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Medium-Voltage AC-Converter

ROBICON Perfect Harmony


Product User Manual

Type 6SR41

Operating Instructions · 12/2009

ROBICON Perfect Harmony

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Safety Precautions and

Warnings 1

Overview 2
Medium-Voltage AC-Converter
Theory 3
ROBICON Perfect Harmony
GenIV Product User Manual GenIV Specifications 4

Product Description 5
Operating Instructions
Application and Operation 6

Application Specific Features 7

Abbreviations A

Appendix B

Version AE 12/2009

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Legal information
Warning notice system
This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert
symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are
graded according to the degree of danger.

indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.

with a safety alert symbol, indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.

without a safety alert symbol, indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.

indicates that an unintended result or situation can occur if the corresponding information is not taken into
If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will
be used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to
property damage.
Qualified Personnel
The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel qualified for the specific
task in accordance with the relevant documentation for the specific task, in particular its warning notices and
safety instructions. Qualified personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of
identifying risks and avoiding potential hazards when working with these products/systems.
Proper use of Siemens products
Note the following:

Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical
documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended
or approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning, operation and
maintenance are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems. The permissible
ambient conditions must be adhered to. The information in the relevant documentation must be observed.

All names identified by ® are registered trademarks of the Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this
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Disclaimer of Liability
We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software
described. Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the
information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent

Siemens AG Ordernumber: A5E01454341C Copyright © Siemens AG 2008,

Industry Sector Ⓟ 12/2009 2009.
Postfach 48 48 Technical data subject to change

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About this Manual

Scope of manuals for Perfect Harmony series

This manual is one component in a series of manuals intended for use with the
Perfect Harmony series of adjustable speed AC motor drives. Each manual is intended for
use by trained personnel with unique job functions and qualifications.
The scope of manuals intended for Perfect Harmony series includes:
● NXG Control Manual (Manual Number: A1A19001588)
● NXG Communications Manual (Manual Number: A1A902399)
● NXG ToolSuite Manual (Manual Number: A1A902291)

Content of the NXG Control Manual

The NXG Control Manual describes the NXG Control interface, applications, troubleshooting,
maintenance, and system programming.

Content of the NXG Communications Manual

The NXG Communications Manual describes the communication board that enables network
communication via a variety of protocols, and enables modem connection. The system
supports up to two networks. Only the Modbus and Ethernet Modbus protocols are enabled
with the communication board alone. All others require optional controller cards, called UCS
modules or AnyBus modules, which plug into the communication board.

Content of the NXG ToolSuite Manual

NXG ToolSuite User Manual describes the NXG ToolSuite, which is a PC-based application
that integrates various software tools used for NXG based drives. With the ToolSuite, the
operator can navigate through a drive’s features using a PC and a mouse or touch screen,
which makes the ToolSuite more convenient to use than a keypad. The NXG ToolSuite is a
high-level GUI that runs on a PC equipped with the Microsoft Windows operating system.

Customer feedback
All manuals contain a reader’s comments form. Please complete this form and return it to us.
Monitoring your feedback allows us to continue to exceed your expectations and provide
complete, effective, easy-to-use product documentation.

Product User Manual

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Conventions used in this manual

● This manual is intended for use with the Perfect Harmony series.
● Test points and terminal block designations are shown in uppercase, boldface, Arial fonts
(e. g. -X2).
● Safety information which can cause personal injury is highlighted with a safety alert
Refer to the Safety Precautions and Warnings on the following pages for general safety

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Table of contents

Preface ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
1 Safety Precautions and Warnings............................................................................................................ 13
2 Overview.................................................................................................................................................. 17
2.1 Purpose........................................................................................................................................18
2.2 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................19
2.2.1 Clean Power.................................................................................................................................20
2.2.2 High Power Factor .......................................................................................................................20
2.2.3 Nearly Perfect Sinusoidal Output Voltages..................................................................................21
2.3 Perfect Harmony Features...........................................................................................................22
2.3.1 Harmony VFD Family Features ...................................................................................................22
2.3.2 VFD Scalability.............................................................................................................................24
2.3.3 VFD Output Ratings.....................................................................................................................24
2.3.4 Rectifier Configuration .................................................................................................................25
2.3.5 Power Cell Bypass Option ...........................................................................................................25
2.3.6 Transformer Winding Configuration .............................................................................................26
2.3.7 Control Overview .........................................................................................................................26
2.4 Applications..................................................................................................................................28
2.5 Evolution ......................................................................................................................................28
2.6 Intellectual Property .....................................................................................................................28
2.7 CE Marking and Directives for Perfect Harmony ™ Products .....................................................29
3 Theory ..................................................................................................................................................... 33
3.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................33
3.2 The Power Circuitry .....................................................................................................................34
3.3 The Control System .....................................................................................................................42
4 GenIV Specifications ............................................................................................................................... 45
4.1 System Specifications..................................................................................................................45
4.2 General Ambient conditions for Storage, Transport and Operation ............................................46
4.3 Power Cell Specifications ............................................................................................................47
5 Product Description ................................................................................................................................. 49
5.1 Drive Family Description ..............................................................................................................49
5.2 Cabinet Outlines ..........................................................................................................................52
5.2.1 9 cell, 4160 V Output, 200-1100 Hp ............................................................................................53
5.3 Cabinet Details.............................................................................................................................61
5.3.1 Input/Output Section ....................................................................................................................62
5.3.2 Transformer Section ....................................................................................................................65
5.3.3 Cell Section ..................................................................................................................................70
5.3.4 Control Section.............................................................................................................................80
5.3.5 Upstream Device Ratings ............................................................................................................89

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5.3.6 Control Wire Way Section ........................................................................................................... 90

5.3.7 Cooling ........................................................................................................................................ 92
5.4 Long Cable Filters ....................................................................................................................... 97
5.4.1 Reactors and Capacitors............................................................................................................. 97
5.5 Synchronous Transfer Reactors ............................................................................................... 100
5.6 Motor Compatibility ................................................................................................................... 101
5.7 IEEE 519 Conformance ............................................................................................................ 102
5.8 Ride Through ............................................................................................................................ 103
6 Application and Operation...................................................................................................................... 105
6.1 Signal Frame of Reference for Motor Control ........................................................................... 106
6.1.1 Frame of Reference .................................................................................................................. 106
6.1.2 Signal Polarities ........................................................................................................................ 107
6.2 The Control Modes.................................................................................................................... 108
6.2.1 Open Loop Vector Control (OLVC) ........................................................................................... 110
6.2.2 Open Loop Test Mode (OLTM)................................................................................................. 110
6.2.3 Synchronous Motor Control (SMC)........................................................................................... 110
6.2.4 Volts/Hertz Control (V/Hz)......................................................................................................... 112
6.2.5 Closed Loop Control (CLVC or CSMC) .................................................................................... 113
6.2.6 Slip Cpmpensation .................................................................................................................... 113
6.2.7 Frequency Regulator................................................................................................................. 114
6.2.8 Torque Current Regulator ......................................................................................................... 115
6.2.9 Magnetizing Current Regulator ................................................................................................. 115
6.2.10 Flux Regulator........................................................................................................................... 115
6.2.11 Phase Lock Loop ...................................................................................................................... 115
6.3 High Performance Control......................................................................................................... 116
6.3.1 Low Speed Operation ............................................................................................................... 116
6.3.2 High Starting Torque ................................................................................................................. 116
6.4 System Program (SOP) ............................................................................................................ 118
6.5 Command Generator ................................................................................................................ 119
6.5.1 Raw Speed Reference .............................................................................................................. 119
6.5.2 Speed Profile............................................................................................................................. 120
6.5.3 Critical Speed Avoidance .......................................................................................................... 120
6.5.4 Polarity Control.......................................................................................................................... 120
6.5.5 Speed Ramp ............................................................................................................................. 120
6.5.6 Speed Limit ............................................................................................................................... 121
6.6 Energy Saver ............................................................................................................................ 122
6.7 Drive Output Torque Limiting .................................................................................................... 124
6.7.1 Torque/Regeneration Limit........................................................................................................ 124
6.7.2 Input Under-Voltage Rollback ................................................................................................... 125
6.7.3 Input Single-Phase Rollback ..................................................................................................... 126
6.7.4 Transformer Thermal Rollback ................................................................................................. 126
6.7.5 Field-Weakening Limit............................................................................................................... 126
6.7.6 Cell Current Overload ............................................................................................................... 127
6.8 Drive Tuning.............................................................................................................................. 128
6.8.1 Auto Tuning............................................................................................................................... 128
6.8.2 Spinning Load ........................................................................................................................... 129
6.9 User IO ...................................................................................................................................... 131

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6.10 Data Logs...................................................................................................................................132

6.10.1 Fault Log ....................................................................................................................................132
6.10.2 Historic Log ................................................................................................................................132
6.10.3 Event Log ...................................................................................................................................132
6.11 Faults and Alarms ......................................................................................................................133
6.12 Motor Overload ..........................................................................................................................134
6.13 Input Side Monitoring and Protection.........................................................................................136
6.13.1 One Cycle Protection .................................................................................................................137
6.13.2 Excessive Drive Losses .............................................................................................................138
6.14 Cell Bypass ................................................................................................................................141
6.14.1 Fast Bypass ...............................................................................................................................141
6.14.2 Fast Bypass Process .................................................................................................................141
6.14.3 Neutral Point Shift during Bypass ..............................................................................................144
6.15 Tool Suite ...................................................................................................................................149
6.15.1 Drive Host ..................................................................................................................................149
6.15.2 NXG Debug Utility......................................................................................................................150
6.16 Dual Frequency Braking ............................................................................................................151
6.16.1 Introduction to Dual Frequency Braking ....................................................................................151
6.16.2 Operation ...................................................................................................................................151
6.16.3 Limitations ..................................................................................................................................153
6.17 Debug Functionality ...................................................................................................................155
7 Application Specific Features................................................................................................................. 157
7.1 Control Mode Summary .............................................................................................................157
7.2 Control Loops.............................................................................................................................158
7.2.1 Current Loop ..............................................................................................................................158
7.2.2 Speed Loop................................................................................................................................158
7.2.3 Flux Loop ...................................................................................................................................158
7.3 System Program ........................................................................................................................159
7.4 Speed Droop ..............................................................................................................................160
7.5 Long Cable Applications ............................................................................................................161
7.6 Output Filters..............................................................................................................................162
7.7 Synchronous Transfer................................................................................................................163
7.7.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................163
7.7.2 VFD Synchronous Transfer Implementation..............................................................................163
7.7.3 Input/Output Signals for Sync Transfer......................................................................................165
7.7.4 Up Transfer Implementation ......................................................................................................165
7.7.5 Down Transfer Implementation..................................................................................................167
7.8 Parallel Control ..........................................................................................................................169
7.9 Communication Interfaces .........................................................................................................170
7.9.1 Available Networks ....................................................................................................................170
7.9.2 Multiple Networks.......................................................................................................................170
7.10 Process Availability - The Perfect Harmony Advantage ............................................................171
7.10.1 What is ProToPSTM? ................................................................................................................171
7.10.2 How does ProToPSTM Work?...................................................................................................171
7.10.3 ProToPSTM Implementation......................................................................................................172
7.10.4 The ProToPSTM Advantage......................................................................................................172

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Table of contents

A Abbreviations......................................................................................................................................... 173
B Appendix................................................................................................................................................ 179
B.1 Reader Comments Form........................................................................................................... 179
B.2 Notes ......................................................................................................................................... 181
B.3 Startup/Warranty Registration and Service Solutions............................................................... 183
Glossary ................................................................................................................................................ 185
Index...................................................................................................................................................... 197

Table 4- 1 General Ambient conditions ........................................................................................................ 46
Table 5- 1 GenIV Core Configurations: ........................................................................................................ 52
Table 5- 2 Table "Nine Cell 4160 V Output GenIV, 200 - Hp....................................................................... 55
Table 5- 3 Transformer Section Components .............................................................................................. 65
Table 5- 4 Transformer Section Components 4160 V, 200-260 A............................................................... 65
Table 5- 5 Transformer Section Components 4160 V, 40-260 A................................................................. 65
Table 5- 6 GenIV Transformer Sizing and Derating Factors1*,2*................................................................ 68
Table 5- 7 Cell Section Components 4160 V, 40-140 Amp ......................................................................... 70
Table 5- 8 Cell Section Components 4160 V, 200 - 260 Amp ..................................................................... 70
Table 5- 9 Cell Section Components 6600 V, 40-260 Amp ......................................................................... 71
Table 5- 10 Cell Section Components 10000 V, 40-260 Amp ....................................................................... 71
Table 5- 11 GenIV Cell Current De-Rate Factors 1*, 2* ................................................................................ 78
Table 5- 12 Control Section Components ...................................................................................................... 80
Table 5- 13 Analog and Digital Input/Output .................................................................................................. 83
Table 5- 14 Nine Cell, GenIV, Core Hardwired I/O Assignments (Subject to Change. Always refer to
the project "A" and "B" for I/O assignments)............................................................................... 83
Table 5- 15 15 Cell, GenIV, Core Hardwired I/O Assignments (Subject to Change. Always refer to the
project "C" and "W" for I/O assignments).................................................................................... 84
Table 5- 16 Twenty-Four Cell, GenIV, Core Hardwired I/O Assignments (Subject to Change. Always
refer to the project "A" and "B" for I/O assignments) .................................................................. 85
Table 5- 17 Blower Components (4160 V Drives).......................................................................................... 92
Table 5- 18 Blower Components (6600 V Drives).......................................................................................... 93
Table 5- 19 Blower Components (10000 V Drives)........................................................................................ 93
Table 5- 20 Blower Speed Settings................................................................................................................ 93
Table 5- 21 Nine Cell Output Filter, Capacitance........................................................................................... 97
Table 5- 22 Nine Cell Output Filter, Inductance ............................................................................................. 98
Table 5- 23 Fifteen Cell Output Filter, Capacitance ....................................................................................... 98
Table 5- 24 Fifteen Cell Output Filter, Inductance ......................................................................................... 98

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Table 5- 25 Twenty-four Cell Output Filter, Inductance ..................................................................................98

Table 5- 26 Fifteen Cell Output Filter, Inductance ..........................................................................................99
Table 5- 27 Nine Cell Output Filter, Inductance............................................................................................100
Table 5- 28 Fifteen Cell Output Filter, Inductance ........................................................................................100
Table 5- 29 Twenty-Four Cell Output Filter, Inductance ...............................................................................100
Table 6- 1 Signal Polarities .........................................................................................................................107
Table 6- 2 List of Symbols Used in Figure "Block Diagram of Vectors Control Algorithmus for
Induction and Synchronous Motor Control" ...............................................................................109
Table 6- 3 Example of Overload Current Capability versus Time of Cell with 120% Overload ..................127
Table 6- 4 List of Symbols Used in Figure "Block Diagram of Input-Side Monitoring" ...............................137
Table A- 1 Commonly Used Abbreviations..................................................................................................173

Figure 2-1 Harmony Topology.......................................................................................................................19
Figure 2-2 Harmonic Distortion Wave Form Comparisons (6-pulse, 12-pulse, and Perfect Harmony) ........20
Figure 2-3 Comparison of Perfect harmony and a typical Phase-Controlled SCR Drive..............................21
Figure 2-4 Power Drive System ....................................................................................................................30
Figure 3-1 Topology of Perfect Harmony VFD (3 Cells) ...............................................................................36
Figure 3-2 Schematic of a Typical Power Cell ..............................................................................................37
Figure 3-3 Waveforms for Phase A ...............................................................................................................37
Figure 3-4 Waveforms for Phase B ...............................................................................................................38
Figure 3-5 Waveforms for Line-to-Line Voltage ............................................................................................38
Figure 3-6 Harmony Output Waveforms, 2400 Volt Drive at Full Load.........................................................39
Figure 3-7 Motor A-B Voltage and Current in Phase C at Full Load for a Harmony Drive ...........................40
Figure 3-8 Input A-B Voltage and Current in Phase C at Full Load for a Harmony Drive.............................40
Figure 3-9 Block Diagram of Harmony Control Structure..............................................................................43
Figure 5-1 GenIV 4160 V Output 200-1100 Hp General Arrangement.........................................................53
Figure 5-2 GenIV 4160 V Output 200-1100 Hp Sectional View ....................................................................54
Figure 5-3 GenIV Enclosure (4160 V Output, 200-1100 hp).........................................................................61
Figure 5-4 I/O Section ...................................................................................................................................63
Figure 5-5 Medium Voltage Terminations (L1, L2, L3, or T1, T2, T3)...........................................................64
Figure 5-6 Output Hall Effect Current Transducers (HEB1, HEC1) ..............................................................65
Figure 5-7 Typical GenIV 4160 V 40-140 Amp Transformer ........................................................................67
Figure 5-8 Typical GenIV 4160V, 200-260 A Transformer............................................................................68
Figure 5-9 Cut-Out View of Fuse Assembly ..................................................................................................69
Figure 5-10 GenIV 40-140 A Power Cell Frame .............................................................................................72

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Figure 5-11 Cell Installation and Latching System ......................................................................................... 73

Figure 5-12 Nine Cell Mounting Structure ...................................................................................................... 74
Figure 5-13 Bypass Contactors and Bus Connections................................................................................... 74
Figure 5-14 GenIV Power Cell with Board Shown ......................................................................................... 75
Figure 5-15 GenIV Cell, 40-140 Amp, Anatomy............................................................................................. 76
Figure 5-16 GenIV Cell, 40-140 Amp, Heat Sink ........................................................................................... 76
Figure 5-17 Indicators and Labels .................................................................................................................. 78
Figure 5-18 Electromechanical Contactor (Single Pole, Double Throw) for 4160 V units ............................. 79
Figure 5-19 Cell Bypass Operation ................................................................................................................ 80
Figure 5-20 GenIV Control Tub (4160 V Drives) ............................................................................................ 82
Figure 5-21 GenIV Control Tub (6600 V Drives) ............................................................................................ 82
Figure 5-22 Input Protection Interface for Trip Contacts ................................................................................ 87
Figure 5-23 E-Stop Circuits (Deck 1 and Deck 2) .......................................................................................... 89
Figure 5-24 Control Door (control arrangement may vary) ............................................................................ 89
Figure 5-25 Keypad ........................................................................................................................................ 89
Figure 5-26 Control Wire Way Section (with all options)................................................................................ 91
Figure 5-27 GenIV EC Blower and Cage Cutaway ........................................................................................ 94
Figure 5-28 AC Blower and Cage Cutaway ................................................................................................... 95
Figure 5-29 GenIV 500 mm EC Blower Cage Assembly................................................................................ 95
Figure 5-30 HVF for Nine Cell GenIV ........................................................................................................... 101
Figure 5-31 Nine Cell, Harmonic Current Distortion (TDD>5%)................................................................... 102
Figure 5-32 Five Cycle Ride Through Capability.......................................................................................... 103
Figure 6-1 Four Quadrant Operation of a Motor......................................................................................... 106
Figure 6-2 Block Diagram of Vector Control Algorithms for Induction and Synchronous Motor Control ... 108
Figure 6-3 Harmony Drive Arrangement for Brushless Synchronous Motor (with no bypass) .................. 112
Figure 6-4 Drive Operation in High Starting Torque Mode......................................................................... 117
Figure 6-5 Command Generator ................................................................................................................ 119
Figure 6-6 Drive Power (Pmax) as Function of Input Voltage Magnitude (Ed) ............................................. 125
Figure 6-7 Drive Power (Pmax) as Function of Input Unbalance Voltage (Eunbalance) ................................... 126
Figure 6-8 Block Diagram of Motor Thermal Model ................................................................................... 134
Figure 6-9 Default Speed Derating Curve showing Maximum Motor Load as Function of Speed ............ 135
Figure 6-10 Drive Current (in percent of motor rated current) vs. Time taken for Motor Temperature to
rise from Rated Temperature to 120% of rated * ...................................................................... 135
Figure 6-11 Block Diagram of Input-Side Monitoring ................................................................................... 136
Figure 6-12 Implementation of One Cycle Protection .................................................................................. 137
Figure 6-13 Plot of Max Reactive Current Versus Real Current with Transformer Constant of 0.5............. 138
Figure 6-14 Implementation of the Drive Loss Fault Circuit ......................................................................... 139

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Figure 6-15 Inverse Time-To-Trip Curves Left - Idle State, Right - Run State..............................................139
Figure 6-16 Typical Power Cell with Bypass Contactor ................................................................................143
Figure 6-17 A Simplified Diagram of a 15 Cell Drive.....................................................................................144
Figure 6-18 Drive Output with 2 Cells Bypassed ..........................................................................................145
Figure 6-19 Drive Output Re-Balanced by Bypassing Functional Cells........................................................145
Figure 6-20 Drive Output Re-Balanced by Adjusting Phase Angles (Neutral Shift)......................................146
Figure 6-21 Drive Output after Loss of 3 Cells ..............................................................................................146
Figure 6-22 Drive Output after Loss of 5 Cells ..............................................................................................147
Figure 6-23 Available Voltage after One Cell Bypass ...................................................................................148
Figure 6-24 Dual Frequency Voltages Being Added Together with the Normal Three-Phase Voltages ......152
Figure 6-25 Scope Picture Showing Dual Fraquency Braking Waveform ....................................................152
Figure 6-26 Typical Braking Torque with Dual Frequency Braking...............................................................153
Figure 7-1 Multi-Motor, Synchronous Transfer............................................................................................164

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Safety Precautions and Warnings 1
The Siemens Perfect Harmony (PH) series of Medium Voltage (MV) Pulse Width Modulated
(PWM) Variable Frequency Drives (VFD) are designed with considerable thought to personal
safety. However, as with any piece of high power equipment, there are numerous internal
connections that present potentially lethal voltages. In addition, some internal components
are thermally hot to the touch. Follow the dangers, warnings and cautions listed in this
section when working in or near the VFD system.

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Safety Precautions and Warnings

Electrical Hazards!
• Always follow the proper lock-out/tag-out procedures before beginning any maintenance
or troubleshooting work on the drive.
• Always follow standard safety precautions and local codes during installation of external
wiring. Protective separation must be kept between extra low voltage (ELV) wiring and
any other wiring as specified in IEC61800-5-1.
• Always work with one hand, wear insulated or rubber safety shoes, and wear safety
glasses. Also, always work with another person present.
• Always use extreme caution when handling or measuring components that are inside
the enclosure. Be careful to prevent meter leads from shorting together or from touching
other terminals.
• Use only instrumentation (e.g., meters, oscilloscopes, etc.) intended for high voltage
measurements (that is, isolation is provided inside the instrument, not provided by
isolating the chassis ground of the instrument).
• Never assume that switching off the input disconnect will remove all voltage from
internal components. Voltage is still present on the terminals of the input disconnect.
Also, there may be voltages present that are applied from other external sources.
• Never touch anything within the GenIV cabinets until verifying that it is neither thermally
hot nor electrically alive.
• Never remove safety shields (marked with a HIGH VOLTAGE sign) or attempt to
measure points beneath the shields.
• Never run the drive with cabinet doors open. The only exception is the control cabinet
which contains extra low voltages (ELV).
• Never connect any grounded (i.e., non-isolated) meters or oscilloscopes to the GenIV
• Never connect or disconnect any meters, wiring, or printed circuit boards while the drive
is energized.
• Never defeat the instrument’s grounding.
• Only qualified individuals should install, operate, troubleshoot, and maintain this drive. A
qualified individual is "one familiar with the construction and operation of the equipment
and the hazards involved."
• Hazardous voltages may still exist within the GenIV cabinets even when the disconnect
switch is open (off) and the supply power is shut off.
• When a system is configured with drive bypass switchgear (e.g., contactors between
line and motor, and drive and motor), these switches should be interlocked so that the
line voltage is never applied to the drive output if the medium input voltage is removed
from the drive.

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Safety Precautions and Warnings

• Always comply with local codes and requirements if disposal of failed components is
necessary (for example, CPU battery, capacitors, etc.).
• Always ensure the use of an even and flat truck bed to transport the GenIV drive
system. Before unloading, be sure that the concrete pad is level for storage and
permanent positioning.
• Always confirm proper tonnage ratings of cranes, cables, and hooks when lifting the
drive system. Dropping the cabinet or lowering it too quickly could damage the unit.
• Never disconnect control power while medium voltage is energized. This could cause
severe system overheating and/or damage.
• Never store flammable material in, on, or near the drive enclosure. This includes
equipment drawings and manuals.
• Never use fork trucks to lift cabinets that are not equipped with lifting tubes. Be sure that
the fork truck tines fit the lifting tubes properly and are the appropriate length.

ESD Sensitive Equipment!
• Always be aware of electrostatic discharge (ESD) when working near or touching
components inside the GenIV cabinet. The printed circuit boards contain components
that are sensitive to static electricity. Handling and servicing of components that are
sensitive to ESD should be done only by qualified personnel and only after reading and
understanding proper ESD techniques. The following ESD guidelines should be
followed. Following these rules can greatly reduce the possibility of ESD damage to PC
board components.
• Always transport static sensitive equipment in antistatic bags.
• Always use a soldering iron that has a grounded tip. Also, use either a metallic vacuum-
style plunger or copper braid when desoldering.
• Make certain that anyone handling the GenIV printed circuit boards is wearing a
properly grounded static strap. The wrist strap should be connected to ground through a
1 megohm resistor. Grounding kits are available commercially through most electronic
• Static charge buildup can be removed from a conductive object by touching the object to
a properly grounded piece of metal.
• When handling a PC board, always hold the card by its edges.
• Do not slide printed circuit boards across any surface (e.g., a table or work bench). If
possible, perform PCB maintenance at a workstation that has a conductive covering that
is grounded through a 1 megohm resistor. If a conductive tabletop cover is unavailable,
a clean steel or aluminum tabletop is an excellent substitute.
• Avoid plastic, StyrofoamTM, vinyl and other non-conductive materials. They are excellent
static generators and do not give up their charge easily.
• When returning components to Siemens LD A, always use static-safe packing. This
limits any further component damage due to ESD.

Additional safety precautions and warnings appear throughout this manual. These important
messages should be followed to reduce the risk of personal injury or equipment damage.

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Overview 2
The Siemens Perfect Harmony series of Medium Voltage (MV) Pulse Width Modulated
(PWM), Variable Frequency Motor Drives (VFD) are designed and manufactured by
Siemens LD-A, New Kensington, PA, USA with additional manufacturing facilities in Europe,
Asia, and South America. The Harmony VFD is intended for use with standard medium-
voltage three-phase AC induction, synchronous, wound rotor, permanent magnet, or super
conducting motors. When any of these types of motor is connected to a utility supply at a
fixed frequency (i.e., 60 or 50 Hz), the motor runs at a single speed. The Harmony series of
drives allow variable speed motor operation, without sacrificing any of the desirable
properties of the motor.

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2.1 Purpose

2.1 Purpose
This manual defines the configuration and capabilities of the Perfect Harmony family of
Medium Voltage Variable Frequency Drives and specifically addresses the GenIV
configuration. Detailed descriptions of the common features of the Harmony drive family are
defined in the following manuals:
Companion Manuals:
● GenIV Commissioning and Maintenance Manual (A5E014554341D)
● User Manual NXG Tool Suite Software (A1A902291)
● NXG Communications Manual (A1A902399)
● NXG Control Manual (A1A19001588)

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2.2 Introduction

2.2 Introduction
The Perfect Harmony VFD is based on a patented (U.S. patent #5,625,545) multi-level
output topology. Medium voltage levels are obtained by adding together the outputs of
multiple low-voltage power cells. The low-voltage power cells are simplified variations of
standard PWM motor drives for low-voltage service, which have been built in high volume for
many years.
The Harmony series drives achieve this uncompromised performance by employing time-
proven technology in a simple configuration. Figure "Harmony Topology" shows a typical
power circuit topology for a 4160 Volt Perfect Harmony series drive, using 750 VAC power
cells. In this configuration, each motor phase is driven by 3 power cells connected in series.
The groups of power cells are wye connected with a floating neutral. Each cell is powered by
an isolated secondary winding of an integral isolation transformer. The nine secondaries are
each rated for 750 VAC at one ninth of the total power. The power cells and their associated
transformer secondaries are insulated from each other and from ground for 5 kV class
service or "according to the output voltage rating of the drive."








Figure 2-1 Harmony Topology

For higher output voltage capabilities, Figure "Harmony Topology" would be extended to
have up to 8 power cells in series in each phase, with additional secondary windings
(number of secondaries equals number of power cells) on the integral isolation transformer.
Each power cell is simply a static power converter. It is capable of receiving input power at
750 VAC, 3-phase, 50/60 Hz and delivering that power to a single phase load at a variable
frequency from 0.5 to the maximum rated output fequency of the drive.

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2.2 Introduction

2.2.1 Clean Power

Prior to the introduction of the Perfect Harmony Drive, other solutions with variable frequency
output power conversion created unwanted line disturbance (refer to Figure "Harmonic
Distortion Waveform Comparisons", six-pulse and twelve-pulse input waveforms).
The Perfect Harmony drive system mitigates power quality issues by:
● Providing clean power input (low values of flicker, TIF, harmonic current distortion)
● Providing a high power factor
● Providing a nearly perfect sinusoidal output
The Perfect Harmony drive series meets the most stringent IEEE 519-1992 requirements for
voltage and current harmonic distortion, even if the source capacity is no larger than the
drive rating. This series protects other on-line equipment (such as computers, telephones,
and lighting ballasts) from harmonic disturbances. Perfect Harmony also prevents "cross
talk" with other variable speed drives. Clean power input eliminates the need for time-
consuming harmonic/resonance analyses and costly harmonic filters. Figure "Harmonic
Distortion Waveform Comparisons" illustrates harmonic distortion waveforms for a typical 6-
pulse, a typical 12-pulse, and the Perfect Harmony series drive.





Figure 2-2 Harmonic Distortion Wave Form Comparisons (6-pulse, 12-pulse, and Perfect Harmony)

Total harmonic distortion of the source current is 25% for the 6 pulse, 8.8% for the 12-pulse
and 0.8% for the Perfect Harmony. The corresponding voltage distortions with a typical
source impedance are 10%, 5.9% and 1.2%, respectively.

The above comparisons were done using a typical 1,000 Hp current source drive (6-pulse
and 12-pulse modes), and a Perfect Harmony series drive operating from an 1100 kVA,
5.75% impedance source.

2.2.2 High Power Factor

Power factor is a measure of the fraction of current that produces real power to the load.
Typically, power factor is given as a percentage. A high power factor VFD (e.g., 94%) makes
much better use of its input line current demand in producing real power to the motor than a
VFD operating at a low power factor (e.g., 30%). VFDs having a low operating power factor

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2.2 Introduction

often generate square-wave-shaped line currents. This can lead to harmonics and other
associated resonance problems.
The Perfect Harmony series draws nearly perfect sinusoidal input currents having a power
factor that exceeds 94% throughout the entire output frequency range without the use of
external power factor correction capacitors. This eliminates utility penalties for power factor
and demand charges, and improves voltage regulation. In addition, feeders, breakers, and
transformers are not overloaded with reactive power. Low speed applications specifically
benefit from the Perfect Harmony series, since a high and stable power factor is maintained
throughout the entire output range using standard induction motors.
Figure "Comparison of Perfect harmony and a typical Phase-Controlled SCR Drive"
compares graphs of power factor versus percent speed for the Perfect Harmony series and a
typical phase-controlled SCR drive.







Figure 2-3 Comparison of Perfect harmony and a typical Phase-Controlled SCR Drive

2.2.3 Nearly Perfect Sinusoidal Output Voltages

The Robicon Perfect Harmony series of Medium Voltage (MV) Pulse Width Modulated
(PWM), Variable Frequency Motor Drives (VFD) are designed and manufactured by
Siemens LD-A, New Kensington, PA, USA with additional manufacturing facilities in Europe,
Asia, and South America. The Harmony VFD is intended for use with standard medium-
voltage three-phase AC induction, synchronous, wound rotor, permanent magnet, or super
conducting motors. When any of these types of motor is connected to a utility supply at a
fixed frequency (i.e., 60 or 50 Hz), the motor runs at a single speed. The Harmony series of
drives allow variable speed motor operation, without sacrificing any of the desirable
properties of the motor.

