KPN Csrreport Eng 2010

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Report 2010

KPN in the community

v . June th 

KPN aims to be the best service
provider in the communications
industry. We offer products and
services that are simple to use and
that help customers achieve personal
goals or business objectives.

We’ve been bringing people together

for over 125 years. Our technology and
our services make it possible for people
to share important moments in their lives.
That’s where our strength lies.
Contents 

Introduction by the CEO 2

CSR annual review 4
Key financial figures 6
Summary of results and targets 8
1 KPN in the community 13
1.1 Results and targets 14
1.2 Our role in the society 15
1.3 In discussions with our stakeholders 16
1.4 Our CSR themes 17
1.5 Compliance, integrity and compliance with the
Dutch Telecommunications Act 18
1.6 Embedding CSR within the organization: governance 19
2 Our customers and our people 21
2.1 Results and targets 22
2.2 Our customers 22
2.3 Challenges 24
2.4 Our people 25
3 The New Way of Working 31
3.1 Results and targets 32
3.2 The New Way of Working at KPN 33
3.3 Commercial solutions 33
3.4 Engaging in debate with society 34
3.5 Innovation 34
3.6 Challenges 35
4 Responsible Energy Use 37
4.1 Results and targets 38
4.2 Energy-saving initiatives 39
4.3 Green electricity 41
4.4 Sustainable procurement 43
4.5 Providing green ICT services 44
4.6 Environmental management 44
4.7 Carbon Disclosure Project 44
4.8 WNF Climate Savers 45
4.9 Challenges 45
5 People connected 46
5.1 Results and targets 48
5.2 The Finest Contact Foundation 48
5.3 Secure internet 50
5.4 Other social projects 50
5.5 Sponsorship 51
5.6 Challenges 51
6 Appendices 52
6.1 Other core environmental data 52
6.2 Other core social data 53
6.3 Scope of this report 54
6.4 Independent assurance report 55

KPMG Sustainability has checked This report specifically reviews developments and performance in the area of
this sustainability report and has sustainability in 2010. More static elements (such as our CSR organization, relevant
noted its compliance with an ‘A+’ outside memberships and the like) are featured in the GRI table on our web
application level according to the site. Unless otherwise stated, references in this report to KPN should be read as
Global Reporting Initiative. referring to the KPN Group. Unless otherwise stated, references in this report to
Getronics should be read as referring to the whole of Getronics. References to
E-Plus are to be read as references to E-Plus Gruppe.

KPN Sustainability Report 2010

Introduction by
the CEO
Three years ago KPN launched its ‘Back to
Growth’ strategy for the period that was to close
at the end of 2010. This strategy called for us
to become the leading service provider in the
Netherlands and for us to perform consistently
better than the market at the international level.
Despite a difficult economy we are satisfied with
the results of the strategy, although we recognize
that we face challenges requiring us to make
further improvement.

Ad Scheepbouwer Chairman of the Board of Management and CEO, KPN

KPN Sustainability Report 2010 Introduction by the CEO

Introduction by the CEO 

Highlights of 2010
• 10,000 KPN people can work using the New Way of Working.
• 77 per cent of our electricity in the Netherlands is ‘green’.
This will rise to 100 per cent in 2011. In Belgium we have been
using 100 per cent ‘green’ energy since the end of 2010.
• 1,685 KPN people participated 2200 times in
The Finest Contact Foundation projects.
KPN works every day for our Dutch and international
This is 8 per cent of our workforce in the Netherlands.
customers. Customers are our raison d’être. If we perform
well it is through them that we can maintain growth. • 82 per cent of employees in the Netherlands agree that KPN
We acknowledge that growth is only possible if we excel in
follows CSR principles in its business.
service and financial performance, as well as if we opt for
a sustainable strategy. That is a strategy that homes in on a • Listing on the Dow Jones Sustainability Index.
number of major themes at work in society: climate change,
• KPN’s sustainability report takes it to the #1 position in the
an ageing population, social isolation and the work-life
balance. KPN has deliberately chosen to position itself in Transparency Benchmark of the Ministry of Economic Affairs,
sympathy with these themes. As a company we wish to take
Agriculture and Innovation.
part in the debate about future developments: for example,
the issue of how to make the climate issue manageable. • The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) asks KPN to join the
Our link to society is rooted in our core competence: making
Climate Savers program.
contact: This is the ability we want to deploy in fostering
the connection of groups of people such as the elderly
and those in social isolation. In short, we believe it to be of Dow Jones Sustainability Index, a target we had set
importance to harness the technology that we as a company ourselves for 2011. Inevitably, we see that new sustainability
use and deliver so as to make a positive, business-integrated challenges lie ahead for us. The public debate in the
contribution towards solving major social problems or Netherlands surrounding help desks and billing calls by
keeping them manageable. It is a pleasure to share with you the minute was nothing new to us: we are fully aware that
our efforts and results in this Sustainability Report for 2010. customer satisfaction is not developing as we would wish.
We invite you to pass on to us your comments about this Our own surveys point in the same direction. Customer
report and our sustainability performance on loyalty scores have certainly not improved significantly, and
[email protected]. you will therefore find tougher targets in this report. In 2010
we signed on to the United Nations Sustainability Platform,
Both as a company and as a supplier KPN is actively involved the Global Compact. With that decision we have taken on an
in the contemporary approach to the combination of work, obligation to contribute towards achieving the Millennium
provision of care, working hours and free time. We term this Development Goals for 2015 set by the United Nations. The
CSR theme the New Way of Working. This concept enables GRI table that is part of this report and that can be consulted
people to live and work in the location and at the time of on our web site features further details.
their preference. Ten thousand KPN people can now take
part in the New Way of Working. We are convinced of the We will pursue our CSR policy in 2011. With Eelco Blok,
necessity to take care of the resources that underpin our the new CEO who will take up his post as from April’s
existence, if only for future generations. Our preoccupation Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders, KPN will
with the natural world around us is translated into our continue to invest in service, employees and its relationship
CSR theme of Responsible Energy Use. This compels us to with society. Eelco’s responsibility for KPN Mobile
make wise and careful use of energy, an approach that International means that he has already been involved in
simultaneously reduces costs. We succeeded in doing KPN’s CSR operations in Belgium and Germany. We believe
this again in 2010. Lastly, our preoccupation with society: we can create new opportunities for people and businesses
attention for those for whom contact with others is far from with our communications and ICT services. These are
self-evident. This is our third CSR theme: People Connected. opportunities with which we can help people make
The Finest Contact Foundation plays a key role here. With their lives easier, better and more enjoyable.
the voluntary commitment of many KPN people over the
past year we support the initiatives of The Finest Contact
Foundation that improve social contact.

We believe we succeeded in improving our relationship with

society in 2010. We have surpassed our energy efficiency Ad Scheepbouwer
target for data centers, we are on target in terms of our Chairman of the Board of Management and CEO
use of ‘green electricity’ in the Netherlands and we have
registered a major step forward in the area of the New Way The Hague, 22 February 2011
of Working both internally and in terms of market visibility.
Many hundreds of our people volunteered their services
yet again as part of the initiatives of The Finest Contact
Foundation. The progress we have made has received
external recognition. KPN gained listing on the

KPN Sustainability Report 2010

Highlights –
Sustainability report 2010
E-Plus partners NABU,
the German nature

conservancy organization

Publication of a GRI A+
Sustainability report
and #1 in the 2010

January February March April May June

Green tip in the

Consumer market

Dutch skating sponsorship commences

77% green electricity in the
Netherlands. In 2011 KPN will
use 100% green electricity in
the Netherlands and Belgium.

KPN Sustainability Report 2010 Highlights – Sustainability report 

Highlights – Sustainability report  

Getronics’ Green ICT Campaign

of the WebCare
Team, providing
customers with
online dialog

July August September October November December

The Finest Contact

Foundation runs a
major winter event
10,000 KPN people
can work using the
New Way of Working

Listing on the Dow Jones
Sustainability Index

KPN Sustainability Report 2010

Key figures
Share in Group Share in Group EBITDA2
The Netherlands external revenues

External revenues
28% 20%
69% 1

€9,106m 17% 15%
(2009: €9,272m)


& Operations
5% 31%
70% 1

€3,888m iBasis
(2009: €3,687m)
5% 38%


14% 2%

Mobile International
External revenues 24% 25%

31% 1


5% 5%
(2009: €4,037m)

Rest of World

2% 0%
30% 1

(2009: €1,553m)

1) Share in Group external revenues and EBITDA.

2) This Annual Report contains a number of non-IFRS measures, such as EBITDA and free cash flow. These non-IFRS measures should not be viewed
as a substitute for KPN’s IFRS measures. EBITDA is defined as operating profit plus depreciation, amortization and impairments.

KPN Sustainability Report 2010 Key figures

Key figures 

Revenues and other income Free cash flow

(in billions of EUR) (in billions of EUR)
. . .
. . . . .
. .

         

EBITDA (in billions of EUR)/ Capital expenditure

EBITDA margin (in billions of EUR)
. . .
. . .

.% .% .% .% .%

         

Earnings per share Number of FTEs as of December 

. ,
. ,
. .

         

Net debt/EBITDA Operating profit

(in billions of EUR)
. . .
. . .
. .

         

1) The increase in earnings per share in 2007 and 2009 is partly due to a tax gain of EUR 1.2 billion (2007) and EUR 0.7 billion (2009) regarding recognition
of additional deferred tax assets at E-plus.
2) The increase in the number of FTEs in 2007 resulted mainly from the acquisition of Getronics.

KPN Sustainability Report 2010

Summary of results
and targets
Result 2009 Target 2010 and beyond Result 2010 Target 2011
CSR policy CSR Steering Committee with CSR policy visibly The CSR Steering Committee –
implementation * business owners of all implemented across all met seven times
major divisions major divisions

Benchmarking * 66 DJSI points (max: 100) 76 DJSI points (max: 100). Listing on the Dow Jones Maintain listing on the
Admission to DJSI in 2011 Sustainability Index Dow Jones Sustainability Index

Connection to society * Internal, external, customer • Three civil society dialogs • Six social dialogs –
and stakeholder dialogs • Three major • Five major customer dialogs
customer dialogues • One internal
• Three internal stakeholder stakeholder dialog
dialogue sessions • Participation in twelve
• Participation in ten stakeholder dialog sessions
stakeholder dialog sessions run by other organizations
run by other organizations

* KPN Group

Our customers and our people

Result 2009 Target 2010 and beyond Result 2010 Target 2011
Service * Net Promoter Score: better Loyalty leader in all Loyalty leader in 11 of the 24 • Loyalty leader in 16 of the 25
than our competitors, but not product segments product market segments product market segments
as good as planned • 8% point increase in Net
Promoter Score

Employee rating 77% of the employees agree 75% of the employees agree • 82% of the employees agree 70% of the employees agree
that KPN Nederland operates in that KPN Nederland operates in that KPN Nederland operates that KPN Nederland and
line with CSR values line with CSR values in line with CSR values Getronics Nederland operate
• 62% of the employees in line with CSR values
agree that Getronics
Nederland operates
in line with CSR values

Diversity 19% of senior management at 17% of senior management at 16% of senior management at 17% of senior management at
KPN Nederland are women ** KPN Nederland and Getronics KPN Nederland and Getronics KPN Nederland and Getronics
Nederland are women Nederland are women Nederland are women

18% of middle management at 17% of middle management at 16% of middle management at 17% of middle management at
KPN Nederland are women ** KPN Nederland and Getronics KPN Nederland and Getronics KPN Nederland and Getronics
Nederland are women Nederland are women Nederland are women

23% of employees at KPN Women will constitute 30% 23% of employees at KPN Women will constitute 30%
Nederland and Getronics of employees at KPN Nederland Nederland and Getronics of employees at KPN Nederland
Nederland are women and Getronics Nederland Nederland are female and Getronics Nederland
in 2015 in 2015

* KPN Nederland
** Excluding KPN Contact, Xs4All, Telfort and Business Market units merged with Getronics in 2009

KPN Sustainability Report 2010 Summary of results and targets

Summary of results and targets 

The New Way of Working

Result 2009 Target 2010 and beyond Result 2010 Target 2011
Engaging in debate Participation in Nederland Visible position in KPN participated 50 times in 50% of the 500 largest
with society * Bereikbaar and keynote debate with society debates with society about the organizations in the
speaker at various congresses New Way of Working Netherlands consider Getronics
an opinion leader for the
New Way of Working

Introduction of the – On the way to 5% fewer peak- No reliable data for % peak- Develop a technique for
New Way of Working hour kilometers in 2012 hour kilometers measuring CO2 savings for
into KPN * the New Way of Working

3,563 New Way of Working 7,000 New Way of Working 9,000 New Way of Working –
workstations. Plus 7000 workstations workstations
flexible workstations

– 8,000 meetings replaced by 15,516 meetings replaced by –

videoconferencing videoconferencing

29% more employees can 10,000 active New Way 10,407 KPN people can work 11,000 KPN people can work
work remotely of Working staff using the New Way of Working using the New Way of Working

Contributing to good New Way of Working Commercial application and Sharp increase in contact 15% growth in usage by
employer conduct marketing campaign prominence of KPN as supplier persons (excluding of customers of 3 typical ‘New
and mobility * of the New Way of Working ICT procurement) for Way of Working’ services
business customers

* KPN Nederland and Getronics Nederland together

KPN Sustainability Report 2010


Responsible Energy Use

Result 2009 Target 2010 and beyond Result 2010 Target 2011
Fixed and mobile • Measures that save 32 GWh On the way to 20% absolute • Measures saved 38 GWh • On the way to 20% absolute
network in the • Annual energy efficiency reduction in energy by 2020 • Electricity consumption reduction in energy by 2020
Netherlands targets 2010–2012 in comparison with 2005: identical to 2009 in comparison with 2005:
• Energy efficiency • Measures that save 26 GWh • Measures that save 32 GWh
measurement units • Max 2% increased power • Max 2% increase in electricity
use in 2010 and 2011, consumption in 2011,
falling thereafter falling thereafter.

