ABNORMAL Drill Week2

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VICTORIOUS TRAINING AND REVIEW CENTER 7. "Hooray, I am feeling well now!" Exclaims the patient to the psychologist.

g well now!" Exclaims the patient to the psychologist. The client was
2ND FLOOR, GARCIA BUILDING, CATARATA ST. SAYRE-HI-WAY, POBLACION finally feeling a lot better after weeks of slowly reducing the treatments given to her. On the time
VALENCIACITY, BUIKIDNON. that the client no longer show the disturbance or any sign of it ever returning, then she is said to
Mobile No. 09277174262 be in:
(Facebook Page: Victorious Training & Review Center) A. Complete remission
B. Partial remission
D. Prodromal phase
SESSION TWO 8. Which of the following is TRUE in terms of the different professionals involved in
1.Which of the following situations shows a psychological disorder? A. Physician focus primarily on psychotherapy while psychologist provide
I. Not being able to go outside the house because of a recent incident in the neighborhood. medication for patients
II. Feeling weak and shaky when peering over the top of a very high building. B. Psychometrician are able to give transcription for drugs under the supervision
III. An artist who smears him/herself in blood when performing on stage. of a psychologist
IV. Being extremely happy, hyperactive and energetic for a period of time. C. Psychologist are able to give a clinical diagnosis while psychometricians may help
A. I and II shows a psychological disorder them integrate a report
B. III and IV shows psychological disorder D. Physicians focus on giving assessments while psychologist focus on
C. All of the above alleviating psychosocial disturbances
D. None of the above 9. When creating a psychological report...
2. As a psychometrician, your task in a clinic may be to: A. It is important to triangulate data from different sources of psychological data
A. Create treatment plans for patients B. It is important to base your diagnosis on the result of a projective test only
B. Assist the psychologist in psychotherapeutic session C. It is important to disregard cultural variables involved in the assessment
C. Create psychological reports D. It is important to validate the integrity your report by consulting with a legal
D. Conduct lever C test on clients adviser
3. Which of the following statement is true 10. Which of the following is most likely to show your genetic contributions in terms of
A. The criteria of psychological dysfunction refers to suffering experience by psychopathology?
client A. Longitudinal studies
B. Atypical behavior should be observed in relation to cultural context B. Twin studies
C. All psychological disorders are require personal distress or impairment C. Cohort studies
D. The criteria of deviant refers to a breakdown in psychological functioning D. Experimental studies
4. "Will our client be okay"? Asked by the psychometrician to the psychologist. "Maybe", replies 11. Vina is a psychologist who deals with a variety of psychologically distributed clients. She
the psychologist. "I think he might be getting worst by the minute". This conversation tells you focuses on unresolved issues of the client such as unconscious aggressive impulses towards father
that their client has a: figures and intrapsychic conflict. She is probably using a:
A. Personality disorder A. Biological Perspective
B. Bad prognosis B. Attachment Theory Perspective
C. Moderate prevalence C. Psychodynamic Perspective
D. Neurological disorder D. Multi-path model of psychopathology
5. If you are told by your friend that a certain disorder has high prevalence, then that might mean: 12. Hubert is a person who thinks that everyone should view him positively. When he is with his
A. That a lot of people have that particular disorder in a certain population friends, he does his very best to please them and give them whatever they want because he feels
B. That a lot of people develop that disorder in a certain period as if doing so would allow him to receive praise and recognition. Sometimes, these behaviors
C. That a lot of people will become better after undergoing treatment become too extreme and unhealthy for him. His psychotherapist helps him by guiding him in his
D. That a lot of people will develop tolerance to a particular disorder thought processes and by teaching him that is ridiculous thoughts could be changed. You can infer
6. When you suddenly develop a crush on someone out of nowhere and for no apparent reason that the psychotherapist is probably using:
because the heart wants what it wants then your feeling has a/an: A. Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy
A. Chronic course B. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
B. Episodic course C. Gestalt Therapy
C. Insidious onset D. Assertiveness Training
D. Acute onset 13. "This is so bad! I failed my Abnormal Psychology exam! This is so disappointing", exclaims
the student who got perfect scores in her other tests. This reflects Beck's cognitive distortion of:
A. Magnification B. Publication Bias
B. Selective Abstraction C. Availability Heuristic
C. Overgeneralization D. Patient Uniformity Myth
D. Absolutist Thinking 21. Which of the following statement is TRUE?
14. A social-cognitive theorist may try to explain abnormal behavior by looking at: I. The emotion of fear involves the anticipation of future threat
A. Conditioned Responses to stimuli II. Avoidance behavior reduce feelings of fear and anxiety
B. Hindrances in the path towards self-actualization III. A subjective evaluation of excessiveness of fear and anxiety is
C. Modeled Behavior determined by psychometrician
D. The dynamics within the family setting IV. Panic attacks typically have to last for a day or two in order for it to be
15. "I will never love another again! This break-up will forever remind me that love isn't for me", considered dysfunctional
says the person who had experienced only one break-up. This shows a cognitive distortion of: A. Only II, III and IV is TRUE
A. Absolutist Thinking B. Only I and IV is TRUE
B. Overgeneralization C. Only II is TRUE
C. Fortune Telling D. Only I is TRUE
D. Catastophizing 22. A panic disorder is characterized by the following EXCEPT FOR?
16. A diathesis-stress model of psychopathology tells you that: A. Recurrent expected surges of intense fear and discomfort
A. Psychological disturbances stem from a genetic predisposition triggered by stress B. Feelings of losing control and going crazy
B. Learned maladaptive behavior are strengthened when stress occurs C. Worry of having another panic attack
C. Psychological disorders stem from intergenerational stressors experience within D. Avoidance of doing certain daily activities
the family 23. Anxiety is often associated with which of the following? A. High levels of dopamine
D. Early attachment issues with primary caregivers trigger stressors that develop disorder B. Low levels of GABA
17. Donn is a psychologist who utilizes psychoanalytic therapy in order to help his clients. He has C. High levels of serotonin
a client who has undergone therapy for quite some time now with regards to early childhood D. Low levels of endorphin
issues and represented emotions. As Donn progressed through the therapeutic relationship. He 24. Which of the following situations reflects a nocturnal panic attack?
noticed that his client seemed to be relate to him with the same anger, jealousy, frustration and A. A client waking up, is moving around the room, and suddenly experiencing
guilt as his client felt towards people he has had issues with in the past. If you were Donn, you abrupt surges of fear and physiological symptoms
would most likely: A. Continue the transference relationship and work with client's B. A client experiencing an abnormal overlap between REM sleep and wake state
issues C. A client waking up while screaming and experience wild and uninhibited
B. Terminate the relationship because transference is unproductive for therapy movements in the middle of the sleep
C. Refer the client to another psychology because the relationship has been D. A client who experiences wild and uninhibited movements in the middle of the sleep
contaminated 25. Which of the following clients would be most at risk for developing a panic attack in terms of
