Agrigold Fertilizers Profile

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AGRIGOLD, a blend of variety Fertilizer Products

We have pleasure in introducing our selves as producers of a wide range of "Organic as

well as Inorganic Fertilizers, Biofertilizers, Biopesticides, Neem Products, plant growth
promoters etc developed with latest biotechnologically for application in various
agricultural, plantation crops, household interior decorative plants and kitchen gardens.


The green revolution of SIXTIES brought in a drastic change in the Agricultural activity
and production. But one cannot be contented with the growth achieved as there is only
quantitative increase in yield and gradual depletion in quality and nutritional values
resulting in several problems like health hazards (as the chemicals used enter the end-
Product), reduces the shelf life of the commodity produced. The chemical fertilizers used,
heats the decay of the commodity soon after production, culminating in financial loss to
traders and consumers due to poor shelf life. Successful research efforts carried out in
developing countries found a profitable solution in BIOTECHNOLOGY, including vermi
culture technology, Microbial culture technology and Bio-formulations which are found
to enrich the soil and contribute significantly to keep the soil ALIVE and PRODUCTIVE
continuously without any adverse chemical affects. The aim of biotechnology is to
produce agricultural commodities of high quality with good NUTRIENT VALUES
without any adverse affect

With this concept, we started manufacturing ORGANIC PRODUCTS, NEEM PRODUCTS, BIO
FERTILIZERS from 1997 on a Small Scale with the technical support of Andhra Pradesh
Industrial and Technical Consultancy Ltd (APITCO) Hyderabad. Later, we increased the
manufacturing of products into a wide range of Organic Fertilizers, Bio-fertilizers and
Herbal Pesticides by the modern R&D facilities. These products are first tested in our
own captive farms on different crops and orchards and after obtaining authenticated
results the products are then released into the market with our brand names. We have
been registered in NSIC as well as ISO 9001:2000 certificates under RINA. We are one
of the few leading Companies maintaining strict quality control conforming to the best
standards available in the Market. We have got the permission for manufacture of
Organic fertilizers and Biofertilizers from the Govt.of Andhra Pradesh &Certificate of
registration. {As Per the Fertilizer (Control) Order FCO act 1985.}

Recent field survey revealed that the crops yield cannot be sustained at high levels
through exclusive organic manures particularly in case of high nutrient responsive field
crops. Although organic manures can supply all the essential plant nutrients, the full
requirement of certain nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, calcium,
magnesium, and sulphur which are required relatively in large quantities for the normal
growth and high yield cannot be supplied through organic manure alone.

Keeping this aspect in mind, we have now stepped into supply of inorganic fertilizers viz.
Water soluble fertilizers, Urea, DAP etc as well as straight micronutrients, formulated
micronutrients etc. This step helps us to enable the value added farmers with trustworthy
fertilizer in combination of organic as well as inorganic fertilizers to obtain with
guarantee of high yield of crops.


AGRIGOLD ECO-FRIENDLY PRODUCTS are low cost fertilizers when compared to

the chemical fertilizers and give high nutrient values to the plants. AgriGold Organic
products recondition the soil by re-fixing NPK content of the soil, gradually, by
continuous usage for about 8-25 months time, depending upon condition of the soil and
usage of bio-fertilizers, results in fast and healthy growth of plants with increased yield.
About 15-30% of increase in the yield is expected with these bio-fertilizers depending
upon the crop and nature of soil from II year / III year onwards.

The AGRIGOLD ECO-FRIENDLY PRODUCTS have three advantages: viz.,

a) Physical advantages
b) Chemical advantages
c) Biological advantages

The Agrigold Eco-friendly Products improves the soil structure; aeration and tilth,
enhances water retention capacity of the soil irrespective of type of soil, enhances
nutrients transportation capacity of the soil, reduces soil compaction, crusting and
erosion and promotes root growth resulting in penetration of roots into the soil making
the plants stronger and bigger.

The Agrigold Eco-friendly Products provides essential plant nutrients, improves
"cation exchange capacity" of the soil (i.e. better retention of nutrients in the soil) and
improve the efficiency of the soil to use available and applied nutrients.