Mobile network, Energy efficiency targets set • On the way to 20% greater • Annual targets set On the way to 20% greater
Belgium and Germany for 2012 and 2020 energy efficiency by 2020 in energy efficiency by 2020 in
comparison with 2009 and comparison with 2009:
5% more energy-efficient • Germany: 5% more energy-
in 2012 efficient in 2011 and 9%
• Annual energy efficiency in 2012 in comparison
targets 2010–2012 with 2009
• Belgium: 5% more
energy-efficient in 2012
in comparison with 2009

Data centers * • Measures that save On the way to 20% greater • Measures saved 6 GWh On the way to 30% greater
2 GWh (1.3% of data center energy efficiency by 2020 in • 23% more energy-efficient energy efficiency by 2020
consumption) 2009) comparison with 2005: in comparison with 2005 in comparison with 2005:
• 21% more energy-efficient • Measures that save 9 GWh • 24% more energy-efficient
in comparison with 2005 (6% of 2010 data center in 2011 in comparison
(PUE basis) consumption) as opposed with 2005
to doing nothing
• 20% more efficient in
comparison with 2005
(PUE basis)
• Raise 2020 target

Green electricity In the Netherlands 56% • In the Netherlands 75%. • In the Netherlands: 77% • In the Netherlands: 100%
In 2011: 100% in the • In Belgium: 34% • In Belgium: 100%
Netherlands • In Germany: 29% • In Germany: 50% in 2011,
• Germany and Belgium: 75% in 2012 and 100%
investigate financial in 2020
feasibility and green
electricity availability

CO2compensation * – As from 2012 remaining CO2 – Compensate remaining CO2

emissions (capped at 15% of emissions from 2012
total emissions)

Vehicle fleet * • Over 70% of all passenger New step toward a greener New target set 35% absolute CO2 saving to be
vehicles carry A, B or C lease policy made by Dutch vehicle fleet in
energy label 2016 in comparison with 2010
• 20% of new cars are hybrid (34.9 kton CO2 emissions
in 2010)

Sustainable procurement 82 suppliers sign code 80% of the 58 suppliers at risk 94% of the high-risk • 95% of the high-risk
program * of conduct sign code of conduct suppliers signed the suppliers sign the Supplier
Supplier Code of Conduct Code of Conduct
• 80% of the medium-risk
suppliers sign the Supplier
Code of Conduct

KPN Sustainability Report 2010 Summary of results and targets

Summary of results and targets 

Result 2009 Target 2010 and beyond Result 2010 Target 2011
Two external audits in Asia and Twelve external audits at 37% (23) of the high-risk • 95% of the high-risk suppliers
site visits for outsourcing manufacturers located in suppliers took part in the take part in the self-auditing
low-wage countries via E-TASC self-auditing system (E-TASC) system
• 50% of the medium-risk
suppliers take part in the
self-auditing system
• 5 on site audits at
high-risk suppliers

– Relevant environmental themes Relevant environmental themes –

in procurement criteria incorporated into procurement

Services and products * InternetPlusBellen standard • Visible positioning of Green • Getronics’ Green ICT • 25 GWh long-term savings
modem 17% more energy- ICT services in the market Campaign amongst customers thanks
efficient than predecessor • Growth of energy • Groene Tip in the consumer to more energy-efficient
management services market equipment
• Customer information for • 12.5 GWh saved at customers • Develop a technique for
energy saving measuring CO2 savings for
• Sustainable image in KPN Green ICT

Recycling discarded 21,382 mobile phones 25,000 mobile phones 26,302 mobile phones 50,000 mobile phones
mobile phones *

Environmental – Relevant business units have Start of ISO 14001 Relevant business units have
management * ISO 14001 certification certification audit ISO 14001 certification

* KPN Nederland and Getronics Nederland together

People Connected
Result 2009 Target 2010 and beyond Result 2010 Target 2011
Motivating employees * 1,623 KPN employees KPN employees participated 1,685 KPN employees KPN employees participated
participated 2,083 times 2,000 times in The Finest participated 2,213 times 2,000 times in The Finest
on voluntary projects Contact Foundation projects in The Finest Contact Contact Foundation projects
Foundation projects

Target group coverage * 164 children with ICT set • 175 children with ICT set • 192 children with ICT set –
• 90 autistic children • 116 autistic children
participate in SociaalOpStap participate in SociaalOpStap

3,400 senior citizens in the 3,500 senior citizens in the 2,763 senior citizens in the –
ComputerPlusBus ComputerPlusBus ComputerPlusBus

– Develop a method for Preliminary review of methods Develop a method for

measuring the contribution available for measuring the measuring the contribution
made by The Finest Contact contribution made by The made by The Finest Contact
Foundation to reducing Finest Contact Foundation Foundation to reducing
social isolation to reducing social isolation social isolation

* KPN Nederland and Getronics Nederland together

KPN Sustainability Report 2010


KPN Sustainability Report 2010

KPN in the community 

KPN in the
KPN contributes to a sustainable future

KPN Sustainability Report 2010


KPN in the community

Almost everybody knows KPN. We are a large

company that has been making its presence
felt in the Netherlands for over 125 years.
We are firmly rooted in society at large
and, thanks to the part we play with our ICT
infrastructure, we feel a strong involvement.
This drives our commitment to help build a
sustainable future. We are convinced that
corporate social responsibility makes us a better
service provider. Our position within society
allows us to understand how and where to
deliver a relevant contribution.

1.1 Results and targets

Result 2009 Target 2010 and beyond Result 2010 Target 2011
CSR policy CSR Steering Committee CSR policy visibly The CSR Steering Committee –
implementation * with business owners of all implemented across all met seven times
major divisions major divisions

Benchmarking * 66 DJSI points (max: 100) 76 DJSI points (max: 100). Listing on the Dow Jones Maintain listing on the Dow
Admission to DJSI in 2011 Sustainability Index Jones Sustainability Index

Connection to society * Internal, external, customer • Three civil society dialogs • Six social dialogs –
and stakeholder dialogs • Three major • Five major customer dialogs
customer dialogues • One internal stakeholder
• Three internal stakeholder dialog
dialog sessions • Participation in twelve
• Participation in ten stakeholder dialog sessions
stakeholder dialog sessions run by other organizations
run by other organizations

* KPN Group

KPN Sustainability Report 2010 KPN in the community

KPN in the community 

1.2 Our role in the society The time saved allows the doctor or nurse to devote
Our role in society carries with it responsibilities. One of greater attention to customized treatment of the patient.
our duties is to ensure our finances remain sound: many As the initiative-taker behind eHealthNu we made a major
people depend on us, be they customers, employees, commitment in 2010 to self-care management. We want
shareholders or suppliers. A healthy environment to use modern communications technology to enable
is indispensable and explains our investment in care institution clients to become less reliant on visits to
corporate social responsibility. That investment means a hospital or family doctor. KPN is developing services
harnessing our products to social needs, operating in an that allow patients with specific medical conditions to
environmentally aware and climate-friendly fashion and diagnose and monitor themselves. The objective is
fostering a society that everybody can take part in. greater convenience and independence for the patient
and a reduced burden falling on care institutions.
Connecting people, bringing them into contact with one We will pursue these initiatives in 2011.
another, is our core competence as well as our guiding
principle. We provide products and services that allow A safe future
people to work freed from the constraints of time or place. ICT contributes to human emancipation. Knowledge
More and more, people need freedom of choice and the has become more accessible thanks to the enhanced
right work-life balance. They want to have a say in where options offered by internet-based communication and
and when they work, so that they can combine work with information. All the more so in the Netherlands, which
other matters such as care-giving or voluntary activities. enjoys one of the world’s highest levels of penetration
This benefits both the employee and society at large. KPN for broadband connections. Easy access assists people in
has thus decided to develop products and services that obtaining useful information and in forming an opinion.
make the New Way of Working possible for businesses Communication between the authorities, the citizens and
and their employees. We have also adopted the New Way the emergency services can save lives in every disaster.
of Working for our own employees. Reliable, disruption-free ICT is indispensable and KPN is
often involved in national disaster training exercises. The
ICT is playing an ever greater part in our life and certainly KPN Network Operating Centers (NOC) in Hilversum and
in the Netherlands. KPN’s aim is to be a sound, profitable in The Hague play a key role. KPN supports the 112 service,
company by contributing to progress within the society the national emergency number, the Nationale Noodnet
at large. Over the past years we have been investing EUR and C2000, the national network for the emergency
1.1 billion every year in our Dutch ICT infrastructure, for services. In 2010 KPN took part in Cyberstorm III, an
example in the roll-out of our fiber services, our fixed and international training exercise involving an imaginary
mobile networks, our data centers and our retail outlets. cyber attack by a foreign power.

A healthy future A clean future

ICT can offer solutions to the challenges faced by our The ICT industry is one of the major energy consumers.
society. For example, in the care sector and in education Our sector is directly responsible for two per cent of
our ICT infrastructure can make the difference. We work in global CO2 emissions. The ICT industry sells millions of
close collaboration with these sectors to develop solutions telephones and other ICT equipment that put a burden
that allow them to progress. The mobile network and fast on scarce natural resources. ICT usage will increase rather
internet connections across a fiber network make remote than decrease in the future. KPN sees it as its responsibility
care possible. to promote energy savings and innovation in the chain.
Together with other European telecom operators KPN
We developed the Lokafoon, a mobile alarm service for signed the EU Code of Conduct for Broadband Equipment
individual clients of care institutions. The virtue of the
device lies in its size: no bigger than a wristwatch. The We are convinced that the operations of the ICT industry
user’s movements are not restricted and he or she needs can become ever more energy-efficient. We believe in
no personalized supervision. In 2010 several hundred ‘green ICT’ and deliver on that promise by maximizing
patients were given a Lokafoon. our own ICT energy efficiency and by reducing our CO2
emissions. KPN aims to be climate-neutral by 2020. This
Working with the Erasmus MC, in 2010 KPN developed a means that on balance we will no longer emit any CO2.
measuring station for diabetics. Diabetics are forecast to We wish to achieve this through a number of steps, such
number 1.5 million in the Netherlands by 2025. Such rapid as saving on energy, increasing the energy efficiency of
growth means that good care can no longer be taken for our network and that of our data centers and using green
granted. Innovations of this kind exemplify the solutions electricity. CO2 compensation is the last step. In 2011
KPN offers for these problems. Patients can do most of the we will use exclusively green electricity in the
measurements themselves, as a result of which they can Netherlands and Belgium.
better manage their condition. The data is transferred to
the ICT systems of the hospital or family doctor. We have received a great deal of recognition from outside

KPN Sustainability Report 2010


for our climate policy. In 2010 the World Wildlife Fund Are we doing the things that people expect us to do
(WWF) confirmed that we comply with the criteria to or might reasonably expect us to do? This transparency
participate in their international Climate Savers program. brings us valuable information that helps us determine
The program calls for businesses to work with the WWF our policy and objectives. Our efforts have brought us
on achieving a switch to a completely sustainable energy a listing in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index in 2010.
supply. We will sign the cooperation agreement with the That listing ranks us amongst the top 10 per cent of the
WWF in early 2011. This means that we will share our most sustainable telecom companies in the world1.
knowledge and experience in the area of energy savings The listing confirms that we are on the right track to
with others to arrive at energy savings across the entire becoming a sustainable leader in the ICT industry.
ICT chain.
Transparency benchmark
But the greatest contribution KPN is making to an energy- We were ranked #1 in the 2010 Transparency Benchmark.
efficient world comes from the ICT solutions it offers An initiative of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs,
customers. Our palette of products and services enables Agriculture and Innovation, this is a prize for the most
others to use energy more efficiently and cut down transparent sustainability report in the Netherlands.
on their emissions. This is the case, for example, when In 2009 KPN only rated #24. We are proud of this
implementing software that improves logistic processes. award, which HRH Prince Carlos presented to us on
In the context of the New Way of Working it is also January 18, 2011.
the case for our products and services that cut down
on car usage. For now and in the future
All these initiatives put together encapsulate the part we
The best service provider are playing in the switch to a more sustainable society.
KPN aims to be the best service provider. This is part of We deploy our core competences to innovate and make
our strategy and is at the same time a reason for our investments in society that make a difference and that
position at the heart of society. The activities volunteers offer people the possibility of living their lives more
carry out for the The Finest Contact Foundation illustrate sustainably, more enjoyably and more easily. We transform
the meaning of what it is to be of service. Since the challenges within society that might jeopardize its
establishment of the foundation in 2008 over four strengths into opportunities, so offering potential benefits
thousand volunteers have put their shoulders to the wheel to both society and KPN.
for one of the projects. These are aimed at promoting
social contact amongst vulnerable target groups. We have 1.3 In discussions with our stakeholders
seen that ICT offers opportunities allowing everybody to Dialog with our stakeholders forms the basis of our
take part in society. The Finest Contact Foundation begins CSR policy. We use a variety of methods to conduct
and supports projects in which ICT is deployed to involve our dialog.
vulnerable target groups in society.
We use our conventional channels of communication,
Using this CSR pillar we wish to contribute to our strategy such as web sites, customer magazines and our contacts
of becoming the best service provider. But experience with customers, for the dialog. This permitted us to hold a
shows that our efforts in the area of the New Way of number of sustainability sessions with major customers in
Working contribute to that aim as well. The better that the Business Market in 2010. We discussed with them the
we can develop and execute this concept within Dutch role they expect KPN to play in the area of sustainability
society, the greater we can be of service to our and their perceptions of KPN’s current policy.
customers who want to work free of the
constraints of time and place. This year was the first time we used KPN1 Connect, our
in-house social media site, to open up a dialog about
We look on ‘Responsible Energy Use’, our third CSR pillar, our CSR policy with our employees. During November’s
as a further support buttressing our target of becoming New Way of Working week we featured messages about
the best service provider. The ever-louder message we different aspects of the New Way of Working, attracting
are receiving from our stakeholder dialog is that our 2,200 responses from KPN staff. This allowed us to get
customers expect us to embed vigilance for energy and feedback from our own employees to check whether our
climate change issues into our business operations. sustainability policy corresponds to their expectations. In
summary, this dialog underlined for us how important this
We are in continuous dialog with the society of which we CSR theme, the New Way of Working, is to our employees.
1. Top 10% of the biggest are part. We conduct this dialog to identify trends at an The number of reactions and spontaneous messages on
companies in the Dow early stage and to apply them in our business, but also the site has risen. The major point of emphasis was the
Jones Global Total Stock
Market Index (DJGTSM)
to evaluate our own conduct. positive appreciation of employees on the opportunity to
that lead in the area decide their own work-life balance. But the loss of social
of sustainability contact with fellow employees was also a topic.

KPN Sustainability Report 2010 KPN in the community

KPN in the community 

At end October, senior KPN executives conducted a dialog focus on the longer term, allowing the investors to expect
with external stakeholders about sustainability. The VDBO more stable financial results. Specific comments were:
(Association of Investors for Sustainable Development) • KPN’s policy of corporate social responsibility has
organized and ran the session. Participants were key improved significantly since 2008 and compares well
external stakeholders such as analysts, not-for-profit with that of its peers.
organizations, customers, suppliers and sustainability • Its CSR operations are suitable for commercial
experts. We believe in the value of stakeholders from exploitation.
different backgrounds meeting each other. A KPN investor • The sustainability report is studied carefully alongside
is given the opportunity of discussing our sustainability the Annual Report as it sheds additional light on the
policy with a major customer, for example, or a social risks facing the company.
organization can do so with a key supplier. • We need to do a better job of explaining what we are
doing to raise customer satisfaction and service levels.
We have learnt four major lessons from this stakeholder
dialog. Our choice of CSR themes are still logical; we are In 2011 we shall give CSR rating agencies and investors
making progress and we are determined to continue regular information on CSR. In so doing we shall take
along this path in 2011. It would be premature to change care to ensure that we communicate the fact that our
course now as the themes may take on a far greater CSR policy is not a stand-alone program but a component
importance. The second lesson is related to our target within our corporate strategy.
of becoming the best ICT service provider. Placing the
customer at the forefront requires service leadership In conclusion, the spontaneous responses we receive
coupled to transparent communication. Further constitute a major plank in our stakeholder dialog. These
improvement is needed to attain this ambition. The third responses may be positive or critical in tone. They come
lesson is that we no longer need a separate CSR policy to us through various routes. In 2010 we received dozens
once we succeed in embedding a policy across the whole of responses by e-mails sent to us at [email protected]. They
of KPN that clarifies the link between ourselves and consisted of sponsorship requests, comments about our
society. Lastly, our stakeholders told us we should choose use of paper in customer communications, and requests
social themes taken from our corporate business. We to take part in CSR-related surveys, as well as complaints
should draw on KPN’s 128-year history to set a path for the about our products and services.
future, staying consistent with ourselves, our customers
and our employees. The reactions we hear via the media are another
manifestation of the feedback we receive. Radar and
We maintain an active dialog with government. As far as Kassa, two Dutch television programs, took KPN and
the Dutch government was concerned, our dialog focused other telecommunications companies to task for the
primarily on market regulation, the fiber network roll-out, type of subscription in which customers are billed by
frequency allocation, net neutrality and, where applicable, the minute. We gave customers who felt they had not
price regulation and charges for access to the fixed Dutch been properly informed the option of going back to their
network and roaming charges (rates for mobile calls old subscription.
abroad). Privacy, cyber crime and the availability of the
112 emergency services call number were also discussed. The rule we observe for all spontaneous reactions is to
We expressed our views on these topics at European take the writer seriously, respond rapidly and, where
forums as well. useful, invite her or him to discuss the matter with us.

