Information Technology (It) Student Handbook: Level 1 (Class Ix) It - NQ 2012

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(CLASS IX) IT - NQ 2012



Advisor Sh. Vineet Joshi, Chairman, CBSE,


Editing &
1. Dr. Biswajit Saha, Associate Professor & Programme
(Voc. Education) CBSE 2. Ms. Swati Gupta, Associate
Professor & Assistant Progamme Officer,
(Voc. Education) CBSE 3. Dr. Vivek Nagpal,
Consultant, (Voc. Education) CBSE

Material Production
1. Dr. Om Vikas, Former Director,

2. Dr. V.S. Mehrotra ,Head , Department of Curriculum Development

Evaluation , PSSCIVE,
3. Sh. Mukesh Kumar Head ,Department of Computer Science, DPS,
Puram, Delhi

4. Ms. Gurpreet Kaur, Head, Department of Computer Science,

Goenka Public School,

5. Ms. Nancy Head, Department of Computer Science , MJKPS ,

Vihar, Delhi

6. Mr. Yogesh Kumar, PGT, Department of Computer Science, Mira

Public School, Janak puri,

The national curriculum Framework, 2005, recommends that children’s life at school must be
linked to their life outside the school. This principle makes a departure from the legacy of bookish
learning which continues to shape our systems and causes a gap between the school, home,
community and the workplace.

The student workbook on ​“Information Technology (IT)” ​is a part of the qualification package
developed for the implementation of National Vocational Education Qualification Framework
(NVEQF), an initiative of ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India to
set common principles and guidelines for a nationally recognized qualification system covering the
schools, vocational education and training institutions, technical education institutions, college and
universities. It is envisaged that the NVEQF will promote transparency of qualifications, cross-
sectoral learning, student qualifications, thus encouraging life long learning.

This student workbook, which form a part of vocational qualification package for student’s who have
passed class VIII or equivalent examination, was created by group of experts. The IT-ITeS skill
development council approved by the national skill development corporation (NSDC) for the IT/ITes
industry developed the national occupation standards (NOS). The national occupation standards are
a set of competency standards and guidelines endorsed by the representatives of IT industry for
recognizing and assessing skills and knowledge needed to perform effectively in the workplace.

The CBSE has developed learning materials (units) for the vocational qualification package in
IT/ITes sector for NVEQF levels 1 to 4 ; level 1 is equivalent to class IX. Based on NOS,
occupation related core competencies (knowledge, skills and abilities) were identified for
development of curriculum and learning modules (units).

This student workbook attempts to discourage rote learning and to bring about necessary flexibility
in offering of courses, necessary for breaking the sharp boundaries between different subject areas.
The workbook attempts to enhance this endeavor by giving higher priority and space to
opportunities for contemplation and wondering, discussion in small groups and activities requiring
hands on experience.

Any suggestions, feedback from the readers for improvement in the future editions of the volume shall
be heartily welcomed.

Sh. Vineet Joshi, IAS

Chairman (CBSE)
NVEQ IT Level 1: Basics of Information Technology

Unit Code Unit Title (Skills) Hours Total

Th Pr Hours

ITCC-101 ​Basic Computer System Operations Skill 18 12 ​30

Basics of Computer System 6 0

Laying hands on a computer system 2 2

Creation/Customization of Files/Folders 2 2
Establishing Internet connectivity and
Internet browser
Email and related services 4 4
12 24 ​36
ITCC-102 ​Digital Documentation and Word Processing

Basics of Word Processing 2 2

Page style and templates 2 2

Editing and Advanced format options 2 8

Working on multiple documents 2 4

Creating and Working with tables 2 4

Working with Images, Drawing and Gallery

ITCC-103 ​Effective e-Communication Skill 6 24 ​30

Basics of Effective emailing 1 2

Composing email and attaching files 1 4

Sending, forwarding and receiving emails 1 6

Organizing Emails & Managing contacts 2 8

Scheduling appointments using online
calendar services
Unit Code Unit Title (Skills) Hours Total

Th Pr Hours

ITDC-104 ​Data Tabulation Skill using Spreadsheet 6 24 ​30

Basics of spreadsheet ​1 4

Inserting and deleting cells ​1 2

Formatting Spreadsheet ​2 4

Using Formulae ​1 8

Using Functions and Obtaining charts ​1 6

ITDC-105 ​Digital Presentation Skill 6 24 ​30

Basics of a presentation 2 6

Inserting and duplicating slides 1 4

Formatting slides 1 6

Inserting hyperlink, pictures and tables 1 4

Setting up slide show 1 4

ITOC-106 ​Ethics & Soft Skills 12 6 ​18

Right to Privacy 4 1

Netiquettes 4 1

Soft Skills in work environment 4 2

ITWC-107 ​Work Integrated Learning and
Occupational Safety Skills
12 6 ​18 State organizational structure and identify IT
development team
Identify operations at workplace and the
tools being used

IT Hazards e-Waste 3 1

Ergonomics and health safety 3 1

72 120 192
NVEQ Level 1 ​ITCC 101


Pre-requisite: ​NIL
Element No.
-1- ​Element Name Hours Total
Th Pr Hours ​1 Basics of Computer System 6 0 30
2 Laying hands on computer system 2 2
3 Creation/customization of Files and Folders 2 2
4 Establishing Internet Connectivity and Internet
5 Email and related Services 4 4

Total ​18 12 30 ​
Ignite Mind
"Computing is not about computers anymore, it is about Living"
Nicholas Negroponte
Learning Objectives ​After studying this unit the students will attain competencies
• Identify, describe and connect various parts of computer system
• Start, work on and shut down a computer system
• Manage and customize files and folders
• Establish an internet connection and browse for information on internet
• Use email and related services
Introduction ​Just a few years back, people used to pick up paper and pen to do all
their calculations. A good knowledge of mathematics was required to solve complicated
problems related to calculations and yet the process was quite time consuming. People
used to fill in lot of pages in their diaries with the contact address and phone numbers of
their friends, relatives and clients. A great effort used to go in searching for information
from large number of pages of different books and notebooks. Big companies used to
invest a lot of amount in transportation of their experts to various work locations to solve
day to day problems. People used to communicate through
NVEQ Level 1 ​ITCC 101

traditional mails – which used to take 3 to 10 days time to reach destinations. Today,
Information Technology (IT) has a great influence on all aspects of our life. Almost all
work places and our lives are getting automated with the help of IT tools and its
applications. IT is acquiring, processing, storing and disseminating numerical, textual,
audio and video form of information with the help of electronic machine, computing
instructions and network applications. Moreover, knowledge of IT is an essential
component to prepare the current generation to work in these environments to equip
them with various aspects of it such as understanding the concept of IT and its scope,
operating a computer, using various office tools, using Internet etc. This chapter will
deals with the basics of IT.

