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SSC and Job Role wise Laboratory Area Specifications

Do you allow Is there any Minimum

Mandatory Is requirement in
Additional column G Can the lab for this
Minimum Lab Hybrid Training mandatory Carpet Area of Job
Job Role NSQF arrangement Area required additional Role be treated as IT
SSC QPCode Level size( in Square If Yes, TC would be Remarks
Name (Lab + (apart from Lab or Training Area in Lab (IT lab implies the
Feet for batch
lab for Live or Soft
of rejected in case of
Classroom) Classroom ) sq ft (Refer to Skills)
30 students ) non-compliance
Yes/ No If Yes, Give details column G)
(Column G)

IT-ITeS SSC/Q2212 Data Entry 4 300 Yes NA NA NA

SC and Job Role wise Trainers Profiles

Minimum Out of Total
TOTAL Experience
(In Experience,
Job Role Educational Out of Total Experience, Remarks from
Years) required for
SSC name QP Code the Sector Specific
Teaching Experience (in
Name Qualification of years) SSC
the Trainer Trainer Experience (in

2 years of
Domestic work/training
IT-ITES SSC/Q2212 Data entry 10th 2 2 2 experience
Operator with respect to

Equipment Details
Is this a
Minimum number
mandatory Dimension/Specification/D
of Equipment
NSQF Equipment to escription of the
SSC QPCode Job Role Name Level Equipment Name required (per Unit Type be available at Equipment/ ANY OTHER
batch of 30 the Training REMARK
Center (Yes/No)

Comfortable seats
with adequate
lighting, controlled
Domestic Data
IT-ITES SSC/Q2212 4 temperature and 30 Yes
entry Operator
acoustics for
training and

Domestic Data White Board,

IT-ITES SSC/Q2212 4 1 Yes
entry Operator Markers and Eraser
Domestic Data Projector with
IT-ITES SSC/Q2212 4 1 Yes
entry Operator screen
Domestic Data Flip chart with
IT-ITES SSC/Q2212 4 1 Yes
entry Operator markers

Faculty’s PC/Laptop
Domestic Data with latest
IT-ITES SSC/Q2212 4 1 Yes
entry Operator configuration and
internet connection

software /
Domestic Data
IT-ITES SSC/Q2212 4 applications for 30 Yes
entry Operator
projecting audio,
video, recording,

Presentation Tools
to support learning
activities: Intranet,
Email, Ims, Learning
Domestic Data management
IT-ITES SSC/Q2212 4 30 Yes
entry Operator system e.g.
Blackboard to
enable blended

Microphone / voice
Domestic Data
IT-ITES SSC/Q2212 4 system for lecture 30 Yes
entry Operator
and class activities

Domestic Data
IT-ITES SSC/Q2212 4 Handy Camera 1 Yes
entry Operator
Stationery kit –
Domestic Data Staples, Glue, Chart
IT-ITES SSC/Q2212 4 Paper, Sketch Pens, 30 Yes
entry Operator
Paint Box, Scale, A4

For IT Lab sessions:

Computer Lab with
1:1 PC : trainee
ratio and having
Domestic Data
IT-ITES SSC/Q2212 4 internet 30 Yes
entry Operator
connection, MS
Office / Open
office, Browser,
chat tools

Assessment and
Domestic Data Test Tools for day
IT-ITES SSC/Q2212 4 30 Yes
entry Operator to day online Tests
and Assessments

For team
Adequate seating
arrangement in full
Domestic Data
IT-ITES SSC/Q2212 4 / half circle format 30 Yes
entry Operator
for one or more
teams as per
planned team

Reading Resources:
Access to relevant
sample documents
Domestic Data and learning
IT-ITES SSC/Q2212 4 30 Yes
entry Operator forums to enable
self-study before
and after each
training session.

Final Job Role Wise OTJ Hours

Additional Duration:
Digital Literacy - Not to be
Training Classification -
Additional counted in total hours -
Job Duration Common A: Regular
NSQF Duration: trainee will undergo this
SSC Role/QP Theory Practical (excluding Norms Classroom &
Level Entrepreneurship on his/her own via online
Name Digital Category lab
and Softskills - available in English and
Literacy) C: High Capex
Regional Languages at
IT/ITes Domestic 4 100 300 40 20 440 II A

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