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2F, Juniper Bldg., Baguio City

“The Most Trusted EE Review Center in the North”


Saturday August 9, 2014 8:00 – 12:00 nn
I N S T R U C T I O N : Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each item by shading
the box corresponding to the letter of your choice in the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES
ALLOWED. Use pencil No. 2 only.


1. Determine the number of molecules of 20 grams of C9H8O4.

A. 7.56 x 1022 molecules C. 6.69 x 1022 molecules*
B. 3.56 x 10 molecules D. 4.21 x 1022 molecules

2. Calculate the volume in liter occupied by 0.92 mol of H2 at STP.

A. 20.6 L* C. 30.2 L*
B. 22.4 L D. 18.7 L

3. Calculate the volume of NH3 solution which has 0.14 M, containing 10 grams of NH3.
A. 3.4 L C. 5.7 L
B. 4.2 L* D. 6.3 L

4. When a long spring is stretched by 2 cm, its potential energy is V. If the spring is
stretched by 10 cm, what would be its potential energy?
A. 25V* C. 35 V
B. 5V D. 10 V

5. A vehicle tire has a gauge pressure of 35 psi when the temperature is 20 degrees
Centigrade. After the vehicle ran at high speed, the tire temperature increased to 60
degrees Centigrade. What is the new gauge pressure assuming that the tire volume is
A. 30.42 psi* C. 42.51 psi
B. 37.23 psi D. 47.81 psi

6. How much work is performed in steadily dragging a sled 20 m horizontally when the force
of 80 N is applied by a rope making an angle of 30 degrees with the horizontal ground?
A. 1386 N* C. 1476 N
B. 1244 N D. 1663 N

7. A spring with normal length of 30 cm is attached to a block of 2 kg mass. If the spring

is stretched 15 cm, determine the initial acceleration of the block when released. Assume
a spring constant of 200 N/m.
A. 17 m/s2 C. 19 m/s2
B. 15 m/s2* D. 12 m/s2

8. What is the period of a vibrating object which has an acceleration of 8.0 m/s2 when its
displacement is 1.0 m?
A. 3.14 sec C. 4.17 sec
B. 1.87 sec D. 2.22 sec*

9. What retarding force is required to stop a 0.45 caliber bullet of mass 20 grams and speed
of 300 m/sec as it penetrates a wooden block to a depth of 2 inches?
A. 17.72 KN* C. 18.45 KN
B. 16.57 KN D. 19.73 KN

10. At her highest point, a girl on a swing is 7 feet above the ground and at her lowest
point, she is 3 feet above the ground. What is her maximum velocity?
A. 25 ft/s C. 23 ft/s
B. 16 ft/s* D. 32 ft/s

11. What is the moment of inertia of a cylinder of radius 5 m and mass of 5 kg?
A. 62.5 kg.m2* C. 47.8 kg.m2
B. 74.9 kg.m2 D. 55.1 kg.m2

12. Compute the acceleration of gravity in cm/s2 on the surface of the moon if the mass of
the moon is 1/81 of the earth’s mass and the radius of the moon is 1/4 the radius of the
earth. Given mass of earth = 6 x 1027 grams and radius of the earth = 6.38 x 108 cm.
A. 194 cm/s2* C. 187 cm/s2
B. 177 cm/s 2 D. 163 cm/s2

13. Electrons emitted from a hot filament are accelerated in an electric field which makes
their velocity equal to 5 x 109 cm/sec. Compute the wavelength of the electron.
A. 0.146 Angstrom* C. 0.178 Angstrom
B. 0.153 Angstrom D. 0.161 Angstrom

14. What is the acceleration due to gravity at a place where a simple pendulum with length
150.3 cm makes 100 cycles in a time of 246.7 seconds?
A. 9.81 m/s2 C. 9.75 m/s2*
B. 9.42 m/s2 D. 9.12 m/s2

15. A concave shaving mirror has focal length of 20 inches. How far should the mirror be
held from a man’s face to give an image of two fold magnification?
A. 30 in C. 10 in*
B. 15 in D. 20 in

16. What is the velocity of light in a medium of refractive index 1.6 if the velocity of
light in vacuum is ‘a’ m/s?
A. a/1.6 m/s* C. a/0.8 m/s
B. a/1.2 m/s D. a/1.8 m/s

