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Chapter 15

Design for NZS 3101-06

This chapter describes in detail the various aspects of the concrete design proce-
dure that is used by ETABS when the New Zealand code NZS 3101-06 [NZS
06] is selected. Various notations used in this chapter are listed in Table 15-1.
For referencing to the pertinent sections of the New Zealand code in this chapter,
a prefix “NZS” followed by the section number is used.

The design is based on user-specified load combinations. The program provides

a set of default load combinations that should satisfy the requirements for the
design of most building type structures.

English as well as SI and MKS metric units can be used for input. The code is
based on Newton-millimeter-second units. For simplicity, all equations and de-
scriptions presented in this chapter correspond to Newton-millimeter-second
units unless otherwise noted.

15.1 Notations
Table 15-1 List of Symbols Used in the NZS 3101-06 Code
Aco Area enclosed by perimeter of the section, sq-mm
Acv Area of concrete used to determine shear stress, sq-mm
Ag Gross area of concrete, sq-mm

Notations 15 - 1
ETABS Reinforced Concrete Design

Table 15-1 List of Symbols Used in the NZS 3101-06 Code

Al Area of longitudinal reinforcement for torsion, sq-mm
Ao Gross area enclosed by shear flow path, sq-mm
As Area of tension reinforcement, sq-mm
A's Area of compression reinforcement, sq-mm
As(required) Area of steel required for tension reinforcement, sq-mm
At /s Area of closed shear reinforcement per unit length for torsion, sq-
Av Area of shear reinforcement, sq-mm
Av /s Area of shear reinforcement per unit length, sq-mm/mm
a Depth of compression block, mm
ab Depth of compression block at balanced condition, mm
amax Maximum allowed depth of compression block, mm
b Width of member, mm
bf Effective width of flange (flanged section), mm
bw Width of web (flanged section), mm
b0 Perimeter of the punching critical section, mm
b1 Width of the punching critical section in the direction of bending,
b2 Width of the punching critical section perpendicular to the direc-
tion of bending, mm
c Distance from extreme compression fiber to the neutral axis, mm
cb Distance from extreme compression fiber to neutral axis at bal-
anced condition, mm
d Distance from extreme compression fiber to tension reinforce-
ment, mm
d' Distance from extreme compression fiber to compression rein-
forcement, mm
Ec Modulus of elasticity of concrete, MPa
Es Modulus of elasticity of reinforcement, assumed as 200,000 MPa

15 - 2 Notations
Chapter 15 - Design for NZS 3101-06

Table 15-1 List of Symbols Used in the NZS 3101-06 Code

f' c Specified compressive strength of concrete, MPa
f' s Stress in the compression reinforcement, psi
fy Specified yield strength of flexural reinforcement, MPa
fyt Specified yield strength of shear reinforcement, MPa
h Overall depth of sections, mm
hf Thickness of slab or flange, mm
ka Factor accounting for influence of aggregate size on shear
kd Factor accounting for influence of member depth on shear
M* Factored design moment at a section, N-mm
pc Outside perimeter of concrete section, mm
po Perimeter of area Ao, mm
s Spacing of shear reinforcement along the strip, mm
T* Factored design torsion at a section, N-mm
tc Assumed wall thickness of an equivalent tube for the gross
section, mm
to Assumed wall thickness of an equivalent tube for the area
enclosed by the shear flow path, mm
Vc Shear force resisted by concrete, N
V* Factored shear force at a section, N
v Average design shear stress at a section, MPa
vc Design shear stress resisted by concrete, MPa
vmax Maximum design shear stress permitted at a section, MPa
vtn Shear stress due to torsion, MPa
αs Punching shear factor accounting for column location
α1 Concrete strength factor to account for sustained loading and
equivalent stress block
β1 Factor for obtaining depth of compression block in concrete

Notations 15 - 3
ETABS Reinforced Concrete Design

Table 15-1 List of Symbols Used in the NZS 3101-06 Code

βc Ratio of the maximum to the minimum dimensions of the punch-
ing critical section
εc Strain in concrete
εc,max Maximum usable compression strain allowed in the extreme
concrete fiber, (0.003 in/in)
εs Strain in reinforcement
φb Strength reduction factor for bending
φs Strength reduction factor for shear and torsion
γf Fraction of unbalanced moment transferred by flexure
γv Fraction of unbalanced moment transferred by eccentricity of