In 2010 we also updated a selection of our major Our foreign subsidiaries also continued to pursue
Dutch investors with details of our CSR operations. They a stakeholder dialog policy. E-Plus in Germany opened a
informed us that they consider a transparent and logical dialog with social organizations to examine how it could
CSR policy to be increasingly important. A company that further contribute to literacy programs.
includes CSR as part of its corporate strategy has a better

KPN Sustainability Report 2010


1.4 Our CSR themes previous years was demonstrable compliance with
KPN has focused its CSR policy targets around the legal and regulatory framework, today we seek to give
the following themes: integrity a visible position within our company culture.
• The New Way of Working
• Responsible Energy Use This has spurred us to organize training sessions and
• People Connected courses whose purpose is to raise awareness and foster
a culture of integrity.
Three years ago, we chose these three key themes as we
believe that success in sustainability will only be achieved Supplementing its broad ethical codes of conduct,
by focusing on specific aspirations. These are the criteria KPN has a whistleblower procedure, an integrity review
that governed our choice of theme: protocol, a policy on fraud, and codes directed at insider
• The theme must be relevant to the social issue trading, safety and ICT security. These can be consulted on
in question. our web site: (
• Aspirations and activities are reviewed by in-house relations/corporategovernance/ bedrijfscode.htm).
and external stakeholders.
Business compliance officers are in place at all the major
The purpose of this sustainability report is for KPN to units of KPN in the Netherlands, and since 2010 this has
render account of the sustainability issues material been the case as well at E-Plus and KPN Group Belgium.
to KPN. These have been selected on the basis of a They report to the Group Compliance Officer.
materiality assessment carried out in 2009, including
internal and external stakeholder dialogs. Updated in The integrity discussions that the 200 senior executives of
2010, this evaluation took account of the findings from the KPN Nederland held with their teams at the end of 2009
stakeholder dialogue sessions of 2010 and confirmed the were repeated in 2010. At every level in the company,
relevance – in terms of their sustainability content – of the managers and their teams examined dilemmas involving
topics previously chosen. Additionally, a number of new issues of integrity in everyday matters and discussed
elements came to the fore, and these are investigated in proper conduct in the workplace. The reports of these
this report: discussions led to conclusions and recommendations that
• customer satisfaction amongst telecommunications were put before the Board of Management. One major
companies (complaint handling, service culture) and conclusion drawn was that management, if only because
• the pricing of mobile subscriptions, in particular the of its role model function, can play a major part in
discussion about charging by the minute. ensuring proper conduct in the workplace and in dealing
with the issues of integrity that employees encounter.
The media and stakeholders also raised the issue of Action plans were developed for each business segment.
whether transmission masts used in mobile telephony
constituted a health hazard. Our approach is set out on Senior KPN Nederland executives followed two
our web site. integrity workshops and their colleagues at KPN Mobile
International followed one. The key message was that
1.5 Compliance, integrity and compliance with KPN always observes the legal and regulatory framework
the Dutch Telecommunications Act and conducts itself properly. Not only that, KPN remains
KPN sees operating with integrity and in compliance with committed to handling issues of confidentiality, privacy
the legal and regulatory framework as inextricably linked and the dilemma of the long term versus the short term
with its social responsibility. We view this as something with care and integrity.
that our stakeholders specifically expect of us. In 2010 we
took further measures to fortify our performance in this Employees of KPN Nederland and Getronics Nederland
area. The Group Compliance Office was restructured in followed an e-learning course about undertakings and
2010. There were two reasons. rules set out in the Code of Conduct and supporting
codes. In 2010 1,049 KPN Nederland employees followed
First, we wanted further to reduce the risks of non- this e-learning course, with the figure for Getronics
compliance with the legal and regulatory framework. Nederland being 542 employees. A total of 1,651
We do this by organizing reporting, management and employees of KPN Nederland and Getronics Nederland
knowledge transfer at a more central level. The function attended special training sessions covering competition
of the Group Compliance Office, which is part of head and telecommunications law in 2010.
office, is to diminish any risks of non-compliance with the
legal and regulatory framework. Second, we wished to
lay greater stress on integrity. If the focus of attention in

KPN Sustainability Report 2010 KPN in the community

KPN in the community 

At KPN Group Belgium all employees took part in an the Dutch Independent Post and Telecommunications
online compliance quiz and 139 employees followed Authority, OPTA, for alleged breaches of the
compliance training familiarizing them with the company Telecommunications Act between 2005 and 2008. It has
code and the whistleblower policy. A discussion on the been estimated that the total size of these penalties will
topic between employees and their hierarchical superiors not exceed EUR 20 million.
was held. At E-Plus all executives receive training in
anti-corruption policy and procedures. The annual In 2010 the Dutch Advertising Code Committee issued
Ethics & Compliance Survey was held among those its verdicts on nineteen complaints about advertising
employees of KPN Nederland especially affected by the statements made by KPN Nederland. In seventeen
Telecommunications Act. This showed that there had been cases the Advertising Code Committee ruled that these
progress on the Targets versus Rules parameter. This is advertising statements were in partial or entire breach
the percentage of employees having the perception that, of the Dutch Advertising Code. The Committee advised
when the issue arises, KPN always chooses to observe the KPN to cease advertising in that fashion in the future.
rules. That percentage has risen relative to 2009. It also
showed that employees needed to be better and more More information on KPN’s corporate governance is
fully informed about the Telecommunications Act. Both available in the Annual Report.
themes require ongoing attention, as does information
on the whistleblower policy. People must feel they will not 1.6 Embedding CSR within the
suffer consequences if they report unlawful or improper organization: governance
conduct and they need to know that disciplinary measures The Board of Management and the CSR Steering
will be taken against those guilty of such conduct. Committee jointly set the company’s CSR policy and
targets. The CSR Steering Committee has a coordinating
In 2010 the KPN Group was issued with six definitive function. The Supervisory Board is closely involved in CSR
and irrevocable penalties. These penalties totaled EUR issues. The Steering Committee meets every month under
114,000. Four related to failures of compliance with the chairmanship of Baptiest Coopmans, the KPN Board
telecommunications or consumer protection legislation. of Management member with responsibility for CSR.
Two related to environmental infractions with penalties
of less than EUR 1,000. Three task forces, one for each of the three themes,
report to the CSR Steering Committee. The task forces
Of the penalties for non-compliance with develop new plans and ensure implementation of ongoing
telecommunications or consumer protection law, two activities. Getronics and E-Plus each have their own CSR
related to E-Plus. The first penalty related to the delayed Steering Committee that adapts KPN’s CSR policy to their
repair of faulty data cables. The second had been own market and target groups. E-Plus, KPN Group Belgium
levied in connection with conducting telemarketing and Getronics also each have their own CSR Manager.
activities without the consumer’s express consent. The
BundesNetzAgentur (the German telecom regulator) The CSR Steering Committee reports monthly. Every
imposed a penalty on Ortel Germany for the improper quarter both the CSR Steering Committee and KPN’s
compilation of customer details. KPN France struck a Board of Management review progress towards the
settlement with the French Consumer Authority. The targets set out in the Sustainability Report. The Board of
dispute related to having provided consumers with Management provides the Supervisory Board with twice-
incomplete information about changes to the conditions yearly reports about CSR policy implementation.
covering the service provided, in particular about the
length of time a call credit remained valid. In addition to In Germany more work was put into the sustainability
these irrevocable penalties KPN Nederland was fined for structure in 2010. A member of the E-Plus Board of
failing to inform the authorities concerned of planned Management is responsible for the CSR program.
cable works, against which KPN has lodged an appeal.
KPN operates clear risk management policies. These are
KPN Group is still conducting appeal procedures set out in the Annual Report, which includes a description
challenging five penalties in respect of activities anti- of the major risks we see as possibly impacting the
competitive competition. The value of these penalties attainment of KPN’s targets. CSR risks are included in line
varies between EUR 500,000 and EUR 10,000,000 and the with their importance relative to other corporate risks.
penalties were imposed during or before 2010. These
include a penalty levied by the Netherlands Competition
Authority (NMa) in 2002 for alleged cartel agreements
in the mobile telecommunications industry. Objections
have also been lodged against the penalties imposed by

KPN Sustainability Report 2010


KPN Sustainability Report 2010

Our customers and our people 

Our customers
and our people
Strengthen commitment and pride

KPN Sustainability Report 2010


Our customers
and our people
People make KPN. Our employees
do their best to satisfy our
customers’ wishes.
2.1 Results and targets
Result 2009 Target 2010 and beyond Result 2010 Target 2011
Service * Net Promoter Score: better Loyalty leader in all Loyalty leader in 11 of the 24 • Loyalty leader in 16 of the 25
than our competitors, but not product segments product market segments product market segments
as good as planned • 8% point increase in Net
Promoter Score

Rating awarded by 77% of the employees agree 75% of the employees agree • 82% of the employees 70% of the employees agree
the employees that KPN Nederland operates that KPN Nederland operates agree that KPN Nederland that KPN Nederland and
in line with CSR values in line with CSR values operates in line with Getronics Nederland operate
CSR values in line with CSR values
• 62% of the employees agree
that Getronics Nederland
operates in line with CSR

Diversity 19% of senior management at 17% of senior management at 16% of senior management at 17% of senior management at
KPN Nederland are women ** KPN Nederland and Getronics KPN Nederland and Getronics KPN Nederland and Getronics
Nederland are women Nederland are women Nederland are women

18% of middle management 17% of middle management at 16% of middle management at 17% of middle management at
at KPN Nederland are KPN Nederland and Getronics KPN Nederland and Getronics KPN Nederland and Getronics
women ** Nederland are women Nederland are women Nederland are women

23% of employees at KPN Women will constitute 30% of 23% of employees at KPN Women will constitute
Nederland and Getronics employees at KPN Nederland Nederland and Getronics 30% of employees at KPN
Nederland are women and Getronics Nederland Nederland are female Nederland and Getronics
in 2015 Nederland in 2015

* KPN Nederland
** Excluding KPN Contact, Xs4all, Telfort and Business Market units merged with Getronics in 2009

2.2 Our customers they are to recommend KPN to others, on

Our customers are the raison d’être of our company. We a scale of 1 to 10. This generates a score at the brand
do our very best to earn our customers’ respect. First of and market segment level. We use this figure because in
all, by ensuring that our products and services meet their our experience customer loyalty is a good indicator of
needs as effectively as possible. And secondly, through the growth. Our experience tells us that customers, potential
socially responsible activities we undertake. and current, allow themselves be influenced by the
recommendations and experiences of existing customers
Convinced as we are that we champion the cause of our when it comes to choosing brands and products. The rise
customers, the customer’s assessment of KPN is critical to of social media sites and web sites where consumers share
our customer satisfaction and customer loyalty policies. their experiences reinforces the phenomenon.
From the ongoing customer loyalty surveys we run and
from the picture the media and public opinion paint of us In 2010 we set up the NPS Board, with participation by
it has become clear to us in recent years that we can do both KPN Nederland and Getronics Nederland. Its purpose
even better. This led us to set ambitious targets in these is to focus on improving customer loyalty, and to ensure
areas in 2010. On customer loyalty, we wanted to perform that this is done in a consistent, structured manner.
better than all our competitors in all market segments. We use the periodic Net Promoter Scores, which are
The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is our most important tool discussed with the line managers responsible, to design
for measuring this. The tool measures customer loyalty by our customer satisfaction and customer loyalty programs.
regularly asking a large number of customers how likely The NPS Board has identified five areas where there is
room for improvement.

KPN Sustainability Report 2010 Our customers and our people

Our customers and our people 

1. Social media adjustment that boosted the speed. In 2010 we made

Consumers are using social media sites more and more proposals to some six hundred customers to boost
to recount their experiences with telecom and internet the quality of their interactive television.
providers. Since October a special team, the web care
team, combs web sites systematically for reports about 5. Uniform closed-loop feedback
KPN. If there is a complaint about KPN, we take up In addition to our Net Promoter Score, we wish to get a
contact with its original author and we look at how better handle on individual customer satisfaction after
we can solve it. interaction with KPN. For this we use the closed-loop
feedback approach (CLF). This involves our regularly
2. Relocations asking customers, immediately after a contact moment
Customer appreciation surveys show that we can improve with a KPN employee operative, what they thought of the
our service when people relocate. We have investigated quality of the service and whether they would recommend
the possibility of reducing from four to two weeks the KPN to others because of it. We do this in the stores by
relocation notice period that we require to ensure a new personal interviews and in the call centers by asking
connection is installed on time. We want to be able to whether callers are prepared to answer some questions at
make this possible for large groups of customers in 2011. the end of the call. These questions are also put by phone
We have also taken steps to see that the customer is not after a service visit, so that the customer does not have
only informed by mail of a service visit but that she or to discuss a possibly unsatisfactory experience with the
he also gets a reminder in the form of a text message individual concerned.
the day before.
We undertook a pilot scheme in the call centers which
3. KPN Brand Manifesto involved motivating staff to develop a better balance
The KPN brand is one of the best-known in the Netherlands. between the parameters of quality, sales, human contact
KPN wants the brand to evoke positive, reliable and warm and costs. Some 250 staff in the Business Market and
associations amongst our customers, potential or current. Consumer Market call centers took part. We saw that this
In 2010 we set up a Brand Board to safeguard and reinforce influenced the major parameters. Employee engagement
this. This Brand Board drives the programs designed to is higher there than in the other call centers, for example.
protect and reinforce the KPN brand. The Brand Board’s first The pilot teams did better on their NPS scores as well.
task in 2010 was to draw up the KPN Brand Manifesto. This We intend to introduce this way of working on a wider
expresses the values of the KPN brand and the association scale in 2011.
it is designed to evoke. The Manifesto highlights three key
directions: ‘the customer in the vanguard’, ‘live and work the In the interests of optimizing customer service we
way you want’ and ‘champions all that is Dutch’. The core commenced a project in 2010 to standardize this CLF
values that KPN has already been using for several years – approach across all channels and to aggregate all
‘personal’, ‘simplicity’ and ‘trust’ – are also evident in the customer feedback within a single information system.
Brand Manifesto. This allows a consistent picture of the feedback across
the entire chain from sale to billing to be built up and
At end 2010 we started to work on enhancing awareness analyzed. These analyses serve as key input for structural
of this Manifesto by giving employees and management improvements that KPN Nederland implements across its
training courses. Over the coming years the Brand chains and work processes.
Manifesto will serve as the guideline for all our marketing
communications and our marketing policy, as well as for Customers can go to ‘Mijn KPN’ on, to find
defining our employees’ conduct and approach, both to online answers to their questions. Menus allow site visitors
the customer and to each other. to look for solutions to commonly encountered problems.
We shall add an electronic customer forum in 2011. In
4. The quality of our network order to drive home the importance of customer loyalty at
Another route that will augment customer loyalty involves senior management level KPN Nederland has integrated
improving and communicating the quality of our network. a special module into its leadership program for its top
Customers are generally satisfied with the quality of 50 executives. Participants are confronted by dissatisfied
the network, a perception we are keen to confirm. The customers making their views known in no uncertain
communications center allows us to notice whenever a terms in sound and vision. This effectively transmits the
customer’s network speed (in MB per second) is lower message to senior management that, despite every effort,
than his or her subscription entitlement. This may have there is always scope and reason for boosting customer
been the result of the cabling or caused by the location of satisfaction. As part of our policy of encouraging attention
the wireless router in the home. In 2010, by way of a test, to customer loyalty the remuneration received by those
we initiated contact with the customer in a few of these KPN people with an area of responsibility impacting on
situations. Quite often we were able to make a minor customer loyalty depends partly on this parameter.

