Inside Soap UK - 15 January 2022

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Cain kills his son? GUIDE


TINKER 15 – 21 Will true love
Issue 3 15 – 21 Jan 2022 Your stars
this week!
he great thing about Craig would be investigating a
soaps is that, while some death of a pensioner possibly
whingers may claim they
are ‘predictable’, the truth is you
done-in by Faye and Emma – who
barely have enough wits between
have no idea where you’ll be in them to fill an egg cup – I’d have
year, month, or sometimes even a laughed (politely) in your face.
week’s time. I mean, if you’d have It’s all grist to Inside Soap’s
told the January 2021 me mill, of course. It’s great fun
that EastEnders’ Mick and “Barely enough wits to guess where stories are
Janine would be living in going, and as entertaining
the Vic as a couple; or that to fill an egg cup” to be proved wrong as to
Emmerdale’s Meena – of all people – would be proved right. That said, we’ll be furious
be a campy serial killer, I’d have thought if EastEnders’ Tina isn’t found chained-up Jeff Hordley
you completely off your rocker. Even if you’d under the Argee Bhajee! “Al is public
told the me from last month that Corrie’s Gary Gillatt, Exec Editor enemy number
one for Cain…”

The BIG I’m having

problems with 44
stories... my hearing

Coronation Street
4 Sally confronts cheating Tim!
16 Bernie & Dev: sealed with a kiss
Okay. CCan
17 Jenny to face Leo’s family? you desc
be the
24 Amy & Summer fight for justice symptoom m
25 Copper Craig is on the case…
31 Zeedan rescues Speed Daal
44 Lydia & Jacob: troublemakers!
Marge has blue
hair and Homer is Rebecca Ryan
“It’s so amazing to
10 New danger for fearful Chelsea
20 Mick agrees to Janine’s request
a big yellow guy

21 be working on Corrie
with my brother!”

21 Anxious Stuart’s affair fears…

26 It’s time for Phil to face his fate
ADD US TO ...and 46
27 Billy discovers some cash… YOUR SHOP! more!
46 Hope on the horizon for Chelsea? 12 Inside Gossip
Don’t forget,
you can have 32 What Happens When?
Emmerdale 34 Classic Scoop
8 Chas & Marlon lose everything?
18 Kim & Will face fresh bother…
lnsideSoap 36 Soapbox
delivered alon 52 Soap Me, Real Me:
19 Charity & Vanessa play nice? with your Corrie’s Simon Gregson
28 Meena’s evil crimes exposed? online shop from 54 You Ask… Stefan
30 Desperate Jai applies for a loan the following Dennis (aka Ramsay Zaraah
40 Cain’s feud with Al boils over! supermarkets… Street’s Paul)
S Abrahams
92 Puzzles “The viewers want
Hollyoaks 95 Who’s Who? Chelsea to survive!”
14 Is Becky going to lose her baby? 96 The Hot List
31 Skint Damon seeks a solution…
50 Villain Ethan covers up evidence
98 Hits & Misses 50
Home and Away Bradley And Barney
30 Marilyn brought out of her coma Walsh: Breaking
49 Can Cash clear Felicity’s name? Dad
22 A horrific storm in Erinsborough!
48 Kyle & Roxy’s big day arrives…
The father- Matthew
Dramas and-son duo
are on the James Bailey
28 Doctors Ruhma’s shock visit! “I was so happy to get

road again!
29 Casualty Dylan saves a life… Turn to p59… the call to play Ethan”
31 Holby Jac’s devastating news

lnsideSoap 3
First with the week’s HOTTEST headlines

Aggie has been a THIS
shoulder to cry on
for Tim WEEK!

R Sally
aging Sally accuses
lying husband Tim of
having an affair with
neighbour Aggie this
week – only for him
to collapse in front of her.

She’s completely in the dark
about Tim’s heart problems and
doesn’t realise that he’s hiding
a life-changing secret from her.
Instead, Sally suspects that
Tim has gone off her and found
new passion with Aggie. So,

when she ‘catches’ the two of
them alone together in Aggie’s
house, the furious wife sees red.
“Sally just jumps to the
conclusion that Tim is up to no
good!” admits Sally Dyvenor,

who plays the spurned spouse.
“He’s been acting very strange,
but Sally doesn’t stop to think
there might be something more
to it. When she realises that he’s
at Aggie’s, she storms round to
confront him and Tim collapses

with chest pains.”

Do you still love me?

Who can blame Sally for believing TERRIBLE SHOCK…
there is something seriously
wrong with their marriage? Tim CORONATION STREET | ITV FRIDAY
has been keeping her at arm’s
length ever since he had an

4 lnsideSoap
Tim starts to feel
unwell after Sally
barges in to confront
him and Aggie

appointment with
the cardiologist
and discovered
he needs a triple
heart bypass.
It’s been an awful
Tim’s chest shock, but instead
pains cause him of sharing his fears
to collapse
with his wife, Tim has
told Sally nothing. She’s
been worried by how cold
he’s been and is now certain
their marriage is on the rocks.
“Sally is feeling hurt because
she thinks he’s gone off her,”
explains Sally. “They’ve always
had a very physical relationship,
so it is odd that he’s behaving
this way. First, he was avoiding
exercise with her, and now
he’s doing anything not to
have to go to bed with her,
so you can understand why
it’s so upsetting for Sally.”

Kevin Webster:
agony uncle
In turmoil, Sally turns to
her closest friends for help
– including ex-husband
Kevin and his new wife Abi.
Interestingly, it’s Kev who
gives her the best advice.

Worried Sal turns

to ex-hubby Kevin
for advice

lnsideSoap 5
“Sally is at the end of her
tether and Kevin tells her she
needs to speak to Tim, rather
than jumping to conclusions,”
shares Sally. “So, she asks
Tim outright if he is having an
affair and he denies it. But
when Sally tries to hug him,
he won’t hug her. She doesn’t
think these are the actions of
an innocent man, so goes off Sally’s scared and
to the pub to get drunk with
Abi. Abi tries to persuade her
feels guilty, but she’s
that Tim’s not the type of
bloke to cheat. However,
also hurt and angry”
when Sally gets home in a
drunken state, she puts a Sally. “But meanwhile, Shona “There are all sorts of before and she has
tracker app on Tim’s phone!” tells Abi that Tim has been emotions going through her forgiven him,” explains
spending a lot of time with head,” admits Sally. “She’s Sally. “But she really can’t
You cheat! Aggie and then the app scared and feels guilty, but understand why he wouldn’t
This is a terrible idea and shows he’s at her house…” she’s also hurt, angry and tell her about this, and that’s
shows how broken the trust Poor Aggie has just been confused. What does it say going to be hard for her to
is between them. But Sally providing a shoulder for about their relationship that cope with. It might help that
believes she’s caught Tim Tim to cry on, so having he has kept it from her?” he hasn’t told other people
and his fancy piece out a screaming Sally at her close to him, like Faye and
when the app gives his window is quite the shock. End of the road? Elaine, but he has told a lot
location as a fancy hotel… But Sally is in for a bigger At the hospital, Faye arrives of other people which makes
“Sally goes to confront one when stressed Tim to be with Sally as they wait Sally feel embarrassed. Tim
him, but Tim knew she was clutches his chest in pain for Tim. Can the Metcalfes was doing it for the correct
coming as he spotted the and collapses. Soon, the come back from this? reasons, but Sally really
tracker app, and they make terrible truth is out, and “The issue here is that Tim can’t see that right now…”
up,” reveals the Corrie fave Sally is distraught. has kept things from Sally Kate White

Understanding Tim’s operation

Tim is due to undergo a lifesaving triple heart bypass, here’s a look at what that involves…
What is a triple heart bypass? the narrowed area. In most cases,
The British Heart Foundation at least one of the blood vessels
explains that a heart bypass is a used as a bypass graft is an artery
surgical intervention used when from the chest called the internal
the arteries become narrowed mammary artery. Blood vessels such
because fatty deposits build up as a vein from the patient’s leg and
around their inner walls. This sometimes an artery from their arm
surgery aims to bypass those is used for the other grafts.
narrowed sections to
improve the blood supply to How long does it take to recover?
a patient’s heart muscle. In The BHF says that patients will
Tim’s case, three of his usually be moving around after a
arteries require a bypass. couple of days and leave the
hospital after a week, as
How does the operation work? long as there are no
The surgeon grafts a blood vessel complications. All being
between the aorta – the main blood well, the patient should
vessel leaving the heart – and a make a full recovery in
point along the coronary artery, past two to three months.

6 lnsideSoap
orrified Chas and
Marlon are left on
the brink of ruin
this week, after
the Woolpack deal falls
apart at the last minute.
Although it pains them to
do it, the pub owners are ready
to sign on the dotted line to
recoup some of their losses
after Al burned down the pub.
However, money man Gavin
reneges on the deal after a
visit from Cain, who is trying
to scupper Al’s plans. But
his actions have far-reaching
consequences as poor Chas
and Marlon face financial
“This deal was the pair’s
very last hope of clawing back
something after losing so
much thanks to Al,” warns
our Emmerdale insider. “He EMMERDALE | ITV FRIDAY

Chas &
has destroyed their business,
blown up their home and tried
to wreck their lives in the name
of profit. Cain’s desire for
revenge is understandable,
although he’s gone about

Marlon lose
this the wrong way.”
The week starts badly when
Chas and Marlon discover the
insurance company won’t pay
out because they neglected to

mention the development
plans. The decision leaves
them with only Al’s terrible
offer as a lifeline. But after
head honcho Gavin puts
pressure on Al to drive down
the price further, he fiddles
with the fine print and gets
caught. Furious in the moment,
Chas and Marlon don’t sign, THE WOOLPACK DEAL IS DEAD…
although they are less than

impressed when Cain rips After their enlightening chat,

up the contract. After all, Gavin pulls out of the whole
they have to go ahead or deal, but warns Al to get
be left in huge trouble. his money back or face
Meanwhile, Cain and fatal repercussions.
Mackenzie hack into Al’s “Gavin has already proved
phone and set up a meeting that he’s more than willing to
with Gavin behind his back. get violent, and he won’t stop

Cain’s meddling has

Mackenzie hacks
into Al’s phone to
wrecked things for
set up a meeting Chas and Marlon!”
8 lnsideSoap
Will Cain cause
more problems
than he solves?



Al’s under

Can Cain convince Al to stop?

Kerry and Kyle get dragged you hope to do serious
into Al’s murky world this damage to the driver. The
week, when they unwittingly trouble is that Al has some
get in a dangerous vehicle. passengers, and none of
Al offers to give his them has any idea of what’s
new love interest and her at stake. Tragedy could
grandson a lift into town, strike at any moment.”
unaware that a shady figure As a mechanic, Cain
has cut his brakes. As the knows it’s an emergency,
trio get ready for their and he rushes to stop
journey, Cain spots them them. But given the bad
at just a beating if Al doesn’t When they finally catch up and the leaking car. Can he blood between him and Al,
give him what he wants,” with him, Chas and Marlon get to them before things there are no guarantees.
whispers our spy. “But without give Cain hell – and he’s go terribly wrong? Kyle has already come
the deal, Al has nothing, and wounded when Chas tells him “Whoever did this didn’t back from a near-fatal
the Woolpack is just a money that she is disowning him and care if Al lived or died,” accident once this year,
pit. However, Al isn’t the only never wants to see him again. whispers our Emmerdale and it’s only January. Is this
one with a problem because How will she and Marlon gossip. “You don’t cut a the way it’s going to end
Cain’s meddling has wrecked survive this catastrophic blow? car’s brake cords unless for him and granny Kerry?
things for Chas and Marlon!” Kate White

lnsideSoap 9

Will Chelsea’s plan

to leave Gray work?


desperate bid
Can Chelsea
husband Gray?

here’s new danger and take Jordan to safety She invests all her thoughts
for Chelsea this abroad will be scuppered. and feelings in it.”
week, as she plots “Chelsea is clinging on to Kheerat and Whitney
to register son anything that gives her hope!” are on board as Chelsea
Jordan’s birth – but keep shares Zaarah Abrahams, who schemes to get away long
killer husband Gray off plays the new mum. “She enough to register Jordan’s
the official paperwork. really does think this is going birth alone. However, Gray
She’s determined to make to work because she’s run won’t let her out of his sight,
sure Gray has no legal claim away to another country particularly when Jordan
on their newborn by leaving before, and so that part of begins breathing on his own,
his name off Jordan’s birth it is not a big thing to her. and they can leave his
certificate. However, Chelsea
can’t escape Gray’s constant
surveillance long enough to
Chelsea is clinging
get her passport and go to
the registry office. But if she
on to anything that
fails, her plan to leave him gives her hope!”
10 lnsideSoap
Kheerat and Whit
are on board with
Chelsea’s plan…

stomach. Gray is just too

clever, and there’s nothing
she can do. She will just
have to surrender and let
things happen.”
However, she’s thrown new
hope once Kheerat meets …and finally
her at the hospital, and she’s Chelsea is given
finally able to register her son’s some hope
birth. But when she arrives
at the desk, Chelsea is in Chelsea is trapped in a
for a shock. situation that ended in
It’s been nail-biting Chantelle’s tragic death.
to witness her try How is she coping with the
to outfox her stress of baby Jordan’s
murderous other premature arrival and living
half, but does with a murderer?
Zaarah think “Gray’s always putting
Gray knows Chelsea on edge, and she
that Chelsea feels really suffocated,”
Gray thinks is on to him? admits Zaarah. “He is always
baby Jordan “No, I don’t watching her, and she can’t
is a fresh start
for him and think he does,” fully concentrate on her baby
Chelsea she muses. “He’s and getting herself better
too wrapped up because she’s on high alert.
with himself and truly Chelsea is always wondering
believes that Chelsea what he is going to do next.”
and the baby are a new As Gray and Denise team
start for him, and this erases up to get struggling Chelsea
bedside together. Kheerat everything else. Gray thinks medical help and sleeping
tries to give her time to get he’s so smart that he doesn’t pills, it looks like the trap has
the passport by taking Gray suspect anyone knows.” shut tighter around her. Will
to wet the baby’s head at She tried and failed to get there be any escape?
the Vic. Butt when she gets away once, and now Kate White
caught snea aking back by
Gray, Chelsea scrambles
for an excusse.
“She feelss like a rabbit
caught in he eadlights -
she’s trying to think Turn to page 46
ahead, yet sshe can’t,” wheere Zaarah discusses
reveals Zaarah.
“Chelsea ovver-
he importance of
Kheerat takes Gray
to wet the baby’s
explains, annd she girl
g power in our
head, but their plan has that sinking clusive interview…
doesn’t work feeling in he

lnsideSoap 11
Laura-Jayne snoops behind
the big soap headlines…

Does Ryan have THE

a rocky year
What’s on the cards
for Sean in 2022?

RETURNS! Corrie boss

predicts a lively
What drama
does Daisy have future for the pub… Let’s hope Jenny
can keep everyone
in store? in check!

s filming begins to handful of characters as the during the pandemic,” he And the other reason
get back to normal show follows strict Covid rules. confesses. “I am itching to Iain is desperate to get
on the soaps, we’ve But Corrie producer Iain chuck 15 people in there as back down the pub?
seen busier scenes, more MacLeod hopes in 2022 we soon as I’m able. At times it’s Apparently, viewers are
close contact, and even a will finally get to see the old not felt like as joyous a place currently missing out
bit of snogging. But what bar back in business… to be as it did before the on a lot of scheduled
Corrie has still been “The Rovers has been one pandemic: it’s just not got entertainment…
missing are those scenes of the biggest challenges enough people in there.” “We have a group in
which are often at the there that brings the fun,”
heart of the show – lively he says. “The chemistry
nights at the Rovers. when we’re finally allowed
The show managed to to see Daisy, Sean, Ryan,
bring a bit of pub spirit back Emma and Gemma, with
at Christmas, with the Jenny as this mother figure
pop-up bar in the market trying to wrangle her
having more space wayward children, is
outdoors, allowing a larger going to be brilliant.”
number of characters to “The casting of the
get together as Billy led a Rovers ‘family’ is perfect,”
festive singalong. However, adds Iain. “I just want to
scenes inside the pub have The scenes at
see them all at the same
been restricted to just a the pop-up time now, please!”
Christmas bar were
a bit more fun
12 lnsideSoap
hile many fans
were hopeful Beppe s
she would make Former EastEnd rs sttar
a comeback, actress Michael Grec is i mak
m kin ng
Charley Webb, who has a soap return L Lookk outt fo
played Debbie Dingle the actor – ho
h sp pentt fo
since 2002, has years as Bepppe DDiM
confirmed that she’s quit – in this week’
Emmerdale for good. Debbie has Holby City as the
The actress departed departed
for good worried father
the show in 2019 to have of a lad who
her third son, Ace, before needs risky
making a short return over Christmas 2020. heart surgery.
However, the 33-year-old – who is married
to Matthew Wolfenden, aka David
– explained in an online Q&A that having
now been away from the show again forr a
g Yorkshire mood
If you recognise the voice of
year, she didn’t feel the need to announc ce the narrator on Channel 5’s
her decision, as she “never wanted to Our Great Yorkshire Life,
make a big deal out of it”. that’s because it’s Dean
As for her own future, Charley, who
Andrews’ – aka the Dales’
is mum to Buster (11), Bowie (five),
Will. He’ll even appear in
and two-year-old Ace, wouldn’t
rule out more children. “I’m an episode next month with
actually really broody!” co-star Liam Fox (Dan).
Meanwhile, EastEnders star
Priya Davdra has confirmed
that Iqra’s exit from the Square Soap baby!
early this month was a permanent Priya won’t Congratulations to Emmerdale’s
one, saying: “It’s been an absolute be back to Amy Walsh (Tracy) and Toby-
star as Iqra Alexander Smith (EastEnders’
pleasure! Bye bye, Iqs!”
Gray), who

their first
baby over the
festive period.

“Well… it’s
been a busy
week!” they
joked in
a post.

Soap SPY...
Rocky rocks!
ur soaps are getting right posh – three stars There were few LOLs for Dotty
have been awarded gongs in the Queen’s and Rocky this Christmas, but
New Year’s Honours list! off screen the pair are having a
Corrie’s Bill Roache (Ken) was awarded an OBE for great time. Milly Zero had a
services to drama and charity, while EastEnders’ June ball seeing her new-found telly
Brown (Dot Branning) was awarded the same accolade. dad Brian Conley play Buttons
Meanwhile, Corrie actress and noted campaigner in Cinderella. “So enjoyed

Cherylee Houston – who plays Izzy – received an MBE watching THE panto king do his
for services to drama and to people with disabilities. thing today,” she said. If only
“It is so important that we are represented in the Rocky had life so sewn up, eh?
media and our stories are told,” she said. Hear hear!


James threatens to
harm Becky’s boy

he shock waves But Hollyoaks star Katie all a conspiracy. She calls and Becky is really upset.
from the devastating McGlynn, who plays the them sheep! Yet she’s one of those people
explosion continue conspiracy theorist, insists who doesn’t help herself!
to reverberate that Becky’s not to blame… How does she feel when
around Hollyoaks this week, she starts getting blamed? Can you talk us through
as those grieving for the Hi, Katie! Tell us, how She knows she didn’t do what happens when
loss of loved
ed ones pointi t is Becky feeling in th the anything wrong – the explosion James confronts her?
the finger o of blame. aftermath of the exp plosion? wasn’t her fault, so it’s not her Becky can hold herself, she’s
James inn particular is She feels a bit overwhelmed problem. But people in the not scared to say what she
looking for someone to by it all. Though in the village don’t like her attitude. thinks. But that puts her in hot
shoulder reesponsibility nicest possible w way, Becky was the one who water. James corners her, and
for what haappened, she’s not really organised the protest, she threatens to harm her son,
and sets his sights bothered abou ut the caused so much grief that day, Henry – she’s very upset,
on protest leader explosion, b because then the blast happened. because she doesn’t know
Becky. So when
w everyboddy Everyone’s pointing the finger, what James is capable of.
he threatenns to involvedd was
have her ba
son taken a
there to raise
mone ey for Everyone’s pointing
from her, th
single mum
m is
the h
– an
nd she
the finger, and Becky
devastated d! Becky has caused the
locals so much grief
nks it’s is really upset…”
14 lnsideSoap
Despite what people think,
Becky does love her baby

Katie has some old friends
on Hollyoaks…
Now that Becky is clashing with a whole host of
locals, Katie’s getting the opportunity to work with
lots more of the Hollyoaks cast. However, she tells
us there are two pals in particular that she would
love to have scenes with…
“It would be nice to do something with Denise
[Welch, who plays Trish] and Chelsee [Healey, who
plays Goldie], because they’re old friends from
Waterloo Road,” she grins. “I just haven’t had the
chance to work with them yet. I’m really pleased
that they’re bringing back Waterloo Road soon –
it’s great news, because it was such a good show.
Ollie is shocked
when social services There are so many fans out there who are excited.
pay Becky a visit I’ll definitely be watching!”
Katie played Scout Allen in Waterloo Road back
She’s in a bit of a state to be an amazing mum, so when in 2011 – here she is, along with Chelsee as
honest, the last thing she anyone questions that, Janeece Bryant, and Denise as French teacher
Steph Haydock. Don’t they look so sweet
wants is for her baby to be she gets really angry.
and innocent?
taken away from her.
What do the viewers
What happens when make of Becky?
social services turn up? I don’t think anybody likes her!
Becky is distraught, because But I’m not surprised, because
Henry is all she has left of her she’s very opinionated. I’m
late husband, Graham. And always on my character’s side
despite what everyone in the – you have to find some kind
village may believe, she really of empathy somewhere. But
does care about her son. She’s I don’t agree with Becky’s
very vulnerable, and she’s actions, and I wouldn’t be
been sucked in by all the friends with her. I always try
conspiracy theories and fake to avoid that kind of drama!
news. But she thinks she’s Sarah Ellis

lnsideSoap 15

and Dev:
Could romance be
back on the cards
for Dev and Bernie?

ev and Bernie grow the reward money for So she asks him if they can Although Bernie was left
closer this week, information on Joseph’s have first dibs on food that’s crestfallen when Dev was
and the pair share whereabouts. Wth Gemma being thrown out of the shop. overheard saying he only
a passionate kiss and Chesney strapped for “Bernie’s only expecting a pursued her as he was drunk.
at the corner shop. cash, and their focus on the few burgers – she reckons “Bernie won out in the end,
Gemma is genuinely Joseph situation, Bernie they might as well go into their though” our mole reminds us.
touched when she learns that reckons Dev might be able to kids’ mouths than into Dev’s “Dev made a full apology, and
Dev donated £3,000 towards give them some further help. wheelie bin,” wily Bernie
says our Street
insider. “But “No one manged to bag
a pay rise at the
what she gets
is a prime slice
knows how kebab shop out
of it, alongside
of Dev, as he
suggests they
to mess it up the chance to
watch Dev eat
have a night
out – and seals
quite like Dev!” some humble
pie. They agreed
the deal with a kiss!” to be mates, but recently shared
However, this isn’t the a kiss during the singalong at
couple’s first time at the rodeo. the festive market, and it was
Last year, they decided to play clear they still had a spark…”
a joke on Aadi pretending they So, will it all be different
Bernie asks Dev were a couple, but it all went a for the pair this time?
for first dibs on
any food waste bit further than they planned, “Don’t bank on it – no one
from the shop as the pair ended up in bed. knows how to mess it up

16 lnsideSoap

Meet the

enny and Leo are to the Rovers to meet his new
still going strong lady. Looking at the youthful
this week, as stunned faces of Faith and Miles, the
Carla discovers when age gap hits Jenny between
she unexpectedly pops in for the eyes once again. However,
a visit to Jenny! However, there’s a bigger wake-up call
while things in her bedroom to come – when Leo suggests
seem to be working well, that Jenny meet his parents!
Jenny still has concerns “She stalls him on an
about the age gap between answer, promising to think
her and Leo – especially about it,” says our insider.
Gemma is touched by when he has a shock request. “But is this a step too far for
Dev’s generosity, but “Paranoid Jenny’s already Jenny to deal with?”
Chesney isn’t as keen been getting up at the crack Steven Murphy
of dawn, slapping on make-up
like ev Alahan!” laughs around to Chesney and and sorting her hair before Leo
our snoop. “A reporter Gemma with a food parcel, awakes,” our Corrie insider
arrives on the Street to do and Chesney refuses to reminds us. “Leo’s big plans
a story about Joseph’s take his charity, leaving for New Year’s Eve also made
disappearance, and when Bernie embarrassed at her her more aware of the decades
the journalist refers to Dev part in Dev’s offer. that divide them. But it seems
as Bernie’s partner, Dev is “Basically, both of them that Leo is as keen as mustard
quick to put them straight now feel totally awkward,” – even ditching his Hogmanay
– leaving Bernie to feel sums up our source. “It’s plans to spend a quiet one
the sting of their previous looking as though this with Jenny instead.”
break-up all over again!” second chance for love is However, Leo still wants Carla keeps up with the
Things go from bad to set to be short-lived…” Jenny as part of his wider life, life of her late dad’s ex
worse after Dev pops Steven Murphy and so brings his housemates

lnsideSoap 17

ack gets a touch
of the green-eyed
monster over
warring ex-lovers
Charity and Vanessa this
week, after their kids start
to play together. But can
the peace be kept?
EMMERDALE | ITV THURSDAY The drama begins when

Vanessa’s son Johnny asks
Charity if he can have a
playdate with Moses, Charity’s
son. Charity and Vanessa

aren’t exactly on the best of
terms, but might they put their
differences to one side for the
sake of their kids?
“Remember, at one point
Moses and Johnny were more
or less brothers, living together
in the same house, it’s not their
NEW COUPLE KIM AND WILL FACE BOTHER… fault that their mums can’t get

on,” says our Dales insider.
im and Will while Kim finds that the up as step mum for the “But while it’s a simple request
promised Bernice issue hasn’t first time, and wades in. If for a child, it’s not so easy to
themselves a fresh quite gone away… she and Will combined can pull off in the adult world.”
start for the New “Will’s daughter Dawn sort the problems out, it’ll Indeed, Charity manages to
Year, as the engaged and her boyfriend Billy really help prove what a put her foot right in it with
couple make wedding are having a few issues,” great team they could be – Vanessa when dealing with
plans and put the ghosts explains our Dales source. but it is their first big test as Johnny’s idea. Yet while the
of 2021 behind them. “And Will finds himself a newly formed family, so girls squabble, there’s more
However, they find their involved, but things don’t it wouldn’t be great if they trouble brewing in the form of
relationship strained quite work out. Noticing fell at the first hurdle…” Charity’s new love, Mack.
once again this week how downbeat Dawn is, Meanwhile, Will and Kim
as Will has family troubles, Kim finds herself stepping also find themselves facing
an old problem, too.
“There’s an unfortunate
misunderstanding around
Bernice after Kim interrupts
her and Will,” explains our
spy. “Of course, trouble
with Bernice almost spelt
the end for Kim and Will
at Christmas, so that
situation is still a bit raw…”
The misunderstanding
sees Kim open up to Will.
They’ve always been an odd
pairing, so will this week
prove to them that they’re
just not right for each other?
Will finds himself Or will what doesn’t kill them Mack finds himself
dragged in to help feeling increasingly
Billy and Dawn only make them stronger? jealous
Steven Murphy

18 lnsideSoap
Can Charity and
Vanessa put aside
their issues for the
sake of their kids?


Can Charity Mum’s the

& Vanessa
This week, there’s a
mystery as Ryan avoids
a call from his adopted
mum, Irene. Although

play nice?
Ryan and Irene have had
a rocky relationship –
with her resenting
Charity’s place in her
son’s life, and worrying
when he dated former
prostitute Dawn – the
pair have remained on
Mack had only just “Even
Even in the quiete
quietest of speaking terms. In fact,
managed to get Charity to say times, Mack and Charity have Ryan mentioned visiting
the words ‘I love you’ when a volatile relationship, explains her for New Year’s Eve,
Vanessa arrived back in the our spy. “So, it doesn’t take rather than attend the
village,” shares our source. much for things to go wrong. Dingle party. So why
“So, it’s no wonder he could But with their children pals, and is he giving her the
feel overwhelmed to have to all of them living in the village, cold shoulder now?
deal with all this history.” it’s going to be hard for Charity
Mack admits to Ryan that he and Vanessa to stay apart.”
suspects Charity is using the Can Mack handle it? And
playdate as a chance to spend can Charity give him the
time with Vanessa. Charity reassurance he needs to stop
gets wind of his feelings, and their relationship going wrong?
accuses him of being jealous. Steven Murphy

It doesn’t take much for

things to go wrong for
Charity and Mack!”
lnsideSoap 19


Yes, let’s get


here’s a big shock with custody of Scarlett. But he agrees. However, Janine’s “Janine knows she needs to
at the Vic this week, with Janine having made no chances head south once the strengthen her case, so she
as Mick gives in and secret of her feelings for Mick, social worker, Claire, asks Jay subtly suggests to Mick that if
agrees that he and is this a door the landlord for a character reference. they pretend to be a couple,
Janine can be a couple! really wants to go and open?” “Remember, Janine set she’d stand a much better
“Fear not, Mick fans, as all Janine springs into action Jay up to take the fall for the chance of getting Scarlett
is not as it seems,” explains when Jean and Kat let her car lot scam, so he’s not back,” says our insider. “Mick
our EastEnders insider. “Mick know that Scarlett’s case is feeling especially charitable!” is vulnerable after everything
hasn’t actually fallen for being reassessed. She begs laughs our spy. “Jay takes that has happened with
Janine’s questionable charms Mick to let her use the Vic as delight in giving Claire all his Linda, so he gives in to her
– he only agrees to pretend her permanent address as it juicy titbits on Janine’s request. However, he has
in order to help Janine out will strengthen her case, and colourful life.” one major condition: the
One person not so keen arrangement is kept just
on Janine’s between the
ideas, sadly,
is Scarlett
“Janine two of them.
After all, the
herself, who knows she has last thing he
seems to wants is
be slipping to strengthen everyone on
further away
than ever. her case…” Albert Square
to think he’s
She tells her mum she’s shacked up with Janine!”
been ignoring her after her But it’s too late it seems, as
antics at Christmas – which Jay soon clocks what’s going
included buying Scarlett a on at the Vic, and berates
pony – were all to get one over Mick over his behaviour, telling
Social worker Claire
quizzes Janine over on the Slaters, rather than out people about Janine’s past,
her suitability of love for her daughter. and claiming Mick’s cheating.

20 lnsideSoap

affair shock!

is cancer diagnosis
looming over him,
Stuart is increasingly
troubled this week
with the strain of keeping his
secret. Paranoid, he soon
becomes convinced Rainie is
having an affair… with Mick!
But can he tell Rainie what
the real problem is before
Stuart gets the
he destroys his marriage? wrong end of the
“Stuart spots Mick giving stick over Mick
Rainie flowers and it sends his
mind reeling,” explains our “The issue is that Stuart is
Square sneak. “They are a now obsessed by Rainie and
‘thank you’ gift after she helped the idea she’s cheating,” says
Mick recover from his recent our spy. “He spots Rainie and
panic attack. But when Stu Mick together again, but the
asks about the flowers, Rainie pair are talking over their
doesn’t want to explain about worries about Stuart – they’re
their chat, so she’s evasive, trying to help him, the last
leaving Stuart suspicious…” thing on their mind is betrayal!”
Soon, Stuart begins to follow However, Stuart is troubled.
Rainie and spy on her, though When he hears Jay’s rant in
Sonia spots him, and advises the Vic about Mick and Janine
him to go to a cancer support (see left), he takes it as
meeting. Later, however, Sonia confirmation of an affair with
finds him the worse for wear. Rainie! Is he about to do
She soon tells Stuart she won’t something he might regret?
cover for
f him
hi any more and d S
Steven Murphy
M h
he has to face up to reality.

Young Scarlett isn’t

impressed by Janine’s
recent behaviour

“Upstairs, Janine is that Janine has turned

charming the social over a new leaf.
worker, little knowing the “Meanwhile, it seems
war that is breaking out that Janine is getting her
in the bar!” shares our feet back under the table
source. “The meeting at the Vic again,” adds
seems to be going well, our gossip. “With Linda
and Janine has everything out of the picture, will
crossed that Mick can hold Janine have another go
it together long enough at wooing Mick for real?”
to help convince Claire Steven Murphy

lnsideSoap 21

Disaster in

here’s terror looming Tim Kano – who plays Leo goes out.
for the residents of Tanaka – lifts the lid on the They all have
Ramsay Street this impending catastrophe… to go outside,
week, as a violent and head across
tornado engulfs Erinsborough Hi, Tim! So how’s everyone the complex to
– but who will survive? feeling before the wedding? the Flamingo Bar
After giving Kyle and Roxy Everyone’s ecstatic! It’s because it’s the last The Flamingo Bar
is reduced
their dream wedding, the guests been a tumultuous time in place that actually has to rubble
gather at Lassiters. But disaster Erinsborough, and everyone power. Also, it’s the perfect
strikes when the storm hits, really comes together. Britney’s venue to have an after party!
leaving many lives hanging in there with baby Abi, and we’re But there’s a loose power pole, at the after party in the
the balance! Neighbours star all there to have a good time. which is a real hazard, and it Flamingo Bar. However, for
It’s a feel-good moment, and leads to disaster – everyone’s whatever reason, they do
there’s definitely no simmering put at risk… get separated at some point
tension or anything to indicate – and when the accident
that something bad may occur. When they’re inside happens, unfortunately
the venue, is Leo with they’re not all together.
What happens once the Britney and Abi – or are
huge storm arrives? they separated? Are you excited to
Everyone’s leaving the wedding They are together first of all, see the episode?
reception because the power alongside all the other guests I can’t wait! And I’m excited
for everyone to see the
A loose power pole, cliffhanger ending. It’s honestly
a really sad affair where the
leads to distaster – bar is reduced to rubble,
people have been rushed
Who will make
it out alive? everyone’s at risk!” to hospital, and there are

22 lnsideSoap

“My fake nail is in

“Woman in t’salon the plughole at Ted’s
this morning got an eye and the police are going in
infection from a flying to search the flat.”
G-string on a hen do.” Just the everyday struggles of
your average teenager.
Emmerdale first with another
health ‘issue’ storyline.

The ferocious
storm leads to

“Is that your

ovulation app? “Even if I was ovulating
Can we…” today, or ever plan on
“Callum’s going to do
ovulating again, you would
bodies sprawled his amazing rendition
be the last to know.”
around the place. of Wrecking Ball, and
Modern technology has a
lot to answer for. apparently he’s going to
Was this the first get his kit off.”
time that all the “I think I’ll stick
cast members were to Ring Of Fire.”
together for filming? We’re saying
Absolutely! There are some nothing
cast members that I hadn’t
ever shared a scene with,
so that made the wedding
scenes really special. There
aren’t many occasions
where we have all of the
cast together, so the scenes
we shot at the Flamingo
Bar of everyone partying
and dancing were so much
fun. And when we went
outside, everyone was “Sam is
being blown around by the fraternising with
wind machines. I think we Roy and Mary.” “Think how much
all enjoyed being tossed “You make it sympathy I’ll get when
around by this ‘tornado’. sound like they’re I’m grieving my dead child
It almost added to the fun going behind the bike and my dead sister. Dawn
of the party vibe! sheds to smoke fags.” won’t get a look-in.”
Alice Penwill It’s a lovely mental If life gives you lemons,
picture. make lemonade.

Amy &

my and Summer lead them she knows more girls exclaims our Coronation change in the policy on school
the school protest have been upskirted and Street insider. “She graffitis uniform to resolve the issue.
against ‘upskirting’ harassed by boys at their on to the side of the building Amy and Summer are thrilled
photos this week – school. But while Summer so that every student can – that is, until they learn that
but when teachers find out, wants to forget it, Amy refuses see how she feels about the girls will be expected to wear
will their plans be derailed? to let it go, and takes action… harassment. However, Amy’s shorts under their skirts.
Summer, Asha and Aadi are “Amy makes her point by actions land her in huge “The new policy is truly
knocked for six after Amy tells vandalising the school!” trouble with the shocking to
who quickly “The new Amy and
Summer – it’s
suspends her.”
But Amy’s
policy is truly not fair on
them,” sighs
bravery spurs
Summer on to
shocking and our sneak. “The
intention behind
write an open
letter about her
not fair…” their fight was
for punishments
upskirting ordeal to be dished out for the
on social media. And over harassment, and that’s not at
breakfast, Billy tells Summer all what they’ve been given.
that her letter has gone viral! “Amy and Summer know
The headmistress, Mrs that their work isn’t done until
Crawshaw, hears all about it the school takes upskirting
Amy makes her and summons the girls into more seriously! So they decide
point with a can
of spray paint her office. She promises a they need to do something

24 lnsideSoap

Craig’s on
the case!
Craig loves playing
detective – and
Faye and Emma are

raig’s curiosity spells haunting Faye and Emma at
A Gazette
huge trouble for every turn,” winces our insider.
reporter turns Emma and Faye this “Craig spies some intials
up at the week – after the cop engraved on the side, and
starts digging into the events learns that the crutch was
surrounding dead Ted! supplied by the local health
The girls are desperate service. With that, he moves
to keep their role in the a step closer
l to tracing
pensioner’s demise under its owner.”
wraps, but not if Sherlock Meanwhile,
Tinker has his way… Emma and Faye
“Craig’s like a dog with can only watch
a bone as he becomes on in horror.
obsessed with solving a new Are they
mystery,” explains our Corrie about to be
spy. “However, little does exposed?
Craig realise that he could Alice
be about to stumble on a Penwill
Daniel is much shocking truth: that Faye and
more impressed Emma mowed down a man,
than Mrs Crawshaw and ended up killing him!”
Craig gets the bit between
even more drastic to be Daniel secretly makes a his teeth after playing
fully understood…” phone call to the Gazette detective while nursing a
As Mrs Crawshaw takes to give the protest more sprained ankle at home.
a seat in Daniel’s class, leverage. It’s not long He’s determined to find the
the pair of them are before the reporter arrives, owner of Ted’s wooden
shocked when no pupils and Mrs Crawshaw is crutch that he’s been
turn up for the lesson. As horrified to see the press using to take the weight
the teachers try to find turn up at the school. of his ankle, oblivous
their missing students, they Will Summer and Amy’s to the fact it’s evidence
soon discover Amy and protest for justice pay to Emma and Faye’s
Summer outside leading a off? Or could they be terrible crime.
protest against upskirting. headed for more trouble “Of course the crutch
The headmistress is left down the line? has found its way back
seething, but an impressed Alice Penwill to the cobbles and is

lnsideSoap 25
his fate!

hil prepares to face
prison this week,
as he learns his fate
from DCI Keeble.
Having lied about the true
length of his possible
sentence to girlfriend
Kat, Phil is full of guilt at
his deception. And despite
the best efforts of Ritchie
Scott, it seems Phil could
be spending the rest of
his life behind bars…
“Ritchie Scott is a super-
lawyer all right, but you’d have now testimony – against Phil. can cope with the pressure. Meanwhile, Phil’s other
to be Superwoman to get Phil It’s not looking good, and as So, later, Phil tells Ben that son, Raymond, is on his mind.
out of this one!” explains our the week begins, Phil is fully he’s selling the empire. However, his attempts to
Walford insider. “There is a expecting to be put on remand “Ben is shocked, as he’s see him are soon scuppered
whole lot of evidence – and until the trial, so he doesn’t have always wanted to impress by Isaac and Lexi.
long to tie up loose his dad – they have had their “After what happened
ends in Walford.” ups and downs, but he always last time, can you blame
The first of those thought he would take over them?” sighs our spy. “Phil’s
are his businesses, the family business,” our unlikely to kidnap the boy
which he had source reminds us. “Ben begs again, but no one is taking any
expected to hand Phil change his mind on his chances. In fact, Lola gives
over to son Ben. decision, but will his boy’s him an earful, telling him not
However, with Ben pleading see Phil reconsider?” to worry about Raymond as
struggling to cope
after the recent
attack, Phil sees
You’d have to be
Phil is keen to see
Raymond before
it’s too late
something is wrong
with him, and
Superwoman to get
doesn’t reckon he Phil out of this one”
26 lnsideSoap

Well hello,

here’s trouble for there are two identical ones –
Billy this week, and Karen’s gone off with the
thanks to a big house one with the money inside!
After a heart-to-heart clearance. The “Typical Billy luck!” laughs
with Kat, Phil realises hapless bloke manages to our spy. “But he later spots
just how much he’d be rope in Rocky for a bit of Mia playing with the doll in
leaving behind
extra help – but it’s after the café. Taking it off her, he
he strikes a deal with Karen searches for the money, and
that the bother begins. ends up tearing the doll apart
“Billy’s trying to keep the in the process. Poor Mia –
costs down,” says our Walford imagine being a girl her age
insider. “So he arranges it and having your new toy
with Karen that she can have ripped to bits. We hope
whatever she wants from the Billy’s cash chokes him!”
clearance in return for use of Although it might not
her shopping trolley. Sounds need to, if Gray or Karen
like a win-win – but let’s face find out what he’s done…
it, Billy is rarely a winner, and Steven Murph
this is no exception…”
Billy is delighted when he
spots a doll that he thinks
Janet might like. And there’s
an even bigger surprise once
he notices something odd
about the toy and finds a wad
of cash inside e. But his delight
is short-lived. Hiding the
money back n the
doll, Billy realises Billy mannages
to rope Rocky
in to help him
with the
e job

Ben is shocked
when Phil tells him
he’s selling the
family business

it’s Ben he should be sit down and admit how

worrying about.” much they mean to each
With the clock ticking, other – which is bound
Phil sits down and has a to really bring home to
heart-to-heart with Kat as Phil just how much he’s
they face the future. leaving behind if he ends
“They may have seemed up going to jail.”
an odd couple at the Is the reign of the mighty
beginning, but they’ve Phil Mitchell finally at an
developed deep feelings end – or could there be
for each other,” explains another way out for him?
our mole. “They both Steven Murphy

lnsideSoap 27
Digging up
the truth?
Meena’s’ secret iis
close to coming out…

vidence of Meena’s evil
crimes is tantalisingly
close to being found
this week, after vandals
attack the allotment. do to restore Liam’s allotment people to rally around and
The first-aid box where to its former glory. tidy up the allotment. Sam
Meena stashed trophies from Little do they know that the arrives to do his share and
each of her murders is medical box that is just visible starts shovelling dirt, not
unearthed when the area is in the disturbed earth holds realising he’s re-burying the
defaced and damaged. Leyla the key to convicting Meena box and consigning Liv to
and Jacob are gutted as they and freeing innocent Liv. years inside. Will the truth
arrive to see just how much Knowing how much it means stay buried, or might Meena’s
repair work they’llll need to to grieving Liam,
Liam Leyla asks sick trinket box be found?

Unwelcome visit?
Ruhma realises she can hear
DOCTORS a noise out on her patio.
BBC1 MONDAY All by herself in the house,

here’s a shock in store the practice midwife is
for Ruhma this week, understandably perturbed,
after she enjoys a but bravely takes it upon

telephone call from her herself to investigate. Hanging
daughter Alia. While she’s up on the call with Alia, Ruhma
delighted by the welcome makes her way to the window

catch-up, however, it’s as to peek outside. Who or
the pair are chatting that what is waiting out there?

up his act
Warren is eager to prove
HOLLYOAKS his love to Maxine. But
Channel 4 THURSDAY once Joel hears his plan, he

arren wants to encourages his dad to put
take the next step redemption first. However,
with Maxine in there may be a spanner in
their relationship this week, the works for Warren when
but Joel soon encourages Ethan is put on his trail!
him to slow down… Will Warren have to resort
With their romance going back to his criminal ways
from strength to strength, sooner than he thought?

28 lnsideSoap
Jay’s humiliation
EASTENDERS framed him, but he’s feeling
BBC1 THURSDAY mortified about the ordeal.
When Honey bumps into

ay and Honey’s him cleaning graffiti in his
relationship comes hi-vis vest, the look on
under strain this week, her face makes him feel
as he begins his community ten times worse. She’s still
payback work. furious about Jay getting
The car lot owner was lucky involved with Janine and now

to get away with such a lenient ashamed of him too. Can
punishment after Janine their relationship survive?

Street mystery!
someone hovering
NEIGHBOURS suspiciously nearby.
Channel 5 THURSDAY However, on seeing Levi

evi spots a mysterious in his police uniform, the
woman hanging around woman makes a run for it!
the destroyed Flamingo Although later, when Levi
Bar this week, but who is sees her again, he manages
she – and what could she to catch up with her.
possibly want? However, the mysterious
Levi walks past the newcomer leaves Levi
Flamingo Bar – now mostly with more questions
rubble – and discovers than answers…

a life…
He tries to help
an ED regular!

ylan grows close to
his patient, Paula,
this week, and Dylan meets with Jan, she However, Paula suddenly
attempts to aid both her tells him she believes Paula takes a turn for the worst and
and her baby – but will jumped. Once Dylan tells ends up fighting for her life.
Dylan be able to help? Paula this, she’s appalled and Although as soon as she’s
Heavily pregnant Paula is is desperate to get away from recovered, Dylan is horrified
brought into the ED after falling the ED. But after seeing to discover Paula has
from her balcony! And Dylan, Paula’s behaviour, Dylan gone missing!
having recognising Paula from agrees to help and defends Will he manage to find
her last visit, decides to take Paula when she goes for a Paula and her unborn child
on her case. However, when meeting with social services. before it’s too late?
Jai’s got form
out for him to secure funds
EMMERDALE to pay the HOP’s fine.
ITV MONDAY Without asking Laurel,

esperate Jai does Jai fills out another set of
the unthinkable this paperwork for a big loan,
week, when he applies but this time uses her
for a loan using partner details instead of his own.
Laurel’s details. Laurel is blissfully unaware
After being rejected by that Jai is about to plunge
multiple companies, Jai is her into huge debt. Will
panicked that time is running he get away with it?

Say nothing Bobby’s determination that

EASTENDERS Aaron was involved in the
BBC1 MONDAY bomb on the Square has

fter recent events, driven a wedge between
Dana and dad Harvey the pair. So, Dana knows it’s
are still coming to a big ask this week when she
terms with what happened, begs Bobby to keep what’s
while things remain tense happened with Aaron quiet.
between her and Bobby. Bobby is incredulous
Aaron’s actions have at what she’s asking of
dominated Bobby and him after everything that’s
Dana’s relationship for the happened. However, will
past few weeks, while he agree to her request?

Marilyn wakes up!

But she’s not her usual self…
immediately! As John and
HOME AND AWAY Irene quickly retreat before
Channel 5 THURSDAY Marilyn screams at them

arilyn is brought out of again, Logan continues to
her coma this week, run observations on her.
but it quickly becomes The following day, Marilyn
clear that something isn’t suddenly discharges herself
quite right with her! and heads to the Diner where
As Marilyn regains she strangely orders a beef
consciousness in the hospital burger. Irene is shocked
after being poisoned at Salt, considering Marilyn is a
her nearest and dearest are devout vegetarian – but she
desperate to visit her. digs in! As Marilyn
However, when her leaves the complex,
ex-husband John she has a go at
enters the room, everyone in her
Marilyn is out of path leaving
character and them all
demands he wondering:
leaves what is wrong
her alone with Marilyn?

30 lnsideSoap
Cooking up trouble! REGIONS
Zeedan helps out, but gets no thanks… & RADIO...
Zeedan discovers that the
CORONATION STREET place is being run by agency
ITV WEDNESDAY staff, he slips in to see how

eedan comes to the things are – only to find new
rescue at Speed Daal chef Stuart tearing his hair out
this week, but Yasmeen as the staff haven’t turned
isn’t happy to see her errant up. So, Zeedan gets stuck
grandson back. So, when in and saves the day… FAIR CITY
Zeedan gets another offer, And while Stu is full of Paul learns of Orla’s
will he throw in the towel with gratitude, Yasmeen is incensed. windfall from Wayne
the business he set up? She makes it clear she never this week, and asks
Since the truth was revealed wants to see him near the her to invest in Vino’s
about the money laundering, restaurant again. Later, Leanne – but what will Orla
Yasmeen has banned Zeedan offers Zeedan a job at the decide? Elsewhere,
from the restaurant and from Bistro. Will he give up on Carol hopes Louis’
her life. However, when Speed Daal and move on? affection for Jack will
get him to admit the
truth… Plus, Sash

Jac’s last and Tommy are

optimistic after the

council meeting.


ax and Eli give Jac
devastating news RIVER CITY
this week, after scans The news of Pete’s
of her brain tumour reveal passing hits everyone
that her illness is terminal. hard this week, and
As Jac’s colleagues Maggie decides to
explain her prognosis, Nicky organise a memorial…
overhears, though is sworn Meanwhile, Scarlett

Damon’s gamble
to secrecy. However, Jac let’s slip to Bernie
isn’t prepared to give up – about Duncan’s
and begs Max and Eli to attempt to buy her
consider a risky surgery in a silence. And Ellie
last-ditch effort to save her. worries that Caitlin
Will her colleagues agree HOLLYOAKS has changed her mind
to perform the dangerous Channel 4 MONDAY about surrogacy!

amon tries to find a
solution to his money THE ARCHERS
issues this week, but Kenton and Jolene
a dangerous proposition ask for suggestions
from James threatens to for their Valentine’s
derail everything! Day event this
After maxing out his week – however,
credit cards and Liberty one pitch proves
suggesting a flashy holiday, to be surprisingly
Damon realises he needs hazardous! Elsewhere,
to come clean about his Chris prepares to
gambling. Soon after, however, start the next chapter
Damon changes his mind in his life, while
and turns to Grace for help. troubled Alice plans
But as she turns him to spend an evening
down, drunken James with Phoebe and Lily.
offers Damon one final bet
that could end his financial See TV listings for times
& channel details
problems for good…

lnsideSoap 31

Chelsea is on edge trying to MSally’s suspicions of Tim grow and MJai takes drastic action in order to
MON keep her cool around Gray! she puts a tracker on his phone. get his loan application through…

17 MPhil still hasn’t told Kat the truth

about his prison sentence…
MAmy gets suspended after
vandalising school property! EPISODES
Damning evidence surfaces at
the allotment – will it be seen?
JAN MStuart begins to suspect that
Rainie is cheatiing on him.
Bernie shocks Dev when
she pulls him in for a kiss…
M Chas is downtrodden after not
hearing anything from Aaron.