Requirements ​Hardware
• A computer system with Internet connectivity
• GUI Operating System
• Internet Browser

Suggestions for Effective


• Encourage peer learning in Computer Lab

• Ensure that students follow standard procedures to logon/logoff a computer.
• Ensure the proper connectivity of I/O devices
• Encourage students to explore opportunities as IT Professionals
• Introduce how to integrate IT Tools with traditional practices at various work
• Encourage students to follow best practices such as taking backup of files, turning off
devices when not in use
• Educate students to keep storage media virus free
• Sensitize students on ethical and health related issues

NVEQ Level 1 ​ITCC 101

Element 1: Basics of Computer System ​A computer system includes

software and hardware together to make it perform the required tasks. Software is a
collection of instructions and related data that tells a computer what to do and how to
do. In other words, software is a conceptual entity, which contains a set of instructions
(computer programs) with associated documentation related to the operations of a data
processing system; whereas, computer hardware is a collection of electronic and other
peripheral units, which enables software to perform desired operations. And, there is an
important software, known as Operating system (OS) specially designed to establish the
communication between various hardware devices and software loaded on a computer

“A computer system is a programmable machine designed to perform arithmetic and

logical operations to produce meaningful results in desired format”

A computer system is broadly divided into three units – Input Unit, Central Processing
Unit (CPU) and Output Unit. Input unit helps the user to enter raw data and instructions
into the computer system, central processing unit performs the required operations as
per given instructions and at the end output unit produces meaningful results in the
desired format for the user.

Let us understand this concept with the help of an example - What information will you
require to calculate the amount to be paid to shopkeeper for buying several pieces of a
branded pen? You will require its Unit Price and Quantity procured by you – So Unit
Price and Quantity will become the raw data to be entered by you through the input unit.
Now, you need to multiply both these values to know the Amount to be paid to the
shopkeeper – So Multiplication of these two values will become the operation, which will
be performed by the CPU and the Amount, which is the result will be on the Output unit
of a computer system.

The CPU is further divided into three parts (i) control unit (CU), (ii) arithmetic & logic unit
(ALU) and (iii) memory unit (MU). Inside CPU, Control unit acts as a receptionist and a
manager of a company. It receives each and every instruction from user and
coordinates between different parts to perform various operations. Arithmetic and logic
unit acts as an accountant of a company, which performs all the mathematical and
logical calculations. And memory unit acts as a temporary store of a company, where
small amount of data is stored while other operations are being performed. In addition to
these units, a computer system also has secondary storage device to hold or store large
amount of data for later use by various applications running on it. Figure 1.1 illustrates
the interconnection of these units and secondary storage device. ​-3-
NVEQ Level 1 ​ITCC 101
Central Processing Unit (CPU)
Control Unit (CU) ​Input Unit
Output Unit ​(Data & Instructions)
(Information – Result) ALU MU
Secondary Storage Devices
Flow of Data Flow of Instructions
Figure 1.1: Block diagram of a Computer System
Now, you must be wondering how you can recognize these units in the form of real
devices in a personal computer system. You might have seen a device having several
buttons (known as keys) with alphabets and numbers, this device is known as
keyboard, which acts as an input device of the computer system. You might have also
seen another oval shaped device with two/three buttons in front, this device is known as
mouse, which is also an input device of the computer system. Further, you can see a
vertically standing/horizontally places box/case with an on/off/reset button – this
cabinet/case is known as CPU cabinet, which also contains place to hold secondary
storage devices such as hard disk to hold large amount of data and instructions and
Compact Disc (CD)/Digital Versatile Disc (DVD)/Blue Ray drive to keep data on portable
discs. One of the most common output devices is LCD/LED/Monitor, which is used as
output unit to display the results coming out from a computer. The computer system
may also have some more additional devices connected with it to act as input and
output devices as per the requirement of an individual work. For example, ​Input/Output
-4- ​Purpose Sample Requirement
Mic/mike Used to take the audio input To record nursery rhymes in the
system Scanner Used to accept digital input from a paper picture/image/document.
To scan a picture that is to be included in an assignment
NVEQ Level 1 ​ITCC 101
Camera Used to accept image/video
To take pictures of students for identity cards. Barcode Reader
Used to read barcode To read Barcodes present on books being issued/returned in the
School library. Printer Used to print output on paper To print an assignment on paper
Speaker Used for audio output To listen to Nursery Rhymes from
the system
The memory unit of CPU is further divided into two components, one is known as
Random Access Memory ​(RAM) to take care of intermediate storage of data while
working on a computer system and another ​Read Only Memory ​(ROM) to keep the
essential instructions written and stored by the manufacturer to load operating system
and take care of basic input/output operations – also referred as ​BIOS ​i.e. Basic Input
Output System.
In the computer, the data is stored in the form of Bits and Bytes. ​Bit ​(Binary Digit
represented by 0 or 1) is the smallest storage unit, 8 Bits combined together form a
single byte, which in turn represent a single character. Let us see an example, if the
name “RAVI” is required to be stored in computer, it will need 4 bytes in the computer’s
memory. The following table represents other higher units of computer memory.
Memory unit Relationship with earlier memory unit In equivalent Bytes
Kilo Byte (KB) ​1 Kilo Byte = 1024 Bytes(or 2​10 ​Bytes) 1024
Mega Byte (MB) ​1 Mega Byte = 1024 Kilo Byte(or 2​10 ​KB) 1024x1024
Giga Byte (GB) ​1 Giga Byte = 1024 Mega Byte(or 2​10 ​MB) 1024x1024x1024
Tera Byte (TB) ​1 Tera Byte = 1024 Giga Byte(or 2​10 ​GB) 1024x1024x1024x1024
RAM and ROM discussed in the above paragraph constitute ​Primary Memory​. Now, let
us discuss in detail about the various ​Secondary Storage Devices​. The secondary
storage devices are basically used to store large amount of data (with capacity in the
range of 20 GB to 2 TB) permanently on computer, i.e. the data is retained even when
the system is switched off. ​Hard Disc ​is one of the most important secondary storage
devices, which is used to hold (store) operating system, office applications, utility
NVEQ Level 1 ​ITCC 101

