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Chapter I



In the Philippines, there are over thousands of

universities and colleges. It is the final stage of getting

ready to conquer the job environment. It will serve as the

stepping stone for everyone to achieve their dreams in

life. Sooner or later, senior high school students will

graduate and will look for best institution to continue

what they have started. Before that all, you need to do is

to find a school that will fit to your expectation.

College is where you can get additional knowledge

about what you learned in your past 12 years at studying.

So, picking the best school will take a lot of time, money

and effort. There's so many universities in the

Philippine's but one thing is for sure, all universities

and colleges will surely let you acquire more knowledge and


The vital role of choosing a college school shouldn’t

be underestimated. Our choice of college is a gamble that

our future is at stake. We need to be wise and smart in

Brgy. Bitas, Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija Phone No. (044) 463.0952
choosing our college school in order to achieve the proper

education system. Choosing the right universities will help

you to reach your goals in life, joins with your strong

passion and concupiscent yearning to pursue your dreams

will help you to reach the top.

Sooner or later, senior high school students will

graduate and will look for best institution to continue

what they have started and our future will be molded during

our college life. But before that, they need to find a

school that will fit to their expectation. There are

thousands of universities and colleges all over the

Philippines to choose from. And because of this, grade 12

students are having a hard time to pick the school that

suits them. As Ramirez & Dizon (2014) have observed,

Graduating students from Senior High School may not have

firm decisions on where they want to study or what courses

they will take. They plans to enter in college without an

idea of what career they want to pursue for the future they

dream of.

Most of us prefer the best university because it will

be their second home for years. Choose the best educational

system because the knowledge they’ll give can be a sword

Brgy. Bitas, Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija Phone No. (044) 463.0952
and shield while taking the path towards the desired

profession. Pick the best university or college that has

the best facilities to start their basic experience for

their future work or profession. And they will choose the

best college school for themselves because it’s their

future we’re talking about. The future depends on how and

what you are in your college life.

Nowadays, Grade-12 students are facing the one of

major decision in a student’s life, and that is making

decision in what college school they’ll choose. Grade 12

students choose their college schools for many reasons. The

factor that affect this decision include (1) Financial aid,

the money/expenses you’ll use in college. (2) Students’

characteristics, if that college school reflects your

attitude and behavior. (3)Institutional characteristic, the

quality of the college school/university. (4) Influential

people, the impact of other people’s opinions to their

decision in choosing their school in college. (5) Internet,

the impact of social media or the things they see in the

internet in the school they will choose.

The researchers decided to conduct this study because

there is limited research about college choice in the

Brgy. Bitas, Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija Phone No. (044) 463.0952
Philippines. According to Liu, “Most of the studies in

college choices we’re conducted in the United States and

other Western countries like Australia… and some European


Thus, the study aims to determine the factors that

Grade 12 senior high school students’ consider in college

school decision-making. The results of this research will

show whether Grade 12 SHS students have a clear decision,

accurate understanding and perception about the topic and

with those results this paper will serve as a guide for the

students in what are the important factors they need to

consider in choosing college school. This study can serve

as a guide for some necessary revisions concerning the

effectiveness of the factors used such as financial aid,

students’ characteristics, institutional characteristics,

influential people, and the internet.

Review of Related Literature and Studies

The following literature review presents information

about the factors that influences Grade 12 students of

PHINMA-Araullo University college choice. The review

examines the body of research available on students’

Brgy. Bitas, Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija Phone No. (044) 463.0952
characteristics, financial status, institutional

characteristics, influential people, and internet. This

will also address the factors that affect their perception

regarding their choice of college school.

College Choice

There are several studies on how students decide where

to go on college. They either use economic and sociological

theoretical frameworks to examine factors of college choice

(Hearn, 1984; Jackson, 1978; Tierney, 1983; Somers, Haines,

& Keene; 2006). Choosing a college is one of those

monumental life decisions that will determine your future

in a variety of ways.

College choice will be the one that will play the role

of the successful and unsuccessful transition of the

student. The development of students both academically and

socially while they are members of the campus community is

tantamount to the university’s success (Fleming,W.J.B. et

al., 2005).

Financial Aid

According to the survey of The Higher Education

Research Institute, it shows that the availability of

Brgy. Bitas, Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija Phone No. (044) 463.0952
financial support influences the college selection. 48%

reported that a financial aid offer was a “very important”

factor, up from 30% in 2004. Overall cost is considered as

well. But more than half of first-generation students

indicated that the cost of attending was a “very important”

factor. Continuing-generation students consider cost also,

but at a lower rate. Only 43% rated cost as “very

important” in their enrollment decision.