M Chelsea wants to sneak out, but Will gets involved when Dawn
TUE Gray is keeping a close eye on her. and Billy have a falling-out!

Billy finds a doll with a big
wad of cash hidden inside it!
M Janine asks Mick for a favour
when the social worker arrives…
MChas and Marlon learn their
insurance claim is void…
M…so Chas sees no choice but to
sign the Woolpack over to Al!

MSally realises Tim is at a hotel, and M Chas reads the fine print, and
WED heads over there to confront him… realises Al is trying to dupe her…

…and Shona tells Abi she’s
worried about Tim as well!!
MAmy and Summer aren’t happyy
with the new school policy. EPISODES
M …and the discovery leaves Al in
big trouble with his boss, Gavin!
Kim notices Will is feeling
down, and offers to help.

M Chelsea goes to register Jordan’s M Mackenzie and Cain organise a

THU birth, but soon gets a shock… meeting with dangerous Gavin.

M Sonia enourages upset Stuart to
attend a cancer support group.
Jay reveals Janine’s true
There’s a misunderstanding
between Kim and Will…
MCharity puts her foot in it 2
with Vanessa, once again! EPISODES
colours to her social worker! TONIGHT!

MScarlett tells Janine the real Tim is about to reveal the M Ryan ignores an incoming
FRI reason she’s been ignoring her! truth when he collapses… phone call from his mum, Irene…

Stuart reaches the wrong
conclusion about Rainie…
MBen wants Phil to reconsider
M…both Sally and Faye are
stunned by Tim’s health ordeall!
MAmy and Summer lead a 2
M Charity accuses Mackenzie of being
jealous when she sees Vanessa.
Chas and Cain are torn apart
selling up the family business. protest against upskirting. TONIGHT! after his recent actions!

M Stuart becomes overwhelmed M Tim goes in for his operation, M Charity isn’t there for Ryan
SNEAK about the journey ahead of him… but will it be a complete success? when he needs her the most…
PEEK M Sharon issues Phil with a tough M Jenny rushes to A&E to see Leo, M Liv’s freedom hangs by a thread,
AT ultimatum – what will he decide? and gets the shock of her life… but what will Manpreet reveal?
NEXT M Bailey hatches a plan for M Faye begins to crumble under the M Chas and Paddy watch as the
WEEK unsuspecting Mitch and Karen! pressure of keeping her secret. Woolpack goes up for auction!



MDarren demands answers from Stressed-out Roxy suddenly MRyder agrees to work with Theo
Ethan on Maya’s whereabouts. declares the wedding is off… on his social media channel! MON
MSienna discovers that her and
Ste’s cleaning van has been stolen!
Becky riles up grieving James,
M…but Kyle rallies the troops in
an attempt to change her mind.
MTerese gets jealous when she
Felicity is taken in for
questioning, again…
M…when she returns home, Felicity
and the situation turns ugly… sees Glen and Gemma together! realises Anne is framing her!

M Sienna grows close to finding the Terese admits to Susan M The police go to arrest Felicity,
van so Ethan springs into action. she has feelings for Glen! yet she’s nowhere to be seen… TUE
M Yazz surprises Shaq by setting
him up on a date with Verity…
Damon goes to Grace for help
with his gambling troubles!
MKyle and Roxy both prepare for
the wedding of their dreams…
M…but a storm is brewing as the
Tane gets out of hospital, but
receives a threatening note!
M Bella attempts to stop Nikau from
his constant trolling of Felicity.
reception kicks off at the bar.

M Scott struggles to keep Damon’s M Seven days later and a memorial Logan’s frustrated by
habit a secret from Liberty… is being held for someone… Marilyn’s mystery illness… WED
Sienna has a proposition
for Ethan – will he take it?
M Donna-Marie flourishes in her new
position working at the garage.
M…the Tanaka household is taking
the loss especially hard.
Terese can’t help but feel
responsible for the accident!
M …but Logan brings Marilyn out of
her coma to start her recovery!
M Ari discovers that Tane has
received another sinister rose.
Shaq confesses to Misbah MLeo’s nearest and dearest attempt M Dean wants to push forward and
the secret he’s been hiding. to help him through his loss! tries to climb the stairs at Salt. THU
M Joel gives Warren some advice
about his romance with Maxine…
M Sienna puts unsuspecting Warren
Levi sees someone hovering
around the Flamingo Bar!
MPaul tries to keep his cool as Terese
M Marilyn has a strange reaction to
John visiting her in the hospital…
…and soon Marilyn’s friends
right in Ethan’s line of fire! announces she’s moving in… realise something’s wrong!

M Yazz films a prank on Tom – but Kyle rallies the troops to M Theo and Ryder set up a chili-
the laughs are short-lived. help clean up the vineyard… eating challenge online… FRI
Ste does some quick thinking,
yet is confronted by Ethan…
M…who shows terrified Ste just
how sinister he can really be!
MPaul and Terese are united
through their anger towards Glen!
MThere’s a lot more to Levi’s mystery
M …and when Ryder is sick, Theo
takes his chance to kiss Chloe.
Vegetarian Marilyn happily
tucks into a beef burger!
woman than meets the eye.
M A marriage is on the rocks – can M Zara hopes for a fresh start as M The race is on as Ari and Cash
they settle their differences? she starts at Erinsborough High! attempt to save Flick and Tane…
M Imran and Lizzie compete for M Terese and Paul are on different M Irene wants Marilyn to see a
a new job at the Love Boat. pages about their relationship… doctor about her behaviour! AT
M Ethan has a dangerous M Levi begins to fall for Freya – but M Mia wants to keep the truth about NEXT
proposition for Ste and Sienna… has she told him everything? Matthew a secret from Chloe. WEEK
Classic SCOOP The BIG stories from a week of timeless drama…
Crazy ex
Amy hits
the Street
to tarnish


e can only So, it’s taken a while for
apologise. Even Corrie to conjure Dev a plot. At
though he arrived this point, he’s not the loveable
in Classic Corrie weeks ago, oddball we all adore. In fact,
we’ve paid appallingly sparse he’s more in the mould of
attention to mighty Devendra EastEnders’ Steve Owen: a
Dev tries to
Alahan on this page. wealthy, sophisticated playboy put a stop
You see, Dev never had a more used to the bright lights to Amy’s
big introduction. He was rather and pulsing sexual energy of, gossiping
slipped in through the back well… Birmingham. And just
ginnell to cover the departure like Steve, he comes with her to the Rovers, to buy her and charming the locals.
of Nita and Vik’s dad, Ravi an ex-girlfriend who has a a drink in return for all the She paints Dev as a heartless
(for scandal fans, actor Saeed mad glint in her eye. gossip. And Norris isn’t the womaniser, then drops her big
Jaffrey’s off-screen antics had After Dev tells Amy to sling only friend Amy makes, as Dev bombshell – she’s preggers
hit the headlines just before her hook, Norris finds the later walks into the pub to find with his baby! The crowd takes
Ravi’s hasty goodbye). spurned lover crying. He takes Amy serving behind the bar Amy’s side, and Dev finds his

34 lnsideSoap
anine returns this week,
with Charlie Brooks
taking over the role – and
she’s very much the Janine we
know and love today. Our
teenage terror starts scheming
the second she arrives – soon
Sally and Kevin forcing Bianca out of the Vic
can’t stay away before manipulating Pat and
from each other Peggy into a shopping trip,
where she spends,
spends, spends!
reception chillier than his “Ever ’ad the feeling
chest freezer of choc ices. you’ve been had?”
How can he silence Amy’s comments Peggy.
whispering campaign? Believe us, darlin’
Here’s hoping this story isn’t EPISODES – you ain’t seen
heading six feet under… FROM Janine has a nothing yet!

JULY surprise for
Frank – and
Elsewhere, Steve
drags Matthew
MY ALLEY! 1999 everyone else!
back to Walford
Happily, there is a warm before throwing him

Queen of
front moving in. Sparks fly under a bus (not literally, but
after Sally discovers that we wouldn’t put it past him).
Alison is pregnant and Kev He claims to police that
is marrying her. The former Matthew killed Saskia – but
lovers launch into a blazing
row… then fall into bed
together! So will Kev’s big
day see him looking to the
future, or the past?
gabbling Matt has an ace up
his Billabong sleeve: the CCTV
he stashed. He’s stored the
delicate tape safely in the back
of one of his speakers. Which
also contains, as all speakers
do, a massive magnet… Oops.

complete with a big bag of

CLASSIC EMMERDALE | ITV3 MON-FRI counterfeit cash he wants
to pass on. Of course, Jack

Loyal has little desire to go back to

prison, so resists getting mixed

up in anything dodgy – despite
the fact he could really do with
the wedge to keep the farm

ule of Soap and his family afloat. But after
#134… All
characters FROM he sends his old mucker on his
way, Jack’s shocked to find
who’ve been to prison APRIL the dosh in his bedside table.
have their cellmate 2001 What’s Harry’s game?

Looks unexpectedly turn up

after their release and expectt Jack stumbles
across Harry
FAMILIAR to stay. See also: Corrie’s
Deirdre and Jackie, and
in the barn

L eanne agrees to see

a drug counsellor
this week, much to her
more recently EastEnders’
Stacey and Eve. So it
shouldn’t be a huge surprise
is there for more than your
usual bed and board and a
family’s relief. Look out for for recently released Jack chance for Jack to pay back all
a pre-Robert Preston to find his cellmate Harry the favours Harry did for him
appearance from actor asleep in his barn. But Harry in prison. No, Harry comes
Tristan Gemmill as Will.
He’ll return in 2015 to
play Tracy’s ex-husband, WHERE TO WATCH… EASTENDERS Drama Double bill at 1pm
weekdays. Catch up on the UKTV Play app.
before being shot dead
CORONATION STREET ITV3 Double EMMERDALE ITV3 Double bill at 1.45pm
through the Rovers’ bill at 2.50pm weekdays, repeated the following weekdays, repeated the following weekday
window at Christmas weekday at 6am. Catch up on the ITV Hub. at 6.55am. Catch up on the ITV Hub.
four years later.

lnsideSoap 35
Get in Everyone might have made it out
contact alive, but Tane’s in a bad way –
and I can’t work out who’s trying
to kill him. Felicity might be in the
frame, but I have a feeling she’s
not the true culprit…
| Charley
We’ll have to wait and see
who’s behind the poisoning!

Drop our Alice

a line and join
in the fun!
There’s £10
on offer for
Star every comment
we publish –

and £25 for the
star letter!
Flick’s in the
frame, but who is
the real culprit?


Does anyone else wonder if Cain and Al will soapbox@
FESTIVE MADNESS Emmerdale has been so good this
ever end their feud in Emmerdale? With all Christmas! Meena has been utterly
crazy. Vanessa has finally returned,
the drama going on with the Woolpack, and and now I am eager to see her and
then Cain leaving Ellis for dead on the moors, Charity get back together. Plus,
Priya is breaking my heart in every
I really don’t think there’s any way back. Those episode. And on top of that, I can’t
families are going to be at war forever! Find us on imagine how the Woolpack is
| Rachel, Bath
Instagram at going to rebuild – amazing stuff!
@insidesoapmagazine | Tess, St Leonard’s on Sea
We were on the absolute
edge of our seat through all
the Christmas episodes!
Pairing Sharon and Kat in
EastEnders to save Phil’s skin
is something I didn’t expect. Join our WITH HONOUR!
Whoever put the two together
community at I was shocked to see Honour in
is a genius! Kat was sceptical of Hollyoaks threateningg Warren.
insidesoap Out of th
he new family
Sharon because of their past, but it
looks as if they’re likely to become members, I really didn’t
friends. Let’s hope they can both expect Honour
H to be
save Phil from the police… the next to resort to
| Louise, Leicester blackmail (after Ethan
It’s an unlikely partnership of coursee). I wonder
– but we’re not sure whether Follow us what Dav ve would
it can stand the test of time! on twitter make of his
@InsideSoapMag wife’s threats…
How long will Kat more to
It was too long a wait to see the and Sharon hold
resolution of the Home and Away their truce? Honour than
cliffhanger – but it was amazing! meets thhe eye!
36 lnsideSoap
Dotty got a real
shock for Christmas

The Christmas Day episode of
EastEnders this year was absolutely
brilliant. With Rocky being
exposed as Tom Cotton, then Sonia
being told he’s not her dad. And
then poor Dotty being told that
Tom is her dad – it left my head
spinning! On top of that, having
Gray unmasked as a killer was
the icing on the cake.
| Natasha, Wakefield
You can rely on EastEnders to pull
it out of the bag at Christmas!

I’m intrigued by Corrie newcomer The
Lydia. It
seems she
might be

a bit of Lydia is already
trouble for stirring up trouble
Sarah and
Adam – even though they’ve
only just steadied their rocky
romance. But I hope Lydia and
Daniel hit it off – just to get him
away from crazy Daisy.
CAR CRASH HORROR! confessed what they did
at the very beginning!
| Harriet, Sussex New Year for Emma and Faye got off | Craig, London
Daisy vs Lydia would be worth
booking front row seats for.
to a terrifying start in Corrie when they Many of you are worried
ran over Ted – and then discovered he’d what this might mean for
A NEW GREENWOOD died! Our readers sent in their thoughts recently imprisoned Faye!
With Neighbours’ Amy being
so bubbly, it’s surprising how about their sticky situation… From Faye’s point of view,
different her daughter Zara is! I completely understand not
That youngster has a h huge wanting to come forward
attitude, and has really about what happened with
thrown a spa anner in the I really don’t know how be solid evidence. They also Ted. But in Corrie nothing
works for Am my’s ‘poly’ Emma is going to keep the didn’t think about wiping stays secret, and Craig might
arrangemen nt with Levi secret about Ted under her Emma’s fingerprints off the even be the one to dob her in!
and Ned. Ho owever, it hat. She’s the biggest gossip key safe outside Ted’s flat | Ashley, Birmingham
must have ccome as a on the Street – I think trying when they did their clean up!
massive shock for Zara to keep this quiet plus the | Rachel, Hartlepool After all Faye’s been through,
to find heer mum guilt will eat her alive! she comes back, runs someone
in bedd with two | Cecile One thing that I’ll never over and then finds them dead!
youn ng men! understand is why Emma Is there no way she can have
Anna, Kent I think the phone call to and Faye didn’t call an just a few months of peace?
It won’t
w just be police about Ted by Emma ambulance when they first | Tia
Amy y that Zara will be her and Faye’s found Ted. It’s only going It’s going to be tough for
is go
oing to cause downfall in Corrie. That and to get worse from here on Faye and Emma to keep
problems for… the parcel delivery man will out – they should have this dark secret…
lnsideSoap 37
Request SPOT
lnsideSoap TEAM
Executive Editor GARY GILLATT
Features Editor ALLISON JONES
Deputy Features Editor SARAH ELLIS
Please help – I loved Ash’s News Editor LAURA-JAYNE TYLER
jacket in EastEnders that Writer KATE WHITE
she wore on the big night TV Writer LYNN GIBSON
Editorial Assistant/Junior Writer ALICE PENWILL

out. Where can I get one?
| Ellen, Royston PRODUCTION HUB
Good choice – Ash is Production Editor/Chief Sub BEN WHISSON
Art Director PAUL LANG
always on trend! The Deputy Art Director MARK JOHNSON
closest match we found Familiar face Lisa Art Editor GEMMA BILBE
is the ‘Alysha Faux Fur Geoghan has been in Art Editor RICHARD HOPE
The Bill and Casualty
PU Biker Jacket in Black’ Senior Designer SOPHIE CHAPPLE
from Vivichi. There’s Designer MARIA SOCRATOUS
also the ‘Blue Vanilla FROM BEHIND The Bill. Designer PAUL VYSE
Cream Faux Fur Leather THE BAR! Lisa was Junior Designer (maternity) MEGAN PENFOLD
Look Trim Aviator I have a burning question there for 12 Picture Editor FRAN JEPPS
Deputy Picture Editor SARAH KING
Jacket’ from New Look – about EastEnders on New years, from Senior Picture Researcher ANGELA BROOKS
currently in the sale! Year’s Eve. When we 1992 to 2004. Senior Picture Researcher MICHELLE HALL
went to Linda’s mum’s Polly was one of the Picture Researcher MARTIN CARRIGAN
pub, who was the biggest characters, but Picture Researcher SHILA SULTANA
mysterious barmaid? she decided to leave the CONTACT US
She looks so familiar, station after the murder WRITE TO The Editor, Inside Soap House of
but I can’t place her… plot involving PC Cathy Hearst, 30 Panton Street, London, SW1Y 4AJ
EDITORIAL 020 7339 4588
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ime flies when you are “I’m a happy boy!” admits the star,
having fun tormenting a who made his Dales debut in March
village every weeknight. 2000. “Cain has got so many layers
At least that’s been the now, and the longer I stay, the more
case for Emmerdale’s challenges they have for me, which
Jeff Hordley. Having clocked up two I love. The writers write great stuff
decades in the show playing bad boy for Cain, so as long as they keep doing
Cain, he’s heading into a new year that, as I said, I’m a happy boy.”
embroiled in another massive drama. It’s always thrilling to see Cain
The stakes are high as the dangerous entangled in a war with a hated
feud between Cain and Al is close nemesis, and there have been plenty
to boiling point, and lives – and over the years. Right now, that person is
livelihoods – are on the line. We caught slippery Al Chapman, who has made Cash crisis: Marlon
and Chas are
up with Jeff to find out what the future a full-time job out of scheming against facing potential
holds and whether he’s planning to Chas and Marlon at the Woolpack. financial ruin
stick around for another two decades. Cain already loathed him after he
seduced and betrayed his daughter and sidekick Mack kenzie face to face
Debbie – however, after their festive with the man pulling Al’s strings,
fighting over sons Ellis and Kyle, it’s shady Gavin. According to Jeff, it
become even more personal. doesn’t take long for
f Cain to realise
“Al is public enemy number one this guy is really bad news – and
for Cain!” laughs Jeff. “He’s like a dog things go wrong.
with a bone when it comes to Al, and “He knows insta antly that
he won’t let go, regardless of what Gavin is a person not
n to
anyone else says. The trouble with be messed with, an nd the
Cain is that he doesn’t see the bigger penny starts to dro op
picture at all. He’s so focused on about what’s really y
ruining things for Al that he doesn’t going on with Al and
realise the effect on his family.” the Woolpack,” hee tells
The problem is that Chas and Marlon us. “It’s good to see
Bat idea: Cain brings are facing financial ruin and need to do Cain and Mackenzie
Mackenzie with him
to meet shady Gavin a deal with Al to get themselves out of working together
it. But this week brings meddling Cain – it seems Mack

40 lnsideSoap
Al’s about it:
Cain and Mackenzie
face off against
sly Mr Chapman

does have his uses as far as

Cain is concerned! Me and
Lawrence Robb [Mack] spent
the day locking horns with
Ben Richards [Gavin], and we
had a lot of fun together!”
After his run-in with Cain,
Gavin decides to pull the
plug on the development
deal, leaving Al completely
screwed. The trouble is that
Cain hasn’t factored in that
Chas and Marlon will go down
with him. As the nightmarish
reality becomes clear, Cain finds
himself deeply unpopular with
everybody. But will it stop him
going for Al again?
“I don’t think the Cain and Al feud
is over yet – there’s more to come!”
promises Jeff. “There have been a lot
of standoffs, so maybe there should
be a moment where they literally
come to blows. Cain is in the doghouse
with the Dingles, though, and I’m
still waiting to read scripts to find
out if he’ll get out of it. Right
now, I’m still ostracised!”
The Dingles fall out all the
time, but nothing has ever
completely destroyed their
bond. In fact, Jeff says
from the first moment
he arrived, family
was everything
at Emmerdale.
“I remember the early days of
working with Emma Atkins [Charity],
Andy Devine [Shadrach], Steve
Halliwell [Zak], Jane Cox [Lisa] and Jim
Hooton [Sam],” he recalls. “All of those
memories are of big Dingle breakfasts!
There was fun and mayhem, and lots
of full Englishes to be eaten. I put on
a fair bit of weight in the early days
with all those breakfasts!”
Meanwhile, Jeff says that he had a
plan to play Cain for a short time and
then move on to the next acting role.
“In my head it was two years max,
but then two years became six,” he
muses. “I had a break,
and I’ve been back for
12 years now, and it’s
been great. Sometimes
as an actor, you read a
part, and it can be hard
because you don’t really So, as 2022 dawns, it looks like Cain
know what to do with that will continue to raise hell in Emmerdale
character. But with Cain, for a long time to come. What is Jeff
I knew instantly how hoping for from this new year?
Family meal: A
I would play him – it was classic Dingle “I’m looking forward to some
a great part to take on.” breakfast from good stories for the whole Emmerdale
One of the things that Cain’s early days company for our 50th anniversary,” he
keeps the job fresh for Jeff enthuses. “The live 40th anniversary
is Cain’s unpredictable good that Cain was the voice of reason episode was a great challenge for us,
nature. He says that the Dingle with Moira, who was struggling to and the feeling we got making that
hardman still surprises him, even accept Matty. Cain was like, ‘No, you hour-long broadcast work was great.
after such a long time. must accept this and let Matty be who Like the underwater stuff I filmed a
The w le thing with Matty and he wants to be’. It was a nice angle few years ago, I got a massive sense of
the ttrans story was really good,” for Cain because you might assume achievement. So, watch this space!”
he tells
t us. “I thought it was he’d have the opposite view.” Kate White

Cain’s biggest ENEMIES!

Chris Tate Cameron Murray Joe
Bad blood boiled The quickest way to get Tate
between Cain and Home Cain’s goat is to mess with Smirk in a
Farm overlord Chris. First Debbie, but Cameron did the suit Joe
they fought over Tate double by cheating on Cain’s was
Haulage’s part in Butch’s daughter with his sister, Cain’s
death, before going to war Chas. Cain and Charity worst
over Charity’s heart. Chris Sadie King attacked Cameron when the nightmare as a son n-in-law
in law
and his big wallet drove There was a love-hate truth came out, but he lived – spoilt, arrogant,
Cain to the edge of reason, relationship between ice to ricochet between the shady, and Chris
but he used secret love queen Sadie and Cain as women before taking them Tate’s son. So,
child Debbie and Charity’s they worked to wreck Tom both hostage and revealing when Joe
simmering passion King’s plan to marry he was a serial killer. Atta appeared to ditch
to settle the score. Charity. Although they did boy, Cameron. Debbie at the altarr
the nasty several times, while trying to flee
Cain also killed Sadie’s Kim, Cain caught up u
dog, shot and dumped her with him. He punch hed
at the side of the road Joe, who fell and hit
h his
while he made off with head – leaving Cain n
their money. What a gent! crippled with guilt.

42 lnsideSoap
CORONATION STREET | ITV MONDAY there. I feel like when we’re filming,

Jacob should at least walk past, just
oronation Street is all about so we’re in a scene together.
family, so it’s perfect that a
talented brother and sister As Mancunians, has Corrie always
have both bagged a role been a big thing in your house?
on the show at the same Jack Absolutely. Growing up in
Second chance:
time. Rebecca Ryan and her younger Will Jacob be able to Manchester, everyone watches Corrie.
sibling Jack James look set to make show he’s changed? For us, it was a big part of the family
2022 the year their real-life family cause routine. We’d sit with chicken dippers,
maximum mayhem for the Barlow clan, beyond that, I showed her where the chips and beans and watch Corrie.
and they aren’t even related on screen. canteen and toilets were, and she was Rebecca Even now, I’ll pop to my
We caught up with them to hear about good to go. The Corrie canteen is top Mum’s, and we’ll bob Corrie on. We’ve
what to expect from troublemakers tier. It’s better than Emmerdale’s – but watched Corrie since I can remember.
Lydia and Jacob on the cobbles… don’t tell them that! It’s a pinch-yourself moment for me
Rebecca We’ve only had one day to walk on the cobbles.
Hi, Rebecca and Jack! How does when we’ve actually been in at the Jack The show is iconic, and I feel
it feel to be working on Coronation same time so far. As it goes along, there incredibly humbled to be the smallest
Street at the same time? will be many more, so Jack might get part of its history and hopefully its
Jack It’s beyond words! I was so a lift there and back sometimes. future – if they keep me on!
buzzing when I found out Becky was Kate White
joining the cast. She’s been my biggest Rebecca, your character Lydia is

inspiration growing up – I wanted to be causing big problems for Adam
an actor since I can remember, and a big and Sarah already. Are you excited
factor was my sister being on TV every about what’s to come?

week. I’m incredibly biased, but I think Rebecca I’m looking forward to her
Becky is a stunning actor, and I know causing more trouble because that’s
she’s going to make an impact! fun to play. But I also want people to
Rebecca It’s so amazing! We were on see her and the reasons why she’s there
Casualty at the same time, as he came to cause trouble. She doesn’t go in Brother Jack isn’t the
on to the show when I was there, but intending to do that, and I want to get only familiar face
we didn’t get to actually work together that across. She’s actually quite a nice for Rebecca in the
on it. I’ve done some scenes with my person, and her friendship with Sarah is Coronation Street
older brother Charlie before, but never genuine, as is her attraction to Daniel. cast, as she’s also
got to work with Jack. To be on Corrie Lydia doesn’t do things just to ruin working with some
together is a dream come true! everyone’s lives… old pals again…
“It’s so lovely to
Jack, you are back after a stint last We can’t imagine that the Barlows work with Tina O’Brien
year, so did you give Rebecca any will be delighted about Jacob’s [Sarah] again because
advice about joining Corrie? romance with Amy either, Jack… we were together in
Jack She’s so used to being on set that Jack The Barlows are not going to react Waterloo Road for a
she didn’t need much advice from me! well as they already hate Jacob, and they little bit,” says the
I just told her to enjoy herself. I knew think they know him because of Simon. actress. “Working
Becky would settle right in because Will they give him the chance to show with her a lot makes
everyone here is so welcoming. But he’s changed? Who knows? But one everything feel more
thing is for sure, you don’t want to get in comfortable and lovely.
the way of Steve McDonald and his girls, “I’d love
and you don’t want to get on the wrong to do some
side of Tracy Barlow full stop! scenes with Sally
Carman [Abi]
Obviously, you are in different too, because
plots, but do you think Lydia we worked
and Jacob would get on? together for
Jack No! I think Lydia would be a few years
like, “Who the hell is this guy?” but on Shameless,”
it’d be interesting. It would be so great adds Rebecca.
to have a scene with Becky – and “I haven’t seen
Mum would be dead proud that day. Sally since I’ve
Rebecca I’d love that – it would come to Corrie,
be brilliant. They might get on so I’d love
Keep a Lyd on it: because Lydia can be quite feisty, that as she’s
She’s causing and she can hold her own so she an amazing
big trouble for
the Barlows wouldn’t take any crap from Jacob. actress.”
There could be a bit of mutual respect

lnsideSoap 45


orried as we are
for poor Chelsea ON HOW PUBLIC
– trapped in her
marriage to killer SUPPORT HAS
husband Gray CHANGED FOR HER
– there’s hope on the horizon. An
empowering twist in the story saw CHARACTER SINNCE SHE
Whitney team up with Gray’s new bride RAY…
to expose his true colours, and rescue
Chelsea from the same fate as his
first wife, Chantelle. There’s girl power What has it been like to play
in the air – as star Zaraah Abrahams, Chelsea since she found out
who plays Chelsea, tells us that she the truth about Gray?
knows exactly how the plot will end… I’ve enjoyed it! It was a huge honour
“If the viewers enjoyed Christmas, to be so heavily involved through
they are really going to love what’s the Christmas period, and viewers
coming up,” grins Zaraah, as she have responded so well. I think a
joins us after a busy day filming. lot of people have changed their
“We found out how the story minds about Chelsea.
concludes just a couple of weeks
ago, and it’s a real page-turner!” In what way?
It’s not looking good for Chelsea I get lots of messages like, “Run!
this week (see p10), as Gray tightens He’s going to kill you! Go back
his grip on her. Yet if Zaraah gets to the old Chelsea! Don’t let him Rival soap: Before
her wish, she has a long and happy control you”. They really want EastEnders, Zaraah
starred in Corrie
future in Walford ahead of her… me to survive, which is nice!

As a viewer, don’t you just wish

Chelsea would tell her mum?
Absolutely, I would love for her to reach Chantelle
out to Denise – or even her Auntie Kim, story was
or Patrick. Yet, you know when you’re so strong and
in a pickle and you feel embarrassed devastating.
or ashamed? Chelsea doesn’t know I think it’s in
how to put it into words. Chelsea’s character
to fight back.
Is it important that the When you become
female characters take a mum, these other
back control of the instincts take over
situation at this point? and you start fighting
Fan favourite: Yes, it was crucial for me for another life.
Viewers really want
Chelsea to survive and Shona [McGarty, who I wanted to portray
serial killer Gray plays Whitney], as the that as well.
Are you and Shona embracing
girl power on set? Zaraah’s
Yeah, we love it! We read the episode,
and then we write our own scenes on
top of that. The director yells “Cut!”,
but we keep going. It’s nice to meet
somebody who’s a bit nuts like me! FIVE
Zaraah raves
If Chelsea survives Gray, how
might this ordeal affect her? about her
I don’t know, trauma affects people Walford
in different ways. She could come out
of it stronger, more compassionate,
empathetic, and understanding. Or it
could make her more savage! I would
like to think that, eventually, Chelsea “My closest 1
will benefit from the situation – but she friend is
might have a hard time getting there. probably Toby-
Has joining EastEnders lived Smith, who
up to your expectations? plays Gray.
Beyond! I’m grateful that it’s come I see him 12 hours a day, so I can
into my life at the time that it always rely on Toby for advice if
has. It’s a combination of my I need it. He’s a great human.”
character, the family I’ve
been welcomed into – on 2 “Who was
screen and off – and the I most in
storylines I’ve been awe of when
gifted. I’ll be here I joined?
until I’m 90 if Probably
they’ll have me! Rudy [Walker
aka Patrick]. His energy is
After doing Corrie contagious, and he’s so wise,
(Zaraah played humble and healthy.”
Joanne Jackson
from 2005 to “Scott 3
2007), did you ever Maslen
imagine joining [Jack] always
its biggest rival? looks so cool,
No! I was so young wearing his
when I was in sunglasses.
Coronation Street. I turn up to work in my PJs looking
I think I started a mess, but I’ve never seen him
when I was 17, looking anything less than sharp.”
and at that age,
you don’t look
beyond your next
4 “Tameka
pair of Topshop [Kim] definitely
shoes. I thought wins the crown
I’d go back to for funniest
Coronation Street at member of
some stage if they the cast.
asked, yet I think Her laugh is so infectious –
I’ve always had a and she has me in stitches!”
healthy attitude to
acting. I treat jobs as “I’d bring 5
experiences and don’t back Bill
try to look too far beyond Treacher as
each one. I can’t believe I’ve Arthur Fowler if
done both of them now! I could! I used

to love him and

Time to do Emmerdale Pauline bickering. I remember him
for the hat-trick? having a hard time and wanting
No, I’m staying where I am! to say, ‘It’s okay, Arthur!’”
Laura-Jayne Tyler

lnsideSoap 47
Wedded bliss:
Will the big
day go off
a hitch?

E veryone was
wishing me luck
for Roxy’s big day!”
grins Neighbours star
Zima Anderson, as we
chat with her about the
upcoming nuptials. “The whole thing
felt so real, as if I was really in Roxy’s
world. And when I was in the white
dress everyone was going, ‘Your
wedding is so lovely’ – it felt as
though I got married that day, too!”
It was Kyle’s devastating cancer
diagnosis that prompted Roxy to
pop the question. And after a tough
couple of months, everyone on
Ramsay Street prepares to give the
couple the celebration
they deserve. But
Zima tells us
there are
twists to

Hi, Zima!
How is
aren’t going
Trouble ahead: Wil
Sheila cope with
whatever Mick ha
to plan as Mick planned?
is arranging their
wedding! Roxy wants
to get married because she loves Kyle,
and she wants everything to be breezy
– but Mick’s actions throw things up in
the air. I can’t wait for everyone to see H
it, it’s very dramatic and intense! ZIMA ANDERSON
Are you surprised that Roxy PROMISES SHOCK
is getting married?
I’m shocked that she’s going to be a DRAMA AT ROXY
married woman! But Roxy always had
that dream of marriage – I just didn’t
think it would happen so quickly. WEDDING…
48 lnsideSoap

“Flick is Cash’s
perfect: But
Achilles heel!”
the big day is
a tense affair Home and Away’s Nicholas Cartwright
fills us in on Felicity’s downfal
What do you make of the dress?

I love it! The team did so well, they ash grows desperate to
made it from scratch, it’s incredible. prove Felicity’s innocence
Now I’ve had this amazing on-screen this week, but as evidence
wedding, I think that’s me done, stacks up against her, the situation
I don’t need another wedding! only gets worse…
I might keep the dress, though – After cans of poison are found
after all, they made it for me. in her van, Felicity attempts to
convince Cash she’s being set up.
What are your hopes for Eventually, Anne admits to Flick
Roxy and Kyle? that she’s the real culprit behind
Desperate: Felicity
I hope that they have a happy the poisoning at Salt – but as Home tries to get Cash to see
ending, I really do, because and Away star Nicholas Cartwright she’s being set up
I love them together. And when tells us, there’s not much his alter
Roxy first arrived, I don’t think ego can do to save his sister. Hopefully Cash can solve the
anyone expected that Kyle would “Cash tries to convince detective
tive case and continue as Summer Bay’s
be the one for her. But they work Darren Nassar to investigate An nne, top cop, because Nicholas reveals
together so well. Neither of them but they have tunnel vision on there’s lots coming up for the
has been lucky in love and it’s Felicity at that point,” sighs thee policeman to investigate…
a tough world. So I hope their actor. “So Cash goes digging into “Today I got pulled into
marriage lasts and they have a Anne’s past himself. However, the writers’ room for
beautiful relationship. when he does, he’s warned thatt a safety briefing,”
he’ll be taken off the case. And he laughs. “There’s
What’s it like working with then Felicity disappears, which absolutely loads
Chris Milligan (Kyle)? leaves Cash devastated.” happening, and
We have a great friendship, and he’s Cash leads the search for missing there’s some serious
so funny! Chris and I are so different, Felicity, and Nicholas tells us th
hat crime coming to
but we get along so well – just like he’s not at all surprised at the Summer Bay – I’m
Kyle and Roxy. And because we’ve lengths Cash is going to in ordeer looking forward to that.
worked so closely for a while now, we to protect his sister. They give us a break
can just be ourselves with each other. “Cash didn’t make the decisio on every now and then
to destroy evidence lightly – Fellicity before throwing
Would you like Roxy and Kyle to is his Achilles heel,” he confessees. in another
move into their own house? “I think he’d ruin his own life to
o help murder!”
I would love that – it would be so fun. his sister. But I hope Cash doesn n’t Alice
I feel as if they’d have a crazy house. do much more – he’d lose his jo ob!” Penwill
Hopefully they’ll have kids and dogs
running around. They’d be the new
Karl and Susan – but a lot spicier…
Alice Penwill

Hitched: Roxy and

Kyle seal their
marriage with a kiss!

Vanishing act: With the

investigation focused on
Felicity, she disappears

T his is my first time
playing a villain –
and I love it!” exclaims
Hollyoaks star Matthew
James Bailey, as he tells
us what we can expect
from his alter ego, Ethan Williams, and
how much he’s loving his new role.
“But the twist with Ethan is that he’s
three-dimensional. So he might come
across as your typical bad guy, but he’s
not really – Ethan has a heart.”
After he kidnapped Darren, it’s
safe to say that Ethan isn’t the most
popular person in the village at the
moment! And this week, the newcomer
makes a bad impression on even
more people when he attempts to
cover up some vital evidence from
the night of the deadly explosion!
“Ethan has to hide something, and
it happens to be in Ste and Sienna’s
cleaning van,” reveals Matthew.
“It’s definitely a case of wrong
place and wrong time for
them And if an one

Not your
’ e got
ot a lit le
e pus s te
ide a
id nd

m m
s o
di l d
od h n
o te
Dangerous duo: Will c e th s w
Ethan and Maya
bring more trouble
to the village? t e
r of
0l a g deal
al no
h h,, he’
e s b k in a bi
ig wa
put Ethan in jeopardy. Matthew has joined the show
The last thing he wants alongside six new cast members who
is to be incriminated, play his on-screen family, the Chen-
so Ethan hides the Williams. And Ethan has a close bond
evidence – and that with his older brother, Dave, played
causes mayhem…” by ex-Emmerdale star Dominic Power
However, as Ethan (aka Cameron Murray).
attempts to intimidate “Dave really cares for his younger
Ste and Sienna, he soon brother – he raised Ethan in a way,”
comes to realise that Matthew tells us. “It will be hard to
Sienna isn’t quite as break their brotherly bond, but
New faces: innocent as she seems. Honour isn’t too keen on Ethan
What’s in store “When Ethan first because he does get into trouble.
for the Chen-
Williams family? meets Sienna, he has “One thing Dominic did say is
no idea what she’s that Ethan reminds him of a young
like!” laughs Matthew. Cameron,” he adds. “He’s given me
“Buut that’s what Anna [Passey, some really good advice as well. He’s so
who plays Sienna] and I have brilliant to work with! Dominic’s really
beeen having so taken on the role of ‘dad’
uch fun with.
nd honestly,
Ethan has a in the family, and he’s
constantly cracking jokes
here’s some
reeal chemistry
thing for very on set! It’s been great to
share the screen with him.”
Villain: After
beetween those powerful Despite all the drama,
kidnapping Darren,
what does Ethan
have planned next?
tw wo. As you can
ssee from Ethan’s and strong Matthew tells us that he’s
absolutely loving his time
rrelationship with
Maya, he has a
women on Hollyoaks so far.
“It’s been a roller
hing for very powerful coaster from day one – and I really
and strrong women.” got thrown in at the deep end,” he
Sienna might not be intimidated by grins. “But that just means I got to hit
Ethan, but poor Ste is left living in fear the ground running in the best way
– and Matthew knows he might not possible. I was in Hollyoaks for a one-
become a fan favourite because of it! off episode years ago, and I remember
“No one’s going to be keen on coming away thinking how lovely
Ethan after this,” he admits. “Hee everyone was – so when h I gott the
th call
becomes quite manipulative witth about Ethan it was the happiest I’d
Ste, which for an outsider is sad to been in a long time!”
see. But Ethan loves it! He H loves having Alice Penwill
a bit of power, and the fact
f that he
can have some sort of co ontrol ov
someone. And I think th hat’s because
of how Maya treated him m.”

Clash of the
Matthew predicts there’s potential for drama
when Ethan meets notorious Warren Fo ox…
r wi h “Ethan and Warren haven’t met – day criminal, whereas Warren’s s
the yet,” reveals Matthew. “But I can tell old school – he’ll lead with
w his
mb s tells
el s
el you there are some exciting scenes fists. I’m sure the audieence
of wh
what t s coming up. These two are similar, will be desperate to seee what
am a villainous characters with a rich happens when these tw wo
nd he e history of crime. Can you imagine if meet, because I am! I dod
nse these two go head-to-head? wonder why anyone moves
ek. “They come from different worlds me
to Hollyoaks – the crim
because Ethan’s a very modern- rates must be ridiculouus…”
pi al,
ow lnsideSoap 51
ay! Wh
Family life
Steve McDonald along
with twin brother Andy MEET
were born on 2 June 1974
in Belfast to parents Liz
and Jim. With dad Jim BEHIND
in the Army, they moved
Early around a lot as the boys THE SOAP
days grew up, but finally settled
in Coronation Street on
6 December 1989.

Love of his life

Teething troubles Tracy had a crush on Steve
Steve made an impression on since she was a teen, and
the Street from day one – and it plotted for years to bag him.
wasn’t a good Steve, in the meantime,
one! His first married four other
episodes saw women – Vicky y,
him break the Karen, Becky
corner shop and Michelle
window with a – before Tracy
Bad football, then finally won
boy days later break her man.
its replacement Their secret?
with an industrial earth mover! “They fancy
The pranks would turn into illegal each other True love
activities as the teen grew up… rotten,” laughs

SOAPME... Joy and heartbreak

Steve has two daughters, 17-year-
old Amy, and Emma, 21, whom
he only discovered existed in 2019.
But he has faced terrible tragedy.
Tracy, Becky and Karen all
suffered miscarriages, his son,
Ruairi (with Michelle) was stillborn, Baby
while Oliver (with Leanne) died
in 2020, aged only three.
Va-va-voom! Exposed!
Steve’s known for
Steve’s had many
Headspace things going horribly
businesses, but his longest-
wrong for him, but
running has been taxi firm In 2015, Steve suffered with one of his greatest
Streetcars. However, the dad depression, resulting in achievements was
was even willing to sacrifice that a minibus crash that left raising £100,000 for
when Oliver was ill to raise funds many injured. Oliver’s memorial fund.
for his treatment. He’s also “I thought, ‘Have you chosen While a run and other
owned the Rovers and his the right guy?’ because it’s the activities contributed,
first venture – a T-shirt silliness Steve brings to the show,” getting his kit off for a
printing business! he says. “But if it could happen to charity calendar also
Steve, it could happen to anybody.” helped hit the target!

52 lnsideSoap
Family life
Simon Allen Gregory, was
CORRIE’S born in Wythenshawe on
STEVE 2nd October 1974. His dad

Simonon was a policeman and his

mother a bank clerk. He has

on older sister, Tracey.
Simon changed his Young
surname to Gregson to
avoid clashing with another
actor who had his name.

ove of his life


Simon married Teething troubles
Emma Gleave in
E Simon won his Corrie role when
2010. Although,
2 producers came to his school. He
ather like Steve, filmed his first episode at 15, and
mon admits he’s not later found the pressure difficult.
a rom ntic. “I bought “I was thinking that I’d got the job
Emm ma flowers once through luck, that I wasn’t good at it
and she said, ‘What – I was hard on myself,” he says.
ave you done?’,
so I said, ‘You
can get lost!’”
So, what’s their
secret? “We
Real mak
romance oth Teen

Simon battled cold
temperatures and a
eal e! Joy and heartbreak
Simon has three sons – 14-year-
old Alfie, 12-year-old Harry and
battering by storm six-year-old Henry Teddy.
Arwen to take part However, Emma suffered 12
in last year’s I’m A
miscarriages as well as a
Celebrity…, coming
dangerous ectopic pregnancy.
a very respectable
second place. “It was Family “The surgeon said another
freezing cold,” he says. joy couple of hours and she might
have died,” says Simon.
“It’s literally a game
of survival. But I had
no preconceptions Va-va-voom!
it was easy!” Simon collects vintage
Headspace cars. Last year, he
Simon has struggled with donated a Triumph car as
depression, admitting he well as a motorbike to
covered it by drinking. In 1996 deserving NHS staff. “These
he took nine months off. He guys do all these huge
has also overcome anxiety. amounts of hours helping
“It’s always in the back of your everybody, so I thought a
Get mind that it might come back, little project might be
your but it hasn’t happened for
about six years.”
nice for them,”
he says.
kit off
lnsideSoap 53
The stars
face your


“Why...?” They
Stefan ANSWER!
Paul Robinson “How...?”

icked Paul Robinson has faced The two that I’m
lifelong friends with
many tough questions during are Fiona Corke, who
his three-and-a-half decades on Dream co-star: Stefan played Gail, and Rebekah
would love to see
Ramsay Street! So star Stefan is prepared Charlize Theron on [Elmaloglou], who plays
for our readers’ tricky teasers… Ramsay Street Paul’s current wife, Terese.
Bek and I get along so well, as
“What’s been your favourite storyline that played out, with all we’re both naughty children! But
ever storyline for Paul?” the ex-wives turning up, just in it’s always lovely to see the others. I’ve
I tell you what, it’s the one that actually Vegas instead of Queensland. That known Jane Hall [who played Rebecca]
never happened, where Paul and Terese would have been my favourite! since she was 12, I actually worked with
were supposed to get married in Las her on her first big acting job on The
Vegas. We were all set to fly out “Would you be friends with Henderson Kids. I played her kidnapper –
there, but there was an Pau
Paul in real life?” then 30 years later, I married her!
issue with the visas, and Lo
ook, probably not. He’s a
then Covid hit. It would “Which bit of a numbskull! Maybe
b “Which of Paul’s wives do you
think he’s been most suited to?”
have been the
exact same
of his iff he was a family friend,
or I met him at a dinner I’d say his current wife, Terese. They’ve
wives is p
party or something, I might come from the same career background,
Paul most h
have a drink with him.
People always say to me,
and have the same ideals.
Terese is Paul’s moral
suited to?” “OOh, you must hate playing compass, she has the
Paaul, he’s so nasty!” But it’s ability and the balls
becauuse he’s so nasty that to pull him into line,
I love playingg him. I wouldn’t want and he admires her
to live next d
door to him, though – I’d for that. Paul likes a
e council to get strong woman.
him removed from the street!
“Where would you
The One: Stefan thinks
Paul’s finally found his “Are you still in touch with the like to go on your
soulmate with Terese actors who played Paul’s wives?” next holiday?”

54 lnsideSoap
Road trip:
The biker
is keen to
ride from
to Adelaide

There’s a road trip I’ve had in mind

mi d
that I would love to take my family
on – but if the kids aren’t up
for it, I’ll just go with my
wife on my motorbike! It’s
one of the best motorcycle
“Are you Til death do us part:
Stefan is firm friends
rides in the world, from still in with Fiona Corke,
who played wife Gail
Melbourne to Adelaide,
all along the coast. That’s
touch with
my dream journey. Paul’s ex- th
hat they wanted us live gigs and found my rock voice – so

“Which celebrity would

wives?” to
o bring along to this
arty. We loved it so
I probably would release another single,
but it would be so different to my first
you most like to cast much that we sent them one. I was young and stupid back then.
in Neighbours?” back a response, and an envelope
You see, I get into trouble here full of wacky things in return! “If you could play any other
because I always say Charlize Theron Neighbours character for the day,
– for obvious reasons! Apart from “Would you record another single who would it be?”
the fact that she’s a brilliant actress. if you were asked?” Is it bad that I don’t really fancy playing
Could you put the invitation out That question makes me laugh, because anyone other than Paul? No disrespect
there for me, please? if I did it now, it would probably be to any of my colleagues, who all do
Stefan Dennis sings his favourite songs their jobs brilliantly. If I had to pick,
“What’s been your strangest-ever by the fireside, with his pipe and I’d say Karl, because he’s a numbskull
fan encounter?” slippers! I’ve recently started doing too – but a totally different type of
One that sticks in my mind is when numbskull from Paul. I’d probably
Paul and Gail were very popular with enjoy playing Karl for similar reasons
the viewers. Fiona and I got a letter “Are there any that I enjoy playing Paul – there’s a
from a group of girls in England, lot to play with.
inviting us to their ‘bad taste’ party, British TV shows
and it was the most fun mail we’d ever you would love to
received! The envelope was full of the
ki things
hi star in?”
…asks reader Lily
Williams, from
You’d probably win
be better asking
my wife that question, because
she binge watches them all! I’d
be more interested in doing a
film over in the UK. I always
hoped I was going to be the new
James Bond! But I think I’m past
that time. Though Roger Moore

played Bond well into his 60s,

so you never know…

Thick as thieves: The actor Every week, we put your questions to a star of the soaps. Look out for requests on our
has enjoyed working with Facebook page, or email your questions to [email protected], putting the
Jane Hall over the years
actor’s name in the subject line. Our favourite question each week will win a £20 prize!

lnsideSoap 55
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s Dancing On Ice yourselves, or will there
returns for a 14th come a time where you’d
series this week, rather just sit down?
new judge Strictly pro Oti Jayne I think our bodies
Mabuse – who says she’s will tell us! We’re lucky that
“honoured to be on a show we’re still able to perform
that celebrates dance” – joins and get a lot of enjoyment
the panel alongside Ashley out of it. A few aches and
Banjo, Jayne Torvill and pains, but we do still enjoy it.
Christopher Dean. Inside TV Chris We’re always trying to
spoke to Olympic legends do something new, and this
Jayne and Christopher to year is no exception. There’s
find out how some of the another person in our life
celebrity contestants are now, Andy, who is a drone
reacting to the rink…

operator. We’re doing a whole
number just for the drone:
Hi, both! Are there any none of the other cameras in
standout performers among the studio will be recording it.
the contestants so far? It’s a real technical exercise
Chris I think Regan. Yes, he’s and has never been done
a musical theatre dancer, but before, so we’re breaking

he’s taken to the ice really well ground again with that…
and shown his ability straight Jayne Yes, the first time we
away. I think he’s going to be worked with Andy, it wasn’t as
really exciting to watch. if he could anticipate when we
Jayne And being younger, were going to turn around or
he’ll probably have less fear skate backwards: he literally
than some of the older ones. had to do it on the spot. And

Chris A good five or six of the drone is noisy as well,
the contestants are already you can hear it buzzing…
looking really strong. This is Chris But you eventually
probably one of the strongest learn to cut it out!
beginnings that we’ve ever
had, with so many people Stef and Kye are
who are potential finalists. both professional

yet a
So it’s really exciting! athletes – do you
think that
Do you think that the series helps in
has been inspirational for terms of
young wannabe skaters? coping
Chris One of our new with the
professionals, Morgan Swales, pressure?
started skating because of Jayne I think they will have a
Dancing On Ice! How old certain discipline about doing
does that make you feel?! the work and getting ready for of an aesthetic sport; more Jayne Well, prior to coming
Jayne [Laughs] I know… the show. They’ll have done controlled and sustained. to meet us for the first time,
Chris She watched it as a that with their own sports, so So he may have the mindset he’d just done a reality show
little girl, and it inspired her while this is another thing for going into it, but then the on boxing, and he ended up
to go to the ice rink – and them to learn, I think they will actual performance side is getting knocked out! So when
now she’s on the show! approach it in a similar way. a different kettle of fish. he first came to us, he was
Chris I think for Kye being a still experiencing double
Do you still enjoy BMX racer, his is an explosive Speaking of a different vision, and wasn’t actually
performing on the show sport, whereas this is more kettle of fish, how’s Bez? allowed on the ice.

