Water Pollution Detection

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4, APRIL 2014

Water Quality Monitoring and Control for

Aquaculture Based on Wireless Sensor Networks
Daudi S. Simbeye* and Shi Feng Yang
College of Electronic Information and Automation, Tianjin University of Science and Technology, 1038 Dagu South
Road, Hexi District, Tianjin 300222, P. R. China
*Corresponding author, Email: [email protected]; [email protected]

Abstract—We have designed and presented a wireless sensor recognized as a major cause of stress, poor appetite, slow
network monitoring and control system for aquaculture. growth, disease susceptibility and mortality in
The system can detect and control water quality parameters aquaculture animals [3]. It is generally accepted that the
of temperature, dissolved oxygen content, pH value, and minimum daily dissolved-oxygen concentration in pond
water level in real-time. The sensor nodes collect the water
culture systems is of greatest concern. Not only is
quality parameters and transmit them to the base station
host computer through ZigBee wireless communication dissolved oxygen important for fish respiration, it is also
standard. The host computer is used for data analysis, important for the survival of phytoplankton, the organism
processing and presentation using LabVIEW software which breaks down toxic ammonia into harmless forms.
platform. The water quality parameters will be sent to The acceptable range of pH for fish culture is usually
owners through short messages from the base station via the between pH 6.5 to pH 9.0. When water is very alkaline (>
Global System for Mobile (GSM) module for notification. pH 9), ammonium in water is converted to toxic ammonia,
The experimental evaluation of the network performance which can kill fish. On the other hand, acidic water (< pH
metrics of quality of communication link, battery 5) leaches metals from rocks and sediments. These metals
performance and data aggregation was presented. The
have an adverse effect on the fish’s metabolism rates and
experimental results show that the system has great
prospect and can be used to operate in real world ability to take in water through their gills, and can be fatal
environment for optimum control of aquaculture as well [4]. Since failure of any component can cause
environment. catastrophic losses within a short period of time, the
system must be reliable and constantly monitored. Thus,
Index Terms—Water Quality Monitoring; Wireless Sensor precise measurements and controls are necessary for the
Network; Aquaculture; ZigBee; LabVIEW; GSM success of an intensive aquaculture system [5]-[6].
However, there are few applications of systems which
I. INTRODUCTION could carry out real-time water quality monitoring
continuously in China. According to the conventional
Aquaculture is increasingly considered as an integral methods of water quality monitoring, samples of water
component in the search for global world food security are taken and transported to a chemical laboratory to
and economic development. The vast majority of analyze the hazardous substances. On the other hand, the
aquaculture production takes place in China. The maintenance of the measurements and control process is
automation of aquaculture systems will allow the industry manual influenced by the personal experience [7].
to improve environmental control, reduce catastrophic How to realize real-time data collection in a secure,
losses, reduce production cost, and improve product robust, manageable and low-cost manner without long-
quality [1]. The most important parameters to be distance cable connections is still a bottleneck in the
monitored and controlled in an aquaculture system development of information monitoring in fish culture.
include temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, ammonia, Modern aquaculture environment detection and control
nitrates, salinity, and alkalinity, since they directly affect technology achieves high-quality, high yield, improves
animal health, feed utilization, growth rates and carrying the basic environmental conditions and is one of the key
capacities [2]. means to promote fish production through the integrated
Water temperature affects the feeding pattern and application of bio engineering and computer technology
growth of fish. Fish generally experience stress and to make the appropriate adjustments, according to the
disease breakout when temperature is chronically near variation of indicators, increase production, and
their maximum tolerance or fluctuates suddenly. Warm guarantee reliable income [8]-[9]. A properly-controlled
water holds less dissolved oxygen than cool water. system will also be energy efficient since production can
Oxygen consumption is directly linked to size of fish, be optimized with respect to the various inputs. So a
feeding rate, activity level and pond temperature. The sustainable development of aquaculture environmental
amount of dissolved oxygen in water increases as factors monitoring and control system for intensive fish
temperature reduces, and decreases when salinity farming is inevitable.
increases. Low dissolved oxygen concentration is