In the study of Kim, D. in 2004, they analyzed the

impact of specific types of financial aid on student’s

college choice. For overall student populations, the

receipt of grants or a combination of grants with loans had

a positive impact on attending first choice institutions.

Other students, more likely to attend their first choice

institutions if they received grants or a combination of

grants with loans.

In the study of Desacula, A.T. et al. (2004), they

found out that affordability of tuition fees is not that

important factor but still will be considered by the


Brgy. Bitas, Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija Phone No. (044) 463.0952
Irish Yvonne Mae O. Ambong found out that the amount

of tuition fee, nowadays became a big issue in choosing

college school. And of course, as a practical student you

will choose the university or college school that has the

cheapest price.

In the study conducted by Christine Joy Tan (2009),

she found out that the cost and financial aid factor was

not ranked more highly with regards their decision.

Students consider this factor but not that high with

regards to their decision.

In the findings of Rand Corporation, financial

considerations are important. They will make sure that they

have a sufficient income to support their expenses in


Student’s characteristics

The relation between student’s characteristic and

college choice is very strong. Student aptitude, as

reflected by test scores (ACT/SAT) and high school

performance (GPA), influence the type of students that

colleges target and the colleges that students attend.

Students tend to choose colleges where the academic

Brgy. Bitas, Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija Phone No. (044) 463.0952
abilities and achievements of the student population

reflect their own abilities and achievements. Colleges

contribute by publishing average student test scores

(Chapman 1981, 493). Kim and Hull (2015, 160), as they are

often required to do, which are studied by academically

advanced students; these students may conclude that high-

achieving and highly motivated students were more likely to

attend highly selective colleges.

Student ability is a factor that influences their

college choice. In the research of Conklin and Dailey et

al, concluded that the person is more likely to desire to

attend college “when students’ academic aptitude is

greater” and “when student academic achievement is

greater”. He/she is more likely to apply to, or attend a

(1) more highly selected institution, (2) a high-cost

institution, (3) an institution located a greater distance

from home, (4) a private institution rather than a public

institution, and (5) a four-year institution.

In the study of Duque, S. (2017), own interest is

often affecting the choice of students, but some people are

influenced with their friends’ choices. 60% of the

respondents totally agree that own interest is the main

Brgy. Bitas, Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija Phone No. (044) 463.0952
factor that affects the students’ choice of college. The

factor that most influences the decision-making of the

students is their own interest because they trust their

selves in the choices they make.

Institutional characteristics

The academic quality of a college or university is an

important factor considered by students. And according to

Hossler and Gallager (1987), they have observed that

students who lived close to a campus are more likely to

enroll in a college or university. Along with proximity,

students who live in urban or sub-urban areas are also more

likely to go to college than students from rural settings.

Kinzie, Palmer, Hayek, Hossler, Jacob, and Cummmings (2000)

stated that the benefits of choosing an institution close

to home is a way for many students to alleviate some of the

burden of higher education’s cost by attending a college

close to home, students have the option of living at home

in order to avoid paying rent.

In the study of Capraro, Patrick, and Wilson (2004)

found out that attractiveness of social life, defined in

terms of characteristics of the people and experiences to

Brgy. Bitas, Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija Phone No. (044) 463.0952
be found at a school is at least as important as quality of

education in determining the likelihood of a candidate

under taking decision approach actions toward an

institution. The importance of the social atmosphere is

positively a associated with smaller choice sets among

students (Hurtado et al., 1997). All students appear to

consider student body characteristics and social

environment in their college choice, but according with

their own characteristics they may be looking for different

institutional environments for a comfortable fit.

Influential People

Parental encouragement and support is a factor that

influences the student’s college choice. Research shows

that parents of students often play important roles

throughout their decisions, but in terms of setting

expectations for their children and taking the more

proactive approach of discussing college plans and saving

for college expenses (Bers and Galowich, 2002).

Friends are important sources of information. In fact,

having friends with college plans was the strongest

predictor of college choice. If most or all of their

Brgy. Bitas, Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija Phone No. (044) 463.0952
friends had college plans, the odds of moderate to high

risk students enrolling in college were four times higher

than if none of their friends planned to go to college

(Choy et al., 2000).