The Agrigold Eco-friendly Products enhance nitrogen fixation, phosphate
solubility and enriches the soil for better production of crops.

We AgriGold Organics Private Limited have developed a wide range of Organic

products, as per the FCO act 1985 of which we are herewith enclosing the details of
products for your kind perusal.


Organic Manures are comprehensive complete plant food supplying all micro and
macronutrients. Organic manures are very helpful to the plants experiencing unknown
stress due to abundant use of chemical and those deviating from their normal metabolic
pathways. Organic manures can be applied in low fertile land, to protect the fertility of
the land over a long period of time as well as to supply nutrients such as Phosphorus,
Zinc, Sulphur than other organic manure. It also helps the spread of friendly microbes in
the soil in the required quantity useful for the plants.


comes in handy as organic manure for different types of crops, such as field and
plantation crops. Each product has its own speciallity and importance:-

AGRIGOLD MANISHA: - Manisha is the best designed Organic Manure as it protects

the fertility of the land over a long period of time as well as supplies nutrients such as
Phosphorus, Zinc, Sulphur than other organic manure. It helps the soil to retain nutrients
and soil energy. It promotes conversion of the nutrients such as nitrogen, potassium,
phosphorous, calcium, magnesium, zinc and sulphur in such a way to make them
available to the plants for their nutrient requirements. It also helps the spread of friendly
microbes in the soil in the required quantity useful for the plants at the required period.
Ingredients: - Decomposed City compost waste.

AGRIGOLD BIOSHAKTHI: - Agrigold Bioshakthi is a natural food to the plants to

enhance productivity. Primarily it rejuvenates the agricultural fields. It spreads the
nutrients evenly in the soil and enriches the soil fertility thereby helping the plant growth
for higher yield even in acidic and alkaline type of soil. When applied in the soil it
changes the soil pH and makes the soil fertile. It is a balanced fertilizer that can provide
various micronutrients necessary for the plants. It also helps in changing the soil texture,
which gets spoiled by the continuous use of the chemical fertilizers.

AGRIGOLD VERMI PLUS : - It is an unique vermicompost prepared by the

earthworms along with the symbiotic relationship between the plant and the soil borne
organisms in an eco-friendly approach. It contains micro-flora, Azospirillum, aminoacids,
Phosphobacteria that multiplies in the digestive system of the earthworms. It also
contains various enzymes such as auxins, gibberllins (which are not normally available in
various soil environments). It enhances soil fertility and soil health. It helps in value
addition to plant quality, storage capacity, and nutrient status in horticultural plants. It
makes soil porous, which increases water circulation leading to good plant growth. Agri
Gold Vermi Plus is totally in-house developed product in most ecological way. Its
application will increase the water holding capacity of the soil. It is the best, suitable for
the horticulture plants, vegetables, and crops Ingredients: - In house Unique Vermi

AGRIGOLD NEEM PRODUCTS (Multivitalizers & Pest controller)

The pests hamper most of the crop’s yield by microorganisms, which causes majority of
the diseases. To over come this drastic problem all over the world mostly chemical
pesticides are used. The residues left over on the crop when consumed would affect the
health of human beings. TO combat all this problems and to solve the problems Neem is
being used as excellent Biopesticides. Neem botanically called as Azadirachta Indica
contains pigment, oily in nature called Azadirchata acid, which is an effective chemical
reagent to combat the damage caused by the pests and the microbes.

AGRIGOLD NEEM +: - Agrigold Neem Plus is the best source as an organic manure to
supply N and other micronutrients to the crops. It is an effective organic
fertilizer/pesticide, which comes in handy to enhance soil fertility. This natural organic
product promotes soil health and crop growth. It is an effective insect repellant, and
nematicide. It, very well, combats the damage caused by the chemical insecticides. It
contains various other micronutrients apart from macronutrients making it as the best
organic fertilizer. Soil application of neem plus to acid lime trees reduces the population
of root knot and nematodes. Neem plus @ one tonne /ha application will reduce the
incidence of root knot nematode on betelvine, application of Neem plus @ 5kg/palm per
year will reduce the severity of Gonoderma wilt disease in coconut.
Ingredients:-Neem Oiled Cake.