Wireless sensor network (WSN) is an important and well as electric current sensors were included in the setup.
exciting new technology with great potential for Modules for reading and transmitting sensor values
improving current applications in intensive aquaculture through a ZigBee wireless network were developed and
[10]. In contrast to wired sensors, the obstacle has been to tested. The modules were installed in an aquaculture
develop hardware that is capable of transmitting data recirculating system to transmit sensor values to the
under difficult circumstances and developing low-cost, network coordinator. A monitoring program was created
long-term energy sources for the sensor nodes. WSN are in order to display and store sensor values and to compare
in intimate connection with the immediate physical them with reference limits. E-mail and an SMS message
environment allowing each sensor to provide detailed alert can also be sent to the cellular phone of the system
information on environment of material that is otherwise administrator so that immediate action can be taken. A
difficult to obtain by means of traditional wired web interface allows internet access to the sensor values.
instrumentation [11]. In this work, ZigBee wireless A WSN based on ZigBee in aquaculture was presented
communication technology (IEEE 802.15.4) is preferred by [15]. The aquaculture monitoring environment has
over other technologies for the development of wireless characteristics of multi-measuring points, long measuring
sensor network due to its low cost and low power time and high complexity measuring conditions. This
consumption property. system achieves the goals of collect, transmit and display
This work focuses on the use of multiple sensors to multi-parameters such as dissolved oxygen and
monitor and control the water quality parameters of temperature. In [16] a WSN for continuous monitoring
temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and water level in water quality in aquaculture farm was developed. Multi-
aquaculture in real-time. The sensor nodes collect the parameter water quality node, temperature chain node,
water quality parameters and transmit them to the base routing node and an on-site monitoring center were
station host computer through ZigBee wireless designed and implemented. Multi-parameter water
communication standard. Several measurement and quality node was created for measurement of dissolved
performance analysis to evaluate the reliability, feasibility oxygen, water level and temperature in sea cucumber
and effectiveness of the network performance metrics of ponds. The routing node used to extend the range of
quality of communication link, battery performance and continuous monitoring in aquaculture farm. Reference
data aggregation was presented. The system was tested at [17] developed a WSN based traceability system for
Tanggu fish farm demonstration base in Tianjin for six recirculation aquaculture (RATS). The system enables
months. The key water quality indicators was precisely rapid deployment and can acquire water temperature,
controlled by relevant actuators, taking timely measures salinity, dissolved oxygen and pH and achieve real-time
to improve the stability of variety of factors, greatly data transmission. The RATS was mainly developed
savings of electrical energy consumption, providing using C# in Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 integrated with
continuous data that can be used to identify trends and the real-time monitor chart powered by the Matlab M-
improve production and hence increasing income of language dynamic link library. The structure of the WSN
aquaculture farming. to collect and continuously transmit data to the
monitoring software was designed by [18]. Then they
II. RELATED WORKS accomplished the configuration model in the software
WSN become an important issue in environmental that enhances the reuse and facility of the monitoring
monitoring. The relatively low cost of the devices allow project. Moreover, the monitoring software developed to
the installation of nodes that can adequately represent the represent the monitoring hardware and data visualization,
variability present in the environment [11]. WSNs was and analyze the data with expert knowledge to implement
applied successfully for monitoring of soil water content, the auto control. The monitoring system has been
temperature and salt in a cabbage farm of Spain semi-arid realization of the digital, intelligent, and effectively
regions Murcia [12]-[13]. The design of the WSNs ensures the quality of aquaculture water.
included four types sensor networks topology structure Moreover, the use of the ZigBee standard is often seen
nodes deployed in the field. They were soil node, in agriculture through the use of WSN in order to monitor
environmental node, water node and gateway node. or control various parameters [19]. Reference [20]
Furthermore, the software and hardware of each node conducted a study in real time with the remote
were given. The management and real time measurement measurement of humidity, temperature and brightness of
of the whole system were carried by the central the ambient air. In addition to detect water pollution in
processing computer in the farm management office. irrigation, a ZigBee WSN was installed in agricultural
System testing was carried in two stages, including the production. In [21] a novel methodology for the
laboratory test and the field test. The laboratory test has monitoring of the agricultural production process based
analyzed mainly the function of the system devices, on wireless sensor networks was developed. The authors
network performance and energy consumption; proposed a methodology consisting of a set of well-
measurement range, robustness and reliability of system defined phases that cover the complete life cycle of WSN
test were mainly in the field test. applications for agricultural monitoring. An online water
In [14] a ZigBee WSN was developed for monitoring monitoring system based on ZigBee and GPRS was
an experimental aquaculture recirculating system. developed by [22]. The sensor data were collected and
Temperature, dissolved oxygen, water and air pressure as transmitted via ZigBee and GPRS. The data process