According to McFadden (2015), institutions’ websites

are the most heavily-accessed online resources, with 86% of

respondents listing these as very or extremely useful. We

all know mobile is a priority, but a key takeaway is the

lack of interest in university apps. While 97% of students

have viewed college sites on their phones, nearly ¾ of

students said they had no interest in downloading a

university’s app. If your college’s site isn’t yet

responsive, we’d recommend this be the priority. However,

this effort at an institutional level could be pretty

monumental in its own right. Changing a college website is

a little like turning a cruise ship. It’s not going to be

quick. If that’s the case, it may be worthwhile to explore

a micro site aimed specifically at prospective students.

That can give you a quick, effective destination that you

can use for other digital campaigns.

Brgy. Bitas, Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija Phone No. (044) 463.0952

Internet can be a factor that influences the decisions

of students in their college choice. As of today, we are

technology-based when we decide about something. In the

study of Vijay Paul Reddy in 2014, they determined that

social media influences the university course selection

process of potential students. In this study, 19

respondents (24%) indicated that social media had high

impact on their university decision making. In addition, 12

respondents (16%) said it had some influence and 17

respondents (22%) felt social media provided additional

information. Interestingly, only 21 respondents (13%)

depended on social media as an information source as

compared to 68 (41%) who depended on traditional

information sources.

The literature review established that international

students’ use social media to enquire about finance issues,

gain information about programs and activities, gather

insight about course expectations. It is likely that

students may have sought to obtain information on other

areas such as the university’s facilities, services,

events, activities instead of specifically seeking

Brgy. Bitas, Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija Phone No. (044) 463.0952
university and course information. Social media may

therefore have not been the students’ primary source of

university information but can be a factor that influences

the decision-making of college school.

Conceptual Framework

College choice is defined as a complex, multistage

process during which an individual develops aspirations to

continue formal education beyond high school, followed

later by a decision to attend a specific college,

university or institution of advanced vocational training.

College is the transition of successful and successful

outcome of your future. It gives the final touches of your

life before taking the path of your profession.

The additional 2 year-high school of the respondents

is their training ground for their preferred future

careers. Their understanding is expected to get deeper and

their thoughts and decisions get clearer. With proper

understanding of the concepts, Grade 12 students will form

a much clearer perceptions towards the factor they may

consider in choosing a college school for their future, and

as they are equipped with a higher level of understanding

Brgy. Bitas, Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija Phone No. (044) 463.0952
and a favorable attitude, they are expected to have more

concrete decision with regards to their preferred college


Figure 1 shows the paradigm of the study which shows

the relationship of the respondents’ choice of college and

the factors that influences their choice. The grade 12 SHS

students’ perception in their choice of college will be

assessed based on the following: financial aid, students’

characteristics, institutional characteristic, influential


Brgy. Bitas, Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija Phone No. (044) 463.0952
Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Factors Affecting
Profile of the Students’ Choice of
respondents’ College

Financial Aid







Influential people


Figure 1

Brgy. Bitas, Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija Phone No. (044) 463.0952
Paradigm of the Study

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined operationally for

better and easy understanding of the study:

College choice- defined as the process through which

traditional-age students go about realizing their

educational aspirations. This process is influenced by a

complex set of experiences and policies that occur at the

individual, local community, higher education, and state

and federal levels.

University- an institution of higher learning

providing facilities for teaching and research and

authorized to grant academic degrees; specifically : one

made up of an undergraduate division which confers

bachelor's degrees and a graduate division which comprises

a graduate school and professional schools each of which

may confer master's degrees and doctorates.

College-is an educational institution or establishment

providing higher education or specialized professional or

vocational training.

Brgy. Bitas, Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija Phone No. (044) 463.0952
Institution- an organization, establishment,

foundation, society, or the like, devoted to the promotion

of a particular cause or program, especially one of a

public, educational, or charitable character.

Respondents- it is a person who answers a question,

letter, email message, survey, or anything else that

requires a response. Refer to all grade 12 ABM students in

PHINMA-Araullo University enrolled in S.Y. 2017-2018.

Senior High School (SHS) - covers the last two years

of the K to 12 program and includes Grades 11 and 12, a

secondary school that students attend in the three or four

highest grades before college. In SHS, students will go

through a core curriculum and subjects under a track of

their choice.

Academic preparation- refers to the ability of a

student to succeed academically in college courses.