AGRIGOLD NEEM POWDER (Deoiled / Oiled Neem Cake); - It is a deoiled Neem

seed powder .It is an effective organic fertilizer/pesticide, which comes in handy to
enhance soil fertility. This natural organic product promotes soil health and crop growth.
It is an effective insect repellant, nematicide, antifeedant and ovipositional repellant
acting best against Spodoptera litura in Tobacco Nurseries. It also reduces atmospheric
pollution and prevents food poisoning. It has no residual effects on agricultural products.
It increases the yield of the crop in any type of soil up to 40%. It prevents rust in
vegetable and other crops. Ingredients: - Deoiled Neem powder.

INNOVATIVE PRODUCTS: Nature has in its store variety of raw materials to be used
for all different purposes. Agrigold Organics makes the best use of the available raw
materials for the preparation of INNOVATIVE PRODUCS that is the Agrigold Bone
Plus and Agrigold Neem Boon.

AGRIGOLD BONE PLUS: Agrigold Bone Plus is natural Organic Manure made from
bone meal and other herbal material. It is plants natural food which provides a lost life to
the soil as well as to the plant. It is most suitable for all types of plants and soil and the
yield to double extent. It provides the important nutrients like phosphorous, nitrogen,
calcium and other micro nutrients. It avoids quick fall of the leaves of the crops.
Ingredients: Bone meal, vermi compost, herbal micro nutrients.

AGRIGOLD NEEM BOON : Neem so called the Devine tree is capable of growing on
all types of soil including clayey, saline, alkaline soils, black cotton soil, deep well
drained soils etc. It has been formulated along with bio herb so as to come back various
problems paced by most useful floras. Agrigold Neem Boon is a multi vitaliser and bio
pesticide and also a best source of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. It inhibits
nitrification process when applied in fields. It also reduces the demand of chemicals. It
increases the yield of the crops and plants.
Ingredients: Neem cake, castor cake, mustard cake, terminalia bellerica cake, herbal
micro nutrients etc.


A gateway for the friendship with the soil

A Biofertilizers are living fertilizer compound of microbial inoculants or group of

microorganisms which are able to fix atmospheric nitrogen or solubilise phosphorus,
decompose organic material or oxidize sulfur in the soil. On application, it enhances the
growth of plant, enriches the soil fertility and increases the yield of the crop in an eco
friendly way.

AZOTOBACTER (Nitrogen fixing bacteria): It is non- symbiotic nitrogen fixing

aerobic bacteria demands high organic matter. It produces abundant slime which helps in
soil aggregation. Azotobacter inoculation helps in fixing of 20-25 kg N/ha. It is generally
recommended to non-legume crops like sugarcane, cotton, wheat, millet and plantation
crops like coconut. It cannot be recommended to wet land crop like paddy.

Phosphate Solubilising Bacteria (PSB):- It solubilises insoluble soil phosphate into

soluble form and also adds some organic acids and enzymes to the soil. It can solubilise
20-30% of insoluble phosphate in the soil which can increase crop yield by about 10-
20%.It can be recommended to crops like field, fodder, horticulture and plantation.

RHIZOBIUM (Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria):- It fixes atmospheric nitrogen in the nodule

formed in the roots of the legume plants. It also secretes extra cellular polysaccharide,
which can help in binding soil particles together. It is specific to each species of legume.

AZOSPIRILLUM (Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria) :- It is a microaerophillic and free living

bacteria used as Biofertilizers for the non-legume crops. Being microaerophilic in nature,
these bacteria performs better in medium to heavy textured soils with high moisture
levels. On application to seed, seedling and soil, they multiply rapidly more towards
available root system and develop on root surface. Here they depend on root exudates for
their food and in turn fix the nitrogen and provide to the plant. Thus they establish an
associative symbiotic relationship with the plant. It benefits the crop by 20-25 kg of N/ha.