60 lnsideSoap
Here’s the
lowdown on the
celebs (Covid and
injury permitting)
vying for the title…
Ria Hebden Sally Dynevor
Entertainment Coronation Street’s
presenter on Sally Webster
Lorraine “It will be nice for
“I love all the glitz the public to see me
and glamour of it!” dressed differently!”

Ben Foden Liberty Poole

English rugby 2021 Love Island
union player  contestant
“I like the “I’m quite
challenge good on the
of learning a ice – I can
new sport…” go fast!”

Kye Whyte Stef Reid

BMX Olympian Track and field
“I’ve never Paralympian 

trained “I don’t want
professionally for to go out first,
another sport, so I want to have
I’m super-excited!” 10 weeks of this!”

Mark Berry Brendan Cole

aka Bez, Happy Ex-Strictly

Mondays pro dancer
dancer “I’m a bit
“I’m quite apprehensive
accident-prone, that I might not
which I’m a bit be as good as
worried about!” people think!”

Kimberly Connor Ball

again!” Wyatt Bassist in

Member of The pop band
Pussycat Dolls The Vamps
“As a performer,
I’m excited to
make sure I’ve
still got it!”
“I’ve never
had a fake tan,
so that’ll be

Chris Bez said, “I’m going to Chris Yeah, I think he’s

Regan Rachel
get some corrective glasses going to try really, really
Gascoigne Stevens
Dancer and Former
so it brings everybody into hard. Plus, he has a
son of footie member of
one”. And he said hopefully massive cult following of legend Gazza S Club 7
it will help with his skating people who’ll want to keep “I’ve never “It’s a very
as well! So he’s got the right him in the contest – and been on live different type of
attitude towards it. find out what kind of thing

TV before, so I’m performance from

Jayne He’s very funny, and he’s going to do next! excited for that…” being in a pop group!”
a very nice person… Lynn Gibson

lnsideSoap 61
BOYS Action: The pair
are in for more


S eeing Dad being pushed

so far out of his comfort
zone makes for great telly,
having to conquer his own
self-doubt and having a go at
it. It’s brilliant to see that…”
I think,” grins Barney Walsh, “It’s a show you can
as he and his famous old man watch with all the family,
Bradley embark on another from grandparents to the
thrill-seeking trip across kids, which is lovely,” reckons
Europe together. “Witnessing Bradley. “We’ve had some Brad on to Europe’s largest
his genuine reaction to amazing feedback from people roller coaster in Poland and
something and saying, ‘No, who have reconnected with coax him into attempting a
no, I’m not doing it’ – but then members of their own family bobsleigh track in Norway’s
after watching the show, and Arctic mountains. The pair will
it’s inspired them to go on also be ‘enjoying’ escapology
their own road trip together. stunts in Hungary and free Shock: Brad’s
How brilliant is that?” diving down to a Croatian reactions are
This fourth epic adventure shipwreck – making more always priceless
will of course include another unforgettable memories
Fab dad: Barney says raft of madcap antics as as they go along. Hungary,” admits Bradley.
he’s inspired that Barney – despite his dad’s “My favourite moment this “It was incredible and I’m so
Brad always rises to
the challenge ongoing determination to put series was working with an proud that I got to do it. But
his feet up – attempts to drag amazing escapologist in I absolutely hated jumping off



fter 20 years away, “The show has a fondness in
this charming painting the hearts of the people who
Easel work: The
inspirational contest – in which four used to watch it – and I was
series is back amateur artists have three rather in love with wonderful
after 20 years hours to capture a stunning Hannah Gordon!” she beams.
scene on paper, competing “Imagine a beautiful location,
head-to-head – is back on four people sitting at easels
our screens. Previously with their watercolour paints
presented by the actress and pieces of paper for three
Hannah Gordon, the series hours to capture the sights, the
returns with Fern Britton sounds, the smells; the feeling
at the helm, and she’s of the vista in front of them.
thrilled to be involved… The locations are stunning.”

My Telly
...with Graeme Hall

og trainer Graeme Hall takes a
break from his trek around the
UK to tell us his favourite TV…

What has been your favourite drama

you’ve watched recently?
I get enough drama in my working life,
so I tend to watch things that are a bit
lighter. I love Call My Agent! on Netflix, True to life: Call My
I’ve been told it’s quite realistic… Agent! is one Graeme
loves to watch
And which comedy have you most
the roof of the football stadium enjoyed lately? What was the last show you binged?
in Croatia – I screamed and I’m actually going to say a live one – My guilty pleasure is Brooklyn Nine-
swore about that a lot…” Sarah Millican. I worked with Sarah, Nine. The humour is so corny, but I do
“It genuinely inspires me really briefly, on something that hasn’t quite like it. I can never watch just one
to watch Dad rise to the come on the telly yet, so I can’t tell you episode, so I think that qualifies!
challenge, however much he what it is. But I went along to watch
doesn’t want to do something,” her live in New York, and she’s very Is there anyone on television who
adds Barney. “We try to keep rude, but very, has particularly inspired you?
him in the dark about all the very funny. I’m going to name two: Ben Fogle,
activities until we arrive because he’s really nice with
because we know his reaction What were people; and Alex Polizzi
is going to be priceless. And it your favourite from The Hotel
always is, every single time!” shows when Inspector. Again, she
Best of the Beeb:
Allison Jones Blue Peter was a
you were has a lovely way with
childhood classic growing up? people – she tells it
I salute Blue like it is, but she’s
Peter. I’m old enough to remember always kind, even
John Noakes, Peter Purves and when she has to give
Valerie Singleton – John with his dog, people some home Inspired: Graeme
loves Alex’s manner
The first week of this saying, “Get down, Shep!” must have truths. I’ve really taken
new series explores the planted a seed: a dog behaving very that into what I do.
beauty of Yorkshire, the badly on the BBC!
artists – under the watchful If you could choose to be in any
eye of professional painter Was there also a kids’ cartoon other programme, what would it be?
Ady Wright – tasked with that you particularly loved? Oh, I want to be the hotel inspector!
painting scenes including Tom And Jerry is a classic. Also Filming Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly,
Scarborough Bay and Road Runner – there was just I get to stay in hotels quite a lot –
Castle Howard, and Fern something about that “meep good and bad. And how hard could
reckons we’re all going meep!” and off they go. sorting out hotels be compared
to be inspired. with sorting out labradors?
“I’ve definitely been What’s your favourite show to I reckon there’s a new show
inspired to paint,” she unwind in front of? to be had, which has Graeme

insists. “I’m not saying I’m Friends: I’ve seen it as the hotel inspector, while
an artist, but the pleasure so many times, Alex sorts the dogs out!
of putting something on a but I love it. It
page, and interpreting the never really Think Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly
fast: Road continues on Channel 5
thing in front of you, is a joy dates. It’s the TV Runner
– and good for your mind!” equivalent of a was a Tuesdays at 8pm
Allison Jones cosy blanket for me. fave

lnsideSoap 63
6.00 AM Breakfast (S) 10.00 Saturday
Kitchen Live With special guest Elvis
Costello. (S) 11.30 Rick Stein’s Cornwall
Rick meets Springwatch presenter Gillian
Burke. (R/S) 12.00 PM Football Focus
Alex Scott and guests look ahead to the
weekend’s fixtures. (S) 1.00 BBC News/
Weather (S) 1.15 Live Snooker: The
Masters 2022 First Semi-Final: Jason
Mohammad introduces coverage of the
opening semi-final, played over the best of
11 frames at Alexandra Palace in London.
Coverage continues on BBC2. (S) 4.30
Final Score A round-up of this afternoon’s
football results. (S) 5.10 BBC News (S)
5.20 Regional News/Weather (S) 5.30
Superman & Lois Broken Trust: Clark
reconsiders his decision to let Jordan play
football. Meanwhile, Lois’ continued
investigation of Morgan Edge requires her to
trust an unexpected ally. (S)

Ladies day
Scone Palace. For the past dined, sat eating her posh
WITH SALLY LINDSAY 400 years, the gaff has nosh alongside no less than 6.55pm The Wall Versus...
Channel 5 9.30PM been home to nine Earls of three Ladies, a Viscount, an
Mansfield and, when Wills Earl and the Head of a clan. 6.10 The Weakest Link Quiz,
Tonight, Sally is spending takes over from his father, Also during her stay, Sally hosted by Romesh Ranganathan. (S)
36 hours in the company he will inherit the 125-room tries her hand at fly fishing 6.55 The Wall Versus Celebrities
Sarah Millican & Gary Delaney:
of Lady Mansfield and her mansion and its 19,000 on the family’s own section
Danny Dyer hosts the game show. (S)
son William, Viscount of acres of land. Sally is guest of the River Tay and deer-
Stormont, who reside in of honour at the table at spotting with gamekeeper 7.45 Pointless Celebrities
Scotland’s magnificent which Queen Victoria once Stuart. Hard life, eh, Sal? Sitcoms: Sitcom stars Robert
Llewellyn, Nigel Planer, Helen Monks,
Steven Woodcock, Isy Suttie, Martin
Trenaman, Jamie-Lee O’Donnell and
special… “The cool thing
THE MASKED SINGER Saoirse-Monica Jackson compete in
is that some are amazing
ITV 7PM the quiz. (S)
singers, but some you
Having already unmasked wouldn’t think could sing
M People’s Heather Small at all,” he notes. “I think 8.30 Michael McIntyre’s The
Wheel The comedian hosts the
and broadcasting legend you’ll be very surprised to
game show, joined by Richard E
Gloria Hunniford, judge see the biggest stars in the Grant, Saffron Barker, David Haye,
Jonathan Ross confirms world known for singing, Anneka Rice, Danny Jones, Jo Brand
it’s that mixture of talent to the biggest stars in and Melvin Odoom. (S)
that makes the barmiest the UK who you wouldn’t
guessing game on TV so think of as singers…”
9.30 Casualty She’s My Baby:
Paige is determined to redeem
THE CABINS: OUT herself on her first ED shift, but
OF THE WOODS struggles to keep up with mentor
ITV2 9.30PM Stevie’s demands, while Dylan fights
for Paula’s right to keep her baby. (S)
Hosts Yasmin Evans and
David Potts traverse the
UK to find out what really 10.10 BBC News/Weather (S)
happened to the daters 10.30 Match Of The Day
Highlights of Manchester City v
after they checked out
Chelsea and Aston Villa v
of the rather naughtily Manchester United. (S)
named Cabins. Are they
continuing in coupledom,
or is it a case of being 11.55 The NFL Show Dan Walker is joined
by former players Osi Umenyiora and Jason
left long-term lovelorn? Bell to look ahead to the wild card play-offs.
(S) 12.30-6.00 AM BBC News (S)

3.50-5.05am Unwind With STV
BBC2 N IRELAND as Main BBC2 except: 6.00-7.00pm The Hairy Bikers Go North BBC2 WALES as Main
BBC2 except: 5.30pm Question Of Sport 6.00-7.00 Land Of The Wild: Secrets STV as Main ITV except:

64 lnsideSoap
BBC2 ITV Channel 4 Channel 5
6.40 AM All Over The Place: UK Part 2, 6.00 AM CITV 9.25 ITV News (S) 9.30 6.00 AM Mike & Molly (R/S) 6.20 Mike & 6.00 AM Milkshake! 10.00 SpongeBob
The Events. (R/S) 7.10 Blue Peter Richie’s James Martin’s Saturday Morning With Molly (R/S) 6.45 Mike & Molly (R/S) 7.05 SquarePants Whale Watching. (R/S) 10.15
Hoy Challenge. (R/S) 7.40 Deadly 60 Kimberley Wyatt. (S) 11.40 John And The King Of Queens (R/S) 7.30 The King SpongeBob SquarePants Krusty
Mexico 2. (R/S) 8.10 Malory Towers The Lisa’s Weekend Kitchen A menu inspired Of Queens (R/S) 7.55 The King Of Kleaners. (R/S) 10.25 Entertainment
Midnight Feast. (R/S) 8.35 Malory Towers by Italian cuisine. (S) 12.40 PM James Queens (R/S) 8.25 FILM The SpongeBob News On 5 (S) 10.30 Friends: All-Time
The Open Day. (R/S) 9.00 Digging For Martin’s Great British Adventure Kent: Movie: Sponge Out Of Water Animated Funniest The One With The Rumour. (R/S)
Britain (R/S) 10.00 Digging For Britain James is joined by chef and restaurateur comedy, with the voice of Tom Kenny. (Cert 10.55 Friends: All-Time Funniest The
(R/S) 11.00 Amazing Hotels: Life Beyond Mark Sargeant in Kent. (R/S) 1.45 ITV U, 93 mins. 2015) (S) )) 10.10 The One With The Cop. (R/S) 11.25 Friends:
The Lobby Fogo Island Inn, Canada. (R/S) News/Weather (S) 2.00 You’ve Been Simpsons (R/S) 10.40 The Simpsons All-Time Funniest The One Where Ross
12.00 PM Nadiya’s American Adventure Framed! A child gets trapped in a deckchair. (R/S) 11.05 The Simpsons (R/S) 11.35 Got High. (R/S) 11.55 Friends: All-Time
California: Nadiya Hussain explores the (R/S) 2.30 Lingo Luton husband and wife The Simpsons Boy Meets Curl. (R/S) Funniest The One With Joey’s New Brain.
culture and cuisine of California. (R/S) 1.00 Mark and Jheanell, Pete and his daughter 12.00 PM The Simpsons The Colour (R/S) 12.20 PM Friends: All-Time
Wild West: America’s Great Frontier The Sam from Coventry, and friends Banita and Yellow. (R/S) 12.30 Live Heineken Funniest The One With Ross’s Sandwich.
High Country: America’s mountain regions. Seema from London take part in the quiz. Champions Cup Rugby Union Wasps v (R/S) 12.50 Friends: All-Time Funniest
(R/S) 2.00 FILM Paint Your Wagon Comic Adil Ray hosts. (R/S) 3.30 Tipping Point: Toulouse: Wasps v Toulouse (Kick-off The One Where No One’s Ready. (R/S) 1.20
musical Western, starring Clint Eastwood. Lucky Stars With Robert Rinder, Josie 1.00pm). (S) 3.15 A Place In The Sun Cruising The Med With Jane McDonald
(Cert PG, 148 mins. 1969) (S) )))) 4.30 Gibson and Greg Rutherford. (R/S) 4.30 The 2019: Sierra Nevada. (S) 3.45 A Place In Highlights of the singer’s voyages around the
Live Snooker: The Masters 2022 First Chase Celebrity Special With Dane The Sun 2021: Poitou-Charentes, France. Mediterranean. (R/S) 3.05 Sunny Spain
Semi-Final: Further coverage of the opening Baptiste, Nigel Owens, Anita Rani and Mark (R/S) 4.45 Ugly House To Lovely House With Alex Polizzi The hotelier shares her
semi-final. (S) 5.30 Flog It! Cheshire 38. Pougatch. (R/S) 5.30 ITV News/Weather With George Clarke Nottingham Revisit. passion for the country. (S) 5.00 Our Great
(R/S) (S) 5.45 Regional News/Weather (S) (R/S) 5.50 Channel 4 News/Weather (S) Yorkshire Life (R/S)

10pm Yuli: The Carlos Acosta Story 8.30pm Ant & Dec’s Limitless Win 9.30pm Jack Reacher: Never Go... 8.30pm Secrets Of The Royal...

6.00 Inside The Factory Chairs: 6.00 Celebrity Catchphrase 6.20 The Hobbit: An 6.00 5 News Weekend (S)
Gregg Wallace pays a visit to Ercol Stephen Mulhern hosts a charity Unexpected Journey 6.05 Alexander Armstrong’s
factory in Buckinghamshire, which edition of the game show, with Unassuming hobbit Bilbo Amazing Iceland Alexander heads
makes 10,000 chairs every year, and Mark Bonnar, Alexandra Burke Baggins is pulled out of his north from Reykjavík. (S)
follows their production. (R/S) and Claire Sweeney. (S) comfortable life when Gandalf the
wizard volunteers him for a
7.00 Live Snooker: The Masters 7.00 The Masked dangerous quest. He joins a party of 7.30 The World’s Most Expensive
2022 Second Semi-Final: Jason Singer Five singers take dwarves who are on a mission to Hotels Beverly Hilton, LA: Behind
Mohammad presents coverage of to the stage in disguise reclaim their lost homeland, which the scenes at the Beverly Hilton in
the concluding semi-final, played as judges Jonathan has been taken over by a dragon. Los Angeles, which has played host
over the best of 11 frames at Ross, Davina McCall, When the group journeys into the to Hollywood royalty for the last six
Alexandra Palace in London. John Rita Ora and Mo Gilligan try to guess Misty Mountains, Bilbo becomes decades, as well as a host of
Higgins booked his place in the final the mystery celebrities performing separated from the dwarves and falls politicians. (S)
at this stage last year with a 6-4 inside the elaborate costumes. (S) into a cave, where he finds himself
victory over David Gilbert, but he was confronted by Gollum and forced to
denied a third Masters title by Yan 8.30 Ant & Dec’s Limitless Win play a riddle game. It is set in Middle- 8.30 Secrets Of The Royal
Bingtao. The commentary team The duo host the quiz, with Zee and earth 60 years before the events of Palaces The story of how William
includes Steve Davis, Ken Doherty, his dad Tony returning for a chance The Lord of the Rings and is the first III’s plans to knock down Hampton
Stephen Hendry, Shaun Murphy, to win the biggest cash prize in part of Peter Jackson’s fantasy Court were scuppered when he
John Parrott and John Virgo. (S) British TV history by climbing an adventure trilogy based on JRR became caught up in an expensive
endless money ladder. (S) Tolkien’s novel, starring Martin nine-year war with Louis XIV of
Freeman and Ian McKellen. (Cert 12, France. (S)
165 mins. 2012) (S) ))))

9.30 The John Bishop Show The 9.30 Jack Reacher: Never 9.30 Posh Weekends
comedian and Doctor Who star Go Back The nomadic With Sally Lindsay
performs topical stand-up routines vigilante tries to save an army Lady Mansfield And
and chats to guests from the worlds major who has been framed for Viscount William –
of film, TV, sport and music. (S) murder and treason. Jack Reacher Scone Palace: The
discovers that Turner has been actress visits Scone Palace in Perth
targeted by a secret government and Kinross. (S)
conspiracy, and together they go on
10.00 Yuli: The Carlos 10.15 ITV News/Weather (S) the run to expose the truth. Director 10.30 When TV Goes Horribly
Acosta Story Premiere. 10.30 Rush Hour 2 Action Edward Zwick’s blockbusting action Wrong Clips featuring less-than-
Biopic based on the comedy sequel, starring thriller sequel based on Lee Child’s perfect moments from TV cookery
autobiography of the Cuban ballet Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker. novel, starring Tom Cruise, Cobie shows. (R/S)
dancer. In Spanish. (Cert 15, 115 (Cert 12, 86 mins. 2001) (S) )) Smulders and Danika Yarosh. (Cert
mins. 2018) (S) )))) 12, 118 mins. 2016) (S) ))

11.45 Snooker: The Masters – Extra 12.10 AM Shop: Ideal World 3.00 Sitting 11.50 FILM The Take Action thriller, 1.15 AM The Live Casino Show
2022 Semi-Finals: Jason Mohammad On A Fortune Game show, hosted by Gary starring Idris Elba and Richard Madden. Interactive gambling. (S) 3.15 Casualty
introduces highlights of the opening Lineker. (R/S) 3.50 Unwind With ITV Daily (Cert 15, 90 mins. 2016) (S) ))1.30 AM 24/7: Every Second Counts (R/S) 4.05
semi-final at Alexandra Palace. (S) escape designed to calm the mind and Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA Rich Holiday, Poor Holiday (R/S) 4.55
1.45-6.20 AM This Is BBC Two (S) encourage relaxation and reflection. Luigi’s: (R/S) 2.20 Hollyoaks Omnibus Wildlife SOS (R/S) 5.20 Great Artists
5.05-6.00 Lingo Quiz hosted by Adil Ray in A flashback reveals another piece to the Giotto. (R/S) 5.45 Peppa Pig Mummy Pig
which three pairs of contestants use their puzzle of the village’s future. (R/S) 4.50 At Work. (R/S) 5.50-6.00 Milkshake!
powers of deduction to work out words that Food Unwrapped (R/S) 5.20-6.10 Mend Monkey’s Amazing Adventures
appear in the Lingo grids. (R/S) It For Money (R/S) Reservoir. (R/S)

lnsideSoap 65
Sky Showcase Sky Atlantic W Alibi Gold Drama
6.00 AM Orangutan 6.00 AM Fish Town 8.00 6.10 AM Tipping Point 6.00 AM Teleshopping 6.00 AM Teleshopping FREEVIEW 20
Jungle School 8.00 The Fish Town 9.00 Fish Town 7.00 Tipping Point 8.00 7.10 Murdoch Mysteries 7.35 Citizen Khan 8.10 6.00 AM Teleshopping
Office (US) 8.30 The 10.00 Boardwalk Empire Tipping Point 9.00 10.00 Hudson & Rex Citizen Khan 8.50 7.15 Where The Heart Is
Office (US) 9.00 The Paris Green. 11.05 Tipping Point 10.00 11.00 Hudson & Rex Miranda 9.30 Gavin & Fresh. 8.05 Where The
Office (US) 9.30 The Boardwalk Empire A Tipping Point 11.00 12.00 PM Shakespeare & Stacey 10.10 Only Fools Heart Is Gone Fishing. 9.05
Simpsons 10.00 The Return To Normalcy. Tipping Point 12.00 PM Hathaway – Private And Horses 12.00 PM Where The Heart Is
Simpsons 10.30 Soccer 12.10 PM Boardwalk Tipping Point 1.00 Investigators 1.00 Only Fools And Horses Darkness Follows. 10.05
AM 12.00 PM The Fresh Empire 21. 1.15 Tipping Point 2.00 Shakespeare & Hathaway 12.35 Only Fools And Where The Heart Is Family
Prince Of Bel-Air 12.30 Boardwalk Empire Tipping Point 3.00 – Private Investigators Horses 1.15 Only Fools Matters. 11.05 Sharpe
The Fresh Prince Of Bel- Ourselves Alone. 2.20 Tipping Point 4.00 Doctor 2.00 Shakespeare & And Horses 1.55 Only Sharpe’s Eagle. 1.05 PM
Air 1.00 The Fresh Prince Boardwalk Empire A Who The Doctor’s Wife. 5.00 Hathaway – Private Fools And Horses 2.30 Last Of The Summer
Of Bel-Air 1.30 The Dangerous Maid. 3.30 The Doctor Who The Rebel Investigators 3.00 The Only Fools And Horses Wine Uncle Of The Bride.
Simpsons 2.00 The Sopranos Nobody Knows Flesh. 6.00 Doctor Who Doctor Blake Mysteries 3.15 Only Fools And 3.00 Auf Wiedersehen,
Simpsons 2.30 The Anything. 4.35 The The Almost People. Part two A Lethal Combination. 4.00 Horses 3.55 Only Fools Pet Hasta La Vista. 4.00 Auf
Simpsons 3.00 Gillette Sopranos Isabella. 5.40 of two. The solar storm rages The Doctor Blake And Horses 4.35 Only Wiedersehen, Pet Scoop.
Soccer Saturday 5.00 The Sopranos I Dream Of on and an unhinged Mysteries Sorrow Songs. Fools And Horses 5.45 5.00 Auf Wiedersehen,
Secrets In The Ice 6.00 Jeannie Cusamano. 6.45 The doppelganger seeks revenge 5.00 The Doctor Blake Only Fools And Horses Pet 6.00 The Brokenwood
Craig Charles: UFO Sopranos Guy Walks Into A against her makers as the Mysteries 6.00 Inspector 6.25 Only Fools And Mysteries Over Her
Conspiracies Wales. Psychiatrist’s Office. factory begins to crumble. George Gently Horses No Greater Love. Dead Body.

7.00 The Simpsons 7.50 The Sopranos Do 7.00 My Family The Last 7.00 Only Fools And
Radioactive Man. Not Resuscitate: Junior Resort. Horses It Never Rains:
7.30 The Simpsons Bart urges Tony to make peace 7.40 My Family Farewell The Trotters go on holiday.
Sells His Soul: Bart sells with his mother. To Alarms. 7.40 Only Fools And
his soul to Milhouse. Horses A Touch Of Glass.

8.00 The Simpsons 8.20 My Family Death 8.00 Death In Paradise 8.20 Only Fools And 8.00 Hetty Wainthropp
Home Sweet Homediddly- Takes A Policy: The A Murder On The Horses The Yellow Peril: Investigates Fingers:
Dum-Doodily. Harpers discuss death. Plantation: The owner of a Del decorates the local Hetty looks into a
8.30 Gangs Of Baboon sugar plantation is Chinese restaurant. suspected kidnapping.
Falls murdered.

9.30 Sherlock 9.00 Game Of Thrones 9.00 The Catherine 9.00 Death In Paradise 9.00 All Round To Mrs 9.00 Traces Crime
Holmes: A Game A Golden Crown: Ned Tate Show An Unholy Death: A nun is Brown’s With Lee drama, starring
Of Shadows The investigates rumours 9.40 The Catherine found dead in a smoke- Mack, Emilia Fox and Molly Windsor.
detective meets his match about the Lannisters. Tate Show Nan visits a filled bedroom. Joanna David.
in the elusive mastermind pound shop.
behind an international
network of crime. 10.05 Game Of Thrones 10.20 The Catherine 10.00 Annika Annika 10.00 French And 10.00 Traces The stars
Detective thriller sequel, You Win Or You Die: Ned Tate Show Peter Kay (Nicola Walker) and the Saunders Skits, sketches align to put Daniel in
starring Robert Downey Jr confronts Cersei about guest stars. team are called in to and movie parodies. Emma’s path.
and Jude Law. (Cert 12, Jon Arryn’s death. solve the murder of a man 10.40 French And
128 mins. 2011) ))) found in the Clyde. Saunders

11.50 A Discovery Of 11.10 Game Of Thrones 11.00 Louis Theroux: 11.05 Smother Thriller, 11.20 French And 11.00 The Brokenwood
Witches Diana and The Pointy End: The Behind Bars The starring Dervla Kirwan. Saunders Spoofs of Kill Mysteries Over Her Dead
Matthew are shocked by Lannisters launch their bid journalist spends time in Bill and Most Haunted. Body: A corpse is
the reappearance of Jack to seize power. San Quentin State Prison. switched in its coffin.
12.55 AM The Force: 12.15 AM Game Of Thrones 12.00 AM Louis Theroux: 12.15 AM Smother 1.25 12.00 AM French And 1.00 AM Kavanagh QC 2.35
Manchester 2.00 Hawaii 1.20 Game Of Thrones 2.25 Law & Disorder In Shakespeare & Hathaway Saunders 12.40 The Where The Heart Is 4.00-6.00
Five-0 3.00 Nothing To In Treatment 3.00 In Johannesburg 1.00 Stacey – Private Investigators 2.25 Interviews 1.40 French And Teleshopping
Declare 3.30 Nothing To Treatment 3.30 In Treatment Dooley Investigates 2.00 Shakespeare & Hathaway Saunders 2.25 Citizen Khan
Declare 4.00 Modern Family 4.05 Storm City 5.00-6.00 Stacey Dooley In The USA – Private Investigators 4.00- 2.55 Citizen Khan 3.25
4.30 Modern Family 5.00 Storm City 3.00-6.10 Teleshopping 6.00 Teleshopping French And Saunders 4.00-
Modern Family 5.30-6.00 6.00 Teleshopping
Modern Family

Sky Witness Sky Crime Sky Docs Sky Arts Dave Yesterday
6.00 AM Border Security: 6.00 AM Road Wars 7.00 6.00 AM Discovering: Karl FREEVIEW 11 FREEVIEW 19 FREEVIEW 26
Canada’s Front Line 7.00 Highway Patrol 11.00 Brit Malden 7.00 Discovering 6.00 AM Beethoven: 6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.10 6.00 AM Trains That Changed
Stop, Search, Seize 8.00 Cops: Law & Disorder 8.00 The Story Of Late Night Complete Piano Concertos Eddie Eats America 8.00 Rick The World 8.00 Hornby: A
Border Patrol 11.00 Send In 12.00 PM Brit Cops: Law & 10.00 FILM Showbiz Kids 6.35 2Cellos At Sydney Opera Stein’s Road To Mexico 9.00 Model World 9.00 Steam
The Dogs 12.00 PM Stop, Disorder 1.00 The Real (Cert 12, 95 mins. 2020) ))) House 8.30 Tales Of The Rick Stein’s Long Weekends Train Britain 12.00 PM Trains
Search, Seize 2.00 Nothing Manhunter: The Murder Of 12.00 PM FILM A Choice Of Unexpected 11.00 10.00 American Pickers That Changed The World
To Declare 4.30 Nothing To Clare Bernal 2.00 World’s Weapons: Inspired By Gordon Discovering: Richard Harris 12.00 PM Storage Hunters 3.00 Great British Railway
Declare 5.00 Nothing To Most Evil Killers 3.00 Britain’s Parks (100 mins. 2021) )1.40 12.00 PM Discovering: James UK 1.00 Top Gear 3.00 Red Journeys 5.30 Great British
Declare 5.30 Nothing To Most Evil Killers 4.00 Britain’s FILM Siempre, Luis (Cert 12, Coburn 1.00 The British Bull Soapbox Race 5.00 Top Railway Journeys 6.00 Great
Declare 6.00 Nothing To Most Evil Killers 5.00 Killer In 95 mins. 2020) )))3.30 PL Invasion 2.00 Landscape Gear 6.00 Would I Lie To British Railway Journeys 6.30
Declare 6.30 Nothing To My Village 6.00 Forensics: Legends: Alan Shearer 4.00 Artist Of The Year 2022 3.00 You? 6.40 Would I Lie To Great British Railway
Declare 7.00 Blue Bloods Catching The Killer 7.00 The Man Who Bought Cricket Joan Baez: How Sweet The You? 7.20 Would I Lie To Journeys 7.00 Great British
8.00 Blue Bloods 9.00 Britain’s Most Evil Killers 8.00 5.00 FILM Ali & Cavett: The Sound 4.50 Willie Nelson & You? 8.00 Not Going Out Railway Journeys 7.30 Great
Private Eyes 10.00 Law & World’s Most Evil Killers 9.00 Tale Of The Tapes (Cert 15, 95 Friends: Outlaws & Angels 8.40 Not Going Out 9.20 Not British Railway Journeys 8.00
Order: Special Victims Unit The Jane Doe Murders 10.35 mins. 2018) )))6.50 FILM 6.45 Buddy Holly: Music Going Out 10.00 Mock The One Foot In The Grave 8.35
11.00 Law & Order: Special Britain’s Most Evil Killers JFK Revisited: Through The Icons 7.15 The Seven Ages Of Week 10.40 Mock The Week One Foot In The Grave 9.15
Victims Unit 12.00 AM The 11.30 Britain’s Most Evil Looking Glass (Cert 15, 118 Elvis 9.00 Tom Petty & The 11.20 QI 12.00 AM Have I One Foot In The Grave 10.00
Equalizer 1.00 Blue Bloods Killers 12.30 AM Britain’s mins. 2021) ))))9.00 Heartbreakers: Live From Got A Bit More News For You Meat Loaf: In And Out Of Hell
2.00 Blue Bloods 3.00 Most Evil Killers 1.30 Britain’s Richard Pryor: Omit The Logic Gatorville 11.30 Soundtracks: 1.00 Dave Gorman: Modern 11.00 One Hit Wonders At
Nothing To Declare 3.30 Most Evil Killers 2.30 Britain’s 11.00 FILM I Am MLK Jr (Cert Songs That Defined History Life Is Goodish 2.00 Not The BBC 12.00 AM Hornby:
Nothing To Declare 4.00 Most Evil Killers 3.30 Nothing 12, 95 mins. 2018) )))) 12.30 AM Suburban Steps To Going Out 2.30 Not Going A Model World 1.00 Trains
Nothing To Declare 4.30 To Declare 4.00 Nothing To 1.00 AM FILM The Fog Of Rockland: The Story Of The Out 3.10 Whose Line Is It That Changed The World
Nothing To Declare 5.00 Declare 4.30 Motorway Patrol War (Cert PG, 104 mins. 2003) Ealing Club 2.30-4.05 FILM Anyway? USA 3.35 Whose 2.00 Trains That Changed
Nothing To Declare 5.30-6.00 5.00 Motorway Patrol 5.30- )))))3.00 The Directors Southern Journey (Revisited) Line Is It Anyway? USA 4.00- The World 3.00-6.00
Nothing To Declare 6.00 Motorway Patrol 4.00-6.00 Ethel (95 mins. 2020) ) 6.00 Teleshopping Teleshopping
66 lnsideSoap
6.00 AM How I Met Your 6.00 AM Totally Bonkers 6.00 AM A Touch Of Frost 6.00 AM The Best Of The
Mother 6.50 Don’t Tell Guinness World Records Appropriate Adults. 8.10 A 70s 6.15 Extreme E Live
The Bride 8.55 6.40 Coronation Street Very Royal Wedding 9.10 7.10 The Casebook Of
Supernanny USA 9.55 Omnibus 9.15 Secret Wycliffe The Cycle Of Death. Sherlock Holmes 9.30 ITV
Lego Masters Australia Crush 10.15 Dress To 10.55 FILM On The Buses Racing: The Opening
11.05 Ramsay’s Kitchen Impress 12.15 PM You’ve Comedy, starring Reg Varney. Show 10.30 The Big
Nightmares USA 1.05 Been Framed! Gold 12.50 (Cert PG, 84 mins. 1971) )) Match Revisited 11.30
Ramsay’s 24 Hours To The Masked Singer 2.20 12.40 PM Foyle’s War The 1979 FA Cup Final –
Hell And Back 2.05 The FILM Dr Dolittle (Cert PG, German Woman. 2.50 Arsenal V Man Utd – ITV
Big Bang Theory 3.05 The 82 mins. 1998) )))3.20 Foyle’s War The White Football Classics
Big Bang Theory 3.35 The FYI Daily 2022 3.25 FILM Feather. 5.00 Midsomer 12.35 PM ITV Sport
Big Bang Theory 4.05 The Angeline Ball stars in the new crime drama Dr Dolittle (Cert PG, 82 Murders Till Death Do Us Stories 1.05 ITV Racing:
Big Bang Theory 4.35 The mins. 1998) )))4.05 FILM Part. Tragedy strikes at a Live From Warwick 4.00
Big Bang Theory 5.05 The
Hidden Assets 9pm BBC4 Shrek 2 (Cert U, 89 mins. family friend’s wedding FILM The Towering
Big Bang Theory 5.35 The 2004) ))))5.55 FILM and Barnaby is called into Inferno Disaster movie,
Big Bang Theory 6.05 The
Big Bang Theory 6.35 The BBC Scotland BBC Four Superman Returns (Cert
12, 154 mins. 2006) )))
action to catch a murderer
with an apparent penchant
starring Paul Newman and
and Steve McQueen. (Cert
Big Bang Theory FREEVIEW 9 (SCOTLAND) FREEVIEW 9 6.55 FYI Daily 2022 for local brides. 15, 159 mins. 1974) ))))

7.05 Fantastic 7.00 PM The Seven 7.00 PM Around The 7.00 Superman 7.00 Midsomer Murders 7.15 The
Four Four 7.15 The Edit World In 80 Treasures Returns The Man The Lions Of Causton: Scorpion King A
scientists return 7.30 Clydesdale – 7.10 Britain’s Outlaws: of Steel returns to Barnaby and Winter warlord resolves to 7
from another dimension Saving The Greatest Highwaymen, Pirates Earth to discover his arch- investigate a death at a rid the desert of its last
with unusual powers, Horse And Rogues Pirates. enemy Lex Luthor is local rugby club. remaining tribes,
which they use to defend wreaking havoc with prompting them to seek
the Earth. Superhero 8.30 Gold Town The 8.10 Around The World stolen alien technology. the aid of a legendary
adventure, starring Miles delays in building the In 80 Days Arabian Comic-book adventure, assassin. Fantasy
Teller and Michael B processing plant for the Frights: A missed with Brandon Routh and adventure, with Dwayne 8
Jordan. (Cert 12, 100 gold mine continue. connection spells disaster. Kevin Spacey. (Cert 12, Johnson. (Cert PG, 88
mins. 2015) )) 154 mins. 2006) ))) mins. 2002) )))

9.00 Celebrity 9.30 Two Doors Down 9.00 Hidden Assets 9.00 Family Guy 9.00 Midsomer Murders 9.00 Quantum Of
Gogglebox Shows Beth’s Flu: Beth has flu New series. Crime drama, 9.30 The Send In The Clowns: Solace James
including Big Brother: Best and wants some peace starring Angeline Ball. Cabins: Out Things take a gruesome Bond sets out on a 9
Shows Ever, Us and First and quiet. 9.50 Hidden Assets Of The Woods turn when the circus personal mission of
Dates are appraised. comes to town. vengeance and uncovers a
plan to cause a coup in a
10.00 Gogglebox The 10.00 The 10.45 Parkinson: The 10.30 Family Guy The Latin American country.
households’ opinions on Angels’ Share Interviews Tommy Cooper Thin White Line: Part one Spy thriller sequel, with
Race Across the World Drama, starring And Frankie Howerd: of two. Brian becomes a Daniel Craig and Olga 10
and Killing Eve. Paul Brannigan. (Cert 15, Memorable encounters sniffer dog. Kurylenko. (Cert 12, 106
96 mins. 2012) )))) with the entertainers. mins. 2008) )))

11.05 Gogglebox 11.35-12.00 The Karen 11.20 Africa’s Great 11.00 Family Guy Brian 11.00 Torvill & Dean 11.10 Crank
Opinions on shows Dunbar Show Scotland’s Civilisations Origins: The Does Hollywood. One-off drama about the Action thriller,
including This Morning, morris dancing troupe. history of the continent. 11.30 American Dad! ice-dancing superstars. starring Jason 11
Coronation Street and 11.55 American Dad! Statham. (Cert 18, 84
Britain’s Got Talent. Stompe Le Monde. mins. 2006) )))
12.05 AM First Dates 1.10 12.15 AM Africa’s Great 12.25 AM Plebs 1.25 Don’t 1.05 AM On The Buses 1.35 1.00 AM The Sweeney 2.05
First Dates 2.15 Celebrity Civilisations 1.10 Sondheim Hate The Playaz 2.25 On The Buses 2.10 Unwind Minder 3.00-6.00
Gogglebox 3.10 Alex Rider At The BBC 2.40-3.30 CelebAbility 3.05 Totally With ITV 2.30-6.00 Teleshopping
4.05 Don’t Tell The Bride Around The World In 80 Days Bonkers Guinness World Teleshopping
5.00-6.00 Don’t Tell The Records 3.30-6.00
Bride Teleshopping

More4 Film4 5USA 5STAR Challenge ITVBe

8.55 AM Food Unwrapped 11.00 AM FILM Carry On 6.00 AM Teleshopping 9.00 6.00 AM Teleshopping 8.00 6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.00 7.00 AM Making It Home
9.30 A Place In The Sun Sergeant (Cert U, 80 mins. Murder, She Wrote 11.00 Criminals: Caught On Camera The Chase 9.00 Wheel Of With Kortney & Dave 8.00
10.25 A Place In The Sun 1958, B/W) ))) 12.45 PM Murder, She Wrote 12.00 PM 8.25 Caught On Camera: Fortune 10.30 Wheel Of Making It Home With Kortney
11.30 Love It Or List It FILM Before We Go (Cert 12, Murder, She Wrote 1.00 Funniest Moments 9.20 Fortune 11.00 Wheel Of & Dave 9.00 LittleBe
Australia 12.35 PM Come 91 mins. 2014) )) 2.35 Murder, She Wrote 2.00 Judge Judy 11.10 FILM The Fortune 11.30 Family 12.00 PM Making It Home
Dine With Me 1.05 Come FILM Little Man Tate (Cert Murder, She Wrote 3.00 Emoji Movie (Cert U, 86 mins. Fortunes 12.00 PM Family With Kortney & Dave Lauren
Dine With Me 1.40 Come PG, 95 mins. 1991) )))) Murder, She Wrote 4.00 2017) ))12.55 PM FILM Fortunes 12.30 Family And Michael. 1.00 The Real
Dine With Me 2.10 Come 4.40 FILM Three Amigos! Murder, She Wrote 5.00 Pixels (Cert 12, 106 mins. Fortunes 1.00 Family Housewives Of Jersey Raising
Dine With Me 2.40 Come Comedy Western, starring Murder, She Wrote 6.00 2015) ))3.00 FILM The Fortunes 1.30 All Star Family The Stakes. 2.00 The Big
Dine With Me 3.15 Four In A Steve Martin. (Cert PG, 110 Murder, She Wrote 7.00 Mask Of Zorro (Cert PG, 131 Fortunes 2.15 All Star Family Bake Bunnies On Cakecation.
Bed 3.45 Four In A Bed 4.20 mins. 1986) ))) 6.45 FILM Murder, She Wrote 8.00 mins. 1998) ))))5.40 Fortunes 3.00 Strike It Lucky 3.00 The Big Bake Flights Of
Four In A Bed 4.50 Four In A Entrapment Crime thriller, Murder, She Wrote 9.00 Law FILM Pearl Harbor (Cert 12, 3.30 Strike It Lucky 4.00 The Fantasy. 4.00 Dinner Date
Bed 5.20 Four In A Bed 5.55 starring Sean Connery. (Cert & Order: Criminal Intent 10.00 176 mins. 2001) ))9.00 Cube 5.00 The Chase 6.00 George. 5.00 Dinner Date
The World’s Most Luxurious 12, 108 mins. 1999) )) 9.00 Law & Order: Special Victims FILM What’s Love Got To Do The Chase 7.00 The Chase Ameer. 6.00 Dinner Date
Holidays 6.55 Escape To The FILM Man On Fire Action Unit 11.00 Law & Order: With It (Cert 18, 112 mins. 8.00 The Chase 9.00 The Charlie. 7.00 Dinner Date Joe.
Chateau 8.00 The Great thriller, starring Denzel Special Victims Unit 1993) ))))11.25 FILM Chase Celebrity Special 8.00 Celebrity Dinner Date
British Dig: History In Your Washington. (Cert 18, 146 12.00 AM Law & Order: Erin Brockovich Oscar- 10.00 The Chase 11.00 Romeo Dunn. 9.00 Botched
Back Garden 9.00 24 Hours mins. 2004) ))) 11.55 Special Victims Unit 12.55 winning fact-based drama, Bullseye 11.30 Bullseye The Pec Whisperer. Medic
In A&E 10.00 24 Hours In A&E FILM Drag Me To Hell Horror, Law & Order: Special Victims starring Julia Roberts. 12.00 AM Bullseye 12.30 Terry Dubrow tries to pump
11.10 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does starring Alison Lohman. Unit 1.55 Law & Order: Includes Access. (Cert 15, Bullseye 1.00 Bullseye 1.30 up a ‘pec-less’ body builder.
Countdown 12.20 AM Father (Cert 15, 94 mins. 2009) Criminal Intent 2.55 Law & 126 mins. 2000) ))))) Bullseye 2.00 Bullseye 2.30 10.00 Ibiza Weekender 11.00
Ted 12.45 Father Ted 1.15 24 )))) 1.55-3.50 AM Order: Criminal Intent 3.35 2.05 AM Judge Judy 3.55 Bullseye 3.00 Bullseye 3.30 Ibiza Weekender 12.00 AM
Hours In A&E 2.20 24 Hours FILM They Live (Cert 18, 94 Criminals: Caught On Camera Entertainment News On 5 Bullseye 4.00 The Chase Marriage Boot Camp: Reality
In A&E 3.20-3.50 Father Ted mins. 1988) ))) 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping 5.00-6.00 The Chase Stars 1.00-7.00 Teleshopping
lnsideSoap 67
6.00 AM Breakfast (S) 7.30 Match Of
The Day (R/S) 9.00 Sunday Morning (S)
10.00 Politics England (S) 10.30 Wanted
Down Under The Bolams. (R/S) 11.15
Sacred Wonders (R/S) 12.15 PM Bargain
Hunt Edinburgh 14: From Edinburgh’s Royal
Highland Centre. (R/S) 1.00 BBC News/
Weather (S) 1.15 Songs Of Praise Bristol:
Aled Jones is in Bristol visiting Brunel’s ship,
SS Great Britain. (S) 1.50 Escape To The
Country Welsh Borders: Alistair Appleton
helps a family find a home in the Welsh
borders. (R/S) 2.15 MOTD Live: Women’s
Super League Arsenal v Reading
(Kick-off 2.30pm). All the action from the
top-flight encounter at Meadow Park. (S)
4.45 BBC News (S) 5.00 Regional
News/Weather (S) 5.10 Countryfile
Bristol’s Last Farm: Matt Baker and
Charlotte Smith visit the last traditional farm
in the Bristol postcode. (S)

Van alive!
more than a million herself at home aboard her
AMERICAN ROAD TRIP American citizens are own campervan, which
Channel 4 9PM currently embracing, she’s taking on an epic 9pm The Tourist
having taken the exciting journey across the stunning
Sue Perkins is taking to the step of swapping their US states of California and 6.10 Around The
road Stateside in this new houses for homes of the Colorado. But – having World In 80 Days
two-parter, as she proceeds wheeled variety, with a view never really been much Passepartout attempts to
atone for his treachery.
to explore the modern to pursue a life-changing of a camping type – how
David Tennant stars. (S)
phenomenon of #vanlife voyage of discovery. Sue, is she set to fare with life
– a popular trend which meanwhile, is making on the open road? 7.00 The Green Planet Water
Worlds: David Attenborough
presents a guide to the world of
plants that grow in water, including a
themselves stranded
AROUND THE bubbling river in Brazil, where the
on a desert island in this
WORLD IN 80 DAYS plants have created their own
BBC1 6.10PM evening’s sixth instalment atmosphere. (S)
of this fab new adaptation
Our trio of courageous of the legendary tale by
adventurers, Fogg, Fix and Jules Verne. Having been 8.00 Call The Midwife Nancy
tackles the plight of meths drinkers
Passepartout, continue cast overboard in the
living rough in Poplar, Nurse Crane’s
facing dramatic obstacles Pacific Ocean, can they patient is torn between two very
as they endeavour to put aside their differences different futures, and the Order
complete their daring to focus on making their celebrates a milestone birthday. (S)
expedition, and find escape in one piece?