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2.3 Perfect Harmony Features

2.3 Perfect Harmony Features

The features of the Perfect Harmony family of Medium Voltage drives are summarized as
● Truly Scalable Technology with modular construction
– Air Cooled: GenIV, GenIIIe, GenIII NBH
– Liquid Cooled: WCIII, HV
● 200 to 40000 Hp (150 kW to 30 MW)
● Wide range of Motor Voltages Supported
– 2300 VAC through 13800 VAC
● Low Harmonic Input
● High Efficiency and Power Factor
● Line Disturbance Immune
● Compatible with new or existing motors
● Power Cell Bypass with floating neutral point control
● Negligible Torsion
● Wide Range of Connectivity to industrial PLC Networks
● Parallel drive control
● Multi-motor control
● Long cable compatible
● Synchronous line/load transfer capability
● Inherent input/output metering
● Coordinated input protection scheme
● Dual frequency braking
● ProToPS™
● Partial or fully regenerative (4Q)

2.3.1 Harmony VFD Family Features

The Harmony VFD families consist of four core design configurations, where they are
functionally identical and share a common controller. These four design configurations are
targeted at distinct output power configurations with little overlap between the frame sizes.
These drive families are summarized as follows:

The following ratings are subject to change.

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2.3 Perfect Harmony Features

(Refer to Table 4-1 for full GenIV product range)
200 to 5600 Hp (150 - 4100 kW)
● 2.3 to 11 kV Output
● 2.4 to 13.8 kVAC 50/60 Hz Input
● Air Cooled
● Power Cell Ratings
– 750 Volts
– 40, 70, 100, 140, 200 or 260 Arms

● 3000 to 9000 Hp (2.25 - 6.75 MW)
● 2.3 to 7.2 kV Output
● 2.4 to 13.8 kVAC 50/60 Hz Input
● Air Cooled
● Power Cell Ratings:
– 690 Volts
– 315, 375, 500, or 660 Arms

● 4000 to 10000 Hp (3 MW - 14.2 MW)
● 2.3 to 8.0 kV Output
● 2.4 to 13.8 kVAC 50/60 Hz Input
● Water Cooled
● Power Cell Ratings:
– 750 Volts
– 880 or 1250 Arms

● 10000 to 40000 Hp (7.5 MW to 30 MW)
● 7.2 to 13.8 kV Output
● 2.4 to 13.8 kVAC 50/60 Hz Input
● Water Cooled
● Power Cells
– 1375 Volts
– 500, 800, or 1400 Arms

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2.3 Perfect Harmony Features

2.3.2 VFD Scalability

The Perfect Harmony Power cells provide truly scalable technology that is provided by the
wide range of output power configurations offered by the power cells, and the ability to
connect up to 8 cells in series for each output phase. When connected in series, the current
rating for each phase is simply equal to the output current rating of the cells; the output
voltage rating is simply the sum of the output voltage ratings of the cells.

Cells of different power ratings should not be intermixed.

The Control system for the Harmony is identical regardless of the output ratings of the VFD,
where the only configuration differences are the feedback sensor configurations and the
number of cell communication channels required. The Control is based on a per unit
implementation, where the user simply enters the nameplate ratings for the Motor and VFD.
The controller automatically scales itself, based on these ratings. This results in a common
control implementation and "touch and feel" for all drives, regardless of the power ratings.

2.3.3 VFD Output Ratings

Using the cell output voltage rating, the output capability of the VFD can be calculated based
on the number of power cells connected in series in each of the 3 output phases, which
establishes the Available System Output Capability, also known as "VAVAILABLE." This is
also the maximum voltage that can be supported on the output terminals of the drive when
The rated output voltage of the drive is then calculated as follows:
VAVAILABLE (Volts) = 1.78 * #Cells * CellV * Vin / Vrated * TransformerTapSetting

#Cells = Number series power cells per phase

Vin = Measured Line Input voltage (rms)
Vrated = Rated VFD Input Voltage (rms)
TransformerTap Setting: use

0.95 when +5% tap on input transformer is used

1.00 when 0% tap is used
1.05 when -5% tap is used

Overmodulation (O-M) is used for GenIV and WCIII product families to achieve output
voltages that are 5% higher than VAVAILABLE.

The VFD Rating is then calculated using VAVAILABLE and the rated cell current.

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2.3 Perfect Harmony Features

VFD Rating (KVA) = 1.732 * VAVAILABLE * Power Cell Continuous Current Rating.

The VFD integral isolation transformer and cell frame are chosen in agreement with the load
ratings, i.e., site conditions, cable length, and motor nameplate data (power factor efficiency,
frequency, and service factor).

2.3.4 Rectifier Configuration

Each Power Cell Input is configured as a 6-Pulse uncontrolled diode rectifier. The Input
transformer includes a dedicated secondary winding for each power cell, where the
transformer secondaries are arranged in a delta and extended delta configuration with
varying degrees of phase shift. Typical Perfect Harmony VFD configurations consist of a
minimum of 3 to a maximum of 8 series power cells per output phase.
Effective Rectifier Configuration is:
● 3 Cells/Phase = 18 Pulse
● 4 Cells/Phase = 24 Pulse
● 5 Cells/Phase = 30 Pulse
● 6 Cells/Phase = 36 Pulse
● 7 Cells/Phase = 42 Pulse
● 8 Cells/Phase = 48 Pulse

2.3.5 Power Cell Bypass Option

As an option, each power cell in the drive can be equipped with a bypass contactor. This
contactor will be automatically energized by the VFD master control if the associated power
cell malfunctions. Once the contactor is energized, the damaged cell is no longer electrically
part of the inverter system, which allows the VFD to resume operation.
Since the cells in each phase of a Perfect Harmony Drive are in series, bypassing a cell has
no effect on the current capability of the drive, but the output voltage capability will be
reduced. Usually the required motor voltage is roughly proportional to speed, so that the
maximum speed at which the drive can fulfill the application requirements will also be
reduced. Therefore it is important to maximize the motor voltage available after one or more
cells have been bypassed. The Harmony control system maximizes output voltage capability
using a patented technique (US Patent 5,986,909) defined as "Neutral Point Shift".

See also
Cabinet Details (Page 61)

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2.3 Perfect Harmony Features

2.3.6 Transformer Winding Configuration

Each transformer secondary winding sees typical 6-Pulse Harmonics. The transformer
secondaries are wound with varying phase angles, resulting in a multi-pulse reaction. The
input transformer primary winding and the line sees between 18 to 48 Pulse Harmonics, as
defined by the power cell configuration. This patented topology results in nearly sinusoidal
current and a high, stable input power factor across the entire load range.
● Secondary Windings see Higher Harmonics
– Plurality of phase staggered delta or extended delta reduces current
● Primary Winding sees Low Harmonics
– Harmonics reflect multi-pulse secondary configuration
The Perfect Harmony transformers are applied to motor drives using the rule of 1 kVA per
Hp (see below), resulting in a transformer utilization factor of 89%. The transformer is
unusual in that the secondary windings carry six pulse currents, while the primary carries
nearly perfect sine waves. The total VA of the secondary windings is greater than the VA of
the primary windings.

Rated Input Current (Amps) = [(kVA rating) x 802] ÷ [√3 x Rated Primary voltage x 0.96 x
With following assumptions used for sizing purpose:

Motor efficiency = 93%

VFD efficiency at full load = 96%
Input power factor = 94%
Output power per Hp at shaft = 746 / 0.93 = 802

Reducing this equation results in:

Rated Input Current (Amps) = [(kVA rating) ÷ (Rated primary voltage)] x 513.1

2.3.7 Control Overview

Perfect Harmony is a simple "synchronous" control. Basic operation is summarized as
● Control sends message to each power cell control via dedicated fiber links
● Cell executes request by firing one switch pair:
– Plus DC voltage
– Minus DC voltage
– Zero voltage
● Cell control confirms switch pair fired

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2.3 Perfect Harmony Features

● Control confirms firing from:

– Output voltage divider
– Output Hall Effect current transducer
● No two cells ever switch at the same time
● Cell switching rate is low compared to effective switching frequency of VFD:
– Typically 600 Hz carrier frequency per pole, results in 1200 Hz switching frequency
per cell
● VFD effective switching frequency is simply the cell switching frequency times the number
of cells per phase
● Switching rate is constant over the entire output frequency range
● Default control is an open flux vector control:
– V/Hz and closed loop (i.e., encoder) control modes also available

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2.4 Applications

2.4 Applications
● Oil and gas (including long cables)
● Municipal water
● Power Generation
● Cement
● Chemicals
● Research

2.5 Evolution
Historic Milestones:

1994: World’s 1st fully integrated voltage source inverter (VSI) medium voltage motor
drive using IGBTs that meet IEEE 519 for input current distortion and NEMA/IEC
for motor HVF (without using output step-up transformers or line/load filters).
1995: 1st IGBT-based 6.6 kV drive without an output transformer.
1996: 1st IGBT-based drive above 10000 Hp (7500 kW).
1998: Introduction of ProToPSTM and 500th Perfect Harmony drive installed.
1999: Introduction of process-transparent cell bypass ("fast bypass") capability and
neutral point shift.
2000: 1st VSI drive to operate a medium voltage synchronous motor.
2001: 1000th Perfect harmony drive installed.
2002: 1500th Perfect Harmony drive installed.
2003: 1st High Voltage 13.8 kV drive capable of operating motors from 4000 to
90000 Hp connected directly to 13.8 kV source.
2004: Built largest PWM drive, 80000 Hp.
2006: Introduction of smallest footprint medium voltage VFD, GenIV "MicroHarmony".

2.6 Intellectual Property

The Perfect Harmony topology and features are protected by the following patents:

5,625,545 6,222,284 6,313,600

5,986,909 6,236,580 6,411,530
6,014,323 6,262,555 6,417,644
6,166,513 6,301,130 6,762,947

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2.7 CE Marking and Directives for Perfect Harmony ™ Products

2.7 CE Marking and Directives for Perfect Harmony ™ Products

The CE marking identifies products that are in compliance with EU product safety legislation. The
CE marking is not a seal of quality. It was created to guarantee end users safe products in the
free flow of goods within the European Economic Community (EEC) and the European
Community (EC). By applying the CE marking the manufacturer acknowledges the product is in
conformance with the applicable EU Directives and the product complies with the "essential
requirements" defined in these Directives.

Directives that apply to Perfect Harmony ™ Products

● LVD - Low Voltage Directive – 2006/95/EEC (formerly 72/23/EEC).
● EMC - EMC Directive - 2004/108/EEC (formerly 89/36/EEC).

Directives that do not directly apply to Perfect Harmony ™ Products

● MD - Machinery Directive – 98/37/EEC until 29 Dec. 2009, then 2006/42/EEC becomes
● PED - Pressure Equipment Directive – 97/23EC. Liquid-cooled Siemens Industry, Inc. IDT
LDA Perfect Harmony™ designs are exempt since they operate at pressures less than 10
● ATEX - Explosive Atmospheres – 94/9/EC – Does not apply to Siemens Industry, Inc. IDT LDA
Perfect Harmony™ designs that are installed in ordinary [non-explosive] atmospheres. May
apply to a motor if the "Ex" option for the motor is specified by the purchaser.

EU Norms
● LVD - Siemens Industry, Inc. IDT LDA Perfect Harmony™ designs comply with IEC61800-5-1
(2007) "Adjustable Speed Electrical Power Drive Systems", Part 5-1 "Safety Requirements –
Electrical, Thermal and Energy".
● EMC - Siemens Industry, Inc. IDT LDA Perfect Harmony™ designs comply with IEC 61800-3
(2004) "Adjustable Speed Electrical Power Drive Systems", Part 3 "EMC Requirements and
specific test methods". Reference Section 5.9 "EMC Installation Guidelines for Perfect
Harmony™" in Siemens Industry, Inc. IDT LDA document A5E01454341D.

CE Marking
Conformity with the directives (or with the relevant national law) is expressed by the CE mark.

The CE marking is required for all products which fall in the scope of a European Directive (which
foresees the CE marking for those products) which are placed on the market in the European
Economic Area.

More information
Gambica Guide to CE Marking and Technical Standardisation
● Go to Gambica webside at: http:// www.gambica.org.uk
● Move to /Publications/Gambica Technical
● Download the "Gambica Guide to CE Marking and Technical Standardisation".

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2.7 CE Marking and Directives for Perfect Harmony ™ Products

CE Marking on Power Drive Systems

The concept of a Power Drive System [PDS] is used to describe an electric motor drive
system within an overall installation. The terminology is used throughout IEC and EN
standards relating to electrical variable speed drives to describe a combination of
components, including a power converter and motor. IEC series 61800 covers "Adjustable
Speed Electrical Power Drive Systems".
Siemens Industry, Inc. IDT LDA Perfect Harmony™ designs always include the Basic Drive
Module [BDM] consisting of a Perfect Harmony™ transformer, converter/inverter [power cell]
section, and control section. Depending on the Siemens Industry, Inc. IDT LDA scope of
supply, the Perfect Harmony™ Complete Drive Module [CDM] may include optional
components such as a motor excitation unit, output line filter, output line reactor, or earthing
switches. The Siemens Industry, Inc. IDT LDA scope of supply may include a motor.
The components of the machinery, including gear boxes and the driven equipment is the end
user’s responsibility and outside the scope of Siemens Industry, Inc. IDT LDA’s responsibility
from a Machinery Directive standpoint.









BDM Basic drive module consisting of power input, control, & power output sections
CDM Complete drive module consisting of BDM and auxiliary sections, including devices such as
incoming switches, input and output transformers and filters, etc. but excluding the motor,
cables and motor-coupled sensors
PDS Power drive system consisting of CDM, motor and sensors, excluding the driven equipment
and sensors
Figure 2-4 Power Drive System

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2.7 CE Marking and Directives for Perfect Harmony ™ Products

Overview of PDS containing the Perfect Harmony™ BDM and CDM

/9 /9FRQWURO /9


+DUPRQ\ 70

+DUPRQ\ 70



* Optional Components in Perfect Harmony CDM

1) May not be in SIEMENS Industry, Inc. IDT LDA Scope of Supply
2) May be housed seperately in own Stand-Alone Enclosure
The Machinery includes the drive shaft, gear box and the driven equipment (not shown). As
stated previously, The components of the machinery, including gear boxes and the driven
equipment is the end user’s responsibility and outside the scope of Siemens Industry, Inc.
IDT LDA’s responsibility from a Machinery Directive standpoint.

Machinery Directive 2006/42/EEC

In the case of the Machinery Directive (and also the EMC Directive) no EC Declaration of
Conformance or CE mark can be issued for the product itself. The reason for this is that
conformance can only be evaluated within the scope of the complete plant or system. The
conformance of the product – exclusively relating to the Machinery Directive (or EMC
Directive) is acknowledged and confirmed in the factory certificate or EU Manufacturer's

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2.7 CE Marking and Directives for Perfect Harmony ™ Products

EC Declaration of Conformity and Declaration of Incorporation

There are three categories which require consideration:
● Partly completed machinery
Such equipment (as defined in Article 2(g) of Directive 2006/42/EC) requires a
"Declaration of Incorporation" but no CE marking for conformity to Directive 2006/42/EC.
In practice this may be a PDS which has specific functionality, but not a BDM or CDM.
● Application independent equipment
This category typically relates to a general purpose BDM or CDM, which is application
independent – such equipment does not require a Declaration of Incorporation or
Declaration of Conformity and does not require a CE mark for conformity to Directive
● Safety components
A safety component could be a particular BDM, CDM or PDS provided it meets the
following definition as given in Article 2(c) of Directive 2006/42/EC: - "which serves to
fulfill a safety function, which is independently placed on the market, the failure and/or
malfunction of which endangers the safety of persons, and which is not necessary in
order for the machinery to function, or for which normal components may be substituted
in order for the machinery to function." Such equipment requires both a Declaration of
Conformity and a CE mark for conformity to Directive 2006/42/EC.

More information
Direct access to EU Directives and Norms
Direct access to EU Directives and Norms is possible at the following link to internet:
The above site will give access to all European Directives and the appropriate standards
according to each manufacturer’s specific products.

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Theory 3
3.1 Introduction
The Harmony series drives provide variable speed operation by converting utility power at
fixed frequency and fixed voltage to variable frequency, variable voltage power. This
conversion is done electronically, without moving parts. Unlike older drive types, the
Harmony series does not force the user to accept unpleasant by-products of this conversion
● The Perfect Harmony series drives do not inject significant harmonic distortion into the
plant’s distribution system. No power filters are required. No interference to sensitive
equipment or resonance problems with power factor capacitors will occur.
● The Perfect Harmony series drives present a high power factor to the utility, typically 94%
or better throughout the speed range. No power factor correction is required.
● The Perfect Harmony series drives do not require any derating of the motor due to output
harmonics. No additional motor heating is produced, versus operation directly from the
● The Perfect Harmony series drives, when set up properly, do not produce torque
pulsations, which can excite mechanical resonance.
● The Perfect Harmony series drives cause no noticeable increase in acoustic noise from
the motor, versus operation directly from the utility.
● The Perfect Harmony series drives cause no appreciable additional stress to the motor
insulation, versus operation directly from the utility.
● The Perfect Harmony series drives allow unrestricted use of rated motor torque
throughout the speed range, subject only to the thermal limitations of the motor.
● The Perfect Harmony series drives are virtually silent in operation, if liquid-cooled, so that
normal conversation is possible next to drives running at full power.
● The Perfect Harmony series drives are completely modular in construction, so that if
necessary, a defective module can be replaced in minutes. Sophisticated
microprocessor-based diagnostics pinpoint the location of any defects.

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3.2 The Power Circuitry

3.2 The Power Circuitry

The examples used in this section refer to drives having 750 V cells. High-Voltage cell
systems (1375 V) and GenIIIe (690 V) will have different values.

The Harmony series drives achieve this uncompromising performance by employing well-
proven technology in a modular configuration. Medium voltage levels are obtained by adding
together the outputs of multiple low-voltage power cells. The low voltage power cells are
simplified variations of standard PWM motor drives for low-voltage service, which have been
built in high volume for many years.
Figure "Topology of Perfect Harmony VFD (3 Cells)" shows a typical power circuit topology
for a 4160 Volt Perfect Harmony series drive, using 750 VAC cells. Each motor phase is
driven by 3 power cells connected in series. The groups of power cells are wye connected
with a floating neutral. Each cell is powered by an isolated secondary winding of an integral
isolation transformer. The nine secondaries are each rated for 750 VAC at one ninth of the
total power. The power cells and their secondaries are insulated from each other and from
ground for full output voltage rating.
For higher output voltages, additional power cells and isolated transformer secondaries
would be added as required.
Each cell is a static power converter. It is capable of receiving input power at 750 VAC 3-
phase, 50/60 Hz and delivering that power to a single-phase load at any voltage up to
750 VAC and at any frequency up to the rated maximum frequency defined in
Chapter "GenIV Specifications".

For output frequencies greater than 167 Hz, the VFD power cell current output may be de-
rated due to switching losses. Consult the factory for information applicable to the specific
application requirements.

With three 750 VAC power cells in series per phase, a Perfect Harmony series drive can
produce as much as 2425 VAC line-to-neutral, or a maximum VAVAILABLE of 4200 Volts.

Over-modulation is used to allow 750 Volt cells to achieve nominal motor ratings (e.g.,
4,160 V with 9 cells).

It should be noted that it is possible to connect as many as eight power cells in series using
the Harmony control. VAVAILABLE determines the maximum voltage that can be delivered
from the VFD output. The actual voltage delivered is fully adjustable. As the Harmony VFD
topology is based on multi-level output capabilities, the result is true adjusted voltage. The
advantages of utilizing the VAVAILABLE capability of the VFD become apparent when the
patented advanced cell bypass option is applied for high availability or redundant
Other cell voltages are available, which will change the number of cells needed for a given
output voltage. However, the basic principle is unchanged.

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3.2 The Power Circuitry

The power cells all receive commands from one central controller. These commands are
passed to the cells over fiber optic cables to maintain electrical isolation.
The transformer secondaries that supply the power cells in each output phase are wound to
obtain a small difference in phase angle between them. This cancels most of the harmonic
currents drawn by the individual power cells, so that the primary currents are nearly
sinusoidal. The power factor is always high - typically 95% at full load.
The schematic of a typical power cell is shown in Figure "Schematic of a Typical Power
Cell". In this example, a 3-phase diode rectifier, fed by the 750 VAC secondary, charges a
DC capacitor bank to about 1012 VDC. The DC voltage feeds a single-phase H-bridge of
At any instant of time, each cell has only three possible output voltages. If Q1 and Q4 are on,
the output will be +DC bus volts from T1 to T2. If Q2 and Q3 are on, the output will be –DC
bus volts. Finally, if either Q1 and Q3 or Q2 and Q4 are on, the output will be 0 volts.
With 3 power cells per phase, the circuit can produce 7 distinct line-to-neutral voltage levels
(±3036, ±2024, ±1012, or 0 volts). With N cells per phase, (N*2)+1 distinct voltage levels are
available, where N is a maximum of 8. The ability to generate many different voltage levels
allows the Harmony series drives to produce a very accurate approximation to a sinusoidal
output waveform.
Figure "Waveforms for Phase A" shows how these waveforms are generated for the case of
3 cells per phase. First, a reference signal is created for each phase. These signals are
digital replicas of the ideal waveform to be approximated. In Figure "Waveforms for Phase
A",RA illustrates the reference signal for phase A. This reference signal is then compared
with 3 triangular carrier signals. Figure "Waveforms for Phase A" shows conditions when the
output frequency is 60 Hz and the carrier frequency is 600 Hz, so that there are exactly 10
carrier cycles per reference cycle. The 3 carriers are identical except for successive phase
shifts of 60 degrees (based on the number of cells per phase). Phase shift between carriers
in each phase is computed based on the following equation:

Carrier Phase Shift (same phase) = 180 degrees / # Cells per Phase

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3.2 The Power Circuitry



Figure 3-1 Topology of Perfect Harmony VFD (3 Cells)

Whenever the reference is greater than the first (unshifted) carrier, the signal L1 is high;
otherwise L1 is low. L1 is used to control the pair of transistors Q1 and Q2 in cell A1 (see the
left pair of transistors in Figure "Schematic of a Typical Power Cell"). Whenever the
reference is greater than the inverse of the first carrier, the signal R1 is low; otherwise R1 is
high. R1 is used to control the pair of transistors Q3 and Q4 in cell A1 (see the right pair of
transistors in Figure"Schematic of a Typical Power Cell").
The difference between L1 and R1 gives the output waveform of cell A1, shown in
Figure"Waveforms for Phase A"3 for Phase A as A1.
In a similar manner, the reference signal is compared with the second carrier (shifted 120
degrees) and its inverse to generate control signals L2 and R2 for the transistors in cell A2.
The output waveform of cell A2 is shown as A2.

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3.2 The Power Circuitry



4 4


Figure 3-2 Schematic of a Typical Power Cell

Finally, the reference signal is compared with the third carrier (shifted 240 degrees) and its
inverse to generate control signals L3 and R3 for the transistors in cell A3. The output
waveform of cell A3 is shown as A3.






Figure 3-3 Waveforms for Phase A

The sum of the output voltages from cells A1, A2 and A3 produces the A-to-neutral output
voltage of the drive, shown in Figure "Waveforms for Phase A" as AN. There are 7 distinct
voltage levels. Note that this voltage is defined between terminal A and the floating neutral
inside the drive, not the motor neutral.

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3.2 The Power Circuitry





Figure 3-4 Waveforms for Phase B

Figure " Waveforms for Phase B" shows the same signals for Phase B. The 3 carriers are
identical to Figure " Waveforms for Phase A", except each is shifted by 20 degrees from its
Phase A equivalent (see following note). The reference RB is also identical to Figure "
Waveforms for Phase A", except that it is delayed by 120 degrees (at the reference
The sum of the output voltages from cells B1, B2 and B3 produces the B-to-neutral output
voltage of the drive, shown in Figure " Waveforms for Phase B" as BN.
Figure " Waveforms for for Line-to-Line Voltage" repeats the two line-to-neutral voltages AN
and BN. The numerical difference between AN and BN forms the line-to-line voltage
impressed on the motor, and is shown in Figure " Waveforms for for Line-to-Line Voltage" as




Figure 3-5 Waveforms for Line-to-Line Voltage

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3.2 The Power Circuitry

The phase shift of the carrier signals between phases is determined by the number of cells in
the system, the equation being Phase shift = 180 degrees / total number of cells. In this case
(3 ranks or 9 cells), the carrier signal phase shift phase to phase is (180 / 9) = 20 degrees.
This shift of the carriers between phases reduces the number of devices that are switching at
one time. The above is true if no cells are in bypass. If one or more cells are in bypass, the
carrier signals are offset by 180 degrees / total remaining cells.



Figure 3-6 Harmony Output Waveforms, 2400 Volt Drive at Full Load

Figure "Harmony Output Waveforms, 2400 Volt Drive at Full Load" shows motor voltage and
current waveforms for a 2400 VAC Harmony drive rated at 1000 Hp. The voltage shown is
between phase A and the motor neutral (not the same as the drive neutral). The motor
current is in phase A during full-load operation. Anyone familiar with such waveforms for
other types of static drives will appreciate how accurately they approximate true sine waves.
A quantitative measure of the waveform quality is its Total Harmonic Distortion, or THD. The
THD of the motor currents with a Harmony series drive is always less than 5 percent.
Figure "Harmony Input Waveforms for a Drive at Full Load" shows the input voltage and
current waveforms for the same drive as in Figure "Harmony Output Waveforms, 2400 Volt
Drive at Full Load", under the same conditions. The perfect sine wave in Figure "Harmony
Input Waveforms for a Drive at Full Load" is the voltage into the special input transformer,
measured between phase A and the neutral of the wye-connected primary. The other
waveform is the current into phase A of the same winding.
The currents drawn from the power source by Harmony series drives are also good
approximations to true sine waves, due to the harmonic cancellation obtained with the
phase-shifted secondary windings of the transformer. The THD of the input currents with a
Harmony series drive is also always less than 5 percent.

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3.2 The Power Circuitry

Harmony Input Waveforms for a Drive at Full Load

Note in Figure "Harmony Input Waveforms for a Drive at Full Load" that the input current
lags behind the input voltage by less than 15 degrees at full load. This represents a power
factor better than 96 percent. Harmony series drives always maintain a high power factor,
typically better than 95 percent throughout the speed and load range.

The waveforms shown represent the worst case for a Harmony series drive when there are
only 3 cells per phase. When the number of cells increases, as in 12 or 15 or 24 cell drives,
the waveforms improve considerably.

Figure 3-7 Motor A-B Voltage and Current in Phase C at Full Load for a Harmony Drive

The above figure shows the motor voltage and current for a 15 cell Harmony drive at full

Figure 3-8 Input A-B Voltage and Current in Phase C at Full Load for a Harmony Drive

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3.2 The Power Circuitry

The above figure shows the input voltage and current for the same drive and load.

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3.3 The Control System

3.3 The Control System

The block diagram in Figure "Block Diagram of Harmony Control Structure" shows the
implementation of the Harmony Control System. The Control System consists of the
following functional blocks: Signal Interface and Conditioning, an A/D Converter, a
Processor, a Digital Modulator, and Fiber Optic Interfaces.
The Signal Interface processes the feedback signals collected from the drive. These circuits
scale and filter the feedback signals before passing them along to the A/D Converter.
Provisions are included to interface to an ESTOP signal.
The function of the A/D Converter is to sample the input and output currents and voltages,
and convert them to digital signals for the processor. The sample rate varies from 3 kHz to
6 kHz and is a function of the carrier frequency (which is also the IGBT switching frequency),
and the number of "available" cells in the system. The Digital Modulator generates the signal
for the A/D converters to start sampling. Once the A/D converters finish sampling, they
provide an interrupt to the processor to begin its calculation cycle.

The A/D converter function includes provisions for encoder feedback monitoring.

The processor performs all of the functions for motor control and generates three-phase
voltage commands for the digital modulator. In addition, it monitors the input voltages and
currents to provide metering functions (such as power factor, input power, and harmonic
calculation), input protection (excessive losses, excessive reactive current, under-voltage,
and single-phasing), and input voltage magnitude, frequency, and phase angle for
Synchronous Transfer.
The Digital Modulator contains registers that are used for communication with the Processor.
For each phase voltage command, the processor writes two values to the modulator. The
first for the present time instant and the second for a time instant that is extrapolated for half
a sampling period. A voltage increment, or step corresponding to these values, and the
direct number of steps between values, is also written to the modulator. These phase
commands are written by the processor once every sampling period.
The modulator creates a set of timing signals that cause the control software to sample the
feedback signals and run the control and monitoring algorithms. These timing signals are
used to transmit information to the cells simultaneously, once every 9 to 11 microseconds.
This time (is determined by the processor and) is based on the drive configuration, and is
fixed for a particular configuration. In between every transmission period, the modulator
performs interpolation, phase-shifted carrier generation, pulse-width modulation (PWM), and
cell communication. The resulting PWM commands for each cell, along with the mode of
operation, is assembled as a data packet that is transmitted to each cell through dedicated
Fiber Optic Interfaces. In response to the transmitted data, the modulators receive a similar
data packet from each of the cells. The return message from the cells contains status bits
that are decoded by the modulator and conveyed to the processor.
Every transmission is checked for completeness and parity. If an error is detected, a link fault
is generated. The data packet sent to the power cells provides operational mode and
switching information. The local communication circuits in each power cell operate as slaves
to the Modulator. The local control circuits on each power cell convert the information
received to IGBT firing pulses.
The return packet echos the operational mode and cell status. Should an individual cell be
bypassed, the modulator commands all power cells to disable their outputs with the next
message to the cells. The worst case shut down of all power cells requires 2 transmission
cycles or 22 µsec. maximum.

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3.3 The Control System

When advanced cell bypass is included with a drive, the modulator communicates with the
bypass controller and monitors hardware faults such as IOC, ESTOP, and power supply
faults. The Bypass Controller is configured to control the cell bypass (mechanical)
contactors. After detection of a cell fault, the processor communicates with the Bypass
Controller to bypass the faulted cells. In addition to bypassing cells, the Bypass Controller
constantly checks the status of the contactors to verify if they are in their requested states.
The Fiber Optic Interface transfers data between the modulator and the cells over dedicated
fiber optic channels. Each cell receives its firing commands and status signals through a full
duplex fiber optic channel.