Academic progress– it is the measure of an

individual’s academic advancement when it comes to his

commitment at school.

Brgy. Bitas, Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija Phone No. (044) 463.0952
College Course Decision-Making- refers to the critical

state in which young individuals decide which path are they

in to.

Statement of the Problem

The main objective of the study was to examine the

factors that affect the college choice of Grade 12 SHS

students of PHINMA-Araullo University.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following


1. How may the profile of the respondents be describe in

terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Religion

2. How may choosing college school be affected in terms of:

2.1 Financial Aid

2.2 Students’ Characteristics

2.3 Institutional Characteristics

2.4 Influential People

2.5 Internet

Brgy. Bitas, Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija Phone No. (044) 463.0952
3. Is there significant relationship between the profile of

the respondents and their characteristics, financial

status, influence of other people, and the internet?


The study was guided by the following hypothesis:

There is no significant relationship between the

profile of the respondents and their financial status,

students’ characteristics, institutional characteristics,

influential people, and internet.

Significance of the Study

Identifying the factors that affect the choice of

Grade 12 SHS students towards their choice of college will

be significant and help to the following:

Students. Most of the students today enter college

without information; this study will help students in

broadening their knowledge about the factors that

people value the most.

Future Researchers. Additional information will be

taken from the study and can be a basis for future


Brgy. Bitas, Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija Phone No. (044) 463.0952
Universities or Schools. They can find information on

what they need to improve to be considered as a choice

of students.

Teacher. The study will help them in planning

improvements when enhancing the students’ skills,

knowledge or information on what the teachers need to

consider when influencing students to choose that

particular school.

Community. Can be a great contribution to the people

especially in deciding what college institution to


Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study focused on evaluating the factors that

affects the decisions of Grade 12 SHS students enrolled

this school year 2018-2019 at PHINMA-Araullo University

Main Campus.

Descriptive with correlation method was utilized and

total enumeration was employed in obtaining the needed


Brgy. Bitas, Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija Phone No. (044) 463.0952
The main source of data information came from

structured questionnaire. For statistical computation,

Microsoft Excel Software was used.

Brgy. Bitas, Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija Phone No. (044) 463.0952
Chapter II


This chapter presents the details of the research

methodology. It presents the research method, source of

data, instrumentation and collection, and tools for data


Research Design

To attain the purpose of the study, the researchers

used the descriptive type of research in describing the

perception of each respondent in the factors they consider

in choosing their school in college. The main purpose of

the researchers is to know the different factors that the

students consider in choosing their school in college. The

researchers adopted questionnaires as the main tool for

data gathering.


Respondents came from Grade 12 SHS students of PHINMA-

Araullo University. The researchers used simple random

sampling which is a method of using samples wherein all

members of the population are given equal chances of being

Brgy. Bitas, Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija Phone No. (044) 463.0952
selected. The Slovin’s formula (Sevilla, 2003) was used to

compute for the sample size or the number of respondents

which will be the source of data. Sample size was computed

using the total number of students as the population size

and 5% as the margin of error.

Materials and Instruments

The researchers used questionnaire for data gathering.

The survey questionnaire is a combination of recognition

type and completion type of questions. The researchers also

used Likert’s Scale to rank the factors that will influence

students in school decision making. Recognition type of

questions was used to obtain the socio-demographic

characteristics of the respondents like their religion and

gender. The completion type of questions will be used to

obtain other basic information such as name, address, and

age. The Likert type of questions will be used to obtain

information which has something to do with the decision

making of the respondents specifically, with regards to

choosing their college school.

Brgy. Bitas, Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija Phone No. (044) 463.0952
The following checklists will be used to gather data:

 Financial Aid Checklist. The checklist consists of 3

statements where the respondents will be asked to

indicate how money or expenses affects in choosing their

school in college.

 Students’ Characteristics Checklist. The checklist

consists of 3 statements where the respondents will be

asked to assess their characteristics or their attitude

and behavior that influences in their college school


 Institutional Characteristics Checklist. The checklist

consists of 3 statements where the respondents will be

stating the qualities of the school or university they


 Influential People Checklist. The checklist consists of

3 statements where the respondents evaluated the impact

of other people’s opinion to their decision in choosing

their school in college.

 Internet Checklist. The checklist consists of 3

statements where the respondents will be stating how

technology or social media affects their decision

especially in college school decision-making.

