1) The document is a calculation of head thickness for 4 buffer tanks with internal pressure of 8 kg/cm2g and maximum allowable working temperature of 100 degrees Celsius.
2) Calculations following Indian Boiler Regulation codes UG-16 and UG-27 are shown to check the minimum required head thickness of 24.345 mm and find the provided thickness of 24.7 mm to be adequate.
3) Further calculations using UG-27 are performed to check longitudinal and circumferential stresses for cylindrical parts, finding the governing thickness to be 14.321 mm, which is less than the provided skirt thickness of 21.7 mm.
1) The document is a calculation of head thickness for 4 buffer tanks with internal pressure of 8 kg/cm2g and maximum allowable working temperature of 100 degrees Celsius.
2) Calculations following Indian Boiler Regulation codes UG-16 and UG-27 are shown to check the minimum required head thickness of 24.345 mm and find the provided thickness of 24.7 mm to be adequate.
3) Further calculations using UG-27 are performed to check longitudinal and circumferential stresses for cylindrical parts, finding the governing thickness to be 14.321 mm, which is less than the provided skirt thickness of 21.7 mm.
1) The document is a calculation of head thickness for 4 buffer tanks with internal pressure of 8 kg/cm2g and maximum allowable working temperature of 100 degrees Celsius.
2) Calculations following Indian Boiler Regulation codes UG-16 and UG-27 are shown to check the minimum required head thickness of 24.345 mm and find the provided thickness of 24.7 mm to be adequate.
3) Further calculations using UG-27 are performed to check longitudinal and circumferential stresses for cylindrical parts, finding the governing thickness to be 14.321 mm, which is less than the provided skirt thickness of 21.7 mm.
1) The document is a calculation of head thickness for 4 buffer tanks with internal pressure of 8 kg/cm2g and maximum allowable working temperature of 100 degrees Celsius.
2) Calculations following Indian Boiler Regulation codes UG-16 and UG-27 are shown to check the minimum required head thickness of 24.345 mm and find the provided thickness of 24.7 mm to be adequate.
3) Further calculations using UG-27 are performed to check longitudinal and circumferential stresses for cylindrical parts, finding the governing thickness to be 14.321 mm, which is less than the provided skirt thickness of 21.7 mm.
Item: Buffer Tanks Qty. 4 nos Project: NA Date: 26.06.2019 Rev. No. 1 M.S.N. DP= 8 kg/cm2g, MAWT = 5 / 100 deg. C, Hydro = 10.4 kg/cm2g Page: 4 of 6 # HEAD THICKNESS CALCULATION FOR INTERNAL PRESSURE…continued Minimum Thickness as per UG-16 ( b ) tmin mm 1.50 Required Thickness ' tr ' = Max ( t , tmin ) = Max (22.845, 1.50) tr mm 22.845 Governing Thickness = tr + Cai + Cao = (22.845+ 1.5 + 0.0) tg mm 24.345 Since Provided thickness 24.700 mm (Minimum) > Governing thickness 24.345 mm, hence Adequate
Check for cylindrical part (Skirt / Straight Face) of Head:
# Calculation for Circumferential Stress ( Longitudinal Joints ) as per UG-27 ( c ) ( 1 ) Weld Joint Efficiency E - 1 Inside Radius of Shell for design condition = D / 2 = 4203/2 R mm 2101.500 Maximum Allowable stress for Shell…from B1 S MPa 138.00 Value 0.385SE = 0.385 x 138 x 1 - MPa 53.130 Is P < 0.385SE : Is 0.8388 < 53.130 ? - - YES Since Internal Design Pressure P (0.8388 Mpa) is not exceeding Value 0.385SE (53.130 Mpa) and tnom <= R/2 , i.e 22 <= 0.5 x (2100 ) , UG-27 ( c ) (1) Applicable Required Thickness ' t ' UG-27 ( c ) (1) PR 0 .8388 x 2101 .5 t t mm 12.821 SE 0 . 6 P [ 138 x1) ( 0 .6 x 0 .8388 ]
# Calculation for Longitudinal Stress ( Circumferential Joints ) as per UG-27 ( c ) ( 2 )
Circumferential weld Joint Type - - Seamless Circumferential Weld Joint Efficiency E - 1.00 Inside Radius of Shell for design condition R mm 2101.500 = D / 2 = 4203/2 Maximum Allowable stress for Shell…from B1 S MPa 138.00 Factor 1.25SE = (1.25 x 138 x 1) - MPa 172.500 Since Internal Design Pressure P (0.8388 Mpa) is not exceeding Value 1.25SE (172.500 Mpa) and tn< R/2, i.e. 22 < 0.5 x 2100, UG-27 (c) (2) is applicable UG-27(b) Inside Radius of Shell, D /2 = 4203/2 R mm 2101.500 Minumum Required Thickness: UG-27 PR 0 .8388 x 2101 .5 t' mm 6.723 ( c)(2) t 2 SE 0 .4 P [2 x138 x1) (0 .4 x 0 .8388 ] UG-16(b) Minimum required thickness per UG-16 (b) tmin mm 1.50
Required thickness, Max ( t, t', tmin) = Max (12.821,6.723, 1.50) tr mm 12.821
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