KPN Sustainability Report 2010


In 2010 we aimed to become the loyalty leader in all Last year also saw a discussion about charging mobile phone
market segments of the consumer and business markets calls by rounding up to the full minute instead of charging
in the Netherlands. In other words, we set ourselves the by the second. In response to complaints KPN undertook to
target of finishing as the best ICT service provider in all introduce subscription variants offering mobile calls billed by
product-market combinations, i.e. achieving the top NPS the second. Appearing on the Dutch TV consumer program
score. These scores are measured each quarter at both Kassa, Board of Management member Baptiest Coopmans
KPN brand and segment level. In the business market we showed that KPN is serious when it says it wants satisfied
scored better than in the consumer market. Unfortunately customers. As a telecommunications provider KPN is obliged
we failed to achieve our target. Based on the figures for to provide the customer with correct information about
the third quarter for the consumer market (the most subscriptions and contract terms. Some misunderstanding
recent figures available when this report went to press) about the subscriptions under scrutiny had unfortunately
and for the fourth quarter for the business market, we arisen. We concluded that our communication on the subject
have become loyalty leader in 11 of the 24 product- had clearly not been optimal, while call center staff appeared
market segments. This performance is disappointing insufficiently informed about contract terms. As a way of
because we started so many initiatives last year precisely setting things straight we mailed a letter to all call center staff
so as to boost customer loyalty. We started many of in the Netherlands informing them about the conditions.
these remedial actions in the course of the year and we We emphasized the importance of correct information
expect their effect to be measurable only after some time on the subject.
has passed. We measure our customer results against
those of our competitors and see that they too have Mobile charges can represent a substantial part of debts
put in improvements. We also believe that the negative incurred by young people. In 2010 KPN’s Hi brand that targets
publicity surrounding rate increases, customer service the youth market ran a session about money management
and billing by the minute have had a negative effect on with the CentiQ platform, focusing on young people’s mobile
customer loyalty. This makes our objectives for 2011 usage. Among the topics discussed was a recent survey
especially challenging. showing that many young people say they regularly exceed
their set budget. This was one of the triggers that led to
We are not satisfied with our current performance the money management discussion, which in turn led to a
and our target for 2011 is to achieve an improvement long-term youth communications campaign on the subject.
of 8 percentage points in the NPS brand measurement The campaign started with tips on the right way to manage
score. In the business market this applies to the KPN brand mobile calls.
alone. In the consumer market it applies to the average
of the KPN, Hi, Telfort and Xs4all brands weighted by Hi, as the brand leader in the youth market, aims to assume
sales volume. We also aim to be loyalty leader in 16 of its responsibility and help young people manage their
the 25 product-market combinations of the Dutch money. In 2010 Hi introduced the Belstatus app and the text
consumer and business markets in 2011. message update service. The Belstatus app is a mobile site
and application for smart phones that enables Hi customers
So as to make our targets in 2011 we will integrate into to see at a glance the up-to-the-minute charges they have run
our standard processes the initiatives that we tested and up on their subscription. The text message update service is
found successful in 2010. a reminder text message customers receive once they have
used up half, three quarters or all their call credit. Hi sees
2.3 Challenges this as a way of avoiding unexpected costs.
Unfortunately, as a company with millions of customers we
cannot avoid things sometimes going wrong despite all our 2.4 Our people
efforts. Some of these failings attracted media attention. We are convinced that success in the service industry
Radar, a Dutch TV program, spotlighted customers who had stands or falls by the engagement of our people in their
been disappointed by the speed of their fiber connection and work and the way they relate to the customer. We believe
who claimed to have spotted billing errors. In the light of this that this engagement is promoted by a challenging and
program and the subsequent client contacts we ratcheted up inspiring working environment, by being a good employer
our efforts at improving our fiber services. and by building up an enterprise our employees take
pride in. Our activities in the area of corporate social
In another episode of the same program KPN was responsibility illustrate our approach to business and
confronted with a survey in which customers expressed their so bolster that pride.
dissatisfaction about Telfort, one of our Dutch brands. We
drew lessons from these experiences that have allowed us to To be a good employer, careful attention has been
improve our service. We have set up a special e-mail address, given to structuring the Human Resource (HR) function
([email protected]), for other consumers to pass on at KPN. All major business units possess their own HR
to us similar experiences. department which advises line management and corporate
departments on HR issues. Line management bears

KPN Sustainability Report 2010 Our customers and our people

Our customers and our people 

operational responsibility for ensuring that we really point. The result was that in 2010 we had one collective
are a good employer. At KPN group level Corporate HR is bargaining agreement for KPN Nederland and another
responsible for initiating projects and new policy initiatives for Getronics Nederland.
relevant to our segments. Regular joint discussions are
held with HR staff members to review policy development Sadly, we have to obliged to report a fatal accident that
in order to foster consistency in HR policy at KPN. took place at one of technical buildings in 2010. The victim
was working as an independent contractor for a company
Total number of employees (in FTEs and numbers) performing brickwork pointing for KPN. The man died
after falling from scaffolding. The Labor Inspectorate
2009 2010 ** made an on the spot investigation and concluded there
FTE Number FTE Number was no need for to any further investigation.
KPN Nederland 11,944 13,172 11,080 12,177
Leadership, mobility and developing talent
KPN Group Belgium 561 581 773 * 795* Our leadership program is designed to train managers to
create the basic conditions that enable their employees to
E-Plus 2,846 3,078 2,577 2,782
provide optimal customer service. In 2010 we organized
Getronics 12,960 14,368 11,930 12,318 four leadership sessions for the 50 most senior managers
of KPN Nederland, with the purpose of arriving at
Other 4,837 5,120 4,238 4,607
collective leadership, aimed at a common implementation
of business strategy. The interaction between the
KPN Group 33,148 36,319 30,599 32,679 manager, his/her team and their surroundings is
paramount. The approach will be maintained in 2011,
* In 2010 KPN disposed of part of KPN Belgium. Another part was with KPN launching its KPN Academies for all its core
transferred to KPN Group Belgium. In 2009 KPN Belgium employees were disciplines. In 2010 we launched our KPN succession
recorded under ‘Other participations’.
planning policy across the group, reflecting our conviction
** In 2010 KPN employees numbered 20,537 (19,167 on FTE basis) in
the Netherlands. that this is a key ingredient in talent management. We
have noted that in-house promotion is often more
KPN headcount changed in response to a number of successful than recruitment from outside. Lastly,
trends. KPN Retail opened 52 new stores. 330 new people leadership development in 2010 saw substantial focus
(equating to 187 FTEs) were recruited for these stores. being placed on fostering the New Way of Working. If in
2009 and 2010 the emphasis lay on physically enabling the
KPN Nederland (Business Market) implemented a quality New Way of Working, 2010 saw stress being placed on the
program as a result of which headcount was reduced by cultural aspect as well. The New Way of Working calls for
some 600 FTEs during the period from October 2009 a different management style and hence different skills.
to the end of 2010. Some of these were compulsory The key concepts here involve putting trust in people
redundancies. The quality program, of which the and measuring them by the results they achieve. Having
headcount reduction program was a part, was noted that not all KPN managers give their employees this
performed in consultation with the Works Council. support as a matter of course, we developed a training
program in 2010 designed to work on these areas of
No major reorganizations were put in place at Getronics conduct and culture.
in 2010, although Getronics offshored some programs
to India involving 130 FTEs. Getronics added a section to Employee engagement
its Redundancy Plan to cover offshoring. This states that We believe that workforce engagement is key to a
maximum efforts will be made to find new positions for company’s success. Although we cannot prove a direct
staff. After consultation with the trade unions and the relationship between employee engagement and our
Works Council we set up a process that consolidates all social initiatives we believe that there is a positive link
vacancies that change as a result of offshoring and all between the two. This has caused us to measure each year
employees whose position is so affected. Employees and the degree to which our staff appreciate our CSR activities.
departments with vacancies are obliged to cooperate. In 2010 82 per cent of KPN Nederland employees endorsed
The system made it possible for 65 per cent of the FTEs the statement: ‘I think that KPN operates in line with CSR
involved to find a new position. Staff reductions at values.’ The figure for 2009 was 77 per cent. Employee
Getronics increased in 2010, partly under the impulse of engagement is measured regularly at Getronics too. 62
insourcing Getronics employees at some major customers. per cent of Getronics employees responded positively to
We wanted to arrive at a single collective bargaining the question: ‘I think that Getronics operates in line with
agreement for all KPN employees in the Netherlands CSR values.’ The surveys were not held simultaneously, so
in 2010, but did not succeed. We were unable to reach no aggregate figure can be given. In 2011 we will hold the
agreement with the trade unions on each and every employment engagement surveys at KPN Nederland and
Getronics Nederland at the same time.

KPN Sustainability Report 2010


Yet we feel that employee engagement goes further than Surveys were also carried out into the experiences of
a survey. It is above all the degree to which employees feel staff having returned to work after maternity leave. We
engaged in their day-to-day work and at KPN that points used this study to improve a number of issues, such as the
to the extent to which we have succeeded in being a good provision of information about maternity leave and the
employer. This led us to renew our use of an employee quality of the nursing mother’s rooms.
engagement toolkit and dashboard in 2010 at KPN
Nederland. All managers were given a picture of employee We see that the introduction of the New Way of
engagement in their own department. The results Working has had a positive influence on the flexibility
were discussed by the department manager and the HR women want.
executive and served as the basis for a remediation plan
per department. The approach will be maintained in 2011. We have focused attention on the male-female
diversity issue in our recruitment and selection
Diversity processes. The procedures under which staff are
KPN is a firm believer in the power of a diversified appointed to management functions now obliges
workforce in every department in the company. managers to explain explicitly why they have failed
We believe that a company that reflects the society in to recruit a woman for the job.
which it operates is better equipped to detect social
trends and to translate them into its business strategy. Staffing policy rarely features a linear growth in results.
We wish to be seen as an attractive employer by the Although our endeavors this year succeeded in achieving
largest possible – and therefore diverse – group of a higher percentage of women in management, and
people. This enables us to face up to the consequences senior management, functions at KPN Nederland
of an ageing population, which makes it harder to attract and Getronics Nederland together (16 per cent and
and retain sufficient talent. A more varied workforce 16.4 per cent respectively), but we failed to achieve our
drawn from every kind of background is a source of objective of 17 per cent this year. The principal reason
additional energy in the company, leading to innovation was that new employee intake, whether male or female,
and revenues. This diversity policy itself enhances our remained limited because of the partial ban on hiring,
attractiveness on the labor market. The talent potential which was itself a response to the difficult economic times
of our workforce expands and we expect this parameter in 2010. In 2011 we will continue to work at achieving
to help us achieve our strategic ambition of becoming the a better male-female balance within KPN management.
best service provider. Diversity is the responsibility of the Our objective of a 30 per cent female workforce at KPN
Diversity Steering Committee, which met every month in Nederland by 2015 has not changed. In 2009 and in
2010 to define actions and discuss progress. 2010 the percentage of women working in KPN in the
Netherlands stood at 23 per cent.
The objectives we set ourselves for 2010 were to achieve
a higher percentage of women at the senior and middle In mid-2010 KPN expanded the scope of its diversity policy
management levels. For KPN Nederland and Getronics to include a new target group: persons suffering from a
Nederland taken together we targeted a 17 per cent figure disability. To start with we are targeting young people
in both the senior and the middle management levels. with a disability, although others may be included. These
This target is lower than that for 2009 when the target are young people entitled to a special disability payment
applied to KPN Nederland alone. This is because there under Dutch labor law. In its collective bargaining
are fewer women working at Getronics Nederland agreement with its workforce KPN has committed itself
(an ICT service provider) than in the middle and top levels to creating twenty jobs for persons drawn from the
at KPN Nederland (a communications service provider). more vulnerable segments in the labor market by 2012.
Groups that qualify might be those so classified under
In 2010 we took a variety of initiatives to achieve the Invalidity Insurance (Young Disabled Persons) Act,
these objectives. Senior female managers held career the Invalidity Insurance (Young Disabled Persons) Act
orientation meetings with four hundred women working or the Work and Income (Capacity for Work) Act. On 31
at KPN in the Netherlands. These women were offered December 2010 four such people were already in the
mentoring, which involves career coaching. Over fifty employment of KPN.
women availed themselves of the opportunity. The
discussions in themselves already helped to shed light
on how women perceive their career prospects
and circumstances at KPN.

KPN Sustainability Report 2010 Our customers and our people

Our customers and our people 

Employees subject to a collective bargaining agreement (in number Employee’s contract type
and % of total number of employees) (in % of total number of employees)

2009 2010 2009 2010

FTEs Number FTEs Number KPN Nederland Permanent 90.7 91.9
KPN Nederland Male 74.0 70.5 73.2 70.0 Temporary 9.3 8.1
Female 26.0 29.5 26.8 30.0 KPN Group Belgium Permanent 99.7 99.9
KPN Group Belgium Male 63.3 61.8 66.4 65.4 Temporary 0.3 0.1
Female 36.7 38.2 33.5 34.6 E-Plus Permanent 94.3 94.9
E-Plus Male 65.7 62.0 66.9 64.3 Temporary 5.7 5.1
Female 34.3 38.0 33.1 35.7 Getronics Permanent 95.2 92.8
Getronics Male 84.7 83.6 84.7 83.7 Temporary 4.8 7.2
Female 15.3 16.4 15.3 16.3 Other participations Permanent 81.8 71.3
Other participations Male 44.8 43.5 48.6 47.0 Temporary 18.2 28.7
Female 55.2 56.5 51.4 53.0 KPN Group Permanent 91.9 89.8
KPN Group Male 73.8 71.3 73.6 71.3 Temporary 8.1 10.2
Female 26.2 28.7 26.4 28.7

Gender percentages in management Employee’s employment type

(in % of total of senior and middle management) (in % of total number of employees)

2009 2010 2009 2010

Senior Middle Senior Middle KPN Nederland Part-time 31.6 32.3
KPN Nederland Male 81.4 * 82.4 * 79.2 80.8 Full-time 68.4 67.7
Female 18.6 * 17.6 * 20.8 19.2 KPN Group Belgium Part-time 12.0 9.6
KPN Group Belgium Male 92.3 82.4 100.0 83.7 Full-time 88.0 90.4
Female 7.7 17.6 0 16.3 E-Plus Part-time 13.6 12.9
E-Plus Male 92.0 82.7 90.5 85.0 Full-time 86.4 87.1
Female 8.0 17.3 9.5 15.0 Getronics Part-time 12.4 13.8
Getronics Male 86.7 86.6 90.6 86.5 Full-time 87.6 86.2
Female 13.3 13.4 9.4 13.5 Other participations Part-time 27.1 24.7
Overige deelnemingen Male 73.7 78.8 75.3 70.5 Full-time 72.9 75.3
Female 26.3 21.2 24.7 29.5 KPN Group Part-time 21.6 22.1
KPN Groep Male 83.9 84.1 84.2 83.3 Full-time 78.4 77.9
Female 16.1 15.9 15.8 16.7

* Excluding KPN Contact, Xs4All Infonet, Application Net

KPN Sustainability Report 2010


KPN has registered as an active partner of the Lucille Employability

Werner Foundation’s CAP100 initiative. By creating an Promoting our employees’ ability to handle a variety of
internet community, the Foundation wishes to facilitate tasks (deployability) remained a focus of attention in 2010.
contact between people with a physical disability and the Its purpose is to ensure our employees’ skills remain up
corporate world and to enable one hundred high potential to standard and to improve them, thus enhancing their
individuals with a disability to find a position employability both inside and outside KPN. This is all the
in the labor market. more important as greater flexibility has now become a
must on the labor market. Attention has switched from
We want to expand our efforts in the direction of a diverse retaining one’s job and having the appropriate skills set
workforce in 2011. Our objective is to make our workforce to professionalism and employability as being the best
more diverse by including people with a different cultural guarantee of a good position in the labor market, both
background, a physical disability or older in age. inside and outside KPN. In 2010 about 50 per cent of the
employees coming under the KPN collective bargaining
agreements made use of a personal employability budget
worth EUR 1,000 per employee annually. They may use
this budget to increase their employability in whatever
way they see fit. 2010 saw greater recourse to e-learning,
leading to a fall in training costs but a rise in the number
of hours expended on training by each employee.
The phenomenon of an ageing population is expected
to oblige people to work longer, so KPN paid greater
attention on health and vitality in the past year. We did
so by offering to reimburse the cost of a health check
and any necessary follow-up.