Dosage for the Biofertilizers:-
1) Seed treatment: Mix 50ml/gm in 1 lit of water and add to 10-15 kg of seed while
stirring, dry the seed under the shade before sowing.
2) Seedling treatment: Mix 50-100ml/gm in 10 20 liters of water and dip the
seedlings for 30 minutes before transplanting.
3) Soil application: Mix 200 -250 ml/gm in 100 -150 kg of FYM and broadcast it on
1 acre of land at the time of sowing /transplanting


These are best possible organic inputs, eco friendly, and result oriented advanced
formulations, employing a blend of Indian traditional knowledge and new modern
manufacturing methods. These plant growth promoters derived organically protects the
plants from the diseases and pests without the use of harmful synthetic substances.

Various formulations available in ready to use packet are as follows:-

AGRIGOLD BIORAAM (Marine Protein based – Premium). It is a combination of high

quality marine protein, chelated B vitamins and nutrients from rare herbs. It improves
plant health, flowering and yield and quality of the produce. It is used for crops like
chilies, cotton, paddy, vegetables, mango, citrus and pulses.
Dosage: 2 g per lit of water as foliar spray (400gm/acre).

AGRIGOLD BIOVIC (Nitrobenezene – 24%):-It contains 24% nitro benzene with

vegetable protein. It induces better vegetative growth and profuse flowering in many
Dosage: 2 ml per lit of water as foliar spray. (400ml/ Acre)

AGRIGOLD SPYDER :- (Contact Insecticide):- It is a natural extraction containing

1%anomin E.C. extract. It enhances the physiological metabolism of plants thereby
inducing resistant to many plant diseases and also promotes plant growth due to its
enzymatic action. It is recommended for paddy, cotton, chilies, grapes, vegetables and
fruit crops.
Dosage: 2 ml per lit of water. Spray thoroughly to the point of drenching.

AGRIGOLD ECOMITE (Contact Miticide):- It is a bio-extract containing a salt of

unsaturated aliphatic carboxylic acids. It is a zero toxic to plants, animals and human
beings. It can be used against mites, thrips, jassids, and other sucking pests. It is used for
all crops including vegetables and plantation crops.
Dosage: 4 ml per lit of water (800ml/Acre).

AGRIGOLD PROTECTOR (Contact Fungicide):- It is basically a complex of alkaloids
isolated from Adhatoda vassica and Lantana camara plants. It has got both fungicidal and
plant growth inducing properties and hence can be used to control leaf spot, blast, blight,
powdery mildew, and fruit rot wilt diseases.
Dosage: 2 gm per lit of water (400gm/Acre).


Modernization of the processing sector with better technology for improving the quality
of product is the motto of Agri Gold. Agrigold Organics once again tried its best to create
an eco balance between the pest and parasite population thereby achieving pests control
without the use of chemical. It has introduced wide range of Bio-inoculants like
Trichoderma, viridae, Psuedomonas florescens, and VAM under the brand name of Agri
Gold with CIB registration.

AGRIGOLD MAHAMONAS: (Psuedomonas flourescens) :- (Antagonistic bacterial

formulation):- It produces a substance that acts against both fungus and bacteria. It also
produces a number of hormones which promotes growth of various plant species.
Seed application: Paste or slurry on seeds 10gm/1kg seed.
Soil application: 1 kg /Acre after mixing with 100kg FYM.
Foliar Spray: 5gm/litre of water (1kg/Acre).

AGRIGOLD–TRICHO GOLD (Trichoderma Viridae) – Bio control Agent

It suppresses the pathogenic fungi like Phytophthora, Sclerotia, Rhizoctonia stem rots and
Fusarium root rot and Downy mildews and powdery mildews.
Seed application: 10% Paste or slurry on seeds @ 10gm/1kg seed
Soil application: 1 kg /Acre after mixing with 90kg FYM and 10 kg Neem Cake and after
sprinkling water to develop for about 10-12 days.
Foliar Spray: 5gm/litre of water (1kg/Acre).


Micronutrients are elements, which are essential for plant growth but are required in
much smaller amounts than those of the primary nutrients. Micronutrients are made
available to the farmers as straight micronutrients in Agrigold Brand as Agrigold Swarna
and Formulated ones as Agrigold Fertomix.