software and the user’s data, etc. It is usually fitted in the cabinet of CPU, so that it
cannot be easily removed from the computer system. Apart from hard disk, one can
always use additional (portable) secondary storage devices such as Compact Disk (CD
with a storage capacity of 750 MB), Digital Versatile Disk (DVD with a capacity of
around 4.5 GB), Blue-ray Disk (with a storage capacity of around 25 GB/50GB), Pen
Drives (with a storage capacity of 512 MB to 32 GB), Memory Stick (with a storage
capacity of 512 MB to 32 GB).
Figure 1.2: CPU Cabinet Back

Now, let us connect/check the connections between various parts of a personal

computer. Try to locate all the sockets or ports, which are present behind the CPU
Cabinet as shown in Figure 1.2. Some of the common sockets/ports are power socket
for connecting power cable, PS2 ports for connecting Mouse & Keyboard, USB Port for
connecting USB devices such as mouse, keyboard, printer, pen drive etc., VGA port for
connecting Monitor/Screen. Connect Monitor with VGA cable, mouse & keyboard with
PS2/USB cable and power on the CPU after connecting power cable. Your computer
should display some message from the manufacturer and then it should start the
Operating System (boot up with the operating system). Once the booting process is
over, you will see the desktop – the first screen you see in the beginning, to allow you to
chose and start the application of your choice.

NVEQ Level 1 ​ITCC 101

Some of the common ports & cables along with their pictures are described in Figure
& Cables
USB Port & Ethernet (RJ45)
Cables Port & Cables
Ethernet (RJ45)
Port & Cables

A USB (Universal Serial

Bus) port is a standard cable
connection interface
available on personal
computers and some other
electronic devices for data
communication. USB ports
allow stand-alone electronic
devices to be connected with
the help of cables to a
computer (or to each other).
USB ports can also supply
electric power across the
cable to devices without their

Pins: 4 Standard:
Industry Standard in
-7- Ethernet Port is used to
Firewire Port connect computers and
other devices to form ster
a than on USB and
computer network. It uses
in excellent quality.
Ethernet cables to orts are forms of a
establish efficient and at make use of
effective communicationechnology to transfer
between computers and from one electronic
other peripheral devicesother. The FireWire®
such as modem, router, ability to interact with a
multimedia projector etc.
ifferent devices. A
ort can provide an
connect a scanner and
ra to a computer
he data transfer is
Pins: 8 Pins Standard: ster than on USB and
IEEE Std ​802.1 to in excellent quality.
reWire® ports are forms of a
rial port that make use of
reWire® technology to transfer
ata rapidly from one electronic
evice to another. The FireWire®
ort has the ability to interact with a
mber of different devices. A
reWire® port can provide an
eal way to connect a scanner and
gital camera to a computer
stem as the data transfer is
Figure 1.3: Common Ports and
NVEQ Level 1 ​ITCC 101

Apart from the above, let us now try to understand a little bit about the parallel port,
which is now phasing out and apparently missing in all the latest personal computers. A
parallel port is a type of interface found on computers for connecting various peripherals
as shown in Figure 1.4. It is also known as a printer port. The IEEE 1284 standard
defines the bi-directional version of the port, which allows the transmission and
reception of data bits at the same time.

Know More! ​“Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers” ​IEEE ​(read I-Triple-E) is the
world’s largest professional association dedicated to advancing technological innovation and
excellence for the benefit of humanity. IEEE and its members inspire a global community
through IEEE's highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional
and educational activities.

Parallel Port Parallel Port Printer Cable

Printer Side


Pins: 25 Standard: IEEE 1284 ​Figure 1.4: (Left) Parallel Port on Computer (Right) Cable
Computer Side & Printer Side Sockets

• A computer system comprises of Input, Processor, Primary/Secondary Memory
and Output
• Input unit helps in accepting data and instructions from the user
• Output unit helps in displaying/printing the results from the computer
• Central Processing Unit is the brain of a computer system

NVEQ Level 1 ​ITCC 101

• Keyboard, Mouse, Mike, Scanner, Barcode reader, Retina Sensing Device,

Camera, Face recognition Device and joystick are some examples of input devices
• Screen (LCD/LED/Multimedia Projector/Monitor), Speaker, Printer and Plotter are
some examples of output devices.
• RAM is temporary memory of the computer
• ROM contains the instructions written and loaded by the manufacturer
• Hard disc, Floppy Disk, CD, DVD, Blue Ray, Pen Drive and Memory Stick are
some examples of storage devices.
• Bit (i.e. ​B​inary Dig​it​) is smallest unit of computer memory. 8 bits form a byte, which
is used to represent a character
• 1 Kilo Byte = 1024 Bytes, 1 Mega Byte =1024 Kilo Bytes, 1 Giga Byte = 1024
Mega Bytes, 1 Tera Byte=1024, 1 Giga Byte (Note: 1024=2​10​)

Self Assessment ​S.No. I am able to... Yes No

1 Identify Screen, CPU Cabinet, Keyboard, Mouse and Printer.

2 Distinguish between common i/o ports and connectors.

3 Classify given input and output devices.

_________________________________________​Now I can answer ...

1. What is Input Unit of a computer system? 2. What is output unit of a computer system? 3.
What is the job of Control Unit inside CPU? 4. What is the job of Arithmetic Logic Unit inside
CPU? 5. Name four input devices and write the type of input that can be entered through
into a computer system. 6. Name four output devices and write the type of output that can
be exhibited through

NVEQ Level 1 ​ITCC 101

Element 2: Laying hands on Computer System ​As you are now, familiar
with the basics of a computer system and you could now switch on your computer
system, you must be curious to work on the system. Look at the screen – you will find
some pictures and text present on the various parts of the screen. A sample view of the
desktop and its various components are illustrated in Figure 1.5.