D. Respond to the client's emotions by projecting your issues towards the client temperament?
18. This is an approach in therapy where the therapy tries to combine several techniques from A. Having a parent who have a history of having anxiety disorders
different psychotherapist without necessarily following any theoretical position: B. Experiences childhood abuse
A. Assimilative Integration C. Having high negative affect
B. Technical Eclecticism D. Experiencing a recent loss in the family
C. Integrative Eclecticism 26. You have a friend who is extremely panicky whenever she leaves the house or when she rides
D. Holistic- Categorical Integration public transportation. She becomes extremely anxious when you mention anything to her about
19. If you were an existential psychologist, which of the following clients would you most likely leaving home; the thought of her ever riding a car makes her feel shaky and nervous. In order for
be effective with? A. A client who has repressed drive and urges and has become her to do activities outside her house, the best thing you can do as her friend is most likely to:
neurotic A. Accompany her so she is able to do her activities outside her home
B. A client who has irrational beliefs about his/her way of living B. Give her therapy in order to alleviate her feelings
C. A client who has learned maladaptive behaviors which re reinforced C. Change her immediately environment
D. A client who has lost a sense of purpose and meaning D. Slowly introduce her to the phobic stimulus
20. Billy is a researcher on certain treatment used for psychological disorders. After he conducted 27. In people with agoraphobia, certain situations are avoided because:
clinical trial on samples of patients, he immediately inferred that his treatment for a particular A. Separation from loved ones might happen
disorder was effective for all types of client regardless on individual effectiveness. This situation B. Of negative evaluation from people
showcases the: C. Escape might be impossible
A. Rosenthal Effect D. Of cues that might trigger the traumatic experiences
28. Which of the following statements is TRUE about Separation Anxiety Disorder? 34. When a psychological disorder develops, it causes may be called as its ____ while the factors
Children may show indifference or coldness towards someone forcing separation from an attached that allows it to happen may be called ___
figures. A. Residual Factor, Prodromal Factor
Children with separation anxiety disorder may develop academic difficulties and social isolation. B. Predisposing Factor, Precipitating Factor
Adult with this disorder tend to be overdependent and protective. C. Perpetuating Factors, Predisposing Factors
Seeing frightening creatures at night is common for children with this disorder. D. Precipitating Factor, predisposing factor
A. Only I is TRUE 35. This refers to experiences of hallucinations, delusions and loss of contact with reality:
B. Only II is TRUE A. Psychosis
C. II, III and IV is TRUE B. Hysteria
D. I and.IV is TRUE C. Withdrawal
29. You ask your classmate, "Hey why isn't Iggy talking to me?" Your classmate tells you that D. Neurosis
Iggy is a recent transferee from another country who only speaks to people he really likes. From
this situation, you can infer that Iggy has: 36. Eugene Bleuler originally thought of schizophrenia as a:
A. Social Anxiety Disorder A. A splitting of neurological components
B. Generalized Anxiety Disorder B. Breaking a associative threads
C. Selective Mutism C. Demantia Praecox
D. None of the Above D. Malady of the soul
30. You can say that a person has Generalized Anxiety Disorder if?
A. When the excessive worries may be put off in the presence of other pressing 37. Austin believes that he is a spirit who lives among people. He walks among the streets
matters thinking that nobody can see him or speak to him. He firmly believes that he has already
B. When the excessive worries are for a lot of things and have no clear transcended the world of the living and is currently in the spirit realm. Thus, when people talk to
precipitants him, deliberately ignores them. This situation reflects:
C. When the excessive worries are associated with a loss of a loved one A. Cotard's Syndrome
D. When excessive worries are about having another panic attack B. Capgras Delusion
31. When treating acute anxiety with medication, which of the following drugs is most used? C. Delusions of Reference
A. Opiates D. Clinical Lycanthropy
B. Anxiolytics
C. Antipsychotics 38. Fixed beliefs that do not change even with contrary evidence are what you call __ while
D. Mood stabilizers intrusive, unwanted thoughts are what you call __
32. When doing the cognitive behavioral approach of Panic Control Treatment one key factor that A. Obsession: Hallucinations
the psychologist does is to: B. Delusion: obsessions
A. Inducing Interoceptive exposure in attempt to create bodily sensation. C. Hallucinations: compulsions
B. Giving immediate and total exposure to environmental cues associated with D. Obsessions: illusions
their panic attacks.
C. By actively preventing the rituals perform by the client through gradual exposure of 39. Which of the following is considered bizarre?
harmless objects A. When one thinks that he/she is extremely wealthy
D. By inducing an introspective approach to experienced panic through song and B. When one thinks that someone is in love or obsessed with him/her
melody C. When one thinks that his/her own thoughts are removed from the body
33. Which of the following statements is TRUE about specific phobias? D. When one thinks that people are talking about or directly towards them.