Brgy. Bitas, Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija Phone No. (044) 463.0952
For the response on the following checklist, five

options will be offered to the respondents:

5- Strongly Agree

4- Agree

3- Uncertain

2- Disagree

1- Strongly Disagree

Data Collection

Approval of the adviser of the subject in Practical

Research I, and permission from the SHS Principal of

PHINMA-Araullo University was obtained in order to conduct

the study. Complete lists of the target respondents was

secured. The 5 researchers administered and retrieved the

questionnaires. The researchers conducted the survey

questionnaires amongst Grade 12 SHS students. After that,

the respondents’ answers was tallied and analyzed.

Brgy. Bitas, Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija Phone No. (044) 463.0952
Data Analysis

Analysis was done using Microsoft Excel software. The

level of significance was set at 0.05. Data was analyzed

using the following statistical method:

1. Percentage

This tool was used to assess the respondents’ profile

and the factors affecting their choice of school. The

results of the computation gave data that answered the

first problem and second sub-problem in problem two.

The formula for Percentage is:

𝑃 = 𝑓/𝑁𝑥 100


P= percentage

f= frequency

N= total number of factors

2. Weighted Mean

Weighted mean was used to evaluate financial aid,

students’ characteristics, institutional characteristics,

Brgy. Bitas, Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija Phone No. (044) 463.0952
influential people, and internet towards choosing school in

college. The results gathered answered sub-problems two,

three and four in problem two.

The formula for Weighted Mean is as follows:

WM = ∑wX/∑w


WM= Weighted Mean

w= Weighting Factor

X= Observed Factors

3. Pearson r Correlation

Pearson r correlation was used to answer the problem

three which established the relationship between the

factors affecting choice of school in college and the

profile of the respondents.

The formula for Pearson r is as follows:

𝑁 ∑ xy − ∑
√𝑁∑x 2 − ∑(x 2 )[N∑y 2 − ∑(y 2 )]

Brgy. Bitas, Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija Phone No. (044) 463.0952

r = Pearson r correlation coefficient

N = number of observations

∑xy = sum of product of paired scores

∑x = sum of x scores

∑y = sum of y scores

∑𝑥 2 = sum of squared x scores

∑𝑦 2 = sum of squared y scores

Brgy. Bitas, Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija Phone No. (044) 463.0952

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data


Age of the respondents


16 YEARS OLD 70 20.59

17 YEARS OLD 109 32.06

18 YEARS OLD and 161 47.35


TOTAL 340 100

Age of the respondents

The table 1 presents the distribution of 340

respondents according to their age. Based on the analysis

of data, 70 or 20.59% of the respondents’ age is 16 years

old, 109 or 32.06% of the age is 17 years old, and 161 or

47.35% of the age is 18 years old. This showed that most of

our respondents ages 17 and 18 years old.

Brgy. Bitas, Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija Phone No. (044) 463.0952

Gender of the Respondents


MALE 119 35

FEMALE 221 65

TOTAL 340 100

Gender of the Respondents

Table 2 presents the distribution of 340 respondents

according to their gender. Based on the analysis of data,

119 or 35% of the respondents we’re male, followed by

female with 221 or 65% of the population. This showed that

most of our respondents are female.


Religion of the Respondents




OTHERS 20 5.88

Brgy. Bitas, Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija Phone No. (044) 463.0952
TOTAL 340 100

Religion of the Respondents

Table 3 shows the distribution of the 340 respondents

according to their religion. Based on the analysis of data,

247 or 72.65% of the respondents are Roman Catholic,

followed by Iglesia ni Cristo with 73 or 21.47% of the

respondents, and Others with 20 or 5.88% of the

respondents. This showed that greater number of

population’s religion was Roman Catholic.


Effect of Financial Aid on the respondents’ choice of

school in college



1 I think our financial status is an 4.28 Strongly

important factor that can affect my Agree

decision in choosing a college


2 I’ll make sure first if our family 4.22 Strongly

Brgy. Bitas, Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija Phone No. (044) 463.0952
income can support my Agree

expenses/tuition in college.

3 I believe that expenses and tuition 4.48 Strongly

do measure the quality of education Agree

of a university/college school.