Desktop ​- A desktop is a computer display area of windows that contains the various
objects one might find in the computer. On the desktop of your computer, you may find
pictures with the following labels (i) ​My Computer ​or ​Computer ​– it contain all the
storage areas of your computer (Hard Disk, Floppy Disk, CD/DVD etc.), (ii) ​Recycle Bin
– it contains all the deleted content of your computer, (ii) ​My Network Places ​or
Network ​– it contains the information of interconnected computers (if any), (iv) ​My
Documents ​or ​Documents ​– it contains a common area to store various types of files
on the computer. You may find some more pictures on the desktop with self-
explanatory labels. All these pictures, which you see on screen, are known as “icons”.
At the bottom of desktop, you can see a bar (known as ​Taskbar​), left side of which may
contain a Start button, right side may contain date time & active device/utility information
and the center of the taskbar may have some shortcuts & active applications. Shortcuts
are the direct links to help the user to start the application, which may be stored
anywhere on the computer.
NVEQ Level 1 ​ITCC 101

Default Icons with

shortcuts to default



Time and Active
Time and Active
Time and Active


Figure 1.5:

It is also important for you to know, which area of desktop will perform an operation on
left click of a mouse button. You can click on any shortcut or buttons, to start an
application or to perform the desired task. Now, just look at the figure 1.7 to view a
sample menu and sub-menu display, which you will see after clicking the Start Menu.
Here, you will see various options you can choose from. The common ones are: (i) ​Help
& Support ​to provide documented form of basic help information to work on the
computer, (ii) ​Search ​to help you searching for an applications or a file, (iii) ​Settings ​to
customize various settings (Display, Hardware, Software etc.) of the computer, (iv)
Documents ​to provide you quick links to all recent documents, which were
opened/modified recently on the computer, (v) ​Programs ​to display a submenu with list
of various applications available on the computer to work on. The Start menu also gives
you an option to Log Off/Shut Down/Turn Off the computer. These options may vary
from version to version and OS to OS. You can easily identify them, as you will find
similar names for them.
NVEQ Level 1 ​ITCC 101

Let us now, discuss about some common applications, which come along with the
operating system. ​Notepad ​is one such application, which allows you to type in the
content in a text file, save it on the hard disk and print the same, if required.
Figure 1.6: Start Menu and Program
In ​My Computer ​or ​Computer​, you will find a list of all the Secondary Storage device(s)
available on your computer. These drives are represented in the form of alphabets (from
A: ​to ​Z:​). For example ​C: ​Drive normally represents the first hard disk present in your
system, ​D: ​Drive may represent the second hard disk or CD/DVD Drive. ​A: ​and ​B:
Drives normally represent Floppy Drives, last alphabets are normally used to represent
Network Drives (i.e., the hard disk or DVD drive of another computer). A sample content
is shown below in Figure 1.7:
NVEQ Level 1 ​ITCC 101

Figure 1.7:

The data on computer can be organized in files and folders. Files are the immediate
container of the content created by you using a particular tool/application. Like using
Notepad, you create a Text file “REPORT.TXT” containing report of a particular program
organized in your school, you might create another text file “LESSON1.TXT” containing
a list of assignments to be given in a class and using paint tool, you might create a file
“MYCREATION.BMP”. All these are known as “files”. When you have many files loaded
or stored on the computer, you would like them to be organized in separate groups to
manage your files easily. You can create Folders on computer to represent these
groups, where each folder can hold any number of file(s) or sub- folder(s). For example,
you can create a folder as ​Movies ​with sub-folders as Hindi and English to contain
Hindi Movie Files and English Movies Files respectively, and you may create a Folder
with name ​Academics ​with sub-folders as School Work, Homework and Downloaded
resources to hold related files. Figure 1.8 illustrates a Folder as “CBSE VOCATIONAL
2012” with its content as Files “ITBookReference.txt, Logo.JPG, Excercise1.odt,
Expenses.ods, Class9Lesson1.odp, RESUME.pdf”.

Folder Various Files

Figure 1.8: Files and
NVEQ Level 1 ​ITCC 101

Creating a Text file using Notepad

Open Notepad by

Clicking ​Start ​-> ​Programs ​-> ​Accessories ​->


OR ​Click ​Start ​-> ​Run ​and type in ​NOTEPAD ​and click on


Once the notepad is loaded, type the content required by you in the text file.
Figure 1.9: Notepad Content

Saving the File: ​After typing in the desired content, you may like to save the content
permanently on the hard disk of the computer or any other secondary storage device.
To do this, you need to follow the instructions given below:

[1] ​Click File -> ​[2] ​Click Save -> ​[3] ​Chose the correct location -> ​[4] ​Type in the name
of the file -> ​[5] ​Click Save button

Printing File: ​Follow the following steps to print the content of the text file

[1] ​Click File -> ​[2] ​Click Print -> ​[3] ​Select Printer -> ​[4] ​Click Print Button

NVEQ Level 1 ​ITCC 101
Figure 1.10: Saving a TEXT file in

Creating a picture using Paint

tool ​Open Paint tool by


OR ​Click ​Start ​-> ​Run ​and type in ​MSPAINT ​and click on


Paint tool is the most basic software to draw pictures with the help of various tools such
as Pencil Tool, Brush Tool, Air Brush Tool, Text Tool, Line tool, Curve Tool, Rectangle
Tool, Polygon Tool, Ellipse Tool and Rounded Rectangle tool (as shown in Figure 1.11).


NVEQ Level 1 ​ITCC 101

Tools Tool Description

Tool Description ​
Select tools ​helps in rectangular
Free Form Select ​helps in Selection of any selection

Eraser tool ​erases a portion of picture ​Fill Color tool ​fills color in the closed boundary

Pick color ​picks color from one place and fill in

the other place
Magnifier tool ​magnifies the picture


Pencil tool ​to draw continuous thin free hand line ​Brush tool ​for drawing thick free hand line

Air brush tool ​is for spreading colors ​Text tool ​is for writing text in the picture

Line tool ​to draw straight line ​Curve tool ​to draw symmetrical curves

Ractangle tool ​to draw rectangular shape ​Polygon tool ​to draw a figure with multiple corners
Ellipse tool ​to draw circles and ellipse ​Rounded Rectangle tool ​to draw a figure with
multiple corners

