Inside Soap UK - 06 July 2019 PDF

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The document provides summaries and previews of various soap operas and television shows, including Coronation Street, Emmerdale, EastEnders, Hollyoaks, Home and Away, and Neighbours. It also includes some trivia facts, star interviews, and opportunities for the reader to vote in awards.

Major storylines discussed include Nick betraying David in court on Coronation Street, Victoria planning to leave Emmerdale village, and Maxine's wedding plans going awry on Hollyoaks.

The document provides 'inside gossip' and headlines about the latest soap news. It also shares trivia facts about Claire King from Emmerdale. There are also 'star watch' and 'style watch' sections.



Her plan to escape rapist Lee... PLOTTING? IIDE!
– 0

WHO’S SECRET for poorly
a N k ...and Emma’s
mum is Fiona!


9 770966 849173


Issue 27 6 – 12 July 2019

night-time dramas – will

be telling Inside Soap why Your stars
es, it’s that that you’ll find in the centre
they deserve your vote, so
look out for some fantastic
this week!
time of year pages of this magazine, o
features coming soon.
again, when
we ask you to vote
I geniunely have no idea
who will be victorious this
Meanwhile, if
you go online to
forr your vote, do
in the Inside
“I’m as excited to see take a
look at
Sooap Awards.
There have
the results as you are!” what our
been some year, so I’m as excited to co uk
amazing plots and see the results as you are. has to offer while you’re
performances over Over the next few there. It’s a whole host
he past year, and weeks, the soaps – as of soapie fun! Ben Price
ass I look down the well as your favourite Steven Murphy, Edito “Nick thinks that if he
ominations list daytime shows and editor@insidesoa co.u uk stays quiet, he could
get away with it”

The BIG 49 38
Coronation Street
4 Nick betrays David in court!
14 Sinead worries about her MRI scan
20 Robert keeps fooling Michelle
21 Alina gives Seb the cold shoulder
28 Kirk returns – but not for long?
31 Steve dresses Tiny as a unicorn Ryan Moloney
40 Geoff makes Yasmeen feel bad “It’sanunderstatement
to say Toadie’s in shock
EastEnders – who wouldn’t be?”
8 Kush & Martin’s feud gets physical ...and more!
16 Honey wants to propose to Adam
22 Rainie is caught with Abi by Jack 10 Inside Gossip – all the 42
latest soap news headlines
26 Mitch & Gray get competitive
28 Callum hides his true feelings 32 What Happens When?
31 Kathy tells Bobby to sort it out! 34 Soapbox
46 10 Totally True Facts
About Claire King
Emmerdale (Emmerdale’s Kim)
6 Victoria plans to leave the village 49 Cast your vote in
24 Moira warns Amy away from Nate the Inside Soap
28 Andrea notices Priya’s disorder If I blow hard Awards 2019
30 Dawn worries she’s losing her son enough, her hair 55 Star watch Amy Lennox
44 Kerry falls out with daughter Amy gets bigger 58 Style watch “I wish Chloe had
92 Who’s In & Out? picked Cameron
Hollyoaks 94 Puzzles from the start!”
18 Maxine’s wedding plans go berserk 96 The Hot List
29 Tom reveals his new business idea
30 Mercedes receives a scary text
98 Hits & Misses 44
43 Sadie returns for ‘dying’ Harry

Home and Away The Left

29 Brody tells his family he’s leaving Behind
30 Will Sheila break up Gary & Amy?

38 Toadie faces Andrea… and Dee!

A new BBC3 Laura Norton
Dramas drama about
radicalisation –
“Kerry just keeps
29 Holby City Serena hides from Fleurr turn to p59 to shooting herself in the
31 Casualty Will Marty be outed? find out more… foot – she can’t help it!”
42 Holby City Evan proposes to Chloee
First with the week’s TTEST
T he

David has shown
some remorse for his
part in the scheme


Nick betrays
David in court!

udgement day arrives who plays devious Nick. “He prepared to accept whatever means, prompting him to
for Nick and David is standing up there in court, punishment awaits him. do a complete U-turn and
this week, as they and he feels this is all a bit Unfortunately, the same tell David that he plans to
stand trial for the more real now. He is scared it can’t be said of Nick. His hold up his hands in court.
theft of Audrey’s money. is going to backfire on him.” ruthless streak knows no In return, thankful David
But just when it looks as That’s not to say that David bounds – though Gail’s eldest calls Imran and backtracks
if the brothers have called has behaved like an angel in appears to have a change of on his claims that Nick was
a truce, with Nick promising the whole sorry saga, having heart early in the week when responsible for the factory
to take full responsibility blackmailed Nick into using he is given a stark reminder roof collapse, leaving his
for the fraud, he commits Audrey’s stolen cash to bankroll of what family loyalty really solicitor absolutely fuming.
the most hideous betrayal – their barber shop, Trim Up
informing the court that
his sibling masterminded
North. However, since David’s
guilty conscience got the better
It’s a snap decision
the whole thing!
“It’s a snap decision in the
of him and he confessed to his
gran, he’s been desperate to
from Nick – he’s scared
moment,” insists Ben Price, make it up to her – and is it will backfire on him”
4 lnsideSoap
As the brothers stand in court,
David has no idea that Nick is
about to land him in the soup

injury caused him to act out of in saving his own skin,

character – and that David was while dooming David to
the genius of their operation! a long stretch behind bars?
Flabbergasted, poor David Or will both brothers be
is powerless to mount his sent down, and left to rot
defence as the judge delivers in a prison cell together?
its verdict. Will Nick succeed Laura-Jayne Tyler

The rest of Nick’s family disown him…
While the brothers battle in court, the Platts are
at their wits’ end when Gail fails to return home
in time for the trial. What could be keeping her?
Meanwhile, Sarah turns Nick’s own plan against
him, and has Adam draw up a document removing
Nick as boss of Underworld, on the grounds that
his brain injury makes him unfit for duty. Has Nick’s
entire family finally washed its hands of him?
“Nick thinks that they’ll come round,” says Ben.
“That is the essential part of the Platts – they
always come good in the end. And there are a lot
But when of mitigating circumstances as to why he took the
Nick consults mone a is not
with Leanne Nick is certain he ideal! Nick may have been misguided and stupid,
– who has can still avoid the but hee doesn’t
d ’t think
thi k he is
i spiteful.”
it f l ”
stood by him consequences
of his actions
through thick
and thin – she
demands that he stick to the think that if he keeps quiet,
original plan and do whatever he could get away with h it.”
it takes to secure his freedom. Meanwhile, David informs
“Nick is very torn,” confirms Shona that Nick plans to tell
Ben. “Suddenly it becomes the truth in court. So, imagine
real that he might go away for the horrified look on bo oth their
a long time, and the life that faces when Nick stand ds before
he is trying so hard to build up the judge and double-c crosses
again could go. He starts to him, claiming that his brain

lnsideSoap 5

“I’m leaving
the village!”

ictoria seems set to – particularly now they know awful prospect – insist on being generously allows Wendy to
leave behind her that she’s having his baby. involved in the baby’s life.” have her say,” shares our
friends and family So, with her own mental Robert is trying to convince insider. “But of course, it’s not
this week, as she health and the well-being of her his sister to stay put, while good news for Victoria. As she
plans on moving out of the unborn child at the forefront of Victoria and Diane prepare to feared, Wendy is desperate to
village – to get as far away as her mind, Victoria believes she sell Keepers Cottage, when be involved in the baby’s life
possible from her rapist Lee. has no choice but to start afresh Wendy makes yet another – and also claims Lee might try
Following Lee and his mother somewhere new. Can anyone uninvited visit. However, as to gain custody of the child!
Wendy’s recent arrival on her persuade her otherwise? Robert distracts the estate “It’s the worst scenario as far
doorstep, traumatised Victoria “Coming face to face with agent, Victoria and Diane steer as Victoria is concerned, so
is painfully aware that the pair Lee again has been horrific for Wendy away to hear her out… Diane can’t believe just how
will likely never leave her alone Victoria,” sighs our Dales spy. “While the last thing Victoria calm she’s managing to stay.”
“Yet it’s the fact that he knows needs at this point is for Wendy The moment Wendy leaves,
she’s carrying his child which to know she’s leaving, she however, Victoria’s utter terror
has hit the hardest. Victoria
had already made the brave
decision to have her baby. But
Wendy says that Lee
now she’s terrified Lee and
Wendy will demand she has
might try to gain
Wendy’s appearance
a termination, or – an equally custody of the child…”
has left Victoria
in turmoil
Isabel Hodgins reveals Vic’s
ordeal has prompted a huge
response from viewers…
“It’s all very well when you play
a story like this in the confines of a
TV studio – but it’s reaching out to
people, and people have reached
out to me,” shares Isabel Hodgins,
aka Victoria. “That’s a new experience
for me. I’ve had survivors thanking
me for telling the story so
truthfully, and they’ve shared
their stories – particularly
since Victoria decided
to keep her baby.
“I’ve heard from
people whose child
was a product of
rape, or sexual
assault. One lady
decided not to go
ahead with the
pregnancy, and told me
it was the hardest thing
she ever did. Another went
ahead with hers, and said
she now has an amazing
20-year-old daughter – and
she wouldn’t change a
thing for the world. This
is people’s lives, and
people’s stories…”

is clear for Diane

and Robert to
Robert is
see – as Wendy’s keeping a close
latest visit eye on Lee’s
leaves her more movements…
determined than
ever to get away. Yet while businessman be prepared to
Robert remains frustrated help her for Victoria’s sake?”
by her decision, Diane As Diane awaits Pollard’s
believes she must do all she answer, time is of the essence
can to help Victoria escape – particularly when Robert
– prompting drastic action... starts stalking Lee at his
“Aware that Victoria wants house. However, is he simply
to leave as soon as she there to warn Lee and his
possibly can, Diane knows mother to stay away from
that she needs cash fast,” Victoria – or something more
explains our snoop. “So dangerous? And how will
…as he stalks
she asks if Pollard will buy Robert’s next move affect his Victoria’s rapist
her out of the B&B she runs sister’s future happiness? outside his house
with him. But will the wily Allison Jones

lnsideSoap 7

battle it out!

he feud between having been rebuffed, neither Martin’s unguarded money
former best buddies man seems willing to budge belt. On chasing after the
Kush and Martin gets on their stubborn position. So thieves, Kush soon catches
physical this week, that’s why Shirley makes her up with them, and retrieves
as Shirley suggests that they unusual proposal… the belt. And when Martin
Shirley steps in
settle their differences in a “Shirley is just as sick as arrives on the scene, he’s and suggests that
boxing match! But is punching everybody else of Martin relieved to find that he hasn’t violence might be
each other’s lights out really and Kush moping about lost an entire day’s takings. the answer…
the best way to get the pair the Square, wearing those “Although these opportunists
back on to friendly terms? scowls,” says our EastEnders could have just as easily with the two of them lowering
The atmosphere has been insider. “It gets to a point targeted someone else, it their defences for a moment,
sour between the two men where you just want to shake seems that it’s just the tonic it’s enough for them to realise
ever since Martin discovered them both, and tell them to the warring duo needed!” how daft they’ve both been.”
that Kush had been keeping sort it out, for the sake of cheers our snoop. “Kush’s After an emotional heart-
secrets about his daughter, everyone’s sanity! So that’s quick reactions saved Martin’s to-heart, Martin and Kush
Bex. And the delicate situation precisely what Shirley does. bacon, so he can’t help but agree to put the past behind
only worsened when Kush And if they can’t use words express his gratitude. And them. However, there’s still
made it clear that he was to settle things, then perhaps
intending to put in a legal
challenge for his biological
their fists can do the talking!”
However, just as the two
Kush and Martin
son, Arthur, whom Martin has
adopted. With all previous
guys are squaring up, Kush
notices that some youngsters
realise just how daft
attempts to compromise are helping themselves to they’ve both been”
8 lnsideSoap
Billy starts taking
bets on the outcome of
the boxing match

Mo makes a bid to reunite Kat & Stacey…
Kat makes the first move to repair her relationship
the issue of their other halves with Stacey this week, and things seem to be going
– Stacey and Kat – who are in the right direction… until it all flares up again!
preoccupied with their own Kat makes the mistake of asking Stacey about
dispute. Can Martin and Kush her missing £50,000, which makes her younger
persuade the pair to follow cousin see red. Stacey knows that Kat only wants
their example, so the family to use the stolen money – which, in reality, belongs
can finally begin to heal? to Phil Mitchell – to fund Kush’s legal campaign to
Tom Spilsbury gain custody of little Arthur. And with that, Stacey
makes a huge decision which could change her
relationship with Kat forever.
Elsewhere, however, Mo is determined to bring
the feisty pair back together, so ropes in Jean to
help. Jean does her best to talk her daughter
round, but just when it seems as though she’s
made some progress, Stacey and Jean arrive at
the Prince Albert – and run straight into Kat!
With no other options left to try, exasperated Mo
comes up with a new plan, and goes to shocking
lengths to bring Kat and Stacey to their senses.
But given Mo’s abysmal track record, especially in
…but Martin and areas of diplomacy, is her sneaky scheme just as
Kush later see sense
and bring their likely to make the family fractures even worse?
rivalry to an end

lnsideSoap 9
Laura-Jayne snoops behind the big soap headlines…

Angela Griffin to return as his
ex, Fiona – and Emma turns
out to be his daughter?
umour has it that Steve

McDonald will be floored
by the daddy of all shocks –
when Rovers barmaid Emma Brooker
turns out to be his daughter!
It’s believed that former Corrie star
Angela Griffin, who played Steve’s
girlfriend Fiona Middleton back in the
1990s, may appear briefly in a
story that will see her
revealed as Emma’s
mum – with Steve later
discovering that he
is the girl’s father…
reappearance is
short and sweet,
but it has huge
implications for
Steve first met Steve,” whispers our
Fiona back in cobbles insider. “Will
the 90s he realise that the date
of Emma’s conception
matches up to when he was
seeing Fiona? And what will his wife 1998. So, if we’ve done our sums right, “Emma hasn’t mentioned her family
Tracy have to say about it?” Steve may learn that Fiona was in fact much since arriving on the cobbles, and
Corrie viewers may remember that pregnant with Emma when she departed! will be completely heartbroken by the
Steve and hairdresser Fiona dated “The drama will unfold after sudden death of her dad,” adds
before she had a one-night-stand with Emma receives tragic news our mole. “She was the
his father, Jim! Fiona went on to have this summer,” explains Their romance may apple of his eye and
a son, Morgan, with detective Alan our source. “She’ll be have been brief, but worshipped him. It’s
did it have lasting
McKenna, who jilted her at the altar devastated when consequences? going to be really
after hearing about her fling with Jim. the man she thinks tough for her.”
Steve and Fiona later reconciled, but is her father dies Actress
she ditched him when he slept with her – prompting Alexandra
best mate, Maxine Peacock, before Emma to Mardell, who
Fiona left the Street with Morgan in contact Fiona. plays Emma,

10 lnsideSoap

hiding the

He is harbouring
another secret…
oor Callum cuts a other way around,” reckons
solemn-looking figure in our Walford mole. “Later,
these latest EastEnders a woman finds Callum and
filming snaps, suggesting that comforts him, and she can
tragedy is on the horizon for be seen holding a bunch of
Whitney’s troubled fiancé. letters. Can she help Callum
Our pictures show soldier find the closure he needs?”
Callum attending a memorial The sad news looks set
service for a fallen Army to come at a tricky time for
comrade, Chris Kennedy, with Callum, who’s been grappling
spies from the location shoot with his sexuality and feelings
saying that he’ll hide from the towards Ben Mitchell, while
deceased’s family at the planning to marry Whitney.
memorial and try to sneak in With Callum keeping so
the back door. But why? many secrets from his
“Callum will be wracked wife-to-be, howw
with guilt after claiming to will he cope whhen
have saved a friend’s life when they – and indeed
they served together in the Callum himself
forces – when actually it – tumble out
might have been the of the closet?


has in the past made no secret of the fact

that she grew up idolising star Angela, and
has even said that she would love Emma
to turn out to be Fiona’s daughter!
Meanwhile, Angela – who has enjoyed Who is
this mystery
numerous TV roles since leaving the lady?
Street and is currently starring in ITV
drama Wild Bill – hinted at her rumoured
return simply by including Coronation
Street among the projects that she has
lined up this year on social media.
Can you imagine the look on Steve’s face
if and when he finds out? We can’t wait!
More Maria!
The Street’s Samia
who plays Maria,
has just signed
a new contract
that will keep her
on the cobbles
for another year.
Fingers crossed that
Maria’s flirtation with
HOLLYOAKS dishy Dr Ali turns into
a long-term romance!

THIS IS NO What’s up, Irene?

Reports suggest that Home and

Away’s Irene is in for a rough
few months, after actress Lynne
McGranger was
spotted shooting
scenes where her
The McGann brother is set to character looked
bring big drama to Hollyoaks… distressed”. What
could bee in sstore

for Irenne?
n e?
ollyoaks bosses have us giddy
with excitement following the
announcement that Tony’s Mick’s agony
dad, Edward Hutchinson – played EastEnders’ Danny DyDyerr
by telly fave Joe McGann – is to be (Mick) has revealed that
the soap’s new supervillain! the show is lining up
Surgeon Edward will play a key a mental health plot
role in the soap’s 25th birthday in the wake of Mick’ss
celebrations next year – and we son Ollie’s autism
should all be very afraid! Tony has always diagnosis. “I have
been at the heart
“Edward couldn’t be more of the drama some really powerful
different from loveable Tony,” stuff coming up with
says a Hollyoaks spokesperson. Kellie [Bright, aka
“He’s a highly manipulative and Hair we go! Nick Linda],” he says.
narcissistic surgeon who only has has been there
since the start
his own best interests at heart. The
height of his villainy will build to
a huge story running across the
anniversary episodes and beyond.”
“Hollyoaks has been around for
nearly 25 years, and I have been
there for every single one of them”
Soap SPY...
adds actor Nick Pickard, who plays Pillow talk!
Tony. “Recently I had the pleasure of We all thought the shock new
meeting Joe, and what better way of Walford pairing was going to
marking our anniversary than by getting be Ben and Callum – although
to know some more of Tony’s family? judging by this snap, Jay looks
I have to warn you, though, Edward set to throw a spanner in the

is here to ruffle a few feathers!” works! As it happens, good

Star Joe will make his debut in pals Max Bowden (Ben) and
Hollyoaks when Edward arrives in Jamie Borthwick (Jay) were
the village later this year. just larking about – but we’re

totally shipping them! #Bay

lnsideSoap 13

m e–
to go. So she’s quick to remind beard oil business going
Daniel of this stark fact, before great guns, Daniel suggests
he gets too carried away.” they postpone their holiday
Even so, Sinead’s devoted so she can stay on top of her
bloke remains determined she orders. But it turns out that
should celebrate and enjoy this he has a special delivery of
important milestone, and he his own up his sleeve – as
wants to keep her from mulling he proceeds to propose!
over the worst possible “Daniel hands Sinead a
scenario. So he decides to locket, declaring that it’s time
surprise her with a holiday they were legally married,”
in the Scottish Borders… reveals our snoop. “He secretly
Finally, these two “Daniel was desperate organised a pagan wedding
have something to take Sinead to Scotland a ceremony for the couple not
to celebrate!
few weeks back,” our insider long after Sinead announced

reminds us. “But Sinead was her pregnancy – but knew
inead and Daniel It was shortly after understandably keen to get nothing of her cancer at the
are braced for bad discovering she was pregnant her MRI scan out of the way time. The pair have been on
news this week, with her son, Bertie, that first. So Daniel decides the quite the journey since then,
when she heads to Sinead was diagnosed with time is now – and while it’s not so Daniel reckons there’s
the hospital for a vital MRI cervical cancer. She was the most exotic of getaway no better time to make their
scan, which is set to reveal forced to bring her little boy destinations, a relaxing break marriage official…”
whether or not her cancer into the world early via an from the cobbles will hopefully As Sinead and Daniel seal
treatment is working. emergency caesarean, after do Sinead the power of good.” the deal with a tender kiss,
As the anxious couple sit her cancer began to spread However, it’s not long before are the happy couple finally
in the waiting room, Sinead mid-treatment and doctors there’s yet another spanner looking forward to a long and
is brutally honest with Daniel, declared that urgent in the works for the couple’s healthy married life together?
insisting he must face up to radiotherapy was required. impending trip. With Sinead’s Allison Jones
the fact that there’s still every Since then, Bertie has buoyed
chance she could die. But his mum and dad through
there are big the toughest
smiles all round
as Sinead’s
“Daniel thinks of times,
as Sinead’s
consultant it’s time they chemotherapy
explains that and her battle
her tumour were legally with cancer
has shrunk…
“It’s such a
married” continued.
But although
wonderful outcome!” grins the family has finally been
our Weatherfield spy. “Not only given some much-longed-for
is Sinead’s tumour smaller, but good news at last, Sinead
the doctor goes on to reveal remains anxious.
that there’s also no evidence “After everything she’s been
the cancer has spread. It’s a through, it’s unsurprising that
very welcome discovery after Sinead’s not ready to relax
months of gruelling treatment just yet,” shares our sneak.
ffor Sinead.
it mean for
d So
S what
h t does
d “She’s
“Sh ’ very much h aware ththatt
the cancer could return at any HOPING FOR
her future?” point, and there’s still a way
While we keep our fingers crossed for Sinead’s
recovery to continue, some rumours have suggested
that Katie McGlynn, who plays her, might soon be
leaving Corrie – which doesn’t bode well for Daniel
and Sinead’s well-deserved happy-ever-after.
When recently quizzed on the matter, Rob Mallard,
who plays Daniel, was measured in his response…
“In an ideal world I’d prefer it to be like that,” he
stressed. “But it doesn’t always make good TV,
does it, to have everyone getting what they want.
I’ve been told [that what’s in store] is going to
be intense, so I’ve been preparing for that. We’ll
Last time they got
hitched, Daniel had no just have to wait and see what comes along.”
idea about Sinead’s illness

lnsideSoap 15
Adam can’t deny his
feelings for Habiba
– and resolves to
confess to Honey



heating dentist spy. “It’s way past time for him
Adam looks set to to finally do the right thing by
shatter poor Honey’s Honey. She’s totally devoted
heart this week, as to him – yet while he’s been case, but the very
the prospect of his secret moving her and her kids into thought of losing Habiba The dentist is a dirty
dog – or a rotten
lover Habiba moving on with a fancy new flat, and making leaves Adam cold. canine…
another man leaves him all kinds of promises about All the while, however,
seething with jealousy. sharing a future together, he’s Honey is excitedly making
Unable to cope with the been jumping into bed with plans for her and Adam’s new Honey – of course it would,”
idea of Habiba entering into Habiba at every opportunity!” home, which he’s purchased sighs our sneak. “As far as
an arranged marriage, Adam As Mariam hosts a formal from landlord Jack (see p22). she’s concerned, she’s nabbed
insists to her that he and meeting with a potential And after Linda makes a herself a handsome bloke with
Honey are over. Meanwhile, husband for her granddaughter, throwaway remark about a stable job who seemingly
oblivious Honey reveals to Billy Adam is pushed to claim that hearing wedding bells, thrilled loves her kids Will and Janet
that she’s planning on asking he wants to be with Habiba for Honey gets carried away… as much as he cares for her.
Adam to marry her! But will keeps. Mariam’s match ends “Being Adam’s wife would And after everything Honey’s
Adam have the chance to let up proving fruitless in any be a dream come true for been through with Billy, Adam
her down gently, before she has swept her right off her feet
realises her unfaithful partner
has been sleeping with another
Honey searches for – so the last thing that she’s
expecting to find out is that
woman behind her back?
“The clock’s ticking, Adam!”
Adam – unaware he’s he’s been doing the dirty!”
Consequently, over-excited
insists our outraged Walford in bed with Habiba!” Honey makes the brave

16 lnsideSoap
“He’s adorable – a great guy who’s fitted in
beautifully!” Those were the words of Emma
Barton, who plays Honey, as she talked to
Inside Soap about co-star Stephen Rahman-
Hughes (Adam) a little while back. But when
Stephen and Emma were interviewed on the
red carpet at the recent British Soap Awards,
Stephen conceded that his deceitful alter
ego probably isn’t quite so charming…
“Adam is a troubled soul,” suggested the
star, who previously appeared in Emmerdale
as Vikesh Dasari, the DCI who investigated the
death of Tom King in 2006. “He’s mixed-up,
and making some decisions that members of
the audience aren’t particularly agreeing with.


Adam is playing a very dangerous game –
and we’re yet to see what happens…”

decision to pop the question that Honey is in a state of

to Adam herself – leaving Billy sheer panic, Stacey suggests
heartbroken when she shares that she check out the shop’s
the big news with him. But CCTV, in case it shows up
does Honey have an even where Honey last had the
bigger shock in store before keys. Honey reckons that’s a
she manages to get down great idea, and goes looking
on one knee? for Adam so that he can
“While she’s chatting help her out – unaware
away with Whitney that he’s busy in bed
about weddings, with Habiba…”
Honey realises Ironically, it’s Billy who
that she’s lost steps up to help Honey
the keys to in Adam’s absence –
the Minute but will he prevent
Mart,” her duplicitous
reveals boyfriend’s true
our Billy has had a colours finally
bad feeling Habiba meeting with a
snoop. about Adam for being revealed? potential husband gives
“Seeing a long while Allison Jones Adam food for thought

lnsideSoap 17



Damon’s ideas are

a bit too pie-in-the-
sky for Maxine

axine’s wedding befitting of someone who she’s meeting a private doctor decisions of his own, as he
budget takes a doesn’t have long left to live in an effort to finally get to the and Brody decide to book
huge hit this week, – even though we all know bottom of what’s going on. But an expensive helicopter to fly
when her groom full well there’s nothing wrong the truth is that she’s actually them to the wedding! However,
Damon books a helicopter to with her. She’s determined to looking at wedding dresses what will bridezilla Maxine say
fly him and best man Brody make it the most talked-about for her special day! when she realises that her
to the ceremony! wedding in Hollyoaks history!” Meanwhile, her hubby-to-be future hubby has blown their
But after the bride herself With that in mind, Maxine Damon is making some big budget on a chopper?
falls in love with calls on her best
an expensive
wedding dress,
“Maxine is pals Grace and
Sienna to help
will she use the certainly not organise the
‘fact’ that she’s
dying to make going for special event.
However, while
sure she’s the
one who gets
low-key!” making all the
what she wants on her big day? Maxine is also very careful to
“This may be Maxine’s third keep up the ruse that she is
time getting hitched, but she’s suffering from a mystery illness Maxine is
certainly not going for low- that’s slowly killing her… joined by her
pals when
key!” chuckles our Hollyoaks With that in mind, Maxine she finds her
insider. “She wants a wedding lies to her loved ones that dream dress

18 lnsideSoap
You can say
“I’m excited
about seeing the
babies. And a bit
“Nervous? “I just want you to
What have you got to be know, there is no problem
nervous about? I’m the one with me. It’s just nice to see you
that has to push four of ’em back at home, where you should be.”
out me noo-noo.” The residents of Walford could learn a
A whole nation winced lot from Denise. Be nice to psycho
in sympathy. Bobby, and he won’t come after
you with his hockey stick.

“Right, I better
go and neuter a
bull mastiff.”
“Listen, I don’t “Caastration
want to stick me neb in, must be sso satisfying.”
but seeing as you’re with Sarah, you Don’t give Kim ideas,
might want to know that Gary’s here. Rhona – if you still want
He don’t seem in the best of moods so Pete to be of any practical
I thought I’d give you a heads-up. use to you.
Only, I do not want any trouble.”
“It’s Damon’s big day too, The Rovers would be a very dull
and of course Maxine wants s place without Jenny and her
him to be happy,” concedes big stirring spoon.
our sneak. “However, if he has
the helicopter, it will mean
Maxine having to make a big g
cut in her wedding dress
budget – and there’s no wayy
that Maxine is going to walk
down the aisle in anything le ess
than the perfect frock!”
To make matters even
worse, when Maxine tries on n “In the fridge
wedding dresses with Grace e are four bottles of the
and Sienna, she falls in love ponciest beer I could lay me
with the most expensive one e
hands on, and in the oven there’s
there! Will she put her foot
have you done
an extra-large steak and kidney
down and tell Damon that he e’s w
with my wife?”
pie. On the bed are your favourite
going to have to cancel his “You know Has murdering
trackies, which I’ve washed fifire starter Tracy
wedding ride so that she can n how much you
and ironed, and the film gone soft in her
have the dress of her dreamss? enjoy my crab starter.”
I’ve bought is Predator. old age?
Sarah Ellis
E Typical Geoff… Shellfish
from the very Happy birthday,
beginning. Saddo.”
Soap 19



ying Robert is run before, this week he’s spinning guests as previously expected! he will definitely be there for
ragged juggling his more plates than his waiters Panicking, Michelle calls her next midwife appointment.
double life this week on a busy night at the Bistro,” Robert and asks him to bring However, when excited
– and winds up in tuts our Corrie spy. “The rotter more food – just as he’s about bride-to-be Michelle swans off
some very tricky situations! gets the green light to see Vicky to leave for Vicky’s house. It’s to a wedding dress sale, he’s
Robert wants his happy-ever- after realising that Michelle will his first real test at having to stuck manning the Bistro.
after with Michelle and the be away on business working choose between the two Desperate, Robert decides
chance to be a dad with Vicky. at a charity fund raiser, but it women – and Michelle wins to bribe Ryan to manage the
But as the reality of his situation won’t be so easy…” when her so-called hero arrives restaurant, and after assuring
starts to hit home, how much As Michelle, Ayla and Ryan with emergency catering. the mother of his unborn baby
longer can he keep his secrets? set up a buffet at the hotel Meanwhile, Robert’s phone is that he is fully committed to
“If Robert thought he was venue, they learn that the event ringing like mad in his pocket… her and their child, Robert
torn between the two women is to attract twice as many “Vicky is doing her nut, and returns to the cobbles and
the stress Robert’s causing her spins Michelle a yarn about
can’t be good for her or the suddenly being called away
baby,” sighs our source. “He’s to help a young offender.
mad if he thinks he can keep Will she buy his story again?
stringing her along like this!” Or will he be forced to fess up
After letting her down, about Vicky and their baby?
Robert promises Vicky that Laura-Jayne Tyler

Robert is mad if he thinks

Ryan is already that he can keep stringing
suspicious of Robert’s
recent behaviour Vicky along like this…”



here’s a moment of she abruptly hangs up. Still
passion for Eileen this hoping to take her out for
week, as builder Jan lunch, Seb calls in at the nail
leans in for a kiss. bar where she works – and is
But can she finally put the devastated as Alina tells him
spectre of her murderous it’s over! There’s worse to
husband Phelan behind her, come, however, when her
and fall in love again? boss later informs Seb
As Eileen opens up that Alina has quit
to Jan about her and vanished.
marriage to a Jan is once
killer, he assures again on hand
her she’ll find to offer advice,
love again – and he tells
before planting gutted Seb that
a kiss on her. Alina delivers he should forget
bad news to
But although boyfriend Seb all about Alina.
Eileen reciprocates But with the nature
at first, she pulls away of Jan’s connection to
– and it’s clear she’s struggling the nail bar and Alina’s boss,
to deal with the prospect of a Rachel, still a mystery, why is
new man in her life… he not worried about Alina’s
Meanwhile, Eileen’s young safety? And does Jan’s lack of
lodger Seb is having romance unease suggest that he’s not a
troubles of his own, when he man Eileen should be trusting
calls his girlfriend Alina to with her heart after all?
suggest that they meet, and Allison Jones

Another bad role for Tristan…
Coronation Street star Tristan Gemmill is doing
such a fab job playing naughty Robert that he’s
been snapped up to play an even bigger baddie
after he makes his exit from the cobbles!
The star has confirmed that he’ll be taking on
the villainous role of Captain Hook in a pantomime
of Peter Pan later this year.
“People of Swansea – I’m coming to throw
sweets at your children,” said Tristan on his social
media. “Get your tickets now!”
for more information and to purchase tickets.

lnsideSoap 21

Rainie holds on tight to

little Abi, determined
to keep the tot

Jack catches
out Rainie!

here’s drama at the spy. “Max knows that and
home of the Brannings tells Ian they should
this week, as thieving keep Jack in the dark
Rainie sneaks back about Rainie’s return,
Max is beside
into the house – and gets to give themselves the himself with
caught by furious Jack. best chance of getting worry over
After stealing all his money to Abi. He doesn’t care missing Abi
and snatching Abi, Rainie has about Jack’s cash.”
been on the run, leaving Jack Meanwhile, clueless
and Max in turmoil. And when Jack is in financial dire
Ian realises his grandchild has straits and Denise can’t
been taken, he gets involved fathom why he won’t seek
in the search for Rainie and help from the police. However,
demands Max phones the Jack believes he can raise the best news they’ve had
police. After neither of the funds after agreeing to sell the during this whole sorry saga.”
Branning brothers will make the flat to Adam. Desperate for new best pal!” says our insider. Meanwhile, Rainie creeps into
call, Ian decides to approach readies, he leans hard on Adam “He informs them that Rainie the Brannings’, determined
Rainie himself and rings her. to complete the sale quickly, has gone on holiday and will to locate Abi’s favourite toy.
However, while it seems Ian and it seems he’ll get what he return when she’s ready, so The problem is, she thinks
might make matters worse, wants. Elsewhere, Max and Ian there’s no need for them to get that Jack has also left for the
Rainie surprises everyone by head to the café to see Rainie. the police involved with trying hoax meeting with Stuart, and
agreeing to a meet him in a café “Who should stroll through to find Abi. It’s hardly going to rifles through the property
away from the Square – and it’s the door but Stuart, Rainie’s put their minds at rest, yet it’s believing it to be empty – but
clear that she’s up to no good. Jack is in the house. Catching
“Given that Rainie could be
done for abduction and theft, it
Rainie could be done for her red-handed, he demands
she return his money and
seems bizarre she’d be willing
to stroll into Walford to have
abduction and theft – so Abi. What will she be willing
to do to escape him?
a chat,” muses our EastEnders her return is bizarre…” Kate White

22 lnsideSoap
P oor little Abi is once again at the heart of a
Branning tug-of-war, and she’s not even two
yet! With mum Abi and dad Steven brown bread,
it’s down to the rest of her family to raise her. But
with role models like these, we reckon she might
end up more disturbed than her late mum…
Serial philanderer, the killer of her
dad and all-round nasty bit of
work, Max is Abi’s legal guardian.
We know Max adores his little
granddaughter, but he adored
his own children and now two
of them are dead, and the other
two never see him. Good lord.


Former smack addict Rainie cleaned
herself up and immediately married
her sister’s ex-hubby. After robbing
Abi’s Great Uncle Jack of his entire
fortune, Rainie’s now dragging
the tot around as a fugitive and
has showed no signs of being
mother material. Heaven help her!

Surely the only hope of Abi
having a chance of a happy,
normal life would be in the care of
her Grandma Tanya. The trouble
is that she’s so distraught about
Abi Snr’s death that she won’t
have anything to do with her
infant grandchild. Buck up, Tan.


Never likely to be given a ‘Mum
of the Year’ award from her own
daughters, Cora was still willing
to bring up Abi Jnr. However,
chain-smoking septuagenarians
who recently listed ‘the streets’ as
their address don’t tend to win
custody battles. Sorry, Cora.

Sure, Abi could go and live with
Grandad Ian, but then she’d be
sharing an address with sister-
killer Bobby, aka the human-
timebomb. She’d also have to
live with Ian, which has proven to
send people even as saintly as
Jack hopes to recoup
his missing money by Jane completely round the twist.
selling his flat to Adam

lnsideSoap 23

What will Cain make

of Moira’s strange


Stay away

eddling Moira to step in. She tries to keep is pleased when she realises There’s no doubt that the
warns Amy to stay it subtle, but Amy is left in no Amy has heeded her warning, Dingle marriage has been
away from new boy doubt that Moira is telling her but the big question is why under a lot of strain lately.
Nate this week – that Nate is bad news and he’ll the happily married woman Moira and Cain have had a few
but why does she care who only hurt her. So cautious Amy feels the need to interfere. bust-ups recently, including
her farmhand is dating? cancels on Nate, determined “This isn’t Moira’s style at their row over Moira’s decision
The trouble kicks off when not to jeopardise her contact all – she’s not one to stick to hide the fact that Kyle was
Moira overhears Nate and Amy with son Kyle, who lives with her nose into other people’s hospitalised after Amy lost
arranging a date, and decides Moira and his dad Cain. Moira relationships,” whispers our him. They’ve been through
village spy. “However, she worse, though, and Moira
Farmer Moira feeds
seems incapable of letting hasn’t suggested she wants
information to Amy to Nate live his life and date who to split up. However, she’s
put her off Nate he wants. Of course, it’s not acting like a jealous love rival
ideal for Kyle’s mum to be and her behaviour is strange.
sharing a bed with one of Nate can’t believe it when he
Cain’s employees, but this is and Amy finally talk, and she’s
Emmerdale and there’s not honest about why she cancelled
a lot of single people about! their plans. It’s bizarre for him
It’s an odd reaction…” to hear that Moira warned Amy

Nate has bedded Tracy, Kerry

and Amy in a matter of weeks
– could Moira be next?”
24 lnsideSoap

Pushed to
the edge!

here’s a health scare
for poor Pollard this
week, when the toxic
situation between
David and Jacob leaves him
fighting for breath.
Since Maya’s imprisonment,
Jacob has been at war with his
dad and mum Leyla, blaming
them for putting the woman he
loves behind bars. Desperate The stress of
to reach his son, David has Jacob’s ordeal
takes its toll
set up a fake online gaming
account to talk to Jacob and
try to help him without his son The sight of Pollard in so
realising who his confidant is. much pain signals a wake-up
But when Jacob realises that call to his son and grandson.
his dad has been lying, and They both love Pollard deeply
lures David and Leyla to the and are terrified at the idea
café, all hell breaks loose. of losing him. The next day,
“Jacob goes mad and they manage to talk civilly and
lashes out at David – it’s a agree that they have to protect
Nate’s stunned when really ugly scene,” reveals our Pollard from any more stress.
Amy tells him about Dales spy. “As usual, Pollard The fact Jacob is so worried
Moira’s intervention about his grandad encourages
is the one who tries to break
it up and calm both of them David to believe there could be
down. However, the stress of a way back. Leyla’s stunned to
this encounter suddenly takes find them united on something
a terrible toll. Pollard gets short and thinks about how to keep
of breath and it looks as if he the peace. What’s she planning?
might need medical help.” Kate White

off him, and Nate wants she wants him,” shares

answers. Later, while he our source. “She’s acting
and Moira work at the like a woman scorned.
farm, Nate confronts his Nate’s bedded Tracy, Kerry
boss about why she’s so and Amy – and he’s only
interested in his life. Can been in the Dales a matter
Moira explain herself? of weeks! Could Moira be
“Nate would be well the next woman to fall under
within his rights to accuse his spell – and if so, will Cain
Moira of trying to sabotage let him live to tell the tale?”
things with Amy because Kate White

lnsideSoap 25
Cheat Mitch
makes it across
the line first


The great
Walford race!

he residents of Albert more competitive, the Walford be the perfect opportunity to Linda ups the stakes by
Square get set to run newcomer wastes no time in goad the older man into taking telling all of the runners that
the Walford 10k race persuading all his pals to sign part in a race he’s not trained anyone who completes the
this week – although up for the race too! for – before humiliating him!” course and receives a medal
Gray and his father-in-law “Gray uses his charm to get Despite knowing that he’s will win a discount off drinks at
Mitch are clearly taking the all the locals to agree to take no match for his son-in-law, the Vic. But amazingly, the first
charity event more seriously part in the race, but his real Mitch can’t resist taking the runner to cross the finish line
than everyone else! target is Mitch,” reveals our bait, and agrees. And as the is Mitch – overtaking the likes
As soon as he hears about EastEnders insider. “It’s already day of the race arrives, the of Gray and Bex on the way!
the fun run, athletic Gray puts obvious that these two don’t rivalry between “Mitch then
his name forward. And, eager to
turn the event into something
exactly see eye to eye. So
Gray thinks that this could
Mitch and Gray
has reached
“For Mitch admits that
he cheated!”
fever pitch. and Gray, laughs our spy.
The race sees
competitive Gray
“You would
think that it’s a
this fun run “Everyone else
sees the funny
take on Mitch matter of life and
death,” chuckles
is war!” side, but Gray
is utterly livid!”
our mole. “Gray is feeling While the celebrations carry
supremely confident, being on over at the Queen Vic, Gray
the younger, fitter man. decides to slink away from the
Meanwhile, Mitch taunts Gray, party and plot revenge against
and tells him that he’s going his father-in-law. The question
down! While everyone else is is, how exactly will the fuming
just looking forward to a day bloke get his own back?
of fun, for these two it’s war!” Tom Spilsbury
Karen and
co watch on
as the race
gets under
way Your soap story
Wish list!
“Please can we find out more
about the past and family of
Holby City’s Lofty? He’s got
married and nearly died at
the hands of evil Isaac, but
his parents have never been
seen! I hope he and Dom can
also now have happier times
after everything they have
recently been through.”
…asks reader Sarah
from London

“I think it would be a
real twist if Bethany
got together with
Gary. Remember
when she used to be
interested in him?
That would really put
the cat among the
…suggests reader

“Neighbours’ Ned has

so much potential,
but I feel he’s being
wasted right now.
I want to see him
become a proper bad
boy – maybe he could
get involved in
Vance’s dodgy gang?”
says reader Grace

QUICK MICK! “Why do I feel as though

He’s running for Ollie... Will in Emmerdale is
going to end up in Kim
Mick is also running the race, and he tells his wife Tate’s bed, and doing evil
Linda that he’s planning to raise money for a private deeds on her behalf? He’s
assessment for their son, Ollie, whom they suspect just the kind of tamed
may have autism. However, Linda’s reaction isn’t Rottweiler that she likes
quite what Mick had hoped for. to have around!”
Later, when everyone gathers for a photo to
…muses reader Nicki
promote their cause, things don’t go entirely to plan, from Braintree
and Linda becomes even more upset. Noticing Linda’s
distress, Karen steps in to offer her support – and
Each week, we invite readers to share their dream
following the pep talk, Linda realises she needs to get
soap storylines on our lnsideSoap Facebook page.
behind her hubby, so they can both do right by Ollie. Check it out and join in the fun at
After the race, Mick admits to his wife that he’s insidesoap. Or you can email your idea to us at
already gone ahead and booked the assessment for [email protected]. There’s a £10 prize
their boy. Will the parents be given peace of mind? for every suggestion we publish in the magazine!

lnsideSoap 27
she struggles to eat
Andrea reaches out…

riya’s eating disorder
is about to rear its head
again this week, as it
becomes clear to her new
friend Andrea that she’s
struggling with food. something is going on after problem becomes obvious.
It’s an issue Priya has David offers her a free piece Priya can barely bring herself
battled in the past, particularly of fruit, and she feels guilty, to eat anything, and Andrea
in highly stressful situations before the prospect of eating can’t help but pick up on it.
such as the lead-up to the salad and hummus proves an Andrea is sympathetic as
birth of her daughter Amba, equally tricky task. However, she broaches the sensitive
and once again as she it’s while Priya is having lunch subject with her pal – so will
prepared to marry Rakesh. with Andrea and her husband Priya be brave enough to admit
It first starts to emerge that Jamie at Home Farm that the what she’s going through?

Happy ever after?

While Callum is unable
EASTENDERS to share any of what he’s
BBC1 MONDAY really going through with his

allum is forced to excited wife-to-be, Whitney
keep his cool in the reveals that she’s booked a
wake of recent dramatic venue for their big day. Callum
events this week, as his is forced to feign excitement
oblivious fiancée Whitney about the prospect – but
ploughs on with making for how much longer can
plans for their wedding. he keep Whit in the dark?

End of
short-lived as he proceeds
to reveal that he can’t stick

the road?
around on the cobbles for
long, since he’s been
booked for extra dates!
CORONATION STREET Beth’s not happy about her
ITV MONDAY man heading back out on
the road again, yet when

eth is thrilled when Kirk admits he’s not looking
her beloved Kirky forward to it either, since
comes home from he’s been missing Beth
his music tour this week loads, can she persuade
– but her delight proves him to stay closer to home?

28 lnsideSoap
Serena’s shame!
under the desk in her office
HOLBY CITY by Ric. When he challenges
BBC1 WEDNESDAY Serena to explain, she admits

leur Fanshawe is back to enjoying a raucous night
on the ward this week – out on the town with Fleur
much to Serena’s horror! the previous evening.
The mortified AAU consultant What went on between the
goes out of her way to avoid two women to make Serena
Fleur, and is caught hiding want to keep her distance?

Summer baes? suggests they pick up shifts

HOLLYOAKS in the shop over the summer
Channel 4 MONDAY to pay for the damage.

om reveals his new However, preferring to work
business venture to for Tom, the pair ask him for
his friends this week – a job instead. Tom is only
a children’s summer camp prepared to let them work at
called ‘Tom’s Turtles’. the camp if they can all get
Meanwhile, after Romeo along – but are the boys
and Prince destroy a display willing to make amends for
at Price Slice,, Martine the sake of a fun summer jjob?

He breaks
a the
news to his family
that he’s off…
Channel 5 MONDAY

rody and Simone
prepare to leave
Summer Bay this week,
although their plan is met
with nothing but criticism by
the rest of the Morgans. Valley with Simone. After as Raffy walks in! Heartbroken,
Brody organises a final digesting the bombshell that she tells Simone exactly what
family lunch at his beloved their brother is moving to a she thinks of her for ripping
Salt to soften the blow of his different state, Raffy storms their family apart, before Mason
forthcoming departure, before out and the others are left is able to prise her away.
telling his clan everything. completely speechless. Will Brody manage to leave
When his siblings ask about Meanwhile, Simone hands in on good terms with his family?
the new owner of Salt, Brody her caravan keys and explains And will he find the courage
seizes his opportunity – telling to everyone at the diner her to say goodbye to Ziggy
them that he’s leaving for Yarra plan to leave with Brody, just before he goes?
INSIDE SCOOP Breda’s blackmail?
between them, Breda invites
HOLLYOAKS Mercedes on a family picnic.
Channel 4 WEDNESDAY But the day before, Mercy gets

reda tries to unite Sylver a text from an anonymous
and Mercedes this blackmailer which reads,
week, following a row ‘I know what you’ve done’!
that sees Mercy pack her Is Breda on to Mercedes
bags and leave her husband. and trying to scare her into
Mercy’s walk-out happens staying on the straight and
after she discovers that Sylver narrow? Or is somebody
still doesn’t believe she’s off else behind the threatening
drugs. In a bid to build bridges message?

Dawn’s new hell! organised by his foster

EMMERDALE parents, is going to set back

their blossoming relationship.
here’s more heartache She’s sad that she doesn’t
for Dawn this week, have the money to take him
when she discovers on flashy trips and begins
her son Lucas is to jet off to doubt that she can offer
halfway around the world… Lucas everything he needs.
After finally re-establishing Can the mum overcome
contact with her boy recently, her insecurities and wish
Dawn’s worried that a Lucas well, or will the
holiday to Disneyland, setback prove permanent?

