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: 020-38460215 3,846,052,138,460,561 : 020-38460527

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: Email: [email protected]

This time, Thank you for purchasing Shinano AC servo HO products, thank you very much. Instructions include the use of the present process and ㊟ ㆖ intended ㊠ matter.

Incorrect use can lead to product failure or unexpected accidents, the product life, decreased performance. So before using, be sure to read the instruction manual in order to

correct operation, and hoping the performance of the products to be fully utilized.

And be sure to use the manual hand ㆖ customers.

Security ㆖ meaning of ㊟ thing ㊠

Installation, operation, maintenance, inspection must read the instruction manual prior to and attached documents

, be sure to use the right. Please familiar with mechanical knowledge in order to use the safety ㈾ news and ㊟ intended t

o do ㊠. The use of storytelling ㆗ intended level of safety ㊟ things ㊠ into "dangerous" and "㊟ meaning."

ng danger Dangerous situation may occur when an error, resulting in the case of

death or serious injury.

㊟ meani May be due to hazardous conditions, resulting in ㆗ degree of disability or

minor injuries and damage happens only when using the wrong product.

Record things ㊠ different depending on the situation in ㊟ meaning ㆗, serious consequences may oc

cur. So both are important content must be complied with.

Prohibiting ㆘ surface, the force patterns ㈹ table means, such as ㆘:

: Prohibition (do not) the icon, such as "Do not touch" as

: Forced (to be done) is shown, for example, "you must be connected ㆞" as

Once you've read Keep out anytime, you can get and read ㆞ party.

Instructions for this distinction, will not lead to serious damage to surrounding items extent ㊟ intended to do ㊠, its cla

ssification to "Please", "notification", "tips." Come on: that will only make this product a failure when used incorrectly as not to

cause damage to surrounding items. Notice: that it would become another function or other ㈲ to use when changing parame

ters. Tip: Use ㆖ said that the situation should know.


1. To prevent electric shock

ng danger

. After 10 minutes ㆖ after power OFF during wiring or check, and the display goes off

, Using a current, voltmeters confirmed P - N after the voltage between terminals, only the operation for

removable drives, or will cause of electric shock ㆟ member. . Wiring should ㆟ staff expertise to implement.

. Servo drive, a servo motor should be of three kinds of access to ㆖ ㆞ (FG) project. . Servo drives and servo

motors should be installed after the wiring, electric shock or easy. . Do not allow the cable is damaged, pull the

site, crush, or sandwiched, or likely to cause an electric shock causes.

2. To prevent disaster ㈫

㊟ meani

. ㆗ regenerative resistor servo drive motor shall be installed in the servo incombustible material ㆖. Directly mounted

Flammable or combustible materials near vicinity, will the cause ㈫ disaster. . When the servo motor fails, to mea

sure the power OFF in the servo drive. Otherwise, high current

We will continue to circulate as the cause of ㈫ disaster.

. When using the regenerative resistor if found abnormal signal set power OFF. Because otherwise I might

Regenerative transistor fault has been eliminated, so that the regenerative resistor overheat the cause of ㈫ disaster.

3. To prevent injury

㊟ Italy

. In the voltage applied to the respective terminals ㆖ not use other than a predetermined specification, or will cause

Product damage, burning and other reasons.

. The reason not to take the wrong terminals, or will cause product damage, burned. . To correct polarity points do, or

will cause product damage, burn reasons. . When a power interruption or power ㆗ after servo drive regenerative res

istor servomotor ㈲

Will become a high temperature, so please do not touch, otherwise the likely cause burns.

4.㊟ intended to do ㊠

㆘ column each ㊟ intended to do ㊠ shall be SPECIFICALLY attention. It may be the cause of the failure, injury, electric shock and other processing errors.

(1) handling, installation servodrive

㊟ Italy

. Handling by product weight on the correct method. . Do not grip the cable, the axis detector

handling during transportation servomotor. . Do not hold the plastic casing handling during

transport servo drives, it may come off. . Shall be in accordance with the instructions attached to

withstand the weight of the installation ㆞ party. . Not sit, stand or heavy objects to ㆖ surface. .

Installation must comply with the direction.

. Separation distance between the drive with the control panel, or other machine to be in accordance with the provisions. . Do

not conductive article such as a screw, or other combustible matter ㈮ metal sheet left in the servo drive,

Within the servo motor.

. Servo motor fixed to the machine ㆖ to do, is not completely fixed during the operation may cause a drop. . Servo

motor reducer is attached shall be provided in accordance with the specified direction, which will cause leakage causes.

. ㆗ servo operation must not touch the rotating part of the motor, it should be added ㆖ protective cover. . The servo

motor shaft connected to the appliance (mechanical part), do not use hard objects or hammer

And so beat shock. Otherwise it will cause of detector failure. . Servomotor permissible axial load is not

applied (by weight) in the weight ㆖, otherwise

Impairment motor axis.

. The case for a long time do not use ㆘, contact your service from the Center contact the dealer or service station. .

Please keep in ㆘ column ㆘ environmental conditions, use.

server Driver Servo motor

Ambient temperature 0~ + 55 ℃ (non-frozen state) Please refer to the specification of the motor

Storage temperature - 20~ + 85 ℃ Please refer to the specification of the motor

Storage temperature and storage humidity 85% used to refer to the motor specification ㆘

House (will not be exposed to direct sunlight ㆞ side) no corrosive

gas, flammable gas, oil mist, dust side ㆞

Vibration resistance 0.5G Please refer to the specification of the motor

Shock proof 2.5G Please refer to the specification of the motor

(2) Off line ㈲

d meaning ㊟

. To really do the wiring, otherwise it may result in loss of control of the servo motor. . Servo drive output side do

not install the capacitor or overvoltage (surge) absorber,

Radio noise filter.

. An output side (terminals U, V, W) must be connected correctly. Otherwise the servo motor action will not normal. . The

servo motor should not be connected to the commercial power supply, otherwise it will cause of failure. . Installed in a DC

relay control output signal, which WARNING overvoltage (surge) absorbent with polar body

To connect the right direction, otherwise it will cause a malfunction, and therefore can not output signals, may

also affect the emergency stop protection circuit does not have an effect. server Driver

- -¤ «H , "¿Ø ¥ X RA

(3) on the test, adjust

㊟ intende

. ㈲ due to mechanical ㈲ will produce unexpected action, make sure each parameter before operation and

Adjustment parameters.

. The change will make extreme adjustments unstable operation so absolutely to be avoided

(4) use

㊟ Italy

. In order to be able to really do immediately stop operation and power OFF, please set the emergency stop circuit. . Not purloin

ing ㉂ for open repair.

. When the operation status of the input signal for the re-set parameters, the motor may suddenly again ㈲

Rotation, so the operation must be confirmed (SERVO) signal OFF, it can be set, otherwise it will be the cause of th

e failure. . Not good at ㉂ modification.

. Electromagnetic interference generated by the noise filter should be minimized, because the servo driver

Near, be subject to electromagnetic interference when using electronic devices. . Servo motor and servo d

rive used in accordance with the specified composition. . Electromagnetic brake is held by the servo motor, no

t as ㆒般 braking applications. . Electromagnetic brake according to their structure and mechanical life, may n

ot be maintained when ㈲, for

Please ensure that the machine-side security settings other stop means.

(5) abnormal measures trailer

ed meaning ㊟

. When it stops and you may ㈲ dangerous condition occurs when the product failure, use the supplied electromagnetic

Brake servomotor or brake configuration provided externally be prevented. . Electromagnetic brake circuit

operation, the external emergency stop signal is also made please

Double-loop structure.

. The reason must rule out the alarming when alarm occurs, and then confirm the safe and secure after the reset, only after

You can start running again.

. After stopping instant restoration ㈲ may suddenly start again so ㆟ member Do not close mechanical (machinery should be designed to

Even the re-start but also to ensure the safety of members of ㆟ way).

(6) maintenance, inspection, replacement of parts

㊟ intend

. Electrolytic capacitors due to temperature, humidity, and other factors of deterioration ㈹ capacity decreases. in order to

Generating prevent part failure times of disaster WARNING, when ㆒般 environment (room temperature 25 deg.] C), pr

eferably 10 years to replace periods. Services from the Center will host the service station or dealer for a replacement.

