Spiritual Guru Who Actually Helped The Humanity

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Spiritual Guru who actually helped the humanity

Spirituality is the science of studying spiritual beings that describes such as how from Almighty the
universe and life formed, describes evolution from micro-organisms to human, relation between soul,
mind and body etc. Spiritual beings include all living beings. Gurus are listed next to parents who play
important role in shaping a person's life, characters, habits etc. The guru who teaches spirituality are
called spiritual gurus. There are many spiritual gurus came to earth and gave their available teachings
which can help the humanity to achieve the purpose of the birth. Spiritual science cultivates human
being from animal nature to divine nature to attain enlightenment and final salvation.
Though many of the spiritual gurus came down to The Earth, here only 2 of the spiritual gurus will be
1. Yogiraj Shri Vethathiri Maharishi – He was a spiritual leader, World peace activist, scientist,
Philosopher, Siddha, Ayurvedic, Homeopathic practitioner and founder-trustee of the World
Community Service Center in 1958 in Chennai. He born on 14 August 1911, at Guduvanchery,
Chennai and died on 28 March 2006, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu. He wrote books Journey of
Consciousness: A Complete, Powerful, and Unique Synthesis of Revealed Yogic Truth
Explicating Simplified Kundalini Yoga and Karma Yoga as a Simple, Systematic, and Scientific
Path to Enable Modern Man to Achieve a Harmonius Life and Self-realization.

2. Seer / Yogi / Siddhar Thirumular – About the 8 th BCE, he resided in the mount Kailas in the
name of Sundarar. He came to south to meet his fellow disciple Agastyar at Pothiya mountains.
Near Sathanur village, he found cowherd, Mulan's dead body surrounded by his cows. The Yogi
who gave us the famous dictum "God is Love" thought it was his duty to do something to help
the dumb creatures, By using his yogic power, he executed body swapping, i.e. switched from
his body to the Mulan's body and took the cows to its home. After leaving the cows, he returned
to the spot and found his body had disappeared. He understood that it was an act of Lord Siva to
continue to remain in the Mulan's body and undergone meditation at Thiruvavaduthurai and
came to be known as Thirumular. He was usually in Samadhi and recorded a verse per year and
completed 3000 years and the book was named as Thirumandiram – One of the oldest Tamil
Scriptural Classic.
Here in this article, we are going to discuss about the teaching of Thirumular, i.e. Thirumandiram
which can help humanity to transform oneself from animal nature to divine nature.

About Thirumandiram
This Book "Thirumandiram" is the seminal text of Saiva – Siddhanta called Saivism which produced a
galaxy of Saints. This Yogi preached only what he lived. His message that 'ultimate reality is One and
all of us belong to the same family' has special relevance to us moderns, who have lost our moorings of
faith and are wandering between two worlds, one dead, the other powerless to be born.
The three main famous dictums of Thirumular from Thirumandiram are:
✔ God is Love – "Anbe Sivam" The most sublime statement of Saiva Siddhanta
✔ May this world share the bliss that I have had – i.e. Bliss shared is bliss multiplied
✔ The whole mankind is one family and the Lord we worship is only one

Some remarkable verses of Thirumandiram

Tantra 8, Verse 2290, Title: Para-Avasta - Sublimation of Thought, Translated verse with description as
Think of wood
Image of toy-elephant recedes;
Think of toy-elephant
Image of wood recedes;
Think of elements five
Thought of Param recedes
Think of Param,
Thought of elements recedes.

A child looks at a toy elephant carved from wood. It sees only the elephant and is not aware of the
wood. A carpenter, on the other hand, looks at the quality of the wood and is not bothered about the
figure carved. Similarly, we ignorant chldren are aware only of the world constituted of the five basic
elements and not of the Lord who himself has manifested as the World. A wiseman, on the other hand,
sees only God in everything, in both, living and non-living. He is not aware of the material world as we
see it. For the devotee of Lord Siva, everything is prevaded by Lord Siva. Thirumular thus exemplifies
Sanmarga, the path of Gnosis.

Tantra 1, Verse 1, Title: In Praise of God – One is many, Translated verse with description as follows:
The One is He, the Two His sweet Grace,
In Three He stood, in all the Four witnessed,
The Five He conquered, the Six He filled,
The Seven Worlds pervades, manifests the Eight
And so remains.

The One - The Uncreated Eternal Being is the One – Before the Universe forms, The One exists as
Uncreated Eternal Being i.e. Lord Siva.
The Two - Statics and Dynamics mechanisms of The One – The One once formed into Universe, then it
exists either in statics forms or in dynamics forms. i.e. Lord Siva and Lord Shakti.
The Three – Infinite Cyclic Activities in the Universe are Creation, Preservation and Destruction. i.e.
Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Rudra.
The Four – The Soul's evolutionary process to attain the path of the enlightenment are:
1. Virtue and Selfless Service to mankind,
2. Worship and Recite Mantras,
3. Performing Yoga, Breathing Exercise, Introspection, Meditation,
4. Wisdom state of the Realised Soul
The Five – The five physical senses to be conquered in order to complete the Soul's Evolutionary
The Six – There are six plexus where conscious energy (soul) flows in our body. They are muladhara,
svadhishthana, manipuraka, anahata, visuddhi and ajna.
The Seven – There are seven worlds exists in the Universe, they are Bhu world, Bhuvar World, Svar
World, Mahar World, Tapo World, Satya World and Siva World.
The Eight – The pervasiveness of The One through Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ether, Sun, Moon and Soul.

Tantra 7, Verse 1823, Title: Siva Puja – Soul is Siva Linga, Translated verse with description as
For the Bounteous Lord
This heart is the sanctum holy,
The fleshly body is temple vast
The mouth is the tower gate;
To them that discern,
Jiva is Sivalinga;
The deceptive senses but the lights that illumine.

The fleshy body is a unique temple; the mouth is its tower gate; and the mind is the holy sanctum for
the Bounteous Lord. For those who can vision, Soul is the Siva and the physical senses are the
illuminating lamps of the temple.

Those who read and practise the knowledge attained by reading the book Thirumandiram will sure help
oneself to transform from animal nature to divine nature and then will attain enlightenment and final

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