procedure was implemented by LabVIEW software. dissolved oxygen sensor with a rigid solid structure for
Reference [23] developed a distributed measurement automatically compensating sensor membrane
system based on networked smart sensors to monitor permeability due to temperature changes and automatic
aquaculture factors in multi-environment. The system pressure balance to prevent the diaphragm deformation
consists of four parts: data collection nodes, routing and to provide material conditions for the accurate
nodes, on-site monitoring center and remote monitoring collection of information.
center; and can bring-out real-time monitoring water The data transformation and transmission is composed
quality parameters and meteorological parameters. of the signal conditioning circuit, data acquisition board,
However, the application of their proposed system is core processing chip and communication module. The
still limited by its rather complicated operational low level input signals directly from sensors are
requirements and high maintenance cost. Further, none of converted to serial digital output voltage standard in the
these studies analyzed battery behavior of sensor nodes in range of 0-5V by high performance AD7705 converter
an outdoor environment like our work. Moreover, the chip. This chip uses sigma-delta conversion technique to
systems were not integrated with actuators in nodes for achieve 16-bit code performance. Also, the device
remotely correcting environmental parameters such as includes self-calibration and system calibration options to
dissolved oxygen and water valves. In our work, the eliminate gain and offset errors of the device or system.
graphical user interface (GUI) was designed by The signal is then transmitted to the microcontroller
LabVIEW software platform so that the users can observe (MCU) chip. The sensor nodes uses ATmega16L
and modify the related values of aquaculture environment. microcontroller as the core for data acquisition and
Still, there are many challenges that arise when one want processing. ATmega16 has an advanced RISC
to get the best performance of the network installed in architecture, 113 instructions, 32 general-purpose
this wide variety of locations. Problems of control and registers and work at 16 MHz performance up to 16
actuation, information packet loss, battery consumption, MIPS, two cycle hardware multipliers, 8-channel 10-bit
as well as aspects related to the real-world environments. Analog to Digital Converter (ADC), 32 programmable
Very few results exist to date regarding meeting real-time Input/Output (I/O) ports, 16KB system programmable
requirements in WSN. Many other functions must also watchdog timer with independent on chip oscillator,
meet real-time constraints including data fusion and data power on reset, programmable power failure detection
transmission. and on chip calibrated RC oscillator [24]. Then the MCU
chip through a comparison with standard parameters
III. SYSTEM DESIGN issues control signals to drive relays for each actuator
The wireless sensors used in this experiment monitor motor device. Data and control signals generated are
temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen and water level. The aggregated and transmitted through ZigBee network to
sensors measure these parameters at specific time the gateway which is connected to the host computer base
intervals and transmit the data wirelessly to a receiver station. The host computer has priority, records these data
station. The sampling time interval was set to roughly for the user to query at any time according to the actual
every 3 minutes in order obtain a long effective needs and issues commands through a gateway and
transmission communication range and 2.405 GHz was ZigBee network to control the actuators in case
selected as the communication frequency for this environmental parameters are outside the preset threshold.
application. As shown in Fig. 1, the entire system has a The data processing microcontroller chip pack the data
sensor node, communication device and the base station. into the wireless transmission module and enables the
Accordingly, each sensor node is designed to gateway to receive the data and transmit them to a host
communicate to the base station via ZigBee computer for further analysis. The sensor nodes are
communication technology. The base station host powered by battery 5V DC. The CC2520 single chip of
computer acts as the central monitoring platform for data ZigBee processes the data and then communicates
analysis, processing and presentation. While the sensor between antenna and gateway wirelessly. CC2520 is the
nodes acts as the remote monitoring platform for data second generation ZigBee/IEEE 802.15.4 RF transceiver
acquisition. in TI Company used for industrial, scientific and medical
(ISM), 2.4 GHz band. CC2520 can work at 125 °C which
A. Sensor Nodes
provides the excellent sensitivity, connectivity and can
The sensor nodes consists of data acquisition, data work at low-voltage operation as well. CC2520 supports
transformation and transmission, and water quality frame processing, data buffering, burst transmission, data
control components. Data acquisition component collects encryption, data authentication, idle channel detection,
non electricity signals of the most important link quality display and frame timing information thereby
environmental factors by using various sensors. With the reducing the load of main controller.
current measurement, pH value is measured by glass
electrode method, temperature by thermometer sensing B. Gateway
technology and dissolved oxygen sensor by membrane The gateway receives command packets, preprocesses
electrode technique. Dissolved oxygen sensors collects and analyzes the data from the sensor nodes and then
fish ponds dissolved oxygen information and converts send to the host computer. The gateway is connected with
into electrical signals to provide the necessary condition the base station with serial RS-232 cable. In case the
for subsequent processing circuit. The system uses the users have not yet received the response data from the