AGRIGOLD SWARNA: - Agrigold Swarna are the straight micronutrients available in
different composition as per the requirement and deficiency in the crop and soil. They are
used for effective correction of individual micronutrients on all crops. Agrigold Swarna
participates in biological process. Agrigold Swarna enhances the effect of macro nutrients
after the synthesis of amino acids, proteins, participating in enzymatic process for their
assimilation involves in fruit and seed formation.

The different products in different composition of Agrigold Swarna are as follows:

Zinc 33%
Zinc 21%
Zinc 12%
Iron 12%
Iron 19%
Manganese 30.5%
Magnesium 9.6%
Boron 17%
Boron 20%
Copper 20%
Molybdenum 52%
Boron 10.5%

AGRIGOLD FERTOMIX: Agrigold Fertomix is formulated micronutrients. It is rich

and well-balanced micronutrients plant food. Agrigold Fertomix is excellent and ideally
enriched foliar micronutrient. It also corrects micronutrient deficiencies immediately
through foliar absorption. It also helps plants in absorbing nitrogen and other primary
elements. Agrigold Fertomix is used for soil application as well as foliar spray as per the
formulation, to horticultural, floricultural, cash crop, plantation etc.

1. FORMULA- 1 (Up Land Paddy, Groundnut & Sugarcane)

2. FORMULA- 2 (Oil Seeds & Pulses)
3. FORMULA- 4 (Citrus)
4. FORMULA- 5 (Grapes)
5. FORMULA- 6 (Vegetables, Cotton & Chilies)
6. FORMULA- 7 (Sol Applications all crops)

Water Soluble Fertilizers (Imported from U.A.E)

For any plant during growth period, it needs booster dose to work faster so as to get
maximum yield. Agrigold Organics has stepped recently in this way also to give our
value added farmers along with organic and inorganic fertilizers. At present it is
concentrated water soluble fertilizer and water soluble micronutrients.

Water soluble fertilizers are fertilizers that can be dissolved in water unto 100 percent and
can also be used in fertigation under drip system. These water-soluble fertilizers come in
handy as Agrigold Mahanutrin available in different grades of 100 % water - NPK
combination. i.e. NPK (13-0-45), NPK (0-52-34), NPK (13-40-13), NPK (18-18-18),
NPK (20-20-20), NPK (19-19-19), Mono Ammonium Phosphate (12-61-0), Potassium
Magnesium Sulphate, Calcium nitrate etc. These water soluble fertilizers are useful as
sources for nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus which are the most important nutrients
giving amazing results to the farmers or professional gardeners etc.

AGRIGOLD SPRAYERS (Imported from U.A.E):-

Agrigold Organics has introduced yet another very useful product to our value added
farmers, in agriculture i.e. Agrigold Sprayers. It has useful application in horticultural,
floricultural, plantation, field crops etc.

Some of the special features of Agrigold Sprayers:

1) They are portable and light in weight.

2) They are easy to handle, with trigger lock and fully adjustable nozzle.
3) They are most efficient one.
4) They are very effective and economical
5) They work with constant pressure up to 3min.

Available packages: - 1lit, 2lit, 5lit, 8 lit, 10 lit.

Our products have done their excellent Network in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka,
Tamilnadu, Kerala and Andaman & Nicobar Islands etc through Govt. Dept. At present
we are supplying Bulk Neem Orders to Andhra Pradesh Agriculture dept. We are the
leading bulk suppliers in other South India States also wherein our valuable clients

Directorate of Agriculture, Andaman & Nicobar

Andaman & Nicobar Implementation cell, Secretariat
APSAIDC ltd., Hyderabad.
Govt. of A.P., Horticulture Dept
District Co-operative Marketing Society Ltd
Agriculture Market Committee
Sugarcane Industries
Agriculture Technology Management Agency.

Our value added products are the guarantee of stamp of certification with no compromise
in quality and quantity. With this experience, we assure to serve our best of our capacity
and quality to bring a green revolution in agriculture sector.

For AgriGold Organics (P) Ltd.,

(M.R.K. Nayudu)
Managing Director.


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