Strongly Disagree – 1.00 - 1.79

Disagree – 1.80 – 2.60

Neither Agree nor Disagree – 2.61 – 3.40

Agree – 3.41 – 4.20

Strongly Agree – 4.21 – 5.00

All of the items (questions 1 to 3) received a verbal

description of “strongly agree” from the respondents. It

showed that 12 SHS students’ financial status is a big

factor that can affect their decision regarding their

decision in choosing a college school. It also proved that

they makes sure first that their family income can sustain

the possible expenses of their desired college school, with

Brgy. Bitas, Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija Phone No. (044) 463.0952
regards to that they consider if the particular college

school have a high expenses or high tuition fees before

making their decision regarding their choice of school in


This favors to Irish Yvonne Mae O. Ambong’s statement

that the amount of tuition fee, nowadays became a big issue

in choosing college school. And of course, as a practical

student you will choose the university or college school

that has the cheapest price


Effect of Students’ characteristics on the respondents’

choice of school in college



1 I think that it’ll be best for me 3.54 Agree

to find a college school/university

that suits my behaviors and

physical characteristics.

2 I’ll make sure first that my chosen 3.48 Agree

college school/university can

Brgy. Bitas, Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija Phone No. (044) 463.0952
handle my characteristics.

3 I’ll make sure that it’ll be not 3.59 Agree

hard for me to change my

characteristics just to suit myself

in the school’s environment.



Strongly Disagree – 1.00 - 1.79

Disagree – 1.80 – 2.60

Neither Agree nor Disagree – 2.61 – 3.40

Agree – 3.41 – 4.20

Strongly Agree – 4.21 – 5.00

All of the questions received a verbal description of

“Agree” from the Grade 12 respondents. This proves that the

students’ characteristics can also influence their college

school choice decision making. They agreed that the

university that suits and can handle their behaviors and

physical characteristics will be the best choice for them.

And regarding the adjustment on their behavior towards

their environment, they makes sure that it’ll be not hard

Brgy. Bitas, Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija Phone No. (044) 463.0952
for them to adapt the behavior of their fellow students and

they don’t need to have a big change regarding their

behavior and physical characteristics.

In support to this, in the study of Duque, S. (2017),

the factor that most influences the decision-making of the

students is their own interest because they trust their

selves in the choices they make.


Effect of Institutional characteristics on the respondents’

choice of school in college



1 I consider the academic quality of 4.37 Strongly

a college/university. Agree

2 I believe that the distance between 4.16 Agree

our house and the college school

location can affect my decision.

3 I’ll make sure that the college 4.31 Strongly

school/university can give me the Agree

skills, and knowledge that I need.

Brgy. Bitas, Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija Phone No. (044) 463.0952



Strongly Disagree – 1.00 - 1.79

Disagree – 1.80 – 2.60

Neither Agree nor Disagree – 2.61 – 3.40

Agree – 3.41 – 4.20

Strongly Agree – 4.21 – 5.00

The item 1 and 3 on the table 6 received a verbal

description of strongly agree. On the other hand, item

received a verbal description of “agree” from the

respondents. It showed that institutional characteristics

related to grade 12 ABM HT students’ choice of school in

college that academic quality, its distance, location and

also the knowledge and skills can contribute to the

students’ choice. With a weighted mean of 4.28 a verbal

description of strongly agree clearly states that the

institutional characteristics strongly affect the

respondents’ choice of school in college.

Brgy. Bitas, Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija Phone No. (044) 463.0952
This favors to the statement of Kinzie, Palmer, Hayek,

Hossler, Jacob, and Cummmings (2000) that the benefits of

choosing an institution close to home is a way for many

students to alleviate some of the burden of higher

education’s cost by attending a college close to home,

students have the option of living at home in order to

avoid paying rent.

In addition to this, Hurtado et al., 1997). All

students appear to consider student body characteristics

and social environment in their college choice, but

according with their own characteristics they may be

looking for different institutional environments for a

comfortable fit.


Effect of Influential people on the respondents’ choice of

school in college



1 Opinions of other people can 3.21 Neither

strongly affect my decision. Agree nor

Brgy. Bitas, Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija Phone No. (044) 463.0952

2 I always consider the advice of my 3.55 Agree

parents , friends, etc.

3 I’ll choose a college school where 3.49 Agree

my classmates/friends will study.