(7) Waste

㊟ Italy

. Please dispose of industrial waste in accordance with ㆒般

(8) ㆒般 ㊟ intended to do ㊠

. Described in the specification using ㈲ illustrated, when ㈲ detail for purposes of illustration, possible to omit ㈲

State maintaining security guard or other spacer depicted, in accordance with the original state must be

predetermined, in accordance with the operation instructions shall be reset prior to operation.

table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > 1-1~1-5

1-1 inspection at the time of purchase ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > 1-1 1-2 m

inistries ㈴ said the purpose ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > 1-3

1-2-1 servo drives ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > 1-31-2-2 servo motor ¡ > ¡ > ¡

> ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > 1-41-2-3 features a [...] Lanbiao ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ >

¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > 1-5

Chapter 2 operation and operation ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > 2-1~2-21

2-1 Standard Connection Example ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > 2-1

2-1-1 Position Control Mode ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > 2-12-1-2 speed control

mode ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > Torque control mode 2-22-1-3 ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡

> ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > 2-32-2 operation ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡

> ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > 2-5

2-2-1 operation inspection before things ㊠ ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > 2-52-2-2 start ¡ > ¡

> ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > 2-62-2-3 function setting ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡

> ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > 2-122-2-4 parameter details ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡

> ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > 2-132-2-5 Transition Detector function watch ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ >

¡ > ¡ > ¡ > .. 2-212-2-6 different police Lanbiao a [...] ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡

> 2-22

Chapter 3 Wiring ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > 3-1~3-15

3-1 servo drive ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > 3-2

3-1-1 is connected to the motor power supply ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > 3-23-1-2 use

wire gauge ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > 3-33-1-3 wiring ㆖ ㊟ intended to do ㊠ ¡ > ¡

> ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > 3-43-1-4 described output terminal ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ >

¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > 3-53-2 terminal ㈴ said defined ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡

> ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > 3-9

3-2-1 terminal arrangement ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > 3-93-3 input /

output interface circuit ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > 3-11

3-3-1 The input / output interface circuit schematic ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > 3-11

Chapter 4 Installation ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > 4-1~4-3

4-1 servodrive configurations ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > ¡ > 4-1
1 Foreword

1-1 inspection at the time of purchase

. Make sure that during transport ㆗, whether the product is damaged ㈲ place, look ㆖ ㈲ no exception. . Kaifeng inspection records

nameplate rated content, and compliance with ordered servo drives, servo motors. (1) Package Contents

1. The servo drive: 2. Servo motor:

Packing Quantity Packing Quantity
server Driver 1 Servo motor 1
1 the control circuit connector How to safely use the AC
Specifications Manual 1 Servo motor

㈲ off ㆖ said if ㈲ case of poor circumstances, and your horse ㆖ purchased ㈹ management, service station or contact the company's place of business.

(2) the servo drive of the type in token describes ㆘:

H 15 B CB 301 C2 7FEX

Said series ㈴ OF FITNESS special specifications

HO Series EX: Explosion-proof servo motor

Drive current By the number of encoder pulses ㊜

15: 15A F: 2000 P / R

20: 20A H: 2500 P / R
30: 30A

Rated voltage of the main power supply ㊜ encoder type

A: Single-phase AC110V 7: Incremental

B: a single-phase or phase ㆔ AC220V C:

㆔ phase AC220V

㊜ motor voltage
㊜ motor series 1: 110V
CB: CB Series CC: CC series 2: 220V
MB: MB series

㊜ motor speed
㊜ motor capacity A: 1000rpm
600: 60W 751: 750W B: 2000rpm
121: 120W 102: 1.0KW C: 3000rpm
301: 300W

(3) ㊟ intended use something ㊠

1. Handling, use original packaging is placed, it is desirable not allow damage to the drive, Be careful.

2. In the carton drive ㆖, do not stress.

3. ㆖ large-capacity electrolytic capacitor in the drive, even after the power is turned off, the inner loop is a high pressure reservoir, when the internal terminal must

hand, contact terminals and a driver table (TB1) Please cut off the power after less ㉃ ㆖ to stand for 10 minutes, before detaching work can be performed.

4. When the power was about to open, in order to avoid careless mistakes actions or other factors, never close to the motor and machinery.

5. If the motor does not use ㆘ in a long time, be sure to turn off the power.

When 6.servo off state, the motor rotation ㆗, due to the high internal voltage servomotor ㈲ still stored, so that the motor linker (the UVW) and a high voltage is still ㈲

retrogradation residue linker (P.PC1.PC), it can not be in contact . To prevent electric shock, so that the front terminal block, used to install a protective cover.

7. prevent leakage countermeasure ㆖, connect the motor ㆞ line (FG) and a driver connected ㆞ (FG) connected ㆒起 terminal and FG linker species is indeed con

nected to the first contact ㆔ ㆞ (Earth), but also with mechanical shall be a single point of contact ㆞.

(4) The servo motor ㊜

HO Series servo drives, is designed to be used in the company's series AC servo motor CB and MB series combination with. Please form in combi

nation with ㆘ ㆗, confirm that the servo drive your company uses the servo motor specifications are ㆒致.

㊜ motor
Servo drive type
Type Specification Rated output voltage

H10A-CB600C1 ** 5CB06-1SE ** 110V 60W

H10B-CB600C1 ** 5CB06-1SE ** 110V 60W
H15A-CB121C1 ** 5CB12-1SE ** 110V 120W
H15B-CB121C1 ** 5CB12-1SE ** 110V 120W
H15B-CB201C1 ** 7CB20-1SE ** 220V 200W
H15B-CB301C1 ** 7CB30-2SE ** 220V 300W
H20B-CB501C1 ** 8CB50-2SE ** 220V 500W
H20B-CB751C1 ** 8CB75-2SE ** 220V 750W
H15B-MB401A2 ** 3MB040A-3DE7F 220V 400W
H20B-MB551A2 ** 3MB055A-3DE7F 220V 550W
H30B-MB751A2 ** 3MB075A-3DE7F 220V 750W
H30B-MB751B2 ** 3MB075B-3DE7F 220V 750W
H30B-MB102A2 ** 3MB100A-3DE7F 220V 1000W
H30B-MB102B2 ** 3MB100B-3DE7F 220V 1000W
H30B-MB112C2 ** 3MB110C-3DE7F 220V 1100W
* * Type encoder mark is displayed as represented ㆘: 7F: Province
Line incremental (2000 P / R) encoder 8F: Absolute (2048 P / R)


㆖ is a combination of standard specification combinations in the standard specifications, please contact the service station or ㈹ management business.

1-2 ministries ㈴ said the purpose

1-2-1 servo drives

Display section:

A 4 digit 7-segment LED display or the alarming state servo No ..


Operation Department:

㈲ operating state functions, parameters, Transition Detector control settings. MOD

E: performing data input or the function of the switching mode. UP: 1 plus the

display content unit. DOWN: content display unit minus 1.

CN2 DATA: switching or digital address and ㈾ material displacement.

R RS232C connector (CN1):

P A computer or connected to a teach pendant ㆟ (Teaching box).

RS485 connector (CN2): connected to the


S Controller connector (CN3):

And the programmable controller (PLC) or a controller is connected

Encoder connector (CN4):

Detector connected to a servo motor (Encoder) connector.



Connector terminal block (TB1):

r, s : A control power supply input terminal.
r FG : The first kind of connection ㆔ ㆞ (Earth) terminal.

Connection terminals of the servo motor: U, V, W.

s P, PC, PC1: additional regenerative resistor terminal voltage canceling.

R, S, T: the main circuit power supply input terminal.

1-2-2 servo motor

Detector (Encoder) cable

Power cable. A power supply lead (U, V,

W). ㆞ lead bonding (FG).

Electromagnetic brake with lead

(When attached ㈲ electromagnetic brake)

Servo motor axis

1-2-3 Lanbiao features a [...]

㈴ said control method Operating range

㈾ expected to show selection P, S, T Speed ​/ torque / load

For the alarm display P, S, T For the alarm / history / release

I / O display P, S, T I / O Terminals

Control mode P, S, T Torque / speed / position / composition

Brake detection time P, S, T - 2,000.0 2,000.0 +

Reversible switching setting S, T CCW / CW
Encoder signal output peripheral points P, S, T 1/1 ~ 1/63

Analog display output selection P, S, T Torque / speed / command voltage / pulse

Dynamic brake P, S, T ㈲ validity / invalidity

Zero speed input / output switching brake P, S, T Zero speed input / output

When driving is prohibited action P, S, T Zero speed stop / dynamic brake stop

Arrival rate decision S, T 0.0 to 3,000.0

CCW Internal torque limit value P, S 0.0 to 300.0 +

CW Internal torque limit value P, S - 300.0 - 0.0

Regenerative impedance protection P, S, T 0.00 to 100.00

Manual operation P, S, T ㈲ validity / invalidity

Position command input pulse pattern P CW / CCW P / P , 2 phase

Electronic gear numerator P 1 to 50,000

Electronic gear denominator P 1 to 50,000

Positioning over range P 0 to 50,000

CCW Pulse wave maximum storage P 1 ~ 500,000 +

CW Pulse wave maximum storage P - 500,000 to 1

Location proportion GAIN P 1 to 500

Position smoothing time constant P - 30,000.0 3,000.0 +

Internal speed command 1 S - 3,000.0 3,000.0 +
Linear acceleration and deceleration time constant S 1 to 50,000

Speed ​ratio GIAN P, S 1 to 1,000

Speed ​integral time constant P, S 1 to 1,000

External command input range S 100 to 3,000

External command input offset S - 10.0 + 10.0

Torque command filter time constant T 0 to 10,000

External torque command time constant T 30 - 3000

External torque command offset T - 10.00 to 10.00
Internal speed limit 1 P, S, T 0.0 to 3000.0

RAM EEPROM P, S, T ㈲ validity / invalidity

DISK EEPROM P, S, T ㈲ validity / invalidity

EEPROM DISK Read P, S, T ㈲ validity / invalidity

2-1 Standard Connection Example

㊟ Italy Pursuant must 3 Indicates the connection chapter

2-1-1 Position Control Mode

Alarm and emergency stop

constituted disconnect MC order

ƒł ªAÅX ˚"


