the Council Staff, the Local Government Units,
other agencies and organizations and concerned members of the community.
Section 3. Scope of Applicant. These guidelines shall apply in the implementation of ECAN and
shall serve as guide for the local government, and private entities concerned in formulating and
implementing plans, programs and projects including business affecting Palawan, whether or
not physically located or operating in the said Province.
Section 4. Definition of Terms. As used in these guidelines, the following terms are define as
Section 5. Adoption of Criteria. There is hereby adopted the Criteria to Delineate the ECAN
Zones, as hereinafter provided. However, such set of Criteria is subject to revision upon
acquisition of new knowledge relative to ecological relationship.
Section 6. Mapping . Preliminary mapping to delineate the ECAN zones shall be done by the
Council Staff and other agencies concerned to provide visualization to the policy makers, those
affected and the general public on the effect of such criteria. Such map shall be verified and
validated on the ground to come up with the ECAN of 1:5000 scale to be passed and declared
by the Council.
Section 9. Boundary Delineation . Upon approval of the ECAN map, field delineation which
involves surveying and planting or marking of visible boundaries shall take place. This shall be
undertaken by the Local Government Units in their respective areas of concern in coordination
and consultation with the Community Environment and Natural Resources office (CENRO) of
the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), the Provincial Government, the
Council Staff, other organizations and concerned members of the community.
Section 10. Enforcement of the ECAN Zoning Plan. The enforcement of the ECAN Zoning Plan
which may include policy formulation, legislation, setting up of permitting system, monitoring
and other related activities, as hereinafter provided, shall be the joint responsibility of the Local
Government Units and the Council Staff.
Section 11. Environmental Monitoring and Evaluation. The Council Staff shall establish and
operationalize the Environmental Monitoring and Evaluation System (EMES) to provide periodic
review and assessment of the environment which shall be used as based to check the efficacy
and possible defects of the ECAN Zoning Plan in meeting it overall objective of protecting and
enhancing the ecological system in the province while at the time supporting development.
Section 12. Environmental Research. The Council Staff shall organize a network of research
organizations or a scientific committee to facilitate the conduct of studies by which
implementation of ECAN shall be improved.
Section 13. Resource Management and Planning. The Council Staff in coordination with the
Local Government Units shall undertake resource management planning for the coastal
resources, resources of the catchment areas, timber and mines, development of the lowlands,
settlement areas (including urban and industrial), and tourism development.
Section 14. Environmental Education and Extension. The Council Staff in coordination with
other agencies and organizations shall undertake vigorous environmental education and
extension service to instill full understanding and cooperation among the populace in the
implementation of ECAN.
The areas covered by ECAN include three component: Terrestrial, Coastal/Marine and Tribal
Ancestral Lands. The criteria in delineating the ECAN Zones in these three components are as
Section 15. Criteria in Zoning the Terrestrial component:
(1) The following, by order of priority, shall constitute the maximum protection areas or Core
vii.Lower altitude limit can be lowered to a base of 300 meters to protect the remaining
forested peaks of watersheds adjacent to estuaries, lake, rivers and watersheds for
major irrigation, water supply and min-hydro projects.
(3) The following shall constitute the Terrestrial Multiple/Manipulate Use Area:
i.Coral reefs with relatively intact resources, fair to excellent coral condition or 25%-100% coral
ii. Coral line sites containing all coral genera found in the management Unit.
iii. Mangrove areas bordering waterways and extending 20 meters from riverbank and 50
meters from above.
iv. Mangrove areas in small islands
v. Mangrove areas of old growth stand and reproductive brush.
vi. Mangrove areas containing all the species found in the management unit.
vii. Seagrass beds bordering core zone for mangroves and corals
viii. Seagrass beds with at least 50% cover of macrophytes
ix. Seagrass beds with sightings of Dugong
(b) The Coastal Multiple Use Area shall cover all coastal/marine areas not classified as coastal
core zone.
Section 17. Criteria in Zoning the Tribal Ancestral Lands: As stated in Section 12 of The Rules
and Regulations Implementing the SEP for Palawan Act, Tribal Ancestral Lands are areas
traditionally occupied by cultural minorities, comprise both land and sea areas identified in
consultation with tribal communities concerned and the appropriated agencies of government.
