PFE Chubb
PFE Chubb
PFE Chubb
25kg ABC Stored Pressure 45ltr AFFF Foam Stored Pressure 50kg ABC Cartridge
Capacity 25kg 50kg 75kg 50kg 75kg 100kg 150kg
Chemical Extinguishant ABC Dry Chemical Powder
Propellant Type Stored Pressure Carbon Dioxide Gas Bottle with Screw Down Valve
Class of Fire A, B, C & Electrical
Working Temperature -20˚C to +60˚C
2 2
Test Pressure 31 kgf/cm 35 kgf/cm
2 2 2 2 2
Working Pressure 15 kgf/cm 18kgf/cm 15kgf/cm 18kgf/cm 20kgf/cm
Height (Mm) 895 935 1190 940 1190 1190 1300
Depth (Mm) 540 685 740 670 740 740 810
Width (Mm) 410 500 590 500 590 590 770
Approx. Empty Weight (Kg) 20 35 52 44 67 71 104
Approx. Full Weight (Kg) 45 85 127 94 142 171 254
Min. Discharge Range (M) 10 14 14 14 14 16 16
Min. Discharge Time (Sec) 40 45 55 45 55 76 68
CO Gas Bottle Size 1.5kg 2.0kg 2.3kg 3.5kg
Discharge Hose (M) 4 6 8
Safe Operating Range (M) 6
Operating Valve Brass Quick Release Control Valve on Hose Brass Gas Bottle Valve & Control Valve on Hose
Paint Finish Red
Capacity 30kg 50kg 68kg
Chemical Extinguishant Halotron ™ I
Propellant Type Stored Pressure
Class of Fire A, B, C & Electrical
Working Temperature -20˚C to +60˚C
Test Pressure 25 kgf/cm
Working Pressure 8.63kgf/cm
Height (Mm) 935 1190 1190
Depth (Mm) 685 740 740
Width (Mm) 500 590 590
Approx. Empty Weight (Kg) 35 52 52
Approx. Full Weight (Kg) 65 102 120
Min. Discharge Range (M) 4.5 - 7.5 5.5 - 8.5 7.5 - 10
Min. Discharge Time (Sec) 17 19 23
CO Gas Bottle Size Not Applicable
Discharge Hose (M) 6
Safe Operating Range (M) 6
Operating Valve Quick Release Control Valve
Paint Finish Red
The company reserves the right to change the specification without prior notice.