This shows how KPN invests in developing talents and

skills and in creating a working environment where
talents can bloom. The New Way of Working fits in with
this philosophy, reason enough for KPN and the unions to
have incorporated the New Way of Working in the Dutch
collective bargaining agreements.

KPN Sustainability Report 2010 Our customers and our people

Our customers and our people 

Employees subject to a collective bargaining agreement Employee turnover

(in number and % of total number of employees) (in % of total number of employees)

2009 2010 2009 2010

KPN Nederland Number 12,598 11,645 KPN Nederland Intake 9.9 1.9

% 95.6 95.6 Exit 13.4 10.0

KPN Group Belgium Number 0 0 KPN Group Belgium Intake 15.8 19.5

% 0 0 Exit 14.5 13.0

E-Plus Number 2,852 2,418 E-Plus Intake 24.9 13.6

% 92.7 86.9 Exit 27.6 26.1

Getronics Number 9,308 8,750 Getronics Intake 12.9 12.8

% 64.8 71 Exit 17.7 32.2

Other participations Number 46 111 Other participations Intake 24.6 27.0

% 0.9 2.4 Exit 22.1 23.6

KPN Group Number 24,804 22,924 KPN Group Intake 14.3 11.0

% 68.3 70.1 Exit 17.4 21.7

Average number of training hours and costs for Absentee and accident rate
employees (in hours and euros per FTE) (in accidents per 100 FTEs)

2009 2010 2009** 2010

KPN Nederland Hours/FTE 25.6 53.5 Absentee rate Accident rate Absentee rate Accident rate

Euro/FTE 2,054 1,270 KPN Nederland 4.4 0.14 4.4 0.13

KPN Group Belgium 4.3 0.18 4.7 0.13

KPN Group Belgium Hours/FTE 19.9 18.1
E-Plus 4.6 0.32 4.9 0.23
Euro/FTE 1,006 984
Getronics Nederland 3.6 0.04 4.0 0.11
E-Plus Hours/FTE 21.9 25.0
Other participations* – 0.26 – 0.37
Euro/FTE 838 726
KPN Group – 0.15 – 0.20
Getronics Hours/FTE 16.8 20.8

Euro/FTE 838 628

* Including Getronics International
** The accident percentage data for 2009 have been adjusted relative to the figures given in the 2009
Other participations Hours/FTE 23.9 26.3
Sustainability Report, as figures for accidents not leading to days off work were counted for E-Plus.
Euro/FTE 549 486

KPN Group Hours/FTE 21.5 33.7

Euro/FTE 1,147 858

KPN Sustainability Report 2010


KPN Sustainability Report 2010

The New Way of Working 

The New Way

of Working
KPN helps people find
a good work-life balance

KPN Sustainability Report 2010


The New Way

of Working
KPN wants to enable people to work freed
from the constraints of time or place and so find
a good work-life balance, while contributing to
solving the issues of mobility and climate change.

3.1 Results and targets

Result 2009 Target 2010 and beyond Result 2010 Target 2011
Engaging in debate Participation in Nederland Visible position in debate KPN participated 50 times in 50% of the 500 largest
with society * Bereikbaar and keynote with society debates with society about the organizations in the
speaker at various congresses New Way of Working Netherlands consider
Getronics an opinion leader
for the New Way of Working

Introduction of the – On the way to 5% fewer peak- No reliable data for % peak- Develop a technique for
New Way of Working hour kilometers in 2012 hour kilometers measuring CO2 savings for
into KPN * the New Way of Working

3,563 New Way of Working 7,000 New Way of Working 9,000 New Way of Working –
workstations. Plus 7000 workstations workstations
flexible workstations

– 8,000 meetings replaced by 15,516 meetings replaced by –

videoconferencing videoconferencing

29% more employees can 10,000 active New Way 10,407 KPN people can 11,000 KPN people can
work remotely of Working staff work using the New Way work using the New Way
of Working of Working

Contributing to good New Way of Working Commercial application and Sharp increase in contact 15% growth in usage by
employer conduct marketing campaign prominence of KPN as supplier persons (excluding of customers of 3 typical
and mobility * of the New Way of Working ICT procurement) for ‘New Way of Working’
business customers services

* KPN Nederland and Getronics Nederland together

KPN Sustainability Report 2010 The New Way of Working

The New Way of Working 

We observe an increasing need in society to be able to One challenge during the year was to stimulate use of the
work irrespective of time and place. Greater flexibility facilities enabling the New Way of Working. We selected
in working hours has made it possible for many people a target group approach. Secretaries were told about the
either to participate, or participate more fully, in the program and trained to organize and use the facilities.
labor market while combining this with personal We also drew up the Five Gold Tips for the New Way of
obligations. KPN is uniquely positioned to make this Working, covering issues such as integrity and security.
possible. Our ‘New Way of Working’ theme targets This is because increasing in-home use of ICT facilities
three interconnected areas: a new workspace concept, has meant that information may fall into the hands of
adjustments to the virtual workplace, (which can be done unauthorized persons.
by making smart phones, conference cards and laptops
available) and a new approach to working together in Courses for managers were held in the Netherlands,
which employees are measured by their results and not focusing on the culture and management skills required
by their physical presence. to enable the New Way of Working. In 2010 both KPN
Nederland and Getronics Nederland placed much
But the New Way of Working benefits the environment emphasis on the cultural element in order to promote a
as well. Remote working, videoconferencing and other change in behavior. Agreements about the right to work
ICT solutions help tackle the mobility problem. If you can at home were struck with the Central Workers’ Council
choose where and when you work, you can avoid peak- in Germany.
hour traffic or even stay at home. That saves effort, travel
time and CO2 emissions. The in-house emphasis in the coming years will be the
impact of the New Way of Working on ICT usage.
KPN’s New Way of Working program rests on four We will continue to extend the number of
building blocks: videoconference meetings and conference calls.
• Implementing the New Way of Working at KPN itself;
• Enabling and promoting the New Way of Working 3.3 Commercial solutions
among customers; We share our experiences of the New Way of Working
• Participation in debate within society about the with our customers. KPN has expanded the services it
New Way of Working; provides by refining the commercial solutions allowing
• Innovation. implementation of the New Way of Working. In 2010
Getronics Nederland continued its marketing campaign
Implementation and overall management of the New Way promoting its package of New Way of Working products
of Working are in the hands of a program director. and services. Working with external partners, Getronics
organized three strategic innovation sessions this year.
3.2 The New Way of Working at KPN Suppliers, current and prospective customers and
In 2010 we made further progress in applying the New specialists in the field were invited to develop jointly
Way of Working internally. We set ourselves tangible a new service for Getronics. Sustainability was one of
targets 7,000 New Way of Working workplaces, 8,000 the three themes that were the focus of these sessions.
meetings using videoconferencing and 10,000 KPN staff
putting the New Way of Working into practice. KPN also helped work on a new web site,, that consolidates
We took a variety of initiatives to achieve our targets. information about practices taken from across the country.
The number of locations equipped with
videoconferencing facilities was further increased in the In terms of commercial operations in 2010 KPN Nederland
first half of the year. In 2010 some 15,000 meetings were selected a targeted approach focusing on directors of
held using videoconferencing. 74 per cent of KPN staff companies in which they are a major shareholder and
in the Netherlands were given a teleconferencing card. on directors of Human Resources departments. We
The number of flexible workstations was increased again previously targeted facility managers and ICT procurement
(from 3,563 to 9,000). This resulted in major savings in executives, but we expect the target groups we selected in
accommodation and energy. Getronics’ Brussels office, 2010 to do more to promote the New Way of Working. We
where some 600 people work, was redesigned to allow for gave thirty lectures and presentations about the New Way
the New Way of Working. KPN Group Belgium introduced of Working at conventions and other events. Getronics
the new Homeworking Policy which sets out how people ran a variety of multi-media campaigns in the large
may work from home. corporate market. The benefit that this positioning brings
to Getronics’ position in the market is borne out by the fact
In 2010 E-Plus aligned its CSR policy totally with that of that dozens of potential and current customers, wished
KPN. E-Plus’ head office was redesigned in line with the to discuss the subject with us after having been exposed
principles of the New Way of Working. to the campaign or to one of these sessions.

KPN Sustainability Report 2010


The lesson we learned from the innovation sessions In the Netherlands KPN collaborated in the New Way
and the response to the Getronics campaign about the of Working week, an initiative of the Stichting Natuur
New Way of Working, ‘green ICT’ and corporate social en Milieu. This campaign, lasting a week, was held in
responsibility was that corporate social responsibility and November and designed primarily to get employees
ICT remain separate worlds. They do not always realize thinking about their own mobility. KPN ran Open House
how they can benefit one another. The message that ICT sessions and allowed others to see how the New Way
solutions can help contribute to reducing CO2 emissions of Working has taken shape in-house and the
is one that ICT managers have difficulty in grasping, while opportunities it offers.
CSR managers fail to make sufficient use of ICT to design
business processes so as to make them more sustainable. We believe that thanks to these initiatives KPN succeeded
Lastly, it was once again confirmed that it would be in assuming a visible position in 2010 in the public debate
beneficial if the financial and environmental savings to in the Netherlands about the New Way of Working.
be gained from ‘green ICT’ and the New Way of Working We will pursue our initiatives in this area in 2011.
could be calculated.
In 2011, we will measure whether we are indeed seen
In the small and medium enterprise market segment as opinion leader in the debate about the New Way of
KPN Business Market explicitly focused on the advantages Working. Getronics assist many customers with the New
of the New Way of Working, an approach that was Way of Working and takes an active part in the debate
reflected in a targeted advertising campaign. with society. Our aim for 2011 is for half of the 500 largest
organizations in the Netherlands to consider Getronics
3.4 Engaging in debate with society an opinion leader for the New Way of Working.
KPN wishes to be perceived as an opinion leader in the
debate about the New Way of Working. This year we Getronics takes part in the debate within society about
were unable to measure whether this was indeed the the New Way of Working by participating in the Club
case but the many requests we have received from the of 30. This is an initiative launched by thirty major Dutch
outside world to give presentations encourage us to companies to promote the transition to a sustainable
believe that we are moving in the right direction. We society through knowledge-sharing and collaboration
deployed a number of activities in order to position (
ourselves as an opinion leader. We are a member of the
Mobility Management Task Force and one of the initiators 3.5 Innovation
of Nederland Bereikbaar. Both organizations look for The fourth and final building block of the New Way of
solutions to the mobility problem. KPN works within the Working is innovation. Our peak-hour avoidance program
Task Force and Nederland Bereikbaar on developing the in the Haaglanden area provides a good example. In
New Way of Working. We do this together with groups this program KPN is working together with Siemens
such as the Dutch road users’ organization, the Dutch and Rabobank on a semi-commercial basis to reduce
Railways, Rabobank, Microsoft and the ‘9,292’ web-based permanently the number of peak-hour motorists by 2,000,
travel guide. KPN chairs the employer platform that by inducing them to work at other times or to use public
functions as part of the Task Force. Given our involvement transport. KPN provides the telecommunications facilities.
in tests designed to avoid congestion we set ourselves the A survey is now under way to see whether financial
target for 2012 of reducing peak-hour driving by 5 per incentives help people change their ways.
cent compared to 2009. Because of the efforts we made
to enable our own employees to participate in the New In 2011, we want to attempt a quantification of the
Way of Working in 2010 we had expected to observe a advantages and disadvantages of the New Way of
decrease in peak-hour driving this year. Unfortunately, Working. One way is to set up a joint benchmarking
the quality of the survey we commissioned turned out system with Philips and TNO to evaluate the New Way
to be inadequate. For 2011 we intend to improve our of Working. A system such as this will be able to chart
measurement arrangements so to enable reporting the environmental benefit achieved by the New Way of
outside the company. Working. Within this collaborative arrangement we are
exploring the possibility of creating a quality mark for the
In mid-2010 the Mobility Management Task Force New Way of Working. This will prevent abuse of the term.
decided to inform the new Minister of Infrastructure
and the Environment about the Task Force’s results
and the options these provide for mobility issues in the
Netherlands. Fifty major Dutch employers were involved
in drawing up and presenting a plan designed to exploit
these opportunities.

KPN Sustainability Report 2010 The New Way of Working

The New Way of Working 

We are making efforts to accelerate the roll-out of

the New Way of Working both in-house and outside.
We believe that virtually all the necessary dispositions
have been taken and that the coming years will prove the
ideal moment for introducing the New Way of Working
on a large scale at other Dutch companies. In-house, a
great deal of effort is being put into making the New Way
of Working the standard. In the commercial area KPN
wishes to devote comparable attention to the New Way of
Working in the Small Business Market (including small and
medium-sized enterprises) in the same way as Getronics
did in 2010 for the large corporate market. This may result
in 2011 becoming the year the New Way of Working really
comes into its own.

3.6 Challenges
We notice that the New Way of Working has a less
attractive side. With people working more and more
either at home or on a flexible basis, the need for office
premises has declined. If the New Way of Working
gains further in popularity, this may trigger higher
vacancy levels and a considerably reduced need for
new construction. This may then impact the
construction industry.

The risk of flexible working and remote working lies in

its potential to reduce employees’ sense of unity and the
link with the company, which, self-evidently, we wish to
avoid. With one of the objectives being that of boosting
engagement, KPN Nederland introduced its in-house
social networking platform in 2010: KPN1 Connect.
The site permits KPN people to maintain virtual informal
contact with their colleagues. Some three hundred
messages are posted each month. In November six
thousand employees had inserted their profile.
Getronics Nederland will join the site in 2011.

Another challenge is for people to learn to cope with and

manage the distinction between private and work life.
Being available everywhere on a 24/7 basis may trigger
the unintended consequence that people are unable to
put their work behind them as they should. This can
lead to stress.