15.2 Design Load Combinations

The design load combinations are the various combinations of the load cases for
which the structure needs to be designed. For NZS 3101-06, if a structure is sub-
jected to dead (D), live (L), pattern live (PL), snow (S), wind (W), and earth-
quake (E) loads, and considering that wind and earthquake forces are reversible,
the following load combinations may need to be considered (AS/NZS 1170.0,

1.35D (AS/NZS 1170.0, 4.2.2(a))

1.2D + 1.5L (AS/NZS 1170.0, 4.2.2(b))

1.2D + 1.5(0.75 PL) (AS/NZS 1170.0, 4.2.2(b))

1.2D + 0.4L + 1.0S (AS/NZS 1170.0, 4.2.2(g))

1.2D ± 1.0W (AS/NZS 1170.0, 4.2.2(d))

0.9D ± 1.0W (AS/NZS 1170.0, 4.2.2(e))
1.2D + 0.4L ± 1.0W (AS/NZS 1170.0, 4.2.2(d))

1.0D ± 1.0E (AS/NZS 1170.0, 4.2.2(f))

1.0D + 0.4L ± 1.0E (AS/NZS 1170.0, 4.2.2(f))

15 - 4 Design Load Combinations

Chapter 15 - Design for NZS 3101-06

Note that the 0.4 factor on the live load in three of the combinations is not valid
for live load representing storage areas. These are also the default design load
combinations in ETABS whenever the NZS 3101-06 code is used. If roof live
load is treated separately or if other types of loads are present, other appropriate
load combinations should be used.

15.3 Limits on Material Strength

The upper and lower limits of f' c shall be as follows:

25 ≤ f 'c ≤ 100 MPa (NZS 5.2.1)

The lower characteristic yield strength of longitudinal reinforcement, fy, should

be equal to or less than 500 MPa for all frames (NZS 5.3.3). The lower charac-
teristic yield strength of transverse (stirrup) reinforcement, fyt, should not be
greater than 500 MPa for shear or 800 MPa for confinement (NZS 5.3.3).

The code allows use of f' c and fy beyond the given limits, provided special study
is conducted (NZS 5.2.1).

ETABS enforces the upper material strength limits for flexure and shear design
of slabs. The input material strengths are taken as the upper limits if they are
defined in the material properties as being greater than the limits. The user is
responsible for ensuring that the minimum strength is satisfied.

15.4 Strength Reduction Factors

The strength reduction factors, φ, are applied to the specified strength to obtain
the design strength provided by a member. The φ factors for flexure, shear, and
torsion are as follows:

φb = 0.85 for flexure (NZS

φs = 0.75 for shear and torsion (NZS

These values can be overwritten; however, caution is advised.

Limits on Material Strength 15 - 5

ETABS Reinforced Concrete Design

15.5 Slab Design

ETABS slab design procedure involves defining sets of strips in two mutually
perpendicular directions. The locations of the strips are usually governed by the
locations of the slab supports. The axial force, moments and shears for a partic-
ular strip are recovered from the analysis (on the basis of the Wood-Armer tech-
nique), and a flexural design is carried out based on the ultimate strength design

The slab design procedure involves the following steps:

Design flexural reinforcement

Design shear reinforcement

Punching check

15.5.1 Design Flexural Reinforcement

For slabs, ETABS uses either design strips or the finite element based design to
calculate the slab flexural reinforcement in accordance with the selected design
code. For simplicity, only strip-by-strip design is document in the proceeding

The design of the slab reinforcement for a particular strip is carried out at specific
locations along the length of the strip. These locations correspond to the element
boundaries. Controlling reinforcement is computed on either side of those ele-
ment boundaries. The slab flexural design procedure for each load combination
involves the following:

Determine factored axial loads and moments for each slab strip.

Design flexural reinforcement for the strip.

These two steps, described in the text that follows, are repeated for every load
combination. The maximum reinforcement calculated for the top and bottom
of the slab within each design strip, along with the corresponding controlling
load combination, is obtained and reported.