Figure 3-9 Block Diagram of Harmony Control Structure

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GenIV Specifications 4
4.1 System Specifications

Parameter Rating
Input Line Voltage 2.4, 3.0, 3.3, 4.16, 4.8, 6.0, 6.3, 6.6, 6.9, 7.2, 8.4, 10, 11, 12, 12.47, 13.2, or 13.8kV; 3 phase;
±10% / -5%
Input Frequency 50 or 60 Hz ±5%
Input Power Factor > 0.95 above 10% load
Input Harmonics <= 5% TDD with ambient THDv <= 2%
Efficiency Copper Wound Transformer: 98% Transformer, 99% Converter, > 96,5% Total VFD
Aluminium Wound Transformer: 97,5% Transformer, 99% Converter, > 96% Total VFD
Output Horsepower, 200-1100 (9 Cell - Size 1), 800-2250 (9 Cell - Size 2),
Frame Sizes 300 - 3500 (15 Cell), 600-6000 (24 Cell)

Output Voltage 9 Cell 15 Cell 24 Cell

2300 V 6000 V 10000 V
3000 V 6600 V 11000 V
3300 V
4000 V
4160 V

Output HVF < 0.03

Output dv/dt < 3000 V/µS
Output Current 40, 70, 100, 140 A, 200 A, 260 A Cell Frame Sizes
Overload Capacity 150% 1 minute / 10 minute (Ambient temperature <40°C)
Output Frequency & Drift1 0.5 - 330 Hz, ± 0.5%
Output Torque 10 - 167 Hz rated torque (2 Quadrant)
Design Life 20 years
Auxiliary Voltage 380 - 400 - 415V, 50 Hz; 460 - 480V, 60 Hz; 3 phase2)
Enclosure Type NEMA 1 Ventilated
Degree of Protection IP 31
Ambient Temperature 0 - 40 °C (max. 50 °C, derating starts from 40 °C on)
Humidity 95% non-condensing
Altitude 0 - 3300 ft. without derating
Cooling Ventilated, forced air-cooled with integrated fans

1) For high speed projects (> 300 Hz), consult Siemens concerning trade sanctions
2) Consult factory for availability of auxiliary voltages other than shown

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GenIV Specifications
4.2 General Ambient conditions for Storage, Transport and Operation

4.2 General Ambient conditions for Storage, Transport and Operation

Table 4- 1 General Ambient conditions

Storage Transport Operation

Climatic ambient conditions
Ambient temperature –5 °C to +45 °C –25 °C to +70 °C +5 °C to +40 °C
Relative air humidity < 95 % < 95 % < 95 %
(converter must be (converter must be (condensation not permitted)
completely dry before completely dry before com-
commissioning) missioning)
Other climatic conditions in 1K3, 1Z2 2K2 3K3
accordance with class in acc. with IEC 60721-3-1 in acc. with IEC 60721-3-2 in acc. with IEC 60721-3-3
Degree of pollution 2 2 2
without conductive pollution without conductive pollution without conductive pollution
in acc. with IEC 61800-5 in acc. with IEC 61800-5 in acc. with IEC 61800-5
Mechanical ambient conditions
Stationary vibration,
Displacement 1,5 mm (2 to 9 Hz) 3,5 mm (2 to 9 Hz) 0,3 mm (2 to 9 Hz)
Acceleration 5 m/s2 (9 to 200 Hz) 10 m/s2 (9 to 200 Hz) 1 m/s2 (9 to 200 Hz)
15 m/s2 (200 to 500 Hz)
Other mechanical conditions 1M2 2M2 3M1
in accordance with class in acc. with IEC 60721-3-1 in acc. with IEC 60721-3-2 in acc. with IEC 60721-3-3
Other ambient conditions
Biological ambient conditions 1B1 2B1 3B1
in accordance with class in acc. with IEC 60721-3-1 in acc. with IEC 60721-3-2 in acc. with IEC 60721-3-3
Chemical active substances 1C1 2C1 3C1
in accordance with class in acc. with IEC 60721-3-1 in acc. with IEC 60721-3-2 in acc. with IEC 60721-3-3
Mechanical active 1S1 2S1 3S1 (standard)
substances in accordance in acc. with IEC 60721-3-1 in acc. with IEC 60721-3-2 in acc. with IEC 60721-3-3
with class with addition of sand content
of 0.01 mg / m3

RCD incompatibility
Connecting this device to a power supply protected by a residual-current device can result
in damage to property and minor personal injury.
This product can produce a DC current in the grounding conductor.
When using a Residual-Current Device (RCD) in cases where direct or indirect contact can
be made, only a Type-B RCD shall be permissible on the line side of this product. If this is
not possible, an alternative means of protection must be applied; for example isolation from
the environment through double or reinforced insulation, or isolation from the power supply
using a transformer.
Do not connect this device to a power supply that is protected by a Type-A residual-current

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GenIV Specifications
4.3 Power Cell Specifications

4.3 Power Cell Specifications

Cell Frame FRAME1 FRAME2

040 070 100 140 200 260
Output Nameplate 40 A 70 A 100 A 140 A 200 A 260 A
Input Voltage 750 V ± 10%, 3 phase, 50/60 Hz
Input Current 28 A 48 A 73 A 96 A 140 A 182 A
Overload Capacity (see CL-1: 110% of nameplate 1 minute/10 minutes
Note) CL-2: 150% of nameplate 1 minute/10 minutes
(* Ambient <40°C) CL-3: 200% of nameplate 3 seconds/10 minutes
Losses % 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.2 1.2
Discharge to 50 VDC, 0.84 1.68 2.53 3.37 2.53 3.37
Electrical Connections Rear access blind connection via power plugs
Weight (lbs.) 52 57.5 63 68.5 63 68.5
Envelope Width 13.42"
Envelope Depth 21.83"
Envelope Height 9.67"
Forced Air Cooling > 180 CFM (225-250 typical) 300 CFM (300-350 typical)

At ambient temperatures ranging from 40 to 45°C, the 140 A cell frame is limited to 150%
1 minute/10 minutes overload with a 130 Amp continuous rating.

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Product Description 5
5.1 Drive Family Description
GenIV is the fourth generation of forced air-cooled medium voltage, voltage source inverter
drives offered in the patented Robicon Perfect Harmony topology. GenIV differentiates itself
from prior generations in that:
● The 200 - 2250 Hp, 4160 V frame uses a single enclosure (no shipping splits)
● At its inception, the 200 - 1100 Hp, 4160 V drive is the smallest footprint MV AC drive in
the world
● Nine Cell configuration for 4160 V output (750 V cell input, and O-M techniques)
● The 300 - 3500 Hp, 6600 V frame consists of a transformer enclosure mated to a cell
enclosure without shipping splits (2000 Hp or below) or 1 shipping split (above 200 Hp).
● The 600-6000 Hp, 10000 V frame consists of a transformer enclosure mated to a cell
enclosure with 1 shipping split.
● Transformer and cell sections have independent intake air cooling paths
● NXGII control with integral I/O system and Eagle software
● Power cell connections are made with blind mate power plugs and locking latches (no
The GenIV is a series of adjustable speed AC motor drives presently available in 4160 V,
6600 V and 10000 V and 6600 V outputs, and loads ranging from 200 - 6000 Hp. Six power
cell amperage types are available: 40, 70, 100, and 140, 200 and 260. Drives in this product
series provide an efficient, cost effective, and reliable method of adjusting the speed of an
AC motor. The core unit contains a wide range of expandable features, enabling it to meet
the demands of many types of industrial applications.
Siemens GenIV (also known as MicroHarmony) may be purchased in one of three

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Product Description
5.1 Drive Family Description

● Core: These units contain a wide range of components that achieve common
requirements for Medium Voltage drive performance:
– Integral isolation transformer
– NEMA 1 ventilated (IP31) enclosure
– Multiple power and amperage frame sizes
– Multiple input voltages and frequencies
– ASA 61 gray enclosure paint
– Keypad, E-Stop
– Blower for forced air cooling
– NEMA hole pattern medium voltage connections
● Pre-Engineered: These option packages allow customers to specify a variety of add-ons
to the flexible Core unit without an increase in footprint (see list below):
– Electrostatic transformer shield
– Distribution class surge arresters
– Mechanical cell bypass
– Redundant blower (or N+1)
– Blower cage with duct interface
– 24 V DC Control
– Encoder power supply for CLVC
– EMC auxiliary voltage filter
– Space heater
– Mechanical door key interlocks
– Auxiliary voltage isolation transformers
– Industry standard communications (single or dual networks)
– Agency approval (UL, CSA, CE)
● Custom: These selections are not readily available as pre-engineered options for the
GenIV; however, our Siemens engineering staff has experience in designing these
configurations in transition cabinets as an add-on to the drive line-up (see list below):
– Synchronous transfer output reactors
– Synchronous motor exciters and field supplies
– RTD scanners
– Motor encoders
– Switchgear and full/reduced voltage motor starters
– Power quality and equipment
– Long cable filters
– Control power transformers
– Off-voltage auxiliary voltage transformers

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Product Description
5.1 Drive Family Description

– IP42 and NEMA 3R enclosures

– Customer specified enclosure paint colors
– Harsh-environment duty packages
– Expansion I/O and PLC capabilities
– Control houses
– Heat exchanger systems
– 24 DC Control

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Product Description
5.2 Cabinet Outlines

5.2 Cabinet Outlines

The cabinet configurations of the GenIV Perfect Harmony drives vary, depending upon the
project requirements for input and output voltage, and output power and amperage. The
GenIV, in its core configuration, consists of a single cabinet with multiple sections. Single
cabinet units are shipped with their blower cage(s) removed. The various sections are
described below:
● Transformer section
● Cell section
● Input/output section
● Control section
● Control wire way
● Blower #1 (and #2 with redundant option)
GenIV is offered in various core configurations, dependent upon the number of cells and
power cell type amperage.
Core configurations are listed in the following table

Table 5- 1 GenIV Core Configurations:

Cells in Drive Output Voltage Hp Range Power Cell Types (Continuous

(without Redundancy) Available L-L Current Rating)
(with O-M)
9 4000 V (4160 V) 200-1100 40, 70, 100, 140
9 4000 V (4160 V) 800-2250 40, 70, 100, 140, 200, 260
15 6600 V (6600 V) 300-3500 40, 70, 100, 140, 200, 260
24 10000 V (11000 V) 600-6000 40, 70, 100, 140, 200, 260

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Product Description
5.2 Cabinet Outlines

5.2.1 9 cell, 4160 V Output, 200-1100 Hp

Figure " GenIV 4160 V Output 200 - 1100 Hp General Arrangement" details the GenIV
4160 V output 200 - 1100 Hp drive, and Figure "GenIV 4160 V Output 200 - 220 Hp,
Sectional View" points out each core section. The default color of the enclosure is ASA 61



Figure 5-1 GenIV 4160 V Output 200-1100 Hp General Arrangement

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Product Description
5.2 Cabinet Outlines






Figure 5-2 GenIV 4160 V Output 200-1100 Hp Sectional View

Table "Nine Cell 4160 V Output GenIV, 200 - 1100 Hp" gives detailed mechanical and
electrical information for the core configuartion. (Note the assumptions.)

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Product Description
5.2 Cabinet Outlines

Table 5- 2 Table "Nine Cell 4160 V Output GenIV, 200 - Hp

H Voltage Losses (kW)2 Ventilation3 Footprint4 Weight (lbs)5


2 4160 5.25 4352

0 4250 CFM @1.3 " 66 " Wide,
0 H2O 42 " Deep,
3 4160 8.00 4890
110 " High
Note: For duct Note: Shipping
4 4160 10.50 interface projects, the 5438
0 height is 86 "
added pressure drop when blower cage
0 cannot exceed 1.8 " is removed.
4 4160 11.75 H2O at 4000 ACFM. 5674
5 4160 13.00 5900
6 4160 15.75 6374
7 4160 18.25 6760
8 4160 20.75 7108
9 4160 23.50 7467
1 4160 26.00 7739
1 4160 28.50 7973
8 4160 20.75 6530 CFM @1.5 " 82 " Wide, 7467
0 H2O 45 " Deep,
119.5 " High
9 4160 23.50 7739
0 Note: Shipping
Note: Drive is not height is 86 "
1 4160 26.00 rated for duct when blower 7973
0 interface projects. assembly is
0 removed.

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Product Description
5.2 Cabinet Outlines

H Voltage Losses (kW)2 Ventilation3 Footprint4 Weight (lbs)5


1 4160 32.50 8245

1 4160 39.25 8517
1 4160 45.50 8789
2 4160 52.25 9061
2 4160 58.75 9333
2 4160 64.75 9814

3 6600 8.00 4600 CFM @ 144 ´´ or 164 ´´ 6980

0 0.96 ´´ H2O Wide
0 (40 -140 Amp Cell 45 ´´ Deep,
4 6600 10.75 Section) 115.2 ´´ High 7330
5 6600 13.25 7580
6 6600 15.75 7790
7 6600 18.50 5900 CFM @ 8320
0 1.8 ´´ H2O
0 (200 -260 Amp Cell
8 6600 21.00 Section) 8530
9 6600 23.75 9080

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Product Description
5.2 Cabinet Outlines

H Voltage Losses (kW)2 Ventilation3 Footprint4 Weight (lbs)5


1 6600 26.25 9530

1 6600 32.75 6250 CFM @ Note: Shipping 11225
2 1.62 ´´ H2O height is 90.1 "
5 (80 ´´ Transformer when blower
0 Section) assembly is
1 6600 39.50 removed. 11575
1 6600 45.75 13275
2 6600 52.50 13905
2 6600 59,00 14925
2 6600 65.50 15565
3 6600 78.50 16685
3 6600 91.50 18250
6 10000 15.75 5400 CFM
0 @ 0.2 ´´ H2O
0 (96´´ Transformer
7 10000 18.50 Section)
0 8400 CFM
0 @ 1.38 ´´ H2O
8 10000 21.00 (96´´ Transformer
0 Section)
9 10000 23.75 Note:
For duct interface

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Product Description
5.2 Cabinet Outlines

H Voltage Losses (kW)2 Ventilation3 Footprint4 Weight (lbs)5


1 10000 26.25 projects the pressure

0 head availability is
0 0.85 ´´ for Cell
0 Section and 0.0 ´´ for
Transformer Section

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Product Description
5.2 Cabinet Outlines

H Voltage Losses (kW)2 Ventilation3 Footprint4 Weight (lbs)5


1 10000 .32.75
1 10000 39.50
1 10000 45.75
2 10000 52.50
2 10000 59.00
2 10000 65.50.
2 10000 72.25
3 10000 78.50
3 10000 91.50 TBD TBD TBD
4 10000 105.00 TBD
4 10000 118.00 TBD
5 10000 131.00 TBD

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Product Description
5.2 Cabinet Outlines

H Voltage Losses (kW)2 Ventilation3 Footprint4 Weight (lbs)5


5 10000 144.25 TBD

6 10000 157.25 TBD

1. Drive Rated Hp
2. Losses are shown as 2.59 kW per 100 Hp, rounded up to the nearest ¼ value
3. EC Blower operates at 80% speed typically (100% speed with Duct Interface)
4. Subject to change without notice
5. For 4160 V, 40-140 A add 160 lbs for redundant blower and 75 lbs for cell bypass
6. For 4160 V, 200-260 A add 200 lbs for redundant blower and 75 lbs for cell bypass
7. For 6600 V, 40-260 A add 400 lbs for redundant blower and 125 lbs for cell bypass
8. For 10000 V, 40-260 A add 400 lbs for redundant blower and 175 lbs for cell bypass
* Thishorse power can only be achieved with unity power factor at the motor terminals. This
option is available for derating purposes.

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5.3 Cabinet Details

The GenIV core enclosure is NEMA 1 Ventilated (IP 31 degree of protection) and is provided
with top and bottom cable access plates (see Figure "GenIV Enclosure (4160 V Output, 200-
1100hp)"). The doors are hinged and mechanical key interlock provisions are provided.



Figure 5-3 GenIV Enclosure (4160 V Output, 200-1100 hp)

The following drive "Section" details include components by label and description as found
on the core configuration. These labels are also found on customer outline "A" and wire
diagram "B" drawing sets.

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5.3.1 Input/Output Section

The Input/Output section is located behind the control section as shown in Figure "I/O

Component Label1 Part Description

L1, L2, L3 Medium Voltage Input Connections
T1, T2, T3 Medium Voltage Output Connections
CT1, CT2 Input B and C Phase Current Transformers
IATTA, IATTB, IATTC Input Medium Voltage Attenuator Resistors
OATTA, OATTB, OATTC Output Medium Voltage Attenuator Resistors
HEB, HEC Output B and C Phase Hall Effect Current Transducers
X5 Auxiliary Voltage Control Transformer
BPPS Bypass Power Supply (Optional)
BCC Bypass Control Circuit (Optional)
TB1, TB2, TB2ELV, TB4 Terminal Blocks
GND2, GND3, GND7 Grounding Pads (GND7 is a Ground Lug)
PE Protective Earth

1. Refer to customer drawing "A" set and wiring diagram "B" set for references.

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Figure 5-4 I/O Section

All medium voltage terminations and control terminal blocks are accessible from the front of
the drive when the control section panel is in the open position. Side and rear access is not
required for field installation; however, 4160 V models have a left side removable panel is
provided for use with transition cabinets and can be used for greater access where
Top and bottom access plates are provided for aiding installation. Swinging the control tub
out is possible while the medium voltage input is energized; however, only the terminal
blocks are accessible because two polyglass barriers (not shown) are installed on all units to
the left of the terminal blocks. Qualified personnel can remove these polyglass barriers to
access the bypass control circuit, bypass power supply, auxiliary voltage control transformer,
and input/output medium voltage terminals.

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The input and output medium voltage terminals (L1, L2, L3 and T1, T2, T3) are offset from
one another and have two NEMA one-hole pattern configurations (vertical and horizontal) to
facilitate top or bottom cable termination (see Figure " Medium Voltage Terminations (L1, L2,
L33, or T1, T2, T3").

The GenIV design is best accommodated for single conductor single core medium voltage
cables. Three conductor single core cables must be broken into their individual conductors
prior to entering the gland plate of the VFD unit.

Figure 5-5 Medium Voltage Terminations (L1, L2, L3, or T1, T2, T3)

The input current transformers, output Hall Effect current transducers, and input/output
voltage attenuators are pre-engineered according to each project's requirements. The
metallic chassis, housing the hall effect current transducers and low voltage portion of the
medium voltage attenuating resistors, are grounded at point GND3. The secondary of CT1
and CT2 are also grounded to point GND3. The bypass power supply and bypass control
circuit are used when Mechanical Cell Bypass is selected as an option. The auxiliary voltage
transformer steps customer-supplied three phase low voltage down to single phase 120 V for
use with the NXG II controller. This 500 VA transformer is protected by three control fuses
(2 primary, 1 secondary) that are located in the Control Wire Way section.

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Figure 5-6 Output Hall Effect Current Transducers (HEB1, HEC1)

5.3.2 Transformer Section

The Transformer section is located in the bottom half of the GenIV enclosure and contains
the following components:

Table 5- 3 Transformer Section Components

Component Label Part Description

X1 Integral Isolation Transformer
FA2A, FA2C, FB2A, FB2C, FC2A, FC2C, Power Cell A and C Phase Input Fuses
GND6 Grounding Pad

Table 5- 4 Transformer Section Components 4160 V, 200-260 A

Component Label Part Description

X1 Integral Isolation Transformer
FC1A, FC1C, FC2A, FC3A Power Cell A and C Phase Input Fuses
GND6 Grounding Pad

Table 5- 5 Transformer Section Components 4160 V, 40-260 A

Component Label Part Description

X1 Integral Isolation Transformer
GND6 Grounding Pad

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The transformer enclosure section primarily houses the transformer, polyglass air baffling,
and the secondary fuse block containing each power cell’s A and C phase input fuses
(4160V only). The left front side of this section also serves as the access point for
input/output medium voltage cabling. The transformer core is grounded to the enclosure at

The 4160 V GenIV uses an isolating multi-winding nine secondary phase shifting transformer
(see Figure "GenIV Transformer").
It is configured for an 18-pulse power quality reaction to the utility by using +20°, 0°, and -20°
extended delta 750 V secondary windings with reference to the wye primary. The
transformer impedance is 6 - 8%. The 10000V GenIV uses an isolated multi-winding twenty-
four secondary phase shifting transformer. It is configured for a 48-pulse power quality
reaction to the utility by using +26.25 °, +18.75 °, +11.25 °, +3.75°, -3.75°,-11.25 °, -18.75 °, -
26.25 °.The transformer impedance is 8 - 12 %.
The transformer is a dry type forced air cooled unit, and polyglass air baffles are used to
direct air movement across the coils. Some transformers are equipped with secondary
winding coolers for improved thermal performance. The transformer is wound with 220°C
winding insulation and the BIL level depends on the input voltage rating. During Siemens'
assembly, the transformer and polyglass baffling are installed through the top of the
transformer section enclosure.
Adequate ventilation is provided by the centralized blower to maintain less than a 15°C rise
across the unit. A conservative winding design rise is used to ensure a 20-year life
expectancy given the non-linear secondary loading.
All connections to and from the transformer are made with insulated wire. For 4kV units, two
sets of normally closed thermal switches are mounted along the transformer air path and are
continuously monitored by NXG Control (typically 62.8° C and 70° C temperatures are used).
For 6000 V and 10units, two sets of normally closed thermal protectors are imbedded into
the transformer primary windings and are continuously monitored by NXG Control (typically
170°C and 190°C temperatures are used). The transformer is equipped with off-line taps to
accommodate utility line variations, +5%, 0%, and -5% are supplied on typical units (at
shipment, the units are placed on the 0% tap).
The default winding conductor is aluminum; however, some cases will require the use of a
copper winding, which is dependent upon the apparent power (kVA) size, input voltage,
frequency, and user preference. The transformer is optionally available with an electrostatic
shield and/or primary distribution class surge arresters. Several line voltages, apparent
powers (kVA), and frequencies are provided as customer options see Chapter "GenIV
Specifications" for applicable ranges and frames). Values outside these boundaries will be
considered CUSTOM and will be subject to engineering evaluation.

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Figure 5-7 Typical GenIV 4160 V 40-140 Amp Transformer

In the unlikely event of a transformer failure requiring replacement, the drive must be
disassembled, allowing for top removal from the transformer section.

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Figure 5-8 Typical GenIV 4160V, 200-260 A Transformer

The transformers are sized on a 1000 VA per Hp basis (as shown in Chapter 1, and further
shown below); however, other factors must be considered, such as motor lead length, motor
service factor, environment ambient and altitude, and power cell redundancy (N+1 3300 V
project). These factors may increase the kVA size of the Perfect Harmony transformer as

Table 5- 6 GenIV Transformer Sizing and Derating Factors1*,2*

1. Transformer initial sizing is based upon 1000 VA per Hp (including motor service
kVA1 = Hp * Service Factor
2. If ambient temperature exceeds 45°C, then transformer size is increased by:
kVA2 = kVA1 * [175/(220-AMB)]^0.5
3. If altitude exceeds 3300 feet above sea level, then transformer size is increased by:
kVA3 = kVA2 * [1+0.00003*(ALT-3300)]

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4. If Redundant N+1 operation is required, then the transformer size is increased by:
kVA4 = kVA3 * 1.125 (3300 V projects)
kVA4 = kVA3 * 1.08 (6000 V projects)
kVA4 = kVA3 * 1.25 (N+3, 4160 V projects using 6600 V drive)
kVA4 = kVA3 * 1.05 (N+3, 4160 V projects using 6600 V drive)
5. Choose the smallest rating greater than or equal to kVA4 from the applicable frame
size list shown in Chapter 3

1* Excludes long cable provisions

2* Maximum ambient of 50 °C and maximum altitude of 6562 feet
At elevations above 6562 feet, a dielectric strength derate is required. Consult

For 4160 V systems, the secondary fuse block is located either in the front of the transformer
section (see Figure "Cut-Out View of Fuse Assembly") or the right hand side of the
transformer cabinet. 6600 V and 10000 V systems have the fuses located on the left hand
side of the cell cabinet behind the front control. There are three approved fuse sources
(Ferraz, Bussmann, and Siba). A label is located on the left side of the fuse block that shows
all approved replacements. Only two phases of each transformer secondary (power cell
input) are fused. Each fuse has visual blown indication, making it easy to diagnose a fuse’s
condition. Fuses are forced air cooled for longer life and less thermal stress.

Figure 5-9 Cut-Out View of Fuse Assembly

The GenIV fuses are mounted external to the cell. This not only reduces the size of the cell,
but also allows for the fuses to be located in an accessible location. They primarily provide

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secondary short circuit protection and are sized to accommodate power cell charging
currents upon initial energizing.

A mixture of the three fuse vendors are permitted in terms of fuse replacement as long as
any two fuses protecting the secondary windings are matched (i.e., FA1A and FA1C should
be from the same vendor).

The GenIV core drive does not include primary fuses. When E-rated fuses are required,
choose the smallest rating greater than or equal to the transformer’s primary nameplate
current value (e.g., 1000 KVA / (1.732 * 4160 V) = 139 A, use 150E fuses).

5.3.3 Cell Section

The Cell Section is located in the upper right hand portion of the GenIV drive enclosure. The
basic electrical diagrams for all Perfect Harmony systems are similar. One of the most critical
components of all Perfect Harmony drives is the power cell (see Table "Medium Voltage
Terminations"). Depending on the operating load voltage, in GenIV either 9, 15, or 24 cells
are used to develop the multi-level PWM output waveform. The following table lists the
components found in the Cell section.

Table 5- 7 Cell Section Components 4160 V, 40-140 Amp

Component Label Part Description

A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, C1, C2, C3 GenIV Power Cells (40, 70, 100, or 140 Amp types)
BPKA1, BPKA2, BPKA3, BPKB1, BPKB2, BPKB3, BPKC1, Mechanical Cell Bypass Contactors (Optional)
K2 Mechanical Key Interlock (Optional)

Table 5- 8 Cell Section Components 4160 V, 200 - 260 Amp

Component Label Part Description

A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, C1, C2, C3 GenIV Power Cells (200, or 260 Amp types)
BPKA1, BPKA2, BPKA3, BPKB1, BPKB2, BPKB3, BPKC1, Mechanical Cell Bypass Contactors (Optional)
FA1A, FA1C, FA2A, FA2C, FA3A, FA3C, FB1A, FB1C, Power Cell A and C Phase Input Fuses
K2 Mechanical Key Interlock (Optional)

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Table 5- 9 Cell Section Components 6600 V, 40-260 Amp

Component Label Part Description

A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 GenIV Power Cells (40, 70, 100, 140, 200, or 260 Amp
BPKA1, BPKA2, BPKA3, BPKA4, BPKA5, BPKB1, BPKB2, Mechanical Cell Bypass Contactors (Optional)
FA1A, FA1C, FA2A, FA2C, FA3A, FA3C, FA4A, FA4C, Power Cell A and C Phase Input Fuses
K2 Mechanical Key Interlock (Optional)

Table 5- 10 Cell Section Components 10000 V, 40-260 Amp

Component Label Part Description

A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, GenIV Power Cells (40, 70, 100, 140, 200, or 260 Amp
B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, types)
C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8
BPKA1, BPKA2, BPKA3, BPKA4, BPKA5, BPKA6, BPKA7, Mechanical Cell Bypass Contactors (Optional)
FA1A, FA1C, FA2A, FA2C, FA3A, FA3C, FA4A, FA4C, Power Cell A and C Phase Input Fuses
K2 Mechanical Key Interlock (Optional)

The core GenIV drive does not include medium voltage input switchgear. The K2 mechanical
interlock key must be coordinated with the input voltage switchgear.

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Figure 5-10 GenIV 40-140 A Power Cell Frame

The Cell Section portion of the enclosure includes two hinged doors. The left door (on 4kV
systems only) is master door of the GenIV system and has provisions for a K2 mechanical
key interlock. A system requiring agency approval will require mechanical (or electrical) key
interlocks. This K2 key should be interlocked with a keyed lock located in the incoming
switchgear (coordinated with the Siemens project engineer). Only when the incoming
switchgear is mechanically and electrically opened should the K2 key be released for use at
the GenIV drive. The GenIV doors are coordinated mechanically to minimize the amount of
keyed locks.

The Control Door, Control Section, and I/O Section are accessible without a K2 key.
However, the medium voltage components located in the I/O section are separated by fixed
polyglass barriers.

The cells are installed in the enclosure by sliding them on the polyethylene coated mounting
rails. The cell’s locking latches are then rotated into the mounting rail slots, aligning and
locking the cell into place. High-temperature foam provides for an air-tight seal between the
cell chassis and the backplane. Power Cell line and load connections are made via blind
mate power plugs located at the rear of the cell. The plugs accept a special sized nickel
plated copper chamfered power bus. No hardware is required to make the power
connections or to physically mount the cell, making installation, replacement, and
maintenance simple. See Figure "Cell Installation and Latching System" for a depiction of the
cell racking system.

The blind mate power plugs have been factory tested at 250 insertions/extractions with no
significant change in contact resistance.

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Figure 5-11 Cell Installation and Latching System

The cell mounting infrastructure consists of a polyglass backplane, cell mounting rails, and
horizontal polyglass supports. Each of the nine Power Cell’s three-phase AC input
connections exit at the top right of the Transformer Section, and are routed to the cell via
three large adalets (right enclosure wall) and two lexan wire trays. These trays are located
underneath the cells. The Power Cell’s single phase PWM AC output connections are made
in the rear air plenum via bus connections. Projects requiring Cell Bypass will use an
additional bus network scheme to connectand physically mount the bypass. Contactors can
be changed in the field through the front of the enclosure by removing a Power Cell,
disconnecting the subject contactor, and pulling it through the polyglass back plane (only
qualified personnel should access the contactors). The contactors and bus connections are
forced air cooled (see Figures "Nine Cell 40-140 Amp Mounting Structure" and "Bypass
Contactors and Bus Connections"). Projects that do not require Cell Bypass use an
alternative bus connection made between the power cells’ T2 and T1 terminals.

A cell lifter, P/N A1A163496.08, may be required to install or remove power cells from the
GenIV System.

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)O R Z
$ L U




Figure 5-12 Nine Cell Mounting Structure

Cell Connection and Bypass Contactor




Figure 5-13 Bypass Contactors and Bus Connections

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Cell Construction
GenIV MicroHarmony 750V Cells frames (40, 70, 100, and 140 Amp) have an identical
footprint, see Figure "GenIV Power Cell with Board Shown" (dimensions and mass are
detailed further in Chapter 3 of this manual). GenIV 750 V (200 and 260 Amp) cells also
have identical footprints. These cells are slightly larger but can use the same mounting as
the 40-140 amp cells within certain drive systems. The cells in any given drive are
mechanically and electrically identical, so that they may be interchanged. Each cell contains
its own Cell Control Board (CCB), which communicates to the centralized controller (NXG II)
via a fiber optic link. This link is the only connection between the Power Cells and the
controller, thus each cell is galvanically isolated from the main control.
A switch mode power supply located on the CCB allows the control power to be derived from
the individual 3-phase secondary connections of the transformer feeding the power cell line
inputs. This power supply is operational at a fraction of the rated voltage of the cell input
voltage. The Perfect Harmony controller, known as NXG II, provides central control and
interrogation of the nine cells, as detailed in previous chapters of this manual.
The following figures illustrate all power input/output terminals and fiber optic control
terminals. Power connections are made via power plugs; no hardware is required. Fiber optic
control connections are made at the front of the cell directly to the cell control board. The cell
control board and power electronics can be accessed and tested at the same time by
rotating the cell 90° as shown (only qualified technicians should examine the Power cells),
removing the chassis top cover, and opening the CCB access plate (see Figure "GenIV
Power Cell with Board Shown"). The + and - DC bus can be accessed by removing the top
lid (not shown). Threaded studs are located on the bus for test connections.



Figure 5-14 GenIV Power Cell with Board Shown

The 40, 70, 100, and 140 Amp power cells are only differentiated by the number of
electrolytic capacitors that are installed and the semiconductor devices (diode rectifiers,
IGBTs) on the heat sink. The 200 and 260 amp power cells use a different frame size.
However, the 200 and 260 amp cells are differentiated only by the number and type of
capacitors and semiconductor devices.

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* Shown with full population of electrolytic capacitors

Figure 5-15 GenIV Cell, 40-140 Amp, Anatomy

The GenIV cells use an uncontrolled diode rectifier to convert the three-phase secondary
voltage to DC. Since power can only flow from the transformer to the cells, the converter is
considered a two quadrant type (2Q).

