Ee Module 4 April 2012

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EE – Refresher #9


INSTRUCTION: select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each item
by shading the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURE


1. Two identical coupled coils have an equivalent inductance of 40 mH when connected in series aiding and
17.5 mH in series opposing. What is the value of the mutual inductance?
A. 0.5625 mH B. 562.5 mH C. 5.625 mH D. 56.25 mH
2. The voltage across a 15 H inductor is given by v = 28.5 + 6t ½v. Find the current in the inductor at 2.5 seconds
if the initial current is 15 amperes.
A. 16.5 A B. 20.2 A C. 21.7 A D. 18.4 A
3. A single phase, 20 km line has a total inductance of 35 mh. The distance between the two conductors is 59
inches. Find the GMR of the conductor.
A. 1.75 cm B. 1.89 cm C. 1.65 cm D. 1.99 cm
4. A room air condition is to be attached to an individual branch circuit. If the load is 12 A, what is the minimum
size of branch circuit required?
A. 13.8 A B. 15 A C. 12 A D. 9.6 A
5. The material which is not a semiconductor is
A. selenium B. gallum-arsenide C. carborundium D. silica
6. Evaluate the expression a – 1 in rectangular form.
A. 1.5 + j0.866 B. -1.5 – j0.866 C. 1.5 –j0.866 D. -1.5 + j0.866
7. A parallel RLC circuit has the following properties: R = 6 Ω, bandwith = 1,000 rad/sec, Q = 120. Determine the
resonant frequency.
A. 130,000 rad/sec B. 110,000 rad/sec C. 120,000 rad/sec D. 140,000 rad/sec
8. A transformer has a primary winding of 2,000 turns and of 2,400 v and current of 8.66 – j5 A with an
impedance Z2 connected across the secondary winding. If the secondary winding has 500 turns, what is the
value of the secondary current?
A. 20 – j34.64 A B. 34.64 – j20 A C. 34.64 + j20 A D. 20 + j34.64 A
9. A device which connects conductor to the earth to discharge the charge on the conductor on the earth is
A. grounding electrode B. isolator C. earthing switch D. surge arrester
10. A parallel RLC circuit contains a resistor R = 1 ohm and an inductor L = 2 H. Find the value of the capacitor so
that the circuit is critically damped.
A. 1.0 F B. 1.5 F C. 2.0 F D. 0.50 F
11. An instrument having a voltage coil and current coil would be a
A. Wheatstone bridge B. voltmeter C. wattmeter D. ammeter
12. A three-phase wye connected wound rotor synchronous generator rated at 20 kVA, 240 v has a synchronous
reactance of 1.5 ohms/phase and an armature resistance of 0.6 ohm/phase. What is the percent voltage
regulation at full load with 80% lagging p.f.?
A. 38 B. 34 C. 47 D. 51
13. Two coils in a network are positioned such that there is 100% coupling between them. If the inductance of
one coil is 12 mh and the mutual inductance is 6 mh, find the inductance of the other coil.
A. 3.6 mh B. 3 mh C. 4 mh D. 4.5 mh
14. The function of saturable reactor is to provide variable inductance which can be increased by _______.
A. saturating the core C. increasing the current in the dc winding
B. decreasing ac winding D. decreasing the current in the dc winding
15. A 240 v shunt motor delivers 50 HP at the shaft of 1,200 rpm. The motor has an efficiency of 85% at this
load. The torque loss due to friction and windage is 9% of the shaft torque. What is the motor developed
torque in N – m?
A. 296.8 B. 314.6 C. 307.4 D. 323.5
16. A three-phase wye-connected 50 HZ 2-pole synchronous machine has a stator with 2,000 turns of wire per
phase. What rotor flux would be required to produce a terminal (line to line) voltage of 5 kv?
A. 6.5mWb B. 7.5 mWb C. 8.5 mWb D. 9.5 mWb
17. A coil of inductance 0.1 H and resistance of 4 ohms is connected in series with a condenser of 70.4
microfarad capacitance across a 60 HZ, 240 v line. How much current will flow on the circuit?
A. 55 A B. 60 A C. 57.5 A D. 52.5 A