Baby drama!
Sheila comes between Gary and Amy…
leaving Amy to entertain the
NEIGHBOURS children. And when Sheila
Channel 5 FRIDAY

enters to check on the pair of
neaky Paul and Sheila them, she takes full advantage
become even more of a game of hide and seek,
determined this week by ensuring that Amy is
to break up Amy and Gary. within earshot Gary when
Despite Sheila feeling he confesses that he doesn’t
incredibly guilty, she really want another child!
organises for Amy Has manipulative
and Gary to Sheila caused
babysit for Nell the end of Amy
and baby Hugo and Gary’s
– in the hope relationship?
that Gary will Or will the pair
prove he’s not manage to work
father material. through their
Just as Sheila difference of
expected, her opinion and find
son messes up, a compromise?

30 lnsideSoap
Let me help you! REGIONS
& RADIO...
Kathy’s on disgruntled Bobby’s case…
young offenders’ unit is also
EASTENDERS met with indifference. In fact,

Bobby only starts to perk up
athy and Bobby clash after he meets a friend from
this week, as his the unit and his
frustrated gran tries to mate offers him
persuade the teen to start a much-needed FAIR CITY
getting his life back on track, ear, along with l Hughie is tempted
now that he’s finally home. some sage by alcohol this week,
Her attempts to organise a words of advice. after putting away
private tutor for her grandson And when some of the wedding
go down like a lead balloon. Bobby returns presents – will he
While her suggestion that home in better spirits, revert back to his
Bobby reconnect with the Kathy is delighted. But ways? Meanwhile,
friends he’s not seen since he can he change his ways Tessa asks Dean
was sentenced to time in the for the better – for good? out for a drink to talk

about business…
Plus, Robbie and
Nora lock horns
over an interview.


teve ploughs on with RIVER CITY
his secret get-rich- l Eve’s plans are
quick scheme this scuppered this
week, going behind Tim’s week, when Maggie
back by dressing up his uncovers her family
beloved horse Tiny as a secret – and then
unicorn – and touting the her son arrives!

Out and proud?

animal about for children’s Elsewhere, with
party entertainment. the wedding on the
The banned cab driver horizon, Dougie
and Michael have realised attempts to scam
that sticking a fake horn on Suzie. And AJ tries to
CASUALTY make amends after
Sally’s steed could be the
solution to their cash woes.
BBC1 SATURDAY some bad press...

But after sneaking Tiny out arty finds himself
for a party and then losing in a tricky position THE ARCHERS
him, is Steve about to feel with his father this l Poor Alistair
the wrath of furious Tim? week, when Jade invites her struggles under the
colleague’s dad to Holby – stress of recent
unaware that Marty hasn’t revelations this week,
come out to his parents! and it looks as if he’s
After answering Marty’s going to make a
phone, Jade speaks to his terrible mistake…
old man Graham – and having Meanwhile, Eddie
informed him that Marty is wants to get in on
receiving a nursing bursary, the action with the
she then decides to invite Conservation Trust.
him along to the ceremony. Finally, one resident
But she soon realises that gets caught up in
Marty hasn’t been honest with Jazzer’s bad temper.
his dad about his sexuality.
Has Jade just outed Marty? See p93 for times
& channel details
And if so, will he forgive her?

lnsideSoap 31

Shirley suggests that Kush and ● Robert finds himself torn ● Suspicious Jacob coaxes his new
MON Martin have a boxing match! between Vicky and Michelle! online ‘friend’ to the café…
● Whitney reveals to Callum she’s
booked a wedding venue…
● Gray charms his neighbours into
● Sean confronts Paul, who
he believes attacked him…

Steve gets his licence back, but

…and Pollard thinks he’s found a
way to reunite Jacob and David!
● Kerry asks Tracy and reluctant Amy
signing up for the 10k race! decides not to tell everyone. out for a girlie afternoon in town.

● Honey reveals to Billy that she Victoria and Diane prepare

TUE plans to propose to Adam… for a house viewing… 1

Ian wants to call the police after
Rainie disappears with Abi!
● Gray antagonises Mitch so that
● Amy and Nate organise a date EPISODE!
– however, Moira warns Amy off!
● After their spat, Moira tries to make
he’ll sign up for the charity run. amends, but Amy’s not interested!

● Daniel waits with anxious Sinead ● Pollard has an offer for Victoria
WED at the hospital for her MRI scan… when he finds out she’s pregnant.

Sarah phones the police when
Gail seems to be missing!
● David relays to Imran that Nick EPISODES
didn’t cause the roof collapse. TONIGHT!
● Dawn hears that Lucas’ foster
parents are taking him abroad!
Priya is offered fruit from David,
but struggles to eat anything…

● Jack catches Rainie after she ● Nate cuddles up to Amy – and is

THU sneaks back into the house! then fired by irritated Moira!

● Kathy is pleased when Bobby
agrees to look into home tutors…
Mo goes to extreme lengths
Robert returns home and
squabbles with Aaron…
● Andrea watches Priya over 2
to stop Kat and Stacey’s feud. lunch, and confronts her! TONIGHT!

● At the race, the competition heats David and Nick patiently ● Unemployed Nate talks to Pete –
FRI up between Mitch and Gray! wait for the verdict in courtt. but will he try to get his job back?
Stuart plans to help Whitney
get her dream wedding dress.
● Mick tells Linda that he’s booked
● Seb is shocked when he gets HOUR
the cold shoulder from Alina… EPISODE!
● Daniel gives Sinead a locket and
● A reporter turns up at the village
– who have they come to talk to?
Debbie invites Will to work
a private appointment for Ollie… suggests they get legally married! with her at the garage!

● Can Max and Jack manage to ● Liz searches online and uncovers ● Robert’s plan puts one resident
SNEAK locate missing Rainie and Abi? some worrying information… in a dangerous situation…
PEEK ● Phil gets suspicious over who ● Adam encourages Sarah to go to ● Vanessa organises a surprise
AT might have his stolen money… the authorities about her hunch. party for Pete and Vanessa.
NEXT ● Phil grows tired of Ben’s ● How will the factory workers ● Bernice discovers something
WEEK irresponsible behaviour. react to Sarah’s new proposal? ridiculously shocking!



● Ste tells Sadie that Harry is dying Andrea and Dee circle each other ● The Morgans support Mason on
so that she’ll meet with them! on the cliff and Dee goes over… the morning of his court hearing! MON
● Sadie reveals to James that
someone paid her to keep quiet…
Tom is organising a summer
● …shocked Heather rescues Dee
from the waters of Byron Bay.
● Andrea heads back to Ramsay
Simone and Brody reveal their
new work opportunity…
● Brody packs up and reflects on
camp for kids: ‘Tom’s Turtles’. Street and puts her plan in action! his memories of Ziggy.

● Harry is fed up with James, and Andrea attempts to fool Toadie ● Can Brody convince Ziggy to hold
decides to break up with him! into believing she is Dee Bliss! on to their wedding photo album? TUE
● Prince and Romeo try to get along
so they can work at Tom’s camp.
Jonny sets up Ste on a date
● Meanwhile, Dee tries to convince
Heather that she’s Andrea!
● Toadie’s world is rocked when a
Brody and Simone leave the
Bay for their new venture!
● Dean promises Ziggy he wants to
with like-minded Jed… familiar face arrives at his door. be with her for the long term…

● Harry calls Sadie and begs her ● Toadie learns why Dee has stayed Irene struggles with Bella’s
to tell the police everything… away from Ramsay Street… lack of respect for authority… WED
Sylver grills Mercedes to find
out if she’s taking drugs!
● Tom struggles to show authority
at the camp’s first training session.
● …and soon, he asks for Dee to
leave Erinsborough behind again!
Yashvi organises a family
● …as Bella begs Colby to let her
move back in! What will he do?
● Ben wonders whether Dean should
brunch along with Ned. earn more than commission.

Mercedes is shocked to receive ● Willow visits Andrea and is ● John and Marilyn reach an impasse
a text, blackmailing her. dismayed by her deceptive antics! over the welfare of Raffy and Jett. THU
● Excited Damon and Brody book
a helicopter to fly to the wedding!
● Ste insists to Jonny and Stuart that
Paul and Sheila attempt to
split up Amy and Gary…
● Ebony has left Pierce! Is Chloe
● Despite Bella’s outburst, Irene is
determined not to give up on her!
Jasmine’s mood changes when
he didn’t really get on with Jed… responsible for his heartbreak? Robbo mentions children…

● Mercedes suspects that Breda David pays his half-brother ● Jasmine confides in Roo that
is behind the threatening texts… Robert Robinson a visit! she doesn’t want her own kids. FRI
Marnie urges James to stop
being so suspicious of Harry.
● Maxine falls in love with a very
● Kyle pushes Chloe to admit she has
romantic feelings for Pierce…
● Gary realises Amy overheard him
● John and Marilyn decide to attempt
a long-distance relationship…
Leah and Maggie try to force
expensive wedding dress! admitting he doesn’t want a baby. Justin and Ben to be friends!

● Maxine and Damon struggle to ● David’s visit to Robert is ● The residents of Summer Bay get
pay for their wedding venue. uncovered by someone… to know the new owner of Salt!
● Sienna is convinced she’s spotted ● Yashvi’s graffiti tour is soon ● Can feuding Ben and Justin
two people from her past… derailed by one curious man. finally resolve their differences? AT
● Liam uses one of the ladies in the ● Paul is anxious about meeting ● Tori, Robbo and Jasmine look
village to make Mercedes jealous! another family member! forward to the 20-week scan… WEEK
in Emmerdale was the final straw
Get in – I didn’t even tune in for the
contact second Tuesday episode. There’s
enough gun crime in real life
without us having to constantly
see it in our favourite shows.
| Victoria, London
Do any other readers think our
soaps are too dark right now?

Drop our Sarah

a line and join in
the fun! There’s
£10 on offer
for every letter
Star and comment
we publish –

and £25 for the
star letter!
The Mill is packed with drama,
conflict and deceit – so No 10
seems the perfect next step


Email us at Has anyone else noticed the
My absolute favourite thing in soap right now is soapbox@ similarity between Doctors’ funny
Andrea’s bonkers mum Heather in Neighbours. receptionist Valerie and prime
minister Theresa May? She could
She’s completely off her rocker! It’s no wonder play the troubled PM in a biopic
Andrea turned out the way she did with a mum – and even make her funny. It
would be fantastic timing with
like that. I can tell that star Kerry Armstrong is Doctors coming up for a summer
Write to us at
having an absolute ball playing her, and who Inside Soap
break! Also, Valerie would make
a great prime minister.
can blame her? | Hannah, Basingstoke House of Hearst, | Kevin, Stoke-on-Trent
30 Panton Street, If anyone can sort out the whole
Brexit fiasco, it’s Valerie!


I am hoping that Corrie bosses I really loved the scenes in
don’t make Gary Windass too Home and Away recently
bad and evil – we all know that where Dean and Ziggy
baddies in Weatherfield end up Join our competed in the car
dead, and I don’t want the once- community at rally. It’s always lovely
sweet Gary to be written out. to see some of the
Please make him nice again… insidesoap Australian countryside,
maybe just a few murders, then as that’s one of
he can go back to being good! the things that
| Dawn, Derbyshire sets the Aussie
I think Gary’s too far down the soaps apart
line to return to being a decent from the UK
human being now, Dawn! Follow us ones. It’s made
on twitter me hanker for a
NO MORE GUNS @InsideSoapMag
holiday, though!
I’m writing to my favourite soap | Leo
magazine to tell you how unhappy We have a bad Phelan We have enough
Gary might go the way
I am about the amount of violence of his former rival Pat sunshine of our
in soap right now. The recent siege own just now…
34 lnsideSoap
This threesome has
certainly got into
the swing of things

Among all the drama in Hollyoaks
this week, it was lovely to see
the teenagers enjoying their own
makeshift prom in the Hutch. The
current crop of schoolkids are very
watchable – Ollie and Brooke are
just the cutest, and I think Juliet
should give Imran a chance. He
might bring out her nicer side!
| Kylie, Manchester
I’m sure she does have a nicer
side, buried deep in there!

I’m really shocked at the way Geoff
has been trying to control Yasmeen
in Coronation
Street. I thought
they were a
good couple,
but now it
seems he’s
not a very nice
man at all.
After the way
her cheating ex-husband Sharif
treated her, Yasmeen deserves to
be in a happy relationship.
| Rick Where is Jane now Bobby’s
Corrie star Ian Bartholomew
BOBBY’S BACK IN WALFORD home? Considering she was
(Geoff) talks to us more about Haunted by his terrible past, returning to the one who covered up
this disturbing plot on p40. Lucy’s murder and made his
the Square was never going to be easy situation so much worse, you
END OF AN ERA for killer Bobby – and opinion is divided would think she’d be there to
It was so sad watching g Duffy see him now that he’s back.
make the heartbrea
m aking about whether or not he should have Kathy is being more of a
decision to hang u up her been welcomed home by his family… parent to Bobby right now.
uniform in Casualty. | Tim, Glasgow
I think it was the right
thing to do, given h her I feel really sorry for Bobby. after all, they have a lot in But Bobby never attacked
dementia diagnosis, but Coming home is a huge step, common. Ben knows what Kathy with a hockey stick!
I’m glad therre will and his dad Ian couldn’t even it’s like to come back to the
still be a role
r for look him in the eye. What he Square after killing someone, Bobby being home is so
her in th he ED. It did to Lucy was awful, but so I think he could be the one silly. He killed his own sister
just wou uldn’t he’s served his time, and he to take Bobby under his wing and attacked his mum, for
be the ssame should be allowed to get on and help him to settle in. goodness sake! It’s no wonder
withou ut Duffy with his life now. Although | Lara, Huddersfield Ian can’t bear to be around
there. what hope does he have when him. There is no way he’d go
| Ap
pril everyone hates him? I’m not sure Ben is the best back to living on the Square if
I agre
ee – | Mike role model for Bobby! What this was a real-life situation.
Duffyy’s he really needs is his mum | Petra
a Cassualty It’s really nice how Ben is Jane to keep him on the Often real life is stranger
icon! looking out for Bobby – straight and narrow… than fiction, though…
lnsideSoap 35
Request SPOT
lnsideSoap TEAM
Deputy Editor GARY GILLATT
Hollyoaks’ Ross Adams Features Editor ALLISON JONES
Deputy Features Editor SARAH ELLIS
[Scott] is wearing a nice
multi-coloured leopard- News Editor LAURA-JAYNE TYLER
print demin jacket in his Writer KATE WHITE
new cast shot. Do you Editorial Assistant/Junior Writer
know where it’s from? ALICE PENWILL
| Jack, London Production Editor/Chief Sub BEN WHISSON
Deputy Chief Sub Editor TOM SPILSBURY
Ross’ denim jacket in
leopard colour block is TV Listings Writer/Sub Editor LYNN GIBSON
from – Glasgow with Josh, or a fresh
start in New Zealand – it must Art Director SIMON LAMBERT
it’s reduced from £55 have been a tough decision Art Editor RICHARD HOPE
to £38.50 right now, so Junior Designer MEGAN PENFOLD
snap it up while it’s in Acting Designer (Maternity)/Web and Social
Media Manager PAUL LANG
the sale, Jack! LAUREN LOST? her sister
Picture Editor JAY DYNAN
In EastEnders when Ian Abi’s death. Picture Researcher/Style Writer RACHEL COPE
came back, he mentioned Her initial plan
that Lauren and Louie was to move to Glasgow CONTACT US
were living back in New with new boyfriend WRITE TO The Editor, Inside Soap
Zealand with Peter. But Josh Hemmings, but House of Hearst, 30 Panton Street,
didn’t Lauren move to she changed her mind, London, SW1Y 4AJ
Glasgow when she left deciding to go it alone EDITORIAL 020 7339 4588
Walford last time? with son Louie instead. EMAIL [email protected]
| Tatiana Her grandma Cora later TWEET US AT @InsideSoapMag
We have absolutely We last saw Lauren in revealed that Lauren FACEBOOK US AT
no idea why this has February 2018, when she had chosen to return
ended up in the sale
left the Square following to New Zealand.
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Wed, then dead?:

The mystery of what
happened to Dee in 2003
is about to be solved!
It’s Dee day!: But can
Toadie work out which
woman is which?
What has been viewers’
NEIGHBOURS | Channel 5 MONDAY reaction to Andrea?
Ryan I’m not on social

ver since Madeleine West media, but I’ve heard from
returned to our screens the digital team that the
two-and-a-half years ago, fans are eating up the
the question ‘is Dee alive?’ story! They have conspiracy
has been on our minds. We theories too – many think
may now finally have our answer, but Dee is faking it and that
the drama’s not over by a long shot! Andrea and Dee are in
After their dangerous altercation on Ryan Toadie is definitely suspicious and on the scam together. I love that the
a cliff top, the real Dee – who has trying to digest what’s unfolding in front audience is so invested in the story.
been living as ‘Karen’ – and imposter of him. It’s more than surreal. It’s nuts! Madeleine They love to hate Andrea,
Andrea both rush to Erinsborough, Madeleine Andrea struggles because which is exactly what you want from
desperate to convince Toadie they’re she’s pretended to be Dee before, so she these heartfelt villains. I think people
the real deal. But can Toadie work out knows she can’t pull off that performance empathise with her situation, but the
which woman is his s true love? again. But she met this new Dee on way she goes about it is so daft. It’s
It’s certainly one oof Neighbours’ more the cliff for only for a matter of one thing to play a nice guy or an out-
outrageous storyline es, and as we chat to minutes, so she’s attempting to patch and-out black heart, but to play that
Madeleine (aka And drea/Dee/Karen) and together a convincing performance middle ground with someone who has
Ryan Moloney (who o plays just Toadie), based on that – it’s such a desperate good intentions, yet goes about it in the
they’re loving the sk ky-high drama… measure and she certainly goes for it! wrong way, is so much fun.

So, Toadie finally comes face to But then the real Dee turns up and Has there been a part of this story
face with both An ndrea and Dee this the fun starts! We know you don’t that’s been tricky for you to play?
week. How on earrth does he react? want to give away Ryan Not for me, but
Ryan It’s a crazy scene! Toadie’s
thinking, ‘Have I tak ken some
what happens, but
did you ever dream Toadie’s I’m sure for Madeleine
it’s a challenge playing
medication and not been aware of what
it is?’ Toadie’s totallly stumped by it.
it would reach this
incredible climax?
brain two different people
in a scene. She has the
It’s an understatement to say that Madeleine Not for a probably ability to play them
he’s in shock – who wouldn’t be?
Madeleine Well, hoow does a person
moment. I knew they’d
left the storyline open, combusts! completely differently,
and it’s so believable.
react when he sees tthe woman who was as they wanted Dee to MADELEINE Madeleine It was an
not just his first love and supposedly return at some point. It incredible challenge,
died on their weddiing day, but also the was my choice to leave the show but I thoroughly enjoyed it!
woman who preten nded to be his first back then – it was time to move on.
love, and then weent on to have his Ryan To be honest, I’ve seen so many Ryan, have you enjoyed working
child? His brain probably combusts! outrageous things during my 25 years with Madeleine again 16 years on?
on Neighbours, I know that nothing is Ryan You can’t help but enjoy working
Let’swindbac ckabit. Madeleine, impossible! The challenge, I think, was with Madeleine. She brings so much
can you tell u
us what happens Madeleine reprising the role and fitting energy and is so well prepared – the
between Andrea and Dee when everything in with her manic schedule only problem is, she really shows me up!
they meet on the cliff? – she’s an incredibly busy lady! Alice Penwill
Madeleinee Theere’s a full face-off
between the two of them – it’s very
dramatic, and one o of them goes over!
It’s a beautiful throw
wback to Dee going
off the cliff on her w
wedding day.
ALL WORK and no play...
As a mother of six children (aged
between four and 13), Madeleine’s
And later we havee Andrea turning
home life sounds particularly hectic!
up on Toadie’s doorstep, pretending
“I’m a very hands-on mum,” she
to be Dee – does T
Toadie fall for it? says. “But I’ve reached a point where
my kids are more independent, and
that allows me to pursue my career
much more full-throttle.”
Incredibly, Madeleine has found
time to star in another show – as a
WAG in football drama Playing
For Keeps – and is about
to film the second series.
“It’s going to be a red-hot
season,” reveals Madeleine.
Somers time: Andrea
has fooled Toadie before – “It’s just phenomenal!”
will she do it yet again?

“I knew from the

start that Geoff
may not be as nice
as he seemed!”

here have been many seems that we shouldn’t have been so
Street residents we’ve surprised about Geoff’s sinister side… Needy: Yasmeen’s
suspected could turn “We have been trying to feed small clinginess is
down to Geoff
supervillain. Gary has clues without being obvious, because
always been a bit shifty, that is what is true to real life,” reveals
and Nick’s long been heading down the actor. “There have been a few
a dark path – while we reckon Adam pointers that Geoff hasn’t always
could walk a questionable moral been Mr Nice Guy from very early on.
line if under pressure, and even that I knew when I was first brought in
handsome Dr Ali killed someone last to the programme as Tim’s dad that
year! But languishing well down our the character might turn a bit dark,
list would have been Tim’s loveable so it wasn’t unexpected. For the first
dad and amateur magician, Geoff. few months it was ‘nice Geoff’, ‘funny interesting, yet it is also a privilege to
Yet all that has changed of late, as Geoff’ and ‘silly Geoff’. But now it be trusted with such an important plot
we’ve seen Geoff gradually undermine is slowly becoming apparent that that I hope will make a difference,” shares
his partner Yasmeen’s confidence, there is something missing in Geoff’s the actor. “The Geoff that everybody
and isolate her from her friends and psychological make-up.” sees is the Geoff that everybody likes.
family. However, as Ian Bartholomew, Although there’s no doubt But the Geoff that I know, the bad
who plays Geoff, joins us for his first Geoff’s actions are Geoff, the coercive
chat about the shocking storyline, it contemptible, Ian insists Something control Geoff, is a person

is missing
they come from a love who would hide that
for Yasmeen – even if it from the outside world.
is a twisted one – with
her lust for life and in Geoff’s That’s why he has
friends, and why
independent nature psychological it’s hard to spot the

leaving Geoff insecure. traits that make
“At the moment he’s so somebody into that
vulnerable, and scared of sort of character, and
being left on his own,” explains Ian. “He force them into that sort of behaviour.”
is misguided, which becomes unpleasant, Meanwhile, Ian is bracing himself
and we will see the true extent of his for a backlash from Coronation Street’s
behaviour when the story develops.” loyal fans as the plot continues…
Indeed, Coronation Street has revealed “I’m not sure viewers are going
that this storyline will explore coercive to be happy!” admits the actor, who
control in a relationship – where one joined the Corrie cast last year. “Geoff
half of a relationship, such as Geoff, is mistreating Yasmeen and I’m sure
isolates, manipulates and undermines that’s not going to go down very well,
their partner – and Ian is delighted at so I’m going to keep my head low and
Prince Charming: the challenge the storyline brings. wear lots of disguises. I’ll wear a beard
But will Yasmeen see
what her partner’s “As something for an actor to get and a moustache and a big hat!”
really like? his teeth into, it is going to be Steven Murphy
Turn up the
True colours:
Geoff’s mask
begins to slip Romance blossoms
at the restaurant...
While Geoff and Yasmeen’s
relationship may be doomed,
love strikes elsewhere this week.
Despite their false start a few
weeks ago, Michelle notices
there’s still a spark between her
son Ryan and Ayla. With Ryan
DJing at Speed Daal, there’s
plenty of time for flirting. The pair
are amused when they realise
Michelle is trying to set them
up, and have fun pretending to
go along with her wishes. But
secretly the pair are masking
their true feelings – until passion
explodes with a sizzling snog!
The kiss marks the
start of a big new
romance, and Sair
Khan, who plays
Alya, approves.
“They’re chalk
and cheese, but
I like that!” she
says. “I’d never
have put them
together, but
actually they
are perfect, as
she balances
Ryan and
he’s already
bringing out
a more playful
side to Alya.”

lnsideSoap 41
Stabbing pain: Evan winds
up in a hospital bed after
being attacked


Where do we start, Amy? Poor Chloe How did you find filming the scenes
has had it really tough! with Jack Ryder, aka Evan?
I know, it’s been pretty full on! Chloe’s Well, the woman playing the patient
How Chlo’ can you go?: The having to face these demons that I think who stabs him is actually one of my best
Holby reigistrar has been she thought she was done with, but friends – Roxanne Palmer! Her character
through a difficult time joining Holby and working with her mum is such a nutter, but in real life Roxanne
has brought it all back on! And with Evan, is a really funny person, so I found it

oor Chloe has been on it’s safe to say that Chloe can’t see that hard to keep a straight face. And Jack is
one hell of a roller coaster he’s not the best companion for her! a lovely guy, so it’s very creepy when he
since joining the ranks of plays Evan. I find myself saying to him,
Holby. While attempting Evan is stabbed by a patient this week,, “That’s scary, and I don’t like it”!
to manage her issues with and proposes to Chloe! Wha at happens?
panic attacks and self-harming, the An aggressive woman grabs a pair p of Cam you feel the love?:
talented young doctor has learned scissors and stabs him in the ch hest – Things could have been
that Dom is her half-brother. and Chloe just freaks as she can n see so different for Chloe
Meanwhile, Chloe’s manipulative it’s right near the heart. Even tthough
and possessive boyfriend, Evan, is Evan’s life is at risk, he’s still pllaying
tightening his grip on her in a story the game. It’s not as if he plann ned to
that is to propel the pair into frightening get stabbed and yet he goes witth it.
new territory. Actress Amy Lennox, He seizes his opportunity and says s to
who plays Chloe, joins us to dissect Chloe, “I don’t want to die not being
an eventful few months… your husband – will you marry y me?”

42 lnsideSoap

Losing patients:
“Sadie would
Karen is the
woman who
attacks Evan
like to be friends
with Mercedes!”
Alexa Lee, aka Sadie, tells us why her
g a return to the village…
alter ego is making
Fit as a fiddle:
maybe they’d be too fiery for each
Sadie thinks that other! Perhaps Peri, because she
Harry’s dying had a baby at a young age – they’re
– but he’s not…
on the same wavelength.

Do you like working with Parry

(Harry) and Gregory (James)?
Oh, they’re wonderful! I think I was a
b too much for
thhem at first –
I go
g at a million
miles an hour.
B they’ve come

ewcomer round
r to me now.
Sadie has I think I’ve made
been at the friends for life.
centre of drama in the Alice
village and returns this Read all about it: Penwill
week, despite being paid d Star Alexa has made
life-long friends
off by Liam. Will Sadie on the show
reveal the truth to Harryy and
give him his alibi? Alex xa Lee
tells us about her alter e
ego’s motives…

Why does Sadie return to

Are you secretly rooting for Chloe the village this week?
to get together with Cameron, as Sadie gets a call from Stte, who tells
we know he has a crush on her? her that Harry’s dying! Sadie goes
I wish she’d picked Cameron from back to the village and sees
s Harry,
the start, and then none of this would who’s perfectly healthy. When Sadie
have happened! Unfortunately, she realises it’s a massive lie
e, she’s torn
didn’t, and the journey Chloe’s set whether to stay or go att this point.
to go on becomes a long one. There
isn’t really any room for romance Sadie spills that some
with anyone else. It’s only going paid her off to James –
to g
get worse for her! what does he make off it?
James begs her to talk too him so
What ddo you do outside of work Sadie kind of lets the secret out.
to switc
ch off from all this drama? The cogs are turning in James’
I relax a
and do something fun. I was head and he doesn’t know who
absoluteely drained the other week would pay her off and why…
after doing some really intense and
emotion nal stuff. But it comes in waves If Sadie sticks aroundd, who
on Holbyy – it’s really full-on, and do you think she would be
then you u get a breather where you friends with in the villlage?
can be yyourself again! I think Sadie would likee to be
Laura-Jayne Tyler friends with Mercedes – but

“Kerry’s not
so good on
her own...
she self-
hen Emmerdale couple
Kerry and Dan split
up, we knew the
men of Yorkshire and DRAMA QUEEN
beyond would need
to brace themselves. Since she’s been
single, our Kerry has been looking for a
good time – and she found it with Nate,
who just happens to be her daughter RELATIONSHIP
Amy’s new love interest! So far, Amy
doesn’t know that her mum bunked up
with her bloke, but in soap, these things
tend to come out in the end. However,
this week, there’s a big showdown
between mam and daughter – and Kerry
finds herself out in the cold anyway.
“Kerry just can’t stop shooting
herself in the foot – she can’t help it!”
groans Laura Norton, who plays the

Pour your heart out:

Kerry’s girlie day with Tracy
and Amy soon turns sour
disorderly drunkard. “I always think says Laura. “But whatever Amy’s
Date Nate: Both her intentions are good and she wants experienced from Kerry in the past,
Amy and Kerry
have bedded the the best or the most fun, but she she’s come back to Emmerdale with
newcomer makes really bad decisions. really high hopes that it is different
Disaster just follows her.” this time. To be let down so quickly
That’s certainly true this after returning, it’s like, ‘I can’t believe
week, when she persuades you have done this to me’. To protect
Amy and new housemate herself, Amy’s walls just go straight
Tracy to have a girlie back up and Kerry’s like, ‘Uh-oh!’”
day. The problem is Given that Amy’s already livid with
that Tracy and Amy her mum, and threatening to disown
have both slept with her, Kerry better hope that she never
Nate, and they don’t discovers the truth about Nate. If Laura
even know that Kerry were Kerry’s mate, what advice would
makes a hat-trick. she give her about this mess?
Kerry watches on in “I’d tell her to stop drinking for
horror as the girls snipe, the sake of her health,” she informs
fall out and then storm us. “Alcohol always gets her into bad
off, leaving situations. But I’d also
her alone and tell her to fix whatever’s
bored. As anyone
who knows Kerry
I’d tell Kerry damaged her in the first
place. She needs some
is aware, this is not a to stop counselling. If she can
helpful place for her to be.
“Kerry’s not very good
drinking for do that, it will inevitably
help her be a better
on her own – it’s her
Achilles heel,” declares
the sake of friend and a better parent,
and to make better life
Laura. “All her insecurities her health! decisions. Kerry definitely
have been pressed. She needs a bit of that!”
sees Dan getting on with his life and Fortunately for Laura, her real-life
that Amy has got her own life and relationship with screen daughter
doesn’t really need her and it makes Natalie Ann Jamieson doesn’t have
her feel down and sad. That’s when any of these problems. In fact, they
she reverts back to self-destruct.” share a special bond.
After getting glammed up, Kerry “Natalie is so lovely, she’s like a
heads to the Woolpack and gets blind little ray of sunshine!” enthuses Laura.
drunk. Not only does she disgrace “It’s really nice when you’ve been at
herself and make a pass at stunned Emmerdale a long while and you get
Dan, but she also disgusts her daughter. somebody who comes into it and finds
“Kerry can’t see the disaster she’s everything so exciting. It just reminds
caused – she didn’t mean for the you of how brilliant this job is!”
consequences to get this out of hand,” Kate White

Laura tells us if Kerry and her ex could yet be reun

This week sees Kerry make overtures What, then, would Laurra like
to ex-fiancé Dan Spencer, the man to see the story team com me up
whose heart she broke a few months with for her alter ego?
ago. Is this the start of a reunion? “I’d love to find out
“No, I think Kerry is just lonely and exactly what happened to o
Dan says something that she reads Kerry to make her act so
too much into,” explains Laura. “It’s ridiculously,” explains the
that classic thing when you’ve been actress. “Maybe there
in a relationship and it hasn’t been could be a Kerry flashbac ck
long [since you split], and you think, episode! Or maybe she
‘Have I done the right thing? Is there could have another baby
something still there?’ Kerry knows and see if, this time, she
there isn’t, but she can’t help herself.” can do things differently!””
totally true
FAC T about...


1 2
Jayne Claire Seed Claire changed her
was born in Bradford name when she
on 10 January 1962. registered at the
She grew up in actors’ union. She
Harrogate with her went by her middle
brother, her sister, and their name already, and after finding
parents, John and Angela. out that there was another
Claire started to work as a DJ, actress registered as ‘Claire
before deciding she wanted Seed’, she changed her
to begin an acting career. surname to King. King
came e from her love
of ho
orse riding
– knoown as
the ‘ssport
of kin
– as wwell
as affter her

favouurite Claire worked as
singer, Elvis a DJ, and later
‘Thee King’ managed and played
esley! in a punk rock band.
After her career
moved her to London, the
star began working as an
actress. Claire made her first
soap appearance in 1989 – as
an extra during James Willmott-
Brown’s trial in EastEnders.

Claire joined
Emmerdale as
Kim Tate, wife of
Frank, in 1989. The
pair moved into
Home Farm, but when Kim’s son
James was born, he was the result
of an affair with farmhand Dave Glover.
Kim later faked her own death –
then came ‘back from the dead’,
giving Frank a fatal heart attack!
Kim departed the village in 1999 in a
helicopter, along with young James,
but returned to Home Farm in 2018. “My
name was kept a secret on the scripts,”
reveals Claire. “I had to park around
the back so the fans couldn’t see me!”

46 lnsideSoap
Just like Kim, back into the wild. “I’m an
Claire loves outdoorsy person,” reveals
horses! She Claire. “For the show, I lived in
even owns a Africa for about a month, which
few racehorses, was a dream come true for
and has her own stables. me.” Claire ultimately finished
She also lives in a manor in third place, but went further
house that looks not in the contest than her fellow
unlike Home Farm – soap stars Blair McDonough
a beautiful converted (Neighbours’ Stuart Parker),
barn near Harrogate, Brooke Kinsella (EastEnders’
which she shares with Kelly Taylor) and Paul Usher
her dogs, who even have (Brookside’s Barry Grant).
their own room! “I do get
recognised a lot,” admits

Claire’s other
Claire. “Which is one of
TV roles include
the reasons I chose a
governor Karen
place so remote.”
Betts in Bad Girls
and a role as an

Claire has had an evil ggangster in
eventful love life, Hollyyoaks late
and when she was nigh ht spin-off
17, had a fling with In TThe City. “The
Bob Geldof! Years goood thing about


later, she met Peter Amory, Bad d Girls was
who played her stepson, Chris thaat there were
Tate in Emmerdale. The pair 30
0 or 40 women
soon began dating and married all together, and
in 1994, although they later we had such
separated. “Nobody was to a laugh,” says
blame really,” sighs Claire. “We Claire. “The
kind of grew apart. I had given wasn’t a
him a second chance – it’s all bitching, which d think
right now and we’re friends.” there would be
be. eryone was
so down to arth.”

In 2014, Claire

transferred to the Claire
cobbles, where she admitts
played Erica Holroyd that
– a friend of Liz she
McDonald’s. Erica instantly hasn’’t
hit it off with Nick Tilsley, and always had the bestt
became pregnant with his baby, reaction from fans,
which she sadly lost after who recognise her
a miscarriage. Later, Erica as Kim. “I was once hith
became the on-off girlfriend of over the head with an
Dev, but left the Street on bad umbrella in M&S by an n
terms with almost everyone! old lady,” reveals Claire.
“It was great being on Corrie!” “Just because I had
grins Claire. “It was more or been cruel to Frank!”
less the same as Emmerdale, Claire also admits thatt
just with different faces.” the reactions from som me
fans made her feel
Back in 2007, apprehensive about
Claire flew over taking on her most
to Africa to take famous part once morre.
part in the reality “I was nervous about
TV show Safari doing the role justice
School. A group of again,” says Claire.
celebrities began “Everybody’s a
training to become critic now, thanks
game wardens, and to social media, and
the winner got to some of the commentss
release two big cats can be very cutting.”

lnsideSoap 47
Cast your votein...
Daniel Osbourrne, Coronation Street
Gary Windass, Coronation Street
David Platt, Coronation Street
Mick Carter, E
Phil Mitchell, EastEnders
Keegan Bakerr, EastEnders
Marlon Dingle
e, Emmerdale

ere’s your chance shocking factory collpase –
Cain Dingle, Emmerdale
to reward your while Emmerdale took us on
favourite soaps for a night out that no one will MATTHEW WOLFENDEN
all they’ve given you ever forget, and the Dingles David Metcalfe, Emmerdale
over the past year experienced terrible grief.
– by casting your vote in the EastEnders had Sharon RISHI NAIR
Inside Soap Awards 2019! in a pickle after an ill-advised Sami Maalik, Hollyoaks
Throughout the past 12 tickle with Keanu, while plucky
months, viewers have once Linda took on evil Stuart – KIERON RICHARDSON
again enjoyed a truly brilliant and Hollyoaks saw powerful Ste Hay, Hollyoaks
selection of episodes, and
we’re ready to name the very
drama as abusive Buster was
exposed, and we watched ADAM WOODWARD
best at Britain’s biggest soap teen Lily tragically pass away. Brody Hudson, Hollyoaks
awards – with a staggering On top of all that action,
17 trophies up for grabs! there’s your favourite daytime
Corrie has seen the Platt shows and medical dramas to
family at war, and witnessed
Carla’s meltdown after the
have your say about too – so,
don’t delay… GET VOTING! PLEASE
We know you all have your

How to vote...
favourites and want to
support them – but multiple
or ‘block’ voting can be
detected by our online
system and will be
ONLINE Visit and follow the instructions to cast disqualified.
your vote in each category. Online voting opens at 11am on Tuesday 2 July.
BY POST Fill in the voting form over the page by ticking the box next to your favourite
in each category – you can only vote once per category. Send your form to The Inside
Soap Awards 2019, Hearst UK, 30 Panton Street, London, SW1Y 4AJ.
Carla Connor, Coronation Street Gary Windass, Coronation Street Natalie Watkins, Coronation Street
Sinead Tinker, Coronation Street Nick Tilsley, Coronation Street Lolly, Coronation Street
Sarah Platt, Coronation Street Ben Mitchell, EastEnders Rainie Branning, EastEnders
Ruby Allen, EastEnders Stuart Highway, EastEnders Melanie Owen, EastEnders
Karen Taylor, EastEnders Will Taylor, Emmerdale Maya Stepney, Emmerdale
Jean Slater, EastEnders Graham Foster, Emmerdale Kim Tate, Emmerdale
Victoria Barton, Emmerdale Liam Donovan, Hollyoaks Breda McQueen, Hollyoaks
Chas Dingle, Emmerdale Laurie Shelby,
y Hollyoaks Mercedes McQueen, Hollyoaks
Leyla Harding, Emmerdale
STEPHANIE DAVIS Tim Metcalfe, Coronation Street
Sinead Shelby, Hollyoaks
JESSICA FOX Kirk Sutherland, Coronation Street
Nancy Osborne, Hollyoakss
HARVEY VIRDI Mick Carter, EastEnders
Misbah Maalik, Hollyoaks
Masood Ahmed, EastEnders
Paddy Kirk, Emmerdale
Jimmy King, Emmerdale
Jesse Donovan, Hollyoaks
Darren Osborne, Hollyoaks

Mary Cole, Coronation Street
Evelyn Plummer, Coronation Street
Kim Fox-Hubbard, EastEnders
Karen Taylor, EastEnders
Faith Dingle, Emmerdale
Bernice Blackstock, Emmerdale
Marnie Nightingale, Hollyoaks
Goldie McQueen, Hollyoaks
Soap Superstar? Carla Connor & Peter Barlow,
Coronation Street

Name your favourite soap celebrity... KELLIE BRIGHT

Has a star’s real-life charm, style or attitude caught your eye? & DANNY DYER
Or perhaps you’ve been impressed by their off-screen endeavours? Linda & Mick Carter, EastEnders
Or maybe just watching them brightens up your weekday evenings
because you think they’re really hot! Last year’s winners were
Hollyoaks’ Jennifer Medcalfe and Emmerdale’s Danny Miller, & ROGER GRIFFITHS
so who’ll join them in the Inside Soap Superstar hall of fame? Bailey & Mitch Baker,
Charity Dingle & Vanessa
Woodfield, Emmerdale

Inside Soap magazine will judge this award based on your nominations.
Chas Dingle & Paddy Kirk,
(First appearance on Ollie Morgan, Hollyoaks
or after 24 July 2018) & ADAM WOODWARD
MAUREEN LIPMAN TALIA GRANT Sienna Blake & Brody Hudson,
Brooke Hathaway, Hollyoaks Hollyoaks
Evelyn Plummer, Coronation Street
Alina Pop, Coronation Street PARTNERSHIP & NIAMH BLACKSHAW
MAX BOWDEN (Awarded to either a romantic
pairing or on-screen double act)
Marnie Nightingale & Juliet
Quinn, Hollyoaks
Ben Mitchell, EastEnders
Chantelle Atkins, EastEnders
Sally & Tim Metcalfe, SHOW-STOPPER
ti Street
St t (Awardded to a specific scene
Nate Robinson, Emmerdale or epis
sode that had the
audience gripped)
Ellis Chapman, Emmerdale
NIAMH BLACKSHAW Coronation Street
Juliet Quinn, Hollyoaks
Liam Donovan, Hollyoaks
Coronation Street
(Aged 18 or under on 1 July 2019) SEAN’S STORY
Jack Webster, Coronation Street TRACY, LEYLA &
Amy Barlow, Coronation Street Emmerdale
Bailey Baker, EastEnders Emmerdale
Dennis Rickman, EastEnders ON
Jacob Gallagher, Emmerdale Hollyoaks PAGE…
lnsideSoap 51
SHOCK TWIST Dominic Copeland, Holby City
(Awarded to a plot reveal
or revelation that had the
audience gasping) Sacha Levy, Holby City Daniel Granger, Doctors
FACTORY KILLER! Jac Naylor, Holby City Al Haskey, Doctors
GEMMA & CHESNEY’S Ange Godard, Holby City Valerie Pitman, Doctors
Coronation Street
STORYLINE Ruhma Carter, Doctors
CROSSING STUART! Casualty Ziggy Astoni, Home and Away
LUST FOR CALLUM & BEN! Casualty Alf Stewart, Home and Away
FLASHBACKS TO Casualty Ryder Jackson, Home and Away
ANGE IS HIS BIRTH MOTHER Marilyn Chambers, Home and Away
SACHA’S DEPRESSION Elly Brennan, Neighbours
THE HOLBY CYBER-ATTACK Finn Kelly, Neighbours
DAY HEART ATTACK! Jarrod ‘Toadfish’
Hollyoaks BEST Rebecchi, Neighbours
BEST EXIT DOCTORS Chloe Brennan, Neighbours
Lewis Archer, Coronation Street
Rana Connor, Coronation Street STREET
Carmel Kazemi, EastEnders EMMERDALE
Ray Kelly, EastEnders
Lisa Dingle, Emmerdale
Joe Tate, Emmerdale The
Louis Loveday, Hollyoaks
Lily McQueen, Hollyoaks AWARDS 2019
AMANDA MEALING FULL NAME........................................................................................................
Connie Beauchamp, Casualty
Lisa ‘Duffy’ Duffin, Casualty ............................................................................................................................
MICHAEL STEVENSON ............................................................................................................................
Iain Dean, Casualty
CHARLES VENN We will use the information you supply to process your votes only.
Jacob Masters, Casualty For our privacy policy, please visit
STAR Watch!
The LATEST stories, your FAVOURITE stars...

Feelin’ fine LUCY PARGETER


mmerdale’s Lucy Pargeter
– aka Woolpack landlady Chas
Dingle – has spoken about the
removal of her breast implants.
The actress had her first breast
enlargement when she was just 21
years old, followed by a second
procedure at 32. Referring to the
implants as “toxic bags” that caused
“massive problems”, Lucy underwent
the removal process after years of
suffering with anxiety, and pain in
her joints and chest. Immediately
after the surgery, she candidly shared:
“They are out. I’m flat as a pancake.
I look awful, but feel good.”
Lucy kept a video diary of her
procedure for Channel 4 programme
Dispatches, and confessed she was
astonished at how much the removal
liberated her rib cage.“I forgot what
it was like to have a full lung of air,”
she said. “It’s amazing.”

Lucy spoke
about her
STAR Watch!



f you thought glamour was just for
the ladies of soap, you’re sorely
mistaken! Corrie’s Chris Gascoyne
(Peter) visited his barbers’ in Manchester
recently to keep his beard in check. The
silver fox shared a snap of his neater
look, and we must say, we approve!
Elsewhere, EastEnders actor
Jamie Borthwick (who plays Jay)
also took to social media to reveal
his new hairdo. The Walford star
went for a traditional short back
and sides, while Emmerdale’s
Joe-Warren Plant (aka Jacob) also
had a hair makeover – keeping his
locks out of his face with braids Chris found
eating noodles
while playing in a charity football with his unkempt
match. Looking good, boys! beard tricky


aya might be the

most hated person

in the Dales, but
Louisa Clein has made a lot
of friends playing her on set!
Now her time as Maya is over,
Louisa’s colleagues grouped
together to send her off in
style, with a well-deserved
leaving party! They also
gave the Spurs-loving
star a personalised
Totttenham Hotspur
shirt, signed by the
casst, as a farewell
gift. Louisa said her
o-stars were “the
beest team I could
ever dream of”.

56 lnsideSoap
Jamie went for
a red-hot new
look – are things
set to heat up for
his alter ego Jay?

A triple
astEnders stars had themselve
a right old knees-up at a doub
birthday bash for Scott Masl
decided to join (Jack) and Lucy Benjamin (Lisa
the Braidy bunch Fowler). The pair, who share a
birthday, partied with fellow actors,
such as Danny Dyer (Mick) and
Tamzin Outhwaite (Mel).

Elsewhere, Jennifer Metcalfe
(Hollyoaks’ Mercedes) also
celebrated a special birthday
recently, as her son Daye turned d
two! Jen and partner eg Daye’s dad
Greg presented
Lake organised a pa arty his son with
for Daye, complete with
w a cake…

t’s not just the actors who an amazing dinosaur
have fun on set – their cake, and balloons!
stunt doubles have a
blast too! Danny Walters
(EastEnders’ Keanu) posted
a picture of himself not only
alongside Lorraine Stanley Kyle and his
(aka Karen) and Letitia doppelganger
Dean (Sharon)
(Shar were all
filming on smiles
locattion, but
his stunt dou uble as
we ell – clad in
n matching jackets! And up
n Liverpool, Kyle Pryor (aka Hollyoaks’
…which the
Laurie) also posed next to his stand-in,
L tot couldn’t
who did most of the hard work when
w wait to get
Danny and Kyle’s
K alter ego recently took a dangerous stuck into!
Letitia work plunge off the school balcony.
the camera
lnsideSoap 57
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Space and Sepa n Too far

time anx gone?