17. What is the coefficient of sliding friction of a 5000 lbs truck when it skids with a
deceleration rate of 15 ft/sec2?
A. 0.523 C. 0.127
B. 0.466* D. 0.681

18. Two bodies A and B have mass ratio of 1:4 and their kinetic energies are in the ratio
of 4:1. Determine the ratio of linear momentum of A and B.
A. 1:1* C. 16:1
B. 1:16 D. 1:2

19. What is the angle of banking for a highway curve of radius 90 m designed to accommodate
cars travelling at 160 kph? The coefficient of friction between the tires and the road
is 0.60.
A. 42 deg C. 43 deg
B. 35 deg* D. 39 deg

20. A belt passes over a wheel of radius 25 cm. If a point on the belt has a speed of 5
m/s, how fast is the wheel turning?
A. 3.2 rps* C. 4.2 rps
B. 5.7 rps D. 2.4 rps

21. Which is a scalar quantity?

A. Force C. displacement
B. Energy* D. velocity

22. A fluid property which refers to the intermolecular attraction by which the separate
particles of the fluid are held together.
A. Cohesion* C. capillarity
B. Adhesion D. tension

23. When the velocity of an object is tripled, another quantity which is tripled at the
same time is the object’s:
A. Momentum* C. kinetic energy
B. Potential energy D. mass

24. A 20-kg piston rests on a sample of gas in a cylinder 10 cm in radius. The absolute
pressure on the gas is
A. 0.0064 bar C. 1.019 bars
B. 0.062 bar D. 1.075 bars*

25. The electric power industry is divided into how many sectors?
A. 3 C. 5
B. 4* D. 6

26. A substance existing the gaseous phase but relatively near its saturation temperature
is known as:
A. Gas C. Steam
B. Water D. Vapor*

27. How many atoms are there per unit cell for a face-centered cubic structure?
A. 1 C.3
B. 2 D.4*

28. Two masses 10.0 kg and 1.0 kg, respectively, are located 1.0 m apart. The
gravitational force that each mass exerts on the other is
A. 6.7 x 10^-9 N C. 6.7 x 10^-11 N
B. 6.7 x 10^-10 N* D. 6.7 x 10^ -12N

29. Funds supplied and used by owners of an enterprise in the expectation that a profit
will be earned.
A. Equity capital* C. save
B. Credit D. investment

30. Work is measured in the same units as

A. Force C. mass
B. Momentum D. energy*

31. The critical angle is the angle of incidence that produces an angle of refraction of
A. 0 deg C. 60 deg
B. 45 deg D. 90 deg*

32. A concrete test cylinder having length L = 12 in and diameter d = 6 in is subjected

to axial compressive forces P in a testing machine. If the maximum shear stress in the
concrete is not to exceed 2,000 psi, what is the safe value for the axial load P?
A. 452, 389 lb C. 904,778 lb
B. 113,100lb* D. 56, 550 lb

33. If an object is moving north, the direction of the frictional force is

A. North C. east
B. South* D. west

34. The overall energy program formulated and updated yearly by the DOE and submitted to
Congress pursuant to R.A. 7638.
A. Philippine Energy Plan (PEP)*
B. Power Development Program (PDP)
C. Preliminary Project Planning Data (PPPD)
D. Philippine Electrical Code (PEC)

35. Oxygen boils at – 183 deg C. This temperature is

A. -215 deg F C. -329 deg F
B. -297 deg F* D. -361 deg F

36. What is the distance between two consecutive points in phase on a wave called?
A. Frequency C. amplitude
B. Period D. wavelength*

37. Waves in a lake are 5.00 m in length and pass an anchored boat 1.25 s apart. The speed
of the wave is
A. 0.25 m/s C. 6.25 m/s
B. 4.00 m/s* D. 5.75 m/s

38. A square bar of aluminum 2 in on a side and 10 in long is loaded by axial tensile
forces at the ends. Experimentally, it is found that the strain in the direction of the
load is 0.001 in/in. Determine the volume of the bar when the load is acting. Consider
μ = 0.33
A. 40 cu. in C. 39.9864 cu. in
B. 40.0136 cu. in.* D. 39.9728

39. The temperature of an object is raised by 90 deg C. This is equivalent to an increase
in its Fahrenheit scale of
A. 194 C. 162*
B. 130 D. 50