¥ ~ -|¥^˝¹ q "
AC220 / 230 R P

‡ < '˛ ¤T 50
/ 60Hz AC110 /
115 50 / 60Hz PC1

<I ƒł ªA ¹ F¤
rs UVW



½s½X "
¼W¶q ƒ¡ '˛ ABS½s½X "
> << ALRS
P / PI /` · << PCNT
ABS¹ q ƒ
¥¿' ¸T /

/' ¸T /
¥~ ‡ ¡ §Æ¤O
>> ¤
TLMT 67 RS-485
®t- p ... ˘ " ² M £
ABS½s½X ² M " £ 893
'<< -/ EMG CN4
- - ¤ ... ƒ¡ / * `<< RS-232C
<< ¥ O fl ‰ ~ ¸ T / - - " '˛ PC
A / AB /

PP PN 1415161750 PA BZ / Z
<< ¥ OPfl ¤J
~¿Ø ½s½X «H , "¿Ø ¥ X
( /æ¤ ®t ˚¿ Ø¥ X)
<< ¥ ODfl ¤J

CCW ¤O§Æ >> ¤ « ¥O / SD Z0
PA /
/ Æ GND 2927 FG SD / ABS ¸mƒ ¿
¥ XØ

CW ¤O >> ¤ « ¥O 28 SD ( /æ¤ ®t ˚¿ Ø¥ X)

> ÂI «H , "¿Ø ¥ X (OPEN C)

³t «¯ ª ¥ ¿ Ø ¥ X TG AG 30


3132 18 19 20ALM21 22
§Æ¯x¯ª ¥ ¿ Ø ¥X 41
37 42
38 43
4036 44
23PC / A1
48ST49/ A2
/ /BIA0
INP ¤fi
©w ƒ § "ƒ¤

+ 15V¹ q • ‰ ¿ Ø¥ X + 15V 3334 §Æ¤O>> ¤ / / ~ ‡/ ł ½X0

- 15V¹ q • ‰ ¿ Ø¥ X - 15V P§@

˚ / //~‡ł ½X1

+ 24V¹ q • ‰ ¿ Ø¥ X + 24V 45 ¸T // / /~ ‡ ł ½X2

GATE OFF / ~ ‡ ł ½X3


2-1-2 Speed ​control mode
Alarm and emergency stop

constituted disconnect MC order


Torque control mode 2-1-3

Alarm and emergency stop

constituted disconnect MC order

ƒł ªAÅX ˚"


¥ ~ -|¥^˝¹ q "
AC220 / 230 R P

‡ < '˛ ¤T 50
/ 60Hz AC110 /
115 50 / 60Hz PC1

<I ƒł ªA ¹ F¤
rs UVW



½s½X "
¼W¶q ƒ¡ '˛ ABS½s½X "
> << ALRS

ABS¹ q ƒ
¥¿' ¸T / FSTP 45

/' ¸T / RSTP

ABS½s½X ²M " £ ECLR 89

"<< -/ EMG
¡« ³t ³] © w1 10 RS-232C

/ "‡ ¡«³ t ³] © w2 SPD2

SPD1 - - " '˛ PC
- - ¤ ... ƒ¡ / `·« / "‡ MDC 1211

4647 CN1
35 PA / PA A / AB /

36 BZ / Z
½s½X «H , "¿Ø ¥ X
SIN 262927322832 3,738,394,044,414,243 GND SD
³ t << << ¥ O ¤J
¿Ø ( /æ¤ ®t ˚¿ Ø¥ X)
50 / PB PB / SD

CCW ¤O§Æ >> ¤ « ¥O

CW ¤O >> ¤ « ¥O
AG FG ABS ¸mƒ ¿
¥ XØ

( /æ¤ ®t ˚¿ Ø¥ X)

³t «¯ ª ¥ ¿ Ø ¥ X TG > ÂI «H , "¿Ø ¥ X (OPEN C)

/ Æ GND AG 295
§Æ¯x¯ª ¥ ¿ Ø ¥X CUR 31 REDY SERVO READY ¥ X ¿Ø

18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 48 49
ZS / BI INP / ¤fi
+ 15V¹ q • ‰ ¿ Ø¥ X + 15V 3334 INS LM / A0 ©w ƒ § "ƒ¤

- 15V¹ q • ‰ ¿ Ø¥ X - 15V PC / A1 ST / §Æ¤O>> ¤ / / ~ ‡/ ł ½X0

- 15V¹ q • ‰ ¿ Ø¥ X + 24V 45 A2 GC / A3 P§@

˚ / //~‡ł ½X1

¸T // / /~ ‡ ł ½X2

GATE OFF / ~ ‡ ł ½X3


1. WARNING polar body to the right direction, the servo drive signals are not output and

therefore malfunction when reversed, thus making it possible emergency stop circuit like

㊟ Italy protective effect does not occur.

2. Be sure to set the emergency stop switch.

1. To use an external regenerative resistor, the PC split ㆘, shorting between PC1,

regenerative resistor connected between the P and the PC.

Please 2. Make sure that the sum of currents to flow on the outside ㆘, when more than 80mA, use

an external power supply 80mA, but then ㆞ part shall be connected to the DG.

Shall be the external emergency stop (EMG) 1. operation, forward / reverse ban

(FSTP, RSTP) Short-circuits (B point).

2. servo drive said same pin ㈲ ㈴ different, represents the internal drive is connected

prompt to each other (short-circuited).

3. Fault (ALM) pin, is turned on when no different from a normal state police, an OFF time

(iso alarm occurs), in order to control the output of the program is stopped.

4. For the alarm, emergency stop, please stop signal MC by way constitute an external

power supply line cut.

2-2 run

2-2-1 operation inspection before things ㊠

Please do check before running ㆘ column.

(1) Wiring
1. The servo drive power input terminals (R, S, T) should be connected ㈲ correct power.

2. The servo drive connected to a power supply terminal ㉃ servomotor (U, V, W) ㈴ said power input terminals and shall servomotor (U, V, W), said ㈴ same.

3. Do not let the servo drive input power terminal (R, S, T) and the servomotor (U, V, W) short-circuited.

4. optional external regenerative resistor, which is used twisted wire.

5. Use the forward / reverse prohibition limit switch, when the operation state between the FSTP-DG, and short-circuited between the RSTP-DG.

6. The connector CN1 pins must not exceed the ㈲ input voltage of DC24V.

7. The connectors CN1 and the + 24V and DG is not short-circuited.

8. distribution cable ㈲ not bear the additional power, so the cable can not weight.

(2) Environment

Can not be placed wire debris, metal powder ㈮ signal lines or power lines are shorted place. (3) Mech

anical part

1. The axis of the servomotor, when the mounting screw at the axis of the mechanical connection can not be loosened.

2. Install a mechanical servo motor, servo motor to make a preliminary test in order to avoid malfunction and cause mechanical damage.

2-2-2 start

Danger Not switch with wet hands, will cause an electric shock

1. Before operation make sure each parameter meets demand, due to unexpec

ted actions might differ depending on the machine ㈲ appear.

㊟ Italy 2. ㆗ energization or power supply by the opening (ON) just cut to the closed (OFF) when the

regenerative resistor, a servo motor or the like, may become a high temperature, therefore,

not touch, the reason to avoid burns.

(1) display unit instructions:

¯ª ¥ " ¤j '¥ | ƒ ... ˘ -t ... ˘ ¯ª ¥ † ¯, "

fi (¥ N " "Ƒ¥ |... ˘ )

¯ª ¥ " ¤j '¥ | ƒ ... ˘

fi (¥ N "§C ¥ | ƒ ... ˘ )

1. MODE key:
When the address (address) mode, press the MODE key mode change less than one second, not more than 1 second when an operation such as

switching the display order ㆘:

S.-OF F.000 P.000 U.000.

When the ㈾ ㆘ material (data) mode, press the MODE key ㉃ least one second current coming ㈾ material (data) or input function

(function) is set.

2. UP key:
When you press ㆘ UP key, you can increase the current value.

3. DOWN key:
When the press ㆘ DOWN key, the current value can be reduced.

4. DATA key:
㉃㈾ material will switch (data) mode when at address (address) mode, less than one second by the DATA key to change the digit, greater than

1 second.

When the ㈾ ㆘ material (data) mode, when the DATA key press is greater than one second will switch ㉃ address (address) mode.

(2) Key Operation Example 1:


press MODE ㆒次

press MODE ㆒次

press MODE ㆒次

press MODE ㆒次

(3) Example 2 key operation:


press MODE ㆒次

press UP 2 Secondary

press DATA more than the 1 second

press MODE more than the 1 second

press DATA more than the 1 second

(4) Key Operation Example 3:


press MODE 2 Secondary

press UP 6 Secondary

press DATA 1 Times, and press UP 1 Secondary

press DATA more than the 1 second

press DATA 3 Times, and press UP 3 Secondary

press DOWN 6 Secondary

press MODE more than the 1 second

press DATA more than the 1 second

(5) alarm display Example 1:

Alert Display
When ALARM state occurs 05,03,11 displayed.