Top of
the drops

he old adage ‘m money
can’t buy happiness’
has arguably ne ever AND BABOU
been better illustrated than
by this new four-part drama.
The story centres on The T THAT MONEY
Mensahs, a north Lond
working-class family, whose
youngest son has just arrived IN A GRIPPING
back home after starring in
a major Hollywood mo ovie.
But their world is shattered
when Isaac (Max Fincha am)
reveals to his parents th hat he
was sexually abused by y the
film’s producer while ovver in
the US. Although wrack ked with
guilt, the family accepts a major
pay-off to keep quiet, th hinking
that the money will help p them
to avoid the inevitable publicity
of pressing charges aga ainst
a celeb, and to start a new
n life.
They couldn’t be more w wrong…
“For me, it’s pointing at the
countless settlements we w have
in our society,” explains s Babou
Ceesay, who plays Isaac’s dad,
Manny. “Just to say, ‘I’m m going
to pay you for this, and we’ll
leave it at that’. So if you have
money and can pay for your
slights, what does that mean?”
Said pay-out has clearly In too deep: Isaac
made the family’s way of life contemplates his
more decadent, as the series face,” shares Babou. “It’s so time in Hollywood
opens during a pool party in overwhelming for him; he’s
the couple’s lavish new home. almost stunted and doesn’t with the revelation of her son’s
But it’s evident from the get-go know what to do next. Every molestation, and some of her
that the wounds of the abuse decision he makes, he second- subsequent decision-making
their son suffered runs deep… guesses and pulls back.” has major consequences…
“Manny is facing the biggest Isaac’s mum, Sam, also “Sam makes some very
question he’s ever had to struggles to come to terms questionable choices,” reveals


60 lnsideSoap
Comedian Lou Sanders tells us her dream viewing…
I don’t really know that I loved Hunt For The
watch much Wilderpeople – that was great.
drama – I hate
all the crime My favourite show to relax with is
ones, they’re First Dates – blimey, I love that show.
scary! Yuck, Guessing if they’ll get together, seeing
no, thanks! On all sorts of people, the way that they’re
Dark past: Time will This Time With the drama scale, matched so well… it’s glorious. Plus you
tell the effects of Alan Partridge I go about as don’t have to pay full attention like you
Isaac’s trauma
far as watching do when you’re watching scripted TV!
Catastrophe – which I loved.
Jill H
Halfpenny, who plays her. I loved The House Of Eliott when
“The ere are things she does Sorry to be obvious, but my top I was growing up, and Blue Peter was
that viewers will be shocked three comedies of recent times a lovely, innocent show. I had a Blue
aboout, and rightly so. But are Fleabag, This is Time With Alan badge bu
Peter badge, but I never got in anywhere
she e’s human – people mess Partridge and Th he Luke McQueen for free witth it. It was pre-internet,
up aand are full of remorse Pilots. With Fleaabag, the so good luuck finding out where you
– and she’s also full of fight.” acting and writinng are so could go with that badge, then
The issue of abuse within succinct and inc credible getting yoour parents to take you!
– nothing is was sted. And
the film industry has of course
the chemistry between
b ● Fin
nd out if Lou takes
been garnering headlines of
Phoebe Waller-Bridge the ttrophy in the final
late, making
m this fictionalised and Andrew Sc cott is of Taskmaster
T Dave
telling particularly apt. But it’s so good – and he’s
h Wed dnesday
more about the ramifications gay, so that’s re
such a an incident has on a family. good acting!
“It d
doesn’t start saying this is
the rigght or wrong thing to do, I never re-wattch
or judge,” explains Babou. “So films, and I hav ve Fleabag
even tthough it is timely, and it a unique, encha anting
will, I hope,
h affect people, we’re – very annoying g – trait
bringin ng it back to the victim, in that I never know
k who’s
and how they cope with the in any film, or whether
w I’ve
even watched it before! First Dates
decisions that they make.”
Although, hang g on, I do
But while it’s heavy subject
matter, working with the young
people of the cast has brought
some joy to filming…
“Wo orking with the younger
memb bers of the cast has been
a delig
the sc
ght,” shares Jill. “Because
cript is intense, they need What do
a sensse of fun when we’re not
shooting. They’d giggle and you mean
get told off, then we’d laugh,
and b blame it on them!” you’re NOT
THIS SCHOOL SAGA HAS BEEN people behave in unexpected ways.
making some bold storyline choices in Top of the class, then, for commitment
its third series – including the shocking to a story with long-lasting effects
and sudden death of a major character. while still dealing with the everyday
But we’re pleased that Ackley Bridge business of education, and the ongoing
isn’t shying away from exploring challenges faced by dedicated but
Little star: The young
actor’s new-found fame the repercussions of the death of under-resourced headteacher Mandy
comes at a heavy cost a loved one, and how grief can make (the ever-excellent Jo Joyner)…
lnsideSoap 61

early 50 years ago, there are still many parts of
Neil Armstrong made the story that we don’t know.
history by becoming This documentary uses fresh
the first man to walk on the footage of actors alongside
Moon, and his speech of “one recordings of astronauts 11 mission, which has only How does playing a real
small step for man, one giant Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin recently been declassified. person in a docudrama
leap for mankind” was heard and Michael Collins to give The three actors recreate it feel different from playing
around the world. But for all us an insight into life in space. as precisely as possible – them in a drama?
the attention that was on the Inside TV caught up with there’s nothing made-up, It’s very interesting, because
astronauts at that moment, Rufus Wright, who plays it’s absolutely verbatim. we were lip-synching – I mean,
Armstrong, to find out more… we spoke rather than miming
So we’ll be seeing a more because it’s much easier to
What can we expect to see human side to them? speak the lines, but we’re all
in the programme? Exactly. There are a few times talking alongside the audio,
It’s really a forensic analysis where I think Buzz and Michael and we spent hours listening
of what the Moon landings tease Neil because he’s spent to it until we were effectively
would have been like for the less time in orbit than they have, speaking in the same register
Over the Moon: The astronauts doing it, and for so they call him “the rookie
astronauts couldn’t as the astronauts. As an acting
wait to disembark mission control, and it uses over there”, and he shuts them exercise, you’re trying to
original audio from the Apollo up because he’s in charge! recreate something rather than


ar from London Bridge “The biggest challenge is
falling down, the city’s getting everyone to agree,
landmark is to be lit up in because the ownership and
suc ch spectacular fashion, even control over the bridges is
Blaackpool will be going green. across so many disparate
In tthis new series, architectural groups’ hands,” explains the
des signer Charlie Luxton looks presenter. “So it wasn’t so
at the
t work of The Illuminated much the physical installation
Rivver Foundation, responsible of the lights, but can you get
for a £45 million project to all of these people to come
lighht all 15 of the Thames’ with you on that journey?”
briddges. Inside TV spoke to Nonetheless, fitting the
By gum: Charlie meets Charlie for enlightenment… 100,000 lights is no mean
‘Chewing Gum Man’,
artist Ben Wilson

Keeley Hawes is to star in FRONT

p drama Honour A new home
for ITV. She’ll play the makeover
real-life detective show is
BRING TO LIGHT who brought five looking for
More cast members have killers to justice in people in
now been announced for the case of Banaz Manchester with
Channel 4 drama The Light, Mahmod, who a room they want to get
starring Sarah Lancashire. was killed by redone, and outgoing
The four-parter about her family pairs with a flair fo
a disaster in a small Welsh for falling design. If you’d like
town will also feature in love more information
Westworld star Sidse with the on taking part,
Babett Knudsen and No wrong email makeover@ @

Offence’s Joanna Scanlan. man.

make something new – so it

was creative, in an unusual way!

Did you find out anything THE LEFT BEHIND | BBC1 & BBC3 WEDNESD Y
you didn’t know before?
Mission control intended for
them to land, switch off all
the relevant things, then sleep
for four hours, and Neil was GOING TO
like, “We’re not going to have
a nap, we’ve just landed on
the Moon!” So they changed
the schedule and said, “We’re
going to start getting ready,
and in three hours we’re going IN A ONE-OFF DRAMA ABOUT
to step out of the hatch!” FAR-RIGHT RADICALISATION…

he team behind powerful single
dramas Don’t Take My Baby and
Murdered By My Father returns with
another fact-based film – this time looking
at the rise of the far right in Britain. Sion
Channel 4 SATURDAY Daniel Young stars as Gethin, who works
in a fast-food restaurant on zero hours
feat, and Charlie viewed and sleeps on his sister’s sofa – but now
that first-hand by having they’ve been given an eviction notice.
a crack at abseiling… As Gethin’s life heads in a downward
“I’ve done quite a lot of spiral, he’s vulnerable, angry and looking
rock-climbing, so on the for someone to blame. So, encouraged by and I talked about the good things he has
one hand you think, ‘I’m fine his friends and things he’s read online, he going on, and the reasons for him to resist
with this’. Then there’s the lashes out at the local Muslim community. this stuff for as long as he possibly could.”
moment of going over the “The awful stuff in his life is only awful The drama takes place in the suburbs
bridge, at night, the Thames because it doesn’t start from that point,” of Cardiff, where many residents are living
running underneath you at explains Sion. “Joe [Bulman, the director] a precarious existence due to a shortage of
speed, knowing that if you housing and steady work. And it’s a world
drop in there… yeah, there’s Cardiff-born Sion is familiar with…
a safety boat, but still… it’s “These types of roles don’t come around
not going to be great! I have often,” shares the actor. “I watch dramas
enormous respect for those set all over England, which is why it meant
men and women dangling so much to me to be a part of something set
off the bridges, night after in a world I know. I did not want to watch
night, getting them ready!” someone else get Alan [Harris]’s script and
Joe’s direction. I was like, ‘No, mine!’”
Zero gravity: Gethin is low paid
and soon to be homeless…
lnsideSoap 63
6.00 AM Breakfast (S) 10.00 Saturday 6.00 AM All Over The Place: UK (R/S) 6.00 AM CITV 8.25 ITV News (S) 8.30 6.10 AM The King Of Queens (R/S)
Kitchen Live Glynn Purnell is joined by 6.30 The Dengineers Magic Den. (R/S) The Sara Cox Show With guests David 6.35 The King Of Queens (R/S) 7.00
chefs Tommy Banks and Paul A Young, 7.00 The Dog Ate My Homework (R/S) Baddiel, Susie Dent and Gyles Brandreth. (S) Frasier (R/S) 7.25 Frasier (R/S) 7.55
while comedian Jon Richardson faces his 7.25 Mustangs FC Kick It Like A Girl: 9.25 James Martin’s Saturday Morning The Big Bang Theory (R/S) 8.15 The Big
food heaven or hell. (S) 11.30 Nigella: The Mustangs are thrashed by the Wildcats With guests Gaby Roslin, Alistair McGowan Bang Theory (R/S) 8.40 The Big Bang
At My Table Nigella Lawson makes dishes in the first round. (R/S) 7.50 FILM Tinker and Tom Kitchin. (S) 11.35 John And Theory (R/S) 9.05 Young Sheldon (R/S)
to share around the table, including herbed Bell And The Legend Of The NeverBeast Lisa’s Weekend Kitchen Chef Clodagh 9.30 Young Sheldon (R/S) 10.00 The
leg of lamb with roast potatoes. (R/S) One of the fairy’s friends tries to convince McKenna prepares Montauk clam bake. Simpsons (R/S) 10.30 The Simpsons
12.00 PM BBC News (S) 12.10 Regional her that a monster is nothing to be afraid (R/S) 12.40 PM Save Money: Good Diet (R/S) 11.00 The Simpsons (R/S) 11.30
News/Weather (S) 12.20 Wimbledon of. Animated fantasy, with the voice of Mae Sian Williams investigates children’s packed The Simpsons (R/S) 12.00 PM Four In A
2019 Day Six: Sue Barker presents further Whitman. (Cert U, 76 mins. 2014) (S) ★★★ lunches. (R/S) 1.10 ITV News/Weather (S) Bed (R/S) 12.35 Four In A Bed (R/S) 1.05
live coverage on day six of the tournament, 9.00 The World According To Kids The 1.25 ITV Racing: Live From Sandown Four In A Bed (R/S) 1.40 Four In A Bed
as one of the busiest days at SW19 Adult World: The children discuss the adult Coverage of the 3.35 Coral-Eclipse from The Tushielaw Inn. (R/S) 2.10 Four In A
continues with matches in the men’s singles, world. (R/S) 10.00 Me And My Dog: The Sandown Park, which follows races at 1.50, Bed (R/S) 2.45 W Series Motor Racing
ladies’ singles and doubles. (S) 5.00 BBC Ultimate Contest Dog owners and their pets 2.25 and 3.00. Plus, races at 2.05, 2.40 and 2019 Norisring: Round Four: Round four
News/Weather (S) 5.15 Wimbledon 2019 compete to make it to the grand final. (R/S) 3.15 from Haydock Park. (S) 4.00 You’ve from the Norisring in Germany. (S) 4.00
Day Six: Sue Barker presents further live 11.00 Wimbledon 2019 Day Six: Sue Barker Been Framed! A builder drops in through A Place In The Sun Tenerife. (R/S) 4.30
coverage on day six of the Grand Slam presents live coverage on day six of the a roof, and a kid gets his head trapped. (R/S) Location, Location, Location Aberdeen
tournament, with the home crowd hoping Grand Slam tournament, featuring matches 4.30 Tipping Point Game show, hosted by & Tyne Valley Revisits. (R/S) 5.35 Portrait
for some British involvement in the men’s in the bottom half of the men’s singles draw Ben Shephard. (R/S) 5.30 The Chase Quiz Artist Of The Year 2019 Eddie Hall,
and ladies’ singles draws. (S) and top half of the ladies’ singles draw. (S) show, hosted by Bradley Walsh. (R/S) Jodie Kidd & James Purefoy. (S)

10.20pm The Lady In The Van 10.30pm Matangi/Maya/MIA 8pm The Voice Kids 5.35pm Portrait Artist Of The Year…

6.25 ITV News/Weather (S) 6.30 Channel 4 News/Weather (S)

6.35 Regional News/Weather (S)
6.40 Harry Hill’s Alien Fun
Capsule Madcap panel show
presented by the comedian. (S)

7.35 Pointless Celebrities 7.15 Catchphrase Stephen 7.00 London’s Great Bridges:
Noughties: Gail Emms, Audley Mulhern hosts the game show in Lighting The Thames New series.
Harrison, David Spinx, Susie Amy, which three contestants guess the Charlie Luxton reports on an
Katy Brand, Brian Belo, Lisa Maffia familiar phrases hidden in animated organisation responsible for plans
and Marvin ‘Romeo’ Dawkins clues, before one of them plays to to illuminate the 15 bridges of
compete in a quiz for stars who win £50,000. (S) central London in the largest public
found fame in the noughties. (R/S) artwork ever conceived. (S)

8.25 Casualty Iain learns to put 8.30 Today At Wimbledon 2019 8.00 The Voice Kids Emma Willis 8.00 Race To The
patients first without compromising Day Six: Clare Balding introduces hosts the Battle stages of the singing Death: Rome’s
his mental health, Jade is gutted highlights of the sixth day’s play at contest, with the remaining acts Charioteers
when she discovers Marty has won SW19, where the line-up for the last competing to impress judges Pixie Documentary exploring
the bursary, and Gem considers 16 was set to be decided. (S) Lott,, Jessie J and Danny new discoveries about chariot racing
joining Rash on his travels. (S) Jones, and win one of the 12 places in ancient Rome, and following an
in the semi-finals. (S) attempt to reconstruct a racing chariot
and take it round a test track. (S)

9.15 Killing Eve Smell 9.30 Hampton Court Palace 9.35 ITV News/Weather (S) 9.00 Jack Reacher: Never
Ya Later: Villanelle and Garden Festival Tips on how 9.55 GoldenEye James Go Back The vigilante tries to
Eve discover that their viewers can bring the festival feeling Bond heads for Russia to save an army major who has
interests might be best into their own gardens, and an investigate the connection been framed for murder and treason.
served if they can work together. exploration of the garden dedicated between the theft of an experimental He discovers that she has been
Meanwhile, a visitor from Broadmoor to renowned horticulturist Beth helicopter and an orbital satellite targeted by a secret government
comes with a dire warning. (S) Chatto. Last in the series. (S) weapon with the power to devastate conspiracy, and together they go on
entire cities. He discovers both have the run to expose the truth. Action
10.00 BBC News/Weather (S) 10.30 Matangi/Maya/MIA fallen into the hands of a mysterious thriller sequel based on Lee Child’s
10.20 The Lady In The Van Premiere. Documentary criminal mastermind with a grudge novel, starring Tom Cruise, Cobie
Comedy-drama, starring offering a personal profile against Britain and a connection Smulders and Danika Yarosh.
Maggie Smith, Alex Jennings, of the critically acclaimed artist. with 007’s past. Spy adventure, with (Cert 12, 118 mins. 2016) (S) ★★★
Roger Allam and Jim Broadbent. (Cert 18, 97 mins. 2018) (S) ★★★★★ Pierce Brosnan and Sean Bean.
(Cert 12, 104 mins. 2015) (S) ★★★★★ (Cert 12, 124 mins. 1995) (S) ★★★★

12.00 AM FILM Memento A man searches 12.05 AM FILM Mandela: Long Walk To 12.20 AM Tour De France Highlights 11.20 ICC Cricket World Cup Sri Lanka
for his wife’s killer in spite of the short-term Freedom Biopic of South African leader 2019 Stage One: Action from stage one of v India And Australia v South Africa. (S)
memory loss he sustained during the same Nelson Mandela, charting his activism the most prestigious race on the calendar. 12.25 AM The Last Leg (R/S) 1.20
attack. Christopher Nolan’s thriller, with against the apartheid regime, imprisonment (S) 1.10 5 Gold Rings Two friends take Hollyoaks Omnibus. James struggles to
Guy Pearce and Carrie-Anne Moss. (Cert 15, and rise to become president. Starring Idris on a father and son in the igame show. (R/S) trust Harry and looks through his phone.
109 mins. 2000) (S) ★★★★★ 1.55-6.00 Elba, Naomie Harris and Tony Kgoroge. 2.00 500 Questions (R/S) 2.50 (R/S) 3.25 My Family Secrets Revealed
BBC News (S) (Cert 12, 147 mins. 2013) (S) ★★★ Broadchurch (R/S) 3.40-6.00 Nightscreen (R/S) 4.20 Extreme Cake Makers (R/S)
2.25-6.15 This Is BBC Two (S) 4.45 Kirstie’s Vintage Gems (R/S)
5.05-6.00 Big House, Little House (R/S)

64 lnsideSoap
6.00 AM Milkshake! 10.00 Rise Of The
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Purple
Jacket. (R/S) 10.10 Rise Of The Teenage
Mutant Ninja Turtles Pizza Pit. (R/S)
10.25 Britain’s Greatest Bridges The
Forth Rail Bridge. (R/S) 10.35 Traffic Cops
(R/S) 11.25 Traffic Cops (R/S) 12.25 PM
Friends The One Where Chandler Takes
A Bath: Chandler discovers the pleasures of
a scented bath. (R/S) 12.55 Friends The
One With The Secret Closet: Joey takes
Rachel to the hospital. (R/S) 1.25 Friends
The One With The Birthing Video. (R/S)
1.55 Friends The One Where Joey Tells
Rachel. (R/S) 2.20 Friends The One With
The Tea Leaves. (R/S) 2.50 FILM Mr
Deeds Romantic comedy remake, starring
Adam Sandler and Winona Ryder. (Cert 12,
93 mins. 2002) (S) ★★ 4.40 FILM Stargate
Sci-fi adventure, starring Kurt Russell.
(Cert PG, 115 mins. 1994) (S) ★★★★


12.50am Lip Sync Battle UK…

6.50 5 News Weekend (S)

6.55 Secrets Of The Mayan
Horses for courses
I the
In h ancient
i Olympic
Ol Games, dragged to death. Blimey. We truth about the crowds, riots
Underworld Documentary
following archaeologists try to sports included boxing with no thought bobsleigh was hairy. and curses cast on drivers
locate the most sacred Mayan site of time limits, pankration – a form Anyway, it’s those horse-drawn to the huge prizes that made
all, which was the mystical centre of of mixed martial art with only vehicles this documentary some drivers the best-paid
the world linking the underworld, the two rules: no biting and no focuses on, even building sports stars in history. It also
Earth and the heavens. (R/S) gouging – and chariot racing, a Roman chariot to recreate uncovers the story of Scorpus
in which the driver was often the drama of the races, with – a slave who became Rome’s
entangled in the reins and new evidence revealing the most successful charioteer.

8.00 How The Victorians

Changed The Way We Live Part
ase in PowerPoint
two of two. Michael Buerk looks at KILLING EVE | BBC1 9.15PM
how the Victorians created what is
now known as the modern home, The Ghost has been caught,
exploring the huge rise in house-
building during the period. (S) but interrogation tactics are
proving fruitless in gathering
intel, and even when Eve tries
9.55 The 00s: Most Shocking to break the assassin’s spirit
Celebrity Moments A look back (see what we did there?), you
at the noughties, which witnessed start to wonder who’s really
the birth of reality TV and some
bizarre scenes caught on camera asking the questions. So, with
– from George Galloway’s turn as no other avenues left to go
a cat in Celebrity Big Brother to down, Eve strikes a potentially
Katie Price and Peter Andre’s love deadly deal. Elsewhere, the MI6
affair, plus Gillian McKeith’s fit of team sits though a slideshow
the vapours on I’m A Celebrity…. It looking like a bunch of bored
was also the decade that saw Susan
Boyle shock the judges on Britain’s schoolkids in assembly. But
Got Talent. (R/S) there are hidden depths to
the presentation… Meanwhile,
long-suffering Nico’s in Oxford
12.50 AM Lip Sync Battle UK: Matt on a school trip, where he gets
Richardson Vs Daisy Lowe (R/S) 1.15
The Live Casino Show (S) a surprise visit – only to be hit
3.15 The Hotel Inspector Gipsy Hill Hotel, by an even bigger bombshell.
Exeter. (R/S) 4.00 World’s Deadliest
Weather: Caught On Camera (R/S) 4.45
House Doctor Clapham Village, West
BBC1 N IRELAND as Main BBC1 except: 10.20pm The Irish Open – Highlights 11.20 FILM: The Lady In The Van 1.00-6.00am BBC News BBC1 WALES
Sussex. (R/S) 5.10 House Busters (R/S)
as Main BBC1 except: 10.20pm Bang 11.05 FILM: The Lady In The Van 12.45am Mrs Brown’s Boys 1.15-6.00 BBC News SCOTTISH as Main ITV except:
5.35-6.00 Wildlife SOS (R/S) 12.39-12.40pm STV Appeal: Project Spotlight 1.25-4.00 Racing On STV: Lie From Sandown 7.14-7.15 STV Appeal: Project Spotlight 1.10-6.00am Nightscreen

lnsideSoap 65
Sky Witness Sky Atlantic Sky One
6.00 AM The Real A&E 6.00 AM Richard E Grant’s 6.00 AM Modern Family
7.00 Paramedics Hotel Secrets 7.00 Urban 9.00 The Simpsons 9.30
9.00 Highway Cops Secrets 8.00 Yesterday: The Simpsons 10.00
10.00 Highway Patrol Special 8.30 Natural PL Best Goals 98/99
11.00 Motorway Patrol History Museum Alive 11.00 Football’s Funniest
12.00 PM Brit Cops: Law 10.00 The Making Of Moments 12.00 PM David
& Disorder Motorbike Thefts. Natural History Museum Attenborough’s Conquest
1.00 Brit Cops: Law & Alive 11.00 CSI: Crime Of The Skies 1.00 David
Disorder Football Fight. Scene Investigation Attenborough’s Conquest
2.00 Brit Cops: Law & 12.00 PM CSI: Crime Of The Skies 2.00 David
Disorder Credit Card Fraud. Scene Investigation Attenborough’s Conquest
3.00 Brit Cops: Law & 1.00 CSI: Crime Scene Of The Skies 3.00 David
Disorder Taxi & Motorbike Investigation 2.00 Attenborough’s Conquest
RTC. 4.00 Brit Cops: Law CSI: Crime Scene Of The Skies 4.00
& Disorder Bar Assault. Investigation 3.00 CSI: Monkeys And Apes: Wild
5.00 Nothing To Declare Crime Scene Investigation Files 4.15 The Simpsons
5.30 Nothing To Declare 4.00 Without A Trace 5.15 FILM Superman
6.00 Nothing To Declare 5.00 Without A Trace Comic-strip adventure. (Cert
6.30 Nothing To Declare 6.00 Without A Trace PG, 138 mins. 1978) +++++

BRITAIN’S YOUNGEST FOOTBALL BOSS | BBC3 10AM 7.00 Nothing To Declare 7.00 Without A Trace

Series following the work Once Lost: The team
The documentary following a lot of press interest in Jack 7
of customs officers. searches for Elena’s
West Ham United Women’s and his players. But there’s 7.30 Nothing To Declare former partner.
From Australia’s airports.
19-year-old MD Jack Sullivan no time to rest on their laurels,
comes to a close today, as as West Ham’s owner (and 8.00 Nothing To Declare 8.00 Without A Trace 8.00 An Idiot Abroad
the team makes an historic also, coincidentally, Jack’s Fly-on-the-wall Friends And Neighbours: Jordan: Karl Pilkington
appearance in the FA Cup dad) David Sullivan wants 8
documentary series. Two neighbours go stops off in Israel on his
8.30 Nothing To Declare missing from their homes. way to Petra, Jordan.
Final at Wembley, prompting to discuss the future… More from Australia.

9.00 Murders That 9.00 The Night Of The 9.00 A League Of Their
WENTWORTH PRISON | 5STAR 10PM Shocked The Nation Season Of The Witch: Box Own Best Of: The best
Death isn’t exactly uncommon
The Acid Bath Murderer: retraces Naz’s steps on moments from the 11th
The murders committed the night of the crime. series of the comedy quiz.
at Wentworth, but the latest by John George Haigh.
killing has sent shockwaves
spilling throughout the entire 10.00 Britain’s Most 10.10 The Night Of 10.00 ICC Cricket
Evil Killers Fred And Samson And Delilah: World Cup Pakistan v
prison. Allie’s determined to 10 Rose West: An insight into Chandra has a disturbing Afghanistan: Action from
find out who’s responsible, but pm
the crimes of serial killers encounter with a potential the group-stage match
Liz’s unreliable memory leaves Fred and Rose West. witness. at Headingley Stadium.
her wondering if she did it…
11.00 The Cambridge 11.15 The Night Of 11.00 ICC Cricket
Rapist The eight-month Ordinary Death: The World Cup New Zealand
11 search for Peter Cook. defence calls Detective v Australia: Highlights
PRIMAL SCREAM: THE LOST… | BBC Scotland 10.30PM pm
Box to the stand. from Lord’s in London.
Here’s another chance to
catch Primal Scream’s Bobby 12.00 AM Murders That 12.20 AM The Night Of 2.00 12.00 AM Warrior 1.00 Road
Shocked The Nation Last Week Tonight With Wars 2.00 Road Wars 3.00
Gillespie and Andrew Innes 1.00 Criminal Minds John Oliver 2.35 The Affair Road Wars 4.00 Motorway
revisiting the original mixes of 2.00 Criminal Minds 4.00 The Guest Wing Patrol 4.30 Motorway Patrol
3.00 Criminal Minds 4.00 5.00-6.00 The Guest Wing 5.00 Motorway Patrol
the tracks for their 1994 album Brit Cops: Law & Disorder 5.30-6.00 Motorway Patrol
Give Out But Don’t Give Up, 5.00 Nothing To Declare
5.30-6.00 Nothing To Declare
as the mix that was released
was not the one they wanted.

W Alibi GOLD Com. Central FOX Universal

6.10 AM The Bill 7.00 The 6.00 AM Teleshopping 6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.10 8.00 AM Friends 8.35 8.00 AM Monk 9.00 Bones 6.00 AM Teleshopping 8.00
Bill 8.00 The Bill 9.00 The Bill 7.10 Murdoch Mysteries The Piglet Files 7.40 Friends 9.00 Friends 9.30 10.00 NCIS 11.00 The Law & Order 9.00 Law &
10.00 The Bill 11.00 Tipping 8.00 Murdoch Mysteries 9.00 Porterhouse Blue 8.35 Friends 10.00 Friends 10.30 Mentalist 12.00 PM NCIS Order 10.00 Law & Order
Point 12.00 PM Tipping Point Murdoch Mysteries 10.00 Miranda 10.30 Only Fools Friends 11.00 Friends 11.30 1.00 Bones 2.00 NCIS 3.00 11.00 Law & Order 12.00 PM
1.00 Tipping Point 2.00 Rizzoli & Isles 11.00 Rizzoli And Horses 11.05 Only Fools Friends 12.00 PM FILM The Mentalist Black-Winged NCIS 1.00 NCIS In The Zone.
Tipping Point 3.00 Tipping & Isles 12.00 PM Rizzoli & And Horses 11.45 Only Fools Space Cowboys (Cert PG, Redbird. 4.00 Bones The 2.00 NCIS Recoil. 3.00 NCIS
Point 4.00 Tipping Point 5.00 Isles Misconduct. 1.00 Rizzoli And Horses 12.25 PM Only 119 mins. 2000) ++++2.30 Bikini In The Soup. 5.00 NCIS About Face. 4.00 NCIS
Tipping Point 6.00 Tipping & Isles Face Value. 2.00 Fools And Horses 1.00 Only Lip Sync Battle 3.00 Friends Love Boat. 6.00 The Mentalist Judgement Day – Part One.
Point 7.00 Outnumbered Inspector George Gently Fools And Horses 1.40 Only 3.30 Friends 4.00 Friends Wedding In Red. 7.00 NCIS: 5.00 NCIS Judgement Day
7.40 Outnumbered 8.20 Gently In The Cathedral. 4.00 Fools And Horses 2.20 Only 4.30 Friends 5.00 Friends New Orleans Diplomatic – Part Two. 6.00 NCIS The
Outnumbered The Restaurant. Inspector Alleyn Mysteries Fools And Horses 3.00 Only 5.30 Friends 6.00 Friends Immunity. 8.00 NCIS Spider And The Fly. 7.00
9.00 FILM Bride Wars Two Final Curtain. 6.10 Death In Fools And Horses 3.40 Only 6.30 Takeshi’s Castle 7.00 Incognito. 9.00 Lucifer Til Private Eyes Catch Me If You
friends become bitter rivals Paradise Stab In The Dark. Fools And Horses 4.20 Only FILM The Three Musketeers Death Do Us Part. 10.00 Can. 8.00 Major Crimes
when their weddings are 7.30 Death In Paradise Fools And Horses 5.00 Only (Cert 12, 110 mins. 2011) Family Guy How The Griffin Sanctuary City – Part One.
scheduled to take place on Hidden Secrets: A surf-school Fools And Horses 5.35 Only +++9.00 FILM Ali G Stole Christmas. 10.30 Family 9.00 Major Crimes Sanctuary
the same day and at the owner is shot. 9.00 Death In Fools And Horses 6.20 Only Indahouse (Cert 15, 83 mins. Guy Passenger Fatty-Seven. City – Part Two. 10.00 Law &
same venue. Comedy, Paradise Damned If You Do: Fools And Horses 7.00 Only 2002) +++10.35 The Ricky 11.00 American Dad! Lost Order: Special Victims Unit
starring Kate Hudson (Cert The president of the local Fools And Horses 7.35 Only Gervais Show 11.05 Joe Boys. 11.30 American Dad! Parole Violations. 11.00 Law
12, 85 mins. 2009) ++10.50 military re-enactment society Fools And Horses 8.20 Only Rogan: Rocky Mountain 12.00 AM Family Guy 12.30 & Order: Special Victims Unit
Love Connection 11.50 John dies mid-battle. 10.20 New Fools And Horses 9.00 High 12.05 AM Russell Family Guy 1.00 American 12.00 AM Law & Order:
Bishop: In Conversation With Tricks The Russian Cousin. Citizen Khan 10.15 Bottom Howard’s Good News 1.05 Dad! 1.30 American Dad! Special Victims Unit 1.00 Law
Louise Redknapp 12.50 AM 11.40 New Tricks Lottery 12.10 AM Spaced 1.50 Fin Taylor: Live 1.30 Jeff & 2.00 Family Guy 2.30 Family & Order: Special Victims Unit
Code Black 1.35 Code Curse. 1.00 AM Waco 2.15 Smack The Pony 2.20 Bottom Some Aliens 2.30 Bordertown Guy 3.00 American Dad! 3.30 2.00 CSI: Miami 3.00 CSI:
Black 2.20 Flip Or Flop The Mrs Bradley Mysteries 3.15 Harry Hill’s TV Burp 3.25 Ridiculousness American Dad! 4.00 Monk Miami 4.00 Numb3rs
.00-6.10 Teleshopping 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping 5.00-6.00 Teleshopping 5.00-8.00 Teleshopping 5.00-6.00 Teleshopping
66 lnsideSoap
Drama ITV2 E4 More4
6.00 AM Teleshopping 6.00 AM Totally Bonkers 6.00 AM Young & Hungry 8.55 AM Food Unwrapped
7.10 Lovejoy The Black Guinness World Records 6.25 Young & Hungry 9.30 A Place In The Sun:
Virgin Of Vladimir – Part One. 6.10 Emmerdale 6.50 How I Met Your Home Or Away 10.30 A
8.00 Lovejoy The Black 9.00 Coronation Street Mother 7.20 How I Met Place In The Sun: Home
Virgin Of Vladimir – Part Two. 12.00 PM Catchphrase Your Mother 7.50 The Or Away 11.35 A Place In
9.00 Lovejoy Friends In High 12.40 Ninja Warrior UK Crystal Maze: Celebrity The Sun: Home Or Away
Places. 10.00 Lovejoy Out 1.45 FILM Dirty Dancing Special 8.55 Don’t Tell 12.35 PM Orangutan
To Lunch. 11.00 Sharpe 2: Havana Nights Romantic The Bride 9.55 Don’t Jungle School 1.40 The
Sharpe’s Honour. 1.00 PM drama. (Cert PG, 83 mins. Tell The Bride 11.00 Yorkshire Dales And
The House Of Eliott 2004) ++3.30 FILM The Speechless 1.30 PM The Lakes 2.45 Four
2.00 The House Of Haunted Mansion Comedy, The Goldbergs 2.00 The In A Bed 3.20 Four In
Eliott 3.00 The Coroner starring Eddie Murphy. (Cert Goldbergs 2.30 Brooklyn A Bed 3.50 Four In A
Pieces Of Eight. 4.00
Lawyer John Stone (John Turturro) confronts PG, 87 mins. 2003) ++5.10 Nine-Nine 3.00 The Big Bed 4.20 Four In A Bed
Father Brown The Smallest a witness in The Night Of 9pm Sky Atlantic FILM Despicable Me 2 Bang Theory 6.30 FILM 4.55 Four In A Bed
Of Things. 5.00 Maisie Animated comedy sequel, The Fault In Our Stars 5.25 Come Dine With Me
Raine ID. 6.00 Hetty with the voices of Steve Carell Romantic drama, starring 5.55 Come Dine With Me
Wainthropp Investigates BBC Scotland BBC4 and Kristen Wiig. Cert U, Shailene Woodley. (Cert 12, 6.25 Come Dine With Me
Something To Treasure. FREEVIEW 115 (SCOTLAND) FREEVIEW 9 97 mins. 2013) +++ 121 mins. 2014) ++++ 6.55 Come Dine With Me

7.00 WPC 56 A Different 7.00 PM The Seven 7.00 PM Nasa – 7.15 Liar Liar  7.25 Come Dine

Beat: A predator is 7.15 Seven Days Triumph And Tragedy A boy makes 
With Me Milton Keynes:
targeting contestants in One Small Step: Part one a wish to prevent  Susan Rogers hosts the 7
a beauty pageant. of two. America’s leading his lawyer father from  final night in Bucks.
role in the space race. telling lies, leaving the 
attorney struggling to get
8.00 The Doctor Blake 8.00 This Farming Life 8.00 Jet! When Britain through a divorce case. 8.00 999: On The
Mysteries A Night To Mel has to act quickly to Ruled The Skies Military Comedy, with Jim Carrey Frontline In Coventry,
Remember: A famous help a trapped bull. Marvels: Exploring and Maura Tierney. paramedics respond 8
actress dies on stage advances in aviation in Includes FYI Daily. (Cert to a well-known drunk
at the Colonists Club. the 1950s and 60s. 12, 82 mins. 1997) ++++ nuisance caller.

9.00 Harrow Lex Talionis 9.00 Takin’ Over The 9.00 Inspector 9.00 Love Island: 9.00 The Maze 9.00 24 Hours In A&E
(The Law Of Retaliation): Asylum Fly Like An Eagle: Montalbano A Nest Of Unseen Bits Highlights of Runner A teen A woman is airlifted to
The investigation into Campbell joins Eddie at Vipers: Businessman the past week in the villa. with no memory hospital after a road 9
Robert Quinn’s murder the radio station. Cosimo Barletta is found in an isolated community traffic collision.
gains momentum. 9.50 The Defiant Ones dead in his holiday home, must find his way through
and Montalbano’s a deadly labyrinth in
10.00 Rebus The 10.30 Primal investigation reveals 10.05 Shopping With search of freedom. 10.05 24 Hours In A&E
Naming Of The Dead: Scream: unexpected facts about Keith Lemon Comedy Sci-fi adventure, with A long-distance lorry
A government minister The Lost the man’s life and death. chat show. Dylan O’Brien and Kaya driver is sent for an 10
is killed in the run-up to Memphis Tapes The 10.35 Family Guy Scodelario. (Cert 12, urgent CT scan.
a world trade summit. band’s recordings. Viewer Mail 2. 110 mins. 2014) +++

11.30 Shetland Perez 11.30-12.00 Tune 11.00 Top Of The Pops: 11.05 Family Guy Be 11.10 Gogglebox Shows 11.05 It Was Alright
struggles to deal with Performances by Sam 1988 Music by Bros, Careful What You Fish For. including All Star Musicals In The 1970s Ideas
what has befallen Tosh. Fender, Lizzie Reid AC/DC and the Stranglers. 11.30 Family Guy and Mary Berry’s Quick conveyed about sex, 11
and India Rose. 11.30 Top Of The Pops: Burning Down The Bayit. Cooking are appraised. society and national
1988 With Eddy Grant. 11.55 American Dad! stereotypes in the 70s.
12.50 AM War And Peace 12.00 AM Top Of The Pops: 12.25 AM American Dad! 12.15 AM Gogglebox 1.15 12.05 AM Ramsay’s Kitchen
2.40 Dickensian 3.30 1988 12.30 The Rules Of 12.55 Iain Stirling’s First Dates 2.25 First Dates Nightmares USA 1.05
Garden Hopping 4.00-6.00 Film Noir 1.30 FILM CelebAbility 1.40 Hey 3.20 8 Out Of 10 Cats: More Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares
Teleshopping On Dangerous Ground Tracey! 2.20 Totally Bonkers Best Bits 4.00 Young & USA 2.05-4.00 FILM Master
(Cert PG, 82 mins. 1951, Guinness World Records Hungry 4.20 Young & Hungry Of The World (Cert PG, 102
B/W) ++2.50-3.50 Nasa – 2.45 Teleshopping 4.45-6.00 Young & Hungry mins. 1961) +++
Triumph And Tragedy 5.45-6.00 Nightscreen


6.00 AM Teleshopping 6.00 AM Teleshopping 6.00 AM Teleshopping 8.00 6.00 AM The Royal 6.50 6.00 AM World Of Sport: 6.00 AM The Only Way Is
7.10 Jay Leno’s Garage 9.00 Access 9.05 CSI: NY Access 8.10 My Wife And Agatha Christie’s Poirot 8.50 Crazy Racing 6.10 The Essex 6.40 The Only Way Is
8.00 Storage Hunters 9.00 9.50 CSI: NY 10.45 NCIS Kids 9.25 Two And A Half Inspector Morse Deceived By Professionals 7.00 The Marbs 7.35 Dallas Cowboys
American Pickers 10.00 11.45 Murder, She Wrote Men 2.05 PM FILM The Flight. 11.00 A Touch Of Frost Professionals 7.55 British Cheerleaders 8.30 Income
American Pickers: Best Of 12.50 PM Murder, She Wrote Prince And Me Romantic One Man’s Meat. 1.05 PM Touring Car Championship Property 9.00 LittleBe
11.00 American Pickers 1.55 Murder, She Wrote comedy. (Cert PG, 107 mins. A Touch Of Frost Private Lives. Highlights 9.30 ITV Racing: 12.00 PM Cake Wars 12.55
12.00 PM Steve Austin’s 2.55 Murder, She Wrote 4.00 2004) ++ 4.15 FILM Mr 3.05 A Touch Of Frost Keys The Opening Show 10.30 The Real Housewives Of
Broken Skull Challenge 2.00 Murder, She Wrote Jessica Bean’s Holiday Comedy, To The Car. 5.05 Agatha Goals Of The 70s 10.45 Atlanta 1.50 Little Women:
Top Gear 4.00 Cops UK: Behind Bars. 5.05 NCIS Cabin starring Rowan Atkinson. Christie’s Poirot The Big Four: Tour De France Live 4.30 PM LA 2.35 Little Women: LA
Bodycam Squad 5.00 Cops Fever. 6.00 NCIS Blast From (Cert PG, 89 mins. 2007) ++ The sleuth is plunged into the River Monsters 4.55 River Reunion – Part Two. 3.20
UK: Bodycam Squad 6.00 The Past. 7.00 NCIS The 6.00 FILM The Time Machine world of global espionage. Monsters 5.25 The Car Years Little Women: LA 4.15 Little
Would I Lie To You? 6.40 Artful Dodger. 8.00 NCIS Sci-fi adventure, starring Guy 7.00 Agatha Christie’s Poirot 6.00 The Hand Of God 7.00 Women: LA Tough Crowd.
Would I Lie To You? 7.20 Status Update. 9.00 Criminal Pearce. (Cert PG, 92 mins. Three Act Tragedy: A priest Tour De France Highlights 5.05 Little Women: LA Things
Would I Lie To You? 8.00 Minds: Suspect Behavior 2002) +++ 7.55 FILM Pixels chokes to death at a cocktail 8.00 FILM Oblivion Sci-fi Fall Apart. 6.00 Dinner Date
Taskmaster 9.00 Have I Got Strays. 10.00 Law & Order: Sci-fi comedy, starring Adam party. 9.00 Vera Protected: adventure. (Cert 12, 124 mins. Sasha. 7.00 Dinner Date
A Bit More News For You Special Victims Unit Mother. Sandler. (Cert 12, 106 mins. The son of a prominent 2013) +++10.35 FILM Drue. 8.00 Dinner Date Kirby.
10.00 FILM Reservoir Dogs 10.55 Law & Order: Special 2015) ++ 10.00 DON’T local family is found murdered Training Day Thriller, starring 9.00 FILM Bridget Jones’s
(Cert 18, 94 mins. 1992) Victims Unit Loss. 11.55 Law MISS! Wentworth Prison on a beach. 11.00 Midsomer Denzel Washington. (Cert 18, Diary Romantic comedy, with
+++++12.10 AM Would & Order: Special Victims Unit Ascension. 11.00 FILM Carrie Murders The Black Book. 117 mins. 2001) +++++ Renee Zellweger. Includes
I Lie To You? 12.50 QI XL 12.55 AM Law & Order: Horror remake, starring Chloe 1.00 AM Classic Emmerdale 1.00 AM Minder 2.05 River FYI Daily. (Cert 15, 93 mins.
1.50 Dave Gorman: Special Victims Unit 1.50 Grace Moretz. (Cert 15, 99 1.30 Classic Emmerdale Monsters 2.50 Nightscreen 2001) ++++11.05 Ibiza
Modern Life Is Goodish 2.55 Law & Order: Los Angeles mins. 2013) +++ 1.05 AM 1.55 Classic Emmerdale 3.00 Teleshopping 4.00 Weekender 12.05 AM The
The Last Man On Earth 2.50 Hannibal 3.50 Access Clink 2.05 Clink 3.10 Clink 2.20 Nightscreen 2.30-6.00 Nightscreen 4.30-6.00 Real Housewives Of Atlanta
4.00-6.00 Teleshopping 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping Teleshopping Teleshopping 12.55-6.00 Teleshopping
lnsideSoap 67
BBC1 BBC2 ITV Channel 4
6.00 AM Breakfast (S) 9.00 BBC News 6.15 AM Glorious Gardens From 6.00 AM CITV 8.25 ITV News (S) 8.30 6.00 AM The King Of Queens (R/S) 6.25
(S) 10.00 The Andrew Marr Show (S)
11.00 Sunday Politics (S) 11.30 Sunday
Above (R/S) 7.00 Gardeners’ World (R/S)
8.00 Countryfile Caring For Our Planet
The Sara Cox Show With guests Mark
Billingham and Tom Walker. (S) 9.25
The King Of Queens (R/S) 6.50 The Big
Bang Theory (R/S) 7.10 The Big Bang
Morning Live With Sean Fletcher and Ria Compilation. (R/S) 9.00 Saturday Kitchen John And Lisa’s Weekend Kitchen With Theory (R/S) 7.35 The Simpsons New Kid
Hebden. (S) 12.30 PM Flog It! (R/S) 1.00 Best Bites Matt Tebbutt presents highlights former England rugby captain Phil Vickery On The Block. (R/S) 8.00 The Simpsons
BBC News/Weather (S) 1.15 Songs Of of the series. (S) 10.30 Nigella: At My and his namesake, chef Phil Vickery. (S) Mr Plow. (R/S) 8.30 The Simpsons Lisa’s
Praise Outdoor Praise: Rev Kate Bottley Table (R/S) 11.00 A Cook Abroad: John 11.15 Gino’s Italian Coastal Escape First Word. (R/S) 9.00 The Simpsons Sex,
presents the show from Glastonbury. (S) Torode’s Argentina (R/S) 12.00 PM Gargano And Polignano A Mare. (R/S) Pies And Idiot Scrapes. (R/S) 9.30 Sunday
1.50 Bargain Hunt Two teams test their Triathlon World Series: Hamburg 11.45 Britain’s Best Walks With Julia Brunch (S) 12.30 PM The Simpsons
antiques knowledge. (R/S) 2.30 John Highlights Action from the sixth round of Bradbury River Walk: Exmoor, Devon. (R/S) Homer’s Triple Bypass. (R/S) 1.00 The
McEnroe: Still Rockin’ At 60 Sue Barker the series. (S) 1.30 Athletics: Diamond 12.15 PM ITV News/Weather (S) 12.30 Simpsons Marge v The Monorail. (R/S)
presents an intimate profile of the tennis League Lausanne Highlights 2019: The Harry Hill’s Alien Fun Capsule With 1.30 The Simpsons Selma’s Choice. (R/S)
champion, featuring contributions from his Athletissima. (S) 2.55 FILM Yentl A Jewish Jennie Bond, Nick Helm, Angellica Bell 2.00 The Simpsons Brother From The
wife – singer-songwriter Patty Smyth – and woman disguises herself as a man so she and Patrick Mower. (R/S) 1.00 FILM Star Same Planet. (R/S) 2.30 FILM The
long-time sporting rival Björn Borg. (R/S) can get an education, but ends up being Wars: Episode III – Revenge Of The Sith Emperor’s New Groove Animated Disney
3.30 Match Of The Day Live: FIFA pushed into an arranged marriage. Sci-fi adventure prequel, starring Hayden comedy, with the voice of David Spade.
Women’s World Cup Final: The final Musical drama, starring Barbra Streisand. Christensen. (Cert 12, 135 mins. 2005) (Cert U, 78 mins. 2001) (S) ★★★★ 4.05
(kick-off 4.00pm). All the action from the (Cert PG, 127 mins. 1983) (S) ★★★ 5.00 (S) ★★★★ 3.45 FILM Harry Potter A Place In The Sun (R/S) 4.35 The
showpiece match at Stade de Lyon in France, Barbra Streisand: Becoming An Icon And The Half-Blood Prince Fantasy Supervet (R/S) 5.35 Coast Vs Country
as the sides compete for the trophy won by 1942-1984 Taking a look at the actress adventure sequel, starring Daniel Radcliffe. Kirsty Duffy and Kerr Drummond help
the USA in Canada four years ago. (S) and singer’s rise to stardom. (R/S) (Cert 12, 153 mins. 2009) (S) ★★★★ a couple find a new home in Cornwall. (S)