15 - 6 Slab Design
Chapter 15 - Design for NZS 3101-06 Determine Factored Moments

In the design of flexural reinforcement of concrete slab, the factored moments
for each load combination at a particular design strip are obtained by factoring
the corresponding moments for different load cases, with the corresponding load

The slab is then designed for the maximum positive and maximum negative fac-
tored moments obtained from all of the load combinations. Calculation of bottom
reinforcement is based on positive design strip moments. In such cases, the slab
may be designed as a rectangular or flanged slab section. Calculation of top re-
inforcement is based on negative design strip moments. In such cases, the slab
may be designed as a rectangular or inverted flanged slab section. Determine Required Flexural Reinforcement

In the flexural reinforcement design process, the program calculates both the
tension and compression reinforcement. Compression reinforcement is added
when the applied design moment exceeds the maximum moment capacity of a
singly reinforced section. The user has the option of avoiding the compression
reinforcement by increasing the effective depth, the width, or the strength of the

The design procedure is based on the simplified rectangular stress block shown
in Figure 15-1 (NZS Furthermore, it is assumed that the compression
carried by the concrete is 0.75 times that which can be carried at the balanced
condition (NZS When the applied moment exceeds the moment capac-
ity at the balanced condition, the area of compression reinforcement is calculated
assuming that the additional moment will be carried by compression reinforce-
ment and additional tension reinforcement.

Slab Design 15 - 7
ETABS Reinforced Concrete Design

ε = 0.003 α1 f ′c

d′ c a = β1c

εs Ts Tcs



Figure 15-1 Uniform Thickness Slab Design

The design procedure used by ETABS, for both rectangular and flanged sections
(L- and T-shaped sections), is summarized in the text that follows. For reinforced
concrete design where design ultimate axial compression load does not ex-
ceed (0.1 f' c Ag), axial force is ignored; hence, all slabs are designed for major
direction flexure, shear, and torsion only. Axial compression greater than 0.1 f' c
Ag and axial tensions are always included in flexural and shear design. Design of uniform thickness slab

In designing for a factored negative or positive M* (i.e., designing top or bottom
reinforcement), the depth of the compression block is given by a (see Figure 15-
1), where,

2 M*
a =−
d d2 − (NZS 7.4.2)
α1 f ′ c φb b

where the default value of φb is 0.85 (NZS in the preceding and follow-
ing equations. The factor α1 is calculated as follows (NZS

15 - 8 Slab Design
Chapter 15 - Design for NZS 3101-06

=α1 0.85 for f ′c ≤ 55MPa

α1 = 0.85 − 0.004( f ′c − 55) for f ′c ≥ 55MPa, 0.75 ≤ α1 ≤ 0.85

The value β1 and cb are calculated as follows:

=β1 0.85 for f ′c ≤ 30, (NZS

β1 = 0.85 − 0.008( f ′c − 30), 0.65 ≤ β1 ≤ 0.85 (NZS

cb = d (NZS
ε c + f y Es

The maximum allowed depth of the rectangular compression bloack, amax, is

given by:

amax = 0.75β1cb (NZS,

If a ≤ amax (NZS, the area of tension reinforcement is given by:

As =
 a
φb f y  d − 
 2

The reinforcement is to be placed at the bottom if M* is positive, or at the top

if M* is negative.

 If a > amax (NZS, compression reinforcement is required (NZS

and is calculated as follows:

The compressive force developed in the concrete alone is given by:

C = α1 f ′c bamax (NZS

and the moment resisted by concrete compression and tension reinforcement


 a max 
M*c = C  d −  φb
 2 

Slab Design 15 - 9
ETABS Reinforced Concrete Design

Therefore the moment required to be resisted by compression reinforcement

and tension reinforcement is:

M*s = M* − M*c

The required compression reinforcement is given by:

M *s
A′s = , where
( f ′s − α1 f ′c )( d − d' )φb
 c − d' 
=f ′s ε c ,max Es   ≤ fy (NZS,
 c 

The required tension reinforcement for balancing the compression in the con-
crete is:

M c*
As1 =
 a 
f y  d − max  φb
 2 

and the tension reinforcement for balancing the compression reinforcement is

given by:

M s*
As2 =
f y (d − d ') φb

Therefore, the total tension reinforcement, As = As1 + As2, and the total compres-
sion reinforcement is A's. A s is to be placed at the bottom and A's is to be placed
at the top if M* is positive, and vice versa if M* is negative. Design of nonuniform thickness slab Flanged Slab Section Under Negative Moment

In designing for a factored negative moment, M* (i.e., designing top reinforce-
ment), the calculation of the reinforcement area is exactly the same as described
previously, i.e., no flanged data is used.