Strongly Disagree – 1.00 - 1.79

Disagree – 1.80 – 2.60

Neither Agree nor Disagree – 2.61 – 3.40

Agree – 3.41 – 4.20

Strongly Agree – 4.21 – 5.00

Item number 2 and 3 received a verbal description

“Agree” from the respondents. This proved that they are

dependent to other people’s opinion. Their decision or

choice is affected by the opinion of people around them

(their parents, friends, etc.). They agreed that other

people’s opinion have to do with their decision regarding

their choice of school in college, that they make a

Brgy. Bitas, Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija Phone No. (044) 463.0952
decision considering other people’s say about the

particular college school. On the other hand, item number 1

did received a verbal description of “Neither Agree nor

Disagree”. This proves that not all of them are agree that

opinion of other people can affect their choice of school

in college. They maybe chose to stay in the middle that

merely means “no comment”.

In favor to this, Bers and Galowich (2002) found out

that, it shows that parents of students often play

important roles throughout their decisions, but in terms of

setting expectations for their children and taking the more

proactive approach of discussing college plans and saving

for college expenses and also friends are important sources

of information. In fact, having friends with college plans

was the strongest predictor of college choice.


Effect of Internet on the respondents’ choice of school in




Brgy. Bitas, Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija Phone No. (044) 463.0952
1 I am technology-based when we make 3.65 Agree

our decision in choosing a college


2 I’ll do a research about the 3.66 Agree

university/college school first

before making my decision.

3 I consider the feedbacks of people 3.47 Agree

in social media about the

university/college school.



Strongly Disagree – 1.00 - 1.79

Disagree – 1.80 – 2.60

Neither Agree nor Disagree – 2.61 – 3.40

Agree – 3.41 – 4.20

Strongly Agree – 4.21 – 5.00

All of the questions/items received a verbal

description of “Agree”. This proved that they are

technology – based in making their decision regarding their

Brgy. Bitas, Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija Phone No. (044) 463.0952
choice of school in college. They agreed that making a

research first, is a good habit when making a decision.

This also proved that the respondents tend to review the

comments on social medias about the college school and make

a decision based on those. This means that the comment

section in social media tend to have a big role in making

their decision in choosing their school in college.

In addition, the study of Vijay Paul Reddy in 2014

proved that social media may therefore have not been the

students’ primary source of university information but can

be a factor that influences the decision-making of college


Table 9

Table 9.1 Relationship between the Demographic profiles and

Financial aid.

Financial Aid

Profile R-Value Interpretation

Age 0.00530413 Reject

Gender 0.115376 Accept

Religion 0.0342104 Reject

*Critical value = 0.112891

Brgy. Bitas, Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija Phone No. (044) 463.0952
The demographic profile age 0.00530413 and religion

0.0342104 on its0 R-value, 0.112891 on its Critical Value

with the interpretation of reject, which means age and

religion are rejecting the null hypothesis, "There is

significant relationship on age, and religion between the

financial aid." The demographic profile religion 0.115376

on its R-value, 0.112891 on its Critical value which means

that we are accepting the null hypothesis, “There is no

significant relationship between the religion and the

financial aid.”

Table 9.2 Relationship between the Demographic profiles and

Students’ characteristics.

Students’ Characteristics

Profile R-Value Interpretation

Age 0.1374 Accept

Gender 0.025693 Reject

Religion 0.13345738 Accept

*Critical value = 0.112891

The demographic profile age got 0.1374, and religion

got 0.13345738 on its R-value with the constant critical

value of 0.112891. Interpretation was accept which means we

Brgy. Bitas, Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija Phone No. (044) 463.0952
are accepting the null hypothesis "There is no significant

relationship between demographic profile age and religion

in students’ characteristic."

Upon computing the relationship between the

demographic profile, gender got 0.025693 on its R- value

and with constant critical value included, it showed that

we must reject the null hypothesis. Therefore, “There is a

significant relationship between the gender of the

respondents and their characteristics.”

Table 9.3 Relationship between the Demographic profiles and

Institutional characteristics.

Institutional Characteristics

Profile R-Value Interpretation

Age 0.062707 Reject

Gender 0.06694 Reject

Religion 0.01351 Reject

*Critical value = 0.112891

The demographic profile age 0.062707, gender 0.06694,

and religion 0.01351 on its R-value, with a constant

critical value 0.112891, the interpretation of reject which

means age, gender, and religion are rejecting the null

Brgy. Bitas, Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija Phone No. (044) 463.0952
hypothesis. Therefore, "There is a significant relationship

between the demographic profile and institutional


Table 9.4 Relationship between the Demographic profiles and

Influential people.