Figure 1.11: Paint Tool Bar ​At the time of using any of
these tools, you can select the colors of your choice to be used in the drawing (picture)
from Basic Colors usually found at the bottom of the drawing area (as shown in Figure
1.12a) or can use customized colors clicking ​Color ​-> ​EditColors ​and creating a color
of choice from the color palette (as shown in Figure 1.12b).
NVEQ Level 1 ​ITCC 101

Figure 1.12a: Basic Color Palette Figure 1.12b: Edit Color Palette

Saving the

After drawing picture, you can save the file permanently in hard disk or any other
storages device in various file formats such as BMP (Bit Map File – this is a large
picture file format, can also be used to be inserted in a document), JPG (here JPG is
the short form of ​Joint Picture Expert Group – this small/large picture file format is most
common picture file format, also used on the website or can be inserted in the
documents) and GIF (Graphic Image File - this small/large picture file format is also a
common picture file format, can be used on the website or can be inserted in the
documents)​. A sample screen shot is shown in the Figure 1.14 to save the file in the
desired format.

To do this, you need to follow the instructions given below:

[1] ​Click File -> ​[2] ​Click Save -> ​[3] ​Chose the correct location -> ​[4] ​Select the
required picture file format ​[5] ​Type in the name of the file -> ​[6] ​Click Save button

NVEQ Level 1 ​ITCC 101

Figure 1.13: Edit Color Palette

Let us see the use of different tools, to decide which tool to be opted for a particular
shape or design. You will use the pencil tool to freely draw any shape using requiring a
thin tip. The Figure 1.14 illustrates some of the drawing made with the help of pencil
tool. Before drawing any shape or design, you can choose the color of pencil

NVEQ Level 1 ​ITCC 101
Figure 1.14: Drawings using Pencil

You will use the Brush or Air Brush tool to freely draw any shape using requiring a thick
tip. The brush tool will have the solid color tip, where as the Air Brush will have dotted
tip for drawing. The Figure 1.15a and Figure 1.15b illustrate the drawings made with the
help of Brush and Air Brush tools respectively. Here also, you can choose the color for
your Brushes accordingly.

Figure 1.15a: Drawings using Brush tool Figure 1.15b: Drawings using Air Brush tool
NVEQ Level 1 ​ITCC 101

In the adjacent Figure 1.16, you can see

square and rectangles drawn with the help
of rectangle tool, a shape with many
corners is made with the help of polydon
tool, circle and ellipse made with the help
of Ellipse tool, straight lines made with the
help of Line tool and the bottom right of it,
the curved lines are made with the help of
Curve Tool. Here also, you can choose the
color before selecting the tool accordingly.
You can also note that, while using any of
these tools, you chose the thickness of the
line required in the drawing.

Any of the drawing, which is closed with a

boundary, such as rectangle, circle or any
other shape, in which starting point of line
and end point of line meet to form a closed
figure, can be filled with a color with the
help of Fill With Color tool. The same can
be seen in the adjacent Figure 1.17. Just
note all the closed figures such as Square,
Rectangle, Polygon, Circle, Ellipse and
Rounded Rectangle are filled with different
colors with the help of Fill With Color.

Figure 1.17: Fill with Color

While drawing any picture, if you wish to select and move/copy any portion of the
drawing to any other part of the drawing, you can do so by Select tools – Free Form
Select tool or (Rectangular) Select Tool. Figures 1.18a and Figure 1.18b illustrate the
example of selecting and moving the portion of a picture using Free Form Select and
Rectangle Select tools respectively

Figure 1.16: Drawings using various
NVEQ Level 1 ​ITCC 101

Figure 1.18a: Select Tool (Rectangle Select) Figure 1.18b: Free Form Select

There are few more interesting options available in Paint software such as Flip/Rotate.
(1) Select any portion of your drawing/picture as shown in Figure 1.19a (2) Click Image
option of menu as shown in Figure 1.19b (3) Click Flip/Rotate option (4) In the popup
select Flip Horizontal and click OK button as shown in Figure 19c (5) Look at the flipped
portion of the picture as shown in Figure 1.19d.
Figure 1.19a: Select Tool (Rectangle Select) Figure 1.19b: Flip/Rotate Select

NVEQ Level 1 ​ITCC 101

Figure 1.19c: Flip horizontal option Figure 1.19d: Flipped portion

In the same way you can try other options such as Strech/Skew. Stretch option will help
you to stretch/squeeze the portion selected by you, where as skew will help you to tilt
the selected portion at an angle horizontally or vertically. The following Figures 1.20a to
1.20 illustrate the Stretch and Skew options.

Figure 1.20a: Stretch (60% of original) Figure 1.20b: Stretch (120% of original)
NVEQ Level 1 I​ TCC 101
Figure 1.21c: Skew (45% Horizontal) Figure 1.20d: Skew (45% Vertical)


Draw the following in Paint Tool and save the pictures as JPG files in a folder with the
your name:

1. Draw all basic Geometric Figures – Triangle, Square, Rectangle and Circle, color
them with different colors and label them accordingly. Save the file as “SHAPES.JPG”

Triangle Square Rectangle Circle

2. ​Draw a Tree and add a slogan “SAVE TREES”. Save the file as “SAVETREE.JPG”
NVEQ Level 1 I​ TCC 101

3. Draw a picture of hut and write My House. Save the file as “MYHOUSE.BMP”
Figure 1.21: Paint

• Operating System is the main software essentially required to make a personal
computer work.
• MS Windows, LINUX, UNIX and MAC OS are operating
• Folders are used to contain files in organized manner, which can be categorized
under the same domain.
• A ​desktop ​is a computer display area of windows that contains the various objects
one might find in the computer.
• ​My Computer ​contains a list of all the Secondary Storage device(s) available on
your computer.
• TXT is the file extension for Text Files created in Notepad.
• BMP, JPG, GIF and TIFF are the various file formats for storing images and
NVEQ Level 1 ​ITCC 101

Self Assessment ​S.No. I am able to... Yes No

1 Identify common desktop icons

2 Name two operating systems

3 Create a text file in Notepad and save it in desired location

4 Draw a picture in Paint and save it in desired location

5 Explain the functionality of different Paint tools

_________________________________________​Now I can answer ...

1. How folders help in organsing files in a computer system? 2. Name any three operating
systems. 3. Name three different file formats, which can be used for saving a picture file. 4.
Identify the software [out of notepad or paint] to be used for performing the following
tasks. (a) To make a simple drawing with the help of geometrical shapes
(b) To type a textual information 5. Write name of four tools which are part
of paint software.