These shall be treated in the same graded system of control and prohibition as in the others
abovementioned except for stronger emphasis in cultural consideration. The Council shall
devise a special kind of zonation that will consider the material and cultural needs of the tribes
using consultative processes and cultural mapping of ancestral lands.
In consonance with the SEP philosophy, Sec. 5, Chapter II of Republic Act 7611, activities that
may be allowed in each of the ECAN Zones shall be in support of sustainable development
which is the improvement in the quality of life of the people in the present and future
generations through the use of complementary activities of development and conservation that
protect life-support ecosystems and rehabilitate exploited areas to allow upcoming generations
to sustain developmental growth. This general philosophy is by: (1) Ecological Viability - The
physical and biological cycles that maintain the productivity of natural ecosystems must always
be kept. Intact; (2) Social Acceptability - The people themselves, through participatory
processes, should be fully committed to support sustainable development activities by fostering
equity in access to resources and the benefits derived from them; and (3) Integrated Approach -
This allows for holistic view of problems and issues obtaining in the environment as well as
opportunities for coordination and sharing that will eventually provide the resources and
political. Will to actually implement and sustain activities.
In more practical terms, activities that may be allowed in such ECAN Zone shall be according tot
hose explicitly state in the law and those specific to a certain locality or management unit which
shall be the subject of local decision processes and the EIA system.
Section 18. Activities allowed by R.A 7611. In the law activities allowed in each of the ECAN
Zone are as follows:
(a) Maximum Protection Area or Core Zone for both Terrestrial and Marine Components shall
be fully and strictly protected and maintained free of human disruption. Exceptions, however,
may be granted to traditional uses of tribal communities of these areas for minimal and soft
impact gathering of forest species for ceremonial and religious purposes.
i.Restricted Use Area: Limited and non-consumptive activities which shall include but not limited
to gathering or wild honey, almaciga tapping, soft-impact recreational activities (i.e hiking,
sight-seeing, bird watching) and research.
ii. Controlled Use Area: Controlled forest extraction, like collecting of minor forest
products and strictly controlled logging and mining.
iii. Traditional Use Area: Management and control shall be carried out with the other
supporting programs of the SEP which may include, but not limited to, Upland
Stabilization Program (USP), Catchment Management, Hillside Farming Reforestation,
Integrated Social Forestry (ISF), Industrial Tree Plantation (ITP) and Community-Based
Forest Management.
(c) Multiple/Manipulative Use Area for both Terrestrial and Coastal/Marine components:
Management and control shall be strictly integrated with the other supporting programs of the
SEP and shall be in accordance with a land use plan endorsed by the local governance and
community concerned for the PCSD's approval. Uses that may be allowed include, but not
limited to, timber extraction with community-based management, grazing and pastures,
agriculture, infrastructure and industrial development, mariculture, recreation, rehabilitation of
small islands and mangrove ecosystem, education and research and active fisheries
(d) Tribal Ancestral Lands: This component which may transcend all zones will allow activities
on the bases of the material and cultural needs of the tribes using consultative processes and
cultural mapping.
Section 19. Special Areas of Concern. Special criteria and guidelines for the treatment of (a)
declared Public Parks and Recreational Areas, (b) critical watersheds, (c) protected areas under
the NIPAS Law, (d) tourism areas identified in the Palawan Tourism Master Plan, and (e)
identified areas for environmental and ecological research, education and training shall be
formulated to identify activities in these areas.
Section 20. Formulation and Adoption of Criteria. The formulation of criteria in delineating the
ECAN Zones shall involve the identification of parameters characterizing the physical (i.e.
elevation slope, landforms), socio-anthrophological (i.e. ancestral lands, traditional practices or
customs) and environmental (i.e. habitat, ecosystem, vegetative cover) conditions. These
parameters shall be qualified and quantified to determine the extent of coverage that would
support the rationale use for each zone. Such criteria shall be presented to the Council for
approval upon the endorsement of the Council Staff.