15 - 10 Slab Design
Chapter 15 - Design for NZS 3101-06 Flanged Slab Section Under Positive Moment

If M > 0, the depth of the compression block is given by:

a=d− d −
(NZS 7.4.2)
α1 f c'φb b f

The maximum allowable depth of the rectangular compression block, amax, is

given by:

amax = 0.75β1cb (NZS,

If a ≤ hf, the subsequent calculations for As are exactly the same as previously defined for
the uniform thickness slab design. However, in this case the width of the sl;ab is taken as
bf. Compression reinforcement is required when a > amax.

If a > hf, calculation for As has two parts. The first part is for balancing the compressive
force from the flange, Cf, and the second part is for balancing the compressive force from
the web, Cw, as shown in Figure 15-2.
ε = 0.003 α 1 f ′c α 1 f ′c
bf hf

d′ f ′s Cs
A′s Cf


εs Ts Tw Tf

Figure 15-2 Nonuniform Thickness Slab Design

Cf is given by:

Slab Design 15 - 11
ETABS Reinforced Concrete Design

=C f α1 f ′c ( b f − bw ) h f (NZS

Therefore, As1 = and the portion of M* that is resisted by the flange is
given by:

 d 
M *f = C f  d − s φb
 2 

Therefore, the balance of the moment, M*, to be carried by the web is:

M*w = M* − M*f

The web is a rectangular section with dimensions bw and d, for which the depth
of the compression block is recalculated as:

2 M *w
a1 =−
d d2 − (NZS 7.4.2 )
α1 f ′cφb bw

 If a1 ≤ amax (NZS, the area of tension reinforcement is then given by:

M w*
As2 = , and
 a1 
φb f y  d − 
 2

As = As1 + As2

This reinforcement is to be placed at the bottom of the flanged section.

 If a1 > amax (NZS, compression reinforcement is required and is cal-

culated as follows:

The compressive force in the web concrete alone is given by:

Cw = α1 f ′c bw amax (NZS

and the moment resisted by the concrete web and tension reinforcement is:

15 - 12 Slab Design
Chapter 15 - Design for NZS 3101-06

 a 
M c* Cw  d − max  φb
 2 

The moment resisted by compression and tension reinforcement is:

M*s = M*w − M*c

Therefore, the compression reinforcement is computed as:

M *s
A′s = , where
( f ′s − α1 f ′c )( d − d' ) φb
 c − d' 
=f ′s ε c ,max Es   ≤ fy (NZS,
 c 

The tension reinforcement for balancing compression in the web concrete is:

M c*
As2 =
 a 
f y  d − max  φb
 2 

and the tension reinforcement for balancing the compression reinforcement is:

M s*
As3 =
f y (d − d ') φb

Total tension reinforcement is As = As1 + As2 + As3, and the total compression
reinforcement is A's. As is to be placed at the bottom, and A's is to be placed at the
top. Minimum and Maximum Reinforcement

The minimum flexural tension reinforcement required for each direction of a
slab is given by the following limit (NZS, 8.8, 2.4.4):

 0.7
 bh f y < 500 MPa
As ≥  f y (NZS, 8.8.1)
0.0014bh f y ≥ 500 MPa

Slab Design 15 - 13
ETABS Reinforced Concrete Design

In addition, an upper limit on both the tension reinforcement and compression

reinforcement has been imposed to be 0.04 times the gross cross-sectional area.

The slab reinforcement requirements reported by the program do not con-

sider crack control. Any minimum requirements to satisfy crack limita-
tions must be investigated independently of the program by the user.

15.5.2 Design Slab Shear Reinforcement

The shear reinforcement is designed for each load combination at each station
along the design strip. In designing the shear reinforcement for a particular strip,
for a particular load combination, at a particular station due to the slab major
shear, the following steps are involved:

 Determine the factored shear force, V*.

 Determine the shear force, Vc, that can be resisted by the concrete.

 Determine the shear reinforcement required to carry the balance.

The following three sections describe in detail the algorithms associated with
these steps. Determine Shear Force and Moment

In the design of the slab shear reinforcement, the shear forces for each load com-
bination at a particular slab section are obtained by factoring the corresponding
shear forces for different load cases with the corresponding load combination
factors. Determine Concrete Shear Capacity

The shear force carried by the concrete, Vc, is calculated as:

Vc = vc Acv (NZS

The allowable shear stress capacity is given by:

ν c = k d k a k n νb (NZS

The basic shear strength for a rectangular section is computed as,

15 - 14 Slab Design
Chapter 15 - Design for NZS 3101-06

 A 
νb = 0.07 + 10 s  λ f ′c , where (NZS
 bw d 

f ′c ≤ 50 MPa, and (NZS

0.08 λ f ′c ≤ νb ≤ 0.2 λ f ′c (NZS


1.0 , normal concrete

λ = 0.85, sand light-weight concrete (NZS
 all light-weight concrete

The factor ka allows for the influence of maximum aggregate size on shear
strength. For concrete with a maximum aggregate size of 20 mm or more, ka shall
be taken as 1.0. For concrete where the maximum aggregate size is 10 mm or
less, the value of ka shall be taken as 0.85. Interpolation is used between these
limits. The program default for ka is 1.0.