KPN Sustainability Report 2010


KPN Sustainability Report 2010

Responsible Energy Use 

Energy Use
KPN uses ICT to shape a clean
and prosperous society

KPN Sustainability Report 2010


Responsible Energy Use

The use of ICT may lead to a major benefit for the
environment, but its sharp rate of growth puts pressure
on the environment. KPN assumes responsibility for
minimizing this pressure, in terms not just of its own
consumption, but also that of our customers and
suppliers. Energy consumption and its influence on
climate are a major issue for us. KPN aims to be
climate-neutral by 2020.
4.1 Results and targets
Result 2009 Target 2010 and beyond Result 2010 Target 2011
Fixed and mobile • Measures that save 32 GWh On the way to 20% absolute • Measures that saved • On the way to 20% absolute
network in the • Annual energy efficiency reduction in energy by 2020 38 GWh reduction in energy by 2020
Netherlands targets 2010–2012 in comparison with 2005: • Electricity consumption in comparison with 2005:
• Energy efficiency identical to 2009 • Measures that save 32 GWh
measurement units • Measures that save 26 GWh • Max 2% increase in
• Max 2% increased power electricity consumption in
use in 2010 and 2011, 2011, falling thereafter.
falling thereafter

Mobile network, Energy efficiency targets set • On the way to 20% greater • Annual targets set On the way to 20% greater
Belgium and Germany for 2012 and 2020 energy efficiency by 2020 in energy efficiency by 2020 in
comparison with 2009 and comparison with 2009:
5% more energy-efficient
in 2012 • Germany: 5% more energy-
• Annual energy efficiency efficient in 2011 and 9%
targets 2010–2012 in 2012 in comparison
with 2009
• Belgium: 5% more
energy-efficient in 2012 in
comparison with 2009

Data centers * • Measures that save On the way to 20% greater • Measures that saved 6 GWh On the way to 30% greater
2 GWh (1.3% of data center energy efficiency by 2020 in • 23% more energy-efficient energy efficiency by 2020 in
consumption) 2009) comparison with 2005: in comparison with 2005 comparison with 2005:
• 21% more energy-efficient
in comparison with 2005 • Measures that save 9 GWh • 24% more energy-efficient
(PUE basis) (6% of 2010 data center in 2011 in comparison
consumption) as opposed with 2005
to doing nothing
• 20% more efficient in
comparison with 2005
(PUE basis)
• Raise 2020 target

Green electricity In the Netherlands 56% • In the Netherlands 75%. • In the Netherlands: 77% • In the Netherlands: 100%
In 2011: 100% in the • In Belgium: 34% • In Belgium: 100%
Netherlands • In Germany: 29% • In Germany: 50% in 2011,
• Germany and Belgium: 75% in 2012 and 100%
investigate financial in 2020
feasibility and green
electricity availability

KPN Sustainability Report 2010 Responsible Energy Use

Responsible Energy Use 

Result 2009 Target 2010 and beyond Result 2010 Target 2011
CO2compensation * – As from 2012 remaining CO2 – Compensate remaining
emissions (capped at 15% of CO2 emissions from 2012
total emissions)

Vehicle fleet * • Over 70% of all passenger New step toward a greener New target set 35% absolute CO2 saving to be
vehicles carry A, B or C lease policy made by Dutch vehicle fleet
energy label in 2016 in comparison with
• 20% of new cars are hybrid 2010 (34.9 kton CO2 emissions
in 2010)

Sustainable procurement 82 suppliers sign code 80% of the 58 suppliers at risk 94% of the high-risk suppliers • 95% of the high-risk
program * of conduct sign code of conduct signed the Supplier Code suppliers sign the Supplier
of Conduct Code of Conduct
• 80% of the medium-risk
suppliers sign the Supplier
Code of Conduct

Two external audits in Asia Twelve external audits at 37% (23) of the high-risk • 95% of the high-risk
and site visits for outsourcing manufacturers located in low- suppliers took part in the self- suppliers take part in the
wage countries via E-TASC auditing system (E-TASC) self-auditing system
• 50% of the medium-risk
suppliers take part in the
self-auditing system
• 5 on site audits at high-risk

– Relevant environmental Relevant environmental –

themes in procurement themes incorporated into
criteria procurement criteria

Services and products * InternetPlusBellen standard • Visible positioning of Green • Getronics’ Green ICT • 25 GWh long-term savings
modem 17% more energy- ICT services in the market Campaign amongst customers thanks
efficient than predecessor • Growth of energy • Groene Tip in the consumer to more energy-efficient
management services market equipment
• Customer information for • 12.5 GWh saved at • Develop a technique for
energy saving customers measuring CO2 savings
• Sustainable image in KPN for Green ICT

Recycling discarded 21,382 mobile phones 25,000 mobile phones 26,302 mobile phones 50,000 mobile phones
mobile phones *

Environmental – Relevant business units have Start of ISO 14001 certification Relevant business units have
management * ISO 14001 certification audit ISO 14001 certification

* KPN Nederland and Getronics Nederland together

The Energy Management Group is responsible for running 4.2 Energy-saving initiatives
energy and environmental policy at KPN. The Director is We formulated concrete targets for saving energy in
a member of the CSR Steering Committee. This Energy 2010. These concerned the network and the data centers.
Management Group promotes and coordinates initiatives Having targeted savings of 26 GWh for our networks in
within the segments. Implementation remains the the Netherlands, we achieved true savings of 38 GWh
responsibility of KPN line management. in 2010, so exceeding the goals we had set ourselves.
These savings have allowed us to compensate fully for the
growth coming from network extension. On a net basis
absolute electricity consumption of the network in the
Netherlands fell by 0.4 GWh. We see here the effects of
the migration to a new, more energy-efficient network,
with the older network platforms being phased out.

KPN Sustainability Report 2010


We had first forecasted a decrease in our networks’ the target for 2016 of reducing the CO2 emissions made
energy consumption in 2012. We have set ourselves a by our Dutch vehicle fleet by 35 per cent compared to
new target for 2011: measures to save 32 GWh across 2010. We will effect this by using fewer and more energy-
the network and so cap at 2 per cent the increase in efficient private cars and engineers’ vans, by pursuing our
electricity consumption caused by network extension. New Way of Working policy and by encouraging the use
Starting in 2012 we anticipate a structural fall in electricity of public transport. As from 2012 we will compensate the
consumption in order to attain our long-term objective remaining CO2 emissions.
of a 20 per cent absolute savings in comparison with
2005. In 2010 we were able to get a picture of the energy Cars by energy label in the Netherlands
consumed by our customers’ modems and television (in number and % of total number of cars)
tuners. By reducing energy consumption we saved 12.5
GWh in 2010 on the use of these modems. 2008 2009 2010
A label (inc. Number 564 750 1,164
We confirmed our commitment to improving energy hybrid cars)
efficiency in the ICT industry by signing the Code of % 7 13 21
Conduct on Energy Consumption of Broadband Equipment B label Number 2,046 1,705 1,490
in 2010. In so doing the ICT industry has committed
itself to effecting annual savings of 25 TWh % 26 28 27
in Europe in broadband usage. C label Number 2,617 1,813 1,437

Our energy savings program is yielding results at our % 34 30 26

data centers as well. These have been of such a scale D – G labels Number 2,018 1,580 1,127
that we were bold enough to raise our original energy-
efficiency target (20 per cent relative to 2005 by 2020) % 26 26 21
to 30 per cent (expressed as a PUE percentage). This is Cars wihout Number 511 196 248
a unit that measures the amount of electricity used in Energy label
a data center for items other than the ICT equipment % 7 3 5
itself, such as cooling equipment, air conditioning, the Total Private Number 7,756 6,044 5,466
emergency power system and lighting. Getting a clearer cars
understanding of the energy data centers consumed
enabled us to identify further energy saving options in Commercial Number – 2,210 1,951
2010. Our objective was to take measures securing a 9 vehicles
GWh saving in 2010. Unfortunately the saving came out Total Number – 8,245 7,417
at only 6 GWh in 2010 because some of these measures
needed more time than was originally thought. Our
objective of running 30 per cent more energy-efficient Fuel consumption, lease vehicle fleet
data centers by 2020 (expressed in PUE terms) has thus (petrol, diesel and LPG)
come closer given that by 2010 we had achieved a 23
per cent energy-efficiency improvement in comparison Eenheid 2008 2009 2010
with 2005. We started work on installing KyotoCooling® the x 1,000 23,539 21,369 14,476
at our Haarlem data center. This energy-efficient cooling Netherlands liters
technique uses air drawn from the outside as a substitute
KPN Group 1,000 445.2 564.3 590
for air conditioning and will generate an improvement
Belgium liter
in energy efficiency in 2011. Despite the effect of these
energy saving measures we nevertheless observed E-Plus x 1,000 2,320 1,868 1,560
a 5 GWh rise in the absolute energy consumption liters
of the data centers.
Getronics 1000 – 1,361 ** 1,523 ***
International liter
Our own offices constitute a third major consumer of
energy. The New Way of Working has allowed us to
operate with 20,000 fewer square meters of office space in * KPN Nederland and Getronics Nederland together
the Netherlands, so generating energy savings of almost ** Consumption for 2009 has been adjusted relative to the content of the
2009 Sustainability Report based on more up-to-date data
6 per cent for the entire Dutch office assets. The New Way *** Partly based on extrapolating 2009 consumption data
of Working thus led not only to energy savings but also to
lower costs of accommodation. We have taken a further
step in the ‘greening’ of our vehicle fleet. We had already
adopted a restrictive policy of leasing only new cars
bearing an A, B or C energy label. We have set ourselves

KPN Sustainability Report 2010 Responsible Energy Use

Responsible Energy Use 

Many of the measures taken and to be taken are set out in 4.3 Green electricity
the long-term energy saving plan that KPN concluded this The target we had set ourselves for 2010 was to raise our
year with the Dutch government. AgentschapNL, the body ‘green electricity’ component in the Netherlands to 75
representing the Dutch government for these matters, per cent and we have achieved this target (77 per cent). All
has given our plan positive clearance, a decision that has this ‘green electricity’ comes from the Netherlands and is
now been approved by the Dutch municipalities. These generated from indigenous wind power or locally occurring
measures have led to the energy savings shown in the biomass that does not compete with food production.
table below.
The availability of ‘green electricity’ in Belgium and
In our energy data for 2010 the energy consumed in Germany was investigated. This resulted in KPN Group
our stores (retail) includes for the first time the energy Belgium purchasing 34 per cent of its power needs in the
consumed by the Telfort stores. form of ‘green’ electricity in 2010. The figure for E-Plus was
29 per cent. This will rise to 50 per cent next year and 75
E-Plus and KPN Group Belgium took steps in the area per cent in 2012, after which the percentage will grow in
of sustainable energy-saving usage in 2010. E-Plus linear fashion to reach 100 per cent in 2020. As from 2011,
intends its operations to be climate-neutral by 2020. KPN all electricity in the Netherlands and Belgium will come
Group Belgium intends to achieve an energy efficiency exclusively from sustainable sources.
improvement of 5 per cent in 2012 and 20 per cent in 2020
in comparison with 2009. E-Plus has set energy-efficiency
targets for 2011 and 2012 (5 per cent and 9 per cent
respectively) in comparison with 2009, in addition to the
objective already set of 20 per cent greater efficiency by
2020 in comparison with 2009.

Electricity consumption in GWh

2005 2008 the 2009 the 2009 2009 2010 the 2010 2010 KPN
(base year) Netherlands * Netherlands * Non-NL** KPN Group Netherlands * Non-NL *** Group
Offices 68 75.6 66.6 28.5 95.1 62.4 34.9 97.3

Network **** 591 635.3 658.1 325.7 983.8 657.7 352.6 1,010.3

Data centers **** 30 116.6 130.9 26.0 156.9 135.4 32.2 167.6

Retail 7 5.0 4.8 9.2 13.9 7.4 8.9 16.3

Total 696 832.5 860.4 389.4 1,249.7 862.9 428.6 1,291.5

* KPN Nederland and Getronics Nederland together

** E-Plus, KPN Group Belgium, Getronics International
*** E-Plus, KPN Group Belgium, Getronics International, iBasis
**** Consumption for 2009 has been adjusted relative to the content of the 2009 Sustainability Report:
– Mast usage by third parties has been added to total network consumption
– Getronics data center usage for 2009 has been corrected in the light of update consumption data

KPN Sustainability Report 2010


CO2 emissions (in k tons)

2005 (base year) 2008 2009 2010

the Netherlands ** Scope 1 46.2 76.1 66.3 54.0

Scope 2 371.5 310.6 173.5 79.3

Scope 3 – 38.1 17.4 10.6

Total 417.7 424.8 257.2 143.9

KPN Group Belgium Scope 1 – 3.6 4.6 5.3

Scope 2 – 25.0 16.4 10.6

Scope 3 – – 0.1 0.1

Total – 28.6 21.1 16.0

E-Plus Scope 1 – 8.1 7.2 7.1

Scope 2 – 131.1 125.0 82.3

Scope 3 – – – 0.5

Total – 139.2 132.2 89.9

Getronics International Scope 1 – – 3.7 4.1

Scope 2 – – 10.0 14.0

Scope 3 – – 0.2 0.2

Total – – 13.9 18.3

Other Scope 1 – – 0 0

Scope 2 – – 4.8 7.0

Scope 3 – – 0 0.4

Total – – 4.8 7.4

KPN Groep *** Scope 1 58.5 87.8 81.8 70.5

Scope 2 558.4 466.7 329.7 193.2

Scope 3 – 38.1 17.7 11.8

Total 616.9 592.6 429.2 275.5

* KPN Nederland: in 2005 Getronics was not yet part of KPN. No detailed data is available for E-Plus and KPN Group Belgium for 2005
** As from 2008 including Getronics Nederland
*** As from 2008 including E-Plus and KPN Group Belgium. No detailed data is available for Getronics International for 2008.
**** Emissions for 2009 have been adjusted relative to the content of the 2009 Sustainability Report in the light of updated consumption data.

All these efforts have brought us closer to our objective Units outside the Netherlands are also working towards
for 2012: for KPN Nederland’s operations to be climate- climate-neutral operations in 2020. The table on page
neutral with CO2 compensation capped at 15 per cent. This 43 provides an overall picture of the path required to
percentage stresses our aim of achieving climate neutrality achieve this goal, and we will be refining the details next
without resorting to CO2 compensation. We intend it to be year. Procurement of green electricity makes KPN less
apparent that we will achieve our climate neutrality goal dependent on energy generated from fossil fuels. Such
primarily by improving our energy efficiency, by procuring ‘grey’ electricity sources lead to risks to KPN: a future
‘green electricity’ and by consuming progressively less shortage will prompt cost increases, while availability may
energy in the Netherlands each year after 2011. As from fluctuate as these fuels are sourced from regions suffering
2012 we will compensate for the remaining CO2 emissions. from political and economic instability.

KPN Sustainability Report 2010 Responsible Energy Use

Responsible Energy Use 

Realized and targeted net CO emissions, KPN Group (kton)








      

• In the Netherlands: scope  • In the Netherlands: scope  • Outside the Netherlands: scope 
• In the Netherlands: scope  • Outside the Netherlands: scope  • Outside the Netherlands: scope 

Scope 1: Direct emissions, including natural gas and vehicle fleet fuels.
Scope 2: Electricity
Scope 3: Other emissions: air travel and third parties’ equipment located in our data centers and network locations

4.4 Sustainable procurement We will pursue this policy in 2011. We will tighten the criteria
KPN Nederland operates an active policy designed to for suppliers at risk. This will involve asking more suppliers
encourage suppliers to manufacture in a socially responsible to sign the Supplier Code of Conduct and to perform an
fashion. This is laid down in our Supplier Code of Conduct E-TASC assessment.
(see, which all suppliers are
deemed to endorse. We have also identified certain suppliers We have put specific questions to certain suppliers about
at risk. These are suppliers manufacturing in low wage their energy consumption, recycling of packaging materials
countries in Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe or Central and and raw materials consumption. Where appropriate, we ask
South America, whom we term high risk suppliers. Good these questions in requests for proposals, so that a supplier
conditions of employment and compliance with human rights knows that these criteria are amongst those used in assessing
are not a given in these countries. We have incorporated his tender. This allows us to encourage the development
attention for this aspect into our procurement processes. of peripheral equipment and hardware (such as modems
KPN Nederland and Getronics Nederland oblige high-risk for the telephone system, internet or Digitenne) that save
suppliers not only to endorse the Supplier Code of Conduct energy when in use. This is all the more relevant as a survey
but also to sign it, failing which we do no business with them. performed in 2010 revealed that the energy consumed
We have safeguarded this process by incorporating it into by modems, the Digitenne receiver and other customer
our procurement procedure: new high-risk suppliers must equipment accounts for some 50 per cent of network
sign up to the code as well. In 2010 we identified 62 high-risk electricity consumption. Sale and application of more
suppliers. 58 of these (94 per cent) comply demonstrably energy-efficient modems resulted in energy saved by the
with our code of conduct. We are in discussions with the customer of 12.5 GWh in 2010, or the annual electricity
other four suppliers. We have asked the high-risk suppliers consumption of 3,600 Dutch households. This ‘green’
to perform a digital self-assessment via E-TASC. This tool product policy will be pursued intensively in 2011.
asks the supplier questions about his approach to social and
environmental issues. A third of the high-risk suppliers have A further specific claim we have set for our products in 2010 is
now completed the assessment via E-TASC. Some suppliers the Forest Stewardship Council quality mark for paper. FSC is
scored so poorly that we are analyzing them so that, an internationally recognized quality mark for the sustainable
should there be a reason for doing so, we can review production of timber from forestry. As from the fourth
the consequences on our relationship.