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EE – Refresher #9

18. When extra stop buttons are added to an existing starter control circuit, they must be _________.
A. parallel to the start button C. parallel to the overload
B. series with the motor D. series with the contactor coil
19. Two capacitors C1 = 50 µF and C2 = 30 µF are connected in series. Find the equivalent capacitance in
A. 187.5 B. 18.75 C. 1.875 D. 1875
20. When the coil of a magnetically coupled pair has a current of 5 A, the resulting fluxes 011 and 012 are 0.40
mWb and 0.8 mWb, respectively. What is the self inductance of L 1, if the number of turns N 1 and N2 are 500
and 1,500 respectively?
A. 80 mh B. 60 mh C. 40 mh D. 120 mh
21. A freshly paint layer may be dried electronically be __________ heating.
A. emissive B. dielectric C. induction D. convection
22. The voltage v(t) across an inductor and current i(t) in that inductor adhere to the passive convention.
Determine the voltage v(t) when the inductance is L = 250 mH and the current is i(t) = 120 sin (500t – 30 o)
A. 25 sin (500t + 60o)v B. 10 sin (500t + 60o)v C. 15 sin (500t + 60o)v D. 20sin (500t + 60o)v
23. Given the following phase current:
Ia = 5 pu with 45 deg angle Ib = 3 pu with -90 deg angle Ic = 3 pu with 150 deg angle
Determine the positive symmetrical current for phase A.
A. 3.635 pu with 276.8 deg angle C. 3.635 pu with 36.8 deg angle
B. 3.635 pu with 156.8 deg angle D. 0.748 pu with 65.3 deg angle
24. A 7.5 KVA, 1ф, 240 v, 60 HZ alternator has an effective armature resistance of 0.20 ohm and an armature
leakage reactance of 0.80 ohm. What is the induced emf when the machine is delivering rated current at a
load of unity p.f.?
A. 245.5 B. 247.5 C. 251.5 D. 249.5
25. What is the equivalent of the expression 1 – a 2 + a in rectangular form?
A. j1.732 B. 1 – j1.732 C. 0 D. 1 + j1.732
26. An infinitely long straight conductor located in air is carrying a current of 100 A. Determine the flux density at
point 0.08 m away from the conductor.
A. 0.50 x 10-3 T B. 0.25 x 10-3 T C. 0.40 x 10-3 T D. 0.33 x 10-3 T
27. Branch circuit larger than _________ amperes shall only supply nonlighting outlet load.
A. 20 B. 50 C. 30 D. 15
28. A series RLC circuit contains a resistor R of 2 ohms and a capacitor C of ½ farad. Determine the value of the
inductor so that the circuit is critically damped.
A. 2 H B. ½ H C. 1 H D. 3/2 H
29. An industrial load consumes 120 kW at 0.707 p.f. lagging and is connected to a 480 + j0 v rms, 60 HZ line.
Determine the value of the capacitor in microfarads that when connected in parallel with the load will raise
the p.f. in minimum requirement by the Philippine Electrical Code.
A. 929 B. 526 C. 397 D. 713
30. A three-phase system has line to line voltage V ab = 1,500 v rms with 30 deg angle with a wye load. Determine
the phase voltage.
A. -433 + j750 v rms B. 750 + j433 v rms C. j866 v rms D. 866 v rms
31. The calculation of the reliability standard indices of the grid owners as set by Philippine Grid Code shall
include outages that occur
A. due to generation deficit C. on the secondary line system
B. on the transmission line D. on the primary lines of the distribution line
32. An audio frequency transformer is used to couple a 100 ohm resistance to a 5 v source having a source
resistance of 2,000 ohms. Find the turn ratio of the transformer for maximum power transfer.
A. 20 B. 0.05 C. 4.47 D. 0.22
33. A piece of wire 1 foot long with a cross sectional area of 10 -5 square inch has a resistance of 0.75 ohm. What
is the resistance of 200 ft of wire of the same material with a cross sectional area of 3 x 10 -5 square inch?
A. 100 ohms B. 200 ohms C. 150 ohms D. 50 ohms
34. What size of branch circuit is required for a window air conditioner with a nameplate rating of 8 A if the
circuit also supplies other outlets?
A. 15 A B. 10 A C. 20 A D. 12 A
35. A three-phase, Y/∆ connected 50 MVA 345/34.5 kV transformer is protected by differential protection. The
current transformer on the low-side of the transformer for differential protection is 900 : 5. What is the
current on the secondary side of the CT?
A. 4.25 A B. 4.65 A C. 3.65 A D. 5.65 A