I. Traumatic events are not necessarily experienced at all times when developing a 40. Which of the following statement is TRUE about hallucinations
specific phobia I. Visual hallucinations are most common among patient with schizophrenia
II. Phobias cannot be vicariously experienced; direct experience is II. Hallucination may be normal in early morning waking
necessarily III. Hallucination may be controlled voluntarily
III. Hapophobia is the fear related to physical contact and touch IV. Tactile hallucinations involve experiences of hearing voices
IV. A person may have multiple specific phobias A. Only III is TRUE
A. Only II is TRUE B. Only I, II and IV is TRUE
B. I, II and IV is TRUE C. Only I and III is TRUE
C. I and IV is TRUE D. Only II is TRUE
D. Only III is TRUE 41. In which of the following situations is a nihilistic delusion present?
A. Marty believes that his workmates put small pebbles in his computer system so 48. The following are TRUE for a diagnosis of schizophreniform disorder EXCEPT FOR?
that his machine gets frozen and his work left undone A. Impaired social and occupational functioning ia required for a diagnosis
B. Helga believes that she is communicating directly with a higher being and B. A diagnosis of schizophreniform provisional is given when the client has not yet
believes that she is being listened to from above recovered in the duration of the disorder
C. Clint believes that a big, powerful tidal wave will consume the city and will C. The duration of the illness should be at least a month up to 6 months
wipe out entire communities of people D. A diagnosis of schizophreniform is given when the client manifest two or more
D. Juliana believes that miniature heads are coming out of her shoulders symptoms of the disorder
42. Which of the following statements is TRUE? 49. When asked about how your client's symptoms have affected his daily living, he felt surprised
I. Hallucinations are negative symptoms because they talk about some because he was unaware of these symptoms and actually believed that he had no deliberating
deficiency illness at all. This client of yours may be experiencing:
II. A motivational view of delusions emphasizes organic cause of distortion A. Anosognosia
III. Refers to a loss in purposeful and goal-driven action B. Avolition
IV. Disorganized thinking is inferred by the clinician through speech C. Agnoxia
A. Only IV is TRUE D. Apraxia
B. Only I and II is TRUE 50. Criterion B of schizoaffective disorder is specified in order to:
C. II, III and IV is TRUE A. Differentiate the disorder from Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder
D. None of the Above B. Differentiate the disorder from Schizotypal Personality Disorder
43. "How are you today my friend?" Asked the clinician. "Today? What is today but a reflection C. Differentiate the disorder from mood disorders w/psychotic episodes
of yesterday. Too many people are your friend, eh doc. How am I? Its who I am you should be D. Differentiate the disorder from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
concerned with. I am I, You are you. I am feeling good today, I guess. "Replies the patient. This 51. Researchers have found that drugs used to increase dopamine levels in the brain cells are
situation reflects which of the following? called___________ and may contribute to the development of ____________
A. Tangentiality A. Antagonists: Bipolar Disorder
B. Word salad B. Agonists: Schizophrenia
C. Circumstantiality C. Antagonists: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
D. Perseveration D. Agonists: Stress Related Disorder
44. Which of the following responses to this question reflects echolalia the most? 52. When treating schizophrenic patients pharmacologically, these types of drugs usually given:
A. "The sky is blue, the sun is bright! Oh, what a lovely day!" A. Antipsychotics
B. "Which of the following responses to this question reflects echolalia the most" B. Anxiolytics
C. "Hey test taker-ker-ker-ker. I think you're looking for Letter C- Letter C- Letter C C. Antidepressants
D. "Thxs ankler iks oennnr" D. Antihistamines
45. Your client is showing very slow motor responses. Whenever you asked him, it seems as if he 53. Yodia has been ingesting a lot of crystal meth recently. Due to this, she has been able to
has become immobile and lacks an active relation to surroundings. This might indicate: complete multiple projects at a time with seemingly no reduction in energy levels. She feels more