NVEQ Level 1 ​ITCC 101

Element 3: Creation/Customizing of Files and Folders

A file in computer terminology can be considered as the modern counterpart of paper

documents which traditionally were kept in offices and libraries. The term file is used in
computers for a block of arbitrary information, or resource for storing information. In
element 2, you have already seen two types of files – Text File or Picture File. Some
more text and picture files icons are shown below for your reference with filenames
Bill_Gates.jpg, Thoughtsofpranav.txt, Steve.jpg, pranav_mistry.jpg, AmoutSteveJobs.txt
and Microsoft.jpg.
Figure 1.22: Files

Here are some of the ways to rename, copy, cut and paste files.

To rename a particular file:

Close the file to be renamed, if opened. Locate and Select the file ​[1] ​click the right
button of mouse ​[2] ​Select Rename ​[3] ​The filename will become editable – type the
new name and press ​ENTER ​Key on the keyboard
NVEQ Level 1 ​ITCC 101
Figure 1.23: Renaming a

OR ​Locate and Select the file ​[1] ​Click F2 button of mouse ​[2] ​The filename will become
editable – type the new name and press ​ENTER ​Key on the keyboard

To delete a particular file: ​Close the file to be deleted, if opened. Locate and Select
the file ​[1] ​Click the right button of mouse ​[2] ​Select Delete ​[3] ​Pop up will ask to

confirm File Delete – Click on YES OR ​Locate and Select the file ​[1] ​Press Delete key

on keyboard ​[2] ​Pop up will ask to confirm

​ File Delete – Click on ​YES

To COPY-PASTE a particular file: ​Locate and Select the file ​[1] ​Click the right button
of mouse ​[2] ​Select Copy ​[3] ​Change the Drive and Folder to target location ​[4] ​Click
the right button ​[5] ​Select Paste
NVEQ Level 1 ​ITCC 101

OR ​Locate and Select the file ​[1] ​Press ​CTR ​& ​C ​Keys together ​[2] ​Change the Drive

and Folder
​ to target location ​[3] ​Press ​CTR ​& ​V ​Keys together ​Note: ​In Copy-Paste, the
file will remain there in the original location and a copy of the same will be saved on the
new location

To CUT-PASTE a particular file: ​Close the file to be moved, if opened. Locate and
Select the file ​[1] ​Click the right button of mouse ​[2] ​Select Cut ​[3] ​Change the Drive

and Folder to target location ​[4] ​Click the right button ​[5] ​Select Paste OR ​Locate and

Select the file ​[1] ​Press ​CTR ​& ​X ​Keys together ​[2] ​Change the Drive and Folder
​ to
target location ​[3] ​Press ​CTR ​& ​V ​Keys together ​Note: ​In Cut-Paste, the file will be
removed from the original location and will be copied in the new location

A folder is basically a container, in which the files can be organized in the computer’s
storage devices. We create folders to keep different kind of information separately for
later use. You already have seen some icons of some files above and you can very well
put those files in the appropriate folders.

Figure 1.24:

To rename a particular folder: ​Close all the applications, which are using the folder to
be renamed. Locate and Select the folder ​[1] ​click the right button of mouse ​[2] ​Select
Rename ​[3] ​The folder name will become editable – type the new name and press

ENTER ​Key on the keyboard OR ​Locate and Select the folder ​[1] ​Click F2 button of

mouse ​[2] ​The folder name will become

​ editable – type the new name and press
ENTER ​Key on the keyboard

To delete a particular folder: ​Close all the applications, which are using the folder to
be deleted. Locate and Select the folder ​[1] ​Click the right button of mouse ​[2] ​Select
Delete ​[3] ​Pop up will ask to confirm Folder delete – Click on YES OR

NVEQ Level 1 ​ITCC 101

Locate and Select the folder ​[1] ​Press Delete key on keyboard ​[2] ​Pop up will ask to
confirm File Delete – Click on YES

To COPY-PASTE a particular folder: ​Locate and Select the folder ​[1] ​Click the right
button of mouse ​[2] ​Select Copy ​[3] ​Change the Drive and Folder to target location ​[4]

Click the right button ​[5] ​Select Paste OR ​Locate and Select the folder ​[1] ​Press ​CTR ​&

C ​Keys together ​[2] ​Change the Drive and

​ Folder to target location ​[3] ​Press ​CTR ​& ​V
Keys together ​Note: ​In Copy-Paste, the folder will remain there in the original location
and a copy of the same will be saved on the new location

To CUT-PASTE a particular folder: ​Close all the applications, which are using the
folder to be deleted. Locate and Select the folder ​[1] ​Click the right button of mouse ​[2]
Select Cut ​[3] ​Change the Drive and Folder to target location ​[4] ​Click the right button

[5] ​Select Paste OR ​Locate and Select the folder ​[1] ​Press ​CTR ​& ​X ​Keys together ​[2]

Change the Drive and

​ Folder to target location ​[3] ​Press ​CTR ​& ​V ​Keys together ​Note:
In Cut-Paste, the folder will be removed from the original location and will be copied in
the new location.

If we wish to select all the files with in a folder in one go, we can simply go in that folder
and select them by pressing ​CTR ​& ​A ​together as shown in the following picture – all
the files in the folder are selected. After selecting the files, we can Copy or Cut these
files with the help of ​CTR ​& ​C ​or ​CTR ​& ​X​.

Figure 1.25: Selecting all files in a folder
NVEQ Level 1 ​ITCC 101

We can select some of the files, which are one next to each other in a particular folder
with the help of ​Shift ​and direction keys (Left, Right, Up and Down Keys) as shown in
the following picture – the first four files in a sequence are selected.
Figure 1.26: Selecting files in sequence

We can also select some of the files, which are not in a sequence by holding ​CTR ​key
and using Left button of Mouse one by one as shown in the following picture – three
files selected, which are not in sequence.