9.00 The Tourist With nowhere else

VERA ITV 8PM to turn, the Man is forced to use
Helen to protect himself – but their
The daring detective
journey into the Outback leads to a
embarks on another grisly discovery that changes
murder investigation after everything. (S)
a primary school teacher
is found dead at the
bottom of a cliff. Though 10.00 BBC News (S)
10.20 Regional News/Weather (S)
initially appearing to be
10.30 Match Of The Day 2
a terrible accident, once Action from today’s Premier
Vera discovers the body League matches. (S)
has been tampered with,
suspicious circumstances
are soon unveiled… 11.35 The Women’s Football Show
Action from the latest fixtures in the Super
League, including Arsenal v Reading at
Meadow Park and Tottenham Hotspur v
REGIONALVARIATIONS BBC1 SCOTLAND as Main BBC1 except: 10.00-10.30am The Sunday Show BBC1 WALES as Main BBC1
except: 10.00am Politics Wales 10.30 Sacred Wonders 11.30 Coast 11.45 Bargain Hunt 12.30-1.00pm
West Ham United at The Hive. (S) 12.10 AM
FILM End Of Watch Crime thriller, with
Kiri’s TV Flashback BBC2 N IRELAND as Main BBC2 except: 10.00pm Paula McIntyre’s Hamely Kitchen 10.30 Sunday Politics Northern Ireland
11.00-12.35 FILM: Tulip Fever BBC2 WALES as Main BBC2 except: 5.15pm The Man Who Took On A Mansion 5.55-6.00 Coast STV as Main ITV Jake Gyllenhaal. (Cert 15, 104 mins. 2012)
except: 9.30-10.00am Clear Out, Cash In 3.50-5.05am Unwind With STV (S) ))1.55-6.00 BBC News (S)

68 lnsideSoap
BBC2 ITV Channel 4 Channel 5
6.20 AM A To Z Of TV Gardening Letter 6.00 AM CITV 9.25 ITV News (S) 9.30 6.10 AM Mike & Molly Mike Snores. (R/S) 6.00 AM Milkshake! 10.05 SpongeBob
T: Carol Kirkwood looks at subjects Paul O’Grady: For The Love Of Dogs 6.30 Mike & Molly Mike’s New Boots. SquarePants Patnocchio. (R/S) 10.15
beginning with the letter T. (R/S) 7.05 (R/S) 10.00 Love Your Weekend With (R/S) 6.55 The King Of Queens Tube SpongeBob SquarePants ChefBob. (R/S)
Christine’s Garden Developing a garden Alan Titchmarsh (S) 12.00 PM The Pet Stakes. (R/S) 7.15 The King Of Queens 10.25 Entertainment News On 5 (S)
over time. (R/S) 7.35 Life In A Cottage Show Dermot O’Leary and Joanna Page Doug Out. (R/S) 7.40 The King Of Queens 10.30 NFL End Zone (S) 10.55 Friends:
Garden With Carol Klein Spring Into celebrate the UK’s love of animals. (R/S) Dire Strayts. (R/S) 8.05 The Simpsons All-Time Funniest The One With The
Summer. (R/S) 8.05 Countryfile The 1.00 The Secret Life Of Our Pets Stealing First Base. (R/S) 8.30 The Holiday Armadillo. (R/S) 11.20 Friends:
Cairngorms: Sean Fletcher heads to the Communication: Documentary exploring the Simpsons The Greatest Story Ever D’ohed. All-Time Funniest The One Where Joey
snowy Cairngorms. (R/S) 9.00 Monty Don’s relationships people have with their pets. (R/S) 9.00 The Simpsons American Speaks French. (R/S) 11.50 Friends:
Adriatic Gardens The presenter visits the (R/S) 2.00 ITV News/Weather (S) 2.15 History X-Cellent. (R/S) 9.30 Sunday All-Time Funniest The One With Phoebe’s
city of Trieste. (R/S) 10.00 Saturday FILM The Borrowers Four-inch-high Brunch (S) 12.30 PM The Simpsons Uterus. (R/S) 12.20 PM Friends: All-Time
Kitchen Best Bites Matt Tebbutt looks people living under the floors of a home try Chief Of Hearts. (R/S) 12.55 The Funniest The One With All The
back at his favourite recipes from the series. to stop a lawyer’s plans to demolish it. Simpsons The Squirt And The Whale. (R/S) Thanksgivings. (R/S) 12.50 Friends:
(S) 11.30 Rick Stein’s Cornwall (R/S) Children’s fantasy, starring John Goodman, 1.25 FILM Night At The Museum: Battle All-Time Funniest The One With All The
12.00 PM Digging For Britain Alice Jim Broadbent and Celia Imrie. (Cert U, 83 Of The Smithsonian (Cert PG, 104 mins. Resolutions. (R/S) 1.15 Friends: All-Time
Roberts and the team examine a Roman fort mins. 1997) (S) ))4.00 Tipping Point: 2009) (S) ))3.30 A Place In The Sun Funniest The One Where Joey Speaks
on Hadrian’s Wall. Last in the series. (R/S) Lucky Stars With Richard Madeley, Sheila 2019: South-east Cyprus. (S) 4.15 Chateau French. (R/S) 1.45 FILM Monster-in-Law
1.00 Live Snooker: The Masters 2022 Ferguson and Mark Wright. (R/S) 5.00 The DIY (R/S) 5.15 Channel 4 News/Weather (Cert 12, 97 mins. 2005) (S) ))3.50 FILM
Final: First Session: The opening session of Chase Celebrity Special With Su Pollard, (S) 5.45 FILM The Greatest Showman Maid In Manhattan Romantic comedy, with
the final. (S) 5.15 Flog It! Culzean 50: From Jordan Banjo, AJ Odudu and Jonathan Musical drama, starring Hugh Jackman. Jennifer Lopez and Ralph Fiennes. (Cert PG,
Culzean Castle in Ayrshire. (R/S) Ross. (R/S) (Cert PG, 102 mins. 2017) (S) ))))) 101 mins. 2002) (S) ))

10pm Tulip Fever 2.15pm The Borrowers 5.45pm The Greatest Showman 1.45pm Monster-in-Law

6.00 Ski Sunday A double-header 6.00 ITV News/Weather (S) 6.00 5 News Weekend (S)
from Switzerland, featuring the 6.15 Regional News/Weather (S) 6.05 Inside Legoland: A World Of
fastest downhill skiing race in the 6.30 Dancing On Ice New series. Wonder Duty manager Cameron has
world in Wengen. (S) Phillip Schofield and Holly to make sure the main burger
Willoughby welcome the 12 restaurant is up and running. (R/S)
celebrities who are competing to
7.00 Live Snooker: The Masters become champions of the rink. 7.45 The Great Pottery Throw 7.00 22 Kids & Counting Noel
2022 Final: Second Session: Jason This year’s contestants – six of whom Down The 10 remaining potters each wants to get fit and enters a 10k
Mohammad presents coverage of will perform tonight – are Sally return to their home towns for an race, but when he has a health
the second and concluding session Dynevor, Bez, Stef Reid, Liberty inanimate object challenge. On their check, the results are worrying
of the final, held at Alexandra Palace Poole, Ben Foden, Kimberly Wyatt, return to Stoke, judges Keith Brymer for him and the whole family.
in London. Yan Bingtao overcame a Regan Gascoigne, Rachel Stevens, Jones and Rich Miller set them a Luke has something really
5-3 deficit from the opening session Brendan Cole, Ria Hebden, Kye bottle kiln surprise challenge before big to tell the family. (R/S)
to prevail 10-8 against John Higgins Whyte and Connor Ball. (S) deciding who will be leaving the
in last year’s final to become, at the contest this week. Plus, a tribute to
age of 20, the youngest Masters 8.00 Vera As The Crow Stoke’s unique pottery history. (S) 8.00 Bargain-Loving Brits In The
champion since Ronnie O’Sullivan in Flies: Primary school Sun Dave has just four weeks to
1995 and scoop a prize of £250,000, teacher Lizzy Swann is complete the refurbishment of his
while the ‘Wizard of Wishaw’ was found dead at the bottom bar, but he has a mountain to
made to wait for his third triumph in of a cliffside coastal climb to get everything finished
this event. The commentary team walkway, but what appears at first to so he can open on time. (S)
includes Steve Davis, Ken Doherty, be a terrible accident, quickly
Stephen Hendry, Shaun Murphy, becomes a murder investigation as
John Parrott and John Virgo. (S) Vera discovers evidence the body
has been tampered with. Interviews 9.00 Sue Perkins’ Big 9.00 Hotel Benidorm: Sun, Sea &
with those who knew Lizzy paint a American Road Trip The Sangria Sharon on reception has
troubling picture of a guarded presenter travels across pulled the short straw as three
and paranoid woman who seemed California and Colorado in flightloads of Brits are expected at
to be burning bridges with friends a campervan, beginning the same time, and to make matters
and family alike in the days with a journey along the Pacific Coast worse there is a problem with the
leading up to her death. (S) Highway to Yosemite. (S) booking system. (S)

10.00 Tulip Fever 10.00 ITV News/Weather (S) 10.00 Gogglebox The armchair 10.00 The QE2 Dubai: World’s
Historical romance based on 10.15 Martin Clunes: Islands Of critics share their opinions on shows Most Luxurious Hotel Life aboard
Deborah Moggach’s novel, The Pacific French Polynesia: The including It’s a Sin. (R/S) the famous ocean liner, now a
starring Alicia Vikander, Dane actor and presenter begins his tour 10.55 One Night In Legoland Alex floating hotel in Dubai. (R/S)
DeHaan and Jack O’Connell. (Cert of the Pacific islands in French Brooker and Josh Widdicombe enjoy 10.55 World’s Funniest TV
15, 105 mins. 2017) (S) )) Polynesia. (R/S) time in Legoland. (R/S) Adverts With Jason Manford (S)

11.35 Inside Dubai: Playground Of The 11.15 Heathrow: Britain’s Busiest 12.00 AM Heineken Champions Cup 12.50 AM Entertainment News On 5 (S)
Rich The documentary focuses on Airport Documentary going behind the Rugby: The Big Tackle (S) 12.55 FILM 1.00 The Live Casino Show (S)
aspirational Brits choosing to live and work scenes of the airport. (R/S) 11.45 Wonders The Witch (Cert 15, 91 mins. 2015) (S) 3.00 Entertainment News On 5 (S) 3.05
in Dubai, revealing how the people attracted Of The Border (R/S) 12.15 AM Shop: ))))2.30 Ramsay’s Kitchen GPs: Behind Closed Doors (R/S) 3.55
there have changed over the course of its Ideal World 3.00 Motorsport UK 2022 Nightmares USA Park’s Edge. (R/S) 3.20 Rich Holiday, Poor Holiday (R/S) 4.40
brief 50-year history. (R/S) 12.35 AM Sign Brands Hatch. (R/S) 3.50 Unwind With ITV Undercover Boss Australia (R/S) 4.10 Wildlife SOS (R/S) 5.05 Great Artists
Zone: Question Time (R/S) 1.35 Sign 5.05-6.00 Tipping Point (R/S) Couples Come Dine With Me (R/S) 5.05 (R/S) 5.30 Peppa Pig (R/S) 5.35 Thomas
Zone: Holby City (R/S) 2.15-6.30 This Is Mend It For Money (R/S) 5.55-6.05 & Friends (R/S) 5.50-6.00 Milkshake!
BBC Two (S) Escape To The Chateau (S) Monkey’s Amazing Adventures (R/S)

lnsideSoap 69
Sky Showcase Sky Atlantic W Alibi Gold Drama
6.00 AM Hour Of Power 6.00 AM Fish Town 7.00 6.10 AM Tipping Point 6.00 AM Teleshopping 6.00 AM Teleshopping FREEVIEW 20
7.00 Where’s Wally 7.25 Fish Town 8.00 Fish Town 7.00 Tipping Point 8.00 7.10 Murdoch Mysteries 7.25 Citizen Khan 8.30 6.00 AM Teleshopping
The Mighty Ones 7.50 9.00 Fish Town 10.00 Tipping Point 9.00 8.00 Murdoch Mysteries Only Fools And Horses 7.10 The Bill Badlands.
Dragons: Rescue Riders Boardwalk Empire What Tipping Point 10.00 9.00 Murdoch Mysteries 9.10 Only Fools And 8.00 The Bill Eyes
8.15 Madagascar: A Little Does The Bee Do? 11.05 Tipping Point 11.00 10.00 Frankie Drake Horses 9.50 Only Fools Everywhere. 9.00 The Bill
Wild 8.40 Trolls: Boardwalk Empire Tipping Point 12.00 PM Mysteries 11.00 Frankie And Horses 10.30 Only Yesterday’s Hero. 10.00 The
Trollstopia 9.05 Gimcrack And Bunkum. Tipping Point 1.00 Doctor Drake Mysteries Fools And Horses 11.10 Bill On Air. 11.00 Jane
Orangutan Jungle School 12.10 PM Boardwalk Who The Doctor’s Wife. 2.00 12.00 PM The Doctor Only Fools And Horses Eyre 12.20 PM Jane Eyre
10.05 The Fresh Prince Empire The Age Of Reason. Doctor Who The Rebel Blake Mysteries 1.00 The 11.50 Only Fools And 1.20 Jane Eyre 2.20 Jane
Of Bel-Air 10.30 The 1.15 Boardwalk Empire Flesh. 3.00 Doctor Who Doctor Blake Mysteries Horses 1.05 PM Only Eyre 3.40 Catherine
Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air Peg Of Old. 2.20 Boardwalk The Almost People. 4.00 My Sorrow Songs. 2.00 The Fools And Horses 2.20 Cookson’s A Dinner Of
11.00 Magnum P.I. Empire Two Boats And A Family 4.40 My Family Doctor Blake Mysteries Only Fools And Horses Herbs 6.40 Call The
12.00 PM NCIS: New Lifeguard. 3.30 The 5.20 My Family Death Takes The Call Of The Void. 3.00 2.55 Only Fools And Midwife Nurse Crane and
Orleans 1.00 The Sopranos Toodle-F******-Oo. A Policy. 6.00 999 Rescue Death In Paradise A Horses 3.30 Only Fools Trixie investigate when a
Simpsons 3.30 FILM The 4.35 The Sopranos Squad The team is forced to Murder On The Plantation. And Horses 4.40 Only mother abandons her children
Angry Birds Movie (Cert U, Commendatori. 5.40 The deal with the consequences 4.00 Death In Paradise An Fools And Horses Sickness at the clinic. When the woman
97 mins. 2016) )))5.30 Sopranos Big Girls Don’t of gun crime as they race to Unholy Death. 5.00 Hudson And Wealth. 5.55 Only is sent to a neurologist, the
The Simpsons Team 6.30 Cry. 6.45 The Sopranos the scene when a man is shot & Rex Origin Story. 6.00 Fools And Horses Little results are devastating for the
Live WSL The Happy Wanderer. outside a mosque. Hudson & Rex Manhunt. Problems. whole family.

7.50 The Sopranos 7.00 999 Rescue Squad 7.00 Hudson & Rex Into 7.05 Vicar Of Dibley:
D-Girl: Christopher The team is called to help The Wild: Charlie and Rex Inside Out Dawn French,
succumbs to the allure of defuse a bomb. head into the wilderness in Richard Curtis and a host
Hollywood. search of a reclusive of guest stars remember
survivalist community. their favourite moments.

8.00 The Shift: Women 8.00 Hudson & Rex 8.00 Miss Marple The
On The Force Under Pressure: Charlie Moving Finger: Feature-
Neighbourhood Sergeant and Rex wade into a length episode. Villagers
Helen tackles a difficult mystery deeper harbour a strange secret.
drugs investigation. than the sea itself.

9.00 Magnum P.I. Texas 9.00 Game Of Thrones 9.00 Louis Theroux: 9.00 Death In Paradise 9.00 Dad’s Army The
Wedge: Thomas, Higgins Fire And Blood: Robb’s Behind Bars The One For The Road: The Armoured Might Of Lance
and Rick go undercover at bannermen make a journalist spends time in island’s governor is Corporal Jones.
a country club. momentous declaration. San Quentin State Prison. poisoned at her 9.40 Dad’s Army
leaving party. Battle School.

10.00 NCIS: New 10.05 Euphoria 10.00 Louis Theroux: 10.00 Clarice Clarice is 10.15 Mrs Brown’s 10.00 Death In Holy
Orleans One Of Our Own: Return of the provocative Law & Disorder In determined to learn who Boys Mammy’s Going: Orders Part one of two.
An officer is murdered. coming-of-age drama, Johannesburg Louis hired the hitman Agnes fears her family is PD James thriller, starring
starring Zendaya. Theroux visits responsible for the three planning to send her to a Martin Shaw.
Johannesburg. River Murders. nursing home.

11.00 Saturday Night 11.10 Succession 11.00 Stacey Dooley In 11.00 Rizzoli & Isles 11.00 French And
Live Sketch show. Lifeboats: The Roy family The USA Border Wars: Sympathy For The Devil: Saunders Spoofs of Kill
are forced to confront a Central Americans An exorcist is linked to the Bill and Most Haunted.
series of crises. who cross illegally death of a boy. 11.35 French And
into the USA. Saunders
12.30 AM Russell Howard 12.15 AM Succession 1.20 In 12.00 AM Babies: Their 12.00 AM Rizzoli & Isles 12.15 AM French And 12.00 AM Broken 1.20
Live 2.00 Road Wars 3.00 Treatment 2.00 Euphoria Wonderful World 1.30 Stacey 12.55 Death In Paradise 2.00 Saunders 12.55 French And Kavanagh QC 3.15 One Foot
Nothing To Declare 3.30 3.05 In Treatment 3.35 In Dooley In The USA: Kids In Frankie Drake Mysteries 2.45 Saunders 1.35 Johnny Vegas: In The Grave 4.00-6.00
Nothing To Declare 4.00 Treatment 4.05 Storm City The Crossfire 2.20 Inside The Frankie Drake Mysteries My Favourite Sketch 2.40 Teleshopping
Modern Family 4.30 Modern 5.05-6.00 Storm City Ambulance 3.00-6.10 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping Marley’s Ghosts 3.10
Family 5.00 The Early Teleshopping Marley’s Ghosts 4.00-6.00
Rundown 5.30-6.00 The Teleshopping
Early Rundown

Sky Witness Sky Crime Sky Docs Sky Arts Dave Yesterday
6.00 AM Nothing To Declare 6.00 AM Road Wars 7.00 6.00 AM Discovering: Faye FREEVIEW 11 FREEVIEW 19 FREEVIEW 26
9.00 Border Patrol 11.00 The Motorway Patrol 10.00 Dunaway 7.00 Discovering: 6.00 AM Kurt Weill: Street 6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.10 6.00 AM Meat Loaf: In And
Real A&E 12.00 PM Air Highway Cops 11.30 Caught Vincent Price 8.00 Rolling Scene 8.45 Tales Of The Eddie Eats America 8.00 Rick Out Of Hell 7.10 One Hit
Ambulance ER 2.00 Nothing Red Handed 12.15 PM Stone: Stories From The Edge Unexpected 11.15 Stein’s Long Weekends 9.00 Wonders At The BBC 8.00
To Declare 3.30 Nothing To Caught Red Handed 1.00 9.00 Rolling Stone: Stories Landscape Artist Of The Year American Pickers 10.00 The Buildings That Fought
Declare 4.00 Nothing To Charmed To Death 2.00 An From The Edge 10.00 Rolling 2022 12.10 PM Discovering: Storage Hunters UK 11.00 Hitler 11.00 The Buildings
Declare 4.30 Nothing To Unexpected Killer 3.00 Killer Stone: Stories From The Edge Peter Sellers 1.05 World’s Most Dangerous That Fought Hitler 12.00 PM
Declare 5.00 Nothing To In My Village 4.00 Killer In My 11.00 FILM Everton: Discovering: Robert Shaw Roads 12.00 PM Red Bull Secrets Of The London
Declare 5.30 Nothing To Village 5.00 World’s Most Evil Howard’s Way (Cert 12, 105 2.00 Inside Art Special: Soapbox Race 1.00 Cops On Underground 1.00 Secrets Of
Declare 6.00 Nothing To Killers 6.00 Britain’s Most Evil mins. 2019) )))1.00 PM Coventry City Of Culture 3.00 The Rock 2.00 Top Gear 3.00 The London Underground
Declare 6.30 Nothing To Killers 7.00 Forensics: Schettino Files 3.00 FILM Buster Keaton: The Genius World’s Most Dangerous 2.00 Secrets Of The Transport
Declare 7.00 Blue Bloods Catching The Killer 8.00 How The Kingmaker (Cert 15, 101 Crushed By Hollywood 4.00 Roads 4.00 Would I Lie To Museum 3.00 Secrets Of The
8.00 Blue Bloods 9.00 Bull I Caught The Killer 9.00 The mins. 2019) ))))5.00 PL Santana: The US Festival 1982 You? 6.00 Top Gear 7.00 Transport Museum 4.00
10.00 Law & Order: Special Murders At Starved Rock Legends: Ian Wright 5.30 5.30 Emerson, Lake & Palmer: Cops On The Rock 8.00 QI Bangers And Cash 5.00
Victims Unit 11.00 Law & 10.15 The Murders At FILM Battle Of The Sexes Live At The Isle Of Wight 7.00 XL 9.00 Have I Got A Bit More Bangers And Cash 6.00
Order: Special Victims Unit Starved Rock 11.30 World’s (Cert PG, 80 mins. 2013) ))) Paul Simon – Live In Central News For You 10.00 Mock Bangers And Cash 7.00
12.00 AM Law & Order: Most Evil Killers 12.30 AM 7.10 FILM Apollo 11 (Cert U, Park 1991 9.40 The Great The Week 10.40 QI 11.20 Bangers And Cash 8.00 ’Allo
Special Victims Unit 1.00 World’s Most Evil Killers 1.30 93 mins. 2019) )))))9.00 Songwriters 10.40 Blur/Oasis: Would I Lie To You? ’Allo! 8.40 ’Allo ’Allo! 9.20
Lincoln Rhyme: Hunt For The World’s Most Evil Killers 2.30 Pantani: The Accidental Death The Britpop Years 11.55 12.00 AM Meet The ’Allo ’Allo! 10.00 Bangers And
Bone Collector 2.00 Blue World’s Most Evil Killers 3.30 Of A Cyclist 11.00 FILM Chrissie Hynde Sings Bob Richardsons 2.00 Whose Cash 11.00 Bangers And
Bloods 3.00 Blue Bloods Nothing To Declare 4.00 Foreman (Cert PG, 84 mins. Dylan: Tomorrow Is A Long Line Is It Anyway? USA 2.25 Cash 12.00 AM Underground
4.00 Nothing To Declare 4.30 Nothing To Declare 4.30 2017) )))12.40 AM Arthur Time 1.35 AM Poly Styrene – I Whose Line Is It Anyway? Worlds 1.00 The Good Nazi
Nothing To Declare 5.00 Motorway Patrol 5.00 Miller: Writer 2.40 Our Towns Am A Cliche 3.35 Rock And USA 2.50 Have I Got A Bit 2.00 Moon Landings: World’s
Nothing To Declare 5.30-6.00 Motorway Patrol 5.30-6.00 4.40 My Icon: Denise Lewis Roll 5.00-6.00 Tony Visconti’s More News For You 4.00- Greatest Hoax? 3.00-6.00
Nothing To Declare Motorway Patrol 5.00-6.00 The Directors Unsigned Heroes 6.00 Teleshopping Teleshopping
70 lnsideSoap
6.00 AM Hollyoaks 6.00 AM Totally Bonkers 6.00 AM Emmerdale 6.00 AM Great
Omnibus 8.55 Rude(ish) Guinness World Records Omnibus 8.50 FILM On Racehorses 6.15 The
Tube Shorts 9.00 6.25 Secret Crush 9.15 The Buses Comedy, starring Protectors 6.45
Supernanny USA 10.00 Dress To Impress 11.15 Reg Varney. (Cert PG, 84 Motorsport Mundial 7.10
Ramsay’s Kitchen The Masked Singer mins. 1971) ))10.35 FILM Auto Mundial 7.35
Nightmares USA 12.45 PM Celebrity Mutiny On The Buses Extreme E: Electric
12.00 PM Ramsay’s Catchphrase 1.40 You’ve Comedy, starring Reg Varney. Odyssey 8.05 Motorsport
Kitchen Nightmares USA Been Framed! And Fearless (Cert PG, 89 mins. 1972) ) UK 9.10 Extreme E
1.00 The Big Bang 2.45 FILM Hotel 12.20 PM Foyle’s War A Highlights 10.20 Minder
Theory 2.00 The Big Bang Transylvania (Cert U, 88 Lesson In Murder. 2.30 11.25 The Sweeney 1.35
Theory 2.30 The Big Bang mins. 2012) )))3.50 FYI Foyle’s War Eagle Day. 4.40 FILM Romancing The
Theory 3.00 The Big Bang Sleuthing spinster Joan Hickson investigates a Daily 2022 3.55 FILM Hotel Foyle’s War Fifty Ships. Stone (Cert 12, 101 mins.
Theory 3.30 The Big Bang Transylvania (Cert U, 88 6.55 Wycliffe The Four 1984) )))))3.40 FILM
Theory 3.55 The Big Bang
strange secret in Miss Marple 8pm Drama mins. 2012) )))4.30 FILM Jacks. The mysterious The Cowboys (Cert PG, 121
Theory 4.25 The Big Bang Johnny English (Cert PG, 88 shooting of an archaeology mins. 1972) )))6.15 FILM
Theory 4.55 The Big Bang
Theory 5.20 Lego BBC Scotland BBC Four mins. 2003) )))6.15 FILM
Man Of Steel (Cert 12, 143
student leads Wycliffe on a
manhunt across Cornwall.
Apollo 13 Drama, starring
Tom Hanks. (Cert PG, 140
Masters Australia FREEVIEW 9 (SCOTLAND) FREEVIEW 9 mins. 2013) ))) Drama, starring Bill Nighy. mins. 1995) ))))

7.15 Shrek The 7.00 PM The Seven 7.00 PM In

Third The bad- 7.15 War At Sea: Conversation Antony
tempered ogre Scotland’s Story The Sher And Greg Doran In 7
must persuade a Battle Of The U-Boats: Conversation With Sue
rebellious teenager to face Part two of two. MacGregor.
up to his responsibilities
as heir to the throne. 8.15 Grand Tours Of 8.00 RSC’s 8.00 Long Lost Family
Animated sequel, with the Scotland’s Lochs Henry IV Part A woman’s search
voices of Mike Myers and Take My Breath Away. One Recording of for her mother. 8
Cameron Diaz. (Cert U, 88 8.30 The Forest Bill the Royal Shakespeare
mins. 2007) ))) Fisher surveys the forest. Company’s 2014
production, starring
9.00 X-Men: 9.00 Still Game Wireless. Antony Sher as Falstaff 9.00 Family Guy Peter 9.00 Joanna Lumley’s 9.00 Robin Hood
Apocalypse The 9.30 Life On The Bay and directed by the Griffin – Husband, Father, India Joanna Lumley An archer returning
mutant heroes Live entertainment starts company’s artistic director, Brother?: Peter learns travels back to the from the crusades 9
must save the world from up again at the Fife Gregory Doran. (165 about his ancestors. country of her birth. faces a plot by a traitorous
an ancient Egyptian tyrant caravan park. mins.) ) 9.30 Family Guy knight to bring about a
restored to life in the French conquest of
1980s. Superhero 10.00 The Force: The 10.45 Mark Lawson 10.00 Family Guy Brian 10.00 Vera Natural England. Medieval
adventure sequel, with Story Of Scotland’s Talks To Antony Sher Wallows And Peter’s Selection: The detective adventure, with Russell
James McAvoy and Police The Detectives: Interview with the South Swallows: Brian looks after investigates a suspicious Crowe and Cate 10
Michael Fassbender. (Cert The evolution of police Africa-born actor. an elderly woman. death on a remote island. Blanchett. (Cert 12, 140
12, 144 mins. 2016) ))) detective work. 10.30 Family Guy mins. 2010) )))

11.50 Gogglebox 11.00-12.00 Seven 11.50 Shakespeare In 11.00 Family Guy Death 11.50 Death
Armchair critiques of Days News, sport and Italy With Francesco Da Lives: Peter arranges a Wish IV: The
Antiques Road Trip and entertainment stories. Mosto Land Of Love: How macabre date. Crackdown Thriller, 11
James May: The the Mediterranean country 11.30 American Dad! with Charles Bronson. (Cert
Reassembler. inspired the Bard. Eight Fires. 18, 95 mins. 1987) ))
12.55 AM Naked Attraction 12.50 AM Shakespeare In 12.00 AM American Dad! 12.00 AM A Touch Of Frost 1.55 AM Minder 2.50 Unwind
1.55 Alex Rider 2.50 Mike & Italy With Francesco Da 12.25 The Stand Up Sketch 2.05 A Touch Of Frost 4.00 With ITV 3.00-6.00
Molly 3.15-6.00 Hollyoaks Mosto 1.50 Scuffles, Show 12.55 The Stand Up Wycliffe 5.30-6.00 Unwind Teleshopping
Omnibus Swagger & Shakespeare: The Sketch Show 1.25 Don’t Hate With ITV
Hidden Story Of English The Playaz 2.25 Iain Stirling’s
2.20-3.20 Britain’s Outlaws: CelebAbility 3.05 Totally
Highwaymen, Pirates And Bonkers Guinness World
Rogues Records 3.30-6.00

More4 Film4 5USA 5STAR Challenge ITVBe

8.55 AM George Clarke’s 11.00 AM FILM The Pink 6.00 AM Teleshopping 9.00 6.00 AM Teleshopping 8.00 6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.00 7.00 AM Making It Home
Amazing Spaces 9.55 Ugly Panther (Cert PG, 111 mins. Entertainment News On 5 Criminals: Caught On Camera The Chase 9.00 Wheel Of With Kortney & Dave 8.00
House To Lovely House With 1963) )))) 1.30 PM FILM 9.10 Criminals: Caught On 8.25 Bargain-Loving Brits In Fortune 10.30 Wheel Of Making It Home With Kortney
George Clarke 10.55 George Baby Boom Comedy, starring Camera 9.40 Columbo The Sun 10.05 Judge Judy Fortune 11.00 Wheel Of & Dave 9.00 LittleBe
Clarke’s Old House, New Diane Keaton. (Cert PG, 103 11.40 Columbo 1.20 PM 12.00 PM Filthy House SOS Fortune 11.30 Bruce’s Price 12.00 PM Unboxed 12.30
Home 12.00 PM Come Dine mins. 1987) ))) 3.55 FILM Columbo Death Lends A 2.00 Traffic Cops 3.00 Traffic Is Right 12.00 PM Bruce’s Million Dollar Matchmaker
With Me 2.10 Come Dine Young Sherlock Holmes Hand. 2.50 Columbo Cops 4.00 Traffic Cops 5.00 Price Is Right 12.30 1.25 The Real Housewives Of
With Me 2.40 Four In A Bed Adventure, starring Nicholas Candidate For Crime. Police Interceptors 6.00 Blockbusters 1.00 New Jersey 2.20 The Real
3.15 Four In A Bed 3.45 Four Rowe. (Cert PG, 104 mins. 4.55 Columbo A Bird In The Police Interceptors 7.00 Blockbusters 1.30 Housewives Of New Jersey
In A Bed 4.20 Four In A Bed 1985) ))) 6.15 FILM Hand. 6.55 Columbo Identity Police Interceptors 8.00 Blockbusters 2.00 Family 3.10 The Real Housewives Of
4.50 Four In A Bed 5.20 X-Men: Days Of Future Past Crisis. 9.00 NCIS Everything Police Interceptors 9.00 FILM Fortunes 2.30 Family New Jersey 4.05 The Real
Come Dine With Me 5.55 Superhero time travel Starts Somewhere. 10.00 GI Joe: Retaliation Action Fortunes 3.00 Catchphrase Housewives Of New Jersey
Come Dine With Me 6.25 adventure, starring Hugh Law & Order: Special Victims adventure sequel, starring 3.30 Catchphrase 4.00 5.00 The Real Housewives Of
Come Dine With Me 6.55 Jackman. (Cert 12, 131 mins. Unit Storm. 11.00 Law & Dwayne Johnson. Includes Catchphrase 4.30 New Jersey 6.00 The Big
Come Dine With Me 7.25 2014) )))) 9.00 FILM Order: Special Victims Unit Access. (Cert 12, 110 mins. Catchphrase 5.00 The Chase Bake 7.00 The Big Bake 8.00
Come Dine With Me 8.00 Car Taken Thriller, starring Liam Alien. 11.55 Law & Order: 2013) ))11.15 FILM Ghost 6.00 The Chase 7.00 The Celebrity Dinner Date Jess
S.O.S 9.00 999: On The Front Neeson. (Cert 15, 93 mins. Special Victims Unit Blood. Rider Fantasy thriller, starring Chase 8.00 The Chase 9.00 Wright. 9.00 Botched By
Line 10.00 24 Hours In A&E 2008) ))) 10.50 FILM The 12.55 AM Law & Order: Nicolas Cage. Includes The Chase Celebrity Special Nature This Little Piggy Went
11.05 Emergency Helicopter Great Wall Fantasy adventure, Special Victims Unit 1.55 Law Access. (Cert 12, 109 mins. 10.00 The Chase 11.00 The To Surgery. 10.00 Botched
Medics 12.05 AM 999: On starring Matt Damon. (Cert & Order: Criminal Intent 2.50 2007) )))1.30 AM Fights, Chase 12.00 AM The Chase Vagina Bomb! 11.00 The Real
The Front Line 1.10 24 Hours 12, 103 mins. 2016) )))) Law & Order: Criminal Intent Camera, Action! 2.30 Judge 1.00 The Chase 2.00 The Housewives Of Jersey Raising
In A&E 2.15 Emergency 12.55-3.05 AM FILM Suntan 3.35 Criminals: Caught On Judy 2.55 Judge Judy 3.15 Chase 3.00 The Chase 4.00 The Stakes. 12.00 AM Million
Helicopter Medics 3.20-3.50 (Cert 18, 104 mins. 2016) Camera 4.00-6.00 Judge Judy 3.40 Judge Judy The Chase 5.00-6.00 The Dollar Matchmaker 1.00-7.00
Food Unwrapped )))) Teleshopping 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping Chase Teleshopping
lnsideSoap 71
6.00 AM Breakfast (S) 9.15 Morning Live
(S) 10.00 Rip Off Britain: Holidays (S)
10.45 The Moment Of Proof The Black
Box Murder. (S) 11.15 Homes Under The
Hammer (R/S) 12.15 PM Bargain Hunt
Peterborough 12: Christina Trevanion
presents the show from Peterborough’s
Festival of Antiques. (S) 1.00 BBC News/
Weather (S) 1.30 Regional News (S) 1.45
Doctors Role Models. (S) 2.15 Father
Brown The Celestial Choir: Return of the
crime drama, starring Mark Williams. (R/S)
3.00 Escape To The Country Norfolk:
Alistair Appleton helps an opera singer and
his husband find a house in Norfolk. (S) 3.45
The Farmers’ Country Showdown Mid
Somerset Show: Farmer Rhian takes her
sheep to be judged at the Mid-Somerset
Show. (S) 4.30 Antiques Road Trip (S)
5.15 Pointless Quiz, hosted by Alexander
Armstrong. (S)

Dad’s farmy
Emmerdale for a decade stress levels. Fortunately,
ADVENTURE doesn’t constitute work no-nonsense neighbour
BBC1 8.30PM experience – who knew?!), Gilly is on hand to help, and
the Fletcher fam plans to before investing in their own
Kelvin Fletcher and his wife bring their dilapidated farm livestock, Kelvin and Liz get 5.15pm Pointless
Liz have gone and bought back to its former working some hands-on experience
a 120-acre farm in the Peak glory. However, as we join with Gilly’s flock of sheep. 6.00 BBC News/Weather (S)
District. With zero farming them in this new series But it’s not long before the 6.30 Regional News (S)
experience (turns out a month in, the jobs list harsh realities of animal
playing Andy Sugden in is mounting, as are their husbandry hit home…

7.00 The One Show Alex Jones

consultant transplant and Jermaine Jenas present topical
GEORDIE HOSPITAL stories and celebrity chat. (S)
surgeon Colin performs
Channel 4 8PM 7.30 Panorama Current affairs
a live kidney transplant, report. (S)
This new series set across and children’s heart
the hospitals of Newcastle consultant Emma changes
celebrates the amazing the special device that
work of the NHS, following powers four-year-old Kit’s
8.00 EastEnders
medics and support teams mechanical heart, allowing Stuart’s suspicions
as they work all hours to him to leave the hospital about Rainie begin to rise. (S)
save and transform lives. grounds for the first time in 8.30 Kelvin’s Big
In this opening episode, months. Guaranteed tears. Farming Adventure
New series. Kelvin
Fletcher attempts to start
KEEPING UP WITH his own farm. (S)
THE ARISTOCRATS 9.00 Who Do You Think You Are?
ITV 9PM David Walliams: Actor and author
David Walliams delves into his family
In the first of this fun new
history, learning of his paternal great-
three-parter, Lord Ivar grandfather’s traumatic experiences
Mountbatten and hubby during the First World War. (R/S)
James host a pop-up
restaurant at their stately
home. Among the 50 fine 10.00 BBC News (S)
10.25 Regional News/Weather (S)
diners forking out £165
10.35 The Other One Cathy agrees
per ticket is Ivar’s cousin to teach Cat how to ride a bike. (R/S)
Princess Romanoff, who’s
single and on the lookout!

11.05 The Other One Cathy’s mum refuses

REGIONALVARIATIONS BBC1 N IRELAND as Main BBC1 except: 7.30-8.00pm The Chronicles Of Strangford 8.30-9.00 Panorama
10.35 Crime NI 11.15 The Other One 11.45 The Other One 12.15am The Apprentice 1.15-6.00 BBC News
to attend her hen do. (R/S) 11.35 The
Apprentice Toothbrush: Lord Sugar tasks
BBC1 SCOTLAND as Main BBC1 except: 10.35-11.05pm Sportscene 11.35 The Other One 12.05am The Apprentice 1.05 The Graham Norton his candidates with creating and marketing a
Show 1.55 Weather For The Week Ahead 2.00-6.00 BBC News BBC1 WALES as Main BBC1 except: 9.00-10.00pm Dark Land: The Hunt For brand-new electric toothbrush aimed at
Wales’ Worst Serial Killer 10.35 Slammed 11.35 The Other One 12.05-12.35am The Other One BBC2 N IRELAND as Main BBC2 except: 10.00-
10.30pm Ar An Sliabh 11.15 NIFL Premiership Highlights 11.45 Couples Therapy 12.10-12.15am Penguin Post Office: Natural World STV as Main
children aged between six and eight. (R/S)
ITV except: 10.40pm Scotland Tonight 11.05 All Elite Wrestling: Rampage 12.00-3.00am Shop: Ideal World 3.50-5.05 Unwind With STV UTV as 12.35 AM The Graham Norton Show (R/S)
Main ITV except: 10.45-11.45pm View From Stormont WALES as Main ITV except: 10.45pm Sharp End 11.10-11.45 Wonders Of The Border 1.30-6.00 BBC News (S)

72 lnsideSoap
BBC2 ITV Channel 4 Channel 5
6.30 AM The Farmers’ Country 6.00 AM Good Morning Britain (S) 9.00 6.05 AM Countdown (R/S) 6.45 Cheers 6.00 AM Milkshake! 9.15 Jeremy Vine
Showdown Abergavenny Food Festival: Kai Lorraine (S) 10.00 This Morning Celebrity Carla Loves Clavin. (R/S) 7.10 Cheers The broadcaster discusses the issues of the
and Neil launch their new chilli ice-cream at chat and lifestyle features. (S) 12.30 PM Pitch It Again, Sam. (R/S) 7.35 Everybody day. (S) 11.15 Shoplifters & Scammers:
Abergavenny Food Festival. (R/S) 7.15 Loose Women Celebrity interviews and Loves Raymond Civil War. (R/S) 8.00 At War With The Law (S) 12.15 PM 5
Antiques Road Trip Izzie Balmer and David studio discussion from a female perspective. Everybody Loves Raymond Mia Famiglia. News At Lunchtime (S) 12.20 Nightmare
Harper explore north-east Scotland. (R/S) (S) 1.30 Lunchtime News/Weather (S) (R/S) 8.30 Everybody Loves Raymond Tenants, Slum Landlords Tenants leave a
8.00 Sign Zone: Inside The Factory 1.55 Regional News/Weather (S) 2.00 Marie’s Meatballs. (R/S) 9.00 Frasier Door landlord over £20,000 behind with his
Chairs: Gregg Wallace pays a visit to a factory Dickinson’s Real Deal Cheltenham 1: Jam. (R/S) 9.30 Frasier The Harassed. mortgage. (R/S) 1.15 Home And Away
that makes 10,000 chairs every year. (R/S) David Dickinson and his team are at (R/S) 10.00 Frasier Lilith Needs A Favour. Felicity pleads her innocence, insisting that
9.00 BBC News At 9 (S) 10.00 BBC News Cheltenham Racecourse, where Stewart (R/S) 10.30 Ramsay’s Kitchen she is being framed. (S) 1.45 Neighbours
(S) 12.15 PM Politics Live The latest stories Hofgartner and Henry Nicholls battle it out Nightmares USA Down City. (R/S) 11.25 Glen and Terese co-habiting creates plenty
from Westminster and beyond. (S) 1.00 over some watches and Jo Brayshaw hopes Channel 4 News/Weather Summary (S) of tension. (S) 2.15 FILM An Inheritance
Bowls: World Indoor Championships to trade cash for coins. (S) 3.00 Lingo Aly 11.30 Sun, Sea And Selling Houses (R/S) To Die For: Aurora Teagarden Mysteries
2022 2022 Open Pairs Final: Coverage of and Jarrod, Hannah and Jess, and Suzanne 12.30 PM Steph’s Packed Lunch Aurora investigates poisonings at a wedding,
the World Indoor Championships from Potters and Ed compete. (S) 3.59 ITV London Weekday magazine show, hosted by Steph with alterations to a victim’s will focusing
Resort in Hopton-on-Sea in Norfolk, featuring Weather (S) 4.00 Tipping Point Ben McGovern. (S) 2.10 Countdown (S) 3.00 A suspicion. Mystery, starring Candace
the pairs final and Les Gillet v Ronnie Duncan. Shephard hosts the arcade-themed quiz in Place In The Sun Craig Rowe helps a Cameron Bure. (Cert PG, 86 mins. 2019) (S)
(S) 5.15 Flog It! Ushaw 21: Experts which contestants drop tokens down a Derbyshire couple to find a home on Spain’s ))))4.00 Watercolour Challenge
Catherine Southon and David Fletcher are in choice of four chutes in the hope of winning Costa Cálida. (S) 4.00 A New Life In The Scarborough Bay: New series. Painting
Ushaw in Co Durham as they search for a £10,000 jackpot. (S) 5.00 The Chase Sun (S) 5.00 Junior Bake Off The bakers contest, hosted by Fern Britton. (S) 5.00 5
antiques to take to auction. (R/S) Dino, Anna, Steve and Pam take part. (S) face their first technical challenge. (S) News At 5 (S)

9pm Inside Dubai: Playground… 4pm Tipping Point 10pm Party Island: Summer In… 9pm Warship: Life At Sea

6.00 Richard Osman’s House Of 6.00 Regional News/Weather (S) 6.00 The Simpsons (R/S) 6.00 Neighbours Glen
Games With Jayde Adams, Josie 6.30 Evening News/Weather (S) 6.30 Hollyoaks and Terese co-habiting
d’Arby and Scott Mills. (R/S) Flashbacks reveal the creates plenty of tension. (R/S)
6.30 Rick Stein’s Cornwall The events that occurred between a 6.30 Winter Road Rescue
chef joins a team diving for clams. (S) dangerous couple. (R/S) Documentary. (S)

7.00 Tom Kerridge’s Fresh Start 7.00 Emmerdale 7.00 Channel 4 News (S) 7.00 Motorway Cops: Catching
Start ’em Young: Tom demonstrates Chloe hooks up with Britain’s Speeders PC Andy Doran
ways that the whole family can help Noah again. Jai is deceitful. goes on the hunt for a suspected car
out cooking in the kitchen. (R/S) A box lays undiscovered. (S) thief who has abandoned his vehicle
7.30 Mastermind Specialist subjects 7.30 Coronation Street on a housing estate. After an
include Line of Duty and gin. (S) An upset Sally is exhaustive search, he has
convinced that Tim is hiding to send in a police dog. (R/S)
something from her. (S)

8.00 Only Connect Third-Place 8.00 Bradley & Barney Walsh: 8.00 Geordie Hospital 8.00 Traffic Cops Karl Jackson is
Play-Off: The losing semi-finalists Breaking Dad New series. The New series. alerted to a possible disqualified
battle it out for third place. (S) actor and his son embark a 3,000- Documentary following driver when a passing car is flagged
8.30 University Challenge The mile journey through Europe. (S) staff at Newcastle’s up by an automatic number plate
second of the quarter-finals. (S) 8.30 Coronation Street hospitals. A surgeon recognition camera. (S)
Dev gives Bernie more carries out a kidney transplant
than she bargained for during using a donor organ from the
a visit to his shop. (S) patient’s sister. (S)

9.00 Inside Dubai: Playground Of 9.00 Keeping Up With 9.00 999: What’s Your 9.00 Warship: Life At Sea HMS
The Rich As the tax haven The Aristocrats New Emergency? New series. Northumberland hunts for a Russian
celebrates its 50th birthday and series. Following four of Emergency services in South submarine in the Arctic Circle after
looks to the future, a look at Britain’s most prominent Yorkshire face a difficult night, the vessel disappears from the ship’s
plans to more than double the aristocratic dynasties, beginning with an aggressive drunk radar, while chef Sauhil is feeling the
number of tourists over the next 20 revealing what really goes on behind in Doncaster town centre who is strain below deck. (S)
years. Last in the series. (S) their closed doors. (S) assaulting a police officer. (S)

10.00 Couples Therapy (S) 10.00 ITV News/Weather (S) 10.00 Party Island: Summer In 10.00 Casualty 24/7: Every
10.25 Penguin Post Office: 10.30 Regional News/Weather (S) Zante The resort workers reflect on Second Counts The hospital suffers
Natural World Gentoo penguins 10.45 The Pembrokeshire how much this summer has changed a huge backlog of patients from the
raising chicks in Port Lockroy Murders: Catching The Game them, and two ABBA impersonators night shift, as staff struggle to ensure
in the Antarctic. (R/S) Show Killer The true story behind are faced with the financial that everyone is discharged or
10.30 Newsnight (S) the ITV drama. (R/S) implications of a ban on live music. (S) admitted within four hours. (R/S)

11.15 When Bridges Collapse: The 11.45 All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite 11.00 Naked Attraction (R/S) 12.05 AM 11.05 999: Critical Condition (R/S)
Genoa Disaster (R/S) 12.15 AM Sign Hard-hitting action from the world of All Elite Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA (R/S) 12.05 AM 999: Criminals Caught On
Zone: Countryfile The Cairngorms. (R/S) Wrestling, featuring all of the biggest stars 1.00 Grand Designs: House Of The Year Camera (R/S) 1.00 The Live
1.15 Sign Zone: Digging For Britain (R/S) on the roster, including Adam Page, Chris 2021 (R/S) 1.55 Supervet Special: Casino Show (S) 3.00 Entertainment
2.15 Sign Zone: Take A Hike Jericho, Cody and Kenny Omega. (S) Saving My Dog (R/S) 2.50 Undercover News On 5 (S) 3.05 Supermarket Deals:
Northumbria – Teresa. (R/S) 2.45 Sign 1.25 AM Shop: Ideal World 3.00 Loose Boss Australia (R/S) 3.40 Couples Come Are They A Con? (R/S) 3.55 Building
Zone: The Moment Of Proof The Women (R/S) 3.50 Unwind With ITV Dine With Me (R) 4.35 Food Unwrapped Britain’s Canals (R/S) 4.45 Wildlife SOS
Shopping Trolley Trail. (R/S) 3.15-6.30 5.05-6.00 Tipping Point (R/S) (R) 5.00 Mend It For Money (R/S) (R/S) 5.10 House Busters (R/S) 5.35-6.00
This Is BBC Two (S) 5.55-6.05 Kirstie’s Vintage Gems (R/S) House Doctor (R/S)

lnsideSoap 73
Sky Showcase Sky Atlantic W Alibi Gold Drama
6.00 AM The Early 6.00 AM The British 7.00 6.10 AM MasterChef 6.00 AM Teleshopping 6.00 AM Teleshopping FREEVIEW 20
Rundown 7.00 Kay Burley CSI: Crime Scene Australia 7.00 My Dream 7.10 Murdoch Mysteries 7.15 Johnny Vegas: My 6.00 AM Teleshopping
7.30 Kay Burley 8.00 Investigation 8.00 Six Home Jessie & Joe. 8.00 8.00 Murdoch Mysteries Favourite Sketch 8.00 Are 7.40 A Place To Call
Orangutan Jungle School Feet Under 10.15 The Tipping Point 9.00 9.00 Miss Fisher’s You Being Served? 8.40 Home All That Glitters. 8.35
9.00 Nothing To Declare Wire 11.20 The Wire Tipping Point 10.00 The Murder Mysteries 10.00 Porridge 9.20 Last Of The The Bill To Catch A Cobra.
9.30 Nothing To Declare 12.30 PM Game Of Bill Bail Me Out. 11.00 Major Crimes Citizen’s Summer Wine 10.40 9.35 Classic Holby City
10.00 The Flash 11.00 Thrones Fire And Blood. Inside The Ambulance Arrest. 11.00 Rizzoli & Keeping Up Appearances Flesh And Blood. 10.55
NCIS: New Orleans 1.35 In Treatment Laura 12.00 PM Inside The Isles I Kissed A Girl. 11.20 Dad’s Army 12.40 Classic Casualty
12.00 PM NCIS: New – Week Seven. 2.15 In Ambulance 1.00 Tipping 12.00 PM Hudson & Rex Are You Being Served? 12.00 PM The Bill 1.00
Orleans 1.00 Hawaii Five- Treatment Alex – Week Point 2.00 Tipping Point School Days. 1.00 Murdoch 1.20 Porridge 2.00 Ever Classic EastEnders 2.20
0 2.00 MacGyver 3.00 Seven. 2.55 In Treatment 3.00 Tipping Point 4.00 Mysteries This One Goes To Decreasing Circles 2.40 Tenko 3.20 All Creatures
Modern Family 3.30 Sophie – Week Seven. 3.30 My Dream Home Sandy Eleven. 2.00 Murdoch Keeping Up Appearances Great And Small Against
Modern Family 4.00 The Six Feet Under It’s The And Pat. 5.00 My Dream Mysteries Blood And 3.20 Last Of The Summer The Odds. 4.20 Peak
Office (US) 4.30 The Most Wonderful Time Of The Home Carolyn And Brad. Circuses. 3.00 Murdoch Wine 4.00 Last Of The Practice A Test Of Faith.
Office (US) 5.00 The Year. 4.40 Six Feet Under 6.00 Property Brothers: Mysteries Future Imperfect. Summer Wine 4.40 5.20 Keeping Up
Simpsons 5.30 The Fresh Someone Else’s Eyes. 5.45 Forever Homes Florence 4.00 The Good Wife Lies. Porridge 5.20 Keeping Up Appearances 6.00 Are
Prince Of Bel-Air 6.00 The Wire Duck And Cover. and Humberto have lived in 5.00 Major Crimes Out Of Appearances 6.00 Are You You Being Served? 6.40
The Fresh Prince Of Bel- 6.50 The Wire Stray their LA home for over 20 Bounds. 6.00 Hudson & Being Served? 6.40 Last Of The Summer
Air 6.30 The Simpsons Rounds. years, but its age is showing. Rex Murder, She Thought. Dad’s Army Wine Wind Power.