A. Waxy flexibility alive than ever; often she has a burst of ideas and has been observed to talk excessively. She has
B. Catatonic Excitement become increasingly involved in risky activities as well. These symptoms have lasted for more
C. Mutism than a week now. Has Yodia met criteria for a Manic Episode?
D. Stupor A. Yes, she has because she manifested these symptoms for more than a week now
46. Your friend believes that he can fly and believe that he can touch the sky. He thinks about it B. No, she hasn’t because of the substance she is taking
every night and day, for a duration that lasted more than a month. Given these symptoms, your C. Yes, she has because the manic episode criteria can be met even with the presence of
friend may be possibly diagnosed with? drugs
A. Brief Psychotic Disorder D. No, she hasn’t because she hasn’t manifested the required number of symptoms
B. Delusional Disorder 54. Which of the following is the mist essential component in the diagnosis of Bipolar I?
C. Schizophreniform A. The presence of a major depressive episode
D. Delusion of Grandeur B. The occurrence of a manic episode
C. The presence of a hypomanic episode
47. A specifier of brief reactive psychosis for people with Brief Psychotic disorder is given when: D. The occurrence of a mild depressive episode
A. Drugs are ingested by the individual 55. You have a classmate whom you observe as being “moody”. She often seems to be in a good
B. Symptoms occur during or after pregnancy mood but then becomes irritable especially when her enemies are nearby. One time, you saw her
C. Symptoms occur in reaction to a stressful event becoming very angry over an argument with her “kabarkada” but, after a while, you observed her
D. All of the above laughing and joking around once again. You might diagnose her with:
A. Bipolar I disorder drinks a dose of this everyday and is constantly wanting more especially since she is studying for
B. Bipolar II disorder the board exam. Given these conditions, she might be diagnosed with:
C. Cyclothymic Disorder A. Caffeine Use Disorder
D. None of the above B. Caffeine Induces Anxiety Disorder
56. Which of the following statements is TRUE? C. General Anxiety Disorder
I. Suicide risk is higher in Bipolar II than Bipolar I D. None of the above
II. A diagnosis of Bipolar II is given when a hypomanic episode and depressive 63. Pingu is addicted to cannabis sativa. He and his penguin friends have stolen some from the
episode are met snowman of the north pole and have become attached to its “high”. Eventually, as Pingu ingests
III. In Bipolar II, patients are most likely to go for treatment because of the major the cannabis over and over again, he finds himself needing more of the substance. At times when
depressive episode and not the hypomania the substance is low in supply, he vigorously finds ways in order to reobtain it. All of these talk
IV. Bipolar III involved a combination of hypomanic episodes and major about which major domain in terms of Substance Use disorder?
depressive disorder A. Risky use of substance
A. Only I is TRUE B. Impaired Control
B. Only III is TRUE C. Social impairment
C. Only I, III and IV is TRUE D. Pharmacological criteria
D. None of the above 64. When in relationship, the feeling of love you get results from a mixture of neurotransmitters
57. The following statements are TRUE for diagnosis of Cyclothymic disorder EXCEPT FOR? such as oxytocin and dopamine. The more you are with your special someone, the more get a rush
A. A manic episode has never been met of these chemicals in your brain. However, with repeated exposure to your partner, you eventually
B. A 1year duration of symptoms us needed in order to diagnose adolescents get the feeling of “boredom” especially if you and your partner haven’t done anything new or
C. Presence of recurrent hypomanic symptoms and mild depression symptoms exciting in a while. Eventually, the normal rush if chemicals associated with doing previous
D. A major depressive episode has never been met activities loses its previous effects. The situation reflects:
58. “ Didyaknow that Higgs-Boson... an elementaryrticle standard.... particle physics which, A. Psychological Dependence
theoretically, energy.... rons found an atoms? Or did you know that Tardigrades, which are eight- B. Withdrawal Symptoms
legged,bear... micro-animals are the toughest... earth and whom.... centuries before us? And did C. Tolerance
you know....” rambles on your friend rapidly incoherently. Thus attempt to process and express a D. Intoxication
lot of exciting information at once is called: 65. According to Dangerous Drugs Board of the Philippines, which of the following illicit drugs is