0.85, ag ≤ 10 mm

  ag − 10 
ka =
0.85 + 0.15   , ag < 20 mm (NZS
  20 
 ag ≥ 20 mm
1.00 ,

The factor kd allows for the influence of member depth on strength and it shall
be calculated from the following conditions:

For members with shear reinforcement equal to or greater than the nomi-
nal shear reinforcement given in NZS, kd = 1.0

For members with an effective depth equal to or smaller than 400 mm,
kd = 1.0 (NZS

For members with an effective depth greater than 400, kd = ( 400 / d )


where d is in mm (NZS

The factor kn allows for the influence of axial loading (NZS

Slab Design 15 - 15
ETABS Reinforced Concrete Design

1, N* = 0

  N* 
k= 1 + 3  , N > 0
 Ag fc' 
  

  N *

1 + 12  A f '  , N < 0

  g c Determine Required Shear Reinforcement

The average shear stress is computed for rectangular and flanged sections as:
ν =
(NZS 7.5.1)
bw d

The average shear stress is limited to a maximum of,

vmax = min {0.2 f ′c , 8 MPa} (NZS 7.5.2,

The shear reinforcement is computed as follows:

 If ν* ≤ φs (v c 2 ) or h ≤ max(300 mm, 0.5bw),

=0 (NZS

 If φs (v c 2 ) < ν* ≤ φsνc,

Av 1 bw
= f ′c (NZS 7.5.10,
s 16 f yt

 If φsνc < ν* ≤ φsνmax, (NZS

v * − φ s vc )
s φ s f yt d

 If ν* > νmax, a failure condition is declared. (NZS 7.5.2,

15 - 16 Slab Design
Chapter 15 - Design for NZS 3101-06

If the slab depth h is less than the minimum of 300 mm and 0.5bw, no shear
reinforcement is required (NZS

The maximum of all of the calculated Av /s values, obtained from each load com-
bination, is reported along with the controlling shear force and associated load

The slab shear reinforcement requirements considered by the program are based
purely on shear strength considerations. Any minimum stirrup requirements to
satisfy spacing and volumetric considerations must be investigated inde-
pendently of the program by the user.

15.5.3 Check for Punching Shear

The algorithm for checking punching shear is detailed in the section entitled
“Slab Punching Shear Check” in the Key Features and Terminology manual.
Only the code-specific items are described in the following. Critical Section for Punching Shear

The punching shear is checked on a critical section at a distance of d /2 from the
face of the support (NZS 12.7.1(b)). For rectangular columns and concentrated
loads, the critical area is taken as a rectangular area with the sides parallel to the
sides of the columns or the point loads (NZS 12.7.1(b)). Figure 15-3 shows the
auto punching perimeters considered by ETABS for the various column shapes.
The column location (i.e., interior, edge, corner) and the punching perimeter may
be overwritten using the Punching Check Overwrites.

Slab Design 15 - 17
ETABS Reinforced Concrete Design

d 2

d 2 d 2

Interior Column Edge Column Corner Column

d 2
d 2 d 2

Circular Column T-Shape Column L-Shape Column

Figure 15-3 Punching Shear Perimeters Transfer of Unbalanced Moment

The fraction of unbalanced moment transferred by flexure is taken to be γf M*
and the fraction of unbalanced moment transferred by eccentricity of shear is
taken to be γv M*, where

γf = (NZS )
1 + (2 3) b1 b2

γv = 1 − (NZS
1 + (2 3) b1 b2

where b1 is the width of the critical section measured in the direction of the span
and b2 is the width of the critical section measured in the direction perpendicular
to the span. Determination of Concrete Capacity

The concrete punching shear factored strength is taken as the minimum of the
following three limits:

15 - 18 Slab Design
Chapter 15 - Design for NZS 3101-06

1  2 
  1 +  f ′c
6  βc 
 1  α d 
=vc min   1 + s  f ′c (NZS
6  b0 
 f ′c
 3

where, βc is the ratio of the maximum to the minimum dimension of the critical
section (NZS 12.1,, b0 is the perimeter of the critical section, and αs
is a scale factor based on the location of the critical section.