7.00 The Simpsons 7.55 Game Of Thrones 7.00 Extreme Food 7.00 Rizzoli & Isles I 7.20 Dad’s Army The 7.20 Last Of The
Scenes From The Class The North Remembers: Phobics An 18-year-old Kissed A Girl: A woman is Lion Has Phones: An Summer Wine When You
Struggle In Springfield. Robb Stark marches south lives on up to 100 chicken killed shortly after leaving enemy aircraft ditches Take A Good Bite,
7.30 The Simpsons to avenge his father. nuggets a week due to a a lesbian bar. in a reservoir. Yorkshire Tastes Terrible:
Bart The Fink. fear of food textures. Clegg feels nostalgic.

8.00 Shark With Steve 8.00 Inside The 8.00 Death In Paradise 8.00 Gavin & Stacey 8.00 Inspector George
Backshall Sharks Of The Ambulance: Coast And One For The Road: The Bryn tries to organise a Gently Peace And Love:
Atlantic Ocean: The Country South Central island’s governor is surprise for Gwen’s An academic is found
naturalist celebrates the paramedics race to a poisoned at her birthday. dead following a nuclear
diversity of sharks. newborn baby. leaving party. 8.40 Miranda disarmament rally.

9.00 The Murders At 9.00 Euphoria 9.00 Nurses Down 9.00 Clarice You Can’t 9.20 Mrs Brown’s Boys
Starved Rock Coming-of-age drama, Under Medical dramas Rule Me: After a suspect is Mammy’s Going:
Documentary exploring starring Zendaya. and stories from Sydney’s assassinated, Clarice and Agnes fears her family is
the murders of three busiest hospitals. ViCAP are investigated by planning to send her
women in 1960. SA Anthony Herman. to a nursing home.

10.00 And Just Like 10.05 The White Lotus 10.00 999 Rescue 10.00 Ragdoll In order to 10.00 Mrs Brown’s 10.00 New Tricks Roots:
That Sex And The Widow: Arrivals: Drama, starring Squad A minibus carrying protect the next person on Boys New Mammy: Maria The detectives and their
Sex and the City revival, Murray Bartlett and children with special the kill list, Rose attempts goes into labour. new boss investigate an
starring Sarah Connie Britton. needs collides with a to outwit the Ragdoll Killer 10.40 Not Going Out immigrant’s murder.
Jessica Parker. stolen car. with an unorthodox plan. Drugs.

11.10 The Force: North 11.10 Billions 11.00 Inside The 11.00 The Good Wife 11.20 Peep Show 11.10 Taggart Killer: First
East Bloody Money: New New opponents threaten Operating Theatre A Driven: Alicia, Cary and Jeremy Therapised: Life episode of the Glasgow-
homeowners discover a the alliance between teenager has two twisted Louis oppose one another begins to take a positive set crime drama.
cannabis farm in their loft. Bobby Axelrod and teeth extracted. in a case. turn for Jeremy and Mark.
Chuck Rhoades. 11.55 Peep Show
12.10 AM A Discovery Of 12.15 AM Billions 1.20 12.00 AM One Born Every 12.00 AM Briarpatch 12.55 12.25 AM Marley’s Ghosts 2.15 AM Keeping Up
Witches 1.10 Road Wars 2.05 Billions 2.25 Yellowjackets Minute 1.00 Inside The Hudson & Rex 1.55 Copper 1.05 The Rebel 1.50 Peep Appearances 2.50 Where
Brit Cops: Frontline Crime 3.30 In Treatment 4.05 Fish Ambulance: Coast And 2.40 Copper 4.00-6.00 Show 2.15 Peep Show 2.55 The Heart Is 4.00-6.00
UK 3.00 Hawaii Five-0 4.00 Town 5.00-6.00 Richard E Country 2.00 One Born Every Teleshopping Bridget & Eamon 3.20 Teleshopping
MacGyver 5.00 The Early Grant’s Hotel Secrets Minute 3.00-6.10 Bridget & Eamon 4.00-6.00
Rundown 5.30-6.00 The Teleshopping Teleshopping
Early Rundown

Sky Witness Sky Crime Sky Docs Sky Arts Dave Yesterday
6.00 AM Nothing To Declare 6.00 AM Road Wars 7.00 6.00 AM FILM Siempre, Luis FREEVIEW 11 FREEVIEW 19 FREEVIEW 26
8.00 Border Patrol 9.00 Send Motorway Patrol 8.00 Border (Cert 12, 95 mins. 2020) ))) 6.00 AM Hollywood: Singing 6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.10 6.00 AM Impossible
In The Dogs 10.00 Law & Security: Canada’s Front Line 8.00 Richard E Grant’s Hotel And Dancing 7.10 Eddie Eats America 8.00 Engineering 8.00 Forbidden
Order 11.00 CSI: Crime 9.00 Nothing To Declare Secrets 9.00 Discovering: Rachmaninov: Rhapsody/The Timber Kings 9.00 Storage History 9.00 Abandoned
Scene Investigation 10.00 Road Wars 11.00 Judi Dench 10.00 The Two Pigeons 9.00 Tales Of Hunters UK 10.00 American Engineering 11.00 Great
12.00 PM Grey’s Anatomy Killer Families 12.00 PM Directors 11.00 Rock And The Unexpected 10.00 Pickers 11.00 Secrets Of The Continental Railway Journeys
1.00 Blue Bloods 3.00 Air Britain’s Most Evil Killers 1.00 Roll 12.15 PM Rolling Stone: Discovering 11.00 Landmark Supercars 12.00 PM Top Gear 12.00 PM Great British
Ambulance ER 4.00 Stop, Murders That Shocked The Stories From The Edge 1.00 12.00 PM The South Bank 1.00 Border Force: America’s Railway Journeys 2.00
Search, Seize 5.00 Nothing Nation 2.00 Killer In My Escobar By Escobar 2.00 Show Originals 1.00 Tales Of Gatekeepers 2.00 Expedition Abandoned Engineering 3.00
To Declare 6.00 Nothing To Village 3.00 World’s Most Evil FILM The Fight (Cert 12, 96 The Unexpected 2.00 With Steve Backshall 3.00 Abandoned Engineering 4.00
Declare 6.30 Nothing To Killers 4.00 How I Caught mins. 2020) )))4.00 Discovering: Robert Shaw Rick Stein’s Road To Mexico WW2 – Frontlines 5.00 The
Declare 7.00 Nothing To The Killer 5.00 The Real Discovering: Judi Dench 5.00 3.00 Landscape Artist Of The 4.00 Top Gear 5.00 Rick World At War 6.00 Fred
Declare 7.30 Nothing To Manhunter: The Murder Of The Directors 6.00 Rock And Year 2022 4.00 Glen Stein’s Road To Mexico 6.00 Dibnah’s Building Of Britain
Declare 8.00 Blue Bloods Clare Bernal 6.00 World’s Roll Death. 7.15 Rolling Campbell: Music Icons Taskmaster 7.00 Whose Line 6.30 Fred Dibnah’s Building
9.00 Law & Order: Special Most Evil Killers 7.00 Killer In Stone: Stories From The Edge 4.30 Video Killed The Radio Is It Anyway? USA 8.00 Travel Of Britain 7.00 The
Victims Unit 10.00 The My Village 8.00 Britain’s 8.00 Escobar By Escobar Star 5.00 Tales Of The Man: 48 Hours In Barcelona Architecture The Railways
Equalizer 11.00 Law & Order: Most Evil Killers 9.00 The 9.00 King In The Wilderness Unexpected 6.00 Discovering 8.30 Travel Man: 48 Hours In Built 8.00 Underground
Special Victims Unit Murders At Starved Rock 11.15 FILM The Legend Of 7.00 Van Gogh & Japan Istanbul 9.00 QI XL 10.00 Live Worlds 9.00 Abandoned
12.00 AM FBI 1.00 Private 10.10 Snapped 11.05 The Underground (105 mins.) 8.00 Andre Rieu: Welcome To At The Apollo 11.00 Engineering 10.00 Bangers
Eyes 2.00 Lincoln Rhyme: Britain’s Most Evil Killers )1.00 AM FILM Showbiz My World 9.00 FILM Romeo Taskmaster 12.00 AM Mock And Cash 11.00 Bangers And
Hunt For The Bone Collector 12.00 AM World’s Most Evil Kids (Cert 12, 95 mins. 2020) & Juliet (90 mins. 2020) ))) The Week 12.40 QI XL 1.40 Cash 12.00 AM Abandoned
3.00 CSI: Crime Scene Killers 1.00 How I Caught )))3.00 The Directors 4.00 11.10 Guy Garvey: From Live At The Apollo 2.40 Engineering 1.00 Impossible
Investigation 4.00 Road The Killer 2.00 Snapped 3.00 Discovering: Judi Dench The Vaults 12.10 AM Whose Line Is It Anyway? USA Engineering 2.00 Impossible
Wars 5.00-6.00 Brit Cops: -4.00 Murders That Shocked 5.00-6.00 Richard E Grant’s Discovering: Jeremy Irons 3.30 Eddie Eats America Engineering 3.00-6.00
Law & Disorder The Nation Hotel Secrets 1.10-2.10 A Play In A Day 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping Teleshopping
74 lnsideSoap
6.00 AM Hollyoaks 7.00 6.00 AM Secret Crush 6.00 AM Classic 6.00 AM World Of Sport
Celebrity Coach Trip 8.00 7.00 The Ellen Coronation Street 7.30 6.10 The Saint 7.00 The
Junior Bake Off 9.00 How DeGeneres Show 8.00 Classic Emmerdale 8.05 Adventures Of Sherlock
I Met Your Mother 10.00 You’ve Been Framed! On The Buses The Football Holmes 8.00 The
The Big Bang Theory 9.00 The Cabins 10.00 Match. 8.35 On The Buses Avengers 9.05 The
11.00 The Goldbergs The Cabins: Out Of The The Poster. 9.05 The Royal Sweeney 10.10 Minder
12.00 PM Brooklyn Nine- Woods Out Of The Woods 2. Wishing And Hoping. 10.15 The Long Good Thursday.
Nine 1.00 The Big Bang 11.00 Secret Crush The Royal One Of Those 11.15 The Saint Paper
Theory 2.30 The Big Bang 12.00 PM Supermarket Days. 11.20 Heartbeat Chase. 12.25 PM The Big
Theory 3.00 The Sweep 1.00 Celebrity Wine And Roses. 12.25 PM Fish Off Bridge v Bracken.
Goldbergs 3.30 The Tipping Point 2.00 Family Heartbeat This Happy 1.30 The Adventures Of
Goldbergs 4.00 Brooklyn Ulrika Jonsson joins an exclusive dating agency in Fortunes 3.00 The Ellen Breed. 1.30 Classic Sherlock Holmes The
Nine-Nine 4.30 Brooklyn DeGeneres Show 4.00 Emmerdale 2.30 Classic Speckled Band. 2.40 The
Nine-Nine 5.00 The Big
a bid to find true love in Celebs Go Dating 9pm E4 The Cabins 5.00 You’ve Coronation Street 3.40 Avengers Stay Tuned. 3.45
Bang Theory 5.30 The Big Been Framed! Gold 5.30 Wycliffe The Four Jacks. The Sweeney 4.55
Bang Theory 6.00 The Big
Bang Theory 6.30 The Big BBC Scotland BBC Four You’ve Been Framed!
Gold 6.00 Celebrity
4.45 Wycliffe The Dead
Flautist. 6.00 Heartbeat
Minder 5.55 Fishing
Allstars 6.55 The
Bang Theory FREEVIEW 9 (SCOTLAND) FREEVIEW 9 Catchphrase Keeping Secrets. Celebrity Chase

7.00 Hollyoaks 7.00 PM Sportscene: 7.00 PM Great British 7.00 Superstore 7.00 Heartbeat The
7.30 The Big Bang SWPL Highlights Railway Journeys Golden Globes Party. Dying Of The Light: The
Theory The Loobenfeld 7.30 Iain Robertson 7.30 Fred Dibnah’s 7.30 Superstore policemen come up 7
Decay: Penny appears Rambles Magnificent High Volume Store. against sheep rustlers.
in a musical. Monuments

8.00 Celebrity Coach 8.00 This Farming Life 8.00 The Impressionists 8.00 Bob’s Burgers 8.00 Lewis The Ramblin’ 8.00 Driving Force Judy
Trip The trip moves In Aberdeenshire, deer – Painting And Eat, Spray, Linda: Boy: Feature-length Murray interviews the
into its final week in farmers Isla and George Revolution Gang Of Four. Linda goes missing. episode. A senior police biggest names in sport 8
Almancil in Portugal. prepare for rutting season. 8.30 Bob’s Burgers officer goes missing. and explores stories of
Housetrap. success.

9.00 Celebs Go Dating 9.00 The Nine The latest 9.00 Art On The BBC: 9.00 The Cabins One 9.00 Captain
New series. Six more Scottish, UK and Monet – The French confused cabin-mate is Phillips The
famous faces try international news. Revolutionary Katy left analysing a high-five captain of a cargo 9
to find love. Hessel creates a television after a revelation. ship travelling around the
history of Claude Monet. coast of Somalia is taken
hostage when pirates raid
10.00 Celebrity 10.00 River City Maggie 10.00 Imagine: Richard 10.00 Family Guy From 10.00 Foyle’s War the vessel. Fact-based
Gogglebox Famous faces returns to bad news. Rogers, Inside Out Method To Madness: Meg Among The Few: Andrew thriller, starring Tom Hanks
appraise Antiques Architect Richard Rogers’ goes out with a naturist. Foyle comes under and Barkhad Abdi. (Cert 10
Roadshow and My Gay defining influences. 10.30 Family Guy Stuck suspicion. 12, 131 mins. 2013)
Dog and Other Animals. 10.55 Art Of France Together, Torn Apart. )))))
Plus Ca Change: Andrew
11.05 Gogglebox 11.00 The Karen Graham-Dixon examines 11.00 Family Guy 11.40 Oblivion
The critics pass judgment Dunbar Show A woman the history of French art. 11.30 American Dad! Sci-fi adventure,
on Strictly Come Dancing, has a coleslaw mishap. The Hand That Rocks The starring Tom 11
The X Factor and 11.30-12.00 Gary: Tank Rogu: Steve babysits Cruise. (Cert 12, 124
Britain Afloat. Commander Roger’s ex-tumour Rogu. mins. 2013) )))
12.10 AM Naked Attraction 12.00 AM Frank Bowling’s 12.00 AM American Dad! 12.10 AM The Royal 1.15 The 2.05 AM Motorsport UK
1.15 Celebs Go Dating 2.15 Abstract World 12.30 12.25 Bob’s Burgers 12.55 Royal 2.15-6.00 Unwind With 3.00-6.00 Teleshopping
Celebrity Coach Trip 3.10 Whoever Heard Of A Black Bob’s Burgers 1.25 ITV
Alex Rider 4.05 Don’t Tell The Artist? Britain’s Hidden Art Superstore 1.55 Superstore
Bride 5.00 How I Met Your History 1.30 Great British 2.20 The Stand Up Sketch
Mother 5.25-6.00 How I Met Railway Journeys 2.00 Fred Show 2.45 The Stand Up
Your Mother Dibnah’s Magnificent Sketch Show 3.15 Unwind
Monuments 2.30-3.30 Art On With ITV 3.30-6.00
The BBC: Monet – The Teleshopping
French Revolutionary

More4 Film4 5USA 5STAR Challenge ITVBe

8.55 AM Kirstie’s Handmade 11.00 AM FILM The Rare 6.00 AM Teleshopping 9.00 6.00 AM Teleshopping 8.00 6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.00 7.00 AM The Real
Treasures 9.15 A Place In The Breed (Cert U, 95 mins. 1966) Murder, She Wrote 10.00 Criminals: Caught On Camera The Chase 10.00 Play Your Housewives Of Cheshire 8.00
Sun 10.05 A Place In The Sun ))) 1.05 PM FILM Esther NCIS 11.00 NCIS 12.00 PM 8.20 Rich Kids Go Skint 9.15 Cards Right 11.00 Bruce’s Buying And Selling 9.00
11.05 Find It, Fix It, Flog It Waters (Cert PG, 105 mins. Law & Order 1.00 Grey’s Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly Price Is Right 12.00 PM LittleBe 12.00 PM Best Cake
12.05 PM Find It, Fix It, Flog It 1948, B/W) )) 3.15 FILM Anatomy 2.00 Grey’s 10.15 Judge Judy 12.00 PM Wheel Of Fortune 12.30 Wins 12.30 The Real
1.05 Building The Dream My Man Godfrey (Cert U, 89 Anatomy 2.55 Entertainment Traffic Cops 1.00 Traffic Cops Wheel Of Fortune 1.00 Housewives Of Atlanta 1.25
2.10 Four In A Bed 2.40 Four mins. 1936, B/W) )))) News On 5 3.00 Law & Order 2.00 Police Interceptors 3.00 Catchphrase 1.30 The Real Housewives Of
In A Bed 3.15 Four In A Bed 5.05 FILM Run Silent, Run 4.00 Law & Order 4.55 Police Interceptors 4.00 Catchphrase 2.00 Family Cheshire 2.25 The Only Way
3.50 Four In A Bed 4.20 Four Deep (Cert U, 89 mins. 1958, Entertainment News On 5 Police Interceptors 5.00 Filthy Fortunes 2.30 Family Is Essex 3.10 Little Women:
In A Bed 4.55 Find It, Fix It, B/W) )))) 6.55 FILM 5.00 Law & Order 6.00 NCIS House SOS 6.00 Home And Fortunes 3.00 Bruce’s Price Is LA 4.05 The Real Housewives
Flog It 5.55 Find It, Fix It, Flog Congo Action adventure, 7.00 NCIS 7.55 Away 6.30 Home And Away Right 3.30 Bruce’s Price Is Of New York City 5.00 The
It 6.55 Escape To The starring Dylan Walsh. (Cert Entertainment News On 5 7.00 Shoplifters & Scammers: Right 4.00 Play Your Cards Real Housewives Of New
Chateau 7.55 Grand Designs 12, 104 mins. 1995) )) 9.00 8.00 NCIS 9.00 NCIS 10.00 At War With The Law 8.00 Right 4.30 Play Your Cards Jersey 6.00 Making It Home
Skye, 2012. 9.00 Love It Or FILM Logan Fantasy Law & Order: Special Victims 999: Criminals Caught On Right 5.00 Bullseye 5.30 With Kortney & Dave 7.00
List It Australia 10.00 George adventure, starring Hugh Unit 11.00 Law & Order: Camera 9.00 FILM Empire Bullseye 6.00 Tenable 7.00 Buying And Selling 8.00
Clarke’s Remarkable Jackman. (Cert 15, 137 mins. Special Victims Unit 11.55 State (Cert 15, 90 mins. 2013) Pointless 8.00 The Chase Dinner Date Josh. 9.00 The
Renovations Police Station, 2017) )))) 11.45 FILM Law & Order: Special Victims )))11.00 FILM After Earth 9.00 The Chase 10.00 The Real Housewives Of Jersey
West Yorkshire. 11.05 24 Loving Vincent Premiere. Unit Goliath. 12.55 AM Law & (Cert 12, 98 mins. 2013) )) Chase 11.00 Bullseye 11.30 Sass In The City. 10.00
Hours In A&E 12.05 AM Animated biographical drama Order: Special Victims Unit 1.00 AM Britain’s Parking Hell Bullseye 12.00 AM The Botched: I Want My Life Back
Emergency Helicopter Medics examining the life of painter 1.50 Law & Order: Criminal 2.00 Judge Judy 2.25 Judge Chase 1.00 The Chase 2.00 11.00 Atlanta Plastic
1.10 George Clarke’s Vincent van Gogh. (Cert 12, Intent 2.50 Law & Order: Judy 2.50 Judge Judy 3.15 The Chase 3.00 The Chase Runaway Patient. 11.55 The
Remarkable Renovations 94 mins. 2017) )))) 1.40- Criminal Intent 3.35 Criminals: Judge Judy 3.35 Criminals: 4.00 Wheel Of Fortune 4.30 Only Way Is Essex 12.45 AM
2.10 24 Hours In A&E 3.15- 3.50 AM FILM Ashby (Cert Caught On Camera 4.00- Caught On Camera 4.00- Wheel Of Fortune 5.00 Unwind With ITV 1.00-7.00
3.50 Food Unwrapped 15, 100 mins. 2015) ))) 6.00 Teleshopping 6.00 Teleshopping Bullseye 5.30-6.00 Bullseye Teleshopping
lnsideSoap 75
6.00 AM Breakfast (S) 9.15 Morning Live
(S) 10.00 Rip Off Britain: Holidays (S)
10.45 The Moment Of Proof The Social
Media Monster. (S) 11.15 Homes Under
The Hammer (S) 12.15 PM Bargain Hunt
Anglesey 22: Charlie Ross hosts from the
Agricultural Showground on Anglesey. (R/S)
1.00 BBC News/Weather (S) 1.30
Regional News (S) 1.45 Doctors Mirrie
Dancers. (S) 2.15 Father Brown The
Queen Bee: The priest investigates the
death of a beekeeper. (R/S) 3.00 Escape To
The Country Surrey: A couple wanting to
escape London for Surrey. (R/S) 3.45 The
Farmers’ Country Showdown Lewes
Farmers’ Market: Sheep and cattle farmers
sell their wares at Lewes Farmers’ Market.
(S) 4.30 Antiques Road Trip Roo Irvine
and Steven Moore continue searching for
items in the North East. (S) 5.15 Pointless

Season’s greetings
Quiz, hosted by Alexander Armstrong. (S)

WINTERWATCH populations of mustelids

BBC2 8PM (a type of weazle – thanks
Google), while Iolo will be
Winterwatch is back to discovering more about the
bring us more of the best creatures that inhabit what 9pm Rules Of The Game
of British wildlife – and in a is known as Eagle Island…
first for the show, live from “I’m particularly pleased 6.00 BBC News/Weather (S)
6.30 Regional News (S)
three of our four nations. to return to my favourite
Hoots mon!: Megan’s on
This winter’s wonders Scottish island, with its the lookout for barn owls
will be revealed by Chris eye-catching scenery and
Packham and Michaela fantastic wildlife,” cheers under threat: the barn owl…
Strachan at Wild Ken Hill Iolo. “As to what I’m most “I can’t wait to see how 7.00 The One Show Hosted by
in Norfolk; Iolo Williams on looking forward to seeing, the landscape and species Alex Jones and Jermaine Jenas. (S)
have adapted to make 7.30 EastEnders Things
the Isle of Mull, and Megan that’s easy. Eagles!”
are looking up for Billy
McCubbin at WWT Castle Meanwhile, Megan will be the most of this beautiful when he comes across an
Espie in County Down. examining the endangered season,” enthuses Megan. unexpected surprise. (S)
Chris and Michaela will European eel – as well as “It promises to be a series 7.50 Holby City Jac implores Eli to
be comparing the UK’s another local critter sadly full of surprises!” perform risky surgery on her. (S)

8.30 Garden Rescue Stockport:

Transforming a forgotten garden in
A&E with suspected sepsis. Stockport. (S)
Pam’s daughter Lisa paints
Channel 4 9PM
a poignant picture of her
An incredible 26th series mum in her early years as
starts tonight, following as a fun-loving woman who
ever the staff and patients managed a club in the West
at St George’s Hospital in End. Also, emergency nurse 9.00 Rules Of The Game Sam
practitioner Maria is busy struggles to keep her home and work
London – one of Britain’s
life together – and things are only
busiest A&E departments treating 27-year old Theo, made worse when Maya discovers
– during the same 24-hour who has hurt his knee evidence that threatens the
period. And we defy you playing football. Maria tells flotation of the company. (S)
not to need to reach for the of how she knew that she
tissues… Emergency care wanted to be a nurse when
she was just five years old, 10.00 BBC News (S)
nurse Tim is juggling beds
10.25 Regional News/Weather (S)
as a flow of new patients and thank goodness for us 10.35 Gossip Girl Blackberry
heads into Resus, while all that she, like many other Narcissus: Max has to confront the
82-year-old Pam, who has NHS heroes, followed that reality that Gideon and Roy are not
Alzheimer’s, is brought into particular dream… getting back together. (S)

11.30 Michael McIntyre’s The Wheel

REGIONALVARIATIONS BBC1 N IRELAND as Main BBC1 except: 8.30-9.00pm Kelvin’s Big Farming Adventure 10.35 Brian Friel –
Shy Man, Showman 11.35 Gossip Girl 12.30-1.20am The Graham Norton Show BBC1 SCOTLAND as Main
The comedian hosts the Saturday-night
game show, joined by Richard E Grant,
BBC1 except: 7.00pm River City 8.00 EastEnders 8.20-9.00 Holby City 10.35 Sportscene 11.50 Gossip Girl 12.45am Michael McIntyre’s The Saffron Barker, David Haye, Anneka Rice,
Wheel 1.45 Weather For The Week Ahead 1.50-6.00 BBC News BBC1 WALES as Main BBC1 except: 8.30-9.00pm Weatherman Walking: The Danny Jones, Jo Brand and Melvin Odoom.
Welsh Coast BBC2 N IRELAND as Main BBC2 except: 10.00-10.30pm The Band 11.15 Crime NI 11.55 NFL This Week 12.45-1.05am BBC News
BBC2 WALES as Main BBC2 except: 11.15am First Minister’s Questions 12.05am NFL This Week 12.55-1.05 Nature’s Weirdest Events STV as
(R/S) 12.30 AM The Wall Versus
Main ITV except: 10.40pm Scotland Tonight 11.05 The Bay 12.05-3.00am Shop: Ideal World 3.50-5.05 Unwind With STV UTV as Main ITV except: Celebrities Sarah Millican & Gary Delaney.
7.30-8.00pm Rare Breed – A Farming Year WALES as Main ITV except: 7.30-8.00pm Welsh Lives (R/S) 1.25-6.00 BBC News (S)

76 lnsideSoap
BBC2 ITV Channel 4 Channel 5
6.30 AM The Farmers’ Country 6.00 AM Good Morning Britain (S) 9.00 6.05 AM Countdown (R/S) 6.45 Cheers 6.00 AM Milkshake! 9.15 Jeremy Vine
Showdown Mid Somerset Show: Farmer Lorraine (S) 10.00 This Morning Celebrity Rat Girl. (R/S) 7.10 Cheers Home Malone. The broadcaster discusses the issues of the
Rhian takes her sheep to be judged at the chat and lifestyle features. (S) 12.30 PM (R/S) 7.35 Everybody Loves Raymond day. (S) 11.15 Shoplifters & Scammers:
Mid-Somerset Show. (R/S) 7.15 Antiques Loose Women More celebrity interviews The Chequebook. (R/S) 8.00 Everybody At War With The Law (S) 12.15 PM 5
Road Trip (R/S) 8.00 Sign Zone: The and topical debate from a female Loves Raymond The Ride-Along. (R/S) News At Lunchtime (S) 12.20 Nightmare
Green Planet Tropical Worlds: David perspective. (S) 1.30 Lunchtime News/ 8.30 Everybody Loves Raymond The Tenants, Slum Landlords A man happily
Attenborough presents a guide to the world Weather (S) 1.55 Regional News/ Family Bed. (R/S) 9.00 Frasier Daphne living in his garden shed. (R/S) 1.15 Home
of plants. (R/S) 9.00 BBC News At 9 (S) Weather (S) 2.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal Does Dinner. (R/S) 9.30 Frasier Trophy And Away Cash realises he is overstepping
10.00 BBC News (S) 12.15 PM Politics Blackpool 4: David Dickinson and the Girlfriend. (R/S) 10.00 Frasier Fraternal the line by lying to the federal agent. (S) 1.45
Live The latest stories from Westminster and dealers are back in Blackpool, where Henry Schwinns. (R/S) 10.30 Ramsay’s Kitchen Neighbours Terese finally admits her
beyond. (S) 1.00 Bowls: World Indoor Nicholls proposes a deal with a seller for Nightmares USA (R/S) 11.25 Channel 4 feelings to Susan. (S) 2.15 FILM Ruby
Championships 2022 2022 Mixed Pairs some rings, Jan Keyne has her eyes on a News/Weather Summary (S) 11.30 Sun, Herring Mysteries: Silent Witness News
Final: Coverage of the World Indoor gold lot. (S) 3.00 Lingo Mary and Ashleigh, Sea And Selling Houses (R/S) 12.30 PM reporter Ruby inadvertently discovers she
Championships from Potters Resort in Pete and Charlotte, and Vicky and Louise Steph’s Packed Lunch Weekday magazine has a knack for solving crime, and joins
Hopton-on-Sea in Norfolk, featuring the compete. (S) 3.59 ITV London Weather (S) show, hosted by Steph McGovern. (S) 2.10 forces with a handsome detective. Mystery,
mixed pairs final and a second-round open 4.00 Tipping Point Quiz, hosted by Ben Countdown (S) 3.00 A Place In The Sun starring Taylor Cole and Stephen Huszar.
singles match. (S) 5.15 Flog It! Ushaw 23: Shephard. (S) 5.00 The Chase Bradley 2022: Tala, Cyprus: A couple wishing to (Cert PG, 90 mins. 2019) (S) ))4.00
David Fletcher and James Lewis are in Walsh presents as Robin, Ramisa, Marie and purchase a holiday home in Tala, Cyprus. (S) Watercolour Challenge Goathland
Ushaw in Co Durham to value antiques and Mike answer general knowledge questions 4.00 A New Life In The Sun (S) 5.00 Railway Station: Four amateur artists set up
collectibles, while Paul Martin visits the and work as a team to take on one of the Junior Bake Off The bakers make at Goathland station on the North York
Mining Art Gallery in Bishop Auckland. (R/S) ruthless Chasers and secure a cash prize. (S) fashion-conscious wearable biscuits. (S) Moors. (S) 5.00 5 News At 5 (S)

10pm Toast Of Tinseltown 9pm Ghislaine, Prince Andrew… 10pm The Language Of Love 11pm Hellboy

6.00 Richard Osman’s House Of 6.00 Regional News/Weather (S) 6.00 The Simpsons (R/S) 6.00 Neighbours
Games With Jayde Adams, Josie 6.30 Evening News/Weather (S) 6.30 Hollyoaks Damon Seeing Glen and Sharon
d’Arby and Scott Mills. (R/S) tries to find a solution to together at the wedding proves
6.30 Rick Stein’s Cornwall (S) his money problems, and Yazz sets too much for Terese. (R/S)
Shaq up on a surprise date. (R/S) 6.30 Winter Road Rescue (S)

7.00 The Hairy Bikers Go North 7.00 Emmerdale Billy 7.00 Channel 4 News (S) 7.00 GPs: Behind Closed Doors
The Peak District: Simon King and and Dawn fall out. Chas First through Doctor Qamar’s
Dave Myers are visiting the stunning and Marlon are gutted that their consulting room door this week is
Peak District, where they cook a claim is void. (S) Brian, a regular patient who is
traditional breakfast, some spicy 7.30 Wonders Of The Border concerned about memory loss and is
patties and a picnic. (R/S) Sean Fletcher explores the Black desperate for some answers. (R/S)
Mountains. (S)

8.00 Winterwatch New 8.00 The Secret Life Of Our Pets 8.00 Sarah Beeny’s New Life In 8.00 Dogs Behaving (Very)
series. Chris Packham Intelligence: The second edition The Country Sarah Beeny and her Badly Graeme Hall tries to help
and Michaela Strachan looks at the way pets use their family set their sights on creating a attention-seeking pup Tinkerbell,
present wildlife stories intelligence to live in a human music room where the boys can who won’t give her owner a
from Wild Ken Hill, world, from a rabbit that can practise their instruments. (S) moment’s peace – including wanting
featuring thermal footage which play basketball to a tortoise to join her in the shower. (S)
reveals animal antics after dark. (S) that can solve a maze. (S)

9.00 Why Ships Crash When the 9.00 Ghislaine, Prince Andrew & 9.00 24 Hours In A&E 9.00 Ben Fogle: New Lives
Ever Given blocked the Suez Canal, The Paedophile As Ghislaine New series. Emergency In The Wild Greece: Ben ventures
it triggered a global crisis. Using eye- Maxwell awaits sentencing in a care nurse Tim reflects to the lesser-known Greek island
witnesses speaking for the first time, New York prison, Ranvir Singh on his role and describes of Andros to visit Sandy, founder
this investigation aims to find out unravels the story of how an entitled the impact his GP of a remote animal shelter
what really happened. (S) daughter of a billionaire sank into father had on his life. (S) perched on the slopes of the
shame and disgrace. (S) island’s highest peak. (S)

10.00 Toast Of Tinseltown The 10.00 ITV News/Weather (S) 10.00 The Language Of Love For 10.00 Draining The Bermuda
Scorecard: The actor lands a role in 10.30 Regional News/Weather (S) some of the couples struggling with Triangle An exploration of the
a film with the director Weech 10.45 Driving Force Judy Murray the language barrier, the romantic mysterious area of ocean. (R/S)
Beacon. (S) interviews the biggest names in sport task of dancing the paso doble
10.30 Newsnight (S) and explores stories of success and brings them closer together. (S)
achieving the impossible. (R/S)

11.15 NFL This Week Action from the 11.45 The Bay DS Jenn Townsend, 11.05 Party Island: Summer In Zante (R) 11.00 FILM Hellboy Fantasy adventure,
opening stage of the play-offs. (S) 12.05 AM Morecambe’s new Family Liaison Officer, is 12.10 AM Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares starring David Harbour. (Cert 15, 120 mins.
Sign Zone: Dragons’ Den (R/S) 1.05 Sign immediately thrown into the deep end when USA (R) 1.00 The Simpsons (R/S) 1.25 2019) (S) ))1.15 The Live
Zone: Take A Hike Northumbria – Paul. a body washes up in the bay on her first day The Simpsons (R) 1.50 Undercover Boss Casino Show (S) 3.15 Rich Holiday, Poor
(R/S) 1.35 Sign Zone: The Moment Of on the job. (R/S) 12.35 AM Shop: Ideal Australia (R) 2.40 George Clarke’s Holiday Croatia And Shropshire. (R/S) 4.00
Proof The Millionaire Drug Boss. (R/S) World 3.00 Loose Women (R/S) 3.50 Amazing Spaces (R) 3.35 Couples Come Building Britain’s Canals Leeds And
2.05-6.30 This Is BBC Two (S) Unwind With ITV 5.05-6.00 Tipping Dine With Me (R) 4.30 Food Unwrapped Liverpool Canal. (R/S) 4.45 Wildlife SOS
Point (R/S) (R/S) 4.55 Mend It For Money (R/S) (R/S) 5.10 House Busters (R/S) 5.35-6.00
5.50-6.05 Kirstie’s House Of Craft (R/S) House Doctor Hawkesbury Upton. (R/S)

lnsideSoap 77
Sky Showcase Sky Atlantic W Alibi Gold Drama
6.00 AM The Early 6.00 AM The British War 6.10 AM MasterChef 6.00 AM Teleshopping 6.00 AM Teleshopping FREEVIEW 20
Rundown 7.00 Kay Burley And Peace. 7.00 CSI: Crime Australia 7.00 My Dream 7.10 Murdoch Mysteries 7.30 Keeping Up 6.00 AM Teleshopping
7.30 Kay Burley 8.00 Scene Investigation Home Sandy And Pat. 8.00 8.00 Murdoch Mysteries Appearances 8.00 Are 7.40 A Place To Call
Orangutan Jungle School Unshockable. 8.00 Six Feet Tipping Point 9.00 9.00 Miss Fisher’s You Being Served? 8.40 Home 8.35 The Bill 9.35
9.00 Nothing To Declare Under It’s The Most Tipping Point 10.00 The Murder Mysteries 10.00 Porridge 9.20 Last Of The Classic Holby City 10.55
9.30 Nothing To Declare Wonderful Time Of The Year. Bill Matters Of The Mind. Major Crimes 11.00 Summer Wine 10.40 Classic Casualty
10.00 The Flash 11.00 9.05 Six Feet Under 11.00 Inside The Rizzoli & Isles Born To Run. Keeping Up Appearances 12.00 PM The Bill Piggy In
NCIS: New Orleans Someone Else’s Eyes. 10.15 Ambulance 12.00 PM 12.00 PM Hudson & Rex 11.20 Dad’s Army The Middle. 1.00 Classic
12.00 PM NCIS: New The Wire Duck And Cover. Inside The Ambulance The Pet Sitter. 1.00 12.00 PM Are You Being EastEnders 2.20 Tenko
Orleans 1.00 Hawaii Five- 11.20 The Wire 12.30 PM 1.00 Tipping Point 2.00 Murdoch Mysteries Love Served? 12.40 Porridge 3.20 All Creatures Great
0 2.00 MacGyver 3.00 Game Of Thrones 1.35 In Tipping Point 3.00 And Human Remains. 2.00 1.20 Gavin & Stacey 2.00 And Small Place Of Honour.
Modern Family 3.30 Treatment Jake And Amy Tipping Point 4.00 My Murdoch Mysteries The Miranda 2.40 Keeping Up 4.20 Peak Practice Turning
Modern Family 4.00 The – Week Seven. 2.15 In Dream Home 5.00 My Curse Of Beaton Manor. 3.00 Appearances 3.20 Last Tides. 5.20 Keeping Up
Office (US) 4.30 The Treatment Gina – Week Dream Home Ashley And Murdoch Mysteries Of The Summer Wine Appearances Onslow’s
Office (US) 5.00 The Seven. 2.55 In Treatment Aben. 6.00 Property Hangman. 4.00 The Good 4.00 Last Of The Summer Birthday. 6.00 Are You
Simpsons 5.30 The Fresh 3.30 Six Feet Under The Brothers: Forever Homes Wife Driven. 5.00 Major Wine 4.40 Porridge 5.20 Being Served? The Hand Of
Prince Of Bel-Air 6.00 Secret. 4.40 Six Feet Fanny And Cooper. The Crimes The Shame Game. Keeping Up Appearances Fate. 6.40 Last Of The
The Fresh Prince Of Bel- Under 5.45 The Wire 6.50 brothers renovate a 1940s 6.00 Hudson & Rex Trial 6.00 Are You Being Summer Wine The
Air 6.30 The Simpsons The Wire Bad Dreams. Los Angeles bungalow. And Error. Served? 6.40 Dad’s Army Experiment.

7.00 The Simpsons 7.55 Game Of Thrones 7.00 Extreme Food 7.00 Rizzoli & Isles Born 7.20 Dad’s Army The 7.20 Last Of The
Homer The Smithers: The Night Lands: Theon is Phobics A 34-year-old To Run: A killer targets Bullet Is Not For Firing: Summer Wine The
Homer becomes Mr reunited with his father on woman’s restrictive diet of athletes in the Boston The men use up all their Treasure Of The Deep:
Burns’ assistant. the Iron Islands. chip butties is putting her marathon. ammunition shooting at a Compo discovers a
7.30 The Simpsons health at serious risk. passing aircraft. treasure in the canal.

8.00 The Simpsons 8.00 Inside The 8.00 Father Brown The 8.00 Gavin & Stacey 8.00 Dalziel & Pascoe
The Day The Violence Ambulance: Coast And Last Man: Kembleford’s 8.40 Miranda It Was An Advancement Of
Died: With the guest Country In Oxford, a new cricket captain is Panning: Penny threatens Learning: Feature-length
voice of Kirk Douglas. 14-year-old boy suffers framed for murder. to cancel Miranda’s episode. The duo
8.30 The Simpsons multiple fractures. Christmas. investigate an
intellectual mystery.
9.00 9.00 The Nevers 9.00 Nurses Down 9.00 The Coroner The 9.20 Mrs Brown’s
Transformers A Hanged: Penance Under Witness medical Fisherman’s Tale: A Boys New Mammy:
teenage boy’s first grapples with a moral dramas through the businessman is shot dead Maria goes into labour.
car leads him into an calling at odds with eyes of the nurses. by a sniper.
intergalactic war between Amalia’s plan.
two factions of giant
shape-changing robots. 10.10 The Nevers True: 10.00 999 Rescue 10.00 Death In 10.00 Mrs Brown’s 10.00 New Tricks Wild
Sci-fi action adventure, A long-awaited reunion Squad A student captures Paradise Swimming In Boys Mammy’s Spell: Justice: An investigation
starring Shia LaBeouf and cements the Orphans’ his dad’s mountainbike Murder: A rock singer is Agnes falls under a leaves Sasha facing a
Megan Fox. (Cert 12, 143 mission. accident on camera. electrocuted in a hypnotist’s spell. moral dilemma.
mins. 2007) )))) swimming pool. 10.40 Not Going Out

11.40 The Force: North 11.20 Billions Overton 11.00 Inside The 11.00 The Good Wife 11.20 Peep Show The 11.10 Taggart Dead
East Tales Of The Window: Taylor considers Operating Theatre Restraint: Diane takes on a Love Bunker: Mark thinks Ringer: Feature-length
Unexpected: A raid going into business with Jonathan has a camera case that could hurt her Simon is trying to get back episode. A woman’s
on the house leads an unexpected partner. put inside his lungs to find reputation. together with Dobby. remains are found under
officers to a drugs den. out if he has cancer. 11.55 Peep Show floorboards.
12.35 AM Road Wars 1.30 12.25 AM Billions 3.40 In 12.00 AM One Born Every 12.00 AM Briarpatch 1.00 12.30 AM Marley’s Ghosts 1.45 AM Where The Heart Is
Road Wars 2.00 Brit Cops: Treatment 4.10 Richard E Minute 1.00 Inside The Hudson & Rex 2.00 Copper 1.05 The Rebel 1.50 Peep 2.35 Where The Heart Is
Rapid Response 3.00 Hawaii Grant’s Hotel Secrets 5.05- Ambulance: Coast And 2.45 Copper 4.00-6.00 Show 2.15 Peep Show 2.55 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping
Five-0 4.00 MacGyver 5.00 6.00 Richard E Grant’s Hotel Country 2.00 One Born Every Teleshopping Bridget & Eamon 3.20
The Early Rundown 5.30- Secrets Minute 3.00-6.10 Bridget & Eamon 4.00-6.00
6.00 The Early Rundown Teleshopping Teleshopping

Sky Witness Sky Crime Sky Docs Sky Arts Dave Yesterday
6.00 AM Nothing To Declare 6.00 AM Road Wars 7.00 6.00 AM FILM Ali & Cavett: FREEVIEW 11 FREEVIEW 19 FREEVIEW 26
8.00 Border Patrol 8.30 Motorway Patrol 8.00 Border The Tale Of The Tapes (Cert 6.00 AM FILM Anton 6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.10 6.00 AM Impossible
Border Patrol 9.00 Send In Security: Canada’s Front Line 15, 95 mins. 2018) ))) 8.00 Bruckner: The Making Of A Eddie Eats America 8.00 Engineering 8.00 Forbidden
The Dogs 10.00 Law & Order 9.00 Nothing To Declare Richard E Grant’s Hotel Giant (Cert 12, 96 mins. 2020) Timber Kings 9.00 Storage History 9.00 Abandoned
11.00 CSI: Crime Scene 10.00 Road Wars 11.00 Killer Secrets 9.00 Discovering: Al )))7.15 John Eliot Gardiner Hunters UK 10.00 American Engineering 11.00 Fred
Investigation 12.00 PM Colleagues 12.00 PM Pacino 10.00 The Directors Conducts Mendelssohn 9.00 Pickers 11.00 Secrets Of The Dibnah’s Building Of Britain
Grey’s Anatomy 1.00 Blue Britain’s Most Evil Killers 1.00 11.00 Rock And Roll Tales Of The Unexpected Supercars 12.00 PM Top Gear 12.00 PM Great British
Bloods 2.00 Blue Bloods Murders That Shocked The 12.10 PM Rolling Stone: 10.00 Discovering 11.00 1.00 Border Force: America’s Railway Journeys 2.00
3.00 Air Ambulance ER 4.00 Nation 2.00 Killer In My Stories From The Edge 1.00 Landmark 12.00 PM Classic Gatekeepers 2.00 Expedition Abandoned Engineering 4.00
Stop, Search, Seize 5.00 Village 3.00 World’s Most Evil Escobar By Escobar 2.00 Literature & Cinema 1.00 Tales With Steve Backshall 3.00 WW2 – Frontlines 5.00 The
Nothing To Declare 5.30 Killers 4.00 How I Caught The FILM The Kingmaker (Cert 15, Of The Unexpected 2.00 Rick Stein’s Road To Mexico World At War 6.00 Fred
Nothing To Declare 6.00 Killer 5.00 Charmed To Death 101 mins. 2019) ))))4.00 Discovering 3.00 Matisse: 4.00 Top Gear 5.00 Rick Dibnah’s Building Of Britain
Nothing To Declare 6.30 6.00 World’s Most Evil Killers Discovering: Al Pacino 5.00 From Tate Modern & MoMA Stein’s Road To Mexico 6.00 6.30 Fred Dibnah’s Building
Nothing To Declare 7.00 7.00 Killer In My Village The Directors 6.00 Rock And 4.00 ZZ Top: Music Icons Taskmaster 7.00 Whose Line Of Britain 7.00 The
Nothing To Declare 7.30 8.00 Britain’s Most Evil Killers Roll 7.10 Rolling Stone: 4.30 Video Killed The Radio Is It Anyway? USA 8.00 Travel Architecture The Railways
Nothing To Declare 8.00 Blue 9.00 Mark Of A Serial Killer Stories From The Edge 8.00 Star 5.00 Tales Of The Man: 48 Hours In Iceland 8.30 Built 8.00 Secrets Of The
Bloods 9.00 Private Eyes 10.00 Snapped 11.00 Escobar By Escobar 9.00 Unexpected 6.00 Discovering Travel Man: 48 Hours In London Underground 9.00
10.00 Lincoln Rhyme: Hunt Britain’s Most Evil Killers Memory Box: Echoes Of 9/11 7.00 Renoir – Revered And Marrakech 9.00 QI XL 10.00 The Architecture The Railways
For The Bone Collector 11.00 12.00 AM World’s Most Evil 10.45 FILM JFK Revisited: Reviled 8.00 Leonardo: The Live At The Apollo 11.00 Built 10.00 Bangers And
Law & Order: Special Victims Killers 1.00 Forensics: Through The Looking Glass Works 9.00 Deep Purple: Taskmaster 12.00 AM Mock Cash 11.00 Bangers And
Unit 12.00 AM FBI 1.00 Bull Catching The Killer 2.00 (Cert 15, 118 mins. 2021) Perfect Strangers 11.30 I Am The Week 12.40 QI XL 1.40 Cash 12.00 AM Abandoned
2.00 Transplant 3.00 Law & Snapped 3.00 Murders That ))))1.00 AM FILM Paul Walker 1.30 AM How It Live At The Apollo 2.45 Engineering 1.00 Impossible
Order 4.00 CSI: Crime Scene Shocked The Nation 4.00 Brit Everton: Howard’s Way (Cert Feels To Be Free 3.45-5.00 Whose Line Is It Anyway? USA Engineering 2.00 Impossible
Investigation 5.00-6.00 Brit Cops: Law & Disorder 5.00- 12, 105 mins. 2019) ))) FILM Burning Man: Art On Fire 3.35 Eddie Eats America Engineering 3.00-6.00
Cops: Law & Disorder 6.00 Motorway Patrol 3.00-4.00 The Directors (75 mins. 2020) ) 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping Teleshopping
78 lnsideSoap
6.00 AM Hollyoaks 7.00 6.00 AM Secret Crush 6.00 AM Classic 6.00 AM World Of Sport
Celebrity Coach Trip 8.00 7.00 The Ellen Coronation Street 7.00 6.15 The Saint 7.10 The
Junior Bake Off 9.00 How DeGeneres Show 8.00 Classic Emmerdale 8.05 Adventures Of Sherlock
I Met Your Mother 10.00 You’ve Been Framed! & On The Buses On The Holmes 8.05 The
The Big Bang Theory Famous 9.00 The Cabins Omnibuses. 8.40 On The Avengers 9.15 The
11.00 The Goldbergs 10.00 Dress To Impress Buses Goodbye Stan. 9.10 Sweeney 10.20 Minder
12.00 PM Brooklyn Nine- Leah Canning. 11.00 Secret The Royal The Last Waltz. Gunfight At The OK
Nine 1.00 The Big Bang Crush 12.00 PM 10.20 The Royal The Launderette. 11.20 The
Theory 2.30 The Big Bang Supermarket Sweep 1.00 Unbreakable Chain. 11.20 Saint Locate And Destroy.
Theory 3.00 The Celebrity Tipping Point Heartbeat Keeping Secrets. 12.30 PM Fishing Allstars
Goldbergs 3.30 The 2.00 Family Fortunes 12.25 PM Heartbeat The 1.30 The Adventures Of
Goldbergs 4.00 Brooklyn Fuzz Townshend secretly restores a Fiat X1/9 Burgess Vs Kharod. 3.00 The Dying Of The Light. 1.30 Sherlock Holmes The Blue
Nine-Nine 4.30 Brooklyn Ellen DeGeneres Show Classic Emmerdale 2.30 Carbuncle. 2.35 The
Nine-Nine 5.00 The Big
in Car S.O.S 9pm More4 4.00 The Cabins 5.00 Classic Coronation Street Avengers Take Me To Your
Bang Theory 5.30 The Big You’ve Been Framed! 3.40 Wycliffe The Leader. 3.45 The Sweeney
Bang Theory 6.00 The Big
Bang Theory 6.30 The Big BBC Scotland BBC Four Gold 5.30 You’ve Been
Framed! Gold 6.00
Scapegoat. 4.45 Wycliffe
The Tangled Web. 6.00
4.50 Minder 5.55 Fishing
Allstars 6.55 The Chase
Bang Theory FREEVIEW 9 (SCOTLAND) FREEVIEW 9 Celebrity Catchphrase Heartbeat Bad Company. Celebrity Special

7.00 Hollyoaks 7.00 PM This Farming 7.00 PM Great British 7.00 Superstore Angels 7.00 Heartbeat
7.30 The Big Bang Life In Aberdeenshire, Railway Journeys And Mermaids. Accidents Happen: A
Theory The Pancake farmers Isla and George Newmarket To 7.30 Superstore prisoner is broken out of 7
Batter Anomaly. prepare for rutting season. Walsingham. Groundhog Day. Ashfordly prison.
7.30 Live Netball
England v Australia
8.00 Celebrity Coach 8.00 Scotland From The (Centre-pass 7.30pm). 8.00 Bob’s Burgers 8.00 Midsomer Murders 8.00 River Monsters
Trip The group reach Sky James Crawford Coverage of the Quad Hawk & Chick. Things That Go Bump In Coral Reef Killer: Jeremy
dizzying new heights begins his journey with Series fixture, which takes 8.30 Bob’s Burgers The Night: An undertaker Wade investigates 8
while parasailing in Scotland’s lost canal just place at the Copper Box The Oeder Games. is found murdered. a murderous sea
Vilamoura, Portugal. outside Glasgow. Arena in the Olympic Park. creature in Indonesia.