A. Flight of Ideas currently the most widely used?
B. Word Salad A. Methamphetamine
C. Catharsis B. Cocaine
D. Train of thoughts C. Cannabis Sativa
59. You heard that your friend had a patient who was diagnosed with a unipolar mood disorder. D. Opioids
This means that 66. Which of the following methods of taking in drugs has the fastest rate of absorption and was
A. Your friend’s patients alternates between mania and depression found to give dangerous health risks?
B. Your friend’s patients alternated between hypomania and psychotic episodes A. Oral Administration
C. Your friend’s patient might experience only either mania or depression B. Absorption through mucous membrane
D. Your friend’s patient might be experiencing psychotic episodes together with the C. Parental Administration
mood disorder D. Inhaled through gases/vapors
60. In order for a patient with bipolar disorder to be given a specifier of rapid cycling, then the 67. Which of the following is TRUE about Fetal Alcohol Syndrome?
client must have experienced: I. The risk of FAS is greatest when the mother drinks heavily before
A. At least four manic or depressive episodes within a year intercourse
B. At least 2 depressive episodes with one psychotic episode within 6 months II. The child of the alcoholic might develop lower intelligence and/or mental
C. At least 3 manic episodes and 2 depressive episode within a span of 6 months retardation
D. At least 4 depressive episodes or 4 psychotic episodes within a year III. Facial abnormalities in the alcoholic mother may develop
61. Which of the following combination of drugs has been used in order to treat Bipolar Disorder? IV. Associated school problems and adolescent antisocial behavior mag
A. Carbamazepine and Lithium develop in children of alcoholics
B. Mescaline and LSD A. II and IV is TRUE
C. Amphetamine and Cocaine B. I and III is TRUE
D. Aspirin and Tetra Hydro Cannabinol C. Only IV is TRUE
62. Your friend loves the feeling she gets from drinking substances with the caffeine. She always D. All of the above
68. Jibril is a newbie drinker. One night, he was out partying in DOZO with his conyo friends. He A. Extreme sleepiness
was out drinking because finally graduated after taking up his BS Psychology course. As a B. Disengagement with caregivers
concerned friend, you tried measuring Jibril’s Blood Alcohol Concentration Levels though a C. Having an emotional episode
breath analyzer just to make sure if he is still okay. You found out that his BAC is at 0.38. As his D. Hallucinatory experiences
friend, you would: 75. Carla exhibits episodes of uncontrolled eating. Because of this, she also often finds ways in
A. Not be worried too much since his BAC is still too low order to remove the food from her body through laxatives. She also exercises 8 hours a day in
B. Be worried and tell him to stop drinking order to prevent weight gain. This is frightening for her relatives since she already appears very
C. Not be worried since you know that BAC of 0.38 is just average thin. She might be diagnosed with: A. Anorexia Nervosa
D. Be worries about the accuracy of the breath analyzer you used B. Bulimia Nervosa
69. These drugs mimic the action of endorphins on our pain receptors thus producing feelings of C. Avoidant/restrictive Food Intake
euphoria, sedation, a sense of tranquility and reduced apprehension: D. Binge-Eating Disorder
A. Hallucinogens 76. A person with Monosymptomatic Enuresis would most likely..
B. Antiepeleptics A. Be very much at risk for driving accidents
C. Opioids B. Be ashamed of eating episodes in the middle of the night
D. Barbiturates C. Have self- deprecating thought and excessive guilt
70. Which of the following types of drugs would most likely increase the risk of contracting D. Change bed sheets often
sexually transmitted diseases? 77. Which of the following disorders is most related to the Freudian Anal Expulsive personality?
A. Looking into past conflicts, unfulfilled needs and childhood frustrations of the client A. Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder
B. Examining intergenerational transmission and family dynamics B. Encopresis
C. Uncovering phenotypes and sensitivity to alcohol which contribute to C. Anorexia Nervosa
increased risk in Substance use disorder D. Enuresis
D. Looking into false beliefs and perceptions in relation to substance use 78. Which of the following situations demonstrate hypersomnolence?