40. Determine the largest allowable square cross section of a steel shaft of length 6 m if
the maximum shearing stress is not to exceed 120 MPa when the shaft is twisted through
one complete revolution. Use G = 77.2 GPa.
A. 2.20 mm* C. 3.55 mm
B. 1.20 mm D. 0.86 mm

41. In 1906 an original painting of Picasso has a market price of $ 600.00 and in 1995
its price has increased to $ 29,000,000.00. What is the rate of interest of the
A. 10.9% C. 9.9%
B. 12.9%* D. 11.9%

42. The Moody diagram is used in fluid mechanics to obtain

A. the drag coefficient C. the friction factor*
B. the Stroudal number D. the pressure coefficient

43. A surveyor’s steel tape 30 m long has a cross-section of 6 mm by 1 mm. Determine

the elongation when the entire tape is stretched and held taut by a force of 50 N. The
module of elasticity is 200 GPa.
A. 2.50 mm C. 1.75 mm
B. 0.75 mm D. 1.25 mm*

44. A height of 5 ft 8 in is equivalent to

A. 173 cm* C. 207 cm
B. 177 cm D. 223 cm

45. A wave has a frequency of 2.0 hz and a velocity of 3.0 m/s. The distance covered by
the wave in 5.0 s is
A. 30 m C. 7.5 m
B. 15 m* D. 6.0 m

46. A car that travels at 40 kph for 2.0 hours, at 50 kph for 1.0 hour, and at 20 kph
for 0.50 hour, has an average speed of
A. 31 kph C. 45 kph
B. 40 kph* D. 55 kph

47. The coils of D.C. motor starter are wound with wire of
A. copper C. kanthal
B. manganin* D. nichrome

48. How much external work is done by an ideal gas expanding from a volume of 3.0
liters to a volume of 30.0 liters against a constant pressure of 2.0 atm?
A. -10.5 kJ C. -5.5 kJ
B. +10.5 kJ D. +5.5 Kj

49. Gasoline has a specific gravity of 0.68. One liter of gasoline weighs
A. 0.68 N C. 6.7 N*
B. 1.4 N D. 8.6 N

50. The chemical shorthand for molybdenum is

A. Mo* C. Md
B. Mb D. Mn

51. Which two metals combine to give galvanized metal?

A. lead and tin C. tin and iron
B. zinc and iron* D. zinc and tin

52. A mass of oxygen occupies 0.0200 cu.m. at atmospheric pressure, 101 kPa, and 5.0
deg C. Determine its volume if its pressure in increased to 108 kPa while its
temperature is changed to 30 deg C.
A. 0.023 cu.m. C. 0.0204 cu.m.*
B. 0.23 cu.m. D. 0.204 cu.m.

53. At 10% per year interest rate, $ 500 now is equivalent to how much three years
A. $ 556.50 C. $ 665.50*
B. $ 628.50 D. $ 682.50

54. The pressure of a gas is directly proportional to the Kelvin temperature in
A. Boyle’s law C. Boyd’s law
B. Gay-Lussac’s law* D. Charle’s law

55. A projectile with a mass 0.01 kg has a muzzle velocity of 1,000 m/s when fired from
a rifle weighing 5 kg. The recoil velocity of the rifle is
A. 0.1 m/s C. 5 m/s
B. 2 m/s* D. 50 m/s

56. A spaceship orbits the Moon at a height of 20,000 m. Assuming it to be subject only
to the gravitational pull of the Moon, find the time it takes for one orbit. For the
Moon, mm = 7.34x10^22 kg and r = 1.738x10^6m.
A. 95 min C. 210 min
B. 85 min D. 110 min*

57. An iron plate 2 cm thick has a cross of 5,000 One face is at 150 deg C, and
the other is at 140 deg C. How much heat passes through the plate each second? For
iron, kT = 80 W/m-K.
A. 20 kJ/s* C. 27 kJ/s
B. 16 kJ/s D. 36 kJ/s

58. The only force acting on a 5.0-kg object has components Fx = 20 N and Fy = 30 N.
Find the magnitude of the acceleration of the object.
A. 4.0 m/s^2 C. 7.2 m/s^2*
B. 6.0 m/s^2 D. 10.5 m/s^2

59. If the pressure in a tank of oil ( = 0.80) is 400 kPa, what is the
equivalent head in meters of water.
A. 50.97 C. 59.70
B. 40.77* D. 47.70