20 for interior columns,

α s = 15 for edge columns, (NZS
 for corner columns.

A limit is imposed on the value of f ′c as follows:

λ f ′c ≤ 100 (NZS Determine Maximum Shear Stress

Given the punching shear force and the fractions of moments transferred by ec-
centricity of shear about the two axes, the shear stress is computed
assuming linear variation along the perimeter of the critical section.

V * γ V 2[ M 2* − V * ( y3 − y1 )] [ I 33 ( y4 − y3 ) − I 23 ( x4 − x3 )]
v* = + −
b0d I 22 I 33 − I 232
Eq. 1
γ [ M 3* − V * ( x3 − x1 )] [ I 22 ( x4 − x3 ) − I 23 ( y4 − y3 )]

I 22 I 33 − I 232

I 22 = ∑
sides =1
I 22 , where "sides" refers to the sides of the critical

section for punching shear Eq. 2

Slab Design 15 - 19
ETABS Reinforced Concrete Design

I 33 = ∑
sides =1
I 33 , where "sides" refers to the sides of the critical

section for punching shear Eq. 3

I 23 = ∑
sides =1
I 23 , where "sides" refers to the sides of the critical

section for punching shear Eq. 4

The equations for I 22 , I 33, and I 23 are different depending on whether the side
of the critical section for punching shear being considered is parallel to the 2-
axis or parallel to the 3-axis. Refer to Figures 15-4.

I 22 Ld ( y2 − y3 ) 2 , for side of critical section parallel to 2-axis Eq. 5a

Ld 3 dL3
I 22 = + + Ld ( y2 − y3 ) 2 , for the side of the critical section
12 12
parallel to the 3-axis Eq. 5b

15 - 20 Slab Design
Chapter 15 - Design for NZS 3101-06

Side of critical section

Critical section for x2 - x3 being considered
punching shear shown solid
shown by heavy line
Center of side of critical
section being considered.
Centroid of entire L Coordinates are (x2,y2).
critical section for 3
punching shear.
Coordinates are (x3,y3).
y2 - y3 2

Plan View For Side of Critical Section Parallel to 3-Axis

Work This Sketch With Equations 5b, 6b and 7

Critical section for

punching shear shown 3
by heavy line. Side of x2 - x3
critical section being
considered shown solid 2

Centroid of entire y2 - y3
critical section for
punching shear. Center of side of critical
Coordinates are (x3,y3). section being considered.
L Coordinates are (x 2,y2).

Plan View For Side of Critical Section Parallel to 2-Axis

Work This Sketch With Equations 5a, 6a and 7

Figure 15-4 Shear Stress Calculations at Critical Sections

Ld 3 dL3
I 33 = + + Ld ( x2 − y3 ) 2 , for the side of the critical section
12 12
parallel to the 2-axis Eq. 6

I 33 Ld ( x2 − x3 ) 2 , for the side of the critical section
parallel to the 3-axis Eq. 6b

I 23 = Ld ( x2 − x3 )( y2 − y3 ) , for the side of the critical section

parallel to the 2-axis or 3-axis Eq. 7

NOTE: I 23 is explicitly set to zero for corner condition.

Slab Design 15 - 21
ETABS Reinforced Concrete Design


b0 = Perimeter of critical section for punching shear

d = Effective depth at critical section for punching shear based on average

of d for 2 direction and d for 3 direction

I22 = Moment of inertia of critical section for punching shear about an axis
that is parallel to the local 2-axis

I33 = Moment of inertia of critical section for punching shear about an axis
that is parallel to the local 3-axis

I23 = Product of inertia of critical section for punching shear with respect to
the 2 and 3 planes

L = Length of the side of the critical section for punching shear currently
being considered

M 2* = Moment about line parallel to 2-axis at center of column (positive per

right-hand rule)

M 3* = Moment about line parallel to 3-axis at center of column (positive per

right-hand rule)

V* = Punching shear stress

V* = Shear at center of column (positive upward)

x1, y1 = Coordinates of column centroid

x2, y2 = Coordinates of center of one side of critical section for punching shear

x3, y3 = Coordinates of centroid of critical section for punching shear

x4, y4 = Coordinates of location where you are calculating stress

γV2 = Percent of MU2 resisted by shear

γV3 = Percent of MU3 resisted by shear

15 - 22 Slab Design
Chapter 15 - Design for NZS 3101-06 Determine Capacity Ratio

The ratio of the maximum shear stress and the concrete punching shear stress
capacity is reported as the punching shear capacity ratio by ETABS. If this ratio
exceeds 1.0, punching shear reinforcement is designed as described in the fol-
lowing section.