9.00 Celebs Go Dating 9.00 The Nine The latest 9.30 Hurricanes And 9.00 The Cabins One 9.00 Hellboy
The ratings are in from the Scottish, UK and Heatwaves: The Highs dater hopes an Elvis demon baby
celebs’ first blind dates. international news. And Lows Of British Presley performance summoned during 9
Weather The evolution of will impress. a thwarted Nazi
the weather forecast. experiment grows up to be
a US government agent
10.00 Celebrity 10.00 Secret Body Two 10.30 Shipwrecks: 10.00 Plebs The Erotic 10.00 Foyle’s War War fighting against
Gogglebox American Pie, more people try to lose Britain’s Sunken Vase: Marcus becomes Games: Foyle uncovers supernatural evil. Action
The Graham Norton Show, weight over 12 weeks. History Civilising The Sea: Grumio’s slave for the day. financial corruption. fantasy, starring Ron 10
Love Island and Killing Last in the series. 10.30 Plebs Perlman. (Cert 12, 117
Eve are appraised. The Herpes Cat. mins. 2004) )))

11.05 Gogglebox The 11.00-12.00 The Force: 11.30 Art Of France 11.00 Family Guy 11.30 All Elite
households’ opinions on The Story Of Scotland’s There Will Be Blood: The Viewer Mail 1. Wrestling: Rampage
TV from October 2017. Police The Detectives: French Revolution. 11.30 Family Guy 18/01/2021: 11
The evolution of police A Fish Out Of Water. Hard-hitting, high-flying
detective work. wrestling action.
12.10 AM Naked Attraction 12.30 AM Handmade In 12.00 AM American Dad! 12.10 AM The Royal 1.15 The 12.30 AM Auto Mundial 1.00
1.15 Celebs Go Dating 2.15 Africa 1.00 Great British 12.25 American Dad! 12.55 Royal 2.15-6.00 Unwind With Motorsport Mundial 1.25
Below Deck: Mediterranean Railway Journeys 1.30 Bob’s Burgers 1.25 Bob’s ITV Minder 2.20 The Protectors
3.10 Celebrity Coach Trip Hurricanes And Heatwaves: Burgers 1.55 Superstore 2.20 2.50 Unwind With ITV 3.00-
4.05 Don’t Tell The Bride The Highs And Lows Of Superstore 2.50 Hey Tracey! 6.00 Teleshopping
5.00 How I Met Your Mother British Weather 2.30-3.30 3.30-6.00 Teleshopping
5.25-6.00 How I Met Your Shipwrecks: Britain’s Sunken
Mother History

More4 Film4 5USA 5STAR Challenge ITVBe

8.55 AM Kirstie’s Vintage 11.00 AM FILM The Malta 6.00 AM Teleshopping 9.00 6.00 AM Teleshopping 8.00 6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.00 7.00 AM The Real
Gems 9.15 A Place In The Story (Cert U, 98 mins. 1953, Murder, She Wrote 10.00 Criminals: Caught On Camera The Chase 10.00 Play Your Housewives Of Cheshire 8.00
Sun 10.05 A Place In The Sun B/W) ))) 1.10 PM FILM 12 NCIS 11.00 NCIS 12.00 PM 8.25 Rich Kids Go Skint 9.15 Cards Right 11.00 Bruce’s Buying And Selling 9.00
11.05 Find It, Fix It, Flog It Angry Men (Cert U, 92 mins. Law & Order 1.00 Grey’s Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly Price Is Right 12.00 PM LittleBe 12.00 PM Best Cake
12.05 PM Find It, Fix It, Flog It 1957, B/W) ))))) 3.10 Anatomy 2.00 Grey’s 10.15 Judge Judy 12.00 PM Wheel Of Fortune 12.30 Wins 12.30 The Real
1.05 Building The Dream FILM Tomahawk (Cert PG, 82 Anatomy 2.55 Entertainment Traffic Cops 1.00 Traffic Cops Wheel Of Fortune 1.00 Housewives Of Atlanta 1.25
2.10 Four In A Bed 2.40 Four mins. 1951) )))) 4.50 News On 5 3.00 Law & Order 2.00 Police Interceptors 3.00 Catchphrase 1.30 The Real Housewives Of
In A Bed 3.15 Four In A Bed FILM The Admirable Crichton 4.00 Law & Order 5.00 Police Interceptors 4.00 Catchphrase 2.00 Family Cheshire 2.25 The Only Way
Ashculme House. 3.50 Four Comedy, starring Kenneth Law & Order 6.00 NCIS Police Interceptors 5.00 Filthy Fortunes 2.30 Family Is Essex 3.10 Little Women:
In A Bed Satis House. 4.20 More. (Cert U, 93 mins. 1957) 7.00 NCIS 8.00 NCIS 9.00 House SOS 6.00 Home And Fortunes 3.00 Bruce’s Price Is LA 4.05 The Real Housewives
Four In A Bed Payment Day. ))) 6.40 FILM Warcraft Law & Order: Criminal Intent Away 6.30 Home And Away Right 3.30 Bruce’s Price Is Of New York City 5.00 The
4.55 Find It, Fix It, Flog It 5.55 Fantasy adventure, starring Slither. 10.00 Law & Order: 7.00 Shoplifters & Scammers: Right 4.00 Play Your Cards Real Housewives Of New
Find It, Fix It, Flog It 6.55 Travis Fimmel. (Cert 12, 123 Special Victims Unit Taboo. At War With The Law 8.00 Right 4.30 Play Your Cards Jersey 6.00 Making It Home
Escape To The Chateau Wash mins. 2016) ))) 9.00 FILM 11.00 Law & Order: Special 999: Criminals Caught On Right 5.00 Bullseye 5.30 With Kortney & Kenny Emily
House, Trench & Vintage Bike. The Martian Ridley Scott’s Victims Unit Manipulated. Camera 9.00 FILM The Hunt Bullseye 6.00 Tenable 7.00 And Tyler. 7.00 Buying And
7.55 Grand Designs Camden, sci-fi drama, starring Matt 11.55 Law & Order: Special For Red October (Cert PG, Pointless 8.00 The Chase Selling Paula. 8.00 Dinner
2012. 9.00 Car S.O.S Fiat Damon. (Cert 12, 141 mins. Victims Unit Design. 130 mins. 1990) )))) 9.00 The Chase 10.00 The Date Heather. 9.00 Botched
X1/9. 10.00 Inside Bentley: A 2015) )))) 11.50 FILM 12.55 AM Law & Order: 11.50 FILM Carrie (Cert 15, Chase 11.00 Bullseye 11.30 10.00 Totally Unbelievable:
Great British Motor Car 11.05 Hitman: Agent 47 Action Special Victims Unit 1.55 Law 99 mins. 2013) )))1.55 AM Bullseye 12.00 AM The Celebrity Homes Celebrity
24 Hours In A&E 12.05 AM thriller, starring Rupert Friend. & Order: Criminal Intent 2.50 Judge Judy 2.25 Judge Judy Chase 1.00 The Chase 2.00 Homes. 11.00 Bridezillas
Emergency Helicopter Medics (Cert 15, 92 mins. 2015) )) Law & Order: Criminal Intent 2.50 Judge Judy 3.15 Judge The Chase 3.00 The Chase Guard Zilla And Boho Diva.
1.10 Car S.O.S 2.15 24 Hours 1.45-3.55 AM FILM The Last 3.35 999: Criminals Caught Judy 3.35 Criminals: Caught 4.00 Wheel Of Fortune 4.30 11.55 The Only Way Is Essex
In A&E 3.15-3.45 Food Witch Hunter (Cert 12, 104 On Camera 4.00-6.00 On Camera 4.00-6.00 Wheel Of Fortune 5.00 12.45 AM Unwind With ITV
Unwrapped mins. 2015) )) Teleshopping Teleshopping Bullseye 5.30-6.00 Bullseye 1.00-7.00 Teleshopping
lnsideSoap 79
6.00 AM Breakfast News, entertainment
and weather reports. (S) 9.15 Morning Live
(S) 10.00 Rip Off Britain: Holidays (S)
10.45 The Moment Of Proof The Casino
Blackmail. (S) 11.15 Homes Under The
Hammer (R/S) 12.15 PM Bargain Hunt
Detling 12: From Detling Antique and
Vintage Fair in Kent. (R/S) 1.00 BBC News/
Weather (S) 1.30 Regional News (S) 1.45
Doctors After The Fall. (S) 2.15 Father
Brown The Scales Of Justice: The sleuthing
priest must race to save Bunty from the
hangman’s noose. (R/S) 3.00 Escape
To The Country Oxfordshire: A couple
search for a home-cum-music studio in
Oxfordshire. (R/S) 3.45 The Farmers’
Country Showdown Macclesfield
Sheepdog Trials: Two father-son teams
face tough competition at the Macclesfield
Sheepdog Trials. (S) 4.30 Antiques Road
Trip (S) 5.15 Pointless Quiz show. (S)

Paint it grand
our own front rooms these tricks to suit all levels of
past couple of years, a budget. Each show, she’ll
SOPHIE ROBINSON change of scene would be tackling two different
Channel 5 7PM likely prove welcome! – interiors to help out
then interior design guru homeowners who are in a 8pm The Repair Shop
If you’re in the mood for a Sophie Robinson is here to right old pickle about how
maison makeover as the inspire. In her new six-part best to spend their funds 6.00 BBC News/Weather (S)
6.30 Regional News (S)
new year gets underway series, Sophie will be – and Sophie’s certainly no 6.55 Party Political Broadcast
– and let’s face it, we’ve dishing out a gorgeous slouch when it comes to By The Labour Party (S)
spent so much time in selection of tips and dramatic transformations…

7.00 The One Show Hosted by

Alex Jones and Jermaine Jenas. (S)
abodes. Most fascinating
BRITAIN’S MOST 7.30 The Bidding Room Nigel
of tonight’s posh pads
EXPENSIVE HOUSES Havers presents as five dealers
Channel 4 9PM is Amberwood House – bid against one another to buy
former home of prima a vintage pommel horse, a
We join the team of UK ballerina Margot Fonteyn French wedding globe and a
Sotheby’s International – situated opposite the table hockey game. (R/S)
Realty for the final time Natural History Museum in 8.00 The Repair Shop Kirsten
tonight, nosing around a London’s Knightsbridge, Ramsay and Will Kirk restore a
breath-taking selection of and on the market for a miniature replica house that was
Britain’s most luxurious cool £75 million following once part of a model village in the
(and eye-wateringly costly) a very dramatic makeover. owner’s home town of Cleethorpes.
Electronics guru Mark Stuckey works
on a Bakelite radio that has been
mute for more than 50 years. (S)
I LITERALLY JUST 9.00 Rules Of The Game As the
TOLD YOU police investigation continues, Sam
Channel 4 10PM must decide what to do with Maya’s
shocking findings, while Gareth tries
It’s the last in the series desperately to find his flash drive of
for Jimmy’s quirky quiz Amy. Drama, with Maxine Peake and
show, as another four Rakhee Thakrar. Last in the series. (S)
contestants answer
questions that could be 10.00 BBC News (S)
10.25 Regional News/Weather (S)
about absolutely anything, 10.35 Stacey Dooley Stalkers –
as they’re written as Part One: Part one of two. Stacey
the show is recorded. meets victims and perpetrators of the
Catch it while you can! most common type of stalking. (S)

11.20 Not Going Out Carol: Frank

REGIONALVARIATIONS BBC1 N IRELAND as Main BBC1 except: 7.00pm Hope Street 7.45-8.00 Barra’s Wild Days Out 10.35 The announces his engagement. Comedy,
Band 11.05 Stacey Dooley 11.50-12.20 Not Going Out BBC1 SCOTLAND as Main BBC1 except: 2.15pm starring Lee Mack and Bobby Ball. (R/S)
Politics Scotland 3.00-3.45 Father Brown 6.55-7.00 Party Political Broadcast 7.30-8.00 Life On The Bay 10.35 Scot Squad 11.05 Stacey Dooley 11.50 Would I Lie To You? Guest players
11.50 Not Going Out 12.20am The Edit 12.35 Would I Lie To You? 1.05 Question Of Sport 1.35 Weather For The Week Ahead 1.40-6.00 BBC Angellica Bell, Bob Mortimer, Suggs and
News BBC1 WALES as Main BBC1 except: 6.55-7.00pm Party Political Broadcast 7.30-8.00 Iolo’s Pembrokeshire BBC2 N IRELAND as Main Holly Willoughby join regulars Rob Brydon,
BBC2 except: 7.00pm The One Show 7.30-8.00 The Bidding Room 11.15 Toast Of Tinseltown 11.45 Weather Watchers With Barra Best 12.00-
1.00am Sign Zone: Dragons’ Den STV as Main ITV except: 8.00-8.30pm Clear Out, Cash In 10.40 Scotland Tonight 11.05 Peston 12.05-3.00am
David Mitchell and Lee Mack for the comedy
Shop: Ideal World 3.50-5.05 Unwind With STV panel show. (R/S) 12.20 AM Question Of
Sport (R/S) 12.55-6.00 BBC News (S)

80 lnsideSoap
BBC2 ITV Channel 4 Channel 5
6.30 AM The Farmers’ Country 6.00 AM Good Morning Britain (S) 6.05 AM Countdown Michael Grade is in 6.00 AM Milkshake! 9.15 Jeremy Vine
Showdown (R/S) 7.15 Antiques Road 9.00 Lorraine (S) 10.00 This Morning Dictionary Corner (R/S) 6.45 Cheers Uncle (S) 11.15 Shoplifters & Scammers: At
Trip Roo Irvine and Steven Moore continue (S) 12.30 PM Loose Women Another Sam Wants You. (R/S) 7.10 Cheers Baby War With The Law Undercover detectives
searching for items in the North East. (R/S) helping of topical studio discussion from a Balk. (R/S) 7.35 Everybody Loves Steve and Adam are on the lookout in
8.00 Sign Zone: See Hear Deaf, Little female perspective, featuring celebrity Raymond Good Girls. (R/S) 8.00 London’s West End. (S) 12.15 PM 5 News
And Loud: A unique look at the importance interviews. (S) 1.30 Lunchtime News/ Everybody Loves Raymond T-Ball. (R/S) At Lunchtime (S) 12.20 Nightmare
of access to sign language at an early age. Weather (S) 1.55 Regional News/ 8.30 Everybody Loves Raymond Traffic Tenants, Slum Landlords A landlady gets
With voiceover. (S) 8.30 Sign Zone: Take Weather (S) 2.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal School. (R/S) 9.00 Frasier Kenny On The a shock when she finally gains access to her
A Hike Scotland – Daisy: The first of five Coventry 4: David Dickinson and the team Couch. (R/S) 9.30 Frasier Roe To property. (R/S) 1.15 Home And Away
countryside walks in the Highlands and are at Coventry Transport Museum, where Perdition. (R/S) 10.00 Frasier Some Logan abandons his day with Mackenzie. (S)
Islands. (R/S) 9.00 BBC News At 9 (S) Tracy Thackray-Howitt sets a Real Deal Assembly Required. (R/S) 10.30 Ramsay’s 1.45 Neighbours Terese returns to the site
10.00 BBC News (S) 11.15 Politics Live record for the most money ever spent on the Kitchen Nightmares USA Davide. (R/S) of the Flamingo Bar seven days after tragedy
The latest stories from Westminster and show for a luxury watch. (S) 3.00 Lingo 11.25 Channel 4 News/Weather strikes. (S) 2.15 FILM Mystery 101: Dead
beyond. (S) 1.00 PM Bowls: World Indoor Hussain and Imran, Claire and Mia, and Summary (S) 11.30 Sun, Sea And Selling Talk Premiere. Professor Amy Winslow
Championships 2022 2022 Ladies’ Esther and Adam compete. (S) 3.59 ITV Houses (R/S) 12.30 PM Steph’s Packed heads to Seattle to give a lecture, and winds
Singles Semi-Final: Including a ladies’ London Weather (S) 4.00 Tipping Point Lunch Magazine show, hosted by Steph up investigating the death of a tech genius.
singles semi-final. (S) 5.15 Flog It! Ushaw Ben Shephard hosts the arcade-themed quiz McGovern. (S) 2.10 Countdown (S) 3.00 Thriller, starring Jill Wagner. (Cert PG, 88
24: Antique experts Catherine Southon and in which contestants drop tokens down a A Place In The Sun 2022: Benalmádena: mins. 2019) (S) ))4.00 Watercolour
David Fletcher scour a crowd at Ushaw in choice of four chutes in the hope of winning A couple searching for a holiday home in Challenge Castle Howard: Four would-be
Co Durham to find objects to take off to a £10,000 jackpot. (S) 5.00 The Chase Benalmádena. (S) 4.00 A New Life In painting champions set up at Castle Howard
auction. Presented by Paul Martin. (R/S) Pete, Novuyo, Joan and Nik compete. (S) The Sun (S) 5.00 Junior Bake Off (S) in Yorkshire. (S) 5.00 5 News At 5 (S)

9pm Inside The Factory 9pm The Bay 8pm Kirstie And Phil’s Love It… 9pm 22 Kids & Counting

6.00 Richard Osman’s House Of 6.00 Regional News/Weather (S) 6.00 The Simpsons Homer and the 6.00 Neighbours
Games Quiz testing the general 6.25 Party Political Broadcast By family are forced to leave town. (R/S) Terese returns to the
knowledge of four celebrities. (R/S) the Labour Party. (S) 6.30 Hollyoaks Verity site of the Flamingo Bar seven
6.30 Rick Stein’s Cornwall Rick 6.30 Evening News/Weather (S) tries to convince Shaq days after tragedy strikes. (R/S)
visits a little-known mausoleum. (S) to come clean to Misbah. (R/S) 6.30 Winter Road Rescue (S)

7.00 The Hairy Bikers Go North 7.00 Emmerdale 7.00 Channel 4 News (S) 7.00 Dream Home
Tyne And Wear/Newcastle: The Chas reads the small Makeovers With
bikers explore the county of Tyne & print. A car is tampered with. Dawn Sophie Robinson
Wear and the city of Newcastle Upon broods about yesterday’s events. (S) New series. Sophie
Tyne, where Simon King has spent 7.30 Coronation Street assists those wanting
most of his life. They cook a roast Dev humiliates Bernie. to create a stylish home, and
dinner – a porchetta with all the Sally tracks Tim’s movements in helping homeowners struggling with
trimmings. Last in the series. (R/S) a bid to uncover the truth. (S) design doubts and dilemmas. (S)

8.00 Winterwatch In Norfolk, Chris 8.00 Paul O’Grady: For The Love 8.00 Kirstie And Phil’s Love It 8.00 You Are What You Eat Zoe
Packham and Michaela Strachan Of Dogs The comedian helps a Or List It Kirstie Allsopp and Phil And Dennica: For busy mum Zoe,
look at the winter survival strategies poodle overcome separation anxiety Spencer help a couple who cannot the only thing sweeter than her
of the local wildlife. With cameras before meeting a plummer terrier decide to do with their home. Paul children is her sweet tooth, but
trained on a carcass on Mull, Iolo with extreme guarding issues. (S) bought the house 13 years ago, but her lifestyle rapidly needs to
Williams hopes for an appearance 8.30 Coronation Street since Sophie moved in they have had change, while entrepreneur
from one of the island’s most Shona fuels Abi’s doubts two children and he wants to move Dennica needs to take action
enigmatic residents, the eagle. (S) about Tim and Aggie’s friendship. (S) to a bigger, better family home. (S) with the menopause looming. (S)

9.00 Inside The Factory Leather 9.00 The Bay Jenn identifies a 9.00 Britain’s Most 9.00 22 Kids & Counting Noel and
Boots: Gregg Wallace visits a key witness who is able to unlock Expensive Houses Guy Sue decide to take the kids on a tour
factory in a Northamptonshire the answers they need. Meanwhile is in Barbados to view a of the Scottish Highlands, and
village that has been a key player for Manning, juggling work and $40million property and they’re going in convoy, with two
in the boot making business for his complicated family situation Amber is keen to list the camper vans needed to fit everyone
120 years, producing boots for proves challenging. Crime drama, £75million former home of prima in. While they’re away, single mum
policemen and pop stars alike. (S) starring Marsha Thomason. (S) ballerina Margot Fonteyn. (S) Millie will be in charge at home. (S)

10.00 Mandy Fatberg: The hapless 10.00 ITV News/Weather (S) 10.00 Jimmy Carr’s 10.00 Skin A&E Dr Adil gets a
heroine examines fatbergs. (S) 10.30 Regional News/Weather (S) I Literally Just Told surprise while operating on a lipoma,
10.15 Mandy The Curse Of Mandy 10.45 Peston Political magazine You Jimmy Carr hosts and a patient develops large lumps
Carter: A look at curses. Starring show presented by Robert Peston, this game show in called keloids on both her ears as a
Diane Morgan. Last in the series. (S) featuring major interviews with which the questions result of getting her ears pierced. (S)
10.30 Newsnight (S) MPs and cultural figures. (S) written as the show is happening. (S)

11.15 FILM Beatriz At Dinner Comedy 11.40 The John Bishop Show The 11.05 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does 11.05 It’s Your Fault I’m Fat (R/S)
drama, starring Salma Hayek and John comedian and Doctor Who star performs Countdown (R/S) 12.10 AM Ramsay’s 12.05 AM Shoplifters: At War With The
Lithgow. (Cert 18, 82 mins. 2017) (S) )))) topical stand-up routines and chats to Kitchen Nightmares USA El Greco. (R/S) Law (R/S) 1.00 The Live Casino
12.30 AM Sign Zone: See Hear Deaf, guests from the worlds of film, TV, sport 1.00 FILM The Woman In Black 2: Angel Show (S) 3.00 Entertainment News On 5
Little And Loud. (R/S) 1.00 Sign Zone: and music. (R/S) 12.15 AM Shop: Ideal Of Death (Cert 15, 95 mins. 2014) (S) )) (S) 3.05 Nightmare Tenants, Slum
Andy Warhol’s America The American World 3.00 Bling (R/S) 3.50 Unwind 2.40 Prue Leith: Journey With My Landlords (R/S) 3.55 Building Britain’s
Nightmare. (R/S) 2.00 Sign Zone: The With ITV Daily escape designed to calm Daughter (R/S) 3.35 Couples Come Dine Canals Kennet And Avon. (R/S) 4.45
Moment Of Proof The Forced Marriage. the mind and encourage relaxation and With Me (R/S) 4.25 Food Unwrapped (R/S) Wildlife SOS (R/S) 5.10 House Busters
(R/S) 2.30-6.30 This Is BBC Two (S) reflection. 5.05-6.00 Tipping Point (R/S) 4.55-5.45am Mend It For Money (R/S) (R/S) 5.35-6.00 House Doctor (R/S)

lnsideSoap 81
Sky Showcase Sky Atlantic W Alibi Gold Drama
6.00 AM The Early 6.00 AM The Guest Wing 6.10 AM MasterChef 6.00 AM Teleshopping 6.00 AM Teleshopping FREEVIEW 20
Rundown 7.00 Kay Burley 7.00 CSI: Crime Scene Australia 7.00 My Dream 7.10 Murdoch Mysteries 7.30 Keeping Up 6.00 AM Teleshopping
7.30 Kay Burley 8.00 Investigation Neverland. Home Ryan And Julie. 8.00 8.00 Murdoch Mysteries Appearances 8.00 Are 7.40 A Place To Call
Orangutan Jungle School 8.00 Six Feet Under The Tipping Point 9.00 9.00 Miss Fisher’s You Being Served? 8.40 Home 8.35 The Bill 9.35
9.00 Nothing To Declare Secret. 9.05 Six Feet Tipping Point 10.00 The Murder Mysteries 10.00 Porridge 9.20 Last Of The Classic Holby City 10.55
9.30 Nothing To Declare Under 10.15 The Wire Bill Leap Of Faith – Part One. Major Crimes The Shame Summer Wine 10.40 Classic Casualty
10.00 The Flash 11.00 11.20 The Wire Bad 11.00 Inside The Game. 11.00 Rizzoli & Keeping Up Appearances 12.00 PM The Bill 1.00
NCIS: New Orleans Dreams. 12.30 PM Game Ambulance 12.00 PM Isles I’m Your Boogie Man. 11.20 Dad’s Army Classic EastEnders 2.20
12.00 PM NCIS: New Of Thrones The Night Lands. Inside The Ambulance 12.00 PM Hudson & Rex 12.00 PM Are You Being Tenko 3.20 All Creatures
Orleans 1.00 Hawaii Five- 1.35 In Treatment Alex 1.00 Tipping Point 2.00 Murder, She Thought. 1.00 Served? 12.40 Porridge Great And Small Choose A
0 2.00 MacGyver 3.00 – Week Eight. 2.15 In Tipping Point 3.00 Murdoch Mysteries In The 1.20 Gavin & Stacey 2.00 Bright Morning. 4.20 Peak
Modern Family 3.30 Treatment Sophie – Week Tipping Point 4.00 My Altogether. 2.00 Murdoch Miranda 2.40 Keeping Up Practice Faith, Hope And
Modern Family 4.00 The Eight. 2.55 In Treatment Dream Home Janna And Mysteries The Tesla Effect. Appearances 3.20 Last Love. 5.20 Keeping Up
Office (US) 4.30 The Jake And Amy – Week Eight. Jason. 5.00 My Dream 3.00 Murdoch Mysteries Of The Summer Wine Appearances Singing For
Office (US) 5.00 The 3.30 Six Feet Under I’ll Home 6.00 Property Tattered And Torn. 4.00 The 4.00 Last Of The Summer Emmett. 6.00 Are You
Simpsons 5.30 The Fresh Take You. 4.40 Six Feet Brothers: Forever Homes Good Wife Restraint. 5.00 Wine 4.40 Porridge 5.20 Being Served? Coffee
Prince Of Bel-Air 6.00 Under The Last Time. 5.45 Josefina And Family. The Major Crimes Dismissed Keeping Up Appearances Morning. 6.40 Last
The Fresh Prince Of Bel- The Wire 6.50 The Wire Property Brothers renovate With Prejudice. 6.00 Hudson 6.00 Are You Being Of The Summer Wine
Air 6.30 The Simpsons Time After Time. Josefina’s LA home. & Rex Fast Eddie’s. Served? 6.40 Dad’s Army Dancing Feet.

7.00 The Simpsons 7.55 Game Of Thrones 7.00 Extreme Food 7.00 Rizzoli & Isles I’m 7.20 Dad’s Army 7.20 Last Of The
7.30 The Simpsons What Is Dead May Phobics A BBQ Your Boogie Man: A body Mainwaring and Wilson Summer Wine
Much Apu About Nothing: Never Die: Tyrion plots to enthusiast who can’t bear is linked to a serial killer are trapped in the That Certain Smile:
Apu is threatened with identify Cersei’s spy on the sight of avocados. who once abducted Jane. bank vault with an Clegg and Seymour visit
deportation. the small council. unexploded bomb. Smiler in hospital.

8.00 Landscape Artist 8.00 Inside The 8.00 Father Brown The 8.00 Gavin & Stacey 8.00 The Inspector
Of The Year 2022 Ambulance: Coast And Upcott Fraternity: The Nessa goes into Lynley Mysteries One
From the grounds of Country The crews deal suicide of a student leads labour a month early. Guilty Deed: Feature-
Compton Verney with a cycling accident. Father Brown to believe a 8.40 Miranda length episode.
House in Warwickshire. murderer is at work. What A Surprise. Havers is forced to
confront her demons.
9.00 Sport’s Funniest 9.00 Billions Fight Night: 9.00 Nurses Down 9.00 Pretty Hard Cases 9.20 Mrs Brown’s Boys
Moments Farcical Taylor ignites a public Under Emergency nurses Bananas: After a failed Mammy’s Spell:
moments from the battle with Axe. fight to save a man drug bust, Sam and Agnes falls under a
sporting world. whose gone into Kelly realise they are hypnotist’s spell.
anaphylactic shock. after the same dealer.

10.05 Billions American 10.00 999 Rescue 10.00 Deception Pilot: 10.00 Mrs Brown’s 10.00 New Tricks
Champion: Chuck Squad On Hull docks, the Disgraced magician Boys Mammy’s Inflation. Bermondsey Boy: An old
continues to navigate his team are called in after Cameron Black puts his 10.40 Not Going Out friend asks Gerry to
way through New York’s asylum seekers are skills of deception and Movie: Lee lets out Lucy’s investigate the murder
political landscape. discovered. illusion to work at the FBI. flat to a film director. of his grandson.

11.00 Road Wars 11.10 Billions New 11.00 Inside The 11.00 The Good Wife 11.20 Peep Show 11.00 Taggart Murder In
Police officers combat Year’s Day: Connerty Operating Theatre Four- Discovery: ChumHum is Chairman Mark. Season: Feature-length
vehicle crime. reconnects with a figure year-old Arabella has an accused of racial profiling. 11.50 Peep Show episode. An opera singer
from his past. operation to straighten Quantocking II. becomes the prime
squints in both eyes. suspect in a murder case.
12.00 AM Road Wars 1.00 12.15 AM Billions 2.25 12.00 AM One Born Every 12.00 AM Briarpatch 1.00 12.25 AM Marley’s Ghosts 2.15 AM Where The Heart Is
The Force: Manchester 2.00 Yellowjackets 3.30 In Minute 1.00 Inside The Hudson & Rex 1.55 Copper 1.00 The Rebel 1.35 Peep 3.00 One Foot In The Grave
Brit Cops: Rapid Response Treatment 4.05 Richard E Ambulance: Coast And 2.40 Copper 4.00-6.00 Show 2.05 Peep Show 2.45 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping
3.00 Hawaii Five-0 4.00 Grant’s Hotel Secrets 5.00- Country 2.00 One Born Every Teleshopping Bridget & Eamon 3.15
MacGyver 5.00 The Early 6.00 Richard E Grant’s Hotel Minute 3.00-6.10 Bridget & Eamon 4.00-6.00
Rundown 5.30-6.00 The Secrets Teleshopping Teleshopping
Early Rundown

Sky Witness Sky Crime Sky Docs Sky Arts Dave Yesterday
6.00 AM Nothing To Declare 6.00 AM Road Wars 7.00 6.00 AM FILM A Choice Of FREEVIEW 11 FREEVIEW 19 FREEVIEW 26
8.00 Border Patrol 8.30 Motorway Patrol 8.00 Border Weapons: Inspired By Gordon 6.00 AM Beethoven 6.50 La 6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.10 6.00 AM Impossible
Border Patrol 9.00 Send In Security: Canada’s Front Line Parks (100 mins. 2021) ) Boheme 9.00 Tales Of The Eddie Eats America 8.00 Engineering 8.00 Forbidden
The Dogs 10.00 Law & Order 9.00 Nothing To Declare 7.40 My Icon: Rachel Yankey Unexpected 10.00 Timber Kings 9.00 Storage History 9.00 Abandoned
11.00 CSI: Crime Scene 10.00 Road Wars 11.00 Killer 8.00 Positive 9.00 Discovering 11.00 Voices Of Hunters UK 10.00 American Engineering 11.00 Fred
Investigation 12.00 PM Colleagues 12.00 PM Discovering: Bill Murray 10.00 Ireland 12.00 PM FILM Pickers 11.00 Secrets Of The Dibnah’s Building Of Britain
Grey’s Anatomy 1.00 Blue Britain’s Most Evil Killers 1.00 The Directors 10.50 Rock Sunflowers (Cert U, 85 mins. Supercars 12.00 PM Top Gear 12.00 PM Great British
Bloods 2.00 Blue Bloods Murders That Shocked The And Roll 12.10 PM Rolling 2021) ))))1.00 Tales Of 1.00 Border Force: America’s Railway Journeys 2.00
3.00 Air Ambulance ER 4.00 Nation 2.00 Killer In My Stone: Stories From The Edge The Unexpected 2.00 Gatekeepers 2.00 Expedition Abandoned Engineering 4.00
Stop, Search, Seize 5.00 Village 3.00 World’s Most Evil 1.00 Escobar By Escobar Discovering 3.00 David With Steve Backshall 3.00 WW2 – Frontlines 5.00 The
Nothing To Declare 5.30 Killers 4.00 How I Caught The 2.00 Richard Pryor: Omit The Hockney At The Royal Rick Stein’s Road To Mexico World At War 6.00 Fred
Nothing To Declare 6.00 Killer 5.00 An Unexpected Logic 4.00 Discovering: Bill Academy Of Arts 4.00 4.00 Top Gear 5.00 Rick Dibnah’s Railway Collection
Nothing To Declare 6.30 Killer 6.00 World’s Most Evil Murray 5.00 The Directors Foreigner 4.30 Video Killed Stein’s Long Weekends 6.00 6.30 Fred Dibnah’s Railway
Nothing To Declare 7.00 Killers 7.00 Killer In My Village 5.50 Rock And Roll Love. The Radio Star 5.00 Tales Of Taskmaster 7.00 Whose Line Collection 7.00 The
Nothing To Declare 7.30 8.00 Britain’s Most Evil Killers 7.10 Rolling Stone: Stories The Unexpected 6.00 Is It Anyway? USA 8.00 Travel Architecture The Railways
Nothing To Declare 8.00 Blue 9.00 Forensics: Catching The From The Edge 8.00 Escobar Discovering 7.00 Portrait Artist Man: 48 Hours In Vienna 8.30 Built 8.00 The Architecture
Bloods 9.00 Bull 10.00 Killer 10.00 Snapped 11.00 By Escobar 9.00 FILM Apollo Of The Year 2018 8.00 Travel Man: 48 Hours In Paris The Railways Built 9.00
Transplant 11.00 Law & Britain’s Most Evil Killers 11 (Cert U, 93 mins. 2019) Landscape Artist Of The Year 9.00 QI XL 10.00 Live At The Steam Train Britain 10.00
Order: Special Victims Unit 12.00 AM World’s Most Evil )))))10.50 Schettino 2022 9.00 Manet From The Apollo 11.00 Taskmaster Secrets Of The Railways
12.00 AM FBI 1.00 Law & Killers 1.00 How I Caught The Files 12.50 AM FILM Royal Academy Of Arts, 12.00 AM Mock The Week 11.00 Bangers And Cash
Order: Special Victims Unit Killer 2.00 Snapped 3.00 Foreman (Cert PG, 84 mins. London 10.00 The Eighties 12.40 QI XL 1.40 Live At The 12.00 AM Abandoned
2.00 Blue Bloods 3.00 CSI: Murders That Shocked 2017) )))2.30 PL Legends: 11.00 Great Film Composers Apollo 2.30 Whose Line Is It Engineering 1.00 Impossible
Crime Scene Investigation The Nation 4.00 Brit Cops: Teddy Sheringham 3.00 The 12.00 AM The V&A Presents Anyway? USA 3.30 Eddie Eats Engineering 2.00 Impossible
4.00 Road Wars 5.00-6.00 Law & Disorder 5.00-6.00 Directors 4.00 Discovering: Alice: Curiouser And Curiouser America 4.00-6.00 Engineering 3.00-6.00
Brit Cops: Law & Disorder Motorway Patrol Bill Murray 5.00-6.00 Positive 2.00-3.00 Discovering Teleshopping Teleshopping
82 lnsideSoap
6.00 AM Hollyoaks 7.00 6.00 AM Secret Crush 6.00 AM Classic 6.00 AM The Derby
Celebrity Coach Trip 8.00 7.00 The Ellen Coronation Street 7.00 Through The Years 6.15
Junior Bake Off 9.00 How DeGeneres Show 8.00 Classic Emmerdale 8.05 The Saint 7.05 The
I Met Your Mother 10.00 You’ve Been Framed! On The Buses Hot Water. Adventures Of Sherlock
The Big Bang Theory Gold 8.30 You’ve Been 8.35 On The Buses The Holmes 8.05 The
11.00 The Goldbergs Framed! Gold 9.00 The Visit. 9.05 The Royal If Not Avengers Take Me To Your
12.00 PM Brooklyn Nine- Cabins 10.00 Dress To For You. 10.15 The Royal Leader. 9.15 The Sweeney
Nine 1.00 The Big Bang Impress 11.00 Love Bites 11.20 Heartbeat Bad I Want The Man. 10.20
Theory 2.30 The Big Bang 12.00 PM Supermarket Company. 12.25 PM Minder Bury My Half At
Theory 3.00 The Sweep 1.00 Tipping Heartbeat Accidents Waltham Green. 11.25 The
Goldbergs 3.30 The Point: Lucky Stars 2.00 Happen. 1.30 Classic Saint Flight Plan. 12.30 PM
Goldbergs 4.00 Brooklyn Bull (Michael Weatherly) represents a woman Family Fortunes Wilson Vs Emmerdale 2.30 Classic Fishing Allstars 1.35 The
Nine-Nine 4.30 Brooklyn Popat. 3.00 The Ellen Coronation Street 3.05 Adventures Of Sherlock
Nine-Nine 5.00 The Big
accused of murder in Bull 9pm Sky Witness DeGeneres Show 4.00 Classic Coronation Street Holmes 2.40 The
Bang Theory 5.30 The Big The Cabins 5.00 You’ve 3.40 Wycliffe The Last Avengers Fog. 3.45 The
Bang Theory 6.00 The Big
Bang Theory 6.30 The Big BBC Scotland BBC Four Been Framed! Unlimited
6.00 Celebrity
Rites. 4.45 Wycliffe The
Pea-Green Boat. 6.00
Sweeney Country Boy. 4.55
Minder The Smaller They
Bang Theory FREEVIEW 9 (SCOTLAND) FREEVIEW 9 Catchphrase Heartbeat C’est La Vie. Are. 6.00 Fishing Allstars

7.00 Hollyoaks 7.00 PM Scotland From 7.00 PM Great British 7.00 Superstore 7.00 Heartbeat Old 7.00 The Chase
7.30 The Big Bang The Sky James Crawford Railway Journeys Video Game Release. Scores: An ex-convict Celebrity Special With
Theory Sheldon begins his journey with 7.30 Fred Dibnah’s 7.30 Superstore becomes the target of a Jo Whiley, Jake Canuso, 7
feels threatened by a Scotland’s lost canal just Magnificent Safety Training. hate campaign. Georgia Taylor and
teenage prodigy. outside Glasgow. Monuments Marcus Brigstocke.

8.00 Celebrity Coach 8.00 Secret Body Two 8.00 New Zealand: 8.00 Bob’s Burgers 8.00 Endeavour 8.00 The Car Years
Trip As the coach more people try to lose Earth’s Mythical Islands Sliding Bobs. Deguello: The detective 1978: Cars from 1978.
pulls into Portimao in weight over the course of The creatures that endure 8.30 Bob’s Burgers The discovers a web of 8.30 The Car Years 8
Portugal, two famous 12 weeks. in some of New Zealand’s Land Ship: Tina decides to rivalries with a connection 1986: Cars from 1986.
faces hop aboard. wildest locales. do some minor vandalism. to the Holocaust.

9.00 Celebs Go Dating 9.00 The Nine The latest 9.00 My Family, The 9.00 The Cabins 9.00 Ronin
The agency is rocked Scottish, UK and Holocaust & Me With A kite-flying date ends in A team of
by a new arrival. international news. Robert Rinder tears for one couple. mercenaries is 9
hired to steal a briefcase
from a gang of criminals,
but one of the group
10.00 Celebrity 10.00 Kevin Bridges: 10.00 My Family, The 10.00 Family Guy When 10.00 Foyle’s War The betrays the others.
Gogglebox Shows under What’s The Story? Holocaust & Me With You Wish Upon A Funk Hole: Foyle is Action thriller, starring
scrutiny include Love Scotland. Robert Rinder Weinstein: Peter tries to arrested. Robert De Niro and 10
Island and Nigella: 10.30 Scotland The convert Chris to Judaism. Jean Reno. (Cert 15, 116
At My Table. Rave The rave scene. 10.30 Family Guy mins. 1998) ))))

11.05 Gogglebox Shows 11.30-12.00 Scoobs 11.00 The Diary Of 11.00 Family Guy 11.30 Smokey
from October 2017, And The Rave Years MC Anne Frank Emission Impossible. And The Bandit
including The X Factor and Stuart Cochrane recalls 11.30 The Diary Of 11.30 American Dad! II Comedy, starring 11
The Ganges with Sue Scotland’s rave scene of Anne Frank Downtown. Burt Reynolds. (Cert PG,
Perkins. the 1980s and 1990s. Last in the series. 96 mins. 1980) ))
12.10 AM Naked Attraction 12.00 AM Art Of France 1.00 12.00 AM American Dad! 12.10 AM The Royal 1.15 The 1.30 AM Minder 2.25 The
1.15 Celebs Go Dating 2.15 Great British Railway 12.25 Bob’s Burgers 12.55 Royal 2.15 Unwind With ITV Protectors 2.55 Unwind With
Below Deck: Mediterranean Journeys 1.30 Fred Dibnah’s Bob’s Burgers 1.25 2.30-6.00 Teleshopping ITV 3.00-6.00 Teleshopping
3.10 Celebrity Coach Trip Magnificent Monuments 2.00 Superstore 1.50 Superstore
4.05 Don’t Tell The Bride New Zealand: Earth’s 2.20 Hey Tracey! 3.00 Totally
5.00 How I Met Your Mother Mythical Islands 3.00-4.00 Bonkers Guinness World
5.25-6.00 How I Met Your My Family, The Holocaust & Records 3.25 Unwind With
Mother Me With Robert Rinder ITV 3.30-6.00 Teleshopping

More4 Film4 5USA 5STAR Challenge ITVBe

8.55 AM Kirstie’s Handmade 11.00 AM FILM The Long 6.00 AM Teleshopping 9.00 6.00 AM Teleshopping 8.00 6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.00 7.00 AM The Real
Treasures 9.15 A Place In The Memory (Cert PG, 96 mins. Murder, She Wrote 10.00 Criminals: Caught On Camera The Chase 10.00 Play Your Housewives Of Cheshire 8.00
Sun 11.05 Find It, Fix It, Flog 1952, B/W) )) 12.55 PM NCIS 11.00 NCIS 12.00 PM 8.25 Rich Kids Go Skint 9.15 Cards Right 11.00 Bruce’s Buying And Selling 9.00
It 12.05 PM Find It, Fix It, Flog FILM Dark Command (Cert Law & Order 1.00 Grey’s Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly Price Is Right 12.00 PM LittleBe 12.00 PM Best Cake
It 1.05 Building The Dream U, 89 mins. 1940, B/W) )) Anatomy 2.00 Grey’s 10.15 Judge Judy 12.00 PM Wheel Of Fortune 12.30 Wins 12.30 The Real
2.10 Four In A Bed 2.40 Four 2.50 FILM Man Of The West Anatomy 2.55 Entertainment Traffic Cops 1.00 Traffic Cops Wheel Of Fortune 1.00 Housewives Of Atlanta 1.25
In A Bed 3.15 Four In A Bed (Cert 12, 95 mins. 1958) News On 5 3.00 Law & Order 2.00 Police Interceptors 3.00 Catchphrase 1.30 The Real Housewives Of
3.50 Four In A Bed 4.20 Four )))) 4.55 FILM Dead 4.00 Law & Order 5.00 Law & Police Interceptors 4.00 Catchphrase 2.00 Family Cheshire 2.25 The Only Way
In A Bed 4.55 Find It, Fix It, Reckoning (Cert U, 96 mins. Order 5.55 Entertainment Police Interceptors 5.00 Fortunes 2.30 Family Is Essex 3.10 Little Women:
Flog It 5.55 Find It, Fix It, Flog 1947, B/W) )))) 7.00 News On 5 6.00 NCIS 7.00 Filthy House SOS 6.00 Home Fortunes 3.00 Bruce’s Price Is LA 4.05 The Real Housewives
It 6.55 Escape To The FILM Eye In The Sky (Cert 15, NCIS 8.00 NCIS 9.00 And Away 6.30 Home And Right 3.30 Bruce’s Price Is Of New York City 5.00 The
Chateau 7.55 Grand Designs 112 mins. 2015) ))))) Crossing Lines The Velvet Away 7.00 10 Years Younger Right 4.00 Play Your Cards Real Housewives Of New
9.00 The Great British Dig: 9.00 FILM Concrete Plans Glove. 10.00 Law & Order: In 10 Days 8.00 Ambulance: Right 4.30 Play Your Cards Jersey 6.00 Making It Home
History In Your Back Garden Premiere. Thriller, starring Special Victims Unit Gone. Code Red 9.00 Casualty Right 5.00 Bullseye 5.30 With Kortney & Kenny 7.00
Vanished Buildings Of Amber Rose Revah. (Cert 15, 11.00 Law & Order: Special 24/7: Every Second Counts Bullseye 6.00 Tenable 7.00 Buying And Selling Aubrey
Beningbrough Hall. 10.00 91 mins. 2020) ))) 10.50 Victims Unit Class. 12.00 AM 10.00 999: Critical Condition Pointless 8.00 The Chase And Jonathan. 8.00 Dinner
Bismarck: 24 Hours To Doom FILM Shallow Grave Thriller, Law & Order: Special Victims 11.00 A&E After Dark 9.00 The Chase 10.00 The Date Nick. 9.00 Botched
11.05 24 Hours In A&E starring Ewan McGregor. Unit 12.55 Law & Order: 12.05 AM Don’t Tell The Chase 11.00 Bullseye 11.30 Knuckles And Knockers.
12.05 AM Emergency (Cert 18, 88 mins. 1994) Special Victims Unit 1.55 Law Doctor 1.05 Skin A&E 2.05 Bullseye 12.00 AM The 10.00 Botched Vagina Bomb!
Helicopter Medics 1.05 The ))))) 12.40 AM FILM & Order: Criminal Intent 2.50 Judge Judy 2.35 Judge Judy Chase 1.00 The Chase 2.00 11.00 The Real Housewives
Great British Dig: History In Straightheads (Cert 18, 79 Law & Order: Criminal Intent 3.05 Judge Judy 3.25 Judge The Chase 3.00 The Chase Of Jersey Sass In The City.
Your Back Garden 2.10 24 mins. 2007) )) 2.20-4.00 3.35 999: Criminals Caught Judy 3.50 Entertainment 4.00 Wheel Of Fortune 4.30 12.00 AM The Only Way Is
Hours In A&E 3.15-3.45 Food FILM Pi (Cert 15, 80 mins. On Camera 4.00-6.00 News On 5 4.00-6.00 Wheel Of Fortune 5.00 Essex 12.45 Unwind With ITV
Unwrapped 1998, B/W) )))) Teleshopping Teleshopping Bullseye 5.30-6.00 Bullseye 1.00-7.00 Teleshopping
lnsideSoap 83
6.00 AM Breakfast (S) 9.15 Morning Live
(S) 10.00 Rip Off Britain: Holidays (S)
10.45 The Moment Of Proof The
Allotment Shooting. (S) 11.15 Homes
Under The Hammer (S) 12.15 PM
Bargain Hunt Kingston 13: Two teams
test their antiques knowledge in Kingston
upon Thames. (R/S) 1.00 BBC News/
Weather (S) 1.30 Regional News (S) 1.45
Doctors Silent But Deadly. (S) 2.15 Father
Brown The Wisdom Of The Fool: The
sleuthing priest visits a jesters’ convention.
(R/S) 3.00 Escape To The Country
Shropshire: A couple looking for a home in
Shropshire. (R/S) 3.45 The Farmers’
Country Showdown Shipbourne Farmers’
Market: Local food purveyors attend
Shipbourne Farmers’ Market. (S) 4.30
Antiques Road Trip (S) 5.15 Pointless
Quiz, hosted by Alexander Armstrong,
with Richard Osman. (R/S)