Figure 1.27: Selecting file (not in sequence)

• Files help us to store information in it
• Folders help us to organize files properly
• We can rename files/folders
• We can Copy file/folders from one storage location by using CTR+C Keys
• We can Cut file/folders from one storage location by using CTR+X Keys together
• We can Paste file/folders to any location by using CTR+C Keys together
• We can select all files in a folder by using Ctr+A Keys together
• We can select files in a sequence with the help of combination of
Shift+Direction Keys together
• We can select some files (which are not in sequence in folder), by pressing Ctr
and pressing Left mouse button one by one
• Meaningful names of files/folders help us to find the information quickly from
storage devices.

NVEQ Level 1 ​ITCC 101

Self Assessment ​S.No. I am able to... Yes No

1 Identify text and picture files in folder.

2 distinguish between files and folders.

3 Copy, Cut and Paste files and folders.

_________________________________________​Now I can answer ...

1. What is a computer file? 2. Write names of two types of files, which you can make
yourself on computer. 3. Which two keys help you copy a file/folder? 4. What combination
of keys help you to select all the files in a folder? 5. There are alternative methods to
rename a particular file or folder – State True/False. 6. Which combination of keys help you
to paste a file on the current location?
NVEQ Level 1 ​ITCC 101

Element 4: Establishing Internet connectivity and Internet


To start with Internet, you should first know, whether you have the Internet account
provided by any of the Internet Service Provider or not. VSNL, BSNL, Airtel and
Reliance are some major services providers in India, who help you to get connected on
World Wide Web.

Type of Internet connections: ​Cable operator’s Internet connection, Broadband

connection, Leased Line.
The home users normally take internet connection from Cable operators or they
subscribe broadband connections from major internet service providers. The speed of
such connections varies from 256 kbps to 2 mbps. Such connections are shared with
many users at the same time and so its speed varies depending on various users’
internet activity at that point of time.

The corporate users prefer subscribing a leased line internet connection for faster,
effective and reliable connectivity. The speed of such connections varies from 1 mbps to
100 mbps. These connections are provided with the help of dedicated connectivity with
service provider’s internet server.

Internet Browser ​– It is the software, which helps you to access web pages from
various websites. There are various Internet browsers available such as Google
Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Opera and Internet Explorer. Internet Explorer comes
by default alongwith Microsoft Windows operating system and other browsers can be
downloaded freely from their relevant websites.

Searching for information with the help of browser – there are a number of search
engines such as,, etc. Any of these search engines
can be loaded on the browser to search for specific information from world wide web.

Basic tips to search or information using search engines: Search is simple: just type
whatever comes to mind in the search box, hit Enter or click the [Search] button, and
the search engines such as Google will search the web for content that's relevant to
your search. Most of the time, you will be able to find exactly what you are looking for
just by typing the words in search box.

However, the following tips can help you make the most of your searches.
1. If you type the words [India and America] will give different results than when
you type only [India] or only [America]

NVEQ Level 1 ​ITCC 101

2. Every word, what you type as ‘search word’ matters. Generally, all the words
you put in the query are used by the search engines. 3. Search is always case
insensitive. A search for [Delhi CAPITAL of India] is the
same as a search for [delhi capital of india ]. 4. Generally, punctuation symbols are
ignored, such as @#$%^&*()=+[]\. 5. To make sure that your search engine returns
the most relevant results, there
are some exceptions to the rules above, which are as follows. ​Specific tips for
better searches ​Keep the searching text (word or words) simple. If you are
looking for a particular school, just enter its name, or as much of its name as you
can recall. If you're looking for a particular product, place, or concept - start with its
name. Think how the page you are looking for will be written. Remember, a search
engine a computer program, and it is not a human. It is a program that matches
the words you give to pages on the world wide web. Use the words that are most
likely to appear on the web page. For example, instead of saying [pain in my
head], you should say [headache ], because that's the term a medical page will
use. The query [which five countries produce maximum coconuts in the world] is
very clear to us, but the document that gives the answer may not have those
words. Instead, use the query [Top 5 coconut producing countries], because that is
probably what the right page will say.
NVEQ Level 1 ​ITCC 101
NVEQ Level 1 ​ITCC 101

Figure 1.28: Search


• VSNL, BSNL, Airtel and Reliance are some of the Internet Service providers in
• Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera and Internet Explorer are some of the
commonly used internet browsers
• Various search engines help us to obtain/search various information from world
wide web
• In search engines, search words are case insensitive.
• In search engines, we should use simple words

Self Assessment ​S.No. I am able to... Yes No

1 Know about type of internet connections.

2 distinguish between leased line and broadband connections.

3 Search for information using search engines.

_________________________________________​Now I can answer ...

1. Name any three internet service providers in India? 2. Name any three internet browsers?
3. Name any two internet search engines? 4. Which of two sets of words should be typed in
search engines to get more appropriate
(a) [What is the capital of India?] OR [Capital of India] (b)
[Fastest Train] OR [Which train has the highest speed?]
NVEQ Level 1 ​ITCC 101

Element 5: Email and Related


Email is the best way to communicate with anyone anywhere with the help of Internet
connection. There are a number of free email service providers, you can create an
email account and can start sending, receiving and forwarding messages in the form of
Email. Gmail (, Yahoo Mail (, Rediffmail ( and
Hotmail ( are few examples of free email account providers. The email
addresses contain the username@serviceproders website address. If is the
service provider and you created an account using name kamransiddu, the email
address will become “[email protected]”. Remember, the email address cannot
contain a space in it. It means and address “gagan [email protected]” will not be a
valid email address.

To send or receive email, you need to first create an email account by providing some
of your personal information, login name and password. Sample sets of steps are as
follows in Figure 1.29a to Figure 1.29d

Step 1: ​Click Create an account

Figure 1.29a
Click here to create a
New Gmail Account
NVEQ Level 1 ​ITCC 101

Step 2: ​Enter First Name, Last Name and Desired Login Name (Click Check availability
to see if the desired login name is available or not), Password (at least with 8 characters
preferably a combination of alphabets, digits and some special characters such as * & #
$ to make it a strong password – at the same time make sure that it memorable)

Step 3: ​Enter a security question & answer alongwith a recovery mail (you may write
your parent’s email address as your recovery mail) – all this information will help you to
regain access to your email in case you forget your password. Alongwith this, you need
to provide your location, date of birth and word verification (you need to type exactly the
same characters, which you see on screen.
NVEQ Level 1 ​ITCC 101
Figure 1.29c