9pm Gentleman Jack 8pm Top Gear 9pm Beecham House 9pm The Handmaid’s Tale

6.35 BBC News (S) 6.00 Mediterranean With Simon 6.30 ITV News/Weather (S) 6.30 Channel 4 News/Weather (S)
6.50 Regional News/Weather (S) Reeve A journey around the region, 6.45 Regional News/Weather (S)
examining the challenges currently
facing the nations in the area. (R/S)

7.00 Countryfile Summer Special 7.00 Dragons’ Den The panel 7.00 The Chase Celebrity 7.00 Great British Car Journeys
– Royal Highland Show: Matt Baker assesses the profit-making potential Special Angellica Bell, Oritse Christopher Timothy and Peter
presents a special episode from the of business plans for a bike taxi Williams, Leslie Ash and Ian Davison take a classic 1930s car
Royal Highland Show celebrating service, a range of children’s Lavender work as a team to take along some of Britain’s vintage
Scottish rural life, discovering what toothbrushes, and a new kind of on quiz genius the Chaser and roads, beginning with the route from
it takes to prepare animals for protein snack bar. Evan Davis secure a cash prize for charity. Inverness to the Isle of Skye. (R/S)
exhibition at the event. Including presents. (R/S) Presented by Bradley Walsh. (R/S)
Weather for the Week Ahead. (S)

8.00 Antiques Roadshow 8.00 Top Gear The Borneo 8.00 Tipping Point: 8.00 Escape To The Chateau
Helmingham Hall 1: Fiona Bruce Ultimatum: Paddy McGuinness and Lucky Stars New series. Engineering Dilemmas: New series.
presents the show from Helmingham Freddie Flintoff go on an adventure in Ben Shephard presents A look back at the transformation
Hall in Suffolk, where experts Borneo in a pair of very rare but very a celebrity edition of of Dick and Angel’s chateau,
examine a medieval sword found cheap old cars. Back in the studio, the the quiz, in which Alan Davies, Sally beginning with the technical and
in a pond, an Indian jewel and a gang is joined by Bob Mortimer. (S) Phillips and Dr Ranj Singh answer engineering challenges they had to
collection of decorative boxes. (R/S) questions to win turns on an arcade- overcome to make it habitable. (S)
style machine. (S)

9.00 Gentleman Jack Anne 9.00 War In The Blood 9.00 Beecham House Violet 9.00 The Handmaid’s Tale
Lister is embraced into Danish high Documentary following witnesses Chandrika going into Unknown Caller: June and Serena
society, but is still haunted by her two cancer patients John’s room at night, and tells his grapple with the revelation that Luke
estrangement from her lost love. who have volunteered mother what she saw. Margaret is is caring for Nichole in Canada,
Guest-starring Sofie Gråbøl (The as test subjects for an experimental devastated when she finds out and leading to an incident that will have
Killing). Last in the series. (S) treatment, examining their relationship resolves to leave Delhi. (S) far-reaching ramifications. (S)
with the clinical team involved. (S)

10.00 BBC News (S) 10.45 The Water Diviner 10.05 ITV News/Weather (S) 10.00 Ashes 2005: The Greatest
10.20 Regional News/Weather (S) An Australian travels to Turkey 10.20 Inside The Ritz Hotel Life Series A look back at the five-Test
10.30 Edna O’Brien: Fearful after the First World War to inside the Ritz Hotel in London. (R/S) cricket series between England
And Fearless Alan Yentob meets discover what happened to his sons. 10.50 Judi Dench’s Wild Borneo and Australia, which saw England
Irish novelist Edna O’Brien, who Drama starring Russell Crowe. (Cert Adventure Part one of two. The prevail 2-1 to win the urn for the
discusses her latest novel. (S) 15, 111 mins. 2014) (S) ★★★ actress visits Malaysian Borneo. (R/S) first time since 1987. (S)

11.35 Mountain Rescue – Our Lives 12.30 AM Sign Zone: Question Time 11.50 Wild Bill Bill is caught in the middle 11.00 FILM The Imitation Game (Cert 12,
Documentary following the work of the Fiona Bruce chairs the debate from of a feud. (R/S) 12.45 AM Tour De France 112 mins. 2014) (S) ★★★★ 1.05 AM Travel
Cairngorm Mountain Rescue Team, with Chichester, inviting an audience to question Highlights 2019 Stage Two. (S) 1.35 5 Gold Man. 48 Hours In Oslo (R/S) 1.35 The
leader Willie Anderson and his 50-strong politicians on issues of the day. (R/S) 1.30 Rings (R/S) 2.25 Who’s Doing The Dishes? Restoration Man (R/S) 2.30 Grand
crew of volunteers saving lives in the region. Sign Zone: The Trans Women Athlete Peter Shilton. (R/S) 3.15 Motorsport UK Designs Australia (R/S) 3.25 Undercover
(R/S) 12.10-6.00 AM BBC News (S) Dispute With Martina Navratilova The 2019 Thruxton. (S) 4.05 British Superbike Boss Australia (R/S) 4.20 Jamie’s
issue of transgender women athletes Championship Highlights 2019 Round Comfort Food (R/S) 4.30 Extreme Cake
competing alongside females. (R/S) Five: Knockhill. (S) 4.55 Nightscreen Makers (R/S) 4.55 Big House, Little
2.30-6.00 This Is BBC Two (S) 5.05-6.00 Judge Rinder (R/S) House (R/S) 5.50-6.25 Countdown (R/S)

68 lnsideSoap
Channel 5
6.00 AM Milkshake! 9.50 Rise Of The
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Smart Lair.
(R/S) 10.00 Rise Of The Teenage Mutant
Ninja Turtles Hot Soup: The Game. (R/S)
10.10 Access (R/S) 10.15 Friends The
One In Massapequa. (R/S) 10.45 Friends
The One With Joey’s Interview. (R/S) 11.10
Friends The One With The Baby Shower.
(R/S) 11.45 Friends The One With The
Cooking Class. (R/S) 12.10 PM Friends
The One Where Rachel Is Late. (R/S) 12.40
FILM National Security Action comedy,
starring Martin Lawrence, Steve Zahn
and Eric Roberts. (Cert 12, 85 mins. 2003)
(S) ★★ 2.20 Nightmare Tenants,
Slum Landlords (R/S) 3.15 Nightmare
Tenants, Slum Landlords (R/S) 4.10
Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords
An industrial-scale cannabis farm is
uncovered in a house. (R/S) 5.10 Grime
& Punishment: Dirty Britain (R/S)


9pm You Can’t Say That!…

“Th b
“The beginning
i i of the end of
The extra trial treatment of cancer. To ensure who have exhausted all other
6.05 5 News Weekend (S) cancer.” Sounds good, doesn’t the accuracy of the results, the avenues of treatment, and are
6.10 When Rich Kids Go Skint
Daryl, the son of millionaire parents, it – but what does it take to get two are treated on different essentially human guinea pigs
goes to live with a north London us there? This documentary floors of the hospital and not for the procedure. As Graham
family who survive on benefits. (R/S) follows two patients – Graham, allowed to meet – but they puts it, “It could be brilliant – or
53, and Mahmoud, 18 – as they share an indisputable bond. it could kill me. But someone’s
7.00 The Wonderful World Of take part in a trial that could Phase 1 trials such as this got to go first, right? Otherwise
Chocolate The documentary
spark a revolution in the are for terminally ill patients nothing gets done…”
investigates the enduring appeal
of Cadbury Dairy Milk bar, and
Belgian chocolate factory Guylian
allows cameras to witness its
production line for the first time. (S)
Counter intuitive
8.00 Gino’s Win Your Wish List TIPPING POINT: LUCKY STARS| ITV 8PM
Gino D’Acampo hosts as sisters from
London – Reena, Ricka and Bejal – Ben Shephard returns tonight
and their friends Raph and Tom take with a new series of the game
part, with potential prizes including
tickets to an Anthony Joshua fight. (S) show that favours those of us
who wasted our youth in those
penny-pushing machines down
the arcades. We’ll be chatting
9.00 You Can’t Say That!: to Ben about the thrills and
Outrageous Comedy Women, spills of this star-studded run
Politics: Jennifer Saunders narrates
this look at the role of women in in next week’s issue – including
outrageous comedy, with Kerry finding out his all-time favourite
Godliman on The Royle Family, Katy wrong answer that a celebrity
Brand on Victoria Wood, Stephen has given to a question – but
Bailey on Two Pints Of Lager And for tonight’s opener, he’s joined
A Packet Of Crisps, and Grace Dent by Alan Davies, Sally Phillips
on Mrs Doyle. The second segment
examines comedy and politics, with and Dr Ranj Singh, who are all
Hal Cruttenden remembering The hoping that luck will be on their
New Statesman and Jeffrey Archer side as they drop their counters
recalling Spitting Image. (S) into the machine in the hope
of winning £20,000 to donate
11.05 Joan Rivers: Queen Of
Controversy (R/S) 12.05 AM Cricket On 5:
to their chosen charity.
Women’s Ashes England v Australia: Third
ODI. (S) 1.00 The Live Casino
Show (S) 3.00 Access (S) 3.10 GPs: BBC1 N IRELAND as Main BBC1 except: 6.50-6.55pm BBC Newsline/Weather 10.30 The Irish Open – Highlights 11.30 Edna O’Brien: Fearful And Fearless
Behind Closed Doors (R/S) 4.00 Tribal 12.35am Mountain Rescue – Our Lives 1.05-6.00 BBC News BBC1 SCOTLAND as Main BBC1 except: 11.00-11.30am Sunday Politics Scotland BBC1
Teens – Here Comes Trouble (R/S) 4.45 WALES as Main BBC1 except: 11.00-11.30am Sunday Politics Wales 12.30-1.00pm Tudur’s TV Flashback 2.30 Go Fish! With Will Millard 3.00-3.30 Charles:
Prince For Wales? 10.30 The Prince And The Bomber 11.30 Edna O’Brien: Fearful And Fearless 12.45am Weather For The Week Ahead 12.50-6.00 BBC News
House Doctor (R/S) 5.10 House Busters
BBC2 WALES as Main BBC2 except: 6.00-7.00pm Llangollen 2019 SCOTTISH as Main ITV except: 3.44-3.45pm STV Appeal:Project Spotlight 8.59-9.00 STV
(R/S) 5.35-6.00 Wildlife SOS (R/S) Appeal: Project Spotlight 1.35-5.05am Nightscreen

lnsideSoap 69
Sky Witness Sky Atlantic Sky One
6.00 AM Nothing To 6.00 AM Richard E 6.00 AM Hour Of Power
Declare 8.00 Caught Grant’s Hotel Secrets 7.00 Modern Family
On Dashcam 9.00 Sun, 7.00 Urban Secrets 7.30 Modern Family
Sea And A&E 11.00 8.00 Without A Trace 8.00 Modern Family
Paramedics 1.00 PM 9.00 Without A Trace 8.30 Modern Family
Road Wars A suspected car 10.00 Without A Trace 9.00 Best PL Goals
thief causes problems for the 11.00 Without A Trace 1999/2000 10.00 The
officers. 2.00 Road Wars 12.00 PM Without A Simpsons 10.30 The
Officers face a drug addict in Trace 1.00 Yesterday: Simpsons 11.00 WWE
Milton Keynes. 3.00 Road Special 1.30 David Raw Hlts 12.00 PM
Wars Chris and Simon arrest Attenborough’s Natural S.W.A.T. 1.00 MacGyver
a biker. 4.00 Caught On History Museum Alive 2.00 MacGyver
Dashcam Outrageous 3.00 The Making Of 3.00 MacGyver
road disasters captured via David Attenborough’s 4.00 The Simpsons
dashboard cameras. 5.00 Natural History Museum 4.30 The Simpsons
Nothing To Declare Alive 4.00 Blue Bloods 5.00 The Simpsons
5.30 Nothing To Declare 5.00 Blue Bloods Lost 5.30 The Simpsons
6.00 Nothing To Declare And Found. 6.00 Blue 6.00 The Simpsons
6.30 Nothing To Declare Bloods Growing Boys. 6.30 The Simpsons

RED BULL SOAPBOX RACE 2019: LONDON | Dave 5PM 7.00 Nothing To Declare 7.00 Blue Bloods 7.00 The Simpsons The
Series following the work Drawing Dead: An NYPD Mansion Family: With the
Amateur racers of all shapes, Vick Hope, Tim Warwood 7
of customs officers. officer shoots and kills voice of Britney Spears.
sizes and backgrounds will and Adam Gendle will be 7.30 Nothing To Declare a 14-year-old boy. 7.30 The Simpsons
From Australia’s airports. Saddlesore Galactica.
be gathering at Alexandra track-side meeting the teams
Palace tonight with their and finding out what drives 8.00 Nothing To Declare 8.00 Blue Bloods 8.00 Football’s Funniest
hand-crafted carts, but one them (other than physics), Fly-on-the-wall Justice Served: Frank tries Moments Featuring
common factor unites them while Darren Fletcher provides 8
documentary series. to persuade mob lawyer comical incidents from the
8.30 Nothing To Declare Angelo Gallo to testify footballing world.
all: gravity is coming for them. commentary to the action. More from Australia. against one of his clients.

9.00 The Rookie 9.00 Big Little Lies 9.00 S.W.A.T. Fire And
GOTHAM | E4 10PM Greenlight: Nolan gets She Knows: Season Smoke: The team is
The on-screen talent is pulling
a lesson in respect after two of the multi award- enlisted to protect jurors in
arresting a gang member. winning show continues. a high-profile bribery trial.
double-duty in an episode
written by Ben McKenzie
(Gordon) and directed by Erin 10.00 World’s Most Evil 10.00 Riviera Georgina 10.00 Hawaii Five-0
Killers Richard Ramirez: is forced to reveal a dark Mimiki Ke Kai, Ahuwale Ka
Richards (Barbara). Having been 10 American serial killer and difficult truth. Papa Leho: McGarrett and
left in a coma after a shootout, pm
Richard Ramirez. Danny hunt for a thief.
Gordon dreams of being put
on trial for his failings in life…
11.00 Inside Evil The 11.00 Six Feet Under 11.00 NCIS: Los
Killer Twins: Chris Cuomo Brotherhood: Ruth Angeles The Prince:
11 explores the psyche of invites Hiram to dinner. Callen and Sam protect
criminal offenders. a deputy crown prince.
In this documentary first aired
on BBC2 in 2012, Louis travels 12.00 AM Blue Bloods 12.05 AM Six Feet Under 12.00 AM The Blacklist
1.00 Criminal Minds 2.00 1.15 Life Itself: Special 1.30 1.00 Caribbean Cops 2.00
to Phoenix, Arizona – which Criminal Minds 3.00 World’s Alan Partridge’s Mid Morning Caribbean Cops 3.00 Road
happens to be the dementia Most Evil Killers 4.00 Brit Matters 2.00 Big Little Lies Wars 4.00 Road Wars
Cops: Law & Disorder 3.00 Deadwood 4.05 Storm 5.00-6.00 Road Wars
care capital of the world. Louis 5.00 Nothing To Declare City 5.00-6.00 The British
meets two couples to find out 5.30-6.00 Nothing To Declare
how dementia impacts upon
their relationships.

W Alibi GOLD Com. Central FOX Universal

6.10 AM Tipping Point 7.00 6.00 AM Teleshopping 6.00 AM Teleshopping 8.00 AM Friends 8.35 8.00 AM Monk 9.00 Bones 6.00 AM Teleshopping 8.00
Tipping Point 8.00 Tipping 7.10 Murdoch Mysteries 7.10 The Piglet Files 7.35 Friends 9.00 Friends 9.30 10.00 NCIS 11.00 The Law & Order 9.00 Law &
Point 9.00 Tipping Point 8.00 Father Brown 9.00 Porterhouse Blue 8.25 Friends 10.00 Friends 10.30 Mentalist 12.00 PM Bones Order 10.00 Law & Order
10.00 Tipping Point 11.00 Father Brown 10.00 Father Miranda 9.50 The Interviews Lip Sync Battle 11.00 Lip 1.00 NCIS 2.00 NCIS 3.00 11.00 Law & Order 12.00 PM
Doctor Who 12.00 PM Brown 11.00 Father Brown 10.50 Only Fools And Horses Sync Battle 11.30 FILM Bring Bones The Feet On The NCIS 1.00 NCIS 2.00 NCIS
Doctor Who 1.00 Doctor 12.00 PM Death In Paradise 11.30 Only Fools And Horses It On: Worldwide Cheersmack Beach. 4.00 The Mentalist 3.00 NCIS 4.00 NCIS
Who 2.00 Doctor Who 3.00 Stab In The Dark. 1.20 Death 12.10 PM Only Fools And (Cert 12, 120 mins. 2017) The Red Tattoo. 5.00 Bones Cracked. 5.00 NCIS Broken
Doctor Who 4.00 Doctor In Paradise Hidden Secrets. Horses 12.50 Only Fools And +++1.30 PM Friends The Truth In The Myth. 6.00 Arrow. 6.00 NCIS Enemies
Who 5.00 Outnumbered 2.40 Death In Paradise Horses 1.30 Only Fools And 2.00 Friends 2.30 Friends Bones The Finder. 7.00 NCIS Foreign. 7.00 NCIS Enemies
5.40 Outnumbered 6.20 Damned If You Do. 4.00 Horses 2.05 Only Fools And 3.00 Friends 3.30 Friends Enemy Combatant. 8.00 NCIS Domestic. 8.00 Rescue: Code
Outnumbered 7.00 My Family Carter Kiki-Loki. 5.00 Carter Horses 2.45 Only Fools And 4.00 Friends 4.30 Friends Pay To Play. 9.00 American One Blowhole. 8.30 Rescue:
7.40 My Family Farewell To Voice Over. 6.00 New Tricks Horses 3.20 Only Fools And 5.00 Friends 5.30 Friends Dad! Lost Boys. 9.30 Family Code One Young And
Alarms. 8.20 My Family The Russian Cousin. 7.00 Horses 4.05 Only Fools And 6.00 Friends 6.30 Friends Guy Lethal Weapons. 10.00 Vulnerable. 9.00 FILM Jerry
Death Takes A Policy. 9.00 New Tricks Lottery Curse. Horses 4.45 Only Fools And 7.00 FILM Legally Blonde 2: Family Guy The Finer Strings. Maguire Romantic comedy
Inside The Operating Theatre 8.00 Father Brown The Horses 5.25 Only Fools And Red, White And Blonde 10.30 Family Guy The Dating drama, starring Tom Cruise
10.00 DON’T MISS! Resurrectionists. 9.00 Father Horses 6.00 Only Fools And (Cert PG, 95 mins. 2003) Game. 11.00 American Dad! and Renee Zellweger. (Cert
Louis Theroux: Extreme Love Brown The Sins Of The Father. Horses 6.40 Only Fools And ++9.00 FILM Superbad Home Adrone. 11.30 15, 133 mins. 1996) +++++
– Dementia Louis meets 10.00 Father Brown The Horses 7.20 Only Fools And (Cert 15, 108 mins. 2007) American Dad! Brains, Brains 12.00 AM Law & Order:
dementia sufferers in Phoenix, Wrath Of Baron Samdi. 11.00 Horses 8.00 Only Fools And ++++11.20 Russell And Automobiles. 12.00 AM Special Victims Unit 1.00 Law
Arizona. 11.00 Kids With Father Brown 12.00 AM The Horses 9.45 Bottom 11.40 Howard Live: Dingledodies Family Guy 12.30 Family Guy & Order: Special Victims Unit
Machetes – Stacey Dooley Doctor Blake Mysteries 1.05 Game On 1.00 AM Morgana 12.20 AM South Park 1.00 American Dad! 1.30 2.00 Law & Order: Special
Investigates 12.00 AM One Maisie Raine 2.15 The Mrs Robinson’s The Agency 4.10 Most Ridiculous – US American Dad! 2.00 Legion Victims Unit 3.00 Rescue:
Born Every Minute 1.00 Code Bradley Mysteries 3.05 1.40 Morgana Robinson’s Of A 4.35 Most Ridiculous 3.00 Family Guy 3.30 Code One 3.30 Rescue:
Black 1.50 Code Black Murdoch Mysteries The Agency 2.15 Bottom – Troublemakers 5.00-6.00 Family Guy 4.00 Monk Code One 4.00 Numb3rs
3.00-6.10 Teleshopping 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping Teleshopping 5.00-8.00 Teleshopping 5.00-6.00 Teleshopping
70 lnsideSoap
Drama ITV2 E4 More4
6.00 AM Teleshopping 6.00 AM Totally Bonkers 6.00 AM Hollyoaks 8.25 8.55 AM Grand Designs
7.10 London’s Burning Guinness World Records Charmed 9.25 Black-ish 10.00 George Clarke’s
8.00 The Bill Boomerang 6.25 You’ve Been Framed! 9.55 Black-ish 10.30 Amazing Spaces 11.00
– Part Two. 9.00 The Bill Gold 6.50 Emmerdale Black-ish 10.55 Black-ish George Clarke’s Amazing
A Growing Concern. 10.00 9.50 Coronation Street 11.30 Black-ish 12.00 PM Spaces 12.00 PM Come
The Bill Rescue. 11.00 12.45 PM Catchphrase The Goldbergs 12.30 Dine With Me 12.35
The Bill 12.00 PM Doctor 1.30 You’ve Been The Goldbergs 1.00 Come Dine With Me 1.05
Finlay The Return. 1.00 Framed! Gold 2.35 FILM Brooklyn Nine-Nine Come Dine With Me 1.40
Doctor Finlay Working Casper Supernatural family 1.30 Young Sheldon Come Dine With Me 2.10
Together. 2.00 Catherine comedy. (Cert PG, 96 mins. 2.30 The Big Bang Theory Come Dine With Me 2.40
Cookson’s Colour Blind 1995) ++++4.30 FILM 2.55 The Big Bang Theory Four In A Bed 3.10 Four
5.00 Miss Marple Honey Urban dance drama, 3.30 The Big Bang Theory In A Bed 3.40 Four In A
The Body In The Library:
Lucie Donlan continues to aim for a summer of starring Jessica Alba. (Cert 3.55 The Big Bang Theory Bed 4.15 Four In A Bed
A couple wake up to find romance in Majorca on Love Island 9pm ITV2 PG, 91 mins. 2003) ++ 4.30 The Big Bang Theory 4.50 Four In A Bed
a strangled corpse on the 6.25 FILM Jurassic Park 4.55 The Big Bang Theory 5.20 Come Dine With Me
hearthrug in their library, Adventure, with Sam Neill 5.25 The Big Bang Theory 5.50 Come Dine With Me
and turn to neighbour BBC Scotland BBC4 and Laura Dern. (Cert PG, 5.55 The Big Bang Theory 6.25 Come Dine With Me
Miss Marple to investigate. FREEVIEW 115 (SCOTLAND) FREEVIEW 9 121 mins. 1993) +++++ 6.25 The Big Bang Theory 6.55 Come Dine With Me

7.00 PM The Seven 7.00 PM John Denver 7.00 The Big Bang 7.25 Come Dine With

7.15 The Edit At Wembley Arena  Theory The Paintball Me Crewe And Nantwich:
7.30 Fair Isle: Living On 7.40 BBC Proms  Scattering: US comedy. Russell Stubbs hosts the 7
The Edge Part two of Encores Finnish Folksong:  7.30 The Big Bang final party in Cheshire.
two. Life on the island. 7.45 Vienna Summer  Theory
Night Concert The
8.00 Call The Midwife 8.30 The Mountain The Vienna Philharmonic 8.00 Celebrity Crystal 8.00 Orangutan Jungle
Dr Turner and Shelagh villagers help dig out the Orchestra perform Maze With Vic Reeves, School Malika’s self-
campaign for their slopes ready for skiers. music by North Ferne McCann, Graeme confidence grows, and 8
patients’ respiratory health. American composers. Swann, Susan Calman conflict erupts between
and Nancy Sorrell. Taymur and Topan.

9.20 Taggart Bad Blood: 9.00 New Town 9.00 Arena: That 9.00 Love Island 9.00 Marvel’s Agents 9.00 24 Hours In A&E
Burke suspects the Drama about two Summer A long-lost Caroline Flack presents Of SHIELD Toldja: Enoch, Doctors examine the
murder of a taxi driver architects drawn into film of the creative the beginning of week six. Fitz and Simmons meet chest and lungs of 9
was racially motivated. a murder mystery. community formed by a mysterious stranger. a 40-year-old who fell
artist Peter Beard. off her horse.

10.20 Taggart Island: 10.00 MND And 10.20 Rich Hall’s 10.00 Love Island: 10.00 Gotham 10.00 Shocking
Reid and Ross investigate 22-Year-Old Me California Stars Aftersun With Jordan The Trial Of Emergency Calls
the discovery of a mutilated Cameras follow Scotland’s The reality of life in Banjo, Ferne McCann Jim Gordon: New series. The most 10
body on a remote island. youngest sufferer of the Golden State. and Chris Hughes. Gordon suffers a series unusual calls made to
motor neurone disease. of hallucinations. emergency operators.

11.20 The Inspector 11.00 Takin’ Over The 11.50 Sound Of 11.05 Family Guy 11.00 Naked Attraction 11.05 Inside
Lynley Mysteries Limbo: Asylum Fly Like An Eagle. Musicals With Neil Internal Affairs. A former club rep and Birmingham Children’s
The body of Lynley’s 11.50-12.00 Next Big Brand Oh, What 11.35 Family Guy Killer a technophobe each Hospital Three families 11
godson is discovered 12 Thing Salt N Sauce. A Beautiful Mornin’. Queen: Peter and Chris choose a date. dealing with difference.
years after he disappeared. attend a fat camp.
1.15 AM Dalziel & Pascoe 12.50 AM Dazzling Duets 12.05 AM American Dad! 12.05 AM The Big Bang 12.05 AM The Billion
3.20 Steptoe And Son At The BBC 1.50 Vienna 12.30 American Dad! Theory 12.35 The Big Bang Pound Hotel 1.05 Father Ted
4.00-6.00 Teleshopping Summer Night Concert 1.00 Don’t Hate The Playaz Theory 1.00 Marvel’s Agents 1.40-3.50 FILM Robin And
3.05-3.45 John Denver 2.05 Totally Bonkers Of SHIELD 2.00 Gotham Marian (Cert PG, 102
At Wembley Arena Guinness World Records 2.50 Naked Attraction mins. 1976) ++++
2.20 Teleshopping 3.40-6.00 Hollyoaks
5.50-6.00 Nightscreen


6.00 AM Teleshopping 6.00 AM Teleshopping 9.10 6.00 AM Teleshopping 6.00 AM Rising Damp 6.25 6.00 AM Motorsport UK 6.00 AM Bring It! 6.55 Bring
7.10 Jay Leno’s Garage 8.00 Catch A Contractor 9.35 8.00 My Wife And Kids 10.35 The Royal 7.20 Heartbeat 6.50 British Touring Car It! 7.45 Newlyweds: The First
Storage Hunters 8.30 Top FILM Columbo: Last Salute To Two And A Half Men 3.10 PM 8.20 Heartbeat 9.20 Long Championship Highlights Year 8.35 Income Property
Gear Vietnam Special 10.00 The Commodore (Cert 12, 90 FILM Bill & Ted’s Excellent Lost Family 10.25 A Touch Of 8.05 River Monsters 8.40 9.00 LittleBe 12.00 PM Be
Drug Wars 10.30 Drug Wars mins. 1976) +++11.35 FILM Adventure Time-travel Frost Hidden Truth. 12.35 PM The Professionals 9.45 The Beautiful 12.15 Income
11.00 Cops UK: Bodycam Columbo: Lady In Waiting comedy, starring Keanu A Touch Of Frost Close Sweeney 12.00 PM Tour De Property 12.45 Yummy
Squad 12.00 PM Storage (Cert PG, 73 mins. 1971) ++ Reeves and Alex Winter. (Cert Encounters. 2.35 Inspector France 1.00 British Touring Mummies 1.40 The Real
Hunters 12.30 American 1.15 PM FILM Columbo: PG, 86 mins. 1989) ++++ Morse The Secret Of Bay 5b. Cars 1.15 Tour De France Housewives Of New York City
Pickers: Best Of 1.30 Ransom For A Dead Man 5.00 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It 4.55 Victoria The King Over Live 4.00 World Of Sport 2.35 The Real Housewives Of
American Pickers 3.30 Top (Cert PG, 100 mins. 1971) Away! 6.00 Can’t Pay? We’ll The Water. 5.55 Victoria 4.20 FILM Columbo: Suitable New York City 3.30 The Real
Gear Vietnam Special 5.00 +++3.15 FILM Columbo: A Take It Away! 7.00 Can’t Pay? The Luxury Of Conscience. For Framing (Cert PG, 90 Housewives Of New York City
DON’T MISS! Red Bull Matter Of Honour (Cert PG, 70 We’ll Take It Away! 8.00 FILM 7.00 Agatha Christie’s Poirot mins. 1971) ++6.00 The 4.20 The Real Housewives Of
Soapbox Race 2019: London mins. 1976) +++4.50 FILM National Treasure Action Elephants Can Remember. Car Years 7.00 Tour De New York City 5.15 The Real
8.00 World’s Most Dangerous Columbo: Troubled Waters adventure, starring Nicolas 9.00 The Comedy Years France 8.00 Bear’s Mission Housewives Of New Jersey
Roads 9.00 Have I Got A Bit (Cert PG, 73 mins. 1975) Cage. (Cert PG, 126 mins. 1998. 10.05 Vanity Fair With Gareth Southgate 9.00 6.15 The Bachelor 8.00
More News For You 10.00 ++6.55 FILM Columbo: 2004) +++10.50 FILM A Quarrel About An Heiress. FILM Smokey And The Bandit Dinner Date 9.00 Botched
Jon Richardson: Ultimate Prescription Murder (Cert PG, Hot Tub Time Machine 2 11.05 FILM Chicago Part 3 (Cert 15, 80 mins. 1983) House Of Horrors. 10.00 The
Worrier 11.00 Taskmaster 99 mins. 1968) ++++9.00 Comedy, starring Rob Musical, starring Renee ++10.50 FILM Rush Hour 2 Real Housewives Of Atlanta
12.00 AM Live At The Law & Order: Criminal Intent Corddry. Includes Access. Zellweger. (Cert 12, 109 (Cert 12, 86 mins. 2001) +++ Barcelona Breakdown. 11.00
Apollo 12.58 Hypothetical 10.00 Ransom 11.00 Law (Cert 15, 93 mins. 2015) ++ mins. 2002) ++++1.20 AM 12.40 AM Minder 1.45 The Atlanta Plastic Love Yourselfie.
2.10 Dave Gorman: Modern & Order: Special Victims Unit 12.45 AM Spartacus: War Great Estates Of Scotland Sweeney 2.40 Nightscreen 11.50 The Real Housewives
Life Is Goodish 3.00 The Last 12.55 AM Law & Order: Of The Damned 1.50 Clink 2.15 Rising Damp 2.40 3.00 Teleshopping 4.00 Of New York City 12.45 AM
Man On Earth 4.00-6.00 Criminal Intent 2.50 Chicago 2.55 Clink 3.50 Access Classic Emmerdale Nightscreen 4.30-6.00 ITVBe Nightscreen
Teleshopping PD 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping 5.45-6.00 Nightscreen Teleshopping 12.55-6.00 Teleshopping
lnsideSoap 71
BBC1 BBC2 ITV Channel 4
6.00 AM Breakfast (S) 9.15 Ill Gotten 6.00 AM Ill Gotten Gains Thames 6.00 AM Good Morning Britain (S) 6.25 AM Cheers (R/S) 6.55 Cheers (R/S)
Gains Police in Derby hit the streets to
arrest dealers. (S) 10.00 Homes Under
Valley Police officers explain how they’re
encountering young people bribed into
8.30 Lorraine With Billy Porter. (S) 9.25
Judge Rinder (R/S) 10.30 This Morning
7.20 The King Of Queens Pilot. (R/S)
7.45 The King Of Queens Fat City. (R/S)
The Hammer Properties about to be helping out drug gangs. (R/S) 6.45 One (S) 12.30 PM Loose Women Celebrity 8.10 Everybody Loves Raymond Look,
auctioned in London, Liverpool and Co Day That Changed My Life A teenager interviews and topical studio discussion from Don’t Touch. (R/S) 8.40 Everybody Loves
Durham. (R/S) 11.00 One Day That undergoes a genetic test for Huntington’s a female perspective. (S) 1.30 Lunchtime Raymond Frank, The Writer. (R/S) 9.10
Changed My Life A man with muscular disease. (R/S) 7.30 Sign Zone: Antiques News/Weather (S) 1.55 Regional News/ Frasier Room Service. (R/S) 9.40 Frasier
dystrophy takes his driving test. Last in the Roadshow Compilation 2: Fiona Bruce Weather (S) 2.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal Beware Of Greeks. (R/S) 10.10 Ramsay’s
series. (S) 11.45 Politics Live With Jo presents highlights from the past 25 years Hartlepool 3: David Dickinson and the team Kitchen Nightmares USA Handlebar.
Coburn. (S) 12.15 PM Bargain Hunt of the show. Expert Marc Allum discusses are in Hartlepool, where experts Simon (R/S) 11.05 Undercover Boss USA (R/S)
Westpoint 11: Natasha Raskin Sharp some of his favourite finds, including a rare Schneider, Tracy Thackray-Howitt and Henry 12.00 PM Channel 4 News/Weather
oversees proceedings as Philip Serrell and camera which sold for a small fortune. (R/S) Nicholls assess items including a classic Summary (S) 12.05 Couples Come Dine
Catherine Southon help two teams scour 8.30 This Week In Parliament Highlights timepiece. (R/S) 3.00 Tenable Something With Me Three north London couples
Exeter’s Westpoint Arena for valuables. (S) from Westminster. (S) 9.00 BBC News Fishy: Five mobile fish-and-chip shop compete for £1,000. (R/S) 1.05 Posh
1.00 BBC News At One; Weather (S) At 9 (S) 10.00 Victoria Derbyshire News workers compete. (R/S) 3.59 ITV London Pawnbrokers Dan considers deals on
1.30 Regional News (S) 1.45 Wimbledon and current affairs. (S) 10.30 Wimbledon Weather (S) 4.00 Tipping Point Ben luxury luggage and a sapphire ring. (R/S)
2019 Day Seven: Sue Barker presents live 2019 Day Seven: Sue Barker presents live Shephard hosts the arcade-themed quiz 2.10 Countdown (S) 3.00 Coast Vs
coverage of day seven of the Grand Slam coverage of day seven of the Grand Slam show, in which contestants drop tokens Country (R/S) 4.00 A Place In The Sun
tournament from the All England Club, as tournament from the All England Club, down a choice of four chutes in the hope of Gran Alacant. (S) 5.00 Kirstie’s Celebrity
the fourth round continues in the men’s featuring matches in the fourth round winning a £10,000 jackpot. (R/S) 5.00 The Craft Masters Sam Thompson and Debbie
and ladies’ singles competitions. (S) of the men’s and ladies’ singles. Chase Quiz show, with Bradley Walsh. (R/S) McGee compete. (S)

8.30pm Panorama 9.30pm The Honest Supermarket… 8pm Love Your Garden 10pm The Year Of The Rabbit

6.00 BBC News At Six; Weather (S) 6.00 Regional News/Weather (S) 6.00 The Simpsons (R/S)
6.30 Regional News (S) 6.30 Evening News/Weather (S) 6.30 Hollyoaks Sylver
and Mercedes get into an
argument over her drug use. (R/S)

7.00 The Sheriffs Are Coming 7.00 Emmerdale 7.00 Channel 4 News/Weather (S)
Rob and Gerald brave the red carpet Robert attempts to
at a celebrity hotspot in London to influence Diane, and Pollard
try to recover the unpaid wages of decides to build bridges. (S)
a former worker, and there’s an angry 7.30 Coronation
confrontation in a motorcycle shop. (S) Street With Michelle
at a fund raiser, Robert arranges
to visit Vicky. (S)

8.00 EastEnders 8.30 Today At Wimbledon 2019 8.00 Love Your Garden 8.00 Battle For The Tory Party:
Shirley suggests Kush Day Seven: Clare Balding introduces Transforming a Manchester family’s Dispatches A look at who really
and Martin settle their differences highlights of the seventh day’s play, neglected garden. (S) controls the Conservative Party. (S)
in a boxing ring. (S) where the line-up for the quarter- 8.30 Coronation Street 8.30 The £1 Houses: Britain’s
8.30 No-Deal Brexit: Are We finals in the singles draws was set Audrey is still frosty with Cheapest Street Mel and Rob
Ready? – Panorama Jane Corbin to be decided. (S) Gail after she abandoned her at the decide to get their house valued. (S)
examines the potential impact of hospital. (S)
leaving the EU without a deal. (S)

9.00 Dark Mon£y New series. 9.30 The Honest Supermarket: 9.00 Long Lost Family 9.00 Extreme Tribe:
A couple accept a substantial pay-off What’s Really In Our Food? Davina McCall and The Last Pygmies
to keep silent about the molestation Hannah Fry and Priya Tew invite Nicky Campbell follow New series. Livia
of their son by a famous Hollywood members of the British public Kathleen Fraser Simoka travels to the
producer. Drama, starring Babou to come into a specially built Jackson’s search for her mother, with remote jungles of the Republic of
Ceesay and Jill Halfpenny. (S) supermarket to discover the truth DNA testing revealing layers of her the Congo to live with pygmy tribe
about the production of their food. (S) family she never knew existed. (S) the Mbendjele. (S)

10.00 BBC News At Ten (S) 10.30 Newsnight (S) 10.00 ITV News At Ten/Weather (S) 10.00 Year Of The Rabbit The
10.25 Regional News/Weather (S) 10.30 Regional News/Weather (S) detective gets caught up in a siege. (S)
10.35 This Country Oven Space: 10.45 Sarah Payne: The Untold 10.35 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does
Kerry and Kurtan eagerly await the Story Sara Payne talks about her Countdown Kathy Burke and
release of their uncle from prison. (R/S) daughter’s abduction. (R/S) Roisin Conaty take on Johnny
Vegas and Bob Mortimer. (R/S)

11.00 Have I Got A Bit More Old News 11.15 Top Gear The Borneo Ultimatum: 11.45 Her Majesty’s Cavalry The regiment 11.40 Let’s Talk About Sex (R/S)
For You Extended edition from October
2018, hosted by Richard Ayoade. (R/S)
Paddy McGuinness and Freddie Flintoff descends on a Norfolk beach as the Household 12.35 AM Drag SOS (R/S) 1.30 The
go on a jungle adventure in Borneo in a pair Cavalry heads off on its annual summer camp. Restoration Man: Best Builds (R/S)
11.40 Live At The Apollo Jon Richardson of very rare but very cheap old cars. Bob (R/S) 12.10 AM Tenable (R/S) 1.00 Tour 2.20 My Family Secrets Revealed (R/S)
hosts an evening of stand-up at the Apollo Mortimer drops by. (R/S) 12.15 AM Best Of De France Highlights (S) 1.50 James 3.15 Undercover Boss Australia (R/S)
in Hammersmith, London, performing Glastonbury 2019 (R/S) 2.15 Sign Zone: Martin’s French Adventure (R/S) 2.40 4.05 Extreme Cake Makers (R/S) 4.35
himself as well as introducing routines by Royal Academy Summer Exhibition Loose Women (R) 3.30 Masterpiece With Kirstie’s Handmade Treasures (R/S)
Sara Pascoe and Nathan Caton. (R/S) 2019 (R/S) 3.15 Sign Zone: Countryfile Alan Titchmarsh (R/S) 4.20 Nightscreen 4.55 Big House, Little House (R/S)
12.40-6.00 AM BBC News (S) (R/S) 4.10-6.00 This Is BBC Two (S) 5.05-6.00 Judge Rinder (R/S) 5.50-6.25 Countdown (R/S)

72 lnsideSoap
Channel 5
6.00 AM Milkshake! 9.15 Jeremy Vine
(S) 11.15 Bargain-Loving Brits In The
Sun (R/S) 12.10 PM 5 News Lunchtime
(S) 12.15 Police Interceptors (R/S)
1.10 Access (S) 1.15 Home And Away
Brody reveals he has bought a restaurant
in the Yarra Valley. (S) 1.45 Neighbours
Andrea and Dee meet for the first time
– and fight. (S) 2.15 FILM Murdered At
17 Premiere. A teenage girl who is prone
to uncontrollable and sometimes violent
rages thinks that she murdered her best
friend. Thriller, starring Cristine Prosperi.
(Cert PG, 87 mins. 2018) (S) ★★★ 4.00
Friends The One Where Rachel Has
A Baby – Part One: Part one of two. Rachel
goes into labour. (R/S) 4.30 Friends The
One Where Rachel Has A Baby – Part Two:
Part two of two. Rachel gives birth. (R/S)
5.00 5 News At 5 (S) 5.30 Neighbours
Repeated from 1.45pm. (S)


11.05pm Blitz
K hl
Kathleen Jackson
J k
Molecular match
discovered news – and for Kathleen, whose the team’s usual methods don’t
6.00 Home And Away she was adopted at the age of adoptive mother had died when yield any results, so they try
Marilyn considers John’s 14 – in a meeting with a school she was three, it was doubly a different approach: submitting
proposal to move to the city. (R/S) counsellor, when a piece of devastating. “It made me realise a sample of Kathleen’s DNA to
6.30 5 News Tonight (S) paper revealing the truth that I’d lost two mums,” she an online database. A match
dropped out of a folder onto explains in tonight’s episode. comes up for a half-sibling in
7.00 Walking Britain’s Lost
the floor. It’s far from an ideal Although Kathleen has some Canada, who confirms that
Railways Rob Bell revisits lines way to receive life-changing information on her birth mother, Kathleen’s mum is still alive…
decommissioned in the 1960s and
celebrates the new life that has
been created from their remains. He
begins his quest in Scotland. (R/S)
Tribal loyalty
8.00 Police Interceptors Jacko
is shot at by a suspect with a gun,
and armed police have fractions
In the depths of the Congo,
of a second to decide whether to pygmy tribe the Mbendjele
return fire as pellets fly past their live almost entirely cut off from
ears in the pitch-black. (R/S) the world – although, for the
purposes of this programme,
they’re a little less so, as
9.00 Nightmare Tenants,
they’re joined by filmmaker
Slum Landlords The housing Livia Simoka, who is spending
team in Harrow accompanies the five months with one family to
police on a raid after receiving gain first-hand experience of
reports of dangerous conditions what day-to-day life is like for
at a home belonging to a notorious them. She witnesses distinctive
slumlord’s brother. (S)
traditions and learns about the
10.00 Young, Dumb And encroaching danger that the
Banged Up In The Sun A man who outside world poses. In this
was framed for attempted robbery opening episode, Livia arrives
by a Thai market-keeper. (R/S) in Bonguinda to meet her
hosts, and finds out how the
Mbendjele are exploited by
11.05 FILM Blitz Crime thriller. (Cert 18, a larger rival tribe nearby.
97 mins. 2011) (S) ★★★ 12.55 Britain’s
Greatest Bridges (R/S) 1.10 The Live Casino Show (S) 3.10 BBC1 N IRELAND as Main BBC1 except: 10.35pm NI On The One Show 11.05 This Country 11.30 Have I Got A Bit More Old News For You 12.10am Live
The Nile: Egypt’s Great River With At The Apollo 1.00-6.00 BBC News BBC1 SCOTLAND as Main BBC1 except: 7.00-8.00pm River City BBC1 WALES as Main BBC1 except: 7.00pm Fraud
Bettany Hughes (R/S) 4.00 Tribal Teens Squad NHS 7.30-8.00 X-Ray BBC2 N IRELAND as Main BBC2 except: 11.15pm Mná Spóirt: Croí Is Anam 11.45-12.15 I Love 1989 BBC2 WALES as Main
– Here Comes Trouble (R/S) 4.45 House BBC2 except: 11.15-12.15am Llangollen 2019 WALES as Main ITV except: 6.00-6.30pm ITV News Wales At Six 8.00-8.30 Wales This Week 10.45 Sharp End
Doctor (R/S) 5.10 House Busters (R/S) 11.15 Love Your Garden 11.45 Sarah Payne: The Untold Story 12.35-1.00am Her Majesty’s Cavalry SCOTTISH as Main ITV except: 10.29-10.30am STV
Appeal: Project Spotlight 8.00-8.30pm Sean’s Scotland 10.40 Scotland Tonight 11.04 STV Appeal: Project Spotlight 11.05 Sarah Payne: The Untold Story
5.35-6.00 Wildlife SOS (R/S) 12.05-1.00am Love Your Garden 1.50-2.40 Nightscreen TYNE TEES as Main ITV except: 1.55-2.00pm ITV News Tyne Tees

lnsideSoap 73
Sky Witness Sky Atlantic Sky One
6.00 AM Motorway Patrol 6.00 AM Fish Town 7.00 6.00 AM Monkey Life
7.00 Stop, Search, Seize Richard E Grant’s Hotel 6.30 Monkey Life 7.00
8.00 Nothing To Declare Secrets Living & Dying. Animal 999 7.30 Animal
9.00 Criminal Minds 8.00 The Guest Wing 999 8.00 RSPCA Animal
10.00 CSI: Crime Scene 9.00 Discovering: Bing Rescue 8.30 RSPCA
Investigation 11.00 Crosby 10.00 The West Animal Rescue 9.00 Road
Elementary 12.00 PM Brit Wing Celestial Navigation. Wars 10.00 Highway
Cops: Law & Disorder 11.00 The West Wing Patrol 10.30 Highway
Bank Fraud. 1.00 Sun, Sea 20 Hours In LA. 12.00 PM Patrol 11.00 NCIS: Los
And A&E 2.00 Motorway Without A Trace Daylight. Angeles 12.00 PM NCIS:
Patrol 2.30 Motorway 1.00 Without A Trace Los Angeles 1.00 Hawaii
Patrol Barrier To The Bonnet. Heartbeats. 2.00 Blue Five-0 2.00 Hawaii Five-0
3.00 Road Wars 4.00 Bloods Justice Served. 3.00 3.00 MacGyver 4.00
Nothing To Declare The West Wing The White Modern Family 4.30
4.30 Nothing To Declare House Pro-Am. 4.00 The Modern Family 5.00 The
5.00 Stop, Search, West Wing Six Meetings Simpsons 5.30 Futurama
Seize 6.00 Nothing Before Lunch. 5.00 Without 6.00 Futurama 6.30
To Declare 6.30 My A Trace Hard Landing. 6.00 The Simpsons Alone
Kitchen Rules: Australia Without A Trace Labyrinths. Again, Natura-Diddily.