Firing line

6.00 BBC News/Weather (S)

6.30 Regional News (S)
THE APPRENTICE What do you think the
BBC1 9PM candidates will take
away from the show?
Hello, Lord Sugar! Are Mistakes occur, and right
there any candidates the way through the 12 7.00 The One Show Alex Jones
who have surprised you episodes, you see how co-hosts the live magazine show. (S)
7.30 EastEnders
during the process? quickly they learn. The Chelsea has to think on
Well, as I often say, the beauty of the programme is her feet. Stuart warns Sonia to keep
First aide: Series one winner
initial reaction to some to watch them pick up how Tim Campbell is on board away from him. Jay takes pleasure in
of the candidates is, to deal with things properly. getting his revenge. (S)
“How useless is that one?” fall for the same traps. But
But every single year, the After 16 series, would as I said, they learn quickly,
8.00 Dragons’ Den Entrepreneurs
cream rises to the top. you expect them to be and that’s a good sign for pitch activity-packed weekend
more switched on about me. I have no problem with breaks for adults, vegan handbags
The oldest candidate the tasks they’ll face? people who are a bit naive with an X-rated twist, a home delivery
this year is 48. Is being Well, that’s a very good or inexperienced: none app for shoppers and a range of
an entrepreneur a point. So many times they whatsoever. What I do have homemade soups and stews. (S)
young person’s game? a problem with is people
No, not at all. We’re very who don’t pick things up.
fair in our candidate 9.00 The Apprentice
selection. People are Do you think you’ll ever Non-Alcoholic Drinks:
there because they stop doing the show? Lord Sugar tasks his
are entitled to be, I’ve already worked out candidates with creating
because they have and branding a new
the final task of a future
non-alcoholic drink. (S)
the right kind of series is to arrange
acumen. People my funeral! No, I’m not
often ask me how

going anywhere – I can 10.00 BBC News (S)

I’d do as a candidate. You spin me round: 10.25 Regional News/Weather (S)
Karren Brady’s eyes assure you that while
The obvious answer is are still rolling from I have health and strength 10.35 Question Time Fiona Bruce
I would win – and I’m 74! that cruise logo chairs the topical debate, inviting a
in my body, I will carry on!
panel of politicians and other
guests to answer questions. (S)
REGIONALVARIATIONS BBC1 N IRELAND as Main BBC1 except: 10.35pm The View 11.15 Question Time 12.15am Newscast
12.45 The Green Planet 1.50-6.00 BBC News BBC1 SCOTLAND as Main BBC1 except: 11.15pm Bargain 11.35 Newscast Political chat,
Hunt 12.00-1.00pm First Minister’s Questions 6.55-7.00 Party Political Broadcast BBC2 N IRELAND as Main BBC2 except: 7.00-8.00pm The with Adam Fleming, Laura Kuenssberg and
Hairy Bikers Go North BBC2 WALES as Main BBC2 except: 11.15-12.15am Dark Land: The Hunt For Wales’ Worst Serial Killer ANGLIA as Main ITV
Chris Mason. (S) 12.05 AM The
except: 10.45-11.10pm Anglia Late Edition CENTRAL as Main ITV except: 10.45-11.10pm Central Lobby GRANADA as Main ITV except: 10.45-
11.10pm The Granada Debate MERIDIAN as Main ITV except: 10.45-11.10pm The Last Word STV as Main ITV except: 6.25-6.30pm Party Green Planet Water Worlds: David
Political Broadcast 7.30-8.00 Scotland Tonight 10.45-11.10 Buy Now, Pay Later? Tonight 11.40 The John Bishop Show 12.15-3.00am Shop: Ideal Attenborough presents a guide to the world
World 3.50-5.05 Unwind With STV TYNE TEES as Main ITV except: 10.45-11.10pm Around The House UTV as Main ITV except: 7.30-8.00pm of plants that grow in water, including a
UTV Life 10.45 Buy Now, Pay Later? Tonight 11.10-11.40 Wonders Of The Border WALES as Main ITV except: 10.45-11.10pm Wonders Of The bubbling river in Brazil, where the plants
Border WEST COUNTRY as Main ITV except: 10.45-11.10pm The West Country Debate YORKSHIRE as Main ITV except: 10.45-11.10pm have created their own atmosphere. (R/S)
Last Orders 1.10-6.00 BBC News (S)

84 lnsideSoap
BBC2 ITV Channel 4 Channel 5
6.30 AM The Farmers’ Country 6.00 AM Good Morning Britain (S) 9.00 6.05 AM Countdown (R/S) 6.45 Cheers 6.00 AM Milkshake! 9.15 Jeremy Vine
Showdown Macclesfield Sheepdog Lorraine (S) 10.00 This Morning Celebrity Get Your Kicks On Route 666. (R/S) 7.10 The broadcaster discusses the issues of the
Trials. (R/S) 7.15 Antiques Road chat and lifestyle features. (S) 12.30 PM Cheers Madame LaCarla. (R/S) 7.35 day. (S) 11.15 Shoplifters & Scammers:
Trip (R/S) 8.00 Sign Zone: Shop Well For Loose Women The women put the world to Everybody Loves Raymond Six Feet At War With The Law (S) 12.15 PM 5
The Planet? Advice for a time-stretched rights once more and invite a celebrity guest Under. (R/S) 8.00 Everybody Loves News At Lunchtime (S) 12.20 Nightmare
couple in Shrewsbury. Last in the series. to chat about what they are up to. (S) 1.30 Raymond The Garage Sale. (R/S) 8.30 Tenants, Slum Landlords A woman whose
(R/S) 9.00 BBC News At 9 (S) 10.00 BBC Lunchtime News/Weather (S) 1.55 Everybody Loves Raymond The Wedding unruly tenants try to sue her after being
News (S) 12.15 PM Politics Live The Regional News/Weather (S) 2.00 – Part One. (R/S) 9.00 Frasier Farewell, served an eviction notice. (R/S) 1.15 Home
latest stories from Westminster and beyond. Dickinson’s Real Deal Buxton 2: The team Nervosa. (R/S) 9.30 Frasier The Devil And And Away Irene and John retreat from
(S) 1.00 Bowls: World Indoor sets up at the Devonshire Dome in Buxton. Dr Phil. (R/S) 10.00 Frasier Fathers And Marilyn’s odd behaviour. (S) 1.45
Championships 2022 2022 Ladies’ (S) 3.00 Lingo Quiz, hosted by Adil Ray. (S) Sons. (R/S) 10.30 Ramsay’s Kitchen Neighbours Leo’s nearest and dearest rally
Singles Final: Coverage of the World Indoor 3.59 ITV London Weather (S) 4.00 Nightmares USA Cafe Tavolini. (R/S) around to help him manage. (S) 2.15 FILM
Championships from Potters Resort in Tipping Point Ben Shephard hosts the 11.25 Channel 4 News/Weather Perfect Murderer, Perfect Husband A
Hopton-on-Sea in Norfolk, featuring the arcade-themed quiz in which contestants Summary (S) 11.30 Sun, Sea And Selling woman’s perfect life falls apart when her
ladies’ singles final and a second-round drop tokens down a choice of four Houses (R/S) 12.30 PM Steph’s Packed husband disappears on a business trip and
open singles match. (S) 5.15 Flog It! chutes in the hope of winning a £10,000 Lunch Weekday magazine show, hosted by is presumed dead. Thriller, starring Michael
Hull: In Hull, Caroline Hawley is delighted to jackpot. (S) 5.00 The Chase Bradley Walsh Steph McGovern. (S) 2.10 Countdown (S) Welch and Mary Badham. (Cert PG, 87
find a painting by local artist Steven presents as Danny, Sak, Emily and Sandra 3.00 A Place In The Sun 2022: Lazio, mins. 2019) (S) ))4.00 Watercolour
Dews, and Nick Hall is dazzled by answer general knowledge questions and Italy: Sandy and Andy seek their perfect new Challenge Peasholm Park: Fern Britton
some jewellery. Paul Martin visits the work as a team to take on one of the home in Lazio, Italy. (S) 4.00 A New Life In hosts the latest show from Peasholm Park in
Wilberforce House Museum. (R/S) Chasers and secure a cash prize. (S) The Sun (S) 5.00 Junior Bake Off (S) Scarborough. (S) 5.00 5 News At 5 (S)

9pm Andy Warhol’s America 9pm Martin Clunes: Islands… 9pm Screw 7pm Go Veggie And Vegan…

6.00 Richard Osman’s House Of 6.00 Regional News/Weather (S) 6.00 The Simpsons (R/S) 6.00 Neighbours Leo’s
Games With Jayde Adams. (R/S) 6.30 Evening News/Weather (S) 6.30 Hollyoaks Shaq nearest and dearest rally
6.30 Rick Stein’s Cornwall In confesses what he has around to help him manage. (R/S)
Newlyn, Rick meets two chefs who been hiding to Misbah, and later he 6.30 Winter Road Rescue
cook mackerel to perfection. (S) makes a rash decision. (R/S) Following snowplough teams. (S)

7.00 Hairy Bikers: Route 66 Dave 7.00 Emmerdale 7.00 Channel 4 News (S) 7.00 Go Veggie And Vegan With
Myers and Si King embark on a Al offers Kerry and Kyle a Matt Tebbutt The chef creates a
journey along the famous American lift, while Cain and Mackenzie vegan spinach and ricotta cannelloni,
road, learning about Chicago’s head to meet Gavin. (S) using oat milk for the bechamel and
meatpacking industry and cooking 7.30 Buy Now, Pay Later? a flavour-packed easy tomato sauce
with the Amish community. (R/S) Tonight Chris Choi examines made in the oven. (S)
the rise of Buy Now, Pay Later
payment companies. (S)

8.00 Winterwatch In Northern 8.00 Emmerdale Al 8.00 The Dog House Eighty-five- 8.00 Our Great Yorkshire Life
Ireland, Megan McCubbin gets a rare makes a promise. A year-old Pim admires stubborn Christa Ackroyd enjoys a behind-the-
view inside an egret roost after playdate is suggested. (S) beagle Dexter, while chihuahuas scenes invite to York Minster, and
dark, and on the Isle of Mull, Iolo 8.30 The Martin Lewis Money Bear and Dave try to convince keyboard-player Howard Beaumont
Williams is banking on some hungry Show: Live Tips on getting through seven-year-old husky-fan Ollie that prepares for his latest performance
winter dinner guests. (S) one of the toughest financial two little dogs are better than one. (S) at Scarborough Spa’s Sun Court. (S)
months of the year. (S)

9.00 Andy Warhol’s America Life 9.00 Martin Clunes: Islands Of 9.00 Screw Ali reminds Leigh how 9.00 999: Critical Condition
After Death: The final episode The Pacific South West Pacific: In big a difference she and her team Trauma specialist Dr Richard
examines the life of a more cautious Vanuatu, Martin climbs an active can make to the lives of the Fawcett treats Cara, a woman who
Warhol, a man obsessed with money volcano and meets a tribe who inmates – and just how badly she fell 50 metres down a waterfall, and
and security. Last in the series. (S) worship Prince Philip. In Tonga, the needs to stay on C Wing. Nina must also investigate hidden
presenter meets a third gender Sosanya and Faraz Ayub star. (S) internal injuries. (S)
leiti and a princess. (S)

10.00 The Apprentice: You’re 10.00 ITV News/Weather (S) 10.00 First Dates Bristol-based 10.00 A&E After Dark Two people
Fired Non-Alcoholic Drinks: 10.30 Regional News/Weather (S) Becky seeks a man who will accept arrive after jumping from an upstairs
Tom Allen interviews the latest 10.45 The Late Debate News and her and her snake. It remains to be window during a house fire and
rejected candidate. (S) events at Westminster. (S) seen whether leather-clad Lee from consultant Andy must manage their
10.30 Newsnight (S) London is the open-minded guy care and ensure Resus runs
she’s looking for. (S) smoothly as other cases arrive. (R/S)

11.15 Why Ships Crash The inside story of 11.10 The Jonathan Ross Show: 11.05 999: What’s Your Emergency? 11.05 Police Code Zero: Officer Under
the Ever Given accident. (R/S) 12.15 AM Special Guests (R/S) 11.40 All Elite Emergency services in South Yorkshire face Attack (R/S) 12.05 AM Criminals: Caught
Sign Zone: The Hunt For Bible John Wrestling: Rampage Hard-hitting, a difficult night. (R/S) 12.10 AM 24 Hours On Camera (R/S) 1.00 The Live
(R/S) 1.15 Sign Zone: The Hunt For high-flying wrestling action with many of In A&E (R/S) 1.05 Geordie Hospital (R/S) Casino Show (S) 3.00 Entertainment
Bible John (R/S) 2.15 Sign Zone: Take A AEW’s biggest stars. (S) 12.30 AM Shop: 2.00 Screw (R/S) 2.50 Couples Come News On 5 (S) 3.05 Nightmare Tenants,
Hike Scotland – Tony. (R/S) 2.45 Sign Ideal World 3.00 Buy Now, Pay Later? Dine With Me (R/S) 3.45 Don’t Diet, Lose Slum Landlords (R/S) 3.55 OMG! My
Zone: The Moment Of Proof The Bank Tonight (R/S) 3.25 A Year In The Weight (R/S) 4.35 Food Unwrapped (R/S) Midlife Plastic Crisis (R/S) 4.45 Wildlife
Robber Caught Red Handed. (R/S) Beacons (R/S) 3.50 Unwind With ITV 5.05 Mend It For Money (R/S) 5.55-6.05 SOS (R/S) 5.10 House Busters (R/S)
3.15-6.30 This Is BBC Two (S) 5.05-6.00 Tipping Point (R/S) Escape To The Chateau (S) 5.35-6.00 House Doctor (R/S)

lnsideSoap 85
Sky Showcase Sky Atlantic W Alibi Gold Drama
6.00 AM The Early 6.00 AM The Guest Wing 6.10 AM MasterChef 6.00 AM Teleshopping 6.00 AM Teleshopping FREEVIEW 20
Rundown 7.00 Kay Burley 7.00 CSI: Crime Scene Australia 8.00 Tipping 7.10 Murdoch Mysteries 7.30 Keeping Up 6.00 AM Teleshopping
7.30 Kay Burley 8.00 Investigation The Panty Point 9.00 Tipping 8.00 Murdoch Mysteries Appearances 8.00 Are 7.40 A Place To Call
Orangutan Jungle School Sniffer. 8.00 Six Feet Point 10.00 The Bill Leap 9.00 Miss Fisher’s You Being Served? 8.40 Home 8.35 The Bill 9.35
9.00 Nothing To Declare Under I’ll Take You. 9.05 Six Of Faith – Part Two. 11.00 Murder Mysteries 10.00 Porridge 9.20 Last Of The Classic Holby City 10.55
9.30 Nothing To Declare Feet Under The Last Time. Inside The Ambulance Major Crimes 11.00 Summer Wine 10.40 Classic Casualty
10.00 The Flash 11.00 10.15 The Wire Port In A 12.00 PM Inside The Rizzoli & Isles The Beast In Keeping Up Appearances 12.00 PM The Bill Out And
NCIS: New Orleans Storm. 11.20 The Wire Ambulance 1.00 Tipping Me. 12.00 PM Hudson & 11.20 Dad’s Army About. 1.00 Classic
12.00 PM NCIS: New Time After Time. 12.30 PM Point 2.00 Tipping Rex Trial And Error. 1.00 12.00 PM Are You Being EastEnders 2.20 Tenko
Orleans 1.00 Hawaii Five- Game Of Thrones 1.35 In Point 3.00 Tipping Point Murdoch Mysteries Served? 12.40 Porridge 3.20 All Creatures Great
0 2.00 MacGyver 3.00 Treatment 2.15 In 4.00 My Dream Home Kommando. 2.00 Murdoch 1.20 Gavin & Stacey 2.00 And Small The Playing Field.
Modern Family 3.30 Treatment Sophie – Week Carolyn And Gerald. 5.00 My Mysteries Buffalo Shuffle. Miranda 2.40 Keeping Up 4.20 Peak Practice Last
Modern Family 4.00 The Nine. 2.55 In Treatment Dream Home Johanna And 3.00 Murdoch Mysteries Appearances 3.20 Last Orders. 5.20 Keeping Up
Office (US) 4.30 The 3.30 Six Feet Under Sean. 6.00 Property Downstairs, Upstairs. 4.00 Of The Summer Wine Appearances The Toy Store.
Office (US) 5.00 The Perfect Circles. 4.40 Six Brothers: Forever The Good Wife Discovery. 4.00 Last Of The Summer 6.00 Are You Being
Simpsons 5.30 The Fresh Feet Under You Never Homes Jen And Alex. Jen 5.00 Major Crimes Wine 4.40 Porridge 5.20 Served? Up Captain
Prince Of Bel-Air 6.00 Know. 5.45 The Wire All and Alex’s 1940s LA home is Cheaters Never Prosper. 6.00 Keeping Up Appearances Peacock. 6.40 Last Of The
The Fresh Prince Of Bel- Due Respect. 6.50 The Wire no longer functioning for Hudson & Rex The 6.00 Are You Being Summer Wine Downhill
Air 6.30 The Simpsons Dead Soldiers. the growing family. Mourning Show. Served? 6.35 Dad’s Army Racer.

7.00 The Simpsons 7.55 Game Of Thrones 7.00 Extreme Food 7.00 Rizzoli & Isles The 7.20 Dad’s Army 7.20 Last Of The
Summer Of 4ft 2. Garden Of Bones: Tyrion Phobics A groom-to-be Beast In Me: Jane and Room At The Bottom: Summer Wine
7.30 The Simpsons Lost struggles to find a way to can’t eat the same Maura are led to Boston’s Captain Mainwaring The Day Of The Welsh
Verizon: Bart steals a curb Joffrey’s excesses. food as the guests Irish mafia. discovers he is not a Ferret: Compo
mobile phone. at his own wedding. commissioned officer. encounters a ferret.

8.00 A League Of Their 8.00 Inside The 8.00 Father Brown 8.00 Gavin & Stacey 8.00 Jonathan Creek
Own Road Trip: Loch Ambulance: Coast And The Kembleford Boggart: 8.40 Miranda The Dinner The Reconstituted Corpse:
Ness To London Country Paramedics The father of a writer is Party: The shop owner’s A successful plastic
attend a man with a found dead. friends accuse her of surgeon is murdered.
mechanical heart valve. being immature.

9.00 And Just Like 9.00 Yellowjackets Sic 9.00 Nurses Down 9.00 Shakespeare & 9.20 Mrs Brown’s Boys 9.20 New Tricks Tender
That Sex and the City Transit Gloria Mundi: Under Father-of-three Hathaway – Private Mammy’s Inflation: Cathy Loving Care: The team
revival, starring Sarah Drama, starring Juliette Chris undergoes Investigators Teach Me, goes to extreme lengths to investigates the murder of
Jessica Parker. Lewis and Christina Ricci. high risk brain surgery. Dear Creature. impress her boyfriend. a junior doctor.
9.55 Russell Howard
Live: Dingledodies
A performance by the 10.05 Euphoria 10.00 999 Rescue 10.00 Death In 10.00 Mrs Brown’s 10.20 New Tricks Deep
comedian at the Coming-of-age drama, Squad There’s a serious Paradise The Perfect Boys Mammy’s Break. Swimming: The team
Brighton Dome. starring Zendaya. crash in the fog and the Murder: A volleyball 10.40 Not Going Out reopens the investigation
team battle to free a player is murdered. Dancing. into a terrorist’s death.
trucker trapped in his cab.

11.10 A Discovery Of 11.10 Billions The New 11.00 Inside The 11.00 The Good Wife 11.20 Peep Show The 11.20 Taggart Knife
Witches Diana and Decas: Chuck and Wendy Operating Theatre A KSR: Alicia defends a William Morris Years: Mark Edge: Livingstone and
Matthew are shocked navigate a new normal. woman has an operation doctor facing criminal has a new flatmate and Taggart investigate after
by the reappearance of to repair the hernia she charges for rape fantasies. has landed a job in a bank. the discovery of a
Jack Blackfriars. suffered while giving birth. 11.55 Peep Show woman’s severed leg.
12.10 AM Road Wars 1.10 12.15 AM Billions 1.20 In 12.00 AM One Born Every 12.00 AM Briarpatch 1.00 12.30 AM Marley’s Ghosts 2.30 AM Keeping Up
The Force: Manchester 2.05 Treatment 2.00 Der Pass Minute 1.00 Inside The Hudson & Rex 1.55 Copper 1.05 The Rebel 1.40 Peep Appearances 3.00 Where
Brit Cops: Rapid Response 3.05 Der Pass 4.10 Storm Ambulance: Coast And 2.45 Copper 4.00-6.00 Show 2.15 Peep Show 2.40 The Heart Is 4.00-6.00
3.00 Hawaii Five-0 4.00 City 5.05-6.00 Richard E Country 2.00 One Born Every Teleshopping Bridget & Eamon 3.10 Teleshopping
MacGyver 5.00 The Early Grant’s Hotel Secrets Minute 3.00-6.10 Bridget & Eamon Christmas
Rundown 5.30-6.00 The Teleshopping Special 4.00-6.00
Early Rundown Teleshopping

Sky Witness Sky Crime Sky Docs Sky Arts Dave Yesterday
6.00 AM Nothing To Declare 6.00 AM Road Wars 7.00 6.00 AM Memory Box: FREEVIEW 11 FREEVIEW 19 FREEVIEW 26
8.00 Border Patrol 8.30 Motorway Patrol 8.00 Border Echoes Of 9/11 8.00 Positive 6.00 AM Tales Of Offenbach 6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.10 6.00 AM Impossible
Border Patrol 9.00 Send In Security: Canada’s Front Line 9.00 Discovering: Clint 7.15 La Dolce Vita: The Music Eddie Eats America 7.35 Engineering 8.00 Forbidden
The Dogs 10.00 Law & Order 9.00 Nothing To Declare Eastwood 10.00 The Of Italian Cinema 9.00 Tales Of Border Interceptors 8.00 History 9.00 Abandoned
11.00 CSI: Crime Scene 10.00 Road Wars 11.00 Killer Directors 11.00 Rock And The Unexpected 10.00 Timber Kings 9.00 Storage Engineering 11.00 Fred
Investigation 12.00 PM Colleagues 12.00 PM Roll 12.10 PM First Ladies Discovering: Yul Brynner Hunters UK 10.00 American Dibnah’s Railway Collection
Grey’s Anatomy 1.00 Blue Britain’s Most Evil Killers 1.00 1.00 Escobar By Escobar 11.00 Voices Of Ireland Pickers 11.00 Secrets Of The 12.00 PM Great British
Bloods 2.00 Blue Bloods Murders That Shocked The 2.00 Pantani: The Accidental 12.00 PM Frida Kahlo 1.00 Supercars 12.00 PM Top Railway Journeys 1.30 Great
3.00 Air Ambulance ER 4.00 Nation 2.00 Killer In My Death Of A Cyclist 4.00 Tales Of The Unexpected 2.00 Gear 1.00 Border Force: British Railway Journeys 2.00
Stop, Search, Seize 5.00 Village 3.00 World’s Most Evil Discovering: Clint Eastwood Discovering: Claude Rains America’s Gatekeepers 2.00 Abandoned Engineering 3.00
Nothing To Declare 5.30 Killers 4.00 How I Caught The 5.00 The Directors 6.00 Rock 3.00 Manet From The Royal Expedition With Steve Abandoned Engineering 4.00
Nothing To Declare 6.00 Killer 5.00 Forensics: And Roll 7.10 First Ladies Academy Of Arts, London Backshall 3.00 Rick Stein’s WW2 – Frontlines 5.00 The
Nothing To Declare 6.30 Catching The Killer 6.00 Nancy Reagan. 8.00 Escobar 4.00 Patti Smith: Music Icons Long Weekends 4.00 Top World At War 6.00 Fred
Nothing To Declare 7.00 World’s Most Evil Killers 7.00 By Escobar 9.00 FILM In The 4.30 Video Killed The Radio Gear 5.00 Rick Stein’s Long Dibnah’s Railway Collection
Nothing To Declare 7.30 Killer In My Village 8.00 Same Breath (Cert PG, 95 Star 5.00 Tales Of The Weekends 6.00 Taskmaster 6.30 Fred Dibnah’s Railway
Nothing To Declare 8.00 Blue Britain’s Most Evil Killers 9.00 mins. 2021) ))))11.00 Unexpected 6.00 Discovering: 7.00 Whose Line Is It Collection 7.00 The
Bloods 9.00 The Rookie How I Caught The Killer 10.00 FILM The Kingmaker (Cert Janet Leigh 7.00 Landscape Anyway? USA 8.00 Travel Architecture The Railways
10.00 Blue Bloods 11.00 Snapped 11.00 Britain’s Most 15, 101 mins. 2019) )))) Artist Of The Year 2022 8.00 Man: 48 Hours In Copenhagen Built 8.00 Bangers And Cash
Law & Order: Special Victims Evil Killers 12.00 AM World’s 1.00 AM FILM Battle Of The Discovering: Emma Thompson 8.30 Travel Man: 48 Hours In 9.00 Bangers And Cash
Unit 12.00 AM Chicago Med Most Evil Killers 1.00 How I Sexes (Cert PG, 80 mins. 9.00 Bob Dylan: The Other Moscow 9.00 QI XL 10.00 10.00 Train Truckers 11.00
1.00 Chicago Fire 2.00 Caught The Killer 2.00 2013) )))2.30 PL Legends: Side Of The Mirror 10.35 Live At The Apollo 11.00 Bangers And Cash 12.00 AM
Chicago PD 3.00 CSI: Crime Snapped 3.00 Murders That Gianfranco Zola 3.00 The Comedy Legends 11.35 The Taskmaster 12.00 AM Mock Abandoned Engineering 1.00
Scene Investigation 4.00 Shocked The Nation 4.00 Brit Directors 4.00 Discovering: British Invasion 12.35 AM The The Week 12.40 QI XL 1.40 Impossible Engineering 2.00
Road Wars 5.00-6.00 Brit Cops: Frontline Crime UK Clint Eastwood 5.00-6.00 Great Songwriters 1.35-2.00 Live At The Apollo 2.30-3.30 Impossible Engineering 3.00-
Cops: Law & Disorder 5.00-6.00 Motorway Patrol Positive Patti Smith: Music Icons Whose Line Is It Anyway? USA 6.00 Teleshopping
86 lnsideSoap
6.00 AM Hollyoaks 7.00 6.00 AM Love Bites 7.00 6.00 AM Classic 6.00 AM Great
Celebrity Coach Trip 8.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Coronation Street 7.00 Racehorses 6.20 The
Junior Bake Off 9.00 How Show 8.00 You’ve Been Classic Emmerdale 8.05 Saint 7.10 The
I Met Your Mother 10.00 Framed! Gold 8.30 You’ve On The Buses What The Adventures Of Sherlock
The Big Bang Theory Been Framed! Gold 9.00 Stars Foretell. 8.35 On The Holmes 8.05 The
11.00 The Goldbergs The Cabins 10.00 Dress Buses The Allowance. 9.05 Avengers 9.15 The
12.00 PM Brooklyn Nine- To Impress Josh. 11.00 The Royal Consequences. Sweeney 10.20 Minder
Nine 1.00 The Big Bang Love Bites 12.00 PM 10.15 The Royal Poison. 11.30 The Saint Escape
Theory 2.30 The Big Bang Supermarket Sweep 1.00 11.20 Heartbeat C’est La Route. 12.35 PM Fishing
Theory 3.00 The Tipping Point: Lucky Vie. 12.25 PM Heartbeat Allstars 1.35 The
Goldbergs 3.30 The Stars 2.00 Family Old Scores. 1.30 Classic Adventures Of Sherlock
Goldbergs 4.00 Brooklyn Juliette Lewis stars in the survival drama Fortunes Russell Vs Davies. Emmerdale 2.30 Classic Holmes The Greek
Nine-Nine 4.30 Brooklyn 3.00 The Ellen Coronation Street 3.05 Interpreter. 2.40 The
Nine-Nine 5.00 The Big
Yellowjackets 9pm Sky Atlantic DeGeneres Show 4.00 Classic Coronation Street Avengers Who Was That
Bang Theory 5.30 The Big The Cabins 5.00 You’ve 3.40 Wycliffe All For Love. Man I Saw You With? 3.50
Bang Theory 6.00 The Big
Bang Theory 6.30 The Big BBC Scotland BBC Four Been Framed! Gold 6.00
Celebrity Catchphrase
4.45 Wycliffe The Trojan
Horse. 6.00 Heartbeat
The Sweeney Thou Shalt
Not Kill. 4.55 Minder 6.00
Bang Theory FREEVIEW 9 (SCOTLAND) FREEVIEW 9 With Charlotte Church. Intelligence Matters. Fishing Allstars

7.00 Hollyoaks 7.00 PM The Seven 7.00 PM Great British 7.00 Superstore 7.00 Heartbeat 7.00 The Chase
7.30 The Big Bang National, UK-wide and Railway Journeys Amnesty: Garrett and Please, Please Me: Rosie Celebrity Special With
Theory The Bat Jar international news. 7.30 Fred Dibnah’s Cheyenne take advantage receives unwelcome Greg Rutherford, 7
Conjecture. 7.30 Sportscene: Magnificent of an employee amnesty. attention from an admirer. Matthew Wolfenden and
Scottish Cup Live Monuments 7.30 Superstore Target. Chris Kamara.
20/01/2022: Hibernian v
8.00 Celebrity Coach Cove Rangers (Kick-off 8.00 Paint Your 8.00 Bob’s Burgers 8.00 Vera Dark Angel: 8.00 Apollo 13
Trip A morning of fun at a 7.45pm). Coverage of the Wagon A gold The Hauntening. The detective investigates Fact-based drama
water park ends fourth-round match at prospector buys a 8.30 Bob’s Burgers Newcastle’s drug about the efforts to 8
dramatically for one Easter Road, as the hosts wife from a Mormon and Gayle Makin’ Bob Sled. underworld. return the crew of the
tourist. welcome the League One shares her with his pal. Apollo 13 lunar mission
leaders. Comic musical Western, safely to Earth after an
9.00 Celebs Go Dating starring Lee Marvin, Clint 9.00 The Cabins One on-board explosion.
Ulrika Jonsson is among Eastwood and Jean couple find their Starring Tom Hanks, Kevin
the stars taking part. Seberg. (Cert PG, 148 differences hard to Bacon and Bill Paxton. 9
mins. 1969) )))) overcome. (Cert PG, 140 mins. 1995)

10.00 Celebrity 10.00 Scot Squad 10.30 Wagon 10.00 Family Guy Blind 10.00 Foyle’s War The 10.50 Against The
Gogglebox Offerings 10.30 The Karen Master Western, Ambition: Peter decides French Drop: Foyle is Odds Kasper Schmeichel
including Countdown, Dunbar Show Comedy, starring Ben he needs to achieve fame. drawn into the world of – Keeping The Faith: A 10
Titanic, First Dates and starring Karen Dunbar. Johnson. (Cert PG, 85 10.30 Family Guy espionage. look at the career of
Serengeti are appraised. mins. 1950, B/W) )))) Don’t Make Me Over. Kasper Schmeichel.

11.05 Gogglebox The 11.00 Scotland’s Home 11.50 How The Wild 11.00 Family Guy 11.50 Death
households’ opinions on Of The Year West Was Won With To Love And Die In Dixie. Wish IV: The
TV from November 2017. 11.30-12.00 Mirror Ray Mears Great Plains: 11.30 American Dad! Crackdown Thriller, 11
Mirror Weddings, Fry- The adventurer explores Cheek To Cheek: A with Charles Bronson. (Cert
Ups, Money And Tradition. the Great Plains. Stripper’s Story. 18, 95 mins. 1987) ))
12.10 AM Naked Attraction 12.50 AM Handmade In 12.00 AM American Dad! 12.05 AM The Royal 1.10 The 1.55 AM Minder 2.45 Unwind
1.15 Rick And Morty 1.50 Africa 1.20 Great British 12.25 Bob’s Burgers 12.55 Royal 2.10-6.00 Unwind With With ITV 3.00-6.00
Smiling Friends 2.05 Smiling Railway Journeys 1.50 Fred Bob’s Burgers 1.25 ITV Teleshopping
Friends 2.20 Celebs Go Dibnah’s Magnificent Superstore 1.55 Superstore
Dating 3.15 Celebrity Coach Monuments 2.20-3.20 My 2.20 The Stand Up Sketch
Trip 4.10 Don’t Tell The Bride Family, The Holocaust & Me Show 2.50 The Stand Up
5.05 How I Met Your Mother With Robert Rinder Sketch Show 3.15 Unwind
5.30-6.00 How I Met Your With ITV 3.30-6.00
Mother Teleshopping

More4 Film4 5USA 5STAR Challenge ITVBe

8.55 AM Kirstie’s Handmade 11.00 AM FILM The Gentle 6.00 AM Teleshopping 9.00 6.00 AM Teleshopping 8.00 6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.00 7.00 AM The Real
Treasures 9.15 A Place In The Sex (Cert U, 92 mins. 1943, Murder, She Wrote 10.00 999: Criminals Caught On The Chase 10.00 Play Your Housewives Of Cheshire 8.00
Sun 10.05 A Place In The Sun B/W) ))) 12.50 PM FILM NCIS 11.00 NCIS 12.00 PM Camera 8.25 Rich Kids Go Cards Right 11.00 Bruce’s Buying And Selling 9.00
11.05 Find It, Fix It, Flog It The Red Pony (Cert U, 89 Law & Order 1.00 Grey’s Skint 9.15 Dogs Behaving Price Is Right 12.00 PM LittleBe 12.00 PM Best Cake
12.05 PM Find It, Fix It, Flog It mins. 1949) )) 2.40 FILM Anatomy 2.00 Grey’s (Very) Badly 10.15 Judge Wheel Of Fortune 12.30 Wins 12.30 The Real
1.05 Building The Dream Carry On Sergeant (Cert U, 80 Anatomy 2.55 Entertainment Judy 12.00 PM Traffic Cops Wheel Of Fortune 1.00 Housewives Of Atlanta 1.25
2.10 Four In A Bed 2.40 mins. 1958, B/W) ))) 4.25 News On 5 3.00 Law & Order 2.00 Police Interceptors 4.00 Catchphrase 1.30 The Real Housewives Of
Four In A Bed 3.15 Four In A FILM The Pink Panther Crime 4.00 Law & Order 5.00 Police Interceptors 5.00 Filthy Catchphrase 2.00 Family Cheshire 2.25 The Only Way
Bed 3.50 Four In A Bed comedy, starring Peter Sellers Law & Order 6.00 NCIS 7.00 House SOS 6.00 Home And Fortunes 2.30 Family Is Essex 3.10 Little Women:
4.20 Four In A Bed 4.55 Find and David Niven. (Cert PG, NCIS 8.00 NCIS 9.00 Law & Away 6.30 Home And Away Fortunes 3.00 Bruce’s Price Is LA 4.05 The Real Housewives
It, Fix It, Flog It 5.55 Find It, 111 mins. 1963) )))) 6.45 Order: Special Victims Unit 7.00 Shoplifters & Scammers: Right 3.30 Bruce’s Price Is Of New York City 5.00 The
Fix It, Flog It 6.55 Escape To FILM Entrapment Crime Ballad Of Dwight And Irena. At War With The Law 8.00 Right 4.00 Play Your Cards Real Housewives Of New
The Chateau 7.55 Grand thriller, starring Sean Connery. 10.00 Law & Order: Special Bargain-Loving Brits In The Right 4.30 Play Your Cards Jersey 6.00 Making It Home
Designs Kensington Revisit, (Cert 12, 108 mins. 1999) )) Victims Unit Venom. 11.00 Sun 9.00 Nightmare Tenants, Right 5.00 Bullseye 5.30 With Kortney & Kenny 7.00
2012. 9.00 The World’s Most 9.00 FILM The Bone Law & Order: Special Victims Slum Landlords 10.00 FILM Bullseye 6.00 Tenable 7.00 Buying And Selling 8.00
Luxurious Holidays 10.00 The Collector Thriller, starring Unit Fault. 11.55 Law & GI Joe: Retaliation (Cert 12, Pointless 8.00 The Chase Dinner Date 9.00 Botched By
Billion Pound Hotel 11.05 24 Denzel Washington. (Cert 15, Order: Special Victims Unit 110 mins. 2013) )) 9.00 The Chase 10.00 The Nature 10.00 Chrisley Knows
Hours In A&E 12.05 AM 113 mins. 1999) )))) Raw. 12.55 AM Law & Order: 12.15 AM Cold Case Killers Chase 11.00 Bullseye 11.30 Best 10.30 Chrisley Knows
Emergency Helicopter Medics 11.20 FILM Wild Drama, Special Victims Unit 1.55 Law 1.15 Plastic Surgery Bullseye 12.00 AM The Best Snore Wars. 11.00
1.10 The World’s Most starring Reese Witherspoon. & Order: Criminal Intent 2.50 Knifemares 2.15 Judge Judy Chase 1.00 The Chase 2.00 Vanderpump Rules There
Luxurious Holidays 2.10 (Cert 15, 111 mins. 2014) Law & Order: Criminal Intent 2.45 Judge Judy 3.05 Judge The Chase 3.00 The Chase Goes The Neighbourhood.
George Clarke’s Amazing )))) 1.40-3.40 AM FILM 3.35 Criminals: Caught On Judy 3.25 Judge Judy 3.50 4.00 Wheel Of Fortune 4.30 11.55 The Only Way Is Essex
Spaces 3.15-3.45 Food Cypher (Cert 15, 92 mins. Camera 4.00-6.00 Entertainment News On 5 Wheel Of Fortune 5.00 12.45 AM Unwind With ITV
Unwrapped 2002) ))) Teleshopping 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping Bullseye 5.30-6.00 Bullseye 1.00-7.00 Teleshopping
lnsideSoap 87
6.00 AM Regional News (S) 9.15
Morning Live (S) 10.00 Rip Off Britain:
Holidays (S) 10.45 The Moment Of Proof
The Car Parts Conspiracy. (S) 11.15
Homes Under The Hammer (R/S)
12.15 PM Bargain Hunt Hele 4: Charlie
Ross presents the antiques challenge from
Hele, near Exeter. (S) 1.00 BBC News/
Weather (S) 1.30 Regional News (S)
1.45 Father Brown The Folly Of
Jephthah: Flambeau seeks Father
Brown’s help to get rid of an unwanted rival.
(R/S) 2.30 The Repair Shop (S) 3.00
Escape To The Country Wiltshire &
Somerset: Jonnie Irwin helps a pair of
early retirees find a new home. (R/S) 3.45
The Farmers’ Country Showdown
Staffordshire County Show, Pigs And
Cattle. (S) 4.30 Antiques Road Trip (S)
5.15 Pointless Presented by Alexander
Armstrong, with Richard Osman. (R/S)

So true
songwriters returns for This first of six episodes
SONGWRITERS a third run tonight. We get focuses on Ivor Novello 10.35pm The Graham Norton...
Sky Arts 8PM to see and hear from the Award-winner Gary Kemp
artists themselves as they of Spandau Ballet fame, 6.00 BBC News/Weather (S)
The series providing us with discuss their myriad who has penned megahits 6.30 Regional News (S)
intimate portraits (not like inspirations and talk us including True, Gold and
that, you must be thinking through their creative Through The Barricades.
of Keith Allen in Celebrity process, as well as giving Here, Gary talks about his
Painting Challenge) of some exclusive performances life in the music biz, and 7.00 The One Show Live chat and
of the world’s very best of some of their work. plays a selection of tracks. topical reports, with Alex Jones. (S)
7.30 Question Of Sport With
Rebecca Adlington, James Toseland,
Shaunagh Brown and Will Mellor. (S)
figuring out what really
happened to a skydiver
after it appears they were
As the televisual equivalent inexplicably murdered
of covering up with a cosy in mid-air. Crikey. And 8.00 Would I Lie To You? Sophie
Ellis-Bextor, Loyiso Gola, Jason
throw (and there aren’t it’s in the course of their
Manford and Briony May Williams
many detective shows investigation that Neville take part in the panel show. (S)
you could say that about) and his loyal team of 8.30 EastEnders
continues its eleventh detectives find themselves Ben tries to convince
series, DI Neville Parker drawn into the dark side Phil he can handle things and Mick

is tonight tasked with of social media… agrees to Janine’s request. (S)

9.00 Death In
Paradise When a
NEW YORK HOMICIDE skydiver appears to
Sky Crime 9PM have been murdered in
mid-air, Neville and the
This new series details team must explore social media.
some horrendous crimes Detective drama, with Ralf Little. (S)
that have occurred in
New York, with access 10.00 BBC News (S)
to former and current 10.25 Regional News/Weather (S)
10.35 The Graham Norton Show
NYC detectives. Tonight, The host reviews trending news
it’s a look at the case of stories and chats to guests including
26-year-old Joey, who actor-director Kenneth Branagh. (S)
went to a party in the city
at 3am and was never 11.20 FILM Young Guns Billy the Kid and
his gang become outlaws as they seek
heard from again. revenge for their employer’s murder by a rival
rancher. Western, starring Emilio Estevez and
Kiefer Sutherland. (Cert 18, 102 mins. 1988)

REGIONALVARIATIONS BBC1 N IRELAND as Main BBC1 except: 10.35pm Give My Head Peace 11.05 The Graham Norton Show
(S) ))1.05-6.00 AM BBC News (S)
11.55 FILM: Young Guns 1.35-6.00am BBC News BBC1 WALES as Main BBC1 except: 7.30-8.00pm
Kiri’s TV Flashback STV as Main ITV except: 3.50-5.05am Unwind With STV

88 lnsideSoap
BBC2 ITV Channel 4 Channel 5
6.30 AM The Farmers’ Country 6.00 AM Good Morning Britain (S) 9.00 6.05 AM Countdown (R/S) 6.45 Cheers 6.00 AM Milkshake! 9.15 Jeremy Vine
Showdown Shipbourne Farmers’ Market. Lorraine (S) 10.00 This Morning (S) The Norm Who Came In From The Cold. The broadcaster discusses the issues of the
(R/S) 7.15 Antiques Road Trip (R/S) 12.30 PM Loose Women Topical debate (R/S) 7.10 Cheers Ma’s Little Maggie. (R/S) day. (S) 11.15 Shoplifters & Scammers:
8.00 Sign Zone: Sort Your Life Out from a female perspective. (S) 1.30 7.35 Everybody Loves Raymond The At War With The Law (S) 12.15 PM 5
With Stacey Solomon The Dowling Lunchtime News/Weather (S) 1.55 Wedding – Part Two. (R/S) 8.00 Everybody News At Lunchtime (S) 12.20 Nightmare
Family: A couple hope to transform their Regional News/Weather (S) 2.00 Loves Raymond Boob Job. (R/S) 8.30 Tenants, Slum Landlords A man claims to
chaotic two-bed home. (R/S) 9.00 BBC Dickinson’s Real Deal Cosford 4: David Everybody Loves Raymond The Can be renting a couple’s old family home. (R/S)
News At 9 (S) 10.00 BBC News (S) and his dealers are at the RAF Museum Opener. (R/S) 9.00 Frasier Analysed Kiss. 1.15 Home And Away Ziggy and Dean
12.15 PM Politics UK The week’s political Cosford, where Tracy Thackray-Howitt goes (R/S) 9.30 Frasier A New Position For Roz. miss being intimate with each other. (S) 1.45
proceedings around the UK. (S) 1.00 giddy for a cocktail ring. (S) 3.00 Lingo (R/S) 10.00 Frasier No Sex Please, We’re Neighbours Kyle rallies the troops at the
Bowls: World Indoor Championships Quiz, hosted by Adil Ray. (S) 3.59 ITV Skittish. (R/S) 10.30 Ramsay’s Kitchen vineyard to clean up the storm damage for
2022 2022 Open Singles Quarter-Finals: London Weather (S) 4.00 Tipping Point Nightmares USA Zeke’s. (R/S) 11.25 Leo. (S) 2.15 FILM A Very Foul Play: An
Coverage of the World Indoor Ben Shephard hosts the arcade-themed Channel 4 News/Weather Summary (S) Aurora Teagarden Mystery At a true crime
Championships from Potters Resort in quiz in which contestants drop tokens 11.30 Sun, Sea And Selling Houses (R/S) convention, the realism of the mystery dinner
Hopton-on-Sea in Norfolk, featuring the down a choice of four chutes in the hope 12.30 PM Steph’s Packed Lunch theatre proves excessive when one of the
second and third open singles quarter-finals. of winning a £10,000 jackpot. (S) 5.00 Weekday magazine show, hosted by Steph actors is killed. Mystery, starring Candace
(S) 5.15 Flog It! Kingston-upon-Hull: Items The Chase Bradley Walsh presents as McGovern. (S) 2.10 Countdown (S) 3.00 Cameron Bure. (Cert PG, 85 mins. 2019) (S)
at the City Hall in Kingston upon Hull include Hilary, Ben, Alex and John answer general A Place In The Sun 2022: Costa Blanca. ))4.00 Watercolour Challenge Temple
a collection of suffragette postcards and knowledge questions and work as a team (S) 4.00 A New Life In The Sun (S) 5.00 Of The Four Winds: The artists tackle a
newspaper printing blocks, saved from the to take on one of the ruthless Chasers Junior Bake Off The enthusiastic pleasure pavilion at Castle Howard in
tip. Presented by Paul Martin. (R/S) and secure a cash prize. (S) contenders face Pastry Day. (S) Yorkshire. (S) 5.00 5 News At 5 (S)

7pm Monty Don’s Adriatic Gardens 11.10pm The Bourne Ultimatum 9pm 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does... 8pm Kate Humble’s Coastal...

6.00 Richard Osman’s House 6.00 Regional News/Weather (S) 6.00 The Simpsons (R/S) 6.00 Neighbours
Of Games Quiz show. (R/S) 6.30 Evening News/Weather (S) 6.30 Hollyoaks Ste is Kyle rallies the troops
6.30 Rick Stein’s Cornwall confronted by Ethan as he at the vineyard to clean up the
Rick explores the Rame Peninsula. prepares to get rid of the van, and storm damage for Leo. (R/S)
Last in the series. (S) Yazz decides to prank Tom. (R/S) 6.30 Winter Road Rescue (S)

7.00 Monty Don’s Adriatic 7.00 Emmerdale 7.00 Channel 4 News (S) 7.00 Secrets Of The Imperial War
Gardens Monty explores Corfu, a Chas disowns Cain, and Museum Curator Alan Wakefield
Greek island with strong Venetian Ryan ignores a phone call. (S) acquires the bracelet of the first
links, and visits a spectacular garden 7.30 Coronation Street black pilot to join the Royal Flying
made by an Englishman with Greek Sally catches Tim and Corps. Last in the series. (S)
connections. Last in the series. (S) Aggie in a compromising position.
Amy and Summer’s school protest
attracts press attention. (S)

8.00 Winterwatch Presenters Chris 8.30 Midsomer Murders Death By 8.00 George Clarke’s Amazing 8.00 Kate Humble’s Coastal
Packham and Michaela Strachan Persuasion: Barnaby and Winter join Spaces George Clarke meets Kay Britain Ayrshire: Kate walks a
look at the season’s movers and forces with a new pathologist to from Stockport, who breathes life rugged and scenic route along
shakers as not everything heads into investigate when a woman slips back into an ambulance as she turns Ayrshire’s coast, the birthplace
hibernation in winter. (S) away from a Jane Austen it into a ski chalet on wheels. (S) of Scotland’s National Bard,
re-enactment, only to be stabbed to poet Robert Burns. (S)
death in the woods. (R/S)

9.00 QI XL Saints And Sinners: 9.00 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does 9.00 New York: World’s Biggest
With Bridget Christie, Mark Watson, Countdown Jimmy Carr hosts, as City Cameras focus on the Pierre,
Johnny Vegas and Alan Davies. (S) Roisin Conaty and Asim Chaudhry one of the fanciest hotels in the Big
9.45 Live At The Apollo Zoe Lyons take on Jon Richardson and Josh Apple, and there is a profile of the
introduces fellow comedians Ria Lina Widdicombe. Bill Bailey is in Empire State Building. Kim Cattrall
and Tom Ward to the stage at Dictionary Corner. (S) narrates. Last in the series. (S)
London’s Hammersmith Apollo. (R/S)

10.30 Newsnight (S) 10.20 ITV News/Weather (S) 10.00 Big Fat Quiz Of Everything 10.00 Britain’s Favourite 70’s
10.50 Regional News/Weather (S) Rob Beckett, Roisin Conaty, Nish Hits A celebration of some of the
Kumar, Katherine Ryan, Oti Mabuse most popular 1970s music in the UK.
and Rob Brydon join Jimmy Carr It was an era of Glam Rock, Disco,
as he poses questions on anything Punk and successful novelty tracks,
and everything. (R/S) as well as the arrival of ABBA. (S)

11.05 What We Do In The Shadows 11.10 FILM The Bourne Ultimatum 12.00 AM FILM Ride Along 2 (Cert 12, 99 12.05 AM Aretha: The Queen Of Soul’s
Pilot: Pilot episode of the spoof The amnesiac assassin regains his memory, mins. 2016) (S) ))1.45 Ramsay’s Biggest Hits (R/S) 1.00 The
documentary, starring Matt Berry. (R/S) just as a CIA director sets in motion a plan to Kitchen Nightmares USA Michon’s. (R/S) Live Casino Show Interactive gambling.
11.35 What We Do In The Shadows City kill him. Spy thriller sequel, starring Matt 2.35 Come Dine With Me Newcastle 1/5. (S) 3.00 Entertainment News On 5 (S)
Council. (R/S) 11.55 What We Do In The Damon, Julia Stiles and David Strathairn. (R/S) 3.00 Come Dine With Me (R/S) 3.25 3.05 Nightmare Tenants, Slum
Shadows Werewolf Feud. (R/S) 12.20 AM (Cert 12, 115 mins. 2007) (S) ))))) Come Dine With Me (R/S) 3.55 Come Landlords (R/S) 3.55 The Funny Thing
Sign Zone: Panorama (R/S) 12.50 Sign 1.00 AM Shop: Ideal World 3.00 Dine With Me (R/S) 4.20 Come Dine With About Kids (R/S) 4.45 Wildlife SOS (R/S)
Zone: Inside Dubai: Playground Of The Moneyball (R/S) 3.50 Unwind With Me (R/S) 4.45 Food Unwrapped (R/S) 5.10 House Busters (R/S) 5.35-6.00
Rich (R/S) 1.50-6.00 This Is BBC Two (S) ITV 5.05-6.00 Lingo (R/S) 5.15-6.00 Mend It For Money (R/S) House Doctor Bristol. (R/S)

lnsideSoap 89
Sky Showcase Sky Atlantic W Alibi Gold Drama
6.00 AM The Early 6.00 AM The Guest Wing 6.10 AM MasterChef 6.00 AM Teleshopping 6.00 AM Teleshopping FREEVIEW 20
Rundown 7.00 Kay Burley 7.00 CSI: Crime Scene Australia 7.30 Inside The 7.10 Murdoch Mysteries 7.30 Keeping Up 6.00 AM Teleshopping
7.30 Kay Burley 8.00 Investigation 8.00 Six Ambulance 8.00 Tipping 8.00 Murdoch Mysteries Appearances 8.00 Are 7.40 A Place To Call
Orangutan Jungle School Feet Under 9.05 Six Feet Point 9.00 Tipping Point 9.00 Miss Fisher’s You Being Served? 8.40 Home The Anatomy Of His
9.00 Nothing To Declare Under You Never Know. 10.00 The Bill Decision Murder Mysteries 10.00 Porridge 9.20 Last Of The Passing. 8.35 The Bill Out
9.30 Nothing To Declare 10.15 The Wire All Due Time. 11.00 Inside The Major Crimes 11.00 Summer Wine 10.40 And About. 9.35 Classic
10.00 The Flash 11.00 Respect. 11.20 The Wire Ambulance 12.00 PM Rizzoli & Isles When The Keeping Up Appearances Holby City10.55 Classic
NCIS: New Orleans Dead Soldiers. 12.30 PM Inside The Ambulance Gun Goes Bang, Bang, Bang. 11.20 Dad’s Army Casualty I Am Mine.
12.00 PM NCIS: New Game Of Thrones Garden 1.00 Tipping Point 2.00 12.00 PM Hudson & Rex 12.00 PM Dad’s Army 12.00 PM The Bill Kiss
Orleans 1.00 Hawaii Five- Of Bones. 1.35 In Tipping Point 3.00 Fast Eddie’s. 1.00 Murdoch 12.40 Are You Being Chase. 1.00 Classic
0 2.00 MacGyver 3.00 Treatment Gina – Week Tipping Point 4.00 My Mysteries Monsieur Served? 1.20 Porridge EastEnders 2.20 Tenko
Modern Family 3.30 Nine. 2.15 In Treatment Dream Home David And Murdoch. 2.00 Murdoch 2.00 Gavin & Stacey 2.40 3.20 All Creatures Great
Modern Family 4.00 The Mia – Week One. 2.55 In Eleni. 5.00 My Dream Mysteries Dead End Street. Miranda 3.20 Keeping Up And Small When Dreams
Office (US) 4.30 The Treatment April – Week One. Home Comical clips, 3.00 Murdoch Mysteries Appearances 4.00 Last Come True. 4.20 Peak
Office (US) 5.00 The 3.30 Six Feet Under The narrated by Harry Hill. 6.00 Confederate Treasure. 4.00 Of The Summer Wine Practice 5.20 Keeping Up
Simpsons 5.30 The Fresh Eye Inside. 4.40 Six Feet Property Brothers: The Good Wife KSR. 5.00 4.40 Last Of The Summer Appearances 6.00 Are
Prince Of Bel-Air 6.00 Under Nobody Sleeps. 5.45 Forever Homes Tammy And Major Crimes Long Shot. Wine 5.20 Porridge 6.00 You Being Served? Cold
The Fresh Prince Of Bel- The Wire Amsterdam. 6.50 Dimiter. With Jonathan Ross, 6.00 Hudson & Rex Art Of Are You Being Served? Store. 6.40 Last Of The
Air 6.30 The Simpsons The Wire Straight And True. Tess Daly and Linda Robson. Darkness. 6.40 Dad’s Army Summer Wine

7.00 The Simpsons 7.55 Game Of Thrones 7.00 Extreme Food 7.00 Rizzoli & Isles 7.20 Dad’s Army 7.20 Last Of The
Dangerous Curves. The Ghost Of Harrenhal: Phobics A 23-year-old When The Gun Goes Big Guns: The platoon Summer Wine The Kiss
7.30 The Simpsons Lord Baelish spots a woman’s restrictive diet of Bang, Bang, Bang: The takes charge of a large And Mavis Poskit: Clegg
Homer And Lisa Exchange chance to capitalise on the mostly beige food is duo investigate the naval gun. makes himself scarce.
Cross Words. end of the Baratheons’ putting her health at risk. shooting of a cop.
8.00 The Simpsons The 8.00 Inside The 8.00 Father Brown 8.00 Gavin & Stacey 8.00 The Last Detective
Star Of The Backstage: Ambulance: Coast And The Lair Of The Libertines: 8.40 Miranda Je Regret Moonlight: Dangerous
Marge stages a revival of a Country Paramedics treat The priest and his friends Nothing: The shop owner investigates a strange
musical from high school. a woman who was kicked are stranded with a group is trapped in her flat caring disappearance.
8.30 Modern Family by a horse. of hedonists. for her poorly mother.