UP key with DOWN key Press ㆘ greater than 1

Seconds to disarm the alarm

(6) alarm display Example 2:

Parameters (parameter) the alarming

When the parameter P.005 (No.5) For the alarm occurs, here the alarming P.005 Please ㉃ ㈾ material which occurs in the range.


of seconds the alarming alarm occurs parameters No.5

UP key with DOWN key Press ㆘ greater than 1 Solutions

MODE key press 2 Secondary

UP key press 5 Secondary

DATA key By greater than 1 second

Error parameters 000 ¡ fl 1 = -1

UP key press 1 Secondary

MODE key By greater than 1 second

DATA key By greater than 1 second

2-2-3 Function Setting

NO ㈴ said mark Features

0 For the alarm history F000 pen 10 can view the history ㈾ feed A0-- ~ A9--

1 For the alarm history Clear F001 pen 10 Clear alarm history heterologous material ㈾

2 Initialization parameters F002 system parameters according to factory settings EEPROM reload

3 JOG operation F003 press UP key DOWN key was compared by CCW CW

4 VC auto offset F004 This feature before the product shipped by the manufacturer with the computer

For setting, users do not use.

5 into the external output signal display F005 display signal input and output terminals of the external case

6 Software version of ㈰ F006 0.8.09 (2000/08/09)

0.A.19 (2000/10/19)
0.C.29 (2000/12/29)

2-2-4 Parameter details

NO ㈴ Call Gong can Predetermined area

0 Control Mode ㆘ set as the control mode. 0: 0-2

Speed ​control 1: Position control 2:

Torque Control

An analog output display ㉂ CN1 torque setting display ㈾ Transition Detector material (CUR) output. 0-4
options 0: Torque command [3.5 times the rated torque / 10] 1: [1.5 times

the rated speed / 10] speed instruction 2: rotor position (electrical

angle) [0 ~ 360 / 10V] ±

3: reservoir PULSE [16 ~ 65535PULSE / 10V] ±
4: U-phase detected current [3.5 times / 10 rated current] <Note> CN1 Speed ​Transition Detector

device (TG) of the unit, is 1.5 times the rated speed / 10V

2 Forward / Reverse When the speed command (internal, external) input torque command, setting command load shaft rotated 0-3
Switching mode by the motor run in a counterclockwise direction (CCW) of the input symbol (plus or minus). 0: input

speed, the torque is positive are. 1: input speed is positive, the torque is negative. 2: input speed is

negative, positive torque. 3: input speed, the torque is negative both.

The encoder signal 3 Setting signal output of the encoder (CN1: A / A, B / B) of the frequency division 1 to 63

(Output divider) ratio. The set value is input to the denominator of the frequency division ratio.

<Note> 1 molecule fixed.

Then put into ㈲ i.e. power control effect.

4 reaches the speed determination Obtained CN1 reaches set speed (INS) of the rotational speed of the output. When 0 ~ 3000
the rotational speed to a set speed ㆖, a signal is output. <Example> To the rotation rpm
speed of 2000rpm to obtain when ㆖

The speed arrival signal input 2000. <Note> INS

connection point CN1, the system mode position

㆖ become positioned over signal (INP).

5 Dynamic Brake If the setting drive ㈲ visceral dynamic brake efficiency. 0: dynamic b 0 to 1

(Dynamic brake) rake is invalid. 1: dynamic brake ㈲ effect. <Note> dynamic brake in
the servo off, emergency

Stop actuation when the CW / CCW prohibited. Set "dynamic brake invalid" when the servo

off, emergency stop condition ㆘ invalid.

NO ㈴ said Features Predetermined area

Operation prohibition setting drive 6 CW / CCW drive prohibition operation when the input. 0 to 1

0: zero speed is stopped, the prohibition of the driving torque direction born

Prohibited output.
1: dynamic brake stop, the servo OFF
Previously, the dynamic brake action. <Note> If set to

1, even if the set system parameters

"Invalid dynamic brake", dynamic brake

action will be.
If 0 is set, if the rear drive command drive prohibition releasing direction, for po

wer RESET, the state will return ㆒般. (Temporarily cut off the power supply n

umber reinvested)

7 CCW CCW direction to set the torque limit value. 0.0 to 300.0%
Internal torque Setpoint limit value is input as a percentage of the rated torque. WARNING times <Example> To limit

limit value value of the rated torque 200 is input. <Note> When the external torque limit of CN1 (TLMT) ON when

using an external torque limit command input (CN1: PIC), the smaller the limit value executed.

8 CW Generated in the CW direction to set the torque limit value. Setpoint limit value is - 300.0 - 0.0%
Internal torque limit value input as a percentage of the rated torque. <Example> To limit the torque when

WARNING times the rated torque, input -200 <Note> the CN1 external torque limit

(TLMT) ON, so that

External torque limit command input (CN1: NIC), the smaller the

limit value executed.

0.0 to 100.0%
9 the regenerative resistor protection level to protect the regenerative resistor, the average power is set corresponding to the allowable protection ㈬ registration.

The set value is a resistance value of the average power usage and the allowable regenerative resistor,

according to calculation formula.

Set value = [(Resistance value (Ω) * Average allowable power (W) * 100%) /

(100000)] * (%)
(Note) The initial value of built-in resistor value, even if other than

Changing the resistance value of the regenerative part, when

restoring the internal impedance set regenerative enter 0.4 (%).

10 JOG operation Setting JOG operation efficiency whether ㈲ 0 to 1

If the JOG operation ㈲ effect, regardless of the setting control mode, the specified key (when the UP o

r DOWN key parameter unit), the motor speed of an internal speed value set operation. 0: JOG operati

on is invalid. 1: JOG operation ㈲ effect.

No ㈴ Call machine can Predetermined area

11 output zero velocity / CN1 zero speed determination (ZS) signal and brake interlock (BI) is a common contac 0 to 1

Output brake switch t signal, both the switching signal output is set. 0: zero output speed determination (ZS

) signals. 1: Output brake interlock (BI) signal. <Note> zero speed determination outpu

t, only when ㈲ effect speed control mode.

12 torque command Torque command input ㆖ pulse, §Æ ¯x §Æ¯x«¿

¥ OؤJ 0 ~ 9999msec
filter time constant setting a time constant of the

primary delay filter. Is set to a torque

command input, about 63% of the

internal time reaches the torque

command value. <Example>

When the time constant of the

primary delay filter is 1 second, the 1000

input. <Note> the time constant of the fi ¶ ¡

primary delay filter in the set

fi ¶ ¡ ...
± `˘

Shall be reset when the power supply becomes longer ㈲ effect, it changes the time co

nstant, and then turned off after the control power supply input.

13 external torque command Setting the torque command input voltage and generates a torque range (rated torque). Values ​are 30.0 ~ 300.0% /
scaling set in the generated torque command voltage 10V rated% value input. <Example> when the desired 10V
command voltage 10V so that the occurrence of torque capacity, input 100. <Note> even changed

offset value is not 300% to ㆖ torque occurs.

14 external torque command Offset voltage applied to set the torque command value of the input voltage. Set value - 10.000 ~
Input offset is a value of the input offset voltage from the internal drive voltage applied to the input 10.000V

<Example> command input voltage 1V, 2.5V rated to produce the equivalent

When the torque input +1.5.

<Note> even changed offset value is not 300% to ㆖ torque occurs.

No ㈴ said function Predetermined area

15 Brake sequence set time of braking CN1 interlock (B1) outputs SERVO ON, SERVO OFF of - 2000 to 2000
Timing time. msec
The set value is to be the SERVO ON SERVO OFF time input this time also to the brake output


Negative input time of braking output time SERVO ON to OFF. (㊟) CN1 contact and the zero speed detectio

n BI (ZS) common signal, so in the system parameters

Zero rate detection [/] Brake selected output switching brake output.

16 drives identification code When the time for transmission of RS-485 serial communication, this address as a driver identification 0 ~ 15
code, transmitted as RS-232, this has no effect here.

<Note> RS-458 serial transmission to the communication setting this code need to first signal ALM-RSE

㉃ then take effect, or to maintain the original identification code; In terms of communication setting R

S232 serial transmission, does not have this limitation.

17 when zero speed detection operation using the speed command input is a parameter "zero speed determination" range set 0 to 1

Within the time set by the parameter determination can forcibly be zero speed command.

0: zero speed command is determined. 1: Analyzing the speed command to zero. <Note>

This function is based on the speed command input is determined.

When the command speed exceeds the set value input, it is rotated out of

operation from zero velocity to the point.

Deceleration limits 18 Setting conditions of acceleration and deceleration speed co 0-2

mmand. Alternatively the set value of any of a [...] ㊠ ㆘ colu

mn. 0: No acceleration and deceleration.

1: deceleration using the smoothing filter. 2: linear acceleration

and deceleration.

2 Operation and operation 2-16

NO ㈴ said Features Predetermined area

19 speed smoothing Velocity command input pulse ㆖, 1 ~ 10000msec

³ t << ³ t << << ¥ O ¿¤JØ

filter time constant the time constant of the primary

delay filter. Set value for the drive

speed command value, the time

until the motor speed reaches 63%

¤ ¹ F³ t <<
63%. <Example>

When the primary delay filter

time constant is 1 second input
1000. <Note> a primary delay
fi ¶ ¡
After setting the time constant to be
fi ¶ ¡ ...
± `˘

Then began ㈲ reset power efficiency, so that when changing the constant, to temp

orarily cut off the power after the power on again.

Deceleration limit setting (a No. 18) shall be set to 1, this parameter was ㈲ effect.