KPN Sustainability Report 2010


quarter of 2010 all paper purchased by KPN and Getronics We have gone far this year in defining and preparing the
Nederland comes from FSC-approved production. Another knowledge and the tools necessary for these activities and
example of specifically ‘green’ procurement is the decision now have a well-defined portfolio of ‘green ICT’ services.
taken by E-Plus to use DHL’s GoGreen Service. Cleaning of In 2011 we shall monitor growth.
some 300 E-Plus retail outlets is performed in line with an
environmentally friendly concept. In addition to promoting 4.6 Environmental management
new product sustainability we also wish to put in place In the course of the reporting year we determined how the
sustainable treatment for discarded products. In our industry ISO 14001 environmental management reporting system
this often concerns mobile phones. In the Netherlands and could be implemented at KPN Nederland and Getronics
in Germany customers may dispose of old telephones at our Nederland. We had originally planned to introduce the
stores or by sending them to a freepost address. In 2010 a standard in the relevant business units in turn, but over
total of some 26,000 mobile phones were returned through time it emerged that it would be better to introduce the
various channels for reuse or recycling. standard across all our operations in the Netherlands
simultaneously. The implementation procedure has now
4.5 Providing green ICT services begun. KPN Business Market and Getronics Nederland are
There are considerable opportunities for energy expected to be accorded ISO 14001 certification in the
reductions to be exploited in the ICT services we offer the second quarter of 2011. E-Plus and Getronics UK already
business market. We had set ourselves the objective of have ISO 14001 certification.
communicating these opportunities more actively and
to grow our business. 4.7 Carbon Disclosure Project
Last year we disclosed that KPN had achieved the best
Getronics ran a major multi-media marketing campaign score amongst all telecommunications companies in
on ‘green ICT’ in 2010. Sales executives have been trained the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP). The CDP is a joint
to bring to their customers’ attention the New Way of initiative of global investors that queries publicly quoted
Working and ‘green ICT’. In order to add credibility to our companies about their approach to climate change. Once
claims, in 2010 we began a project with ICT Office, an again we saw our score increase significantly: from 73
industry-wide organization, and other major businesses in 2009 to 80 out of 100 points this year. Nevertheless,
in the ICT industry. Its purpose is to develop a measuring competitors in the telecommunications industry
tool that will enable the measurement of services such succeeded in putting in an even more rapid improvement.
as the New Way of Working, remote conferencing and Consequently, we have dropped back from the #1 position
videoconferencing. This measuring tool will become to the #4 position. We have also been awarded a carbon
available in 2011. performance score indicating the quality of KPN’s climate
policy. This has led to KPN being given an ‘A’ ranking on
In the consumer market we took action to promote the CDP ratings, a distinction that KPN shares with only
energy reductions amongst our customers. The Groene two other Dutch companies. Next year we aim to retain
Tip platform was developed for the purpose. Our energy- our ‘A’ ranking and improve both our carbon performance
efficient products are recognizable thanks to the Groene and our disclosure scores.
Tip icon. We also give consumers Groene Tips (green
tips) about cutting down on their ICT-related energy
consumption at home. Groene Tip can be founded on, in the stores (in brochures
and on price tickets) and on product packaging. In all our
call centers we have hung posters featuring these tips
so that call center staff know what they can recommend
customers. In 2011 Groene Tip will be a fixed element in
the information package our engineers take with them
to customers.

KPN Sustainability Report 2010 Responsible Energy Use

Responsible Energy Use 

4.8 WWF Climate Savers 4.9 Challenges

KPN and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) have concluded a Challenges still await us, however. One of these is the fast
partnership in the areas of climate and energy. KPN is the growth in data traffic via our networks and data centers.
first global telecommunications provider to participate in We are expanding our infrastructure to cope with the
the WWF Climate Savers program, in which 25 companies growth in data, but this uses more electricity. New more
now take part. They are major international companies energy-efficient equipment and other energy-saving
with far-reaching ambitions for the climate, such as measures have so far enabled us to achieve a rate of
Hewlett Packard, IBM, Nokia, Sony and Coca-Cola. growth in data transmission exceeding that of our power
consumption. We cannot tell whether we shall continue
The Climate Savers program is an international leadership to be able to do this. However, the growth in data traffic
program for companies, designed to show that economic and the increase in electricity consumption in our network
growth and a reduction of CO2 emissions can go hand and data centers may point to energy savings elsewhere
in hand. The objective is to show that these leading in society. A video conference meeting may mean
corporations can, by reducing their ecological footprint, participants save on car trips.
provide a major boost to the transition to a completely
sustainable energy supply program. We see a second challenge in arranging for the return of
discarded mobile phones. We consider that the difference
WWF wishes to work with KPN as a Climate Saver because between the numbers of mobiles sold and those returned
of its aim for its operations to be climate-neutral by for recycling is too large, especially in the light of the
2020 and in the light of the energy savings it has already scarcity of raw materials and conflict metals. In 2010 a total
achieved in its network and data centers. By participating of some 26,000 mobile phones were returned through
in the program both KPN and WWF want to show other various channels for reuse or recycling. We reached the
companies that saving energy and earning revenues target figure we set ourselves for this year but we know
complement each other admirably. we must do more. We are doubling our target for the
Netherlands. In 2011, every new mobile phone we supply
KPN and WWF will investigate the possible contours of in the Netherlands will come with a reply envelope with
such a partnership over the coming year. The investigation which the old telephone can be returned to KPN without
will examine whether tougher energy saving targets are charge for recycling or reuse. In Germany we work with
realistic. NABU, a nature conservation organization, to collect
more telephones.
The investigation will also cover how KPN and WWF
can contribute to replacing conventional ideas about
mobility – with all the negative consequences for the
environment – by the philosophy of the New Way
of Working which stresses remote working
and videoconferencing.

KPN Sustainability Report 2010


KPN Sustainability Report 2010

People Connected 

KPN enables social contact for all

KPN Sustainability Report 2010


People Connected

KPN wants to make contact possible for

everybody. The Finest Contact Foundation is the
vehicle with which KPN employees help people
for who cannot take social contact for granted.

5.1 Results and targets

Result 2009 Target 2010 and beyond Result 2010 Target 2011
Motivating employees * 1,623 KPN employees KPN employees participated 1,685 KPN employees KPN employees participated
participated 2,083 times 2,000 times in The Finest particpated 2,213 times in the 2,000 times in The Finest
on voluntary projects Contact Foundation projects Finest Contact Foundation Contact Foundation projects

Target group coverage * 164 children with ICT set • 175 children with ICT set • 192 children with ICT set –
• 90 autistic children • 116 autistic children
participate in SociaalOpStap participate in SociaalOpStap

3,400 senior citizens in the 3,500 senior citizens in the 2,763 senior citizens in the –
ComputerPlusBus ComputerPlusBus ComputerPlusBus

– Develop a method for Preliminary review of methods Develop a method for

measuring the contribution available for measuring the measuring the contribution
made by The Finest Contact contribution made by made by The Finest Contact
Foundation to reducing The Finest Contact Foundation Foundation to reducing
social isolation to reducing social isolation social isolation

* KPN Nederland and Getronics Nederland together

As an ICT service provider our core task is to enable contact The SociaalOpStap project is designed to better social
between people. For everybody. That explains why KPN contact for autistic children.
employees voluntarily choose to give their time to The
Finest Contact Foundation to help people who have lost In 2010 we worked hard on recruiting volunteers for
social contact or who are faced with the threat of losing The Finest Contact Foundation. Throughout the year, we
it. KPN has appointed a program director for The Finest deployed poster campaigns, intranet articles and KPN1,
Contact Foundation who is also a member of the CSR our in-house social media site, to raise awareness of the
Steering Committee. Foundation’s operations. We organized two major events,
one in the summer and one in the winter, to show what
5.2 The Finest Contact Foundation The Finest Contact Foundation does and what it signifies.
KlasseContact, ComputerPlusBus and Resto VanHarte are The success of these events was evident from the number of
three projects coming under The Finest Contact Foundation, people registering as volunteers for the program.
a foundation set up by KPN. A fourth was added in 2010:
SociaalOpStap. KlasseContact is a project that allows Our 2010 target called for two thousand KPN people to
chronically ill children to re-establish contact with their take part at least once in one of the Foundations’ activities.
class at school thanks to a web cam, an internet connection By the end of the year 1685 KPN employees had taken part
and a screen. The ComputerPlusBus travels through the 2,213 times in the volunteer projects. Those volunteering
Netherlands to introduce senior citizens to the internet. amounted to 8 per cent of the combined KPN-Getronics
Hundreds of KPN staff travel on the bus and take turns to workforce in the Netherlands. With participation in the
come into contact with senior citizens. KPN volunteers also activities being thrown open to Getronics employees this
work in local Resto VanHarte restaurants where people year, over 240 Getronics staff members participated in one
come into contact with each other over a meal. of the projects.

KPN Sustainability Report 2010 People Connected

People Connected 

5.2.1 KlasseContact words relevant to a particular question, practical tips on

This year our target was to use ICT sets to put 175 chronically how to deal with such situations come up on their mobile
sick children into contact with their class at school. The true phone. This has called for the development of a special
figure was 192 children. 163 KPN employees volunteered application. The Finest Contact Foundation works together
for these projects. Two volunteers work with each child, with the Dutch Platform for Autism. The project is carried
one working with the sick child at home and the other in out at special schools for autistic children.
class. We purchased additional ICT sets. These ICT sets are
a combined camera and screen mounted on a kind of chair In 2010, we developed the software for this application and
placed in the classroom. The class and the sick child can carried out a trial run. Some two hundred situations have
see each other, using a laptop with a webcam at home and been described and incorporated into the application. KPN
a screen at school. The child uses a mouse to operate the volunteers run through these situations with the children
camera in the class and can therefore decide what to see and assist in getting these translated into tips. The idea is
and whom to zoom in on. for as many practical situations as possible to be fed into
the system. Some ninety KPN employees took part in the
In organizational terms, the emphasis in 2010 lay pilot this year and the project is scheduled for roll-out in
on making KlasseContact more professional. More 2011. Our target is for some three hundred KPN employees
organizational duties were passed over to Edventure, to spend one day as a volunteer with a child with an autistic
a partner organization consisting of educational service characteristic. This permits them to help complete the
centers. We delegated the job of connecting up the application. In so doing they gain a better understanding
hardware to a professional firm of engineers, and this left of the contribution ICT can make to social contact for
the project less reliant on The Finest Contact Foundation. autistic children.
KPN continues to be responsible for finding the volunteers
and the funding. In terms of volunteer recruitment and 5.2.5 Plans for the future
commitment in 2010 we put a greater focus on both KPN We will pursue The Finest Contact Foundation in 2011,
managers and employees, while the focus in the past had but some things will change.
been exclusively on managers.
The ComputerPlusBus program will end in 2011. Over the
5.2.2 ComputerPlusBus past years hundreds of KPN volunteers have introduced
In 2010 2,763 senior citizens visited the ComputerPlusBus thousands of senior citizens to computer basics. The Finest
(2010 target: 3,500) where a total of 374 KPN volunteers Contact Foundation aims to build up initiatives and then
explained to them how to navigate digital media. About let them go, so as to give new projects a chance. We aim
166 volunteers visited senior citizens in care homes. to raise awareness of the internet and social media in the
Resto VanHartes.
We also tried to create a greater link between the
ComputerPlusBus and Resto VanHarte. In the hope that In 2011 we will start a new initiative which, just as the
people might wish to take a look before or after the meal, ComputerPlusBus, targets senior citizen. We are doing this
the ComputerPlusBus was parked a number of times together with the Dutch Red Cross. We will put in place
in front of the local Resto VanHarte restaurants. These a simple application to be added onto television sets in
efforts unfortunately failed: people in the social context the home that gives senior citizens additional contact
of a Resto VanHarte meal apparently feel no need for the channels as well as their favorite TV channels. These
ComputerPlusBus. contact channels will allow them to conduct no-frills
conversations with their friends, families or neighbors.
5.2.3 Resto VanHarte We hope that two hundred KPN volunteers will turn up
KPN continued its support for Resto VanHarte in 2010. to help the residents of two old people’s homes and then
As well as a financial contribution we arranged for KPN regularly keep up the contact.
people to volunteer to work either as kitchen or service
staff. In 2010 1,006 KPN employees responded to the call. Following this year’s modest start, SociaalOpStap is
scheduled for a large-scale roll-out in 2011. The target
5.2.4 SociaalOpStap is fifteen group sessions at schools with the objective of
In 2010 we launched a new initiative: SociaalOpStap. teaching 350 autistic children how to use the handset
This targets children with an autistic characteristic. The specially developed for them. KlasseContact carries on
purpose of the initiative is for them to use tips they get on unchanged in 2011.
their mobile phones to learn how to cope with difficult
or unexpected situations. Children suffering from autism
frequently have no idea how to respond when faced with
a situation such as a flat tire or bullying. By typing in key

KPN Sustainability Report 2010


5.3 Safe internet 5.4 Other social projects

The internet brings many good things, but has also its less KPN Nederland supports certain groups of customers for
attractive side that we, together with other parties, wish whom communication cannot be taken for granted. An
to prevent or combat. Although as KPN we cannot be held example of this is KPN’s Teksttelefoon Bemiddelingsdienst
liable for the content put on the internet, we can indeed for those with a hearing impairment. In 2010 this service
harness our knowledge and experience to detect illegal inaugurated a new technical system to reduce waiting
content on the internet. We do this by working actively times. The most important change is that, before coming
within the Platform Internet Veiligheid in which the Dutch into contact with a KPN operator, the user is asked by the
Ministry of Safety and Justice and the Ministry of Economic system to key in the number of the person, organization
Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation also participate. or company for which he or she wants the assistance of an
intermediary. The system then tries to establish contact.
KPN is the largest sponsor of the Mijn Kind Online Once this is done, a KPN operative is called in to act as
foundation. This foundation was founded in 2004 by KPN intermediary. The user is thus given immediate assistance;
and Ouders Online, the largest internet community in the in the new system there is no waiting at the beginning.
Netherlands for parents on the internet. This foundation Because a great many calls never come to anything (busy
provides knowledge and recommendations about young or no answer), more employees are available to assist and
people and the new media. Its objective is to help people the waiting times will come down.
understand the possibilities of new media and to promote
responsible use. Mijn Kind Online aims to improve the Through its support of De Kindertelefoon, in 2010 KPN
quality of online media for children and to help teachers enabled children and young people to go on using their
and parents to become more media-aware. mobile phones to call De Kindertelefoon without charge.
In two out of ten cases the calls relate to problems at
Working with law enforcement agencies Mijn Kind Online home, such as child abuse or the child’s relationship with
began a nationwide campaign in 2010 about the risks of the parents. KPN’s sponsorship of the Kindertelefoon was
sexual content on the internet. This led to the publication one of the factors that enabled over 330,000 calls to be
of a joint brochure entitled Verliefd op internet, aimed at made between January and September. The vast majority,
young people aged ten and over. The brochure contains 96 per cent, are made from a mobile phone. Making
tips helping children to become more aware and better no charge for these calls enables children to access
able to resist pornography and sexual intimidation via De Kindertelefoon without difficulty. We wish to continue
social media. our support for the work of De Kindertelefoon in 2011.

