LP For Demo Teaching-Final

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A Lesson Plan in Earth Science on

Prevention and Management of Earthquake

At the end of the lesson, 75% of the students should be able to:

1. Give practical ways of coping with geological hazards caused by



A. Topic: Prevention and Management of Earthquake
1. Key Concepts
 Applying the three methods of safety: cover, duck and hold are
practical ways to cope with geological hazards such as an
 Basic understanding about earthquake on what to do before, during
and after the phenomenon is very important to reduce the risk of
2. Value Focus
 To develop public awareness and preparedness by execution of
disaster management plans such as earthquake drill to reduce the
risks and hazards.
B. References
Glen R. Mangali, et. al. 2016. DIWA Senior High School Series: Earth
and Life Science. Diwa Learning Systems Inc.
Teresita F. Religioso, et al. 2016. You and the Natural World Series:
Earth and Life Science. Phoenix Publishing House

C. Instructional Materials
Laptop, projector, power point presentation, activity sheets


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
1. Prayer
Good morning!  Good morning Ma’am.
Let us start our class with
a short prayer.  Students will pray.
2. Review:
Teacher recall past
 What are the common
geologic hazards that we have  Earthquakes, volcanic
discussed yesterday? eruptions, landslides

3. Motivation:
Through multimedia
presentation, present to the class
some pictures of an aftermath of
Bohol earthquake in 2013.

 Let the students observed and

describe the pictures.

 Are you familiar of these

places in the picture?  Yes ma’am.

 Where can you find these

places in the Philippines?  They can be found in Bohol.

 What can you say about the  The pictures shows that some
pictures? places in Bohol were greatly
devastated by an earthquake.
 If you were in Bohol at that
time, what possibly will you  Answers will vary.
feel or do?

 Do you want to know what

should you do in order to be
safe in such kind of geologic  Yes ma’am.

1. Presentation
A. The teacher will present
the objectives of the lesson to the

B. Video clips presentation on

how to prevent and manage Students must watch and view the
hazards caused by an video clips attentively.
earthquake for better
understanding of the learners
in the topic.

1. Lecture-discussion

 Based on the video, can

you give the practical ways
of coping with geological
hazards endorsed
throughout the world for  Yes ma’am.
personal safety during

 The practical ways of coping

 What are they?
with geological hazards
endorsed throughout the
world for personal safety
during earthquake are:
 DROP - DROP down the floor

 COVER – Duck under a sturdy

piece furniture. If that is not
possible, seek cover against
an interior wall and protect
your head and neck with your

 HOLD – HOLD on to the safety

of your cover or location .If
you take cover with a piece of
furniture, be prepared to move
with if necessary. HOLD your
position until the ground
shaking stops and authorities
have declared it is safe to

 Before an Earthquake:
1. Prepare the complete contents
 What are some tips on of a survival kit.
what to do before an 2. Make a plan of where to meet
with your family.
3. Learn first-aid.
4. Learn how to turn off the gas,
water and electricity.
5. Don’t leave heavy objects on
6. Learn the earthquake plan:
duck, cover, hold.

 During an Earthquake:

1. Stay calm and duck under a

 How about during an sturdy table. Do the drop,
earthquake? cover and hold positions.

2. If you are inside a building, do

not use the elevator. Take the
stairs instead. If you are
trapped inside the elevator,
stay calm. Try to get attention
by tapping hard on metal
parts which increase your
chances of rescued.
3. If you are outside, stay in the
open, away from structures
that may fall such as exterior
walls, overhead utility wires,
and electric posts.

4. If you are in a vehicle, ask the

driver to stop the vehicle as
quickly and safely as possible.
Make sure that the vehicle is
parked away from the bridges,
trees, flyovers and
overpasses, utility wires, or
electric posts.

 After an Earthquake

1. Check for injuries.

 What about after an
earthquake? 2. Provide first aid.

3. Stay away from damaged


4. Follow the person in charge.

5. Expect aftershocks.

6. Stay safe.

 Students will perform

earthquake drill using activity
D. ELABORATION worksheet.
1. Performing Activity
 Earthquake Drill

Note: Rubric will be used

in evaluating student’s
 Duck, Cover and Hold.
2. Summarizing the Lesson

 What are the three important

methods in earthquake plan
for personal safety during an  We can reduce the risk of
hazards by understanding the
basic about earthquake on
 How can you reduce the risks what to do before, during and
of hazards caused by after the phenomenon.
 It is important to develop
3. Valuing public awareness and
 Why is it important to preparation about an
develop public earthquake to ensure safety
awareness and and prevent loss of lives and
preparation about an damage of property.