Figure 5-16 GenIV Cell, 40-140 Amp, Heat Sink

Cell Data
Switching Frequency

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Cells are typically switched at 600 Hz per pole, with an output switching frequency of
1200 Hz per cell. The total effective drive output switching frequency with 9 cells is 3600 Hz
(6000 Hz for 15 cells). At this switching frequency, the output (motor) frequency can increase
to 167 Hz. At motor frequencies beyond 167 Hz, its recommended to switch the cells faster.
The cells can switch (with current de-rating) as high as 1200 Hz per pole, which allows a
maximum output (motor) frequency of 330 Hz.
The Cell Control Board (CCB) communicates with the NXG Controller via a duplex fiber optic
cable using a proprietary protocol.
Protection Features
The Cell Control Board (CCB) contains circuitry and firmware that protects the cell from the
following abnormal operating conditions:
● DC Bus Over-Voltage
● DC Bus Under-Voltage
● Control Power Loss
● Capacitor Voltage Sharing
● IGBT Out of Saturation
● Cell Over-Temperature
● IGBT Device Failure
● AC Bus Under-Voltage
● Communication Fault
These conditions are interrogated by the main NXG Controller and may result in a Cell Fault,
which inhibits the power cell output.
Indicators and Labels
Figure " Indicatiors and Labels" illustrates the indicator functions and labels of the Power
Cell. Particular attention should be paid to the DC bus voltage-indicator LED that shows that
more than 50 VDC is present on the DC bus. This indicator light is located on the front of
each cell’s Cell Control Board (and may not be visible until the cell doors are opened). The
cell should not be touched, removed, or serviced if the indicator is illuminated.

Remember that the cell chassis is not grounded and when energized can float to lethal

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Figure 5-17 Indicators and Labels

The power cells include discharge resistors to dissipate stored energy after the input
voltage is removed. The power cell DC bus voltage decays to less than 50 VDC in less than
10 minutes.

Cell De-rating
In some cases, a cell’s continuous output current rating is de-rated due to site conditions and
abnormal applications. (Refer to Table "GenIV Cell Current De-Rate Factors 1*, 2*".)

Table 5- 11 GenIV Cell Current De-Rate Factors 1*, 2*

1. Power Cell initial sizing is based upon the motor parameters, (including motor
service factor):
IMTR = Hp * SF * 746 / (VMTR * 1.732 * PF * EFF)
2. If motor nameplate frequency exceeds 167 Hz, the FCAR = 3.6 * FOUT [Hz], and
when FCAR exceeds 600 Hz de-rate cell current as:
IBASE 1 = (1-[(FCAR-600)/600]*0.2)

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3. If FOUT is operated continuously below 10 Hz, de-rate cell current as:

IBASE 2 = (0.5 + FOUT / 20)
4. If altitude exceeds 3300 FASL, then de-rate cell current as:
IBASE 3 = (1-0.00003*[ALT-3300])
5. If ambient temperature exceeds 45 °C, then de-rate cell current as:
IBASE 4 = ([55 - TAMB]/15)^0.57
6. Use only the smallest de-rate factor from IBASE 1, IBASE 2, IBASE 3, and
IBASE 4 to size the cell (de-rates are not compounded). Select the smallest cell
frame size equal or greater than IMTR / IBASE (1,2,3, or 4)

1* Excludes long cable provisions

2* Maximum ambient of 50 C and maximum altitude of 6562 feet

Cell Bypass
As an option, the core GenIV drive can be equipped with Cell Bypass. Each cell output is
fitted with a single pole double throw electromechanical contactor (as shown in Figure
"Electromechanical Contactor" below).

Figure 5-18 Electromechanical Contactor (Single Pole, Double Throw) for 4160 V units

The bypass contactors are mounted behind the cell in the air plenum. All connections are
made with insulated wire and bus connections. The Bypass Power Supply (BPPS) and
Bypass Control Circuit (BCC) are located in the I/O Section. The BCC connects to the NXG
controller via a fiber optic link and contactor controls are wired to the BCC. The BPPS is
energized from one of the transformer secondary windings and is referenced to the VFD
output neutral. Refer to Sections 1.3.5 and 5.13.1 for further details concerning power Cell

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 32:(5  32:(5
&(// 7 12 12 &(// 7 12 12
7 1& 1& 7 1& 1&
%3. %3.



Figure 5-19 Cell Bypass Operation

5.3.4 Control Section

The Control Section is located in front of the I/O Section and contains the NXG II Controller,
low voltage apparatus, and the auxiliary voltage disconnect switch; the Control Door is
considered part of this section in reference to the "A" and "B" drawings. The door in the
control section is hinged so that it can swing open 150 degrees to allow access to the
input/output section for purposes such as terminating medium voltage cables. Upon opening
the control door, two Cell Section Components polyglass barriers are encountered as
describe previously. In addition, the terminal blocks are accessible with the door in the open
position. See Table "Control Section Components" for the components found in this section.

Table 5- 12 Control Section Components

Component Label Part Description

SCB NXG II: Signal Conditioning Board
SW2 Latch Fault Relay Reset
DCR NXGII, Digital Card Rack
Slot 1: Keypad Interface Board
Slot 2: Single Board Computer
Slot 3: BGA Modulator with 12 Fiber Optic Ports
Slot 4: Reserved
Slot 5: Analog I/O Cable Assembly
Slot 6: System I/O Board
Slot 7: Digital I/O Cable Assembly
Slot 8: Communications Board
CPS Control Power Supply
DS1, AUX2 Auxiliary Voltage Disconnect and Position Switch
LFR Latch Fault Relay
EPS Encoder Power Supply (optional)
IOB NXG II, Input/Output Breakout

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Component Label Part Description

GND1 Grounding Pad
PB4 Emergency Stop Pushbutton
KP1 Keypad
ENET Ethernet Port
SW1 Mode Selector Switch
ANYBUS1, ANYBUS211. Network 1 and Network 2 communication cards (optional)

1. These expansion boards plug into the communications board in slot 8 of the DCR

Control Tub
The control tub contains all the components shown in Figure "GenIV Control Tub".

RCD incompatibility
Connecting this device to a power supply protected by a residual-current device can result
in damage to property and minor personal injury.
This product can produce a DC current in the grounding conductor.
When using a Residual-Current Device (RCD) in cases where direct or indirect contact can
be made, only a Type-B RCD shall be permissible on the line side of this product. If this is
not possible, an alternative means of protection must be applied; for example isolation from
the environment through double or reinforced insulation, or isolation from the power supply
using a transformer.
Do not connect this device to a power supply that is protected by a Type-A residual-current

Encoder Power Supply option not shown; it mounts to the din rail beside DS1.

The auxiliary voltage for control is switched on with the disconnect, DS1. The encoder power
supply, EPS, is a 120V powered +15 VDC output that is used in CLVC applications and is
available as an option. GND1 is connected to GND2, located in the I/O section using a
flexible ground conductor; several points within the Control Tub are grounded to GND1.

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'$1*(5 &36

$8; '6



Figure 5-20 GenIV Control Tub (4160 V Drives)

Figure 5-21 GenIV Control Tub (6600 V Drives)


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The four components comprising NXG II Control are SCB, DCR, CPS, and IOB. The
components are fully detailed in the companion manual, NXG Control Manual
Analog and Digital Input/Output
The input/output breakout (IOB) contains a finite amount of hard-wired I/O. Some of these
signals are dedicated for use within the drive (refer to Tables "Nine Cell, GenIV, Core
Hardwired I/O Assignments"). The remaining SPARE I/O can be used in agreement with the
Siemens project engineer for customer related signalization using the SOP.

Table 5- 13 Analog and Digital Input/Output

Signal Type Quantity Core Configuration Custom Options

Digital Inputs 20 120 VAC1 a) Customer powered2
b) 24 VDC, drive powered3
c) Other than Table "Nine Cell, GenIV,
Core Hardwired I/O Assignments"
Digital Outputs 16 Dry N.O. Contacts, rated a) Dry N.C. Contacts
250 VAC @ 6A b) Other than Table "Nine Cell, GenIV,
Core Hardwired I/O Assignments"
Analog Inputs 3 4-20 mADC a) (2) 0-10 VDC inputs
b) Other than Table "Nine Cell, GenIV,
Core Hardwired I/O Assignments"
Analog Outputs 2 4-20 mADC a) Other than Table "Nine Cell, GenIV,
Core Hardwired I/O Assignments"

1. Drive Powered Digital Inputs

2. Subject to Custom Engineering Requirements
3. Requires Custom Engineering

Network communications have provisions for I/O signalization as described in the NXG
Control Manual A1A9001588 and NXG Communications Manual A1A902399. For GenIV
expansion, hardwired I/O must be treated as Custom engineering and requires the use of a
Transition cabinet due to the limited space available within the core drive.

Table 5- 14 Nine Cell, GenIV, Core Hardwired I/O Assignments

(Subject to Change. Always refer to the project "A" and "B" for I/O assignments)

Signal Type Signal Name Function

Digital Input IDI-0A Remote Inhibit
Digital Input IDI-1A Remote Start
Digital Input IDI-2A Remote Stop
Digital Input IDI-3A Remote Fault Reset
Digital Input IDI-0B SW1-Off

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Signal Type Signal Name Function

Digital Input IDI-1B SW1-Remote/Auto
Digital Input IDI-2B Output Reactor Winding Temperature, High (Else SPARE)
Digital Input IDI-3B Output Reactor Winding Temperature, High-High (Else SPARE)
Digital Input IDI-0C SPARE
Digital Input IDI-1C SPARE
Digital Input IDI-2C SPARE
Digital Input IDI-3C Transformer Air Flow Temperature, High
Digital Input IDI-0D Transformer Air Flow Temperature, High-High
Digital Input IDI-1D Cooling Blower 1 (BLW1) O.K.
Digital Input IDI-2D Redundant Cooling Blower 2 (BLW2) O.K. (Optional)
Digital Input IDI-1E SPARE
Digital Input IDI-2E SPARE
Digital Input IDI-3E Latch Fault Relay (LFR) Feedback
Digital Output IDO-0 Speed Demand in Local at VFD
Digital Output IDO-1 Drive Ready to Run
Digital Output IDO-2 Drive Running
Digital Output IDO-3 Drive Alarm
Digital Output IDO-4 Drive Fault
Digital Output IDO-5 ProToPS, Process Alarm (Else SPARE)
Digital Output IDO-6 ProToPS, Process Trip Alarm (Else SPARE)
Digital Output IDO-7 SPARE
Digital Output IDO-8 Cooling Blower 1 (BLW1) Starter
Digital Output IDO-9 Redundant Cooling Blower 2 (BLW2) Starter (Optional)
Digital Output IDO-12 SPARE
Digital Output IDO-13 SPARE
Digital Output IDO-14 Coordinated Input Protection Scheme
Digital Output IDO-15 Latch Fault Relay (LFR), Set Pulse
Analog Input IAI-1 Remote Speed Demand, 4-20 mADC
Analog Input IAI-2 SPARE
Analog Input IAI-3 SPARE
Analog Output IAO-1 Motor Speed, 4-20 mADC
Analog Output IAO-2 Motor Torque, 4-20 mADC

Table 5- 15 15 Cell, GenIV, Core Hardwired I/O Assignments

(Subject to Change. Always refer to the project "C" and "W" for I/O assignments)

Signal Type Signal Name Function

Digital Input IDI-0A Remote Inhibit
Digital Input IDI-1A Remote Start
Digital Input IDI-2A Remote Stop
Digital Input IDI-3A Remote Fault Reset
Digital Input IDI-0B SW1-Off
Digital Input IDI-1B SW1-Remote/Auto

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Signal Type Signal Name Function

Digital Input IDI-2B Output Reactor Winding Temperature, High (Else SPARE)
Digital Input IDI-3B Output Reactor Winding Temperature, High-High (Else SPARE)
Digital Input IDI-0C Cabinet Door Interlock (Else SPARE)
Digital Input IDI-1C SPARE
Digital Input IDI-2C SPARE
Digital Input IDI-3C Transformer Air Flow Temperature, High
Digital Input IDI-0D Transformer Air Flow Temperature, High-High
Digital Input IDI-1D Cooling Blower TBLW1 O.K.
Digital Input IDI-2D Cooling Blower CBLW2 O.K.
Digital Input IDI-3D Redundant Cooling Blower TBLW2 O.K. (Optional)
Digital Input IDI-0E Redundant Cooling Blower CBLW2 O.K. (Optional)
Digital Input IDI-1E SPARE
Digital Input IDI-2E SPARE
Digital Input IDI-3E Latch Fault Relay (LFR) Feedback
Digital Output IDO-0 Speed Demand in Local at VFD
Digital Output IDO-1 Drive Ready to Run
Digital Output IDO-2 Drive Running
Digital Output IDO-3 Drive Alarm
Digital Output IDO-4 Drive Fault
Digital Output IDO-5 ProToPS, Process Alarm (Else SPARE)
Digital Output IDO-6 ProToPS, Process Trip Alarm (Else SPARE)
Digital Output IDO-7 SPARE
Digital Output IDO-8 Cooling Blower TBLW1 Starter
Digital Output IDO-9 Cooling Blower TBLW2 Starter (Optional)
Digital Output IDO-10 Cooling Blower CBLW1 Starter
Digital Output IDO-11 Redundant Cooling Blower 2 CBLW2 Starter (Optional)
Digital Output IDO-12 SPARE
Digital Output IDO-13 SPARE
Digital Output IDO-14 Coordinated Input Protection Scheme
Digital Output IDO-15 Latch Fault Relay (LFR), Set Pulse
Analog Input IAI-1 Remote Speed Demand, 4-20 mADC
Analog Input IAI-2 SPARE
Analog Input IAI-3 SPARE
Analog Output IAO-1 Motor Speed, 4-20 mADC
Analog Output IAO-2 Motor Torque, 4-20 mADC

Table 5- 16 Twenty-Four Cell, GenIV, Core Hardwired I/O Assignments

(Subject to Change. Always refer to the project "A" and "B" for I/O assignments)

Signal Type Signal Name Function

Digital Input IDI-0A Remote Inhibit
Digital Input IDI-1A Remote Start

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Signal Type Signal Name Function

Digital Input IDI-2A Remote Stop
Digital Input IDI-3A Remote Fault Reset
Digital Input IDI-0B SW1-Off
Digital Input IDI-1B SW1-Remote/Auto
Digital Input IDI-2B Output Reactor Winding Temperature, High (Else SPARE)
Digital Input IDI-3B Output Reactor Winding Temperature, High-High (Else SPARE)
Digital Input IDI-0C Cabinet Door Interlock (Else SPARE)
Digital Input IDI-1C SPARE
Digital Input IDI-2C SPARE
Digital Input IDI-3C Transformer Air Flow Temperature, High
Digital Input IDI-0D Transformer Air Flow Temperature, High-High
Digital Input IDI-1D Cooling Blower TBLW1 O.K.
Digital Input IDI-2D Cooling Blower CBLW1 O.K.
Digital Input IDI-3D Cooling Blower TBLW2 O.K.
Digital Input IDI-0E Cooling Blower CBLW2 O.K.
Digital Input IDI-1E Redundant Cooling Blower TBLW3 O.K. (Optional)
Digital Input IDI-2E Redundant Cooling Blower CBLW3 O.K. (Optional)
Digital Input IDI-3E Latch Fault Relay (LFR) Feedback
Digital Output IDO-0 Speed Demand in Local at VFD
Digital Output IDO-1 Drive Ready to Run
Digital Output IDO-2 Drive Running
Digital Output IDO-3 Drive Alarm
Digital Output IDO-4 Drive Fault
Digital Output IDO-5 ProToPS, Process Alarm (Else SPARE)
Digital Output IDO-6 ProToPS, Process Trip Alarm (Else SPARE)
Digital Output IDO-7 SPARE
Digital Output IDO-8 SPARE
Digital Output IDO-9 SPARE
Digital Output IDO-10 SPARE
Digital Output IDO-11 SPARE
Digital Output IDO-12 SPARE
Digital Output IDO-13 SPARE
Digital Output IDO-14 Coordinated Input Protection Scheme
Digital Output IDO-15 Latch Fault Relay (LFR), Set Pulse
Analog Input IAI-1 Remote Speed Demand, 4-20 mADC
Analog Input IAI-2 SPARE
Analog Input IAI-3 SPARE
Analog Output IAO-1 Motor Speed, 4-20 mADC
Analog Output IAO-2 Motor Torque, 4-20 mADC

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Coordinated Input Protection Scheme

Input currents and voltages to the drive input transformer are measured and processed
continuously by the control system. Information such as efficiency, power factor, and
harmonics are available to the user. The input monitoring also protects against transformer
secondary side faults that cannot be seen by typical primary protection relaying.
Thus it is very important that the drive input medium switchgear, if not supplied as standard,
is interlocked to the control system so that input medium voltage can be interrupted upon the
rare event of such a fault.
A dry contact output is supplied standard with each drive to trip the drive input medium
voltage circuit breaker or contactor. This contact changes state whenever the drive input
power and power factor are outside hardcoded normal operating conditions.

This contact must be integrated with input switchgear to deactivate the drive input medium
voltage upon the rare event of a secondary circuit fault.

This scheme is active on all GenIV drives. Therefore, a medium voltage input circuit breaking
device is required. As shown in Figure "Input Protection Interface for Trip Contact" below, the
latch fault relay, LFR, and its reset switch, SW2, make a portion of the coordinated input
protection scheme. The drive control continuously meters the input power, and if the drive
exhibits excessive losses or reactive power, then a dedicated NXG II I/O digital output (IDO-
15) is closed as a one-shot pulse latches the LFR coil. This causes the N.C. LFR contact to
OPEN, and the NXG II I/O digital output IDO-14 also opens. As shown in the following figure,
if the contacts looking into the drive are closed, the user is permitted to close the incoming
breaker, hence the signal name "MV IP Breaker Enable". However, if the contacts are open,
then the input breaker must also be immediately opened. In addition to the Input Protection
scheme controlled by the NXG II Controller, GenIV also series connects one deck of the E-
Stop (PB4) in series with the Coordinated Input Protection Scheme. Therefore, if the E-Stop
located at the drive is operated, the contacts at TB2 will also open (this is only a portion of
the protection scheme that is subject to change, based upon user preference). To reset the
protection scheme, the LFR must be reset using SW2 (located in the Control Tub), which
immediately recloses the LFR N.C. contacts, and then a Drive Fault Reset must be initiated
(NXG Control will not re-close IDO-14 if the FAULT conditions still exist).

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Figure 5-22 Input Protection Interface for Trip Contacts

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* This circuit is repeated in the "C" set of drawings. Contact ratings are shown for
resistive switching.

Given the amperage rating of the components used in the Coordinated Input Protection
Scheme, an additional customer pilot relay may be required.

Terminal Blocks
The core drive uses 8mm 600 V terminal blocks for auxiliary input three-phase voltage
(TB4). These terminals accept #8 - #22 AWG wire.
The control terminal blocks (TB1, TB2, TB2 ELV) accept #12 - #22 AWG wire.

Only a small amount of spare terminals are available for custom engineering use.

Control Door
The Control Section includes the components mounted on the control door (see Figure
"Control Door"). The operation of the keypad, KP1, is described in the NXG Control Manual
A1A9001588 (see Figure "Keypad" for a view of the keypad operator.)
The door port can be used for debugging or uploading/downloading information to/from the
NXG II controller. An Ethernet port is included on the front door. Ethernet Modbus is
available on the SBC, depending on what communications networks are selected for
Network 1 and 2 (see NXG Communications Manual A1A902399).
SW1 is a Mode Select switch that is optionally selected as Off-Local-Remote or Off-Hand-
Auto (SW1 can also be keyed). The functionality is the same. If SW1 is in the OFF position,
the inverter output will be inhibited. If SW1 is in the Remote/Auto position, the control will use
either a Remote 4-20 mADC speed demand or Network demand, depending on how the
project SOP is written. If SW1 is not in OFF or Remote/Auto, the speed demand is set by the
Keypad operator (this is considered the Local/Hand operation).
PB4, is a red mushroom-head maintained N.C. multi-deck operator that is used for
emergency stops (E-Stop). One deck of the PB4 operator is drive power 120 V (24VDC
option available) powered, and is used in series with the CR function of the drive. IN
addition, this set of contacts is series connected to the terminal blocks, where the customer
can wire in a N.C. set of E-Stop wires (reference the "C" set of drawings) (see Figure "E-
Stop Circuits"). The YELLOW jumper must be removed from the terminal blocks located in
the I/O Section allow proper operation of the remote E-Stop wiring. When activated, the
inverter output will be inhibited immediately and the connected load will coast. A second
deck of the N.C. PB4 operator is connected to the terminal block section for use by the
customer and is a dry set of contacts. A third deck of the PB4 operator is connected in series
with the Coordinated Input Protection Scheme. Therefore, in this scenario, when PB4 is
activated at the drive, the "MV IP Breaker Enable" signal will open (some customers may
prefer Custom engineering to alter the logic of this third deck).

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Figure 5-23 E-Stop Circuits (Deck 1 and Deck 2)


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Figure 5-24 Control Door (control arrangement may vary)

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Figure 5-25 Keypad

5.3.5 Upstream Device Ratings

VFDs require an appropriate Input Current Interrupting device installed upstream of the VFD.
This device must be connected between the power source (input line) and the VFD input

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connections (L1, L2, L3). The input current interrupting device is considered an integral part
of the VFD safety system.

The required interrupting device will accept an "ENABLE TO CLOSE" as an OPEN
command from a VFD dry contact ("MV ENABLE"). This contact, when open, causes the
input current interrupting device to open and then prevents the reapplication of input power.
The "MV Enable" dry contact should act immediately and directly, without any coupling
relays involved. Additional delays tripping the input current interrupting device must be
avoided. Separate check-back signals (dry contacts) must be provided for each input current
interrupting device state, OPEN and CLOSED. Check -back signal delays must not exceed
500 ms.


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5 6 7
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5.3.6 Control Wire Way Section

The Control Wire Way Section is located within the enclosure and above the Cell Section.
Two hinged door plates are provided so that this section can be accessed with ¼ turn cams
even while the drive’s medium voltage and auxiliary power are energized.

Only qualified personnel should access this section at any time.

Following is a list of components found in this section (see Figure "Control Wire Way
Section") for a view of the Control Wireway section with all options selected).

Component Label Part Description

F4, F21, F22 Control Power Fuses
F24, F25, F26 Blower TBLW1 Fuses 1
F27, F28, F29 Blower CBLW1 Fuses
F30, F31, F32 Blower TBLW1 Fuses (Optional)

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Component Label Part Description

F33, F34, F35 Blower CBLW2 Fuses 1 (Optional)
CB10 Blower TBLW1 Circuit Breaker 2
CB11 Blower TBLW2 Circuit Breaker 2 (Optional)
CB12 Blower CBLW1 Circuit Breaker 2
CB13 Blower CBLW2 Circuit Breaker 2 (Optional)
STR21, AUX21, SUPP21 Motor Starter for Blower TBLW1, auxiliary contact, and AC
coil suppressor
STR22, AUX22, SUPP22 Motor Starter for Blower CBLW1, auxiliary contact, and AC
coil suppressor (Optional)
STR23, AUX23, SUPP23 Motor Starter for Blower TBLW2, auxiliary contact, and AC
coil suppressor (Optional)
STR24, AUX24, SUPP24 Motor Starter for Blower CBLW2, auxiliary contact, and AC
coil suppressor (Optional)
STR25, AUX25, SUPP25 Motor Starter for Blower TBLW3, auxiliary contact, and AC
coil suppressor (Optional)
STR26, AUX26, SUPP26 Motor Starter for Blower CBLW3, auxiliary contact, and AC
coil suppressor (Optional)
X6 2.5% Line Reactor for EC Blower TBLW1
X7 2.5% Line Reactor for EC Blower CBLW1
X8 2.5% Line Reactor for EC Blower TBLW2 (Optional)
X9 2.5% Line Reactor for EC Blower CBLW2 (Optional)
FLTR1 EMC Filter for Auxiliary Control Voltage (Optional)
PL2, PL3, PL4, PL5 Blower Control Disconnect Harnesses
1 These fuses are omitted when the circuit breaker option is selected
2 Blower circuit breakers are an option
The auxiliary voltage control transformer, X5, is protected by three fuses, which are located
in this section. F21 and F22 are located on the primary of the auxiliary control voltage
transformer, and F4 is located on the secondary of the transformer. These fuses are CC time
delay 600 V rated.
The EMC filter is typically used on agency projects requiring CE certification. FLTR1 is a
two-stage zero sequence filter rated at 7A, and when used, is applied between the
disconnect switch (DS1 in the Control Section) and the EC Blowers’ motor starter.

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Figure 5-26 Control Wire Way Section (with all options)

Cooling System Control

The cooling system consists of several parts including either an EC or AC blower described
in the next section. In addition to those components, each blower has three 600V Class J
time delay fuses or a 600 V three phase 10 Amp circuit breaker that feeds a 2.5% line

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reactor. The line reactor is then connected to a motor starter that is controlled through the
SOP of the NXG II controller. The output of the motor starter connects to a quick disconnect
plug associated with that blower. Fault logic is fed back through the plug back into the I/O
system of the NXG II controller.
The default SOP logic is such that upon energizing the control power, Blower #1 (TBLW1 &
CBLW1 for 6600 V drives; TBLW1/2, CBLW1/2 for 10000 V drives) is operated immediately.
The fault logic is ignored for a short duration to allow the blower to soft start up. After this
duration, if the SOP logic controller detects a FAULT feedback, the redundant blower(s) is
started or else the drive trips on a ALL BLOWERS LOST fault, and the drive must be
manually reset. The starter voltage is automatically removed for a brief duration to allow the
EC blower(s) to reset. If redundant blowers are equipped on the drive, the blowers are
cycled on a periodic basis (typically every 7 days). The 2.5% line reactors are used to
decouple the EC blower from brief line disturbances; in addition, the reactors filter the current
draw from the blower and make it more sinusoidal. When using an AC blower, the 2,5% line
reactors are not required.

5.3.7 Cooling
An extremely important part of the installation process is making provisions for exhausting
the heat that is generated by the operation of the drive. Although the GenIV drive is highly
efficient, there may be as much as a 4.0% energy loss emitted in the form of heat from inside
the system cabinetry. This heat must be transmitted to the outdoor air or into the structure of
the building at a rate fast enough to prevent the ambient temperature from rising above the
rated conditions stated in Chapter 3.

Blowers # 1 and # 2
The GenIV blower cages are located on the roof of the enclosure. Only one blower is
required to operate the drive. The cage assemblies are typically removed and packaged
separately for shipment. All electrical connections between the drive and blower are made
via a quick disconnect harness for ease of installation. The GenIV blower cage uses a rear
tongue and groove lip and two front flange-mounted fasteners so that it is easily front-
access-maintainable following installation. Components in these sections include:

Table 5- 17 Blower Components (4160 V Drives)

Component Label Part Description

BLW1 Blower #1
RBLW1*, DBLW1*1) Blower command; resistor and zener diode
BLW2 Blower #2 (optional)
RBLW2*, DBLW2*1) Blower command; resistor and zener diode (optional)
* Resistor and Zener diode form a clamp circuit to command the blower speed (See table below for blower speed
settings). However, if a duct Interface is required, these components are removed and the command jumpers
directly to the +10 VDC for a 100 % speed demand.
1) For AC blowers, the blower command (resistor and zener) are not required.

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Table 5- 18 Blower Components (6600 V Drives)

Component Label Part Description

TBLW1 Transformer Blower #1
RTBLW1*, DTBLW1* Blower command; resistor and zener diode
TBLW2 Transformer Blower #2 (Optional)
RTBLW2*, DTBLW2* Blower command; resistor and zener diode (Optional)
CBLW1 Cell Cabinet Blower #1
RCBLW1*, DCBLW1* Blower command; resistor and zener diode
CBLW2 Cell Cabinet Blower #2 (Optional)
RCBLW2*, DCBLW2* Blower command; resistor and zener diode (Optional)
* Resistor and Zener diode form a clamp circuit to command the blower speed (See table below for blower speed
settings). However, if a duct Interface is required, these components are removed and the command jumpers
directly to the +10VDC for a 100% speed demand.
1) For AC blowers, the blower command (resistor and zener) are not required.

Table 5- 19 Blower Components (10000 V Drives)

Component Label Part Description

TBLW1 Transformer Blower #1
TBLW2 Transformer Blower #2
TBLW3 Transformer Blower #3 (Optional)
CBLW1 Cell Cabinet Blower #1
CBLW2 Cell Cabinet Blower #2
CBLW3 Cell Cabinet Blower #3(Optional)

Table 5- 20 Blower Speed Settings

Drive Description Section Speed Setting

4160V Drives <=140A N/A
4160V Drives > 140A 94 %
6600V Drives <= 140A Cell 82 %
6600V Drives <= 140A Transformer 82 %
6600V Drives > 140A Cell 92 %
6600V Drives > 140A Transformer 92 %
10000 V Drives N/A
10000 V Drives N/A
The GenIV drive is a parallel path forced air cooled system using one electronically
commutated or across-the line blower(s); each of the cells and the transformer are cooled in
parallel by one centralized exhaust blower. Parallel air cooling allows each component to
have the same inlet air temperature (close to the drive’s ambient temperature) independent
of the other components. The cell section has six air inlet paths, each air inlet feeds 1½ cells.
The transformer section has two air inlet paths, each supplying ½ the transformer air. The
transformer is baffled to force air up through the secondary coils and around the winding.
The cell section and transformer section exhaust air into a common rear air duct. Each cell’s
input and output power connections are made via blind mate power plugs at the rear of the

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cell. The male connecting bus is located in line with the exhaust air of the cell. For systems
with mechanical cell bypass, the contactors are mounted on an additional bus, located in the
rear common exhaust air plenum. All of the bus and the contactors are therefore forced-air
cooled, but at an elevated ambient due to cell and transformer losses. Two phases of each
cell’s inputs are fused. A common fuse block is located at the front of the transformer
section. The fuse ambient is the same as the drive’s ambient air temperature.
If redundant blowers are required, a cover plate is removed from the top of the enclosure
and a dual blower cage assembly is installed. Dampers are installed at the base of the
redundant blower cage to prevent reverse air flow. The dampers are opened by air pressure
differential and closed by springs. The blower cage assembly design consists of a steel
frame with mesh on three sides (duct interface jobs require alternative pre-engineered
blower cage). Air is exhausted out of the front and sides of the cage. Air is not exhausted
towards the back or top of the drive. A fault contact is wired into the NXG II control I/O. If a
redundant blower is selected, the control cycles the blower periodically, and toggles them
upon receiving a FAULT feedback from the blower.

The control removes power via a starter for a brief time following a FAULT signalization,
according to the blower manufacturer’s recommendation. See Figure "GenIV 500 mm EC
Blower and Cage Cutaway" for a view of the blower cage and EC blower.

Figure 5-27 GenIV EC Blower and Cage Cutaway

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Figure 5-28 AC Blower and Cage Cutaway

Figure 5-29 GenIV 500 mm EC Blower Cage Assembly

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Never energize the drive without operational blowers providing air flow. The drive contains
components that have losses in the IDLE state. Without air flow, these losses may heat up
components and eventually damage the drive over time.
Applying Medium Voltage without air flow will result in a trip from the Coordinated Input
Protection Scheme.

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Product Description
5.4 Long Cable Filters

5.4 Long Cable Filters

For GenIV, output filters are typically required when cable lengths on the output of the drive
exceed 7500 feet. At this distance and beyond, the effective switching frequency harmonics
and sidebands may excite a cable resonance, resulting in transmission line over-voltages at
the motor terminals. The output L-C filter decouples the drive output from the cable/motor
dynamics. NXG II control supports output filters for all control modes; however, torque
responses and high starting torque capabilities are somewhat diminished due to the added
components. The filter capacitor currents are monitored by NXG II control through the SCB,
and active damping is provided in lieu of additional hardware resistors.

GenIV drives should not operate into the O-M region when output filters are required.
Therefore, nine cell system is limited to an output voltage of 4005 V. Twenty-four cell
systems are limited to 10000 V.