DIVORCE | Sky Atlantic 10PM 7.00 CSI: Crime Scene 7.00 The Simpsons
Investigation The Chick Missionary: Impossible.
Season two of this post- Frances (Sarah Jessica Parker) 7
Chop Flick Shop: An actor 7.30 The Simpsons
marriage comedy ended on and Robert (Thomas Haden is killed on a film set. Pygmoelian: Moe
undergoes plastic surgery.
a quietly hopeful note, which Church). With the couple’s
made us wonder if perhaps divorce now official, Robert 8.00 Criminal Minds 8.00 Blue Bloods 8.00 Superman II
that was the end of the story is engaged to new girlfriend About Face: A murderer Bad Blood: A man The Man of Steel
– but there’s clearly still plenty Jackie, while Frances tries to 8
puts up posters of his accuses a police dog of returns to take on
intended victims. attacking his young son. a trio of super-powered
more awkwardness ahead for lean in to the single life… fugitive villains from his
home planet of Krypton.
9.00 Blue Bloods 9.00 Big Little Comic-strip adventure,
WACO | Alibi 9PM Past Tense: A murder Lies Kill Me: starring Christopher
David Koresh’s group is
victim’s daughter helps Season two of Reeve and Terence
Danny and Baez with the multi award-winning Stamp. (Cert PG, 127
starting to attract attention, their investigation. show continues. mins. 1980) ++++
and ATF agent Jacob Vasquez
commences undercover 10.00 World’s Most Evil 10.00 Divorce 10.30 A League Of
Killers Rodney Alcala: New series. Their Own With guests
surveillance on the compound. 10 The story of rapist and Robert begins Nicola Adams, Wladimir
But as he cultivates a fake pm
serial killer Rodney Alcala. a new future with Jackie. Klitschko and Tom Davis.
friendship with Koresh, will he 10.35 Risky Drinking
find anything incriminating? A look at the national
11.00 Criminal Minds epidemic of alcohol abuse 11.30 Rob & Romesh
A Thousand Words: The in America through honest Vs Country Music The
11 agents suspect a recently and intimate stories. duo meet Shania Twain.
BIG LITTLE LIES | Sky Atlantic 9PM pm
dead serial killer left one
All we know about this episode of his targets alive.
at the time of writing is that 12.00 AM Murders That 12.10 AM Six Feet Under 12.30 AM Brit Cops: Law &
Shocked The Nation 1.00 The 1.20 Six Feet Under 2.35 Disorder 1.30 Warrior 2.30
it’s called ‘Kill Me’, and that’s Cambridge Rapist 2.00 Brit Divorce 3.10 Without Road Wars 3.30 Motorway
a phrase that’s fairly weighty Cops: Law & Disorder 3.00 A Trace 4.10 The West Wing Patrol 4.00 Babylon 5
Chicago Fire 4.00 Road 5.05-6.00 The West Wing 5.00-6.00 Stargate SG-1
with subtext on this show. Still, Wars 5.00 The Real A&E
what we’ve seen of season two 5.30-6.00 The Real A&E
makes us confident it will still be
unmissable telly, nonetheless.

W Alibi GOLD Com. Central FOX Universal

6.10 AM My Dream Home: 6.00 AM Teleshopping 6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.20 8.00 AM The Middle 8.35 8.00 AM Monk 9.00 Bones 6.00 AM Teleshopping 8.00
Brother V Brother 7.00 My 7.10 Murdoch Mysteries The Piglet Files 7.45 The The Middle 9.00 The Middle 10.00 Bull 11.00 NCIS Sea Patrol 9.00 Rescue:
Dream Home: Brother V 8.00 Murdoch Mysteries Green Green Grass 8.20 You 9.30 The Middle 10.00 My 12.00 PM Bones The Signs In Code One 9.30 Rescue:
Brother 8.00 Tipping Point 9.00 Inspector George Gently Rang, M’Lord? 9.25 Last Of Name Is Earl 11.00 Friends The Silence. 1.00 Bones The Code One 10.00 Rescue:
9.00 Tipping Point 10.00 The 11.00 Motive 12.00 PM Miss The Summer Wine 11.20 11.30 Friends 12.00 PM Hole In The Heart. 2.00 The Code One 10.30 Rescue:
Bill 11.00 Supernanny US Fisher’s Murder Mysteries Keeping Up Appearances Friends 12.30 Friends 1.00 Mentalist The Red Tattoo. Code One 11.00 CSI: Miami
12.00 PM Tipping Point 1.00 1.01 Father Brown 2.00 12.00 PM The Green Green Friends 1.30 Friends 2.00 3.00 NCIS The Tie That Binds. 12.00 PM Law & Order
Tipping Point 2.00 My Dream Murdoch Mysteries Mr Grass 12.40 Are You Being Friends 2.30 Friends 3.00 4.00 Bull Light My Fire. 5.00 Whose Monkey Is It Anyway?.
Home: Brother V Brother Murdoch’s Neighbourhood. Served? 1.15 Open All Hours Friends 3.30 Friends 4.00 My Bones The Change In The 1.00 Law & Order Sunday In
The Finale. 3.00 My Dream 3.00 Murdoch Mysteries 1.55 Only Fools And Horses Name Is Earl 4.30 My Name Game. 6.00 The Mentalist Fire The Park With Jorge. 2.00
Home: Brother V Brother San From Murdoch To Eternity. 4.20 Last Of The Summer Is Earl 5.00 Friends 5.30 And Brimstone. 7.00 NCIS Law & Order 3.00 Law &
Francisco Bay Showdown. 4.00 Rizzoli & Isles Partners Wine 6.20 Are You Being Friends 6.00 Friends 6.30 Willoughby. 8.00 NCIS Off Order Phobia. 4.00 NCIS
4.00 Flip Or Flop 4.30 Flip Or In Crime. 5.00 Rizzoli & Isles Served? 7.00 Keeping Up Friends 7.00 Friends 7.30 The Grid. 9.00 Lucifer My Enemies Domestic. 5.00 NCIS
Flop Dirty, Dated And Desired. Tears Of A Clown. 6.00 The Appearances 7.35 Open All Friends 8.00 Friends 8.30 Brother’s Keeper. 10.00 False Witness. 6.00 NCIS
5.00 Tipping Point 6.00 Guardian 7.00 Unforgettable Hours 8.20 Only Fools And Friends 9.00 FILM The Other Constantine Waiting For The Ships In The Night. 7.00 NCIS
Tipping Point 7.00 My Dream Flesh And Blood. 8.00 Miss Horses 9.00 Miranda 9.40 Guys (Cert 12, 107 mins. Man. 11.00 American Dad! Recruited. 8.00 Private Eyes
Home 8.00 Inside The Fisher’s Murder Mysteries Mrs Brown’s Boys 10.20 The 2010) +++11.15 South Park Lost Boys. 11.30 American 9.00 Ransom It’s A Ravenzo.
Ambulance 9.00 One Born Raisins And Almonds. 9.00 Royle Family 10.55 Two Pints 11.45 South Park 12.15 AM Dad! My Morning Straitjacket. 10.00 Law & Order: Special
Every Minute 10.00 Emily DON’T MISS! Waco The Of Lager And A Packet Of Joe Rogan: Rocky Mountain 12.00 AM Family Guy 12.30 Victims Unit Sugar. 11.00
Atack: Adulting Am I Too Fat?. Strangers Across The Street. Crisps 11.35 Live At The High 1.15 South Park 1.45 Family Guy 1.00 American Law & Order: Special Victims
11.00 Inside The Ambulance 10.00 Father Brown 11.00 Apollo 12.35 AM Two Doors South Park 2.15 South Park Dad! 1.30 American Dad! Unit Solitary. 12.00 AM CSI:
12.00 AM Inside The Rush 12.00 AM Unforgettable Down 1.55 Two Pints Of 2.45 South Park 3.15 South 2.00 Family Guy 2.30 Family Miami 1.00 NCIS 2.00
Operating Theatre 1.00 Code 1.00 Inspector George Lager And A Packet Of Crisps Park 3.40 My Name Is Earl Guy 3.00 American Dad! 3.30 Murder In Paradise 3.00
Black 1.50 Secrets And Lies Gently 3.00 Motive 2.25 Boomers 2.55 TV Burp 4.10 Friends 4.35 Friends American Dad! 4.00 Monk Ransom 4.00 Private Eyes
3.00-6.10 Teleshopping 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping 5.00-6.00 Teleshopping 5.00-8.00 Teleshopping 5.00-6.00 Teleshopping
74 lnsideSoap
Drama ITV2 E4 More4
6.00 AM Teleshopping 6.00 AM The Planet’s 6.00 AM Hollyoaks 6.30 8.55 AM A Place In The
7.10 Boon 8.00 Soldier, Funniest Animals 6.20 Hollyoaks 7.00 How I Met Sun: Home Or Away
Soldier 9.00 Soldier, Judge Rinder 7.10 Dinner Your Mother 8.00 Young 10.00 A Place In The
Soldier 10.00 Classic Date 8.00 Emmerdale & Hungry 9.00 Melissa & Sun: Home Or Away
Holby City 11.00 The Bill 8.30 Coronation Street Joey 10.00 The Big Bang 11.00 Escape To The
12.00 PM The Bill Written 9.25 The Ellen Theory 11.00 Brooklyn Chateau: DIY 12.05 PM
In The Stars. 1.00 Classic DeGeneres Show Nine-Nine 12.00 PM Find It, Fix It, Flog It 1.10
EastEnders 1.40 Classic 10.25 Superstore 10.50 Young Sheldon 1.00 The Four In A Bed 1.40 Four
EastEnders 2.20 The Superstore 11.15 Dress Big Bang Theory 2.00 In A Bed 2.10 Four In A
Brokenwood Mysteries To Impress 12.10 PM Melissa & Joey 2.30 Bed 2.40 Four In A Bed
Blood And Water. 4.20 Auf Emmerdale 12.45 Melissa & Joey 3.00 3.15 Four In A Bed 3.50
Wiedersehen, Pet Bridge Coronation Street 1.45 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 3.30 Kirstie And Phil’s Love It
Over Troubled Water. 5.20
Frank (Tom Selleck) must stand up for a police The Ellen DeGeneres Brooklyn Nine-Nine 4.00 Or List It 4.50 Love It Or
Birds Of A Feather Wipe dog in Blue Bloods 8pm Sky Atlantic Show 2.45 Dinner Date Black-ish 4.30 Black-ish List It Australia 5.55 The
That Smile Off Your Tape. 3.45 Dress To Impress 5.00 Young Sheldon Secret Life Of The Zoo
6.00 ’Allo ’Allo! The Duel. 4.50 Take Me Out 6.00 5.30 Young Sheldon 6.55 The Supervet Noel
6.40 As Time Goes By BBC Scotland BBC4 You’ve Been Framed! 6.00 The Big Bang Theory Fitzpatrick treats a buzzard
Alistair’s Engagement. FREEVIEW 115 (SCOTLAND) FREEVIEW 9 Gold: Hall Of Framed 6.30 The Big Bang Theory with a broken wing.

7.20 Last Of The 7.00 PM Viva Variety 7.00 PM Beyond 100 7.00 You’ve Been 7.00 Hollyoaks James 7.55 Great Canal
Summer Wine Was That There’s No Business. Days/Weather Framed! Gold Kids has doubts about his Journeys Amsterdam:
Nora Batty Singing?: 7.30 Test Drive Three 7.30 Great Continental Special: A selection relationship with Harry. Timothy West and 7
Compo decides to teams tour St Andrews. Railway Journeys of cheeky children. 7.30 Black-ish Prunella Scales explore
follow Nora around. Athens To Thessaloniki. FriDre Night Lights. a network completely
new to them as they
8.00 Dalziel & Pascoe 8.00 This Farming Life 8.00 Life Mammals: 8.00 Two And A Half 8.00 Star Trek embark on a voyage
Under World: The Highland cow Goldilocks David Attenborough Men Glamping In A Yurt. Into Darkness across the Netherlands,
discovery of a man’s gives Janet a fright. reveals how mammals 8.30 Two And A Half The crew of the touring Amsterdam’s 8
body in a disused dominate the planet. Men Thirty-Eight, Sixty- starship Enterprise is sent canal district.
mineshaft reawakens Two, Thirty-Eight. to hunt down a rogue
villagers’ suspicions Starfleet agent behind
over a girl’s death. 9.00 The Nine 9.00 Killer Whales: 9.00 Love Island Reality a terrorist attack. Sci-fi 9.00 Ghosts Of The
Feature-length drama, Beneath The Surface – show in which singletons adventure sequel, with Deep: Ancient
starring Warren Clarke Natural World A look at seeking a summer of Chris Pine and Zachary Shipwrecks Part one 9
and Colin Buchanan. research into the lives of romance compete to Quinto. (Cert 12, 133 of two. Investigating the
the marine mammals. pair off in Majorca. mins. 2013) ++++ origins of the Black Sea.

10.00 Silent Witness 10.00 River 10.00 In Search Of 10.00 Hey Tracey! 10.35 The Big Bang 10.00 Titanic: The
Protection: A suspected City Maggie Arcadia Janina Ramirez Comedy quiz. Theory The Bachelor Party New Evidence New
paedophile is found dead uncovers Eve’s secret. and John Bailey explore 10.50 Family Guy Into Corrosion: The guys’ skills theories on the reason 10
in a playground, and the origins of the English Fat Air: Lois is reunited are tested by a flat tyre. the Titanic sank.
Nikki and Jack face the Landscape movement. with an old flame.
alarming prospect that his
murder is linked to a little 11.00 Breaking The 11.00 A303: Highway 11.20 Family Guy 11.00 The Big Bang 11.05 24 Hours In A&E
girl’s disappearance. News With Ahir Shah. To The Sun Tom Fort Forget-Me-Not: Peter, Joe, Theory The 2003 An 80-year-old patient
11.30-12.00 The Thick charts the troubled Brian and Quagmire have Approximation. is admitted with pain in 11
Of It Peter Mannion is history of the A303. their memories erased. 11.30 Brooklyn Nine- her chest and arm.
due to visit. 11.45 American Dad! Nine House Mouses.
12.20 AM Ashes To Ashes 12.00 AM Art Of France 12.15 AM American Dad! 12.00 AM Brooklyn Nine-Nine 12.05 AM Shocking
1.45 The White Queen 1.00 Teenage Tommies 2.00 12.40 Iain Stirling’s 12.30 8 Out Of 10 Cats 1.20 Emergency Calls 1.10 The
2.45 The White Queen The Ladybird Books Story CelebAbility 1.30 Two And Gogglebox 2.25 Gogglebox Supervet 2.15 The Secret
3.30 Garden Hopping – The Bugs That Got Britain A Half Men 1.55 Two And A Australia 3.20 The Big Bang Life Of The Zoo 3.20-4.00
4.00-6.00 Teleshopping Reading 3.00-4.00 Life Half Men 2.20 Teleshopping Theory 3.40 The Big Bang 8 Out Of 10 Cats
5.50-6.00 Nightscreen Theory 4.00 Brooklyn
Nine-Nine 4.25 Brooklyn
Nine-Nine 4.45 How I Met
Your Mother 5.10-6.00
How I Met Your Mother


6.00 AM Teleshopping 6.00 AM Teleshopping 6.00 AM Teleshopping 6.00 AM Classic Coronation 6.00 AM World Of Sport: 6.00 AM Teleshopping 9.00
7.10 Jay Leno’s Garage 9.00 Catch A Contractor 8.00 My Wife And Kids 8.25 Street 6.25 Classic Kings Of The Canvas LittleBe 12.00 PM Income
8.00 American Pickers 9.20 Remington Steele 10.10 Smallville 9.10 Dance Moms Coronation Street 6.55 6.10 The Chase 7.00 The Property 12.25 The Real
9.00 Storage Hunters 10.00 CSI: NY 11.10 Rookie Blue 11.05 My Wife And Kids Heartbeat 7.55 Murder, She Professionals 7.50 Kojak Housewives Of Atlanta 1.20
American Pickers 1.00 PM 12.05 PM Castle 1.05 Law & 12.05 PM Two And A Half Wrote 8.50 On The Buses 8.55 Quincy ME 10.00 Tour Million Dollar Listing: LA 2.20
World’s Most Dangerous Order 2.00 Law & Order 3.00 Men 2.00 Last Man Standing 9.25 On The Buses 10.00 De France Highlights 11.00 Little Women: LA On Thin Ice.
Roads 2.00 Sin City Motors Murder, She Wrote Sticks And 2.30 Last Man Standing George And Mildred And Tour De France Live Stage 3.10 The Real Housewives
3.00 Timber Kings Planes, Stones. 4.00 Murder, She 3.00 Neighbours 3.30 Home Women Must Weep. 10.30 three from Binche to Epernay. Of New Jersey A Manzo Of
Cranes And Automobiles. Wrote Powder Keg. 5.05 And Away 4.00 My Wife And A Touch Of Frost Close 5.00 PM The Professionals Her Word. 4.05 The Real
4.00 Jay Leno’s Garage Murder, She Wrote Murder Kids 4.30 My Wife And Kids Encounters. 12.40 PM It’s Only A Beautiful Picture. Housewives Of Beverly Hills
5.00 Top Gear 6.00 Top Gear In The Electric Cathedral. 5.00 My Wife And Kids Heartbeat Oscar’s Birthday. 6.00 The Car Chasers Flippin’ Dames, Dogs And Danke.
7.05 Have I Got A Bit More 6.05 Law & Order Acid. 5.30 My Wife And Kids 6.00 1.45 Classic Emmerdale 2.15 Ferraris. 7.00 Tour De France 5.00 The Real Housewives Of
News For You 8.00 QI XL 7.05 Law & Order Bible Story. Neighbours 6.30 Home And Classic Coronation Street Highlights 8.00 Made In Beverly Hills Holy Schnitzel.
9.00 Live At The Apollo 8.00 NCIS Patience. 9.00 Away 7.00 Two And A Half 2.50 Classic Coronation Britain 9.00 Benidorm 6.00 Buying And Selling Lee
10.00 Dave Gorman: Modern Law & Order: Criminal Intent Men 7.30 Two And A Half Street 3.20 A Touch Of Frost 10.00 FILM Jaws 3 Thriller Roy And Lisa. 7.00 Buying
Life Is Goodish 11.00 Mock Prisoner. 10.00 Law & Order: Men 8.00 When Rich Kids Go Held In Trust. 5.30 Downton sequel, starring Dennis And Selling Missy And Jay.
The Week 12.20 AM Jon Special Victims Unit Ritual. Skint 9.00 FILM White Chicks Abbey 7.00 Murder, She Quaid. Includes FYI Daily. 8.00 Dinner Date Ollie. 9.00
Richardson: Ultimate Worrier 11.00 Law & Order: Special (Cert 15, 110 mins. 2004) + Wrote Murder In White. 8.00 (Cert 12, 94 mins. 1983) ++ Botched The Pec Whisperer.
1.25 Mock The Week 2.10 Victims Unit Families. 11.55 11.10 FILM The Break-Up Doc Martin Always On My 12.05 AM Car Crash Global: 10.00 Marriage Boot Camp:
Mock The Week 2.45 Law & Order: Special Victims (Cert 12, 101 mins. 2006) ++ Mind. 9.00 Doc Martin The Caught On Camera 1.05 Reality Stars Mep-hitz, The
The Last Man On Earth Unit Control. 12.55 AM CSI: 1.20 AM Rich Kids Go Family Way. 10.00 Foyle’s Kojak 2.10 Motorsport UK Fans. 10.55 The Real
3.05 The Last Man On NY 1.55 CSI: NY 2.50 Homeless 2.20 The War 12.05 AM A Touch Of 3.00 Teleshopping 4.00 Housewives Of Sydney 11.55
Earth 3.25 Crackanory Chicago Fire 3.50 Access Magicians 3.15 Empire Frost 2.10 Nightscreen Nightscreen 4.30-6.00 The Only Way Is Marbs
4.00-6.00 Teleshopping 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping 2.30-6.00 Teleshopping Teleshopping 12.55-6.00 AM Teleshopping
lnsideSoap 75
BBC1 BBC2 ITV Channel 4
6.00 AM Breakfast (S) 9.15 Ill Gotten 6.00 AM Monday In Parliament (S) 6.25 6.00 AM Good Morning Britain (S) 8.30 6.25 AM Cheers (R/S) 6.55 Cheers
Gains A drug dealer who lost his cash when
police tracked him down. (S) 10.00 Homes
Ill Gotten Gains Police in Derby hit the
streets to arrest dealers. (R/S) 7.10 The
Lorraine (S) 9.25 Judge Rinder (R/S)
10.30 This Morning Celebrity chat and
An Old-Fashioned Wedding – Part One.
(R/S) 7.20 The King Of Queens (R/S)
Under The Hammer Properties in Kent, Super League Show Action from the latest lifestyle features. (S) 12.30 PM Loose 7.45 The King Of Queens Richie’s Song.
Wales and Birmingham. (S) 11.00 Rip Off fixtures. (S) 8.00 Sign Zone: Eat Well For Women More celebrity interviews and (R/S) 8.10 Everybody Loves Raymond
Britain: Holidays Why lost luggage could Less? The Drews: Greg Wallace and Chris topical debate from a female perspective. (S) Your Place Or Mine?. (R/S) 8.40 Everybody
be close to becoming a thing of the past. Bavin help Hampshire couple James and 1.30 Lunchtime News/Weather (S) Loves Raymond In-Laws. (R/S) 9.10
(R/S) 11.45 Claimed And Shamed A man Rianna Drew improve their diets, by rationing 1.55 Regional News/Weather (S) 2.00 Frasier The Perfect Guy. (R/S) 9.40
claiming for a lost watch who is unable get sugary treats, banning takeaways and Dickinson’s Real Deal Southport 3: David Frasier Bad Dog. (R/S) 10.10 Ramsay’s
any of his facts straight. (R/S) 12.15 PM changing brands. (R/S) 9.00 BBC News Dickinson is joined in Southport, Merseyside, Kitchen Nightmares USA Sabatiello’s.
Bargain Hunt Wetherby 21: Anita Manning At 9 (S) 10.00 Victoria Derbyshire Daily by antiques dealers Alys Dobbie, Stewart (R/S) 11.05 Undercover Boss USA (R/S)
presents a double bill of contests from news and current-affairs programme offering Hofgartner and Tony Geering, who appraise 12.00 PM Channel 4 News/Weather
Wetherby racecourse in West Yorkshire, discussion of breaking stories, exclusive a selection of collectibles. (R/S) 3.00 Summary (S) 12.05 Couples Come Dine
with experts Charles Hanson and Kate interviews and audience interaction via Tenable Five teammates from York With Me (R/S) 1.05 Posh Pawnbrokers
Bliss helping the two sets of teams. (R/S) social media. (S) 11.00 BBC Newsroom compete. (R/S) 3.59 ITV London Weather Dan seeks to close deals on a diamond ring
1.00 BBC News At One; Weather (S) Live (S) 11.45 Politics Live Updates from (S) 4.00 Tipping Point Ben Shephard hosts and Whitney Houston’s autograph. (R/S)
1.30 Regional News (S) 1.45 Wimbledon Westminster and beyond. (S) 12.30 PM the arcade-themed quiz show, in which 2.10 Countdown (S) 3.00 Coast Vs
2019 Day Eight: Sue Barker presents Wimbledon 2019 Day Eight: Sue Barker contestants drop tokens down a choice of Country (R/S) 4.00 A Place In The Sun (S)
coverage of day eight from the All England presents coverage of day eight of the Grand four chutes in the hope of winning a £10,000 5.00 Kirstie’s Celebrity Craft Masters
Club, where the ladies’ singles quarter-finals Slam tournament from the All England Club, jackpot. (R/S) 5.00 The Chase Quiz show, Natasha Kaplinsky and Jo Wood take
are scheduled to continue. (S) featuring the ladies’ singles quarter-finals. (S) hosted by Bradley Walsh. (R/S) on tough craft challenges. (S)

1.45pm Wimbledon 10pm Live At The Apollo 9pm Judi Dench’s Wild Borneo… 8pm Ackley Bridge

6.00 BBC News At Six; Weather (S) 6.00 Regional News/Weather (S) 6.00 The Simpsons (R/S)
6.30 Regional News (S) 6.30 Evening News/Weather (S) 6.30 Hollyoaks James
has doubts about his
relationship with Harry. (R/S)

7.00 Fraud Squad NHS An 7.00 Emmerdale Diane 7.00 Channel 4 News/Weather (S)
audacious scam robs NHS hospitals and Victoria ramp up their
of more than £12.5million. (S) plans, and Amy is unsettled by some
7.30 EastEnders advice. Robert intercepts a potential
Honey needs to find Adam, discovery, and Dan delivers some
unaware that at that moment he’s with home truths. (S)
Habiba. Ian tries to help find Rainie,
and Whitney opens up to Chantelle. (S)

8.00 Holby City Flying Solo: 8.00 Today At Wimbledon 2019 8.00 Britain’s Next Prime 8.00 Ackley Bridge Sam and Nas
Determined to put his troubles Day Eight: Clare Balding introduces Minister: The ITV Debate are caught shoplifting, which causes
behind him, Cameron tries to prove highlights of the eighth day’s play, Julie Etchingham hosts the debate a rift between them, Nas considers
himself to Kian. But when the pair where the line-up for the ladies’ between Boris Johnson and Jeremy her future in the wake of recent
clash over teaching methods, Evan singles semi-finals was due to be Hunt, the candidates hoping to be events, and Mandy favours Kaneez
steps in and manipulates the decided. (S) Britain’s next Prime Minister. (S) for a job in her department. (S)
situation. (S)

9.00 Dark Mon£y As the day of 9.00 Inside The Bank Of England 9.00 Judi Dench’s Wild Borneo 9.00 24 Hours In A&E
the film premiere approaches, Isaac Part two of two. The concluding part Adventure The actress journeys Three boys are admitted for very
is forced to come face-to-face with of the documentary looks at how the down Borneo’s Kinabatangan river different reasons, including cyclist
his abuser. Drama, starring Babou Bank is preparing for all eventualities, and along the island’s coastline to Ollie, who arrives with head, neck
Ceesay, Jill Halfpenny and Max including the possible economic explore the unique wildlife that lives and facial injuries having been
Fincham. (S) shock of Brexit and climate change. (S) in this threatened environment. (S) involved in a traffic accident. (S)

10.00 BBC News At Ten (S) 10.00 Live At The Apollo Josh 10.00 ITV News At Ten/Weather (S) 10.00 Drag SOS The
10.25 Regional News/Weather (S) Widdicombe: Stand-up comedy 10.30 Regional News/Weather (S) Family Gorgeous meets
10.35 Hot Property (S) with Josh Widdicombe, Nathan 10.45 The Island Strait Early three people who need
10.55 Hayley Goes… Pumping Caton and Celia Pacquola. (R/S) autumn sees the start of a new drag-queen therapy in
Iron: The rise and impact of the 10.30 Newsnight (S) academic year. (R/S) Scarborough, including 40-year-old
strong look among women. (S) fitness instructor Mark. (S)

11.25 The Insider: Reggie Yates In 11.15 War In The Blood Documentary 11.10 Love Your Garden (R/S) 11.45 11.00 ICC Cricket World Cup (S)
A Refugee Camp The presenter is in the
Middle East to spend a week living and
following two cancer patients who have Tenable A family from Leeds competes. 12.00 AM Celebrity Crystal Maze (R/S)
volunteered as test subjects for an (R/S) 12.35 AM Tour De France 1.00 The Restaurant That Makes
sleeping in the largest refugee camp in Iraq experimental treatment, examining their Highlights 2019 Stage Four. (S) 1.25 Mistakes (R/S) 1.55 Grand Designs New
– alongside 30,000 Syrian exiles. (R/S) relationship with the clinical team involved. James Martin’s French Adventure Zealand (R/S) 2.50 My Family Secrets
12.25-6.00 AM BBC News (S) (R/S) 12.55 AM Sign Zone: Who Should Burgundy. (R/S) 2.15 Loose Women (R) Revealed (R/S) 3.40 Inside Out Homes
Get To Stay In The UK? (R/S) 1.55 Sign 3.05 River Monsters Coral Reef Killer. (R/S) 4.35 Kirstie’s Vintage Gems (R/S)
Zone: The Customer Is Always Right (R/S) 3.30 Nightscreen 5.05-6.00 4.55 Big House, Little House (R/S)
(R/S) 2.40-6.00 This Is BBC Two (S) Judge Rinder (R/S) 5.50-6.25 Countdown (R/S)

76 lnsideSoap
Channel 5
6.00 AM Milkshake! 9.15 Jeremy Vine
(S) 11.15 Bargain-Loving Brits In The
Sun (R/S) 12.10 PM 5 News Lunchtime
(S) 12.15 Police Interceptors The team
boxes in a van carrying large quantities of
cannabis. (R/S) 1.10 Access (S) 1.15
Home And Away Brody and Simone
leave the Bay. (S) 1.45 Neighbours Dee
tells Heather that she’s Andrea, and they
must go to Erinsborough. (S) 2.15 FILM
One Small Indiscretion The daughter of
a man who enjoyed a brief affair stalks the
object of his affection, seeking revenge.
Thriller, starring Tiera Skovbye and Ashley
Scott. (Cert PG, 90 mins. 2017) (S) ★★★★
4.00 Friends The One Where No One
Proposes: Monica and Chandler try for
a baby. (R/S) 4.30 Friends The One Where
Emma Cries: Chandler falls asleep in a
meeting. (R/S) 5.00 5 News At 5 (S) 5.30
Neighbours Repeated from 1.45pm. (S)


7pm Walking Britain’s Lost Railways

Ni ki Ch
Nicki Chapman and Diarmuid
Fresh grounds in business but also in life, has provided a brief including
6.00 Home And Away Gavin host the second episode as husbands Jon and Adam sensory elements, seating and
Brody packs up and in the series that aims to unearth take on husband-and-wife a potting shed. Both teams
leave the Bay with Simone, but (ho) Britain’s most budding duo Catherine and James. have got ambitious designs,
stops to say goodbye to Ziggy. (R/S) (double ho) gardeners. And this Their challenge is to deliver but can they deliver them in
6.30 5 News Tonight (S) week’s heat comes with an an amazing space for the just 48 hours, and on a £5,000
7.00 Walking Britain’s Lost
added twist: the green-fingered Knightswood Day Care Centre budget, or will they lose the
Railways Rob Bell follows a line pairings are not only partners in Asheldham, Essex, which plot? (Triple ho! No? Oh, fine.)
west over the Pennines, discovering
a miniature railway in Wortley and
the Woodhead Tunnel, before
landing in the industrial powerhouse
of Manchester. (R/S) Drags’ den
8.00 The Great
DRAG SOS | Channel 4 10PM
Gardening Challenge
Nicki Chapman and
The Family Gorgeous continues
Diarmuid Gavin host. its road trip to transform the
This time, Hertfordshire husbands UK’s introverted types into
Jon and Adam take on husband bigger, bolder, braver versions
and wife Catherine and James from of themselves. Oh, and there’s
Yorkshire. (S) glitter: lots of glitter. Tonight,
9.15 Cyclists: Menace On Our
the Family is in Scarborough to
Roads? More Brits than ever are meet fitness instructor Mark,
jumping on their bikes but, as this 40, nominated by his fiancée
documentary reveals, the bicycle Laura who wants him to learn
boom has caused a backlash from not to be such a control freak;
fed-up motorists. (S) David, 33, who’s spent much
of his life looking after his ill
10.15 Inside Ryanair: Britain’s mother, and Fleur, 48, who has
Biggest Budget Airline Fiona seen her self-esteem plummet
Phillips reports on the problems after having two kids. Will their
facing the budget airline. (R/S) new drag personas help them
garner enough confidence
to put on a show in front
11.15 Casualty 24/7 (R/S) 12.15 AM of their friends and family?
World’s Deadliest Weather: Caught
On Camera (R/S) 1.15 The
Live Casino Show (S) 3.15 Bargain- BBC1 N IRELAND as Main BBC1 except: 10.35pm Bikes! 2019 Enniskillen Road Races 11.15 Hot Property 11.35 Hayley Goes.. 12.05am The Insider: Reggie
Loving Brits In The Sun (R/S) 4.00 Yates In A Refugee Camp 1.00-6.00 BBC News BBC1 SCOTLAND as Main BBC1 except: 8.00-9.00pm River City 10.35 Holby City 11.35 Hot Property 11.55
Tribal Teens – Here Comes Trouble Hayley Goes.. 12.25am The Insider: Reggie Yates In A Refugee Camp 1.20 Weather For The Week Ahead 1.25-6.00 BBC News BBC1 WALES as Main BBC1
Kenya. (R/S) 4.45 House Doctor Hove. except: 11.45-12.15pm X-Ray 10.35pm Hayley Goes.. 11.05-11.25 Hot Property BBC2 N IRELAND as Main BBC2 except: 10.00-10.30pm NI On The One
(R/S) 5.10 House Busters (R/S) Show BBC2 WALES as Main BBC2 except: 11.15am First Minister’s Questions 12.05-12.55am Natural World WALES as Main ITV except: 6.00-6.30pm ITV
News Wales At Six 10.45 Fishlock’s Choice 11.10-11.45 Inside The Ritz Hotel SCOTTISH as Main ITV except: 10.29-10.30am STV Appeal: Project Spotlight
5.35-6.00 Wildlife SOS (R/S) 10.40pm Scotland Tonight 11.09 STV Appeal: Project Spotlight 11.10 Great Art 12.10-12.35am Countrywise: Guide To Britain 1.25-5.05 Nightscreen

lnsideSoap 77
Sky Witness Sky Atlantic Sky One
6.00 AM Motorway Patrol 6.00 AM Fish Town 6.00 AM Monkey Life
7.00 Stop, Search, Seize 7.00 Richard E Grant’s 6.30 Monkey Life 7.00
8.00 Nothing To Declare Hotel Secrets 8.00 The Animal 999 7.30 Animal
9.00 Criminal Minds British Treasure Islands. 999 8.00 RSPCA Animal
10.00 CSI: Crime Scene 9.00 Discovering: Vivien Rescue 8.30 RSPCA
Investigation 11.00 Leigh 10.00 The West Animal Rescue 9.00 Road
Elementary 12.00 PM Brit Wing The White House Wars 10.00 Highway
Cops: Law & Disorder Pro-Am. 11.00 The West Patrol 10.30 Highway
Bomb Scare. 1.00 Sun, Sea Wing Six Meetings Before Patrol 11.00 NCIS: Los
And A&E 2.00 Motorway Lunch. 12.00 PM Without Angeles 12.00 PM NCIS:
Patrol Blood Bank. 2.30 A Trace Hard Landing. 1.00 Los Angeles 1.00 Hawaii
Motorway Patrol Triple Without A Trace Labyrinths. Five-0 2.00 Hawaii
Pink. 3.00 Road Wars 2.00 Blue Bloods Bad Five-0 3.00 MacGyver
4.00 Nothing To Declare Blood. 3.00 The West 4.00 Modern Family 4.30
4.30 Nothing To Declare Wing Let Bartlet Be Bartlet. Modern Family 5.00 The
5.00 Stop, Search, 4.00 The West Wing Simpsons 5.30 Futurama
Seize 6.00 Nothing To Mandatory Minimums. 5.00 6.00 Futurama Near-Death
Declare 6.30 My Kitchen Without A Trace True. 6.00 Wish. 6.30 The Simpsons
Rules: Australia Without A Trace Undertow. Bart To The Future.

CHARLES I: DOWNFALL OF A KING | BBC4 9PM 7.00 CSI: Crime Scene 7.00 The Simpsons
Investigation Goodbye 7.30 The Simpsons Kill
In this new series, historian the leader of the House of 7
And Good Luck: A student The Alligator And Run:
Lisa Hilton discovers how Commons John Pym plots falls to her death. The family goes on the
King Charles I’s reign fell in a move to limit his influence.
just 50 days, resulting in civil The Grand Remonstrance – 8.00 Criminal Minds 8.00 Blue Bloods 8.00 ICC Cricket World
war, the loss of royal power a vote of no-confidence in Identity: A murderer Mistaken Identity: Danny Cup First Semi-Final:
and – ulp – his head. Tonight, the King’s rule – is to be 8
tortures his victims. and Baez encounter Action from Old Trafford.
resistance while
while Charlie’s in Edinburgh, presented to the monarch… investigating a bombing.

9.00 Britain’s Most Evil 9.00 Active Shooter: 9.00 Rob & Romesh
THE RICKY GERVAIS SHOW | Comedy Central 10PM Killers The Grindr Killer: America Under Fire Vs Anthony Joshua
A double-bill tonight sees Karl
Stephen Port: Serial Aurora, Colorado: An Revisited Rob Beckett
rapist Stephen Port. examination of cases and Romesh Ranganathan
give his unique viewpoint on of mass shootings. meet the boxer.
topics as varied as the Big
Bang and dopplegängers. 10.00 Britain’s Most 10.10 Crashing The 10.00
Evil Killers Stefano Brizzi: Secret: Kat and Pete try to Warrior John
Ricky and Stephen also ask 10 The case of the cannibal spice up their relationship. Chinaman: Mai
their chump of a chum which pm
cop killer Stefano Brizzi. 10.45 Crashing MC, Ling is urged to start a war
animal he’d like to chat to – Middle, Headliner. with the Hop Wei.
plus Monkey News, natch.
11.00 Criminal Minds 11.20 Gomorrah The 11.00 Micky Flanagan’s
Exit Wounds: The team seizure of a cocaine Detour De France The
11 investigates a small town’s shipment threatens to comedian and his best
WARRIOR | Sky One 10PM pm
first-ever murders. throw the clans into war. friend Noel Lynch cycle
Leary puts pressure on Penny’s through France.
father, Byron Mercer, to hire his 12.00 AM Britain’s Most Evil 12.15 AM Gomorrah 1.15 12.00 AM Brit Cops:
Killers 1.00 How To Get Away Six Feet Under 2.30 Six Feet Law & Disorder 1.00 The
men for a cable-car track job With Murder 2.00 For The Under 3.45 Life Itself: Special Blacklist 2.00 Road Wars
– despite the fact that Mayor People 3.00 Chicago Fire 4.00 4.00 The West Wing 3.00 Motorway Patrol 3.30
Road Wars 5.00 The Real 5.00-6.00 The West Wing Motorway Patrol 4.00
Blake hasn’t yet awarded the A&E 5.30-6.00 The Real A&E Babylon 5 5.00-6.00
contract. Meanwhile, Buckley Stargate SG-1
is keen for Mai Ling to start
a war with the Hop Wei…

W Alibi GOLD Com. Central FOX Universal

6.10 AM My Dream Home: 6.00 AM Teleshopping 6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.10 8.00 AM The Middle 10.00 8.00 AM Monk 9.00 Bones 6.00 AM Teleshopping 8.00
Brother V Brother 7.00 My 7.10 Murdoch Mysteries The Piglet Files 7.35 Green My Name Is Earl 11.00 10.00 Bull 11.00 NCIS Sea Patrol 9.00 Rescue:
Dream Home: Brother V 8.00 Murdoch Mysteries Green Grass 8.05 You Rang, Friends 11.30 Friends 12.00 PM Bones 1.00 Bones Code One 9.30 Rescue:
Brother 8.00 Tipping Point 9.00 Inspector George Gently M’Lord? 9.10 Last Of The 12.00 PM Friends 12.30 2.00 The Mentalist 3.00 NCIS Code One 10.00 Murder In
9.00 Tipping Point 10.00 The 11.00 Motive 12.00 PM Miss Summer Wine 11.50 Keeping Friends 1.00 Friends 1.30 4.00 Bull 5.00 Bones The Paradise 11.00 CSI: Miami
Bill 11.00 Supernanny US Fisher’s Murder Mysteries Up Appearances 12.25 PM Friends 2.00 Friends 2.30 Hot Dog In The Competition. 12.00 PM Law & Order
12.00 PM Tipping Point 1.00 1.00 Father Brown The The Green Green Grass 1.00 Friends 3.00 Friends 3.30 6.00 The Mentalist The Great 1.00 Law & Order 2.00 Law
Tipping Point 2.00 My Dream Chedworth Cyclone. 2.00 Are You Being Served? 1.40 Friends 4.00 My Name Is Earl Red Dragon. 7.00 NCIS Keep & Order 3.00 Law & Order
Home: Brother V Brother 3.00 Murdoch Mysteries Hades Open All Hours 2.20 Only 5.00 Friends 5.30 Friends Going. 8.00 NCIS Nonstop. 4.00 NCIS 5.00 NCIS
My Dream Home: Brother Hath No Fury. 3.00 Murdoch Fools And Horses 3.00 Last 6.00 Friends 6.30 Friends 9.00 American Dad! Shark?!. Freedom. 6.00 NCIS 7.00
V Brother 4.00 Flip Or Flop Mysteries Master Lovecraft. Of The Summer Wine 5.40 7.00 Friends 7.30 Friends 9.30 American Dad! Kung NCIS Defiance. 8.00 Rescue:
4.30 Flip Or Flop A Barnyard 4.00 Rizzoli & Isles Just Push Are You Being Served? 6.20 8.00 Friends 8.30 Friends Pao Turkey. 10.00 Family Guy Code One Blowhole. 8.30
Dance. 5.00 Tipping Point Play. 5.00 Rizzoli & Isles Food Keeping Up Appearances 9.00 Russell Howard’s Good The Kiss Seen Around The Rescue: Code One Young
6.00 Tipping Point 7.00 My For Thought. 6.00 The 7.00 Miranda 7.40 Open All News 10.00 DON’T MISS! World. 10.30 Family Guy And Vulnerable. 9.00 FILM
Dream Home 8.00 Inside The Guardian Feeding Frenzy. Hours 8.20 Only Fools And The Ricky Gervais Show Family Guy Through The Runaway Jury Courtroom
Ambulance 9.00 999 Rescue 7.00 Unforgettable Reunion. Horses 9.00 Mrs Brown’s 10.30 The Ricky Gervais Years. 11.00 American Dad! thriller, starring John Cusack
Squad 10.00 Inside The 8.00 Miss Fisher’s Murder Boys 10.15 Miranda 10.55 Show 11.00 South Park G-String Circus. 11.30 and Gene Hackman. (Cert 12,
Operating Theatre 11.00 Mysteries Ruddy Gore. 9.00 Two Pints Of Lager And A 11.30 South Park 12.00 AM American Dad! 12.00 AM 127 mins. 2003) +++11.00
Emily Atack: Adulting Am I New Tricks Setting Out Your Packet Of Crisps 11.30 Two South Park 12.30 South Park Family Guy 12.30 Family Law & Order: Special Victims
Too Fat?. 12.00 AM American Stall. 10.00 Father Brown Doors Down 12.50 AM Live 1.00 South Park 1.30 South Guy 1.00 Family Guy 1.30 Unit Hammered. 12.00 AM
Housewife 12.30 American The Chedworth Cyclone. At The Apollo 1.45 Two Pints Park 2.00 South Park 2.30 American Dad! 2.00 Family CSI: Miami 1.00 Murder In
Housewife 1.00 American 11.00 Rush 12.00 AM Of Lager 2.15 Boomers 2.45 South Park 3.00 South Park Guy 2.30 Family Guy 3.00 Paradise 2.00 Departure 3.00
Housewife 1.30 American Unforgettable 1.00 Inspector TV Burp 3.10 Lucky Feller 3.30 My Name Is Earl American Dad! 3.30 Law & Order: Special Victims
Housewife 2.00 Secrets And George Gently 3.00 Motive 3.35 The Piglet Files 4.15 Impractical Jokers American Dad! 4.00 Monk Unit 4.00 Sea Patrol
Lies 3.00-6.10 Teleshopping 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping 5.00-6.00 Teleshopping 5.00-8.00 Teleshopping 5.00-6.00 Teleshopping
78 lnsideSoap
Drama ITV2 E4 More4
6.00 AM Teleshopping 6.00 AM The Planet’s 6.00 AM Hollyoaks 6.30 8.55 AM A Place In The
7.10 Boon 8.00 Soldier, Funniest Animals 6.20 Hollyoaks 7.00 How I Met Sun: Home Or Away
Soldier 9.00 Soldier, Judge Rinder 7.10 Dinner Your Mother 8.00 Young Teignmouth v Nerja. 10.00
Soldier 10.00 Classic Date 8.00 Emmerdale & Hungry 9.00 Melissa & A Place In The Sun:
Holby City 11.00 The 8.30 Coronation Street Joey 10.00 The Big Bang Home Or Away Lancaster v
Bill Written In The Stars. 9.25 The Ellen Theory 11.00 Brooklyn Marseillan. 11.00 Escape
12.00 PM The Bill High DeGeneres Show 10.25 Nine-Nine 12.00 PM To The Chateau: DIY
Speed Chaos. 1.00 Classic Superstore 11.15 Dress Young Sheldon 1.00 12.05 PM Find It, Fix It,
EastEnders 1.40 Classic To Impress 12.10 PM The Big Bang Theory Flog It 1.10 Four In A Bed
EastEnders 2.20 The Emmerdale 12.45 2.00 Melissa & Joey 1.40 Four In A Bed 2.10
Brokenwood Mysteries Coronation Street 1.45 2.30 Melissa & Joey 3.00 Four In A Bed 2.40 Four
4.25 Auf Wiedersehen, The Ellen DeGeneres Brooklyn Nine-Nine 3.30 In A Bed 3.15 Four In
Pet A Bridge Too Far.
Harry Hill narrates another comical selection of Show 2.45 Dinner Date Brooklyn Nine-Nine 4.00 A Bed 3.50 Kirstie And
5.25 Birds Of A Feather mishaps in You’ve Been Framed! Gold 7pm ITV2 3.45 Dress To Impress Black-ish 4.30 Black-ish Phil’s Love It Or List It
Suspicious Minds. 6.05 ’Allo 4.50 Take Me Out 6.00 5.00 Young Sheldon 4.50 Love It Or List It
You’ve Been Framed!
’Allo! Herr Flick’s Revenge.
6.45 As Time Goes By BBC Scotland BBC4 Gold 6.30 You’ve
5.30 Young Sheldon
6.00 The Big Bang Theory
Australia 5.55 The
Secret Life Of The Zoo
The House Next Door. FREEVIEW 115 (SCOTLAND) FREEVIEW 9 Been Framed! Gold 6.30 The Big Bang Theory 6.55 The Supervet

7.20 Last Of The 7.00 PM Flour Power 7.00 PM Beyond 100 7.00 You’ve Been 7.00 Hollyoaks Harry 7.55 Great Canal
Summer Wine Cash 7.30 The Mountain The Days/Weather Framed! Gold Comical begs Sadie to go to the Journeys Leeds
Flow Problems: Compo villagers help dig out the 7.30 Great Continental clips with Harry Hill. police station. And Liverpool Canal: 7
remembers someone slopes ready for skiers. Railway Journeys 7.30 You’ve Been 7.30 Black-ish Is It Timothy West and
owes him money. Athens To Thessaloniki. Framed! Gold Desert Or Dessert?. Prunella Scales embark
on a journey into their
8.00 Kavanagh QC 8.00 This Farming Life 8.00 Men Of Rock 8.00 Two And A Half 8.00 The Big Bang pasts via the Leeds and
A Sense Of Loss: A Robin calls for help with Moving Mountains: The Men Oontz. Oontz. Oontz. Theory The Allowance Liverpool Canal, which
policewoman is murdered. a difficult calving. work of geologists Edward 8.30 Two And A Half Evaporation. celebrated its 200th 8
John Thaw stars. Bailey and Arthur Holmes. Men Alan Shot A Little 8.30 The Big Bang anniversary in 2016.
Girl: With Jon Cryer. Theory

9.30 Silent Witness 9.00 The Nine 9.00 9.00 Love Island As 9.00 Conan 9.00 Building The
Squaring The Circle: Charles I: week six continues, the The Barbarian Dream New series.
A nanny working for Downfall islanders are determined A warrior seeks Property-construction 9
a Russian oligarch is killed Of A King Two Worlds to make it all the way to revenge on the warlord show, with Charlie
in a botched assassination Collide: New series. the final day. who killed his father, Luxton.
attempt – a bloody and tries to stop him
shootout that also leaves 10.00 Murder Case 10.00 Art, Passion & 10.05 Family Guy magically making 10.00 Grand Designs
an unknown hitman dead. Investigating the death Power: The Story Of Ratings Guy: The Griffins himself all-powerful. Australia Peter Maddison
of 46-year-old Paisley The Royal Collection are invited to have their TV Fantasy adventure, with follows a hi-tech build in 10
man Stephen Wallace. Dangerous Magic: Objects viewing habits monitored. Jason Momoa. (Cert 15, Canberra. Last in the
Last in the series. amassed over 500 years. 10.35 Family Guy 112 mins. 2011) ++ series.