20 Linear acceleration and deceleration time constant relative to the input speed command, set horse ³ t << Time constant 1 ~

The rate of change of retention time constant 9999msec

necessarily at. Set value from zero speed to rated

speed time. ³ t << << ¥ O

<Example> The linear acceleration time constant is 1

When the second input 1000. <Note> linear

¤ ¹ F³ t <<

deceleration time constant set after

After power reset start ㈲ effective embodiment, the

time constant when it is changed, the power to be fi ¶ ¡

turned off, power on again.

fi ¶ ¡ ...
± `˘

Deceleration limit setting (a No. 18) 2, this parameter is ㈲ side effect.

21 electronic temperature sensors LEVEL Electron temperature detection level can be set by the electronic temperature sensors LEVEL Start

detection. 22 speed proportional gain Proportional gain of the speed control. 10 - 1000
㊜ When the value of the proportional gain value, with a motor model, and the inertia of the load varies

, so please mating load, ㆘ set to a large gain value in the vibration level does not occur. Percent of th

e maximum set value is a relative value of the motor ㊜ monomers.

23 integration time constant velocity integral time constant speed control. 1 ~ 1000msec
㊜ integral time constant when the value of the motor with the aircraft, the inertia of the load varies, so

please fit load, vibration does not occur in the degree ㆘, set a smaller time constant. Enter the set

value is msec.

NO ㈴ said Features Predetermined area

24 Zero speed judgment CN1 is set zero speed detection (ZS) determining an output value of the motor speed, 0 ~ 3000
when the motor speed is below the set to ㆘, a signal is output. <Example> To 60rpm to

obtain a zero when the rotation speed ㆘

When the speed detection signal, the input 60.

<Note> CN1, ZS linker is (BI) signal shared with brake interlock,

Therefore, a systematic "Zero speed output / brake output switching" (No.11) to select Zero

speed output ㊠ head.

External speed command 25 Setting the ratio of the external speed reference input voltage value of the motor speed. Value is set 100 to 5000
Input scale value when the rotation speed of the motor command voltage 10V. <Example> command voltage 10V, the rpm / (10V)
motor rotation speed is 2000rpm, input 2000. <Note> the scale value is changed even if the motor

rotation speed is not more than 3050rpm. ±

External speed command 26 Setting a speed command applied to the external input voltage offset voltage value. Internal setting - 10.000 ~ 10.000V
Input offset drive is applied to the command input voltage ㆖ OFFSET voltage value. <Example> When the

external command input voltage of 1V, 2.5V to make the equivalent of

When the speed of rotation, enter +1.5. <Note> the

smallest unit of the input offset value is 1mv.

Offset values ​for the input range of 10V.

Change the offset value, the motor speed will not exceed 3050rpm ±
rotation. Offset values ​can be ch

anged in the embodiment ㉂-tuning.

27 position command input pulse type Position command pulse type setting. Setpoint Input Form 0-2
formula input pattern is divided into three kinds.

The input symbol number in the

brackets: 0: CW / CCW pulse column.

1: 90 ° phase difference pulse train (A / B-phase pulse). 2: the symbol

pulse train. <Example>

If the command input type "pulse train with the symbol" in the form of the input pulse

position command input 2. <Note> input command pulse of the pulse wave frequency, the

motor causes the motor speed exceeds

± When 3000rpm, 3000rpm should be adjusted to a reduction ratio to the electronic ㆘. Afte
r setting the pulse change, ㉂ embodiment starts after the power efficiency ㈲ RESET, so the

pulse shape is changed after the power supply is temporarily cut off the power on again.

2 Operation and operation
NO ㈴ said Features Predetermined area

Electronic gear ratio Multiple input command pulse setting, the frequency division ratio of the molecular electron reduction and Minute Sub

denominator. Input command pulses (Pi) and the electronic speed reduction ratio (G), motor speed (N), 1 to 50000 points

the relationship between the encoder pulse (Pe) of the wave as ㆘ formula: Pi * G = N * Pe * 4 1

female to 50000

<Example> In the encoder pulse number of the motor 2000, the number of pulses of the input command

10000 pulses, rotation of the motor 8 to make the secondary electron reduction ratio =

4 * 8 * 2000/10000 = 64000/10000 = 32/5 Accordingly, molecular input 32, the

denominator input 5. <Note> molecules denominator input range is 1 to 50000

Electronic input range of the reduction ratio 1/50 ~ 50. Motor speed does

not exceed +/- 3000rpm ㆘ selected conditions, the input pulse number, an

electronic deceleration ratio.

After setting the ratio of the electron deceleration start ㈲ efficiency from power RESET embodime

nt, when the time constant is changed so that, after the power supply is temporarily cut off the power on again.

3233Positioning over range CN1 positioned over the set number of accumulated pulses (the INP) of the output signal. Error counter 0 to 50000

accumulated pulse number reaches a set pulse number within, INP signal is output.

Number <Example> residual pulse within 50 pulse, outputs a signal when the positioning is over,

Please enter 50.

<Note> CN1 of INP contacts other than the position control mode, the speed may reach as

Use signals (INS).

34 CCW maximum accumulation Setting the number of pulse position error counter accumulated deviation of the alarming large. CCW 1 ~
35 The maximum Error counter accumulated pulse number reaches a set pulse number at the time ㆖, it outputs a 500000 CW
36 number of pulses accumulate CW first alarm signal.

37 The number of pulses Set value is a rotation direction of the motor input individual. - 500000 ~ -1
Axis direction of the motor from the load viewed, CCW anticlockwise, CW the clockwise direction.

<Example> If the number of pulses accumulated in 300000pulse to ㆘ properly and above

When an abnormal event 300000pulse, to the position bias difference to stop the motor when

the police enter 300,000.

38 position proportional gain Scale setting the position control gain value. 1 to 500

Position control gain value Yin Mada models, different loads, with each load therefore, does not vibrate in

㆘ degree, gain set to a large value.

NO ㈴ said Features Predetermined area

39 feedforward gain The amount of change in the pulse wave ㆖ position command, the speed command is set 0 to 100%

directly applied to the feed forward gain value.

Set value is proportional to the number of command pulses (%) input. <Note> gain is large,

the control system is not stable, easy to produce vibration.

Outside SPECIFICALLY OF FITNESS need of high-speed response, enter 0 (%) to work.

40 Location smoothing Position input command, the time ³ t << ƒ ¸m ¥<<

O "‡« ³ t 0 ~ 10000msec
The time constant constant of the primary delay filter. The

set value is a position command with

respect to the input drive, the rotational

speed of the motor reaches about 63% 63%

¤ ¹ F³ t <<

of the time.

<Example> 1 delay filter

After the time constant is set, the efficiency starts

㈲ power RESET embodiment, when the time co

nstant is changed so that, after the power

fi ¶ ¡
supply is temporarily cut off the power on again.

fi ¶ ¡ ...
± `˘

Internal speed limit internal When internal speed limit, which limit value is set. Motor speed 0.0 ~
speed limit 1 2 3 internal set value input limit value. 3000.0rpm
speed limit In carrying out the internal speed limit, in CN1, SPD1, SPD2 internal limit select 1, 2 or 3.

Speed ​limit value regardless of the rotation direction of the motor.

<Example> To 1000rpm when the speed limit, within the speed limit value of the input 1

1000, the CN1 of SPD1 as low level. <Note> the internal speed limit and the speed of the inner

speed control mode is used along with a command, it is set

When the internal speed limit, also the internal speed command is set.

Internal speed command When the internal speed command value set by the set command value. The positive direction of rotation - 3000.0 ~
Internal speed command 1 CCW direction, but in a system of constant forward reverse switch may switch the rotation direction 3000.0rpm
2 3 Internal speed command setting. To set the internal speed operation, please CN1, SPD1, SPD2 internal command select 1, 2 or 3.

<Example> In the internal speed command to the motor 1 when -100rpm rotation, in the internal speed

1 -100 instruction input, and for the CN1 SPD1 low level. <Note> Internal speed internal speed comm

ands used along with the torque control mode, it is set ㆒旦

After the internal speed command, the internal speed limit is also set. Internal speed

command is also used along with the speed of a manual operation.

2-2-5 Transition Detector function watch

NO ㈴ said mark Features

0 Rotating speed U000 RPM

1 Torque U001 %

2 Seed rate load factor U002 %

3 The maximum loading rate U003 %

4 Regenerative load ratio U004 %

2-2-6 For the alarm Lanbiao a [...]

Alarm code Export alarm ㈴ said alarm Action content

0 normal

1 Main circuit voltage is insufficient When the power supply voltage falls below a specified voltage operation ㆘

2 Regeneration error Load is too large or the regenerative resistor during the regenerative operation circuit anomaly

3 Overload When the overload state of the operation of the drive motor and

4 IPM abnormal Main circuit power conversion abnormality detection module

5 Encoder error ( ABZ) Detection coding and encoder cables abnormal operation

6 Temperature anomalies ( Over heat) Detecting system temperature is higher than the specification value

7 Retention

8 Abnormal memory Detection CPU The internal memory operation abnormality

9 emergency stop Emergency operation stop signal is inputted

10 Retention

11 Position error Position deviation counter pulse wave action exceeds a set allowable value ㆖

12 Overspeed When the motor speed exceeds the allowable number of revolutions of the operation

13 CPU abnormal Detection CPU Abnormal action

14 Abnormal driving ban CCW / CW Both the drive inhibit signal while the input operation

15 Manufacturers with

3 Wiring
1. Wiring should ㆟ staff expertise to implement.

2. Wiring should pass after power OFF 10 clock to ㆖, and to confirm the voltage meter or
Danger oscilloscope, etc., before wiring, otherwise it will cause electrical shock hazard.