5.4.1 Reactors and Capacitors

When the GenIV requires an OUTPUT FILTER, the drive output is equipped with an output
inductor and capacitor filter. These components cannot be packaged into the core
configuration due to space limitations; therefore, they are housed in transition cabinets.
Tables "Nine Cell OutputFilter, Capacitance" and "Nine Cell Output Filter, Inductance" list the
required inductance and capacitance for GenIV output L-C filters.
The reactors are typically custom engineered, and may include an overload rating that
matches the cell type and two sets of thermal protectors embedded into the windings.
The capacitors are heavy duty IEEE Standard 18 rated. Most commonly, available off-the-
shelf capacitors are rated for 60 Hz.
The filter connects to the output of the motor drive’s T1, T2, and T3 connections. The long
cable load is then connected to the load side of the filter reactors. The filter may include a
customer-supplied down hole monitoring system (DHMS). Special attention is required and
small resistors may need to be placed in series with the DHMS to prevent fuse failures
during motor starting. The filter components are sized, based upon the continuous current
rating of the power cells and maximum voltage available (without O-M) of the drive.

Table 5- 21 Nine Cell Output Filter, Capacitance

Cell Size ZFL @ 4005 V Q, Reactive C, Capacitance C% C%

@ 60 Hz, 4160 V, 3 Ph @ 50 Hz @ 60 Hz
40 A 57.81 Ohms 25 kVAr 3.83 μF 6.95 8.35
70 A 33.03 Ohms 50 kVAr 7.66 μF 7.95 9.54
100 A 23.12 Ohms 75 kVAr 11.5 μF 8.35 10.00
140 A 16.52 Ohms 100 kVAr 15.32 μF 7.95 9.54
200 A 11.56 Ohms 150 kVAr 22.99 uF 8.35 10.02
260 A 8.89 Ohms 200 kVAr 30.65 uF 8.56 10.28

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5.4 Long Cable Filters

Table 5- 22 Nine Cell Output Filter, Inductance

Cell Size L, Inductance L % @ 50Hz L % @ 60Hz CT Ratio (# of turns)

40 A 13.5 mH 7.33 8.8 20
70 A 6.8 mH 6.46 7.76 30
100 A 4.8 mH 6.52 7.83 20
140 A 3.5 mH 6.66 7.99 30
200 A 2.38 mH 6.47 7.76 50
260 A 1.83 mH 6.46 7.76 50

Table 5- 23 Fifteen Cell Output Filter, Capacitance

Cell Size ZFL @ 6600 V Q, Reactive C, Capacitance C% C%

@ 60 Hz, 7200 V, 3 Ph @ 50 Hz @ 60 Hz
40 A 95.26 Ohms 50 kVAr 2.56 7.66 9.19
70 A 54.44 Ohms 100 kVAr 5.12 8.76 10.51
100 A 38.11 Ohms 150 kVAr 7.67 9.18 11.02
140 A 27.22 Ohms 200 kVAr 10.23 8.75 10.50
200 A 19.05 Ohms 2 x 150 kVAr 15.33 9.18 11.01
260 A 14.66 Ohms 2 x 150 kVAr 15.33 7.06 8.47

Table 5- 24 Fifteen Cell Output Filter, Inductance

Cell Size L, Inductance L % @ 50Hz L % @ 60Hz CT Ratio (# of turns)

40 A 4 mH 4.62 5.54 20
70 A 7 mH 4.04 4.85 30
100 A 4.8 mH 3.96 4.75 20
140 A 3.5 mH 4.04 4.85 30
200 A 2.38 mH 3.92 4.71 50
260 A 2.38 mH 5.10 6.12 50

Table 5- 25 Twenty-four Cell Output Filter, Inductance

Cell Size ZFL @ 10000 V Q, reaktive C, Capacitance C % @ 50 Hz C % @ 60Hz

@60 HZ, 12000 V,
3 Ph
40 A 158.77 Ohms 75 kVAr 1.97 9.84 11.8.
70 A 90.73 Ohms 150 kVAr 3.95 11.25 13.50
100 A 63.51 Ohms 150 kVAr 3.95 7.87 9.45
140 A 45.36 Ohms 250 kVAr 6.58 9.37 11.25
200 A 31.75 Ohms 350 kVAr 9.21 9.19 11.02
260 A 24.43 Ohms 400 kVAr 10.52 8.07 9.69

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Product Description
5.4 Long Cable Filters

Table 5- 26 Fifteen Cell Output Filter, Inductance

Cell Size L, Inductance L % @ 50Hz L % @ 60Hz CT Ratio (# of turns)

40 A 37.90 mH 7.50 9.00 20
70 A 22.00 mH 7.62 9.14 30
100 A 15.90 mH 7.87 9.44 50
140 A 11.00 mH 7.62 9.14 50
200 A 7.00 mH 6.93 8.31 50
260 A 5.80 mH 7..46 8.95 50

Actual project L and C values are subject to change.

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Product Description
5.5 Synchronous Transfer Reactors

5.5 Synchronous Transfer Reactors

When the GenIV requires the SYNCH TRANSFER feature, the output of the drive is
equipped with a reactor and switchgear (contactors). These reactors cannot be packaged
into the core configuration due to space limitations; therefore, they are housed in transition
cabinets. These reactors limit the rate of rise of current during transfers if the line voltage
and drive output voltage amplitude, frequency, and phase angle do not exactly match. Table
"Nine Cell Output transfer Inductance" lists the required inductance for GenIV synchronous
transfer reactors. These reactors are typically custom engineered, and may include an
overload rating that matches the cell type and two sets of thermal protectors embedded into
the windings. They are sized, based upon the continuous current rating of the power cells
and maximum voltage available of the drive.

Table 5- 27 Nine Cell Output Filter, Inductance

Cell Size ZFL @ 4160V L, Inductance L % @ 50H L % @ 60H

40 A 60.04 Ohms 14 mH 7.30 8.79
70 A 34.31 Ohms 7 mH 6.41 7.69
100 A 24.02 Ohms 4.8 mH 6.28 7.53
140 A 17.16 Ohms 3.5 mH 6.41 7.69
200 A 12.01 Ohms 2.38 mH 6.23 7.47
260 A 9.24 Ohms 1.83 mH 6.22 7.47

Table 5- 28 Fifteen Cell Output Filter, Inductance

Cell Size ZFL @ 6600 V L, Inductance L % @ 50H L % @ 60H

40 A 95.26 Ohms 14 mH 4.62 5.54
70 A 54.43 Ohms 7 mH 4.04 4.85
100 A 38.11 Ohms 4.8 mH 3.96 4.75
140 A 27.22 Ohms 3.5 mH 4.04 4.85
200 A 19.05 Ohms 2.38 mH 3.92 4.71
260 A 14.66 Ohms 2.38 mH 5.10 6.12

Table 5- 29 Twenty-Four Cell Output Filter, Inductance

Cell Size ZFL @ 10000 V L, Inductance L % @ 50H L % @ 60H

40 A 158.77 Ohms 37.9014 mH 7.50 9.00
70 A 90.73 Ohms 22.00 mH 7.62 9.14
100 A 63.51 Ohms 15.90 mH 7.87 9.44
140 A 45.36 Ohms 11.00 mH 7.62 9.14
200 A 31.75 Ohms 7.00 mH 6.93 8.31
260 A 24.43 Ohms 5.80 mH 7.46 8.95

Actual project L and C values are subject to change.

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Product Description
5.6 Motor Compatibility

5.6 Motor Compatibility

Although the Perfect Harmony topology output voltage contains a high THDv%, the drive
was shown to have low harmonic content between the fundamental and 25th. The nine cell
GenIV drive was factory tested at Siemens and was found to meet NEMA MG-1 for
Harmonic Voltage Factor (HVF) < 0.03 and, therefore, motors do not need to be derated.

K9 _&K9_ K9 )RXW


7+'F9  +9) 

* Results are shown for a 1100 Hp 4160 V nine cell drive loaded at 505 kW, 86 A, and 4230 voltage output
Figure 5-30 HVF for Nine Cell GenIV

Fifteen and twenty-four cell drives further improve the drive output voltage by increasing the
effective switching freuqency and using the same voltage step size with a higher drive output

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Product Description
5.7 IEEE 519 Conformance

5.7 IEEE 519 Conformance

The eighteen-pulse nine cell GenIV drive was factory tested at SIEMENS and was found to
meet IEEE 519 for the most stringent TDD limits. The pre-existing voltage distortion was less
than 2% and the primary current contained a K-factor of less than 2.

K, _&,_

_&,_ SXOVH*HQ,9

7+'F,  . 

,$UPV  ,%UPV  ,&UPV  ,DYJ 

* Results shown for a 4160 V input 1100 Hp drive.

Figure 5-31 Nine Cell, Harmonic Current Distortion (TDD>5%)

Fifteen and twenty-four cell drives further reduce the drive input current harmonics by
increasing the input pulses to 30 and 48, respectively.

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Product Description
5.8 Ride Through

5.8 Ride Through

For NXG control, "Ride Through" occurs when the medium voltage input to the drive
decreases below ~65% of nominal. During this condition, the control forces the drive to go
into regeneration, thereby absorbing power from the rotating motor and maintaining the
power cell stored energy. Such operation is maintained as long as medium voltage is absent
(or below 65%) and all cells are functioning. Typically, with very large inertia loads such as
fans, operation with no medium voltage is achievable for periods in excess of 5 cycles. If a
cell reports a fault when the drive is operating in "Ride Through," the drive will trip on a "No
Medium Voltage Fault."
The eighteen-pulse nine cell GenIV drive was factory-tested at SIEMENS for input line
voltage immunity. The drive was shown to have a ride through capability of 5 cycles or more
(line voltage was removed and then re-applied 7.5 cycles later).

* Results shown for a 4160 V input 1100 Hp drive loaded at 515 kW output prior to the input
medium voltage
Figure 5-32 Five Cycle Ride Through Capability

Depending upon motor inertia, ride through in excess of 5 cycles is possible with the addition
of a UPS for the auxiliary controls.

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Application and Operation 6
This chapter provides an overview of some of the features, applications, and operating
issues of the Siemens LD-A Perfect Harmony VFD. Detailed descriptions and setup of many
of these features are provided in the NXG Control Manual, 19001588.

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Application and Operation
6.1 Signal Frame of Reference for Motor Control

6.1 Signal Frame of Reference for Motor Control

The control signals used for controlling the motor must be assigned a polarity for use over
four quadrants of control to maintain consistency of the algorithms. This section clarifies
what they are and what their polarities mean in the various quadrants.

6.1.1 Frame of Reference

The four-quadrant frame of reference is defined as the four quadrants of operation of a
motor. They are divided left to right by the direction of rotation and from top to bottom by the
polarity of the torque in the machine. Energy flow from the drive into the machine is called
motoring. Energy flow out of the machine and into the drive is called regeneration or braking.
Figure "Four Quadrant Operation of a Motor" shows the relationship between the polarities of
the signals. For example, starting at rest (in the ordinances of the two axes), if a positive
torque is applied to the motor, the acceleration is positive and the resultant speed increases
in the forward direction. This is governed by the following equations:




˞ ˞

,, ,
9 9

,,, ,9

෥˞ ෥˞


Figure 6-1 Four Quadrant Operation of a Motor

This then carries over into quadrant IV, showing that a negative torque produces negative
acceleration (deceleration), stopping the motor. If, however, the same torque is applied
continuously, the speed of the motor will decrease to zero and begin to accelerate in the
opposite direction producing a negative rotational speed (ω) in what is now quadrant III. Now
if a positive torque is applied, the motor enters quadrant II and begins to decelerate. Since
the rotational speed is negative, and begins to diminish and approach a positive value, the
acceleration must be positive to conform to the above equations. Again, if the torque is held

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Application and Operation
6.1 Signal Frame of Reference for Motor Control

constant, the motor will slow to zero and then accelerate in the forward direction, passing
back into quadrant I.
The injection frequency must always be opposing the direction of rotation and is only used in
the case of braking or negative energy flow. Therefore, it is zero in the motoring quadrants (I
and III) and is the inverse polarity of the electrical frequency in the braking quadrants (II and

6.1.2 Signal Polarities

Table 6- 1 Signal Polarities

Signals Quadrant 1 Quadrant 2 Quadrant 3 Quadrant 4

Rotation speed (ωr) + - - +
Electrical frquency (ωs) + - - +
Slip (ωslip) + - -
Torque + + - -
Current (Iq) + + - -
Voltage (Vqs) + + - -
Acceleration (ωinj) + + - -
Injection Frequency 0 + 0 -
Power (flow) + - + -
Mag Current (Id) + + + +
Voltage (Vds) + + + +

For the electrical frequency (ωs) in the braking quadrants (II and IV) where the slip opposes
the rotational speed, when the speed magnitude approaches the slip magnitude, the
electrical polarity is uncertain (when the slip magnitude is greater than the rotor speed, the
sign will match that of the slip rather than the sign of the rotor speed).

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Application and Operation
6.2 The Control Modes

6.2 The Control Modes

Harmony drives use vector control to control induction and synchronous motors. Vector
control provides a framework that is simple to implement, but performs nearly as well as a
DC motor. Figure "Block Diagram of Vectors Control Algorithmus for Induction and
Synchronous Motor Control" shows a simplified representation of the vector control algorithm
implemented in Harmony drives. The basic components of vector control are:
1. Motor model: determines motor flux and speed.
2. Current regulators: these regulators are referred to as the inner loops.
3. Flux and speed regulators: these regulators are referred to as the outer loops.
4. Feed-forward (FF) compensation: improves the transient response of torque loop and flux











Figure 6-2 Block Diagram of Vector Control Algorithms for Induction and Synchronous Motor Control

The motor model uses measured motor voltage and estimated stator resistance voltage drop
to determine stator flux amplitude, motor speed, and flux angle. This allows stator resistance
compensation to be automatic. A simplification of motor equations is obtained by
transforming the 3-phase AC quantities (which are referred to as being in a stationary
reference frame) to DC quantities (that are in a synchronously rotating or DQ reference

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Application and Operation
6.2 The Control Modes

frame). A phase-locked loop (PLL) within the motor model tracks the (stator) frequency and
angle of the flux vector.
Motor flux amplitude is controlled by the flux regulator; its output forms the command for the
magnetizing (or flux producing) component. Motor speed is determined from stator
frequency, and is controlled by the speed regulator. Its output is the command for the torque
(producing) current regulator.
The flux angle is used to decompose the measured motor current into magnetizing and
torque producing components. It is this decomposition that allows independent control of flux
and torque, similar to DC motor control. These current components are regulated to their
commanded values by the current regulators. Outputs of the current regulators are combined
to produce three-phase voltage commands that get modified with signals from various other
control routines before being passed on to the modulator. These control routines include: (1)
dead-time compensation (to compensate for dead-time in the switching of the upper and
lower IGBTS of each pole in a power cell), (2) peak reduction for third-harmonic injection (to
maximize drive output voltage, and for drive neutral-shift (during transparent cell-bypass),
and (3) voltage commands to produce losses for dual-frequency braking. Transient response
of the torque regulators is improved with the use of feed-forward compensation (FF) as
shown in Figure "Block Diagram of Vector Control Algorithms for Induction and Synchronous
Motor Control". The following table describes the symbols used to represent various
quantities in the control diagram.

Table 6- 2 List of Symbols Used in Figure "Block Diagram of Vectors Control Algorithmus for Induction and Synchronous
Motor Control"

Symbol Description
FluxDS D-component of motor flux; also equal to the motor flux, since Q-component is zero. Motor Flux is defined as:
Motor_Voltage / Stator_Frequency (rad/s). Flux (which has units of Volt-seconds) is also proportional (but not
equal) to Volts-per-Hertz ratio.
r For an induction motor: Motor_Speed = Stator_Frequency / Pole_Pairs – Slip_Speed
This is the rotor (mechanical) frequency, which is equivalent to the motor speed.
For a synchronous motor: Motor _Speed = Stator_Frequency / Pole_Pairs
Ids Magnetizing component of motor current
Iqs Torque component of motor current
Vds,ref Output of magnetizing current regulator used in the D-Q transformation to produce 3-phase voltages
Vqs,ref Output of torque current regulator used in the inverse D-Q transformation to produce 3-phase voltages
s Stator frequency or output frequency of the drive. This is motorspeed (r) + Slip.
S Flux angle. This is the instantaneous position of the rotating Slip vector.
Ia Ib, Ic Motor phase currents.
Motor torque (in Newton-meters) and shaft power can be calculated as:

Torque (Nm) = 3* Pole_Pairs * Flux (Vs)* Iqs (A)

≈ 3* Pole_Pairs * Motor_Voltage (V) * Iqs (A) / (2π * Frequency (Hz)),
Shaft Power (W) = Torque (Nm) * Speed (rad/s) = Torque (Nm) * Speed (rpm) / 9.55

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Application and Operation
6.2 The Control Modes

6.2.1 Open Loop Vector Control (OLVC)

This control mode should be used for most applications with single induction motors. In this
method, the control estimates motor slip as a function of load torque, and provides a
performance that matches a vector controlled drive (with speed sensor/transducer) above a
certain minimum speed. With the correct motor parameters, the control can provide good
performance even at 1% of rated speed.
Speed feedback is synthesized from the stator frequency and the estimated motor slip, as
shown in Figure "Block Diagram of Vector Control Algorithms for Induction and Synchronous
Motor Control". With this control method, slip compensation is automatic.
In this control mode, if Spinning Load is selected, the drive begins by scanning the frequency
range to detect the speed of the rotating motor (please refer to Section "Spinning Load") for
a description of Spinning Load Operation). Once the drive has completed the scan or if the
feature is disabled, the drive goes into Magnetizing State. During this state, the drive ramps
the motor flux to its commanded value at the specified Flux Ramp Rate. Only when the flux
feedback is within 90% of the commanded flux, the drive changes to the Run State. Once in
Run State, the drive increases the speed to the desired value. All motor and drive
parameters as described in the NXG Control Manual (19001588) are required for this mode
of operation. Default values for the control loop gains are sufficient for most applications.

6.2.2 Open Loop Test Mode (OLTM)

In this control method, the motor current feeback signals are ignored. This control mode
should be used drive set-up, when the modulation on the cells is to be verified, or when
testing the drive without a load. I can also be used when the motor is first connected to the
drive to make sure that the Hall Effect Transducers are working correctly and are providing
the correct feedback signals. This method should not be used to adjust scale factors for input
and output, voltage and currents.
In this mode, the drive goes trough the Magnetizing State to the Run State without looking at
the motor flux. Only motor nameplate values and some drive related parameters are required
for this mode. Special attention should be given to the following parameters:
1. Spinning Load and Fast Bypass should be disabled.
2. Acceleration and deceleration times (in the Speed Ramp Menu) should be increased.
3. Flux Demand should be reduced.

6.2.3 Synchronous Motor Control (SMC)

For synchronous motor control (SMC), the drive is equipped with a field exciter that usually
consists of a SCR based current regulator. The field exciter operates to maintain a field
current level that is commanded by the flux regulator. An example application for a brushless
synchronous motor is shown in Figure "Harmony Drive Arrangement for Brushless
Synchronous Motor". For brushless motors, the diagram assumes that the exciter stator is
wound for 3 phase AC in the range of 350 to 400 volts. If that is not the case, a transformer
will be necessary between the auxiliary power and the field exciter. The circuit wheel needs
only a rectifier. For the brushless case without bypass, the motor does not require any
protection other than that included in the drive. Next Gen Control will trip the drive on a loss
of field fault if the motor draws excessive reactive current, which will occur when the exciter
fails full on or off.

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Application and Operation
6.2 The Control Modes

The overall control strategy is similar to Open Loop Vector Control, except for the flux
regulator implementation as shown in Figure "Block Diagram of Vector Control Algorithms for
Induction and Synchronous Motor Control". For synchronous motors, the flux regulator
provides two current commands, one for the field exciter current, and another for the
magnetizing component of stator current.
With synchronous motor control, scanning the motor frequency to determine motor speed is
completely avoided. The control uses information from the rotor-induced speed voltages on
the stator to determine rotor speed. The drive begins (in the Magnetizing State) by giving a
field current command, which is equal to the no-load field current setting to the exciter. This
lasts for a time equal to the programmable flux ramp time that is entered through the menu
After this period of time, the drive goes into the run state. In most cases, the regulator in the
field exciter is slow, and the drive applies magnetizing current (through the stator windings)
to assist the exciter in establishing rated flux on the motor. At the same time, the speed
regulator commands a torque-producing current to accelerate the motor to the demanded
speed. Once the field exciter establishes the required field current to maintain flux in the
motor, the magnetizing component of stator current reduces to zero. From this point onward,
the drive provides torque-producing current (for acceleration or deceleration) that is in-phase
with the drive output voltage. In other words, under steady state conditions, unity power
factor condition is automatically maintained at the drive output. The field current command is
provided to the field exciter with the use of an analog output signal. Other differences
between SMC and OLVC are summarized below.
● The motor no-load current parameter represents the Field no-load current value in SMC.
● With SMC, the flux loop gains are slightly lower than with OLVC.
● Spinning Load should always be enabled with SMC.
● The drive magnetizing current regulator uses only the proportional gain for the flux

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6.2 The Control Modes

● Only Stage 1 Auto-Tuning can be used with synchronous motors.

● When you are performing Stage 1 Auto-Tuning, you must short the field winding to get a
proper setup of the stator resistance.

Never use Stage 2 Auto-tuning with synchronous motors.






Figure 6-3 Harmony Drive Arrangement for Brushless Synchronous Motor (with no bypass)

6.2.4 Volts/Hertz Control (V/Hz)

This control mode should be used when the drive is connected to multiple motors in parallel.
The control algorithm is similar to that of Open Loop Vector Control (OLVC), but it does not
use some of the motor parameters in its control algorithm that OLVC does.

Many of the features available with OLVC, such as fast bypass, spinning load, and slip
compensation, are not available with this method, as individual feedback and control of each
motor is not possible.

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Application and Operation
6.2 The Control Modes

6.2.5 Closed Loop Control (CLVC or CSMC)

In some applications, when stable, low speed (below 1 Hz) operation under high torque
conditions is required, an encoder may be used to provide speed feedback.
The control diagram of Figure "Block Diagram of Vector Control Algorithms for Induction and
Synchronous Motor Control" remains the same, except for the slip calculation block, which is
disabled so that encoder speed feedback is directly used as an input to the speed regulator.
When an encoder is used with the drive, the control loop type is required to be set to CLVC
(for closed loop vector control with an induction motor) or to CSMC (for closed loop vector
control with a synchronous motor). Spinning load should be enabled when this control mode
is enabled.

6.2.6 Slip Cpmpensation

NEMA B induction motors require slip of the rotor speed (RPM) relative to the stator speed
(frequency) to develop torque. The amount of slip is directly affected by the loading of the
machine. For induction motors, the control provides Slip Compensation to the speed
reference to allow the motor to run at a constant speed, regardless of the torque output
Slip Compensation operates as an open loop speed regulator that increases the electrical
output frequency of the drive as the load increases, or decreases the frequency as the load

Effect of Slip Compensation on Motor Speed with NXG Control

With Slip Compensation, the electrical frequency is always greater than the desired shaft
speed (mechanical frequency) for all non-zero loads. Therefore, at 100% speed demand, the
NXG OLVC will maintain the shaft speed at the rated synchronous speed of the motor, not
full load speed.

A 6-pole motor rated for 60 Hz has a synchronous speed of 1200 rpm. The Full Load speed
from the motor nameplate is 1192 rpm. Sending a speed demand of 100% will produce a
mechanical (shaft) speed of 1200 rpm with slip compensation. This will result in a higher
output (electrical) frequency to the motor, to provide the necessary torque to achieve the
desired speed. The slip frequency is directly proportional to the required torque, up to the
rated torque current.

Sending the drive a speed demand of 100% means that Synchronous or Rated Speed is
desired. This is calculated by equation 1 below.
Synchronous Speed, Ns, is defined by the formula:
1. NS = 120 * fRATED / # of poles
Slip is defined as a percentage (at rated torque) of the difference between synchronous and
full-load speed (NFL) divided by the synchronous speed:
1. Slip (%) = 100 * (NS - NFL) / NS

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Application and Operation
6.2 The Control Modes

With slip compensation, the slip frequency is subtracted from the output frequency (fOUT) to
ensure that the mechanical speed matches the desired speed. In simple terms, this is done
by taking the per unit (PU) Torque (TPU) times the slip and subtracting it from the speed
feedback (in frequency), effectively adding it to the speed reference:
1. SMOT = fOUT - (Slip * TPU)
In equation 4, SERR represents the error signal processed by the speed regulator. The
implication for this is that for a speed command of 100%, based on the synchronous speed,
the applied electrical frequency will be higher than rated frequency due to the increase
created by the slip compensation (equation 3 and 4). This will result in the motor running at
true requested mechanical speed with the electrical frequency adjusted to provide the torque
necessary to produce that speed.

Limiting Frequency by Disabling Slip Compensation

If the motor is to be limited to a specific frequency, then the slip compensation can be
disabled. In the same example, the Full Load speed must be set to 1200 rpm. This
effectively disables the slip compensation by reducing equation 2 to produce a slip of zero.
Then equation 3 and 4 reduce to:
1. Slip = (1200 - 1200) / 1200 = 0
2. SMOT = fOUT - 0 = fOUT
The end result will be that the drive will regulate to the output frequency rather than the
motor shaft speed (mechanical speed). No compensation for slip is done.

With Slip compensation:
● Output shaft speed will equal the percentage of synchronous speed requested
● The frequency will vary depending on load, but the speed will be fixed
● Motor Speed in rpm should be monitored
Without Slip Compensation:
● The Output Frequency will equal the speed demand percentage of rated frequency
● The mechanical (shaft) speed will vary with load, but the frequency will be fixed
● Motor Frequency in Hz should be monitored

6.2.7 Frequency Regulator

A Frequency Regulator generates the motor’s torque-producing current reference. The
Stator Frequency Reference (Ws_ref) is generated from the output of the Slip Compensator.
The Stator Frequency (Wout) comes from Phase Lock Loop (an estimate of the actual stator
frequency). The Frequency Regulator is evaluated at 1/5th of the inner current loop update

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Application and Operation
6.2 The Control Modes

6.2.8 Torque Current Regulator

The Torque Current Regulator generates the motor’s Q-axis motor voltage. The Torque
Producing Motor Current Reference (Iqs_ref) is generated from the output of the Frequency
Regulator. The Torque Producing Current Feedback (Iqs) comes from Motor Current D-Q
converter. The Torque Current Regulator is evaluated at the inner current loop update rate.
This regulator is the innermost (i.e., fastest) control loop in the NXG Control operating at the
sampling rate of the system (typically 3 to 6 KHz).

6.2.9 Magnetizing Current Regulator

The Magnetizing Current Regulator generates the D-axis motor voltage reference. The
Magnetizing Motor Current Reference (Ids_ref) is generated from the output of the Flux
Regulator. The Magnetizing Producing Current Feedback (Ids) comes from Motor Current D-
Q converter. The Torque Current Regulator is evaluated at the inner current loop update
rate. This regulator is the innermost (i.e., fastest) control loop in the NXG Control operating
at the sampling rate of the system (typically 3 to 6 KHz).

6.2.10 Flux Regulator

The Flux Regulator generates the magnetizing motor current reference. The Flux Reference
(λds_ref) is generated from the control’s flux ramp. The Flux Feedback (λds) comes from
Motor Voltage D-Q converter. The Flux Regulator is evaluated at 1/5th of the inner current
loop update rate.

6.2.11 Phase Lock Loop

The Phase Lock Loop module generates the Flux Angle (θ) and Stator Frequency (ωout). The
Flux Q-axis term is generated by the motor voltage D-Q transformation (λqs). The Phase
Lock Loop module is evaluated at 1/5th of the inner current loop update rate.

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Application and Operation
6.3 High Performance Control

6.3 High Performance Control

When applying the Harmony drives, applications requiring high starting torque or low speed
operation are considered as "High performance" control.

6.3.1 Low Speed Operation

In some applications, when stable, low speed (below 1 Hz) operation under high torque
conditions is required, an encoder may be used to provide speed feedback. Use of a shaft
encoder is recommended where the control’s slip calculation block is disabled so that
encoder speed feedback is directly used as an input to the speed regulator.When an
encoder is used with the drive, the control loop type is required to be set to CLVC (for closed
loop vector control with an induction motor) or to CSMC (for closed loop vector control with a
synchronous motor). The VFD’s Spinning load function should be enabled when this control
mode is enabled.

6.3.2 High Starting Torque

When OLVC or CLVC control is used, the harmony VFD can deliver approximately 85-90%
torque with 100% rated motor current. The V/Hz control mode can provide 95-100% torque
at 100% motor rated current.
This control mode is useful for obtaining high starting torque in applications with high series
resistance (> 10%). To enable this mode of operation, the following conditions should be
● Drive control loop type should be set to V/HZ
● Rated slip should be non-zero
● Minimum speed limit should be greater than rated slip
For long cable applications, the minimum speed limit should be set to be the same as the
percentage value of the total resistance in series with the motor. For example, if the total
series resistance (motor + cable) is about 30% of the motor base impedance (this is a very
long cable!), a minimum speed limit of 30% should be set.
The magnetization time or the Flux Ramp Rate should be set to at least twice the rotor time
constant of the motor.

Drive Operation in High Starting Torque Mode

Once the drive start is issued, the drive goes through the following stages to the minimum
speed setting, irrespective of the speed demand. (Refer to Figure 5-4.) During the initial
stages after the drive start is given, the drive operates in an open loop mode (i.e., both
speed and flux loops are initially disabled).
During the magnetization stage, the drive applies a magnetizing component equal to the no-
load current parameter. The drive then ramps up to rated slip speed while increasing the
torque component (Iqs) of current to its rated value. The drive maintains rated current for a
time duration equal to the magnetization time. During this time, the motor should produce
rated torque under locked rotor (or high stiction) conditions.

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Application and Operation
6.3 High Performance Control

The control then ramps the output from rated slip to the minimum speed limit while
maintaining rated current. At minimum speed, the control holds the speed ramp for one
second at this value, reduces the torque current (Iqs), and enables the speed loop. One
second later, the flux loop is enabled and the drive resumes acceleration to the desired
speed demand. After the flux loop has been enabled, if the drive senses that the motor flux is
low (or Ids is too high), then the drive trips on Fail to Magnetize Fault within the time set by
the Flux Ramp Time. Note that a "bump" in output voltage may be noticed when the flux loop
is enabled, since the control transitions from an open loop control to closed loop using
measured voltages and current.
When a stop command is issued, the drive ramps down normally from the operating speed
to the minimum speed settings, and then transitions to a coast stop (i.e., drive output is


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581 6723

Figure 6-4 Drive Operation in High Starting Torque Mode

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Application and Operation
6.4 System Program (SOP)

6.4 System Program (SOP)

The Harmony Series of digital drives contain customized programmable logic functions that
define many features and capabilities of the drives. These logic functions are combined into
a system program (SOP) that can be edited either at the factory or in the field. Examples of
logic functions include start/stop control logic, reference signal handling, input/output control
logic (e.g., annunciators, interlocks, etc.), drive-to-machinery coordination and more. The
system program is stored on the drive’s flash disk. Upon power-up, it is executed
continuously by the drive’s run-time software in a repetitive fashion, causing the intended
logic statements to perform their functionality depending on system operating conditions.The
SOP is developed and compiled off-line and can be downloaded to the drive’s flash disk via
either serial or Ethernet ports. Note that while the drive flash disk can hold multiple system
programs, only one SOP can be active at any time, and the VFD output must be idle to
change the active SOP.

See also
Raw Speed Reference (Page 119)

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Application and Operation
6.5 Command Generator

6.5 Command Generator

This section defines the Command generator functional blocks shown in Figure " Command





Figure 6-5 Command Generator

6.5.1 Raw Speed Reference

The NXG Control includes provisions for output speed demand entry as required for a
specific application. The active reference source is configured per specific system
requirements and can be dynamically changed. This is implemented via the drive’s "System
Program" as defined in Section "System Program (SOP)". An overview of each of the major
functional blocks is defined next, and a detailed description is provided in the NXG Control
Manual, 19001588.