11.50 Ashes To Ashes 11.00-12.00 New Town 11.00 Forces Of Nature 11.05 Family Guy 11.10 The Big Bang 11.05 24 Hours In A&E
Gene is determined Drama about two With Brian Cox The Pale You Can’t Do That On Theory The Perspiration A young man is treated
nothing will spoil Diana architects drawn into Blue Dot: The effects of Television, Peter. Implementation. after coming off his 11
Spencer’s wedding a murder mystery. light interacting with the 11.30 American Dad! 11.35 The Big Bang motorbike and colliding
to Prince Charles. Earth. Last in the series. Haylias. Theory with two cars.
1.05 AM The White Queen 12.00 AM Sound Waves: The 12.05 AM American Dad! 12.05 AM Brooklyn Nine-Nine 12.05 AM 999: What’s Your
2.15 The White Queen Symphony Of Physics 1.00 12.30 Shopping With Keith 12.35 Brooklyn Nine-Nine Emergency? 1.10 The
3.05 Bergerac 4.00-6.00 The Silk Road 2.00 Men Of Lemon 1.05 Two And A Half 1.05 Charmed 2.10 8 Out Supervet 2.15 The Secret
Teleshopping Rock 3.00-4.00 Charles I: Men 1.30 Two And A Half Of 10 Cats 2.50 Gogglebox Life Of The Zoo 3.15-4.00
Downfall Of A King Men 1.55 Superstore 2.20 3.45 The Big Bang Theory 8 Out Of 10 Cats Uncut
Teleshopping 5.50-6.00 4.10 The Big Bang Theory
Nightscreen 4.30 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 4.50
Brooklyn Nine-Nine 5.15-6.00
How I Met Your Mother


6.00 AM Teleshopping 6.00 AM Teleshopping 6.00 AM Teleshopping 6.00 AM Classic Coronation 6.00 AM World Of Sport: 6.00 AM Teleshopping 9.00
7.10 Jay Leno’s Garage 9.00 Catch A Contractor 8.00 My Wife And Kids 8.25 Street 6.25 Classic Footballing Upsets 6.10 The LittleBe 12.00 PM Income
8.00 American Pickers 9.00 9.20 Remington Steele Smallville 9.10 Dance Moms Coronation Street 6.50 Chase 7.00 The Professionals Property 12.25 The Real
Storage Hunters 9.30 Storage 10.10 CSI: NY 11.10 Rookie 11.05 My Wife And Kids Heartbeat 7.55 Murder, She 7.50 Kojak 8.55 Quincy ME Housewives Of Atlanta
Hunters 10.00 American Blue 12.05 PM Castle 1.05 12.05 PM Two And A Half Wrote 8.50 On The Buses 10.00 Tour De France 1.20 Million Dollar Listing: LA
Pickers 11.00 American Law & Order 2.00 Law & Men 2.00 Last Man Standing 9.20 On The Buses Stan’s Highlights 11.00 Tour De 2.20 Little Women: LA
Pickers 12.00 PM American Order 3.00 Murder, She Wrote 3.00 Neighbours 3.30 Home Worst Day. 9.55 George And France Live Stage four from 3.10 The Real Housewives Of
Pickers 1.00 World’s Most Murder Digs Deep. 4.00 And Away 4.00 My Wife Mildred Baby Talk. 10.25 Reims to Nancy. 4.45 PM New Jersey 4.05 The Real
Dangerous Roads 2.00 Sin Murder, She Wrote One Good And Kids 4.30 My Wife And A Touch Of Frost Held In The Professionals Foxhole On Housewives Of Beverly Hills
City Motors 3.00 Timber Bid Deserves A Murder. 5.05 Kids 5.00 My Wife And Kids Trust. 12.40 PM Heartbeat The Roof. 5.50 The Sweeney 5.00 The Real Housewives
Kings 4.00 Jay Leno’s Garage Murder, She Wrote If A Body 5.30 My Wife And Kids 6.00 Family Matters. 1.45 Classic Hearts And Minds. 7.00 Tour Of Beverly Hills 6.00 Buying
5.00 Top Gear 6.00 Top Meet A Body. 6.05 Law & Neighbours 6.30 Home And Emmerdale 2.15 Classic De France Highlights 2019 And Selling Catherine And
Gear 7.00 Have I Got A Bit Order Family Friend. 7.05 Law Away 7.00 Two And A Half Emmerdale 2.50 Classic Stage Four. 8.00 World Nick. 7.00 Buying And Selling
More News For You 8.00 QI & Order Heart Of Darkness. Men 8.00 Last Man Standing Coronation Street 3.20 Superbike Highlights 9.00 Jennifer And Alex. 8.00
XL 9.00 Live At The Apollo 8.00 NCIS No Good Deed. 8.30 Last Man Standing 9.00 Classic Coronation Street Goodwood First Glance Dinner Date 9.00 The Real
Christmas Special 10.00 9.00 Ransom Joe. 10.00 Law Murdered By My Husband 3.55 Agatha Christie’s Marple 10.00 FILM Oblivion Sci-fi Housewives Of Atlanta
Taskmaster 11.00 QI XL & Order: Special Victims Unit 10.00 FILM Harry Brown The Body In The Library. 6.00 adventure, starring Tom Barcelona Breakdown. 10.00
12.00 AM Mock The Week Home. 10.55 Law & Order: (Cert 18, 99 mins. 2009) Downton Abbey 7.00 Murder, Cruise. Includes FYI Daily. Botched Knuckles And
12.40 Have I Got A Bit More Special Victims Unit Mean. ++++12.05 AM Wentworth She Wrote Northern Explosion. (Cert 12, 124 mins. 2013) Knockers. 10.55 Vanderpump
News For You 1.35 Live 11.55 Law & Order: Special Prison 1.05 Murdered By My 8.00 Midsomer Murders +++12.35 AM Kojak Rules Reunion – Part One.
At The Apollo Christmas Victims Unit 12.55 AM CSI: Ex: The Killing Of Molly Secrets And Spies. 10.00 1.40 Quincy ME 2.35 The 11.55 The Only Way Is Essex
Special 2.40 The Last Man Miami 1.55 CSI: Miami 2.50 McLaren 2.05 The Magicians Foyle’s War 12.00 AM Protectors 3.00 Teleshopping 12.40 AM Be Beautiful
On Earth 3.25 Crackanory Chicago PD 3.50 Access 3.05 Empire 3.50 Access Vera 2.00 Nightscreen 4.00 Nightscreen 4.30-6.00 12.50 ITVBe Nightscreen
4.00-6.00 Teleshopping 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping 2.30-6.00 Teleshopping Teleshopping 12.55-6.00 Teleshopping
lnsideSoap 79
BBC1 BBC2 ITV Channel 4
6.00 AM Breakfast (S) 9.15 Ill Gotten 6.00 AM Tuesday In Parliament (S) 6.30 6.00 AM Good Morning Britain (S) 6.25 AM Cheers An Old-Fashioned
Gains (S) 10.00 Homes Under The
Hammer Martin Roberts, Lucy Alexander
Ill Gotten Gains (R/S) 7.15 One Day That
Changed My Life A man with muscular
8.30 Lorraine (S) 9.25 Judge
Rinder (R/S) 10.30 This Morning (S)
Wedding – Part Two. (R/S) 6.55 Cheers
The Little Match Girl. (R/S) 7.20 The King
and Dion Dublin follow the progress of dystrophy takes his driving test. Last in the 12.30 PM Loose Women Another helping Of Queens Paternal Affairs. (R/S) 7.45 The
a house in West Sussex, a semi-detached series. (R/S) 8.00 Sign Zone: Britain In of topical studio discussion from a female King Of Queens (R/S) 8.10 Everybody
in the West Midlands and a barn conversion Bloom Southport: A team in Southport who perspective, featuring celebrity interviews. Loves Raymond Win, Lose Or Draw. (R/S)
in Kent. (R/S) 11.00 Rip Off Britain: look after many of the green spaces in their (S) 1.30 Lunchtime News/Weather (S) 8.40 Everybody Loves Raymond Turkey
Holidays A surprising exclusion from many town. (R/S) 8.30 Sign Zone: Defenders 1.55 Regional News/Weather (S) 2.00 Or Fish. (R/S) 9.10 Frasier Frasier’s Gotta
travel insurance policies. (R/S) 11.45 UK An investigation into the death of a Red Dickinson’s Real Deal Sheffield 2: David Have It. (R/S) 9.40 Frasier First Date. (R/S)
Claimed And Shamed A train passenger’s Arrows pilot. (R/S) 9.00 BBC News At 9 (S) Dickinson and the team are in Sheffield, 10.10 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares
personal injury claim is ruined. (R/S) 10.00 Victoria Derbyshire News and where Tracy Thackray Howett comes across USA Trobiano’s. (R/S) 11.05 Undercover
12.15 PM Wimbledon 2019 Day Nine: current affairs. (S) 11.00 BBC Newsroom some glitzy autographs, and Corrie stumbles Boss USA (R/S) 12.00 PM Channel 4
Sue Barker presents day nine of the Grand Live (S) 11.15 Politics Live Jo Coburn upon a floral brooch. (R/S) 3.00 Tenable News/Weather Summary (S) 12.05
Slam tournament from the All England Club, and guests discuss the big political issues Warwick Davis tests a team from Cheshire. Couples Come Dine With Me (R/S) 1.05
featuring coverage from the outside courts. of the day. Includes live coverage of Prime (R/S) 3.59 ITV London Weather (S) Posh Pawnbrokers Pickwick Pawnbrokers’
(S) 1.00 BBC News At One; Weather (S) Minister’s Questions from midday. (S) 4.00 Tipping Point Ben Shephard hosts Nathan and Debs try to do a deal on a kit
1.30 Regional News (S) 1.45 Wimbledon 1.00 PM Wimbledon 2019 Day Nine: the arcade-themed quiz show, in which car. (R/S) 2.10 Countdown (S) 3.00 Coast
2019 Day Nine: Sue Barker presents further Sue Barker presents coverage of day nine contestants drop tokens down a choice Vs Country (R/S) 4.00 A Place In The
coverage of day nine of the Grand Slam of the Grand Slam tournament from the of four chutes in the hope of winning Sun (S) 5.00 Kirstie’s Celebrity Craft
tournament from the All England Club, All England Club, featuring the men’s a £10,000 jackpot. (R/S) 5.00 The Chase Masters TV doctors Dawn Harper and Ranj
featuring the men’s singles quarter-finals. (S) singles quarter-finals. (S) Quiz show, hosted by Bradley Walsh. (R/S) Singh take part. (S)

9pm Is Labour Anti-Semitic? 10.30pm Newsnight 9pm Wild Bill 8pm The Supervet: Noel Fitzpatrick

6.00 BBC News At Six; Weather (S) 6.00 Regional News/Weather (S) 6.00 The Simpsons (R/S)
6.30 Regional News (S) 6.30 Evening News/Weather (S) 6.30 Hollyoaks Tom tries
to show his authority at
the first training session. (R/S)

7.00 Fugitives New series. 7.00 Emmerdale 7.00 Channel 4 News/Weather (S)
Detectives in London search the Diane reveals the
capital for fugitives on the run full story to Pollard. (S)
from justice, and officers from 7.30 Coronation Street
Derby travel to Latvia to arrest Sinead is called in for her
a gang of people traffickers. (S) MRI scan, and Sarah phones the
police after Gail fails to return. (S)

8.00 Holby City Reckless: Chloe’s 8.00 Today At Wimbledon 2019 8.00 Inside The Ritz Hotel Penny 8.00 The Supervet: Noel
day is thrown into chaos when Day Nine: Clare Balding introduces Lancaster pops in for cocktails. (S) Fitzpatrick Noel diagnoses the
Evan is attacked. And with his life highlights of day nine’s play, where 8.30 Coronation Street condition of osteochondritis
on the line, he asks her a surprising the line-up for the men’s singles Nick tells David he plans dissecans in a hyperactive ridgeback,
question. Dominic is under pressure semi-finals was due to be decided. (S) to take full responsibility for the and discusses treatment options
when a surprise visitor arrives. (S) stolen money, and the consultant with his owners. (S)
gives Sinead the news that her
tumour has shrunk. (S)

9.00 Is Labour Anti-Semitic? 9.00 8 Days: To The Moon 9.00 Wild Bill Suspicion falls on 9.00 When Cruises Go Wrong
Panorama goes inside the anti- & Back Drama-documentary members of the immigrant workforce Documentary taking a look at some
Semitism crisis gripping Jeremy marking the 50th anniversary of the after a suitcase containing the body of the things that can ruin the holiday
Corbyn’s Labour Party, with interviews Apollo 11 mission, when man first of farm owner Darren Bailey is pulled of a lifetime, including terrifying
from key insiders, and access to stepped foot on the Moon, featuring from the river. Starring Rob Lowe. (S) weather, emergency evacuations and
confidential communications and declassified cockpit audio recorded collisions, all caught on camera. (S)
documents. (S) by the astronauts. (S)

10.00 BBC News At Ten (S) 10.30 Newsnight Hosted by Emily 10.00 ITV News At Ten/Weather (S) 10.00 Generation Porn
10.25 Regional News/Weather (S) Maitlis. (S) 10.30 Regional News/Weather (S) New series. Examining the
10.35 The Left Behind Factual 10.45 Peston Political magazine rise of free pornography
drama about a young man drawn show presented by Robert Peston. (S) since the mid-2000s,
into a far-right hate crime. (S) asking what impact the increased
accessibility is having on society. (S)

11.35 Serengeti Destiny: Dramatised 11.15 The Bank That Almost Broke 11.40 Tenable Quiz hosted by Warwick 11.00 24 Hours In A&E (R/S) 12.05 AM
natural history show set in Africa. A lioness Britain The story of how RBS grew to briefly
become the biggest in the world. (R/S)
Davis in which a team of five from Extreme Tribe: The Last Pygmies (R/S)
is forced into exile after having cubs with Merseyside compete. (R/S) 12.30 AM 1.00 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA
an outsider and an elephant feels jealous 12.15 AM Sign Zone: Pregnant & Platonic British Touring Car Championship Flamangos. (R/S) 1.50 Catch-22 (R/S)
of his baby sibling. (R/S) 12.40-6.00 AM (R/S) 1.15 Sign Zone: Ambulance (R/S) Highlights 2019 Oulton Park: Round Five. 2.40 Undercover Boss Australia (R/S)
BBC News (S) 2.15 Sign Zone: The Twinstitute Get (S) 1.50 Tour De France Highlights (S) 3.30 Inside Out Homes (R/S) 4.25
Thin Fast. (R/S) 2.45 Sign Zone: The 2.40 Loose Women (R) 3.25 Surprise The £1 Houses: Britain’s Cheapest
Twinstitute Sleep Deprivation. (R/S) Surprise (R/S) 4.15 Nightscreen Street (R/S) 4.55 Big House, Little House
3.15-6.00 This Is BBC Two (S) 5.05-6.00 Judge Rinder (R/S) (R/S) 5.50-6.25 Countdown (R/S)

80 lnsideSoap
Channel 5
6.00 AM Milkshake! 9.15 Jeremy Vine
(S) 11.15 Bargain-Loving Brits In The
Sun (R/S) 12.10 PM 5 News Lunchtime
(R/S) 12.15 Police Interceptors (R/S)
1.10 Access Showbiz news and gossip.
(S) 1.15 Home And Away Bella is at war
after Irene. (S) 1.45 Neighbours Dee
reveals all the painful things that happened
to her after she disappeared. (S) 2.15
FILM Killer Affair Premiere. After finding
out that her husband has had an affair,
a woman hires someone to track down his
mistress, with disastrous consequences.
Thriller, starring Lauralee Bell. (Cert PG,
90 mins. 2018) (S) ★★★ 4.00 Friends
The One With The Paediatrician: Monica
goes to work at a famous restaurant. (R/S)
4.30 Friends The One With The Sharks:
Monica makes a startling discovery. (R/S)
5.00 5 News At 5 (S) 5.30 Neighbours
Repeated from 1.45pm. (S)


10pm The Clues That Caught…

6.00 Home And Away

If you haven’t
Moovers & shakers
’ got a ticket or will be bringing us highlights judging rings. Anita and Jules
Dean stays the night
with Ziggy, and Ben agrees to pay don’t live in the Yorkshire area from Harrogate’s 161-year-old will also be trying their hand at
him a wage. (R/S) (or, indeed, don’t fancy taking agricultural show – the largest some of the creative stuff on
6.30 5 News Tonight (S) a 15-hour bus replacement of its kind in England, don’t’cha offer (we’re guessing cookery).
service to get there), then fear know – featuring numerous Also tonight, The Yorkshire
7.00 Walking Britain’s Lost Vet’s Peter Wright and Julian
Railways Rob Bell meets a man
not, as The Great Yorkshire exhibitors, livestock and food
who has recreated the beginning Show comes to your tellybox. producers, plus thousands Norton will be on hand to meet
of the Plymouth-to-Exeter line in Anita Rani and Jules Hudson of animals competing in the all creatures great and small.
miniature. He then charts the
former line through Dartmoor. (R/S)

8.00 Today At The

Great Yorkshire
Sex bomb
Show Anita Rani and GENERATION PORN | Channel 4 10PM
Jules Hudson present
coverage of the annual event taking It’s completely free of charge,
place at Harrogate Showground. (S) available 24 hours a day, and
no one need know that you’re
looking at it. With porn a mere
click away for any of us, this
9.00 Casualty 24/7 Dr Julian
Humphrey and Sister Benita
series meets viewers, producers
Wainwright treat Phil, who has the and stars to ask what the free
rare condition aortic dissection, and porn revolution is doing to us
Dr Humphrey also tries to put a man’s – including 19-year-old Gia,
dislocated shoulder into place. (S) who’s wanted to do this job
since she was (deep breath)
10.00 The Clues That Caught
12. Her roommate Gianna, 21,
The Killer – Sadie Hartley was studying psychology, but
Documentary examining the after an agent approached her
vital breakthroughs that helped through Tinder, she moved to
police catch the killers of LA’s ‘Porn Valley’. The show
60-year-old Sadie Hartley. (S) also meets British parents and
11.05 Gypsy Kids: Our Secret World
children who are having frank
(R/S) 12.05 AM 65 Stone & House and awkward chats about their
Trapped (R/S) 1.00 The Live own experiences of porn…
Casino Show (S) 3.10 Bargain-Loving
Brits In The Sun (R/S) 4.00 Britain’s
Greatest Bridges The Forth Rail Bridge.
(R/S) 4.45 House Doctor Clutter And BBC1 N IRELAND as Main BBC1 except: 10.35pm The Open – Portrush ’51 11.05 The Left Behind 12.05am Serengeti 1.05-6.00 BBC News BBC1 WALES
Red Flag. (R/S) 5.10 House Busters as Main BBC1 except: 9.00-10.00pm The Left Behind 10.35-11.35 Is Labour Anti-Semitic? WALES as Main ITV except: 6.00-6.30pm ITV News Wales At Six
8.00-8.30 Coast & Country SCOTTISH as Main ITV except: 10.29-10.30am STV Appeal: Project Spotlight 10.40pm Scotland Tonight 11.04 STV Appeal: Project
(R/S) 5.35-6.00 Wildlife SOS (R/S) Spotlight 11.05 Peston 12.05am Broadchurch 12.55-1.50 Tenable 2.40-5.05 Nightscreen

lnsideSoap 81
Sky Witness Sky Atlantic Sky One
6.00 AM Motorway Patrol 6.00 AM Fish Town 7.00 6.00 AM Monkey Life
7.00 Stop, Search, Seize Richard E Grant’s Hotel 6.30 Monkey Life 7.00
8.00 Nothing To Declare Secrets VIP. 8.00 The Animal 999 7.30 Animal
9.00 Criminal Minds British 9.00 Discovering: 999 8.00 RSPCA Animal
10.00 CSI: Crime Scene James Cagney 10.00 The Rescue 8.30 RSPCA
Investigation 11.00 West Wing Let Bartlet Be Animal Rescue 9.00 Road
Elementary 12.00 PM Bartlet. 11.00 The West Wars 10.00 Highway
Brit Cops: Law & Wing Mandatory Minimums. Patrol 10.30 Highway
Disorder Taxi Driver. 1.00 12.00 PM Without A Patrol 11.00 NCIS: Los
Sun, Sea And A&E 2.00 Trace True. 1.00 Without A Angeles 12.00 PM NCIS:
Motorway Patrol Caught Trace Undertow. 2.00 Blue Los Angeles 1.00 Hawaii
For Court. 2.30 Motorway Bloods Mistaken Identity. Five-0 2.00 Hawaii Five-0
Patrol 3.00 Road Wars 3.00 The West Wing Lies, 3.00 MacGyver Hook.
4.00 Nothing To Declare Damn Lies And Statistics. 4.00 Modern Family 4.30
4.30 Nothing To Declare 4.00 The West Wing Modern Family 5.00 The
5.00 Stop, Search, What Kind Of Day Has It Simpsons 5.30 Futurama
Seize 6.00 Nothing To Been?. 5.00 Without A Viva Mars Vegas. 6.00
Declare 6.30 My Kitchen Trace Pilot. 6.00 Without Futurama 31st Century Fox.
Rules: Australia A Trace Birthday Boy. 6.30 The Simpsons

DEPARTURE | Universal 9PM 7.00 CSI: Crime 7.00 The Simpsons It’s
Scene Investigation A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad
This new conspiracy thriller investigator Kendra Malley 7
You Kill Me: Hodges tests Marge: Otto breaks up
boasts a stellar cast, including finds herself in the glare of the his colleagues with with his new bride.
hypothetical cases. 7.30 The Simpsons
All The Money In The world’s media, as she and her
World-saving Christopher team race to find the missing 8.00 Criminal Minds 8.00 Blue Bloods Ties 8.00 S.W.A.T. Fire And
Plummer. When a passenger aircraft – and any survivors. Lucky: Part one of two. That Bind: Danny has Smoke: The team is
plane disappears over the But can they get to the root 8
The team pursues a to investigate a case enlisted to protect jurors in
cannibalistic serial killer. involving an old friend. a high-profile bribery trial.
Atlantic, recently widowed of what really happened?

9.00 How To Get Away 9.00 Gomorrah Sangu 9.00 The Blacklist
L.A.’S FINEST | Fox 9PM With Murder The Baby faces a leadership crisis. The Ethicist: Red is sent
Direct from Bad Boys II, Syd is
Was Never Dead: Annalise 9.55 Gomorrah Genny’s to a federal medical
and Emmett take on new company is dragged institution for a psychiatric
now an LAPD detective, paired a wealthy murder suspect. into the spotlight. evaluation.
with her new partner Nancy
(Jessica Alba, ooh) in tonight’s 10.00 For The People 10.50 Black Monday 65: 10.00 The Force:
This Is America: Kate takes Dawn finds out that she’s Manchester
UK premiere. The duo prove to 10 on a high-profile murder to a very important guest at Documentary following
be an explosive force both on pm
prove her worth to Roger. Tiff’s bachelorette party. the work of Greater
the streets of the West Coast Manchester Police.
and in each other’s lives…
11.00 Criminal Minds 11.25 Riviera Georgina 11.00 An Idiot Abroad
The Internet Is Forever: is forced to reveal a dark Jordan: Karl Pilkington
11 A serial killer uses social and difficult truth. stops off in Israel on his
OUTLANDER | More4 9PM pm
networking sites to stalk way to Petra, Jordan.
Season three of the fantasy potential victims.
drama starts tonight, in which 12.00 AM Murders That 12.25 AM Six Feet Under 12.00 AM A League Of Their
Shocked The Nation 1.00 1.40 Six Feet Under Own 1.00 Brit Cops: Law &
Jamie finds himself at the mercy The Rookie 2.00 Brit Cops: 2.55 CSI: Crime Scene Disorder 2.00 Road Wars
of the victors of the Battle of Law & Disorder 3.00 Investigation 3.55 Life Itself: 3.00 Motorway Patrol 3.30
Chicago Fire 4.00 Road Special 4.10 The West Wing Motorway Patrol 4.00 Babylon
Culloden. Could a link to his Wars 5.00 The Real A&E 5.00-6.00 The West Wing 5 5.00-6.00 Stargate SG-1
past provide a ray of hope? 5.30-6.00 The Real A&E
Meanwhile, a pregnant Claire
adjusts to life in 1940s Boston.

W Alibi GOLD Com. Central FOX Universal

6.10 AM My Dream Home: 6.00 AM Teleshopping 6.00 AM Teleshopping 8.00 AM The Middle 8.35 8.00 AM Monk 9.00 Bones 6.00 AM Teleshopping 8.00
Brother V Brother 7.00 My 7.10 Murdoch Mysteries 7.25 The Piglet Files 7.50 The Middle 9.00 The Middle 10.00 Bull 11.00 NCIS Sea Patrol 9.00 Murder She
Dream Home: Brother V 8.00 Murdoch Mysteries The Interviews 8.50 Green 9.30 The Middle 10.00 My 12.00 PM Bones 1.00 Bones Solved: True Crime 10.00
Brother 8.00 Tipping Point 9.00 Inspector George Gently Green Grass 9.25 You Rang, Name Is Earl 10.30 My Name Prince In The Plastic. 2.00 Murder In Paradise 11.00
9.00 Tipping Point 10.00 11.00 Motive 12.00 PM Miss M’Lord? 10.30 Last Of The Is Earl 11.00 Friends The Mentalist The Great Red CSI: Miami 12.00 PM Law &
The Bill 11.00 Supernanny Fisher’s Murder Mysteries Summer Wine 11.50 Still 4.00 PM My Name Is Earl Dragon. 3.00 NCIS Nonstop. Order White Lie. 1.00 Law &
US 12.00 PM Tipping Point 1.01 Father Brown 2.00 Open All Hours 12.30 PM 4.30 My Name Is Earl 5.00 4.00 Bull Teacher’s Pet. 5.00 Order Whiplash. 2.00 Law &
1.00 Tipping Point 2.00 My Murdoch Mysteries 3.00 Keeping Up Appearances Friends 8.00 Most Ridiculous Bones The Male In The Mail. Order All My Children. 3.00
Dream Home: Brother V Murdoch Mysteries 4.00 1.05 Green Green Grass 1.40 – European Vacation 8.30 6.00 The Mentalist Red John. Law & Order Brother’s Keeper.
Brother 3.00 My Dream Rizzoli & Isles You’re Gonna Are You Being Served? 2.25 Most Ridiculous – Workers 7.00 NCIS Pandora’s Box – 4.00 NCIS Defiance. 5.00
Home: Brother V Brother Miss Me When I’m Gone. Open All Hours 3.00 Only 9.00 Russell Howard Live: Part One. 8.00 NCIS A Many NCIS Kill Screen. 6.00 NCIS
4.00 Flip Or Flop Hard Money 5.00 Rizzoli & Isles A New Fools And Horses 3.40 Last Dingledodies 10.00 RuPaul’s Splendored Thing. 9.00 One Last Score. 7.00 NCIS
Blues. 4.30 Flip Or Flop Loud, Day. 6.00 The Guardian Of The Summer Wine 5.40 Drag Race 11.30 RuPaul’s DON’T MISS! L.A.’s Finest Out Of The Frying Pan. 8.00
Louder, Loudest. 5.00 Tipping Heart. 7.00 Unforgettable Are You Being Served? 6.20 Drag Race: Untucked! Pilot. 10.00 NCIS: New Murder In Paradise Arturo
Point 6.00 Tipping Point 7.00 New Hundred. 8.00 Miss Keeping Up Appearances 12.00 AM The Ricky Gervais Orleans Diplomatic Immunity. Gatti. 9.00 DON’T MISS!
My Dream Home 8.00 Inside Fisher’s Murder Mysteries 7.00 Miranda 7.40 Open All Show 12.30 The Ricky 11.00 American Dad! Don’t Departure Vanished. 10.00
The Ambulance 9.00 Inside Murder In Montparnasse. Hours 8.20 Only Fools And Gervais Show 1.00 South Look A Smith Horse In The Law & Order: Special Victims
The Operating Theatre 10.00 9.00 Death In Paradise Man Horses 9.00 Mrs Brown’s Park 1.30 South Park 2.00 Mouth. 11.30 American Dad! Unit Caretaker. 11.00 Law &
Emily Atack: Adulting How Overboard – Part One. 10.00 Boys 10.15 Miranda 10.55 South Park 2.30 South Park 12.00 AM Family Guy 12.30 Order: Special Victims Unit
Can I Find Love?. 11.00 Father Brown 11.00 Rush Two Pints Of Lager 11.35 Live 3.00 South Park 3.30 My Family Guy 1.00 American 12.00 AM Law & Order:
One Born: What Happened 12.00 AM Unforgettable 1.00 At The Apollo 1.35 AM Two Name Is Earl 3.55 My Name Is Dad! 1.30 American Dad! Special Victims Unit 1.00
Next? 12.00 AM Inside The The Mrs Bradley Mysteries Pints Of Lager A 2.10 Earl 4.15 Impractical Jokers: 2.00 Family Guy 2.30 Family NCIS 2.00 Murder In Paradise
Ambulance 1.00 The Davina 2.15 The Mrs Bradley Boomers 2.35 Harry Hill’s TV Inside Jokes 4.35 Impractical Guy 3.00 American Dad! 3.30 3.00 Law & Order: Special
Hour 1.50 Secrets And Lies Mysteries 3.05 Motive Burp 3.25 The Piglet Files Jokers: Inside Jokes American Dad! 4.00 Monk Victims Unit 4.00 Sea Patrol
3.00-6.10 Teleshopping 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping 5.00-6.00 Teleshopping 5.00-8.00 Teleshopping 5.00-6.00 Teleshopping
82 lnsideSoap
Drama ITV2 E4 More4
6.00 AM Teleshopping 6.00 AM The Planet’s 6.00 AM Hollyoaks 6.30 8.55 AM A Place In The
7.10 Boon 8.00 Soldier, Funniest Animals Hollyoaks 7.00 How I Met Sun: Home Or Away
Soldier 9.00 Soldier, 6.20 Judge Rinder Your Mother 8.00 Young Dorset v Costa Tropical.
Soldier 10.00 Classic 7.10 Dinner Date 8.00 & Hungry 9.00 Melissa & 10.00 A Place In The
Holby City Letting Go. Emmerdale 9.00 You’ve Joey 10.00 The Big Bang Sun: Home Or Away
11.00 The Bill 12.00 PM Been Framed! Gold 9.25 Theory 11.00 Brooklyn Dordogne v Devon. 11.00
The Bill Count Me Out. The Ellen DeGeneres Nine-Nine 12.00 PM Escape To The Chateau:
1.00 Classic EastEnders Show 10.25 Superstore Young Sheldon 1.00 DIY 12.05 PM Find It, Fix
1.40 Classic EastEnders 11.15 Dress To Impress The Big Bang Theory It, Flog It 1.10 Four In
2.20 The Brokenwood 12.10 PM Emmerdale 2.00 Melissa & Joey A Bed 1.40 Four In A
Mysteries Playing The Lie. 1.15 You’ve Been 2.30 Melissa & Joey 3.00 Bed 2.10 Four In A Bed
4.20 Auf Wiedersehen, Framed! Gold 1.45 The Brooklyn Nine-Nine 3.30 2.40 Four In A Bed
Pet Another Country. 5.20
Annalise (Viola Davis) defends a wealthy client in Ellen DeGeneres Show Brooklyn Nine-Nine 4.00 3.15 Four In A Bed 3.50
Birds Of A Feather Nine How To Get Away With Murder 9pm Sky Witness 2.45 Dinner Date 3.45 Black-ish 4.30 Black-ish Kirstie And Phil’s Love It
And A Half Days. 6.00 ’Allo Dress To Impress 4.50 5.00 Young Sheldon Or List It 4.50 Love It Or
’Allo! The Nicked Knockwurst. Take Me Out 6.00 You’ve 5.30 Young Sheldon List It Australia 5.55 The
6.40 As Time Goes By BBC Scotland BBC4 Been Framed! Gold 6.30 6.00 The Big Bang Theory Secret Life Of The Zoo
A Surprise For Jean. FREEVIEW 115 (SCOTLAND) FREEVIEW 9 You’ve Been Framed! Gold 6.30 The Big Bang Theory 6.55 The Supervet

7.20 Last Of The 7.00 PM This Farming 7.00 PM Beyond 100 7.00 You’ve Been 7.00 Hollyoaks James’ 7.55 Great Canal
Summer Wine Passing Life Highland cow Days/Weather Framed! Gold actions shock Marnie. Journeys Bristol And
The Earring: Howard finds Goldilocks gives Janet 7.30 Great Continental 7.30 You’ve Been 7.30 Black-ish North Devon: Timothy 7
incriminating evidence. and Alastair a fright. Railway Journeys The Framed! Gold A runaway Relatively Grown Man. West and Prunella Scales
Black Forest To Hanover. speedboat causes chaos. take a trip to Bristol,
where Timothy is soon
8.00 Last Of The 8.00 Flour Power 8.00 Russia With Simon 8.00 Two And A Half 8.00 Young Sheldon to play King Lear at the
Summer Wine Getting 8.30 Jigs & Wigs: The Reeve Simon witnesses Men Sex With An A Race Of Superhumans Old Vic, and revisit both
Sam Home: Feature- Extreme World Of Irish a commemoration of the Animated Ed Asner. And A Letter To Alf: Missy their childhood homes. 8
length Christmas special Dancing Made In Belfast. Second World War in 8.30 Two And A Half becomes a test subject.
from 1983. Compo, Clegg the city of Irkutsk. Men 8.30 Young Sheldon
and Foggy try to sneak
Sam out of his sickbed 9.00 The Nine 9.00 Charles I: Downfall 9.00 Love Island 9.00 The Big Bang 9.00
for a secret rendezvous Of A King A Nation Relationship-based reality Theory The Confirmation Outlander
– but when he drops dead, Divided: John Pym tries to show in which singletons Polarisation. The Battle 9
things get out of hand. pass parliamentary bills compete to pair off. 9.30 The Big Bang Joined: New series.
limiting the King’s power. Theory

10.00 Silent Witness 10.00 Transgender 10.00 Roundhead Or 10.00 Iain Stirling’s 10.00 8 Out Of 10 Cats 10.15 Meghan & Harry:
One Of Our Own: The Love Relationship issues Cavalier: Which One CelebAbility With Liam With Scarlett Moffatt, The Baby Years What
investigators help find the arising from people coming Are You? The English ‘Gatsby’ Blackwell, Luke Harriet Kemsley, Wes the future might hold for 10
killer of a policeman found out as transgender. Civil War’s influence on Kempner and Amelia Lily. Nelson and Rosie Jones. the Duke and Duchess of
beaten and shot – and modern-day Britain. 10.50 Family Guy Sussex and son Archie.
suspicion quickly falls on
the son of a local crime 11.00 The People’s 11.00 The Beginning 11.20 Family Guy Mr 11.00 The Big Bang 11.15 8 Out Of 10 Cats
boss. With Jason Watkins. News And End Of The And Mrs Stewie: Stewie Theory Does Countdown
11.30 Insider’s Guide Universe The Beginning: meets a kindred spirit. 11.30 The Big Bang With David O’Doherty, 11
11.40 The Edit The cosmic mystery of 11.50 American Dad! Theory The Mystery Natasia Demetriou
11.55-12.00 Loop science’s creation story. The 42-Year-Old Virgin. Date Observation. and John Kearns.
12.10 AM Ashes To Ashes 12.00 AM Sound Waves: 12.20 AM American Dad! 11.55 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 12.20 AM 24 Hours In A&E
1.35 The White Queen The Symphony Of Physics 12.50 Two And A Half Men 12.55 AM 8 Out Of 10 Cats 1.20 The Supervet 2.25
2.30 The White Queen 1.00 The Silk Road 2.00 1.20 Two And A Half Men 1.45 The Inbetweeners The Secret Life Of The Zoo
3.30 Garden Hopping The Brontes At The BBC 1.45 Superstore 2.15 2.15 The Inbetweeners 3.25-3.55 Food Unwrapped
4.00-6.00 Teleshopping 3.00-4.00 Charles I: Teleshopping 5.45-6.00 2.45 First Dates 3.40 The Big
Downfall Of A King Nightscreen Bang Theory 4.00 The Big
Bang Theory 4.25 Brooklyn
Nine-Nine 4.45 Brooklyn
Nine-Nine 5.10-6.00
How I Met Your Mother


6.00 AM Teleshopping 6.00 AM Teleshopping 6.00 AM Teleshopping 8.00 6.00 AM Classic Coronation 6.00 AM The Chase 6.50 6.00 AM Teleshopping 9.00
7.10 Jay Leno’s Garage 9.00 Catch A Contractor My Wife And Kids 8.25 Street 6.25 Classic The Professionals 7.45 Kojak LittleBe 12.00 PM Income
8.00 American Pickers 9.20 Remington Steele 10.10 Smallville 9.10 Dance Moms Coronation Street 6.50 8.45 Quincy ME 9.50 The Property 12.25 The Real
9.00 Storage Hunters CSI: NY 11.10 Rookie Blue 10.05 Dance Moms: Abby Heartbeat 7.55 Murder, Sweeney 11.00 Tour De Housewives Of Atlanta 1.20
9.30 Storage Hunters 12.05 PM Castle 1.05 Law Tells All 11.05 My Wife And She Wrote 8.55 On The France Highlights 12.00 PM Million Dollar Listing: LA
10.00 American Pickers & Order 2.00 Law & Order Kids 12.05 PM Two And A Buses 9.25 On The Buses Tour De France Live 5.00 2.20 Little Women: LA
11.00 American Pickers 3.00 Murder, She Wrote Half Men 2.00 Last Man 10.00 George And Mildred The Professionals Operation 3.10 The Real Housewives Of
12.00 PM American Pickers 4.00 Murder, She Wrote Standing 3.00 Neighbours 10.30 Agatha Christie’s Susie. 6.00 The Car Chasers New Jersey 4.05 The Real
1.00 World’s Most Dangerous Christopher Bundy Died On 3.30 Home And Away 4.00 Marple 12.40 PM Heartbeat Stacks Of Cash And A Hidden Housewives Of Beverly Hills
Roads 2.00 Sin City Motors Sunday. 5.05 Murder, She My Wife And Kids 6.00 1.45 Classic Emmerdale Stash. 7.00 Tour De France 5.00 The Real Housewives Of
3.00 Timber Kings 4.00 Wrote Menace, Anyone?. Neighbours 6.30 Home And 2.15 Classic Emmerdale 2.50 Highlights 2019 Stage Five. Beverly Hills The Runaway
Jay Leno’s Garage 5.00 Top 6.05 Law & Order Magnet. Away 7.00 Two And A Half Classic Coronation Street 8.00 Goodwood Festival Of Runway. 6.00 Buying And
Gear 6.00 Top Gear 7.00 7.05 Law & Order Choice Men 7.30 Two And A Half 3.20 Classic Coronation Speed 2019. 9.00 FILM Selling Ada And James. 7.00
Have I Got A Bit More News Of Evils. 8.00 NCIS Lost In Men 8.00 Me & My 10 Kids: Street 3.55 Agatha Christie’s Bullitt Includes FYI Daily. (Cert Buying And Selling Catherine
For You 8.00 QI XL 9.00 Translation. 9.00 Private Eyes Another On The Way? 9.00 Marple 6.00 Downton Abbey 15, 109 mins. 1968) ++++ And Ashley. 8.00 Dinner Date
Taskmaster 10.00 Jon Partners In Crime. 10.00 Law FILM The Transporter 7.00 Murder, She Wrote 11.20 FILM Smokey And Nick. 9.00 Botched Attack
Richardson: Ultimate Worrier & Order: Special Victims Unit Refueled (Cert 15, 96 mins. Proof Is In The Pudding. The Bandit Part 3 Comedy Of The 3000cc Implants.
11.00 QI XL 12.00 AM Mock Careless. 11.00 Law & Order: 2015) ++10.55 FILM Hot 8.00 Agatha Christie’s adventure, starring Jackie 10.00 Bridezillas Celeb Zilla &
The Week 12.40 Have I Got Special Victims Unit Sick. Tub Time Machine 2 (Cert 15, Poirot Halloween Party. Gleason. Includes FYI Daily. Meangirl Zilla. 10.55 Southern
A Bit More Old News For 11.55 Law & Order: Special 93 mins. 2015) ++12.50 AM 10.00 Foyle’s War Invasion. (Cert 15, 80 mins. 1983) ++ Charm Dysfunction Junction.
You 1.40 Judge Romesh Victims Unit Escape. It’s Your Fault I’m Fat 1.50 12.05 AM Rising Damp 1.05 AM Quincy ME 2.10 The 11.55 The Only Way Is Essex
2.45 Dara Ó Briain’s Go 12.55 AM CSI: NY 1.55 CSI: The Magicians 2.45 Empire Forever 1.05 Rising Damp Americans 3.00 Teleshopping 12.40 AM Be Beautiful
8 Bit 3.10 Crackanory NY 2.50 Taken 3.50 Access 3.35 Two And A Half Men Forever 2.00 Nightscreen 4.00 Nightscreen 4.30-6.00 12.50 ITVBe Nightscreen
4.00-6.00 Teleshopping 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping 2.30-6.00 Teleshopping Teleshopping 12.55-6.00 Teleshopping
lnsideSoap 83
BBC1 BBC2 ITV Channel 4
6.00 AM Breakfast (S) 9.15 Ill Gotten 6.00 AM Wednesday In Parliament (S) 6.00 AM Good Morning Britain (S) 8.30 6.25 AM Cheers The Beer Is Always
Gains (S) 10.00 Homes Under The
Hammer Martin Roberts visits a cemetery
6.30 Ill Gotten Gains Police raid a house
in search of drugs, but find something
Lorraine (S) 9.25 Judge Rinder (R/S)
10.30 This Morning (S) 12.30 PM
Greener. (R/S) 6.55 Cheers The King Of
Beers. (R/S) 7.20 The King Of Queens
lodge in the Cumbrian town of Maryport. (S) terrifying. (R/S) 7.15 Bargain Hunt Elsecar Loose Women The women put the world The Rock. (R/S) 7.45 The King Of Queens
11.00 Rip Off Britain: Holidays The 3: Two teams compete in Elsecar, South to rights once more and invite a celebrity Educating Doug. (R/S) 8.10 Everybody
team offers advice on how to stay safe Yorkshire. (R/S) 8.00 Sign Zone: Britain guest to chat about what they are up to. (S) Loves Raymond Captain Nemo. (R/S)
while travelling. (R/S) 11.45 Claimed And In Bloom West Sussex: A group in West 1.30 Lunchtime News/Weather (S) 8.40 Everybody Loves Raymond The
Shamed A woman who ended up behind Sussex, entering Bloom for the first time. 1.55 Regional News/Weather (S) 2.00 Ball. (R/S) 9.10 Frasier Roz And The
bars following a fake-death scam. (R/S) (R/S) 8.30 Sign Zone: Life Of Pies – Our Dickinson’s Real Deal David Dickinson Schnoz. (R/S) 9.40 Frasier The Life Of
12.15 PM Bargain Hunt Southwell 4: Lives People competing at the British Pie helps members of the public sort the The Party. (R/S) 10.10 Ramsay’s Kitchen
David Harper and Gary Pe guide two Awards. (R/S) 9.00 BBC News At 9 (S) treasures from their trash, offering them Nightmares USA Jack’s Waterfront. (R/S)
teams scouring Southwell Racecourse in 10.00 Victoria Derbyshire Daily news the chance to put items up for auction or 11.05 Celebrity Undercover Boss USA
Nottinghamshire for bargains to take to and current-affairs programme offering accept a cash sum. (R/S) 3.00 Tenable (R/S) 12.00 PM Channel 4 News/
auction. Presented by Eric Knowles. (R/S) discussion of breaking stories, exclusive A team from East Sussex plays the game. Weather Summary (S) 12.05 Couples
1.00 BBC News At One; Weather (S) interviews and audience interaction via (R/S) 3.59 ITV London Weather (S) Come Dine With Me Three couples from
1.30 Regional News (S) 1.45 Wimbledon social media. (S) 11.00 BBC Newsroom 4.00 Tipping Point Ben Shephard hosts Plymouth compete. (R/S) 1.05 Posh
2019 Ladies’ Singles Semi-Finals: Sue Live (S) 11.45 Politics Live With Andrew the arcade-themed quiz show, in which Pawnbrokers Larry and Neil look at an
Barker presents coverage of day 10 of Neil. (S) 12.30 PM Wimbledon 2019 Day contestants drop tokens down a choice unusual red telephone box. (R/S) 2.10
the Grand Slam tournament from the All 10: Sue Barker presents coverage of day of four chutes in the hope of winning Countdown (S) 3.00 Coast Vs Country
England Club, featuring the ladies’ singles 10 of the third Grand Slam tournament a £10,000 jackpot. (R/S) 5.00 The Chase (R/S) 4.00 A Place In The Sun (S) 5.00
semi-finals. (S) of the year from the All England Club. (S) Quiz show, hosted by Bradley Walsh. (R/S) Kirstie’s Celebrity Craft Masters (S)

8pm Serengeti 9pm Mad Cow Disease… 8.30pm Her Majesty’s Cavalry 9pm Catch-22

6.00 BBC News At Six; Weather (S) 6.00 Wimbledon 2019 Day 10: 6.00 Regional News/Weather (S) 6.00 The Simpsons (R/S)
6.30 Regional News (S) Sue Barker presents further coverage 6.30 Evening News/Weather (S) 6.30 Hollyoaks James’
of day 10 from the grass courts of actions shock Marnie, and
the All England Club. With the ladies’ Maxine calls in the help of Sienna
singles semi-finals expected to have to organise her wedding. (R/S)
reached a conclusion by now, other
7.00 Fake Britain The holiday- competitions including the mixed 7.00 Emmerdale 7.00 Channel 4 News/Weather (S)
maker locked up after unwittingly doubles, boys’ and girls’ events, and David is cagey about
changing a fake £20 note. (S) the ladies’ wheelchair singles could certain news, and Andrea clocks
7.30 EastEnders Max and take centre stage. (S) some strange behaviour. (S)
Ian go to the cafe to meet 7.30 Who’s Our Next PM?
Rainie as agreed, but are stunned Tonight Julie Etchingham profiles
when Stuart arrives instead. (S) Jeremy Hunt and Boris Johnson. (S)

8.00 Serengeti Conflict: Lioness 8.00 Today At Wimbledon 2019 8.00 Emmerdale 8.00 George Clarke’s Old House,
Kali and her sister feel threatened Day 10: Clare Balding introduces Will confronts Dawn New Home George visits a Victorian
by a male stalker, cheetah Kike highlights of the day’s play, where over her actions. (S) villa in Leeds, where Jawad and
must learn to protect her cubs from the last-four matches of the ladies’ 8.30 Her Majesty’s Cavalry New Charlie are planning an ambitious
predators, and Bakari the baboon singles draw would decide who commanding officer Paddy Williams master en-suite. He also helps with
is finding fatherhood tough. (S) progressed to Saturday’s final. (S) leads the regiment on his first state a two-storey extension in Brixton. (S)
visit. Last in the series. (S)