Figure 1. Overall system block diagram

sensor nodes within the time frame set, the sensor nodes
C. Software Design
will be considered to failure and then text messages will
be sent to owners via the base station to notify about The software design of the sensor nodes is mainly
maintenance. The monitoring program is installed in the carried out using ICCAVR compiler, one of the third-
host computer base station that displays results and warns party C compilers recommended by ATMEL Corporation.
stakeholders through early short message warning. The ICCAVR comply with the ANSI C standard language to
environmental parameters of the fishpond will be sent to develop a suitable tool for the MCU program, easy to use,
owners through short messages from the host computer good technical support and basically has the following
via the global system for mobile (GSM) module. In view characteristics:
of the communication requirements between host ICCAVR is an integrated editor and project manager
computer and owners, the use of the GSM network to integrated working environment (IDE).
communicate not only reduces the cost, but also expands The source files have all been organized to the project,
the communication range and space. Moreover, the base document editing and project building, also in this
station sends data on a regular basis to the sensor nodes environment the errors are displayed in the status window
capture command when the transfer is complete and wait and when one clicks on the compile error, the cursor
for the sensor node to return the data. If normal automatically jumps to the wrong line.
environmental parameters from the sensor nodes are The project manager can also directly generate
received, the base station displays results on the display INTEL.HEX format, the format file most programmers
device. If otherwise the set value text messages are sent are supported for downloading to the chip.
to the owners for notification and automatically open the
corresponding actuator pump for correcting the respective
environmental parameters. With the user-friendly
interface, the host computer allows the owners to carry
out a number of parameter settings to facilitate
monitoring. Also is possible to set a manual command so
as to achieve reasonable adjustment and control of
systems diversity.
The gateway node comprises of 4 basic modules
including communication module, RS-232/USB interface
module, MAX-232 and power module. The
communication module chosen for this module is the Figure 2. PC interface
same with that in the sensor node, CC2520. The ZigBee
CC2550 uses the serial peripheral interface (SPI) to The status of the system running the host computer is
connect the couple of control lines, and then connect to monitored in real time and can analyze, compute, display,
USB chip through a serial cable. This node receives print and process data. There are many platforms for
power from the computer through the SPI bus, which development of PC monitoring screen such as
ensures that the node is online all the time. Personal KINGVIEW, C, C#, C++, and LabVIEW. In this study,
Computer (PC) is used as a processor in place of LabVIEW is chosen for software realization. LabVIEW
microcontroller. So in this work, microcontroller is not software user interface is as shown in Fig. 2. LabVIEW is
used at gateway node. However, PC performs the a graphical G-language whereas the resulting program is
functionality of processor and is used to receive the data in block diagram form. The production line technology
from the transmitting node and issue commands to staff can easily learn and use simple procedures which
control remote actuator devices. help to maintain, master and apply to practice in a very
short period of time. On one hand, the host computer uses
LabVIEW software to monitor and process water quality