Analog Input Sources

The NXG control provides a means to provide multiple analog input sources that can be
selected as demand inputs to the system. The control scales these analog values into
internal units, and monitors the levels for possible loss of signal conditions. The control
includes provisions for predetermination of VFD action upon loss of signal conditions,
including maintain speed, transition to preset speed, or trip VFD.

Ratio Control
The Ratio control is simply a fractional scaling unit available for the analog reference signals.
This feature allows multiple drives to share the same reference signal with rescaled output
signal levels.

PID Controller
The PID loop is programmable from User Interface. The PID Command set point can be
either an external Analog Input or an internal set point. The PID Feedback is always from an
Analog Input. The Proportional, Integral, and Derivative gains, as well PID output limits, are

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6.5 Command Generator

Set Point Sources

Set Points are internal menu entries that are static values based on user entry, keypad
settings, or remote demand from a network communication interface. There are a total of
eight inputs that are menu entries from remote communications. There are two special
additional entries that are reserved for safety override and jog level set points.
● Keypad
– Front panel keypad (or ToolSuite computer) used to set speed demand
● Increment/Decrement (Sample and Hold)
– Digital inputs (x2) that increase/decrease raw speed demand at the active
acceleration/deceleration rate, while input is maintained
● Increment/Decrement Step
– Digital Inputs (x6) that provide programmable step change to output demand each
time input transitions from Low to High state
● Preset levels
– Multiple user-defined preset values via menu system
● Jog
– Set to maximum active speed limit, intended for test purposes to "bump" motor
● Communication Network
– Digital Value as set per external communication interface to a PLC/DCS

6.5.2 Speed Profile

The Speed Profile uses the velocity demand signal as input, and generates a modified Best
Fit Straight Line (BFSL) velocity demand output.

6.5.3 Critical Speed Avoidance

Critical speed avoidance is used to prohibit the drive from operating in frequency ranges that
may cause resonant frequencies in mechanical systems. The NXG control provides three
independent avoidance bands.

6.5.4 Polarity Control

Polarity control is simply an inverter. The output of the polarity block is the opposite polarity
of the input. The selection of this feature is based solely on the system program logic.

6.5.5 Speed Ramp

The Speed ramp is a functional block that takes an input demand and generates an output
with a controlled rate of change, based on the acceleration and deceleration limits

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Application and Operation
6.5 Command Generator

established by the end user. Provisions are included for multiple sets of acceleration and
deceleration settings. The control provides a means to use any one of three separate menu-
defined acceleration/deceleration sets, or PLC network control as selected by the SOP.

6.5.6 Speed Limit

The Speed Limit simply limits the final output of the demand shaping chain to within preset
operating limits defined by the user. Provisions are included for multiple sets of forward
rotation maximum/minimum limits, and reverse rotation maximum/minimum limits. The
control provides a means to use any one of three separate menu-defined speed limit sets, or
PLC network control as selected by the SOP.

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Application and Operation
6.6 Energy Saver

6.6 Energy Saver

The NXG Control includes provisions for output speed demand entry as required for a
specific application. The active reference source is configured per specific system
requirements and can be dynamically changed. This is implemented via the drive’s "System
Program" as defined in Section 5.4. An overview of each of the major functional blocks is
defined next, and a detailed description is provided in the NXG Control Manual, 19001588.

Analog Input Sources

The NXG control provides a means to provide multiple analog input sources that can be
selected as demand inputs to the system. The control scales these analog values into
internal units, and monitors the levels for possible loss of signal conditions. The control
includes provisions for predetermination of VFD action upon loss of signal conditions,
including maintain speed, transition to preset speed, or trip VFD.

Ratio Control
The Ratio control is simply a fractional scaling unit available for the analog reference signals.
This feature allows multiple drives to share the same reference signal with rescaled output
signal levels.

PID Controller
The PID loop is programmable from User Interface. The PID Command set point can be
either an external Analog Input or an internal set point. The PID Feedback is always from an
Analog Input. The Proportional, Integral, and Derivative gains, as well PID output limits, are

Set Point Sources

Set Points are internal menu entries that are static values based on user entry, keypad
settings, or remote demand from a network communication interface. There are a total of
eight inputs that are menu entries from remote communications. There are two special
additional entries that are reserved for safety override and jog level set points.
● Keypad
– Front panel keypad (or ToolSuite computer) used to set speed demand
● Increment/Decrement (Sample and Hold)
– Digital inputs (x2) that increase/decrease raw speed demand at the active
acceleration/deceleration rate, while input is maintained
● Increment/Decrement Step
– Digital Inputs (x6) that provide programmable step change to output demand each
time input transitions from Low to High state
● Preset levels
– Multiple user-defined preset values via menu system

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6.6 Energy Saver

● Jog
– Set to maximum active speed limit, intended for test purposes to "bump" motor
● Communication Network
– Digital Value as set per external communication interface to a PLC/DCS

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Application and Operation
6.7 Drive Output Torque Limiting

6.7 Drive Output Torque Limiting

The drive uses measured voltages and currents to implement torque-limit (rollback)
conditions. Under one or more of these conditions, the drive will continue to operate, but at a
lower output torque (or current) level. An output torque limit will force the motor (and the
drive) to go into speed rollback, during which speed is reduced until the torque demanded by
the load falls below the torque limit. Rollbacks, which are triggered by various conditions, are
described in the following sections. The control will limit output current based on the lowest
value determined.

6.7.1 Torque/Regeneration Limit

When the VFD output current exceeds the maximum torque-limit setting for the motor, the
drive will limit output current. An inverse speed function based on the Regeneration limit
setting is used during drive deceleration. This forces the drive to absorb a constant amount
of power from the load.Provisions are included for multiple menu settings of
torque/regeneration limits. The control provides a means to use any one of three separate
menu-defined torque/regeneration limits, PLC network control, or analog signal as selected
by the SOP.

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Application and Operation
6.7 Drive Output Torque Limiting

6.7.2 Input Under-Voltage Rollback

When the input line voltage drops below 90% of its rated value, the drive limits the amount of
power (and hence the torque) that can be delivered to the load. The maximum allowable
drive power as a function of line voltage is shown in Figure " Drive Power (Pmax) as
Function of Input Voltage Magnitude (Ed)". At 66% input voltage, the maximum drive power
is limited to 50%, and is quickly reduced to a slightly negative value at 65%. This limit forces
the drive to absorb power from the motor and maintain the (cell) DC-bus voltages, in case
the input voltage recovers during MV ride-through. The limit is implemented as an inverse
function of speed to maintain constant power flow to the (cell) DC-bus. A regulator is
implemented to match the maximum drive power (PMAX) to the actual power flowing into the
drive. The output of this regulator sets the output torque limit. The NXG control provides
menu settings for the proportional and integral gains of this regulator.



Figure 6-6 Drive Power (Pmax) as Function of Input Voltage Magnitude (Ed)

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Application and Operation
6.7 Drive Output Torque Limiting

6.7.3 Input Single-Phase Rollback

With Next Gen Control, input voltage unbalance (Eunbalance) is used for rolling back the drive
output torque. Figure "Drive Power (Pmax) as Function of Input Unbalance Voltage
(Eunbalance)" shows the reduction in drive power as a function of the unbalance voltage.
When the unbalance is less than 10%, the drive operates without any output limitation. There
is a linear reduction as the unbalance voltage increases from 10% to 30%, at which point the
input has a single-phase condition. When the input line voltage unbalance increases above
30%, the drive limits the amount of output power that can be delivered to the load to 40% of


Figure 6-7 Drive Power (Pmax) as Function of Input Unbalance Voltage (Eunbalance)

A regulator is implemented to match the maximum drive power (PMAX) with the actual power
flowing from the drive. The output of this regulator sets the output torque limit. The NXG
control provides menu settings for the proportional and integral gains of this regulator, as
well as an alarm setting for single-phase input detection.

6.7.4 Transformer Thermal Rollback

The input currents to the drive are monitored continuously. The largest among the three
input phase currents is limited to be at or below 105% of the nominal rating of the
transformer. Drive output torque is reduced when this current level is exceeded. An integral
regulator is implemented to limit the maximum input current to 105%. The output of this
regulator sets the output torque limit. The NXG Control provides a thermal gain parameter to
represent the integral gain of this regulator.

6.7.5 Field-Weakening Limit

The field-weakening limit is a torque limit that is based on the motor flux and motor leakage
inductance. This limit prevents the motor slip from exceeding pullout torque slip. Thus, it
prevents unstable operation of the motor. This limit normally occurs when motor flux is
reduced significantly during energy-saver operation, or when operating beyond the base
speed of the motor. Under such conditions, a large step (increase) in load will force the
output to be limited, resulting in a loss of speed rather than motor pullout.

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Application and Operation
6.7 Drive Output Torque Limiting

6.7.6 Cell Current Overload

The NXG Control provides a power cell (current) overload setting. A cell can operate at this
overload value for 1 minute out of every 10 minutes. When the current is between the cell
rating and the overload rating, the time spent at that level is inversely proportional to the
overload current setting. The following Table provides an example of the time versus current
overload capability with a cell that has 120% overload capacity.

Table 6- 3 Example of Overload Current Capability versus Time of Cell with 120% Overload

Drive current (%) Allowed operating time (out of every 10 minutes)

120 1 minute
110 2 minutes
105 4 minutes
100 Continuous

The power cells used in Harmony drives do not have a fixed overload capability. Please refer
to the cell’s overload rating as shown in Chapter GenIV Specifications"" of this document to
determine the overload capability for a specific power cell.

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Application and Operation
6.8 Drive Tuning

6.8 Drive Tuning

Section "Auto Tuning" describes the Auto Tuning feature provided by the NXG control and its
use in determining motor and control parameters. Section "Spinning Load" describes the
setup of the Spinning Load function. This feature is used by the drive control to detect motor
speed by scanning the output frequency over the operating range of the application.

6.8.1 Auto Tuning

The basic motor parameters can be divided into two categories: nameplate data and
equivalent circuit data. Nameplate data, as the name suggests, is readily available (such as
Motor Rated Voltage, Full Load Current, etc.). However, equivalent circuit data (such as
Stator Resistance, No-load Current, etc.) is available only from the motor manufacturer. If
this data is available, it can be entered into the NXG menu system. If this data is not
available, either default settings or Auto-tuning functions can be used.

Auto Tuning is optional, but as stated above, it is recommended for applications in which
high performance is required.

The correct equivalent circuit data is required only when good control performance, such as
high starting torque or very low speed operation, is desired.

When operating an induction motor, the drive control is capable of performing Auto-Tuning.
This feature allows the drive to estimate parameters of the motor equivalent circuit. There
are two stages of auto-tuning, each stage being selected individually. Apart from measuring
the motor equivalent circuit parameters during auto-tuning, the control uses the measured
motor parameters to adjust the control loops for the best possible control bandwidth (the
bandwidth for each control loop is fixed internally in software), and hence provides good
performance in demanding applications. Such a feature provides drive tuning without the
need for an extensive adjustment procedure. Although the auto-tuning feature can be used
with all induction motors, there are some limitations. Both stages of auto-tuning can be
performed with induction motors (OLVC or CLVC).

Only Stage 1 should be performed with Synchronous Motors (SMC or CSMC) or when
Output Filters are connected.

In most general-purpose applications (such as pumps and fans), default data for the motor
equivalent circuit is sufficient and auto-tuning is not necessary.

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Application and Operation
6.8 Drive Tuning

Lethal voltages will appear on the drive outputs during both stages (1 and 2) of Auto

Auto Tune Stage 1

Stage 1 determines the Stator Resistance and Leakage Inductance. This stage of auto
tuning does not require the motor to be de-coupled from the load. The motor does not rotate
during this Stage. The data obtained from Stage 1 is used to tune the inner regulators that
control motor current. The current loop gains are automatically calculated and saved by the

Auto Tune Stage 2

Stage 2 determines the no-load motor current and the motor inertia. The motor rotates at
30% of rated speed during this stage. Generally, this stage of auto tuning requires the motor
to be de-coupled from the load. Ensure that it is acceptable to spin the motor before this test
is enabled. Data obtained in Stage 2 is used to optimize the operation of the outer loops that
control motor speed and motor flux. The speed and flux loop gains are automatically
calculated and saved by the control.

The motor will spin during Stage 2 of Auto Tuning.

Quadratic loads, such as pumps and fans, do not require the motor to be de-coupled for
Stage 2 auto tuning. The control is designed to minimize the errors introduced by such loads.

See also
Drive Tuning (Page 128)

6.8.2 Spinning Load

The Spinning Load feature allows the drive to determine the speed of a motor that is already
rotating. The drive is thus able to apply output voltages at the same frequency as the rotating
motor, and minimize any chance of a speed transient. The Spinning Load feature in NXG
Control is divided into two stages. During the first stage, Spinning Load operates
automatically when enabled, and requires no user adjustments. The drive control monitors
motor flux, and is able to provide an instantaneous restart. This stage is valid as long as
there is detectable flux in the motor. Typically, the drive is capable of restarting
instantaneously if the time duration between drive disable and re-start is within 3 to 4 motor
time constants.

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6.8 Drive Tuning

The second stage consists of a scan feature during which a preset level of current of varying
frequency is applied to the motor. The control monitors the measured motor flux, and when
the motor flux exceeds a programmable flux threshold, the control assumes that the applied
frequency is equal to the rotating speed of the motor.
Spinning Load should be enabled if any of the following operating modes or features is
● Fast Bypass
● VFD Startup while motor is spinning (forward or reverse)o Note that the ability to catch
and decelerate a motor spinning in the reverse direction is determined by the drive’s
regenerative current capabilities
● Synchronous Motor Control (SMC and CSMC)
● Close Loop Vector Control (CLVC)

Spinning Load does not provide instantaneous restart with V/Hz control. With
synchronous motors, spinning load is always instantaneous, i.e., the drive will never go
into a scan mode.

See also
Open Loop Vector Control (OLVC) (Page 110)
Drive Tuning (Page 128)

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6.9 User IO

6.9 User IO
The VFD provides terminal strips as required for end-user connection of isolated analog and
digital input/output signals to the drive. Specific I/O implementation is customized for each
drive where the end user must refer to drawings provided with the drive. The NXG control
interfaces each of these IO points via either built-in or expansion IO modules. The built-in IO
is dedicated to IO points critical to drive operation. The expansion IO connections, as
required, are intended for system IO that is for typical drive operation or non-critical for
The system includes provisions for the following types of IO where specific configuration is
as shown with the drive’s drawing set. Note that the SOP determines the routing of each of
these IO points, while the NXG Control provides a means to define the type and scaling of
the analog signals.
● Analog Inputs/Outputs
– 0-20 mA
– 4-20 mA
– 0±10 V
● Digital Inputs - low side switching
– 24 VDC
– 120 VAC
● Digital (Relay) outputs
– Normally open or normally closed contacts available
– Refer to system drawings for contact ratings

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6.10 Data Logs

6.10 Data Logs

The NXG control includes 3 separate data loggers to record events detected by the software.
Each of these logs are stored in non-volatile memory and can be captured by the user via
the VFD’s serial debug port or the Ethernet Port. The debug port is a standard RS232
interface. Data file access via the Ethernet port requires the user to connect a PC running
the NXG Tool Suite software (as described in Section "Tool Suite") to the drive, and
uploading the files to the PC’s hard drive or display.

6.10.1 Fault Log

The Fault Log consists of a circular buffer that records up to 256 faults or alarms. This log
allows the user to access the 256 most recent faults and/or alarms that have been detected.
The faults/alarms are time stamped to a resolution of 1 second, and also include a time
stamp showing when the fault/alarm was reset/cleared.

6.10.2 Historic Log

The Historic Log records operating data of the drive and is frozen upon detection of a fault.
The data recorded consists of both fixed and programmable data points, which are sampled
at the slow loop rate (typically 300-600 Hz). Upon detection of a drive fault by the NXG
software, the fault is recorded at time =0 and the drive continues to record data for a brief
period after the fault. This allows recovery of data just prior to and after any fault so that
operational data prior to and after the fault can be reviewed. Note that a new fault will
overwrite the recorded Historic Log. The Event log includes provisions to copy/record the
historic log so that all fault events are recorded.

6.10.3 Event Log

The Event Log is a very large circular file that is used to record time stamped (1 second
resolution) significant drive events that are encountered. Data in the log includes:
● All Faults/Alarms (essentially Fault Log data)
● Historic Log, if enabled
● Significant Events, including:
– CPU Bootup
– Medium Voltage status
– Drive operating state changes (e.g., idle, magnetize, run, stop, etc.)
– Fault reset requests from usero Menu entries

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Application and Operation
6.11 Faults and Alarms

6.11 Faults and Alarms

If a fault or alarm condition exists, it will be annunciated on the keypad and recorded in both
the Fault and Event Logs. External hardwire indicators are also set as defined in the System
Program. PLC access is available for all faults/alarms.
All faults will immediately remove power from the motor and inhibit the drive from running,
resulting in the motor coasting to rest. Some faults that are user-defined can control the drive
response via the system program. Alarms are annunciated and logged, but usually do not
inhibit the drive from operation. Faults are either detected via direct hardware sensing or by
software algorithm.
The NXG control includes both internal faults and alarms and the ability to define "User
Faults" via the SOP, which can be set as either faults or alarms.
Regardless of the source, all faults are user-friendly messages displayed in plain text where
no fault "code" numbers are used. User Fault/Alarm messages allow the SOP writer to
define the fault as desired, with a 24-character limit.

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Application and Operation
6.12 Motor Overload

6.12 Motor Overload

NXG Perfect Harmony control provides Motor Thermal Overload (TOL) protection to prevent
the motor from being subjected to excessive temperatures. TOL protection of the motor can
be set up using the NXG control menu system. The "overload select" parameter allows one
of three options to be selected for motor protection. The first model, which is called
"constant," is based on the current flowing into the motor. A Motor Thermal Overload Alarm 1
is issued as a warning to the user (of an impending overload fault) when the motor current
exceeds the "overload pending" parameter. When the drive current exceeds the "overload"
setting, Motor Thermal Overload Alarm 2 is issued and a thermal trip timer is started. If this
condition is present for a period greater than the time set in the "overload timeout"
parameter, the drive will trip and annunciate the event as Motor Thermal Overload Fault. It
should be noted that both the Alarms 1 and 2 have to be enabled through the SOP for the
drive to display these conditions.
The second and third thermal models, which are called "straight inverse time" and "inverse
time with thresholds," use a software motor thermal model to determine motor temperature
(see Figure "Block Diagram of Motor Thermal Model"). For these options, the "overload
pending" and "overload" settings represent the motor temperature limits (in percent of rated
motor temperature) at which the overload warning and trip are generated. A brief description
of the thermal model follows.

ː 0 7+



Figure 6-8 Block Diagram of Motor Thermal Model

The motor model estimates motor temperature based on the net heat generated in the motor
and its thermal mass. A block diagram of the implementation is shown in Figure "Block
Diagram of Motor Thermal Model". The heat generated in the motor is estimated from the
stator voltages, currents, and motor parameters, while an estimate of the heat transferred
from the motor (due to motor cooling) is made from the allowable motor current (explained in
the following paragraph). The motor loss calculation also includes the losses generated with
Dual-Frequency Braking. The thermal mass (shown as MTH) of the motor (or its heat
capacity) is determined from the maximum load inertia listed in Table 20-1 of NEMA
Standard MG-1 1993 Part 20.42. The user has the option of entering a known value of max
load inertia as well (which can be obtained from the manufacturer).
If "straight inverse time" protection is chosen, then it is assumed that the motor has an
allowable current level of 100% (for example, when the motor is equipped with a constant-
speed cooling fan). With "inverse time with speed-derating," the allowable current level is
determined from the speed-derating curve entered through the keypad. This curve requires
the user to enter allowable motor load for various speed breakpoints. The default-derating
curve provides breakpoints for a quadratic cooling curve (and is shown in Figure "Default
Speed Derating Curve showing Maximum Motor Load as Function of Speed"). The motor

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6.12 Motor Overload

manufacturer normally provides data for this curve. The control software uses the allowable
current level to determine the cooling capability of the motor.
If the user’s preference is to enter a fixed value of an allowable current level other than 100%
(as with the "straight inverse time" option), the speed-derating curve can be modified to have
the same desired level for all breakpoints.




Figure 6-9 Default Speed Derating Curve showing Maximum Motor Load as Function of Speed

The plot in Figure " Drive Current (in percent of motor rated current) vs. Time taken for Motor
Temperature to rise from Rated Temperature to 120% of rated *" shows results from an
experimental evaluation of the software thermal model with the "straight inverse time" option
(100% "overload" setting) for various levels of drive current. A 4 kV, 300 Hp motor was used
for this test. The experimental data shows the time taken for the estimated motor
temperature to go from rated temperature to 120% of rated. This curve is quite conservative
as compared to a Class 10 TOL that trips at 280 sec with 150% current and at 630sec with
125% current.




* The data was measured with the "straight inverse time" option.
Figure 6-10 Drive Current (in percent of motor rated current) vs. Time taken for Motor Temperature to
rise from Rated Temperature to 120% of rated *

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6.13 Input Side Monitoring and Protection

6.13 Input Side Monitoring and Protection

The NXG Control monitors input side voltages and currents, as well as those on the output
side. This allows the control to monitor and respond to events on the input side of the drive.
RMS values of the input currents and voltages are available, along with input power, kVA,
energy, and power factor. Figure " Block Diagram of Input -Side M onitoring" shows a
simplified view of the functions implemented for input side monitoring. Other quantities, such
as drive efficiency, average input current THD, and individual harmonic component (in input
voltages/currents), are also calculated. All variables have an accuracy of ±1%, except for
efficiency (< ±2%) and input current THD (±1% above ~60% of rated power). A list of
symbols used in Figure " Block Diagram of Input -Side Monitoring" and a description of the
parameters they represent are given in Table " List of Symbols Used in Figure "Block
Diagram of Input-Side Monitoring". Note that the definitions of Id and Iq components of the
input current are different from the output side quantities.
Input side monitoring allows the drive to protect the secondary side of the transformer from
abnormal conditions. Two faults, excessive drive losses, and one-cycle protection are
generated under such conditions. Input side control also provides torque current limiting for
line under-voltage, single-phasing, and transformer overload conditions.




ෘ7R'4 3RZHU


506&DOF 0D[506 ;IUPU


Figure 6-11 Block Diagram of Input-Side Monitoring

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Table 6- 4 List of Symbols Used in Figure "Block Diagram of Input-Side Monitoring"

Name Description
Erms Average rms voltage (of all 3 phases)
Ed Amplitude of voltage taking the transformer tap setting into account. This represents the actual
voltage being provided to the cells. If the tap setting is +5%, Ed will be 5% smaller than Erms, and
vice versa.
Ea,b,c Zero sequence (DC offset) corrected input phase voltages
U Input frequency
U Angle of input-side flux
Irms Average rms current (in all 3 phases)
Id Real component of input current
Iq Reactive component of input current
Ia,b,c Single-phase components of input current

6.13.1 One Cycle Protection

NXG Control utilizes input reactive current to determine whether a "hard" fault on the
secondary side of the transformer has occurred. For example, a short-circuit in one of the
secondary windings will result in poor power factor on the high-voltage side of the
transformer. A model of the transformer, based on the power factor at rated load, is
implemented in the control processor. The drive input reactive current is continuously
checked with the predicted value from the model. An alarm/trip is generated if the actual
reactive current exceeds the prediction by more than 10%. This check is avoided during
medium voltage power-up to avoid the inrush current from causing nuisance trips.

The following Figure shows the implementation of One Cycle Protection.

. WU


ː , JDLQ




Figure 6-12 Implementation of One Cycle Protection

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Transformer Model
The Transformer Model block in Figure "Implementation of One Cycle Protection" provides
the maximum value of the input reactive current for a given value of transformer constant,
Ktr, as given below:
IReactive,Max = 1.10 * (0.05 + Ktr * IReal2)
The following Figure shows a plot of the Max Reactive Current versus Real Current with a
transformer constant of 0.5.




Figure 6-13 Plot of Max Reactive Current Versus Real Current with Transformer Constant of 0.5

Integral Timer
The integral timer gain can be calculated based on the desired response time (Ttrip) as
shown below:
Igain = Ttrip / (Error * Slow_loop_sample_rate)
● Error is the maximum error (in per unit) that can be tolerated between IReactive,Max and
actual reactive current Ireactive
● Slow_loop_sample_rate is the sample frequency of the slow loop (typically 450 – 600 Hz).

6.13.2 Excessive Drive Losses

NXG control utilizes input power and output power calculations to determine whether an
internal fault has occurred. Drive Power Loss is estimated as the difference between input
power and output power. This quantity is continuously checked with a pre-defined threshold
that is inverse time-based, i.e., if the threshold is exceeded by a large margin, then the trip
occurs a short time after the event, and vice-versa.

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The follwing Figure shows the implementation of the Drive Loss fault circuit.




Figure 6-14 Implementation of the Drive Loss Fault Circuit

Inverse Time Curve

The follwing Figure shows the inverse time-to-trip curves as a function of Drive Losses. Each
plot shows two curves – one for Idle State and the other for Run State (slightly longer time to
trip). For software versions 2.22 and lower, a fixed trip time of one second was used instead
of the curves shown next.











Figure 6-15 Inverse Time-To-Trip Curves Left - Idle State, Right - Run State

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Internal Threshold
The internal threshold is a function of the rated drive input power. For example, in Run State,
the internal threshold is given as:

Internal Threshold = 0.07 * rated Drive Input Poser

= 0.07 * √3 * Rated Input Voltage * Rated Input Current

The excessive losses threshold is programmable via the NXG menu system. This value is
preset and should not be changed without consulting the factory.

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Application and Operation
6.14 Cell Bypass

6.14 Cell Bypass

6.14.1 Fast Bypass

Up time is an important factor in many processes. A Medium Voltage drive is often a critical
part of the process and even small interruptions in output torque of a Medium Voltage drive
can cause the process to stop. This can result in lost material and production time.
Fortunately, in general, a process can ride through an interruption of ½ second or less. The
NXG control has a feature that is designed to limit the interruption of torque to the process by
less than ½ second if a cell fault is detected. This feature is called Fast Bypass, which
utilizes the capabilities of the NXG Control system and the cell bypass functionality. The
conditions that must exist for the drive to meet this ½ second maximum interruption are
described below.
Possible abnormal operating conditions are detected in cell control board hardware. This
hardware is designed to quickly shut down the drive to minimize damage. Once this
happens, NXG control is then signaled. The control can then quickly determine which cell
faulted and the bypass process can be started. When the drive trips and stops delivering
torque to the motor, the motor acts like a generator and produces a voltage on the drive
output terminals. This voltage decays over time, but can be near the drive rated output
voltage for a few seconds. If a cell is bypassed, the remaining cells may not be able to
support this voltage and damage can occur. To prevent this damage, a check is done in the
control to verify that the motor output voltage can be supported before a cell is bypassed. If
sufficient output voltage is available, the cell can be bypassed and torque can be delivered to
the motor in under ½ second from the time the cell fault occurred. If the motor voltage is too
high, the control will delay the bypass process to allow the back EMF voltage to decay. To
guarantee that the drive will bypass a cell fault in under ½ second, the drive needs to be
operating at an output voltage that N-1 cells can supply. One way is for the drive to be sized
so that it has more than the minimum number of cells required to provide the voltage
needed, defined as N+X redundancy (where X is typically 1 or 3), following cell bypass.
Another solution is to limit the maximum speed following cell bypass. These issues must be
studied and resolved before the drive is installed.

Fast bypass is dependent upon the available output voltage.

Acceleration following cell bypass is dependent upon parameter ramp rates and available
torque current.

6.14.2 Fast Bypass Process

The Fast Bypass process is summarized as follows, where control mode must be OLVC,
CLVC, Fast Bypass must be enabled.
1. VFD output enabled, output phase locked loop valid
2. Any cell fault occurs, output phase lock loop continues to track motor
3. VFD output disabled (all power cells disabled by NXG hardware)

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4. NXG control detects cell fault(s)

5. NXG control monitors motor back EMF until it is within "safe" voltage
6. Control issues commands to bypass faulted cell(s)
7. Brief delay to allow mechanical contactors to fully close
8. Spinning load algorithm is performed (OLVC, CLVC) to detect motor voltage/frequency/
9. VFD output is enabled, synchronized to detected motor position/speed
10.VFD output ramps back to motor speed prior to cell fault

Maximum speed is a function of remaining VFD output voltage capability.

When the Perfect Harmony was first introduced, its most salient attributes were improved
power quality at both the utility interface and the motor interface. A third attribute is now
recognized, which offers extremely high reliability by utilizing the inherent redundancy of
these drives. Cell Bypass is the feature that allows this third attribute to be realized.
The Cell Bypass option is implemented by adding a contactor to the output of each cell as
shown in Figure "Typical Power Cell with Bypass Contactor".
When NXG control interrogates the cells and detects that a cell has faulted, a command is
sent to close the appropriate contactor. This disconnects the cell output from the circuit. The
drive can then be restarted and operation can continue at reduced capacity. The amount of
reduction in capacity that can be tolerated will depend on the application, but in most cases a
reduction in capacity is preferable to a complete shutdown. Neutral Point Shift is a feature
that was developed to minimize the reduction in capacity after a bypass. Another related
feature is Fast Bypass. This feature is designed to quickly bypass a cell and get the drive
running again in less than ½ second. Neutral Point Shift and Fast Bypass are discussed in
the following sections.

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6.14 Cell Bypass


4 4 &2,/

6(&21'$5<2) 2873872)
,138775$16 32:(502'8/(

4 4

/2&$/&21752/&,5&8,76 ),%(5237,&6,*1$/672 )520


Figure 6-16 Typical Power Cell with Bypass Contactor

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6.14 Cell Bypass

6.14.3 Neutral Point Shift during Bypass

Since the cells in each phase of a Perfect Harmony Drive are in series, bypassing a cell has
no effect on the current capability of the drive, but the voltage capability will be reduced.
Usually the required motor voltage is roughly proportional to speed, so that the maximum
speed at which the drive can fulfill the application requirements will also be reduced.
Therefore, it is important to maximize the motor voltage available after one or more cells
have been bypassed. The following Figures illustrate the voltage available from a Perfect
Harmony drive, where the cells, represented by circles, are shown as simple voltage
sources. Figure "Drive Output after Loss of 3 Cells" shows a 15-cell drive in which no cells
are bypassed. With 100% of the cells in use, 100% of the original voltage is available. The
voltage commands to the three phase groups of cells will have phase A displaced from
phase B by 120°, and from phase C by 120°.





9$& 9%$
$ r
& 1 %
& %
& %
& %
& & % %

Figure 6-17 A Simplified Diagram of a 15 Cell Drive

When cells are bypassed in one of the drive phases, the output voltage will tend to become
unbalanced, as illustrated in Figure "Drive Output with 2 Cells Bypassed". One possible
remedy is to bypass an equal number of cells in all three phases, even though some may not
have faulted. Figure "Drive Output Re-Balanced by Bypassing Functional Cells" illustrates
this approach. Obviously, this method prevents unbalance but sacrifices possible voltage
capability. In Figure "Drive Output Re-Balanced by Bypassing Functional Cells", 87% of the
cells are functional, but only 60% are in use, and only 60% voltage is available.