9.00 Ambulance BAFTA-winning 9.00 Mad Cow Disease: The 9.00 Why Can’t We 9.00 Catch-22 On a surreal trip,
documentary following paramedics Great British Beef Scandal The Sleep? Ranvir Singh Yossarian begins to realise the
and control-room staff of the North story of one of Britain’s biggest-ever narrates this investigation magnitude and influence of Milo’s
West Ambulance Service in Greater food-related crises, the outbreak of into the problem of business empire. Christopher Abbott
Manchester. Last in the series. (S) BSE – or mad cow disease – and its sleeplessness in the UK, which stars in an episode directed by
human form vCJD, which was first regularly affects about one in every George Clooney. (S)
identified in 1996. (S) three people. (S)

10.00 BBC News At Ten (S) 10.00 Vic & Bob’s Big Night 10.00 ITV News At Ten/Weather (S) 10.00 Celebrity Gogglebox
10.25 Regional News/Weather (S) Out Surreal comedy with Vic 10.30 Regional News/Weather (S) A rolling cast of famous faces
10.35 Too Gay For Reeves and Bob Mortimer. (R/S) 10.45 The Late Debate News and including Rylan Clark-Neal, Jessie J,
God? The place of the 10.30 Newsnight (S) events at Westminster. (S) Denise van Outen and Georgia Taylor
LGBTQ community within critique the week’s TV. (R/S)
the Christian faith. (S)

11.15 This Week Andrew Neil introduces 11.15 Britain’s Biggest Superyachts: 11.10 Beecham House Margaret resolves 11.05 ICC Cricket World Cup Second
a round-table chat, in which he, Michael Chasing Perfection Documentary
following events at the UK’s largest
to leave Delhi. (R/S) 12.10 AM Tenable Semi-Final. (S) 12.10 AM Ramsay’s
Portillo and other guests take a look (R/S) 1.00 Tour De France Highlights Kitchen Nightmares USA Bazzini. (R/S)
back at the past seven days’ political superyacht builder. (R/S) 12.15 AM Sign 2019 Stage Six. (S) 1.50 James Martin’s 1.00 FILM The Master Drama, starring
and parliamentary developments. (S) Zone: The Unwanted: The Secret French Adventure St Tropez. (R/S) Joaquin Phoenix. (Cert 15, 144 mins. 2012)
12.10-6.00 AM BBC News (S) Windrush Files (R/S) 1.15 Sign Zone: 2.40 Loose Women (R) 3.30 Love (S) ★★★★★ 3.20 Battle For The Tory
War On Plastic With Hugh And Anita Your Garden (R/S) 4.20 Nightscreen Party: Dispatches (R/S) 3.50 Inside Out
(R/S) 2.15-6.00 This Is BBC Two (S) 5.05-6.00 Judge Rinder (R/S) Homes (R/S) 4.45 Big House, Little
House (R/S) 5.40-6.15 Countdown (R/S)

84 lnsideSoap
Channel 5
6.00 AM Milkshake! 9.15 Jeremy Vine
(S) 11.15 Bargain-Loving Brits In The
Sun (R/S) 12.10 PM 5 News Lunchtime
(S) 12.15 Police Interceptors (R/S) 1.10
Access (S) 1.15 Home And Away John
and Marilyn reach an impasse. (S) 1.45
Neighbours Willow disowns her mother,
and Dee says a bittersweet goodbye to
Toadie. (S) 2.15 FILM Who Killed My
Husband? A widowed police officer
embarks on a dangerous mission to
generate enough income to pay for her
daughter’s hospital bills. Thriller, starring
Andrea Bowen. (Cert PG, 95 mins. 2016)
(S) ★★ 4.00 Friends The One With
Phoebe’s Birthday Dinner: The pals
gather for Phoebe’s birthday. (R/S) 4.30
Friends The One With The Male Nanny:
Ross disagrees with Rachel’s choice of
nanny. (R/S) 5.00 5 News At 5 (S) 5.30
Neighbours Repeated from 1.45pm. (S)


9pm The Hotel Inspector Waking nightmare

Has bedtime become anything and that’s slowly but surely the nation’s inability to catch
6.00 Home And Away
John and Marilyn reach but relaxing for you? Are you having a negative impact on some zzzs, and reveals the
an impasse, while Willow makes struggling to get enough sleep our health – which might be extent of the impact insomnia
Bella see the error of her ways. (R/S)
to see you through the next pushing the country towards can have on our bodies. A group
6.30 5 News Tonight (S)
day? You’re not alone: recent a major public health crisis. of problem sleepers will also
7.00 Walking Britain’s Lost estimates suggest that a third This documentary, narrated be visiting one of the world’s
Railways Rob Bell revisits of adults in the UK aren’t by Ranvir Singh, takes a look leading sleep research centres
decommissioned railway lines in getting the sleep they need, at the possible causes behind in search of a solution…
the Lake District, where he looks for
elusive signs of a route that begins
over a motorway near Penrith. (R/S)

8.00 Today At The Great

eligious differences
Yorkshire Show Anita Rani and TOO GAY FOR GOD? | BBC1 10.35PM
Jules Hudson present coverage of
the annual event taking place at The Reverend Jide Macauley
Harrogate Showground. (S) is a minister in the Church of
England, and a gay man who
wants to marry his partner
– which puts him in a difficult
9.00 The Hotel Inspector position, because the Church
Devon Bay Hotel, Ilfracombe: doesn’t recognise same-sex
Alex Polizzi helps the general marriage. In this documentary,
manager of a 51-bedroom hotel Jide is on a mission to find out
as he prepares for the arrival of
why the Church of England is
coach parties during a busy
summer season. (S) so against gay marriage, and
meets Andrew Foreshew-Cain,
10.00 Holiday Love Cheats who’s no longer able to practice
Exposed Documentary telling the as a vicar after marrying his
stories of holiday romances gone husband. He also speaks to
wrong, and exposing men who
those from other denominations
scam single female tourists out
of thousands of pounds. (S) of the Christian faith, to find
out how their stance on gay
11.05 You Can’t Say That!: Outrageous marriage squares with the
Comedy Women, Politics. (R/S) 1.00 AM Church of England’s position.
The Live Casino Show (S)
3.10 Bargain-Loving Brits In The Sun
(R/S) 4.00 Britain’s Greatest Bridges
(R/S) 4.45 House Doctor Original ANGLIA as Main ITV except: 10.45-11.10pm Anglia Late Edition CENTRAL as Main ITV except: 10.45-11.10pm Central Lobby GRANADA as Main ITV except:
Features And Garden Makeover. (R/S) 10.45-11.10pm The Granada Debate WEST as Main ITV except: 10.45-11.10pm The Westcountry Debate WALES as Main ITV except: 6.00-6.30pm ITV News
5.10 House Busters (R/S) 5.35-6.00 Wales At Six 10.45-11.10 The Island Strait MERIDIAN as Main ITV except: 10.45-11.10pm The Last Word SCOTTISH as Main ITV except: 10.29-10.30am STV
Appeal: Project Spotlight 8.59-9.00pm STV Appeal: Project Spotlight 10.40 Scotland Tonight 11.05 Flights From Hell: Caught On Camera 12.05-1.00am Beecham
Wildlife SOS (R/S) House 1.50-5.05 Nightscreen YORKSHIRE as Main ITV except: 10.45-11.10pm Last Orders TYNE TEES as Main ITV except: 10.45-11.10pm Around The House

lnsideSoap 85
Sky Witness Sky Atlantic Sky One
6.00 AM Motorway Patrol 6.00 AM Fish Town 7.00 6.00 AM Monkey Life
7.00 Stop, Search, Seize Richard E Grant’s Hotel 6.30 Monkey Life 7.00
8.00 Nothing To Declare Secrets 8.00 The British Animal 999 7.30 Animal
9.00 Criminal Minds 9.00 Discovering: John 999 8.00 RSPCA Animal
10.00 CSI: Crime Scene Wayne 10.00 The West Rescue 8.30 RSPCA
Investigation 11.00 Wing 11.00 The West Animal Rescue 9.00 Road
Elementary 12.00 PM Brit Wing What Kind Of Day Has It Wars 10.00 Highway
Cops: Frontline Crime Been?. 12.00 PM Without Patrol 10.30 Highway
UK Wales. 1.00 Sun, Sea A Trace Pilot. 1.00 Without Patrol 11.00 NCIS: Los
And A&E 2.00 Motorway A Trace Birthday Boy. 2.00 Angeles 12.00 PM NCIS:
Patrol Loose Legnum. Blue Bloods Ties That Bind. Los Angeles 1.00 Hawaii
2.30 Motorway Patrol 3.00 The West Wing In The Five-0 2.00 Hawaii Five-0
Tarp Terror. 3.00 Road Wars Shadow Of The Gunmen – 3.00 MacGyver 4.00
4.00 Nothing To Declare Part One. 4.00 The West Modern Family 4.30
4.30 Nothing To Declare Wing In The Shadow Of Two Modern Family 5.00 The
5.00 Stop, Search, Gunmen – Part Two. 5.00 Simpsons 5.30 Futurama
Seize 6.00 Nothing To Without A Trace He Saw, Naturama. 6.00 Futurama
Declare 6.30 My Kitchen She Saw. 6.00 Without A 6.30 The Simpsons My
Rules: Australia Trace Between The Cracks. Mother The Carjacker.

SUPERCAR SUPERFAM | BBC3 10AM 7.00 CSI: Crime Scene 7.00 The Simpsons The
Investigation Lying Down President Wore Pearls.
Essex garage owners Kash Huracán, and wants Kash to 7
With Dogs: A socialite’s 7.30 The Simpsons The
and Shabs’ sibling rivalries pimp it. But will covering the murder is linked to illegal Regina Monologues: With
dog-fighting. the voice of Tony Blair.
and slick whips (or fast cars, car boot in Swarovski crystals
for the uninitiated) are back be what the the girl racer is 8.00 Criminal Minds 8.00 Blue Bloods 8.00 ICC Cricket World
for a second series today. after? Meanwhile, Shabs is Penelope: Part two of two. The Bogeyman: Danny Cup Second Semi-Final:
In the opening episode, Aini busy expressing his feelings 8
The unit searches for begins a manhunt for the Action from Edgbaston.
Garcia’s attacker. distributor of a deadly
has a brand-new Lamborghini through spoken word… new form of heroin.

9.00 The Rookie The 9.00 Riviera 9.00 An Idiot Abroad

HARLOTS | STARZPlay Shake Up: A massive Georgina learns Mexico: Karl Pilkington
Season three arrives on the
earthquake rocks the city. some shocking immerses himself in
news about Nico. Mexican culture.
streaming service today, and
with both Margaret and Lydia
now, erm, indisposed, it’s time 10.00 Criminal Minds 10.00 Big Little Lies 10.00 Micky Flanagan’s
If The Shoe Fits: The Kill Me: Season two of Detour De France The
for the next generation of the 10 team struggles to find the the multi award-winning comedian samples a few
Wells family to take over the pm
link between a number of show continues. glasses of champagne.
brothel. Look out for Liv Tyler male victims.
as a potential new ally for them.
11.00 Criminal Minds 11.00 The Sopranos 11.00 A League Of
Our Darkest Hour: A killer Mergers And Acquisitions: Their Own With Geri
11 strikes as Los Angeles is Furio visits Italy to see Horner, John Terry and
RIVIERA | Sky Atlantic 9PM pm
hit by power cuts. his ailing father. Josh Widdicombe.
Season two continues tonight
as Georgina learns shocking 12.00 AM World’s Most Evil 12.15 AM The Sopranos 1.30 12.00 AM Warrior 1.00 Brit
Killers 1.00 Britain’s Most Six Feet Under 2.45 Six Feet Cops: Law & Disorder 2.00
news about Nico. But as she Evil Killers 2.00 Brit Cops: Under 4.00 The West Wing Road Wars 3.00 Motorway
turns her attention to the proof, Frontline Crime UK 3.00 5.00-6.00 The West Wing Patrol 3.30 Motorway Patrol
Chicago Fire 4.00 Road Wars 4.00 Babylon 5 5.00-6.00
events take a horrifying turn… 5.00 The Real A&E 5.30-6.00 Stargate SG-1
Elsewhere, as the family grows The Real A&E
ever-more suspicious, will Irina
crack under the pressure?

W Alibi GOLD Com. Central FOX Universal

6.10 AM My Dream Home: 6.00 AM Teleshopping 6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.10 8.00 AM The Middle 10.00 8.00 AM Monk 9.00 Bones 6.00 AM Teleshopping 8.00
Brother V Brother 7.00 My 7.10 Murdoch Mysteries The Piglet Files 8.05 The My Name Is Earl 10.30 My 10.00 Bull 11.00 NCIS Sea Patrol 9.00 Murder She
Dream Home: Brother V 8.00 Murdoch Mysteries Interviews 9.05 The Green Name Is Earl 11.00 Friends 12.00 PM Bones 1.00 Bones Solved: True Crime 10.00
Brother 8.00 Tipping Point 9.00 Inspector George Gently Green Grass 9.40 You Rang, 11.30 Friends 12.00 PM The Twist In The Twister. 2.00 Murder In Paradise Julie
9.00 Tipping Point 10.00 The 11.00 Motive 12.00 PM Miss M’Lord? 10.45 Last Of The Friends 12.30 Friends 1.00 The Mentalist Red John. 3.00 Scully. 11.00 CSI: Miami
Bill 11.00 Supernanny US Fisher’s Murder Mysteries Summer Wine 12.40 PM Friends 1.30 Friends 2.00 NCIS A Many Splendored 12.00 PM Law & Order
12.00 PM Tipping Point 1.00 1.00 Father Brown 2.00 Keeping Up Appearances Friends 2.30 Friends 3.00 Thing. 4.00 Bull Stockholm School Daze. 1.00 Law &
Tipping Point 2.00 My Dream Murdoch Mysteries 3.00 1.15 The Green Green Grass Friends 3.30 Friends 4.00 My Syndrome. 5.00 Bones The Order Judge Dread. 2.00
Home: Brother V Brother The Murdoch Mysteries 4.00 1.55 Are You Being Served? Name Is Earl 4.30 My Name Crack In The Code. 6.00 The Law & Order Deep Vote.
Finale. 3.00 My Dream Home Rizzoli & Isles Goodbye. 5.00 2.30 Open All Hours 3.10 Is Earl 5.00 Friends 5.30 Mentalist My Blue Heaven. 3.00 Law & Order Rumble.
Leaving The Suburbs. 4.00 Rizzoli & Isles Too Good To Be Only Fools And Horses Friends 6.00 Friends 6.30 7.00 NCIS What Lies Above. 4.00 NCIS Out Of The Frying
Flip Or Flop A Neglected True. 6.00 The Guardian The 3.50 Last Of The Summer Friends 7.00 Friends 7.30 8.00 NCIS MIA. 9.00 Legion Pan. 5.00 NCIS Tell-All.
Flip. 4.30 Flip Or Flop A Risky Funnies. 7.00 Unforgettable Wine 5.40 Are You Being Friends 8.00 Takeshi’s Castle Chapter 21. 10.00 Family 6.00 NCIS Two-Faced. 7.00
Flip. 5.00 Tipping Point 6.00 The Combination. 8.00 Miss Served? 6.20 Keeping Up 8.30 Takeshi’s Castle 9.00 Guy I Dream Of Jesus. 10.30 NCIS Dead Reflection. 8.00
Tipping Point 7.00 My Dream Fisher’s Murder Mysteries Appearances 7.00 Miranda FILM Happy Gilmore (Cert 12, Family Guy Road To Germany. Major Crimes Sanctuary City
Home 8.00 Inside The Away With The Fairies. 9.00 7.40 Open All Hours 8.15 88 mins. 1996) +++11.00 11.00 American Dad! May – Part One. 9.00 Law & Order:
Ambulance 9.00 Inside The Death In Paradise Man Only Fools And Horses 9.00 South Park 11.30 South Park The Best Stan Win. 11.30 Special Victims Unit Saviour.
Ambulance 10.00 Louis Overboard – Part Two. 10.00 Mrs Brown’s Boys 10.20 12.00 AM Russell Howard’s American Dad! 12.00 AM 10.00 Law & Order: Special
Theroux: America’s Medicated Father Brown The Eagle Miranda 11.00 Two Pints Of Good News 1.00 South Park Family Guy 12.30 Family Victims Unit Sugar. 11.00
Kids 11.00 Inside The And The Daw. 11.00 Rush Lager 11.35 Live At The 1.30 South Park 2.00 South Guy 1.00 American Dad! Law & Order: Special Victims
Ambulance 12.00 AM Kids 12.00 AM Unforgettable 1.00 Apollo 12.35 AM The Office Park 2.30 South Park 1.30 American Dad! 2.00 Unit Spooked. 12.00 AM
With Guns – Stacey Dooley The Mrs Bradley Mysteries 1.55 Two Pints Of Lager 2.25 3.00 South Park 3.30 My Family Guy 2.30 Family Guy CSI: Miami 1.00 NCIS 2.00
Investigates 1.00 The Davina 2.00 The Mrs Bradley The Interviews 3.10 Harry Name Is Earl 4.15 Impractical 3.00 Family Guy 3.30 NCIS 3.00 Chicago Justice
Hour 1.50 Secrets And Lies Mysteries 3.00 Motive Hill’s TV Burp 3.35 The Piglet Jokers: Inside Jokes American Dad! 4.00 Monk 4.00 Sea Patrol 5.00-6.00
3.00-6.10 Teleshopping 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping Files 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping 5.00-6.00 Teleshopping 5.00-8.00 Teleshopping Teleshopping
86 lnsideSoap
Drama ITV2 E4 More4
6.00 AM Teleshopping 6.00 AM The Planet’s 6.00 AM Hollyoaks 6.30 8.55 AM A Place In The
7.10 Boon 8.00 Soldier, Funniest Animals Hollyoaks 7.00 How I Met Sun: Home Or Away Paris
Soldier 9.00 Soldier, 6.20 Judge Rinder Your Mother 8.00 Young v Cornwall. 10.00 A Place
Soldier 10.00 Classic 7.10 Dinner Date & Hungry 9.00 Melissa & In The Sun: Home Or
Holby City Second Chances. 8.00 Emmerdale 8.30 Joey 10.00 The Big Bang Away Lake District v French
11.00 The Bill Count Me Coronation Street 9.25 Theory 11.00 Brooklyn Alps. 11.00 Escape To The
Out. 12.00 PM The Bill Out The Ellen DeGeneres Nine-Nine 12.00 PM Chateau: DIY 12.05 PM
In The Open. 1.00 Classic Show 10.25 Superstore Young Sheldon 1.00 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 1.10
EastEnders 1.40 Classic 11.15 Dress To Impress The Big Bang Theory Four In A Bed 1.40 Four
EastEnders 2.20 The 12.10 PM Emmerdale 2.00 Melissa & Joey In A Bed 2.10 Four In A
Brokenwood Mysteries 12.45 Coronation Street 2.30 Melissa & Joey 3.00 Bed 2.40 Four In A Bed
Hunting The Stag. 4.20 Auf 1.45 The Ellen Brooklyn Nine-Nine 3.30 3.15 Four In A Bed 3.50
Wiedersehen, Pet An
Nolan (Nathan Fillion) protects a man with a target DeGeneres Show 2.45 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 4.00 Kirstie And Phil’s Love
Inspector Calls. 5.20 Birds on his head in The Rookie 9pm Sky Witness Dinner Date 3.45 Dress Black-ish 4.30 Black-ish It Or List It 4.50 Love It
Of A Feather Belongings. To Impress 4.50 Take Me 5.00 Young Sheldon Or List It Australia 5.55
6.00 ’Allo ’Allo! Gruber Out 6.00 You’ve Been 5.30 Young Sheldon The Secret Life Of The
Does Some Mincing. 6.40 As BBC Scotland BBC4 Framed! Gold 6.30 You’ve 6.00 The Big Bang Theory Zoo 6.55 The Supervet
Time Goes By Pardon?. FREEVIEW 115 (SCOTLAND) FREEVIEW 9 Been Framed! Gold 6.30 The Big Bang Theory A puppy requires a skin graft.

7.20 Last Of The 7.00 PM Grand Tours 7.00 PM Beyond 100 7.00 You’ve Been 7.00 Hollyoaks Mercedes 7.55 Great Canal
Summer Wine Pole Star: Of The Scottish Islands Days/Weather Framed! Gold Comical receives a threatening Journeys The Caledonian
Foggy gives Compo Life At The Ends Of The 7.30 Top Of The Pops: clips with Harry Hill. message on her phone. Canal: Timothy West 7
a helping hand. Earth: Paul Murton visits 1988 Featuring Rick 7.30 You’ve Been 7.30 Black-ish Their Eyes and Prunella Scales
the Outer Hebrides. Astley and Erasure. Framed! Gold Were Watching Screens. take a two-stage trip
across Scotland, travelling
8.00 The Inspector 8.00 Viva Variety Don’t 8.00 The Queen’s 8.00 Two And A Half 8.00 The Big Bang along the Caledonian
Lynley Mysteries Know Stop Believing. Palaces Windsor Castle: Men Bouncy, Bouncy, Theory The Escape Canal before venturing
Thine Enemy: Feature- 8.30 Test Drive Three Fiona Bruce explores the Bouncy, Lyndsey. Hatch Identification. on a 60-mile journey 8
length episode. Lynley teams tour Gretna. history of Windsor Castle. 8.30 Two And A Half 8.30 The Big Bang into the Highlands.
searches for a mysterious Men Here I Come, Pants!. Theory
woman in connection
with the disappearance 9.00 The Nine 9.00 Charles I: Downfall 9.00 Love Island Reality 9.00 Brooklyn Nine- 9.00 24 Hours In A&E
of a diabetic schoolgirl Of A King The Final show in which singletons Nine Return Of The King. An eight-year-old is
and a youngster found Showdown: How Charles I seeking a summer of 9.30 The Good Place rushed in after being 9
drowned in a lake. plotted to arrest John romance compete to Janet And Michael. crushed by falling bricks.
Pym. Last in the series. pair off in Majorca.

10.00 Silent Witness 10.00 Mirror Mirror 10.00 Blood And Gold: 10.00 Shopping With 10.00 The Other Two 10.00 Shut-Ins:
After The Fall: The ‘We Were All Stinking Of The Making Of Spain Keith Lemon With Chase Drops His First Britain’s Fattest People
apparent suicide of a DJ Peroxide For Months’. With Simon Sebag Amanda Holden. Album: A family secret is Claire: The struggle of 10
leads Nikki to question her 10.30 The Thick Of It Montefiore Conquest: 10.35 Family Guy accidentally exposed. morbidly obese people.
judgement in a strikingly The history of Spain. Animated adventures. 10.30 The Inbetweeners
similar case from her past.
Feature-length episode, 11.00 Tune With 11.00 The Beginning 11.05 Family Guy 11.05 The Inbetweeners 11.05 999: What’s
starring Emilia Fox. Honeyblood, Callum And End Of The Tea Peter: Peter joins The Fashion Show: Carli Your Emergency?
Easter and Oakzy B. Universe The End: Jim the Tea Party and shuts organises a fashion show. A woman is badly cut 11
11.30-12.00 The Al-Khalili considers how down the government. 11.40 The Big Bang following a pub fight.
Comedy Underground the universe will end. 11.35 American Dad! Theory
12.30 AM Ashes To Ashes 12.00 AM Top Of The Pops: 12.05 AM American Dad! 12.10 AM The Big Bang 12.10 AM 8 Out Of 10 Cats
1.50 The White Queen 2.50 1988 12.30 Handmade On 12.35 Hey Tracey! 1.20 Two Theory 12.40 Brooklyn Does Countdown 1.10 The
The White Queen 4.00-6.00 The Silk Road 1.00 The Silk And A Half Men 1.50 Two Nine-Nine 1.45 Rick And Supervet 2.15 The Secret
Teleshopping Road 2.00 The Engine And A Half Men 2.15 Morty 2.10 Robot Chicken Life Of The Zoo 3.20-4.00
That Powers The World: Teleshopping 5.45-6.00 2.25 Robot Chicken 2.40 8 Out Of 10 Cats Uncut
Timeshift 3.00-4.00 Charles ITV Nightscreen The Other Two 3.00 The
I: Downfall Of A King Good Place 3.25 The Big
Bang Theory 4.05 Brooklyn
Nine-Nine 5.15-6.00
How I Met Your Mother


6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.10 6.00 AM Teleshopping 6.00 AM Teleshopping 8.00 6.00 AM Classic Coronation 6.00 AM Football’s Greatest: 6.00 AM Teleshopping 9.00
Steve Backshall’s Extreme 9.00 Catch A Contractor My Wife And Kids 8.25 Street 6.25 Classic Johan Cruyff 6.15 The Chase LittleBe 12.00 PM Income
Mountain Challenge 8.00 9.20 Remington Steele 10.10 Smallville 9.10 Dance Moms Coronation Street 6.50 7.00 The Professionals Property 12.25 The Real
American Pickers 9.00 CSI: NY 11.05 Rookie Blue 11.05 My Wife And Kids Heartbeat 7.50 Murder, She 7.50 Kojak 8.55 Quincy ME Housewives Of Atlanta
Storage Hunters 10.00 12.05 PM Castle 1.00 Law 12.05 PM Two And A Half Wrote Proof Is In The Pudding. 10.00 The Car Chasers 11.00 1.20 Million Dollar Listing: LA
American Pickers 11.00 & Order 2.00 Law & Order Men 2.00 Last Man Standing 8.40 On The Buses The Prize. Tour De France Highlights 2.20 Little Women: LA
American Pickers 12.00 PM House Of Cards. 3.00 Murder, 2.30 Last Man Standing 9.15 On The Buses Olive’s 12.00 PM Tour De France 3.10 The Real Housewives Of
American Pickers 1.00 She Wrote Trial By Error. 3.00 Neighbours 3.30 Home Divorce. 9.50 George And Live 5.00 The Professionals New Jersey 4.05 The Real
World’s Most Dangerous 4.00 Murder, She Wrote The And Away 4.00 My Wife Mildred Where My Caravan You’ll Be Alright. 6.00 The Car Housewives Of Beverly Hills
Roads 2.00 Sin City Motors Perfect Foil. 5.05 Murder, She And Kids 4.30 My Wife And Has Rested. 10.20 Agatha Chasers Fast And Furious 5.00 The Real Housewives
3.00 Timber Kings 4.00 Wrote If The Frame Fits. 6.05 Kids 5.00 My Wife And Kids Christie’s Marple The Murder Profits. 7.00 Tour De France Of Beverly Hills 6.00 Buying
Jay Leno’s Garage 5.00 Top Law & Order America, Inc. 5.30 My Wife And Kids 6.00 At The Vicarage. 12.25 PM Highlights 8.00 Monster And Selling Nicole And Matt.
Gear 6.00 Top Gear 7.00 7.05 Law & Order Thinking Neighbours 6.30 Home And Heartbeat Mother Of Carp Croatia Special. 9.30 7.00 Buying And Selling Dana
Have I Got A Bit More Old Makes It So. 8.00 NCIS Troll. Away 7.05 Two And A Half Invention. 1.30 ITV Racing: River Monsters Invisible And Andy. 8.00 Dinner Date
News For You 8.00 QI XL 9.00 Chicago PD Ride Along. Men 7.35 Two And A Half Live From Newmarket 4.00 Executioner. 10.00 Steph. 9.00 Atlanta Plastic
9.00 Live At The Apollo 10.00 10.00 Law & Order: Special Men 8.00 FILM National Agatha Christie’s Marple 4.50 Goodwood Festival Of Speed Great Breast-Spectations.
Judge Romesh 11.00 QI XL Victims Unit Lowdown. 11.00 Treasure (Cert PG, 126 mins. From Paddington. 6.00 2019. 11.00 FILM American 10.00 Married To Medicine
12.00 AM Mock The Week Law & Order: Special Victims 2004) +++10.50 FILM Drive Downton Abbey 7.00 Murder, Sniper Biopic, starring The Heavenlywed Game.
12.40 Have I Got A Bit More Unit Criminal. 11.55 Law & Angry (Cert 18, 104 mins. She Wrote Portrait Of Death. Bradley Cooper. (Cert 15, 10.55 Ladies Of London
Old News For You 1.35 Live Order: Special Victims Unit 2011) +++12.55 AM It’s 8.00 Vera Dark Angel. 132 mins. 2014) ++++ Tantrums And Titles. 11.55
At The Apollo 2.40 Judge Brotherhood. 12.55 AM Your Fault I’m Fat 1.55 The 10.00 Foyle’s War Bad 1.45 AM The Professionals The Only Way Is Essex
Romesh 3.05 Mock The CSI: NY 1.55 CSI: NY 2.50 Magicians 2.50 Empire Blood. 12.05 AM Inspector 2.40 Nightscreen 3.00 12.40 AM Be Beautiful
Week 3.35 Storage Hunters Ransom 3.50 Access 3.35 Two And A Half Men Morse 2.15 Nightscreen Teleshopping 4.00 Nightscreen 12.50 ITVBe Nightscreen
4.00-6.00 Teleshopping 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping 2.30-6.00 Teleshopping 4.30-6.00 Teleshopping 12.55-6.00 Teleshopping
lnsideSoap 87
BBC1 BBC2 ITV Channel 4
6.00 AM Breakfast (S) 9.15 Ill Gotten 6.00 AM Thursday In Parliament (S) 6.30 6.00 AM Good Morning Britain (S) 6.15 AM Cheers (R/S) 6.45 Cheers Do
Gains Last in the series. (S) 10.00 Homes
Under The Hammer Properties about to
Ill Gotten Gains A fraudster’s expensive
Range Rover is sold at auction. (R/S) 7.15
8.30 Lorraine Entertainment and fashion
news. (S) 9.25 Judge Rinder Gareth v
Not Forsake Me, O My Postman. (R/S)
7.10 The King Of Queens (R/S) 7.35
be auctioned in Cheshire, the West Midlands Bargain Hunt Westpoint 11: Two teams John: Gareth is in court to claim £4,998 The King Of Queens Supermarket Story.
and east London. (R/S) 11.00 Rip Off scour Exeter’s Arena for items. (R/S) 8.00 for a van he says is not roadworthy. (R/S) (R/S) 8.00 Everybody Loves Raymond
Britain: Holidays How the actions of one Sign Zone: Gardeners’ World The team 10.30 This Morning Celebrity chat and Debra’s Sick. (R/S) 8.30 Everybody Loves
company resulted in a family being hit with reports from the Gardeners’ World Live event lifestyle features. (S) 12.30 PM Loose Raymond Who’s Handsome?. (R/S) 9.00
£14,000 in cancellation fees. (R/S) 11.45 in Birmingham, gleaning design tips from Women Celebrity interviews and topical Frasier Party, Party. (R/S) 9.30 Frasier
Claimed And Shamed A prisoner trips up the show gardens and advising visitors on debate from a female perspective. (S) Sweet Dreams. (R/S) 9.55 Formula 1
with a bogus personal injury claim. (R/S) their gardening and planting problems. (R/S) 1.30 Lunchtime News/Weather (S) British Grand Prix Practice 1 Live The
12.15 PM Bargain Hunt Brighton 19: 9.00 BBC News At 9 (S) 10.00 Victoria 1.55 Regional News/Weather (S) 2.00 opening session from Silverstone. (S) 11.50
Two teams test their antiques knowledge in Derbyshire Daily news and current-affairs Dickinson’s Real Deal Carlisle 1: David Channel 4 News/Weather Summary (S)
Brighton, with the help of experts Danny programme offering discussion of breaking Dickinson takes the dealers to Carlisle, 11.55 Couples Come Dine With Me (R/S)
Sebastian and John Cameron. Presented stories, exclusive interviews and audience where Jan Keyne is faced with a young royal, 12.55 PM Posh Pawnbrokers (R/S) 1.55
by Charlie Ross. (S) 1.00 BBC News At interaction via social media. (S) 11.00 BBC Tim Hogarth looks to be in for a caning, and Formula 1 British Grand Prix Practice 2
One; Weather (S) 1.30 Regional News Newsroom Live (S) 11.45 Politics Live Fay Rutter tries to buy two gold nuggets. Live Further coverage from Silverstone. (S)
(S) 1.45 Wimbledon 2019 Men’s Singles With Jo Coburn. (S) 12.30 PM Wimbledon (R/S) 3.00 Tenable Quiz, hosted by Warwick 3.35 F1 Meets (R/S) 4.00 A Place In
Semi-Finals: Sue Barker presents coverage 2019 Day 11: Sue Barker presents coverage Davis. (R/S) 3.59 ITV London Weather (S) The Sun Guardamar Del Segura. (S) 5.00
of day 11 of the grass-court tournament of day 11 of the grass-court tournament from 4.00 Tipping Point Game show, hosted by Kirstie’s Celebrity Craft Masters
from the All England Club, as the men’s the All England Club, including the men’s Ben Shephard. (R/S) 5.00 The Chase Quiz Former Hollyoaks stars Jeremy Edwards
singles semi-finals continue. (S) singles finals. (S) show, hosted by Bradley Walsh. (R/S) and Terri Dwyer go head-to-head. (S)

9pm Still Game 9pm Gardener’s World 11.05pm Wanted 11.05pm Shipmates

6.00 BBC News At Six; Weather (S) 6.00 Wimbledon 2019 Day 11: Sue 6.00 Regional News/Weather (S) 6.00 The Simpsons (R/S)
6.30 Regional News (S) Barker presents further coverage of 6.30 Evening News/Weather (S) 6.30 Hollyoaks Maxine
day 11 of the grass-court tournament puts Damon’s dreams for
from the All England Club. While the the wedding before her own. (R/S)
men’s singles semi-finals dominate
proceedings on Centre Court today,
7.00 Eat Well For Less? Students: there was plenty of tennis to play 7.00 Emmerdale 7.00 Channel 4 News/Weather (S)
Greg Wallace and Chris Bavin help elsewhere, with the last-four matches Moira implores Cain to
a household of students, whose in the ladies’ and mixed doubles make amends, and Pete furiously
expensive tastes mean that they’re scheduled to take place, as well as demands an explanation. (S)
blowing their student loan on pricey the quad wheelchair doubles final 7.30 Coronation Street
pesto and branded pasta. (S) and invitation doubles. (S) In court, Nick blames his
brain injury for his actions. (S)

8.00 Garden Rescue Corby: 8.00 Today At Wimbledon 2019 8.30 Endeavour Lazaretto: 8.00 Celebrity Crystal
Designing a pub garden in Corby, Day 11: Clare Balding introduces Morse is assigned to protect an Maze Sunetra Sarker,
Northamptonshire. (S) highlights of the day’s play, where informant who is undergoing Matthew Wright, Ann
8.30 EastEnders the men’s singles semi-finals were emergency surgery. The case brings Widdecombe, Nikki
The residents gather scheduled to take centre stage. (S) back unpleasant memories for the Sanderson and Wes Nelson explore
for the Walford 10k run, and Stuart detective, while his colleagues are the zones of the Maze, tackling skill,
hatches a plan to help Whitney get thrown into disarray when Bright mystery, physical and mental
her dream wedding dress. (S) is also rushed to hospital. Morse challenges. (S)
becomes fixated with a series of
9.00 Still Game Dead Leg – Part 9.00 Gardeners’ World Monty mysterious deaths that have occurred 9.00 Celebrity
One: Part one of two. Winston Don and the team focus their on the ward, and tries to find the Gogglebox A cast of
receives bad news about his attention on the loss of wildflower scientific explanation behind stories famous faces including
remaining leg. (S) habitats in the UK, and the part that of a curse. (R/S) Rylan Clark-Neal, Shaun
9.30 Mrs Brown’s Boys Mammy’s gardeners can play in averting the Ryder and Bez, Denise van Outen,
Spell: Agnes falls under a hypnotist’s resulting loss of wildlife. (S) Oti Mabuse and Martin and Roman
spell. (R/S) Kemp critique the week’s TV. (S)

10.00 BBC News At Ten (S) 10.00 QI Procrastination: With 10.20 ITV News/Weather (S) 10.00 The Last Leg Adam Hills,
10.25 Regional News/Weather (S) guest players Aisling Bea, Holly 10.50 Regional News/Weather (S) Josh Widdicombe and Alex Brooker
10.35 Killing Eve Smell Ya Later: Walsh and Nikki Bedi. (R/S) are joined by actor Michael Sheen for
Villanelle and Eve discover that their 10.30 Newsnight (S) a review of the significant moments of
interests might be best served if they the past week. Last in the series. (S)
can work together. (R/S)

11.20 Room 101 – Extra Storage (R/S) 11.05 Manchester International 11.05 FILM Wanted A man joins a secret 11.05 Shipmates Charlotte and Ed’s teams
12.00 AM FILM The Lady In The Van The Festival: Welcoming The World (S)
11.35 FILM Matangi/Maya/MIA
society of superpowered assassins that compete. (S) 12.05 AM First Dates (R/S)
true story of Alan Bennett’s friendship with kills people destined to commit acts of evil. 1.05 FILM Ruby Sparks Fantasy drama,
an eccentric homeless woman, whom he A personal profile of the critically acclaimed Action adventure, starring James McAvoy starring Paul Dano and Zoe Kazan. (Cert 15,
befriended before allowing her to park her artist. (Cert 18, 97 mins. 2018) (S) ★★★★★ and Angelina Jolie. (Cert 18, 105 mins. 2008) 100 mins. 2012) (S) ★★★★ 2.50 Year Of
van outside his Camden home. Starring 1.10 AM Sign Zone: No-Deal Brexit: (S) ★★★ 1.00 AM The Voice Kids (R/S) The Rabbit (R/S) 3.15 Ackley Bridge (R/S)
Maggie Smith. (Cert 12, 104 mins. 2015) (S) Are We Ready? – Panorama (R/S) 2.15 Tour De France Highlights 2019 4.10 Kirstie’s Fill Your House For Free
★★★★★ 1.45-6.00 BBC News (S) 1.40 Sign Zone: The Planets (R/S) Stage Seven. (S) 3.10 All Star Mr & Mrs (R/S) 4.25 Inside Out Homes (R/S)
2.40-6.00 This Is BBC Two (S) (R/S) 4.00-6.00 Nightscreen 5.20-6.15 Big House, Little House (R/S)

88 lnsideSoap
Channel 5
6.00 AM Milkshake! 9.15 Jeremy Vine
(S) 11.15 Bargain-Loving Brits In The
Sun (R/S) 12.10 PM 5 News Lunchtime
(S) 12.15 Police Interceptors (R/S)
1.10 Access (S) 1.15 Home And Away
Jasmine tells Robbo that she doesn’t
want children. (S) 1.45 Neighbours
Roxy discovers David’s secret plan. (S)
2.15 FILM House Of Deadly Secrets
Premiere. A woman experiences a series
of strange events while renovating a house
that she and her daughter intend to live in.
Thriller, starring Angie Patterson. (Cert PG,
91 mins. 2018) (S) ★★★ 4.00 Friends
The One With Ross’s Inappropriate Song:
Phoebe fails to impress her boyfriend’s
parents. (R/S) 4.30 Friends The One
With Rachel’s Other Sister: Rachel’s
sister joins the gang for Thanksgiving.
(R/S) 5.00 5 News At 5 (S) 5.30
Neighbours Repeated from 1.45pm. (S)


9pm Live Boxing Double…

If we ever meet the person in

Seeing stars
show. Even the combinations but we also suspect it doesn’t
6.00 Home And Away
John and Marilyn come charge of casting this celeb that sounded odd at first have matter when the critics are
to a decision about Jett. (R/S) series of telly reviews, we’ll delivered us solid gold – we’ll such great entertainment, so
6.30 5 News Tonight (S)
have to give them at the very never forget the sight of Sheila we’re just looking forward to
least a warm handshake, and Hancock and Gyles Brandreth seeing what the likes of Rylan
7.00 Walking Britain’s Lost quite possibly a lengthy hug, watching Naked Attraction. Clark-Neal and his mum Linda,
Railways Rob Bell revisits the because the stars in question We don’t know which shows and Laurence and Emilia Fox
decommissioned Somerset-and- are just so, so right for the are on the watch-list tonight, have to say about it all…
Dorset line, which transformed the
fortunes of local seaside towns, but
proved costly to maintain. (R/S)

8.00 Drain The Ocean: Egypt’s

When in Dome
Lost Wonder A look at historical CELEBRITY CRYSTAL MAZE | Channel 4 8PM
discoveries found at the bottom of
the Nile, and what they reveal about … and since celeb specials
the origin of the ancient Egyptians’ are very much the main draw
obsession with the afterlife. (R/S) on Channel 4 on Friday nights
at the moment, here’s who is
destined for the Dome tonight:
9.00 Live Boxing Double: Khan Ackley Bridge’s Sunetra Sarker,
& Fury Hughie Fury v Samuel Peter TV presenter Matthew Wright,
and Amir Khan v Billy Dib. Coverage Hollyoaks star Nikki Sanderson,
of the bouts at King Abdullah Sports Love Island graduate Wes
City in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Fury
Nelson and, erm, MEP Ann
has suffered two defeats in his last
four contests, but is looking to get Widdecombe. It’s not quite
back in the picture for a world title a group of people you can
shot. Khan lost his last fight to imagine naturally forming
Terence Crawford in controversial a social circle, is it? Sunetra
fashion, but will be expecting to is serving as team captain, so
bounce back against Dib, who took
let’s hope she can get the gang
the fight at short notice following
the withdrawal of Neeraj Goyat. (S) working in harmony and avoid
any of those pesky automatic
11.05 Tyson Fury: Rise & Fall Of The lock-ins as they face Richard
Gypsy King (R/S) 12.05 AM Fights, Ayoade’s latest taxing trials.
Camera, Action! (R/S) 1.00 The Live Casino Show (S) 3.00
Access (S) 3.10 Young, Dumb And
Banged Up In The Sun (R/S) 4.00 Gypsy BBC1 N IRELAND as Main BBC1 except: 11.00-12.15pm The Twelfth Live 10.35pm The Twelfth 11.15-12.00 Killing Eve BBC1 SCOTLAND as Main BBC1
Kids: Our Secret World (R/S) 4.45 except: 8.00-8.30pm Scotland’s Home Of The Year BBC1 WALES as Main BBC1 except: 8.00-8.30pm Go Fish! With Will Millard 10.35 Tudur’s TV Flashback
House Doctor (R/S) 5.10 House Busters 11.05 Hayley Goes.. 11.35 Killing Eve 12.15am Room 101 – Extra Storage 12.55-6.00 BBC News WEST as Main ITV except: 10.50-11.05pm ITV News West
Country WALES as Main ITV except: 6.00-6.30pm ITV News Wales At Six SCOTTISH as Main ITV except: 10.29-10.30am STV Appeal: Project Spotlight
(R/S) 5.35-6.00 Wildlife SOS (R/S) 1.00am Lethal Weapon 1.50-2.15 The Island Strait 3.10-6.00 Nightscreen

lnsideSoap 89
Sky Witness Sky Atlantic Sky One
6.00 AM Motorway Patrol 6.00 AM The Guest Wing 6.00 AM Monkey Life
7.00 Stop, Search, Seize 7.00 Richard E Grant’s 6.30 Monkey Life 7.00
8.00 Nothing To Declare Hotel Secrets 8.00 The Animal 999 7.30 Animal
9.00 Criminal Minds British 9.00 Discovering: 999 8.00 RSPCA Animal
10.00 CSI: Crime Scene Charlton Heston 10.00 Rescue 8.30 RSPCA
Investigation 11.00 The West Wing 11.00 The Animal Rescue 9.00 Road
Elementary 12.00 PM West Wing In The Shadow Wars 10.00 Highway
Brit Cops: Frontline Of Two Gunmen – Part Two. Patrol 10.30 Highway
Crime UK Devon/Cornwall. 12.00 PM Without A Patrol 11.00 NCIS: Los
1.00 Sun, Sea And A&E Trace He Saw, She Saw. Angeles 12.00 PM NCIS:
2.00 Motorway Patrol Red 1.00 Without A Trace Los Angeles 1.00 Hawaii
Light Racer. 2.30 Motorway Between The Cracks. 2.00 Five-0 2.00 Hawaii
Patrol Backstreet Bolter. Blue Bloods The Bogeyman. Five-0 3.00 MacGyver
3.00 Road Wars 4.00 3.00 The West Wing The 4.00 Modern Family
Nothing To Declare Midterms. 4.00 The West 4.30 Modern Family
4.30 Nothing To Declare Wing In This White House. 5.00 The Simpsons 5.30
5.00 Stop, Search, 5.00 Without A Trace Futurama 6.00 Futurama
Seize 6.00 My Kitchen Suspect. 6.00 Without 6.30 The Simpsons
Rules: Australia A Trace Silent Partner. The Fat And The Furriest.

AGATHA RAISIN | Sky One 9PM 7.00 CSI: Crime Scene 7.00 Live Netball World
Investigation Bull: Cup England v Uganda:
Ashley Jensen returns as a break and discovers that her 7
A rodeo star’s death (Centre-pass 7.00pm.)
the slick and stylish PR guru coiffeur of choice is caught proves more complicated Coverage of the Group D
than it first appeared. encounter from Liverpool.
who moved to the Cotswolds up in the middle of a mystery
and subsequently developed involving blackmail, conspiracy 8.00 Criminal Minds 8.00 Blue Bloods 8.30 Modern Family
a reputation as an amateur and murder. It’s up to Agatha True Night: A comic-book Unfinished Business: Pilot: Comedy about an
sleuth. In tonight’s two-parter, to solve the case, leaving no 8
artist gets involved in Frank reopens a case in extended family.
gang warfare. which a girl was murdered.
Agatha returns home after split – sorry, loose – ends.

9.00 9-1-1 Heartbreaker: 9.00 True Detective 9.00 Agatha

CLASSIC ALBUM: THE CRICKETS… | BBC4 9PM A surprise marriage The Long Bright Dark: Raisin The
The series that performs
proposal leads to danger. Crime drama, starring Wizard Of
Matthew McConaughey Evesham – Part One: New
a deep dive into some of the and Woody Harrelson. series.
greatest recordings in history
returns tonight, with a look at 10.00 Instinct Pilot: 10.15 True Detective 10.00 Agatha Raisin
A CIA officer comes out Seeing Things: A lead The Wizard Of Evesham
the very first album released 10 of retirement to help takes Hart and Cohle to – Part Two.
by Buddy Holly. It’s been cited pm
a homicide detective. a trailer-park brothel.
as an inspiration by Mick
Jagger and Paul McCartney.
11.00 Instinct Wild 11.30 True Detective 11.00 The Russell
Game: Lizzie calls upon The Locked Room: Howard Hour With
11 Dylan’s expertise to assist Hart’s jealousy gets the comedy writer Adam Kay.


with a bizarre case. better of him when he
Whether you’re a Matron, spots Lisa on a date.
a Cowboy or a Doctor, there’s 12.00 AM Criminal Minds 12.40 AM True Detective 12.00 AM A League Of
1.00 Brit Cops: Frontline 1.50 Our Cartoon President Their Own 1.00 Brit Cops:
something to cherish in this Crime UK 2.00 Blue Bloods 2.25 Deadwood Law & Disorder 2.00 Road
affectionate tribute. Martin 3.00 Chicago Fire 4.00 Road 3.30 Yesterday: Special Wars 3.00 Motorway Patrol
Wars 5.00 The Real A&E 4.00 The West Wing 3.30 Motorway Patrol
Clunes is on narration duties, 5.30-6.00 The Real A&E 5.00-6.00 The West Wing 4.00 Babylon 5 5.00-6.00
while former cast including Jim Stargate SG-1
Dale, Amanda Barrie and June
Whitfield share their memories.

