Effects of Labor Standard Law in Regularization of Employees

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The Labor Code of the Philippines stands as the law governing employment

practices and labor relations in the Philippines. It was enacted on Labor day of 1974 by

President Ferdinand Marcos, in the exercise of his then extant legislative powers. It

prescribes the rules for hiring and termination of private employees; the conditions of work

including maximum work hours and overtime; employee benefits such as holiday pay,

thirteenth month pay and retirement pay; and the guidelines in the organization and

membership in labor unions as well as in collective bargaining. The Labor Code contains

several provisions which are beneficial to labor. It prohibits termination from employment

of Private employees except for just or authorized causes as prescribed in Article 282 to

284 of the Code. The right to trade union is expressly recognized, as is the right of a union

to insist on a closed shop. Strikes are also authorized for as long as they comply with the

strict requirements under the Code, and workers who organize or participate in illegal

strikes may be subject to dismissal. Moreover, Philippine jurisprudence has long applied

a rule that any doubts in the interpretation of law, especially the Labor Code, will be

resolved in favor of labor and against management.

There is a growing disjuncture between changing patterns of labour force

participation in highly industrialized contexts and systems of labour regulation. Policy

actors at various levels are attempting to deal with the insecurities associated with ‘new’

forms of employment such as parttime and temporary paid employment and solo self-
employment, which have disproportionate effects on women, migrants, older, and

younger workers. At the same time, most regulatory responses to precariousness

continue to rest on assumptions from an earlier era.

The provisions of written agreement to the contrary notwithstanding and regardless of the

oral agreement of the parties, an employment shall be deemed to be regular where the

employee has been engaged to perform activities which are usually necessary or

desirable in the usual business or trade of the employer, except where the employment

has been fixed for a specific project or undertaking the completion or termination of which

has been determined at the time of the engagement of the employee or where the work

or service to be performed is seasonal in nature and the employment is for the duration

of the season.

An employment shall be deemed to be casual if it is not covered by the preceding

paragraph: Provided, That any employee who has rendered at least one year of service,

whether such service is continuous or broken, shall be considered a regular employee

with respect to the activity in which he is employed and his employment shall continue

while such activity exists.


At the end of the study,the researchers would like to:

A. To identify if the service and industry sectors have increased their labor flexibility

throughout the years and what specific industries showed the greatest increase.

B. To analyze the effects of labor cost and output to contractual employment, effects of

minimum wage and turnover rate on establishments engaged in subcontracting, and

effects of contractual employment on the average daily wage of workers.


The study aims to determine the Effects of Labor Standard law in Regularization of

Employees in Taytay and Angono,Rizal for this First Semester of School Year 2019-2020.

Specifically,it seeks to answer the following questions:

1.How is the employment relationship governed and regulated?

2.Does regularization law still exist in the Philippines?

3.Why do other companies in the Philippines still want to decline the Regularization Law?

4.Does Regularization have an impact on employment?


The scope of this research would be determine if the Labor Standard Law really affect the

regularization of the employees.This study will look into the effect of the labor standard

law in regulazation in the Philippines,wherein industries who hire their workers through

manpower agencies and those who resort off-site outsourcing will be analyzed.The study

will also revisit some portions of the Philippine Labor Code that are related to

Regularization of the employees.In addition,the study will look into the department orders

of the Department of Labor and Employment.The study also will only be limited to
outsourced workers and agency hired workers as types of regularized workers.The

analysis will also be limited to the industry and service sectors due to lack of data on the

agricultural sectors.


A.Regularization of workers

Primary in the workers’ demands is the end to contractualization, which has

pushed workers into accepting measly wages without benefits. The scheme allows an

employee to perform essential tasks in a company for a little less than six months per

contract without being regularized, since the worker’s contract reaches “endo” or end of

contract before the prescribed period for regularization.

B.Labor Unions

This study will either able to support or weaken the stand of labor unions in their goals of

eliminating contractualization in the Philippines.The impact of contractualization on

employment could either fortify their stand that contractualization has a negative impact

on the economy and that it does not protect the welfare of the workers or weaken their

stand that the termination of contractualization with compromise is still the best solution.

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