70. Which of the following demonstrates a systems perspective in the examination of substance A. Venus suddenly falls asleep without any sign or trigger B. Tiffany has frequent awakenings in
use disorder? A. Looking into past conflicts, unfulfilled needs and childhood frustrations of the middle of the night and has difficulty in sleeping again
client C. Joy experiences an abnormal overlap between REM stages and walking stage
B. Examining intergenerational transmission and family dynamics D. Leslie always sleeps properly but never feels refreshed when awake
C. Uncovering phenotypes and sensitivity to alcohol which contribute to increase 79. Which of the following statement is true?
risk in substance use disorder A. A person with Obsessive- Compulsive Personality Disorder experience obsessive thoughts and
D. Looking into false beliefs and perceptions in relation to substance use actions related to cleaning or arranging objects
71. Which of the following types of drugs would most likely increased the risk of contracting B. A person with Histrionic disorder avoids close.
sexually transmitted diseases? C. A person with Dependent Personality disorder would try his/her partners life and the persons
A. Depressants decisions
B. Stimulants D. A person with Schizotypal Personality Disorder manifest odd behaviors and may believe in a
C. Hallucinogens fantasy realm
D. Designer drug 80. Which of the following clusters lf personality disorders will most likely develop brief
72. Pauleen is experiencing a psychological disorder where she would suddenly burst out in anger psychotic episodes due to stress?
and lash out on things. People or animals around her. Oftentimes, she manifest this angry outburst A. Cluster A
without purpose and with the smallest stressors. This creates extreme discomfort for Pauleen B. Cluster B
because she believes that she is not like this as a person. Her disorder can be categorized as: C. Cluster C
A. Ego syntonic D. Cluster D
B. Ego dystonic 81. Which of the following statement is TRUE?
C. Ego-harmonic I. People diagnosed with ASPD must have a history of symptoms related to CD
D. Ego-differentiated II. People with ASPD love to be the center of attention during mayhem of crime
73. Which of the following situation reflect Pica Disorder? A. Marissa could not stop her hair- III. People with ASPD are more likely to blame the victim of crimes
pulling even when she knows that it is harmful IV. ASPD is typically more common in males than females
B. Teody who chews on his steak, spit it out and then chews on it again A. Only II and IV is TRUE
C. Kiddy who loves to eat paper clips and thumbtacks in his office B. Only III is TRUE
D. Joel who eats napkins and plastic to control intake of food. C. I and III is TRUE
74. In older children and adolescents, avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder may manifest as:
D. None of the above 89. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
I. People with Personality Disorder often come to treatment
82. Among the choices, which is most likely to be attracted to theatrical performance and drama? II. A person with a personality disorder would have a hard time
A. Schizotypal Personality Disorder with seeing something wrong in his/her actions
B. Borderline Personality Disorder III. Personality disorder are always Ego-dystonic
C. Histrionic Personality Disorder IV. Personality disorder pervade every aspects of a person’s life
D. Dependent Personality Disorder A. Only II and IV is TRUE
83. Taylor has a long list of ex-lovers who will tell you she’s insane. She writes down her exes in B. Only I, II and III is TRUE
order to have some sense of attachment with them in an effort to feel un-abandoned. Often , she C. Only IV is TRUE
has explosive fight with her partners which leads to her breakups and new albums. Which of the D. Only II is TRUE
following symptoms also characterize Taylor’s personality disorder? 90. Having intercourse with corpses is considered ________ with intercourse with breast is called
A. A feeling of immediate closeness with someone even though he/she is a stranger ________
B. A sense of perfectionism, control and setting of unattainable goals A. Coprolalia: Echophilia
C. A pattern of mistrust and feelings of persecution B. Biophilia: Beastiality
D. A feeling of security and transitional objects rather than interpersonal relationships C. Necrophilia: Zoophilia
84. Which among the choices shows the most fear of social evaluation and is very similar to D. Urophilia: Beastiality
social phobia?