60. A piston allows air to expand from 6 MPa to 200 kPa. The initial volume and
temperature are 500 cu.m. and 800 deg C. If the temperature is held constant, calculate
the heat transfer.
A. 10.20 kJ* C. 9.62 kJ
B. 12.60 kJ D. 8.46 kJ

61. A pipe 60 cm in length is connected at the end by a nozzle and the total energy
produce in the nozzle is 250 cm. Compute the velocity of the jet.
A. 90 m/s C. 60 m/s
B. 80 m/s D. 70 m/s*

62. A drill press is purchased for $10,000 and has an estimated life of twelve years. The
salvage value at the end of twelve years is estimated to be $1,300. Using general
straight-line depreciation, compute the book value the drill press at the end of eight
A. $ 1,300 C. $ 3, 475
B. $ 3,333 D. $ 4,200*

63. It is required to transmit 70 hp from a turbine by a solid circular shaft turning at

200 r/min. If the allowable shearing stress is 7000 lb/, determine the required
shaft diameter.
A. 3.13 in C. 1.12 in
B. 2.52 in* D. 2.12 in

64. What is the friction factor for fully developed flow in a circular pipe where
Reynolds number is 1000?
A. 0.08 C. 0.8
B. 0.064* D. 0.64

65. A manufacturing firm wishes to give each 80 employees a holiday bonus. How much is
needed to invest monthly for a year at 12% nominal interest rate compounded monthly,
so that each employee will receive a P2,000 bonus ?
A. P 12,615.80* C. P 12,611.80
B. P 12,516.80 D. P 12,510.80

66. A tank contains of oil sp. Gr. = 0.80, gasoline sp. Gr. = 0.90 and sea water sp. Gr.
=1.03. If the depths of the liquids are 0.5m, 0.8m and 1 m fo oil, gasoline and sea
water respectively. Find the pressure at a depth of 1.8 m.
A. 10.104 kPa C. 21.092 kPa
B. 16.04 kPa* D. 24.089 kPa

67. An asset was purchased for P100,000 and retires at the end of 15 years with a salvage
value of P4,000. The annual operating cost was P18,000. Determine the capatilized cost
of the asset based on an interest rate of 8%.
A. P 369,195.00* C. P 468,285.00
B. P 396,195.00 D. P 486,285.00

68. Car A has a mass of 1000kg and speed of 60km/h and car B has a mass of 2000 kg and a
speed of 30 km/h. The kinetic energy of car A is.
A. Half that ol car B C. Twice that of car B*
B. Equal to that of car B D. Four times of that car B

69. A temperature of 100 deg F is almost exactly

A. 38 deg C* C. 122 deg C
B. 56 deg C D. 212 deg C
70. Battery acid is the common name for
A. Formic acid C. nitric acid
B. Nitric acid D. sulfuric acid*

71. Which of the following engines is normally the least efficient?

A. Gasoline engine* C. Gas turbine
B. Diesel engine D. Carnot engine

72. Electrical symbol; represented by a broken line

A. Open wiring* C. Underground wiring
B. Circuit homerun D. Emergency wiring

73. Which of the following is not a unit of power?

A. Joule-second* C. newton-meter per second
B. Watt D. horsepower

74. RA 7920, Rule 2(d) defining?

A. CHED C. Board of EE*
B. Commission D. TESDA

75. Neglecting the change of gravity with elevation, estimate the speed of a satellite
must have to orbit the earth at an elevation of 100 km. Earth’s radius= 6,400 km.
A. 4,000 C. 8,000*
B. 6,000 D. 10,000

76. Which of the following sizes of fuse is NOT standard?

A. 80 A C. 152A
B. 45 A D. 75 A*

77. The maximum allowable shear stress in a 10-cm diameter shaft is 140 MPa, What maximum
torque, in N=m, can be applied?
A. 27,500* C. 19,300
B. 21,400 D. 17,100

78. What is the temperature rating of THHN insulation?

A. 60 deg C C. 85 deg C
B. 90 deg C* D. 75 deg C

79. Compute the maximum possible efficiency of a heat engine operating between
temperature limits of 100 deg C and 400 deg C.
A. 44.6 %* C. 75%
B. 46.8 % D. 98%

80. In a car which is accelerating, a plumb line hanging from the roof maintains a
constant angle 30 degrees with the vertical. What is the acceleration value?
A. 17.82 ft/sec^2 C. 55.43 ft/sec^2
B. 18.47 ft/sec^2 D. 54.32 ft/sec^2