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6.14 Cell Bypass



$ r
9$& 7<3 9%$
& 1 %
& %
& %
& %
& & % %

Figure 6-18 Drive Output with 2 Cells Bypassed


9$& $ 9%$
r r

& %
& %
& %
& %

& & % %

Figure 6-19 Drive Output Re-Balanced by Bypassing Functional Cells

A better approach is illustrated in Figure "Drive Output Re-Balanced by Adjusting Phase

Angles (Neutral Shift)". This method takes advantage of the fact that the star-point of the
cells is floating, and is not connected to the neutral of the motor. Therefore the star-point can
be shifted away from the motor neutral, and the phase angles of the cell voltages can be
adjusted, so that a balanced set of motor voltages is obtained even though the cell group
voltages are not balanced.
Siemens calls this approach Neutral-Shift, and has a US Patent (5,986,909) that covers it.
This approach is equivalent to introducing a zero-sequence component into the voltage
command vectors for the cells. In Figure " Drive Output Re-Balanced by Adjusting Phase
Angles (Neutral Shift)", the full remaining 87% of functional cells are in use, and 80% of the
original voltage is available. The phase angles of the cell voltages have been adjusted so
that phase A is displaced from phase B and from phase C by 132.5°, instead of the normal

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6.14 Cell Bypass


9$& $ 9%$
r r

& %
& %
& %
& %

& & % %

Figure 6-20 Drive Output Re-Balanced by Adjusting Phase Angles (Neutral Shift)

The same neutral-shift approach can be applied to more extreme situations, as is illustrated
by Figure "Drive Output after Loss of 3 Cells" and Figure "Drive Output after Loss of 5 Cells"
2. Figure "Drive Output after Loss of 3 Cells" shows a drive which originally had five cells per
phase, or a total of 15 cells. All five cells remain in phase A, but one cell has faulted in phase
B and two cells have faulted in phase C. Without neutral-shift, all phases would need to be
reduced to match the cell count of phase C to maintain balanced motor voltages. One
functional cell would be bypassed in phase B, and two functional cells would be bypassed in
phase A. Only 60% of the original cells would remain in use, and only 60% of the original
voltage would be available.
However, with the neutral-shift approach shown in Figure "Drive Output after Loss of 3
Cells", only the faulted cells are bypassed. The phase angles of the cell voltages have been
adjusted so that phase A is displaced from phase B by 96.9° and from phase C by 113.1°,
instead of the normal 120°. The star point of the cells no longer coincides with the neutral of
the motor voltages, but the motor voltage is still balanced. The neutral-shift keeps 80% of the
original cells in use, and 70% of the original voltage is available.



9$& $ 9%&


r $ r

& %
& % % %
& & %

Figure 6-21 Drive Output after Loss of 3 Cells

As another example, Figure "Drive Output after Loss of 5 Cells" shows the same 15-cell
drive. All five cells remain in phase A, but two cells have faulted in phase B and three cells
have faulted in phase C. Without neutral-shift, one functional cell would be bypassed in
phase B, and three functional cells would be bypassed in phase A. Only 40% of the original
cells would remain in use, and only 40% of the original voltage would be available. However,

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6.14 Cell Bypass

in Figure "Drive Output after Loss of 5 Cells", only the faulted cells are bypassed. The phase
angles of the cell voltages have been adjusted so that phase A is displaced from phase B by
61.1° and from phase C by 61.6°. The star point of the cells is far removed from the neutral
of the motor voltages, but the motor voltage is still balanced. The neutral-shift keeps 67% of
the original cells in use, and 50% of the original voltage is available.

15 Module Drive after A 67% of the Modules

Bypass of 2 Modules are in use. 50% of
in Phase B, and 3 full voltage is
Modules in A5 available.
Phase C.

61.6 61.1 B3
C2 A1
C1 B1

Figure 6-22 Drive Output after Loss of 5 Cells

Figure "Available Voltage after One Cell Bypass" compares the available voltage after one
cell is bypassed with and without using neutral-shift. In many cases, the extra voltage
available with neutral-shift will determine whether or not a cell fault can be tolerated. The
voltage capability of a drive after cell bypass can be calculated by using the following
If X is the largest number of cells in bypass in two of the phases, then the maximum voltage
at the drive output will be:

Vout_bypass = Vout * (2*N - X) / (2*N)

where: Vout is maximum output voltage that the drive can deliver (Vout =
N is the number of ranks (i.e., number of installed cells per phase)
Vcell is the cell voltage rating.

Exemplary calculation of a cell bypass for a drive with 18 cells

Consider a drive with 18 cells, each rated for 750V.
The maximum output voltage that this drive can deliver is (with N = 6 and Vcell = 750, and
without O-M):
Vout = 1.78 * 6 * 750 = 8.01 kV
If after cell bypass, the drive has 6 cells operational in phase A, 5 cells in phase B, and 4
cells in phase C, then the maximum voltage that the drive can produce with neutral shift from
the above formula is (with X = 1 + 2 = 3, because 2 cells in phase C and 1 cell in phase B
are bypassed):
Vout_bypass = 8010 * (2 * 6 - 3) / (2 * 6) = 6 kV

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Available after One Failure

With Neutral-Shift

Percent of Original Voltage


80 Without Neutral-Shift


3 4 5 6 7 8
Original Number of Modules per Phase

Figure 6-23 Available Voltage after One Cell Bypass

The drive control uses the information of faulted cells to automatically calculate the phase
angles of cell voltages to maintain balanced motor voltages. During neutral-shift, each phase
of the drive operates with a different power factor. Under lightly loaded conditions, it is
possible that one or more phases are absorbing real power while the other phase(s) are
delivering power to the motor. To prevent the cell dc-voltage (corresponding to cells that are
absorbing real power) from increasing (and subsequently causing a drive trip condition), the
control automatically enables the "Energy Saver" function. Under light loads, the energy
saver function reduces motor flux sufficiently so that the motor operates with 70% power
factor. At this operating point, the magnetizing and torque components of motor current are
equal, and all cells deliver real power to the motor. As motor load is increased, the motor flux
level is automatically increased to maintain 70% power factor until rated flux (or maximum
possible flux) is achieved. This function ensures that the cells are delivering real power
under all operating conditions.

In Cell Bypass, the drive will invoke Energy Saver under light loads to prevent certain cells
from charging-up.

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Application and Operation
6.15 Tool Suite

6.15 Tool Suite

6.15.1 Drive Host

The NXG Drive Host is a PC-based application software package that provides a remote
graphical user interface for Medium Voltage Perfect Harmony NXG series drives. With the
Drive Host tool, the user can navigate through a drive’s features using a PC and a mouse,
allowing monitoring and control of the drive’s functions quickly and easily. This makes the
Drive Host Suite more convenient to use than the keypad on the front of the drive. The NXG
Drive Host is a high-level GUI that runs on a PC equipped with the Microsoft Windows
operating system. The NXG Drive software and the PC running the NXG Drive Host interface
using Ethernet and TCP/IP protocols.

● Multilevel password to limit access
– Passwords same as used in drive
● Folders for each drive configuration category (i.e., VFD Menu system)
– Icon colors to indicate default and modified parameter values
– On screen parameter identifier (matches keypad IDs for speed menus)
– Parameter editing assisted by minimum/maximum limits and defaults
● Ability to upload logs, parameters, system program
● Ability to download system program and/or configuration data files

● Adjustable Time Scale
● Predefined variable list to select variable to be graphed
● Graph up to 10 variables
● Individual variable offsets
● Individual variable scaling
● Customizable Graphics - Fonts, Color, Styles
● Freeze Graphics
● Freeze graph on fault
● Freeze on selectable trigger
● Zoom graph
● Printable Graphics
● Exportable Graphics

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6.15 Tool Suite

● Programmable display variables
– Pick list selectable variables, same as drive keypad display list
– First 4 synchronized to keypad display
● Fault and Alarm indicators (traffic lights: red = fault, yellow = alarm, green = none)

Control (** only if enabled by SOP)

● Manual Start Button
● Stop Button
● Fault Reset Button

6.15.2 NXG Debug Utility

The NXG Control provides a built in debug function that provides real time status of various
parameters, measured values, and calculations. This function is wholly contained in the NXG
control, and user access is available from three separate ports:
● NXG CPU Video port using a standard VGA monitor with a standard PC keypad
connected to the CPU card for navigating displays
● Ethernet port using the Debug Utility provided by the NXG Tool Suite
● RS232 Serial Port
The debug utility is intended for use during test, commissioning, and troubleshooting of the
The NXG Tool Suite is a PC-based application software package that includes the Drive
Host, Debug Utility, System Program Compiler, and Configuration tools for the NXG control.
Note that the Drive Host and Debug utility communicate with an NXG drive via an Ethernet
link. The System Program compiler and Configuration Update Tools are PC applications.
Please refer to NXG ToolSuite Software User Manual A1A902291 for a complete description
of the Tool Suite software package.

See also
Data Logs (Page 132)

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6.16 Dual Frequency Braking

6.16 Dual Frequency Braking

6.16.1 Introduction to Dual Frequency Braking

There are many applications for VFDs that need occasional negative torque for braking.
Unfortunately, at present the most popular static converters used for VFDs are not capable
of returning energy to the utility. Such applications therefore require additional circuits to
regenerate the braking energy into the AC mains, or to dissipate the braking energy in a
resistor. Both of these solutions add cost to the VFD, and are especially undesirable for large
modular medium-voltage VFDs.
Additional power devices can be avoided by using the existing circuits to inject DC current
into the motor windings. This method dissipates the braking energy in the motor, and adds
little cost to the VFD. However, DC injection braking is not very effective unless the available
current is several times rated, especially for large motors. Another drawback is that
estimation of motor speed is very difficult during DC injection braking.
Dual Frequency Braking (DFB) is another method in which braking energy can be dissipated
in the motor. Dual Frequency Braking provides much higher torque per ampere than DC
injection braking, and permits continuous estimation of motor speed. Like DC injection
braking, this approach is implemented in software and requires no additional hardware that
can reduce the reliability of the drive.
Siemens has a patent on Dual Frequency Braking (US 6,417,644).

6.16.2 Operation
Dual Frequency Braking causes extra losses to be induced in the motor by applying a
second set of three-phase voltage vectors to the motor, in addition to the normal set of
voltage vectors used for speed control. These extra losses are used to absorb the kinetic
energy released during braking.
There are two side effects of Dual Frequency Braking (DFB) against which protection is
applied as follows:
1. Torque pulsations: The motor can be subjected to as much as 1 per-unit torque pulsation
at the pulsation frequency with DFB. However, the customer can select the torque
pulsation frequency via the menu entry for Pulsation Frequency to avoid any mechanical
resonance frequencies.
2. Motor heating: The losses generated during DFB cause motor heating and limit the
number of deceleration ramps (from full speed to zero) that can be performed repetitively.
Motor heating due to the additional losses is designed to be no worse than a line start.
The software motor thermal model in NXG monitors motor heating due to these losses,
and can provide an alarm and/or a trip to indicate excessive heating. The number of
repetitive deceleration ramps (from full speed to zero) is limited to 2-per-hour (based on
MG-1, Part 20, which assumes that the motor has cooled down to its rated temperature
before the second ramp down). This recommendation applies when the load inertia and
load torque are those for which the motor is designed. With lower values of load inertia
and/or smaller speed reductions, DFB can be used more frequently.
The second set of voltage vectors creates a counter-rotating flux vector that produces high
slip in the machine and generates these additional losses in the motor. The injection

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Application and Operation
6.16 Dual Frequency Braking

frequency is always in opposite rotation to the applied motor electrical frequency (speed and
direction of the machine).
Figure "Dual Frequency Voltages Being Added Together with the Normal Three-Phase
Voltages" is a block diagram showing how the two voltage vectors (normal VA1 and loss-
inducing VA2) are added together to produce the braking function. Figure "Scope Picture
Showing Dual Fraquency Braking Waveform" is a scope picture of the two voltage vectors
added together. The higher frequency voltage waveform VA2 is riding on the lower
frequency waveform VA1.

The pulsation frequency is programmable via the NXG Control, which is selectable by the
end user. It provides the reference to produce the desired additional braking for the system
and is adjustable to avoid resonance in the system.

9$ 9$
,%,% ,1'8&7,21
9=6 9% 9%

9& 9&
1250$/ /266,1'8&,1* ,&,&
7+5((3+$6( 7+5((3+$6(
92/7$*(6 92/7$*(6


Figure 6-24 Dual Frequency Voltages Being Added Together with the Normal Three-Phase Voltages

Figure 6-25 Scope Picture Showing Dual Fraquency Braking Waveform

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Application and Operation
6.16 Dual Frequency Braking

Using this method, the first vector set controls the torque and flux in the motor, and is nearly
synchronous. The second vector set induces losses in the motor to absorb the braking
power returned by the first vector set. The amplitudes of the two vector sets are coordinated
to best utilize the current and voltage limitations of the converter. The frequency of the loss-
inducing vector set is chosen with the goal of maximizing losses per ampere. This
automatically minimizes the torque pulsations by minimizing the loss-inducing current.
The dominant losses in a motor are conduction losses, proportional to I2R. Maximum losses
per ampere require a large value of R. The nominal resistance of the motor windings is fixed
by the design. Fortunately, the effective resistance depends on the frequency. The rotor
windings are deliberately designed to exhibit a strong "deep-bar" effect, so that their
resistance (above a low threshold) increases roughly proportional to frequency.
In principle, the frequency of the loss-inducing vector set should be as high as possible for
maximum effective resistance. Since this high loss-inducing frequency produces negative
slip, it will have negative sequence. The maximum applied frequency is limited by the control
bandwidth of the converter, and also by the available voltage. However, because the loss-
inducing vector set is negative sequence, the rotor frequency will be higher than the stator
frequency due to the rotational speed.

6.16.3 Limitations
The drive output current plus the braking current must not exceed the current capability of
the cells in the drive. Hence the braking torque is limited in the drive and is greatest at slow
speed and smallest at high speed. Figure "Typical Braking Torque with Dual Frequency
Braking" shows the typical braking torque that can be expected with Dual Frequency




Figure 6-26 Typical Braking Torque with Dual Frequency Braking

With high efficiency motors and inverter duty motors, the braking torque that can be
achieved with DFB is lower than the values shown in Figure 5-26. Contact Siemens
Engineering with the following motor-related data to determine the braking torque capability
with a higher efficiency motor:

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Application and Operation
6.16 Dual Frequency Braking

● Rated HP
● Rated Voltage
● Rated Frequency
● Full/Half load speed
● Full/Half load efficiency
● Locked Rotor Torque and Current
● Pull out torque
● Critical frequencies of the mechanical system

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Application and Operation
6.17 Debug Functionality

6.17 Debug Functionality

The Serial Debug function of the NXG control serves as a means for the user to connect to
an interactive menu that allows a user to capture VFD run-time data, including debug data
described in Section 5.15.2. This port does not permit any data to be downloaded to the
drive. It is provided as a means to extract human readable VFD status and logs from the
NXG Control.
The port is configured as a standard RS-232 serial interface where no hardware handshake
is required. The NXG control includes provisions to allow a serial modem to be connected so
that drive status can be remotely accessed via telephone. When a modem is connected, it
can be configured as an auto-answer device, or the NXG control is capable of configuring
compatible modems to automatically answer.

Any RS232 compatible device can be connected to this port. The only requirement is that the
user must initiate desired output data via single character inputs to the port.

● Diagnostic data available via this port includes:

● Parameter Dump
● Fault/Event/Historic Log
● Drive Status/Id
● Debug Functions (as defined in Section 5.15.2)

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Application Specific Features 7
7.1 Control Mode Summary
The NXG Control provides six control modes for the Perfect Harmony drive family. These
modes are described as follows:
● CLVC - Closed Loop Vector Control
CLVC provides flux vector control for an induction machine utilizing an encoder for speed
● CSMC - Closed Loop Synchronous Machine Control
CSMC is a flux vector control for a synchronous machine utilizing an encoder for speed
feedback and providing a field excitation command for use by an external field exciter.
● OLTM - Open Loop Test Mode
OLTM is intended for running the drive with no load attached to permit verifying the
output voltage waveforms.

OLTM is intended for test purposes only and should not be used to control a motor.

● OLVC - Open Loop Vector Control, also known as Encoderless Vector Control
OLVC is a flux vector control for induction machines that computes the rotational speed
of the rotor based on measured output currents from the drive, and uses this computed
speed as the speed feedback.
● SMC - Synchronous Motor Control
SMC computes the rotational speed similarly to open-loop vector control, and controls the
field reference or the synchronous motor as in closed-loop synchronous motor control.
The field reference is controlled to achieve unity power factor.
● VHZ - Volts per Hertz control
V/Hz is intended to be used when multiple induction motors are connected in parallel to
the output of the drive. V/Hz operates similarly to open-loop vector control with de-tuned
current regulators.

Spinning Load and Fast Bypass are not available in V/Hz control mode.

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Application Specific Features
7.2 Control Loops

7.2 Control Loops

The NXG Control includes three main control loops that are defined in the following sections.

7.2.1 Current Loop

The current loops form the innermost loop of the NXG control system. It is essential that
these loops are stable. When the current loop gains are very low, then the drive output
currents do not have a sinusoidal waveshape, i.e., dead-bands can be seen around the zero-
crossings, and the peaks are not smooth but appear flat. On the other hand, when current
loop gains are too high, then a high frequency ringing appears on the sinusoidal current
waveform. IOC trips can also occur if this is the case.
Default values of the current loop gains are sufficient for most applications. Tuning may be
required for high performance applications and when output filters are used.

7.2.2 Speed Loop

Control of motor speed is accomplished with the speed regulator. The output of the speed
loop forms the torque current command. The default speed loop gains work well when the
inertia of the motor and the load are reasonable, i.e., motor and load have similar inertia.
Examples of applications where this is not the case are given below. Speed loop gains
require tuning when its output shows significant oscillations during small changes in speed
ESP applications have motors with very low inertia. In such applications, the speed loop
gains can be safely reduced by a factor of 5 or more from their default settings.
Fan applications have motors with very high inertia. In such applications, the speed loop
gains are typically reduced (by a factor of 2 to 5 from their defaults). These applications, in
general, do not require fast/sudden response, and a reduction in speed loop gains prevents
large/sudden changes in the torque current command.

7.2.3 Flux Loop

Regulation of motor flux is accomplished with the flux control loop. The output of the flux loop
forms the magnetizing current command. The default flux loop gains work well for most
induction motor applications. With synchronous motors, lower gains should be used. Flux
loop gains will require tuning when the regulator output shows significant oscillations during
steady state operation.

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Application Specific Features
7.3 System Program

7.3 System Program

The System Program, as described in Section 5.4, is developed for each drive application to
configure the VFD to function as desired by the end user. The System Program allows the
end user to define the drive operation, where possible, so that system response and I/O
configuration is configured for the application. The system program is used to define
reference sources, select a subset of operating parameters, configure all I/O, and to define
alarms/fault conditions as desired by the end user.

Internal drive-generated faults defined for drive protection cannot be modified by the SOP.

The System Program is downloaded onto the NXG drive in non-volatile memory, and can be
field-modified for changing requirements. Note that the drive must be in an idle state (i.e.,
output disabled) for a new SOP to be utilized.

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Application Specific Features
7.4 Speed Droop

7.4 Speed Droop

Speed Droop is the decrease in the speed of a motor with a constant voltage and frequency
when the motor is under load. The difference between the synchronous (unloaded) speed of
the motor and the full load speed is known as slip. Normally, slip compensation increases
the output frequency of the VFD as the motor speed attempts to decrease. This
compensation maintains a constant motor speed by minimizing droop.However, in some
applications, droop is needed. For example, in a multiple motor application, such as two
motors mechanically connected to a common load, there are inherent differences between
the motors. In the case of a torque current increase, these differences may allow one motor
to attempt to run faster, causing that motor to bear a greater portion of the load.By adding
droop to the more heavily loaded motor, its speed reference will proportionally decrease
(based on load), shifting some of the load to the less loaded motor. The less loaded motor
speed reference is not affected as much (because the current is lower) and will therefore
start to pick up more of the load. As the loaded motor’s speed reference is decreased, it
begins to shed load until an equilibrium is reached, and each motor is bearing its share of
the load.

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Application Specific Features
7.5 Long Cable Applications

7.5 Long Cable Applications

When a step of voltage from a drive is applied to one end of a transmission line, it causes a
traveling wave to be propagated toward the opposite (or motor) end of the transmission line.
When the traveling wave reaches the motor end of the cable, the motor leakage reactance is
so high that the line behaves as if it were open-circuited. A reflection wave begins to travel
back toward the drive end. The total voltage at any point is the sum of all waves present, in
this case the forward wave and the reflected wave. The reflection at an open circuit is such
that the reflected voltage wave has the same polarity as the forward voltage wave. At the
motor end, the reflected wave appears at the same instant as the forward wave arrives, so
that the effective voltage step is doubled. At other points, there is a delay from the time that
the forward wave passes until the reflected wave passes, so that two separate steps appear,
each equal to the original.
When the reflected wave reaches the drive end of the cable, the drive impedance is so low
that the line behaves as if it were short-circuited. A second reflection wave begins to travel
back toward the motor end. The reflection at a short-circuit is such that the second reflected
voltage wave has the opposite polarity as the first reflected voltage wave.
If the drive output remains static long enough after each step, then these reflected waves will
bounce back and forth, losing energy at each reflection, until the voltage stabilizes. In this
case, the worst step size imposed on the motor will be almost twice the step size from the
drive, while the number of steps per second will be multiplied by the number of significant
reflections per step.
However, a much worse scenario can occur if the drive produces another step before the
waves from the previous step have decayed. The absolute worst case occurs when the next
step from the drive coincides with the arrival of the first reflection back at the drive, and when
the next step has the opposite polarity to the previous step. This happens most often when
the propagation delay of the cable is equal to ¼ cycle at the effective switching frequency,
which Siemens LD A defines as the critical length. In this case, the reflected waves from
successive steps reinforce each other, and the worst step size on the motor can become
many times higher than the step size from the drive.
The same effect will occur when the cable length is an odd multiple of the critical length, but
it is less severe because the waves are reflected several times before they are reinforced.
For a Perfect Harmony Drive, the critical length is a function of the number of power cells per
phase and the effective switching frequency of the drive. If the cable length exceeds a critical
length (refer to Section 4.4), an output filter is included with the drive.

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Application Specific Features
7.6 Output Filters

7.6 Output Filters

Output filters are required for down-hole pumping with long cables and also must be
considered when shielded output cables are used. When required, the filter completely
avoids any problem with cable reflections. NXG control supports output filters for all control
modes. The output filter consists of an LC filter used to prevent the output cable dynamics
from interfering with the drive output. An output filter might also be used to address EMI or
DV/DT requirements. With the capacitors omitted, the filter can function as output reactors
for Synchronous Transfer used to limit the current that can circulate while the VFD output is
connected to the Medium Voltage input.
The output filter is designed to effectively remove all high frequency components in the drive
output voltage. Because Perfect Harmony is already free of low-order output harmonics, the
result is a nearly perfect sinusoidal output waveform.
Note that the filter adds losses proportional to the square of the RMS output current. The
filter inductance is in series with the VFD output and motor load and can reduce the output
voltage capability, depending on the load power factor. The filter also introduces an
amplifying resonance, which could limit the closed-loop gain for high-performance
applications. The filter consists of series inductors in each phase connected between the
drive outputs and the load (motor) terminals. Shunt capacitors in each phase connect
between the load terminals and are arranged in a floating wye configuration (capacitors are
omitted for Closed Synchronous Transfer applications). Refer to Chapter 4 for output filter

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Application Specific Features
7.7 Synchronous Transfer

7.7 Synchronous Transfer

7.7.1 Introduction
The synchronous transfer feature is used to avoid line start mechanical/electrical strain in
constant-speed applications. The VFD soft starts the motor(s), and then NXG control
matches line/load electrical characteristics, allowing "bumpless" synchronous transfer.

Beyond the core drive, synchronous transfer requires additional hardware: output reactor
and switchgear. A PLC is recommended in multi-motor applications.

● "Up Transfer" - The process of transferring a VFD-controlled motor to the line, and then
decoupling the motor from the drive.
● "Down transfer" - The process of transferring a line-energized motor to VFD control, and
then decoupling the motor from the line.
To achieve successful up/down transfers, the output voltage of the VFD must match or
exceed the amplitude of the line. If the line is unstable with frequency and/or voltage
variations, the VFD may not be able to synchronize, and therefore transfer is inhibited.

In transfer applications, where a synchronous motor is used, the VFD must have control of
the field supply.

Synchronous Up/Down transfer is not available in V/HZ or OLTM control modes.

Improper phase sequence may result in a synchronous transfer related VFD fault.

7.7.2 VFD Synchronous Transfer Implementation

Synchronous transfer is inherent to NXG control. To optimize this feature, Siemens
engineering should always be involved (regardless of scope of supply) in the switchgear
configuration and logic sequencing for both equipment and personnel safety. Siemens
engineering can supply switchgear and reactors as part of the drive, or provide
recommendations as needed.

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Application Specific Features
7.7 Synchronous Transfer

VFD Transfer Permissive

The VFD output contactor and motor line contactors should never be simultaneously closed
if the digital output signal "VFD Transfer Permissive" is low, or when the VFD input is not
energized. Failure to ensure that this condition does not occur could result in severe
damage to the VFD power cells.



/ 9 / 9


0 0


Figure 7-1 Multi-Motor, Synchronous Transfer

Figure "Multi-Motor, Synchronous Transfer" provides a block diagram showing the VFD
configuration for synchronous transfer for a two motor implementation.

A PLC is recommended for multi-motor synchronous transfer applications. This PLC and its
logic can be supplied by Siemens engineering to coordinate the transfer sequence and also
control the switchgear. In addition, motor protection relays are recommended since the VFD
cannot protect a motor operating from the line.

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Application Specific Features
7.7 Synchronous Transfer

It is not required that all motors connected to a drive configured for synchronous transfer
have matching ratings. If mis-matched motors are implemented, the drive must be sized for
the worst case load. "Smaller" motor loads can be mechanized via parameter read/write
functionality or the NXG Control Multiple Configuration file capability, as described in NXG
Communications Manual (902399) and NXG Control Manual (19001588), respectively. As a
rule, the smallest motor rating should be greater than 50% of the ratings of the largest motor
to ensure feedback signal integrity. When mis-matched motors are used, the proper
configuration file should be active for the subject motor.

Controller Implementation
Refer to the NXG Control Manual, 19001588, for a detailed description of NXG control
configuration required for synchronous transfer.

7.7.3 Input/Output Signals for Sync Transfer

Excluding standard run, stop, and speed reference inputs, synchronous transfer requires
four dedicated input signals and six dedicated output signals to be implemented. These
signals can either be hardwired or implemented as digital control bits over one of the NXG-
supported PLC communication links.

Input Signals to the VFD:

● Up Transfer Request
● Down Transfer Request
● VFD Output Contactor Status
● Motor Line Contactor Status

Output Signals from the VFD:

● VFD Transfer Permissive
● Up Transfer Permit
● Up Transfer Complete
● Down Transfer Permissive
● Down Transfer Complete
● Open Motor Line Contactor

7.7.4 Up Transfer Implementation

Up transfers are accomplished by transferring the motor from the VFD directly to the line. Up
Transfer requires that the VFD synchronize its output to match the voltage, phase angle, and
frequency of the line. This is accomplished by using the drive input line frequency as a

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Application Specific Features
7.7 Synchronous Transfer

velocity reference and adjusting the VFD output voltage to match the line. Both functions are
automatically implemented by the NXG control when an "Up Request" is received. The
active acceleration ramps and torque limits set in the control are used during this period.

Mismatched line/motor voltages are permitted when careful consideration is given to the
configuration of the VFD (including step up/down transformers between the line and the

Once the VFD output frequency is matched to the line, the output phase also needs to be
matched with a pre-determined leading phase to ensure the power flow is out of the VFD
when both the VFD output and motor line contactors are closed (both must be closed at one
time to ensure bumpless transfer). When the synchronization is complete, the motor line
contactor remains closed (i.e., motor connected to the line), the VFD output is disabled, and
the drive output contactor is then opened to end the transfer.
A typical Up Transfer sequence is summarized as follows:
1. Start the VFD as a normal running drive with desired speed command. The drive must be
in the "RUN" state to initiate transfer, and the "VFD Transfer Permissive" signal must be
set true. In addition, the digital input flag "VFD Output Contactor Status" must be set true.
2. Initiate the transfer with the "Up Transfer" request digital input when an up transfer is
desired. A timer should be used to establish a maximum time period for the transfer to
complete. Transfer timeouts are rarely encountered and are usually due to an unstable
source, a varying load, or improperly tuned drive.

The VFD will attempt to perform the Up Transfer as long as the "Up Transfer Request"
signal is set or until a VFD stop command is issued. If a VFD fault occurs at any time prior
to closing the Motor Line Contactor, the external controller must reset its Up Transfer
state machine and clear all Transfer related digital inputs sent to the VFD. As a rule, an
Up Transfer typically will be completed within 10-20 seconds after the VFD output
reaches the rated line frequency. Should a timeout occur, the transfer should be
terminated and the NXG control will revert to its previous state, using the speed reference
that was active prior to initiating the Up Transfer sequence.

3. The VFD will ramp the output to match the measured line frequency.

The VFD will automatically ramp the output to rated frequency upon initiating the Up
Transfer Sequence. There is no need to change the speed reference prior to issuing an
"Up Transfer request."

4. The VFD ramps to line frequency and phase-locks for a minimum a 5 seconds. Note that
the NXG control includes provisions for offsetting the phase should a configuration exist
where the VFD Medium Voltage input is not the same phase as the line voltage to be
used at the motor.
5. Once synchronized, the VFD issues a permit signal, "Up Transfer Permit", indicating that
the Motor Line Contactor can be closed (VFD Output contactor also remains closed
during this stage).

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Application Specific Features
7.7 Synchronous Transfer

6. Once the Motor Line Contactor is closed and acknowledged at the VFD, the VFD will
disable its output.
7. Once the VFD Output is disabled, the run request should be removed and the VFD output
contactor must be opened. This completes the Up Transfer process, and the Up Transfer
Request digital input can be removed.

7.7.5 Down Transfer Implementation

Down transfers are accomplished by transferring a motor from the line to VFD control. This is
accomplished by using the voltage/frequency present at the motor terminals as a velocity
reference, which is automatically implemented by the NXG control when a "Down Request"
is received. Once the VFD output frequency is matched to the motor, the VFD output phase
also needs to be matched with a predetermined leading phase to ensure the power flow is
out of the VFD when both the VFD output and the motor line contactors are closed (both
must be closed at one time to ensure bumpless transfer). When the de-synchronization is
complete, the VFD output contactor remains closed (i.e., motor connected to the VFD), and
the motor line contactor is then opened to end the transition. At this point, the VFD controls
the motor.
A typical Down Transfer sequence is summarized as follows:
1. The motor is running directly from the line, VFD is idle, the VFD output contactor must be
open, and the external speed reference must be set to the speed desired upon
completion of the down transfer (remember to account for motor slip if bumpless down
transfer is desired).
2. If the VFD indicates that it is capable of performing a down transfer (i.e., sufficient output
voltage available, drive energized, and ready to run), the down transfer request is issued
to the VFD.
3. Once the drive acknowledges the down request, the VFD output contactor is closed, and
the VFD run request must be set.

The VFD output is not actually enabled at this time. The run request enables the VFD
output phase locked loop (PLL) to monitor and lock to the line voltage/frequency. Since
the VFD output contactor is closed while the motor is connected to the line, the line
voltage and frequency are available via the drive’s output sensors.

4. Once the VFD PLL maintains phase/frequency and voltage lock (typically 5-10 seconds),
the VFD output is automatically enabled with a small frequency offset to ensure that
current flows from the VFD to the line/motor.

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Application Specific Features
7.7 Synchronous Transfer

5. Once the output current from the VFD reaches a predetermined level, the VFD signals
that the line contactor can be opened. The output current will be limited to the maximum
torque limit set in the NXG control.

The VFD will remain in the Down Transfer state as long as the "Down Transfer Request"
signal is set or until a VFD stop command is issued. If a VFD fault occurs at any time prior
to opening the Line Contactor, the motor should remain connected to the line and all input
flags to the VFD should be cleared.
As a rule of thumb, a Down Transfer typically will be complete within 30-60 seconds.
There is no defined maximum or minimum time period required for opening the line
contactor after the VFD issues the status flag to allow the Line Contactor to be opened.