data and on the other, to control actuator devices on sensor network is the number of rounds of data fusion it
remote site. The software can also be set for each of the can perform before the first sensor drains out. This is
ponds in order to ensure that the parameters in different known as the Maximum Lifetime Data Aggregation
species under different weather conditions have a suitable (MLDA) problem.
environmental growth [26]-[27]. Given: the location & energy of each sensor and the
base station (BS). The goal is to find an efficient manner
D. Data Aggregation
to collect & aggregate reports from the sensors to the BS
Data aggregation, which combines data from multiple [29].
sensors, is performed in the firmware of the sensor nodes System model
and monitoring program of the gateway. The network n sensor nodes (1..n)
data aggregation can reduce the data packet size, the Base station (n+1)
number of data transmissions and the number of nodes Fixed data packet size: k bits
Initial energy of a sensor i: εi
involved in gathering data from a WSN. The most Receive energy,
dominating factor for consuming energy of WSNs is
RXi = εelec * k (1)
communication, i.e., transmitting and receiving messages
[28]. Therefore, reducing generation of unnecessary Transmission energy,
traffics in WSNs enhances their lifetime. In addition, TXi,j = εelec *k + ε amp*d2i,j *k (2)
involving as many sensor nodes as possible during data
where eεelec is the electronic energy and εamp is amplifier energy.
collections by the sink node can utilize maximum
resources of every sensor node. Aggregated result of Phase 1:
sensor data at the sink node is used for making important Sensors are grouped into clusters in a node.
decisions. Because WSNs are not always reliable, it Each sensor node consists of a minimum no. of sensors.
cannot be expected that all nodes reply to all request. The energy of a sensor node is the sum of the energy of all the
sensors within it.
Therefore, the final aggregated result must be properly Distance between two sensor nodes is the maximum distance
derived. For this, the information of the sensor nodes between two sensors where, each resides in a different sensor node.
(Node Identifications, IDs) contributing to the final Apply the MLDA algorithm.
aggregated result must be known by the sink node. And Software instruction-level parallelism (ILP) is employed to find a
the communication cost of transmitting IDs of all near-optimal admissible flow network.
Objective: maximize the lifetime of network (T) under the energy
contributed sensor nodes along with the aggregated data constraints.
must be minimized. Following are some promising Generate schedule(s) from the admissible flow network.
reasons for transmitting IDs of sensor nodes along with Phase Two:
their sensed data. Initialize {Aggregation Schedule} = 0.
To know the exact picture of sensors data by Life Time, T = 0.
Choose a scheduler from phase 1.
identifying which sensor nodes are sending their data for Initialize aggregation tree, A with the BS.
data aggregation. Visit each clusters and add the nodes such that, the residual energy at
Data loss due to collision is inevitable in WSNs. each edge is maximized.
Therefore, IDs of sensor nodes are needed to deal with Add A to the aggregation scheduler.
Increment T by 1.
data loss resiliency and accuracy of the final aggregated Repeat steps 3-7 until a node drains out.
result of sensors data at the gateway node. Comments
To know either a sensor node is providing service or Provides a set of data fusion schedules that maximize the lifetime of
not (survivability of a sensor node). the network.
Hence, a gateway node must be aware of node IDs of Clustering of nodes reduces the time needed to solve the ILP.
those sensor nodes which contribute in aggregated value
of sensors data in order to derive exact result of the
collected data in WSNs. This is possible only when if
there exists such a scheme which can transmit IDs of all
the participating sensor nodes to the sink node. In this
work, each sensor node has the capabilities of sensing,
aggregating and forwarding data and it can send fixed-
length data packets to the gateway node periodically.
Finally, the sensor nodes can switch into sleep mode or a
low power mode to preserve their energy when they do
not need to receive or send data.
We used decentralized fusion architecture whereby
data fusion occurs locally at each sensor node on the
basis of local observations and the information obtained
Figure 3. Sensor installation
from sensors. This scheme has the advantage of
scalability and tolerant to the addition or loss of sensing E. Testing Environment
nodes or dynamic changes in the network. Due to their
energy constraints, sensors need to perform efficient data The system has been tested in Tanggu district at
fusion to extend the lifetime of the network. Lifetime of a Tianjin intensive aquaculture base for six months (from