KPN promoted MyBee, its children’s web browser, Working with a company called SimPC KPN has started
amongst customers. MyBee is a free program that allows offering senior citizens computers with internet
parents to let their children surf the net safely. In 2010 this subscriptions. This collaboration will make it easier for
was downloaded for the 100,000th time. This children’s senior citizens to use e-mail and internet. SimPC has been
browser won the SIDN Internet Award in 2010. The specially developed for older people and consists of a
award recognizes initiatives that make the internet more user-friendly computer, the SimTouch, and of maintenance
accessible and that encourage secure use. MyBee won and support. The user uses a touch screen to operate
the ‘Safe Internet’ category. the SimTouch.

In 2010 we also examined how we could best use our E-Plus has carried out a variety of social projects. E-Plus
SchoolOnline program to offer the teaching profession became a partner of the ‘Digitale Chancen’ foundation.
fruitful internet use. The Dutch communications market The foundation is an initiative of the German Ministry
regulator, the OPTA, had turned down our initial idea in of Economic Affairs that develops a program to help
2009. The regulator took the view that to offer schools people who have difficulty in finding their way in today’s
a free internet connection distorted competition. increasingly computerized society. The foundation targets
In December 2009 we responded by offering a young people, the elderly and immigrants. To emphasize
schools a special low-price package to which the its involvement E-Plus now sits on the board of the
OPTA expressed no objection. foundation. Its first initiative (December 2010) consisted
of holding five workshops promoting digital integration
of the target groups into society.

KPN Sustainability Report 2010 People Connected

People Connected 

E-Plus pursued its collaborative arrangement with the Together with the KNSB we want people to get more
Bundesverband Alphabetisierung und Grundbildung, an fun out of skating in the Netherlands, whether they
organization committed to combating illiteracy. are champion athletes, run of the mill ice skaters, young
A writing contest began in February. The winner would people, fans, or people who just do it for the fun. Our
be awarded his or her prize at the Frankfurt Book Fair. sponsorship is designed to let us add genuine emotion
The E-Plus cycling team organized ten to fifteen races and empathy to our brand and to display our bond with
to raise money for this organization. In March 2010 the Netherlands. Service is a key to that, and we facilitate
E-Plus ran a stakeholder dialog with social organizations the relationship and the linkage between skating, the
and politicians to discuss the approach to illiteracy. Netherlands and ourselves.
Additionally, E-Plus went into partnership with NABU,
a German nature conservancy organization. They are 1% FairShare initiative
working together on a proposition that links raising In line with our lead sponsorship of KNSB KPN has signed
awareness of nature conservation to a climate-neutral up as sponsor of the 1% FairShare initiative. This is an
mobile telephone subscription. A proportion of the initiative of the Fonds Gehandicaptensport that wishes
revenues will be channeled to the nature conservancy to set to rights the underprivileged position occupied by
organization. The launch is scheduled for 2011. sports for the disabled in the Netherlands. Our financial
support enables the Fonds to make efficient, targeted
KPN Group Belgium took on a number of social initiatives. investments in sports for the disabled. As lead sponsor
Mobile phones, call credits and leased cars were put at for ice skating KPN wishes to underline its involvement
the disposal of a hospital school in Leuven at no charge. in sport for the disabled. Business organizations are
Financial support was once again extended to the asked to devote an additional 1 per cent of their sports
Kinderkankerfonds while KPN Group Belgium ran text sponsorship budget to investments in sport for the
message campaigns in support of good causes, such as disabled. This percentage is in line with the percentage
Haiti, Het Glazen Huis and SOS Kinderdorpen (Profliga). of Dutch disabled athletes. In the same way as KPN, the
Fonds Gehandicaptensport directs its work at both the
5.5 Sponsorship top and recreational levels of sport. In 2008 1% FairShare
KPN donated a total of EUR 6.3 million in 2010 to was voted the organization having the most innovative
social good causes. KPN supported The Finest Contact sponsorship proposition.
Foundation, the KNSB, De Kindertelefoon, the 1 per cent
FairShare initiative and the Meldpunt Kinderporno. 5.6 Challenges
In 2010 we gave some thought to the issue of how
Lead sponsor of the KNSB skating association to measure the impact of our social activities on the
KPN has been the lead sponsor of the Koninklijke community at large. To what extent has The Finest
Nederlandsche Schaatsenrijders Bond (KNSB, the Dutch Contact Foundation succeeded in combating social
skating association) since summer 2010. Ice skating is a isolation and can that be measured? This led us to
fine and quintessentially Dutch sport while KPN is a major conclude a partnership with Karin Maas, a researcher
Dutch ICT service provider. Thousands of Dutch people at Erasmus University Rotterdam. We hope to be able
enjoy ice skating, whether to watch or to take part in it, to supply a report on the subject in 2011 using the
reason enough to explain its appeal to KPN. With our lead methodology based on our work in 2010.
sponsorship of the KNSB and ice skating we embrace all
segments of the sport. We show that we share a passion
for the sport by sponsoring its various disciplines: long-
distance skating, marathon skating, natural ice skating,
short-track speed skating, in-line skating and all the
KNSB’s youth activities.

KPN Sustainability Report 2010



6.1 Other core environmental data

2008 ** 2009 *** 2010 ****
Materials usage Unit
Cable length* 1000 km 316.7 331.3 341.0

Paper consumption Tons – 7,636 7,288

Percentage FSC paper % – 13 38

Water consumption 1000 m3 – – 364
Natural gas 1000 m3 9,287 8,764 10,033

Heating purchased GJ 84,900 57,900 48,399

Cooling purchased GWh – 1.88 2.13

Diesel for emergency power generators x 1000 liters 125 283 343

Diesel for permanent power generators x 1000 liters – 1,088 653


Total energy directly consumed ****** TJ 1,327 1,234 1,001

Total energy indirectly consumed TJ 4,141 4,505 4,395

Total energy consumed ****** TJ 5,467 5,739 5,395

Ozone-depleting potential of coolants kg CFC-11 57 40 55


Recycled waste Ton 3,631 3,276 3,649

Residual waste Ton 2,658 2,357 2,451

Demolition waste Ton 499 732 808

Total non-hazardous waste Ton 6,788 6,365 6,908

Total hazardous waste Ton 45 101 92

Total waste Ton 6,833 6,466 7,000

Percentage of recycled waste % 53 51 52

* Cable length for KPN Nederland

** As from 2008 including Getronics Nederland, energy consumption in TJ in 2008 includes E-Plus and KPN Group Belgium
*** From 2009 including E-Plus and KPN Group Belgium
**** From 2010 including iBasis
***** KPN Group Belgium consumption
****** Consumption for 2009 has been adjusted relative to the content of the 2009 Sustainability Report in the light of updated consumption data.

KPN Sustainability Report 2010 Appendices

Appendices 

6.2 Other core social data

Composition of employees by age Spread of employees per region

(in % of total number of employees) (in % of total number of employees and FTEs)

2009 2010 2009 2010

KPN NL 16–24 5.7 5.2 The Netherlands FTEs 63.7 62.9

25–54 78.4 76.7 Number 63.9 63.1

55–65 15.9 18.1 Belgium FTEs 4.3 4.6

KPN Group Belgium 16–24 5.7 8.7 Number 4.1 4.4

25–54 93.5 90.4 Germany FTEs 20.7 20.8

55–65 0.9 0.9 Number 21.3 21.2

E-Plus 16–24 11.2 8.3 Great Britain FTEs 3.9 2.6

25–54 86.6 89.4 Number 3.7 2.5

55–65 2.2 2.3 Switzerland FTEs 0.7 0.7

Getronics 16–24 5.7 4.1 Number 0.7 0.7

25–54 86.6 85.7 Hungary FTEs 0.8 0.8

55–65 7.7 10.2 Number 0.8 0.7

Other participations 16–24 14.1 10.7 North America FTEs – 1.1

25–54 82.1 84.5 Number – 1.0

55–65 3.8 4.8 Central and FTEs 4.1 4.1

South America
KPN Group 16–24 7.2 5.9 Number 3.9 3.8

25–54 83.0 82.6 Asia FTEs 1.6 2.4

55–65 9.8 11.5 Number 1.5 2.3

Other Europe FTEs 0.1 0.1

Number 0.1 0.3

KPN Sustainability Report 2010


6.3 Scope of this report found in the GRI table. The GRI table specifies where
The purpose of this report, which covers calendar G3 core indicators have been omitted from the report
year 2010, is to inform our stakeholders about KPN’s as a consequence of these having been assessed as
sustainability policy and performance. We count as not material. In the interest of brevity, this report
stakeholders all those persons and organizations confines itself to a reference to the Annual Report for
affected by our operations or with whom we maintain a those material indicators set out in that report. In this
relationship, namely customers, employees, shareholders, sustainability report there are no departures of any
banks, suppliers and social organizations. The scope of significance from the GRI indicator protocols. Where
this report covers the KPN Group including its wholly possible, the annual report shows separately the
owned subsidiaries and the subsidiaries in which it performance indicators applicable to KPN’s business
has a majority shareholding. Unless otherwise stated, units, that is, KPN Nederland, KPN Group Belgium,
references in this report to KPN should be read as E-Plus, Getronics, other participating interests and the
referring to the KPN Group. The KPN Group comprises, KPN Group. Where available, the report includes data
inter alia, KPN Nederland, Getronics, Ortel Mobile and for 2008 and 2009 as well. Unless specified separately
Dutch subsidiaries Telfort and XS4ALL, as well as the in the text, no adjustments to the data have been made
foreign subsidiaries KPN Group Belgium, E-Plus and iBasis. relative to the data set out in the 2009 sustainability
Although Getronics is a single entity, for the benefit of report. Quantitative data concerning the workforce
our stakeholders this report refers to Getronics Nederland in 2010 set out in this report has been collected using
and Getronics International. Getronics’ foreign service our OutlookSoft financial data management system.
partners come outside the scope of this report as The remaining data set out in this report has been
KPN does not have a majority interest in these companies. collected using a standardized questionnaire that was
The partners coming under what is called the completed by the KPN business units in question. The
‘Workspace Alliance’ of Getronics International are definitions used are set out under the tables in question.
covered by the scope of this report. The corporate Audit and Internal Control Department
assessed the data reported on consistency and availability
The data in this report refers to KPN’s performance and of supporting evidence as the basis for its assessment of
not to that of our subcontractors. This report specifically the data reported. Validation criteria set out in advance
reviews developments and performance in the area of were also used to assess the data. This report has been
sustainability in 2010. More static elements, such as the reviewed by KPMG Sustainability which has issued a
description of our CSR organization at KPN, our list of clean ‘limited assurance’ report conclusion. With a view
relevant outside memberships, our stakeholders and the to the external audit process KPN will, over the coming
like, are featured in the GRI table on our web site. years, give priority to further reinforcement of the role
of KPN Audit and Internal Control, to the internal CSR and
One part of KPN Belgium was disposed of while another sustainability data controls and to an extension of part of
part was transferred to KPN Group Belgium. the external verification to ‘reasonable assurance’.

The corporate sustainability report appears every year

at the same time as KPN’s Annual Report. A six-monthly
report is also made public. This report is based on the
third generation guidelines of the Global Reporting
Initiative (G3) and has a GRI application level of A+.
The GRI table can be found on
This specifies which GRI indicators are set out in
the sustainability report and those indicators that
are only featured on our web site. In addition to these
G3 guidelines, KPN has taken as its point of orientation
the draft GRI Telecommunications Sector Supplement.
The GRI table sets out where indicators from the sector
supplement have been included. Indicators that only
require the statement of a position are only to be

KPN Sustainability Report 2010 Appendices

Appendices 

6.4 Independent assurance report What did we do to reach our conclusions?

To the readers of the Royal KPN Sustainability Report Our work included the following activities:
We were engaged by the Board of Directors of Royal KPN • A media analysis and internet search on environmental,
N.V. (‘KPN’) to provide assurance on the information in safety and social issues for KPN in the reporting period,
the Sustainability Report 2010 ‘KPN in the community’ in order to deepen our insight in relevant sustainability
(‘The Report’). The Report, including the identification issues and questions in the reporting period.
of material issues, is the responsibility of the company’s • Interviews with members of the CSR Steering
management. Our responsibility is to issue an assurance Committee responsible for the implementation
report on The Report. of the CSR strategy and other staff at corporate
level responsible for providing the information in
What was included in the scope of our assurance The Report.
engagement? • A review of design and implementation of the
Our engagement was designed to provide the readers systems and processes for information collection and
of The Report with limited assurance on whether the processing, including the aggregation of the data for
information in The Report, in all material respects, is information in The Report.
fairly presented. Procedures performed to obtain a • A review of internal and external documentation, based
limited level of assurance are aimed at determining the on sampling, to determine whether the information in
plausibility of information and are less extensive than the Report is supported by sufficient evidence;
those for a reasonable level of assurance. To obtain a • Checking the consistency of other reported
thorough understanding of the financial results and information with external information such as the
financial position of KPN the reader should consult the Annual Report 2010.
KPN audited financial statements in the KPN Annual • During the assurance process we discussed necessary
Report for the year ended 31 December 2010. We do changes in The Report with KPN and reviewed the final
not provide any assurance on the achievability of the version of The Report to ensure that it reflects
targets, expectations and ambitions of KPN. our findings.

Which reporting criteria did KPN use? What is our conclusion?

KPN applies the Sustainability Reporting Guidelines (G3) Based on our work, as described above, nothing has come
of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) for The Report as to our attention to indicate that the Report is not fairly
detailed in paragraph 6.3 of The Report. The information presented, in all material respects, in accordance with
in The Report should be read in conjunction with this the G3 Guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative.
explanatory information.
What else did we observe?
Which assurance standard did we use? Without affecting the conclusions presented above,
We carried out our engagement in accordance with we draw the readers’ attention to the following:
Standard 3410N ‘Assurance engagements relating to
sustainability reports’ of the Royal Netherlands Institute In recent years KPN has further developed the CSR
of Register Accountants. This Standard requires, amongst policy, many parts of which focus largely on activities in
others, that the assurance team possesses the specific the Netherlands. For a number of topics, management
knowledge, skills and professional competencies needed of the policy takes place mainly at corporate level. We
to understand and review the information in The Report, recommend KPN to further progress the management
and that they comply with the requirements of the and implementation of the CSR policy in their foreign
IFAC Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants, operations and to embed the CSR policy deeper in
including independence. the organization.

Amstelveen, 22 February 2010

KPMG Sustainability
W.J. Bartels (partner)

KPN Sustainability Report 2010

KPN Sustainability Report 2010
The sustainability report is published
in Dutch and English. In case of differences,
the Dutch version prevails.

Contents and organization

KPN N.V., Corporate Communications

DHV Adviesgroep Duurzaam Ondernemen

RRED Communications


Revive 50:50

Revive 50:50 is manufactured by an ISO 14001 and

EMAS certified manufacturer and complies with FSC
norms. It is manufactured using 50 per cent recycled
fibers (post and pre consumer) and 50 per cent FSC
certified fibers from responsibly managed forests.
A product group from well managed forests,
controlled sources and recycled material.
Royal KPN
Maanplein 55
2516 CK The Hague
The Netherlands

PO Box 30000
2500 GA The Hague
The Netherlands
T: +31 (0)70 343 43 43

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