Possible Answer:
E. EVALUATION  Applying the three methods of
Short quiz/short essay safety: cover, duck and hold
1. In your own, give practical are practical ways to cope
ways in coping with with geological hazards such
geological hazards caused as an earthquake. Likewise,
we have to remember the
by earthquakes. (10points)
principles of safety summary:
get under or beside, identify
Note: Rubric will be used in safe places and practice.
evaluating student’s  Basic understanding about
responses. earthquake on what to do
before, during and after the
phenomenon is very important
to reduce the risk of hazards
by preparation, planning and

Develop a creative and
interactive strategy to promote
disaster preparedness in school.
Activity Worksheet for Earthquake Drill

Group Name___________________ Date_____________ Rating _________________

1. To ensure the safety of everybody during and after a damaging earthquake
by conducting a drill.

Materials: Activity worksheet, pen, megaphone for siren


1. Form a group of five.

2. With your group, design a plan in conducting an earthquake drill.
3. Assume a situation in which an earthquake is occurring in your area.
Note: Use a siren of megaphone which indicate an earthquake is
4. Follow the tips on what to do before, during, and after an earthquake.
5. Each group will be given 2 minutes to plan and 3 minutes to perform the
6. After the drill, answer the guide questions that follow.

Guide Questions:

1. What are the tips to do before, during and after an earthquake?


2. How do you cope up with geological hazards caused by earthquakes in

practical ways?
3. How can you ensure the safety of everybody during and after a damaging
4. Why should you develop public awareness and preparedness for such kind
of geologic hazard?
5. If you are living in a place prone to earthquake, can you say that you are
ready and prepared? Explain your answer.

Prepared By:

SHS Teacher Applicant




SHS Teacher Applicant
Rubric for Rating Earthquake Drill

Performance Tasks (100 points)

Indicators (100 points)

The student (or the team) independently demonstrates the Strong
ability to transfer his/her/their understandings to life situations 76-100 points
in the form of performances.
This means that the performances reflects the following
 The entire performance from planning to execution was
carried out by the student (or the team), with little or
no guidance from the teacher.
 The performance is well-thought out by the student (or
team) from planning to execution.
 There is evidence of value added by the student (or
team) in the execution of the performance.
 The performance is demonstration of creative application
of enduring understanding in a new situation.
The student (or the team) demonstrates the ability to transfer Moderately
his/her/their understandings to life situations in the form of Strong
performances, but the performances can still stand 41-75 points
improvement in number of area, namely:
 The entire performance from planning to execution was
carried out by the student (or the team), with some
guidance/coaching from the teacher.
 The performance is fairly well thought by the student
(or team) from planning to execution.
 There is some evidence of value added by the student
(or team) in the execution of the performance.
 The performance is demonstration of creative application
of enduring understanding, but the context or
situation in which understanding is applied is a
little ordinary or common.

The student (or the team) strives to use understanding in Developing

producing performances as manifested in the following: 40 points and
 The student or the team attempts to do the entirely on below
their own, but seeks the teacher’s help for the
major part of the performance.
 The performance has some flaws that the student or
team has addressed with some help from the teacher.
 There is little evidence of value added by the student
(or team) in the execution of performance.
 A little creative application of enduring understanding
is shown in the performance. The context or situation in
which the understanding is applied in ordinary or

Prepared By:

SHS Teacher Applicant
Rubric for Rating Evaluation
Knowledge (10 points)

Relevance of answers/information to the development of 5 points

Answers/information are completely relevant to the
development of understanding.
5 points
Answers/information are to a great extent relevant to the
development of understanding.
4 points
Answers/information are to some extent relevant to the
development of understanding.
3 points
Answers/information are of very little extent relevant to the
development of understanding.
1-2 points
Accuracy of answers/information to firm up and deepen
understanding 5 points
Answers/information are completely adequate to firm up and
deepen understanding
5 points
Answers/information are to great extent adequate to firm up
and deepen understanding
4 points
Answers/information are to some extent adequate to firm up
and deepen understanding
3 points
Answers/information are very inadequate to firm up and
deepen understanding
1-2 points
TOTAL 10 points

Prepared By:

SHS Teacher Applicant

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