3. The servo drive, a servo motor should be of three kinds of access to ㆖ ㆞ (FG) project.

4. servo drives and servo motors should be installed after the wiring, electric shock or easy.

5. Do not let the cable is broken, pull site, crush, or sandwiched, or likely to cause an electric shock reasons

1. To properly do the wiring, otherwise the servo motor may be out of control and cause injury.

2. The terminal connection is not connected correctly, otherwise it will cause of driver burned.

3. polarity (+, -) to distinguish properly, otherwise it will cause the drive burned.

4. installed in the DC relay control output, with the direction of the counter electromotive WARNING polar

body absorber to be connected properly. Otherwise, the drive may be due to malfunction, and can

㊟ Italy not output a signal to an emergency stop and other safety circuits effect does not occur.

5. In the vicinity of the servo drive using electronic equipment may be disturbed, use

Noise filter to reduce interference.

In abnormal signal (ALM) occurs, to make the input power (R, S, T) OFF 6. To use an external regenera

tive resistor. This can cause the failed drive transistor, etc., so that the regenerative resistor overhea

t and ㈫ disaster.

7. The drive conversion is not good at ㉂.


3-1 servo drive

3-1-1 is connected to the motor power supply

Power ON
Power OFF



line filter MC

rs CN2


power input
External regenerative resistor
 AC 200 / 230V White

Single phase / phase ㆔ 50 / 60Hz black

(60 & 120 W)
alarm CN1 FG

 AC 100/115
Single phase 50 / 60Hz

Note: 1. Emergency stop and the alarming ㆖, To MC Cut way constitute wiring.

2. Then ㆞ for the first ㆔ kind of pick ㆞ ( FG) As well as a single point of access ㆞.

3. When using an external regenerative impedance, please PC - PC1 ㆘ shorting between the split, the P - PC

A resistor connected between the external regenerative.

4. The joints connecting terminal station, the packet must crimp terminals ㈲ insulating film.

3 Wiring

3-1-2 Use wire sizes

Use gauge wire shown in schedule

. If the cable is extended, as with thicker wires. . Main supply terminal, a motor terminal, a control terminal of the power

supply line, in 20 Meters to ㆘ use

㆘ wire described later, if it exceeds 20 When the meter, use thicker wire. . Cable exceeding encoder 20 When ㆖ to

meter, to prevent voltage drop, use twisted pair cable. . Electrical control and communication cables, in order to 3 Appropriate

use within meters.

Schedule Use wire sizes

Connecting joints Use wire size mm
HO015 *
Pin numbers ㈴ said HO010 * HO030B
R, S, T Main supply terminal
0.5 to ㆖ 0.75 to ㆖ 1.25 to ㆖
TB1 U, V, W Motor connection terminal

r, s A control power supply terminal 0.5 to ㆖ 0.5 to ㆖ 0.5 to ㆖

26,27,28 Speed ​/ torque input

30,31 Speed ​/ torque input Transition Detector

0.2 or 0.3
45 + 24V power output
Analogy with the twisted pair wire connected ㆞ (including shield cable)
33,34 + 15V and -15V power output

29,32,44 Analogy access ㆞

1~13 ㆒般 input
0.2 or 0.3 shielded wire or twisted pair and I / O line pair ㆞ line
18~25,43 ㆒般 output 46~49
(including the line of separation)
I / O access ㆞

14~17 Command pulse input

0.2 or 0.3 twisted pair line (including the line of separation)
35~42 Encoder signal outputs

1,2 5V power supply output

3,4 Power output connector ㆞ 0.2 or 0.3 twisted pair line (including the line of separation)
5 to 10 Encoder Signal Input

17 Reset output Separation line 0.2 or 0.3

1,8 ㈾ material, receiving -

0.2 or 0.3 twisted pair line (including the line of separation)
CN4 5,6 ㈾ material receiving +

12,13,14 Communication connection ㆞ Separation line 0.2 or 0.3

1,9 ㈾ material transmitter and receiver

0.2 or 0.3 twisted pair line (including the line of separation)
CN3 2,3,4,10,11 communication control

12,13,14 Communication line ㆞ Separation line 0.2 or 0.3


3-1-3 Wiring ㆖ ㊟ intended to do ㊠

(1) line of the encoder signal input line using the twisted pair lines (including isolation), the length of wiring, command input

Into line 3 meters, within 20 feet encoder input line is appropriate. Please connect to the shortest distance when wiring.

Shielded cable must be connected ㆖ FG terminal, terminal treatment to do.

(2) as a bold line connected to the line ㆞

Please contact ㆞ to use three kinds of access ㆞ (contact resistance value 100Ω to ㆘ ㆞) is appropriate, and must

be a single point of contact ㆞. If desired state of insulation between the motor and the machine, connect the motor connection ㆞.

(3) P-PC ㆖ typically not connected to anything, and when the power is turned on, a high voltage P-PC ㆖ ㈲,

Do not touch it. External regenerative resistor is used in the internal regenerative energy can not be absorbed.

(4) In order to prevent malfunctions caused by noise, please pick disposal ㆘ column

. If the electrical welding machine, such as the use 同㆒ discharge machine power, or non 同㆒ power, while in the vicinity of the high-frequen

cy noise generation source ㈲, add filters and noise insulation transformer in the power supply apparatus ㆖. . Please power lines (power su

pply lines, lines of strong electric motor circuit) 30 cm away from the signal line wiring to be ㆖,

Do not (duct) wiring 同㆒ wiring tube.

. Analog line input signal (SIN), do not make the terminal opening (Open) (susceptible to impact noise).

(5) Upon completion of the wiring, make sure that all connections ㆖, if pulled too tight and the pin (PIN), welding head,

Compression joints is good, if the screw is tightened, to confirm whether the connection of the connector. Especially i

n terms of the polarity of a servo motor and an encoder cable to cable SPECIFICALLY ㊟ intended.

(6) AC servo motor generator is not induced, so the cable is connected opposite to the rotational direction does not change,

However, if the cable in the wrong order, the motor would not rotate, so to correct wiring.


3-1-4 described output terminal

(1) terminal block (TB1)

Pin No. Said signal ㈴ Terminal Symbol Function, purpose

Connecting the commercial power supply 100V / 115V, or 200V / 230V 50 / 60Hz.
12 Control power
Control circuit power supply
supply (single phase)

㆞ single point contact with the motor.

3 Then ㆞ FG To prevent malfunction of the electrical sense Please ㆞ A third contact (100

[Omega] in ㆘), motor output, power input common.

4 W
Motor power connector and U, V, W link, not connected to the main power circuit

, a phase-change connection error, the motor can not be reversed. Necessary to

5 Motor output V
drive a motor output terminals (U, V, W) of the motor and U, V, W ㆒致.

6 U

7 T
Main circuit power supply terminal. Connected to the commercial power source

Main circuit power supply 100V / 115V, or 200V / 230V 50 / 60Hz. The motor is not connected to the output
8 (single-phase or phase ㆔)
S terminal.

9 R

10 Internal DC voltage N PN measuring voltage at both ends can be stored inside the capacitor.

A [...] connected to the outer end of the regenerative resistor. And shortly after the c

utting, the high voltage will ㈲ storage circuit when the main power ON, it can not be
11 External Regeneration terminal P
touched. Time ㆒般 storage voltage is within 10 minutes.

A [...] External connection terminal of the regenerative resistor. If the internal regenerative resistor,

and short-circuit PC1. And shortly after the cutting, the high voltage will ㈲ storage circuit when the

main power ON, it can not be touched. Time ㆒般 storage voltage is within 10 minutes. When usin
12 Regeneration terminal PC
g an external regenerative resistor, and PC1 not connected (shorted).

When using the built-in resistor, the short-circuit terminal and PC. After the

power ON and cut off soon, the high voltage will ㈲ storage, it can not be
13 Internal Regeneration terminal PC1
touched. Time ㆒般 storage voltage is within 10 minutes.


(2) the control output terminal (CN1)

㊜ column mode using symbols, P is the position control, S is the speed control, T is a torque
A dedicated terminal control. When no terminal is described, for the common control mode. I / O column

symbols, Di-1~3-based representation of the input interface circuit, Do-1~3 is a representation of an output

interface circuit.

㊜ should
Pin No. Said signal ㈴ symbol I/O Gong can
Operation command terminals to DG It can cause a short circuit between the operating state. Servo on State, although
1 Servo on SON Di - 1
the dynamic braking action can also be released parameters.

With DG Short circuit to disarm alarm Stopped. However encoder error, CPU Abnormal, memory abnormalities, abnormal

2 For the alarm reset ALRS Di - 1 input prohibit different police can not be lifted, after you eliminate the cause of the error and then put into power.

3 P / P I Switch PCNT Di - 1 P, S Proportional control input contact. in DG A short-circuit between the speed proportional-integral type converter
Proportional control.

4 CCW driving ban FSTP Di - 1 More than stroke ( Over travel ), The set according to the switching signal CCW , CW Link Further, the

5 CW driving ban RSTP Di - 1 input signal is properly, a short-circuit ( NC contact).

6 External torque limit TLMT Di - 1 P, S DG Between the short circuit current is limited to the torque limit command input ( PIC , NIC) Range.

deviation counter clear CLR / P Accumulating the pulse wave clears the position deviation counter
7 Di - 1
/ servo lock LOK S Locking converted from the speed control to position control

8 ABS encoder clear ECLR Di - 1 ABS When the encoder used, the number of revolutions of the encoder count to the alarming clearance.