June 4, 2012 to November 25, 2012. The data presented Dissolved oxygen sensor: D-6800 intelligent dissolved
here was taken during the whole testing time. The pond oxygen detector, measuring range: 0~20.00mg/L,
area is 2 acres divided into 4 ponds, pool 3 meters deep. automatic range switching and temperature compensation:
Photos of the project setup and hardware testing for real 0~60°C, resolution: 0.01mg/L, precision:  0.5%.
time data acquisition, analysis and presentation are shown Water level sensor: UXI-LY pressure type level
in Fig. 3, Fig. 4, and Fig. 5. Fig. 3 shows dissolved transmitter, range of 1~70m, accuracy: 0.3%FS and
oxygen sensor installation at the Tanggu fish pond. temperature range: -10~70°C.
Furthermore, Fig. 4 shows the user interface device for
setting user’s mobile number and displaying values from IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
sensor nodes and Fig. 5 shows dissolved oxygen aerator The experimental results of sensor readings, battery
pump controlled automatically by the sensor nodes. performance and communication performance (signal
strengths) recorded in every three minutes were
monitored during the six months period. Fig. 6 shows
monitored data of temperature with fluctuation by more
than 5°C during a 24-hour period for the whole
experimental duration. Two sets of data sampled
automatically from node one and two placed in different
fishponds have been compared. The curves correlate well
but do not match, due to local biomass conditions in the
fish ponds. During daylight hours, energy from the sun
warms the water, while heat is lost to the cooler
atmosphere at night. Wind and storms affect temperature
by breaking up stratification, mixing the water and
equally distributing the heat throughout the water column.
Figure 4. User interface device Fig. 7 shows the monitored data of dissolved oxygen
from node one and two respectively. The maximum
values of dissolved oxygen recorded was 10.7 Mg/L and
9.93 Mg/L from node one and two respectively. Whereas,
the minimum values of dissolved oxygen recorded was
4.50 Mg/L and 4.91 Mg/L from node one and two
respectively. It can be noted that dissolved oxygen
content did not fall below 4.5 Mg/L set even at night
times. This can be explained by the fact that at this level
the fishponds were sustained by aerators, thus meeting
the objective of preventing fish mortality. These values
demonstrate the ability of the controller to maintain the
desired set points. Dissolved oxygen normally increases
during day light hours when photosynthesis is occurring
and decreases at night when respiration continues.
Dissolved oxygen curves observed here from node one
Figure 5. Dissolved oxygen aerator pump working at Tanggu fish
pond and two are different due to difference in aquatic animals
and availability of phytoplankton in the ponds. It can be
The GUI of the monitoring center allows monitoring seen in Fig. 8 that the pH was relatively stable with
data obtained from the sensor nodes and observe the standard deviation of  0.21 and  0.42 respectively. It
behavior of the network in terms of quality of the radio can be observed that by being within range, there was no
link of each sensor node, data aggregation and battery need for controlling the pH, since the values acquired by
status. The received signal strength is expressed in dBm. the software was within the preset range limit. The pH
We used two nodes in the test, each being installed in tends to decline in fishponds as bacteria produce acids
different fish pond. and carbon dioxide is generated by the fish, algae and
Considering the project requirements of cost, stability, phytoplankton. Carbon dioxide reacts with water to form
accuracy, durability and other indicators, this system uses carbonic acid which drives the pH downward. Below a
the following sensors: pH of 6.8 the nitrifying bacteria are inhibited and do not
Temperature sensor: DS18B20 thermometer, operating remove toxic nitrogen wastes. Optimum pH range in
voltage range (3-5.5V), temperature range detection of - fishponds is maintained through the addition of alkaline
55~+125°C (-67 to +257°F) and accuracy up to  0.5 buffers. The most commonly used buffers are sodium
degrees Celsius. bicarbonate and calcium carbonate but calcium hydroxide,
PH value sensor: PH400/450 series, pH display calcium oxide, and sodium hydroxide have been utilized.
controller, the pH value measuring range -2.00 to 16.00, These curves change consistently and reasonably. The
pH resolution of 0.01 pH and accuracy is  0.01pH. acquisition data reflects temperature, dissolved oxygen,
pH and water level trend appropriately. These figures