Step 4: ​Finally, you need to read and accept the terms and conditions to create the

Click here to
create the

Figure 1.29d

Step 5: ​If all the information and password is correctly entered, your account will get
created, else you need to go through the process of Step 1 to Step 4 once again.
NVEQ Level 1 ​ITCC 101
Once the account is created, you can login (Sign in) to your account any time later.
To Sign in your account, you just type in the address of your email service provider such
as ​ ​in the address bar of your browser. Type in the your Username &
Password and Sign in to your account. A sample Sign in screen is shown in Figure 1.30
for your reference.
Figure 1.30: Email Login Screen
After signing into your account, you will see the email account desktop as shown in the
1. Type in your Email Address here ​
Figure 1.31 ​ 2. Type in your Password here
3. Click Sign In
NVEQ Level 1 ​ITCC 101
Contains all the received

Contains all the mails, which are sent by


Contains all the mails, which you typed and want to send later

Figure 1.31: Email Account


On the email account desktop, you can see some of the options as shown in Figure
1.31. You can observe some of the basic options as: ​Inbox ​– it is link to a folder that
contains all the emails received by you. ​Sent Mail ​– it is link to a folder that keeps all
the mails sent by you from your email account. ​Compose mail ​– it is a link, which
opens the option for you to type in the Receiver’s Email/Target Email address(es),
Subject of the Email, content of the email and gives you the option to send this mail to
all the people whose address(es) is/are mentioned. In compose mail, Target Email
address(es) can be typed in ​To​( or/and ​cc ​or/and ​bcc​) option. Here, ​cc ​means carbon
copy, if you want to add more addresses of receivers, who are supposed to receive this
email. In this case, all the receivers will be able to see all the email addresses to which
this email is sent, whereas ​bcc ​means blind carbon copy, here also you can write the
more email addresses of receivers, but these email addresses will not be visible in the
receivers’ emails. If you enter more than
NVEQ Level 1 ​ITCC 101
one addresses in any one of these options, you can separate address(es) with the help
of comma (,). Examples: To ​[email protected] ​Cc ​[email protected],
[email protected] ​Bcc ​[email protected]
Figure 1.32 Composing an Email
In most of the modern Email Services, a formatting toolbar is also available to set the text in
Bold, Italics, Underlined etc. Figure 1.33 illustrates the Format Toolbar available in Gmail.
1. Click Compose mail
5. Click Send to finally send the email
Figure 1.33 Formatting Toolbar in Gmail
3. Type in the
2. Type in the email address ​
Subject of email
4. Type in the content of the email
Writing one address in any one of these options is must
NVEQ Level 1 ​ITCC 101

You can see the Figure 1.34, which illustrates email content in Hindi.
Click here to start or stop
phonetic Hindi In this mail,
we have actually typed
“Priy mitra jeevan, main
yahan kushal mangal hun
| ...” which automatically
got converted into hindi.

Figure 1.34: Composing an Email in


Practice time

Write an email to your computer teacher sharing with him your result of an Inter- School

Alternate Internet Related Services Chat – ​It is the simplest way to informal way to
communicate or exchange message online in real time with another person over the

Video Conferencing – ​It is another way to communicate with one or more number of
people over the internet with the help of video camera, screen, mic and speaker,
NVEQ Level 1 ​ITCC 101

which allow people to see and talk to each other in real time. It requires faster internet

IP Telephony - ​It is an alternative way to have telephonic conversation using internet. It

allows people to have audio communication between people who are miles away from
each other. It is a cost effective solution as compared normal ISD or STD calls.

• Email is one of the ways to communicate digitally with the help of Internet.
• Every email id is unique on the world wide web i.e., no two people can have the
same email id.
• Email id will always contain @ symbol
• You can type in different languages in while composing a message in Gmail.
• Inbox contains the mail received in the individual email id
• Chat is instant text message exchange between people over the internet
• Video Conferencing allows video and audio communication over the internet
• IP Telephony helps in cost effective audio communication

Self Assessment ​S.No. I am able to... Yes No

1 Create an email account.

2 Send an email to my friend.

3 Distinguish between chat and video conferencing.

_________________________________________​Now I can answer ...

1. Name two free email service providers? 2. What is the difference

between INBOX and SENTMAIL BOX? 3. Write one advantage of chat
over email? 4. Write one advantage and one disadvantage of Video
Conferencing? 5. Identify invalid email ids from the following:
(a) Free from stress (b)
[email protected] (c)

NVEQ Level 1 ​ITCC 101

You can rise upto... ​Explore contributions of "John Von Neumann"

& "Charles Babbage"

Assessment ​Multiple
Choice Questions
1. Computer system has a unit, which displays the results from it.
A. Central Processing
Unit B. Memory Unit C.
Input Unit D. Output unit

2. A computer system can accept textual input with the help of

A. Mouse B. Video
Camera C.
Keyboard D.
Barcode Reader

3. We can enter the audio form of data into a computer system with the help of
A. Mike B.
Scanner C.
Keyboard D.
Barcode Reader

4. One of the Internet Service provider in India

Microsoft D.

5. Files can be organized in

A. Printer B.
C. Folder D.

6. Which of the following is not an Internet Browser?

A. Google Chrome
B. Internet Explorer
C. Mozilla Firefox
D. Notepad

NVEQ Level 1 ​ITCC 101

7. Which of the following can be used for Audio-Video communication?

A. Video
Conferencing B. Chat
C. Email D. IP

8. Which of the following is not an Internet Browser?

A. Google Chrome
B. Internet Explorer
C. Mozilla Firefox
D. Notepad

9. Identify a valid email id out of the following.

A. [email protected]
C. james@martin@in D.
james [email protected]

10. Which of the following combination of keys are used for copying a particular
file in a folder? A.

Fill in the blanks

1. Computer system has a unit, which displays _____________ 2. A computer
system can accept textual input with the help of ____________ 3. _________ can
help us enter the audio form of data into a computer system. 4. _____________ has
all the emails, which were received on an email id. 5. _____________ helps in
searching for information from the internet. 6. In an email id ________ symbol is
must. 7. Printer is an ______________ device. 8. ___________________ is the
combination of keys, which selects the entire
content with in a folder. 9. We should use __________________ names for
files/folders. 10. __________________________ ​provides dedicated connectivity with
internet service
provider’s server.


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