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Evaluation Plan

Astrid Guerra Azócar

English Teaching Experince IV

María Belén Quezada C.

Concepción, 2019

OBJECTIVE LESSON 1: Ss will be able to give examples using vocabulary

related to feelings and emotions, written.

Evaluation purpose: formative

Modality: hetero-evaluation

Instrument: Continuing with the work methodology of the teacher in charge of

the course, the work of the students is evaluated class by class, checking if they
have carried out each of the activities. In addition, in order to review the
progress of the students, the activities are reviewed together. In case the
answers are wrong, the content they did not understand is reviewed and doubts
that the students may have are resolved.

OBJECTIVE LESSON 2: Ss will be able to classify expression from a video text,

Evaluation purpose: formative
Modality: co-evaluation and self-evaluation
Instrument: In first instance, the students complete a KWL chart, describing what
they know and would like to learn. After watching the video and answering some
questions, they compare their answers with their partner. Finally, they complete
the chart describing what they learned in class, in order to do a metacognition
process when reviewing their own learning.
What I Know What I Want to know What I Learnt

OBJECTIVE LESSON 3: Ss will be able to identify vocabulary related to movies,


Evaluation purpose: formative

Modality: hetero-evaluation

Instrument: The vocabulary related to the cinema is presented, which should be

used in the final project of the unit. The work of the students is evaluated class to
class, checking if they have carried out each one of the activities.
OBJECTIVE LESSON 4: Ss will be able to create a Prezi or PowerPoint
presentation describing their favorite movie in writing.

Evaluation purpose: summative

Modality: hetero-evaluation

Instrument: In order for students to use the vocabulary and expressions learned,
they are asked to describe their favorite movie, describing the actors, the genre,
the story, etc. They are evaluated with an analytical rubric.


Students’ names: _____________________________________Grade:_____

Date: __________________


Format Complies with all Complies with less Complies with less than
the requirements of than 75% of the 50% of the
the task. requirements of the requirements of the
task. task.

Grammar & Writers make 2-3 Writers make 4 errors Writers make more
Spelling errors in grammar in grammar and/or than 4 errors in
(conventions) and/or spelling. spelling. grammar and/or

Ideas Ideas are expressed Ideas are expressed in Ideas are somewhat
in a clear and a pretty clear manner, organized, but are not
organized fashion. It but the organization very clear. It takes more
is easy to follow the could be better. than one reading to
reading. figure out what the
writing is about.

Capitalization & Writer makes no Writer makes 1-2 Writer makes more
Punctuation. errors in errors in capitalization than 3 errors in
capitalization and and punctuation. capitalization and
punctuation. punctuation.

Adapted from RubiStar.


I decided to do the activities in the established order so that students could

see the vocabulary and content from a simpler point of view and work on it in
isolation so that they can then see it in a real context when working with authentic
texts and videos. In this way, I have the possibility to revisit the vocabulary
repetitively during the first stage, to make sure that the students have learned it;
to then see if they are able to recognize it and use it in longer texts.

I think one of the first difficulties that could be faced in the classroom in
terms of the development of activities, is that the students with better performance
in the subject finish before their classmates. In this same point of view, I try to
have short activities related to the topics of work so that these students can
develop them and do not become distracted with the cell phone or talk with their

In addition, I have noticed that there are students that develop better and
more comfortably in the written area of the language. In these cases, and
according to what was discussed and agreed with the teacher, the class
emphasizes the evaluation of their written performance more than the oral one.
However, it is required to take notes of the content for the class-to-class
assessments. Finally, regarding this type of formative evaluation, I do not think
that I will face difficulties on the part of the students since it is part of the
summative/formative evaluation established by the teacher.

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