Figure 6. The monitored data of temperature collected from 4 June to 25 November, 2012

Figure 7. The monitored data of dissolved oxygen collected from 4 June to November, 2012

Figure 8. The monitored data of pH collected from 4 June to November, 2012

Figure 9. The monitored battery performance data collected from 4 June to November, 2012



Figure 10. The monitored RSSI data collected from 4 June to November, 2012

show the correctness and feasibility of the fish pond to make a system calibration, where values of RSSI and
monitoring system. The detailed changes of water level distances are evaluated ahead of time in a controlled
measured by our proposed system are in the same way environment.
with satisfactory results. Similar findings with a remote wireless system for
Sensor nodes were powered with Duracell alkaline water quality web based monitoring in intensive fish
battery size Lantern, number MN908, 6V 11.5 Ampere culture were reported by [5, 17]. Rather precise and
hours. The battery level of all the sensor nodes stayed constant regulation of dissolved oxygen, temperature,
very stable in the range of 5.05V to 4.39V for the whole water level and pH has been achieved by this system. For
experiment duration (Fig. 9). Regression analysis of the example, in six months test of using this system, these
battery performance experimental data with a linear fit environmental parameters were kept at optimal levels
gave a determination coefficient, R 2 =0.9919, showing where almost all aquatic organisms can survive
that a close relation between the values exists. Part of the indefinitely provided other environmental parameters are
power is consumed by the sensors, microcontroller within allowable limits. Whereas the fish are reasonably
ATmega16L, and the communication module CC2520. comfortable and healthy at 5-6 mg/L dissolved oxygen
The actuators and the gateway are powered by the mains. concentrations, which is in agreement with our findings.
Since the sensor nodes are operated with batteries, the Ideally, fish ponds should be at or near oxygen saturation
power supply is very limited and so power saving is at all times. This system has a structure of receiving and
therefore of outmost importance in designing, storing water quality information sent from respective
implementing and operating a WSN based monitoring sensors in real time and links it with GSM module so that
system. In our case, energy consumption is reduced by the user can have access to fish pond status at any place
using low power hardware (sensors, microcontrollers, in time. Information stored in host computer can be
radio chips) for implementing sensor nodes that consume displayed as a graph, with which a user can understand
typically significantly less energy. The hardware and the status of the fish pond in real-time, and user can take
software presented here are designed specifically to corrective action for any possible problems at proper time.
address the needs of WSNs namely efficiency power Continuously monitoring real-time environmental
consumption, low cost and scalability that integrates parameters and alarms will automatically notify the user
detection, processing and storage. The batteries are of any out of bounds condition that could signal an
unable to supply enough current to power the node once equipment failure, improper settings, extreme weather
the voltage drops below 2.5V. conditions etc.
The Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) curve
for the whole experimental duration is shown in Fig. 10. V. CONCLUSIONS
A low RSSI value represents a bad radio link, a high This study provides the design of water quality
value a good radio link. The typical receiving sensitivity monitoring and control system for aquaculture based on
is -94 dBm. In general the signal strength that reaches the wireless sensor networks and single chip computer
receiver antenna is dependent on the orientation of the technology as a base in the actual operation. It realizes
antenna and the distance between the transmitter and the monitoring of the water environmental parameters for
receiver. This represents an additional source of error intensive aquaculture and alarm notification through short
which may significantly influence the accuracy of the message when monitored variables take anomalous
received signal strength. In order to achieve high signal values and is suitable for long-term stability under growth
strength the antennas should be placed in line of sight at conditions thus increasing yield per unit area. The system
distance  1/ r 2 for avoiding attenuation of antenna signal can monitor the data of temperature, dissolved oxygen,
power in outdoor environment (where r is the distance pH, and water level continuously and in real-time. Two
between transmitter and receiver). However, in real- nodes have been implemented for six months to evaluate
world environments, this indicator is highly influenced by the system feasibility. The sensor data, battery
noises, obstacles, and the type of antenna, which makes it performance and network performance metrics have been
hard to model mathematically. In this case it is important analyzed and presented. The pump can be set to auto-start