Section 22. Preparation and Declaration of the ECAN Zoning Plan. The ECAN Zoning Plan shall
be prepared by a planning team to be organized in each municipality/city. The team shall be
composed if the Planning and Development Coordinator and the Municipal Environment Officer
in their respective local government units, the CENRO of the DENR, the corresponding District
Manager of the PCSD, and representatives from the private community.
The ECAN Zoning Plan shall include among others the following basic content:
Draft of the Plan shall presented for public hearing in the respective locality before final
endorsement by the Sangguniang Bayan/Panglunsod and the Sangguniang Panlalawigan for the
approval of the Council upon the endorsement of the Council Staff.
Section 23. Conflict Resolution. Conflict resolution process is hereby provided to settle issues
arising from the setting of boundaries and the identification of allowable activities for each
Conflict resolution shall initially involve consultation. All parties concerned are brought together
settle the conflict.
If the conflict is not resolved by the initial step, negotiation which shall involve payoffs for
affected parties shall be resorted to.
If the conflict is still not resolved, the judicial process shall be the final recourse.
Conflict resolution proceeding shall be initiated and facilitated by a joint body composed of
representative from the Local Government Units, the concerned line agency.
Section 24. Enforcement of the ECAN Zoning Plan. The ECAN Zoning Plan shall serve as the
general physical plan of every municipality. It shall be the basic of other planning activities such
as land use planning, tourism master planning and resource management planning as a whole.
Section 25. Administrative Authority. Section 16 of Republic Act 7611 or the SEP Act created
the Council to exercise the governance, implementation and policy direction of the SEP, and
consequently the ECAN as provided for in Section 7 of the Act. In Section 20 of the same Act,
the Council Staff id further provided to serve as the regular support staff of the Council and to
be the machinery to coordinate the policy and functions, implement programs, and organize
such services as may be required by the Council in the exercise of its functions.
Section 26. Coordination with the Local Government Units. In Section 19 of the SEP Act, it is
provided as one of the powers and functions of the Council that to ensure alignment of plans,
programs and policies to the SEP, governments. In the implementation of ECAN, this
coordination shall specifically mean that there shall be a merging of functions between the
Council and the heads of local governments through their representation in the Council.
Section 27. Functions and Responsibilities. The functions and responsibilities of the Council the
Council Staff and the Local Government Units shall be as follows:
The Council shall approve policy guidelines to include criteria in delineating the ECAN zones,
processes and program of work to implement ECAN. It shall likewise initiate sourcing of funds
for major activities and the establishment of linkages with national and provincial
agencies/entities for joint undertakings.
The Council Staff shall develop the policy guidelines to be approved by the Council, work with
the local government units, line agencies and other concerned group or members of the
community in implementing the approved program for the implementation of ECAN,
operationalize the ECAN assistance desk to facilitate the flow of activities, documents and
decision-making processes related tot e efficient and effective implementation of the ECAN,
organize the ECAN assistance desk Planning Team in every municipality, monitor and evaluate
the environmental conditions in the light of ECAN targets and objectives, conduct research to
enhance the establishment of ECAN, conduct information and education programs to develop
local capability and administer funds appropriated for the ECAN activities.
The Local Government Units shall at their respective levels initiate passage of resolutions,
provincial/municipality/city ordinances and regulatory measures to enforce ECAN as provided
by the Council. Their representatives to the Council, the Governor, the City Mayor, the
President of the Mayors League, and the President of the Provincial Chapter of the Liga ng Mga
Barangay shall serve as the direct link to ensure alignment of plans and actions. The Local
Government Units shall likewise harness the participation of line agencies, non-government
organizations and the implementation of ECAN. The ECAN assistance desk and planning team
shall serves as the technical support of the local government units.
Section 28. Amendment. These guidelines may be amended wholly or in part by the Council
through public notification.
Section 29. Repealing Clause. These guidelines shall supercede all Rules and Regulations and
Resolutions inconsistent herewith.
Section 30. Effectivity. These guidelines shall take effect immediately upon approval.
APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine
hundred and ninety-four in the City of Puerto Princesa, Philippines.