Influential People

Profile R-Value Interpretation

Age 0.07372 Reject

Gender 0.14322 Accept

Religion 0.10873 Reject

*Critical value = 0.112891

The demographic profile age got 0.07372 on its R-value,

and religion got 0.10873. 0.112891 are its critical value

which means we are rejecting the null hypothesis. "There is

a significant relationship between age and religion to

influential people." It turns out that gender got 0.14322,

interpretation is accept. So, "There is no significant

relationship between demographic profile gender and

influential people."

Brgy. Bitas, Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija Phone No. (044) 463.0952
Table 9.5 Relationship between the Demographic profiles and



Profile R-Value Interpretation

Age 0.103052 Reject

Gender 0.03823 Reject

Religion 0.04680897 Reject

*Critical value = 0.112891

The demographic profile age got 0.103052 on its R-

value, gender got 0.03823, and religion got 0.04680897 with

the constant critical value of 0.112891. All of the items'

interpretations turned out reject.

Upon computing the relationship between the

demographic profile which age, gender, religion, their R-

value and with a constant critical value included, the

overall interpretations was reject which means we are

rejecting the null hypothesis "There is a significant

relationship between demographic profile and the internet".

Brgy. Bitas, Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija Phone No. (044) 463.0952


This study aimed to determine the factors affecting

Grade 12 SHS students’ choice of school in college.

Specifically, it dealt with the;

1. Gathering the profile of the respondents that be

describe in terms of: Age, gender, and religion; 2.

Gathering the perceptions towards the factors that affects

students’ choice of school in college that is described in

terms of: financial aid, students’ characteristic,

institutional characteristic, influential people, and the

internet; 3. Testing the significant relationship between

the profile of the respondents and the factors affecting

choice of school in college.

The respondents were Senior High School students of

PHINMA Araullo University Main, Barangay Bitas, Cabanatuan

City, Nueva Ecija who were enrolled during school year

2018-2019. The total number of respondents that answered

the questionnaire is 340 from Grade 12 SHS students.

Slovin’s technique and stratified simple random technique

was used to gather the number of respondents. This study

Brgy. Bitas, Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija Phone No. (044) 463.0952
utilized the descriptive method of research using

questionnaires, observations, interviews as major sources

of data. For statistical computation, Microsoft Excel

Software was used. There is a significant relationship

between the profile of the respondents and the factors that

affects choice of school in college.

The study revealed the following findings:

Through gathering the data on written questionnaires,

the researchers got the average weighted of 4.2 on

financial assistance which in the verbal description, it

falls under "Strongly agree" that means that most of the

students in the respondents' list was very well supported

of their parents in terms of communication and assistance.

Upon computing the relationship between the demographic

profile and parental assistance, the overall interpretation

was accept which means we are accepting the null hypothesis

"There is no significant relationship between demographic

profile and parental assistance". So therefore, there is no

significant relationship between the demographic profile of

the respondents and parental assistance.

Brgy. Bitas, Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija Phone No. (044) 463.0952
The gathered data of written questionnaires that

correspond on parental expectation, the researchers got the

average weighted of 3.98 which in the verbal description,

it means "Moderately agree" that implies that only average

of students in the respondents' list was experiencing high

expectation towards their studies from their parents. Upon

computing the relationship between the demographic profile

and parental expectation, the demographic profile age and

gender got accept on interpretation which means the

researchers was accepting the null hypothesis "There is no

significant relationship on age and gender between parental

expectation". While the demographic profile academic

achievement and occupation of parent got reject which means

the researchers was rejecting the null hypothesis "There is

no significant relationship on academic achievement and

occupation of parent between parental assistance". So

therefore, there is no significant relationship on age and

gender between parental expectation and there is a

significant relationship on academic achievement and

occupation of parent between parental expectation.

Based on the gathered data on written questionnaires,

the researchers got the average weighted of 4. 06 on

Brgy. Bitas, Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija Phone No. (044) 463.0952
financial support which in the verbal description, it

falls under "Moderately agree" that means that only few on

the respondents' list was very well off financially and

even few of them got to work on their spare time to pay

their fees. Upon computing the relationship between the

demographic profile and financial assistance, the overall

interpretation was accept which means we are accepting the

null hypothesis "There is no significant relationship

between demographic profile and financial support". So

therefore, there is no significant relationship between the

demographic profile of the respondents and financial


Brgy. Bitas, Maharlika Highway, Cabanatuan City 3100, Nueva Ecija Phone No. (044) 463.0952

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