Preparedness Guide For Governors - Final

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It contains actions that must be done in Upon the receipt of the alert/warning
order to recover from the aftermath of advisory from PAGASA and DILG, the
disasters. following actions must be done (if
• Issue advisory phasing out response
and phasing in recovery • Activate DOC and declare 24-hour
• Activation of the recovery cluster close watch

• Deployment of PDNLA (Post Disaster • Ensure availability of severe weather

Needs and Loss Assessment) Team bulletin from PAGASA on six-hourly
• Analyze and interpret data collected
for needs analysis • Issue of advisory corresponding issued
warning level of PAGASA
• Develop rehabilitation plan by sector,
OPERATION LISTO: based on needs analysis • Convene PDRRMC Emergency
meeting for hazard assessment and
• Present the rehabilitation plan for
capacity evaluation (Pre-Disaster Risk
Assessment-Emergency Response
GUIDE FOR • Implement the approved rehabilitation Preparedness)
and recovery plan • Activate disaster response clusters
GOVERNORS • Consolidate liquidation reports for • Order the prepositioning, deployment,
submission to donors and activation of emergency response
• Conduct post-disaster conference with plan by all concerned agencies
PDRRMC members • Recommend to the concerned local
• Recommend to concerned local Sanggunian to pass a resolution
Sanggunian to lift the state of calamity declaring their area under the state of
• Perform other emergency measures
deemed necessary
• Collect and consolidate reports for
submission to higher DRRMC
• Declare state of calamity within 24-36
The Operation LISTO is a national BEFORE BUILD COMPETENCIES Special Trainings
program that aims to enhance and strengthen
the capacities of LGUs, communities, and DISASTER The Provincial Government should conduct • Incident Command System
• Basic Training Course on paramedics (Health
the following training:
families to avert loss of lives and assets. Emergency Medical Services (HEMS)))
Executive Training for Local Chief • Advances Training Course on Paramedics
One of its components is the Pamahalaang The Before Disaster component is further
Executives • Warning and Evacuation
Lokal, more specifically, the Disaster divided into three that must be done during
• Search Rescue and Retrieval
Preparedness Manual which aims to guide peace time: • Basic Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
(Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Cycle) • Rehabilitation and Relocation Framework
Local Government Units in preparing for • Create and Institutionalize Structures, Systems, • Business Continuity Planning
disasters by institutionalizing protocols Policies, and Plans • Legal Aspect of Disaster Risk Reduction and
and standards for Disaster Preparedness. Management • Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Training
• Build Competencies for Schools and Hospital.
The said manual contains Checklist of Early
• Mobilize Resources Technical Training for DRRMOs • Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Training
Preparedness and Critical Minimum Actions
for Business Establishments
for Mayors, Checklist for C/MLGOOs, COPs, • Nature and Effect of Hazards
FMs, and Listo si Kap for Punong Barangays. CREATE AND INSTITUTIONALIZE • Hazard and Risk Mapping
The newest addition to the Operation STRUCTURES, SYSTEMS, MOBILIZE RESOURCES (To fully
• Management of Disaster Operation Center
LISTO Disaster Preparedness Manual is the POLICIES, AND PLANS • Basic Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
support the City/Municipal LGUs, Governors
should ensure the availability of the
Preparedness Guide for Governors. • Assist in the institutionalization of LDRRMOs and • Applied Disaster Risk Management following minimum resources)
Councils with defined duties and responsibilitites
• Theories and Principles on Disaster Risk Reduction
The Preparedness Guide for Governors • Establish coordinating arrangements among and Management • Disaster Operation Center (Furnished)
contains general and minimum preparatory LDRRMC Members (defining duties of DRRMC • Critical Incidence Stress Debriefing • Emergency Rescue Vehicle and Equipment
actions for the Provinces which are necessary members) thru an executive order
• Incident Command System • Disaster Preparedness and Response Vehicles
in preparing for disasters. It is a counterpart • Formulate scenario-based DRRM Plan, Contingency • Global Positioning System (GPS)
Plan, & Climate Change Action Plan • Disaster Risk Communication and Information
of and aligned with Operation LISTO Disaster • Geographic Information System (GIS) Software
• Media Relations
Preparedness Manual for Mayors. The • Provide guidance for the facilitation of Risk Maps
• Cluster Approach in Disaster Response • Hazard and Risk Map
province must be in full coordination with the • Establish EWS (by type of hazard) in coordination
• Damage Loss and Needs Assessment • Drone
city/municipality to effectively and efficiently with Municipalities and Cities
• PPEs
carry out the actions identified in this guide. • Establish communication protocol (Identify source • Rehabilitation Planning Workshop
of information and all types of media to be used) • DRR/CCA Training Facility
BEFORE DISASTER • Establish evacuation centers and procedures
Community-Based Training for • Communication System
Barangay Officials and Community • Warning Equipment
It contains actions for early preparation done during • Conduct inventory of organic resources of member
“peace time” when there is no imminent threat or agencies Residents • Power Generator (Emergency Lighting Facilities
hazard. • Conduct education and training for Local Chief • Portable Sound System
• Household preparedness
Executives, DRRMOs, Barangay Officials and
DURING DISASTER Community Residents.
• Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction and • Safe Evacuation Centers
Management • Relocation Sites
It contains actions for critical preparations for typhoons • Establish DOC (Disaster Operation Center)
in support to Mayors. Actions listed in this component • Barangay Contingency Planning • Water Rescue Facility/Sea Ambulance
are to be done immediately upon receiving the alert / • Formulate drill plan; conduct tabletop exercise to • Warning and Evacuation Planning Workshop • DRR Mini Library
advisory. test the plan; finally, conduct simulation exercise
• Scenario-Based Drills and Exercises • Heavy equipment (Backhoe, bulldozer, dump truck,
• Submit DRRM fund utilization report every 10th of crawler, pay loader, forklift, tractors, etc.)
• Areas-Based Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management for Coastal, Volcano, Flood Plains and • Vehicles (vans, ambulance, fire trucks, etc.)
It contains actions to be done to recover and Mountainous Areas.
rehabilitate from the aftermath of disasters.

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