15.5.4 Design Punching Shear Reinforcement

The use of shear studs as shear reinforcement in slabs is permitted, provided that
the effective depth of the slab is greater than or equal to 150 mm, and not less
than 16 times the shear reinforcement bar diameter (NZS If the slab
thickness does not meet these requirements, the punching shear reinforcement is
not designed and the slab thickness should be increased by the user.

The algorithm for designing the required punching shear reinforcement is used
when the punching shear capacity ratio exceeds unity. The Critical Section for
Punching Shear and Transfer of Unbalanced Moment as described in the earlier
sections remain unchanged. The design of punching shear reinforcement is per-
formed as described in the subsections that follow. Determine Concrete Shear Capacity

The concrete punching shear stress capacity of a section with punching shear
reinforcement is determined as:

vc = f 'c (NZS
6 Determine Required Shear Reinforcement

The shear force is limited to a maximum of:

vmax = 0.5 f ′c (NZS

Given v*, vc, and vmax, the required shear reinforcement is calculated as follows,
where, φ, is the strength reduction factor.

Slab Design 15 - 23
ETABS Reinforced Concrete Design

Av ( vn − vc )
= (NZS
s φ f yv d

Minimum punching shear reinforcement should be provided such that:

Vs ≥ f 'c bo d (NZS
 If vn > φvmax, a failure condition is declared. (NZS

 If vn exceeds the maximum permitted value of φvmax, the concrete section

should be increased in size. Determine Reinforcement Arrangement

Punching shear reinforcement in the vicinity of rectangular columns should be
arranged on peripheral lines, i.e., lines running parallel to and at constant dis-
tances from the sides of the column. Figure 15-5 shows a typical arrangement of
shear reinforcement in the vicinity of a rectangular interior, edge, and corner

Typical Studrail Outermost Outermost

(only first and last peripheral line peripheral line
studs shown) of studs of studs Free
d 2 d 2 Iy
s0 s0 s0
Iy x x gx
Critical d 2
centroid Free
edge y x
Free edge Ix Critical section

Interior Column Edge Column Corner Column

Figure 15-5 Typical arrangement of shear studs

and critical sections outside shear-reinforced zone

The distance between the column face and the first line of shear reinforcement
shall not exceed d /2. The spacing between adjacent shear reinforcement in the

15 - 24 Slab Design
Chapter 15 - Design for NZS 3101-06

first line (perimeter) of shear reinforcement shall not exceed 2d measured in a

direction parallel to the column face (NZS

Punching shear reinforcement is most effective near column corners where there
are concentrations of shear stress. Therefore, the minimum number of lines of
shear reinforcement is 4, 6, and 8, for corner, edge, and interior columns respec-
tively. Determine Reinforcement Diameter, Height, and Spacing

The punching shear reinforcement is most effective when the anchorage is close
to the top and bottom surfaces of the slab. The cover of anchors should not be
less than the minimum cover specified in NZS 3.11 plus half of the
diameter of the flexural reinforcement.

When specifying shear studs, the distance, so, between the column face and the
first peripheral line of shear studs should not be smaller than 0.5d. The spacing
between adjacent shear studs, g, at the first peripheral line of studs shall not ex-
ceed 2d and in the case of studs in a radial pattern, the angle between adjacent
stud rails shall not exceed 60 degrees. The limits of so and the spacing, s, between
the peripheral lines are specified as:

so ≤ 0.5d (NZS

s ≤ 0.5d (NZS

g ≤ 2d (NZS

Slab Design 15 - 25
Chapter 16
Design for Singapore CP 65-99

This chapter describes in detail the various aspects of the concrete design
procedure that is used by ETABS when the Singapore standard, Structural Use
of Concrete code CP 65-99 [CP 99], is selected. The program also includes the
recommendations of BC 2:2008 Design Guide of High Strength Concrete to Sin-
gapore Standard CP65 [BC 2008]. Various notations used in this chapter are
listed in Table 16-1. For referencing to the pertinent sections of the Singapore
code in this chapter, a prefix “CP” followed by the section number is used.