6. Once the line contactor is opened, the Down Transfer Request must be removed and the
VFD will control the motor as commanded. The run request must be maintained, and
desired speed reference should be present to ensure a bumpless transition.

For induction machines: to maintain bumpless down transfer, the speed reference source
to be used upon completion of down transfer should preset the speed reference to the
mechanical shaft speed of the motor at rated line frequency (i.e., externally compensate
for slip, where the speed reference should be set to 100% - RatedSlip).

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Application Specific Features
7.8 Parallel Control

7.8 Parallel Control

The Perfect Harmony drive family design includes the ability to combine multiple drives in
parallel to provide a higher power output than is available from a single drive.

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Application Specific Features
7.9 Communication Interfaces

7.9 Communication Interfaces

7.9.1 Available Networks

At present, the NXG control supports the following industry standard PLC networks:
● Modbus RTU
● Modbus Ethernet
● Profibus DP
● ControlNet
● DeviceNet
● Modbus Plus

Note: Modbus RTU or Modbus Ethernet is available as Network 1 without additional
hardware. Other Network 1 communication protocols require an additional printed circuit
board to be attached to the communications card within the NXG digital card rack.

7.9.2 Multiple Networks

The NXG controller allows the user to operate two independent network interfaces at one
time, where both can monitor the drive, but only one can control the drive. The networks do
not need to be identical, and each can map data separately. The second network, Network
2, is obtained by placing an additional printed circuit board to the communications card within
the NXG digital card rack.

The ability to provide two networks is not implemented as a redundant or dual interface. The
Harmony VFD simply provides a means to provide two separate ports where the user can
define which of the ports may be used to control the VFD. Switchover from one network port
to the other is implemented via the SOP.

The NXG control provides a means for the Harmony series of drives to be directly connected
to several industry standard PLC communication networks, which provides the capability to
control and/or monitor the VFD over these networks. A detailed description of the network
capabilities is defined in the NXG Control Manual, A1A19001588, and the NXG
Communication Manual, A1A902399. A brief summary of the networks and their associated
capabilities are provided in the following subsections.

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Application Specific Features
7.10 Process Availability - The Perfect Harmony Advantage

7.10 Process Availability - The Perfect Harmony Advantage

Process availability is the primary prerequisite for applying a Medium Voltage VFD system in
a process critical application. By combining the capabilities of Perfect Harmony’s unique
distributed power architecture with the power of the NXG control and the patented power cell
bypass feature, it is possible to deliver unparalleled opportunities for improved process
availability. It is also essential that the process operator receive complete and accurate
information on VFD status, to allow for process adjustments that can preclude process trips
and disruptions in process capability.

7.10.1 What is ProToPSTM?

ProToPS™ is an acronym that stands for "Process Tolerant Protection Strategy."
ProToPS™ is a standard implementation of the VFD SOP (System Operating Program). The
ProToPS™ goal is simply to put the process operator in control of the process. ProToPS™ is
a system program implemented from a customer process perspective.
ProToPS™ provides the operator with indication of a change in state in the VFD. These
annunciations identify changes that can impact the ability of the VFD to meet process
demands, or to provide advance indication of a pending VFD trip. ProToPS™ allows the
process operator to make process corrections to maintain the VFD in service, or adjust the
process to address a pending VFD trip.
With ProToPS™, the process operator not only knows the general status of the VFDs, but
also understands the VFD condition that has caused the general alarm to exist.

7.10.2 How does ProToPSTM Work?

ProToPS™ takes the standard fault indications available in the VFD and categorizes them
into four basic major categories as follows:
1. Alarm - An alarm is an indication that a VFD parameter limit has been reached, or that a
VFD system condition is present. An alarm provides the operator with awareness of the
condition, but demands no immediate action. Examples of alarms include: over-voltage,
under-voltage, and ground fault.
2. Process Alarm - A process alarm is an indication that a VFD parameter limit has been
exceeded and that the process either should be limited, or that the VFD capacity to meet
the process demand is limited. Examples of process alarms include thermal limits above
the rated limit, and the condition of a cell having been bypassed.
3. Trip Alarm - A trip alarm provides a clear indication that a VFD high parameter limit has
been reached. A trip alarm is an indication that a VFD trip is pending. The operator
receives a message that, unless the alarm can be cleared by a process change, the VFD
will trip.
4. Trip - Certain VFD faults cannot be provided with advance warning. This limited number
of faults will result in a VFD trip. A trip message is also annunciated when a trip alarm
time limit has been exceeded. The number of mandated trips is considerably reduced
with the implementation of GENIV cell bypass.
With ProToPS™ the (VFD Run) signal is maintained as "true" and the (VFD Trip) signal is
maintained as "false" for all alarm states.

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Application Specific Features
7.10 Process Availability - The Perfect Harmony Advantage

7.10.3 ProToPSTM Implementation

With ProToPS™, the four indication categories are provided as separate digital output
signals (Alarm, Process Alarm, Trip Alarm, Trip). The concept is to provide the operator, or
the process program, with a clear message to indicate a status change in the VFD. The
specific information on the VFD parameter change is indicated (along with the general
category information) across a serial communications interface. Any serial communications
protocol supported by the VFD product can be supported in the ProToPS™ implementation.
If other specific digital output information is required for a specific customer project, that
information must be mapped to a new digital output point on an additional digital output
module. The four defined outputs must be present as digital outputs to validate the
ProToPS™ implementation.

7.10.4 The ProToPSTM Advantage

With cell bypass, there are virtually no cell faults that are non-bypassable. With NXG control,
the need for the designation "Transient Alarm" has disappeared as all bypassable faults
become process transparent.With ProToPSTM and the NXG control, combined with the
unique benefits of the Perfect Harmony cell based distributed power technology, process
availability can be considerably enhanced and the process operator can truly control the

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Abbreviations A
This appendix contains a list of symbols and abbreviations commonly used throughout this
manual group.

Table A- 1 Commonly Used Abbreviations

Abbreviation Meaning
• Boolean AND function
+ Addition or Boolean OR
∑ Summation
µ Microsecond
A Amp, Ampere
AC Alternating Current
AC Across-the Line
ACFM Actual Cubic Feet per Minute
accel Acceleration
A/D Analog to Digital Converter
ADC Analog to Digital Converter
AI Analog Input
Alg Analog
avail Available
BIL Basic Impulse Level
BTU British thermal units
C Centigrade or Capacitor
cap Capacitor
CCB Cell Control Board
ccw Counter clockwise
CE Formerly European Conformity, now true definition
CFM Cubic Feet per Minute
CLVC Closed Loop Vector Control
cmd Command
com Common
conn Connector
CPS Control Power Supply
CPU Central Processing Unit
CSMC Closed Loop Synchronous Motor Control
CT Current Transformer
cu Cubic
curr, I Current
cw Clockwise

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Abbreviation Meaning
D Derivative (PID), depth
D/A Digital-to-analog (converter)
db Decibel
DC Direct Current
DCR Digital Control Rack
DCS Distributed Control System
decel Deceleration
deg, ° Degrees
DHMS Down hole monitoring system
Div Division
dmd Demand
e Error
EC Electrically Commutated
ELV Extra Low Voltage
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
EMF Electromotive Force
EMI Electromagnetic Interference
EPS Encoder Power Supply
ESD Electrostatic Discharge
ESP Electrical Submersible Pump
ESTOP, e-stop Emergency Stop
fb, fdbk Feedback
ffwd Feed Forward
FLC Full Load Current
freq Frequency
ft, ' Feet
fwd Forward
GenIIIe Generation IIIe
GenIV Generation IV
gnd Ground
GUI Graphical User Interface
H Height
H2O Water
hex Hexadecimal
hist Historic
Hp Horsepower
hr Hour
HV High Voltage
HVAC Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning
HVF Harmonic Voltage Factor
Hz Hertz
I Integral (PID)

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Abbreviation Meaning
ID Identification
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
IGBT Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor
In Input
In, " Inches
INH Inhibit
I/O Input(s)/Output(s)
IOB I/O Breakout Board
IOC Instantaneous Overcurrent
IP Input Protection
k 1,000 (e.g., Kohm)
kHz KiloHertz
kV Kilo Volts
kVA One Thousand Volt Amps
kW Kilowatt
L Inductor
LAN Local Area Network
Lbs Pounds (weight)
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
ld Load
LED Light-emitting Diode
LFR Latch Fault Relay
Lim Limit
LOS Loss Of Signal
lps Liters Per Second
mA Milliamperes
mag Magnetizing
max Maximum
MCC Motor Control Center
Mg Milligram
Min Minimum, Minute
msec Millisecond(S)
Msl Mean Sea Level
MV Medium Voltage
mvlt Motor Voltage
MW Megawatt
NC Normally Closed
NEMA National Electrical Manufacturer’s Association
NMI Non-Maskable Interrupt
No Normally Open
NVRAM Non-Volatile Random Access Memory

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Abbreviation Meaning
NXG Next Generation Control
NXG II Next Generation Control II
oamp Output Current
OLVC Open Loop Vector Control
O-M Overmodulation
OOS Out of Saturation (IGBT)
overld Overload
P Proportional (PID)
Pa Pascals
pb Push Button
PC Personal Computer or Printed Circuit
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PID Proportional Integral Derivative
PLC Programmable Logic Controller
PLL Phase Locked Loop
pot Potentiometer
pp Peak-to-peak
ppm Parts per Million
PPR Pulses per Revolution
PQM Power Quality Meter
ProToPSTM Process Tolerant Protection Strategy
PSDBP Power Spectral Density Break Point
psi Pounds Per Square Inch
pt Point
PT Potential Transformer
PWM Pulse Width Modulation
Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4 Output Transistor Designations
rad Radians
RAM Random Access Memory
ref Reference
rev Reverse, Revolution(S)
RFI Radio Frequency Interference
RLBK Rollback
rms Root-mean-squared
RPM Revolutions Per Minute
RTD Resistance Temperature Detector
RTU Remote Terminal Unit
RX Receive (RS232 Communications)
s Second(s)
SCB Signal Conditioning Board
SCR Silicon Controlled Rectifier
sec Second(s)

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Abbreviation Meaning
ser Serial
SMC Synchronous Motor Control
SOP Sum of Products; System Operating Program
spd Speed
stab Stability
std Standard
sw Switch
T1, T2 Output Terminals TI and T2
TB Terminal Block
TBD To Be Determined
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
THD Total Harmonic Distortion
TOL Thermal Overload
TP Test Point
trq, τ Torque
TX Transmit (RS232 Communications)
UPS Uninterruptable Power Supply
V Voltage, Volts
VA Volt-Amperes
VAC Volts AC
var Variable
VDC Volts DC
vel Velocity
VFD Variable Frequency Drive
V/Hz Volts per Hertz
vlts Voltage(s), Volts
VSI Voltage Source Inverter
W Width, Watts
WAGO Expansion I/O System
WCIII Water Cooled III
xfmr, xformer Transformer

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Appendix B
B.1 Reader Comments Form
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invites comments and criticisms of this manual. Please complete the attached form and
provide your comments on this manual. After completing this form, please remove this page
from the manual (or photocopy it) and either mail, E-mail or fax it back to the Documentation
Department at Siemens LD A. These are mechanisms through which you can positively
effect the documentation that you receive from Siemens. Thank you for your feedback. It is
always valued and appreciated.

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B.2 Notes

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B.3 Startup/Warranty Registration and Service Solutions

B.3 Startup/Warranty Registration and Service Solutions

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"Catch a spinning load" feature

"Catch a spinning load" is a feature that can be used with high-inertia loads (e.g., fans), in
which the drive may attempt to turn on while the motor is already turning. This feature can be
enabled via the NXG menu system.

AND is a logical Boolean function whose output is true if all of the inputs are true in SOP
notation, AND is represented as "∗" (e.g., C=A∗B), although sometimes it may be omitted
between operands with the AND operation being implied (e.g., C=AB).

ASCII is an acronym for American Standard Code for Information Interchange, a set of 8-bit
computer codes used for the representation of text.

Baud rate
Baud rate is a measure of the switching speed of a line, representing the number of changes
of state of the line per second. The baud rate of the serial port of the Perfect Harmony is
selected through the Baud Rate parameter in the Communications Menu [9].

Bit is an acronym for BInary digiT. Typically, bits are used to indicate either a true (1) or false
(0) state within the drive’s programming.

Boolean algebra
A form of mathematical rules developed by the mathematician George Boole used in the
design of digital and logic systems.

Carrier frequency
Carrier frequency is the set switching frequency of the power devices (IGBTs) in the power
section of each cell. The carrier frequency is measured in cycles per second (Hz).

An acronym for Closed Loop Vector Control - which is one of six control modes in the NXG
drive. This is flux vector control for an induction machine (IM), utilizing an encoder for speed

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Refer to the glossary term SOP.

A comparator is a device that compares two quantities and determines their equality. The
comparator submenus allow the programmer to specify two variables to be compared. The
results of the custom comparison operations can be used in the system program.

Configuration Update
see Tool Suite definition.

The converter is the component of the drive that changes AC voltage to DC voltage.

Critical speed avoidance

Critical speed avoidance is a feature that allows the operator to program up to 3 mechanical
system frequencies that the drive will "skip over" during its operation.

An acronym for Closed Loop Synchronous Machine (SM) Control. One of six control modes
of the NXG drive. This is a flux vector control for a synchronous machine, utilizing an
encoder for speed feedback and providing a field excitation command for use by an external
field exciter.

DC link
The DC link is a large capacitor bank between the converter and inverter section of the drive.
The DC link, along with the converter, establishes the voltage source for the inverter.

De Morgan’s Theorem
The duality principal of Boolean algebra used to convert system logic equations into sum-of-
products notation.

Debug Tool
see Tool Suite definition.

Downloading is a process by which information is transmitted from a remote device (such as
a PC) to the drive. The term "downloading" implies the transmission of an entire file of
information (e.g., the system program) rather than continued interactive communications

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between the two devices. The use of a PC for downloading requires special serial
communications software to be available on the PC, which may link to the drive via RS232 or
through the Host Simulator via an ethernet connection.

Directory file for system tokens and flags used in the compilation of system programs. It
provides a direct lookup table of ASCII names to internal ID numbers. It also identifies
whether the flag is a word or bit-field, and also whether it can be used as an input or output
only, or can be used for both.

The term "drive" refers to the power conversion equipment that converts utility power into
power for a motor in a controlled manner.

ELV is an acronym for extra low voltage, and represents any voltage not exceeding a limit
that is generally accepted to be 50 VAC and 120 VDC (ripple free).

EMC is an acronym for electromagnetic compatibility–the ability of equipment to function
satisfactorily in its electromagnetic environment without introducing intolerable
electromagnetic disturbances to anything in that environment.

ESD is an acronym for electrostatic discharge. ESD is an undesirable electrical side effect
that occurs when static charges build up on a surface and are discharged to another. When
printed circuit boards are involved, impaired operation and component damage are possible
side effects due to the static-sensitive nature of the PC board components. These side
effects may manifest themselves as intermittent problems or total component failures. It is
important to recognize that these effects are cumulative and may not be obvious.

Fault log
Fault messages are saved to memory so that the operator may view them at a later time.
This memory location is called the fault log. The fault log lists both fault and alarm
messages, the date and time that they occurred, and the time and date that they are reset.

Faults are error conditions that have occurred in the Perfect Harmony system. The severity
of faults vary. Likewise, the treatment or corrective action for a fault may vary from changing
a parameter value to replacing a hardware component such as a fuse.

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Flash Card
Non-volatile memory storage device for the NXG control. It stores the drive program, system
program, logs, parameters, and other related drive files.

Field Programmable Gate Array. An FPGA is an integrated circuit that contains thousands of
logic gates.

A function is one of four components found in the Perfect Harmony menu system. Functions
are built-in programs that perform specific tasks. Examples of functions include System
Program Upload/Download and Display System Program Name.

Harmonics are undesirable AC currents or voltages at integer multiples of the fundamental
frequency. The fundamental frequency is the lowest frequency in the wave form (generally
the repetition frequency). Harmonics are present in any non-sinusoidal wave form and
cannot transfer power on average.
Harmonics arise from non-linear loads in which current is not strictly proportional to voltage.
Linear loads like resistors, capacitors, and inductors do not produce harmonics. However,
non-linear devices such as diodes and silicon controlled rectifiers (SCRs) do generate
harmonic currents. Harmonics are also found in uninterruptable power supplies (UPSs),
rectifiers, transformers, ballasts, welders, arc furnaces, and personal computers.

Hexadecimal digits
Hexadecimal (or "hex") digits are the "numerals" used to represent numbers in the base 16
(hex) number system. Unlike the more familiar decimal system, which uses the numerals 0
through 9 to make numbers in powers of 10, the base 16 number system uses the numerals
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, and F to make numbers in powers of 16.

Historic log
The historic log is a troubleshooting/diagnostic tool of the Perfect Harmony NXG control. The
historic log continuously logs drive status, including the drive state, internal fault words, and
multiple user-selectable variables. This information is sampled every slow loop cycle of the
NXG control (typically 450 to 900 times per second). If a fault occurs, the log is frozen a
predefined number of samples after the fault event, and data samples prior to and after the
fault condition are recorded to allow post-fault analysis. The number of samples recorded are
user-selectable via the NXG control, as well as the option to record the historic log within the
VFD event log.

Host Simulator
see Tool Suite definition.

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I/O is an acronym for input/output. I/O refers to any and all inputs and outputs connected to a
computer system. Both inputs and outputs can be classified as analog (e.g., input power,
drive output, meter outputs, etc.) or digital (e.g., contact closures or switch inputs, relay
outputs, etc.).

IGBT is an acronym for Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors. IGBTs are semiconductors that
are used in the Perfect Harmony drives to provide reliable, high-speed switching, high-power
capabilities, improved control accuracy, and reduced motor noise.

Induction motor
An induction motor is an AC motor that produces torque by the reaction between a varying
magnetic field (generated in the stator) and the current induced in the coils of the rotor.

Intel hex
Intel hex refers to a file format in which records consist of ASCII format hexadecimal (base
16) numbers with load address information and error checking embedded.

The inverter is a portion of the drive that changes DC voltage into AC voltage. The term
"inverter" is sometimes used mistakenly to refer to the entire drive (the converter, DC link,
and inverter sections).

Jog mode
Jog mode is an operational mode that uses a pre-programmed jog speed when a digital
input (programmed as the jog mode input) is closed.

Jumper blocks are groups of pins that can control functions of the system, based on the
state of the jumpers. Jumpers (small, removable connectors) are either installed (on) or not
installed (off) to provide a hardware switch.

Ladder logic (Also Ladder Diagram)

A graphical representation of logic in which two vertical lines, representing power, flow from
the source on the left and the sink on the right, with logic branches running between,
resembling rungs of a ladder. Each branch consists of various labeled contacts placed in
series and connected to a single relay coil (or function block) on the right.

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Loss of signal feature

The loss of signal feature is a control scheme that gives the operator the ability to select one
of three possible actions in the event that the signal from an external sensor, configured to
specify the speed demand, is lost. Under this condition, the operator may program the drive
(through the system program) to (1) revert to a fixed, pre-programmed speed, (2) maintain
the current speed, or (3) perform a controlled (ramped) stop of the drive. By default, current
speed is maintained.

LVD is an acronym for Low Voltage Directive, a safety directive in the EU.

Lvl RH
This term refers the two security fields associated with each parameter of the system. These
fields allow the operator to individually customize specific security features for each menu
option (submenu, parameter, pick list, and function). These fields are shown in parameter
dumps and have the following meanings. Lvl is the term for the security level. Setting R=1
blocks parameter change, and setting H=1 hides the menu option from view until the
appropriate access level has been activated.

Memory is the working storage area for the Perfect Harmony drive that is a collection of RAM

A microprocessor is a central processing unit (CPU) that exists on a single silicon chip. The
microprocessor board is the printed circuit board on which the microprocessor is mounted.
The NXG drive employs a single-board computer with a Pentium® microprocessor.

NEMA 1 and NEMA 12

NEMA 1 is an enclosure rating in which no openings allow penetration of a 0.25-inch
diameter rod. NEMA 1 enclosures are intended for indoor use only. NEMA 12 is a more
stringent NEMA rating in which the cabinet is said to be "dust tight" (although it is still not
advisable to use NEMA 12 in conductive dust atmospheres). The approximate equivalent
IEC rating is IP52.

Normally closed (NC)

Normally closed refers to the contact of a relay that is closed when the coil is de-energized.

Normally open (NO)

Normally open refers to the contact of a relay that is open when the coil is de-energized.

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An acronym for Open Loop Test Mode - One of six control modes of the NXG drive.

An acronym for Open Loop Vector Control, also known as Encoderless Vector Control.
OLVC is a flux vector control that is one of six control modes of the NXG drive. The drive
computes the rotational speed of the rotor and uses it for speed feedback.

OOS is an abbreviation for out of saturation - a type of fault condition in which a voltage drop
is detected across one of the IGBTs during conduction. This can indicate that the motor is
drawing current too rapidly or in excess.

OR is a logical Boolean function whose output is true if any of the inputs is true. In SOP
notation, OR is represented as "+".

A parameter is one of four items found in the Perfect Harmony menu system. Parameters
are system attributes that have corresponding values that can be monitored or, in some
cases, changed by the user.

PED is an acronym for pressure equipment directive, a directive of the EU relating to
pressure vessels.

Pick list
A pick list is one of four items found in the Perfect Harmony menu system. Pick lists are
parameters that have a finite list of pre-defined "values" from which to choose, rather than a
value range used by parameters.

PID is an acronym for proportional + integral + derivative, a control scheme used to control
modulating equipment in such a way that the control output is based on (1) a proportional
amount of the error between the desired setpoint and the actual feedback value, (2) the
summation of this error over time, and (3) the change in error over time. Output contributions
from each of these three components are combined to create a single output response. The
amount of contribution from each component is programmable through gain parameters. By
optimizing these gain parameters, the operator can "tune" the PID control loop for maximum
efficiency, minimal overshoot, quick response time, and minimal cycling.

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Qualified user
A qualified user is a properly trained individual who is familiar with the construction and
operation of the equipment and the hazards involved.

Quick menu
Quick menu is a feature of the menu system that allows the operator to directly access any
of the menus or parameters, rather than scrolling through menus to the appropriate item.
This feature uses the [Shift] button in conjunction with the right arrow. The user is prompted
to enter the four digit ID number associated with the desired menu or parameter.

RAM is an acronym for Random Access Memory, a temporary storage area for drive
information. The information in RAM is lost when power is no longer supplied to it. Therefore,
it is referred to as volatile memory.

Regeneration is the characteristic of an AC motor to act as a generator when the rotor’s
mechanical frequency is greater than the applied electrical frequency.

A relay is an electrically controlled device that causes electrical contacts to change their
status. Open contacts will close and closed contacts will open when rated voltage is applied
to the coil of a relay.

RS232C is a serial communications standard of the Electronics Industries Association (EIA).

Setpoint is the desired or optimal speed of the VFD to maintain process levels (speed

Slip is the difference between the stator electrical frequency of the motor and the rotor
mechanical frequency of the motor, normalized to the stator frequency as shown in the
following equation:
Slip =ω S - ω R ω S

Slip compensation
Slip compensation is a method of increasing the speed reference to the speed regulator
circuit (based on the motor torque) to maintain motor speed as the load on the motor
changes. The slip compensation circuit increases the frequency at which the inverter section

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is controlled to compensate for decreased speed due to load droop. For example, a motor
with a full load speed of 1760 rpm has a slip of 40 rpm. The no load rpm would be 1800 rpm.
If the motor nameplate current is 100 A, the drive is sending a 60 Hz wave form to the motor
(fully loaded); then the slip compensation circuit would cause the inverter to run 1.33 Hz
faster to allow the motor to operate at 1800 rpm, which is the synchronous speed of the

Is an acronym for Synchronous Motor Control - which is one of six control modes in the NXG
drive.This mode computes the rotational speed similarly to open-loop vector control, and
controls the field reference or the synchronous motor as in closed-loop synchronous motor

SOP - (1)
SOP is an acronym for Sum Of Products. The term "sum-of-products" comes from the
application of Boolean algebraic rules to produce a set of terms or conditions that are
grouped in a fashion that represents parallel paths (ORing) of required conditions that all
must be met (ANDing). This would be equivalent to branches of connected contacts on a
relay logic ladder that connect to a common relay coil. In fact, the notation can be used as a
shortcut to describe the ladder logic. (2) SOP, when used as a filename extension, refers to
System Operating Program.

SOP Utilities
The program within the Siemens LD A Tool suite used for converting between text and
machine loadable code. It can also be used for uploading and downloading files over the
RS232 connection.
See Tool Suite definition.

Stop mode
Stop mode is used to shut down the drive in a controlled manner, regardless of its current

A submenu is one of four components found in the Perfect Harmony menu system.
Submenus are nested menus (i.e., menus within other menus). Submenus are used to
logically group menu items based on similar functionality or use.

Synchronous speed
Synchronous speed refers to the speed of an AC induction motor’s rotating magnetic field. It
is determined by the frequency applied to the stator and the number of magnetic poles
present in each phase of the stator windings. Synchronous Speed equals 120 times the
applied Frequency (in Hz) divided by the number of poles per phase.

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System Operating Program

The functions of the programmable inputs and outputs are determined by the default system
program. These functions can be changed by modifying the appropriate setup menus from
the front keypad and display. I/O assignments can also be changed by editing the system
program (an ASCII text file with the extension .SOP), compiling it using the compiler
program, and then downloading it to the controller through its serial port, all by utilizing the
SOP Utility Program with the Siemens LD A Tool Suite.

Tool Suite
Is the suite of programs developed by Siemens that allows easier access to the NXG drive
for programming and monitoring. It is comprised of the following components:
● Tool Suite Launcher - also referred to as Tool Suite; used for coordinating other tools.
● SOP Utilities - used to launch an editor that compiles or reverse compiles a System
Program. It also allows for serial connection to the drive for uploading and downloading
System Programs.
● Configuration Update - allows for backing-up, updating, and cloning drives via direct
access to the Flash Disk.
● Host Simulator - used for monitoring, programming, and controlling a drive remotely from
a PC over the built-in ethernet port of the drive. Parameter changes, status display, and
graphing of internal variables are its main functions.
● Debug Tool - this tool is used to display the diagnostic screens of the drive for diagnosing
drive problems or improving performance via the built-in ethernet port of the drive.

Tool Suite Launcher

see Tool Suite definition.

The force that produces (or attempts to produce) rotation, as in the case of a motor.

Uploading is a process by which information is transmitted from the drive to a remote device
such as a PC. The term uploading implies the transmission of an entire file of information
(e.g., the system program) rather than continued interactive communications between the
two devices. The use of a PC for uploading requires communications software to be
available on the PC.

Variable frequency drive (VFD)

A VFD is a device that takes a fixed voltage and fixed frequency AC input source and
converts it to a variable voltage, variable frequency output that can control the speed of a

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194 Operating Instructions, Version AE 12/2009, A5E01454341C

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Is an acronym for Volts per Hertz control, one of six control modes in the NXG drive. This
mode is intended for multiple motors connected in parallel. Therefore, it disables spinning
load and fast bypass. This is essentially open-loop vector control with de-tuned (smaller
bandwidth obtained by reducing the gain) current regulators.

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Limitations, 153
Opertion, 151
A/D Converter, 42
Abbreviations, 173
Application Specific Features, 157 Electrostatic discharge, 15
Applications, 28 Evolution, 28
Available Networks, 170 Excessive Drive Losses
Implementation, 139
Internal Theshold, 140
B Inverse Time Curve, 139
Blowers # 1 and # 2, 92
C Fast Bypass, 141
Fast Bypass Process, 141
Cabinet Details, 61
Fiber Optic Cables
Cabinet Outlines, 52
5 Megabaud Communication, 42
Cell A1, 36
Fiber Optic Interface Board, 42
Cell Bypass, 79, 142
Field-Weakening Limit, 126
Cell Construction, 75
Floating neutral, 37
Cell Current Overload, 127
Frequency, 38
Cell Data, 76
Full Load, 40
Clean Power, 20
Full-load operation, 39
Communication circuits, 42
Fuses, 69
Communication Interfaces, 170
Communications, 77
Companion Manuals, 18
Control Door, 88
Control Loops, 158 GenIV Core Configurations, 52
Control Mode Summary, 157 Graphing, 149
Control Overview, 26
Control Section, 80
Control Section Components, 80 H
Control Tub, 81
Harmonic cancellation, 39
Control Wire Way Section, 90
Harmony VFD Family Features, 22
Controller Implementation, 165
High Power Factor, 21
Cooling, 92
Cooling System Control, 92
Current Loop, 158
IEEE 519 Conformance, 102
D Indicators and Labels, 77
Input Current, 40
Debug Functionality, 155
Input Protection Scheme, 87
Drive Family Description, 49
Input Transformer, 39
Drive Tuning, 128
Input Voltage, 39, 40
Dual Frequency Braking, 151
Input/Output Section, 62

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Integral Timer, 138 Power Cell Bypass Option, 25

Intellectual Property, 28 Power Circuitry, 34
Internal Threshold, 140 Power factor, 35
Introduction, 17, 19 Product Description, 49
Inverse Time Curve, 139 Protection Features, 77
ProToPSTM Advantage, 172
ProToPS™, 171
L ProToPS™ Implementation., 172
Purpose, 18
Link Fault, 42
Lock-out/tag-out procedures, 14
Long Cable Applications, 161
Long Cable Filters, 97
Loss of field fault, 110 Q1, 35
Q2, 35
Q3, 35
M Q4, 35
Compatibility, 101
motor voltage and current waveforms, 39
neutral, 37, 39 Reactors and Capacitors, 97
signal polarities, 107 Reader Comments Form, 179
Multiple Networks, 170 Rectifier, 25
Reference Signal, 35, 37
Ride Through, 103
Neutral Point Shift During Bypass, 144
NXG control configuration, 165
NXG Debug Utility, 150 Safety Precautions, 13
Safety precautions and warnings, 13
Schematic of a typical power cell, 35
O Serial Port, 150
Signal Interface Board, 42
One Cycle Protection
Sine Wave, 39
Inegral Timer, 138
Sinusoidal Output Voltages, 21
Transformer Model, 138
Slaves, 42
Open Loop Test Mode, 110
Slip, 109
Open Loop Vector Control, 110
Speed Droop, 160
Output filters, 162
Speed Loop, 158
Output voltages, 34
Ssingle induction motors, 110
Output waveform, 35, 36
Static drives, 39
Overload Current Capability versus Time of Cell, 127
Switching Frequency, 76
Overview, 17
Symbols, 173
Sync Transfer
Input/Output Signals, 165
P Synchronous Transfer
Parallel Control, 169 Down Transfer Implementation, 167
Parameters, 45 Input/Output Signals, 165
Parity, 42 Up Transfer Implementation, 166
Perfect Harmony Advantage, 171 Synchronous Transfer Reactors, 100
Perfect Harmony Features, 22 System Program, 159
Power Cell, 42 System Specifiactions, 45

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198 Operating Instructions, Version AE 12/2009, A5E01454341C

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Terminal blocks, 80
THD, 39
Theory, 33
Tool Suite, 150
Configuration, 149
Control, 150
Drive Host, 149
Graphing, 149
NXG Debug Utility, 150
Status, 150
Topology of Perfect Harmony VFD, 34
Total Harmonic Distortion, 39
Transformer, 138
Transformer Model
One Cycle Protection, 138
Transformer Section, 52
Transformer Thermal Rollback, 126
Transformer Winding Configuration, 26

Univention Corporate Server, 3
Up Transfer Implementation, 166

Vector Control
current regulators, 108
dead-time compensation, 109
feed-forward compensation, 108
flux angle, 109
flux regulator, 109
motor model, 108
peak reduction, 109
speed regulators, 108
VFD Output Ratings, 24
VFD Scalability, 24
VFD Synchronous Transfer Implementation, 163

Warnings, 13
Waveforms, 37
Wye-connected primary, 39

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