Liquid Granite Tech Sheet 2 PDF

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Indispensable, multi-purpose, emergency repair material

Liquid Granite is an What is Liquid Mix Designs
amazing floor repair The water requirement for each
Granite? 10kg of Liquid Granite to attain the
material that sets in Sets as a permanent repair in desired consistency is:
minutes and adheres minutes.
to a wide range of Highly durable – high levels of Mortar – 0.6 – 0.7 litres
building materials tensile strength. Grout – 0.8 - 0.9 litres
Chloride free – can be safely used
including concrete, with cast iron and steel units.
Concrete – 0.7 – 0.9 litres (add 4kg
metal and asphalt. Easy to use – just add water, mix
of 10mm pea shingle to each 10kg
Liquid Granite)
thoroughly and apply.
What is Liquid Works in damp and wet Mixing
Granite? conditions. Excess mixing water should not
Use on concrete, brickwork, stone be used. When mechanical mixing
Liquid Granite is a self-contained,
and asphalt. is used, wet down the mixing
pre-mixed cement, blended with
Repair walls, floors, columns, vessel then drain all free water.
specially selected aggregates. Its
loose posts and bolt fixings. Add the measured quantity of
handled bucket means that it can
Works down to temperatures mixing water and add the full
be carried to the site of repair with
of -20°C. amount of Liquid Granite. Mix for
ease and only needs to be mixed
Mortar can be placed in sections at least one minute. Suitable
with water to produce a firm
of 8mm to 50mm in thickness and mixers include a slow speed, high
greater thickness can be built up torque drill and Mortar Stirrer. For
in layers. mixing at temperatures below
Liquid Granite can repair a range
Pour or trowel onto area for 5°C, pre-warm the mixing vessel
of problems from holes and cracks
repair. with warm water and use warm
in the floor to crumbling walls and
ceilings, plus loose bolts and mixing water. Suitable water
posts. Mix to a firm consistency to Instructions of use temperatures are approximately
repair overhead or vertical sur- Preparation 25-30°C.
faces. Pour a more fluid mixture Laitance and all loose material
into horizontal areas. Trowel to including dust, oil and grease
finish. should be removed in order to
produce a sound substrate. The
work area should be pre-wetted
taking care to remove any
standing water.
TERO TECH Riverside Industrial Estate, Fazeley, Tamworth, Staffordshire, B78 3RW.
Head Office, Warehousing and Distribution: Tel: 01827 283322, Fax: 01827 250143. Telesales: 01270 611031

The IM Group utilizes a process of continuous product improvement for all of our products. While we do strictly adhere to our products’ specifications, we routinely
implement product improvements. Therefore, please contact us for our most current product specifications. IM Group warrants the quality of this product when used according
to directions. User shall determine suitability of product for use and assumes all risk. The seller will not accept liability for more than product replacement.
Trademarks:TECH TECH is a registered trademark and subsidiary of IM Group.

TERO TECH TS 25.09.19

Indispensable, multi-purpose, emergency repair material
Curing Technical Information Density: 2200kg/m3
No special curing is required at Shrinkage: Volume stable
Typical Grout Properties @ 20°C -
temperatures between 5°C and Bond Strength – slant shear:
Compressive Strength
35°C. Reinstatement of road 40N/mm 2
surfaces may be undertaken Application temperature
Mortar, water content 0.6 litres per
within one hour of placing. Roads range: -20°C to 35°C
may be opened to vehicular traffic 2 Coverage: 0.75m2 @ 8mm
¾ Hour 15N/mm
25N/mm 2
within two hours of placing. Storage: Keep Liquid Granite in
2 hours
48N/mm 2
dry conditions and at a
7 days
Placing 2 temperature of 5°C to 45°C
28 days 55N/mm
Place the mixed mortar as soon as
mixing is complete. The chemical Health and Safety
setting of Liquid Granite is rapid Grout, water content 0.8 litres per Liquid Granite is a slight irritant
and all material should be placed 10kg when mixed with water and
within 10 minutes of adding the 2
¾ Hour 14N/mm should not come into contact with
mixing water. The mortar should 2
2 hours 24N/mm skin or eyes. Please ensure that
be fully compacted to obtain 7 days 33N/mm 2 the Safety Data Sheet is read in its
maximum strength. 28 days 37N/mm 2 entirety before using Liquid
Granite and all appropriate PPE is
worn whilst in use.
Concrete, water content 0.7 litres
per 10kg
¾ Hour 13N/mm 2
2 hours 23N/mm 2
7 days 34N/mm 2
28 days 37N/mm 2

TERO TECH Riverside Industrial Estate, Fazeley, Tamworth, Staffordshire, B78 3RW.
Head Office, Warehousing and Distribution: Tel: 01827 283322, Fax: 01827 250143. Telesales: 01270 611031

The IM Group utilizes a process of continuous product improvement for all of our products. While we do strictly adhere to our products’ specifications, we routinely
implement product improvements. Therefore, please contact us for our most current product specifications. IM Group warrants the quality of this product when used according
to directions. User shall determine suitability of product for use and assumes all risk. The seller will not accept liability for more than product replacement.
Trademarks:TECH TECH is a registered trademark and subsidiary of IM Group.

TERO TECH TS 25.09.19

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