The design is based on user-specified load combinations. The program

provides a set of default load combinations that should satisfy the requirements
for the design of most building type structures.

English as well as SI and MKS metric units can be used for input. The code is
based on Newton-millimeter-second units. For simplicity, all equations and
descriptions presented in this chapter correspond to Newton-millimeter-second
units unless otherwise noted.

16.1 Notations
Table 16-1 List of Symbols Used in the CP 65-99 Code
Ag Gross area of cross-section, mm2

Notations 16 - 1
ETABS Reinforced Concrete Design

Table 16-1 List of Symbols Used in the CP 65-99 Code

Al Area of longitudinal reinforcement for torsion, mm2
As Area of tension reinforcement, mm2
A's Area of compression reinforcement, mm2
Asv Total cross-sectional area of links at the neutral axis, mm2
Asv /sv Area of shear reinforcement per unit length of the member,
a Depth of compression block, mm
b Width or effective width of the section in the compression zone,
bf Width or effective width of flange, mm
bw Average web width of a flanged section, mm
C Torsional constant, mm4
d Effective depth of tension reinforcement, mm
d' Depth to center of compression reinforcement, mm
Ec Modulus of elasticity of concrete, MPa
Es Modulus of elasticity of reinforcement, assumed as 200,000 MPa
f Punching shear factor considering column location
fcu Characteristic cube strength, MPa
f ′s Stress in the compression reinforcement, MPa
fy Characteristic strength of reinforcement, MPa
fyv Characteristic strength of shear reinforcement, MPa (< 460 MPa)
h Overall depth of a section in the plane of bending, mm
hf Flange thickness, mm
hmin Smaller dimension of a rectangular section, mm
hmax Larger dimension of a rectangular section, mm
K Normalized design moment, Mu /bd2fcu
K' Maximum for a singly reinforced concrete section
bd 2 f cu

16 - 2 Notations
Chapter 16 - Design for Singapore CP 65-99

Table 16-1 List of Symbols Used in the CP 65-99 Code

k1 Shear strength enhancement factor for support compression

Concrete shear strength factor, [ f cu 30]


M Design moment at a section, N-mm

Msingle Limiting moment capacity as singly reinforced section, N-mm
sv Spacing of the links along the strip, mm
T Design torsion at ultimate design load, N-mm
u Perimeter of the punching critical section, mm
V Design shear force at ultimate design load, N
v Design shear stress at a slab cross-section or at a punching critical
section, MPa
vc Design concrete shear stress capacity, MPa
vmax Maximum permitted design factored shear stress, MPa
vt Torsional shear stress, MPa
x Neutral axis depth, mm
xbal Depth of neutral axis in a balanced section, mm
z Lever arm, mm
β Torsional stiffness constant
βb Moment redistribution factor in a member
γf Partial safety factor for load
γm Partial safety factor for material strength
εc Maximum concrete strain
εs Strain in tension reinforcement
ε's Strain in compression reinforcement

Notations 16 - 3
ETABS Reinforced Concrete Design

16.2 Design Load Combinations

The design load combinations are the various combinations of the load cases for
which the structure needs to be designed. The design load combinations are ob-
tained by multiplying the characteristic loads by appropriate partial factors of
safety, γf (CP If a structures is subjected to dead (D), live (L), pattern
live (PL), and wind (W) loads, and considering that wind forces are reversible,
the following load combinations may need to be considered (CP 2.4.3).

(CP 2.4.3)
1.4D + 1.6L

1.4D + 1.6 (0.75PL) (CP 2.4.3)

1.0D ± 1.4W
1.4D ± 1.4W (CP 2.4.3)
1.2D + 1.2L ± 1.2W

These are also the default design load combinations in ETABS whenever the CP
65-99 code is used. If roof live load is treated separately or other types of loads
are present, other appropriate load combinations should be used. Note that the
automatic combination, including pattern live load, is assumed and should be
reviewed before using for design.

16.3 Limits on Material Strength

The concrete compressive strength, fcu, should not be less than 30 MPa (CP

The program does not enforce this limit for flexure and shear design of slabs.
The input material strengths are used for design even if they are outside of the
limits. It is the user's responsible to use the proper strength values while defining
the materials.

16.4 Partial Safety Factors

The design strengths for concrete and reinforcement are obtained by dividing the
characteristic strength of the material by a partial safety factor, γm. The

16 - 4 Design Load Combinations

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