DG When shorted, apply to become an emergency stop state, Servo off The dynamic brake actuation. But also because
9 emergency stop EMG Di - 1
of the dynamic brake parameter setting and is not valid.

Select the operating speed, the speed control mode. will SPD1 When a short circuit, the internal speed command 1 ,will SPD2

10 Internal speed setting 1 SPD1 Di - 1 When a short circuit, the internal speed command 2 While the short circuit, places the internal speed command is set 3 Operation.

When they are both open, external speed command input

(SIN) It becomes ㈲ effect. The torque control mode, the internal speed limit value selection. In addition, JOG When

11 Internal speed setting 2 SPD2 Di - 1 running, the internal speed command 1 It became the manual operation speed.

When selecting the combination control mode, mode selection implementation.

control mode select:

1. Position / speed mode: MDC - DG Open (position control)

12 Control mode switch MDC Di - 1 MDC - DG Short circuit (speed control)

2. Speed ​/ torque mode: MDC - DG Open (speed control)

MDC - DG Short circuit (torque control)

3. Position / torque mode: MDC - DG Open (position control)

MDC - DG Short circuit (torque control)

13 Command pulse prohibited INH Di - 1 P in INH - DG When a short circuit between, the input position command pulse is ignored.

The open-collector or differential output command generated by the input pulse train. Command pulse input

shape based on the parameters set by ㆘ ㆔ species selected column.

14 PP / (1) CW / CCW Pulse train

Command pulse P Entry Di - 2
(2) Symbol pulse train +
15 DPN
P (3) Phase 90 Degree pulse train
16 DP /
Command pulse D Entry Di - 2
17 DN

Controlling input and output connectors (CN1) Continued

Pin No. Said signal ㈴ symbol I / O ㊜ should Gong can

Main power supply, control power input is normal, in the non-first alarm state, REDY -
18 Servo ready REDY DO-1
DG A short circuit.

In normal, ALM - DG Between a short circuit, the abnormality is detected, the protection operation function, ALM - DG
19 Alarm ALM DO-1
Room into an open loop.

Zero speed detection S ㆘ lower than the set speed, the ZS - DG A short circuit, this time, the parameters provided by the
20 DO-1 Set, can "zero" instruction operation.
/ Brake interlock ZS / BI
The contact can be changed to use an external parameter setting brake interlock Features.

P When the position control mode, a [...] range into the position location parameter set,
Positioning finished INP - DG Shorted, and outputs a signal.
twenty one
/ Speed ​arrival INP / INS DO-1
S, T Speed, torque control mode, the set speed in ㆖, INS - DG
Between short-circuited.

When normal operating state is the performance of the contacts, and when the alarm occurs, the contents of different

alarm code output. Speed ​or torque limit ㆗ / alarm code 0

22,232,425Restrictions ㆗ / alarm0 LM / A0 PC DO-1

P action / alarm1 / A1 ST / DO-1 Proportional action ㆗ / alarm code 1

Prohibit ㆗ / alarm2 A2 GC / DO-1 Driving ban ㆗ / alarm code 2 Inverter gate off ㆗

Gate off / alarm3 A3 DO-1 / alarm code 3

Speed ​control mode input speed command for the external contacts (± 10V / ± 3050rpm) . As the external input contact torque command torque

control mode ( 0 ~ ± 10V / Rated torque X 3 Times). Positive voltage input CCW Direction of the command, the parameter may be changed in

accordance with instructions and range direction.

Speed ​command input
26 Ai S, T
/ Torque command input SIN

T The torque control mode, the speed limiting command to the external contact ( 0 ~ ± 10V / ± 3000rpm )
Speed ​limit command

27 / CCW The torque PIC Ai Position, speed control mode compared external torque limit command. To + 10V When the input is limited CCW

limit command In the direction of 3 times the rated torque.

P, S

Position, when the speed control mode, an external torque limiting command. To - 10V When V input, limit CW
CW The torque limit refers to
28 NIC Ai P, S In the direction of 3 times the rated torque.

The rotational speed proportional output voltage ± 10V / ± 4500rpm CCW Rotates, the

30 Speed ​display terminal TG Ao output voltage is positive

The output torque command voltage. When torque is rated torque 3.5 Times, output ± 10V Voltage. Further, the

parameter can be switched in accordance with the speed command voltage (± 10 V / ± 4500rpm ), U-phase detected

31 Torque display terminal CUR Ao currents (± 10V / Current Rating X 3 ) Of the display terminal.

To take ㆞ analog signals.

29, 32
Analogy access ㆞ AG Ao

Is a simplified power supply voltage command point, please use the motor during the test operation. ± 15VDC
3334 10mA MAX
External power supply output + 15V
- 15V

35, 36 A phase PA, / PA Do-2 The encoder pulses after the frequency division processing parameter set in an open collector output, by the motor

37,38 Encoder B Phase signal PB, / PB Do-2 shaft of view, CCW Rotation, A Phase is less B Phase Forward 90 degree.

39,40 output Z phase

PZ, / PZ Do-2
41 and 42 for ABS Serial output signal when the encoder.
ABS SD, / SD Do-2
for Z Phase difference proportional signal output contact movable.
43 Origin signal output Zo Do-1

To provide the use of an external DC power supply relay

45 External power supply output + 24V

Digital External control input connected ㆞.

46 to 49 DG

50 Shield FG Separation line cable splice.

(3) the encoder output contacts (CN2)
Encoder Color Line
PIN No Said signal ㈴ symbol I/0 machine can

For the encoder 5V Power cable 20m ㆖ voltage decreases to the encoder, you should use the

1,2 Encoder power output + 5V White White respective 2 Power lines. And more than 30m To when ㆖, please contact the manufacturer


3,4 Encoder power output 0V black black

5 A Phase input A Di-3 green Yellow-green encoder A Phase output.

6 / A Phase input /A blue Blue encoder / A Phase output.

7 B Phase input B Di-3 red Red encoder B Phase output.

8 / A Phase input /B Peach Peach encoder / B Phase output.

9 Z Phase input Z Di-3 yellow Yellow encoder Z Phase output.

10 /Z Phase input /Z Orange Orange encoder / Z Phase output.

11 to 14 Do not do any wiring

15 ABS Entry SD Di-3 ㈬ Blue ABS Encoder uses a linked list output signal (+).

16 / ABS Entry / SD purple ABS Encoder uses a linked list (-) signal.

ABS When the encoder used, the number of the rotary encoder counter versus alarm reset The
17 Reset Export ECLR Dark green
output contacts.

18,19 Do not do any wiring

20 Shield FG cable Please continue ash separation line

(4) communication (RS 485) the output contacts (CN3)

PIN NO Said signal ㈴ Symbol Function

1,8 Data Transmission reception - XN Between the drive and the controller or a computer input receiving ㈾ material ㆟ XP

5,6 Data Transmission reception + XP XN Become differential inputs / outputs.

12,13,14 Communication connection ㆞ SG It is connected to the connector CN3 ㆞ output signal line.

Frame Shield Isolation line is connected.

(5) communication (RS 232C) into the output contacts (the CN4)
Pin No. Said signal ㈴ symbol machine can

1 ㈾ receiving material RXD ㉂ parameter elements, a receiving computer ㆟ ㉃ ㈾ feed drive.

2 Data set ready DSR (DTR) and a short-circuit inside the drive pin 11.

Data channel receiving

3 DCD In (DTR) pin and the internal short-circuit driver 10.
detection Carrier

4 Letter recognition CTS In (DCD) and an internal short-circuit driver pin No. 3.

5-8 What connection is not recognized.

9 ㈾ transfer material TXD Output parameter is fed by the drive element or a ㈾ ㆟ computer.

10 ㈾ expected acknowledgment transmission RTS In (DCD) and an internal short-circuit driver pin No. 4.

11 Data terminal ready DTR In (DCD) and an internal short-circuit driver pin number 2.

12-14 Communication connection ㆞ SG The connector CN4 is connected to the output of the line signal ㆞.

Frame Line of separation The line of separation by a wiring frame.


3-2 ㈴ said terminal defined

3-2-1 terminal arrangement

It represents ㉂ cable (Cable) a perspective view of the wire end connector (Connector) pin (pin) are arranged.