W Alibi GOLD Com. Central FOX Universal

6.15 AM My Dream Home: 6.00 AM Teleshopping 6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.15 8.00 AM The Middle 8.35 8.00 AM Monk 9.00 Bones 6.00 AM Teleshopping 8.00
Brother V Brother 7.00 My 7.10 Murdoch Mysteries The Piglet Files 8.05 A Sharp The Middle 9.00 The Middle 10.00 Bull 11.00 NCIS Sea Patrol 9.00 Murder She
Dream Home 8.00 Tipping 8.00 Murdoch Mysteries Intake Of Breath 8.40 Green 9.30 The Middle 10.00 12.00 PM Bones The Crack In Solved: True Crime 10.00
Point 9.00 Tipping Point 9.00 Inspector George Gently Green Grass 9.15 You Rang, My Name Is Earl 10.30 My The Code. 1.00 Bones The Murder In Paradise 11.00
10.00 The Bill 11.00 11.00 Motive 12.00 PM Miss M’Lord? 10.20 Last Of The Name Is Earl 11.00 Friends Prisoner In The Pipe. 2.00 The CSI: Miami 12.00 PM Law &
Supernanny US 12.00 PM Fisher’s Murder Mysteries Summer Wine 12.20 PM 4.00 PM My Name Is Earl Mentalist My Blue Heaven. Order Challenged. 1.00 Law &
Tipping Point 1.00 Tipping 1.00 Father Brown 2.00 Keeping Up Appearances 4.30 My Name Is Earl 3.00 NCIS MIA. 4.00 Bull The Order Knock Off. 2.00 Law &
Point 2.00 My Dream Home Murdoch Mysteries 1.00 Green Green Grass 1.35 5.00 Friends 5.30 Friends Fall. 5.00 Bones The Bump In Order Sweetie. 3.00 Law &
3.00 My Dream Home 4.00 8 Footsteps. 3.00 Murdoch Are You Being Served? 2.15 6.00 Friends 6.30 Friends The Road. 6.00 The Mentalist Order Chattel. 4.00 NCIS
Flip Or Flop 4.30 Flip Or Flop Mysteries The Canadian Open All Hours 3.00 Only 7.00 Friends 7.30 Friends Green Thumb. 7.00 NCIS The Dead Reflection. 5.00 NCIS
Ranch House Of Ruin. 5.00 Patient. 4.00 Rizzoli & Isles Fools And Horses 3.40 Last 8.00 Friends 8.30 Friends Wall. 8.00 NCIS A Bowl Of Baltimore. 6.00 NCIS Swan
Tipping Point 6.00 Tipping Doomsday. 5.00 Rizzoli & Of The Summer Wine 5.40 9.00 Russell Howard’s Good Cherries. 9.00 NCIS: New Song. 7.00 NCIS Pyramid:
Point 7.00 My Dream Home Isles The Best Laid Plans. Are You Being Served? 6.20 News 10.00 Desiree Burch: Orleans Legacy. 10.00 L.A.’s Gibbs and the team attend
8.00 Inside The Ambulance 6.00 The Guardian Loyalties. Keeping Up Appearances Comedy Central Live 10.30 Finest Pilot. 11.00 American the funeral of a fallen
9.00 FILM Bride Wars 7.00 Unforgettable The 7.00 Miranda 7.40 Open All The Ricky Gervais Show Dad! Cops & Roger. 11.30 colleague. 8.00 Major Crimes
Comedy, starring Kate Haircut. 8.00 Miss Fisher’s Hours 8.20 Only Fools And 11.00 The Ricky Gervais American Dad! Merlot Down Sanctuary City – Part Two.
Hudson and Anne Hathaway. Murder Mysteries Queen Of Horses 9.00 Mrs Brown’s Show 11.30 South Park Dirty Shame. 12.00 AM 9.00 Chicago Justice Double
(Cert 12, 85 mins. 2009) ++ The Flowers. 9.00 Death In Boys 9.40 Miranda 10.15 12.30 AM Nathan For You Family Guy Brian: Portrait Helix. 10.00 Chicago Justice
10.50 Emily Atack: Adulting Paradise In The Footsteps Of Mrs Brown’s Boys 11.40 Two 1.00 South Park 1.30 Of A Dog. 12.30 Family Guy Lily’s Law. 11.00 Law &
How Can I Find Love?. 11.50 A Killer. 10.00 Father Brown Pints Of Lager 12.20 AM South Park 2.00 South 1.00 American Dad! 1.30 Order: Special Victims Unit
One Born Every Minute The Smallest Of Things. Citizen Khan 1.40 Smack The Park 2.30 South Park American Dad! 2.00 Family Users. 12.00 AM CSI: Miami
Amelia & Lucy. 12.50 AM The 11.00 Rush 12.00 AM Pony 2.10 Two Pints Of Lager 3.00 South Park 3.30 My Guy 2.30 Family Guy 3.00 Urban Hellraisers. 1.00 NCIS
Davina Hour 1.50 Secrets Unforgettable 1.00 Inspector 2.40 A Sharp Intake Of Breath Name Is Earl 4.15 Impractical American Dad! 3.30 2.00 NCIS 3.00 Chicago
And Lies 2.25 Flip Or Flop George Gently 3.00 Motive 3.10 Harry Hill’s TV Burp Jokers: Inside Jokes American Dad! 4.00 Monk Justice 4.00 Sea Patrol
3.00-6.10 Teleshopping 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping 5.00-8.00 Teleshopping 5.00-8.00 Teleshopping 5.00-6.00 Teleshopping
90 lnsideSoap
Drama ITV2 E4 More4
6.00 AM Teleshopping 6.00 AM The Planet’s 6.00 AM Hollyoaks 6.30 8.55 AM A Place In The
7.10 Boon 8.00 Soldier, Funniest Animals 6.20 Hollyoaks 7.00 How I Met Sun: Home Or Away
Soldier 9.00 Soldier, Judge Rinder 7.10 Dinner Your Mother 8.00 Young Majorca v Cornwall. 10.00 A
Soldier 10.00 Classic Date 8.00 Emmerdale & Hungry 9.00 Melissa & Place In The Sun: Home
Holby City 11.00 The Bill 9.00 You’ve Been Joey 10.00 The Big Bang Or Away Central Scotland v
Out In The Open. 12.00 PM Framed! Gold 9.25 Theory 11.00 Brooklyn Murcia. 11.00 Escape To
The Bill 1.00 Classic The Ellen DeGeneres Nine-Nine 12.00 PM The Chateau: DIY
EastEnders 1.40 Classic Show 10.25 Superstore Young Sheldon 1.00 12.05 PM Find It, Fix It,
EastEnders 2.20 The 11.15 Dress To Impress The Big Bang Theory Flog It 1.10 Four In A Bed
Brokenwood Mysteries 12.10 PM Emmerdale 2.00 Melissa & Joey 1.40 Four In A Bed 2.10
Leather And Lace. 4.20 Auf 1.15 You’ve Been 2.30 Melissa & Joey 3.00 Four In A Bed 2.40 Four
Wiedersehen, Pet Britannia Framed! Gold 1.45 The Brooklyn Nine-Nine 3.30 In A Bed 3.15 Four In A
Waives The Rules. 5.20
Abby (Connie Britton) and Buck go on their Ellen DeGeneres Show Brooklyn Nine-Nine 4.00 Bed 3.50 Kirstie And
Birds Of A Feather first official date in 9-1-1 9pm Sky Witness 2.40 Dinner Date 3.40 Black-ish 4.30 Black-ish Phil’s Love It Or List It
Hungry For Love. 6.00 ’Allo Dress To Impress 4.40 5.00 Young Sheldon 4.50 Love It Or List It
’Allo! The Sausage In The Take Me Out 6.00 You’ve
Wardrobe. 6.40 As Time BBC Scotland BBC4 Been Framed! Gold 6.35
5.30 Young Sheldon
6.00 The Big Bang Theory
Australia 5.55 The
Secret Life Of The Zoo
Goes By An Old Flame. FREEVIEW 115 (SCOTLAND) FREEVIEW 9 You’ve Been Framed! Gold 6.30 The Big Bang Theory 6.55 The Supervet

7.20 Last Of The 7.00 PM The Adventure 7.00 PM World News 7.00 You’ve Been 7.00 Hollyoaks 7.55 Great Canal
Summer Wine By The Show Live From Pinkston Today/Weather Framed! Gold Comical 7.30 Black-ish What Journeys The Crinan
Magnificent Thighs Of Watersports in Glasgow, 7.30 Top Of The Pops: clips with Harry Hill. Lies Beneath: Dre is Canal: Timothy West 7
Ernie Burniston. featuring wildwater 1988 With Bros, Heart, jealous of his sister’s close and Prunella Scales head
kayaking and canoe polo. and Kylie Minogue. relationship with Pops. into the open sea as they
make their way through
8.00 The Coroner Crash: 8.00 Top Of The 8.00 Two And A Half 8.00 The Big Bang the islands of Scotland’s
Jane tries to find out who Pops 1987: Big Hits Men A Beer-Battered Theory The Recollection coast, and on to the
left a teenage girl to die A celebration of the Rip-Off: With Jon Cryer. Dissipation: US comedy. rarely used Crinan 8
after a car crash. biggest songs from 1987. 8.30 Two And A Half 8.30 The Big Bang canal. Last in the series.
Men Theory

9.00 Father Brown 9.00 The Nine 9.00 Classic 9.00 Love Island As the 9.00 The Maze 9.00 Code 37: Sex
The Crimson Feather: Mrs Album: The end of another week Runner A teen Crimes Carwash:
McCarthy’s goddaughter Crickets – The nears, the temperature is with no memory Kevin is accused of 9
goes missing. ‘Chirping’ Crickets rising once more in the in an isolated community sexually assaulting
nation’s favourite villa. must find his way through women. In Flemish.
a deadly labyrinth in
10.00 Silent Witness 10.00-12.00 TRNSMT 10.00 Roy Orbison: 10.05 Celebrity Juice search of freedom. Sci-fi 10.10 24 Hours In A&E
Flight: The murder Live from Glasgow Green, One Of The Lonely With guests David Guetta, adventure, with Dylan A 58-year-old woman is
of a prominent anti- Edith Bowman presents Ones Biography of the Charlotte Hawkins, Jimmy O’Brien. (Cert 12, 110 brought in after being 10
fundamentalist Muslim highlights from the first singer and musician. Carr and Johnny Vegas. mins. 2014) +++ run over by a lorry.
drags the Lyell team day of one of Scotland’s 10.50 Family Guy
into the dangerous world biggest music festivals.
of counter-terrorism. 11.00 Roy Orbison 11.20 Family Guy Viewer 11.15 Rick And Morty 11.15 24 Hours In A&E
Feature-length episode, And Friends: A Black Mail 2: Stories inspired Rickmancing The Stone. A 36-year-old man is
starring Richard Lintern. And White Night by viewers’ letters. 11.50 The Eric Andre involved in a high-speed 11
A 1988 performance. 11.50 American Dad! Show Naturi Naughton road traffic collision.
Frannie 911. & Ryan Phillippe.
12.30 AM Ashes To Ashes 12.00 AM Top Of The Pops: 12.20 AM American Dad! 12.05 AM The Eric Andre 12.15 AM Ramsay’s Kitchen
1.50 The White Queen 1988 12.30 Top Of The Pops 12.45 Two And A Half Men Show 12.25 Rick And Morty Nightmares USA 1.10 The
2.50 The White Queen 1987: Big Hits 1.30 Classic 1.15 Two And A Half Men 12.55 The Big Bang Theory Supervet 2.15 The Secret
4.00-6.00 Teleshopping Album: The Crickets – The 1.45 Superstore 2.10 1.25 The Big Bang Theory Life Of The Zoo 3.20-4.00
‘Chirping’ Crickets 2.30-3.30 Teleshopping 5.40-6.00 1.55 Brooklyn Nine-Nine 8 Out Of 10 Cats Uncut
Indie Classics At The BBC Nightscreen 2.25 Brooklyn Nine-Nine
2.45 8 Out Of 10 Cats 3.30
The Big Bang Theory 4.10
Brooklyn Nine-Nine 4.55-6.00
How I Met Your Mother


6.00 AM Teleshopping 6.00 AM Teleshopping 9.00 6.00 AM Teleshopping 6.00 AM Love Your Garden 6.00 AM Nijinsky’s Triple 6.00 AM Teleshopping 9.00
7.10 MegaTruckers 7.35 Catch A Contractor 9.20 8.00 My Wife And Kids 8.25 6.50 Heartbeat 7.50 Murder, Crown 6.05 The Chase LittleBe 12.00 PM Income
MegaTruckers 8.00 American Remington Steele 10.10 Smallville 9.10 Dance Moms She Wrote 8.45 On The 6.55 The Professionals 7.55 Property 12.25 The Real
Pickers 9.00 Storage Hunters CSI: NY 11.10 Rookie Blue 11.05 My Wife And Kids Buses 9.20 On The Buses Kojak 9.00 Tour De France Housewives Of Atlanta
9.30 Storage Hunters 12.05 PM Castle 1.05 Law 12.05 PM Two And A Half 9.50 George And Mildred Highlights 10.00 Tour De 1.20 Million Dollar Listing:
10.00 American Pickers & Order 2.00 Law & Order Men 2.00 Last Man Standing 10.20 Agatha Christie’s France Live 4.30 PM River LA 2.20 Little Women: LA
11.00 American Pickers 3.00 Murder, She Wrote 4.00 2.30 Last Man Standing Marple 12.25 PM Heartbeat Monsters Phantom Assassin. 3.10 The Real Housewives Of
12.00 PM American Pickers Murder, She Wrote Death 3.00 Neighbours 3.30 Home Living Off The Land. 1.30 ITV 4.55 The Professionals New Jersey 4.05 The Real
1.00 World’s Most Dangerous Stalks The Big Top – Part One. And Away 4.00 My Wife Racing: Live From Newmarket Discovered In A Graveyard. Housewives Of Beverly Hills
Roads 2.00 Sin City Motors 5.05 Murder, She Wrote And Kids 4.30 My Wife And 4.00 Agatha Christie’s Marple 5.55 The Sweeney Latin 5.00 The Real Housewives
3.00 Timber Kings 4.00 Jay Death Stalks The Big Top – Kids 5.00 My Wife And Kids A Murder Is Announced. 6.00 Lady. 7.00 Tour De France Of Beverly Hills 6.00 Buying
Leno’s Garage 5.00 Top Gear Part Two. 6.05 Law & Order 5.30 My Wife And Kids 6.00 Downton Abbey 7.00 Murder, Highlights 2019 Stage Seven. And Selling 7.00 Buying And
6.00 Top Gear 7.00 Have I Positive. 7.05 Law & Order Neighbours 6.30 Home And She Wrote Deadly Assets. 8.00 World Series Of Darts Selling 8.00 Dinner Date 9.00
Got A Bit More Old News For Kingmaker. 8.00 NCIS The Away 7.00 Two And A Half 8.00 Paul O’Grady: For The Live: Germany 2019 Day One: FILM Bridget Jones’s Diary
You 8.00 QI XL 9.00 Live Lost Boys. 9.00 Perception Men 7.30 Two And A Half Love Of Dogs 8.30 DON’T The opening day from Romantic comedy, with
At The Apollo 10.00 FILM Obsession. 10.00 Law & Men 8.00 Can’t Pay? MISS! Carry On Forever Lanxess Arena in Cologne, Renee Zellweger. Includes
Reservoir Dogs (Cert 18, Order: Special Victims Unit We’ll Take It Away! 9.00 9.30 Carry On Forever 10.30 featuring all eight first-round FYI Daily. (Cert 15, 93 mins.
94 mins. 1992) +++++ Painless. 11.00 Law & Order: FILM The Equalizer (Cert 15, Carry On Forever 11.30 matches. 12.00 AM FILM 2001) ++++11.05 Kendra
12.10 AM Mock The Week Special Victims Unit Bound. 154 mins. 2014) +++ Foyle’s War 1.35 AM FILM Rush Hour 2 Includes FYI On Top Facing The Music.
12.50 Have I Got A Bit More 11.55 Law & Order Monster. 11.40 Impact Wrestling Chicago (Cert 12, 109 mins. Daily. (Cert 12, 86 mins. 11.30 Kendra On Top The
Old News For You 1.50 Mock 12.55 AM Law & Order: 1.40 AM The Magicians 2002) ++++3.30 Honest 2001) +++1.55 Kojak Birthday Presence. 11.55
The Week 2.35 Mock The Los Angeles 1.55 CSI: NY 2.35 Empire 3.25 Two And 4.15 Road To Avonlea 2.45 Nightscreen 3.00 The Only Way Is Essex
Week 3.10 Would I Lie To 2.50 Castle 3.50 Access A Half Men 3.50 Access 5.05 Road To Avonlea Teleshopping 4.00 Nightscreen 12.45 AM ITVBe Nightscreen
You? 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping 5.50-6.00 Nightscreen 4.30-6.00 Teleshopping 12.55-6.00 Teleshopping
lnsideSoap 91
Rita Tanner........................... Barbara Knox
CASUALTY Nick Tilsley .................................Ben Price
Connie Beauchamp.........Amanda Mealing
Ciaran Coulson ......................Rick Warden
Craig Tinker ..........................Colson Smith
Sinead Tinker ......................Katie McGlynn We spin soap’s revollving door...
Gemma Dean ..................... Rebecca Ryan Sean Tully ............................Antony Cotton
Iain Dean .................... Michael Stevenson Natalie Watkins...................Cassie Bradley
Lisa ‘Duffy’ Duffin............... Cathy Shipton Kevin Webster .................... Michael Le Vell JENNIE McALPINE
Charlie Fairhead .............Derek Thompson Sophie Webster .................. Brooke Vincent (Fiz Stape, Corrie)
Noel Garcia ......................... Tony Marshall Faye Windass ............................Ellie Leach
We’ve missed having Fiiz
Elle Gardner ......................... Jaye Griffiths
Ethan Hardy ................... George Rainsford
Gary Windass ..........................Mikey North
Gemma Winter .......... Dolly-Rose Campbell IN on our screens, while sttar
David Hide ...............................Jason Durr
Archie Hudson ....................Genesis Lynea DOCTORS Jennie has been off looking
Jan Jenning ..............................Di Botcher Zara Carmichael... Elisabeth Dermot Walsh after her real-life baby, Hilda,
Dylan Keogh..........................William Beck
Marty Kirkby ...............Shaheen Jafargholi
Ruhma Carter ......................... Bharti Patel who was born last October. Bu ut
Becky Clarke.............................Ali Bastian
Jade Lovall .........................Gabriella Leon Jimmi Clay................Adrian Lewis Morgan although the actress has been
Jacob Masters ......................Charles Venn Daniel Granger............ Matthew Chambers enjoying her maternity leave,
Robyn Miller ...............Amanda Henderson Al Haskey................................ Ian Midlane
Will Noble.................................Jack Nolan Karen Hollins ......................... Jan Pearson
she’s about to start filming
Ruby Spark ...............................Maddy Hill Rob Hollins.............................Chris Walker on the cobbles again! Jennie
Ayesha Lee ........................... Laura Rollins posted a picture of a new Corrrie
CORONATION STREET Valerie Pitman ....................... Sarah Moyle
script on her Instagram page,
Aggie Bailey........................ Lorna Laidlaw Emma Reid................................ Dido Miles
Eddison Bailey ......Trevor Michael Georges Sid Vere................................... Ashley Rice commenting, “Friday night
James Bailey ....................Nathan Graham
EASTENDERS reading – Hoping it’s just like
Michael Bailey ......................Ryan Russell
Adam Barlow .....................Sam Robertson Arshad Ahmed .................Madhav Sharma
riding a bike”, and then added
Amy Barlow ......................... Elle Mulvaney Habiba Ahmed ......................Rukku Nahar the hashtag #It’sbeenawhile.
Ken Barlow ........................William Roache Iqra Ahmed ........................... Priya Davdra We’re sure it will all be fine,
Peter Barlow ......................Chris Gascoyne Mariam Ahmed .......................Indira Joshi
Simon Barlow .............................Alex Bain Ruby Allen............................ Louisa Lytton Jennie, and we’re looking forw ward
Leanne Battersby.................. Jane Danson Chantelle Atkins............. Jessica Plummer to Fiz’s comeback! Autumn
Toyah Battersby ...................Georgia Taylor Gray Atkins .............Toby-Alexander Smith
Emma Brooker .............. Alexandra Mardell Bailey Baker.............Kara-Leah Fernandes
Chesney Brown.........................Sam Aston Keegan Baker .........................Zack Morris JO MARTIN
Mary Cole ................................. Patti Clare (Max McGerry, Holby City)
Carla Connor ............................Alison King Holby City is to
Jenny Connor..............Sally Ann Matthews
Johnny Connor ................. Richard Hawley
IN welcome a new
Kate Connor ..........................Faye Brookes member of staff to the ward
Maria Connor ............Samia Longchambon this autumn – consultant
Michelle Connor.......................Kym Marsh neurosurgeon Max McGerry,
Ryan Connor ....................... Ryan Prescott Mitch Baker.........................Roger Griffiths played by actress Jo Martin.
Roy Cropper ......................... David Neilson Adam Bateman... Stephen Rahman-Hughes
Tyrone Dobbs .......................... Alan Halsall Bobby Beale................ Clay Milner Russell
Jo has previously popped up
Paul Foreman ..............................Peter Ash Ian Beale...........................Adam Woodyatt in small roles in EastEnders,
Abi Franklin ..........................Sally Carman Kathy Beale....................... Gillian Taylforth Doctors and Hollyoaks, as
Seb Franklin.........................Harry Visinoni Jack Branning ......................Scott Maslen well as dramas such as
Eileen Grimshaw ..................... Sue Cleaver Max Branning .......................... Jake Wood Jonathan Creek, Casualty
Imran Habeeb ................... Charlie De Melo Rainie Branning ................... Tanya Franks
Vicky Jefferies ......................... Kerri Quinn
and The Bill. “Watch out!”
Jay Brown.......................Jamie Borthwick
Jan Lozinski ...................... Piotr Baumann Tiffany Butcher......................Maisie Smith tweeted the star. “I’m working with scalpels!” In the official
Paula Martin ...................Stirling Gallacher Linda Carter............................Kellie Bright BBC press release, Jo commented that she is “thrilled
Billy Mayhew .............. Daniel Brocklebank Mick Carter .............................Danny Dyer to be joining such an amazing show, which I have been
Liz McDonald ................... Beverley Callard Shirley Carter..........................Linda Henry a fan of for years. Playing Max will be a pleasure –
Steve McDonald .................Simon Gregson Tina Carter.............Luisa Bradshaw-White she is very complex with no filter”. Autumn
Tracy McDonald ..........................Kate Ford Whitney Dean.....................Shona McGarty
Geoff Metcalfe ............... Ian Bartholomew Bex Fowler........................Jasmine Armfield
Sally Metcalfe ...................... Sally Dynevor Martin Fowler .......................... James Bye TIM KANO
Sonia Fowler ......................Natalie Cassidy
Stacey Fowler ....................... Lacey Turner
(Leo Tanaka, Neighbourss)
It’s been three yea
Denise Fox..............................Diane Parish
Kim Fox-Hubbard ............Tameka Empson
OUT since Leo and his
Mo Harris ................................ Laila Morse twin brother David turned up p in
Callum ‘Halfway’ Highway...........Tony Clay Erinsborough – only to find o out
Stuart Highway......................Ricky Champ that their father is Paul Robin
Tim Metcalfe ............................Joe Duttine Robbie Jackson.....................Dean Gaffney
Alya Nazir .................................. Sair Khan Kush Kazemi ...................Davood Ghadami Since his arrival, Leo has hadd
Yasmeen Nazir ....................... Shelley King Ben Mitchell .......................... Max Bowden flings with half-sister Amy an nd
Ali Neeson.........................James Burrows Billy Mitchell.......................Perry Fenwick neighbour Mishti, and got involved
Daniel Osbourne .....................Rob Mallard Honey Mitchell.....................Emma Barton in a love triangle with his dad
d and
Bethany Platt ...........................Lucy Fallon Louise Mitchell .......................Tilly Keeper Terese – before moving on to o her
David Platt ...................... Jack P Shepherd Phil Mitchell.....................Steve McFadden
Sarah Platt ..............................Tina O’Brien Sharon Mitchell ......................Letitia Dean daughter Piper! We’ll certainly
Evelyn Plummer .............. Maureen Lipman Kat Moon ........................... Jessie Wallace never think of “playing croqu uet”
Moira Pollock ......................Louiza Patikas Melanie Owen ............... Tamzin Outhwaite quite the same way again.
Robert Preston .................. Tristan Gemmill Lola Pearce ........................Danielle Harold But now Leo is set to depart,
Shona Ramsey .................... Julia Goulding Dennis Rickman.....................Bleu Landau with Tim’s management
Audrey Roberts ...................... Sue Nicholls Jean Slater .......................... Gillian Wright
Gail Rodwell............................Helen Worth Bernadette Taylor.....................Clair Norris
confirming that the star is
Beth Sutherland ...................... Lisa George Karen Taylor.....................Lorraine Stanley Hollywood-bound. Autumn
Kirk Sutherland.............. Andrew Whyment Keanu Taylor ....................... Danny Walters
92 lnsideSoap
Matty Barton ................. Ash Palmisciano
Pete Barton ................... Anthony Quinlan
Victoria Barton ................. Isabel Hodgins
Leah Barnes ................Elà-May Demircan
Jonny Baxter .......................... Ray Quinn
Grace Black ....................... Tamara Wall
Bernice Blackstock .......... Samantha Giles Sienna Blake .......................Anna Passey Your update on the
Rodney Blackstock ........... Patrick Mower
Liam Cavanagh.............Jonny McPherson
Courtney Campbell........... Amy Conachan
Tom Cunningham ..................Ellis Hollins
one-time stars of soap...
Ellis Chapman ....................... Asan N’Jie Martine Devereux .................Kéllé Bryan
Aaron Dingle .......................Danny Miller
Belle Dingle.................Eden Taylor-Draper
Mitchell Devereux .............. Imran Adams
Walter Devereux ......... Trevor A Toussaint
Cain Dingle ..........................Jeff Hordley Joel Dexter .............. Rory Douglas-Speed Congratulations are in order to Ryan
Charity Dingle .................... Emma Atkins Thomas (Corrie’s Jason Grimshaw and
Chas Dingle....................... Lucy Pargeter Neighbours’ Rafael Humphreys), who’s
Debbie Dingle .................... Charley Webb just got engaged to girlfriend Lucy
Faith Dingle..........................Sally Dexter
Marlon Dingle.................. Mark Charnock
Mecklenburgh. The pair have been
Moira Dingle .................... Natalie J Robb together for two years, after meeting
Noah Dingle ....................Jack Downham on Celebrity Island With Bear Grylls in
Sam Dingle .......................James Hooton 2017, and Ryan popped the question
Zak Dingle ....................... Steve Halliwell Jesse Donovan ...................... Luke Jerdy while they were on holiday in Italy.
Harriet Finch ...........Katherine Dow Blyton Liam Donovan ........ Jude Monk McGowan
Liv Flaherty .........................Isobel Steele Scott Drinkwell.................... Ross Adams
Billy Fletcher ........................ Jay Kontzle Brooke Hathaway .................. Talia Grant
Graham Foster ......... Andrew Scarborough Ste Hay ....................... Kieron Richardson Former soap actress Sherrie Hewson
Jacob Gallagher ........... Joe-Warren Plant Brody Hudson ..............Adam Woodward (Corrie’s Maureen Webster and
Rhona Goskirk........................ Zoe Henry Diane Hutchinson ............... Alex Fletcher Emmerdale’s Lesley Meredith) has
Jessie Grant ..................... Sandra Marvin Tony Hutchinson ................. Nick Pickard
Leyla Harding .....................Roxy Shahidi revealed that she’s going deaf, and
Kyle Kelly ........................... Adam Rickitt
Lydia Hart ............................ Karen Blick Damon Kinsella ............... Jacob Roberts
has taken to using hearing aids.
Bob Hope ......................Tony Audenshaw Leela Lomax ............... Kirsty-Leigh Porter “They’re so small, you can hardly
Brenda Hope ..................... Lesley Dunlop Peri Lomax..................... Ruby O’Donnell see them,” admits the 68-year-old
Jimmy King ............................Nick Miles Lisa Loveday ...................Rachel Adedeji star. “I couldn’t believe the difference
Nicola King ......................Nicola Wheeler Imran Maalik...........................Ijaz Rana
Paddy Kirk ....................... Dominic Brunt – I can hear everything now!”
Misbah Maalik......................Harvey Virdi
Priya Kotecha ....................... Fiona Wade Sami Maalik ............................Rishi Nair
Megan Macey ...................... Gaynor Faye Yasmine Maalik ................Haiesha Mistry WILLIAM SIMONS 1940-2019
1940 2019
David Metcalfe ..........Matthew Wolfenden Breda McQueen ................... Moya Brady Actor William Simons, who appeared
a in all 18
Tracy Metcalfe .......................Amy Walsh Cleo McQueen .............. Nadine Mulkerrin series of ITV drama Heartbea at between 1992
Eric Pollard .........................Chris Chittell Goldie McQueen ............... Chelsee Healey
Doug Potts ..................... Duncan Preston and 2010, has died at the age of 78. Welsh-born
Marlena ‘Nana’ McQueen ... Diane Langton William was well known for hiss role as curmudgeonly
Nate Robinson ..................... Jurell Carter Mercedes McQueen....... Jennifer Metcalfe
Jai Sharma ......................... Chris Bisson Prince McQueen .. Malique Thompson-Dwyer PC Alf Ventress, and was one of the show’s
Manpreet Sharma ........... Rebecca Sarker original stars, alongside Nickk Berry, Niamh
Sylver McQueen.......................David Tag
Maxine Minniver .............Nikki Sanderson Cusack, Derek Fowlds and B Bill Maynard.
Oliver Morgan ............ Aedan Duckworth He made his film debut at the age of
James Nightingale ........ Gregory Finnegan eight in 1949’s No Place For Jennifer,
Marnie Nightingale ......... Lysette Anthony
and went on to have a succe essful TV

Darren Osborne ....... Ashley Taylor Dawson

Jack Osborne ................ Jimmy McKenna career, appearing in Coronattion Street,
Nancy Osborne ..................... Jessica Fox Casualty, Minder, Rumpole Of O The
Rishi Sharma..................... Bhasker Patel
Ryan Stocks .......................James Moore Juliet Quinn................. Niamh Blackshaw Bailey, Juliet Bravo, Doctor WWho and
Diane Sugden ............. Elizabeth Estensen Romeo Quinn......................Owen Warner The Bill. After Heartbeat ended,
Levi Rochester...................... Cerith Flinn
Robert Sugden .................... Ryan Hawley
Cindy Savage ............... Stephanie Waring
William spent much of his tim me
Andrea Tate ...................Anna Nightingale living in France with his wife
Jamie Tate ...................Alexander Lincoln Liberty Savage ............ Jessamy Stoddart
Kim Tate ............................... Claire King Laurie Shelby ......................... Kyle Pryor Jackie, who survives him.
Dawn Taylor ..................... Olivia Bromley Sinead Shelby ................Stephanie Davis
Will Taylor ........................ Dean Andrews Sally St Claire....................Annie Wallace
Stuart Sumner................. Chris Simmons
Gabby Thomas................. Rosie Bentham
Harry Thompson ..............Parry Glasspool REGIONS & RADIO
Laurel Thomas..............Charlotte Bellamy FAIR CITY RTÉ1, RTÉ Player (Ireland only) Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
April Windsor ................ Amelia Flanagan
Thursday 8pm (NI only: Sky 161, Virgin 875)
Bear Wolf ...................... Joshua Richards HOME AND AWAY RIVER CITY BBC1 Scotland, iPlayer Tuesday 8pm Sky 971,
Vanessa Woodfield .......Michelle Hardwick
Amy Wyatt ............. Natalie Ann Jamieson Ben Astoni..........................Rohan Nichol Freesat 960, Virgin 862, TalkTalk TV 956
Kerry Wyatt ........................ Laura Norton Coco Astoni .................... Anna Cocquerel THE ARCHERS BBC Radio 4, iPlayer Sun-Fri 7pm (omnibus Sun 10am)
Maggie Astoni .................. Kestie Morassi
Ziggy Astoni .................... Sophie Dillman
Serena Campbell .......... Catherine Russell
Simone Bedford ................... Emily Eskell
Marilyn Chambers..............Emily Symons
NEIGHBOURS Dipi Rebecchi ..................... Sharon Johal
Jarrod ‘Toadie’ Rebecchi .....Ryan Moloney
Ben ‘Lofty’ Chiltern ..................Lee Mead Jasmine Delaney .................... Sam Frost Dione ‘Dee’ Bliss..............Madeleine West Kirsha Rebecchi .......................Vani Dhir
Dominic Copeland .................David Ames Willow Harris ....................Sarah Roberts Aaron Brennan .....................Matt Wilson Nell Rebecchi ...............Scarlett Anderson
Evan Crowhurst .....................Jack Ryder Ryder Jackson ............... Lukas Radovich Chloe Brennan.............April Rose Pengilly Shane Rebecchi ............ Nicholas Coghlan
Essie Di Lucca ......................Kaye Wragg Brody Morgan............. Jackson Heywood Elly Brennan......................... Jodi Anasta Yashvi Rebecchi ................Olivia Junkeer
Cameron Dunn.................... Nic Jackman Justin Morgan .................James Stewart Mark Brennan .................Scott McGregor Beverly Robinson .......... Shaunna O’Grady
Xavier Duval................... Marcus Griffiths Mason Morgan ..............Orpheus Pledger Ebony Buttrose..................Christie Hayes Paul Robinson ................... Stefan Dennis
Adrian Fletcher ..............Alex Walkinshaw Tori Morgan .................. Penny McNamee Gary Canning ............ Damien Richardson Heather Schilling ............Kerry Armstrong
Ange Godard ....................... Dawn Steele Raffy Morrison ................... Olivia Deeble Kyle Canning ..................... Chris Milligan Andrea Somers ................Madeleine West
Chloe Godard ...................... Amy Lennox John Palmer ................. Shane Withington Sheila Canning ................... Colette Mann Hugo Somers........................John Turner
Ric Griffin ........................ Hugh Quarshie Leah Patterson ............... Ada Nicodemou Clive Gibbons ....................... Geoff Paine Willow Somers .......... Mieke Billing-Smith
Henrik Hanssen ...................... Guy Henry Irene Roberts ............... Lynne McGranger Pierce Greyson ....................Tim Robards David Tanaka.....................Takaya Honda
Donna Jackson.................... Jaye Jacobs Ryan ‘Robbo’ Shaw .................Jake Ryan Finn Kelly................................ Rob Mills Leo Tanaka.............................. Tim Kano
Sacha Levy .......................... Bob Barrett Alf Stewart......................... Ray Meagher Karl Kennedy...................... Alan Fletcher Amy Williams .....................Zoe Cramond
Kian Madani ................... Ramin Karimloo Roo Stewart .....................Georgie Parker Susan Kennedy............Jackie Woodburne Ned Willis..................................Ben Hall
Nicky McKendrick.............Belinda Owusu Dean Thompson ............ Patrick O’Connor Beatrix Nilsson ..............Bonnie Anderson Roxy Willis .......................Zima Anderson
Jac Naylor...........................Rosie Marcel Colby Thorne .......................Tim Franklin Ian Packer ........................ Nathan Carter Terese Willis ............. Rebekah Elmaloglou
lnsideSoap 93
For the chance to win £100, complete the crossword puzzle, and the yellow squares –
reading from top to bottom – will spell out a word linked to the pictured soap character…
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
4 Grandmother of 29A
and owner of The Prince
Albert in EastEnders (5) 9 10
9 See 39A
10 & 26A Aka ‘Immie’ in
Doctors, who returned to
town to help 13D (6,7) 12 13
11 Profession of 30D’s
character in the Dales (5) 14 15
12 __ Mallison, has been
16 17
stalking Casualty paramedic
Ruby Spark (4)
18 19 20
14 __ Morgan, Hollyoaks
bloke who was jailed last year
for attacking Scott Drinkwell (4) 21
15 __ Quinn, actor who
plays young Kyle Winchester 22 23 24 25
in Emmerdale (4)
16 __ Fletcher, plays Diane
Hutchinson in Hollyoaks (4)
26 27 28 29 30
17 __ Willis, proposed to
her beau Paul Robinson
in Neighbours (6)
18 Darcy __, young Neighbours
31 32 33 34
actor behind Jimmy Williams (6)
19 __ Griffin, long-serving
35 36
Holby City consultant (3)
22 __ Tinker, son of gobby
Corrie lady Beth Sutherland (5) 37 38 39
24 See 5D
40 41
26 See 10A
29 & 8D Teenage jailbird
struggling to fit back into
his Walford life (5,5)
43 44
31 What Denise Fox’s pals
often call her in EastEnders (3)
33 __ Fowler, Albert Square 45
resident who is fighting for
custody of her son Arthur (6)
35 __ Dunlop, plays Brenda DOWN 12 Joel __, vicar and 28 See 23D
Walker in Emmerdale (6) 1 Continuing drama from former fiancé of Cleo 29 Niamh __, actress who
36 The victim of Albert the 1980s that was set at McQueen in Hollyoaks (6) plays inquisitive Hollyoaks
Square returnee 29A was Sun Hill police station and 13 & 27D Letherbridge village teen Juliet Quinn (9)
Peter’s __ sister (4) came to an end in 2010 (3,4) woman who is attempting to 30 Katherine Dow __, actress
37 See 41D 2 __ Cocquerel, actress track down her attacker (6,3) who plays Emmerdale’s Harriet
39 & 9A Actor who plays who plays Coco Astoni 19 __ Stewart, teacher at Finch, and previously played
Woolpack chef Marlon Dingle in Home and Away (4) Summer Bay High (3) Sally Hunter in Hollyoaks (6)
in Emmerdale (4,8) 3 See 6D 20 Previous surname of 32 __ Parker, actress who
40 Brother of 33A who 5 & 24A She told Roy veteran Albert Square plays Home and Away’s 19D (7)
popped back to visit their mum Cropper of his mother’s resident Dot Branning (6) 34 & 35D Actor who has
Jean Slater in EastEnders (4) affair with her father in 21 Mariam Ahmed’s played the Street’s Kevin
42 & 43A She’s noisily Coronation Street (5,7) husband and fellow foster Webster since 1983 (7,2,4)
renovating her new home on 6 & 3D Mother of Andrea parent in EastEnders (6) 35 See 34D
Coronation Street (5,6) Somers in Neighbours (7,9) 23 & 28D Weatherfield 38 Sharon __, plays Dipi
43 See 42A 7 William __, longest-serving medic and Michelle Connor’s Rebecchi in Neighbours (5)
44 __ __ Robb, actress who actor in Corrie, who has biological son (3,6) 39 Wife of Emmerdale
plays Emmerdale’s 39D (7,1) played Ken Barlow since the 25 Father of 10A who is a villager Cain Dingle (5)
45 __ Macey, caused a car show started in 1960 (6) police officer in Doctors (3) 41 & 37A Actor behind the
accident in the Dales (5) 8 See 29A 27 See 13D Dales’ Ellis Chapman (4,1’3)
94 lnsideSoap
Fill in all the squares in the grid
so that every row, column and PRIZE CROSSWORD
Can you identify the correct links
each of the nine 3x3 boxes contains between these five soap characters?

all the digits from one to nine… U


2 3 7 9

3 5 2 7

1 6


1 4 6 PRIZE WORD Letter

9 6 8 5 4 C

3 7 M D E A D P R Y
A: Their bride died on their wedding day L I N E R O G R E

5 9 6 4 2 B: Has worked as a waitress

C: Their husband is named Aaron

D:Works in a medical profession

6 9 8 5
E: Wants justice for a relative P L E A H C C
who was assaulted L T H E S E


--- Preston,
US state
or barren

Make a
£50 3

1 8 4 9 7 6 2
2 4 8 1 6 7 3 9 5
9 6 7 2 3 5 4 1 8
Skull campaigns
Biblical For your chance 4 1 2 5 7 8 6 3 9
pain king
(abbr) to win, solve the 8 7 9 3 2 6 5 4 1
Measure of puzzle by filling 6 3 5 4 9 1 2 8 7
rangingview Flavoursome
At another plant electrical
in each answer 5 8 3 6 1 2 9 7 4
in the same 7 2 6 9 8 4 1 5 3
direction as the
1 9 4 7 5 3 8 2 6
spindle Married
Large seas arrow. When
you’ve completed
Tie or
Upper limb
the grid, you’ll find
Victimises Link 4: A Link 5: E
that the letters in Link1: C Link 2: D Link 3: B
for example
the yellow squares,
when rearranged, Competition rules of entry: 1. Competitions
are open to all residents of Great Britain and
Cosmetic Monkey
Scarlets, etc
will spell out a Ireland. Employees of Hearst UK or their families
powder or primate executive
officer (abbr)
word which is are not eligible to enter. 2. The competitions
in this issue open on 2 July 2019 and close
related to John on 8 July 2019. 3. The winners will be drawn
the day after the closing date. Winners will be
Expert or
in this week’s chosen at random. A list of winners’ names
is available on written request at the address
episodes of Home below. 4. While every effort is made to ensure

Submit or Walford’s and Away… prizes are consistent with those offered, we
reserve the right to change the prizes in the
--- Mitchell,
give in pictured
event of unforeseen circumstances. 5.
Entrants may enter as many times as they
wish. 6. Each competition has the prizes
on offer clearly listed. 7. The competitions
ABBA hit are run by Hearst UK, House of Hearst,
(1,1,1) 30 Panton Street, London, SW1Y 4AJ

TO ENTER BY POST: Write the solutions to the puzzles on the back of a postcard, along with your name and contact details, and send it to: Inside Soap
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lnsideSoap 95
list Text or write
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book or DVD
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(*see details at the
bottom of the page)


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Paige and Zak
CHOICE by Beth Good
Jennifer retreats
were born into a Neighbours’ to secluded Pixie
wrestling family Chris Cottage to try to
heal her broken
and both get to try
out for WWE. But
Milligan (Kyle) heart. But she
when Paige is “I recently went to see soon meets her
given the chance of
a lifetime, she has BOOK Avengers: Endgame at
the cinema. I loved it! It was
good to watch the end of their DVD
landlord, Alex,
who has his own
to face the world MAGGSIE reasons to hide
McNAUGHTON’S journey on the big screen – and A PRIVATE WAR away. After this,
of wrestling alone. SECOND CHANCE all the other films are great too!” Celebrated war their lives will never
Starring Corrie’s by Frances Maynard correspondent be the same…
James Burrows! Maggsie is certain Marie Colvin is a
that she doesn’t fearless journalist
need anyone or going to places
anything. But devastated by
when she’s offered conflict to give
a job as a kitchen people a voice.
assistant, she finds Now, Marie joins
a colleague who’s photographer
determined to Paul on the most
befriend her, no dangerous mission
matter what! of their lives…
For the chance For the chance to win For the chance For the chance to win
to win a copy, tell a copy, tell us the name to win a copy, tell a copy, tell us the name
us who James of Home and Away’s us who plays of Marlon’s cottage in
Burrows plays in popular restaurant: A) Neighbours’ Paul: Emmerdale: A) Small
Coronation Street? Salt or B) Pepper. Text A) Alan Fletcher or Trees or B) Tall Trees.
A) Adam or B) Ali. ISWIN2, a space, B) Stefan Dennis. Text Text ISWIN4, a space,
Text ISWIN1, a space, then A or B and ISWIN3, a space, then then A or B and
then A or B and your your name & A or B and your name your name &
name & address to address to 84988 & address to 84988 address to 84988
84988 (50p). Or see (50p). Or see below (50p). Or see below for (50p). Or see below
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Entry by text closes midnight 15 July 2019, and three working days later for postal entries. BY POST Send answers to Inside Soap 27, House of Hearst, 30 Panton Street, London, SW1Y 4AJ.
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Next week... CORRIE

Tell the
Meant to be? truth!
s desperate Gary works
crimes under wraps
EMMERDALE next week, the penny is already
starting to drop for suspicious
Sarah, who is fearing the worst
about her ex-fiancé. However,
is she about to share those
concerns with the police?

hona and Pete’s roller coaster
of a relationship finally seems
to be back on the straight
and narrow – but second thoughts
are creeping in for the newly reunited
couple next week. And when their
YOUR well-meaning friends take it upon
NEXT ISSUE themselves to get involved, a

surprise intervention knocks Pete
and Rhona for six. But is it just
TUESDAY another bump in the road?

hantelle tries to convince her
little brother Keegan to open up
about his feelings for Tiffany next
week. But while he’s oblivious to what
troubled Tiff is going through, can he be

persuaded to give her another chance?

HOME AND AWAY Shock news for Tori! We have all the facts
HOLLYOAKS Who’s Breda next victim? on Mr Wolfenden…
NEIGHBOURS Meet the new Robinson…

PLUS! Samia
on whether warns of reveals

Star Maria will

ever find
more testing
times for
Dawn’s drastic
bid to be with
chats... Mr Right… Connie… her boy…

All will be revealed in the next issue of lnsideSoap

Edited by Laura-Jayne Tyler

The way two-
timer Robert Remember
is going, we when Ian
wouldn’t be thought that
surprised if Garry Hobbs
he ends up was Bobbob
marrying both fatherr? C
Michelle and er… look
Vicky – swiping how alike
the Street’s y arre!
bigamist’ crown
from Peter

Welcome to
“I’ve got a
new hairdo
and zero
idea my
boyfriend is
gay!” look.
Live scenes from the
Two Dales as the cast learns
Branning that voting for our Awards
brothers Bravo to Hollyoaks is now open.
oozing sex for letting girl power
appeal (in prevail as Sinead, Sienna
their own and Diane finally got the justice
way) in the
way they deserved against vile rapist
same e week. Laurie. While we don’t blame
We’rre well Sinead for pushing Laurie off that
jel o
of Mel. balcony, we’re glad she saved him
in the end, and instead let the
a h i i throw the rotter in jail.
We hope tthis story gives real-
life victtims the courage
Like Inside Soap,
o speak out.
Coronation Street
also can’t get enough
Adam Barlow.
W love that
The Bistro should have wine-tasting events E
with random m ch haracters more often. The Ryan has gone
potential forr su
urprise hook-ups
hook- is huge! and had
his hair cut
just like
his sister.

While Gary and Sarah were strapped

for cash and sleeping on lilos, how
did Bethany manage to afford herself
a zippy little Fiat 500? Quite the
luxury y when her commute to work is
crossing the road to the Bistro!

Rumour has it that being shot is a serious

We don n’tt k
know who we’d business. Yet in the soaps, you can be
rather tak ke our chances gunned down at point-blank range and
with… Killerr Gary Windasss be up and about a couple of days later!
or mind-controlling Geoff. Corrie’s Michelle, Walford’s Stuart and
Well, Corriee did
d promise us an now Emmerdale’s Jessie – all survivors
unexpected Big New Villain! of this new phenomenon.

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