81. The theoretical head, in m, required to push water through a 3-cm round orifice at
15 m/sec is closest to
A. 11.5 C. 13.4
B. 12.7 D. 1.5

82. A machine an initial cost of P50,000.00 and a salvage value of P10,000.00 after 10
years. What is the book value after 5 years using straight line depreciation?
A. P 35,000.00 C. P 15,000.00
B. P25,000.00 D. P 30,000.00

83. A 20-kg piston rests on a sample of gas in a cylinder 10 cm radius. The absolute
pressure on the gas is
A. 0.0064 bar C. 1.019 bar
B. 0.0620 bar D. 1.075 bar

84. An annuity of $ 5,600 is paid each year for 10 years. The payment is made at year-
end. If the interest rate is 10%, what is the present worth of the 10 payments?
A. $ 14, 526 C. $ 56,000
B. $89,247 D. $34,410

85. Calculate the volume at STP of 26.7 g of oxygen gas

A. 17.8 L C. 18.7 L
B. 87.1 L D. 78.1 L

86. A baseball bat strikes a ball with a force of 30 N. If the ball was in contact
with the bat for 1/10 of a second, what impulse did the ball receive?
A. 3 N-s C. 9 N-s
B. 6 N-s D. 12 N-s

87. The minimum size of conductors to be used for lighting purpose is

A. 1.5 sq. mm. C. 1.75 sq. mm.
B. 1.25 sq. mm. D. 2.0 sq. mm.

88. A force of 10 N is applied to one end of a 10 in diameter circular rod. Calculate

the stress.
A. 0.15 kPa C. 0.20 kPa
B. 0.10 kPa D. 0.05 kPa

89. Calculate the molality of a solution containing 0.500 mol of solute in 250 g of
A. 1.50 m C. 2.50 m
B. 2.00 m D. 3.00 m

90. The president of a growing engineering firm wishes to give each of 50 employees a
holiday bonus. How much is needed to invest monthly for a year 12 12% nominal rate
compounded monthly, so that each employee will receive P1,000 bonus?
A. P3,942.44 C. P 3,600.12
B. P3,271.22 D. 3,080.32

91. A hollow shaft has an inner diameter of 0.035 m and an outer diameter of 0.06 m .
Compute the torque if the shear stress in not to exceed 120 MPa.
A. 4,500 N-m C. 4,300 N-m
B. 4,100 N-m D. 4,150 N-m

92. What mass in grams of solute is needed to prepare 3.50 L of 0.400 M NaOH?
A. 54 C. 52
B. 56 D. 58

93. What load in lb, must be applied to a 1-in round steel bar 8 ft long (E = 30 x
10^6 psi) to stretch the bar 0.05 in?
A. 7,200 C. 8,600
B. 9,800 D. 12,250

94. A gas expands by 1.0 L at a constant pressure of 2.0 bars. During the expansion
500 J of heat is added, find the change in the internal energy of the gas.
A. 300 J C. 400 J
B. 200 J D. 100 J

95. A man expects to receive P20,000 in 10 years. If interest is computed at 6%

compounded quarterly, how much is it worth today?
A. P 11,025.25 C. P11,045.25
B. P 11,035.25 D. P 11,055.25

96. A sharp-edged orifice will be required to produce a discharge of 35 liters/ sec of

water under a head of 3 m. The required diameter is nearest to, when C=0.595.
A. 125 mm C. 75 mm
B. 100 mm D. 50 mm

97. LED display represents

A. Loop Emitter Decoder C. Ling Emission Diac
B. Light Emitting Diode D. Logic Electrostatic Diode

98. What Velocity in m/s did an airplane take off from a landing field that has run
of 500 m if its starts from rest, moves with constant acceleration and makes the run
in 30 sec?
A. 33.33 C. 56.67
B. 45.15 D. 66.67

99. A 600 N object is to be given an acceleration of 0.70 m/sq.sec. How large an

unbalanced force must act upon it?
A. 39 N C. 43 N
B. 93 N D. 34 N

100. A car has wheels of radius 30 cm. It starts from rest and accelerates uniformly to
a speed of 15 m/s in a time of 8.0 s. Find the number of rotations one wheel makes in
this time.
A. 36 C. 26
B. 32 D. 24

~~~E N D~~~



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