A. Schizoid Personality Disorder 91. Which of the following is considered as a dangerous tendency?
B. Histrionic Personality Disorder A. Telephone Scatologia
C. Avoidant Personality Disorder B. Klismaphilia
D. Narcissistic Personality Disorder C. Asphyxiophilia
85. Geo had finally graduated. Although his relatives were very happy, he appeared to not be D. Autogynephilia
affected by the event at all. When you congratulated him, he appeared indifferent to your words. 92. This therapy deals mostly with patients who have experienced unfinished business, lack of
Later on, you realised how little Geo’s friends seem to be ( since it was only who attended his sense of closure and has a tendency to have a fixed figure-ground:
birthday). When you asked him to come with your barkada to celebrate, Geo refused and wanted A. Adlerian Therapy
you to leave him alone. Geo shows symptoms consistent with a person who has: B. Interpersonal Therapy
A. Avoidant Personality Disorder C. Meaning-Centered Therapy
B. Schizoid Personality Disorder D. Gestalt Therapy
C. Paranoid Personality Disorder 93. Juji is a client of yours who report having deep maladjustments. She reports feeling down and
D. Borderline Personality Disorder unmotivated in everything she does. She feels as if she is worthless and should just disappear
86. Which among the choices would most likely be hurt when people do not greet him/her upon form this world. If you were and Adlerian therapist, you would most likely see her condition as:
arrival un an organizational event? A. Resulting from unconscious dispositions passed down from generation to generation
A. Histrionic Personality Disorder B. Resulting from overcoming of inferiority feelings to gain superiority but failing
B. Borderline Personality Disorder C. Resulting from conditions of worth and limits set by other people
C. Dependent Personality Disorder D. Resulting from a lack in finding one’s purpose and meaning in life
D. Narcissistic Personality Disorder 94. The following are the phases in stress in stress-inoculation training EXCEPT FOR?
87. Which of the following statement demonstrate a symptoms of Dependent Personality A. Conceptual Phase
Disorder? B. Insight Phase
A. Excessive need for admiration C. Skill Acquisition Phase
B. Has overdramatic expression D. Application Phase
C. Fears disagreeing or being in conflict with others 95. Which of the following is the goal of Bowen’s Therapy? A. Help individuals take
D. Has a pervasive distrust with other people’s motives responsibility for and meet needs for belonging, power, freedom, and fun in satisfying ways
88. When put in a basketball game, a person with this personality disorder would clearly spoil the B. Become more self-directed and increase positive self-regard
fun for the players because they would tend to emphasize proper form in shooting and impose C. Reduce family stress levels and help members achieve differentiation
structure in movements. This is: D. Increase awareness which leads to growth, responsibility and maturity
A. Narcissistic Personality Disorder 96. Projective techniques such as the Rorschach and the Thematic Apperception Test are usually
B. Schizotypal Personality Disorder used in clinical settings and are heavily influenced by:
C. Obsessive Personality Disorder A. Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory
D. Borderline Personality Disorder B. Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory
C. Constructivist Approach
D. Horneyian Theory
97. Which of the following statements is TRUE about PTSD? I. Patients with PTSD may have
recurring nightmares of the traumatic event II. Patients with PTSD may experience feelings of
detaching from the body III. PTSD can be diagnosed when symptoms are experienced in an
minimum of 2 weeks IV. PTSD can be developed by everyone who watches traumatic movies
A. Only I and II is TRUE
B. Only III and IV is TRUE
D. All of the above
98. Someone who involuntarily flashes the middle finger without purpose or intention might be
A. Coprolalia
B. Echopraxia
C. Copropraxia
D. Waxy Flexibility
99. A child who is observed to engage with strangers, has a tendency to be over familiar with
adults and lacks stranger anxiety may have:
A. Dis inhibited Social Engagement Disorder
B. Reactive Attachment Disorder
C. Autism
D. Adjustment Disorder
100. Which of the following tools may be used for assessment in substance abusers?

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