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Applied Research and Technology, Vol. 10 (3), 380-387.
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60771014 and Tianjin Agricultural Scientific Committee Intelligent and Soft Computing, Vol. 148, pp. 553-558.
[16] Ma Daokun, Ding Qisheng, Li Daoliang, Zhao Linlin,
Foundation under Grant 201101190. The authors would
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demonstration base for the assistance on the setting up of Volume 8, Number 1, pp. 109-113(5).
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wireless sensor networks, Yen Kheng Tan (Ed.), ISBN: Shi-Feng Yang received the B. E. degree in agriculture
978-953-307-297-5, In Tech, Available from: mechanization and M. S. degree in computer application in
http://www.intechopen.com/books/sustainable-wireless- agricultural engineering from Hebei Agricultural University
sensor-networks/energy-efficient-dataaggregation-for- (Baoding city) in 1981 and 1991 respectively, and the Ph.D
wireless-sensor-networks. degree in computer application in agricultural engineering from
[29] K. Dasgupta, K. Kalpakis and P. Namjoshi, 2003. An China Agricultural University (Beijing) in 1998. From 1992 to
Efficient Clustering-based Heuristic for Data Gathering 1998, he was an associate professor in the department of
and Aggregation in Sensor Networks, IEEE WCNC. mechanical and electrical engineering at the Hebei Agricultural
University. From 1998 to 1999, he was a professor in the
department of agricultural automation engineering at the China
Agricultural University. Since 1999 to date, he is a professor in
Daudi S. Simbeye received the B. E. degree in electronics and the department of automation at Tianjin University of Science
microelectronics from Moscow Power Engineering Institute and Technology, China. In 1994 he received the fourth award of
(Technical University) and the M. E. degree in design and science and technology of Hebei Province for microcomputer
technology in electrical engineering from Southern Federal based on instrumentation system to measure seedmeter
University-Taganrog Institute of Technology, Russia, in 2006 performance. In 1995 he received the first award of Hebei
and 2008 respectively. Currently, he is pursuing PhD in light Agricultural University for “a system for monitoring and
industry information technology and engineering at Tianjin controlling the growing environment parameters in the
University of Science and Technology, China. From 2008 to greenhouse”, and in 1997 he received the agricultural
date, He is an assistant lecturer in the department of computer engineering prize. His areas of interest include research of
studies at Dar Es Salaam Institute of Technology, Tanzania. His information detection and intelligent technology.
areas of interest include embedded systems, automation and
control, and Wireless sensor networks.


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