9.00 A Discovery Of 9.00 Der Pass A young 9.00 Nurses Down 9.00 My Life Is Murder 9.20 Mrs Brown’s Boys 9.35 New Tricks Ghosts:
Witches Marcus struggles tourist is found dead. Under Witness medical The Locked Room: A man Mammy’s Break: Agnes The team reinvestigates
to reconnect with his dramas through the eyes is found shot dead in a tries to persuade the the mysterious 1956
children. of the nurses. motel room. health visitor Grandad is in disappearance of a
need of respite care. police officer.

10.00 The Late Late 10.05 Der Pass The 10.00 The Catherine 10.00 Whiskey Cavalier 10.00 All Round To Mrs 10.55 Taggart
Show With James investigation into the Tate Show With Siobhan Mrs. & Mr. Trowbridge: Will Brown’s With Mel B Death Call: A wealthy
Corden: Best Of The death of Tonia continues. Redmond. and Frankie head to Paris, and Matt Lucas. land-owner’s wife is
Week Highlights of the 10.40 The Catherine where they must pose as a strangled to death.
talk show. Tate Show married couple.

11.00 Sex And The City 11.10 Succession I Went 11.20 The Catherine 11.00 The Good Wife 11.00 Not Going Out
The Freak Show. To Market: Kendall begins Tate Show Mouthy Iowa: Diane and Cary are Fireworks: A confused old
11.30 Sex And The City to plot a vote of no schoolgirl Lauren accused of discrimination. woman wanders into
They Shoot Single People, confidence against Logan. visits the gym. Lucy’s flat.
Don’t They? 11.40 Peep Show
12.00 AM The Force: 12.15 AM Billions 2.25 12.00 AM One Born Every 12.00 AM Briarpatch 1.00 12.15 AM Peep Show 12.50 1.50 AM The Heart Guy 2.50
Manchester 1.00 Road Wars Billions 3.30 In Treatment Minute 1.00 Inside The Hudson & Rex 2.00 Copper The Rebel 1.30 My Favourite Where The Heart Is 4.00-6.00
2.00 Brit Cops: Rapid 4.05 Richard E Grant’s Hotel Ambulance: Coast And 2.45 Copper 4.00-6.00 Sketch 2.35 Peep Show 3.05 Teleshopping
Response 3.00 Hawaii Five-0 Secrets 5.00-6.00 Richard E Country 2.00 One Born Every Teleshopping Peep Show 3.30 Bridget &
4.00 MacGyver 5.00 Grant’s Hotel Secrets Minute 3.00-6.10 Eamon Christmas Special
Motorway Patrol 5.30-6.00 Teleshopping 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping
Motorway Patrol

Sky Witness Sky Crime Sky Docs Sky Arts Dave Yesterday
6.00 AM Nothing To Declare 6.00 AM Road Wars 7.00 6.00 AM FILM Everton: FREEVIEW 11 FREEVIEW 19 FREEVIEW 26
8.00 Border Patrol 8.30 Motorway Patrol 8.00 Border Howard’s Way (Cert 12, 105 6.00 AM Darbar Festival 2017 6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.10 6.00 AM Impossible
Border Patrol 9.00 Send In Security: Canada’s Front Line mins. 2019) ))) 8.00 6.55 FILM Romeo & Juliet (90 Border Interceptors 8.00 Engineering 8.00 Forbidden
The Dogs 10.00 Law & Order 9.00 Nothing To Declare Positive 9.00 Discovering: mins. 2020) )))9.00 Tales Timber Kings 9.00 Storage History 9.00 Abandoned
11.00 CSI: Crime Scene 10.00 Road Wars 11.00 Killer Michael Caine 10.00 The Of The Unexpected 10.00 Hunters UK 10.00 American Engineering 11.00 Fred
Investigation 12.00 PM Colleagues 12.00 PM Directors 11.00 Rock And Discovering 11.00 Thomas Pickers 11.00 Secrets Of The Dibnah’s Railway Collection
Grey’s Anatomy 1.00 Blue Britain’s Most Evil Killers 1.00 Roll 12.10 PM First Ladies Hardy: Fate, Exclusion And Supercars 12.00 PM Top Gear 12.00 PM Great British
Bloods 2.00 Blue Bloods Murders That Shocked The 1.00 The Man Who Bought Tragedy 12.00 PM Renoir – 1.00 Border Force: America’s Railway Journeys 2.00
3.00 Air Ambulance ER 4.00 Nation: Moors Murders 2.00 Cricket 2.00 FILM Foreman Revered And Reviled 1.00 Gatekeepers 2.00 Expedition Abandoned Engineering 4.00
Stop, Search, Seize 5.00 Killer In My Village 3.00 (Cert PG, 84 mins. 2017) Tales Of The Unexpected 2.00 With Steve Backshall 3.00 WW2 – Frontlines 5.00 The
Nothing To Declare 5.30 World’s Most Evil Killers 4.00 )))3.40 My Icon: Duke Discovering 3.00 Leonardo: Rick Stein’s Long Weekends World At War 6.00 Fred
Nothing To Declare 6.00 How I Caught The Killer 6.00 McKenzie 4.00 Discovering: The Works 4.00 Simple 4.00 Top Gear 5.00 Rick Dibnah’s Railway Collection
Nothing To Declare 6.30 World’s Most Evil Killers 7.00 Michael Caine 5.00 The Minds: Music Icons 4.30 Stein’s Long Weekends 6.00 6.30 Fred Dibnah’s Railway
Nothing To Declare 7.00 Killer In My Village 8.00 Directors 6.00 Rock And Roll Video Killed The Radio Star Taskmaster 7.00 Whose Line Collection 7.00 The
Nothing To Declare 7.30 Britain’s Most Evil Killers 9.00 7.10 First Ladies 8.00 The 5.00 Tales Of The Unexpected Is It Anyway? USA 8.00 Travel Architecture The Railways
Nothing To Declare 8.00 DON’T MISS! New York Man Who Bought Cricket 6.00 Discovering: Rod Steiger Man: 48 Hours In Seville 8.30 Built 8.00 Great British
Chicago Med 9.00 Chicago Homicide 10.00 Forensics: 9.00 FILM Dave Not Coming 7.00 The British Invasion 8.00 Travel Man: 48 Hours In Venice Railway Journeys 8.30 Great
Fire 10.00 Chicago PD 11.00 Catching The Killer 11.00 The Back (Cert PG, 92 mins. DON’T MISS! The Great 9.00 Have I Got A Bit More British Railway Journeys 9.00
Law & Order: Special Victims Murders At Starved Rock 2020) )))10.50 Richard Songwriters 9.00 Depeche News For You 10.00 QI XL Bangers And Cash 10.00
Unit 12.00 AM FBI 1.00 Law 2.40 Murders That Shocked Pryor: Omit The Logic Mode – Exciter Live In Paris 11.00 Taskmaster 12.00 AM Open All Hours 10.40 Open
& Order: Special Victims Unit The Nation: Moors Murders 12.30 AM Our Towns 2.30 11.40 Discovering 12.10 AM Mock The Week 12.40 QI XL All Hours 11.20 Open All
2.00 The Equalizer 3.00 CSI: 3.35 Brit Cops: Frontline PL Legends: Sol Campbell The Art Of Drumming 1.25 1.40 Live At The Apollo 2.30 Hours 12.00 AM Abandoned
Crime Scene Investigation Crime UK 4.30 Motorway 3.00 The Directors 4.00 Classic Albums 2.25-4.25 Whose Line Is It Anyway? USA Engineering 1.00 Impossible
4.00 Road Wars 5.00-6.00 Patrol 5.00 Motorway Patrol Discovering: Michael Caine Bunch Of Kunst: A Film About 3.30 Border Interceptors Engineering 3.00-6.00
Brit Cops: Frontline Crime UK 5.30-6.00 Motorway Patrol 5.00-6.00 Positive Sleaford Mods 4.00-6.00 Teleshopping Teleshopping
90 lnsideSoap
6.00 AM Hollyoaks 7.00 6.00 AM Love Bites 7.00 6.00 AM Classic 6.00 AM World Of Sport
Celebrity Coach Trip 8.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Coronation Street 7.00 6.15 The Protectors 6.40
Junior Bake Off 9.00 How Show 8.00 You’ve Been Classic Emmerdale 8.05 The Adventures Of
I Met Your Mother 10.00 Framed! Gold 8.30 You’ve On The Buses Friends In Sherlock Holmes The
The Big Bang Theory Been Framed! Gold 9.00 High Places. 8.35 On The Greek Interpreter. 7.40 The
11.00 The Goldbergs The Cabins 10.00 Dress Buses Gardening Time. 9.05 Avengers Who Was That
12.00 PM Brooklyn Nine- To Impress Darren. 11.00 The Royal Skin Deep. 10.15 Man I Saw You With? 8.45
Nine 1.00 The Big Bang Love Bites 12.00 PM The Royal Cliffhanger. The Sweeney Thou Shalt
Theory 2.30 The Big Bang Supermarket Sweep 1.00 11.20 Heartbeat Not Kill. 9.55 Minder A
Theory 3.00 The Tipping Point: Lucky Intelligence Matters. Tethered Goat. 11.00 The
Goldbergs 3.30 The Stars 2.00 Family 12.25 PM Heartbeat Saint The Persistent Patriots.
Goldbergs 4.00 Brooklyn Ellie Taylor takes the potters to their home towns Fortunes Craigs Vs Mills. Please, Please Me. 1.30 12.05 PM Fishing Allstars
Nine-Nine 4.30 Brooklyn 3.00 The Ellen Classic Emmerdale 2.30 1.10 ITV Racing Live:
Nine-Nine 5.00 The Big
in The Great Pottery Throw Down 7.40pm More4 DeGeneres Show 4.00 Classic Coronation Street Lingfield 21/01/2022. 4.00
Bang Theory 5.30 The Big The Cabins 5.00 You’ve 3.40 Wycliffe Charades. The Derby Through The
Bang Theory 6.00 The Big
Bang Theory 6.30 The Big BBC Scotland BBC Four Been Framed! Let Loose!
6.00 Celebrity
4.45 Wycliffe Lost Contact.
6.00 Heartbeat Memoirs Of
Years 4.20 The
Protectors 4.50 Minder
Bang Theory FREEVIEW 9 (SCOTLAND) FREEVIEW 9 Catchphrase A Fighting Man. 6.00 Fishing Allstars

7.00 Hollyoaks 7.00 PM The Seven 7.00 PM Sounds Of The 7.00 Superstore District 7.00 Heartbeat 7.00 The Chase
7.30 The Big Bang News, with Laura Miller Seventies Manager: The employees Pretty Woman: Celebrity Special With
Theory Leonard decides and John Beattie. 7.10 The Shirley worry when their new Mysterious attackers Jonathan Ross, Katy 7
to change his ways. Bassey Show With district manager arrives. target a beauty queen. Brand, Chris Hollins
Morris Albert. 7.30 Superstore and Jo Wood.

8.00 Celebrity Coach 8.00 The Adventure 8.00 TOTP: 1992 8.00 Bob’s Burgers The 8.00 Doc Martin Dry 8.00 From
Trip It is the final day of an Show 20/02/1992: Featuring the Cook, The Steve, The Your Tears: Louisa Russia With Love
action-packed trip around 8.30 Iain Robertson Brand New Heavies Gayle, & Her Lover. reluctantly agrees to move James Bond is 8
Portugal. Last in the Rambles Southern and Bryan Adams. 8.30 Bob’s Burgers The into Martin’s house. sent to steal a top-secret
series. Upland Way. 8.30 TOTP: 1992 Gene And Courtney Show. Soviet decoding machine
– but the mission is a trap
9.00 Gogglebox 2020 A 9.00 Talent The hidden 9.00 Simple Minds: 9.00 The Cabins It is the 9.00 Doc Martin Boho set by crime syndicate
round-up of memorable world of film and TV extras Radio 2 In Concert end of the dating season With A Shotgun: New Spectre. Spy thriller, with
TV moments over the at a talent agency. Simple Minds: A 2016 at the Cabins. receptionist Morwenna Sean Connery and Robert 9
course of 2020. performance by the gets off to a bad start. Shaw. (Cert PG, 110 mins.
Scottish rock band. 1963) ))))

10.00 Still Game Dial-a- 10.30 Texas With The 10.00 Family Guy The 10.05 Foyle’s War 10.25 All Elite
Bus: Jack and Victor BBC Scottish Cleveland-Loretta Enemy Fire: The Wrestling: Dynamite
board a Dial-a-Bus tour. Symphony Orchestra Quagmire. detective’s son becomes a 21/01/2022: Hard-hitting 10
10.30 Sportscene The band and the BBC 10.30 Family Guy murder suspect. action from the world of
Rangers v Stirling Albion. SSO perform. Screwed The Pooch. All Elite Wrestling.

11.05 Naked Attraction 11.00 Music Vault 11.30 Primal Scream: 11.00 Family Guy Peter
Jay & Victoria: Singletons 11.45-12.00 Rewind The Lost Memphis Griffin – Husband, Father,
from London and 2000s 2006: A look back Tapes The band’s Brother? 11
Liverpool hope to find the at the news, music and TV recordings, mislaid in 11.30 American Dad!
perfect partners. of 2006. 1993. A Starboy Is Born.
12.10 AM Naked Attraction 12.30 AM TOTP: 1992 1.00 12.00 AM American Dad! 12.10 AM The Royal 1.15 The 12.25 AM The Sweeney 1.35
1.15 Below Deck: TOTP: 1992 1.30 The Shirley 12.30 Bob’s Burgers 12.55 Royal 2.15 Unwind With ITV Minder 2.40 Unwind With ITV
Mediterranean 2.10 Celebrity Bassey Show 2.20-3.50 Bob’s Burgers 1.25 2.30-6.00 Teleshopping 3.00-6.00 Teleshopping
Coach Trip 3.05 First Dates Simple Minds: Radio 2 In Superstore 1.55 Superstore
4.00 Don’t Tell The Bride Concert 2.20 The Emily Atack Show
4.55 How I Met Your Mother 3.00 Totally Bonkers
5.20-6.00 How I Met Your Guinness World Records
Mother 3.30-6.00 Teleshopping

More4 Film4 5USA 5STAR Challenge ITVBe

8.55 AM Kirstie’s Vintage 11.00 AM FILM Tomahawk 6.00 AM Teleshopping 9.00 6.00 AM Teleshopping 8.00 6.00 AM Teleshopping 7.00 7.00 AM The Real
Gems 9.15 A Place In The (Cert PG, 82 mins. 1951) Murder, She Wrote 10.00 999: Criminals Caught On The Chase 10.00 Play Your Housewives Of Cheshire 8.00
Sun 10.05 A Place In The Sun )))) 12.45 PM FILM Run NCIS 11.00 NCIS 12.00 PM Camera 8.25 Rich Kids Go Cards Right 11.00 Bruce’s Buying And Selling 9.00
11.05 Find It, Fix It, Flog It Silent, Run Deep (Cert U, 89 Law & Order 12.55 Skint 9.15 Dogs Behaving Price Is Right 12.00 PM LittleBe 12.00 PM Best Cake
12.05 PM Find It, Fix It, Flog It mins. 1958, B/W) )))) Entertainment News On 5 (Very) Badly 10.15 Judge Wheel Of Fortune 12.30 Wins 12.30 The Real
1.05 Building The Dream 2.40 FILM Ministry Of Fear 1.00 Grey’s Anatomy 2.00 Judy 12.00 PM Traffic Cops Wheel Of Fortune 1.00 Housewives Of Atlanta 1.25
2.10 Four In A Bed Spy thriller, starring Ray Grey’s Anatomy 2.55 2.00 Police Interceptors 3.00 Catchphrase 1.30 The Real Housewives Of
Glenferndale B&B. 2.40 Milland. (Cert PG, 86 mins. Entertainment News On 5 Police Interceptors 4.00 Catchphrase 2.00 Family Cheshire 2.25 The Only Way
Four In A Bed Pitlessie 1944, B/W) ))) 4.25 FILM 3.00 Law & Order 4.00 Police Interceptors 5.00 Filthy Fortunes 2.30 Family Is Essex 3.10 Little Women:
House. 3.15 Four In A Bed Shane Western, starring Alan Law & Order 5.00 Law & House SOS 6.00 Home And Fortunes 3.00 Bruce’s Price Is LA 4.05 The Real Housewives
Sea-La-Vie. 3.50 Four In A Ladd. (Cert PG, 113 mins. Order 6.00 NCIS 7.00 Away 6.30 Home And Away Right 3.30 Bruce’s Price Is Of New York City 5.00 The
Bed The Peaks Inn. 4.20 Four 1953) ))))) 6.45 FILM NCIS 8.00 NCIS 9.00 NCIS 7.00 Shoplifters & Scammers: Right 4.00 Play Your Cards Real Housewives Of New
In A Bed Payment Day. 4.55 Baby Boom Comedy, starring 10.00 Law & Order: Special At War With The Law 8.00 Right 4.30 Play Your Cards Jersey 6.00 Making It Home
Find It, Fix It, Flog It 5.55 Find Diane Keaton. (Cert PG, 103 Victims Unit Fat. 11.00 Britain’s Parking Hell 9.00 Right 5.00 Bullseye 5.30 With Kortney & Kenny 7.00
It, Fix It, Flog It 6.40 Escape mins. 1987) ))) 9.00 FILM Law & Order: Special Victims FILM Last Vegas (Cert 12, Bullseye 6.00 Tenable 7.00 Buying And Selling Samantha
To The Chateau: DIY 7.40 The Man On Fire Action thriller, Unit Web. 12.00 AM Law & 105 mins. 2013) )))11.10 Pointless Celebrities 8.00 The And Justin. 8.00 Dinner Date
Great Pottery Throw Down starring Denzel Washington. Order: Special Victims Unit FILM As Good As It Gets Chase 9.00 The Chase 10.00 Dan. 9.00 Botched Attack Of
9.00 Dark Woods 11.00 24 (Cert 18, 146 mins. 2004) 1.00 Law & Order: Special (Cert 15, 133 mins. 1997) The Chase 11.00 Bullseye The 3000cc Implants. 10.00
Hours In A&E 12.05 AM ))) 11.55 FILM Taken Victims Unit 1.55 Law & )))))2.00 AM Judge 11.30 Bullseye 12.00 AM Botched Say Yes To The
Emergency Helicopter Medics Thriller, starring Liam Neeson. Order: Criminal Intent 2.50 Judy 2.30 Judge Judy 2.55 The Chase 1.00 The Chase Breasts. 11.00 Atlanta Plastic
1.10 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does (Cert 15, 93 mins. 2008) ))) Law & Order: Criminal Intent Judge Judy 3.15 Judge Judy 2.00 The Chase 3.00 The Runaway Patient. 11.55 The
Countdown 2.10 24 Hours In 1.45-4.00 AM FILM Hounds 3.35 999: Criminals Caught 3.40 Criminals: Caught On Chase 4.00 Wheel Of Fortune Only Way Is Essex 12.45 AM
A&E 3.15-3.45 Food Of Love (Cert 18, 108 mins. On Camera 4.00-6.00 Camera 4.00-6.00 4.30 Wheel Of Fortune 5.00 Unwind With ITV 1.00-6.00
Unwrapped 2016) )))) Teleshopping Teleshopping Bullseye 5.30-6.00 Bullseye Teleshopping
lnsideSoap 91
For the chance to win £100, complete the crossword puzzle, and the yellow squares –
reading from top to bottom – will spell out a word linked to the pictured soap character…
3 Jenny Connor’s former 1 2 3 4 5 6
husband who drowned saving
her life in Coronation Street (6) 7 8
7 Frankie __, EastEnders
character played by Strictly 9 10
winner Rose Ayling-Ellis (5)
8 Tess __, Charlie Fairhead’s 11 12 13 14 15
old working buddy who popped
up in Casualty (7) 16 17
9 & 38D HOP employee
and victim of 31A’s sibling 18
Meena Jutla in the Dales (3,6)
11 See 16A 19 20 21 22
13 Qasim __, actor who plays
Zeedan Nazir in Corrie (6) 23
16 & 11A Chester chap dating
Lizzie Chen-Williams, but 24 25
interested in Serena (3,6)
17 __ Passey, Hollyoaks actress 26 27 28
who plays Sienna Blake (4)
18 Sally Metcalfe’s youngest 29 30
daughter who no longer lives
on the cobbles (6) 31 32
21 English county where
Emmerdale is based (9) 33 34 35 36
23 __ Finch, has preached
her last sermon at St Mary’s 37 38
church in the Dales (7)
26 See 15D 39 40
28 Donna-Marie __, mum to
Romeo and Juliet Nightingale 41 42 43 44
in Hollyoaks (5)
32 See 22D 45 46
33 Nightmare kid who has
it in for his teacher Daniel 47 48
Osbourne in Corrie (3,6)
37 Wife of Holby City 49
surgeon Eli Ebrahimi,
who recently suffered
a miscarriage (6) DOWN 14 & 4D He’s head of 30 Lesley __, plays Brenda
39 Nancy Carter runs __ 1 Pampamanda is a __ Holby City Hospital (6,7) Walker in Emmerdale (6)
classes on the bikes at salon located in Pear Tree 15 & 26A Casualty medic 31 & 49A Dales woman
Crunch Time gymnasium Cottage in the village (6) who was kidnapped by a who found out her sister
in Walford (4) 2 Ethan Anderson’s mum who violent street gang (4,5) is a murderer (8,6)
40 __ Midlane, star behind rocked up in the Dales (4) 19 Ricky __, plays ill Walford 34 __ O’Brien, star behind
Al Haskey in Doctors (3) 3 Position of work, like Billy bloke Stuart Highway (5) Corrie’s Sarah Barlow (4)
41 See 43A Mitchell always seems to be 20 Dance-mad mum of Maxine 35 Cucumber and yogurt dip
43 & 41A Walford gay bar looking for in EastEnders (3) Minniver in Hollyoaks (5) served up at Speed Daal in
owned by Kathy Beale (6,6) 4 See 14D 22 & 32A He was arrested for Coronation Street (5)
45 & 29D He split from 5 The __ Shop, long-serving faking a letter from his rapist 36 Surname of Walford’s
wife Lydia when she went Summer Bay retail outlet (4) dad in Hollyoaks (4,7) Suki, Vinny and Kheerat (7)
against his family code in 6 Corrie’s Tim Metcalfe and 24 In Emmerdale, baby Frankie 38 See 9A
Emmerdale (3,6) Steve McDonald act as __ said her __ word, “Dada” (5) 42 __ Sylvester, manager at
47 __ Elmaloglou, longtime running Streetcars (8) 25 __ Jones, plays Jane The Mill Health Centre (4)
Neighbours actress who 10 & 48A Latest actor to Harris in Neighbours (5) 44 __ Dobbs, swallowed one
plays Paul Robinson’s play Corrie’s 33A (5,5) 27 List of food and drink of Curtis Delamere’s ‘heart’ pills
estranged wife Terese Willis (7) 12 __ Lennox, sells sweaters items on the wall at Roy’s Rolls in Coronation Street (4)
48 See 10D at Cunninghams’ Grande in Coronation Street (4) 46 Eldest daughter of Albert
49 See 31D Bazaar in Hollyoaks (6) 29 See 45A Square murderer Gray Atkins (3)
92 lnsideSoap
Fill in all the squares in the grid
so that every row, column and PRIZE CROSSWORD
Can you identify the correct links
each of the nine 3x3 boxes contains between these five soap characters?

all the digits from one to nine… N


5 7 4 6

6 4 9

8 1

2 8 5


9 5 1 3 D E L


1 5 8 9 B

A:Gave birth in 2021

9 6 1 B: Salon-worker mum moved to Australia
C: Has been romantically involved with Z

same man as mum

6 3 7 2 5
D:Recently learned something shocking R O A D S A P
about fiancé ahead of wedding N E V A D E
E: Has worked as a nurse F E N S R O D


Type of
-- Delaney,
Live in
horse £50 5

4 7 9 1 8 3 6
Egg 7 8 1 2 6 3 9 5 4
9 3 6 8 5 4 2 7 1
3 6 7 1 4 2 5 9 8
Falling Tree
into ruins product Vends For your chance 4 9 2 5 8 6 7 1 3
to win, solve the 1 5 8 3 7 9 4 6 2
Aunt, for
example puzzle by filling 5 6 1 8 9
Consider Employ
2 7 3 4
Stitched in each answer 8 1 9 4 3 5 6 2 7
Inactive --- in the same 6 4 3 9 2 7 1 8 5
late English direction as the
Soak up comedian
arrow. When
--- Everyone
you’ve completed SOAPLAND SPY
Gosling, Ben --- ,
fish US actor comedian the grid, you’ll find
Scarab, that the letters in
for the yellow squares,
when rearranged,
--- Not as
Angeles, much will spell out a
US city Era word which is
related to Tim
Grain in this week’s
episodes of
Assemble Freight Coronation
Walford’s Link 4: E Link 5: C
--- Link 1: D Link 2: B Link 3: A

AND EMAIL ENTRIES ARE STILL WELCOME. TO ENTER BY EMAIL: Write the solutions in an email, along with your name and contact details, put
PUZZLES3 in the subject bar, and send it to: [email protected] The closing date for all entries for this issue is 24 January 2022.

lnsideSoap 93
Can you find all the original Corrie characters in our mixed-up grid?

Albert Tatlock Emily Bishop eveski

Ivan Che ki
Annie Walker Ena Sharples Ken Barlow
Christina Appleby Esther Hayes windley
Leonard Sw
Concepta Riley Florrie Lindley Linda Cheveski
David Barlow Frank Barlow Hewitt
Lucille H
Dennis Tanner Harry Bailey May Harrdman
Elsie Lappin Harry Hewitt aldwell
Minnie Ca
Elsie Tanner Ida Barlow ningham
Susan Cunn

Competition rules of entry: 1. Competitions are open to all residents of Great Britain and Ireland. Employees of Hearst UK or their families are not eligible to enter. 2. The competitions in this issue
open on 11 January 2022 and close on 24 January 2022. 3. The winners will be drawn the day after the closing date. Winners will be chosen at random. A list of winners’ names is available on
written request at the address below. 4. While every effort is made to ensure prizes are consistent with those offered, we reserve the right to change the prizes in the event of unforeseen circumstances.
5. Multiple entires will be disqualified. 6. Each competition has the prizes on offer clearly listed. 7. The competitions are run by Hearst UK, House of Hearst, 30 Panton Street, London, SW1Y 4AJ

94 lnsideSoap
WHO’S WHO? Bernice Blackstock ..........Samantha Giles
Mackenzie Boyd ..............Lawrence Robb
Leyla Cavanagh ..................Roxy Shahidi
Liam Cavanagh.............Jonny McPherson
Ripley Lennox........................... Ki Griffin
Misbah Maalik......................Harvey Virdi
Cher McQueen ................. Bethannie Hare
Cleo McQueen .............. Nadine Mulkerrin
Sean Tully ............................ Antony Cotton Al Chapman ................. Michael Wildman Goldie McQueen ............... Chelsee Healey
CASUALTY Abi Webster ...........................Sally Carman Ellis Chapman ..................Aaron Anthony John Paul McQueen ........... James Sutton
Matthew Afolami ....................Osi Okerafor Kevin Webster ..................... Michael Le Vell Belle Dingle.................Eden Taylor-Draper Marlena ‘Nana’ McQueen ... Diane Langton
Sah Brockner......................Arin Smethurst Gary Windass...........................Mikey North Cain Dingle ..........................Jeff Hordley Mercedes McQueen....... Jennifer Metcalfe
Faith Cadogan......................Kirsty Mitchell Bernie Winter ....................Jane Hazlegrove Charity Dingle ....................Emma Atkins Sylver McQueen.......................David Tag
Iain Dean ......................Michael Stevenson Gemma Winter ........... Dolly-Rose Campbell Chas Dingle....................... Lucy Pargeter Maxine Minniver .............Nikki Sanderson
Charlie Fairhead ..............Derek Thompson Phill Whittaker ....................... Jamie Kenna Faith Dingle..........................Sally Dexter Luke Morgan .......................... Gary Lucy
Teddy Gowan ........................... Milo Clarke Lydia Dingle ......................... Karen Blick Oliver Morgan ................... Gabriel Clark
Ethan Hardy ....................George Rainsford DOCTORS Mandy Dingle .......................... Lisa Riley James Nightingale ........Gregory Finnegan
David Hide ................................Jason Durr Zara Carmichael....Elisabeth Dermot Walsh Marlon Dingle.................. Mark Charnock Juliet Nightingale ........ Niamh Blackshaw
Jan Jenning ...............................Di Botcher Ruhma Carter .......................... Bharti Patel Moira Dingle .................... Natalie J Robb Marnie Nightingale ......... Lysette Anthony
Dylan Keogh...........................William Beck Jimmi Clay.................Adrian Lewis Morgan Noah Dingle ....................Jack Downham Romeo Nightingale..............Owen Warner
Marty Kirkby ................Shaheen Jafargholi Daniel Granger............. Matthew Chambers Paddy Dingle .................... Dominic Brunt Darren Osborne .......Ashley Taylor Dawson
Rashid ‘Rash’ Masum............. Neet Mohan Al Haskey................................. Ian Midlane Sam Dingle .......................James Hooton Jack Osborne ................ James McKenna
Jacob Masters .......................Charles Venn Karen Hollins .......................... Jan Pearson Vinny Dingle .................. Bradley Johnson Nancy Osborne ..................... Jessica Fox
Robyn Miller ............... Amanda Henderson Rob Hollins..............................Chris Walker Harriet Finch ...........Katherine Dow Blyton Becky Quentin .................. Katie McGlynn
Stevie Nash......................... Elinor Lawless Luca McIntyre...................... Ross McLaren Liv Flaherty .........................Isobel Steele
Valerie Pitman ........................ Sarah Moyle Billy Fletcher ........................ Jay Kontzle
CORONATION STREET Emma Reid.................................Dido Miles Jacob Gallagher ........... Joe-Warren Plant
Bear Sylvester ...............................Dex Lee Rhona Goskirk........................ Zoe Henry
Aadi Alahan .........................Adam Hussain Sid Vere ................................... Ashley Rice Bob Hope ......................Tony Audenshaw
Asha Alahan ........................ Tanisha Gorey Meena Jutla ...................... Paige Sandhu
Dev Alahan .......................Jimmi Harkishin
Aggie Bailey .........................Lorna Laidlaw
EASTENDERS Jimmy King ............................Nick Miles
Chelsea Atkins............... Zaraah Abrahams Nicola King ......................Nicola Wheeler
Edison Bailey ........ Trevor Michael Georges Priya Kotecha ....................... Fiona Wade
James Bailey .....................Nathan Graham Gray Atkins ..............Toby-Alexander Smith
Mitch Baker .........................Roger Griffiths David Metcalfe ..........Matthew Wolfenden
Michael Bailey .......................Ryan Russell Tracy Metcalfe .......................Amy Walsh
Ronnie Bailey ........................ Vinta Morgan Isaac Baptiste......................Stevie Basaula Shaq Qureshi........................ Omar Malik
Adam Barlow ................. Samuel Robertson Bobby Beale................. Clay Milner Russell Saul Reeves .......................Chris Charles
Carla Barlow .............................Alison King Kathy Beale........................Gillian Taylforth Mandy Richardson ....... Sarah Jayne Dunn
Ken Barlow ........................ William Roache Peter Beale ...........................Dayle Hudson Liberty Savage............. Jessamy Stoddart
Peter Barlow ...................... Chris Gascoyne Jack Branning .......................Scott Maslen Ali Shahzad.......................... Raji James
Sarah Barlow ...........................Tina O’Brien Jay Brown........................Jamie Borthwick Sally St Claire ................... Annie Wallace
Simon Barlow ..............................Alex Bain Janine Butcher ................... Charlie Brooks Sid Sumner ............................ Billy Price
Leanne Battersby................... Jane Danson Keegan Butcher-Baker ............Zack Morris Felix Westwood ......... Richard Blackwood
Toyah Battersby ................... Georgia Taylor Mick Carter ..............................Danny Dyer Martine Westwood ................Kéllé Bryan
Sam Blakeman ......................Jude Riordan Nancy Carter ............................. Maddy Hill
Wendy Posner ................. Susan Cookson
Emma Brooker ............... Alexandra Mardell Nate Robinson ..................... Jurell Carter HOME AND AWAY
Chesney Brown ..........................Sam Aston Jai Sharma ................ Christopher Bisson Chloe Anderson..................... Sam Barrett
Jenny Connor...............Sally Ann Matthews Manpreet Sharma ........... Rebecca Sarker Mia Anderson .....................Anna Samson
Maria Connor .............Samia Longchambon Rishi Sharma..................... Bhasker Patel Ziggy Astoni .....................Sophie Dillman
Ryan Connor ........................ Ryan Prescott Dan Spencer ............................Liam Fox Logan Bennett....................Harley Bonner
Roy Cropper .......................... David Neilson Victoria Sugden ................ Isabel Hodgins Marilyn Chambers...............Emily Symons
Tyrone Dobbs ...........................Alan Halsall Kim Tate ............................... Claire King Mackenzie Booth .................... Emily Weir
Paul Foreman.............................. Peter Ash Dawn Taylor ..................... Olivia Bromley Jasmine Delaney ..................... Sam Frost
Eileen Grimshaw ......................Sue Cleaver Will Taylor ........................ Dean Andrews Ryder Jackson ................ Lukas Radovich
Todd Grimshaw ......................Gareth Pierce Shirley Carter.......................... Linda Henry
Kirsty ‘Dotty’ Cotton....................Milly Zero Laurel Thomas .............Charlotte Bellamy Justin Morgan ..................James Stewart
Imran Habeeb .................... Charlie De Melo Brenda Walker................... Lesley Dunlop Cash Newman ............Nicholas Cartwright
Nina Lucas ........................ Mollie Gallagher Tom ‘Rocky’ Cotton ................ Brian Conley
Whitney Dean......................Shona McGarty Vanessa Woodfield .......Michelle Hardwick Felicity Newman .................Jacqui Purvis
Cathy Matthews....................... Melanie Hill Amy Wyatt ............. Natalie Ann Jamieson Bella Nixon...................... Courtney Miller
Billy Mayhew ............... Daniel Brocklebank Martin Fowler ...........................James Bye
Sonia Fowler .......................Natalie Cassidy Kerry Wyatt ........................ Laura Norton John Palmer..................Shane Withington
Steve McDonald ..................Simon Gregson Ari Parata ....................Rob Kipa-Williams
Tracy McDonald .......................... Kate Ford Denise Fox...............................Diane Parish
Sally Metcalfe ....................... Sally Dynevor Callum ‘Halfway’ Highway............Tony Clay HOLBY CITY Nikau Parata ............. Kawakawa Fox-Reo
Tane Parata ........................Ethan Browne
Tim Metcalfe .............................Joe Duttine Rainie Highway..................... Tanya Franks
Dominic Copeland ..................David Ames Leah Patterson ................ Ada Nicodemou
Yasmeen Metcalfe .................. Shelley King Stuart Highway.......................Ricky Champ
Eli Ebrahimi....................Davood Ghadami Irene Roberts ................Lynne McGranger
Daisy Midgeley .................Charlotte Jordan Violet Highway ........................ Gwen Taylor
Adrian ‘Fletch’ Fletcher .. Alex Walkinshaw Alf Stewart..........................Ray Meagher
Alya Nazir ................................... Sair Khan Zack Hudson ..........................James Farrar
Ange Godard ........................Dawn Steele Roo Stewart ......................Georgie Parker
Zeedan Nazir ........................ Qasim Akhtar Ash Kaur ...................Gurlaine Kaur Garcha
Henrik Hanssen ....................... Guy Henry Dean Thompson ............. Patrick O’Connor
Frankie Lewis...................Rose Ayling-Ellis
Josh Hudson... Trieve Blackwood-Cambridge
Mila Marwa..................Ruhtxjiaïh Bèllènéa
Ben Mitchell ........................... Max Bowden
Donna Jackson.....................Jaye Jacobs
Sacha Levy ........................... Bob Barrett
Billy Mitchell........................Perry Fenwick Aaron Brennan ......................Matt Wilson
Louis McGerry .......Tyler Luke Cunningham
Honey Mitchell......................Emma Barton Chloe Brennan............. April Rose Pengilly
Nicky McKendrick ............. Belinda Owusu
Phil Mitchell......................Steve McFadden Kyle Canning ...................... Chris Milligan
Jac Naylor........................... Rosie Marcel
Aaron Monroe ................. Charlie Wernham Levi Canning .......................Richie Morris
Dana Monroe .......................Barbara Smith Sheila Canning ....................Colette Mann
Harvey Monroe ....................Ross Boatman HOLLYOAKS Clive Gibbons ........................ Geoff Paine
Daniel Osbboourne ......................Rob Mallard Kheerat Panesar............................ Jaz Deol Grace Black ....................... Tamara Wall Amy Greenwood ............ Jacinta Stapleton
Brian Packkhham ......................... Peter Gunn Suki Panesar ...................... Balvinder Sopal Olivia Bradshaw .................Emily Burnett Hendrix Greyson ................ Benny Turland
David Platt ....................... Jack P Shepherd Vinny Panesar ........................... Shiv Jalota Cindy Cunningham........ Stephanie Waring Mackenzie Hargreaves ........Georgie Stone
Shona Platt .......................... Julia Goulding Lola Pearce .........................Danielle Harold Tom Cunningham..................Ellis Hollins Jane Harris .......................... Annie Jones
Evelyn Pluummmer............... Maureen Lipman Jean Slater ...........................Gillian Wright Yasmine Cunningham........Haiesha Mistry Karl Kennedy .......................Alan Fletcher
Audrey Roobeerts....................... Sue Nicholls Kat Slater ............................Jessie Wallace Walter Deveraux .........Trevor A Toussaint Susan Kennedy............ Jackie Woodburne
Gail Rodwell.............................Helen Worth Stacey Slater ......................... Lacey Turner Joel Dexter .............. Rory Douglas-Speed Melanie Pearson ............. Lucinda Cowden
George Shutttleworth........... Tony Maudsley Karen Taylor......................Lorraine Stanley Scott Drinkwell.................... Ross Adams Jarrod ‘Toadie’ Rebecchi ......Ryan Moloney
Summer S Spellman ................. Harriet Bibby Patrick Trueman ............... Rudolph Walker Celeste Faroe .........................Andrea Ali Harlow Robinson ............Jemma Donovan
Fiz Stape...........................Jennie McAlpine Eve Unwin ............................Heather Peace Toby Faroe ........................Bobby Gordon Paul Robinson .................... Stefan Dennis
Beth Sutheerland....................... Lisa George Sharon Watts .......................... Letitia Dean Warren Fox ........................Jamie Lomas Nicolette Stone .............. Charlotte Chimes
Kirk Sutheerland...............Andrew Whyment Brooke Hathaway ..................Tylan Grant David Tanaka .....................Takaya Honda
Rita Tanneer ........................... Barbara Knox EMMERDALE Diane Hutchinson ............... Alex Fletcher Leo Tanaka .............................. Tim Kano
Mary Tayloorr................................ Patti Clare Charles Anderson ............ Kevin Mathurin Tony Hutchinson ................. Nick Pickard Ned Willis ..................................Ben Hall
Nick Tilsleey ..................................Ben Price Ethan Anderson ..................... Emile John Verity Hutchinson ..................Eva O’Hara Roxy Willis ....................... Zima Anderson
Craig Tinkkerr ...........................Colson Smith Matty Barton ................. Ash Palmisciano Damon Kinsella ............... Jacob Roberts Terese Willis..............Rebekah Elmaloglou

lnsideSoap 95

The UK tour of Fat Friends The
Musical reunites our favourite
oodie friends as they are put
hrough their Zumba paces at
their local slimming club, while
Kelly fantasises about fitting
into the wedding dress of
her dreams. Serving up the
tasty treat of a feel-good
night out for everybody,
Fat Friends The Musical is
full of fun and a huge hit!
Starring Holby’s Lee
Mead (Lofty Chiltern),
Hollyoaks’ Jessica Ellis
(Tegan Lomax) and Corrie’s
Les Dennis (Michael Rodwell)
– as well as soap fave Sherrie
Hewson. For more information
and to purchase tickets, log on

THE 355
When a top-secret
weapon falls into
mercenary hands,
CHOICE Anne is married
to minister Jakob,
but after 30 years,
CIA agent Mason
Emmerdale’s Amy Walsh life is rather dull.
Brown joins forces (Tracy Metcalfe) Following a chance
with German agent “I’m obsessed with Waitress, encounter with

Marie, former MI6 the musical. Whenever I have a ‘The Master’, she
ally Khadijah, bath, I just listen to that because discovers bite
and Colombian it’s just really nostalgic from marks on her neck
Graciela on a lethal
when we were in the first
lockdown – I’d just get in the
and an immense
sense of power.
by Sara Gibbs THE
mission to retrieve bath in the afternoon and listen But these changes SMUGGLER’S
it. The quartet of Comedy script to it. I’ve got tickets to see the come with an ever- GIRL
women forge a writer Sara Gibbs show for my birthday when increasing body by Jennie Felton
loyalty that could had been labelled it’s on tour in September. I’m count – and a Cecile’s heart
protect the world – a lot of things - a praying that I get to see it!” serious toll on belongs to Sam,
or get them killed. cry baby, a spoiled her marriage. but her parents
brat, a weirdo, a don’t approve. So
drama queen. No Sam turns to his
one understood friend Zach for
her behaviour. help. Zach tells of
Little did she know Lise, a girl who is
that, at the age of the mirror image of
30, Sara would be Cecile! And so, a
given one more daring plan is born
label that would to swap the girls.
change her life’s But family secrets
trajectory… are uncovered…
Next issue... CORRIE

ailey aims Cupid’s arrow
firmly in Mitch and
Karen’s direction next
week – and Mitch thinks he’s
in with a chance! However,
is Karen ready to give their
relationship another go?

ast tension between Carla and
Jenny bobs to the surface next
week, after the Underworld
boss offers her two pennies worth
on Jenny’s romance with Leo! From

YOUR CONNOR where Carla’s stilettos are standing,

NEXT ISSUE WOMEN her father Johnny’s grave is barely

cold while Jenny picks up where she
ON SALE ARE AT left off with her toyboy – and Carla’s
TUESDAY WAR not shy in speaking her mind.

18 JAN AGAIN However, her words are set to have a

huge impact – as Jenny’s insecurities
threaten her happiness with Leo…


he dust settles in the aftermath
of Meena’s insane week of
mayhem, as the village reels
from recent events. Can the locals pick
up the pieces, and will Liv ever be free?
HOLLYOAKS A marriage in trouble… We compare
HOME AND AWAY Dean pushed too far? their lives…
CASUALTY Faith’s next chapter revealed!

PLUS! Gabriel
is in the talks fresh on Bernie’s secrets
Star hotseat
answering your
agony for
coming back to
haunt her! Can her
chats... questions! and Charity… family forgive?

All will be revealed in the next issue of lnsideSoap

Edited by Laura-Jayne Tyler


It’s amusing how fast the Dingles

jumped into Aaron’s grave,
commandeering his swanky Kevin or Abi ringing in 2022. Tag yourself.
house faster than Danny Miller
could shout: “I’m a celebrity… A wise
get me out of Emmerdale!” master
a gifted
If Harriet isn’t boy in the
forced to investigate wisdom of
the murder that the ancients.
she helped to cover
up, we’ll exhume
Malone’s dead body
ourselves and dump
it outside Hotten
police station.

Aren’t GPss meant So, Adam Barlow has

to have se een it all? a Fatal Attraction stalker. So, Mick and Linda
Dr Gaddas co opping an Fair enough. The only surprise survived a boat
eyeful of Timm’s knackers ers iis that it’s his scorned ex, Lydia, crash, his child
shouldn’t hav ve been and not a member of the Inside Soap
an abuse horror, her
thiss much
m e
editorial team. Seriously, though, drink problem and
of a we’re excited about this plot and,
w an affair with Max
ama! if
i executed correctly, it stands to Branning… just to
be an absolute thriller. However, split up anyway?
thank mercy David Platt’ tt’s cute
te Have mercy on our
pet bunny is not around weary souls.
Does Manpreet any more to reap th he
get a comfort consequences…
break? There must
be a system in
place, otherwise
those cream
rousers would be
navigating a horrror
story of their ow

Shania Twain joins Britney Spears and Avril

Lavigne on the singalong soundtrack to Meena’s
Theme of 2022: Baldy men with secret killing spree. Emmerdale should release a tie-in
illnesses whose wives think they are compilation. Noww That’s
That s What
W I Call Murder.
copping off with the loccall nurse.

Vinny should take his

Kudos to this seaside café for ‘Who Killed Ben?’ collage and
giving up a day’s trade to host stick it straight on Emmerdale’s
What a waste. Phil’s escape nonsense. As if Tourist Information board.
hospitality hasn’t suffered enough!

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