(1) CN1 (2) CN2

㈴ type: connector ㈴ type: connector

FG GC / A3
DG 4948 242 ST / A2 PC FG 10 / ZZ

DG / A1 LM / A0 ¡-¡ 19 / BB

DG 4746 2223 INP / INS - 1820 89 / AA

DG ZS / B1 (ERST) 7 0V

+ 24 4544 2021
7 SDI / 1617 65 0V


Z0 / 4342 1819 REDY ¡-¡ 1415 43

SD -¡-
SD / 4140 1617 ¡- 1213 twenty + 5V
PZ PN 11 one + 5V

PZ / 3938 1415 PP DP


PB / 3736 1213 SPD2


PA 3534 1011 EMG

--15 (ECLR)

+ 15 3332 89

3130 67 CLR / LOK
2928 45 FSTP
three PCNT

SIN 2726 twenty ALRS


(3) CN3 (4) CN4
㈴ type: connector ㈴ type: connector

XN 14 7 NC 14 7
SG 1312 65 1312 65
43 NC 1110 43
98 2111 98 twenty
XN one

(5) TB1
㈴ type: terminal block






3-3 input / output interface circuit

3-3-1 The input / output interface circuit schematic

(1) a digital input interface circuit (Di-1)

ÅX ˚˚˚ ˚˚"/"
˚˚˚˚ "/"............
/"""/" /"/"
"" /""/"/"

- - ¤ ¿ Ø ¤J
- ÂI

digital ground


(2) Digital output interface circuits (Do-1)

ÅX ˚˚˚ ˚˚"/"
˚˚˚˚ "/"............
/"""/" /"/"
"" /""/"/"

-t ,

¥ X ÂI

digital ground


. External power supply by the customer ready, please polar opposite ㊟ intended to power the drive will burn. . This output is open

collector Mode, the external voltage ( Vc) The largest to 25V Limited, select the maximum power

flow 15mA Load. If the power source is directly linked with the outside, when the maximum current flows, can cause damage to the drive.

. To load, in the use of electric Duo ( relay) , Etc. L Load, to map-like and like ㆖ L Parallel to the load,

WARNING polar body and add, if the opposite polarity WARNING polar body, the drive will be corrupted.


(3) pulse train input interface circuit (Di-2)

line driver mode open collecter way

Inner drive Internal drive

220 220


220 220



. The pulse train signal to be transmitted reliably, recommended mode line driver. . open collector

mode, its operation frequency is reduced.

. External power supply ready by the customer. If the reverse polarity of power, the drive will be corrupted. . The maximum external power supply

voltage (Vc) is limited to 25V, the current flowing from about 10 ~ 15mA, and the selected device driver with

220Ω series resistor R value added.

(Vc when 24V is 1.3K ~ 2K, 12V when 510 ~ 820Ω, 5V when 82~120Ω㊧㊨ standard)
Reference pulse form CCW CW Parameter settings Remarks

0 "CW / CCW
CW pulse train pulse."
CCW pulse train

PP 1 "WARNING 90 Four times the pulse

A phase pulse B PN degrees out of phase wave at a frequency

phase pulse DP with the pulse." of 45 0kpps ㆘


PP 2 "pulse train with the

Pulse + PN symbol"



Timing pulse wave conditions

0.9 t LH = t LH < 0.2us

t C> 0.8us t F> 0.8us

t LH t LH tF
0.9 0.1-based amplitude of the waveform represented by the ratio of the input pulse


(4) pulse train output interface circuits (Do-2)

The punch breakage of the encoder A, B-phase pulse, the driver portion in the frequency (1 / 1~1 / 63), so as to line driver output. ㈲

Z phase pulse output line driver and open collector output thereof.

Line drive the way open collector the way

Internal drive

AM2LS32 with Internal drive



X = A, B, Z

. In order to really make the signal transmission, it is recommended Z Phase also used line driver the way. . For differential drive mode, please line receiver ㆗ between the

input, connected to a terminal resistor ( R1: 200 ~ 330 Ω). . open collector Embodiment, the polarity of the prepared external power supply by the customer if the contrary,

cause damage to the drive. . open collector Mode, the external power supply voltage ( Vc) The largest to 25V Is limited, please inflow current 5mA Resistance to decide R2 value.

(Vc24V When 4.7k Ω, 12V When 2.4k Ω, 5V When 1k Ω is standard). open collector For,
susceptible to noise, so be it ㊟ meaning.

(1) the phase relationship (2) divide the waveform

ON-OFF Bandwidth is divided into frequency

motor CCW When the rotation (incremental encoder) (50% duty)

(Z Phase A, B Unrelated)

A phase
Division ratio

A 1/1 B phase

Division ratio A phase


A, ON-OFF B phase is 50% duty Z of the 1/1 frequency

divider when A or B is about 1 cycle waveform


(5) analog input interface circuit (Ai)

Include analog input (torque command speed, torque, speed limit command) interface circuit.
. Internal power drive, because when carrying ㈲ will ripple ( ripple) , It is possible to use an external power supply. . Ripple

prepared by the customer fewer external power source. . External power supply voltage ( Vc) The maximum should be 15V To ㆘,

in particular, do not enter the input terminals 12V With

㆖. Excessive voltage input will damage the drive. . When using the internal power source drives, the maximum

current is selected to be 10mA In the resistance ㆘ RB .

( Suggest RB for 2K Ω㉃ 3K Ω to ㆖)

(6) the analog output interface circuit (Ao of)

Transition Detector output device (Torque and speed) The interface circuit.

. Transition Detector maximum drive current output value 5mA Therefore Transition Detector uses the measuring instrument should be selected impedance ( impedance) Larger devices.


(7) encoder input interface circuit ( Di-3)

Encoder input interface circuit

(8) encoder output interface circuits (Do-3)

Interface circuit for the absolute encoder output. ( Encoder reset)


1. Do not exceed specified for multi-layer stacking

2. Install the non-combustible ㆖ directly installed near flammable or com

bustible materials may cause ㈫ disaster.

3. Installation predetermined volumes under this shall withstand the weight of the mounted ㆞ side.

4. Do not place heavy thing sitting in the drive ㆖, or it may therefore be


5. ㆘ be used in a specified environmental conditions.

6.㊟ not intended to let the screw, and conductive metal sheet ㈮ things left in the serv

㊟ Italy o drive, which also prevents the foreign matter ㆗ flammability.

7. Do not block servodrive suction and discharge ports, or

It may result in drive failure.

8. The servo drive, the servo motor is a precision machine, can not be

dropped or been hit.

9. The installation is not damaged or missing parts of the servo drive, so that the

use of a servo motor.

10. When not in use during the long, please contact the service from the Cen

ter ㈹ service station or business management.

4-1 servodrive configurations

1. To comply with necessarily at the mounting direction, otherwise it will become the cause of the malfunction.

㊟ Italy 2. The internal drive servo spacing of the control panel and other machine shall be kept a

predetermined distance, otherwise it will cause a failure.

(1) Installation Site

1. Environmental conditions

environment condition
Ambient temperature 0 ℃ ~ + 55 ℃ (not frozen environment) surrounding

humidity to 85% RH ㆘ (no frost ambient) Storage temperature -20 ℃ ~ + 85 ℃

(not frozen environment) stored in a humidity 85% RH ㆘ ( no frost environment)

recommended place inside the house (not subject to direct sunlight ㆞ party)

Non-corrosive gas, lead ㈫ of gas, oil mist, dust environment

Vibration Resistance 0.5G to ㆘

Shock proof 2.5G to ㆘


2. installed within the switchboard

Since the machines within the disk apparatus, since the size of the heat distribution board will cause the switchboard
Temperature, so that higher than the ambient temperature, and therefore must be considered in the cooling configuration, swi

tchboard, it is desirable to make the ambient temperature is maintained at 55 ℃ driven to ㆘, SPECIFICALLY multiaxial use, i

s intended should pay more ㊟ .

When the heating element 3. ㈲ nearby

In the high temperature ㆗ using the drive, not only the life of the drive significantly reduced, while also resulting in

failure for convection, the temperature of the radiation caused ㆖ liter, this time, consider the way the cooling, the temperature

of the drive power distribution board to keep at 55 ℃ to ㆘.

4. When near the vibration source ㈲

Use vibration absorbers, vibration-proof rubber or the like, vibration-damping support do drives.

5. In harsh environments
Corrosive gases, dust, powder lot ㈮ genus environment, or in contact with ㈬, when the polishing solution, may cause fa

ilure of the drive, and should be avoided.

6. noise source near ㈲

㈲ large magnetic switch, when the welding machine, the noise will drive power lines or control lines is disturbed, resulting in

driver operation errors, it is considered to be the wiring configuration of the drive, and make noise filter is inserted, to prevent the

occurrence of noise and other countermeasures. Control lines are particularly vulnerable to the effects of noise, which led to the

action errors, and accidents.

(2) the mounting direction and the spacing

1. The installation interval as ㆘ view (top view).

100mm 25mm 25mm

10mm 10mm

100mm ³ q > • /Ł | V - -¤ ½L /"


2. Installation direction

Correct mounting of the drive, a vertical standing manner. This drive is the use of natural convection ㉂
It cooling method, so the installation must be configured in this direction.

3. Install parts

At the rear mounting portion ㈲ ㆕, please do M5 screw fixing.

(2) prevent foreign matter

1. When the combined control disk, such as drill bits intended ㊟ chips, do not let into the servo drive.

2. Be careful not to set the control panel ㆗ fan and fan plate ㆝ flower, oil, ㈬, ㈮ metal powder into the servo drive.

3. To the control panel is provided at ㈲ harmful gas or dust more ㆞ side should be set Air Package (pressure-fed from the interior of the

control panel clean air, the internal pressure is greater than the external pressure) such that the gas ㈲ damage, does not enter the dust control disk inside.


F005 external display signal input terminal

(1) 2: Clear alarm (1) 5: Emergency Stop

(2) 6: P / PI switching (1) 3: 1 speed setting internal

(2) 2: Forward stop (2) 5: Internal speed setting 2

(3) 6: Reverse stop (2) 3: control mode switching

(3) 2: External Torque limit (4) 5: command pulse prohibition

(4) 6: Deviation counter clear

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