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EE – Refresher #9

36. The branch circuit conductor supplying data processing equipment must have an ampacity based on the
connected load of _________.
A. 150 B. 100 C. 130 D. 125
37. A balanced three-phase three-wire system has a delta connected load with a 50 ohm resistor, a 50
microfarad capacitor and a 0.56 H inductor in series in each phase. If V an = 390 v rms with 30 deg angle and ω
= 500 rad/sec, fin the line current to phase c.
A. 8.308 – j3.462 A B. -8.308 + j3.462 A C. -7.152 – j5.464A D. -1.156 – j8.925 A
38. Two resistors when connected in series has a total resistance of 40 Ω and when connected in parallel has a
total resistance of 7.5 Ω. Find the value of each resistor.
A. 24 Ω, 16 Ω B. 20 Ω, 20 Ω C. 12 Ω, 28 Ω D. 30 Ω, 10 Ω
39. What is the capacitance per kilometer per phase of the single-circuit, two-bundle conductor line with
horizontal configuration. The distance between the bundled conductors is 30 cm and the diameter of each
conductor is 5 cm. the distance between the centers of the bundle is 5 m.
A. 0.0132 µF/km B. 0.0126 µF/km C. 0.0143 µF/km D. 0.0116 µF/km
40. The per unit impedance of a short transmission line is j0.06. The per unit load on the line is 1 + j0.6 p.u. at a
receiving-end voltage of 1 + j0 p.u. Determine the average reactive power flow over the line.
A. -1.12 pu B. -0.56 pu C. 1.12 pu D. 0.56 pu
41. A cube 2 m on the side is located in the first octant in a Cartesian coordinate system with one of its corner at
the origin. What is the total charge contained in the cube if the charge density is given by P = (xy 2)e-2Z mc/m3?
A. 2.48 mc B. 2.62 mc C. 2.26 mc D. 2.54 mc
42. A 3-phase power system consists of an ideal 230 v wye-connected generator which is connected through a
three-phase transmission line to a wye-connected load. If the impedance of the line and load are 0.06 + j0.12
and 12 + j9 Ω per phase, respectively, what is the magnitude of the load phase voltage?
A. 228 v B. 125 v C. 132 v D. 236 v
43. The power source feed a 100 kVA 14/2.4 kV single-phase transformer though a feeder impedance of 38 +
j140 ohms. The transformer equivalent series impedance referred to its low voltage side is 0.10 + j0.50 ohm.
The load in the transformer is 90 kW at 80% p.f. lagging and 2.3 kV. What is the voltage at the source?
A. 14 kV B. 14.2 kV C. 14.4 kV D. 14.6 kV
44. One conductor of a three-phase line is open. The current flowing to the ∆-connected load through line a is
20 A. with the current in line a as reference and assuming that line c is open, what is the positive sequence
current of phase a?
A. 10 + j5.78 C. j11.55
B. 10 – j5.78 D. -10 + j5.78
45. A 10-kVA, 2,300/230-volt, 1ф transformer has 10% reactance. The equivalent reactance referred to the
primary is
A. 52.87 Ω B. 5.287 Ω C. 8.752 Ω D. 2.875 Ω
46. A 20-hp, 110 v dc shunt motor has an efficiency of 88% and an exciting current of 4 amperes and an
armature resistance of 0.04 ohm. What starting resistance is required for full load torque?
A. 6.9 Ω B. 9.6 Ω C. 0.69 Ω D. 0.96 Ω
47. In an electric system the available short-circuit MVA is 750 MVA. What is the Thevenin’s equivalent reactance
at 34.5 kV?
A. 0.046 Ω B. 1.587 Ω C. 2.561 Ω D. 21.74 Ω
48. The metering of a power customer was read and gave the following data:
kW-Hr------------------------------ 200,000
KVar-Hr---------------------------- 180,000
Maximum Demand --------------380 kW
Billing days ------------------------ 30
What is the load factor?
A. 62% B. 68% C. 73% D. 80%
49. A floodlight emitting 25,000 candelas in the center of its beam is aimed at 60 degrees to a point on the
ground 20 meters away. The illumination of the point in lux is ______.
A. 54.12 B. 62.5 C. 31.25 D. 36.25
50. An 11,500/2,300 volts, 50 kVA two winding transformer is to be connected as an autotransformer having an
input voltage of 13,800 volts and an output voltage of 11,500 volts. Calculate the output kVA.
A. 50 B. 100 C . 300 D. 200

*** END ***


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